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Ziehm Solo

Operating Instructions

Ziehm Solo
P_28482_CD_28483 - EN-18/09/2009
Copyright Quality Standards
Copyright © 2009 Ziehm Imaging GmbH This document was produced in accordance with a certified QM
All rights reserved. system as per DIN EN ISO 13485. They conform to the require-
Transmission or reproduction of this document, exploitation and ments of Council Directive 93/42 EEC, Annex I, and other applica-
disclosure of its contents to third persons is not permitted without ble norms. The information provided in this document may be
express written consent of the manufacturer. Infringements shall updated at regular intervals. Subject to change without prior notice.
entitle to damage claims.
Manufactured by:
Registered Trademarks Ziehm Imaging GmbH
This document may contain the names of registered trademarks or Donaustr. 31
brands, the use of which by third persons for their purposes may 90451 Nuremberg (Germany)
infringe the rights of their respective owners. e-mail:

Rev. 09/2009

2 Ziehm Solo
P_28482_CD_28483 - EN-18/09/2009
With the Ziehm Solo, Ziehm Imaging GmbH provides an active medical device connected Preface
to the mains power supply. The above listed medical device is a non-contact device. It does
not require any contact with the patient to perform its intended use. It provides contactless
energy in the form of X-rays.
Ziehm Imaging GmbH authorizes only trained and skilled personnel to operate this medical
device. The system is intended for use by health care professionals such as physicians,
orthopedic surgeons, vascular surgeons, neurovascular surgeons, cardiologists, radiolo-
gists and technologists in hospitals, outpatient clinics and other clinical environments.
Ziehm Imaging GmbH anticipates the system will be used on a nearly daily basis. Ziehm
Imaging GmbH applications specialists and/or qualified site personnel provide on-site oper-
ator training in the proper use of the system.
The Ziehm Solo is a mobile C-arm. Using a non-invasive X-ray method during surgical inter- Intended use
vention, it provides image information and stores this temporarily.
The Ziehm Solo can be used for all medical indications where fluoroscopy is required.
The system is intended for use with human beings of any age. It is the physician's respon-
sibility to decide whether to use the system with infants, children and adipose patients. The
system can be used for the whole human body without restriction (e.g. organs, tissue,
bones, implants) depending on the medical indication. This device is not intended for use
in performing mammographic exposures.
The system provides contactless fluoroscopy and according to this does not have applied Normal use
The system may only be used in heights up to 6561.7 ft (2000 m) above sea level and must
be used within the limits defined by the technical specification. The use of the system is only
allowed in rooms used for medical purposes in accordance with EMC class A as well as
with protective earth conductor. The system may only be used in an environment with an
oxygen saturation of < 25%.
The system must be maintained at regular intervals in accordance with the maintenance
specification by qualified personnel that has been authorized by Ziehm Imaging GmbH and
it may be used only if it works properly as specified in the Operating Instructions.
The system may only be operated by personnel who has undergone radiological training. Operation
In the USA, Federal law restricts use of this device to trained personnel on the order of a Operation (USA)
Only authorized personnel are allowed to assemble and/or repair the medical equipment Authorized personnel
described in this document. Authorized personnel are persons who have attended an
appropriate training course provided by the manufacturer.
The exposure of humans to ionizing radiation must always be medically justified. Especially Contraindications to the
when used on pregnant women, adolescents, children, and pediatric patients, all proce- use of X-rays
dures using ionizing radiation should be used with caution or be avoided altogether. How-
ever, the final decision lies with the attending physician or attending surgeon.
The monitors are not suitable for diagnostic purposes.
The manufacturer accepts responsibility for the safety, reliability and performance of the Exclusion of liability
system only if
− any installation, modification or repair work is carried out exclusively by persons autho-
rized by the manufacturer;
− the electrical installation of the site where the system is operated complies with the
requirements of VDE 0107 or the corresponding national regulations of the country of
− only original spare parts or components that comply with Ziehm Imaging’s specifica-
tions are used;
− the system is used in accordance with the Operating Instructions.
The warranty becomes invalid in case that any repair, modification or installation work is
carried out by unauthorized personnel, or any seals on components are broken. No conse-
quential damages will be accepted either.

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The equipment conforms to Class IIb according to Council Directive 93/42/EEC.
This document has been written and reviewed originally in German and translated.

4 Ziehm Solo
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Contents I

1 General Information 1-1

1.1 Typographical conventions............................................................................... 1-2
1.2 Conventions for safety instructions .................................................................. 1-3

2 System Overview 2-1

2.1 Fields of application.......................................................................................... 2-1
2.2 Ziehm Solo - variants ....................................................................................... 2-2
2.2.1 Ziehm Solo with monitor support arm ............................................... 2-2
2.2.2 Ziehm Solo with Ziehm Viewing Station............................................ 2-3
2.2.3 Ziehm Solo with external monitors .................................................... 2-3
2.3 Features ........................................................................................................... 2-4
2.4 Options ............................................................................................................. 2-6
2.5 Optional accessories ........................................................................................ 2-7
2.6 Optional accessories (USA) ............................................................................. 2-7
2.7 X-ray protective equipment .............................................................................. 2-7
2.8 Parts of the system........................................................................................... 2-8
2.8.1 C-arm stand ...................................................................................... 2-8
2.8.2 Screen assignment ........................................................................... 2-10
2.8.3 Video inputs and outputs .................................................................. 2-11

3 Safety Instructions 3-1

3.1 General safety instructions............................................................................... 3-1
3.2 X-rays ............................................................................................................... 3-2
3.3 Electromagnetic compatibility........................................................................... 3-3
3.4 Protective grounding ........................................................................................ 3-4
3.5 Equipotential grounding.................................................................................... 3-4
3.6 Laser radiation.................................................................................................. 3-5
3.7 Printers ............................................................................................................. 3-7
3.8 System failure................................................................................................... 3-7
3.9 Mechanics ........................................................................................................ 3-8

4 Mechanical Handling 4-1

4.1 Transport position............................................................................................. 4-1
4.1.1 C-arm stand transport position.......................................................... 4-1
4.2 Braking and steering the C-arm stand.............................................................. 4-4
4.3 C-arm movements............................................................................................ 4-5
4.3.1 Orbital rotation .................................................................................. 4-6
4.3.2 Angulation ......................................................................................... 4-7
4.3.3 Swiveling (panning)........................................................................... 4-8
4.3.4 Horizontal movement ........................................................................ 4-9
4.3.5 Vertical movement ............................................................................ 4-10
4.4 Movement of the monitor support arms............................................................ 4-11
4.4.1 Solo Center support arm ................................................................... 4-11
4.4.2 Swiveling the Solo Center ................................................................. 4-11
4.4.3 Tilting the Solo Center ...................................................................... 4-11
4.4.4 Monitor head support arm ................................................................. 4-12

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4.4.5 Swiveling the monitor head ............................................................... 4-12

4.4.6 Tilting the monitor head..................................................................... 4-12

5 Controls 5-1
5.1 Control panel .................................................................................................... 5-1
5.1.1 Elements of the control panel............................................................ 5-1
5.1.2 Controls in the Fluoroscopy and Subtraction operating modes......... 5-2
5.2 Buttons and switches on the unit...................................................................... 5-12
5.3 Hand switch and foot switch ............................................................................. 5-13

6 Switching the System On and Off 6-1

6.1 Preparing the system........................................................................................ 6-1
6.2 Switching the system on and off....................................................................... 6-3
6.3 EMERGENCY STOP button............................................................................. 6-4
6.4 Key switch ........................................................................................................ 6-5

7 Standard Fluoroscopic Operations 7-1

7.1 Overview........................................................................................................... 7-1
7.2 Fluoroscopy modes .......................................................................................... 7-2
7.2.1 Pulsed fluoroscopy ............................................................................ 7-3
7.2.2 Digital radiography (snapshot) .......................................................... 7-6
7.2.3 Dose reduction .................................................................................. 7-7
7.3 Manual exposure rate setting ........................................................................... 7-8
7.4 Object-Detected Dose Control (ODDC) in the Bones anatomical program ...... 7-10
7.5 Fluoroscopy programs...................................................................................... 7-11
7.5.1 Anatomical programs ........................................................................ 7-11
7.5.2 Metal Artifact Correction function ...................................................... 7-13
7.5.3 Motion function .................................................................................. 7-13
7.5.4 Adipose Patient function ................................................................... 7-14
7.5.5 Automatic Dose Reduction function (optional) .................................. 7-14
7.5.6 Automatic Noise Filter Adjustment function....................................... 7-14
7.6 Screen display during radiation ........................................................................ 7-15
7.7 Dose area product ............................................................................................ 7-16
7.8 Air kerma .......................................................................................................... 7-16
7.9 Save ................................................................................................................. 7-16
7.10 Printing the live screen image .......................................................................... 7-18
7.11 Warning signals and malfunctions.................................................................... 7-20
7.11.1 Permanent warning during radiation ................................................. 7-20
7.11.2 Interval warning during radiation ....................................................... 7-20
7.11.3 Temperature monitoring .................................................................... 7-21
7.11.4 Error and alert messages .................................................................. 7-21

8 Adjusting Live Images 8-1

8.1 Overview........................................................................................................... 8-1
8.2 Contrast and brightness adjustment of individual images (windowing) ............ 8-2
8.3 Filters................................................................................................................ 8-5
8.3.1 Recursive filter................................................................................... 8-5
8.3.2 Edge filter .......................................................................................... 8-7
8.3.3 LIH filter ............................................................................................. 8-8
8.4 Electronic image magnification......................................................................... 8-9
8.5 Digital zoom...................................................................................................... 8-11
8.6 Grayscale inversion .......................................................................................... 8-13
8.7 Collimation........................................................................................................ 8-13

II Ziehm Solo
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8.7.1 Iris collimator ..................................................................................... 8-14

8.7.2 Slot collimator ................................................................................... 8-14
8.7.3 Virtual collimator................................................................................ 8-15
8.8 Image swapping ............................................................................................... 8-16
8.9 Image reversal and image rotation................................................................... 8-17
8.9.1 Horizontal and vertical image reversal .............................................. 8-17
8.9.2 Image Rotation.................................................................................. 8-18

9 Data Management 9-1

9.1 Organization of patient and image data ........................................................... 9-1
9.1.1 Patient folders ................................................................................... 9-1
9.1.2 System-generated patient folders ..................................................... 9-2
9.2 Managing patient data...................................................................................... 9-2
9.2.1 Managing patient data securely (HIPAA) .......................................... 9-5
9.2.2 Creating a new patient folder ............................................................ 9-10 Entering patient data manually .......................................... 9-11
9.2.3 Editing patient data ........................................................................... 9-12
9.3 Managing image data....................................................................................... 9-14
9.3.1 Managing patient folders................................................................... 9-15 Marking patient folders ...................................................... 9-16 Deleting patient folders ...................................................... 9-17 Inverting the entire archive ................................................ 9-18 Saving patient folders ........................................................ 9-19
9.3.2 Finding and displaying a patient folder.............................................. 9-21
9.3.3 Activating a patient folder.................................................................. 9-23
9.3.4 Browsing through the active patient folder ........................................ 9-26
9.3.5 Processing and outputting images in a patient folder ....................... 9-27 Displaying an image at full size ......................................... 9-29 Marking images ................................................................. 9-30 Protecting images .............................................................. 9-30 To delete images ............................................................... 9-31 Printing on video printer..................................................... 9-32 Saving images ................................................................... 9-34
9.3.6 Comparing saved images ................................................................. 9-36
9.3.7 Making backup copies of patient folders ........................................... 9-37 Backup to USB stick .......................................................... 9-39 Backup copy to DVD.......................................................... 9-42

10 DICOM Functions 10-1

10.1 Prerequisites .................................................................................................... 10-1
10.2 Downloading patient data from a DICOM server.............................................. 10-1
10.2.1 Query ................................................................................................ 10-1
10.2.2 Downloading a Worklist..................................................................... 10-3 Downloading a Worklist for a specific time span .............. 10-3 Downloading a patient-specific Worklist ........................... 10-6 Downloading a Worklist for a procedure step ................... 10-8
10.3 Processing scheduled procedure steps of a Worklist (MPPS) ......................... 10-11
10.4 Saving all images from one or several patient folders...................................... 10-16
10.5 Saving and printing images and cine loops from a patient folder..................... 10-17
10.6 Saving or printing single cine loop images ....................................................... 10-19
10.7 Importing images and cine loops from a DICOM server .................................. 10-21
10.8 Storage Commitment ....................................................................................... 10-26

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11 Cine Loops 11-1

11.1 Overview........................................................................................................... 11-1
11.2 Generating a cine loop ..................................................................................... 11-1
11.3 Opening a saved cine loop ............................................................................... 11-3
11.4 Controlling and editing a cine loop during playback ......................................... 11-5
11.5 Processing and outputting saved cine loops .................................................... 11-8
11.5.1 Replaying a cine loop ........................................................................ 11-9
11.5.2 Marking cine loops ............................................................................ 11-10
11.5.3 Protecting cine loops ......................................................................... 11-10
11.5.4 Deleting cine loops ............................................................................ 11-11
11.5.5 Printing on video printer .................................................................... 11-13
11.5.6 Saving cine loops .............................................................................. 11-13
11.6 Processing and outputting single cine loop images.......................................... 11-16
11.6.1 Marking cine loop images.................................................................. 11-17
11.6.2 Protecting cine loop images .............................................................. 11-17
11.6.3 Deleting cine loop images ................................................................. 11-18
11.6.4 Printing cine loop images on the video printer .................................. 11-20
11.6.5 Saving cine loop images ................................................................... 11-21

12 Subtraction Operating Mode 12-1

12.1 Overview........................................................................................................... 12-1
12.2 Acquiring a DSA cine loop (for Germany - SUB cine loop) .............................. 12-2
12.3 Editing a DSA cine loop
(for Germany - SUB cine loop)12-5

13 Post-Processing Images 13-1

13.1 Overview........................................................................................................... 13-1
13.2 Activating the post-processing functions .......................................................... 13-3
13.3 Contrast and brightness adjustment of individual images (windowing) ............ 13-4
13.4 Edge filter ......................................................................................................... 13-6
13.5 Digital zoom...................................................................................................... 13-7
13.6 Grayscale inversion .......................................................................................... 13-8
13.7 Image Rotation ................................................................................................. 13-9
13.8 Horizontal and vertical image reversal ............................................................. 13-9
13.9 Digital collimation (image crop) ........................................................................ 13-10
13.10 Marking and deleting images............................................................................ 13-10
13.11 Outputting post-processed images................................................................... 13-13

14 Measurement 14-1
14.1 Measuring functions ......................................................................................... 14-1
14.2 Calibrating ........................................................................................................ 14-3
14.3 Measuring a length or distance ........................................................................ 14-5
14.4 3-point measurement........................................................................................ 14-8
14.5 4-point measurement........................................................................................ 14-11
14.6 4-point ratio measurement................................................................................ 14-15

15 Displayed Texts and Text Functions 15-1

15.1 Overview........................................................................................................... 15-1
15.2 Image information on the screen ...................................................................... 15-1
15.2.1 Upper left corner of the screen.......................................................... 15-1
15.2.2 Upper right corner of the screen........................................................ 15-1
15.2.3 Lower left corner of the screen.......................................................... 15-2
15.2.4 Lower right corner of the screen........................................................ 15-3
15.3 Entering and editing text................................................................................... 15-4

IV Ziehm Solo
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16 Laser Positioning Device 16-1

16.1 Applications ...................................................................................................... 16-2

17 Direct Radiography 17-1

17.1 Overview .......................................................................................................... 17-1
17.2 Fitting the film cassette holder.......................................................................... 17-1
17.3 Making a direct radiographic exposure ............................................................ 17-2

18 System Configuration 18-1

18.1 Overview .......................................................................................................... 18-1
18.2 Operation settings ............................................................................................ 18-2
18.2.1 Autotransfer ...................................................................................... 18-3
18.2.2 Autostore........................................................................................... 18-3
18.2.3 Image Swap with Save ..................................................................... 18-4
18.2.4 Displaying a crosshair ....................................................................... 18-5
18.2.5 Defining the start screen ................................................................... 18-6
18.2.6 Discarding the operation settings...................................................... 18-7
18.3 Basic settings ................................................................................................... 18-7
18.3.1 Setting the system date and the system time ................................... 18-9
18.3.2 Selecting the live screen ................................................................... 18-9
18.3.3 Entering the hospital data ................................................................. 18-10
18.3.4 Discarding the basic settings ............................................................ 18-11
18.4 Cine/DSA/Dose (for Germany - Cine/SUB/Dose) ............................................ 18-11
18.4.1 Cine loop settings ............................................................................. 18-12
18.4.2 Showing or hiding the native image .................................................. 18-14
18.4.3 Discarding the cine loop and subtraction settings............................. 18-15
18.5 Storage media .................................................................................................. 18-16
18.5.1 Defining the USB storage medium format......................................... 18-17
18.5.2 Defining the DVD storage format ...................................................... 18-18
18.5.3 Deleting data from storage media ..................................................... 18-19
18.5.4 Selecting a DICOM storage server ................................................... 18-19
18.5.5 Quick Cine Export ............................................................................. 18-20
18.6 18“-Setting the flat-screen monitors ................................................................. 18-22
18.6.1 Flat-screen monitors of type 1........................................................... 18-23
18.6.2 Flat-screen monitors of type 2........................................................... 18-28
18.7 Setting the 24" flat-screen monitor ................................................................... 18-32
18.7.1 Overview ........................................................................................... 18-32
18.7.2 Setting the brightness, contrast and backlight .................................. 18-33
18.7.3 Setting the menu language ............................................................... 18-34
18.7.4 Restoring the factory settings............................................................ 18-35

Appendix A A-1
A.1 Regular checks................................................................................................. A-1
A.1.1 Routine checks to be performed by the user .................................... A-1
A.1.2 Consistency test according to national regulations ........................... A-2
A.1.3 Checking the exposure rate control .................................................. A-2
A.1.4 Dose meter check ............................................................................. A-2
A.1.5 Checking the computed dose values ................................................ A-4
A.1.6 Checking the useful beam ................................................................ A-4
A.1.7 Gettering the image intensifier tube .................................................. A-5
A.2 Cleaning, disinfection, sterilization ................................................................... A-6
A.2.1 Cleaning ............................................................................................ A-6
A.2.2 Disinfection ....................................................................................... A-6
A.2.3 Sterilization ....................................................................................... A-7

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A.3 Malfunctions ..................................................................................................... A-8

A.3.1 Types of malfunctions ....................................................................... A-8
A.3.1.1 Alerts during power-up....................................................... A-8
A.3.1.2 Errors during power-up ...................................................... A-8
A.3.1.3 Alerts during operation....................................................... A-9
A.3.1.4 Errors during operation ...................................................... A-9
A.3.2 List of errors, alerts and status messages......................................... A-9
A.3.3 Mains fuse ......................................................................................... A-18
A.4 Labels ............................................................................................................... A-19
A.5 Labels (USA) .................................................................................................... A-26
A.6 Labels for foot switch........................................................................................ A-35
A.7 Focal spot position............................................................................................ A-36
A.8 Heat capacity.................................................................................................... A-37
A.9 Scattered radiation in the significant zone of occupancy.................................. A-38
A.10 Dimensions....................................................................................................... A-39
A.11 Technical Data.................................................................................................. A-40
A.11.1 General technical data ...................................................................... A-40
A.11.2 Systems with a voltage rating of 100 V, 120 V, 200 V ...................... A-42
A.11.3 Systems with a voltage rating of 220 V, 230 V, 240 V ...................... A-45
A.11.4 Laser positioning device.................................................................... A-47
A.11.5 Dose meter........................................................................................ A-48

Appendix B B-1
B.1 Attaching sterile disposable covers to the C-arm ............................................. B-1

Index i

VI Ziehm Solo
P_28482_CD_28483 - EN-18/09/2009
1 General Information

These Operating Instructions are designed to enable owners and oper-

ators of the system to operate the systems described herein safely and

Ziehm Solo, software version 5.25.0 or higher. Scope of validity of

these Operating
All illustrations in these Operating Instructions are exemplary only, and
may differ from the actual situation.
The present Operating Instructions describe a system with maximum
configuration. The system configuration chosen by you may not contain
all options and functions described here.

For several system options, separate operating instructions may be Separate operating
available. They are supplied with the system, provided that the system instructions
configuration includes the respective option. You will find a corre-
sponding reference to those operating instructions in the relevant sec-
tions of this document.

The system does not produce any waste during operation. Environmental
When the system has reached the end of its useful service life, the rel-
evant waste disposal regulations of the country of installation must be
Ziehm Imaging GmbH takes back your devices and undertakes to
dispose of them appropriately in accordance with national regulations. If
you want to return a device, please contact the Ziehm Imaging Service
The useful service life defined for this medical device is seven years. For
this period Ziehm Imaging GmbH warrants that spare parts can be

Ziehm Solo 1-1

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1 General Information

1.1 Typographical conventions

In this document, the following notations and formats are used to high-
light certain elements of the Solo Centercontrol panel or the documen-
tation itself:

Element Format Example

Solo Centerele- Bold Fluoro
(buttons and
boxes), operating
modes, functions
Cross-references Italic, preceded by → Ch. 18, p. 18-1
an arrow
Procedure steps Preceded by a • • Press the OK button.
Table 1-1 Notations and formats used in this document

1-2 Ziehm Solo

P_28482_CD_28483 - EN-18/09/2009
1 General Information

1.2 Conventions for safety instructions

The present document does not constitute a complete catalog of all

safety measures necessary for the operation of the respective medical
equipment, since special operating conditions may require further mea-
sures. However, it does contain instructions which must be observed in
order to ensure the personal safety of operating staff and patients as well
as to avoid damage to property. These instructions are highlighted as

DANGER indicates a hazardous situation which, if not
avoided, will result in death or serious injury.

WARNING indicates a hazardous situation which, if not
avoided, may result in death or serious injury.

CAUTION indicates a hazardous situation which, if not
avoided, may result in minor or moderate injury.

NOTICE indicates a property damage message.

Notes are merely informative. Additional useful infor-
mation and hints are provided for the operator here.

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1 General Information

1-4 Ziehm Solo

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2 System Overview

2.1 Fields of application

The Ziehm Solo is a mobile C-arm. Using a non-invasive X-ray method

during surgical intervention, it provides image information and stores this
The Ziehm Solo can be used for all medical indications where fluo-
roscopy is required.
The system is intended for use with human beings of any age. It is the
physician's responsibility to decide whether to use the system with
infants, children and adipose patients. The system can be used for the
whole human body without restriction (e.g. organs, tissue, bones,
implants) depending on the medical indication.

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2 System Overview

2.2 Ziehm Solo - variants

The Ziehm Solo is available in three variants:

− Ziehm Solo with monitors and Solo Center on the monitor support arm
− Ziehm Solo with Solo Center and Ziehm Viewing Station
− Ziehm Solo with Solo Center and externally mounted monitors.

2.2.1 Ziehm Solo with monitor support arm

Fig. 2-1 Ziehm Solo C-arm stand with monitor support arm

2-2 Ziehm Solo

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2 System Overview

2.2.2 Ziehm Solo with Ziehm Viewing Station

Fig. 2-2 Ziehm Solo C-arm stand with Ziehm Viewing Station

2.2.3 Ziehm Solo with external monitors

Fig. 2-3 Ziehm Solo C-arm stand with external monitors

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2 System Overview

2.3 Features

Mobility With its compact design and combined steering & braking system, the
system offers unrestricted mobility at the operating table, even if space is
The easy adjustability of the C-arm and the perfect counterbalancing of
the system make it possible to access even the most difficult positions.

Anatomical pro- Computer-controlled anatomical programs ensure optimum exposure

grams rate and image quality control as well as high operating comfort. A ‘Soft’
program for soft tissue visualization during foreign body localization and
a ‘Metal’ program for suppressing image flare resulting from the use of
metal implants and surgical instruments complete the automatic func-

Radiation dose The superior penetration capabilities of the digital high-frequency gen-
reduction erator enable a significant reduction in the patient skin dose.
Radiation-free collimation is provided by the system’s ‘Virtual Collimator’.

Image quality Flat-screen monitors guarantee flicker-free images. The advanced Full
Frame Technology, which uses non-interlacing throughout the entire
image processing chain, generates noise-free images without motion
artifacts, even if the subject has moved.

Image adjustment Comprehensive real-time image processing functions (customizable

noise and area filtering, electronic contrast and brightness adjustment,
zooming, radiation-free horizontal and vertical image reversal, digital
image rotation) ensure perfect adaptation of the image quality and orien-
tation on the screen to the surgeon’s needs.
Further image processing functions are available for saved images

Image management A patient-based image management system providing a 16-image

mosaic view and menu-controlled user guidance guarantees efficient
image data handling.

Documentation and For documentation purposes, a video printer is available.

For filmless archiving, the following devices are available:
− DVD writer
− USB port

2-4 Ziehm Solo

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2 System Overview

Images can be stored in the following formats:

− PC-compatible TIF format
− PC-compatible JPEG format with reduced resolution and reduced
color depth
− DICOM format
− DICOM format with reduced resolution and reduced color depth
− Multimedia format: AVI (DVD)
The system documents not only patient-related data, but also image-
related data (e.g. the fluoroscopy parameters).
In addition, all systems have a video output.

The optional DICOM 3.0 interface (Ziehm NetPort) enables integration Networkability
into any network supporting DICOM, e.g. PACS. Thanks to ‘Primary
Capture’ support, the original fluoroscopic images can be archived
without the changes which may have been applied to them later. The fol-
lowing DICOM classes are supported: Print, Storage (including multi-
frame capability), Storage Commitment, Media, Worklist, MPPS, Query/
Retrieve and Verification.
It is possible to connect and configure several DICOM servers for each
DICOM Class.
For more information on DICOM, please refer to our DICOM Con-
formance Statement included in the corresponding Service Manual.

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2 System Overview

2.4 Options

The present Operating Instructions describe a system with maximum

configuration. The system configuration chosen by you may not contain
all options and functions described here.
The following options can be integrated into the system upon request:
− Dose meter for measuring the dose area product (n/a for USA)
− Laser positioning device on the generator and/or image intensifier
− Key switch Power on/off or X-ray on/off
− Connection for external separate radiation warning lamp (including
− DVD writer
− Video printer Sony® UP-897 (for printout on paper)
− 2 video connections for external flat-screen monitors (right and left
− External flat-screen monitor
− Color-coded handles
− Measuring functions
− Subtraction mode: DSA
(for Germany - subtraction mode: SUB)
− Object Detected Dose Control (ODDC) with object detection, motion
detection, automatic dose reduction, automatic metal artifact cor-
− User administration (HIPAA)
− Cine loop with 8 frames per second (USA: 10 frames per second)
− Additional memory capacity: 55,000 images
− Radiography
− 1818 " flat-screen monitor
− Second hand switch
− DICOM 3.0 interface Ziehm NetPort
Depending on the chosen system configuration, the following DICOM
classes are supported:
− Print Class
− Storage Class including multiframe capability
− Storage Commitment Class
− Media Class
− Worklist Class
− MPPS Class

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2 System Overview

− Query/Retrieve Class
− Verification Class
− Ziehm DICOM Viewer
− Customer-specific foot switch assignment
− Wireless LAN

2.5 Optional accessories

The following accessories are optionally available:

− Sterile disposable covers
− Universal film cassette holder
− Foot switch cover

2.6 Optional accessories (USA)

− Universal film cassette holder

2.7 X-ray protective equipment

We recommend that you use the following X-ray protective equipment:

− X-ray protective apron
− X-ray protective eyewear
− Thyroid collar
− X-ray protective gloves

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2 System Overview

2.8 Parts of the system

2.8.1 C-arm stand

C-arm stand side

view (right) Image intensifier with inte-
Solo Center control panel grated CCD camera

Horizontal carriage

Cassette holder

Steering &
braking lever
DVD writer Generator
Hand switch
Support for
foot switch

Interface panel
(→ Fig. 2-6)

Coupling cable


Fig. 2-4 C-arm stand, side view (right)

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2 System Overview

C-arm stand side

view (left)
Radiation warn-
C-arm handles ing lamp

Lifting column

Swivel arm
STOP button
Video printer

Cable support

Hand switch

Power supply

Fig. 2-5 C-arm stand, side view (left)

Interface panel on
the C-arm stand
DICOM connection
USB port Split Screen


Connection for
external radiation
warning lamp

Fig. 2-6 Detailed view interface panel

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2 System Overview

Equipotential Your system is equipped with a plug connection for equipotential

grounding grounding, e.g. with a hospital bed.
In addition, a screw connection for equipotential grounding (spare equi-
potential grounding connection) is available.

Wireless LAN on If your system is equipped with Wireless LAN, a transceiver is integrated
the C-arm stand into the back of the C-arm stand. The other transceiver is supplied with
your accessories and must be connected to the hospital’s DICOM

2.8.2 Screen assignment

Live and reference On the system, the live screen function has been factory-assigned to the
screen left screen, and the reference screen function to the right screen.
During operation, the following images will be displayed on the screens:
− Live screen: Live images and saved images, both at full size
While the radiation warning lamp is illuminated, you always see a live
When you terminate radiation, a composite image made up of 1 to 16
individual images (LIH – Last Image Hold) is displayed on the live
screen. The amount of images that are used for computing the LIH
depends on the LIH filter setting (→ Ch. 8.3.3, p. 8-8). The default
values are preset in the anatomical programs. You can modify these
settings using the LIH filter controls.
The kV and mA values that are displayed on the user interface are the
values set by the system upon termination of radiation emission. The
number that appears under LIH on the screen indicates how many
individual images have been used for computing the LIH (→ p. 15-2).
− Reference screen: Thumbnail mosaic, reference images at full size

To avoid confusion, the neutral terms ‘live screen’ and
‘reference screen’ are used throughout this document,
regardless of your custom setting.

Changing the You can change the screen assignment in the Configuration operating
screen settings mode under Basic Settings (→ Ch. 18.3.2, p. 18-9).
You can also set the contrast and brightness of the flat-screen monitors
according to your preferences (→ Ch. 18.6, p. 18-22).

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2 System Overview

2.8.3 Video inputs and outputs

BNC sockets which are used for video connection (VIDEO OUT) are BNC socket
located on the C-arm stand.

The VIDEO OUT socket supplies a CCIR video signal of the live screen VIDEO OUT
image. The fluoroscopic image (live or stored) is available there for
further processing by a video cassette recorder, an external monitor, a
video printer, etc.

The VIDEO OUT 1 socket supplies a video signal of the left screen VIDEO OUT 1 LM
image. The fluoroscopic image (live or stored) is available there for
display on an external monitor.

The VIDEO OUT 2 RM socket supplies a video signal of the right screen VIDEO OUT 2 RM
image. The stored image is available there for display on an external

Supplementary equipment used in combination with the
Ziehm Solo must comply with the safety requirements
according to IEC 60601-1 and/or IEC 60601-1-1 or furnish
proof of an equivalent degree of safety.
To ensure CE conformity, these components must have a
CE approval in accordance with Council Directive 93/42/
EEC. In addition, a declaration in compliance with Article
12 of the said directive must be provided.
For components without CE approval, a conformity
assessment procedure is obligatory.
If you combine the Ziehm Solo with equipment which
does not comply with these requirements, the safety of
the entire system is no longer given and the warranty will
become invalid.
Outside European territory follow the applicable national

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2 System Overview

2-12 Ziehm Solo

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3 Safety Instructions

3.1 General safety instructions

You must be familiar with the contents of the present
Operating Instructions in order to be able to operate the
system as intended. Read and understand the present
Operating Instructions before operating the system.
It is important to observe all directions, safety instructions
and warnings!
The responsibility for any C-arm-assisted surgical inter-
vention lies with the physician in charge.

Supplementary equipment used in combination with the
Ziehm Solo must comply with the safety requirements
according to IEC 60601-1 and/or IEC 60601-1-1 or furnish
proof of an equivalent degree of safety.
To ensure CE conformity, these components must have a
CE approval in accordance with Council Directive 93/42/
EEC. In addition, a declaration in compliance with Article
12 of the said directive must be provided.
For components without CE approval, a conformity
assessment procedure is obligatory.
If you combine the Ziehm Solo with equipment which
does not comply with these requirements, the safety of
the entire system is no longer given and the warranty will
become invalid.
Please note that a combination with third-party devices
must be approved by Ziehm Imaging. A combination must
be possible in particular by the intended use of the two

The system may only be operated by personnel who has undergone Operation
radiological training.

The system may only be operated by properly trained personnel under Operation (USA)
the direction of a physician.

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3 Safety Instructions

Assembly and Only authorized personnel are allowed to assemble the system and to
service provide technical service. The necessary qualifications can only be
obtained by attending a training course provided by the manufacturer.

Always observe the relevant regulations of the country of
installation for putting the system into service, training of
personnel and maintenance.

Never use the system if you suspect any electrical or radi-
ation-generating components to be defective or if the
system exhibits unexpected malfunctions!

3.2 X-rays

General The system produces X-rays. If you do not observe the safety measures
and precautions required by your local radiation protection regulatory
body or other national radiation protection measures and precautions,
these X-rays can be hazardous both to operating staff and other persons
within the radiation zone of occupancy.

The system is intended for procedures where the skin
dose may be so high that there is a risk of deterministic
effects, even if the system is used as intended.

The system may only be operated by personnel who has
undergone radiological training.

The system may only be operated by properly trained per-
sonnel under the direction of a physician.

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3 Safety Instructions

The relevant radiation protection regulations of the
country of installation must be observed.

In order to avoid unintentional radiation, the foot switch
must be hung up on the foot switch support when the
system is switched on, but not in use.

Staff members who stay within the radiation controlled area must wear X- Protection of staff
ray protective clothing.
The radiation controlled area depends upon the size of the image inten-
sifier installed and has the following radius:
− 23 cm image intensifier: 4 m

To minimize the radiation burden of the patient, you must keep the Protection of the
source/skin distance as large as possible. The generator design guar- patient
antees a minimum source/skin distance of 20 cm (USA: 30 cm).

Additional material located in the beam path (e.g. an oper-
ating table not suitable for X-raying) may result in a dose
increase when using a fluoroscopy mode with automatic
exposure rate control.

When you initiate radiation and no live image is displayed
although all necessary settings have definitely been
made, please contact your after-sales service center!

3.3 Electromagnetic compatibility

Medical electrical equipment requires special precautionary measures

with respect to EMC and must be installed and put into service in accor-
dance with the EMC guidelines contained in the accompanying docu-
Portable and mobile RF communications equipment may interfere with
medical electrical equipment.

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3 Safety Instructions

All operating modes of the system have been considered in the EMC
tests. There are no exceptions to the rules.
Only conductors, connecting cables and accessories that are specified
by the manufacturer may be used.

Using components other than those specified may result
in increased electromagnetic emissions or reduced elec-
tromagnetic immunity.

Please observe also the Manufacturer’s Declaration concerning Electro-

magnetic Compatibility according to IEC 60601-1-2 in the Technical

3.4 Protective grounding

The system must be connected only to power systems having a separate

ground connection.

3.5 Equipotential grounding

Heart and brain If you use the system in combination with other equipment for examina-
examinations tions of the heart or brain or the surrounding anatomical regions, equipo-
tential grounding is required for patient and operating staff safety (IEC

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3 Safety Instructions

3.6 Laser radiation

As an option, the system may be equipped with a laser positioning device Laser positioning
at the image receptor and/or generator. device
The laser positioning device uses diode laser modules which emit laser
radiation. Do not under any circumstances look directly at the laser
beam or any scattered laser radiation – either with the naked eye or with
optical instruments.
The laser positioning device is a Class 2M laser product according to IEC
60825-1. Make sure to comply with all operating safety precautions when
using the laser positioning device.
The maximum power output of continuous laser radiation, measured at
the laser beam apertures, is <1 mW. The wavelength of the emitted radi-
ation is 635 nm.

Laser radiation – Do not stare into beam or view directly
with optical instruments (Laser Class 2M according to IEC
Please observe the provisions of IEC 60825-1, Section 3,
“User’s Guide” for operation of the laser positioning
Viewing the laser output with certain optical instruments
(e.g. eye loupes, magnifiers and microscopes) within a
distance of 100 mm may pose an eye hazard.

CLASS II LASER PRODUCT (in accordance with FDA 21
CFR, Subchapter J, Section 1040.10-11)

The laser positioning device is maintenance-free. Any adjustment or Maintenance

repair work which might become necessary must be carried out by the
manufacturer or a person who has been authorized to do so by the man-

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3 Safety Instructions

Laser beam apertures

Laser beam apertures

Fig. 3-1 Laser beam apertures on the image intensifier (left) and on
the generator (right)

Generator housing
The generator housing can reach a temperature of 48°C.
Prolonged contact with the generator housing (longer
than 1 minute) may result in burns.
Make sure that the patient does not get in contact with the
generator housing.

When working with any of the anti-freeze agents you must
wear protective gloves and safety goggles.

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3 Safety Instructions

3.7 Printers

Risk of injury by cutting device!
You can hurt yourself touching the cutting device.
Do not touch the cutting device when adding or removing
Please refer to the Operating Instructions of the corre-
sponding printer.

When printing, tear off the printer paper on the Sony ®
Please refer to the Operating Instructions of the corre-
sponding printer.

Temperatures of 40°C or higher and relative air humidity
of 60% or higher may cause stains on the printer’s heat-
sensitive paper.

3.8 System failure

The system is a highly complex medical device that in
rare cases can fail like any other electrical device in spite
of comprehensive tests and maintenance.
This may cause obstructions to the operational pro-
Please keep an emergency plan ready for this case.

Data transmission of the system can fail.
This may cause obstructions to the operational pro-
Please keep an emergency plan ready for this case.

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3 Safety Instructions

The system can fail due to mechanical defects.
This may cause obstructions to the operational pro-
Please keep an emergency plan ready for this case.

3.9 Mechanics

Risk of stumbling due to improper cable laying.
This may cause obstructions to the operational pro-
Avoid laying cables on walking areas from and to the
system. Avoid tension when laying the cables.

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4 Mechanical Handling

4.1 Transport position

For safety reasons, you must return the system to its respective transport General
position before transporting it.

Do not move the system over floors with an inclination of
more than 10° from level during transport. This applies to
both the C-arm stand and the Viewing Station.
Exercise extreme caution when moving the system over
rough surfaces such as tile flooring, pavement, asphalt or
carpet. Take care that the cable guards do not drag and
the wheels do not catch or tilt causing damage to the

4.1.1 C-arm stand transport position

To prepare the C-arm stand for a transport, do the following: How to proceed

• Wind the foot switch cable onto the foot switch support and hang up
the foot switch there.

• Rotate the C-arm until the image intensifier is positioned directly

above the generator and secure it with the relevant brake (→ Fig. 4-
2, p. 4-3 and → Fig. 4-4, p. 4-6).
• Lower the lifting column completely (→ Fig. 4-2, p. 4-3 and → Fig. 4-
8, p. 4-10) using the Move Up/Down arrow buttons.

• Put the swivel arm of the C-arm into an upright position and secure it
with the relevant brake (→ Fig. 4-2, p. 4-3 and → Fig. 4-5, p. 4-7).

• Swivel the horizontal carriage into a central position and secure it with
the relevant brake (→ Fig. 4-2, p. 4-3 and → Fig. 4-5, p. 4-7).

• Retract the horizontal carriage completely and secure it with the rel-
evant brake (→ Fig. 4-2, p. 4-3 and → Fig. 4-7, p. 4-9).

• Put monitor head and Solo Center into an upright position.

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4 Mechanical Handling

• Unlock the plunger blocks in order to be able to freely move both

support arms and monitor head (→ Fig. 4-9, p. 4-11). For this purpose
press the corresponding plunger block until a green ring is revealed.



Fig. 4-1 Plunger blocks on the support arm

• Align the monitor head exactly in parallel with the monitor head
support arm.

• Lock the monitor head by pressing the plunger block until a black ring
is revealed. Keep swiveling the monitor head until it engages with an
audible click.

• Swivel the Solo Center support arm into a position of 90° to the hori-
zontal carriage.

• Lock the monitor head by pressing the plunger block until a black ring
is revealed. Keep swiveling the monitor head until it engages with an
audible click.

When swiveling the monitor head it may collide with the
This may damage the monitor head.
To avoid damages on the monitor head while swiveling,
you must put it into an upright position, so it does not
collide with the C-arm.

• Align the monitor head support arm exactly in parallel with the hori-
zontal carriage (→ Fig. 4-2, p. 4-3).

• Lock the monitor head support arm by pressing the plunger block until
a black ring is revealed. Keep swiveling the monitor head until it
engages with an audible click.

• Align the Solo Center in parallel with the horizontal carriage.

• Switch off the system and disconnect the power cable from the power

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4 Mechanical Handling

• Unlock the coupling cable connector on the C-arm stand and unplug
the connector.

