Solidwaste Management Project

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University of Duhok

College of Engineering
Department /water resources engineering
4th stage / Project report

Student name:-
I-Sipan jalal issa II-Aras sabah ahmed III-Ahmed moayad jameel
IV-Awkar salah V-Hadar abdulrazaq

Sayran Ahmed Ibrahim
Table of Contents

Introduction .............................................................................................................................................. 3

Project objective ....................................................................................................................................... 4

Component of project ........................................................................................................................... 4

Collection ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………5
Transportation ………………………………………………………………………………………………………..…………………….5

Processing ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………6

Landfill ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..6

Data collection and cost calculation calculation …………….……………………………………………………….7


conclusion ……………………………..………………………………………………………………………………………………….………………12

reference …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….……………………12

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A waste can be defined as any unwanted and useless material. The waste can be either
solid, liquid or gaseous. Solid Waste in general can be defined as ‘As a material which
has negligible value to the producer and there is no direct consumption of the generated
waste’. It is generated due to various activities that can be residual and commercial,
agricultural, etc. Whatever the origin, content or hazard potential is, solid waste must be
managed systematically to ensure environmental best practices.

Solid Waste Management is defined as the discipline associated with control of

generation, storage, collection, transport or transfer, processing and disposal of solid
waste materials. Solid waste management includes planning, administrative, financial,
engineering and legal functions in the process of solving problems arising from waste
materials. The primary goal of solid waste management is reducing and eliminating
adverse impacts of waste materials on human health and environment to support
economic development and superior quality of life

figure (1):- solid waste factory

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Project objective:-

1- How to manage the solid waste in Duhok city with good economy.

2- To protect the environment from pollution.

3- Benefits of 3R (Reuse, Reduce, Recycle).

Figure (2):- 3R

Solid wastes management processes:-

Waste solid management processes

Collection Transportation Processing Landfilling

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Waste collection is a part of the process of waste management. Waste collection also
includes the curbside collection of recyclable materials that technically are not waste, as
part of a municipal landfill diversion program, Proper solid-waste collection is important
for the protection of public health, safety, and environmental quality. It is a labor-
intensive activity, accounting for approximately three-quarters of the total cost of solid-
waste management.

Figure(3):- collection

The transportation of waste is the movement of waste over a specific area by trains,
tankers, trucks, barges, or other vehicles. The types of wastes that may be transported
range from municipal garbage to radioactive or hazardous wastes.

Figure (4):- transportation of solid waste

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Processing technic are used in solid waste management system, improve the efficiency
of solid waste disposal system and to recover resource and to prepare material for the
recovery of conversion product and energy

Figure (5):- processing of solid waste

A landfill site is a site for the disposal of waste materials by burial. Landfill is the oldest
form of waste treatment, although the burial of the waste is modern; historically, refuse
was simply left in piles or thrown into pits. Historically, landfills have been the most
common method of organized waste disposal and remain so in many places around the

Figure (6):- land fill of solid waste

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Data collection and cost calculation:-
The data and the information about the wastes management in Duhok City are collected

from Duhok general directorate of municipalities ,Duhok municipality directorate and

Artosh company which is manage all the solid waste processes with the cooperation of

the mentioned directorates.

The economy sector in this project consists of :

1- Calculation of the costs that needs for collection and transportation solid wastes

processes as shown in table (1) , (2) and (3).

2- benefit of materials that are sold table (4) and (5)

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Table (1):-

Table (1) : fuel quantity (liters ) for the crossed distance by all the vehicles work in collection
and transportation processes in Duhok districts for year 2018-2019

The annual Quantity of Solid waste 156000t/year


The daily Quantity of Solid waste (ton) 500 t/d

Total length of the Streets in the 627 km

district in (Km)
The average daily travel distance for 5.2km
the collection of Garbage

The average daily travel distance to 26 km

the Landfill and back to the main

List the Garbage fleet with their daily The daily The Diesel of each
travel and fuel consumptions distance Consumptions Quantity type of truck in
travel per Km in of Vehicles (liter)per year

- Garbage vehicles 12ton 31.2 0.7 10 31.2*0.7*10*26

- Garbage vehicles 8ton 31.2 0.5 18 87610

- Garbage vehicles 6ton 31.2 4.0 57 221944

- truck 5ton 31.2 4.0 13 37964

- Medium to large trucks > 4ton
Truck 40ton 31.2 1.6 11 171325
- Medium to large trucks > 4ton
- truck20ton 31.2 0.9 7 61327
- Medium to large trucks > 4 tns
-heavy water 10ton 31.2 4.0 4 27256
- Medium to large trucks > 4ton
∑ = 675567liter

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Table ( 2 )
Cost of diesel of truck

Diesel of each type of truck Cost of one liter of diesel ($) Total cost of diesel of each
in (liter)per year type of truck per year ($)
68141 0.5 34070.5
87610 0.5 43805
221944 0.5 110972
37964 0.5 18982
171325 0.5 85662.5
61327 0.5 30663.5

27256 0.5 13628

∑ =337783.5

Table (3):-

Table ( 3)
Cost of everything in company
Number of workers Cost of each workers $ Total cost of workers $

Monthly Monthly
600 500 300000
Number of Employee Cost of each Employee $ Total cost of Employee $
51 800 12000
Number of machine Cost of each machine Total cost of machine

$ $
120 -------------- 4500000
Maintenance of machine ------------- Total cost of maintenance
-------------- --------------- 10000
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Table(4) :-

Table (4)
The quantity of sorting material

Paper and Glass Metal Plastic Organic Other

Solid waste composition Cardboard Waste

Percentage 20% 2% 5% 10% 55% 8%

0 0 1% 2% 10% 0
Recycle percentage
40% 40% 60% 50% 50% 0
Sorting percentage

Table (5):-

Sorting in the source:-

Paper and carton =20% * 500ton/day =100ton/day

Sorting percentage = 40% * 100 ton/day = 40ton/day

Table ( 5 )

Cost of sorting material

Cost of each Total cost
ton of of material
Type of material Weight of sorting (ton) material
Carton and paper 40 70 2800
glass 4 ------ ------
plastic 25 150 3750
metal 15 200 3000
organic 138 30 4140
∑ = 13690

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 The total cost that are used for solid waste yearly

= 337783.5 +( 300000*12 ) + (12000*12) + 4500000+ (10000*12) = 8,701,784 $

 The cost of sorting of material that company is selling

= 13690 $

The initial study of the solid waste management in Duhok city showed that a high cost is

needed, which is 4,201,784 $/year in transportation and collection processes. And in

other side the incoming money is about 13690 $ from the waste materials after sorting in

kwashe factory. The sorted materials are 40% food and 60% includes plastic, metal,

carton, wood ………...etc., from the total wastes which is about (600-650) ton per day.

About (250-300) tones per day is sorted and this leads to be the benefits of management

of the wastes to be very low, because of the existing of different obstacles in all the

processes of the wastes management.

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it is concluded that it is important to reduce the cost of the solid waste management

processes and this satisfied by three strategies. The first one is by reducing the solid

wastes amount, this can be done by awareness the people and sorting the wastes in the

source. The second strategy is by reducing the costs of transportation processes and the

third strategy is increasing the benefits or incoming money from the sorted materials.

The third strategy can be satisfied by increasing the sorting ratios about 80% for each

material during next ten years, because of the quick growth of the people economic



 Director of the municipality of Duhok Governorate.

 Waste solid factory in Kashe .

 Artosh company.



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