Preparation of Dangerous Goods For Transport by Sea

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Preparation of Dangerous Goods for

Transport by Sea

Initial and Refresher Training

OPITO Standard Codes

Initial Training: 9007
Refresher Training: 9075
OPITO Approved Standard
Preparing Dangerous Goods for Transport by Sea

OPITO is an Industry owned not for profit organisation that exists solely to service the needs of
the Oil and Gas Industry.

OPITO is employer led in all aspects of what it does, therefore all standards development
activities are at the behest of industry employers. The standards are driven by the needs of
employers to help create a safe and competent workforce.

This standard is owned by the Oil and Gas Industry and maintained by OPITO who are the
nominated custodians of all Industry standards within the OPITO portfolio which carry the
OPITO logo.

The contents of this document were developed by an industry workgroup facilitated and
supported by OPITO. The workgroup consisted of representation from a cross section of oil and
gas Industry employers, discipline experts working within the industry and members of the
OPITO Approved Training network.

This standard has been verified and accepted through the governance and integrity
management model for OPITO standards.

Guidance on this standard is available by contacting OPITO at: Standards enquiries

This standard has been designed to accommodate global variations in national legislation
and regulations. In the absence of relevant national legislation and regulations, OPITO
approved centres should use legislative and regulatory criteria specified within this Standard.

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval or
information storage system, or transmitted in any form or my any means, mechanical,
photocopying, recording or otherwise, without prior permission in writing of the publishers.

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OPITO Approved Standard
Preparing Dangerous Goods for Transport by Sea



Revision 1 released 12-Oct 2009

1 Removed text in Section A.3 – not 6 T. Wilson J. Cameron J. Cameron

2 Altered the wording to take out 6 T. Wilson J. Cameron J. Cameron
reference to practical exercises
01-Mar 2010
3 Replaced Course Code with
Standard Code in Title Page and
amended wording regarding
certification under section D.3. Title
Certification, inserted Appendix 1
- to align with other OPITO
page 13 M. Foo M. Carr P. Lammiman

Revision 1 Amendment 3
10-January 2013

Revision 2 – 13 March 2014 All

2013 three-yearly Industry M. Foo Standards & OPITO
Review Completed Approvals Strategic

Any amendments made to this standard by OPITO will be recorded above.

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OPITO Approved Standard
Preparing Dangerous Goods for Transport by Sea

INTRODUCTION ...................................................................................................................... 5
SECTION A INITIAL TRAINING PROGRAMME ................................................................... 6
A.1 TARGET GROUP ............................................................................................................ 6
A.2 DELEGATE PRE-REQUISITES ........................................................................................... 6
A.4 INITIAL TRAINING AIMS AND OBJECTIVES ......................................................................... 7
A.5 LEARNING OUTCOMES ................................................................................................... 7
A.6 INITIAL TRAINING DELEGATE PERFORMANCE ASSESSMENT .............................................. 8
A.7 INITIAL TRAINING DURATION AND TIMING ......................................................................... 8
A.8 INITIAL TRAINING PROGRAMME ....................................................................................... 9
SECTION B REFRESHER TRAINING PROGRAMME ........................................................12
B.1 TARGET GROUP FOR REFRESHER TRAINING ..................................................................12
B.2 DELEGATE PRE-REQUISITES FOR REFRESHER TRAINING .................................................12
B.3 PHYSICAL & STRESSFUL DEMANDS OF THE REFRESHER TRAINING ..................................12
B.4 AIMS AND OBJECTIVES OF THE REFRESHER TRAINING ....................................................12
B.5 LEARNING OUTCOMES FOR THE REFRESHER TRAINING ...................................................13
B.7 DURATION OF REFRESHER TRAINING .............................................................................14
B.8 REFRESHER TRAINING PROGRAMME ..............................................................................15
C.1 STAFF ..........................................................................................................................17
C.2 TRAINER/DELEGATE RATIO ...........................................................................................17
C.3 FACILITIES....................................................................................................................18
C.4 EQUIPMENT ..................................................................................................................18
SECTION D ADMINISTRATION & CERTIFICATION ..........................................................19
D.1 JOINING INSTRUCTIONS .................................................................................................19
D.2 PERIODICITY ................................................................................................................19
D.3 CERTIFICATION .............................................................................................................19
D.4 COURSE ADMINISTRATION .............................................................................................20
SECTION E DGS WORKPLACE COMPETENCE ...............................................................21
E.1 DGS W ORKPLACE COMPETENCE ..................................................................................21
E.2 DGS W ORKPLACE COMPETENCE UNITS ........................................................................22
E.3 DGS W ORKPLACE ASSESSMENT ...................................................................................29
GLOSSARY ..............................................................................................................................31
APPENDIX 1 OPITO INFORMATION .......................................................................................32

