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S.T.O.P. UNIT-1 Rev-00


Name:___________________________ P.No. _____________ Desig.______________ Unit____________

1. Fill in the blanks

2. Tick √ in box for correct answer
Question Answer Compare the answers with
# the answer key in book
(Correct) (Incorrect)
1. __________________ ( ) ( )
2.  Go on to the next question. ( ) ( )
 Reread the paragraph or section ( ) ( )
3.  Go on to the next question. ( ) ( )
 Reread the paragraph or section ( ) ( )
4.  It shows you read the workbook. ( ) ( )
 It helps you remember what you read. ( ) ( )
 It doesn’t matter whether or not you write your answer. ( ) ( )
 None of the above. ( ) ( )
5.  True  False ( ) ( )
6. ______________________ ( ) ( )
7.  Every day, as part of my regular work. ( ) ( )
 Once a week ( ) ( )
8.  Developing good safety habits. ( ) ( )
 Preventing injuries ( ) ( )
 Improving overall safety in my area. ( ) ( )
 Encouraging good safety performance ( ) ( )
9.  My immediate supervisor or STOP leader.  No one ( ) ( )
10.  Observing the safe and unsafe behaviors of people in my area ( ) ( )
 Inspecting product quality ( ) ( )
 Discussing personnel issues ( ) ( )
 All of the above ( ) ( )
11. ______________________________ ( ) ( )
12.  4%  50%  40%  96% ( ) ( )
13.  4%  50%  40%  96% ( ) ( )
14. ________________________ ( ) ( )
15.  An unsafe act  An unsafe condition ( ) ( )
16. _____________ ( ) ( )
_____________ ( ) ( )
______________ ( ) ( )
_____________ ( ) ( )
17.  Most injuries and occupational illness can be prevented ( ) ( )
 All injuries and occupational illness can be prevented ( ) ( )
18.  True  False ( ) ( )
19.  Yes. Safe work practices need reinforcement ( ) ( )
 No. She is already working safely. ( ) ( )
20. _________________________ ( ) ( )
21.  True  False ( ) ( )
22. ________________________ ( ) ( )
23.  Punitive  Nonpunitive ( ) ( )
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S.T.O.P. UNIT-1 Rev-00

24.  True  False ( ) ( )

25. _____________________________ ( ) ( )
26. _____________________________ ( ) ( )
27.  True  False ( ) ( )
28.  By making safety observations of Anna and her employees. ( ) ( )
 George cannot measure Anna’s safety performance ( ) ( )
29.  Only George  Both George and Anna ( ) ( )
30.  Satisfactory  Unsatisfactory ( ) ( )
31.  The physical area you supervise and everyone who enters it. ( ) ( )
 The people who report to you, no matter where they are working. ( ) ( )
32. _________________________ ( ) ( )
33.  Safety  Cost  Quality  Production  Morale ( ) ( )
34. _________________________ ( ) ( )
35.  Yes  No ( ) ( )
36.  Production would drop ( ) ( )
 Production would stay the same ( ) ( )
37.  Satisfactory  Unsatisfactory ( ) ( )
38. __________________________ ( ) ( )
39. __________________________ ( ) ( )
40. __________________________ ( ) ( )
41. __________________________ ( ) ( )
42. __________________________ ( ) ( )
43. __________________________ ( ) ( )
44.  Your standards are high. ( ) ( )
 Your standards are known and understood ( ) ( )
 Your standards are ignored. ( ) ( )
 Your standards are followed ( ) ( )
45. ___________________________ ( ) ( )
46. ___________________________ ( ) ( )
47.  Know without being told that they must change. ( ) ( )
 Think that your silence means that you approve of the behavior. ( ) ( )
48.  Before observing an employee ( ) ( )
 After observing an employee ( ) ( )
49.  Before observing an employee ( ) ( )
 Some time after observing an employee and talking with him ( ) ( )
or her ( ) ( )
50.  People at work, as shown in the categories on the checklist. ( ) ( )
 Things ( ) ( )
51. ____________________________ ( ) ( )
52. ____________________________ ( ) ( )
53.  Mark the ‘ALL Safe” box on the right-hand side of the checklist ( ) ( )
in the Personal Protective Equipment category. ( ) ( )
 Leave the category blank ( ) ( )
54.  Any safe act you observes. ( ) ( )
 Your actions taken to encourage continued safe performance ( ) ( )
 Any unsafe acts you observed ( ) ( )
 Your immediate corrective action. ( ) ( )
 Your actions taken to prevent recurrence. ( ) ( )
 Your Name  Your area  The date ( ) ( )

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S.T.O.P. UNIT-1 Rev-00

55.  To let your organization know the names of people observed ( ) ( )

 To contribute to your organization’s effort to eliminate injuries ( ) ( )
56.  I am accountable ( ) ( )
 The safety department only is accountable ( ) ( )
57.  True  False ( ) ( )
58.  Yes  No ( ) ( )
59.  Marks should appear on the checklist in each of the categories ( ) ( )
 The observer’s immediate corrective actions ( ) ( )
 The observer’s actions taken to prevent recurrence ( ) ( )
 The observer’s name and area ( ) ( )
 The name of the mechanic ( ) ( )
60.  The date ( ) ( )
 The name of the person observed ( ) ( )
61.  After taking action, when you are away from the person observed ( ) ( )
 At the end of the week ( ) ( )
62.  To show the progress being made in STOP training. ( ) ( )
 To make STOP group discussions helpful during training ( ) ( )
 To help the organization address critical behaviors after training ( ) ( )
ends ( ) ( )
 To report the name of the person observed ( ) ( )
63. ___________________________ ( ) ( )
64.  All injuries and occupational illness can be prevented ( ) ( )
 Some injuries and occupational illness can be prevented ( ) ( )
65.  4%  50%  40%  96% ( ) ( )
66.  Safe and unsafe behaviors ( ) ( )
 Unsafe conditions ( ) ( )
67. __________________________________ ( ) ( )
68. __________________________________ ( ) ( )
69. __________________________________ ( ) ( )
70.  Immediately  At the next safety meeting ( ) ( )
71. _________________________________________ ( ) ( )
72.  Safe or unsafe acts observes ( ) ( )
 Any actions you took ( ) ( )
 Your signature ( ) ( )
 Your area ( ) ( )
 The date ( ) ( )
 The name of the person you observed ( ) ( )
73.  Safety  Quality  Morale  Cost  Production ( ) ( )
74. ___________________ ( ) ( )
75.  Satisfactory  Unsatisfactory ( ) ( )
76.  They will go up  They will go down ( ) ( )

Deputy Manager
You have completed the workbook for Unit-I of STOP for Supervision.
Now go for next Unit

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