• Release the parking brake by lifting the (green) steering & braking
lever (→ Fig. 4-2, p. 4-3).

C-arm + brake
(brake handle optionally blue)

Swivel arm + brake

(brake handle optionally red)

Horizontal carriage + brake

(brake handle optionally yellow)

Swivel brake
(brake handle optionally green)

Steering & braking

lever (green)

Lifting column

Cable guards

Fig. 4-2 C-arm stand transport position

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4 Mechanical Handling

4.2 Braking and steering the C-arm stand

Steering & braking The C-arm stand has a combined steering & braking lever. It is located
lever at the rear end of the C-arm stand (→ Fig. 2-4, p. 2-8).

Parking brake The C-arm stand parking brake operates as follows:

− Steering & braking lever lowered:
Rear wheels are locked
− Steering & braking lever raised:
Rear wheels can move freely

Steering To steer the C-arm stand, do the following:

• Lift the steering & braking lever and turn it until reaching the desired
position. The lever can be turned freely; however, detents are placed
at 90° increments. The rear wheels will always stay parallel to one
another aligned exactly in parallel with the steering & braking lever.
− To maneuver the C-arm stand freely, ensure that the steering &
braking lever has engaged in its central position, pointing directly
backward from the unit (→ Fig. 4-3, p. 4-5, left).
− To move the C-arm stand in an exactly-defined direction, rotate the
steering & braking lever until it points toward the desired direction
(→ Fig. 4-3, p. 4-5, right).

• Push the C-arm stand in the desired or predefined direction using the
lateral handles, or use the hand rail around the image intensifier to
pull the C-arm stand.

Release the parking brake only to move or position the C-
arm stand.

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4 Mechanical Handling

Fig. 4-3 C-arm stand steering (schematic representation, view from


4.3 C-arm movements

You can move the C-arm in virtually any plane. For each movement, a Mechanical brakes
separate brake is available, allowing you to secure the C-arm in any
To release the corresponding brake, turn it counter-clockwise.
You can individually adjust the limit stop of the brake handles. To do so,
lift the spring-loaded brake handle, turn it until reaching the desired limit
stop position and release it to re-engage it at the new position.

Before moving the C-arm, make sure that there is nobody
within its range of movement.

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4 Mechanical Handling

Release the mechanical brakes only for positioning.
Take care to always seize the C-arm at its handle during
any adjustment in order to prevent the C-arm from hitting
the respective limit stop at full speed!
Take care not to place your hand in the C-arm guide rails
when adjusting the C-arm.
Make sure that all mechanical brakes are locked when
transporting the C-arm stand!

4.3.1 Orbital rotation

Before rotating the C-arm, make sure that it does not
collide with any persons or objects.

You can rotate the C-arm by 135°: –90° from vertical to horizontal
position and +45° forward. A scale with 5° divisions on the outside of the
C-arm as well as a mechanical detent at the ‘zero’ position are provided
to facilitate precise positioning.

Angulation brake
(brake handle option-
ally red)

Orbital rotation brake

(brake handle option-
ally blue)

Fig. 4-4 Orbital rotation of the C-arm

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4 Mechanical Handling

4.3.2 Angulation

You can rotate the C-arm by ± 225° in the vertical plane around the hor-
izontal axis (i.e., the horizontal carriage).
A scale with 10° divisions at the pivot joint of the horizontal carriage facil-
itates precise positioning.

Fig. 4-5 Angulation of the C-arm

The angulation brake is located on the horizontal carriage (→ Fig. 4-4,

p. 4-6).

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4 Mechanical Handling

4.3.3 Swiveling (panning)

You can swivel the C-arm 10° to the left or to the right around the vertical
axis of the lifting column.

Swivel brake
(brake handle optionally green)

Fig. 4-6 Swiveling (panning) of the C-arm (view from above)

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4 Mechanical Handling

4.3.4 Horizontal movement

Before moving the C-arm back and forth, make sure that
it does not collide with any persons or objects.

You can move the C-arm forward and backward by 22 cm in the hori-
zontal plane by means of the horizontal carriage. A scale with 1 cm divi-
sions facilitates precise positioning.

Horizontal movement brake

(carriage brake)
(brake handle optionally yellow)

Fig. 4-7 Horizontal movement of the C-arm

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4 Mechanical Handling

4.3.5 Vertical movement

You can move the C-arm up and down by 41.5 cm. This movement is
motorized. A scale with 1 cm divisions on the lifting column facilitates
precise positioning.
The Move Up/Down arrow buttons are on the C-arm stand next to the
lateral handles. To move the C-arm up or down, you must press and hold
down the corresponding Move Up/Down arrow button.

Before moving the C-arm up or down, make sure that it
does not collide with any persons or objects.
When you move down the C-arm, the clearance between
the C-arm stand base and the horizontal carriage may get
so tight that there is a risk of bruising your hands and

Move Up/

Fig. 4-8 Vertical movement of the C-arm

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4 Mechanical Handling

4.4 Movement of the monitor support arms

Monitor head Monitor head

Monitor head
Monitor head support arm
support arm
Solo Center
Solo Center support arm
support arm Solo Center
Solo Center

Plunger block

Fig. 4-9 Monitor head support arm with two 18" flat-screens mon-
itors (left) and 24" flat-screens monitor (right)

4.4.1 Solo Center support arm

You can swivel the support arm ± 90° to the left or to the right around its
vertical axis. The support arm can be locked in increments of 90°.
You can unlock the support arm by pressing the plunger block until a
black ring is revealed.
To lock the support arm, press the plunger block until a black ring is
revealed and swivel the support arm until it engages with an audible click.

4.4.2 Swiveling the Solo Center

You can swivel the Solo Center ± 135° to the left or to the right around its
vertical axis.

4.4.3 Tilting the Solo Center

You can tilt the Solo Center appx. 0° - 20° around its horizontal axis.

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4 Mechanical Handling

4.4.4 Monitor head support arm

You can swivel the monitor head support arm ± 90° to the left or to the
right around its vertical axis. The support arm can be locked in incre-
ments of 90°.
You can unlock the support arm by pressing the plunger block until a
black ring is revealed.
To lock the support arm, press the plunger block until a black ring is
revealed and swivel the support arm until it engages with an audible click.

4.4.5 Swiveling the monitor head

You can swivel the monitor head ± 160° to the left or to the right around
its vertical axis. The monitor head can be locked in increments of 90°.
You can unlock the support arm by pressing the plunger block until a
black ring is revealed.
To lock the monitor head, press the plunger block until a black ring is
revealed and swivel the monitor head until it engages with an audible

4.4.6 Tilting the monitor head

You can tilt the monitor head ± 10° around its horizontal axis.

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5 Controls

5.1 Control panel

The control panel is located on the C-arm stand. Depending on the

selected function, different controls (tabs, buttons, input boxes, displays,
etc.) will appear on the control panel screen.
The Solo Center control panel is designed as a touchscreen. For system
operation, just press the desired button or option directly on the touch-

5.1.1 Elements of the control panel

Selected Title bar


Dynamic Buttons


Tabs for

Fig. 5-1 Elements of the control panel

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5 Controls

There are three types of buttons:

− Buttons with a gray background: When you press one of these
buttons, an action is executed immediately on the screen, or a mode
is activated. If a certain mode is active, the corresponding button is
highlighted in yellow.
− Buttons with a gray background and a purple bar at the top:
When you press one of these buttons, new controls appear in the
dynamic control area, allowing you to make further settings.

− Buttons with a gray background and a green bar at the top: When
you press this button, you activate another mode.

5.1.2 Controls in the Fluoroscopy and Subtraction operating modes

Fluoroscopy oper- In the Fluoroscopy operating mode, you can make different settings for
ating mode fluoroscopies:

Fig. 5-2 Control panel in the Fluoroscopy operating mode with Air
Kerma display

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5 Controls

Fig. 5-3 Control panel in the Fluoroscopy operating mode with Air
Kerma Rate display

Symbol(s) Meaning
Pulsed fluoroscopy
Activates the Pulsed Fluoroscopy mode and dis-
plays the pulse rate setting controls in the dynamic
control area.
Snapshot (digital radiography)
Activates the Snapshot mode.

Manual exposure rate setting

Enables manual setting of tube voltage and tube
Caution: Use only in exceptional cases!
Adipose patient
Activates the Adipose Patient supplementary

Activates or deactivates the Cine Loop mode.

Image swapping
Swaps the images between the live and reference

Table 5-1 Controls in the Fluoro operating mode

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5 Controls

Symbol(s) Meaning
Rotate Image CW
Rotates the image in clockwise direction.

Rotate Image CCW

Rotates the image in counter-clockwise direction.

Rotate Image to 0°
Resets the angle of rotation of the image in one
step to 0°.

Reverse Up/Down
Mirrors the image vertically around the horizontal

Reverse Left/Right
Mirrors the image horizontally around the vertical

Close Iris Collimator

Closes the iris collimator.

Open Iris Collimator Fully

Fully opens the iris collimator in one step.

Close Vertical Slot Collimator

Closes the slot collimator.
When you press the Close Vertical Slot Colli-
mator button, the buttons for opening and rotating
the collimator appear on the control panel:
Open Vertical Slot Collimator
Opens the slot collimator.

Rotate Vertical Slot Collimator CW

Rotates the slot collimator in clockwise direction.

Rotate Vertical Slot Collimator CCW

Rotates the slot collimator in counter-clockwise

Open Vertical Slot Collimator Fully

Fully opens the vertical slot collimator in one step.

Table 5-1 Controls in the Fluoro operating mode (cont.)

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5 Controls

Symbol(s) Meaning
Rotate Vertical Slot Collimator to 0°
Resets the vertical slot collimator in one step to 0°.

Activates the anatomical program for visualizing
any part of the skeleton.

Activates the anatomical program for visualizing
the heart and thorax region.

Activates the anatomical program for visualizing
the abdominal region.

Uro (not illustrated inFig. 5-1)

Activates the anatomical program for visualizing
soft tissues and surgical instruments during inter-
ventional urologic procedures.
Activates the Metal Artifact Correction supple-
mentary function.

Activates the Motion supplementary function.

Activates the anatomical program for visualizing
soft tissues.

Up Arrow
Displays the image with the next higher number in
the active patient folder at full size.

Down Arrow
Displays the image with the next lower number in
the active patient folder at full size.

Saves the active image to the hard disk.

Activates or deactivates the laser positioning

Shows or hides the controls for raw image pro-
cessing (recursive filter, edge filter, LIH filter) in the
dynamic control area.
Table 5-1 Controls in the Fluoro operating mode (cont.)

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5 Controls

Symbol(s) Meaning
Shows or hides the controls for setting the image
intensifier’s electronic magnification in the
dynamic control area. The buttons always show
the current image magnification level.

Shows or hides the Zoom controls in the dynamic
control area.
Shows or hides the screen setting and contrast
and brightness (windowing) controls in the
dynamic control area.
Printing the live screen image
Prints the image displayed on the live screen on
the video printer.

Activates the Text mode.

Grayscale Inversion
Displays the active (positive) image with a neg-
ative grayscale or vice versa.

Activates the Fluoroscopy operating mode, which
is used for performing standard fluoroscopies.
Activates the Subtraction operating mode, which
is used for generating DSA images (for Germany -
SUB images).
Activates the Radiography operating mode,
which is used for making direct radiographies.
Activates the Patient operating mode, which is
used for managing patient data.
Post Proc.
Activates the Post Processing operating mode,
which is used for post-processing saved images.
Activates the Measurement operating mode,
which is used for measuring distances and angles
in saved images.
Table 5-1 Controls in the Fluoro operating mode (cont.)

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5 Controls

Symbol(s) Meaning
Activates the Archive operating mode, which is
used for managing saved images.
Activates the Configuration operating mode,
which is used for adjusting the operation settings
and the basic settings and for deleting data from
storage media.
Voltage display
Shows the automatically determined or manually
set tube voltage in kV.
After fluoroscopy, the last kV value remains
Current display
Shows the automatically determined or manually
set tube current in mA.
After fluoroscopy, the last mA value remains
Pulse width % display
Shows the current pulse width.

Pulses/s display
Shows the current pulse rate.

Air Kerma display

Shows the air kerma for the active patient folder in
or or
Air Kerma Rate display
Shows the current air kerma rate in mGy/min
during the exposure.
or or
Dose Area Product display
Shows the dose area product for the active patient
folder in cGy cm2.

Radiation Time display

Shows the accumulated radiation time for fluo-
roscopies and direct radiographies for the active
patient folder in minutes and seconds.

Table 5-1 Controls in the Fluoro operating mode (cont.)

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5 Controls

Symbol(s) Meaning
Temperature symbol
Shows the thermal conditions in the generator.

X-ray symbol
Lights up yellow during X-ray exposure (fluo-
roscopy and direct radiography).
Table 5-1 Controls in the Fluoro operating mode (cont.)

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5 Controls

The Subtraction operating mode screen is to a large extent identical to Subtraction Oper-
the Fluoroscopy operating mode screen. Instead of the Soft and Metal ating Mode
buttons, it shows the DSA button (for Germany - SUB button):

Fig. 5-4 Control panel in the Subtraction operating mode with Air
Kerma display

Fig. 5-5 Control panel in the Subtraction operating mode with Air
Kerma display on (Germany only)

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5 Controls

Fig. 5-6 Control panel in the Subtraction operating mode with Air
Kerma Rate display

Fig. 5-7 Control panel in the Subtraction operating mode with Air
Kerma Rate display (Germany only)

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5 Controls

Symbol(s) Meaning
Displays the controls for the DSA mode settings of
the Subtraction operating mode in the dynamic
control area.
SUB (for Germany only)
Displays the controls for the SUB mode settings of
the Subtraction operating mode in the dynamic
control area.
Table 5-2 Additional controls in the Subtraction operating mode

Controls which are not required in a certain operating situation (e.g. Unavailable con-
playback of a saved cine loop) are automatically locked, i.e. they are not trols

If you have selected Patient, Text, Archive Search, Archive Backup or Alphanumeric
Configuration, an alphanumeric keypad is displayed, allowing you to keypad
enter texts.

Fig. 5-8 Alphanumeric keypad displayed on the Solo Center control


It is not possible to press two keys on the keypad simulta-
neously. To combine a key with the Shift key, first press
and release the Shift key and then the desired key.

To generate uppercase letters and special characters, first press and Uppercase letters
release the Shift key and then the corresponding key. and special char-
The Shift key acts on one subsequent letter or special character.

To type several consecutive uppercase letters or special characters,

press the Caps Lock key before entering the letters or characters. To
deactivate the Caps Lock mode, press the Caps Lock key once again.

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5 Controls

To generate a blank space, press the Space key.

5.2 Buttons and switches on the unit

The C-arm stand is equipped with main switches for switching the entire
system on or off (→ Fig. 6-1, p. 6-3).The ON switches are green, while
the OFF switches are white.
Once you have switched off the unit, you cannot switch it back on until
after a delay of 5 s.
On the C-arm stand, there are two Move Up/Down arrow buttons, which
are used for lifting and lowering the C-arm on its mobile stand.

The monitor support arm is equipped with a fluoroscopy key to initiate

radiation. The fluoroscopy key is labeled Fluoro and shows the Initiate
radiation symbol.

Fluoroscopy key

Fig. 5-9 Fluoroscopy key on monitor support arm

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5 Controls

5.3 Hand switch and foot switch

The system is equipped with a hand switch and a two-pedal foot switch. General

Hand switch

Fig. 5-10 Hand switch

Two-pedal foot


Fig. 5-11 Two-pedal foot switch

Radiation is initiated either with the hand switch or the fluoroscopy pedal
of the foot switch.
The default pedal assignment of the two-pedal foot switch is as follows:
− Left pedal: Fluoroscopy
− Right pedal: Save image (→ Ch. 7.9, p. 7-16)

The foot switch pedals can be assigned with customer-
specific functions. If this is the case, the respective func-
tions are indicated on labels on the foot switch itself and
on the C-arm stand.

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5 Controls

The following table lists the labels which may appear on the foot switch:

Symbol Meaning
Initiate Radiation
Initiates radiation.

Generates a cine loop.

Saves the active image to the hard disk.

Table 5-3 Optional labels on the foot switch (→ Ch. A.4, p. A-19)

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6 Switching the System On and

6.1 Preparing the system

Before switching on the system, e.g. after a transport, you must connect General
the two system components to each other and also connect the entire
system to the power supply.

To prepare the system for operation, do the following:

• Unwind the power cable from the cable support on the left side of the
C-arm stand.

• Make sure that a suitable supply voltage is available and that the
socket-outlet is properly grounded and fused.

• Check the power plug (→ Fig. 2-4, p. 2-8) and the socket-outlet for

• Connect the system to the power supply.

• Make sure that the inclination of the system does not exceed 5° from
the level in operating position.

• Put on suitable protective clothing.

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6 Switching the System On and Off

To prepare a system with external monitors for operation, do the fol-


• Unwind the power cable from the cable support on the left side of the
C-arm stand.

• Make sure that a suitable supply voltage is available and that the
socket-outlet is properly grounded and fused.

• Check the power plug (→ Fig. 2-4, p. 2-8) and the socket-outlet for

• Connect the external monitors to the interface panel of the C-arm

stand (→ Fig. 2-6, p. 2-9).
− Left 18.1" monitor to VIDEO OUT 1 LM
− Right 18.1" monitor to VIDEO OUT 1 RM
− 24" monitor to Split Screen VIDEO OUT 1

• Connect the radiation warning lamp to the interface panel of the

C-arm stand (connection for external radiation warning lamp).

Risk of injury by X-rays!
The radiation warning lamp must be clearly visible for all
persons in the room.

The connection of a radiation warning lamp is mandatory
when you operate the Ziehm Solo only with external mon-

• Connect the system to the power supply.

• Make sure that the inclination of the system does not exceed 5° from
the level in operating position.

• Put on suitable protective clothing.

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6 Switching the System On and Off

6.2 Switching the system on and off

The C-arm stand is equipped with main switches for switching the system
on or off (→ Fig. 6-1, p. 6-3). Each of the two power switches simulta-
neously switches on or off both system components.

Fig. 6-1 ON/OFF switches on the C-arm stand

Do not plug any USB stick into the USB port until the
system has fully completed its power-up sequence.

Due to background radiation, the Air Kerma, Air Kerma
Rate or Dose Area Product display may indicate some
small value after power-up of the system.

To switch on the system, do the following:

• Press the ON switch.
The system is switched on. The ON switch is illuminated now.

The default settings after power-up vary from system to system, Customer-specific
according to the customer-specific setup. You may e.g. choose your pre- default settings
ferred start screen yourself (→ Ch. 18.2.5, p. 18-6).
Furthermore, you may choose to have a certain anatomical program and
various live image settings (→ Ch. 8, p. 8-1) preset as default after
power-up. You cannot make these presettings yourself.

• Please contact your in-house service engineer if you wish to make or

modify the default settings.

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6 Switching the System On and Off

To switch off the system, do the following:

• Press the Off switch.
The system switches off. Any unsaved patient data and/or images are


There is an EMERGENCY STOP button on the C-arm stand, enabling

you to switch off all electrical functions of the unit in case of emergencies.

To switch off the system in an emergency situation, do the fol-


• Fully press down the EMERGENCY STOP button.

The EMERGENCY STOP button is locked in this position. The system
switches off immediately. All electrical functions of the system are dis-
Any unsaved patient data and/or images are lost.

• To unlock the EMERGENCY STOP button, press the red knob with a
slight twist in clockwise direction.
The unit remains switched off. You can switch the system back on
with the ON switch.

If the system cannot be switched on, the EMERGENCY
STOP button may have been actuated inadvertently, e.g.
during a transport. Check whether the EMERGENCY
STOP button is locked and unlock it, if applicable.

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6 Switching the System On and Off

6.4 Key switch

The C-arm stand is equipped with one or two key switches. The X-Ray
key switch is optionally available on all systems. With this key switch you
can lock the radiation function of the system. If the unit is additionally
equipped with the Power on key switch, you can lock the complete unit.

Make sure to always use the key switch(es) in order to
prevent unauthorized persons from switching on the unit
and/or initiating radiation.

Fig. 6-2 Key switch for locking the entire system (left) or the radi-
ation function (right), Lock or Off position

Power on With the Power on key switch you can completely switch off the unit
(equivalent to OFF switch) and lock it. When you remove the key while it
is in the Lock position, the system can no longer be switched on with the
ON switch.
To be able to switch on and operate the system, you must first insert the
key and turn it to the Unlock position. While in the Unlock position, the
key cannot be removed.

X-Ray on/off With the X-Ray key switch, you can lock the radiation function of the unit.
When you remove the key while it is in the Off position, it is possible to
switch on the system and to use functions such as patient data man-
agement or image postprocessing. However, it is not possible to initiate
radiation with the hand or foot switch.
To be able to initiate radiation, you must first insert the key and turn it to
the On position. While in the On position, the key cannot be removed.

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6 Switching the System On and Off

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7 Standard Fluoroscopic Opera-

7.1 Overview

To perform a standard fluoroscopy, you must always make the following Steps and settings
steps and settings:

• If the password-protected user administration (HIPAA) is activated

and you have obtained your access data in the Patient operating
mode, log in by entering User ID and Password.

• Create a new patient folder in the Patient operating mode, or activate

the desired patient folder in the Patient or Archive operating mode.

• Select the desired fluoroscopy mode in the Fluoroscopy or Sub-

traction operating mode. If you have not activated a patient folder
before, the system automatically creates and activates a patient

• Select standard control mode or low-level control mode using the

pulse rate setting function.

• Select the fluoroscopy program.

• Generate the fluoroscopic image.

• Save the fluoroscopic image.

• Print the fluoroscopic image, if desired.

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7 Standard Fluoroscopic Operations

7.2 Fluoroscopy modes

Fluoroscopy During fluoroscopy, radiation is interrupted at certain intervals (pulsed).

modes The length (pulse width) and frequency (pulse rate) of the radiation
interval are preset for each anatomical program and are displayed on the
control panel.
The system provides two different fluoroscopy modes:
− Pulsed fluoroscopy (→ Ch. 7.2.1, p. 7-3)
− Digital radiography (snapshot) (→ Ch. 7.2.2, p. 7-6)

Anatomical pro- Both fluoroscopy modes work with automatic exposure rate control
grams (AERC), unless you explicitly activate the Manual Exposure Rate
Setting mode (→ Ch. 7.3, p. 7-8).
The tube voltage and the tube current are adjusted automatically, taking
into account the selected fluoroscopy program (→ Ch. 7.5, p. 7-11) as
well as the thickness and structure of the object.
Automatic exposure rate control (AERC) reduces the radiation burden of
both patient and operating staff to a minimum and prevents overex-
posure of the screened body region.

Using the Manual Exposure Rate Setting mode influ-
ences the radiation quality, image quality, air kerma and
air kerma rate.

Automatic Dose The Bones and Abdomen anatomical programs include a motion
Reduction detection function, which automatically reduces the pulse rate when the
screened object does not move.

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7 Standard Fluoroscopic Operations

7.2.1 Pulsed fluoroscopy

In pulsed fluoroscopy mode, the system emits radiation pulses as long as

you press the radiation switch.

You may adjust the pulse rate. The lower the pulse rate setting, the lower Pulse rate
the radiation dose.

The pulse width is indicated in percent and cannot be modified. A pulse Pulse width
width of 100% corresponds to 40 ms (USA: 30 ms).

The pulse width and pulse rate for each anatomical program are preset Pulse settings for
in the Configuration operating mode under Service Settings. You anatomical pro-
cannot make these presettings yourself. grams

• Please contact your in-house service engineer if you wish to preset or

modify the pulse width and/or pulse rate values for any anatomical

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7 Standard Fluoroscopic Operations

To generate an image in pulsed fluoroscopy mode, do the following:

• Press the Pulsed Fluoroscopy button.
The preset pulse width and pulse rate for the selected anatomical
program are indicated on the Pulse width % and Pulses/s displays
on the control panel.
The pulse rate controls appear in the dynamic control area.

Fig. 7-1 Pulse rate setting (on systems with 50 Hz)

• Press the button for the desired pulse rate, e.g.

2 pulses/s (standard control mode = 25 or 30 pulses/s; low-level
control mode = ≤8 or ≤10 pulses/s).
• Initiate radiation.

Risk of injury by X-rays!
Put on X-ray protective clothing, if you initiate radiation by
pressing the fluoroscopy key on the monitor support arm.

Acquiring images The Bones anatomical program (→ Ch. 7.5.1, p. 7-11) includes an
with Automatic Automatic Dose Reduction function. Depending on whether the
Dose Reduction screened object is moving or not, the pulse rate is constantly and auto-
matically readjusted. This means that you need not select a pulse rate

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7 Standard Fluoroscopic Operations

To generate an image in pulsed fluoroscopy mode with Automatic

Dose Reduction, do the following:
• Press the Pulsed Fluoroscopy button.
The preset pulse width and pulse rate for the selected anatomical
program are indicated on the Pulse width % and Pulses/s displays
on the control panel.
The pulse rate controls including the AUTO button appear in the
dynamic control area. The AUTO button is active. You need not make
any further settings.

Fig. 7-2 Pulse rate setting with Automatic Dose Reduction (on
systems with 50 Hz)

• Initiate radiation.

Risk of injury by X-rays!
Put on X-ray protective clothing, if you initiate radiation by
pressing the fluoroscopy key on the monitor support arm.

Depending on whether the screened object is moving or not, the pulse

rate is constantly and automatically readjusted. When the object
moves, the pulse rate is increased; when the object is immobile, the
pulse rate is decreased.

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7 Standard Fluoroscopic Operations

Filter factors For each individual anatomical program, certain filter factors can be
preset for pulsed fluoroscopy mode. This is done in the Configuration
operating mode under Service Settings. You cannot make these preset-
tings yourself.

• Please contact your in-house service engineer if you wish to preset or

modify the filter factors for any anatomical program.

7.2.2 Digital radiography (snapshot)

This function has not been tested for interventional proce-
dures in accordance with IEC 60601-2-43.

In Snapshot mode, the radiation time does not depend on how long you
press the radiation switch. For each anatomical program, a specific
AERC characteristic is stored on the system for the digital radiography
mode. The fluoroscopy parameters are adjusted using the respective
AERC characteristic, and radiation is terminated automatically after-
The pulse rate controls appear in the dynamic control area. You cannot
make any further settings with these buttons, though.

Fields of appli- The snapshot mode is suitable for examinations involving no patient
cation movement. The aim of snapshot mode is to generate high-quality static
images, e.g. for printing / documentation purposes.

To generate an image in snapshot mode, do the following:

• Press the Snapshot button.

• Initiate radiation.

Risk of injury by X-rays!
Put on X-ray protective clothing, if you initiate radiation by
pressing the fluoroscopy key on the monitor support arm.

• To deactivate the snapshot mode, press the Pulsed Fluoroscopy


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7 Standard Fluoroscopic Operations

When you activate the snapshot mode, the Cine button
disappears from the control panel.

For each individual anatomical program, certain filter factors can be Filter factors
preset for the snapshot mode. This is done in the Configuration oper-
ating mode under Service Settings. You cannot make these presettings

• Please contact your in-house service engineer if you wish to preset or

modify the filter factors for any anatomical program.

7.2.3 Dose reduction

Using the pulse rate setting function you can choose whether you want Manual dose
to work in standard control mode or low-level control mode. For standard reduction
control mode select 25 pulses/s or 30 pulses/s, for low-level control mode
≤ 8 pulses/s or ≤ 10 pulses/s.

Fig. 7-3 Buttons in the dynamic control area (number of fps)

If you select 8 pulses/s or less, you reduce the dose rate to a value <
0.012 mGy/min (this is equivalent to.< 0.2 μGy/s)

The Bones anatomical program (→ Ch. 7.5.1, p. 7-11) includes an Automatic dose
Automatic Dose Reduction function. Depending on whether the reduction
screened object is moving or not, the pulse rate is constantly and auto-
matically readjusted. When the object moves, the pulse rate is increased;
when the object is immobile, the pulse rate is decreased.

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7 Standard Fluoroscopic Operations

7.3 Manual exposure rate setting

The tube voltage and the tube current are usually adjusted automatically
by the system’s automatic exposure rate control. You may, however, set
the exposure rate also manually, if necessary.

To protect patients and staff against high radiation doses,
the Manual Exposure Rate Setting mode remains
blocked until you have initiated radiation in one of the flu-
oroscopy modes with automatic exposure rate control at
least once.
Only use the Manual Exposure Rate Setting mode in
exceptional circumstances. The automatic exposure rate
control provides optimum image quality while minimizing
the dose rate.
Using the Manual Exposure Rate Setting mode influ-
ences the radiation quality, image quality, air kerma and
air kerma rate.

To generate an image in Manual Exposure Rate Setting mode, do

the following:
• Select the desired anatomical program (→ Ch. 7.5.1, p. 7-11).

• Select one of the fluoroscopy modes with automatic exposure rate

− Pulsed fluoroscopy

or or
− Snapshot
(→ Ch. 7.2, p. 7-2).

• Initiate radiation for a brief moment.

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7 Standard Fluoroscopic Operations

Risk of injury by X-rays!
Put on X-ray protective clothing, if you initiate radiation by
pressing the fluoroscopy key on the monitor support arm.

• Press the Manual Exposure Rate Setting button.

The kV value which has been automatically determined is saved for
subsequent fluoroscopies, and the system switches to the manual
The manual exposure rate setting controls appear in the dynamic
control area.

Fig. 7-4 Settings in the Manual Exposure Rate Setting mode

• Select the desired kV and mA values using the Up Arrow and Down
Arrow buttons. Each time you press an arrow button, the value is
increased/decreased by 1 kV or 0.1 mA.

• Initiate radiation.

Risk of injury by X-rays!
Put on X-ray protective clothing, if you initiate radiation by
pressing the fluoroscopy key on the monitor support arm.

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7 Standard Fluoroscopic Operations

To deactivate the Manual Exposure Rate Setting Mode, do the fol-

• Press the Manual Exposure Rate Setting button.

or or
• Press the Off button in the dynamic control area.
The Manual Exposure Rate Setting mode is deactivated.

7.4 Object-Detected Dose Control (ODDC) in the Bones an-

atomical program

Function The Bones anatomical program includes a grid control which automati-
cally detects objects in the entire field of view and accordingly sets
optimum exposure parameters for the ROI. This is achieved through a
grid of 256 measuring cells covering the entire field of view. This means
that even objects that are located off-center are optimally visualized.

Automatic Metal The Automatic Metal Artifact Correction function that is implemented
Artifact Correction in the Bones anatomical program corrects a possible flaring of the fluo-
roscopic image resulting from metal objects in the beam path and
increases contrast at tube voltages above 50 kV.

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7 Standard Fluoroscopic Operations

7.5 Fluoroscopy programs

Using the pulse rate setting function you can choose whether you want
to work in standard control mode or low-level control mode. For standard
control mode select 25 pulses/s or 30 pulses/s, for low-level control mode
≤ 8 pulses/s or ≤ 10 pulses/s.

Fig. 7-5 Controls for selecting the number of pulses/s (on systems
with 50 Hz)

7.5.1 Anatomical programs

The following anatomical programs are optionally available:

The Bones anatomical program is optimized for visualizing any part of
the human skeleton. It is used mainly in orthopedics.
The Bones anatomical program includes the Automatic Dose
Reduction (→ Ch. 7.5.5, p. 7-14) and Automatic Noise Filter
Adjustment (→ Ch. 7.5.6, p. 7-14) functions.
The Heart anatomical program is optimized for visualizing the heart and
the thorax. It is used e.g. in heart surgery or also for coronary angiogra-
The Abdomen anatomical program is optimized for visualizing any ana-
tomical structure in the abdominal region. It is used e.g. for cholangiog-
raphies and for preparing dilatations and stent implantations.
The Uro anatomical program is optimized for visualizing soft tissues and
surgical instruments during interventional urologic procedures.
The Abdomen anatomical program includes the Automatic Dose
Reduction (→ Ch. 7.5.5, p. 7-14) and Automatic Noise Filter
Adjustment (→ Ch. 7.5.6, p. 7-14) functions.
The Uro anatomical program is optimized for visualizing soft tissues and
surgical instruments during interventional urologic procedures.

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7 Standard Fluoroscopic Operations

The Soft anatomical program is optimized for visualizing soft tissues. It
is used e.g. for foreign body localization and for visualization of syringe
needles and skin contours.

To activate an anatomical program, do the following:

• Press the button for the desired anatomical program.

This adjusts the fluoroscopy parameters to the body region to be
The button is highlighted in yellow.
The anatomical program remains active until you choose another

Filter factors For each of these anatomical programs, certain filter factors can be
preset. This is done in the Configuration operating mode under Service
Settings. You cannot make these presettings yourself.

• Please contact your in-house service engineer if you wish to preset or

modify the filter factors.

Supplementary If required, a number of supplementary functions can be combined with

functions any anatomical program:
− Metal artifact correction (→ Ch. 7.5.2, p. 7-13)
− Motion (→ Ch. 7.5.3, p. 7-13)
− Adipose Patient (→ Ch. 7.5.4, p. 7-14)
In the Bones anatomical program, the following functions are enabled by
− Automatic Dose Reduction (→ Ch. 7.5.5, p. 7-14)
− Automatic Noise Filter Adjustment (→ Ch. 7.5.6, p. 7-14)

• If you wish to disable the Automatic Dose Reduction and Auto-

matic Noise Filter Adjustment functions in the Bones anatomical
program, please contact your in-house service engineer.

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7 Standard Fluoroscopic Operations

7.5.2 Metal Artifact Correction function

The Metal Artifact Correction function corrects a possible flaring of the

fluoroscopic image resulting from metal objects in the beam path and
increases contrast at tube voltages above 50 kV.
The Metal Artifact Correction function can be combined with any ana-
tomical program.
To activate the Metal Artifact Correction function, do the following:

• Press the Metal button.

The button is highlighted in yellow.
To deactivate the Metal Artifact Correction function, do the fol-

• Press the Metal button again.

The button returns to its gray color, and the Metal Artifact Correction
function is deactivated.

7.5.3 Motion function

The Motion function uses special filter settings to reduce motion blurring
in the fluoroscopic images.
The Motion function can be combined with any anatomical program.
When the Automatic Noise Filter Adjustment function is enabled in the
Bones anatomical program, the Motion function is not available.
To activate the Motion function, do the following:

• Press the Motion button.

The button is highlighted in yellow.
To deactivate the Motion function, do the following:

• Press the Motion button again.

The button returns to its gray color, and the Motion function is deac-

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7 Standard Fluoroscopic Operations

7.5.4 Adipose Patient function

The Adipose Patient function facilitates the screening of patients of

heavy build. The Adipose Patient function can be combined with any
anatomical program.

To activate the Adipose Patient function, do the following:

• Press the Adipose Patient button.
The button is highlighted in yellow.

To deactivate the Adipose Patient function, do the following:

• Press the Pulsed Fluoroscopy button.

The button returns to its gray color, and the Adipose Patient function
is deactivated.

7.5.5 Automatic Dose Reduction function (optional)

The Automatic Dose Reduction function constantly and automatically

readjusts the pulse rate during fluoroscopy, depending on whether the
screened object is moving or not. When the object moves, the pulse rate
is increased; when the object is immobile, the pulse rate is decreased.
The Automatic Dose Reduction function is enabled by default in the
Bones and Abdomen anatomical programs.

• If you wish to disable the Automatic Dose Reduction function in the

Bones or Abdomen anatomical program, please contact your in-
house service engineer.

7.5.6 Automatic Noise Filter Adjustment function

The Automatic Noise Filter Adjustment function constantly and auto-

matically readjusts the recursive and LIH filter levels during fluoroscopy,
depending on whether the screened object is moving or not. When the
object moves, the filter levels are decreased; when the object is
immobile, the filter levels are increased.
The Automatic Noise Filter Adjustment function is enabled by default
in the Bones anatomical program.

• If you wish to disable the Automatic Noise Filter Adjustment

function in the Bones anatomical program, please contact your in-
house service engineer.

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7 Standard Fluoroscopic Operations

7.6 Screen display during radiation

While radiation is active, the current fluoroscopic image is displayed on Fluoroscopic

the live screen and as a thumbnail (‘Ziehm SmartEye’) on the control image

When you terminate radiation (by releasing the hand or foot switch), the Last Image Hold
last fluoroscopic image is displayed on the live screen and as a thumbnail
(‘Ziehm SmartEye’) on the control panel (Last Image Hold).
This image remains displayed until it is replaced by a new fluoroscopic

During the exposure, the tube voltage and the tube current are automat- Fluoroscopy
ically set by the system, and the values are shown on the Voltage (kV) parameters
and Current (mA) displays of the control panel.

During the exposure (fluoroscopy or direct radiography), the yellow radi- Visual alarms
ation warning lamp on the C-arm stand and the X-ray symbol on the
control panel are illuminated. (→ Ch. 5.1.1, p. 5-1).

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7 Standard Fluoroscopic Operations

7.7 Dose area product

The dose area product is saved for each patient folder and updated with
each new exposure. The total dose received by a patient so far is dis-
played on the live screen. This also includes the dose area product for
images which have not been saved.

Display on the When you activate a patient folder and switch to the Fluoroscopy or
control panel Subtraction operating mode, the total dose received by the patient so far
is shown in the Dose Area Product display on the control panel. If your
system is equipped with the air kerma and air kerma rate computation
option (→ Ch. 7.8, p. 7-16), the dose area product is only displayed on
the live screen, but not on the control panel.

Image information When you generate a new fluoroscopic image or open a saved image,
on the screen the accumulated dose area product for the active patient folder is dis-
played on the live screen (→ Ch. 15.2.4, p. 15-3).

7.8 Air kerma

Air kerma display The air kerma is saved for each patient folder and updated with each new
on the control panel exposure. The total dose in mGy received by a patient so far is shown on
the Air Kerma display on the control panel. This also includes the air
kerma for images which have not been saved.

Air kerma rate During the exposure, the Air Kerma Rate display showing the current air
display on the kerma rate in mGy/min appears on the control panel.
control panel

7.9 Save

When the hard disk is full, the oldest patient folder is over-
written without warning.
Before saving an image, make sure that there is enough
free hard disk space, and regularly back up the patient
folders which are still needed to external storage media or
to the network.

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7 Standard Fluoroscopic Operations

Each saved image automatically receives an image number. These Image number
image numbers are assigned and incremented consecutively for each
separate patient folder.
Unsaved images (those without a number) will be replaced by a new flu-
oroscopic image during the next fluoroscopy.

On the two-pedal foot switch, the save image function is usually Default foot switch
assigned to the right pedal. Depending on the customer-specific config- assignment
uration, the foot switch pedals may be programmed with other functions
and are labeled accordingly in this case.

To save the last image displayed on the live screen to the active
patient folder, do the following:
• Press the Save button.

or or
• If the right foot switch pedal is programmed with the save image
Press the right pedal of the two-pedal foot switch. 2
During the save operation, the save symbol is displayed on the live
When the save operation has been completed, the image number is dis-
played on the screen (→ Ch. 15.2.2, p. 15-1).

You can configure the system in such a way that during each fluoroscopy Autostore function
a new image will be saved automatically as soon as you terminate radi-
ation (Autostore function).

To activate the Autostore function, do the following:

• Press the Save button for approx. 2 s.
The Autostore function is activated. The Save button is highlighted
in yellow. During each subsequent fluoroscopy, a new image is auto-
matically saved as soon as you terminate radiation.

To deactivate the autostore function, do the following:

• Press the Save button briefly.
The button returns to its gray color, and the Autostore function is
Alternatively, you can activate and deactivate the Autostore function in
the Configuration operating mode under Operation Settings
(→ Ch. 18.2.2, p. 18-3).

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7 Standard Fluoroscopic Operations

Auto-delete When you attempt to save an image and there is not enough hard disk
function (n/a for space left, the patient folders and/or images on the hard disk will be over-
USA) written automatically and without confirmation prompt in the following

• First, the oldest patient folder is overwritten. If there is still not enough
disk space for the save operation, then the second oldest, third oldest,
etc., patient folder are deleted. However, the active patient folder is
never deleted.

• If a patient folder contains one or more protected images, only the

unprotected images are deleted, but not the protected images or the
folder itself.

• If it is not possible to free up enough space on the hard disk for the
save operation due to the large number of protected images, an
audible alarm sounds and the following alert message appears on the
control panel:
Out of memory. Image can not be stored!
The save operation is aborted.

Deleting images The Auto-delete function is not activated. If there is not enough disk
manually (USA) space for images, you must delete images manually to free up disk

Cine loop When you attempt to generate a cine loop, the system will check whether
the remaining hard disk space is sufficient for the selected number of
images (→ Ch. 11.2, p. 11-1). If disk space is insufficient, the unpro-
tected patient folders and/or images are deleted in the above order. If this
does not free up sufficient disk space either, no cine loop is acquired.