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OPITO Approved Standard
Preparing Dangerous Goods for Transport by Sea


The oil and gas industry recognises that a major objective is to ensure that dangerous goods
are packaged and transported safely by sea. It is important therefore to set a common standard
and to ensure it is maintained.

The purpose of this standard is to set out the basic training, further practice and assessment
requirements for personnel with the responsibilities for packaging and transporting dangerous
goods by sea which will be conducted at an onshore training centre. The delegate should
recognise that this is only part of a broader training programme. There will also be company
and installation-specific training.

Workplace Training and Assessment

In addition to the onshore-based training, company and site-specific training and assessment
will typically be conducted at the workplace. This document also specifies the standard for the
workplace competence requirement. Workplace Competence guidance for employers is
specified in Workplace Competence Units within Section E of this standard.

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OPITO Approved Standard
Preparing Dangerous Goods for Transport by Sea


A.1 Target Group

This programme is designed to address the training requirements for personnel associated with
the preparation of dangerous goods for transport by sea to and from an onshore supply base
and an offshore installation.

A.2 Delegate Pre-requisites

There are no delegate pre-requisites for this training. However, because of the administrative
nature of the role, delegates must have a good understanding of the language in which the
documentation and forms are written in their area. They must also have a good understanding
of the language in which the course is being taught.

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Preparing Dangerous Goods for Transport by Sea

A.3 Physical & Stressful Demands of the Course – Not applicable

A.4 Initial Training Aims and Objectives

The aim and objectives of the Preparing Dangerous Goods for Transport by Sea initial training
programme are to equip the delegate with the necessary knowledge, understanding and skills to
carry out the role of packaging and transporting dangerous goods by sea effectively.

A.5 Learning Outcomes

The Delegate’s learning outcomes are specified below:

To successfully complete this training, delegates must be able to:-

(1) Explain the IMDG (International Maritime Dangerous Goods) Code

(2) Identify United Nations guidance and numbering
(3) Explain the role of the enforcing authority
(4) Identify the types and classifications of dangerous goods
(5) Explain the specification requirements for the packaging and shipping of DGs
(6) Explain the requirements for packages, transport units and tanks
(7) Explain the segregation of multiple dangerous goods
(8) Explain the positioning DGs in a shipping container
(9) Identify marking, labeling and placarding DGs
(10) Explain the information required for DG declarations
(11) Explain the requirements for Container Packing or Competent Authority Approval
(12) Explain the shipping agent acceptance procedures and pre-loading checks

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Preparing Dangerous Goods for Transport by Sea

A.6 Initial Training Delegate Performance Assessment

Delegates attending this training and assessment programme will be given a series of
explanations and demonstrations which will identify what they are expected to know and do in
their role.

Delegates will be assessed against the learning outcomes contained in Section A.5 in a three-
hour examination given at the end of the training programme. This exam will be open book,
delivered in a quiet environment. A pass mark of 80% is required.

