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Borosil Mansingh Survismeter

Introduction & Applications

Dr. Sachin B Undre

Cat. No. 3453
Green & Clean Technology
Would stops import of
• Brookfield Viscometer-
• Cannon Viscometer-USA
• LAUDA Tensiometer-
• Kibran Tensiometer
• Kyowa Tensiometer
Survismeter Patents, Calibrations & Commercialization

 Singapore Patent No. 126089, in Sept 2008

 Indian Patent No. 232429, in July 2009

 USA Patent Advanced Version Patent No. US 7,987,700 B2, 2011

Calibration No. 06070582/1.01/C-0395 National Physical

Laboratory(NPL), New Delhi

 Commercialized: Borosil Glassware Ltd. Mumbai

Science of Survismeter: n-in-1
Sur: Stands for surface tension, interfacial tension, cohesive force, wetting
coefficient, thin film & coating

Vis: Viscosity, frictional forces, Newtonian & non-Newtonian liquids, solvent

binding & carrying, shear stress, thixotropic

Meter: Quantitative assessment

Theory: Works based on CF & IMF of moderate strengths & liquid distribution
equilibrium in closed jacket

Boon: For physicochemical characterization of volatile, inflammable,

carcinogenetic liquids, nanoemulsions, sol gels
Survismeter: Polluting effluents preventing device
It works on R4M4 concept
►Reduce ► Reuse ► Recycle ► Redesign
► Multipurpose ► Multitasking ► Multitracking ► Multifaceted

Eco, environ & users friendly analytical equipment

Multiapplication approach
Surface Tension & Viscosity: Measurements
 Instruments:
For Surface tension:
1. Tensiometer (LAUDA German, Kibran Finland, Kyowa Japan)
2. Staglonometer
For Viscosity:
1. Brookfield viscometer- USA
2. Ostwald Viscometer
3. Cannon Viscometer- USA
For surface tension and viscosity together:
Borosil Mansingh Survismeter
BMS measures ST and Viscosity together along with 20 other
BMS & Tensiometer : Advantages, Disadvantages
More sample is
Less sample is
Electricity is
No electricity is Plate

Jacketed system no air Sample in air contact

contamination Temperature can
maintain properly Only for Surface
More PCPs can tension measurements
measures together
Low Cost High Cost
Pierre Lecomte du Noüy (1883-1947)
French biophysicist is best remembered for his work
on surface tension of liquids
Demerit: Complete wetting
Wilhelmy θ = 0 is assumed
Plate but θ ≠ 0
Method F 
 , l. cos 0
l. cos
F Cos 0 =1
l ,
Scratch on plate produce wrong data
θ never 0 Cleaning & drying with spirit lamp every
time: BMS, no scratch, θ=90, sin 90=1
Surface tension experiments with individual device
• French Physicist Pierre Lecomte du Noüy (1883-1972): du
Noüy platinum ring method
• Ring is slowly lifted up from liquid surface in open disc
which is unsuitable for volatile solvents: Evaporation
• Ludwig Traube (1818-1876) German physician & co-
founder experimental pathology: Traub Stalagmometwer
• Cenco DuNouy Tensiometer & Wilhelmy Platinum-Iridium
Plate Tensiometer in open disc: Evaporates
• Symmetry in gravity is not maintained & difficult to
produce correct data
Survismeter is better for symmetric CF center
It is exemplary, fast, reliable & cost effective
Accuracy & precision: Comparison
Data of Survismeter, compared with Wilhelmy Plate
(Platinum-Iridium) Tensiometer Graduate School of
Engineering Kyoto University, Japan
Accuracy & precision greater than Wilhelmy plate highest
reproducibility & resolution

