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New lexical units

shingle – галька (pebble);
cellist – виолончелист (cello player);
sleet – мокрый снег, дождь со снегом (wet snow);
disconsolate – безутешный, печальный (inconsolable, sorrowful);
stiff with cold – окоченевший от холода;
to indulge – баловать ( to pamper);
to be bedridden – быть прикованным к постели (to be confined to bed);
breakwater – волнорез (groyne, pier);
gull – чайка (seagull);
prudent – бережливый (thrifty);
cardinal sin – смертный грех (mortal sin, deadly sin);
extravagance – расточительство (wastefulness);
bewilderment – недоумение, замешательство (perplexity, confusion);
promenade –набережная (embankment, quay);
stroke – инсульт (apoplexy);
crooner – эстрадный певец (variety singer);
double bass – контрабас (contrabass);
deliberately – осторожно, осмотрительно (carefully)
lodger – квартирант, постоялец (boarder);
a room to let – комната в аренду (а room for rent);
to seep up – просачиваться (to penetrate);
spruce –нарядный, (elegant)
have two strings to one's bow – иметь какое-л. средство про запас, иметь
выбор между двумя средствами;
wireless – радио (radio);
inaccessible – неприступный, труднодоступный (unavailable, remote);
thatch – солома (straw);
sinewy – жилистый, мускулистый (wiry, muscular);
sacredness – сакральность, священность (holiness, sacrality, sanctity);
presumptuous – самонадеянный, дерзкий (arrogant, impudent);
impeccable – безупречный, безукоризненный (flawless, irreproachable);
nippy – морозный (frosty);
casserole – запеканка (pudding);
book keeping – бухгалтерский учет, бухгалтерия;
carnation –гвоздика (clove);
charabanc – автобус (bus);
deckchair – шезлонг (sun lounger);
daintily – изящно, изысканно, элегантно (gracefully, exquisitely,

1. Esmа is the type of person who wants freedom, but when she gets it , she
doesn't know what to do with it . She does not know how to live without shackles
and restrictions. She needs all her decisions to be approved by her mother, as she is
biased towards herself .
Even after her death, her mother's spiritual presence still lingered, haunting
Esme's conscious thoughts. She was constantly hearing her mother's voice,
reprimanding her.
2. Mr. Curry bought a house at a bargain price. In addition, the hostess
prepared Breakfast for him, and then dinner.
And Esma had found the person she cared about again . She needed
someone to whom she would be beholden . In addition, they both diluted their
loneliness by spending evenings together .
3. I don't think she was able to get rid of her mother's constant presence in
her mind after all. She had too much influence on her. I also do not believe that she
will become like her mother, but rather serve Mr. Curry. Perhaps not as much as
her mother, but she was used to serving someone. And Mr. Curry will not be such
a tyrant as her mother.
Language Focus
1. live and let live –means that people should accept the way other
people live and behave, especially if they do things in a different way;
nation shall speak peace unto nation – everyone should live in peace and
listen to each other.
I have earned my passage at all times - everything pays off;
two strings to my bow –to have more than one interest, skill, or resource that
you can use if you need to;
sound in wind and limb – in good form, perfectly healthy;
plying my other trade – to work at your business, especially buying and
selling things on the street;
we are of like mind – when people are of like mind, they agree.
2. Esme was used to always having to consult her mother, and she did so
even after her mother died, talking to her in her mind. She was afraid of what her
mother would say. She usually scolded her and forbade her to do what she wanted.
In real life, Esme couldn't say anything back, but here, in her mind, she could do
anything, be free, fight back and tell her mother that she was wrong.

2. The note the agency gave me had the address Number 23, Park Close, and
I was sure I'd found it. I went to the porch and rang the bell. A very nice woman
opened the door for me. She was pleasantly dressed and looked young and
beautiful. I think she's in her early forties. In my shyness, I rubbed my brow as
usual. I can't get rid of this habit.
I told him at once that I had come to answer an advertisement for a room to
let. Then she frowned and looked confused. I got the address wrong. I was so
embarrassed. A flush of embarrassment began to seep up over my face and neck. I
felt my face burn and a drop of sweat rolled down my back. I was not myself. It
was hard to breathe and I loosened my collar. At that moment, I wished the ground
would swallow me up. I was very sorry that I had made a mistake. This would be
an ideal place to live. Pretty and sweet hostess. And what a house! Big, cozy,
clean. You can tell it's being looked after. But I apologised and hurried away. I was
so embarrassed in front of such a lovely woman. But then she called out to me. She
agreed to receive me in her home. What luck! I went into the house and she
showed me my room. Bright, well-groomed and spacious room. While I was
putting my things away, the landlady prepared some food. She's an amazing cook!
We sat at the table and talked for a long time. We learned a lot of interesting things
about each other. It was a pleasure to communicate with her and be in the same

Plot structure
Exposition – the story of the heroine's life before her mother's death.;
Rising action – Esme decides to let a stranger into the house;
Climax – Esme finds out what exactly Mr. Curry does in the summer;
Falling action – the heroine realized that she also likes a bit of singing and
Denouement – the denouement of the story remains open and we can figure
out how it ended.

Message – Our habits often govern us and prevent us from living the way
we want. Freedom is not only external circumstances, but also what is inside you.

 human relationships;
 inner freedom;
 relationship between mother and daughter;
 tyranny.

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