7.10 Printing the live screen image

The Print Live Screen Image function is available in the following oper-
ating modes: Fluoroscopy, Subtraction, Post Processing, Mea-
surement and Archive. This function is only enabled if the C-arm stand
is equipped with a video printer. The function always prints out the image
which is displayed at full size on the live screen.
The text information that is displayed on the screen together with the
image (name of the patient, angle of rotation of the image, etc.) will
appear as a text block on a gray background at the left margin of the
If you have performed measurements in an image and saved them sub-
sequently, the measured values are printed on a second page.

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To print the live screen image on the video printer, do the following:
• Press the Print Live Screen Image button.
The image displayed on the live screen is printed.

Risk of injury by cutting device!
You can hurt yourself touching the cutting device.
Do not touch the cutting device when adding or removing
Please refer to the Operating Instructions of the corre-
sponding printer.

When printing, tear off the printer paper on the Sony ®
Please refer to the Operating Instructions of the corre-
sponding printer.

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7 Standard Fluoroscopic Operations

7.11 Warning signals and malfunctions

7.11.1 Permanent warning during radiation

Active radiation (both during fluoroscopy and direct radiography) is indi-

cated by two different visual alarms:
− The yellow radiation warning lamp on the monitors is illuminated.
− The X-ray symbol on the control panel is illuminated.

7.11.2 Interval warning during radiation

Warning function In order to prevent radiation from being accidentally generated over a
long time, the system has a warning function. After each 5 minutes of
elapsed total radiation time per patient, the system issues the following
interval warning:
− After 4 min 55 s, the following message appears on the control panel:
The radiation time is 5 minutes.Switch off alarm?
− 5 seconds later, an audible alarm sounds (if preset by your in-house
service engineer).

If you do not switch off the alarm after 30 s max., radiation
will be terminated automatically.

You can see the total radiation time for the active patient folder on the
Radiation Time display.

To switch off the alarm, do the following:

• In the message window
The radiation time is 5 minutes. Switch off alarm?
press the Yes button.
The audible alarm is not started or stops (if it is already sounding). The
total radiation time remains displayed.

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7 Standard Fluoroscopic Operations

7.11.3 Temperature monitoring

The thermal conditions in the generator are indicated by the Temperature


7.11.4 Error and alert messages

In the event of malfunctions, the corresponding error and alert messages

are displayed as text in a message window on the control panel. Error
and alert messages always start with the letter E.
At the same time, an audible alarm sounds.
For a detailed explanation of the messages, please refer to
→ Appendix A.3.2, p. A-9.

• In case of malfunctions, please communicate the malfunction code

number and the serial number of the system to your after-sales
service center.
• To close a message window which displays an error or alert message,
press the Yes button.

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7 Standard Fluoroscopic Operations

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8 Adjusting Live Images

8.1 Overview

The system offers the following functions for adjusting the appearance of Individual
the live image to your individual needs: adjustment
• Contrast/Brightness:
To adjust contrast and brightness of individual images (windowing)

• Filter:
Recursive filter, LIH filter and edge filter

• Magnify:
Electronic image magnification

• Zoom:
To enlarge a selected image area

• Grayscale Inversion:
To display an image with negative grayscale

• Iris Collimator

• Vertical Slot Collimator

• Image Swapping:
To move an image to the other screen

• Reverse Up/Down:
“Vertical image reversal

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8 Adjusting Live Images

• Reverse Left/Right:
“Horizontal image reversal

• Image Rotation

• Text:
Text functions (→ Ch. 15, p. 15-1)

Any adjustments (except texts) that are applied to a live screen image
remain valid for all subsequent live images until you choose other set-
tings.When you save an image, it will be saved with all rotations,
reversals, filter settings, texts and markers, etc. All these modifications
(except texts) are visible when the image is displayed as a thumbnail in
the mosaic.

8.2 Contrast and brightness adjustment of individual

images (windowing)

Function The windowing function allows you to adjust the contrast and brightness
of the image on the live screen. These settings affect any newly-acquired
live image which is displayed on the live screen and remain in force until
you make new windowing settings. When you save the live image, the
corresponding windowing values are saved together with the image.
After activating the Windowing function, you can select a number of gray
levels, which are then stretched over the entire range of 1024 gray levels
of the original image on the live screen. To achieve this effect, you set the
width and the level of the so-called contrast window.
The number of gray levels defines the width of the contrast window. The
width of the contrast window affects the image contrast. 1024 gray levels
correspond to the value W 100.
The position of the selected gray levels on the original image grayscale
(ranging from 0 to 1024 gray levels) defines the level of the contrast
window. The level of the contrast window affects the image brightness.
You select all gray levels between 325 and 875. These gray levels are
then mapped (stretched) to the range of 0 to 1024 gray levels in the pro-
cessed image. This enhances the contrast.
Gray levels 0 to 324 of the original image are displayed as black, and
gray levels 876 to 1024 of the original image are displayed as white. This
means that the processed image is darker than the original image.

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8 Adjusting Live Images

There are two different windowing modes available:

− Standard windowing:
The standard windowing mode allows you to freely choose the level
and width of the contrast window.
− Step windowing:
With step windowing, you choose between several predefined win-
dowing steps. These steps are preset and cannot be modified.
The chosen windowing values are shown on the screen as W X for the
width and L Y for the level.

When you change the windowing values of a single cine
loop image, the change will apply to all images of the
respective cine loop.

To set the brightness and contrast in standard windowing mode, do

the following:
• Press the Windowing button.
The windowing setting controls appear.

Fig. 8-1 Standard windowing controls

• Under Width, set the number of gray levels using the arrow buttons.
The chosen width is indicated by the length of the blue bar in the
dynamic control area. The changes become immediately visible in the
live screen image.
• Under Level, set the brightness range using the arrow buttons.
The chosen level is indicated by the position of the slider in the
dynamic control area. The changes become immediately visible in the
live screen image.
• To restore the factory settings (level 50, width 100), press the Home

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8 Adjusting Live Images

To set the brightness and contrast in step windowing mode, do the

• Press the Contrast/Brightness button.
The screen setting controls appear in the dynamic control area.

Fig. 8-2 Screen setting and step windowing controls

• Select the desired windowing step using the arrow buttons.

The settings become immediately visible in the live screen image.

• To restore the factory settings for step windowing, press the Home
Step windowing is reset to step 0. Simultaneously, brightness and
contrast are reset to their default values.
• Press the Contrast/Brightness button.
The screen setting controls disappear from the dynamic control area.

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8 Adjusting Live Images

8.3 Filters

You may apply different filters to the live image. The following filters are
− Recursive filter
− Edge filter
− LIH filter

Fig. 8-3 Filter settings in the live image

8.3.1 Recursive filter

The recursive filter adds the specified number of images during fluo-
roscopy. Each newly-acquired image is superimposed by the result of the
previous addition with a certain weighting factor.

The higher the number of images you select, the greater the noise sup- Noise suppression
pression, but also the greater motion blurring.
There are three recursive filter levels, each corresponding to a preset
number of images between 1 and 16.

The Automatic Noise Filter Adjustment function in the Bones and Automatic Noise
Abdomen anatomical programs constantly and automatically readjusts Filter Adjustment
the recursive and LIH filter levels during fluoroscopy, depending on
whether the screened object is moving or not. When the object moves,

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8 Adjusting Live Images

the filter levels are decreased; when the object is immobile, the filter
levels are increased. This means that you need not select a recursive
filter level manually.
The Automatic Noise Filter Adjustment function is enabled by default
in the Bones anatomical program.

To set the recursive filter for the live image, do the following:
• Press the Filter button.
The filter controls appear in the dynamic control area.

Fig. 8-4 Filter settings for recursive, edge and LIH filter

• Under Recursive, select the desired recursive filter level by pressing

the corresponding button.
The filter setting becomes immediately visible in the live screen
image. The chosen recursive filter level is shown on the screen as NR
• Press the Filter button.
The filter controls disappear from the dynamic control area.

Configuration The individual presettings for the recursive filter levels are made in the
Configuration operating mode under Service Settings. You cannot
make these presettings yourself.

• Please contact your in-house service engineer if you wish to preset or

modify the individual recursive filter levels.

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8 Adjusting Live Images

8.3.2 Edge filter

The edge filter allows you to select a greater or lesser degree of edge Edge enhancement
enhancement within the image. There are 4 levels available:

Level Meaning
Off No edge enhancement (original fluoroscopic image)
1 Slight edge enhancement
2 Medium edge enhancement
3 Strong edge enhancement
-1 Unsharp mask to reduce noise
Table 8-1 Edge filter levels

To set the edge filter for the live image, do the following:
• Press the Filter button.
The filter controls appear in the dynamic control area.

Fig. 8-5 Filter settings

• Under Edge, select the desired edge filter level by pressing the corre-
sponding button.
The filter setting becomes immediately visible in the live screen
image. The chosen edge filter level is shown on the screen as RTE X.
• Press the Filter button.
The filter controls disappear from the dynamic control area.

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8 Adjusting Live Images

8.3.3 LIH filter

The LIH filter generates and adds a specified number of images after
radiation has been terminated.

Noise suppression The higher the number of images you select, the greater the noise sup-
pression, but also the greater motion blurring if the patient moves during
image generation. You can choose between the following number of
images: 1 image (Off), 2, 4, 8, 16 images.

Automatic Noise The Automatic Noise Filter Adjustment function in the Bones ana-
Filter Adjustment tomical program constantly and automatically readjusts the recursive and
LIH filter levels during fluoroscopy, depending on whether the screened
object is moving or not. When the object moves, the filter levels are
decreased; when the object is immobile, the filter levels are increased.
This means that you need not select an LIH filter level manually.
The Automatic Noise Filter Adjustment function is enabled by default
in the Bones anatomical program.

To set the LIH filter for the live image, do the following:
• Press the Filter button.
The filter controls appear in the dynamic control area.

Fig. 8-6 Filter settings

• Under LIH, select the desired LIH filter level by pressing the corre-
sponding button.
The filter setting becomes immediately visible in the live screen
image. The chosen LIH filter level is shown on the screen as LIH Z.
• Press the Filter button.
The filter controls disappear from the dynamic control area.

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8 Adjusting Live Images

8.4 Electronic image magnification

The image intensifier’s format selection function (‘magnification’) mag- Function

nifies the fluoroscopic image electronically, whereby the image resolution
increases proportionally to the magnification factor.
For 23 cm i.i. systems, the following magnification levels are available: 23
cm, 15 cm and 10 cm.
The current image magnification level is automatically indicated on the
Magnify button.

Fig. 8-7 Control panel with dynamic control area for image magnifi-

To select the image magnification level, do the following:

• Press the Magnify button.
The current level is indicated on the button.
The magnification level controls appear in the dynamic control area.

Fig. 8-8 Image magnification levels of C-arm on systems with 23 cm the dynamic control area

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8 Adjusting Live Images

• Select the desired image magnification level in the dynamic control
The Magnify button on the right side of the control panel now displays
the selected image magnification level (e.g. 15).
Pre-magnification (PreMag)
The setting becomes immediately visible in the live screen image. The
fluoroscopic image last acquired is displayed in pre-magnification
view with the selected magnification level.
The PreMag image is displayed in the selected image magnification
level with no need to initiate radiation again. Using the image rotation
and image reversal functions you can modify the image as desired.
When you initiate radiation, the fluoroscopic image is displayed on the
screen as shown in the pre-magnification view.
The chosen image magnification level is shown on the screen as
MAG X, where X is a wildcard for numerical values from 0 to 2.
• Press the Magnify button on the right side of the control panel.
The magnification level controls disappear from the dynamic control

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8 Adjusting Live Images

8.5 Digital zoom

The Zoom function allows you to enlarge a certain image area. There are Function
three zoom levels available. You can select the desired image area either
with the arrow buttons or with the integrated touchpad.


Fig. 8-9 Zoom function for the live image

To enlarge an image area, do the following:

• Press the Zoom button.
The active image also appears on the reference screen.
The zoom controls appear in the dynamic control area.

Fig. 8-10 Zoom controls

• Select the desired zoom factor by pressing the corresponding button,

e.g. 4 X.
A marking circle appears in the center of the image on the reference
screen. The image area which is enclosed by the marking circle is dis-
played on the live screen with the chosen zoom level.

• Move the marking circle to the desired image area using the arrow
The chosen image area is displayed on the reference screen with the
chosen zoom level.

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8 Adjusting Live Images

• To move the marking circle back to the center of the live image, press
the Home button.

• Press the Zoom button.

The zoom controls disappear from the dynamic control area.

To enlarge an image area with the help of the touchpad, do the fol-
• Press the Zoom button.
The active image also appears on the reference screen.
The zoom controls appear in the dynamic control area.

Fig. 8-11 Zoom controls

• Select the desired zoom factor by pressing the corresponding button,

e.g. 4 X.
A marking circle appears in the center of the image on the reference
screen. The image area which is enclosed by the marking circle is dis-
played on the live screen with the chosen zoom level.

• Move the marking circle to the desired position by gliding your finger
slightly across the touchpad.
The chosen image area is displayed on the reference screen with the
chosen zoom level.
• To move the marking circle back to the center of the live image, press
the Home button.

• Press the Zoom button.

The zoom controls disappear from the dynamic control area.

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8 Adjusting Live Images

8.6 Grayscale inversion

The Grayscale Inversion function allows you to view the live image with Function
a negative grayscale.

To display an image with a negative (or positive) grayscale, do the

• Press the Grayscale Inversion button.
The live image is displayed with a negative grayscale on the live
screen, and the button is highlighted in yellow.

• Press the Grayscale Inversion button again.

The live image is displayed with a positive grayscale again, and the
button returns to its gray color.

8.7 Collimation

The system is equipped with an iris and a slot collimator. These colli- Function
mators allow you to limit the area of exposure of the patient just to the
region of interest.
This offers the following advantages:
− Reduction of the radiation burden
− Less chance of flaring
− Better detail rendition and higher contrast

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8 Adjusting Live Images

8.7.1 Iris collimator

The iris collimator can be adjusted steplessly. Normally, the iris collimator
is completely open, and only the Close Iris Collimator button is visible
on the control panel. As soon as you start closing the iris collimator, the
Open Iris Collimator button appears on the control panel.

To adjust the iris collimator, do the following:

• Press the Close Iris Collimator button until the collimator aperture on
the live screen is as desired.
The Open Iris Collimator button appears on the control panel.

• Press the Open Iris Collimator button until the collimator aperture on
the live screen is as desired.
In addition, you can fully open the iris collimator in one step:

• Press the Open Iris Collimator Fully button (in the upper button

8.7.2 Slot collimator

The slot collimator can be adjusted steplessly. Normally, the slot colli-
mator is completely open, and only the Close Vertical Slot Collimator
button is visible on the control panel. As soon as you start closing the slot
collimator, the Open Vertical Slot Collimator, Rotate Vertical Slot Col-
limator CW and Rotate Vertical Slot Collimator CCW buttons appear
on the control panel.

To adjust the slot collimator, do the following:

• Press the Close Vertical Slot Collimator button until the collimator
aperture on the live screen is as desired.
The Open Vertical Slot Collimator, Rotate Vertical Slot Collimator
CW and Rotate Vertical Slot Collimator CCW buttons appear on the
control panel.
• Press the Open Vertical Slot Collimator button until the collimator
aperture on the live screen is as desired.

• Press the Rotate Vertical Slot Collimator CW button until the colli-
mator orientation on the live screen is as desired.

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8 Adjusting Live Images

• Press the Rotate Vertical Slot Collimator CCW button until the col-
limator orientation on the live screen is as desired.

In addition, you can fully open the slot collimator or reset it to the 0°
position, each in one step:
• Press the Open Vertical Slot Collimator Fully button (in the middle
button row).
The slot collimator opens completely.

• Press the Rotate Vertical Slot Collimator to 0° button.

The slot collimator is reset to the 0° position.

8.7.3 Virtual collimator

The system is equipped with a virtual collimator, allowing you to adjust Function
the collimators without radiation. Using this feature, you can significantly
reduce patient exposure.

To perform a virtual collimation, do the following:

• Press the Open Iris Collimator Fully button (in the upper button
The iris collimator opens completely.

• Press the Open Vertical Slot Collimator Fully button (in the middle
button row).
The vertical slot collimator opens completely.

• Select the desired anatomical program (→ Ch. 7.5.1, p. 7-11).

• Initiate radiation for a brief moment.
The generated image is displayed on the live screen.

Risk of injury by X-rays!
Put on X-ray protective clothing, if you initiate radiation by
pressing the fluoroscopy key on the monitor support arm.

• Adjust the iris and the slot collimator as desired without radiation.

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8 Adjusting Live Images

The areas of the image that will not be visible later are shown beneath
a gray overlay. The collimator boundaries are represented by white
• Initiate radiation.

Risk of injury by X-rays!
Put on X-ray protective clothing, if you initiate radiation by
pressing the fluoroscopy key on the monitor support arm.

8.8 Image swapping

Function With the Image Swapping function, you can move an image from one
screen to the other. This allows you to generate two images and to
compare them directly to one another.

To compare an image with a live image, do the following:

• Generate a live image.

Risk of injury by X-rays!
Put on X-ray protective clothing, if you initiate radiation by
pressing the fluoroscopy key on the monitor support arm.

The image is displayed on the live screen.

• Press the Image Swapping button.
The first image is moved to the reference screen. If the Image Swap
With Save option has been activated in the Configuration operating
mode under Operation Settings (→ Ch. 18.2.3, p. 18-4), the image
will be saved automatically before it is moved to the reference screen.
• Generate a second live image.

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8 Adjusting Live Images

Risk of injury by X-rays!
Put on X-ray protective clothing, if you initiate radiation by
pressing the fluoroscopy key on the monitor support arm.

The image is displayed on the live screen. Now you can compare the
images on the two screens to one another.

8.9 Image reversal and image rotation

Function The Image Reversal and Image Rotation functions are used for indi-
vidual adjustment of the image orientation on the live screen.
You can use these functions to align the image orientation with the
patient’s orientation. To make orientation easier for the operator, a label
is attached to both the image intensifier and the generator housing,
showing a patient in supine position. If the patient is positioned as illus-
trated by the label, then the image orientation on the live screen corre-
sponds to the patient’s orientation.
Both image reversal and image rotation are produced digitally and
without the need to initiate any further radiation.

8.9.1 Horizontal and vertical image reversal

• Press the Reverse Up/Down button.

The button is highlighted in yellow. On the live screen, the image
appears with top and bottom reversed, and a symbol for up/down
reversal is displayed.
• Press the Reverse Left/Right button.
The button is highlighted in yellow. On the live screen, the image
appears with left and right side reversed, and a symbol for left/right
reversal is displayed.
Image reversal is symbolized on the screen by an R which is either mir-
rored left-right or upside-down.

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8 Adjusting Live Images

8.9.2 Image Rotation

• Press the Rotate Image CW button until the image orientation on the
live screen is as desired.
The image is rotated steplessly in clockwise direction.

• Press the Rotate Image CCW button until the image orientation on
the live screen is as desired.
The image is rotated steplessly in counter-clockwise direction.
The chosen angle of rotation is shown on the screen as R X.

To reset the angle of rotation to 0°, do the following:

• Press the Rotate Image to 0° button.
The image is reset to the 0° position.

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9 Data Management

9.1 Organization of patient and image data

Patient and image data is managed in the Patient (→ Ch. 9.2, p. 9-2)
and Archive (→ Ch. 9.3, p. 9-14) operating modes. All data of a patient
is stored in a patient folder on the hard disk. All image data is assigned
to the corresponding patient folder.
When you switch to the Fluoroscopy or Subtraction operating mode
and no patient folder is active, the system will automatically create a new
patient folder (→ Ch. 9.1.2, p. 9-2).

9.1.1 Patient folders

In order to be able to relate the fluoroscopic images to a certain patient, Function

you must always create or activate a patient folder before acquiring an
image or a cine loop.

You can create as many patient folders as desired on the hard disk. In Storage capacity
each patient folder, you can store as many images as you wish. The total
number of images is limited only by the hard disk size (‘image memory’).
The size of the image memory depends on the chosen system configu-

When you save an image for which there would be no more space on the Auto-delete
hard disk otherwise, the oldest patient folder on the hard disk is automat- function (n/a for
ically overwritten (→ Ch. 7.9, p. 7-16). If the oldest patient folder contains USA)
one or more protected images (→ p. 9-30), only the unprotected images
are deleted, though. The folder itself as well as the protected images are

The Auto-delete function is not activated. If there is not enough disk Deleting images
space for images, you must delete images manually to free up disk manually (USA)

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9.1.2 System-generated patient folders

When you switch on the system, a new patient folder is automatically

generated and activated. If you do not activate another patient folder
before switching to the Fluoroscopy or Subtraction operating mode, all
images are saved to this automatically generated patient folder.

Generated data The patient name which is generated is composed of the time of day and
date, e.g. P_12_34_01_04_03 for a patient folder which was created on
April 1, 2003 at 12:34 o’clock. In addition, a patient ID called PAT xyz is
created. If you have predefined default data for the Hospital, Department
and Doctor input boxes, this data is also written to the generated patient
All new images and/or cine loops will be saved to the generated patient
folder until you activate another patient folder. You may edit or complete
all patient data later (→ Ch. 9.2.3, p. 9-12).
If the system has generated such a patient folder, but no images or cine
loops have been saved to it, the generated patient folder will be deleted
during the next power-up of the system.

9.2 Managing patient data

Patient data is managed in the Patient operating mode. When you create
a new patient folder, you may retrieve the patient’s data from a DICOM
server under certain conditions (→ Ch. 10.2, p. 10-1).

Length of the The length of the patient ID is limited by the system to 64 digits.
patient ID

Display of the If the patient number cannot be displayed completely in the fluoroscopic
patient ID image, it is represented in the form 1234567....
In the read-only boxes in the Archive operating mode, only the first 18 or
24 digits of the patient ID are displayed. In the Patient ID input box in the
Patient operating mode, you can scroll through the whole patient ID
using the arrow keys of the keypad.

Access. No. You can manually enter a hospital-specific internal administrative

number (Access. No), or import it with the patient data.

Subject You can enter a subject for each patient folder, which is saved together
with the patient data.

Editing data You can edit all data in an existing patient folder or add new data at any

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9 Data Management

When you have created a new patient folder or activated an existing Importing images
patient folder, you can import one or more images or a series of images from a DICOM
from a DICOM server into this patient folder (→ Ch. 10.7, p. 10-21). server

The date formats may vary, depending on the customer-
specific settings. In the present document, all date
formats appear in the format DD.MM.YYYY.

To activate the Patient operating mode, do the following:

• Press the Patient tab.
The input boxes of the Patient operating mode as well as the alphanu-
meric keypad are now available on the control panel.

Buttons Input
for the boxes

meric key-

Fig. 9-1 Patient operating mode

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If on your system the password-protected user administration (HIPAA)

has been activated, on the control panel the Login button is also shown.

Fig. 9-2 Patient operating mode with Login button.

When you have activated a patient folder, the corresponding data is dis-
played in the input boxes. The title bar shows you – in addition to the
selected operating mode – the number of images that you can still save
to the hard disk.

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9.2.1 Managing patient data securely (HIPAA)

In order to provide data security for patient data according to the „Health
Insurance Portability and Accountability Act“ (HIPAA), the system sup-
ports a password-protected user login (factory-set), if required.
Depending on the type of user login with the Login button you can get
full or restricted access to patient data in the Patient operating mode
(→ Table 9-1, p. 9-9).

To log in as a user, do the following:

• In the Patient operating mode, press the Login button (→ Fig. 9-2).
On the control panel all login-related buttons and input boxes are dis-

Fig. 9-3 Input boxes for the login

• Press the Last Name button.

Enter your User ID.
• Press the Password button.
Enter your Password.
• Press the Login button.
After you have logged in, the Login button is replaced by the Logout
• Press the Back button, to switch to the patient data input.

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If you do not get access to certain patient data, you may
not be authorized due to the (user) group you are cur-
rently assigned to.
Refer to the following table (→ Table 9-1, p. 9-9) to check
out your access rights, and contact your system adminis-
trator, in case you request any changes.

Initial adminis- For patient data security reasons, you must immediately change your
trator login password after you have logged in as administrator for the first time.

To log in as administrator for the first time, do the following:

• In the Patient operating mode, press the Login button.
On the control panel all login-related buttons and input boxes are dis-
• Press the Last Name button.
For User ID enter Administrator.
• Press the Password button.
For Password enter admin.
• Press the Login button.

You must now change your Password.
You can protect patient data from unauthorized access
only by assigning a custom password.

• From the user list select Administrator by pressing the respective

The related access data is shown in the input boxes next to the user
• Press the Password button or the Password input box.

• Enter the new password using the alphanumeric keypad.

• Press the Retype Pass. button or the Retype Pass. input box.
(Retype Password).
• Enter the new password using the alphanumeric keypad.

When creating the password consider the currently appli-
cable safety rules.

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• Press the Update button.

The new password is applied.

If you login as administrator, on the control panel, the list of users Initial adminis-
available in the system is displayed. Further all buttons and input boxes trator login
are displayed needed to setup User IDs or edit access data.

Fig. 9-4 Buttons and input boxes of the user administration

If you are logged in as administrator, you can create new User IDs. Creating a new
User ID

To create a new User ID, do the following:

• Press the Last Name button or the Last Name input box.
The button is highlighted in yellow. The cursor jumps to the corre-
sponding input box.
• Enter the new User ID (user name) using the alphanumeric keypad.

• Press the Password button or the Password input box.

• Enter the password for the new User ID using the alphanumeric

• Press the Retype Pass. button or the Retype Pass. input box.
(Retype Password).

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• Enter the password for the new User ID using the alphanumeric

When creating the password consider the currently appli-
cable safety rules.

• Press the Standard button.

or or
• Press the Down Arrow button next to the Standard button.
All available (user) groups are displayed in the drop-down list box.

Fig. 9-5 (User) groups of the user administration

• Select the desired (user) group that you want to assign the user to by
pressing the respective item.
The (user) group determines the access rights to patient data and
user access data.

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Group User Effects/ Access Rights

Admin Administrator Login with password
Access Rights:
− Creating and changing users
− Access to patient data
Standard Default User Login with password
Access Rights:
− Access to patient data
assigned to the (user) groups
Standard and Restricted
Restricted Users with Login without password
restricted rights
− Access to patient data
assigned to the (user) group
Tech Technicians, Login with password
service engineer
− Access to patient data
assigned to the (user) group
Table 9-1 (User) groups and related access rights

• Press the Add button.

The newly created user is added to the list.
• Press the Logout button, after you have completed the operation.

If you are logged in as administrator, you can change the (user) group Changing the (user)
assignment of an existing user. group assignment
of a user

To change the (user) group assignment of a user, do the following:

• From the user list select a user by pressing the respective item.
The related access data is shown in the input boxes next to the user
• Press the Down Arrow button.
All available (user) groups are displayed in the drop-down list box.

• Select the desired (user) group that you want to assign the user to by
pressing the respective item.

• Press the Update button.

The user is assigned to the selected (user) group.

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Changing the (user) If you are logged in as administrator, you can change the (user) group
group assignment assignment of existing patient data.
of patient data

To change the (user) group assignment of patient data, do the fol-

• Press the Secure Patient Folders button.
This operation moves all patient data of the (user) group Restricted
to the group Standard. This (user) group requires a password-pro-
tected user login.

Export log file If you are logged in as administrator, you can export a log file.

To export a log file, do the following:

• Press the Export Log File button.
This operation exports the log file HIPAA.log to a USB stick. You will
find the log file in a folder indicating the system's serial number.

Delete log file If you are logged in as administrator, you can export a log file.

To delete a log file, do the following:

• Press the Delete Log File button.
This operation deletes the log file HIPAA.log from the hard disk. A new
log file is generated automatically.

Delete input boxes If you are logged in as administrator, you can delete data in the input
boxes of the user administration.

To delete access data from the input boxes, do the following:

• Select a user from the user list by pressing the respective item.
The related user data is shown in the input boxes.
• Press the New button.
All input boxes of the user administration are cleared.

9.2.2 Creating a new patient folder

When creating a new patient folder, you may choose between the fol-
lowing ways of entering the patient data:
− You enter the patient data manually using the alphanumeric keypad.
− You retrieve the patient data from the DICOM server (Query or
Worklist, → Ch. 10.2, p. 10-1).

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9 Data Management Entering patient data manually

• Press the Patient tab.

The Patient operating mode is activated.

You may predefine default data for the Hospital,
Department and Doctor input boxes. The respective
data is entered in the Configuration operating mode
under Basic Settings.

• Press the New button.

The input boxes are cleared (if any data has been displayed before in
them), with the exception of those with default data (→ Ch. 18.3.3,
p. 18-10).
You may now enter the patient data.
• Press the button of the desired input box, e.g. the Last Name button.
The button is highlighted in yellow. The cursor jumps to the corre-
sponding input box.

To type an uppercase letter, press and release the Shift
key before entering the respective letter. The Shift key
acts on one subsequent letter. To type several consec-
utive uppercase letters, press the Caps Lock key before
entering the letters.

• Enter the patient data using the alphanumeric keypad. To move to the
next input box, always press the Enter key.
You must fill in at least the Last Name input box. The length of the
patient ID must not exceed 64 digits. If you do not enter any patient
ID, the system automatically assigns a number (e.g. PAT123) in the
Patient ID box.

• Save the new patient folder and the data entered by pressing the
Save button.
The new patient folder is automatically activated. A blank fluoroscopy
mask with the newly-entered patient data appears on the live screen.
The display of the control panel automatically switches to the start
You may now proceed to generating fluoroscopic images (→ Ch. 7.1,
p. 7-1), which will be automatically assigned to the newly-created patient
• Switch to the Fluoroscopy or Subtraction operating mode and gen-
erate the desired fluoroscopic images.

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9.2.3 Editing patient data

You may edit the patient data in any existing patient folder at any time.
You can use the name of the patient, the patient ID or a subject to search
for the patient folder whose data you want to edit.

Effects Any patient data changes affect all existing and future images as well as
the active image.

If you use the patient ID to search for a patient folder,
please verify the search result by checking the patient
name. It may happen occasionally that a patient ID is
assigned more than once on a DICOM network.

To modify the data in an existing patient folder, do the following:

• Press the Patient tab.
The Patient operating mode is activated.

Fig. 9-6 Patient operating mode

The input boxes may contain data you want to delete.

• Press the New button.
All input boxes are cleared.
• Press the Search button.
A thumbnail mosaic with all patient folders is displayed on the ref-
erence screen. Each patient folder is symbolized by the most recent
image contained in it.

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In the dynamic control area, the input boxes for searching as well as
an alphabetically sorted list of all patient folders are displayed.

Fig. 9-7 Input boxes for searching and hit list

Now you can browse through the patient folder mosaic with the help of
the arrow buttons or enter the desired search string:
• Press the button of the desired input box, e.g. the Last Name button.
The button is highlighted in yellow. The cursor jumps to the corre-
sponding input box.

• Enter the search string using the alphanumeric keypad.

The search function is not case-sensitive.

With each letter you enter, the alphabetical hit list is more and more
confined to match the search string.
The All button appears, allowing you to redisplay the entire list.
• Select the desired item on the list using the arrow buttons and press
the OK button.
The data of the selected patient appears in the input boxes. You may
overwrite this data now.

• Press the button of the input box whose data you want to edit.
The button is highlighted in yellow. The cursor jumps to the corre-
sponding input box.

• Overwrite the data you want to edit.

• Press the Save button.
A message window with a confirmation prompt is displayed:
• Press the Overwrite button.
The existing data in the patient folder is overwritten by the newly-
entered ones.
or or

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• Press the New button.

A new patient folder with the modified data is created.

9.3 Managing image data

Image data is managed in the Archive operating mode.

You must log in using your user data to get access to
patient data of your (user) group and subordinate groups.
If you do not log in using your user data you only get
access to patient data of the (user) group Restricted.

To activate the Archive operating mode, do the following:

• Press the Archive tab.
The read-only boxes and controls for managing the patient folders
appear on the control panel.

Hard Disk


boxes Arrow

Fig. 9-8 Archive operating mode

Mosaic All patient folders on the hard disk are displayed as a thumbnail mosaic
(up to 16 images at a time) on the reference screen, each folder being
symbolized by its most recent image. In addition, the following infor-
mation appears for each patient folder of the mosaic: name of the patient
and number of images contained in the folder. You can browse through
the thumbnail mosaic using the arrow buttons.

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The list shows the names of all patient folders in the order in which they List of patient
were created. The most recent folder appears at the bottom of the list, the folders
oldest one at the top.
The name of the folder which is marked by the cursor on the reference
screen is highlighted by a yellow bar in the list, and the related data is dis-
played in the read-only boxes. You cannot enter or edit any data in these
read-only boxes.

Using the arrow buttons you can move the cursor around the list and Arrow keys
simultaneously from one patient folder or image to another on the ref-
erence screen.

You can exit the active patient folder in the Archive operating mode and Cursor position
browse through another patient folder. If you exit the patient folder you
are currently browsing through, by pressing the Back button, the cursor
marker remains on this patient folder.

The display Hard Disk indicates the percentage of used hard disk space. Hard Disk display

9.3.1 Managing patient folders

The following functions for navigating and managing patient folders are
available in the Archive operating mode:
− Search:
To search for a patient folder (→ Ch. 9.3.2, p. 9-21)

− Pos 1:
To place the cursor on the first patient folder in the mosaic

− End:
To place the cursor on the last patient folder in the mosaic

− Mark:
To mark one or more patient folders

− Delete:
To delete patient folders

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− Invert Entire Archive:

To invert the grayscale of all images on the hard disk

− DVD:
To write marked patient folders to DVD.
The title bar shows you – in addition to the selected operating mode
– the remaining storage capacity of the DVD to which you want to
write the marked patient folders.
− USB:
To save marked patient folders to a USB storage medium.
The title bar shows you – in addition to the selected operating mode
– the remaining storage capacity of the USB storage medium to which
you want to save the marked patient folders.
− DICOM Store:
To save marked patient folders to a DICOM server (→ Ch. 10.4,
p. 10-16)

− DICOM Storage Commitment:

To search for previously stored images on a DICOM server

− Backup:
To select patient folders and back them up to a USB stick or a DVD
(→ Ch. 9.3.7, p. 9-37)

− Restore from DVD:

To retrieve backed-up patient folders from a DVD (→ p. 9-44)

− Restore from USB Stick:

To retrieve backed-up patient folders from a USB storage medium
(→ p. 9-41) Marking patient folders

To mark one or more patient folders, do the following:

• Select the desired patient folder in the thumbnail mosaic on the ref-
erence screen using the arrow buttons.
• Press the Mark button.
The patient folder is now marked and flagged with an M.

• To mark additional patient folders, repeat the procedure.

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To unmark a patient folder, do the following:

• Select the desired marked patient folder on the reference screen

using the arrow buttons.
• Press the Mark button.
The patient folder becomes unmarked. Deleting patient folders

You can delete either all marked patient folders, or all unmarked patient
folders, or only the patient folder where the cursor is.
You can delete a patient folder only if it does not contain any protected
images (→ Ch., p. 9-30). When you try to delete a folder which
contains protected images, the folder itself as well as the protected
images remain on the hard disk. Only the unprotected images are
deleted. To delete protected images, you must unprotect them first
(→ p. 9-31).

To delete one or more patient folders, do the following:

Deleted patient folders are irretrievably lost.
Back up the patient folders you want to keep before
deleting them, or make sure that they are really no longer

• Mark the patient folders you want to delete and press the Delete
Marked Items button.
The following confirmation prompt is displayed:

Fig. 9-9 Delete patient folder confirmation prompt

or or
• Mark the patient folders you want to keep and press the Delete
Unmarked Items button.
The following confirmation prompt is displayed:

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Fig. 9-10 Delete patient folder confirmation prompt

or or
• Use the arrow buttons to select an individual patient folder you want
to delete and press the Delete button.
The following confirmation prompt is displayed:

Fig. 9-11 Delete patient folder confirmation prompt

• Confirm by pressing the Yes button.

The patient folders are deleted from the hard disk. If one of the
selected patient folders contains any protected images, only the
unprotected images will be deleted, and the following message
appears on the control panel:
Patient folder with protected images cannot be deleted! Inverting the entire archive

If you are used to viewing negative images (e.g. because you are a radi-
ologist), you can invert the grayscale of all images on the hard disk in one
step. Cine Loops and DSA Cine Loops (for Germany - SUB Cine Loops)
that have already been saved with a negative grayscale remain the way
they are.

To invert the grayscale of all images or to undo the grayscale

inversion, do the following:
• Press the Invert All button.
The grayscale of all images on the hard disk is inverted. In the mosaic
view, the images are always displayed with a positive grayscale. The
negative grayscale will not become visible until you display an image
at full size.

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• Terminate the Archive operating mode, or press the Invert All button
The grayscale inversion of all images is undone. Saving patient folders

Depending on your chosen system configuration, you can save images Storage formats
from one or more patient folders in various storage formats to different
storage media. Some formats with reduced resolution and color depth
are also available.

Storage File Resolution Color File size Storage medium

format extension depth
16 bit TIF *.tif 1024 × 1024 16 Bit 2 MB • •
DICOM — 1024 × 1024 16 Bit 2 MB • •
Cine loop *.avi 512 × 512 8 bit depends on • —
cine loop
Single *.jpg 512 × 512 8 bit 256 KB • •
DICOM — 512 × 512 8 Bit 256 KB • •
JPEG *.jpg 512 × 512 8 Bit 256 KB • •

Table 9-2 Available storage formats

Saving image data with a resolution of 512 × 512 pixels
may lead to information loss.

The desired storage format is defined in the Configuration operating

mode under Storage Media (→ Ch. 18.5, p. 18-16).

Whenever you save images in standard DICOM format or ‘reduced’ Ziehm DICOM
DICOM format (with a resolution of 512 × 512 pixels and 8 bit color depth) Viewer
to an external storage medium, the Ziehm DICOM Viewer program is
automatically saved to the storage medium as well. This program
enables you to view the DICOM images on any PC with Microsoft®
Windows® operating system (version Microsoft® Windows® 98 or
higher). When residing on a DVD, the Ziehm DICOM Viewer starts auto-
matically. When residing on a USB storage medium, the program must
be launched manually.

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Saving to USB To save one or more patient folders to a USB storage medium, do
storage medium the following:
• Mark the desired patient folder(s).

• Plug the USB stick into the USB port on the monitor cart.

• Press the USB button.

The marked patient folders are saved to the USB storage medium. A
progress indicator in a message window on the control panel informs
you about the status of the save operation. The Cancel button
appears, enabling you to interrupt the save operation.
Once they have been saved, the patient folders become unmarked.

Writing to DVD With the DVD writer, data can be written to DVDs. The selected patient
folders are copied to a compilation file on the hard disk first. You can
decide whether you want to write the patient folders from the compilation
file to DVD immediately or later. This enables you to gather entire patient
folders and single images from different patient folders in the compilation
file and to write them to DVD later in one go.
If you switch off the system before having actually written the patient
folders and images from the compilation file to DVD, the system will pre-
serve the compilation file information.

To write one or more patient folders to DVD, do the following:

• Mark the desired patient folder(s).

• Insert an empty DVD into the DVD writer.

• Press the DVD button.

The following messages appear one after the other:
Checking DVD ...
Copying image xyz to DVD mirror ...
Once they have been included in the compilation file, the patient folders
become unmarked.
The following message appears:
Write images to DVD?
• To leave the marked patient folders in the compilation file on the hard
disk for the time being, press the No button in the message window.
or or
To write the marked patient folders to DVD right away, confirm by
pressing the Yes button. The write process is started, and the fol-
lowing message appears:
Writing DVD. Estimated time x minutes.

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A progress indicator informs you about the status of the write oper-
Once the write operation has been completed successfully, the fol-
lowing message is displayed:
Writing of DVD completed successfully
• Press the OK button.

9.3.2 Finding and displaying a patient folder

The following criteria can be used to search for a patient folder: Search criteria
− Name of the patient (Last Name box)
− Patient number (Patient ID box)
− Keyword (Subject box)
You can combine these search criteria using an AND operation. Thus,
you could look e.g. for all patients called Miller with the subject Knee.

If you use the patient ID to search for a patient folder,
please verify the search result by checking the patient
name. It may happen occasionally that a patient ID is
assigned more than once on a DICOM network.

To find a patient folder, do the following:

• Press the Archive tab.
The Archive operating mode is activated.
• Press the Search button.
The input boxes for searching appear in the dynamic control area. A
list of all patient names is displayed.

Fig. 9-12 Input boxes for searching and hit list

Now you can enter the desired search string(s).

• Press the button of the desired input box, e.g. the Last Name button.