Liquid-Liquid Interface Study of Hydrocarbons, Alcohols, and Cationic
Surfactants with Water, Singh M. & Matsuoka H., Surf. Rev. & Lett,
16(2), 599, 2009.
Effect of ionic sizes of halide anions of potassium salts on surface and
interfacial tensions of benzene and water interfaces for mutual mixing,
Singh M. & Matsuoka H., Surf. Rev. Lett. 16 (05), 743, 2009
Viscosity experiments with individual device
• Friedrich Wilhelm Ostwald (1853-1932), Baltic German
Chemist, Noble prize 1909, founder of physical chemistry,
Ostwald Viscometer
• Leo Ubbelohde German chemist (1877-1964), Ubbelohde
• USA Company Cannon & Brookfield Viscometers, cost
intensive & beyond approach
• Sophisticated device, poor reproducibility & frequent
• Requires highly specified lab infrastructure
• Skilled manpower & maintenance
BMS & Viscometer : Advantages, Disadvantages
Electricity is
Less sample is

More sample is

No electricity is

Jacketed system no air Temperature can Sample in air contact

maintain properly
Only for Viscosity
More PCPs can measurements
measures together
Low Cost High Cost
Sachin Saf ety Plate
Operat ional On/ Of f Junction
stopper Plunger
Operat ional Pist on pump
sample stopper
VU Niddle
I/ O
Silicone tube

L- Shaped glass adopter

Thermomet er
FFR Socket
Spirit leveler Circulating
Out let





IFT STU 0.000


Light Digit al timer

Ref lactor

BMS Bottom
Base Thermomet er 123

RB FMT Thermomet er
PDN Count er

Inlet Leveling Screw
Zero energy band Acrylic Base
Physicochemical parameters to be measured with BMS and to be
derived as secondary parameters from primary data:
1. Surface tension of liquids
2. Viscosity of liquids
3. Interfacial tension between two immiscible liquids
4. Wetting coefficient
5. Contact angle between sold glass wall and liquid interfaces
6. Friccohesity, a dual force theory
7. Activation energy
9. Kinetic energy of liquid flows
10. Gibbs free energy
11. Entropy
12. Surface area
13. Particle size
14. Surface excess concentration
15. Viscosity average molecular weights
16. Hydrodynamic volume
17. Dipole moment
18. Water/solvent binding capacity of molecules
19. Ionic and molecular impacts on evaporation of single drop method
Resolutions of parameters
1. Surface Tension = ±10-2mN/m or energy = ±10-2mJ/m2