If required, further time and opportunity for coaching will be given to delegates to enable them to
attain the standard leading to the award of a certificate. However, the time available for this
during a programme is limited and it should be recognised there may be occasions where other
arrangements need to be made.

A.7 Initial Training Duration and Timing

The optimum *contact time for this OPITO programme is 21 hours, which is to be delivered
over consecutive days. This duration includes 18 hours classroom/theory time and a three hour

The contact time is based on the maximum number of delegates/candidates undertaking the
Where stated, individual module/unit/element timings that are specified within the standard must
be adhered to.
The contact time must not exceed 8 hours in any one day and the **total programme day must
not exceed 10 hours.
Practical and theory sessions must contain adequate breaks for delegate welfare.

*Contact time includes the following:

i. delegate/candidate enrolment and certification process
ii. delivery of the theoretical and practical training/assessment programme.

**The total programme day includes: contact time, welfare breaks, meal breaks and where
applicable, travel between sites.

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Preparing Dangerous Goods for Transport by Sea

A.8 Initial Training Programme

The training programme outlined below will assist the delegates to meet the stated learning
outcomes specified in A.5. The order in which elements of the training programme are
delivered may vary. However, contents in Appendix 1 must be covered prior to course

In order to make efficient use of time and ensure effective learning there should, wherever
practicable, be an integration of the three phases of explanation, demonstration and practice.
Full use should be made of visual / audio visual aids and course handout material.

Each module must be introduced prior to commencing the session and should include:

a) Aim The main purpose of the module

b) Learning Outcomes What the delegates are expected to learn
c) Timetable/Programme Training module duration and timings
d) Assessment How delegates will be assessed and what they will be
assessed against
e) Staff Who will be delivering the training and roles of training
support staff

The Initial Training Programme comprises the following modules and elements:

Module 1 General Packaging Requirements

Element 1.1 Classification of Dangerous Goods
Element 1.2 Packaging Selection
Element 1.3 Packaging of Dangerous Goods
Element 1.4 Marking of Dangerous Goods

Module 2 Transportation Documentation

Element 2.1 Shipping declarations & packing certificates
Element 2.2 Shipping dangerous goods

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Preparing Dangerous Goods for Transport by Sea

MODULE 1 General Packaging Requirements

ELEMENT 1.1 Classification of dangerous goods
Training staff to explain:

1.1.1 The IMDG (International Maritime Dangerous Goods) Code

1.1.2 United Nations Guidance
1.1.3 The legislation requirements for the packaging and shipping of dangerous goods
1.1.4 The role of the enforcing authority
1.1.5 Substances or articles which are classified as dangerous goods
1.1.6 The classification of NOS and dangerous goods with multiple hazards
1.1.7 Dangerous goods which cannot be transported by sea

ELEMENT 1.2 Packaging Selection

Training staff to explain:

1.2.1 The applicable sections of the IMDG code

1.2.2 The range of dangerous goods shipped offshore
1.2.3 The specification requirements for the packaging and shipping of dangerous
1.2.4 Types of dangerous goods shipping containers such as:
a) Transport units
b) Tanks

ELEMENT 1.3 Packaging of dangerous goods

Training staff to explain:

1.3.1 The applicable sections of the IMDG code

1.3.2 The requirements for packages, transport units and tanks for transporting
dangerous goods
1.3.3 The requirements and restrictions for segregation of multiple dangerous
1.3.4 Dangerous goods packing provisions and instructions
1.3.5 The need for ullage in some DG packaging

ELEMENT 1.4 Marking of dangerous goods

Training staff to explain:

1.4.1 The applicable sections of the IMDG code

1.4.2 Selecting the appropriate packaging for dangerous goods
1.4.3 Selecting the appropriate shipping container
1.4.4 Positioning dangerous goods within a shipping container
1.4.5 Marking, labeling and placarding DG packaging and containers

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Preparing Dangerous Goods for Transport by Sea