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The button is highlighted in yellow. The cursor jumps to the corre-

sponding input box.

• Enter the search string using the alphanumeric keypad.

The search function is not case-sensitive.

With each letter you enter, the alphabetical hit list is more and more
confined to match the search string.
The All button appears, allowing you to redisplay the entire list.
• Press the Back button.
You are returned to the Archive screen. The data of all patients who
match the search string(s) is displayed in the list.
The All button appears, allowing you to redisplay the entire list.
• Select the desired patient folder using the arrow keys.

• Press the OK button.

All images contained in this patient folder are displayed as thumbnails
on the reference screen. The most recent image is highlighted by a
white frame. Cine loop sequences are symbolized by their last image
and flagged with C.
Other buttons and read-only boxes for processing individual images
(→ Ch. 9.3.5, p. 9-27) or cine loops (→ Ch. 11.5, p. 11-8) appear on
the control panel.

Thumbnail display The thumbnails in the mosaic reflect all the modifications applied to them
after fluoroscopy (e.g. contrast adjustment, rotation, zoom).

Image information The information pertaining to the image which is marked by the cursor on
the reference screen is displayed on the control panel:

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Fig. 9-13 Archive operating mode: Read-only boxes displaying

image information

9.3.3 Activating a patient folder

To be able to save new images to an existing patient folder, you must

activate this patient folder before switching to the Fluoroscopy or Sub-
traction operating mode. You can activate an existing patient folder
either in the Patient or Archive operating mode.

To activate a patient folder in the Patient operating mode, do the fol-

• Press the Patient tab.
The Patient operating mode is activated.

Fig. 9-14 Patient operating mode

The input boxes may contain data you want to delete.

• Press the New button.

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All input boxes are cleared.

• Press the Search button.
A thumbnail mosaic with all patient folders is displayed on the ref-
erence screen. Each patient folder is symbolized by the most recent
image contained in it.
In the dynamic control area, the input boxes for searching as well as
an alphabetically sorted list of all patient folders are displayed.

Fig. 9-15 Input boxes for searching and hit list

Now you can browse through the patient folder mosaic with the help of
the arrow buttons or enter the desired search string:
• Press the button of the desired input box, e.g. the Last Name button.
The button is highlighted in yellow. The cursor jumps to the corre-
sponding input box.

• Enter the search string using the alphanumeric keypad.

The search function is not case-sensitive.

With each letter you enter, the alphabetical hit list is more and more
confined to match the search string.
The All button appears, allowing you to redisplay the entire list.
• Select the desired item on the list using the arrow buttons.

• Press the OK button.

The data of the selected patient appears in the input boxes, and the
patient folder is activated. Now you can switch to the Fluoroscopy or
Subtraction operating mode.

To activate a patient folder in the Archive operating mode, do the

• Press the Archive tab.
The Archive operating mode is activated.

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• Press the Search button.

The input boxes for searching appear in the dynamic control area. A
list of all patient names is displayed.

Fig. 9-16 Input boxes for searching and hit list

Now you can enter the desired search string(s).

• Press the button of the desired input box, e.g. the Last Name button.
The button is highlighted in yellow. The cursor jumps to the corre-
sponding input box.

• Enter the search string using the alphanumeric keypad.

The search function is not case-sensitive.

With each letter you enter, the alphabetical hit list is more and more
confined to match the search string.
The All button appears, allowing you to redisplay the entire list.
• Press the Back button.
You are returned to the Archive screen. The data of all patients who
match the search string(s) is displayed in the list.
The All button appears, allowing you to redisplay the entire list.
• Select the desired patient folder using the arrow keys.

• Press the OK button.

The patient data as well as the image and cine loop processing con-
trols appear in the dynamic control area.

• Press the OK button.

The patient folder is now active. Now you can switch to the Fluo-
roscopy or Subtraction operating mode.

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9.3.4 Browsing through the active patient folder

In the Fluoroscopy, Subtraction and Post Processing operating

modes, you can display all images of the active patient folder at full size
without having to switch to the Archive operating mode.

• Activate the desired patient folder (→ Ch. 9.3.3, p. 9-23).

• Switch to the desired operating mode (Fluoroscopy, Subtraction or

Post Processing).

• Use the arrow buttons to browse through the active patient folder.
The Down Arrow button moves you to the image with the next lower
image number.

The Up Arrow button moves you to the image with the next higher
image number.

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9.3.5 Processing and outputting images in a patient folder

Once you have displayed (→ Ch. 9.3.2, p. 9-21) or activated

(→ Ch. 9.3.3, p. 9-23) a patient folder, you can process and output the
images and the cine loops that are stored there. Different read-only
boxes and controls are displayed on the control panel for that purpose.


Buttons for
marking Arrow but-
and delet- tons for
ing screen

for printing

Buttons for

Fig. 9-17 Archive operating mode with displayed patient folder

The read-only boxes show patient data and image information. The Read-only boxes
Images (Total) box shows how many images or cine loops are stored in
the patient folder. If the cursor is on a cine loop within the patient folder,
the Images box shows the number of images that make up the cine loop.
If the cursor is on an individual image, the number 1 appears there.

In the following sections, we will describe how to process and output indi- Image processing
vidual images. For information on how to process and output cine loops and output
in a patient folder, please refer to → Ch. 11.5, p. 11-8.
The following functions are available in a displayed or active patient
folder for navigating within the folder and for displaying and processing
individual images:
− OK (with displayed patient folder only):
To display an image at full size on the live screen and to activate the
displayed patient folder

− Full-Screen Image:
To display an image at full size on the reference screen

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To restore the mosaic view on the live screen
The Mosaic button appears as soon as you have chosen the full-size
image view on the live screen.
− Pos 1:
To place the cursor on the first image of the patient folder

− End:
To place the cursor on the last image of the patient folder

− Mark:
To mark one or more images

− Protect:
To protect the image marked by the cursor against being deleted

− Delete:
To delete images

− DICOM Retrieve:
To import images from a DICOM server into the displayed or active
patient folder (→ Ch. 10.7, p. 10-21)

− Print:
To print marked images on the video printer

− DICOM Print:
To print marked images on a DICOM network printer (→ Ch. 9.3.5,
p. 9-27)

− DVD:
To write marked images to DVD
The title bar shows you – in addition to the selected operating mode
– the remaining storage capacity of the DVD to which you want to
write the marked patient folders.
− USB:
To save marked images to a USB storage medium

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The title bar shows you – in addition to the selected operating mode
– the remaining storage capacity of the USB storage medium to which
you want to save the marked patient folders.
− DICOM Store:
To save marked images to a DICOM server (→ Ch. 9.3.5, p. 9-27)

− DICOM Storage Commitment:

To search for previously stored images on a DICOM server. Displaying an image at full size

To display an image at full size on the live screen, do the following:

• Select the desired image in the thumbnail mosaic on the reference
screen using the arrow buttons.

• Press the OK button.

The selected image is displayed at full size on the live screen. Simul-
taneously, the displayed patient folder is activated.

To display an image at full size on the reference screen, do the fol-

• Select the desired image in the thumbnail mosaic on the reference
screen using the arrow buttons.

• Press the Full-Screen Image button.

The selected image is displayed at full size on the reference screen.
The Mosaic button appears, enabling you to restore the mosaic view
on the reference screen.

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9 Data Management Marking images

Before being able to print images or to save them to an external storage

medium, you must mark the desired image(s).
Once you have printed the marked images or saved them to an external
storage medium, they will automatically become unmarked.

To mark one or more images, do the following:

• Select the desired image on the reference screen using the arrow

• Press the Mark button.

The image is now marked and flagged with an M.

• To mark additional images, repeat the procedure.

To unmark an image, do the following:

• Select the desired marked image on the reference screen using the
arrow buttons.

• Press the Mark button.

The image becomes unmarked. Protecting images

You can protect images against being deleted. When you try to delete a
folder which contains protected images, the folder itself as well as the
protected images remain on the hard disk.

To protect one or more images, do the following:

• Select the desired image on the reference screen using the arrow

• Press the Protect button.

The image is now delete-protected and flagged with a P.

• To protect additional images, repeat the procedure.

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To unprotect an image, do the following:

• Select the desired protected image using the arrow buttons.

• Press the Protect button.

The image becomes unprotected.

Patient folders containing protected images cannot be
deleted automatically. If many folders on the hard disk
contain protected images, the Auto-Delete function will
not delete them, and you will be unable to save new
To avoid this situation, regularly back up the patient
folders which are still needed to external storage media or
to a DICOM server. You can then manually delete those
patient folders or unprotect them and allow the Auto-
Delete function to free up space on your hard disk. To delete images

You can delete either all marked images, or all unmarked images, or only
the image where the cursor is.

To delete one or more images from a patient folder, do the fol-


Deleted images are irretrievably lost.
Back up the images you want to keep before deleting
them, or make sure that they are really no longer needed.

• Mark the images you want to delete and press the Delete Marked
Items button.
The following confirmation prompt is displayed:

Fig. 9-18 Delete images confirmation prompt

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or or
• Mark the images you want to keep and press the Delete Unmarked
Items button.
The following confirmation prompt is displayed:

Fig. 9-19 Delete images confirmation prompt

or or
• Use the arrow buttons to select an individual image you want to delete
and press the Delete button.
The following confirmation prompt is displayed:

Fig. 9-20 Delete image confirmation prompt

• Confirm by pressing the Yes button.

The images are deleted from the patient folder.
If you happen to select protected images, only the unprotected ones
will be deleted, and the following message appears on the control
Protected images were not deleted! Printing on video printer

You can mark one or more images in a patient folder and print them all in
one go. Besides, you can print the image displayed on the live screen.

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Risk of injury by cutting device!
You can hurt yourself touching the cutting device.
Do not touch the cutting device when adding or removing
Please refer to the Operating Instructions of the corre-
sponding printer.

When printing, tear off the printer paper on the Sony ®
Please refer to the Operating Instructions of the corre-
sponding printer.

To print images on the video printer, do the following:

• Position the cursor on the desired image, or mark the images you
want to print.

• Press the Print button.

The marked images are printed on the video printer mounted in the C-
arm stand. A progress indicator in a message window on the control
panel informs you about the status of the print operation. The Cancel
button appears, enabling you to interrupt the print operation.
Once they have been printed, the images become unmarked.

To print the live screen image on the video printer, do the following:
• Press the Print Live Screen Image button.
The image displayed on the live screen is printed.
The text information that is displayed on the live screen together with the
image (name of the patient, angle of rotation of the image, etc.) will
appear as a text block on a gray background at the left margin of the
If you have performed measurements in an image and saved them sub-
sequently, the measured values are printed on a second page.

When you launch the print job directly from the video
printer, the resulting hard copy will be an exact repro-
duction of the live screen.

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Further information For further information, please refer to the video printer’s separate oper-
ating instructions provided with this system. Saving images

Storage formats Depending on your chosen system configuration, you can save one or
more images in various storage formats to different storage media. Some
formats with reduced resolution and color depth are also available.
The desired storage format is defined in the Configuration operating
mode under Storage Media (→ Ch. 18.5, p. 18-16).

Storage File Resolution Color File size Storage medium

format extension depth
16 bit TIF *.tif 1024 × 1024 16 Bit 2 MB • •
DICOM — 1024 × 1024 16 Bit 2 MB • •
Cine loop *.avi 512 × 512 8 bit depends on • —
cine loop
Single *.jpg 512 × 512 8 bit 256 KB • •
DICOM — 512 × 512 8 Bit 256 KB • •
JPEG *.jpg 512 × 512 8 Bit 256 KB • •

Table 9-3 Available storage formats

Saving image data with a resolution of 512 × 512 pixels
may lead to information loss.

Ziehm DICOM Whenever you save images in standard DICOM format or ‘reduced’
Viewer DICOM format (with a resolution of 512 × 512 pixels and 8 bit color depth)
to an external storage medium, the Ziehm DICOM Viewer program is
automatically saved to the storage medium as well. This program
enables you to view the DICOM images on any PC with Microsoft®
Windows® operating system (version Microsoft® Windows® 98 or
higher). When residing on a DVD, the Ziehm DICOM Viewer starts auto-
matically. When residing on a USB storage medium, the program must
be launched manually.

Saving to USB To save images to a USB stick, do the following:

storage medium
• Position the cursor on the desired image, or mark the images you
want to save.

• Plug the USB stick into the USB port on the monitor cart.

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• Press the USB button.

The marked images are saved to the USB stick. A progress indicator
in a message window on the control panel informs you about the
status of the save operation. The Cancel button appears, enabling
you to interrupt the save operation.
Once they have been saved, the images become unmarked.

With the DVD writer, data can be written to DVDs. The selected images Writing to DVD
are copied to a compilation file on the hard disk first. You can decide
whether you want to write the images from the compilation file to DVD
immediately or later. This enables you to gather images from different
patient folders as well as entire patient folders in the compilation file and
to write them to DVD later in one go.
If you switch off the system before having actually written the images and
patient folders from the compilation file to DVD, the system will preserve
the compilation file information.

To write one or more images to DVD, do the following:

• Mark the desired image(s).

• Insert an empty DVD into the DVD writer.

• Press the DVD button.

The following messages appear one after the other:
Checking DVD ...
Copying image xyz to DVD mirror ...
Once they have been included in the compilation file, the images become
The following message appears:
Write images to DVD?
• To leave the marked images in the compilation file on the hard disk for
the time being, press the No button in the message window.

or or
To write the marked images to DVD right away, confirm by pressing
the Yes button. The write process is started, and the following
message appears:
Writing DVD. Estimated time x minutes.
A progress indicator informs you about the status of the write oper-
Once the write operation has been completed successfully, the fol-
lowing message is displayed:
Writing of DVD completed successfully

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• Press the OK button.

9.3.6 Comparing saved images

You may display saved images either from one patient folder or from
several different patient folders at full size on the live and reference
screen and compare them to each other.

To compare two images from the same patient folder, do the fol-
• Activate the Archive operating mode.

• Display the desired patient folder (→ Ch. 9.3.2, p. 9-21).

• Select the desired image on the reference screen using the arrow

• Press the OK button.

The image is displayed at full size on the live screen.

• Using the arrow buttons, select the second desired image and press
the Full-Screen Image button.
The second image is displayed at full size on the reference screen.
The Mosaic button appears, enabling you to restore the mosaic view.
You may compare the two images now.

To compare two images from different patient folders, do the fol-

• Activate the Archive operating mode.

• Display the desired patient folder (→ Ch. 9.3.2, p. 9-21).

• Select the desired image on the reference screen using the arrow

• Press the OK button.

The image is displayed at full size on the live screen.

• Press the Back button.

• Display the desired second patient folder (→ Ch. 9.3.2, p. 9-21).

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• Using the arrow buttons, select the second desired image and press
the Full-Screen Image button.
The second image is displayed at full size on the reference screen.
The Mosaic button appears, enabling you to restore the mosaic view.
You may compare the two images now.

9.3.7 Making backup copies of patient folders

You can back up the patient folders stored on the hard disk to a USB stick
or a DVD. To select the patient folders you want to back up, you can use
different search criteria (Last Name, Patient ID, Subject) and/or the
image creation date. You can combine all these search criteria and also
the image creation date (if desired) using an AND operation. Thus, you
could e.g. search for and back up all patients called Miller with the subject

Fig. 9-21 Archive Backup operating mode

You can back up only entire patient folders with all images contained in Selecting patient
them. To determine which folders are to be backed up, you use the image folders
creation date and certain search criteria:
− Selection using the image creation date
When you enter e.g. a period between 01.01.YYYY and 31.01.YYYY,
all patient folders containing images that were created between
January 1, YYYY and January 31, YYYY will be backed up. These
folders are backed up in their entirety, including the images that were
not generated within the specified period of time.

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− Selection using search criteria

You can specify the patient folders you want to back up by entering
the patient name (Last Name), patient number (Patient ID) and/or a
Subject as search criteria.
All search criteria as well as the time period are automatically combined
by an AND operation.
In addition, you can back up all patient folders to the chosen storage

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9 Data Management Backup to USB stick

Storage capacity To be able to back up images on a USB stick, the latter must be empty.
During backup, the system will check automatically whether the
remaining disk space is sufficient for the next folder to be backed up. If
the folder is too large to fit on the connected USB storage medium, you
will be prompted to plug another USB storage medium into the USB port.

Restoring backed- You can restore the data which has been backed up to a USB storage
up data medium to the system’s hard disk at any time (→ p. 9-41). If the backup
copy has been distributed to several USB storage media, you must plug
them in the same order as during the backup procedure for restoring the

To back up selected patient folders to a USB storage medium, do

the following:
• Press the Archive tab.
The Archive operating mode is activated.
• Press the Backup button.
The backup setting controls appear in the dynamic control area. The
Start Date input box contains by default the date 01.01.1970. The
End Date input box contains by default the current date.

Fig. 9-22 Backup setting controls

• Plug a USB storage medium into the USB port.

Now you can enter the desired search string(s).
• Press the Last Name button and enter a search string in the related
input box.

The search function is not case-sensitive.

With each letter you enter, the alphabetical hit list is more and more
confined to match the search string.

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The All button appears, allowing you to redisplay the entire list.
• If desired, press the Patient ID button and enter a patient number in
the related input box.
• If desired, press the Subject button and enter a search string in the
related input box.
• To confine the image creation period, press the Start Date button and
enter another date in the related input box.
• To further confine the image creation period, press the End Date
button and enter another date in the related input box.
Press the Show Selected button.

• Press the USB button.

All patient folders shown on the list are backed up to the USB storage
medium. A progress indicator in a message window informs you
about the status of the backup operation.
If there is not enough disk space left on the connected USB storage
medium, the following message appears:
Please insert new USB stick.

• Plug another USB storage medium into the USB port. Make sure to
label the USB storage media so that you can later identify the order in
which they were used.

To back up all patient folders to a USB storage medium, do the fol-

• Press the Archive tab.
The Archive operating mode is activated.
• Press the Backup button.
The backup setting controls appear in the dynamic control area.
The Start Date input box contains by default the date 01.01.1970.
The End Date input box contains by default the current date. This
period covers all possible image creation dates.

Fig. 9-23 Backup setting controls

• Plug a USB storage medium into the USB port.

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• Press the USB button.

All patient folders are backed up to the USB storage medium. A
progress indicator in a message window informs you about the status
of the backup operation.
If there is not enough disk space left on the connected USB storage
medium, the following message appears:
Please insert new USB stick.

• Plug another USB storage medium into the USB port. Make sure to
label the USB storage media so that you can later identify the order in
which they were used.

To restore backed-up data from a USB storage medium to the hard

disk, do the following:
• Press the Archive tab.
The Archive operating mode is activated.

• Plug the USB storage medium that contains the first part of the
backup copy into the USB port.
• Press the Restore from USB Stick button.
All patient folders and images that have been backed up to the USB
storage medium before are restored and saved to the system’s hard
disk. All restored patient folders are recreated on the hard disk, in
addition to the already existing ones.

• Plug all further USB storage media used for the backup into the USB
port (if applicable). Make sure to keep to the same order as during the
backup procedure.

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9 Data Management Backup copy to DVD

DVD writer With the DVD writer, data can be written to or retrieved from DVDs.

Storage capacity The contents of a patient folder cannot be distributed to several DVDs.
During backup, the system will check automatically whether the
remaining disk space is sufficient for the next folder to be backed up. If
the folder is too large to fit on the inserted DVD, you will be prompted by
a message to insert another DVD into the drive.

Restoring backed- You can restore the data which has been backed up to DVD to the
up data system’s hard disk at any time (→ p. 9-44). If the backup copy has been
distributed to several DVDs, you must insert the DVDs in the same order
as during the backup procedure for restoring the data.

To back up selected patient folders to DVD, do the following:

• Press the Archive tab.
The Archive operating mode is activated.
• Press the Backup button.
The backup setting controls appear in the dynamic control area. The
Start Date input box contains by default the date 01.01.1970. The
End Date input box contains by default the current date.

Fig. 9-24 Backup setting controls

• Insert an empty DVD into the DVD writer.

Now you can enter the desired search string(s).
• Press the Last Name button and enter a search string in the related
input box.

The search function is not case-sensitive.

With each letter you enter, the alphabetical hit list is more and more
confined to match the search string.

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The All button appears, allowing you to redisplay the entire list.
• If desired, press the Patient ID button and enter a patient number in
the related input box.
• If desired, press the Subject button and enter a search string in the
related input box.
• To confine the image creation period, press the Start Date button and
enter another date in the related input box.
• To further confine the image creation period, press the End Date
button and enter another date in the related input box.
• Press the Show Selected button.

• Press the DVD button.

The following messages appear one after the other:
Checking DVD ...
Copying image xyz to DVD mirror ...
Writing DVD. Estimated time x minutes.
All patient folders shown on the list are backed up to the DVD. A
progress indicator in a message window informs you about the status
of the backup operation.
If there is not enough disk space left on the inserted DVD, the fol-
lowing message appears:
Please insert new DVD.

• Insert another DVD. Make sure to label the DVDs so that you can later
identify the order in which they were used.
Once the write operation has been completed successfully, the following
message is displayed:
Writing of DVD completed successfully
• Press the OK button.

To back up all patient folders to DVD, do the following:

• Press the Archive tab.
The Archive operating mode is activated.
• Press the Backup button.
The backup setting controls appear in the dynamic control area. The
Start Date input box contains by default the date 01.01.1970. The
End Date input box contains by default the current date. This period
covers all possible image creation dates.

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Fig. 9-25 Backup setting controls

• Insert an empty DVD into the DVD writer.

• Press the DVD button.
The following messages appear one after the other:
Checking DVD ...
Copying image xyz to DVD mirror ...
Writing DVD. Estimated time x minutes.
All patient folders will be backed up to the DVD. A progress indicator
in a message window informs you about the status of the backup
If there is not enough disk space left on the inserted DVD, you will be
prompted to insert another DVD into the drive:
Please insert new DVD.

• Insert another DVD. Make sure to label the DVDs so that you can later
identify the order in which they were used.
Once the write operation has been completed successfully, the following
message is displayed:
Writing of DVD completed successfully
• Press the OK button.

To restore backed-up data from a DVD to the hard disk, do the fol-
• Press the Archive tab.
The Archive operating mode is activated.

• Insert the DVD that contains the first part of the backup copy into the
DVD drive.
• Press the Restore from DVD button.
All patient folders and images which have been backed up to the DVD
before are restored and saved to the system’s hard disk. All restored
patient folders are recreated on the hard disk, in addition to the
already existing ones.

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• Insert all further DVDs used for the backup. Make sure to keep to the
same order as during the backup procedure.

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10 DICOM Functions

10.1 Prerequisites

Depending on the DICOM classes integrated in the system (→ Ch. 2.4,

p. 2-6), you can use certain DICOM functions. The system must be
connected to a DICOM network via cable or Wireless LAN for that

Depending on the system configuration, you can use the following Functions
DICOM functions:
− Downloading patient data from a DICOM server: Query
(→ Ch. 10.2.1, p. 10-1) or Worklist (→ Ch. 10.2.2, p. 10-3)
− Saving all images from one or several patient folders (→ Ch. 10.4,
p. 10-16)
− Saving and printing images and cine loops from a patient folder
(→ Ch. 10.5, p. 10-17)
− Saving or printing single cine loop images (→ Ch. 10.6, p. 10-19)
− Importing images and cine loops from a DICOM server (→ Ch. 10.7,
p. 10-21)

10.2 Downloading patient data from a DICOM server

When creating a new patient folder (→ Ch. 9.2.2, p. 9-10), you can
download the patient data from the DICOM server (using Query or

The following prerequisites must be given: Prerequisites

− The system must be connected to a DICOM server.
− The respective patient data must be stored on the DICOM server
− You must know the patient ID of the respective patient.

10.2.1 Query

The Query DICOM function enables you to download a patient’s data

(e.g. first name, last name) from the DICOM server.

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10 DICOM Functions

If you use the patient ID to search for a patient folder,
please verify the search result by checking the patient
name. It may happen occasionally that a patient ID is
assigned more than once on a DICOM network.

To download patient data from a DICOM server, do the following:

• Press the Patient tab.
The Patient operating mode is activated.

You may predefine default data for the Hospital,
Department and Doctor input boxes. The respective
data is entered in the Configuration operating mode
under Basic Settings.

• Press the New button.

The input boxes are cleared (if any data has been displayed before in
them), with the exception of those with default data (→ Ch. 18.3.3,
p. 18-10).
• Press the Patient ID button and enter the patient ID of the patient you
are looking for.
The patient ID is displayed in the Patient ID box.
• Press the Query button.
The patient data record is downloaded from the DICOM server and
appears automatically in the input boxes.

• If necessary, complete any missing data.

• Save the new patient folder and the downloaded data by pressing the
Save button.
The new patient folder is automatically activated. A blank fluoroscopy
mask with the downloaded patient data appears on the live screen.

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10.2.2 Downloading a Worklist

You can download a specific Worklist from the DICOM server. The Contents of the
Worklist contains the patient data as well as the examinations which are Worklist
scheduled for the patient.

You can use a filter to determine the time span that is covered by the Time span of the
Worklist. The following filter criteria are available for that purpose: Worklist
− Default setting: Today (0:00 – 24:00 o’clock)
− Yesterday (0:00 – 24:00 o’clock)
− Yesterday and today (0:00 – 24:00 o’clock)
− Now +/– 8 hours

Besides you can limit the contents of the Worklist to be downloaded using Filters for Worklist
the following criteria: download
− Patient name (Last Name)
− Patient ID (Patient ID)
− Hospital-specific internal administrative number (Access. No)
− Specific procedure step (Req. Proc. ID)

Once you have downloaded a Worklist on a certain day, you can open it Opening the
as often as you like, even if the system is no longer connected to the Worklist offline
DICOM server. In this case, the word OFFLINE appears in the Worklist
on the screen.
When you try to open a Worklist in offline mode although no Worklist has
been downloaded on that day from the DICOM server yet, the message
No connection to server appears, and no Worklist is displayed. Downloading a Worklist for a specific time span

To download a Worklist that covers a specific time span from a

DICOM server, do the following:
• Press the Patient tab.
The Patient operating mode is activated.
• Press the Worklist button.
The filter criteria for limiting the contents of the Worklist to be down-
loaded are displayed. If you already specified a patient name (Last
Name), patient ID (Patient ID) or a hospital-specific internal adminis-
trative number (Access. No) in the Patient operating mode, this data
appears automatically in the corresponding boxes.

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Fig. 10-1 Filter criteria for limiting the Worklist contents

• Select the time span to be covered by the Worklist.

• If there is any data displayed in the Last Name, Patient ID and/or
Access. No boxes, press the Delete button.
The Last Name, Patient ID and/or Access. No boxes are cleared.
• Press the Worklist button.
The data of all patients who are scheduled for the specified time span
is downloaded from the DICOM server. A list of all downloaded data
appears on the control panel.

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Fig. 10-2 DICOM Worklist

To sort the items, do the following: Sorting by columns

You can sort the items in the Last Name, First Name, Patient ID, Date
and Time columns in ascending or descending order. You can use the
column headers (which are designed as buttons) for sorting the items.
• Press e.g. the Last Name button.
The arrow on the button points downwards. The name items are
sorted alphabetically in ascending order.
• Press e.g. the Last Name button once again.
The arrow on the button points upwards. The name items are sorted
alphabetically in descending order.

To select an item from the Worklist, do the following: Worklist item

• Select the desired item on the list using the arrow buttons.

• Press the OK button.

The downloaded patient data appears in the input boxes of the
Patient operating mode. The new patient folder is automatically acti-
vated. A blank fluoroscopy mask with the downloaded patient data
appears on the live screen.

To overwrite an active patient folder with data from a Worklist item, Overwrite function
do the following:
You can overwrite the data in an active patient folder with data from the
Worklist (e.g. in emergency cases, in order to correct or complete the
emergency patient’s data at a later moment).

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When you overwrite a patient folder with the personal
data from the Worklist, the original personal data of the
patient folder is irretrievably lost and cannot be restored.
Only overwrite the personal data of the patient folder with
the personal data of the Worklist, if the patient folder con-
tains the images of the patient concerned!

• Use the arrow buttons to select the list item with which you want to
overwrite the active patient folder.
• Press the Overwrite button.
The active patient folder is updated. Downloading a patient-specific Worklist

If you use the patient ID to search for a patient folder,
please verify the search result by checking the patient
name. It may happen occasionally that a patient ID is
assigned more than once on a DICOM network.

To download a patient-specific Worklist from a DICOM server, do

the following:
• Press the Patient tab.
The Patient operating mode is activated.
• Press the Last Name button and enter the last name of the desired
• Press the Patient ID button and enter the patient ID of the desired
• Press the Access. No button and enter the hospital-specific internal
administrative number of the desired patient.
• Press the Worklist button.
The filter criteria for limiting the contents of the Worklist to be down-
loaded are displayed. If you already specified a patient name (Last
Name), patient ID (Patient ID) or a hospital-specific internal adminis-
trative number (Access. No) in the Patient operating mode, this data
appears automatically in the corresponding boxes.

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Fig. 10-3 Filter criteria for limiting the Worklist contents

• To limit the time span covered by the Worklist to be downloaded,

select the desired time span.
• Press the Worklist button.
The data of the selected patient is downloaded from the DICOM
server. A list with all patient-specific data downloaded appears on the
control panel. If you have specified a name or the first letter(s) of a
name as filter criterion, all matching items are listed.

Fig. 10-4 Patient-specific Worklist

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Sorting by columns To sort the items, do the following:

You can sort the items in the Last Name, First Name, Patient ID, Date
and Time columns in ascending or descending order. You can use the
column headers (which are designed as buttons) for sorting the items.
• Press e.g. the Last Name button.
The arrow on the button points downwards. The name items are
sorted alphabetically in ascending order.
• Press e.g. the Last Name button once again.
The arrow on the button points upwards. The name items are sorted
alphabetically in descending order.

Worklist item To select an item from the Worklist, do the following:

• Select the desired item on the list using the arrow buttons.

• Press the OK button.

The downloaded patient data appears in the input boxes of the
Patient operating mode. The new patient folder is automatically acti-
vated. A blank fluoroscopy mask with the downloaded patient data
appears on the live screen.

Overwrite function To overwrite an active patient folder with data from a Worklist item,
do the following:
You can overwrite the data in an active patient folder with data from the
Worklist (e.g. in emergency cases, in order to correct or complete the
emergency patient’s data at a later moment).

When you overwrite a patient folder with the personal
data from the Worklist, the original personal data of the
patient folder is irretrievably lost and cannot be restored.
Only overwrite the personal data of the patient folder with
the personal data of the Worklist, if the patient folder con-
tains the images of the patient concerned!

• Use the arrow buttons to select the list item with which you want to
overwrite the active patient folder.
• Press the Overwrite button.
The active patient folder is updated. Downloading a Worklist for a procedure step

To download a Worklist that refers to a specific procedure step from

a DICOM server, do the following:
• Press the Patient tab.
The Patient operating mode is activated.

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• Press the Worklist button.

The filter criteria for limiting the contents of the Worklist to be down-
loaded are displayed. If you already specified a patient name (Last
Name), patient ID (Patient ID) or a hospital-specific internal adminis-
trative number (Access. No) in the Patient operating mode, this data
appears automatically in the corresponding boxes.

Fig. 10-5 Filter criteria for limiting the Worklist contents

• Press the Req. Proc. ID button and enter the ID of the desired pro-
cedure step.
• If there is any data displayed in the Last Name, Patient ID and/or
Access. No boxes, press the Delete button.
The Last Name, Patient ID and/or Access. No boxes are cleared.
• Press the Worklist button.
The data of the specified procedure step is downloaded from the
DICOM server. The cursor is automatically positioned on the list item.

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Fig. 10-6 Worklist for a procedure step

Worklist item To select the Worklist item, do the following:

• Select the desired item.

• Press the OK button.
The downloaded patient data appears in the input boxes of the
Patient operating mode. The new patient folder is automatically acti-
vated. A blank fluoroscopy mask with the downloaded patient data
appears on the live screen.

Overwrite function To overwrite an active patient folder with data from a Worklist item,
do the following:
You can overwrite the data in an active patient folder with data from the
Worklist (e.g. in emergency cases, in order to correct or complete the
emergency patient’s data at a later moment).

When you overwrite a patient folder with the personal
data from the Worklist, the original personal data of the
patient folder is irretrievably lost and cannot be restored.
Only overwrite the personal data of the patient folder with
the personal data of the Worklist, if the patient folder con-
tains the images of the patient concerned!

• Use the arrow buttons to select the list item with which you want to
overwrite the active patient folder.
• Press the Overwrite button.
The active patient folder is updated.

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10.3 Processing scheduled procedure steps of a Worklist


The DICOM function MPPS (Modality Performed Procedure Step) allows Function
you to open a procedure step (job) scheduled in a Worklist
(→ Ch. 10.2.2, p. 10-3), process it and then report it as being completed
to the MPPS server. The corresponding function must be enabled in the
DICOM settings for that purpose.

• Please contact your in-house service engineer if you wish to enable

the MPPS function.

You can use the MPPS function also when you create a
patient folder manually (→ Ch. 9.2.2, p. 9-10). In this
case, a procedure step is automatically generated and
started when you save the patient data, provided that the
MPPS function is enabled.

To process a procedure step scheduled in a Worklist, do the fol-


• Make sure that the MPPS function is enabled.

• Press the Patient tab.
The Patient operating mode is activated.
• Press the Worklist button.
The filter criteria for limiting the contents of the Worklist to be down-
loaded are displayed. If you already specified a patient name (Last
Name), patient ID (Patient ID) or a hospital-specific internal adminis-
trative number (Access. No) in the Patient operating mode, this data
appears automatically in the corresponding boxes.

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Fig. 10-7 Filter criteria for limiting the Worklist contents

• Select the time span to be covered by the Worklist.

• If there is any data displayed in the Last Name, Patient ID and/or
Access. No boxes, press the Delete button.
The Last Name, Patient ID and/or Access. No boxes are cleared.
• Press the Worklist button.
The data of all patients who are scheduled for the specified time span
is downloaded from the DICOM server. A list of all downloaded data
appears on the control panel.

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Fig. 10-8 DICOM Worklist

To sort the items, do the following: Sorting by columns

You can sort the items in the Last Name, First Name, Patient ID, Date
and Time columns in ascending or descending order. You can use the
column headers (which are designed as buttons) for sorting the items.
• Press e.g. the Last Name button.
The arrow on the button points downwards. The name items are
sorted alphabetically in ascending order.
• Press e.g. the Last Name button once again.
The arrow on the button points upwards. The name items are sorted
alphabetically in descending order.

To select an item from the Worklist, do the following: Worklist item

• Select the desired item on the list using the arrow buttons.

• Press the OK button.

The downloaded patient data appears in the input boxes of the
Patient operating mode. The new patient folder is automatically
activated. A blank fluoroscopy mask with the downloaded patient data
appears on the live screen.

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Overwrite function To overwrite an active patient folder with data from a Worklist item,
do the following:
You can overwrite the data in an active patient folder with data from the
Worklist (e.g. in emergency cases, in order to correct or complete the
emergency patient’s data at a later moment).

When you overwrite a patient folder with the personal
data from the Worklist, the original personal data of the
patient folder is irretrievably lost and cannot be restored.
Only overwrite the personal data of the patient folder with
the personal data of the Worklist, if the patient folder con-
tains the images of the patient concerned!

• Use the arrow buttons to select the list item with which you want to
overwrite the active patient folder.
• Press the Overwrite button.
The active patient folder is updated.

Fig. 10-9 Procedure step has been started: MPPS in progress

The MPPS server is notified that the selected procedure step has
been started. The message IN PROGRESS appears in the MPPS
If an error message is displayed, please contact your in-house service

• Perform the required examination, generating and saving as many flu-

oroscopic images as you like.

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• Mark the images you want to save.

The message and the image list can be sent only once to
the MPPS server. Therefore make sure that you have
marked all relevant images.

• Press the DICOM Store button.

The marked images or cine loops are transferred to the DICOM server
and saved there.
The marked images are transferred to the DICOM server.
The procedure step is reported as being completed to the MPPS

Fig. 10-10 Procedure step has been completed: MPPS COMPLETED

A list of the images that have been transferred to the DICOM server
is sent to the MPPS server.
To cancel the procedure step, do the following:
• Press the Discontinue MPPS button.
The procedure step is canceled:

Fig. 10-11 Procedure step has been canceled: MPPS DISCON-


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10.4 Saving all images from one or several patient folders

DICOM Store If the system is connected to a DICOM network, you can save images
from one or more patient folders to a DICOM server.

Saving options You can use the following options to save images to the DICOM server:
− Save images without text information and attributes (such as
rotation, reversal, etc.).
− Save images with their attributes.
− Save images with their text information and their attributes.

Resolution and You can save the images in the following formats:
color depth
Resolution Color depth
1024 × 1024 16/8 bit
512 × 512 8 Bit
Table 10-1 Image resolution and color depth

One of these formats is always preset as default. Please contact your in-
house service engineer if you need a different format.

Transferring If you send only images to the DICOM server which are not stored there
images already, all images are actually transferred and saved. Images that are
already stored on the DICOM server are not saved there again. Images
that have been downloaded from the DICOM server with the Retrieve
function will not be retransferred to the DICOM server.

To save all images from one or several patient folders to a DICOM

server, do the following:
• Press the Archive tab.
The Archive operating mode is activated.
• Position the cursor on the desired patient folder, or mark the desired
patient folders.

• Press the DICOM Store button.

The images of the marked patient folder(s) are transferred to the
DICOM server and saved there.
A progress indicator in a message window on the control panel
informs you about the status of the save operation. The Cancel button
appears, enabling you to interrupt the save operation.
Images that have been successfully transferred are flagged with a D.
Once all images have been transferred, the patient folders become

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You can edit the patient data of images (→ Ch. 9.2, p. 9-2) that have Editing patient data
already been stored on the DICOM server at any moment. Once you
have edited the patient data, the D flag is removed from the images. You
may retransfer them to the DICOM server with the new patient data after-

You can modify the attributes of images (→ Ch. 13, p. 13-1) that have Modifying archived
already been stored on the DICOM server at any moment. Once you images
have modified the attributes, the D flag is removed from the images. You
may retransfer them to the DICOM server with the new attributes after-

10.5 Saving and printing images and cine loops from a pa-
tient folder

Once you have displayed or activated a patient folder, you can save the
images and cine loops which are stored there to a connected DICOM
server and/or print them on a connected DICOM network printer.

To print images or cine loops from a patient folder on a DICOM

network printer, do the following:
• Press the Archive tab.
The Archive operating mode is activated.

• Display the desired patient folder (→ Ch. 9.3.2, p. 9-21).


• Activate the desired patient folder (→ Ch. 9.3.3, p. 9-23).

• Position the cursor on the desired image or cine loop.

or or
• Mark the images or cine loops you want to print.

• Press the DICOM Print button.

The marked images or cine loops are printed on the DICOM network
A progress indicator in a message window on the control panel
informs you about the status of the print operation. The Cancel button
appears, enabling you to interrupt the print operation.

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Once they have been printed, the images or cine loops become

Transferring If you send only images to the DICOM server which are not stored there
images already, all images are actually transferred and saved. Images that are
already stored on the DICOM server are not saved there again. Images
that have been downloaded from the DICOM server with the Retrieve
function will not be retransferred to the DICOM server.

Never modify any patient data in a patient folder after
having transferred images from this patient folder to the
DICOM server!

To save images or cine loops to a DICOM server, do the following:

• Press the Archive tab.
The Archive operating mode is activated.

• Display the desired patient folder (→ Ch. 9.3.2, p. 9-21).


• Activate the desired patient folder

(→ Ch. 9.3.3, p. 9-23).
• Position the cursor on the desired image or cine loop.

or or
• Mark the images or cine loops you want to save.

• Press the DICOM Store button.

The marked images or cine loops are transferred to the DICOM server
and saved there.
A progress indicator in a message window on the control panel
informs you about the status of the save operation. The Cancel button
appears, enabling you to interrupt the save operation.
Images that have been successfully transferred are flagged with a D.
Once they have been saved, the images or cine loops become

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If the cine loops to be transferred (in DICOM format)
exceed a file size of 2 GB, they are cut in size and trans-
ferred only up to this size.
A message window with a confirmation prompt is dis-
played, which allows you to accept this operation or
cancel saving.

10.6 Saving or printing single cine loop images

If the system is connected to a DICOM network, you can save one or

several single images from an open cine loop to the DICOM server and/
or print them on a DICOM network printer.

To print images from a cine loop on a DICOM network printer, do the

• Press the Archive tab.
The Archive operating mode is activated.

• Open the desired cine loop (→ Ch. 11.3, p. 11-3).

The individual images of the cine loop are displayed as a thumbnail
image mosaic on the reference screen.
• Position the cursor on the desired image.

or or
• Mark the images you want to print.