2. Viscosity = ± 10-3 mPa.s

3. Friccohesity = ± 10-6 s/m, Dual Force Theory

4. Interfacial tension IFT = ±10-2mN/m

5. Wetting coefficient = ±10-10kg/Ns

6. Surface area = ± 10-2 m2/mol

7. Activation energy = ± 10-4 mJ/mol2

Data Measuring Limits (DML)
MVL & HVL Models
1. Surface tension :10 to 200 mN/m

2. IFT: 0.5 to desired 10-2mN/m

3. Wetting coeff.: 0 to desired 10-10kg/Ns

4. Surface area: 0 to desired 10-2 m2/mol

5. Viscosity: (MVL) model: 0 to 300 cP

(HVL) model: 100 to 2000 cP

6. Activation energy: Based on viscosity data
 The BMS, being a green science TSAD (Trusted Sustainable
Analytical Device) measures PCI (physicochemical indicators)
together with 98% saving of experimental resources, infrastructure
and skilled manpower with accurate and précised data for Interacting
and Reacting Molecular Materials.
 The BMS is a new breakthrough in laboratory instruments with wider
analytical potential for quality control and formulations in material
applied sciences.
 It has unique cutting edge and salient facilities and features based on
n-in-one and “On & Off” or “0 & 1” circuitry functional loops.
 The absolute and relative parameters are measured with 95.5% CV
(confidence variance).
 BMS works on theory of R4M4 [Reduce Reuse Recycle Redesign]
Multipurpose Multidimensional Multifaceted Multitracking of
materials & methods with highly précised and accurate experimental
results along 100% inhibition of polluting discharges in experimental
 The parameters measured are highly significant and reliable for
quality analysis of pharmaceuticals, biochemicals, cosmetics,
agrochemicals, food and beverages, petroleum and oils, polymer and
proteins, sol gels, soaps and detergents, inks, colloids, emulsion
technology, pesticides, agrochemicals, insecticides, cutting oils,
lubricating, viscous, moderately viscous and highly viscous materials.
 BMS is especially useful for characterizing liquid mixtures of
biopolymers, supramolecular chemistry, biotechnological processes
and molecular interacting engineering of the bimolecular devices,
tracking interacting molecular forces, water binding capacities and
structural changes during processes.
 BMS is an asset for volatile, moderately and highly volatile liquids
and mixtures, volatile organic compounds, flammable liquids,
carcinogenic materials as samples are completely jacketed especially
for surface tension, viscosity, interfacial tension, wetting coefficient
BMS: Merits
 R4M4 Model: Reduce Reuse Recycle Redesign-Multipurpose Multitracking
Multitasking Multifaceted
 Vibration free transparent casing
 Jerkless platform
 No disturbance during experiment
 Easy handling
 Easy sampling
 Easy data process
 Easy sample deloading
 No air contamination because the samples are jacketed within respective bulbs
especially for surface tension.
 Boon for physicochemical characterization of volatile, inflammables, carcinogenic
 Guaranteed Accuracy
 Precision
 Reproducibility
 Safer
 Multidata device
 Surface tension is highly sensitive
 After analysis sample can used for other experiments because no contamination
during measurements with BMS
Demerits of other instruments

 Tensiometer measures surface tension, a single parameter

 Stalagmometer measures surface tension, a single parameter

 Wilhelmy plate measures surface tension, a single parameter

 Nuebouy balance measures surface tension, a single parameter

 Larger molecular kinetic energy involved and produce erotic data

 Environmental hazardous technology

 Risky for users, operation operates with mouth

 Uses maximum experimental resources and man power

 Unsafe for users in volatile or toxic

Survismeter has Broken Human Limitations of
Individual measurement
• For multitasking & Cutting Edge over others
• Fast Track opening in Analytical Sciences
• For surface tension, interfacial tension, wetting coefficient,
viscosity, density experiment together
• Integrated Model for solutions of liquid mixtures
• Along Friccohesity, a promising parameter of liquids
• Simplest, accurate, précised, exciting, thought provoking
& idea igniting experimental procedure
• It’s a natural demand due to scarcity of natural resources-
water, pollution hazards & capacity building
Breakage & fabrication cost 80%
Lab infrastructural expenditure 95%
Prevent heat emission to environment 95%
Transport, maintenance, operation 95%
Chemicals & solvents 98%
Promote green chemistry & technology
Inspires youngsters to learn science
Users time, water, cleaning reagents 98%
Experimental human efforts 98%
Electricity [oven, exhaust fan etc] 98%
Friccohesity: New physicochemical property
 This data is determined with t and n data measured for viscosity and
surface tension respectively

 Product of frictional & cohesive forces

 The friccohesity can measure only with BMS using Mansingh


 Friccohesity is dual force theory

 Friccohesity is very IMP parameters for developing various

applications in Research, pharmaceutical for drug designing and
surface science.

 Friccohesity focuses a complete Friccochemistry of giants and

supramolecular mixtures based on intramolecular multiple force
theory (IMMFT)
 t B  n 
Mansingh Eq. =    0     0.00121   
 t0 t  n0 

σ = Mc (t.n)
t = Sample viscous Flow time
n = Sample Pendent drops no.
Mc (Mansingh Constant) = σ0/ (t0.n0)

σ0 = ηo/γ0
t0 = Reference flow time
n0 = Reference Pendent drop no.
γ0 = Reference Surface tension
ηo = Reference Viscosity
BMS in syllabus: Universities & Institute

 All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE),

Government of India.

