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1. eLearning is cost effective as compared to traditional forms of learning. The
reason for this price reduction is because learning through this mode happens
quickly and easily. A lot of training time is reduced with respect to trainers, travel,
course materials, and accommodation.
2. Make sure all related departments are involved, alternatives are assessed,
decisions are documented ,and a plan is designed in order to abide by those
decisions. This step is generally the most time-consuming and where the utmost
care is required. You must collect and align all the objectives from the related
departments with the project’s objectives. Aligning these objectives and
expectations is usually a highly strategic process, as each department would
likely have its own specific objectives. For example, finance may be hoping to
reach very specific objectives in terms of investment, return on investment,
savings in training programs, etc. The functional areas or departments may have
expectations about time investment and training schedules; reports from users
trained on highly specific data or formats who may require a tailored report
system; access from several devices or areas with access and bandwidth
restrictions; shared equipment; users with special schedules; team separation
into areas, roles, etc. Similarly, the human resources department may have
objectives concerning program design, promotion or career plans, certifications,
etc. The IT department may have objectives concerning the use of department
resources, use of equipment, safety requirements, budget, licensing, hardware
architecture, bandwidth consumption, etc.
3. I think the first thing to examine is whether expectations about e-learning –
defined here as the application of information and communications technologies
(ICTs), and in particular computers and the Internet, for teaching and learning –
are realistic. Having said that, too often individuals or institutions have launched
into e-learning without a clear understanding of what they are hoping to achieve.
Therefore a first step for any instructor – or institution considering investment in
e-learning – should be to define their expectations and goals, even accepting that
these may legitimately change as more experience and knowledge is gained
about the potential and limitations of using technology for teaching and learning.
4. As a TLE teacher, there are a vast array of online technologies available that can
help enhance learning activities. It is important however, to carefully select the
ones that are most appropriate for your class learning outcomes. It is critical to
remember the internet is part of our everyday life and has become integrated into
contemporary society, and our teaching should reflect and acknowledge this. 

Introducing an online activity to a class can offer many benefits to teachers and
students. However success often relies on how appropriate the activity and the
chosen technology are for the learning context, and how well both are integrated
into the learning process.

For the online learning and teaching experience to be effective, it is important

that there is strong alignment between the intended learning outcomes and the
activities that will help develop students’ achievement of these outcomes. How
you choose which activity and associated technology to use can depend on a
number of factors:

 The intended learning outcomes for the course 

 The student situation (location, access to internet, number of students in the
class, etc) 
 The learning experiences or technical requirements of the course content (eg
inclusion of large graphic files, collaborative tools, live chat features, external
guest lecturer access, file sharing, discussions, etc)
 The breadth and depth of the teacher’s previous online experience 

This principle can be demonstrated in a variety of ways; for example, by using a
range of different approaches in the learning platform that will allow the student
to choose one that suits her, or that can be personalised to her, or by satisfying a
number of the characteristics of good learning (learner agency; learner
autonomy; enabling or encouraging collaboration).
6. A good LMS will often provide reporting tools to generate and store progress
reports. Elearning tools and technologies used to improve the quality of
content are manifold. Software like Flash and PowerPoint will help you make
your presentations slick and interesting, with high quality, graphically rich

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