• Press the DICOM Print button.

The marked images are printed on the DICOM network printer.
A progress indicator in a message window on the control panel
informs you about the status of the print operation. The Cancel button
appears, enabling you to interrupt the print operation.
Once they have been printed, the images become unmarked.

To save cine loop images to a DICOM server, do the following:

• Press the Archive tab.
The Archive operating mode is activated.

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• Open the desired cine loop (→ Ch. 11.3, p. 11-3).

The individual images of the cine loop are displayed as a thumbnail
image mosaic on the reference screen.
• Position the cursor on the desired image.

or or
• Mark the images you want to save.

• Press the DICOM Store button.

The marked images are transferred to the DICOM server and saved
A progress indicator in a message window on the control panel
informs you about the status of the save operation. The Cancel button
appears, enabling you to interrupt the save operation.
Images that have been successfully transferred are flagged with a D.
Once they have been transferred, the images become unmarked.

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10.7 Importing images and cine loops from a DICOM server

After displaying or activating a patient folder in the Archive or Patient

operating mode, you can download images and cine loops (image level
query/retrieve) or entire series of images and cine loops (series level
query/retrieve) from the connected DICOM server and save them to the
displayed or active patient folder.
You can download images and cine loops with a size of up to 27 MB from
the DICOM server. The maximum number of images in each patient
folder is not limited as long as the overall storage capacity of the system
is not exceeded.

To import one or more images from the DICOM server into a patient
folder, do the following:
• Press the Archive tab.
The Archive operating mode is activated.
or or
• Press the Patient tab.
The Patient operating mode is activated.

• Display the desired patient folder (→ Ch. 9.3.2, p. 9-21).


• Activate the desired patient folder (→ Ch. 9.3.3, p. 9-23).

• Press the Retrieve or DICOM Retrieve button.

The Studies, Series and Images lists with the related controls
appear on the control panel. The Studies list contains all studies
which are available on the server.

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Fig. 10-12 Studies, Series and Images retrieval lists, with items on
the Studies list

• Select the desired study from the Studies list using the arrow buttons.

• Press the Refresh button next to the Studies list.

All series of the selected study appear in the Series list.

Fig. 10-13 Studies, Series and Images retrieval lists, with items on
the Studies and Series lists

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• Using the arrow buttons, position the cursor on the desired series in
the Series list.
• Press the Refresh button next to the Series list.
All images of the selected series are displayed in the Images list.

Fig. 10-14 Studies, Series and Images retrieval lists, with items on all

• Using the arrow buttons, position the cursor on the image of the
Images list you want to import.
or or
• Mark the images you want to import in the Images list.

Fig. 10-15 Images list with marked item

• Press the Retrieve button next to the Images list.

The marked images are downloaded from the DICOM server to the
patient folder. A progress indicator in a message window on the
control panel informs you about the status of the transfer operation.
Images that have been successfully downloaded are flagged with an

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Do not switch off the system during image data transfer!
The transfer time depends on the network interface card
and the network load.

To import a series of images from the DICOM server into a patient

folder, do the following:
• Press the Archive tab.
The Archive operating mode is activated.
or or
• Press the Patient tab.
The Patient operating mode is activated.

• Display the desired patient folder (→ Ch. 9.3.2, p. 9-21).


• Activate the desired patient folder (→ Ch. 9.3.3, p. 9-23).

• Press the Retrieve or DICOM Retrieve button.
The Studies, Series and Images lists with the related controls
appear on the control panel. The Studies list contains all studies
which are available on the server.

Fig. 10-16 Studies, Series and Images retrieval lists, with items on
the Studies list

• Select the desired study from the Studies list using the arrow buttons.

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• Press the Refresh button next to the Studies list.

All series of the selected study appear in the Series list.

Fig. 10-17 Studies, Series and Images retrieval lists, with items on
the Studies and Series lists

• Using the arrow buttons, position the cursor in the Series list on the
series whose images you want to import.
• Press the Retrieve button.
All images of the series are downloaded from the DICOM server to the
patient folder. A progress indicator in a message window on the
control panel informs you about the status of the transfer operation.
Images that have been successfully downloaded are flagged with an

Do not switch off the system during image data transfer!
The transfer time depends on the network interface card
and the network load.

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10.8 Storage Commitment

Storage Com- You can check whether the images that are flagged with a D
mitment function (→ Ch. 10.5, p. 10-17 or → Ch. 10.6, p. 10-19) have actually been
stored on the DICOM server, e.g. before you proceed to deleting them
from the hard disk of the system. The Storage Commitment function
must be enabled in the DICOM settings for that purpose.

• Please contact your in-house service engineer if you wish to enable

the Storage Commitment function.

To check whether the images are stored on the DICOM server, do

the following:

• Make sure that the Storage Commitment function is enabled.

• Press the Archive tab.
The Archive operating mode is activated.
• Press the DICOM Storage Commitment button.
The system searches the hard disk for images which have already
been saved to the DICOM Storage server, i.e., the ones flagged with
a D. Then the system verifies for each one of these images whether it
is actually stored on the DICOM server. A progress indicator informs
you about the status of the verification process.

Fig. 10-18 Commitment progress indicator

All images which are present on the DICOM server are flagged with a
C in the thumbnail mosaic.

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Automatic Storage If the Automatic Storage Commitment function is enabled in the

Commitment DICOM settings, the system automatically performs a Storage Com-
function mitment operation after each successful saving procedure.

• Please contact your in-house service engineer if you wish to enable

the Automatic Storage Commitment function.

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11 Cine Loops

11.1 Overview

A cine loop consists of several fluoroscopic images that are acquired in General
sequence. It can be replayed like a movie later and also post-edited.

Cine loops are useful whenever dynamic movement needs to be visu- Applications
alized. Typical fields of application are:
− Orthopedics:
You can generate a cine loop for visualizing movements of the
skeletal system.
− Vascular surgery:
You can combine a cine loop with DSA (for Germany - SUB)
(→ Ch. 12.2, p. 12-2) to visualize a contrast medium flow.

11.2 Generating a cine loop

You can define the frame rate (speed) and the number of frames (length) Settings
for each cine loop you acquire. With a maximum system configuration,
the following values are available:
− Frame rate:
1, 2, 4, 8 frames per second
(on systems with 50 Hz)
1, 2, 5, 10 frames per second
(on systems with 60 Hz)
− Length:
100, 200, 300, 400 images per cine loop
If you activate the Auto option, all images that are generated during
the time of exposure are automatically saved. With this option, you do
not need to set the recording length prior to fluoroscopy.

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You can preset the frame rate (speed) and the number of frames (length)
of the cine loop in the Configuration operating mode under Operation
Settings (→ Ch. 18.4.1, p. 18-12). You can, however, modify these set-
tings during operation for each individual cine loop you acquire.

Fig. 11-1 Cine loop settings (on systems with 50 Hz)

Saving a cine loop The cine loop images are automatically saved during radiation. The first
image of the cine loop is saved as the start image, the last one as the stop
The number of images that are actually saved depends on the cine loop
length you have chosen:
− If you terminate radiation before reaching the selected cine loop
length, only the images generated during the time of exposure will be
− If radiation is continued beyond the selected cine loop length, only the
most recent images will be saved; the first images are lost.
− If you have activated the Auto option, all images that are generated
during the time of exposure are automatically saved.

Storage capacity Before you initiate fluoroscopy, the system checks automatically whether
there is enough hard disk space available for the preset cine loop. If,
despite the Auto-Delete function (→ p. 7-18), it is not possible to free up
enough disk space, an audible alarm sounds and the following alert
message appears on the control panel:
Out of memory. Image can not be stored!

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To free up disk space for a cine loop, do the following:

• Unprotect all protected images of a stored patient folder (→ p. 9-30)

and then delete the patient folder from the hard disk.

• Decrease the length of the cine loop you want to acquire.

• Make a backup to a USB stick or a DVD as soon as possible and then

delete the patient folders you have backed up before from the hard

As long as the snapshot fluoroscopy mode is active, the
Cine button is hidden on the control panel.

To acquire a cine loop, do the following:

• Press the Cine button.
The cine loop setting controls appear in the dynamic control area.
The cine loop setting controls appear in the dynamic control area.

Fig. 11-2 Cine loop setting controls on systems with a frequency

rating of 50 Hz (left) and 60 Hz (right)

• Select the desired cine loop length or the Auto function under

• Select the desired frame rate under Frames/s.

• Initiate radiation.
The cine loop is acquired and automatically saved.

• Terminate radiation.
The new cine loop is now automatically replayed at the preset frame
rate in an endless loop on the live screen. You can control and edit
the cine loop (→ Ch. 11.4, p. 11-5).

11.3 Opening a saved cine loop

You can reopen and replay a cine loop saved on the hard disk at any

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To open a cine loop saved on the hard disk, do the following:

• Press the Archive tab.
The Archive operating mode is activated.
• Press the Search button.
The input boxes for searching appear in the dynamic control area. A
list of all patient names is displayed.
Now you can enter the desired search string(s).
• Press the button of the desired input box, e.g. the Last Name button.
The button is highlighted in yellow. The cursor jumps to the corre-
sponding input box.

• Enter the search string using the alphanumeric keypad.

The search function is not case-sensitive.

With each letter you enter, the alphabetical hit list is more and more
confined to match the search string.
The All button appears, allowing you to redisplay the entire list.
• Press the Back button.
You are returned to the Archive screen. The data of all patients who
match the search string(s) is displayed in the list.
The All button appears, allowing you to redisplay the entire list.
• Select the desired patient folder using the arrow keys.

• Press the OK button.

All images contained in this patient folder are displayed as thumbnails
on the reference screen. The most recent image is highlighted by a
white frame. Cine loop sequences are symbolized by their last image
and flagged with C.
• Select the desired cine loop in the patient folder using the arrow

• Press the OK button.

The first image of the cine loop is displayed at full size on the live
screen. The cine loop number in the patient folder is shown in the
image as CINE XY.
The individual images of the cine loop are displayed as a thumbnail
mosaic on the reference screen.

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The controls for playback and editing of the cine loop as well as those for
processing and outputting individual cine loop images appear on the
control panel:

Cine loop play-

back and editing

Cine loop image

processing and
output controls

Fig. 11-3 Archive operating mode during cine loop playback (on
systems with 60 fps)

• Press the Play button.

The cine loop is replayed in an endless loop on the live screen. During
playback, a moving indicator shows the position of the currently dis-
played image within the cine loop.
The buttons in the dynamic control area are used to control and edit the
cine loop which is replayed on the live screen (→ Ch. 11.4, p. 11-5).
When you open a DSA cine loop (for Germany - SUB cine loop), addi-
tional controls are displayed in the dynamic control area. The buttons in
the lower half of the control panel are used to process and output the indi-
vidual images of the cine loop (→ Ch. 11.6, p. 11-16).

11.4 Controlling and editing a cine loop during playback

As soon as a newly-acquired or saved cine loop is replayed on the live

screen, the cine loop playback and editing controls appear in the dynamic
control area.
When you open a DSA cine loop (for Germany - SUB cine loop), addi-
tional controls are displayed in the dynamic control area.
− Mask image control (→ Ch. 12.3, p. 12-5)

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Fig. 11-4 Cine loop (without DSA) (for Germany - without SUB)
playback and editing controls on systems with 50 Hz
(above) and 60 Hz (below)

All the settings that you make in the dynamic control area always affect
the cine loop which is marked by a white frame on the screen.

You can control cine loop playback in the following ways:

Changing the • To change the playback speed of the cine loop, choose another value
playback speed under Frms/s.
• To stop cine loop playback, press the Stop button.
The Play button appears.

• To scroll through the cine loop, press the Forward or Backward

arrow button.
The longer you press the button, the faster the cine loop images are
opened one after the other.
• To continue cine loop playback, press the Play button.
The Stop button appears.

Editing options The following options are available for editing a cine loop during
− Trimming the cine loop
− Cleaning up the cine loop

Trimming the cine You can trim the cine loop for playback, e.g. if the contrast medium has
loop been injected too late, thus making the first images of the cine loop
useless. This is done by defining a new start image and a new stop image
for cine loop playback.

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To trim the cine loop, do the following:

• Press the Stop button.
Now you can scroll through the individual images of the cine loop with
the help of the arrow buttons.

• Select the desired start image using the arrow buttons.

• Press the Start Img button.

• Select the desired stop image using the arrow buttons.

• Press the Stop Img button.

The cine loop sequence is trimmed.

• Press the Play button.

The trimmed cine loop sequence is replayed in an endless loop.

• To replay the entire original cine loop, press the Complete button.

You can delete all images outside the trimmed cine loop, i.e. those before Cleaning up the
the start image and those after the stop image. cine loop

Once you have cleaned up the cine loop, you can no
longer restore the original cine loop with the Complete

To clean up a cine loop, do the following:

• Press the Stop button.

• Press the Clean up button.

All images which are not enclosed between the start image and the
stop image are deleted without confirmation prompt.

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11.5 Processing and outputting saved cine loops

Once you have displayed (→ Ch. 9.3.2, p. 9-21) or activated

(→ Ch. 9.3.3, p. 9-23) a patient folder, you can process the images and
the cine loops that are stored there. Different read-only boxes and con-
trols are displayed on the control panel for that purpose. In the thumbnail
mosaic on the reference screen, cine loop sequences are symbolized by
their last image and flagged with Cine.


Buttons for Arrow but-

marking and tons for
deleting screen

Buttons for

Buttons for

Fig. 11-5 Archive operating mode with displayed patient folder

In the following sections, we will describe how to process and output cine
loops. For information on how to process and output individual images in
a patient folder, please refer to → Ch. 9.3.5, p. 9-27.
The following cine loop processing functions are available in a displayed
or active patient folder:
− Mark:
To mark one or more cine loops

− Protect:
To protect marked cine loops against being deleted

− Delete:
To delete cine loops

− DICOM Retrieve:
To import cine loops from a DICOM server (→ Ch. 10.7, p. 10-21)

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− Print:
To print marked cine loops on the video printer

− DICOM Print:
To print marked cine loops on a DICOM network printer (→ Ch. 10.5,
p. 10-17)

− DVD:
To write marked cine loops to DVD
The title bar shows you – in addition to the selected operating mode
– the remaining storage capacity of the DVD to which you want to
write the marked patient folders.
− USB:
To save marked cine loops to a USB storage medium
The title bar shows you – in addition to the selected operating mode
– the remaining storage capacity of the USB storage medium to which
you want to save the marked patient folders.
− DICOM Store:
To save marked cine loops to a DICOM server (→ Ch. 10.5, p. 10-17)

11.5.1 Replaying a cine loop

To replay a cine loop, do the following:

• Select the desired cine loop in the thumbnail mosaic on the reference
screen using the arrow buttons.

• Press the OK button.

The start image of the cine loop is displayed on the live screen.
The individual images of the cine loop are displayed as a thumbnail
mosaic on the reference screen.
The controls for playback and editing of the cine loop (→ Ch. 11.4,
p. 11-5) as well as those for processing and outputting single cine
loop images (→ Ch. 11.6, p. 11-16) appear on the control panel.
• Press the Play button.
The cine loop is replayed on the live screen.

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11.5.2 Marking cine loops

To mark one or more cine loops, do the following:

• Select the desired cine loop on the reference screen using the arrow

• Press the Mark button.

The cine loop is now marked and flagged with an M.

• To mark additional cine loops, repeat the procedure.

To unmark a cine loop, do the following:

• Select the desired marked cine loop on the reference screen using the
arrow buttons.

• Press the Mark button.

The cine loop becomes unmarked.

11.5.3 Protecting cine loops

You can protect cine loops against being deleted. When you try to delete
a folder which contains protected cine loops, the folder itself as well as
the protected cine loops remain on the hard disk.

To protect one or more cine loops, do the following:

• Select the desired cine loop on the reference screen using the arrow
• Press the Protect button.
The cine loop is now protected and flagged with a P.

• To protect additional cine loops, repeat the procedure.

To unprotect a cine loop, do the following:

• Select the desired protected cine loop using the arrow buttons.
• Press the Protect button.
The cine loop becomes unprotected.

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Patient folders containing protected cine loops or images
cannot be deleted automatically. If many folders on the
hard disk contain protected cine loops or images, the
Auto-Delete function will not delete them, and you will be
unable to save new images.
To avoid this situation, regularly back up the patient
folders which are still needed to external storage media or
to a DICOM server. You can then manually delete those
patient folders or unprotect them and allow the Auto-
Delete function to free up space on your hard disk.

11.5.4 Deleting cine loops

You can delete either all marked cine loops, or all unmarked cine loops,
or only the cine loop where the cursor is.

To delete one or more cine loops from a patient folder, do the fol-

Deleted cine loops are irretrievably lost.
Back up the cine loops you want to keep before deleting
them, or make sure that they are really no longer needed.

• Mark the cine loops you want to delete and press the Delete Marked
Items button.
The following confirmation prompt is displayed:

Fig. 11-6 Delete images confirmation prompt

or or
• Mark the cine loops you want to keep and press the Delete
Unmarked Items button.
The following confirmation prompt is displayed:

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Fig. 11-7 Delete images confirmation prompt

or or
• Using the arrow buttons, position the cursor on the cine loop you want
to delete, and then press the Delete button.
The following confirmation prompt is displayed:

Fig. 11-8 Delete images confirmation prompt

• Confirm by pressing the Yes button.

The cine loops are deleted from the patient folder.

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11.5.5 Printing on video printer

You can mark one or more cine loops and print all images contained in
them in one go.

To print a cine loop on the video printer, do the following:

• Position the cursor on the desired cine loop or mark the cine loops you
want to print.

• Press the Print button.

The marked cine loops are printed on the video printer mounted in the
C-arm stand. A progress indicator in a message window on the
control panel informs you about the status of the print operation. The
Cancel button appears, enabling you to interrupt the print operation.
Once they have been printed, the cine loops become unmarked.

Risk of injury by cutting device!
You can hurt yourself touching the cutting device.
Do not touch the cutting device when adding or removing
Please refer to the Operating Instructions of the corre-
sponding printer.

When printing, tear off the printer paper on the Sony ®
Please refer to the Operating Instructions of the corre-
sponding printer.

11.5.6 Saving cine loops

Depending on your chosen system configuration, you can save the Storage formats
images of one or more cine loops in various storage formats to different
storage media. Some formats with reduced resolution and color depth
are also available.

Storage File Resolution Color File size Storage medium

format extension depth
16 bit TIF *.tif 1024 × 1024 16 Bit 2 MB • •
DICOM — 1024 × 1024 16 Bit 2 MB • •

Table 11-1 Available storage formats

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Storage File Resolution Color File size Storage medium

format extension depth
Cine loop *.avi 512 × 512 8 bit depends on • —
cine loop
Single *.jpg 512 × 512 8 bit 256 KB • •
DICOM — 512 × 512 8 Bit 256 KB • •
JPEG *.jpg 512 × 512 8 Bit 256 KB • •

Table 11-1 Available storage formats (cont.)

Saving image data with a resolution of 512 × 512 pixels
may lead to information loss.

The desired storage format is defined in the Configuration operating

mode under Storage Media (→ Ch. 18.5, p. 18-16).

Ziehm DICOM Whenever you save images in standard DICOM format or ‘reduced’
Viewer DICOM format (with a resolution of 512 × 512 pixels and 8 bit color depth)
to an external storage medium, the Ziehm DICOM Viewer program is
automatically saved to the storage medium as well. This program
enables you to view the DICOM images on any PC with Microsoft®
Windows® operating system (version Microsoft® Windows® 98 or
higher). When residing on a DVD, the Ziehm DICOM Viewer starts auto-
matically. When residing on a USB storage medium, the program must
be launched manually.

Saving to USB To save cine loops to a USB stick, do the following:

storage medium
• Position the cursor on the desired cine loop or mark the cine loops you
want to save.

• Plug the USB stick into the USB port on the monitor cart.
• Press the USB button.
The marked cine loops are saved to the USB storage medium. A
progress indicator in a message window on the control panel informs
you about the status of the save operation. The Cancel button
appears, enabling you to interrupt the save operation.
Once they have been saved, the cine loops become unmarked.

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If the cine loops to be transferred (in DICOM format)
exceed a file size of 2 GB, they are cut in size and trans-
ferred only up to this size.
A message window with a confirmation prompt is dis-
played, which allows you to accept this operation or
cancel saving.

With the DVD writer, data can be written to DVDs. The selected cine Writing to DVD
loops are copied to a compilation file on the hard disk first. You can
decide whether you want to write the cine loops from the compilation file
to DVD immediately or later. This enables you to gather entire cine loops
or patient folders as well as single images from different patient folders
and cine loops in the compilation file and to write them to DVD later in one
If you switch off the system before having actually written the patient
folders and images from the compilation file to DVD, the system will pre-
serve the compilation file information.

To write one or more cine loops to DVD, do the following:

• Mark the desired cine loop(s).

• Insert an empty DVD into the DVD writer.

• Press the DVD button.

The following messages appear one after the other:
Checking DVD ...
Copying image xyz to DVD mirror ...
Once they have been included in the compilation file, the cine loops
become unmarked.

If the cine loops to be transferred (in DICOM format)
exceed a file size of 2 GB, they are cut in size and trans-
ferred only up to this size.
A message window with a confirmation prompt is dis-
played, which allows you to accept this operation or
cancel saving.

The following message appears:

Write images to DVD?
• To leave the marked cine loops in the compilation file on the hard disk
for the time being, press the No button in the message window.

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or or
To write the marked cine loops to DVD right away, confirm by pressing
the Yes button. The write process is started, and the following
message appears:
Writing DVD. Estimated time x minutes.
A progress indicator informs you about the status of the write oper-
Once the write operation has been completed successfully, the fol-
lowing message is displayed:
Writing of DVD completed successfully
• Press the OK button.

11.6 Processing and outputting single cine loop images

As soon as you open a saved cine loop in the Archive operating mode
(→ Ch. 11.3, p. 11-3), the individual images of the cine loop are dis-
played as a thumbnail mosaic on the reference screen.
When you place the cursor on an individual image of the thumbnail
mosaic, this image is automatically displayed at full size on the live
The following functions are available for processing single cine loop
− Mark:
To mark one or more images

− Protect:
To protect the image marked by the cursor against being deleted

− Delete:
To delete images

− Print:
To print marked images on the video printer

− DICOM Print:
To print marked images on a DICOM network printer (→ Ch. 10.6,
p. 10-19)

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− DVD:
To write marked images to DVD

− USB:
To save marked images to a USB storage medium

− DICOM Store:
To save marked images to a DICOM server (→ Ch. 10.6, p. 10-19)

11.6.1 Marking cine loop images

To mark one or more images of a cine loop, do the following:

• Select the desired image in the thumbnail mosaic on the live screen
using the arrow buttons.

• Press the Mark button.

The image is now marked and flagged with an M.

• To mark additional images, repeat the procedure.

To unmark an image, do the following:

• Select the desired marked image using the arrow buttons.

• Press the Mark button.

11.6.2 Protecting cine loop images

You can protect cine loop images against being deleted. When you try to
delete a folder which contains cine loops with protected images, the
folder itself as well as the respective cine loops remain on the hard disk.

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To protect one or more images of a cine loop, do the following:

• Select the desired image in the thumbnail mosaic on the reference
screen using the arrow buttons.

• Press the Protect button.

The image is now delete-protected and flagged with a P.

• To protect additional images, repeat the procedure.

To unprotect an image, do the following:

• Select the desired protected image with the arrow buttons and press
the Protect button.

Patient folders containing protected images cannot be
deleted automatically. If many folders on the hard disk
contain protected images, the Auto-Delete function will
not delete them, and you will be unable to save new
To avoid this situation, regularly back up the patient
folders which are still needed to external storage media or
to a DICOM server. You can then manually delete those
patient folders or unprotect them and allow the Auto-
Delete function to free up space on your hard disk.

11.6.3 Deleting cine loop images

You can delete either all marked images, or all unmarked images, or only
the image where the cursor is.

To delete one or more images of a cine loop, do the following:

Deleted images are irretrievably lost.
Back up the images you want to keep before deleting
them, or make sure that they are really no longer needed.

• Mark the images you want to delete.

• Press the Delete Marked Items button.

The following confirmation prompt is displayed:

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Fig. 11-9 Delete images confirmation prompt

or or
• Mark the images you want keep.

• Press the Delete Unmarked Items button.

The following confirmation prompt is displayed:

Fig. 11-10 Delete images confirmation prompt

or or
• Select the individual image you want to delete using the arrow

• Press the Delete button.

The following confirmation prompt is displayed:

Fig. 11-11 Delete images confirmation prompt

• Confirm by pressing the Yes button.

The images are deleted from the patient folder.

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11.6.4 Printing cine loop images on the video printer

You can mark one or more images of the cine loop and print them all in
one go. Besides, you can print the image displayed on the live screen.

Risk of injury by cutting device!
You can hurt yourself touching the cutting device.
Do not touch the cutting device when adding or removing
Please refer to the Operating Instructions of the corre-
sponding printer.

When printing, tear off the printer paper on the Sony ®
Please refer to the Operating Instructions of the corre-
sponding printer.

To print images from a cine loop on the video printer, do the fol-
• Position the cursor on the desired image, or mark the images you
want to print.

• Press the Print button.

The marked images are printed on the video printer mounted in the C-
arm stand. A progress indicator in a message window on the control
panel informs you about the status of the print operation. The Cancel
button appears, enabling you to interrupt the print operation.
Once they have been printed, the cine loop images become

To print the live screen image on the video printer, do the following:
• Press the Print Live Screen Image button.
The image displayed on the live screen is printed.
The text information that is displayed on the live screen together with the
image (name of the patient, angle of rotation of the image, etc.) will
appear as a text block on a gray background at the left margin of the
If you have performed measurements in an image and saved them sub-
sequently, the measured values are printed on a second page.

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When you launch the print job directly from the video
printer, the resulting hard copy will be an exact repro-
duction of the live screen.

For further information, please refer to the video printer’s separate oper- Further information
ating instructions provided with this system.

11.6.5 Saving cine loop images

Depending on your chosen system configuration, you can save cine loop
images in various storage formats to different storage media. Some
formats with reduced resolution and color depth are also available.

Storage File Resolution Color File size Storage medium

format extension depth
16 bit TIF *.tif 1024 × 1024 16 Bit 2 MB • •
DICOM — 1024 × 1024 16 Bit 2 MB • •
Cine loop *.avi 512 × 512 8 bit depends on • —
cine loop
Single *.jpg 512 × 512 8 bit 256 KB • •
DICOM — 512 × 512 8 Bit 256 KB • •
JPEG *.jpg 512 × 512 8 Bit 256 KB • •

Table 11-2 Available storage formats

Saving image data with a resolution of 512 × 512 pixels
may lead to information loss.

The desired storage format is defined in the Configuration operating

mode under Storage Media (→ Ch. 18.5, p. 18-16).

Whenever you save images in standard DICOM format or ‘reduced’ Ziehm DICOM
DICOM format (with a resolution of 512 × 512 pixels and 8 bit color depth) Viewer
to an external storage medium, the Ziehm DICOM Viewer program is
automatically saved to the storage medium as well. This program
enables you to view the DICOM images on any PC with Microsoft®
Windows® operating system (version Microsoft® Windows® 98 or
higher). When residing on a DVD, the Ziehm DICOM Viewer starts auto-
matically. When residing on a USB storage medium, the program must
be launched manually.

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Saving to USB To save cine loop images to a USB storage medium, do the fol-
storage medium lowing:
• Position the cursor on the desired image, or mark the images you
want to save.

• Plug the USB stick into the USB port on the monitor cart.
• Press the USB button.
The marked images are saved to the USB stick. A progress indicator
in a message window on the control panel informs you about the
status of the save operation. The Cancel button appears, enabling
you to interrupt the save operation.
Once they have been saved, the cine loop images become unmarked.

Writing to DVD With the DVD writer, data can be written to DVDs. The selected images
are copied to a compilation file on the hard disk first. You can decide
whether you want to write the images from the compilation file to DVD
immediately or later. This enables you to gather images from different
cine loops and patient folders as well as entire cine loops or patient
folders in the compilation file and to write them to DVD later in one go.
If you switch off the system before having actually written the images and
patient folders from the compilation file to DVD, the system will preserve
the compilation file information.

To write cine loop images to DVD, do the following:

• Mark the desired image(s).

• Insert an empty DVD into the DVD writer.

• Press the DVD button.

The following messages appear one after the other:
Checking DVD ...
Copying image xyz to DVD mirror ...
Once they have been included in the compilation file, the images become
The following message appears:
Write images to DVD?
• To leave the marked images in the compilation file on the hard disk for
the time being, press the No button in the message window.

or or
To write the marked images to DVD right away, confirm by pressing
the Yes button. The write process is started, and the following
message appears:
Writing DVD. Estimated time x minutes.

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A progress indicator informs you about the status of the write oper-
Once the write operation has been completed successfully, the fol-
lowing message is displayed:
Writing of DVD completed successfully
• Press the OK button.

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11 Cine Loops

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12 Subtraction Operating Mode

12.1 Overview

The system provides the subtraction mode (DSA) (for Germany - SUB), Applications
which are used mainly in vascular surgery.

DSA (Digital Subtraction Angiography) mode generates a conventional DSA

subtracted image. This means that one image is subtracted from the
other, so that only the differences between the images become visible.
DSA is always combined with a cine loop (→ Ch. 11, p. 11-1).

The SUB (Subtraction) mode generates a conventional subtracted SUB (for Germany
image. This means that one image is subtracted from the other, so that only)
only the differences between the images become visible.
SUB is always combined with a cine loop (→ Ch. 11, p. 11-1).

In case the system is endangered by overheating the
pulse rate during fluoroscopy is automatically reduced to
avoid that the operation is aborted.
However, this safety measure may affect the image

The DSA cine loop (for Germany - SUB cine loop) is saved to the active Saving
patient folder and may be reopened or post-processed later.

In subtraction mode, three types of images are generated: Image types

− Mask image
The mask image is the fluoroscopic image which is subsequently sub-
tracted from the native image(s). The mask image is always acquired
− Native image
Generally speaking, a native image is an original fluoroscopic image
without any modification. In the subtraction modes, the native image
is the image from which the mask image is subtracted to obtain the
subtracted image.

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12 Subtraction Operating Mode

− Subtracted image
A subtracted image is the result of the subtraction process: native
image minus mask image.

Showing or hiding You can preset whether you want the native image to appear on the ref-
the native image erence screen during the acquisition of a DSA cine loop (for Germany -
SUB cine loop). This is done in the Configuration operating mode under
Operation Settings (→ Ch. 18.4.2, p. 18-14). If you deactivate the
option DSA Native on (for Germany - SUB Native on), you may display
a reference image on the reference screen during the entire subtraction
procedure. If you activate the option DSA Native on (for Germany - SUB
Native on), any image which is displayed on the reference screen will
disappear as soon as you switch to the Subtraction operating mode.

Cine loop Each DSA (for Germany - SUB) is automatically combined with a cine
loop. The first image of the cine loop is saved as the mask image, and all
subsequent native images are subtracted from the mask image.

Scrolling You cannot scroll through the individual cine loops on the reference

12.2 Acquiring a DSA cine loop (for Germany - SUB cine


Fig. 12-1 DSA cine loop settings (on systems with 50 Hz)

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12 Subtraction Operating Mode

Fig. 12-2 SUB cine loop settings (on systems with 50 fps) (Germany

To be able to acquire a DSA cine loop (for Germany - SUB cine loop), Prerequisite
you must first create a new patient folder (→ Ch. 9.2.2, p. 9-10) or
activate an existing patient folder (→ Ch. 9.3.3, p. 9-23).

With a DSA cine loop (for Germany - SUB cine loop), the system auto- Length of the DSA
matically saves all images that are generated during the time of cine loop (for
exposure. In the DSA cine loop settings (for Germany - SUB cine loop), Germany - SUB cine
the Auto option is preset under Length. You cannot select a defined loop)
length for a DSA cine loop (for Germany - SUB cine loop) (→ p. 11-2).

To acquire a DSA cine loop (for Germany - SUB cine loop), do the fol-
• Press the Subtraction tab.
The Subtraction operating mode is activated.
• Press the DSA button (for Germany - SUB button ).
The cine loop setting controls appear in the dynamic control area. The
Auto option is preset under Length and cannot be changed. The
buttons for setting a specific cine length are unavailable for this

• Set the desired frame rate for the DSA cine loop (for Germany - SUB
cine loop) under Frms/s (→ Ch. 11.2, p. 11-1).
• Press the hand switch, the fluoroscopy pedal of the two-pedal foot
switch or the Fluoroscopy key on the monitor support arm.

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12 Subtraction Operating Mode

Risk of injury by X-rays!
Put on X-ray protective clothing, if you initiate radiation by
pressing the fluoroscopy key on the monitor support arm.

• The status message Mask image acquisition... appears together

with a progress indicator on the control panel.
A countdown of 3 s is performed on the live screen, where each
second is accompanied by an audible alarm.

These alarms signal the start of the DSA (for Germany -
SUB) and the earliest possible moment you can inject the
contrast medium.
The final decision when to actually inject the contrast
medium lies with the attending physician or attending

After 3 s accompanied by a last audible alarm have elapsed, radiation

is released automatically.
After the mask image has been acquired, the request ...Injection
appears on the title bar of the control panel.

• Inject the contrast medium, if not yet done.

Cine loop acquisition continues. The subtracted images are displayed
on the live screen. If you have activated the DSA Native on option (for
Germany - SUB Native on), the native images are displayed on the
reference screen.

• Terminate radiation.
The cine loop is automatically saved to the active patient folder. It is
replayed in an endless loop on the live screen.
The the cine loop playback (→ Ch. 11.4, p. 11-5) and editing controls
appear in the dynamic control area.

Fig. 12-3 DSA cine loop playback (for Germany - SUB cine loop) and
editing controls on systems with 50 Hz (left) and 60 Hz

The Subtraction operating mode remains active. When you initiate radi-
ation again, a new DSA cine loop (for Germany - SUB cine loop) is
acquired with the defined settings.

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12 Subtraction Operating Mode

Various filter factors can be preset for the DSA mode (for Germany - SUB Filter factors
mode) in the Configuration operating mode under Service Settings.
You cannot make these presettings yourself.

• Please contact your in-house service engineer if you wish to preset or

modify the filters for the DSA mode (for Germany - SUB mode).

The default windowing values (width and level of the contrast window) for Windowing values
the DSA mode (for Germany - SUB mode) can be preset in the Config-
uration operating mode under Service Settings. You cannot make
these presettings yourself.

• Please contact your in-house service engineer if you wish to preset or

modify the windowing values for the DSA mode (for Germany - SUB

12.3 Editing a DSA cine loop

(for Germany - SUB cine loop)

As soon as a newly-acquired (→ Ch. 12.2, p. 12-2) or saved

(→ Ch. 11.3, p. 11-3) DSA cine loop (for Germany - SUB cine loop) is
replayed on the live screen, the cine loop playback and editing con-
trols appear in the dynamic control area.

Fig. 12-4 DSA cine loop playback (for Germany - SUB cine loop) and
editing controls on systems with 50 Hz (left) and 60 Hz

All the settings that you make in the dynamic control area always affect
the cine loop which is marked by a white frame on the screen.

You can control cine loop playback in the following ways:

• To change the playback speed of the cine loop, choose another value Changing the
under Frms/s. playback speed
• To stop cine loop playback, press the Stop button.
The Play button appears.

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12 Subtraction Operating Mode

• To continue cine loop playback, press the Play button.

The Stop button appears.

Editing options The following options are available for editing a cine loop during
− Trimming the cine loop
− Cleaning up the cine loop
− Defining another mask image

Trimming the cine You can trim the cine loop for playback, e.g. if the contrast medium has
loop been injected too late, thus making the first images of the cine loop
useless. This is done by defining a new start image and a new stop image
for cine loop playback.

To trim the cine loop, do the following:

• Press the Stop button.
Now you can scroll through the individual images of the cine loop with
the help of the arrow buttons.

• Select the desired start image with the arrow buttons and press the
Start Img button.

• Select the desired stop image with the arrow buttons and press the
Stop Img button.
The cine loop sequence is trimmed.

• Press the Play button.

The trimmed cine loop sequence is replayed in an endless loop.

• To replay the entire original cine loop, press the Complete button.

Cleaning up the You can delete all images outside the trimmed cine loop, i.e. those before
cine loop the start image and those after the stop image.

Once you have cleaned up the cine loop, you can no
longer restore the original cine loop with the Complete

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12 Subtraction Operating Mode

To clean up a cine loop, do the following:

• Press the Stop button.

• Press the Clean up button.

All images which are not enclosed between the start image and the
stop image are deleted without confirmation prompt.

Defining a mask You can define a mask image other than the original one for a DSA cine
image loop (for Germany - SUB cine loop) (→ p. 12-1).

To define an image of the cine loop as mask image, do the fol-

• Press the Stop button.
Now you can scroll through the individual images of the cine loop with
the help of the arrow buttons.

• Select the image you want to define as mask image with the arrow
buttons and press the Mask button.

• Press the Play button.

The cine loop is replayed. During cine playback, all images of the cine
loop are subtracted from the defined mask image.

To deactivate the mask image, do the following:

• Press the Mask off button.
The cine loops is replayed in their unchanged original format, e. g. no
mask image is subtracted from the respective images of the cine loop.
The former mask image remains stored in the cine loop, only its mask
function is deactivated.

To activate the mask image, do the following:

• Press the Mask on button.
On replaying the cine loop, the currently defined mask image is sub-
tracted from each image of the cine loop.

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12 Subtraction Operating Mode

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13 Post-Processing Images

13.1 Overview

Saved images can be post-processed at any time in the Post Pro- General
cessing operating mode. Any adjustments that you make in the Post
Processing operating mode affect only the selected image (exception:
screen settings).

The following post-processing functions are available: Post-processing

− Contrast/Brightness:
To adjust contrast and brightness of individual images (windowing)

− Filter:
Edge filter

− Zoom:
To enlarge a selected image area

− Grayscale Inversion:
To display an image with negative grayscale

− Vertical Slot Collimator:

Digital collimation (image crop)

− Horizontal Slot Collimator:

Digital collimation (image crop)

− Reverse Up/Down:
Vertical image reversal

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13 Post-Processing Images

− Reverse Left/Right:
Horizontal image reversal

− Image Rotation

− Text:
Text functions (→ Ch. 15, p. 15-1)

Saving the changes Any modification becomes immediately visible in the live screen image.
When you save an image, any modifications are saved as well and will
be visible both when you reopen the image and in mosaic view. However,
you can post-process an image as often as desired, thus undoing any
changes you have made before.

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13 Post-Processing Images

13.2 Activating the post-processing functions

To activate an image for subsequent post-processing, do the fol-

• Locate the desired patient folder in the Archive operating mode and
display it (→ Ch. 9.3.2, p. 9-21).
• Open the image you want to post-process.
The selected image is displayed at full size on the live screen.

• Press the Post Proc. tab.

The Post Processing operating mode is activated.

Fig. 13-1 Post Processing operating mode

Now you can post-process the selected image. You can browse through
the active patient folder on the live screen using the arrow buttons. In
addition, you can mark and delete individual images.

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13 Post-Processing Images

13.3 Contrast and brightness adjustment of individual

images (windowing)

Function The windowing function allows you to adjust the contrast and brightness
of the image on the live screen. These settings affect only the selected
image. When you save an image, the modified windowing values are
saved as well, even if you have retrieved the image from the archive.
After activating the Windowing function, you can select a number of gray
levels, which are then stretched over the entire range of 1024 gray levels
of the original image on the live screen. To achieve this effect, you set the
width and the level of the so-called contrast window.
The number of gray levels defines the width of the contrast window. The
width of the contrast window affects the image contrast. 1024 gray levels
correspond to the value W 100.
The position of the selected gray levels on the original image grayscale
(ranging from 0 to 1024 gray levels) defines the level of the contrast
window. The level of the contrast window affects the image brightness.
You select all gray levels between 325 and 875. These gray levels are
then mapped (stretched) to the range of 0 to 1024 gray levels in the pro-
cessed image. This enhances the contrast.
Gray levels 0 to 324 of the original image are displayed as black, and
gray levels 876 to 1024 of the original image are displayed as white. This
means that the processed image is darker than the original image.
There are two different windowing modes available:
− Standard windowing:
The standard windowing mode allows you to freely choose the level
and width of the contrast window.
− Step windowing:
With step windowing, you choose between several predefined win-
dowing steps. These windowing steps are preset and cannot be mod-
The chosen windowing values are shown on the screen as W X and L Y.

To set the brightness and contrast in standard windowing mode, do

the following:
• Press the Contrast/Brightness button.
The windowing setting controls appear.