MODULE 2 Transportation Documentation

ELEMENT 2.1 Shipping declarations & packing certificates

Training staff to explain:

2.1.1 The applicable sections of the IMDG code

2.1.2 The information required for dangerous goods/marine pollutant declarations.
2.1.3 The information required for container packing certificates
2.1.4 The requirements for a Competent Authority Approval Certificate

ELEMENT 2.2 Shipping dangerous goods

Training staff to explain:

2.2.1 The shipping requirements for the transportation of dangerous goods

2.2.2 Shipping agent acceptance procedures
2.2.3 Final pre-loading checks

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Preparing Dangerous Goods for Transport by Sea


B.1 Target Group for Refresher Training

Refresher DGS Training should be conducted at an OPITO approved training centre and should
be undertaken by all those preparing dangerous goods for transportation by sea.

B.2 Delegate Pre-requisites for Refresher Training

Delegates must have an in-date OPITO approved certificate for Preparing Dangerous Goods for
Transport by Sea.

If a delegate has experience in preparing DGs for transportation by sea or has an in-date and
equivalent DGs by Air certificate then he/she, at the discretion and with the written approval of
their employer/duty holder, can take the two day refresher training to obtain an OPITO approved
certificate in Preparing Dangerous Goods for Transport by Sea.

However, if they do not pass the DGS by Sea Refresher Training they must take, and pass, the
Preparing Dangerous Goods for Transport by Sea Initial Training before they can be awarded
an OPITO approved certificate.

It is the duty of the training provider to verify to OPITO the pre-requisites of the delegates, if

B.3 Physical & Stressful Demands of the Refresher Training

Practical exercises should be designed and delivered solely to meet these standards, and must
not place on delegates any physical or mental demand other than those required to meet the
standard. It is the responsibility of the training provider to assess the medical fitness of the

B.4 Aims and Objectives of the Refresher Training

The aim and objectives of the Preparing Dangerous Goods for Transport by Sea refresher
training programme are to refresh the delegate’s knowledge, understanding and skills to carry
out the role of packaging and transporting dangerous goods by sea effectively.

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Preparing Dangerous Goods for Transport by Sea

B.5 Learning Outcomes for the Refresher Training

The Delegate’s learning outcomes are specified below:

To successfully complete this training, delegates must be able to:-

(1) Explain updates to the IMDG Code, relevant DG legislation, the role of enforcing
(2) Explain the specification requirements for packaging, transport units and tanks
for transporting dangerous goods
(3) Explain the segregation of multiple dangerous goods
(4) Explain the required declarations and certificates
(5) Explain the shipping agent acceptance procedures and pre-loading checks

B.6 Delegate Performance Assessment of the Refresher Training

Throughout the DGS refresher training programme delegates will receive a series of
explanations, demonstrations and the opportunity to practise. Delegate’s achievement on the
training course will be assessed against the learning outcomes contained in Section B.5 using
direct observation of performance and oral/written questioning as defined below (records must
be maintained).
Training providers should have a policy in place for dealing with persons not meeting the stated
training outcomes.
A three-hour examination will be given at the end of the training programme. This exam will be
open book, delivered in a quiet environment. A pass mark of 80% is required.

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Preparing Dangerous Goods for Transport by Sea

B.7 Duration of Refresher Training

The optimum *contact time for this OPITO programme is 14 hours, which is to be delivered
over consecutive days. This duration includes 11 hours classroom/theory time and a three hour

The contact time is based on the maximum number of delegates/candidates undertaking the
Where stated, individual module/unit/element timings that are specified within the standard must
be adhered to.
The contact time must not exceed 8 hours in any one day and the **total programme day must
not exceed 10 hours.
Practical and theory sessions must contain adequate breaks for delegate welfare.

*Contact time includes the following:

i. delegate/candidate enrolment and certification process
ii. delivery of the theoretical and practical training/assessment programme.