 Babasaheb Bhimrao Ambedkar University, Lucknow, UP.

 Meerut University, Meerut, UP.

 Pandit Deendayal Petroleum University, Raisan Village,

Ahmedabad, Gujarat.

 Central University of Gujarat, Gandhinagar, Gujarat.

BMS: Excellent Example of Research Lab to Society
Research Publications in Internatinal Journals by using BMS
(Authors name, publication title, name of the Internatinal journal, volume no., page numbers
and year)
 S. Chauhan, M.S. Chauhan, P. Sharma, D.S. Rana, Ahmad Umar (Collaborative Research Centre for
Sensors and Electronic Devices, Saudi Arabia), Physico-chemical studies of oppositely charged protein–
surfactant system in aqueous solutions: Sodium dodecyl sulphate (SDS)–lysozyme, Fluid Phase
Equilibria, 337, 39–46, 2013.
• Sachin B Undre, Man Singh, R K Kale, Interaction behaviour of trimesoyl chloride derived 1st tier
dendrimers determined with structural and physicochemical properties required for drug designing,
Journal of Molecular Liquids, 182, 106-120, 2013.
• Sanjan Choudhary, Man Singh, R.K. Kale, Surfactant catalyzed SiO2 thin films preparation
and characterization, Journal of Adhesion Science and Technology, 1-13, 2013.
• Rakesh Kumar Ameta, Man Singh and Raosahab Kathalupant Kale, Synthesis and structure–activity
relationship of benzylamine supported platinum (IV) complexes, New Journal of Chemistry, 37, 1501-
1508, 2013.
• R. K. Ameta, Man Singh, R.K. Kale, Synthesis, characterization, EDX, thermal, antioxidant, antibacterial,
topographical and gas adsorption studies of supramolecular tetraammoniumplatinate, Journal of
Coordination Chemistry, 66 (4), 551-567, 2013.
• R. K. Ameta, Man Singh, R.K. Kale, Comparative study of density, sound velocity and refractive index
for (water + alkali metal) phosphates aqueous systems at T = (298.15, 303.15, and 308.15) K, Journal
of Chemical Thermodynamic, 60, 159-168, 2013.

• Smritilekha Bera, Dhananjoy Mondal, Man Singh, Raosaheb K. Kale, Advances in serinals for
asymmetric synthesis, Tetrahedron 69, 969-1011, 2013.

• Bheru Singh Kitawat, Man Singh and Raosaheb Kathalupant Kale, Solvent free synthesis,
characterization, anticancer, antibacterial, antifungal, antioxidant and SAR studies of novel (E)-3-aryl-
1-(3-alkyl-2-pyrazinyl)-2-propenone, New Journal of Chemistry (Accepted), 2013.

• Bheru S. Kitawat, Man Singh, and Raosaheb K. Kale, Robust Cationic Quaternary Ammonium
Surfactant-Catalyzed Condensation Reaction for (E)-3-Aryl-1-(3-alkyl-2-pyrazinyl)-2-propenone
Synthesis in Water at Room Temperature, ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering, (In Press),
• Abhishek Chandra, Vivek Patidar, Man Singh and R. K. Kale, Physicochemical and friccohesity study
of glycine, L-alanine and L-phenylalanine with aqueous methyltrioctylammonium and cetylpyridinium
chloride from T = (293.15 to 308.15) K, Journal of Chemical Thermodynamic, (In Press), 2013.

• Sachin B Undre, Man Singh, R. K. Kale, Md. Rizwan, Silibinin binding and release activities
moderated by interstices of trimesoyl tridimethyl and tridiethyl malonates first tier dendrimers, Journal
of Applied Polymer Science, (In Press), 2013.
• Alpa Shrivastava, Ajaya Kumar Singh, Neerja Sachdev, Dilip Raj Shrivastava, Yokraj Katre, Surya P.
Singh, Man Singh, J.C. Mejuto, Micelle catalyzed oxidative degradation of norfloxacin by chloramine-
T, Journal of Molecular Catalysis A: Chemical, 361–362, 2012.