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13 Post-Processing Images

Fig. 13-2 Standard windowing controls

• Under Width, set the number of gray levels using the arrow buttons.
The chosen width is indicated by the length of the blue bar in the
dynamic control area. The changes become immediately visible in the
live screen image.
• Under Level, set the brightness range using the arrow buttons.
The chosen level is indicated by the position of the slider in the
dynamic control area. The changes become immediately visible in the
live screen image.
• To restore the factory settings (level 50, width 100), press the Home

To set the brightness and contrast in step windowing mode, do the

• Press the Contrast/Brightness button.
The screen setting controls appear in the dynamic control area.

Fig. 13-3 Screen setting and step windowing controls

• Select the desired windowing step using the arrow buttons.

The settings become immediately visible in the live screen image.

• To restore the factory settings for step windowing, press the Home
Step windowing is reset to step 0. Simultaneously, brightness and
contrast are reset to their default values.
• Press the Contrast/Brightness button.
The screen setting controls disappear from the dynamic control area.

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13 Post-Processing Images

13.4 Edge filter

The edge filter allows you to select a greater or lesser degree of edge
enhancement within the image. There are 4 levels available:

Level Meaning
Off No edge enhancement (original fluoroscopic image)
1 Slight edge enhancement
2 Medium edge enhancement
3 Strong edge enhancement
-1 Unsharp mask to reduce noise
Table 13-1 Edge filter levels

To set the edge filter for the image, do the following:

• Press the Filter button.
The edge filter setting controls appear in the dynamic control area.

Fig. 13-4 Edge filter settings

• Select the desired edge filter level by pressing the corresponding

The filter setting becomes immediately visible in the live screen
image. The chosen edge filter level is shown on the screen as RTE X.
• Press the Filter button.
The edge filter setting controls disappear from the dynamic control

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13 Post-Processing Images

13.5 Digital zoom

The Zoom function allows you to enlarge a certain image area. There are
three zoom levels available. You can select the desired image area either
with the arrow buttons or with the integrated touchpad.


Fig. 13-5 Zoom function in the Post Processing operating mode

To enlarge an image area, do the following:

• Press the Zoom button.
The active image also appears on the reference screen.
The zoom controls appear in the dynamic control area.

Fig. 13-6 Zoom controls

• Select the desired zoom factor by pressing the corresponding button,

e.g. 4 X.
A marking circle appears in the center of the image on the reference
screen. The image area which is enclosed by the marking circle is dis-
played on the live screen with the chosen zoom level.
• Move the marking circle to the desired image area using the arrow
The chosen image area is displayed on the reference screen with the
chosen zoom level.

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• To move the marking circle back to the center of the live image, press
the Home button.

• Press the Zoom button.

The zoom controls disappear from the dynamic control area.

To enlarge an image area with the help of the touchpad, do the fol-
• Press the Zoom button.
The active image also appears on the reference screen.
The zoom controls appear in the dynamic control area.

Fig. 13-7 Zoom controls

• To move the marking circle back to the center of the live image, press
the Home button.

• Press the Zoom button.

The zoom controls disappear from the dynamic control area.

13.6 Grayscale inversion

Function The Grayscale Inversion function allows you to view the active image
with a negative grayscale.

To display an image with a negative (or positive) grayscale, do the

• Press the Grayscale Inversion button.
The image is displayed with negative grayscale on the live screen.

• Press the Grayscale Inversion button again.

The image is again displayed with a positive grayscale.

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13 Post-Processing Images

13.7 Image Rotation

• Press the Rotate Image CW button until the image orientation on the
live screen is as desired.
The image is rotated steplessly in clockwise direction.

• Press the Rotate Image CCW button until the image orientation on
the live screen is as desired.
The image is rotated steplessly in counter-clockwise direction.

The chosen angle of rotation is shown on the screen as R X.

13.8 Horizontal and vertical image reversal

• Press the Reverse Up/Down button.

On the live screen, the image appears with top and bottom reversed,
and a symbol for up/down reversal is displayed.

• Press the Reverse Left/Right button.

On the live screen, the image appears with left and right side
reversed, and a symbol for left/right reversal is displayed.
Image reversal is symbolized on the screen by an R which is either mir-
rored left-right or upside-down.

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13 Post-Processing Images

13.9 Digital collimation (image crop)

• Press the Close Vertical Slot Collimator button until the collimator
aperture on the live screen is as desired.
The vertical slot collimator closes steplessly.

• Press the Open Vertical Slot Collimator button until the collimator
aperture on the live screen is as desired.
The vertical slot collimator opens steplessly.

• Press the Close Horizontal Slot Collimator button until the colli-
mator aperture on the live screen is as desired.
The horizontal slot collimator closes steplessly.

• Press the Open Horizontal Slot Collimator button until the colli-
mator aperture on the live screen is as desired.
The horizontal slot collimator opens steplessly.

13.10 Marking and deleting images

Browsing through You can browse through an active patient folder in the Post Processing
the patient folder operating mode without having to switch to the Archive operating mode.
The live screen always shows the selected image at full size.

Marking To mark one or more images, do the following:

• Select the desired image on the live screen using the arrow buttons.

• Press the Mark button.

The image is now marked and flagged with an M.

• To mark additional images, repeat the procedure.

To unmark an image, do the following:

• Select the desired marked image on the live screen using the arrow

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13 Post-Processing Images

• Press the Mark button.

The image becomes unmarked.

To protect one or more images, do the following: Protecting

• Select the desired image on the live screen using the arrow buttons.

• Press the Protect button.

The image is now protected and flagged with a P.

• To protect additional images, repeat the procedure.

To unprotect an image, do the following:

• Select the desired protected image using the arrow buttons.

• Press the Protect button.

The image becomes unprotected.

Patient folders containing protected images cannot be
deleted automatically. If many folders on the hard disk
contain protected images, the Auto-Delete function will
not delete them, and you will be unable to save new
To avoid this situation, regularly back up the patient
folders which are still needed to external storage media or
to a DICOM server. You can then manually delete those
patient folders or unprotect them and allow the Auto-
Delete function to free up space on your hard disk.

To delete one or more images from a patient folder, do the fol-


Deleted images are irretrievably lost.
Back up the images you want to keep before deleting
them, or make sure that they are really no longer needed.

• Mark the images you want to delete and press the Delete Marked
Items button.
The following confirmation prompt is displayed:

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13 Post-Processing Images

Fig. 13-8 Delete marked images confirmation prompt

or or
• Mark the images you want to keep and press the Delete Unmarked
Items button.
The following confirmation prompt is displayed:

Fig. 13-9 Delete unmarked images confirmation prompt

or or
• Select the individual image you want to delete using the arrow

• Press the Delete button.

The following confirmation prompt is displayed:

Fig. 13-10 Delete image confirmation prompt

• Confirm by pressing the Yes button.

The images are deleted from the patient folder.

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13 Post-Processing Images

13.11 Outputting post-processed images

You can save individual images to hard disk (→ Ch. 7.9, p. 7-16) or print Output options
them on the video printer in the Post Processing operating mode as
well. These actions are always applied to the selected image or to the
marked images.
When you save an image, all changes applied to it are saved as well and
will be visible the next time you open the image. However, you can post-
process an image as often as desired, thus undoing any changes you
have made before.

To print images on the video printer, do the following:

• Select the image you want to print.

or or
• Mark the images you want to print.

• Press the Print button.

The marked images are printed on the video printer mounted in the C-
arm stand. A progress indicator in a message window on the control
panel informs you about the status of the print operation.
Once they have been printed, the images become unmarked.

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14 Measurement

14.1 Measuring functions

The system lets you measure various distances and angles in a saved General
fluoroscopic image. You can use the same measuring method several
times in an image.

Fig. 14-1 Measurement operating mode

The following functions are available for that purpose:

− Calibration:
To have an absolute scale for measurements, you must acquire the
length of a reference object prior to each measurement.
− Length or distance (2-Point):
To measure the length of a line.

− 3-point measurement (3-Point):

To measure the lengths of two contiguous lines and the interior angle
between them. In addition, the angle difference to a full circle is calcu-

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14 Measurement

− 4-point measurement (4-Point):

To measure the lengths of two noncontiguous lines and the angle
between them. In addition, the angle difference to 180° is calculated.
− 4-point ratio measurement (4-Point Ratio)
To compute the length ratio between two lines.
All measurements you perform in a fluoroscopic image are shown simul-
taneously in the image. The measuring points are identified by capital
letters which are assigned in alphabetic order. This means that the des-
ignation of the measuring points may vary, depending on the order in
which you perform the different measurements.

Measuring inac- The larger the distance between the object of measurement and the
curacy image intensifier, the more inaccurate the measurement will be.
Therefore position the object of measurement as closely as possible to
the image intensifier or use the electronic magnification function, espe-
cially if the object of measurement is very small.
The measuring resolution on the screen is 512 pixels. With a 23-cm i.i.,
this results in a pixel pitch of 230/512 = 0.45 mm in relation to the object
of measurement.

To achieve a higher resolution, use smaller electronic
image formats.

Zoom function If you change the zoom factor (→ Ch. 13.5, p. 13-7) after making a mea-
surement, the measured values will no longer be correct. In this case, the
following message will be displayed on the control panel: Measurement
invalid due to zoom factor change.

Thumbnail mosaic The measurements that you have performed on an image are not visible
in the thumbnail mosaic view.

Cine loop When you perform a measurement on a cine loop image and save it, this
measurement is saved for the entire cine loop and will be visible in all cine
loop images.

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14 Measurement

14.2 Calibrating

To have an absolute scale for a measurement, you must first acquire a

reference length. For that purpose, you must screen a reference object
of a known length or distance (e.g. a ruler or a balloon catheter with radio-
paque markers). Then you mark the known distance or length in the flu-
oroscopic image and enter the corresponding value manually.

Point A Point B

Fig. 14-2 Calibrating

Measurements on a fluoroscopic image will only provide accurate results Validity of the cali-
if, during the acquisition of the relevant calibration image, the reference bration
object has been placed in exactly the same plane as the object to be
measured later.
If the position of the patient or the C-arm is changed after the calibration,
you must repeat the calibration before performing a new measurement.

To perform a calibration, do the following:

The measuring points may have different designations, depending on the Designation of the
order in which the measurements are performed (→ p. 14-2). In the fol- measuring points
lowing procedure, the measuring points are designated as A and B by
way of example.
• Screen the reference object in the Fluoroscopy operating mode.

Risk of injury by X-rays!
Put on X-ray protective clothing, if you initiate radiation by
pressing the fluoroscopy key on the monitor support arm.

The reference object must be in the same plane as the object you
want to measure later.
The image is displayed on the live screen.

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14 Measurement

• Press the Measure tab.

The Measurement operating mode is activated.
• Press the Calibration button.
The buttons and boxes for the Calibration function are displayed in
the dynamic control area.

Fig. 14-3 Calibration function

Two white marker squares appear in the fluoroscopic image on the

live screen; they mark the exact measuring points. The measuring
points are called A and B, and the marker square next to point A is
highlighted by a double frame.
The two marker squares are connected by a line. This line symbolizes
the reference length which is to be determined.
• Move marker square A with the four arrow buttons to the desired first
measuring point on the reference object, e.g. the first radiopaque
marker on a balloon catheter.

• Press the Next Measuring Point button.

Marker square B is now highlighted by a double frame.

• Move the second marker square with the four arrow buttons to the
desired second measuring point on the reference object, e.g. the
second radiopaque marker on a balloon catheter.

• Enter the length of the reference object in the Reference Length

input box.

• Press the Enter key.

• To edit the length you have entered, press the Delete button and
enter another value.
• Press the OK button.
The acquired and saved calibration value remains in force until you
switch off the system.

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14 Measurement

14.3 Measuring a length or distance

This function measures the distance between two freely-definable points.

Point A Point B

Fig. 14-4 Length or distance measurement

To be able to measure a length or distance, you must perform a cali- Prerequisite

bration first (→ Ch. 14.2, p. 14-3). The calibration value remains in force
until you switch off the system.

To measure a length or distance, do the following:

The measuring points may have different designations, depending on the Designation of the
order in which the measurements are performed (→ p. 14-2). In the fol- measuring points
lowing procedure, the measuring points are designated as A and B by
way of example.

• Open the desired image in the Archive operating mode (→ Ch. 9.3,
p. 9-14).
• Press the Measure tab.
The Measurement operating mode is activated. The selected image
is displayed at full size on the live screen.
• Press the 2-Point button.

If the 2-Point button is unavailable, you must perform a
calibration first.

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14 Measurement

The length or distance controls appear in the dynamic control area.

Fig. 14-5 Length or Distance function

Two white marker squares appear in the fluoroscopic image on the

live screen; they mark the exact measuring points. The measuring
points are called A and B, and the marker square next to point A is
highlighted by a double frame.
The two marker squares are connected by a line. This line symbolizes
the length or distance which is to be determined.
• Move marker square A to the starting point of the desired line using
the four arrow buttons.
The Reference Length read-only box shows the reference length
which was entered during calibration.
The Length 1 read-only box shows the current length of the distance.
• Once the marker square is on the desired starting point, press the
Next Measuring Point button.
Marker square B is now highlighted by a double frame.

• Move the second marker square to the final point of the desired length
or distance using the four arrow buttons.
The current length of the distance is shown in the Length 1 read-only
box on the control panel. The value is instantly readjusted as soon as
you change the position of any of the measuring points.
• To correct the position of a measuring point, press the Next Mea-
suring Point button until the corresponding marker square starts
flashing, and then move it to the desired new position.
The length of the modified distance is shown in the Length 1 read-
only box on the control panel.
• Press the OK button.

• Press the Save button.

The image is saved together with the measurement.

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14 Measurement

You can edit any distance or length measurement as long as the patient Editing a distance
folder containing the image with the respective measurement is active. or length mea-
You cannot edit any distance/length measurements in
images that have been retrieved from the archive. The
arrow buttons are unavailable. However, you can delete
any existing length or distance measurements and make
new ones.

To edit a distance or length measurement, do the following:

• Press the Edit button.
The marker square is on one of the measuring points.

• Press the Next Measuring Point button until the marker square is on
the measuring point whose position you want to change.

• Move the marker square to the desired new position using the arrow

• Press the OK button.

• Press the Save button.

You can repeat this procedure as often as you want as long as the patient
folder is active.
To delete a length or distance measurement, do the following:
• Press the Delete button.
The measured length or distance is deleted.

To jump from one measurement to the next one, do the following:

• Press the Edit button.
The marker square is on one of the measuring points of the first mea-

• Press the Edit button.

The marker square jumps to one of the measuring points of the next

• Repeat these two steps until the marker square is on one of the mea-
suring points of the desired measurement.

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14 Measurement

14.4 3-point measurement

A 3-point measurement determines the lengths of two contiguous lines,

the angle between them and the angle difference to a full circle.

360° - Angle

Point B


Point A Point C

Fig. 14-6 3-point measurement

Prerequisite To be able to measure a length or distance, you must perform a cali-

bration first (→ Ch. 14.2, p. 14-3). The calibration value remains in force
until you switch off the system.

To perform a 3-point measurement, do the following:

Designation of the The measuring points may have different designations, depending on the
measuring points order in which the measurements are performed (→ p. 14-2). In the fol-
lowing procedure, the measuring points are designated as A, B and C by
way of example.

• Open the desired image in the Archive operating mode (→ Ch. 9.3,
p. 9-14).
• Press the Measure tab.
The Measurement operating mode is activated. The selected image
is displayed at full size on the live screen.
• Press the 3-Point button.

If the 3-Point button is unavailable, you must perform a
calibration first.

The 3-point measurement controls appear in the dynamic control


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14 Measurement

Fig. 14-7 3-Point Measurement function

Three white marker squares appear in the fluoroscopic image on the

live screen; they mark the exact measuring points. The measuring
points are called A, B and C, and the marker square next to point A is
highlighted by a double frame.
• Move the marker square to the desired point A using the four arrow

• Press the Next Measuring Point button.

Marker square B is now highlighted by a double frame.
The Reference Length read-only box shows the reference length
which was entered during calibration.
The current length and angle values are displayed together with their
designations in the Length 1 (distance 1), Length 2 (distance 2),
Angle (interior angle) and 360° – Angle (angle difference to a full
circle) read-only boxes. The values are instantly readjusted as soon
as you change the position of any of the measuring points.
• Move the second marker square to the desired point B using the four
arrow buttons.

• Press the Next Measuring Point button.

Marker square C is now highlighted by a double frame.

• Move the third marker square to the desired point C using the four
arrow buttons.

• To correct the position of a measuring point, press the Next Mea-

suring Point button until the corresponding marker square starts
flashing, and then move it to the desired new position.
The new values of the modified distances are shown in the respective
boxes on the control panel.

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14 Measurement

• Press the OK button.

• Press the Save button.

The image is saved together with the measurement.

3-point mea- You can edit any 3-point measurement as long as the patient folder con-
surement taining the image with the respective measurement is active.

You cannot edit any 3-point measurements in images that
have been retrieved from the archive. The arrow buttons
are unavailable. However, you can delete any existing 3-
point measurements and make new ones.

To edit a 3-point measurement, do the following:

• Press the Edit button.
The marker square is on one of the measuring points.

• Press the Next Measuring Point button until the marker square is on
the measuring point whose position you want to change.

• Move the marker square to the desired new position using the arrow

• Press the OK button.

• Press the Save button.

You can repeat this procedure as often as you want as long as the patient
folder is active.

To delete a 3-point measurement, do the following:

• Press the Delete button.
The 3-point measurement is deleted.

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14 Measurement

To jump from one measurement to the next one, do the following:

• Press the Edit button.
The marker square is on one of the measuring points of the first mea-

• Press the Edit button.

The marker square jumps to one of the measuring points of the next

• Repeat these two steps until the marker square is on one of the mea-
suring points of the desired measurement.

14.5 4-point measurement

A 4-point measurement determines the lengths of two noncontiguous

lines, the angle between them and the angle difference to 180°.

180° - Angle

Point B
Point C

Point A

Point D

Fig. 14-8 4-point measurement

To be able to measure a length or distance, you must perform a cali- Prerequisite

bration first (→ Ch. 14.2, p. 14-3). The calibration value remains in force
until you switch off the system.

To perform a 4-point measurement, do the following:

The measuring points may have different designations, depending on the Designation of the
order in which the measurements are performed (→ p. 14-2). In the fol- measuring points
lowing procedure, the measuring points are designated as A, B,C and D
by way of example.

• Open the desired image in the Archive operating mode (→ Ch. 9.3,
p. 9-14).

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14 Measurement

• Press the Measure tab.

The Measurement operating mode is activated. The selected image
is displayed at full size on the live screen.
• Press the 4-Point button.

If the 4-Point button is unavailable, you must perform a
calibration first.

The 4-point measurement controls appear in the dynamic control


Fig. 14-9 4-Point Measurement function

Four white marker squares appear in the fluoroscopic image on the

live screen; they mark the exact measuring points. The measuring
points are called A, B, C and D, and the marker square next to point
A is highlighted by a double frame.
• Move the marker square to the desired point A using the four arrow

• Press the Next Measuring Point button.

Marker square B is now highlighted by a double frame.
The Reference Length read-only box shows the reference length
which was entered during calibration.
The current length and angle values are displayed together with their
designations in the Length 1 (distance 1), Length 2 (distance 2),
Angle (interior angle) and 180° – Angle read-only boxes. The values
are instantly readjusted as soon as you change the position of any of
the measuring points.
• Move the second marker square to the desired point B using the four
arrow buttons.

• Press the Next Measuring Point button.

Marker square C is now highlighted by a double frame.

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14 Measurement

• Move the third marker square to the desired point C using the four
arrow buttons.

• Press the Next Measuring Point button.

Marker square D is now highlighted by a double frame.

• Move the marker square to the desired point D using the four arrow

• To correct the position of a measuring point, press the Next Mea-

suring Point button until the corresponding marker square starts
flashing, and then move it to the desired new position.
The new values of the modified distances are shown in the respective
boxes on the control panel.
• Press the OK button.

• Press the Save button.

The image is saved together with the measurement.

You can edit any 4-point measurement as long as the patient folder con- 4-point mea-
taining the image with the respective measurement is active. surement

You cannot edit any 4-point measurements in images that
have been retrieved from the archive. The arrow buttons
are unavailable. However, you can delete any existing 4-
point measurements and make new ones.

To edit a 4-point measurement, do the following:

• Press the Edit button.
The marker square is on one of the measuring points.

• Press the Next Measuring Point button until the marker square is on
the measuring point whose position you want to change.

• Move the marker square to the desired new position using the arrow

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14 Measurement

• Press the OK button.

• Press the Save button.

You can repeat this procedure as often as you want as long as the patient
folder is active.

To delete a 4-point measurement, do the following:

• Press the Delete button.
The 4-point measurement is deleted.

To jump from one measurement to the next one, do the following:

• Press the Edit button.
The marker square is on one of the measuring points of the first mea-

• Press the Edit button.

The marker square jumps to one of the measuring points of the next

• Repeat these two steps until the marker square is on one of the mea-
suring points of the desired measurement.

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14 Measurement

14.6 4-point ratio measurement

A 4-point ratio measurement determines the lengths of two noncon-

tiguous lines and their length ratio.

Point B
Point C

Point A

Point D

Fig. 14-10 4-point ratio measurement

To be able to measure a length or distance, you must perform a cali- Prerequisite

bration first (→ Ch. 14.2, p. 14-3). The calibration value remains in force
until you switch off the system.

To perform a 4-point ratio measurement, do the following:

The measuring points may have different designations, depending on the Designation of the
order in which the measurements are performed (→ p. 14-2). In the fol- measuring points
lowing procedure, the measuring points are designated as A, B,C and D
by way of example.

• Open the desired image in the Archive operating mode (→ Ch. 9.3,
p. 9-14).
• Press the Measure tab.
The Measurement operating mode is activated. The selected image
is displayed at full size on the live screen.
• Press the 4-Point Ratio button.

If the 4-Point Ratio button is unavailable, you must
perform a calibration first.

The 4-point ratio measurement controls appear in the dynamic control


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14 Measurement

Fig. 14-11 4-Point Ratio Measurement function

Four white marker squares appear in the fluoroscopic image on the

live screen; they mark the exact measuring points. The measuring
points are called A, B, C and D, and the marker square next to point
A is highlighted by a double frame.
• Move the marker square to the desired point A using the four arrow

• Press the Next Measuring Point button.

Marker square B is now highlighted by a double frame.
The Reference Length read-only box shows the reference length
which was entered during calibration.
The current length and length ratio values are displayed in the Length
1 (distance 1), Length 2 (distance 2) and Length 1 / Length 2 (length
ratio) read-only boxes. The values are instantly readjusted as soon as
you change the position of any of the measuring points.
• Move the second marker square to the desired point B using the four
arrow buttons.

• Press the Next Measuring Point button.

Marker square C is now highlighted by a double frame.

• Move the third marker square to the desired point C using the four
arrow buttons.

• Press the Next Measuring Point button.

Marker square D is now highlighted by a double frame.

• Move the marker square to the desired point D using the four arrow

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14 Measurement

• To correct the position of a measuring point, press the Next Mea-

suring Point button until the corresponding marker square starts
flashing, and then move it to the desired new position.
The new values of the modified distances are shown in the respective
boxes on the control panel.
• Press the OK button.

• Press the Save button.

The image is saved together with the measurement.

You can edit any 4-point ratio measurement as long as the patient folder Editing a 4-point
containing the image with the respective measurement is active. ratio measurement

You cannot edit any 4-point ratio measurements in
images that have been retrieved from the archive. The
arrow buttons are unavailable. However, you can delete
any existing 4-point ratio measurements and make new

To edit a 4-point ratio measurement, do the following:

• Press the Edit button.
The marker square is on one of the measuring points.

• Press the Next Measuring Point button until the marker square is on
the measuring point whose position you want to change.

• Move the marker square to the desired new position using the arrow

• Press the OK button.

• Press the Save button.

You can repeat this procedure as often as you want as long as the patient
folder is active.

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14 Measurement

To delete a 4-point ratio measurement, do the following:

• Press the Delete button.
The 4-point ratio measurement is deleted.

To jump from one measurement to the next one, do the following:

• Press the Edit button.
The marker square is on one of the measuring points of the first mea-

• Press the Edit button.

The marker square jumps to one of the measuring points of the next

• Repeat these two steps until the marker square is on one of the mea-
suring points of the desired measurement.

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15 Displayed Texts and Text Func-

15.1 Overview

The image normally has a circular shape. Shape of displayed


Some image information is always displayed automatically as text on the Image information
screen. Detailed patient and image data can be found on the control
panel (→ Ch. 9.3, p. 9-14).
In addition, you may enter your own text or markers directly onto the flu-
oroscopic image in a text annotation area on the screen and save a
comment together with the image.

15.2 Image information on the screen

15.2.1 Upper left corner of the screen

In this area, the last name, first name, patient ID and date of birth of the Patient data
patient are displayed. Patient data is entered or corrected in the Patient
operating mode (→ Ch. 9.2, p. 9-2).

15.2.2 Upper right corner of the screen

In this area, the name of the hospital, attending physician and hospital Hospital data
department are displayed.
The default hospital data can be entered in the Configuration operating
mode under Basic Settings (→ Ch. 18.3.3, p. 18-10) and may be cor-
rected later in the Patient operating mode, if necessary (→ Ch. 9.2.2,
p. 9-10).

As soon as you have saved an image, its image number is displayed Image number and
(→ Ch. 7.9, p. 7-16). For marked or protected images, the flag M or P is flag
displayed directly behind the image number.

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15 Displayed Texts and Text Functions

DICOM status If the image has already been transferred to a DICOM server
(→ Ch. 10.5, p. 10-17) or imported from a DICOM server into the system
(→ Ch. 10.7, p. 10-21), it is flagged with DICOM X:
− DICOM D: The image has been transferred successfully to the
DICOM server
− DICOM C: The image has been transferred successfully to the
DICOM server and stored safely (Storage Commitment)
− DICOM R: The image has been imported from the DICOM server into
the system

Image type If a cine loop or DSA image (for Germany - SUB image) is displayed, it is
flagged correspondingly (CINE, DSA).

15.2.3 Lower left corner of the screen

Image reversal Image reversal is symbolized on the screen by an R which is either mir-
rored upside-down or left-right. This symbol appears in the following
− The live image is reversed (→ Ch. 8.9.1, p. 8-17).
− An image which has been saved with reversal is displayed
(→ Ch. 13.8, p. 13-9).

Recursive filter The chosen recursive filter level (→ Ch. 8.3.1, p. 8-5) is shown as NR X.

Edge filter The chosen edge filter level (→ Ch. 8.3.2, p. 8-7 or → Ch. 13.4, p. 13-6)
is shown as RTE X.

LIH filter The chosen LIH filter level (→ Ch. 8.3.3, p. 8-8) is shown as LIH X.

Angle of rotation The angle of rotation which has been chosen for the image (→ Ch. 8.9.2,
p. 8-18 or → Ch. 13.7, p. 13-9) is shown as R X.

Windowing values The chosen windowing values (→ Ch. 8.2, p. 8-2 or → Ch. 13.3, p. 13-4)
are shown as W X and L Y.

Time and date of The time and date of saving are automatically assigned by the system
saving and cannot be edited.

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15 Displayed Texts and Text Functions

15.2.4 Lower right corner of the screen

The following fluoroscopy parameters are displayed here: Fluoroscopy

− Tube voltage in kV
− Tube current in mA
− Dose area product in cGy cm2
− Total radiation time accumulated so far for the active patient folder in
seconds (→ Ch. 7.7, p. 7-16)
The values are automatically assigned by the system and cannot be

Furthermore, the image magnification level chosen for the image is Image magnifi-
shown as MAG X. cation level

Below the fluoroscopy parameters, an abbreviation indicates which ana- Anatomical

tomical program was used for generating the image: program

Abbreviation Anatomical program

BONE Bones
HRT Heart
ABD Abdomen
SUB SUB (for Germany only)
Table 15-1 Abbreviations for anatomical programs

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15 Displayed Texts and Text Functions

15.3 Entering and editing text

Activating the You can activate the Text operating mode from any of the following oper-
mode ating modes:
− Fluoroscopy
− Subtraction
− Post-processing
− Measurement
• Press the Text button in the corresponding operating mode.
The Text mode is activated.

Fig. 15-1 Text mode

You may add the following elements to a fluoroscopic image on the live
− Any desired text
− An arrow in various sizes pointing to different directions

− The markers L or R in various sizes

Both arrows and marking letters are available in three sizes (large,
medium, small). The chosen size is indicated in the center of the arrow
block. The default size is always large. The size can be modified with the
Size button.

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15 Displayed Texts and Text Functions

Fig. 15-2 Arrow block and size indication

The texts, markers or arrows you have added to the image are not visible Thumbnail mosaic
in the thumbnail mosaic view.

In the Text mode, you may furthermore enter a note on the current Note
image. This note is displayed in the Archive operating mode together
with the image information (→ Fig. 9-8, p. 9-14).

To add a text to the fluoroscopic image, do the following:

• Press the Text button.
The cursor on the control panel jumps to the text input box.

• Enter the desired text using the alphanumeric keypad which is dis-
played on the control panel.

To type an uppercase letter, press and release the Shift
key before entering the respective letter. The Shift key
acts on one subsequent letter. To type several consec-
utive uppercase letters, press the Caps Lock key before
entering the letters.

The text appears both in the input box on the control panel and in the
fluoroscopic image on the screen. The text in the fluoroscopic image
is surrounded by a marker frame.

• Move the text to the desired position using the arrow buttons.
• To undo your input, press the Cancel button.
The text and its position are deleted.
or or
• To confirm your input, press the OK button.
The marker frame disappears. The text input box on the control panel
is cleared.

• Press the Save button.

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15 Displayed Texts and Text Functions

• Press the Back button.

The previously active operating mode is reactivated.

To add a marker to the fluoroscopic image, do the following:

• Select the arrow or the marking letter you want to insert by pressing
the corresponding button.
The arrow or the marking letter appear in the fluoroscopic image on
the screen.

• Move the arrow or marking letter to the desired position using the
arrow buttons.
• Press the Size button until the marker size is as desired.
The chosen size (large, medium, small) is indicated in the center of
the arrow block.
• To undo your input, press the Cancel button.
The arrow or marking letter and its position are deleted.
or or
• To confirm your input, press the OK button.

• Press the Save button.

• Press the Back button.

The previously active operating mode is reactivated.

To edit a text annotation, do the following:

• Press the Edit button until the cursor on the screen is on the anno-
tation you want to change.

• Enter the new text using the alphanumeric keypad.

To delete a text annotation, do the following:

• Press the Edit button until the cursor on the screen is on the anno-
tation you want to delete.
• Press the Delete button.

To edit a marker, do the following:

• Press the Edit button until the cursor on the screen is on the anno-
tation you want to change.

• Make the desired changes.

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15 Displayed Texts and Text Functions

To delete a marker, do the following:

• Press the Edit button until the cursor on the screen is on the marker
you want to delete.
• Press the Delete button.

To enter a note on an image, do the following:

• Press the Note button.
The cursor on the control panel jumps to the note input box.

• Enter the desired note using the alphanumeric keypad which is dis-
played on the control panel.

To type an uppercase letter, press and release the Shift
key before entering the respective letter. The Shift key
acts on one subsequent letter. To type several consec-
utive uppercase letters, press the Caps Lock key before
entering the letters.

• Press the Save button.

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15 Displayed Texts and Text Functions

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16 Laser Positioning Device

As an option, the system may be equipped with a laser positioning device

at the generator and/or image intensifier.

The laser positioning device uses diode laser modules which emit laser Safety Instructions
radiation. Do not under any circumstances look directly at the laser
beam or any scattered laser radiation – either with the naked eye or with
optical instruments.
Make sure to comply with all operating safety precautions when using the
laser positioning device. The maximum power output of continuous laser
radiation, measured at the laser beam apertures, is <1 mW. The wave-
length of the emitted radiation is 635 nm.
The laser positioning device generates a laser-beam crosshair, the
central point of which marks the position of the central X-ray beam on the
For safety, the laser positioning device is switched off automatically after
1 minute.

Laser radiation – Do not stare into beam or view directly
with optical instruments (Laser Class 2M according to IEC
Please observe the provisions of IEC 60825-1, Section 3,
“User’s Guide” for operation of the laser positioning
Viewing the laser output with certain optical instruments
(e.g. eye loupes, magnifiers and microscopes) within a
distance of 100 mm may pose an eye hazard.

CLASS II LASER PRODUCT (in accordance with FDA 21
CFR, Subchapter J, Section 1040.10-11)

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16 Laser Positioning Device

16.1 Applications

You can use the laser positioning device for the following tasks:
− As alignment aid for positioning the C-arm
− For foreign body localization
− As a navigational aid for nail fixations.

Use of controls or adjustments or performance of proce-
dures other than those specified herein may result in haz-
ardous radiation exposure.

Positioning aid The laser positioning device allows you to position the C-arm exactly
above the patient without having to initiate radiation:
• Press the Laser button.
A laser-beam crosshair is generated, the central point of which corre-
sponds to the position of the central X-ray beam.

• Position the C-arm in such a way above the patient that the central
point of the laser-beam crosshair is exactly in the center of the region
of interest.
• Initiate radiation.

Risk of injury by X-rays!
Put on X-ray protective clothing, if you initiate radiation by
pressing the fluoroscopy key on the monitor support arm.

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16 Laser Positioning Device

Foreign body local- You can use the laser positioning device also for foreign body local-
ization ization: For that purpose, you must activate the on-screen crosshair first
(→ Ch. 18.2.4, p. 18-5).

To localize a foreign body with the help of the laser positioning

device, do the following:
• Initiate radiation.

Risk of injury by X-rays!
Put on X-ray protective clothing, if you initiate radiation by
pressing the fluoroscopy key on the monitor support arm.

The foreign body becomes visible in the image on the live screen.

• Position the C-arm in such a way above the patient that the center of
the crosshair on the screen lies exactly over the foreign body in the
fluoroscopic image.
• Press the Laser button.
The laser positioning device’s laser-beam crosshair now marks the
patient’s skin exactly above the point where the foreign body lies, thus
allowing a precise determination of the point of surgical incision.

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16 Laser Positioning Device

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17 Direct Radiography
This function has not been tested for interventional proce-
dures in accordance with IEC 60601-2-43.

17.1 Overview

The system can also be used for making direct radiographic film expo-
Direct radiographies are only possible if your system is equipped with a
film cassette holder (optional accessory).

17.2 Fitting the film cassette holder

To fit the film cassette holder for direct radiographic exposures

onto the image intensifier, do the following:

• Pull the spring-loaded securing lever on the film cassette holder out-

• Slide the film cassette holder over the supporting ridge on the image

• Release the spring-loaded securing lever.

• The securing lever engages above the supporting ridge.

• Insert a loaded film cassette fully into the film cassette holder from the

Image intensifier

Securing lever Film cassette holder

Film cassette

Fig. 17-1 Fitting the film cassette holder and inserting the film cas-

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17 Direct Radiography

17.3 Making a direct radiographic exposure

For direct radiography, you can set the following maximum collimator
apertures for the film or cassette size used:
23 cm image intensifier:
− 24 cm; the visible image has a diameter of 23 cm

Make sure that the selected collimator aperture does not
exceed the cassette size used.

Manual settings For tube voltage, use the value that the system has automatically
selected during the previous fluoroscopy. You may correct this value
manually if necessary.
The mAs value (tube current in mA × time in s) is always set manually.
The tube current ranges from 15 mA to 20 mA. The system automatically
adjusts this value to reach the manually set value. The exposure time is
also computed automatically from the manually set value and appears
rounded to the first digit after the decimal point on the display.

To make a direct radiographic exposure, do the following:

Make sure that the film cassette holder is properly
attached to the image intensifier, so that the cassette
cannot fall down onto the patient!

Make sure that the source/skin distance is at least 45 cm.

• Press the Radiogr. tab.

The Radiography operating mode is activated. The direct radiog-
raphy controls appear in the dynamic control area.

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17 Direct Radiography

Fig. 17-2 Radiography operating mode

• Set the desired tube voltage value using the arrow buttons.

The selected value appears on the Voltage display.

• Set the desired tube current × time (mAs) value using the arrow

The selected value appears on the mAs display.

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17 Direct Radiography

• Initiate radiation using the hand switch or the Fluoroscopy key on the
monitor support arm. In the Radiography operating mode, you
cannot initiate radiation with the foot switch.

Risk of injury by X-rays!
Put on X-ray protective clothing, if you initiate radiation by
pressing the fluoroscopy key on the monitor support arm.

An audible alarm will sound throughout the exposure time. Radiation

is terminated automatically after the computed exposure time. You
can interrupt the exposure before the computed exposure time has
elapsed by releasing the hand switch.

• Withdraw the film cassette.

• Remove the film cassette holder from the image intensifier.

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18 System Configuration

18.1 Overview

A large number of parameters can be preset for the system: General

The following controls are provided for this purpose:
− Configuration operating mode – Operation Settings (→ Ch. 18.2,
p. 18-2)
− Configuration operating mode – Basic Settings (→ Ch. 18.3,
p. 18-7)
− Configuration operating mode – Cine/DSA/Dose (→ Ch. 18.4,
p. 18-11) (for Germany - Cine/SUB/Dose)
− Managing storage media (Configuration operating mode – Storage
Media, → Ch. 18.5, p. 18-16)
− Setting the flat-screen monitors (→ Ch. 18.6, p. 18-22)

The control panel provides access to the Service Settings. This access Service settings
is password-protected. Consequently, the following settings and/or
actions can and must be made by trained service engineers only:
− Settings for anatomical programs
− DICOM settings
− Collimator adjustments

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18.2 Operation settings

Function Under Operation Settings you define the settings which determine the
operational conditions during fluoroscopy.
• Press the Config tab.
The Configuration operating mode is activated. The Operation Set-
tings controls appear.

Fig. 18-1 Configuration operating mode

Fig. 18-2 SUB (Germany only)

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18.2.1 Autotransfer

Under Autotransfer you activate or deactivate the Autotransfer (auto- Moving the fluoro-
matic image swapping) function. scopic image

Fig. 18-3 Autotransfer

− Autotransfer activated:
When you initiate radiation, the fluoroscopic image on the live screen
is moved automatically to the reference screen.
− Autotransfer deactivated:
When you initiate radiation, the present fluoroscopic image on the live
screen is automatically deleted.
When you switch on the system, the Autotransfer function is deactivated
by default.

To activate the Autotransfer function, do the following:

• Press the Config tab.
The Configuration operating mode is activated. The Operation Set-
tings controls appear.
• Press the Autotransfer check box.
The check box is checkmarked.
• Press the Apply button.
The Autotransfer function is activated.

18.2.2 Autostore

Under Autostore you activate or deactivate the Autostore (automatic

saving) function.

Fig. 18-4 Autostore

− Autostore activated:
During each fluoroscopy, a new image will be saved automatically as
soon as you terminate radiation.
− Autostore deactivated:
The system does not save the images automatically. You must save
the desired fluoroscopic images manually (→ p. 7-16).

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Alternatively, you can activate the Autostore function by means of the

Save button (→ p. 7-17).
When you switch on the system, the Autostore function is deactivated
by default.

To activate the Autostore function, do the following:

• Press the Config tab.
The Configuration operating mode is activated. The Operation Set-
tings controls appear.
• Press the Autostore check box.
The check box is checkmarked.
• Press the Apply button.
The Autostore function is activated.

18.2.3 Image Swap with Save

Under Image Swap with Save you activate and deactivate the Image
Swap with Save function.

Fig. 18-5 Image Swap with Save

− Image Swap with Save activated:

As soon as you move a live image to the reference screen, this image
is saved automatically.
− Image Swap with Save deactivated:
The system does not automatically save the image that is moved to
the reference screen. You must save the image manually (→ Ch. 7.9,
p. 7-16) before moving it to the reference screen with the Image
Swapping button.
When you switch on the system, the Image Swap with Save function is
deactivated by default. If you activate the Image Swap with Save
function during operation, it will be deactivated automatically when you
switch off the system.

To activate the Image Swap with Save function, do the following:

• Press the Config tab.
The Configuration operating mode is activated. The Operation Set-
tings controls appear.
• Press the Image Swap with Save option.
The check box is checkmarked.

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• Press the Apply button.

The Image Swap with Save function remains active until you switch
off the system.

18.2.4 Displaying a crosshair

Under Crosshair you determine whether a crosshair is displayed as Positioning aid

positioning aid (e.g. for foreign body localization, → Ch. 16.1, p. 16-2) in
the image on the live screen during fluoroscopy. The central point of the
crosshair corresponds to the position of the central X-ray beam. In
addition you can set whether you want the crosshair to be activated
together with the laser positioning device when pressing the Laser
button (→ Ch. 16.1, p. 16-2).