**The total programme day includes: contact time, welfare breaks, meal breaks and where
applicable, travel between sites.

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Preparing Dangerous Goods for Transport by Sea

B.8 Refresher Training Programme

The training programme outlined below will assist the delegates to meet the stated learning
outcomes specified in B.5. The order in which elements of the training programme are
delivered may vary. However, contents in Appendix 1 must be covered prior to course

In order to make efficient use of time and ensure effective learning there should, wherever
practicable, be an integration of the three phases of explanation, demonstration and practice.
Full use should be made of visual / audio visual aids and course handout material.

Each module must be introduced prior to commencing the session and should include:

a) Aim The main purpose of the module

b) Learning Outcomes What the delegates are expected to learn
c) Timetable/Programme Training module duration and timings
d) Assessment How delegates will be assessed and what they will be
assessed against
e) Staff Who will be delivering the training and roles of training
support staff

The Refresher Training Programme comprises the following modules and elements:

Module 1 Classification, Packaging and Legislation applying to DGS

Element 1.1 Classification of Dangerous Goods

The training programme outlined below will assist the delegates to meet the stated learning

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Preparing Dangerous Goods for Transport by Sea

MODULE 1 Classification, packaging and legislation applying to DGS

ELEMENT 1.1 Classification of dangerous goods

Training staff to explain:

1.1.1 The legislation requirements and specifications for preparing dangerous goods
for transportation by sea
1.2.1 Updates to the IMDG Code relevant DG legislation and the role of the enforcing
1.3.1 The requirements for packages, transport units and tanks containing dangerous
goods and multiple dangerous goods
1.4.1 The requirements of dangerous goods/marine pollutant declarations, container
packing certificates and competent authority approval certificates
1.5.1 The shipping requirements for the transportation of dangerous goods

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Preparing Dangerous Goods for Transport by Sea


In order that a training programme may be delivered successfully it is essential that

appropriately qualified and experienced people are there to deliver and support the programme
and that the appropriate facilities and equipment are in place.

C.1 Staff

Instructional training staff must:

(a) Fully understand the requirements of this industry standard

(b) Hold a nationally recognised certificate in the transport of dangerous goods
(c) Have been trained in training delivery and training assessment techniques
(d) Hold an industry-recognised assessor qualification
(e) Participate in an ongoing training and development programme, which ensures
they are aware and knowledgeable of all changes to legislation and industry
requirements (marine and oil & gas)

All staff will have the appropriate competencies to conduct or assist (as appropriate) with the
element of training being undertaken.

C.2 Trainer/Delegate Ratio

The trainer/delegate ratio for this course is 1:12 which also indicates the maximum number of
delegates who can attend.

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Preparing Dangerous Goods for Transport by Sea

C.3 Facilities

It is important to ensure that the full range of facilities is made available to ensure delegates get
the most out of their training. The following facilities criteria must be adhered to:

Administration arrangements appropriate for enrolment and certification of delegates and all
aspects of the delivery of training in accordance with this standard.

Theory training area(s) so designed to enable each delegate view, to hear and participate fully
in the subject matter being taught.

Risk assessments must be conducted and documented for all training facilities and

C.4 Equipment

The following equipment is required to meet the stated content of the training course:

(a) A range of simulated dangerous goods representative of typical dangerous goods

shipped offshore
(b) A selection of UN packaging types
(c) Labeling/marking materials

All equipment must be maintained, and where appropriate, inspected and tested in
accordance with current standards / legislation.

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Preparing Dangerous Goods for Transport by Sea


D.1 Joining Instructions

Delegates, and their employers, must be made aware of the language requirements for this

D.2 Periodicity

The Preparation of Dangerous Goods for Transport by Sea Initial Training certificate expiry is
two years.
The Preparation of Dangerous Goods for Transport by Sea Refresher Training certificate expiry
is two years.