• Man Singh, Jainita S. Patel, Sachin B. Undre, R. K. Kale, Sanjay Kumar, Densimetric and Viscometric
study of Gly-PVP Interaction and EPA of Water fitted with IMMFT and 293.15, 298.15 and 303.15 K,
Journal of Molecular Liquids, 163, 83-88, 2011.

• Man Singh, Jainita S. Patel, R. K. Kale, Thermodynamics of Philicphobic Interaction Shift in Aqueous
Tweens 20-80, International Journal of Thermodynamics, 14 (3), 135-146, 2011.

• Man Singh, Vinod Kumar, R. K. Kale, Viscous and Surface Properties of Upper Critical Solution
Temperatures of Immiscible Solvents with Biomolecules, Surfactants and Polymer Resin,
International Journal of Thermodynamics, 14(2), 87-95, 2011.

• Man Singh, Neeti Chaudhary, R.K. Kale, H.S. Verma, Molecular Interactions of CPC, CPB, CTAB, and
EPC Biosurfactants in Aqueous Olive Oil Mixtures Analyzed with Physicochemical data and SEM
Micrographs, Arabian Journal of Chemistry, (In Press), 2011.

• Emilia Bramanti, Carlo Ferrari, Valeria Angeli, Massimo Onor, Robert E. Synovec (National Research
Council of Italy,), Characterization of BSA unfolding and aggregation using a single-capillary
viscometer and dynamic surface tension detector, Journal of Talanta, Volume 85, 2553– 2561, 2011.
• Man Singh, R.K. Ameta, B.S. Kitawat and R. K. Kale, Metallic and non-Metallic Anionic
Interaction activities Estimated with Sound Velocity and Refractive Index, Arabian Journal
of Chemistry, (In Press), 2011.

• Man Singh, Vinod Kumar, R. K. Kale, C. L. Jain, Molecular Activation Energies of L-

Lysine, L-Tyrosine, L-Proline, DL-Alanine, Glycerol, Orcinol, Iodine, DTAB, and TMSOI
for Blending with Melamine-Formaldehyde-Polyvinylpyrro Resin Illustrated with SEM,
Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 118 (2), 960- 968, 2010.

• Man Singh, R.K. Kale, Comparative Study of Surface Tensions of air-aqueous Lauryl
Alcohol and of Benzene-Water Interfaces with 1:1 Salts, Bulgarian Journal of Chemical
Education, 19 (3), 2010.

• Man Singh, G. Vani Padmaja, Synthesis, Molecular and Microstructural Study of Poly-N-
Vinylpyrrolidone Oximo-L-Valyl-Siliconate with IR, H-NMR and SEM, Bulletin of the
Korean Chemical Society, 31(7), 1869–1874, 2010.

• M. Singh, R.K. Kale, Study of Magnetic Effects on Interactions of Globular Proteins:

Bovine Serum Albumin and Egg Albumin with Water, Bulgarian Journal of Chemical
Education, 18 (6), 2009.
Applications in
biological sciences