Fig. 18-6 Crosshair

The following table shows the crosshair setting options and their

The crosshair is per- The crosshair is per- If you switch to the If you switch to the
manently hidden. manently shown. operating mode Fluo- operating mode Fluo-
roscopy or Sub- roscopy or Sub-
The Laser button (in The Laser button (in
traction, the laser traction, the laser
the operating modes the operating modes
positioning device is positioning device is
Fluoroscopy or Sub- Fluoroscopy or Sub-
hidden. shown.
traction) only traction) only
switches on the laser switches on the laser By pressing the Laser By pressing the Laser
positioning device. positioning device. button, the crosshair button, the crosshair
is shown and hidden. is shown and hidden.
Table 18-1 Correlation of crosshair and Laser button

To display the crosshair, do the following:

• Press the Config tab.
The Configuration operating mode is activated. The Operation Set-
tings controls appear.

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• Press the Crosshair option.

The check box is checkmarked.

• Press the Apply button.

The crosshair remains displayed until you switch off the system.

To have the crosshair activated with the Laser button, do the fol-
• Press the Config tab.
The Configuration operating mode is activated. The Operation Set-
tings controls appear.
• Press the Crosshair – with Laser on option.
The check box is checkmarked.

• Press the Apply button.

When you press the Laser button, the crosshair is activated together
with the laser positioning device. The laser positioning device
switches off automatically after 1 minute.

18.2.5 Defining the start screen

Under Start Screen you determine which operating mode is activated by

default after power-up of the system.

Fig. 18-7 Start screen

The following options are available:

− Fluoro:
After power-up of the system, the Fluoroscopy operating mode is
− Subtraction:
After power-up of the system, the Subtraction operating mode is acti-
− Patient:
After power-up of the system, the Patient operating mode is acti-
The default start screen is configured according to the customer’s

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To define the start screen, do the following:

• Press the Config tab.
The Configuration operating mode is activated. The Operation Set-
tings controls appear.

• Press the option for the desired operating mode.

• Press the Apply button.
As from the next power-up of the system, the selected operating
mode will be activated automatically.

18.2.6 Discarding the operation settings

After having defined or modified the operation settings, these settings

must be applied explicitly in order to become valid in the system. As long
as the settings or changes have not been applied yet, you can discard
them, so that the previous settings remain valid.

To discard the operation settings which have not been applied yet,
do the following:
• Press the Cancel button.

• Quit the Configuration operating mode without applying the settings.

18.3 Basic settings

Under Basic Settings you make different settings which directly affect Function
the user interface, e.g. default data for the date or hospital department.
Usually, the basic settings are made by a service engineer when putting
the system into service. However, you can modify the basic settings if
you wish to.
• Press the Basic Settings button.
The Basic Settings controls are displayed in the dynamic control area.

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Fig. 18-8 Basic settings

Fig. 18-9 Basic setting SUB (Germany only)

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18.3.1 Setting the system date and the system time

The system date and the system time must be entered once in order to
enable the system to store and display the date and time of saving
together with the image data.

The displayed date format may vary depending on the customer-specific Date format
settings (order of day, month and year; dot or slash as date separator).
The set date format is also used for displaying patient data in the Patient
(→ Ch. 9.2, p. 9-2) and Archive (→ Ch. 9.3, p. 9-14) operating modes.
Throughout this document, the DD.MM.YYYY date format is used.

• If you want to change the date format, please contact your in-house
service engineer.

To set the system date and system time, do the following:

• Press the Config tab.
The Configuration operating mode is activated.
• Press the Basic Settings button.
The Basic Settings controls are displayed in the dynamic control area.
• Press the Time button.
The button is highlighted in yellow, and the cursor jumps to the Time
input box.

• Enter the system time in the Time input box using the format
• Press the Date button.
The button is highlighted in yellow, and the cursor jumps to the Date
input box.

• Enter the system date in the Date input box.

• Press the Apply button.

18.3.2 Selecting the live screen

Under Live Image you determine which screen will act as the live screen.
The live screen is the screen where the live fluoroscopic image is dis-
played. The other screen serves as reference screen, where the saved
fluoroscopic images from the image memory are opened and displayed.

Fig. 18-10 Determining the live screen

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The following options are available:

− Live Image left:
The left screen is the live screen, and the right screen is the reference
− Live Image right:
The right screen is the live screen, and the left screen is the reference

To determine the live screen, do the following:

• Press the Config tab.
The Configuration operating mode is activated.
• Press the Basic Settings button.
The Basic Settings controls are displayed in the dynamic control area.

• Press the Live Image left or Live Image right option.

• Press the Apply button.

18.3.3 Entering the hospital data

In order to avoid having to type the same hospital data for each new
patient folder you create, you can preset default data for the Hospital,
Department and Doctor input boxes (→ Ch. 9.2.2, p. 9-10). This data
appears automatically in the Patient operating mode.

To define default data for the Hospital, Department and Doctor input
boxes, do the following:
• Press the Config tab.
The Configuration operating mode is activated.
• Press the Basic Settings button.
The Basic Settings controls are displayed in the dynamic control area.
• Press the Hospital button.
The button is highlighted in yellow, and the cursor jumps to the Hos-
pital input box.

• Enter the desired name in the Hospital input box.

• Press the Department button and enter the desired name in the
Department input box.
• Press the Doctor button and enter the desired name in the Doctor
input box.
• Press the Apply button.

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18.3.4 Discarding the basic settings

After having defined or modified the basic settings, these settings must
be applied explicitly in order to become valid in the system. As long as
the settings or changes have not been applied yet, you can discard them,
so that the previous settings remain valid.

To discard the basic settings which have not been applied yet, do
the following:
• Press the Cancel button.

• Quit the Configuration operating mode without applying the settings.

18.4 Cine/DSA/Dose (for Germany - Cine/SUB/Dose)

Under Cine/DSA/Dose (for Germany - Cine/SUB/Dose) you make Function

various settings for the cine loop and the subtraction operating modes.
• Press the Cine/DSA/Dose button (for Germany - Cine/SUB/Dose
The controls for the cine loop and subtraction operating modes are
displayed in the dynamic control area.

Fig. 18-11 Cine/DSA/Dose

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Fig. 18-12 Cine/SUB/Dose (Germany only)

18.4.1 Cine loop settings

Under Cine you preset the frame rate (speed) and the number of frames
(length) that are used for generating cine loops. You can change these
preset values during operation for each cine loop you acquire.

Fig. 18-13 Cine loop settings

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To preset the frame rate for cine loops, do the following:

• Press the Config tab.
The Configuration operating mode is activated. The Operation Set-
tings controls appear.
• Press the Cine/DSA/Dose button (for Germany - Cine/SUB/Dose
The cine loop controls are displayed in the dynamic control area.

• Select the desired frame rate (number of frames per second) under
Rate with the help of the arrow buttons.
• Press the Apply button.
When you acquire a cine loop, the selected value is preset under
Frames/s (→ p. 11-3).

To preset the length of cine loops, do the following:

• Press the Config tab.
The Configuration operating mode is activated. The Operation Set-
tings controls appear.
• Select the desired number of frames under Length with the help of
the arrow buttons.
• Press the Apply button.
When you acquire a cine loop, the selected value is preset under
Length (→ p. 11-3).

Under Autoplay you activate or deactivate the Autoplay (automatic cine Autoplay function
loop playback) function.

Fig. 18-14 Autoplay

− Autoplay activated:
After you have acquired a cine loop, it is replayed automatically.
− Autoplay deactivated:
You must start cine loop playback manually.
When you switch on the system, the Autoplay function is deactivated by
default. If you activate the Autoplay function during operation, it will be
deactivated automatically when you switch off the system.

To activate the Autoplay function, do the following:

• Press the Config tab.
The Configuration operating mode is activated. The Operation Set-
tings controls appear.

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• Press the Autoplay option.

The check box is checkmarked.
• Press the Apply button.
The Autoplay function remains active until you switch off the system.

18.4.2 Showing or hiding the native image

Under DSA (for Germany - SUB) you determine whether the native
image is displayed on the reference screen during generation of a DSA
(→ Ch. 12.2, p. 12-2).

Fig. 18-15 Showing or hiding the native image

Fig. 18-16 Showing or hiding the native image (Germany only)

− Native on activated:
When you generate a DSA cine loop (for Germany - SUB cine loop),
the native image is displayed on the reference screen.
− Native on deactivated:
When you generate a DSA cine loop (for Germany - SUB cine loop),
the native image is displayed on the reference screen. Before
switching to the Subtraction operating mode, you may open a ref-
erence image on the reference screen, which remains displayed there
during the entire subtraction process.

To display the native image in the Subtraction operating mode, do

the following:
• Press the Config tab.
The Configuration operating mode is activated. The Operation Set-
tings controls appear.
• Press the DSA Native on check box under DSA.

• Press the SUB Native on check box under SUB (Germany only).
The check box is checkmarked.
• Press the Apply button.
When you generate a DSA cine loop (for Germany - SUB cine loop),
the native image is displayed on the reference screen.

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18.4.3 Discarding the cine loop and subtraction settings

After having defined or modified the settings on this tab, these settings
must be applied explicitly in order to become valid in the system. As long
as the settings or changes have not been applied yet, you can discard
them, so that the previous settings remain valid.

To discard the settings which have not been applied yet, do the fol-
• Press the Cancel button.

• Quit the Configuration operating mode without applying the settings.

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18.5 Storage media

Function Under Storage Media you can define the storage formats used for
saving images to different storage media. Furthermore, you can delete
data from different external storage media.

Fig. 18-17 Storage media

Fig. 18-18 Storage media (Germany only)

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Depending on your chosen system configuration, you can save one or Storage formats
more images in various storage formats to different storage media. Some
formats with reduced resolution and color depth are also available.

Storage File Resolution Color File size Storage medium

format extension depth
16 Bit TIF *.tif 1024 × 1024 16 Bit 2 MB • •
DICOM — 1024 × 1024 16 Bit 2 MB • •
Cine loop *.avi 512 × 512 8 bit depends on • —
cine loop
Single *.jpg 512 × 512 8 bit 256 KB • •
DICOM — 512 × 512 8 Bit 256 KB • •
JPEG *.jpg 512 × 512 8 Bit 256 KB • •

Table 18-2 Available graphics formats

Saving image data with a resolution of 512 × 512 pixels
may lead to information loss.

18.5.1 Defining the USB storage medium format

For saving selected images to a USB storage medium (→ p. 9-34) in the Storage formats
Archive operating mode, the following storage formats are available:
− TIF with a color depth of 16 bit (for further use on a PC)
− JPEG with a resolution of 512 × 512 pixels and a color depth of 8
bit (for further use on a PC)
− DICOM (for further use on a DICOM network or viewing with a
DICOM viewer in 1024 × 1024 pixels/16 bit original format)
− DICOM with a resolution of 512 × 512 pixels and a color depth of
8 bit (for further use on a DICOM network or viewing with a DICOM
Under USB Format you determine which of these storage formats is
used for saving images to a USB stick. There is no possibility to set the
desired storage format on the spot in the Archive operating mode when
saving images.

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Fig. 18-19 USB format

To define the USB stick storage format, do the following:

• Press the Config tab.
The Configuration operating mode is activated.
• Press the Storage Media button.

• Press the desired storage format option under USB Format.

• Press the Apply button.

18.5.2 Defining the DVD storage format

DVD writer With the DVD writer, data can be written to DVDs.

Storage formats For writing selected images to DVD in the Archive operating mode
(→ p. 9-35), the following storage formats are available:
− TIF with a color depth of 16 bit (for further use on a PC)
− JPEG with a resolution of 512 × 512 pixels and a color depth of 8
bit (for further use on a PC)
− DICOM (for further use on a DICOM network or viewing with a
DICOM viewer in 1024 × 1024 pixels/16 bit original format)
− DICOM with a resolution of 512 × 512 pixels and a color depth of
8 bit (for further use on a DICOM network or viewing with a DICOM
− Multimedia (JPG and AVI files for viewing or replaying on the PC)
Under DVD Format you determine which of these storage formats is
used for writing the images to DVD. There is no possibility to set the
desired storage format on the spot in the Archive operating mode when
saving images.

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Fig. 18-20 DVD format

To define the DVD storage format, do the following:

• Press the Config tab.
The Configuration operating mode is activated.
• Press the Storage Media button.

• Press the desired storage format option under DVD Format.

• Press the Apply button.

18.5.3 Deleting data from storage media

To delete all images from a USB storage medium, do the following:

• Press the Config tab.
The Configuration operating mode is activated.
• Press the Storage Media button.

• Press the Erase USB Media button.

The following confirmation prompt is displayed: Do you really want
to erase the USB Stick? Yes/No
• Confirm by pressing the Yes button.
All images are deleted from the USB stick.

18.5.4 Selecting a DICOM storage server

You can select the desired DICOM storage server from the drop-down list
box below the storage formats (→ Fig. 18-21, p. 18-20). You can access
only the servers that have been enabled by your in-house service

• Please contact your in-house service engineer if you want to access

further servers.

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To select a DICOM storage server, do the following:

• Press the Down Arrow button.
All available servers are displayed in the drop-down list:

Fig. 18-21 Selecting a storage server

• Select the desired sever.

• Press the Apply button.
The desired DICOM storage server is selected.

18.5.5 Quick Cine Export

Under Quick Cine Export you can activate or deactivate the Quick Cine
Export function (export of a reduced number of images in order to save
them on a storage medium).

Fig. 18-22 Quick Cine Export

− Quick Cine Export active:

When exporting cine loops in order to store them to USB, DVD or the
DICOM storage server, the frame rate is reduced to 4 fps.
− Quick Cine Export deactivated:
When exporting cine loops in order to store them to USB, DVD or the
DICOM storage server, all acquired frames are transferred.
When you switch on the system, the Quick Cine Export function is deac-
tivated by default.

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If you activate the Quick Cine Export function during operation, it will be
deactivated automatically when you switch off the system.

To activate the Quick Cine Export function, do the following:

• Press the Config tab.
The Configuration operating mode is activated. The Operation Set-
tings controls appear.
• Press the Storage Media button.

• Press the Quick Cine Export check box.

The check box is checkmarked.
• Press the Apply button.
The Quick Cine Export function remains active until you switch off
the system.

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18.6 18“-Setting the flat-screen monitors

Screen settings You can change the following screen settings yourself:
− Brightness
− Contrast
− Backlight brightness
− Menu language for screen settings
In addition, you can restore the factory settings.
The factory-set menu language is English. Therefore, the English desig-
nations are used in this document.
If you want to change any of the following screen settings, please contact
your in-house service engineer:
− Video source (Inputs)
− Gamma
− Display settings (Picture), e.g. horizontal and vertical position,
sharpness, scaling
− Menu setup (Setup), e.g. menu lock (exception: language setting)

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18.6.1 Flat-screen monitors of type 1

Fig. 18-23 Flat-screen monitors of type 1

Safety measures
The system may only be set up and put into service by
service engineers who are authorized by the manufac-
If service is needed, the system may only be repaired by
authorized service engineers.

When the system is opened, there is a risk of electric
shock. The system may only be opened by qualified
service personnel.
To prevent fire or electric shock, the system must not be
exposed to rain or moisture.
The system must not be operated next to flammable
anesthetic gas mixtures of air, oxygen and nitrogen

Enabling the menu

The menu display for setting the brightness and contrast
is locked by default to ensure optimum display settings.
To display this menu again you must first enable it.

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To re-enable the menu display, do the following:

• Simultaneously press the MENU and SCROLL keys until the
message is displayed saying that the menu is unlocked.
When you press one of the keys on the keypad, the corresponding on-
screen menu appears.

Locking the menu To lock the menu, do the following:

• Press the MENU key.
The on-screen menu appears.

• Select the Setup tab with the help of the + or – arrow keys.

• Press the SCROLL key until the Menu Lock item is highlighted.

• Press the + arrow key.

The menu disappears. A message saying that the menu is locked is
As long as the menu is disabled, the message MENU LOCKED is dis-
played whenever you press one of the keys on the keypad.

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Each flat-screen monitor has a built-in keypad with six keys, which are Built-in keypad
used for accessing the screen setting menus.

Fig. 18-24 Built-in keypad of the flat-screen monitor

To set the screen brightness, do the following: Brightness

• Press the Brightness/Contrast key.
The Brightness control appears on the screen.

• Press the + or – arrow key to increase or decrease the screen

The settings become immediately active on the screen. After a few
seconds, the Brightness control disappears automatically.

To set the screen contrast, do the following: Contrast

• Press the Brightness/Contrast key twice.
The Contrast control appears on the screen.

• Press the + or – arrow key to increase or decrease the contrast.

The settings become immediately active on the screen. After a few
seconds, the Contrast control disappears automatically.

To set the screen backlight brightness, do the following: Backlight

• Press the Brightness/Contrast key three times.
The Backlight Brightness control appears on the screen.

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• Press the + or – arrow key to increase or decrease the backlight

The settings become immediately active on the screen. After a few
seconds, the Backlight control disappears automatically.

Lowering the backlight level will increase the backlight

Setting the menu The factory-set menu language is English. You can choose one of the fol-
language lowing languages as menu language:
− German
− French
− Italian
− Swedish
− Spanish
− Dutch

To define the menu language, do the following:

• Press the MENU key.
The on-screen menu appears.

• Select the Setup tab with the help of the + or – arrow keys.

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• Move to the Language item with the help of the SCROLL key.

• Press the + arrow key until the desired language is displayed.

All on-screen menu elements and controls are displayed immediately
in the chosen language.

• Press the MENU key.

The on-screen menu disappears.

After having changed the screen settings, you may restore the factory- Restoring the fac-
set values at any time. tory settings

To restore the factory settings, do the following:

• Press the MENU key.
The on-screen menu appears.

• Select the Defaults tab with the help of the + or – arrow keys.

• Press the SCROLL key.

The Factory Defaults item is selected.

• Press the + arrow key.

The on-screen menu disappears. All settings are reset to the factory

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18 System Configuration

18.6.2 Flat-screen monitors of type 2

Fig. 18-25 Flat-screen monitors of type 2

Safety measures
The system may only be set up and put into service by
service engineers who are authorized by the manufac-
If service is needed, the system may only be repaired by
authorized service engineers.

When the system is opened, there is a risk of electric
shock. The system may only be opened by qualified
service personnel.
To prevent fire or electric shock, the system must not be
exposed to rain or moisture.
The system must not be operated next to flammable
anesthetic gas mixtures of air, oxygen and nitrogen

Menu display
The menu display for setting the brightness and contrast
is not locked. Do not change the values in order to ensure
optimum display settings.

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18 System Configuration

Built-in keypad Each flat-screen monitor has a built-in keypad with four keys, which are
used for accessing the screen setting menus.

Fig. 18-26 Built-in keypad of the flat-screen monitor

Brightness To set the screen brightness, do the following:

• Press the SCROLL key.
The Brightness control appears on the screen.

• Press the + or – arrow key to increase or decrease the screen

The settings become immediately active on the screen. After a few
seconds, the Brightness control disappears automatically.

Contrast To set the screen contrast, do the following:

• Press the SCROLL key twice.
The Contrast control appears on the screen.

• Press the + or – arrow key to increase or decrease the contrast.

The settings become immediately active on the screen. After a few
seconds, the Contrast control disappears automatically.

Backlight To set the screen backlight brightness, do the following:

• Press the key sequence MENU, SCROLL, MENU.

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18 System Configuration

The OSD (Onscreen Display) appears on the screen.

Fig. 18-27 Onscreen Display

• Press the SCROLL key three times.

The options 1 submenu is highlighted in white.

• Press the MENU key.

The first function in the options 1 submenu is selected.

• Press the SCROLL key three times.

The Backlight cd/m² function is selected.
• Press the + or – arrow key to increase or decrease the backlight
The settings become immediately active on the screen. After a few
seconds, the control disappears automatically.

Lowering the backlight level will increase the backlight

Setting the menu The factory-set menu language is English. Alternatively, you can choose
language German as the menu language:

To define the menu language, do the following:

• Press the key sequence MENU, SCROLL, MENU.
The OSD (Onscreen Display) (→ Fig. 18-27, p. 18-30) appears on the
• Press the SCROLL key six times.
The utilities submenu is highlighted in white.

• Press the MENU key.

The first function in the utilities submenu is selected.

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18 System Configuration

• Press the SCROLL key until the desired language is displayed.

All on-screen menu elements and controls are displayed immediately
in the chosen language. After a few seconds, the control disappears

Restoring the fac- After having changed the screen settings, you may restore the factory-
tory settings set values at any time.

To restore the factory settings, do the following:

• Press the key sequence MENU, SCROLL, MENU.
The OSD (Onscreen Display) (→ Fig. 18-27, p. 18-30) appears on the
• Press the SCROLL key six times.
The utilities submenu is highlighted in white.

• Press the MENU key.

The first function in the utilities submenu is selected.

• Press the SCROLL key three times.

The Factory reset function is selected.

• Press the + arrow key.

All settings are reset to the factory values.

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18 System Configuration

18.7 Setting the 24" flat-screen monitor

18.7.1 Overview

Safety measures
The system may only be set up and put into service by
service engineers who are authorized by the manufac-
If service is needed, the system may only be repaired by
authorized service engineers.

When the system is opened, there is a risk of electric
shock. The system may only be opened by qualified
service personnel.
To prevent fire or electric shock, the system must not be
exposed to rain or moisture.
The system must not be operated next to flammable
anesthetic gas mixtures of air, oxygen and nitrogen

Built-in keypad The flat-screen monitor has a built-in keypad (→ Fig. 18-28) with six
keys, which are used for accessing the screen setting menus.

Fig. 18-28 Built-in keypad of the flat-screen monitor

Screen settings On systems with flat-screen monitors, the screen settings are made
directly on the monitors using a built-in keypad.
You can change the following screen settings yourself:
− Brightness
− Contrast
− Backlight
− Menu language for screen settings
In addition, you can restore the factory settings.

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18 System Configuration

The factory-set menu language is English. Therefore, the English desig-

nations are used in this document.
Please contact your in-house service engineer if you wish to change any
of the following screen settings:
− Video source (Inputs)
− Display settings (Picture), e.g. vertical position/horizontal position,
sharpness, scaling
− Gamma
− Menu setup (Setup), e.g. menu lock (exception: language setting)

18.7.2 Setting the brightness, contrast and backlight

Brightness To set the screen brightness, do the following:

• Press the Brightness/Contrast key.
The Brightness control appears on the screen.

• Press the + or – arrow key to increase or decrease the screen

The settings become immediately active on the screen. After a few
seconds, the Brightness control disappears automatically.

Contrast To set the screen contrast, do the following:

• Press the Brightness/Contrast key twice.
The Contrast control appears on the screen.

• Press the + or – arrow key to increase or decrease the contrast.

The settings become immediately active on the screen. After a few
seconds, the Contrast control disappears automatically.

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18 System Configuration

Backlight To set the screen backlight brightness, do the following:

• Press the Brightness/Contrast key three times.
The Backlight control appears on the screen.

• Press the + or – arrow key to increase or decrease the backlight.

The settings become immediately active on the screen. After a few
seconds, the Backlight control disappears automatically.

Lowering the backlight level will increase the backlight

18.7.3 Setting the menu language

The factory-set menu language is English. You can choose one of the fol-
lowing languages as menu language:
− German
− French
− Italian
− Swedish
− Spanish
− Dutch

To define the menu language, do the following:

• Press the MENU key.
The on-screen menu appears.

• Select the Setup tab with the help of the + or – arrow keys.

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18 System Configuration

• Move to the Language item with the help of the SCROLL key.

• Press the + arrow key until the desired language is displayed.

All on-screen menu elements and controls are displayed immediately
in the chosen language.

• Press the MENU key.

The on-screen menu disappears.

18.7.4 Restoring the factory settings

After having changed the screen settings, you may restore the factory-
set values at any time.
To restore the factory settings, do the following:
• Press the MENU key.
The on-screen menu appears.

• Select the Defaults tab with the help of the + or – arrow keys.

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18 System Configuration

• Press the SCROLL key.

The Factory Defaults item is selected.

• Press the + arrow key.

− The on-screen menu disappears. All settings are reset to the
factory values.

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Appendix A

A.1 Regular checks

A.1.1 Routine checks to be performed by the user

The following safety checks must be performed at regular intervals:

Check Interval Remarks

Generator Monthly Inspect for physical damage.
Radiation switches Monthly Must initiate radiation only if
pressed permanently. Releasing
them must terminate radiation
after 1 s max. (depending on the
LIH filter settings).
Radiation signals Monthly During the exposure, the yellow
radiation warning lamp on top of
the monitor housing and the X-ray
symbol on the control panel must
be illuminated.
Audible alarm Monthly Must sound in direct radiography
mode during the whole exposure
time, and in fluoroscopy mode at 5
min. intervals.
Information labels Monthly All warning and information labels
must be properly attached and
easily legible.
Power cable Monthly Must not show any signs of
physical damage.
C-arm stand Wheneve Clean when dirty.
wheels r nec-
Table A-1 Regular checks

For a detailed maintenance schedule, please refer to the
corresponding Technical Manual. Technical information
necessary to repair or upgrade the system will be made
available by Ziehm Imaging to authorized and qualified
personnel upon request.

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Appendix A

A.1.2 Consistency test according to national regulations

At regular intervals, at least once a month, you must check whether the
system shows any deviations from the reference values by performing a
consistency test.

The relevant radiation protection regulations of the
country of installation must be observed.

Check the displayed dose values during the regular consistency test by
comparing them to the values of a reference measurement.

A.1.3 Checking the exposure rate control

Quantitative method:
The system is in its initial state after switching it on.
The following value must be achieved:
70±3 kV
Measured with a 25 mm Al + 1.5 mm Cu patient equivalent filter inserted
in the X-ray beam.

A.1.4 Dose meter check

Test interval You should check the dose meter each time you switch on the system.
You must perform and document a dose meter check once a month when
you perform the consistency test.

To check the dose meter, do the following:

• Press the Config tab.
The Configuration operating mode is activated.
• Press the Cine/DSA/Dose button (for Germany - Cine/SUB/Dose

The Dose Meter Check button is displayed in the dynamic control


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Appendix A

Fig. A-1 Sensor / dose meter check functions

Fig. A-2 Sensor / dose meter check functions (Germany only)

• Press the Dose Meter Check button.

The test starts. It takes 30 s. A message window with a progress indi-
cator and the message DAP test running is displayed. A Cancel
button appears in addition, enabling you to interrupt the check.
Once the test is complete, and if the measured values are within the
tolerance limits, the message DAP ok; actual value: xyz is dis-

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Appendix A

If the measured values are beyond the tolerance limits, the following
message appears:
DAP fault; nominal value: x, actual value: y
• Confirm by pressing the Yes button.

• If the values are beyond the tolerance limits, repeat the dose meter

• If the values measured are still beyond the tolerance limits, please
contact your in-house service engineer.

A.1.5 Checking the computed dose values

Check the displayed dose values during the regular consistency test by
comparing them to the values of a reference measurement.

A.1.6 Checking the useful beam

Inspection interval Together with the consistency test, it is necessary to check the size and
centering of the useful X-ray beam.

Centering To determine the correct alignment of the X-ray beam to the center of the
image intensifier and any possible deviation, do the following:

• Angulate the C-arm by 180°, so that the X-ray generator is above and
the image intensifier or digital flat-panel detector is below.

• Place a reference or test object (e.g. measuring board, graduated col-

limator test tool) exactly in the center of the image intensifier.

• Close the iris collimator as far as possible and initiate radiation by

pressing the hand or foot switch. The object must appear exactly in
the center of the fluoroscopic image.

Collimator diameter The size of the collimator diameter in the image plane must not differ from
accuracy the nominal image diameter by more than 2% of the source/image
receptor distance (SID). The SID and the nominal image diameter
depend on the image intensifier or flat-panel detector size.

Size SID Nominal image

23 cm 97 cm 20.1 cm
Table A-2 Nominal image diameter

Maximum radiation When the iris collimator is completely open, the edges of the collimator
field size must be just visible on the screen.

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Appendix A

A.1.7 Gettering the image intensifier tube

To increase the useful life of the image intensifier, we recommend get- Increasing the
tering the image intensifier tube after a period of 6 months of continuous useful life
non-use or storage.

To getter the image intensifier tube, do the following:

• Switch on the system.

• Leave it switched on for at least 1 hour.

• Do not initiate radiation during this time!

We recommend keeping an operator’s log, where all operating times, Operator’s log
gettering times and maintenance events are recorded.

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Appendix A

A.2 Cleaning, disinfection, sterilization

Preparation Always switch off the system and disconnect it from the power supply
before cleaning or disinfecting it.

A.2.1 Cleaning

Recommended For cleaning the system, use only water with mild detergents applied with
detergents a slightly damp cloth. Never use abrasive cleansing agents, organic sol-
vents or detergents which contain solvents (e.g. alcohol, petroleum
ether, liquid stain remover).

If the unit presents dirt stains that cannot be removed with
the method described above, please contact your in-
house service engineer.

Take care that no liquids penetrate into the unit through
sockets, plugs, ventilation holes or gaps (integrated
external devices!).
Never apply spray cleaners directly onto the unit!

Cleaning the For cleaning the display screens, use only pure alcohol or a mixture con-
monitor screens sisting of 1/3 alcohol and 2/3 distilled water. Wipe the screens and sur-
rounding painted surfaces dry with a soft cotton cloth immediately after

A.2.2 Disinfection

You must use one disinfectant that is suitable for disinfecting the system
(for details refer to the operating instructions of the disinfectant provided
by its manufacturer):

• Dilute the disinfectant according to the manufacturer’s instructions.

• Dampen a cloth with the solution and thoroughly wipe the entire
outside of the unit with this cloth.

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Appendix A

We recommend users in Canada to use the following dis-
− Optim 33 TB (Canadian Drug Identification Number
(DIN) 02282488)

Never use pure alcohol or Sagrotan for disinfection, as
these substances may corrode the surfaces.
Never use disinfecting sprays, since the liquid droplets
may penetrate inside the unit, endangering safe system
operation. Electronic components may be damaged, and
explosive air/solvent vapor mixtures may develop.

A.2.3 Sterilization

The system is not sterile and cannot be sterilized.

The disposable covers (optional accessories) are sterile upon delivery.

The disposable covers are not resterilizable.
Be sure to discard the disposable covers properly after

For attaching the sterile disposable covers to the C-arm → Appendix B.1,
p. B-1.

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Appendix A

A.3 Malfunctions

A.3.1 Types of malfunctions

The following types of malfunctions are detected and indicated:

− Alerts during power-up
− Errors during power-up
− Alerts during operation
− Errors during operation

A.3.1.1 Alerts during power-up

Alert messages are displayed in a message window on the control panel.

An audible alarm sounds. If you get an alert message during system
power-up, you can close the message window and continue to work with
the system. However, the system will not be fully operational.
• Press the Yes button in the message window.
The message window is closed.

A.3.1.2 Errors during power-up

Error messages are displayed in a message window on the control panel.

An audible alarm sounds. Although you can close the message window,
you cannot continue to work with the system.
• Press the Yes button in the message window.
The message window is closed. In some cases, a new message
window with another error message is displayed.

If an error message is displayed, the system is not ready
for operation!
The error must be corrected by your after-sales service
Please communicate the error code number (E...) and the
serial number of the system to your after-sales service

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Appendix A

A.3.1.3 Alerts during operation

Alert messages are displayed in a message window on the control panel.

An audible alarm sounds. If you get an alert message during system
operation, radiation is not interrupted, and you can continue to initiate
radiation. However, the system will not be fully operational.
• Press the Yes button in the message window.
The message window is closed.

A.3.1.4 Errors during operation

Error messages are displayed in a message window on the control panel.

An audible alarm sounds. Radiation is interrupted and you can no longer
initiate any radiation.
• Press the Yes button in the message window.
The message window is closed. In some cases, a new message
window with another error message is displayed.

If an error message is displayed, the system is not ready
for operation!
The error must be corrected by your after-sales service
Please communicate the error code number (E...) and the
serial number of the system to your after-sales service

Please contact your after-sales service center also if a
certain error occurs frequently!

A.3.2 List of errors, alerts and status messages

If an alert or status message is displayed, do the following:

• Press the Yes button in the message window.
The message window is closed. You may continue to work. The
system is not fully operational.

If an error occurs, do the following:

• Contact your after-sales service center.

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Appendix A

Code Type Description

E1000 Error Thin filament defective
E1001 Error Thick filament defective
E1002 Error No VSync!
E1003 Error Operating temperature not yet reached. Please, wait... Please,
E1004 Alert Cooling phase in process. Please, wait...
E1005 Error Temperature 2 too low
E1006 Alert Temperature 2 too high
E1007 Error Machine data corrupt
E1008 Error Interrupt 1 flipflop defective
E1009 Error Interrupt 2 flipflop defective
E1010 Error HW signal X-ray active during power-up
E1011 Error CAN X-ray Enable active during power-up
E1012 Error D/A converter reference voltage defective
E1013 Error D/A converter kV defective
E1014 Error Oil overtemperature switch active
E1015 Error Wrong machine data version
E1016 Error Moisture sensor alarm
E1017 Error Test of ‘FAULT’ signal failed
E1018 Error Debug switch is on
E1019 Error Monitoring anode rotation does not work.
E1050 Alert High-voltage fault
E1051 Alert High-voltage fault (anode)
E1052 Alert High-voltage fault (cathode)
E1053 Alert mA peak value fault
E1054 Alert kV nominal/actual value fault
E1055 Alert mA nominal/actual value fault
E1056 Alert X-ray Enable fault
E1057 Alert Life monitoring missing
E1058 Alert Hardware monitoring missing
E1059 Alert External radiation interrupt (X-ray Break)
E1060 Alert Signal / X-ray missing
E1061 Alert High-voltage arc
Table A-3 List of errors and alerts

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Appendix A

Code Type Description

E1062 Alert Nominal kV value greater max. kV value
E1063 Alert Nominal mA value greater max. mA value
E1064 Alert Nominal power value greater max. power value
E1065 Alert Nominal kV value less min. kV value
E1066 Alert CAN fault line active
E1067 Error Basic heating faults
E1068 Error VSync faults
E1069 Alert Temperature sensor 1
E1070 Alert Temperature sensor 2
E1071 Error Signal / X-ray without radiation
E1072 Error Oil overtemperature switch active
E1073 Error Moisture sensor alarm
E1074 Error kV value too high (no radiation)
E1075 Error Test of rotating anode failed
E1082 Alert Nominal kV value less min. kV value
E1083 Error Rotating anode could not be started.
E1084 Error Rotating anode failed
E1085 Alert Average power in Burst mode > 600 Watt
E1086 Alert mA-Value too high for thin filament
E1084 Alert Max. anode capacity in Burst mode reached
E1095 Alert Generator overheated, recovery time %d seconds a
E1098 Error Generator power-up fault
E1099 Error Generator fault
E1100 Alert Hand switch 1 pressed during power-up
E1101 Alert Hand switch 2 pressed during power-up
E1102 Alert Foot switch 1 pressed during power-up
E1103 Alert Foot switch 2 pressed during power-up
E1104 Alert Foot switch 3 pressed during power-up
E1105 Alert Foot switch 4 pressed during power-up
E1106 Alert Foot switch 5 pressed during power-up
E1107 Alert Foot switch 6 pressed during power-up
E1108 Error Short circuit in hand switch 1
E1109 Error Short circuit in hand switch 2
Table A-3 List of errors and alerts (cont.)

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Appendix A

Code Type Description

E1110 Error Short circuit in foot switch 1
E1111 Error Short circuit in foot switch 2
E1112 Error Short circuit in foot switch 3
E1113 Error Short circuit in foot switch 4
E1114 Error Short circuit in foot switch 5
E1115 Error Short circuit in foot switch 6
E1116 Error CAN X-ray Enable active during power-up
E1117 Error External I/O fault
E1118 Error Wrong EEPROM checksum
E1132 Alert Short circuit in hand switch 1
E1133 Alert Short circuit in hand switch 2
E1134 Alert Short circuit in foot switch 1
E1135 Alert Short circuit in foot switch 2
E1136 Alert Short circuit in foot switch 3
E1137 Alert Short circuit in foot switch 4
E1138 Alert Short circuit in foot switch 5
E1139 Alert Short circuit in foot switch 6
E1140 Alert X-ray Enable not active
E1141 Alert CAN fault line active
E1142 Alert External I/O fault
E1143 Error Error Life Monitoring Imaging System
E1148 Alert Timeout post-fluoro time (LIH)
E1164 Error Short circuit in hand switch 1
E1165 Error Short circuit in hand switch 2
E1166 Error Short circuit in foot switch 1
E1167 Error Short circuit in foot switch 2
E1168 Error Short circuit in foot switch 3
E1169 Error Short circuit in foot switch 4
E1170 Error Short circuit in foot switch 5
E1171 Error Short circuit in foot switch 6
E1172 Error X-ray Enable without switch
E1173 Error CAN fault line active
E1174 Error External I/O fault
Table A-3 List of errors and alerts (cont.)

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Appendix A

Code Type Description

E1175 Error Error Life Monitoring Imaging System
E1176 Error Fan blocked
E1197 Error Main interface X-ray Break fault
E1198 Error Main interface power-up fault
E1199 Error Main interface fault
E1200 Error Timeout main interface (1)
E1201 Error Timeout main interface (2)
E1202 Error Timeout while reading power-up errors
E1203 Error Timeout generator machine data (1)
E1204 Error Timeout generator machine data (2)
E1205 Error Timeout generator machine data (3)
E1206 Error Timeout generator pulse width
E1207 Error Timeout filament selection
E1208 Error Timeout measuring range selection
E1209 Error Timeout kVmA setpoint value
E1210 Error Timeout while reading collimator limit value (1)
E1211 Error Timeout while reading collimator limit value (2)
E1212 Error Timeout ack system running
E1213 Alert Timeout while reading X-ray Break errors
E1214 Alert Timeout X-ray Break: interface busy
E1215 Error Internal error %d a
E1216 Alert Internal alert %d a
E1217 Error Error while clearing hard disk %d a
E1218 Error Timeout CAN module %d CAN bus switched off by host! a
E1219 Error Unexpected ACK from CAN module %d a
E1220 Alert Function assigned to X-ray switch (%d), ignored! a
E1221 Alert X-ray command assigned to function switch (%d), ignored! a
E1222 Alert Temperature limit alert: Reduce radiation power!
E1223 Error CAN bus cannot be addressed during power-up!
E1224 Error CAN module missing:
E1225 Alert Radiation allowed after mode values are displayed!
E1226 Error CAN modules missing:
E1227 Error CAN module faulty: %d a
Table A-3 List of errors and alerts (cont.)

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Appendix A

Code Type Description

E1228 Error CAN module 6 (U544) faulty
E1229 Error CAN Bus faulty BUS OFF
E1230 Error Only CAN module 6 (U544) detected
E1231 Error CAN module(s) not connected properly (standalone?)
E1232 Error Timeout:no answer from a CAN module
E1233 Error Out of memory. Image can not be stored!
E1234 Error dis8000.ini missing!
E1235 Error No acknowledge to %d from %d a
E1236 Error does not match U544 firmware
E1237 Error does not match dongle
E1238 Error Machine data missing
E1239 Message Service task performed by:
E1240 Message Database OK
E1241 Error Database damaged. Please clear hard disk !
E1242 Error Mobile stand not detected, but Main Interface present!
E1243 Error Iris calibration error!
E1244 Error Section missing!
E1245 Error Radiation blocked by key switch
E1243 Alert Flat-panel detector not ready.
E1240 Message Signature check completed
E1241 Alert Radiation warning lamp not functional!
E1249 Error X-ray Break from module %d
E1299 Error Image system fault
E1300 Error SPI Interface MAX 504
E1301 Alert Overtemperature
E1302 Error Reference voltage MAX 504
E1303 Error Output voltage MAX 504
E1304 Error Wrong EEPROM checksum
E1350 Error SPI Interface MAX 504
E1351 Alert Overtemperature
E1352 Alert Actual value too high
E1353 Alert Actual value too low
E1354 Error Output voltage MAX 504
Table A-3 List of errors and alerts (cont.)

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Appendix A

Code Type Description

E1355 Error CAN fault line active
E1358 Alert Output voltage beyond tolerance
E1398 Error PPS power-up fault
E1399 Error PPS fault
E1400 Error Servo %d position fault a
E1401 Error Servo %d not connected a
E1402 Error Servo %d not ready a
E1452 Alert DAP meter error %d a
E1452 Alert DAP meter startup error %d a
E1449 Alert Unknown DAP meter error
E1449 Error Vision Track fault
E1450 Error Servo position fault
E1451 Error Servo not connected
E1452 Error Servo not ready
E1499 Error II power supply fault
E1500 Alert Radiation warning lamp defective
E1501 Alert CRT high voltage
E1502 Alert Video voltage
E1503 Alert Video signal
E1504 Alert CRT filament
E1505 Alert Horizontal deflection
E1506 Alert 150V supply
E1507 Alert Vertical deflection
E1508 Error Wrong EEPROM checksum
E1509 Alert VBlank signal missing
E1516 Alert Radiation warning lamp defective
E1517 Alert CRT high voltage
E1518 Alert Video voltage
E1519 Alert Video signal
E1520 Alert CRT filament
E1521 Alert Horizontal deflection
E1522 Alert 150V supply
E1523 Alert Vertical deflection
Table A-3 List of errors and alerts (cont.)