Note: Successful completion of the Preparation of Dangerous Goods for Transport by Sea
Refresher training programme will revalidate the OPITO DGS certification.

D.3 Certification

Persons successfully completing the training modules will be issued with an OPITO certificate
for Preparing Dangerous Goods for Transfer by Sea.

Training Centres are responsible for issuing a certificate direct to the delegate successfully
completing the respective programmes and to the sponsoring company (when required). Each
certificate must indicate that the delegate has been assessed against and met the learning

The certificate must contain the following:

(a) Training Establishment Name

(b) Full OPITO Course Title stating that it is OPITO approved and clearly identifying
training location i.e. onshore / offshore.
(c) OPITO registration code
(d) Delegate's Name
(e) Course Dates
(f) Expiry Date
(g) Unique Certificate Number (UCN) – Refer to OPITO UCN Guidance doc. for
(h) Training Establishment Signatory

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Preparing Dangerous Goods for Transport by Sea

D.4 Course Administration

Each delegate attending any OPITO approved programme must be registered with the Central
Register (CR) operated by OPITO. Registration must be made by the training establishment to
OPITO within one week following the course.

OPITO confirms that information on the registration form will be contained in a computerised
register which will be available to employers, prospective employers and training providers in
the oil and gas industry to verify training records. At all times use of this data will be strictly in
accordance with principles laid down in relevant data protection legislation.

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Preparing Dangerous Goods for Transport by Sea

SECTION E DGS Workplace Competence

E.1 DGS Workplace Competence

Workplace training and assessment

In addition to the onshore-based training, company and site-specific training and assessment
may also be conducted offshore. This Section specifies the standard for the DGS workplace
competence requirement.

The DGS Workplace Competence Units are detailed in Section E.2 below.

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Preparing Dangerous Goods for Transport by Sea

E.2 DGS Workplace Competence Units

The Units specified below contain competence requirements of personnel involved in preparing
dangerous goods for transport by sea.

The DGS Workplace Competence Units consists of the following Units and Elements:

Competence Units/Elements Titles

Unit 1 General Packaging requirements

Element 1.1 Packaging selection
Element 1.2 Packaging of dangerous goods
Element 1.3 Marking of dangerous goods

Unit 2 Transportation Documentation

Element 2.1 Classification of dangerous goods
Element 2.2 Compiling shipping declarations
Element 2.3 Shipping dangerous goods

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Preparing Dangerous Goods for Transport by Sea

UNIT 1 General Packaging Requirements

ELEMENT 1.1 Packaging selection

This element is about determining the appropriate packaging medium and the quality level of
packaging required.

Standards of Performance

In achieving this element you will have (in accordance with procedures):
1.1.1 Determined the specification and legislation requirements for packaging, cargo
transport units and tanks utilised for the transportation of dangerous goods to
offshore facilities
1.1.2 Selected the appropriate packaging, transport units and tanks which complied
with legislative requirements and enabled the safe transportation of dangerous
goods to offshore facilities
1.1.3 Determined the compatibility of the packaging, transport units and tanks with the
dangerous goods which were transported to offshore facilities
1.1.4 Determined the need for ullage in packaging, transport units and tanks that
transported dangerous goods to offshore facilities

Underpinning knowledge and Understanding

Within the limits of your responsibility you must be able to demonstrate that you know:

(a) Packaging, transportation, and shipping legislation applicable to the

transportation of dangerous goods
(b) The information contained within the IMDG Code that is applicable to the
transportation of dangerous goods by sea
(c) The specification requirements for packaging, transport units and tanks
containing dangerous goods
(d) The need for ullage in the packaging and transporting of dangerous goods

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Preparing Dangerous Goods for Transport by Sea

ELEMENT 1.2 Packaging of Dangerous Goods

This element is about packing dangerous goods in preparation for transportation.