Recent publication in Nature

Scientific reports

Cosmetics Paints & Pigments

Soap & Detergent Polymers

The experimenter is
Fuel &Petroleum Foods
ensuring perfect
sample preparation for
surface tension, Pesticides Inks
interfacial tension,
wetting coefficient, Beverages Bisleries
viscosity &
friccohesity with Textile Supercritical solvents
Academic and Research Application Industrial Applications
Biophysical Polymer industry
Biotechnological Resin industry
Protein-Drug Interaction Colloids industry
Biofluids Ink industry
Ion-Exchange Technology Cosmetic industry
Pharmacology. Soap & Detergent industry
Free radicals Textile industry
Chromatography & Extraction Petroleum & Oils industry
Pharmaceutical Wax industry
Philicphobic interaction Gum industry
Surfactants CMC: Critical miceller Pharmaceuticals industry
concentration Coolants
Protein unfolding Dyeing & Coating industry
Water binding capacity Emulsions
Molecular weight Self-assembled systems
Lubricant & smart molecules Emulsifier and colloids
Petroleum and oil Dry cleaning
Polymer & textile Pesticides & insecticides
Inks and soaps detergent Agrochemicals
Anti-Hg accumulation device Bioremediation
Intrinsic viscosity Drug designing
Drug disintegration Extraction efficiency
Hydrophilic-hydrophobic interaction Evaporation rate through a single drop method
Water treatment
• Pharmacy
• Polymers
• Chemistry
• Pharmaceuticals
• Biochemical
• Paper & Pulp
• Engineering
• Soaps and Detergents
• Biophysical
• Pesticides
• Cosmetics
• Insecticides
• Inks
• Emulsion
• Fuel
• Supercritical Solvents
• Petroleum
• Coolant Industries
BMS: In the Petroleum Industry
• In petroleum technology, surface chemistry plays a vital role

to have the prior knowledge of surface tension/

viscosity/wetting co-efficient of the crude oil/air, crude

oil/brine (or water) and crude oil/solid surfaces in oil

recovery, corrosion inhibition, oil spill clean-up,

fluidization of bitumen, asphaltic emulsions, oil/water

separation and crude oil dehydration.

BMS: Glue, Ink, Paint & Coatings
 Fluid surface tension is the intermolecular forces of attraction
between adjacent molecules. Surface tension dictates whether an ink,
paints, coating, or adhesive will wet and spread over, or retract from,
a solid surface.

 Two physical components (surface tension and viscosity) of ink

determine the print quality. These two factors affect the droplet
formation of the ink, which in turn affects the quality of the
resulting printout. For quality printing, ink viscosity must be
• The adhesive will “wet” or cover the substrate,
when the Intermolecular forces between the glue
and the substrate are stronger than the
Intermolecular forces between the glue and glue.
• Good wetting occurs if the adhesive spreads out
over the substrate in a uniform film and in doing
so makes a lower degree contact angle between
the substrate and the adhesives.

Good wetting

• Poor wetting occurs when the adhesive forms droplets on the surface
making a higher degree contact angle.

Poor wetting
BMS: In Pharmaceutical Industry
The pharmaceutical industry relies on viscosity to qualify the flow
behavior of drug materials for a variety of applications.

• Surface tension measures the IMF between drug particles and

liquid and thus liquid is penetrated in the pores of drug particle
displacing air from them to ensure wetting of the drugs.
• The way in which a topical ointment squeezes out of the tube
depends on the yield stress in the material.
• Customers pay for ointments and they expect ease of use when
applying them to the skin.
• In biotech and pharmaceuticals, the viscosity of protein and buffer
solutions used for quality checks.
FOOD and Beverages
In beverages, viscosity is an indicator of sugar content
and overall quality.
Polymer scientists use viscosity to determine the
concentration of plastics in acid solutions
Soaps , Detergents, Foaming, Emulsifier & Cosmetics
Cosmetics and personal care products (shampoos, liquid
soaps, facial cleaners) because of their mildness on the skin

Dyes and Pigments

Contact: For Technical Queries
Prof. Man Singh (Inventor of BMS)
Dean, School of Chemical Sciences,
Central University of Gujarat,
Sect-30, Gandhinagar- 382030
Mo. No. 09408635094

Dr. Sunita Singh

New Delhi
Mo. No. 09811750581

Technical Team:
Dr. Sachin B. Undre
Mo. No. 09601060781
Mr. Abhishek Chandra
Mo. No. 07383074968
Top agenda of Govt. of India for utilizing
laboratory created knowledge wealth to strengthen
country’s development

Thank you

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