Standards of Performance

In achieving this element you will have (in accordance with procedures):

1.2.1 Defined the requirements for assembling packages, transport units and tanks
carrying dangerous goods and identified the method of assembly
1.2.2 Determined the restrictions of transporting more than one item of dangerous
goods within a singular package, transport unit or tank and identified the
method for preparing the shipment for transportation
1.2.3 Determined the appropriate packing provisions and instructions for packages,
transport units and tanks transporting dangerous goods and prepared a
consignment in accordance with the instructions
1.2.4 Assembled, packed and tested packages, transport units and tanks
transporting dangerous goods in accordance with the applicable instructions

Underpinning knowledge and Understanding

Within the limits of your responsibility you must be able to demonstrate that you know:

(a) The selection and assembly specifications, for packages, transport units and
tanks transporting dangerous goods.
(b) The information contained within the IMDG Code that is applicable to the
transportation of dangerous goods by sea.
(c) The test specifications, for packages, transport units and tanks transporting
dangerous goods.
(d) The identification markings, for packages, transport units and tanks transporting
dangerous goods.

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Preparing Dangerous Goods for Transport by Sea

ELEMENT 1.3 Marking of Dangerous Goods

This element is about the marking and labelling of dangerous goods undergoing transportation

Standards of Performance

In achieving this element you will have (in accordance with procedures):

1.3.1 Determined the marking requirements for packages, transport units and tanks
transporting dangerous goods in accordance with the applicable legislation
1.3.2 Determined the labelling requirements for packages, transport units and
tanks transporting dangerous goods in accordance with the applicable
1.3.3 Correctly marked and labelled packages, transport units and tanks
transporting dangerous goods in accordance with the applicable legislation

Underpinning knowledge and Understanding

Within the limits of your responsibility you must be able to demonstrate that you know:

(a) The specification requirements for marking and labelling packages, transport
units and tanks transporting dangerous goods
(b) The legislation requirements for marking and labelling packages, transport units
and tanks transporting dangerous goods
(c) The information contained within the IMDG Code that is applicable to the marking
and labelling of dangerous goods by sea

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Preparing Dangerous Goods for Transport by Sea

UNIT 2 Transportation Documentation

ELEMENT 2.1 Classification of Dangerous Goods

This element is about defining the criteria for the classification of dangerous goods including
those with multiple hazards.

Standards of Performance

In achieving this element you will have (in accordance with procedures):
2.1.1 Defined which substances or articles were classified as dangerous goods and
clearly identified the dangerous goods which cannot be transported by sea under
any circumstances
2.1.2 Defined the packing groups for substances or articles classified as dangerous
2.1.3 Identified those dangerous goods which have multiple hazards
2.1.4 Defined the requirements for the safe management of dangerous goods with
multiple hazards

Underpinning knowledge and Understanding

Within the limits of your responsibility you must be able to demonstrate that you know:

(a) The definition of dangerous goods

(b) Dangerous goods with multiple hazards
(c) The packing groups for dangerous goods
(d) The information contained within the IMDG Code that is applicable to
classification of dangerous goods

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Preparing Dangerous Goods for Transport by Sea

ELEMENT 2.2 Compiling shipping declarations & packing certificates

This element is about identifying the requirements for input into a dangerous goods shipping
declaration and packing certificate and correctly allocating the data.

Standards of Performance

In achieving this element you will have (in accordance with procedures):
2.2.1 Identified the relevant dangerous goods and packing data as requested by a
Dangerous Goods/Marine Pollutant Declaration & Container Packing Certificate
2.2.2 Input all dangerous goods and packing data at the appropriate section of the
Dangerous Goods / Marine Pollutant Declaration & Container Packing Certificate
2.2.3 Checked the Dangerous Goods / Marine Pollutant Declaration & Container
Packing Certificate and verified all the information was correct
2.2.4 Determined the requirement for additional competent authority approval certificates
and ensured they were available

Underpinning knowledge and Understanding

Within the limits of your responsibility you must be able to demonstrate that you know:

(a) The information within the IMDG Code which is applicable to Shipping Dangerous
Goods/Marine Pollutant Declaration & Container Packing Certificates
(b) UN Numbering
(c) Merchant Shipping Regulations – 1997 SI 2367

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Preparing Dangerous Goods for Transport by Sea

ELEMENT 2.3 Shipping Dangerous Goods

This element is about preparing to ship dangerous goods and ensuring all applicable
requirements have been achieved.

Standards of Performance

In achieving this element you will have (in accordance with procedures):

2.3.1 Identified all shipping requirements including special provisions

2.3.2 Identified the shipping agent acceptance and handling, loading and stowage
2.3.3 Carried out final pre-shipping checks to ensure that the consignment was in
compliance with all the relevant requirements

Underpinning knowledge and Understanding

Within the limits of your responsibility you must be able to demonstrate that you know:

(a) General shipping requirements for sea transport

(b) Shipping acceptance procedures
(c) Handling, loading & stowage procedures

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OPITO Approved Standard
Preparing Dangerous Goods for Transport by Sea

E.3 DGS Workplace Assessment

Assessor Guidance and Assessment Records

Standards of Performance and Underpinning Knowledge

The workplace assessor should use the units and elements specified in this document as
standards of performance and underpinning knowledge.

Assessor Qualifications/Certification

Assessors must:

a) Be qualified or certified in assessing competence in the workplace


b) Be occupationally competent i.e. have previous work experience preparing dangerous

goods for transport by sea

c) Possess evidence that they are updating their knowledge in the particular
field of assessment (in this case: preparation of dangerous goods for transport by sea)

AND ideally:

d) Be registered with a centre that assures quality in assessment processes.

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OPITO Approved Standard
Preparing Dangerous Goods for Transport by Sea

Assessing the Candidate: Key Points

1) Enter the candidate's and assessor’s details on the checklist and candidate record.

2) Prior to the assessment taking place you (the assessor) must:-

a. Make the candidate(s) aware that they are to be assessed.

b. Ensure that the candidate(s) understands the standard which they will be
assessed against.
c. Ensure that the assessment site and conditions for assessment are suitable.
d. Clearly explain to the candidate(s) the task(s) to be performed indicating also
how you intend to gather evidence (e.g. observation of simulated exercises,
oral or written questions, and witness statements).

3) Allow an opportunity for feedback from the candidate.

4) On completion of the assessment the assessor should sign-off the Candidate


5) Following the assessment the assessor should feedback on the candidate's

performance, identifying where appropriate the areas where competence has not
been demonstrated and further training/development is required.
These training/development requirements should also be communicated to the
candidate’s employer.

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OPITO Approved Standard
Preparing Dangerous Goods for Transport by Sea


Contact time Includes administration, theory sessions in the classroom or in the field,
practical training and practice sessions
DG Dangerous Goods
DGS Dangerous Goods by Sea
IMDG International Maritime Dangerous Goods
NOS “Not otherwise specified”
Total training day Includes contact time, refreshment/meal breaks and travel between
training sites (where applicable)
UN United Nations

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OPITO Approved Standard
Preparing Dangerous Goods for Transport by Sea

Appendix 1 OPITO Information

The topics listed below are to be delivered as part of the introduction to this course and included
in the Lesson Plans/Instructor guides/Exercise Plans. Additional introduction topics may include
training centre layout and alarms, emergency actions, first aid and domestic arrangements.

Mandatory OPITO Information:

a) Medical Fitness
b) Certification Periods
c) CR/Vantage (provided by OPITO)
d) OPITO Customer Service Statement (provided by OPITO)
e) The roles of employers and training providers (provided by OPITO)
f) What is OPITO’s role in industry? (provided by OPITO)
g) Current Global Network of training providers (provided by OPITO)
h) Emergency Response Framework (provided by OPITO – applicable for ER Training

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