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Appendix A

Code Type Description

E1599 Error Monitor fault
E1600 Alert Busy printer 1 active
E1601 Alert Busy printer 2 active
E1602 Error Wrong EEPROM checksum
E1620 Alert Printer 1 busy error
E1621 Alert Printer 1 busy error
E1622 Alert Printer 1 busy error
E1628 Alert Printer 2 busy error
E1629 Alert Printer 2 busy error
E1630 Alert Printer 2 busy error
E1649 Error Error U525
E1700 Alert kVmA table: kV not ascending
E1701 Alert kVmA table: Power not ascending
E1702 Alert kVmA table not finished
E1703 Alert Max. kV value too high.
E1704 Alert Max. mA value too high.
E1705 Error No external video signal
E1708 Error Generator pulse error
E1709 Error No VSync!
E1710 Error No Interrupt!
E1711 Error No Communication PPC generator
E1712 Error mA value from generator invalid
E1713 Error X-ray not allowed
E1714 Error Max mA value cannot be read.
E1716 Error SDRAM PPC defective
E1717 Error GammaLUT PPC defective
E1718 Error Offset adjustment not possible
E1719 Error Gain adjustment not possible
E1720 Error Hardware Version, Release
E1721 Error IRQ3 error!
E1722 Error VSync corrupt 30/25 Hz!
E1723 Error Video standard unknown!
E1724 Error Boot program unknown!
Table A-3 List of errors and alerts (cont.)

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Appendix A

Code Type Description

E1725 Error M-Data unknown!
E1726 Alert Collimator does not support DAP values!
E1727 Error Flat-panel detector not supported by this version!
E1725 Alert Internal communication error!
E1732 Error Reference voltage defective!
E1733 Error AD14 Offset adjustment defective!
E1734 Error AD14 Gain adjustment defective!
E1735 Error AD14 Gain*4 adjustment defective!
E1736 Error AD8 Offset adjustment defective!
E1737 Error AD8 Gain adjustment defective!
E1738 Error No external video signal
E1740 Error Hardware does not support grid regulation!
E1741 Error Hardware does not support motion detection!
E1742 Error Hardware does not support DAP calculation!
E1743 Error Hardware does not support automatic dose reduction!
E1744 Error Histogrammer hardware defective!
E1799 Error Error PPC
E1008 Alert Radiation warning lamp defective!
E1008 Alert Wrong checksum EEPROM!
E1008 Alert Interrupt PTA5 active during power-up.
E1008 Alert Interrupt PTA6 active during power-up.
E1008 Alert No communication with left flatscreen!
E1008 Alert No communication with right flatscreen!
E1008 Alert SPI interface for left flatscreen defective!
E1008 Alert SPI interface for right flatscreen defective!
E1008 Alert Printer busy!
E1850 Alert Radiation warning lamp defective!
E1865 Alert U578 execution failed!
Table A-3 List of errors and alerts (cont.)
a.%d is a placeholder for a number

Ziehm Solo A-17

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Appendix A

A.3.3 Mains fuse

The system is equipped with a circuit breaker on the C-arm stand.

− 2 × 15 A at 200 VAC, 220 VAC, 230 VAC, 240 VAC
− 2 × 20 A at 100 VAC, 120 VAC

ON-OFF-circuit If the mains fuse on the C-arm stand (→ Fig. A-3) has triggered (rocker
breaker with rocker switch in OFF position, circuit breaker is not illuminated), you can switch
switch it on again.

Circuit breaker

Fig. A-3 C-arm stand with mains fuse

To switch on the mains fuse, do the following:

• Press rocker switch to ON position.

The circuit breaker is illuminated.

A-18 Ziehm Solo

P_28482_CD_28483 - EN-18/09/2009
Appendix A

A.4 Labels

3( 1(



Fig. A-4 Labels on the C-arm stand


B 1&b
Foot switch labels (41b-42b)
→ Ch. A.6, p. A-35 5%

2@ 2#

Fig. A-5 Labels on C-arm stand, side view (left) and view from
above (right)

Ziehm Solo A-19

P_28482_CD_28483 - EN-18/09/2009
Appendix A

1$ 1%



Fig. A-6 Labels on systems with laser positioning device on the

image intensifier (left) and on the generator (right)

DICOM connection

USB port LM



Connection for
external radiation
warning lamp 2%a/b

Fig. A-7 Detailed view interface panel

A-20 Ziehm Solo

P_28482_CD_28483 - EN-18/09/2009
Appendix A

The labels shown in the following table are merely reproductions. Their
sizes and colors may differ from reality and serve illustrative purposes

No. Label Comments

B Values for ... 1
Ziehm Solo
– (Japan)
220 V~ (± 10%) 50/60Hz
230 V~ (± 10%) 50/60Hz
240 V ~ (± 10%) 50/60Hz
< = 0.6 ohm
8A continuous / 15A momentary
C 16A 250V
Rating label no.:
TS04_049 / TS04_051 (Japan)
China only 1
Values for ...
Ziehm Solo
8A continuous / 15A momentary
C 16A 250V
Rating label no.:

Table A-4 Labels (n/a for USA)

Ziehm Solo A-21

P_28482_CD_28483 - EN-18/09/2009
Appendix A

No. Label Comments

G Values for ... 1
Ziehm Solo
– (China) / (Japan)
110 kV
≥ 3.9 mm Al / 110 kV
D-064 R
Rating label no.:
TS04_008 / TS04_007 (China) /
TS04_006 (Japan)
H Values for ... 1
Ziehm Solo
– (China) / (Japan)
Rating label no.:
TS04_026 / TS04_025 (China) /
TS04_027 (Japan)

I ZIR Art. No.: 10-2946 1

ZIN Art. No.: 58302

J ZIR Art. No.: 10-2947 1

ZIN Art. No.: 58440

German-speaking countries 1
ZIN Art. No.: 58390

Table A-4 Labels (n/a for USA) (cont.)

A-22 Ziehm Solo

P_28482_CD_28483 - EN-18/09/2009
Appendix A

No. Label Comments

1) Please observe accompanying docu- 1
ZIR Art. No.: 10-2948
ZIN Art. No.: 58361
1! ZIN Art. No.: 58340 1

1# a ZIR Art. No.: 10-2951 1

ZIN Art. No.: 58442
Make sure that the face of the person
shown is facing upwards on the right
when you attach the label.
1# b ZIR Art. No.: 10-2952 1
ZIN Art. No.: 58443
Make sure that the face of the person
shown is facing downwards on the left
when you attach the label.
1$ Systems with laser positioning device 1
ZIR Art. No.: 10-2953
ZIN Art. No.: 58391
1% Systems with laser positioning device 1
(German-speaking countries)
ZIN Art. No.: 58405
Systems with laser positioning device 1
ZIN Art. No.: 58406

1&b China only 1

ZIN Art. No.: 58469

1( Fluoroscopy key on monitor support 1

Art. No. 584904

2@ Equipotential grounding 1
ZIR Art. No.: 10-2964
ZIN Art. No.: 58331
Table A-4 Labels (n/a for USA) (cont.)

Ziehm Solo A-23

P_28482_CD_28483 - EN-18/09/2009
Appendix A

No. Label Comments

2# Spare GND connection 1
ZIR Art. No.: 10-2965
ZIN Art. No.: 58338
2% a Rating label no.: 584900 1

2% b For systems with optional external radi- 1

ation warning lamp
(→ Ch. 2.4, p. 2-6)
Rating label no.: 584901

2( b Values for ... 1

Ziehm Solo
– (China) / (Japan)
Rating label no.:
TS04_018 / TS04_017 (China) /
TS04_019 (Japan)
Table A-4 Labels (n/a for USA) (cont.)

A-24 Ziehm Solo

P_28482_CD_28483 - EN-18/09/2009
Appendix A

No. Label Comments

3# Values for ... 1
Ziehm Solo
– (China) / (Japan)
Rating label no.:
TS04_030 / TS04_029 (China) /
TS04_031 (Japan)
3( ZIR Art. No.: 10-2983 1
ZIN Art. No.: 58407

5% EU countries only 1
ZIN Art. No.: 58408

Table A-4 Labels (n/a for USA) (cont.)

Ziehm Solo A-25

P_28482_CD_28483 - EN-18/09/2009
Appendix A

A.5 Labels (USA)

2(b 1(



2)/2! G

Fig. A-8 Labels on the C-arm stand (USA)

E F 1)
Foot switch labels (41b-42b)
→ Ch. A.6, p. A-35

2@ 2#

Fig. A-9 Labels on C-arm stand, side view (left) and view from
above (right)

A-26 Ziehm Solo

P_28482_CD_28483 - EN-18/09/2009
Appendix A

3^ 1& a i
3% 1$
3! b 1%
(23 cm image


Fig. A-10 Labels on the generator (USA)

1# a

1* b

1&b 1$
front rear

Fig. A-11 Labels on the image intensifier (USA)

Ziehm Solo A-27

P_28482_CD_28483 - EN-18/09/2009
Appendix A

The labels shown in the following table are merely reproductions. Their
sizes and colors may differ from reality and serve illustrative purposes

No. Label Comments

B Values for ... 1
Ziehm Solo
120 V~ (± 10%) 50/60Hz
200 V~ (± 10%) 50/60Hz
230 V~ (± 10%) 50/60Hz
240 V~ (± 10%) 50/60Hz
< = 0.3 ohm (120 V)
< = 0.6 ohm (200 / 230 / 240 V)
10A continuous / 20A momentary
(120 V)
8A continuous / 15A momentary
(200 / 230 / 240 V)
C 20A 250V (120 V)
C 16A 250V (200 / 230 / 240 V)
Rating label no.: TS04_052
C ZIR Art. No.: 10-2936 1
ZIN Art. No.: 58450

D Canada only 1
ZIR Art. No.: 10-2937
ZIN Art. No.: 58451

E ZIR Art. No.: 10-2938 1

ZIN Art. No.: 58452

Table A-5 Labels (USA)

A-28 Ziehm Solo

P_28482_CD_28483 - EN-18/09/2009
Appendix A

No. Label Comments

F Canada only 1
ZIR Art. No.: 10-2942
ZIN Art. No.: 58453

G Values for ... 1

Ziehm Solo
110 kV
≥ 3.9 mm Al / 110 kV
D-064 R
Rating label no.: TS04_005
H Values for ... 1
Ziehm Solo
Rating label no.:

I ZIR Art. No.: 10-2946 1

ZIN Art. No.: 58302

J ZIR Art. No.: 10-2947 1

ZIN Art. No.: 58440

Table A-5 Labels (USA) (cont.)

Ziehm Solo A-29

P_28482_CD_28483 - EN-18/09/2009
Appendix A

No. Label Comments

1) Please observe accompanying docu- 1
ZIR Art. No.: 10-2948
ZIN Art. No.: 58361
1! ZIR Art. No.: 10-2949 1
ZIN Art. No.: 58441
1@ Canada only 1
ZIR Art. No.: 10-2950
ZIN Art. No.: 58448
1# a ZIR Art. No.: 10-2951 1
ZIN Art. No.: 58442
Make sure that the face of the person
shown is facing upwards on the right
when you attach the label.
1# b ZIR Art. No.: 10-2952 1
ZIN Art. No.: 58443
Make sure that the face of the person
shown is facing downwards on the left
when you attach the label.
1$ Systems with laser positioning device 2
ZIR Art. No.: 10-2953
ZIN Art. No.: 58391
1% Systems with laser positioning device 2
ZIR Art. No.: 10-2954
ZIN Art. No.: 58444

1^ Systems with laser positioning device 2

ZIR Art. No.: 10-2955
ZIN Art. No.: 58445

1& a Systems with laser positioning device 1

ZIR Art. No.: 10-2956
ZIN Art. No.: 58446
Table A-5 Labels (USA) (cont.)

A-30 Ziehm Solo

P_28482_CD_28483 - EN-18/09/2009
Appendix A

No. Label Comments

1& b Systems with laser positioning device 2
ZIR Art. No.: 10-2957
ZIN Art. No.: 58447
1* a Systems with laser positioning device 1
Values for ...
Ziehm Solo
Rating label no.: TS04_021

1* b Systems with laser positioning device 1

Values for ...
Ziehm Solo
Rating label no.: TS04_022

1( Fluoroscopy key on monitor support 1

Art. No. 584904

2) ZIR Art. No.: 10-2962 1

ZIN Art. No.: 58454

2! Canada only 1
ZIR Art. No.: 10-2963
ZIN Art. No.: 58455

2@ Equipotential grounding 1
ZIR Art. No.: 10-2964
ZIN Art. No.: 58331
2# Spare GND connection 1
ZIR Art. No.: 10-2965
ZIN Art. No.: 58338
Table A-5 Labels (USA) (cont.)

Ziehm Solo A-31

P_28482_CD_28483 - EN-18/09/2009
Appendix A

No. Label Comments

2% a Rating label no.: 584900 1

2% b For systems with optional external radi- 1

ation warning lamp
(→ Ch. 2.4, p. 2-6)
Rating label no.: 584901

2( b Values for ... 1

Ziehm Solo
Rating label no.: TS04_020

Table A-5 Labels (USA) (cont.)

A-32 Ziehm Solo

P_28482_CD_28483 - EN-18/09/2009
Appendix A

No. Label Comments

3) Values for ... 1
Ziehm Solo
Rating label no.: TS04_023

3! b Values for ... 1

Ziehm Solo
Rating label no.: TS04_024

3@ Values for ... 1

Ziehm Solo
Rating label no.: TS04_032

3% ZIR Art. No.: 10-2977 1

ZIN Art. No.: 58460

3^ Canada only 1
ZIR Art. No.: 10-2978
ZIN Art. No.: 58461

3& Systems with film cassette holder only 1

ZIR Art. No.: 10-2981

ZIN Art. No.: 58462

Table A-5 Labels (USA) (cont.)

Ziehm Solo A-33

P_28482_CD_28483 - EN-18/09/2009
Appendix A

No. Label Comments

3* Systems with film cassette holder only 1

Canada only
ZIR Art. No.: 10-2982
ZIN Art. No.: 58463
3( ZIR Art. No.: 10-2983 1
ZIN Art. No.: 58407

4) NOTE: This label may only be applied 1

to the system after the Notice of Appli-
cation for the system was issued by the
Underwriters Laboratory Inc. (UL).
ZIR Art. No.: 10-2984
ZIN Art. No.: 58464
Table A-5 Labels (USA) (cont.)

A-34 Ziehm Solo

P_28482_CD_28483 - EN-18/09/2009
Appendix A

A.6 Labels for foot switch


Fig. A-12 Labels on the two-pedal foot switch

No. Label Comments

4! a Optional foot switch pedal assignment 1
Initiate radiation – Save
Background color: white
ZIR Art. No.: 10-2985
ZIN Art. No.: 58371
4! b Optional foot switch pedal assignment 1
Initiate radiation – Save
Background color: transparent
ZIR Art. No.: 10-2986
ZIN Art. No.: 58372
4@ a Optional foot switch pedal assignment 1
Function: Initiate radiation – Cine
Background color: white
ZIR Art. No.: 10-2987
ZIN Art. No.: 58415

4@ b Optional foot switch pedal assignment 1

Function: Initiate radiation – Cine
Background color: transparent
ZIR Art. No.: 10-2988
ZIN Art. No.: 58416

Table A-6 Labels for foot switch

Ziehm Solo A-35

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Appendix A

A.7 Focal spot position

Reference axis

Focal spot Anode
(red dot) angle

Fig. A-13 Focal spot position on systems with 23cm i.i.

A-36 Ziehm Solo

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Appendix A

A.8 Heat capacity

Heating characteristic at 110 kV / 3.2 mA Heating character-

(800,000 J heat capacity, 50 W continuous heat dissipation) istic





Temp. (°C)








0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36

Time (min.)

Fig. A-14 Heating characteristic (Model D-064R)

Cooling characteristic Cooling character-





Temp. (°C)





0 15 30 45 60 75 90 105 120 135 150 165 180 195 210 225 240 255 270 285 300 315 330 345 360 375
Time (min.)

Fig. A-15 Cooling characteristic (Model D-064R)

Ziehm Solo A-37

P_28482_CD_28483 - EN-18/09/2009
Appendix A

A.9 Scattered radiation in the significant zone of occupancy

Distribution of scattered radiation in the significant zone of occupancy of the C-

arm stand

Measurement conditions in accordance with EN 60601-1-3

Exposure conditions: Automatic control, 76 kV / 5.9 mA / 448 W
Rectangular water phantom 25 cm × 25 cm × 15 cm + 1.5 mm Cu
Measuring instrument: Radcal 9015

Height above floor in cm


Distance to central ray beam in cm

positioning Significant zone of
80 × 60 × 200 cm

Fig. A-16 Scattered radiation

A-38 Ziehm Solo

P_28482_CD_28483 - EN-18/09/2009
Appendix A

A.10 Dimensions

C-arm stand

Fig. A-17 Dimensions of C-arm stand

Ziehm Solo A-39

P_28482_CD_28483 - EN-18/09/2009
Appendix A

A.11 Technical Data

A.11.1 General technical data

Image intensifier

Scintillator Cesium iodide

Nominal sizes 23 / 15 / 10 cm
Anti-scatter grid Pb 8/40

24" flat-screen monitors

Display measurements 520 mm × 325 mm (20.4" × 12.8")
Screen size (diagonal) 610 mm (24")

Resolution in pixels 1920 × 1200

18.1" flat-screen monitors
Display measurements 300 mm × 360 mm (11.45" × 14.28")
Screen size (diagonal) 460 mm (18.1")
Resolution in pixels 1280 × 1024 / 50 Hz or 60 Hz
CCIR, 50 Hz refresh rate, like PAL, no color
Video standard

EIA 343, 60 Hz refresh rate, like NTSC, no color


During storage/transport

Temperature –5°C to +55°C


Relative air humidity 20% – 70%

During operation
Temperature +13°C to +35°C
Relative air humidity 20% – 70%
Table A-7 General technical data

A-40 Ziehm Solo

P_28482_CD_28483 - EN-18/09/2009
Appendix A

Source/image receptor distance
970 mm
Vertical free space (generator/i.i.)

760 mm
C-arm depth 680 mm
Orbital rotation 23 cm i.i.: 135° (+45° – -90°)
Angulation ±225°
Swiveling (panning) ±10°
Horizontal movement 220 mm
Vertical movement 420 mm
C-arm stand

23 cm image intensifier: approx. 310 kg

Table A-7 General technical data (cont.)

Ziehm Solo A-41

P_28482_CD_28483 - EN-18/09/2009
Appendix A

A.11.2 Systems with a voltage rating of 100 V, 120 V, 200 V

Systems with a voltage / 100 VAC ± 10%, 120 VAC ± 10%, 200 VAC ± 10%,
frequency rating of: 50/60 Hz 50/60 Hz 50/60 Hz
Power supply fuse C 20 A or C 32 A C 20 A C 20 A or C 32 A
(tripping characteristic C acc. to VDE 0641, Part 11; DIN EN
60898 + IEC 898)
Required residual IN ≥ 20 A, IN ≥ 20 A, IN ≥ 16 A,
current circuit
breaker (RCD) IAN = 30 mA IAN = 30 mA IAN = 30 mA

Typical current consumption

20 A continuous, 20 A continuous, 12 A continuous,
22 A momentary 22 A momentary 16 A momentary
Power supply in standby mode

350 VA (3.5 A) 360 VA (3 A) 400 VA (2 A)

The values depend on the integrated documentation systems.
Power input fuse
C 20 A slow C 20 A slow C 16 A slow
Maximum line ≤ 0.3 Ω ≤ 0.3 Ω ≤ 0.6 Ω
Equipment pro- Protection Class I, Type B, ordinary equipment, continuous oper-
tection classifi- ation
Radiation controlled area (with generator in lowermost position and C-arm ver-
23 cm image intensifier 4 m
Table A-8 Systems with a voltage rating of 100 V, 120 V, 200 V

A-42 Ziehm Solo

P_28482_CD_28483 - EN-18/09/2009
Appendix A

Systems with a voltage / 100 VAC ± 10%, 120 VAC ± 10%, 200 VAC ± 10%,
frequency rating of: 50/60 Hz 50/60 Hz 50/60 Hz
Direct radiography
40–110 kV 40–110 kV 40–110 kV
12 mA min./ 15 mA min./ 15 mA min./
20 mA max., 20 mA max., 20 mA max.,
1.5 mAs min./ 1.5 mAs min./ 1.5 mAs min./
100 mAs max. 100 mAs max. 100 mAs max.
40–110 kV 40–110 kV 40–110 kV
1.5–10 mA 1.5–10 mA 1.5–10 mA
1.5–20 mA (USA) 1.5–20 mA (USA) 1.5–20 mA (USA)
Pulsed fluoroscopy
Pulse width 10-30 ms
1, 2, 4, 8, 12.5, 25 pulses/s (on systems with 50 Hz)
1, 2, 5, 10, 15, 30 pulses/s (on systems with 60 Hz)

Digital radiography (snapshot)

40-110 kV
0.1 mA min./
20 mA max.
Operating fre- 20 kHz
DC-HV ripple 40 kHz
Max. operating data
110 kV / 10 mA 110 kV / 10 mA 110 kV / 10 mA
110 kV / 18 mA 110 kV / 18 mA 110 kV / 18 mA
65 kV / 10 mA 80 kV / 10 mA 80 kV / 10 mA
Direct radiography
110 kV / 12 mA 110 kV / 15 mA 110 kV / 15 mA
65 kV / 20 mA 80 kV / 20 mA 80 kV / 20 mA
Table A-8 Systems with a voltage rating of 100 V, 120 V, 200 V (cont.)

Ziehm Solo A-43

P_28482_CD_28483 - EN-18/09/2009
Appendix A

Systems with a voltage / 100 VAC ± 10%, 120 VAC ± 10%, 200 VAC ± 10%,
frequency rating of: 50/60 Hz 50/60 Hz 50/60 Hz
Digital radiography
110 kV / 12 mA 110 kV / 15 mA 110 kV / 18 mA
65 kV / 20 mA 80 kV / 20 mA 80 kV / 20 mA
Max. power output
1100 W 1100 W 1100 W
(110 kV / 10 mA) (110 kV / 10 mA) (110 kV / 10 mA)
Direct radiography
1320 W 1650 W 1650 W
(110 kV / 12 mA) (110 kV / 15 mA) (110 kV / 15 mA)
Digital radiography
1320 W 1650 W 1980 W
(110 kV / 12 mA) (110 kV / 15 mA) (110 kV / 18 mA)
Nominal electric power
1000 W at 100 kV / 1000 W at 100 kV / 1000 W at 100 kV /

10 mA / 0.1 s 10 mA / 0.1 s 10 mA / 0.1 s

X-ray tube
Single-focus stationary-anode tube
Focal spot nominal size, in relation to reference axis
0.6 acc. to IEC 336
Focal spot horizontal tolerance, in relation to reference axis
± 0.5 mm (controlled)
Anode angle, in relation to reference axis

Anode material
Total filtration
≥ 3.9 mm Al, including Cu ≥ 0.1 mm
Maximum X-ray tube loading factors for
1h; 3 mA at 110 kV 10800 mAs/h
Table A-8 Systems with a voltage rating of 100 V, 120 V, 200 V (cont.)

A-44 Ziehm Solo

P_28482_CD_28483 - EN-18/09/2009
Appendix A

A.11.3 Systems with a voltage rating of 220 V, 230 V, 240 V

Systems with a voltage / 220 VAC ± 10%, 230 VAC ± 10%, 240 VAC ± 10%,
frequency rating of: 50/60 Hz 50/60 Hz 50/60 Hz
Power supply fuse C 16 A (tripping characteristic C acc. to VDE 0641, Part 11; DIN
rating EN 60898 + IEC 898)
Required residual IN ≥ 16 A, IAN = 30 mA
current circuit
breaker (RCD)
Typical current 12 A continuous,
consumption 16 A momentary
Power supply in standby mode
approx. 370 VA (approx. 1.6 A)

The values depend on the integrated documentation systems.

Power input fuse C 16 A slow
Maximum line ≤ 0.6 Ω
Equipment pro- Protection Class I, Type B, ordinary equipment, continuous oper-
tection classifi- ation
Radiation controlled area (with generator in lowermost position and C-arm ver-
23 cm image intensifier: 4 m
Direct radiography
40–110 kV
15 mA min./
20 mA max.,
1.5 mAs min./
100 mAs max.

40–110 kV
1.5–10 mA
1.5–20 mA (USA)
Pulsed fluoroscopy
Pulse width 10-30 ms
1, 2, 4, 8, 12.5, 25 pulses/s (on systems with 50 Hz)
1, 2, 5, 10, 15, 30 pulses/s (on systems with 60 Hz)
Table A-9 Systems with a voltage rating of 220 V, 230 V, 240 V

Ziehm Solo A-45

P_28482_CD_28483 - EN-18/09/2009
Appendix A

Systems with a voltage / 220 VAC ± 10%, 230 VAC ± 10%, 240 VAC ± 10%,
frequency rating of: 50/60 Hz 50/60 Hz 50/60 Hz
Digital radiography (snapshot)
40-110 kV
0.1 mA min./
20 mA max.
Operating fre- 20 kHz
DC-HV ripple 40 kHz
Max. operating data
110 kV / 10 mA
110 kV / 18 mA (USA)
80 kV / 10 mA
Direct radiography
110 kV / 15 mA
110 kV / 18 mA (USA)
80 kV / 20 mA
Digital radiography

110 kV / 18 mA
80 kV / 20 mA
Max. power output
1100 W (110 kV / 10 mA)
Direct radiography
1650 W (110 kV / 15 mA)
Digital radiography
1980 W (110 kV / 18 mA)
Nominal electric power
1000 W at 100 kV / 10 mA / 0.1 s
X-ray tube
Single-focus stationary-anode tube
Focal spot nominal size, in relation to reference axis
0.6 acc. to IEC 336
Focal spot horizontal tolerance, in relation to reference axis
± 0.5 mm (controlled)
Table A-9 Systems with a voltage rating of 220 V, 230 V, 240 V (cont.)

A-46 Ziehm Solo

P_28482_CD_28483 - EN-18/09/2009
Appendix A

Systems with a voltage / 220 VAC ± 10%, 230 VAC ± 10%, 240 VAC ± 10%,
frequency rating of: 50/60 Hz 50/60 Hz 50/60 Hz
Anode angle, in relation to reference axis

Anode material

Total filtration
≥ 3.9 mm Al, including Cu ≥ 0.1 mm
Maximum X-ray tube loading factors for
1h; 3 mA at 110 kV 10800 mAs/h
Table A-9 Systems with a voltage rating of 220 V, 230 V, 240 V (cont.)

Temperatures above 40°C and relative air humidity above
60% may cause stains on the printer’s heat-sensitive

A.11.4 Laser positioning device

Laser Class Class 2M acc. to IEC 60825-1

Max. power output of con- < 1 mW
tinuous laser radiation, measured
at the laser beam apertures
Wavelength of the radiation 635 nm
Table A-10 Technical data of laser positioning device

Ziehm Solo A-47

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Appendix A

A.11.5 Dose meter

Additional absorption 3 mm Al

Sensitivity ≥ 700 pC / mGy•cm2

(75 kV; 2.7 mm Al HVL)

Measuring range of DAP power 0.1 – 104 mGy • cm2/s

Voltage range 40 – 150 kV

Voltage correction → Fig. A-18, p. A-48

Aluminum equivalent < 0.4 mm

Table A-11 Technical data of VacuDAP C dose meter

Voltage correction
Additional absorption: 3 mm Al filtration
Correction factor

Fig. A-18 Voltage correction of VacuDAP C dose meter

A-48 Ziehm Solo

P_28482_CD_28483 - EN-18/09/2009
Appendix B

B.1 Attaching sterile disposable covers to the C-arm

For detailed information, please refer to the operating instructions sup-

plied with the sterile disposable covers.


C-ARM SET for quick C-arm covering


B Collapsible-folded hose
facilitates placement over the
spring clasp.

C The sterile person opens the

hose by means of the fold-over
sleeve at Label 1.
The circulating person inserts
the non-sterile spring clasp into
the open hose.
The sterile person opens the
hose and pulls it little by little
over the spring bracket.
Simply fold over excess hose

D Hook the spring clasp into the


E Put the hoods or bags

contained in the SET over the
X-ray tube assembly and
image intensifier by sliding your
hands under the elastic rim.

Ziehm C-SET Hose cover B for image intensifier: R for X-ray tube assembly:
REF: 341 B/R # 34100 3 # 30077 2 # 30054
7 # 30094
0 without – please order
Rev.: 11-09-2005 / P0142-01

Udo Heisig GmbH - The Disposables Company - Hermann-Oberth-Straße 17 - D-85640 Putzbrunn

CEO: Udo Heisig y AG München HRB 82813 y +49-(0)89-4623920 y Fax +49-(0)89-46239228
Internet: - e-mail:

Ziehm Solo B-1

P_28482_CD_28483 - EN-18/09/2009
B-2 Ziehm Solo
P_28482_CD_28483 - EN-18/09/2009

Inverting the entire archive 9-18

Numerals Archive (operating mode) 9-14, 10-21
Archive (tab) 5-7, 9-14, 9-21, 9-24, 9-39,
180° - Angle (read-only box) 14-12 9-40, 9-41, 9-42, 9-43, 9-44, 10-16,
2-Point (button) 14-5 10-17, 10-18, 10-19, 10-21, 10-24,
360° - Angle (read-only box) 14-9 11-4
3-Point (button) 14-8 Arrow
4-Point (button) 14-12 Adding to an image 15-6
4-Point Ratio (button) 14-15 Auto-delete function 7-18
Automatic exposure rate control 7-2
Automatic metal correction 7-10
A Function 18-13
Autoplay (button) 18-13
Abdomen (anatomical program) 7-11 Autostore 18-3
Access. No (button) 10-6 Activating 7-17, 18-4
Accessories, optional 2-7 Autotransfer 18-3
Acquiring Activating 18-3
Cine loop 11-3
Add (button 9-9
Adipose Patient (button) 5-3, 7-14
Adipose Patient (function) 7-14 B
Initial login 9-6 Back (button) 9-5
Air Kerma (display) 5-7 Backup
Air Kerma Rate (display) 5-7 Patient folders 9-37
Alarm (radiation time) 7-20 Restoring from DVD 9-44
Switching off 7-20 Restoring from USB storage medium
Alert messages 7-21 9-41
Alerts Selecting patient folders 9-37
During operation A-9 Selection using search criteria 9-38
During power-up A-8 Selection using the image creation date
List of errors and alerts A-9 9-37
Alphanumeric keypad 5-11 to DVD 9-42
Anatomical programs 7-11 To USB stick 9-39
Abdomen 7-11 Backup (button) 9-39, 9-40, 9-42, 9-43
Activating 7-12 Backup copy
Bones 7-11 Restoring from DVD 9-44
Deactivating 7-12 Restoring from USB storage medium
Heart 7-11 9-41
Soft 7-12 Selecting patient folders 9-37
Uro 7-11 Selection using search criteria 9-38
Angle (read-only box) 14-9, 14-12 Selection using the image creation date
Angle of rotation 9-37
Information on the screen 15-2 to DVD 9-42
Angulation To USB stick 9-39
C-arm 4-7 Basic settings 18-7
Archive Discarding 18-11

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Entering the hospital data 18-10 Button ‘DSA’ 5-11, 12-3

Selecting the live screen 18-9 Button ‘DVD’ (Backup) 9-43, 9-44
System date 18-9 Button ‘Erase USB Media’ 18-19
System time 18-9 Button ‘Export Log File’ 9-10
Basic Settings (button) 18-7, 18-9, 18-10 Button ‘Filter’ 5-5, 8-6, 8-7, 8-8
Bones (anatomical program) 7-11 Button ‘Full-Screen Image’ 9-27
Bones (button) 5-5 Button ‘Grayscale Inversion’ 5-6, 8-13, 13-8
Brake Button ‘Heart’ 5-5
C-arm stand 4-4 Button ‘Hospital’ 18-10
Brightness Button ‘Image Swapping’ 5-3, 8-16
Setting 18-22 Button ‘Invert All’ 9-18
Button 'Overwrite' 9-7, 9-9, 10-6 Button ‘Laser’ 5-5, 16-2, 16-3
Button 'Restore from DVD' 9-44 Button ‘Last Name’ 9-5, 9-7, 10-6
Button ‘2-Point’ 14-5 Button ‘Login’ 9-5
Button ‘3-Point’ 14-8 Button ‘Logout’ 9-9
Button ‘4-Point Ratio’ 14-15 Button ‘Magnify’ 5-6, 8-9
Button ‘4-Point’ 14-12 Button ‘Manual Exposure Rate Setting’ 5-3,
Button ‘Abdomen’ 5-5 7-9
Button ‘Access. No’ 10-6 Button ‘Mark’ 9-16, 9-17, 9-30, 10-23, 11-10,
Button ‘Add’ 9-9 13-10, 13-11
Button ‘Adipose Patient’ 5-3, 7-14 Button ‘Mask off’ 12-7
Button ‘Back’ 9-5 Button ‘Mask on’ 12-7
Button ‘Backup’ 9-39, 9-40, 9-42, 9-43 Button ‘Mask’ 12-7
Button ‘Basic Settings’ 18-7, 18-9, 18-10 Button ‘Metal’ 5-5, 7-13
Button ‘Bones’ 5-5 Button ‘Monitor / Dose’ A-2
Button ‘Calibration’ 14-4 Button ‘Mosaic’ 9-28
Button ‘Cine/DSA/Dose’ 18-11, 18-13 Button ‘Motion’ 5-5, 7-13
Button ‘Cine/SUB/Dose’ 18-11, 18-13 Button ‘New’ 9-10, 9-11, 9-12, 9-23, 10-2
Button ‘Cine’ 5-3, 11-3 Button ‘Next Measuring Point’ 14-4, 14-6,
Button ‘Clean up’ 11-7, 12-7 14-9, 14-12, 14-13, 14-16, 14-17
Button ‘Close Horizontal Slot Collimator’ Button ‘Open Horizontal Slot Collimator’
13-10 13-10
Button ‘Close Iris Collimator’ 5-4, 8-14 Button ‘Open Iris Collimator Fully’ 5-4, 8-14,
Button ‘Close Vertical Slot Collimator’ 5-4, 8-15
8-14, 13-10 Button ‘Open Iris Collimator’ 8-14
Button ‘Complete’ 11-7, 12-6 Button ‘Open Vertical Slot Collimator Fully’
Button ‘Config’ 18-13 5-4, 8-15
Button ‘Contrast/Brightness’ 5-6, 8-4, 13-5 Button ‘Open Vertical Slot Collimator’ 5-4,
Button ‘Date’ 18-9 8-14, 13-10
Button ‘Delete Log File’ 9-10 Button ‘Password’ 9-5, 9-7
Button ‘Delete Marked Items’ 9-17, 9-31, Button ‘Patient ID’ 10-2, 10-6
11-11, 13-11 Button ‘Play’ 11-6, 12-5, 12-7
Button ‘Delete Unmarked Items’ 9-17, 9-32, Button ‘Print Live Screen Image’ 5-6, 7-19,
11-11, 13-12 9-33, 11-20
Button ‘Delete’ 9-18, 9-32, 11-12, 13-12 Button ‘Print’ 11-13, 13-13
Button ‘Delete’ (Measurement) 14-4 Button ‘Protect’ 9-30, 9-31, 11-10, 13-11
Button ‘Department’ 18-10 Button ‘Pulsed Fluoroscopy’ 5-3, 7-4, 7-5,
Button ‘DICOM Print’ 10-17, 10-19 7-8
Button ‘DICOM Retrieve’ 10-21, 10-24 Button ‘Query’ 10-2
Button ‘DICOM Store’ 10-15, 10-16, 10-18, Button ‘Refresh’ 10-22, 10-25
10-20 Button ‘Restore from USB Stick’ 9-41
Button ‘Doctor’ 18-10 Button ‘Retrieve’ 10-21, 10-24, 10-25
Button ‘Dose Meter Check’ A-2 Button ‘Retype Pass.’ 9-7

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Button ‘Reverse Left/Right’ 5-4, 8-17, 13-9 Horizontal movement 4-9

Button ‘Reverse Up/Down’ 5-4, 8-17, 13-9 Movements 4-5
Button ‘Rotate Image CCW’ 5-4, 8-18, 13-9 Orbital rotation 4-6
Button ‘Rotate Image CW’ 5-4, 8-18, 13-9 Swiveling (panning) 4-8
Button ‘Rotate Image to 0°’ 5-4, 8-18 Vertical movement 4-10
Button ‘Rotate Vertical Slot Collimator CCW’ C-arm stand 2-8
8-14 Brake 4-4
Button ‘Rotate Vertical Slot Collimator CW’ Dimensions A-39
8-14 Illustration 2-9
Button ‘Rotate Vertical Slot Collimator to 0°’ Steering 4-4
5-5, 8-15 C-arm stand side view (right)
Button ‘Save’ 5-5, 7-17 Illustration 2-8, 2-9
Button ‘Search’ (Archive operating mode) Check box ‘Live Image left’ 18-10
9-21, 9-25, 11-4 Check box Live Image right 18-10
Button ‘Search’ (Patient operating mode) Checks
9-12, 9-24 Checking the useful beam A-4
Button ‘Secure Patient Folders’ 9-10 Consistency test A-2
Button ‘Size’ 15-6 Regular checks A-1
Button ‘Snapshot’ 5-3, 7-6, 7-8 Routine checks by the user A-1
Button ‘Soft’ 5-5 Useful X-ray beam A-4
Button ‘Standard’ 9-8 Cine (button) 5-3, 11-3
Button ‘Start Img’ 11-7, 12-6 Cine loop 11-1
Button ‘Stop Img’ 11-7, 12-6 Acquiring 11-3
Button ‘Stop’ 11-6, 11-7, 12-5, 12-6, 12-7 Applications 11-1
Button ‘Storage Media’ 18-18, 18-19, 18-21 Auto setting 11-1
Button ‘SUB’ 5-11, 12-3 Changing the playback speed 11-6, 12-5
Button ‘Text’ 5-6, 15-4, 15-5 Cleaning up 11-7, 12-7
Button ‘Time’ 18-9 Controlling 11-5
Button ‘Uro’ 5-5 Defining a mask image 12-7
Button ‘USB’ 9-20, 9-35, 11-14 Deleting 11-11
Button ‘USB’ (Backup) 9-40, 9-41 Deleting single images 11-18
Button ‘Windowing’ 8-3, 13-4 Frame rate 11-1
Button ‘Worklist’ 10-3, 10-6, 10-7, 10-9, Length 11-1
10-11 Marking 11-10
Button ‘Zoom’ 5-6, 8-11, 8-12, 13-7, 13-8 Marking single images 11-17
Button Down Arrow 5-5 Mosaic view 11-16
Button DVD 9-20, 9-35, 11-15, 11-22 Opening 11-3
Button Up Arrow 5-5 Presetting the frame rate 18-13
Buttons Presetting the length 18-13
Move Up/Down 5-12 Printing on video printer 11-13
ON/OFF 5-12 Printing single images 11-20
Buttons on the control panel 5-1, 5-2 Processing 11-5, 11-8, 12-5
Processing single images 11-16
Protecting 11-10
Protecting single images 11-18
C Replaying 11-3, 11-5, 11-9, 12-5
Saving single images to USB storage me-
Cables dium 11-22
Power cable 6-1, 6-2 Saving to hard disk 11-2
Calibrating 14-3 Saving to USB storage medium 11-14
Calibration (button) 14-4 Start image 11-6, 12-6
C-arm Stop image 11-6, 12-6
Angulation 4-7 Trimming 11-6, 12-6

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Unmarking 11-10 Cooling characteristic A-37

Unprotecting 11-10 Crosshair 18-5
Writing single images to DVD 11-22 Showing 18-5
Writing to DVD 11-15 Current (display) 5-7, 7-15
Cine/DSA/Dose (button) 18-11, 18-13
Cine/SUB/Dose (button) 18-11, 18-13
Clean up (button) 11-7, 12-7
Cleaning A-6
Recommended detergents A-6
Screen A-6 Date (button) 18-9
Close Horizontal Slot Collimator (button) Date format 18-9
13-10 Date of saving
Close Iris Collimator (button) 5-4, 8-14 Information on the screen 15-2
Close Vertical Slot Collimator (button) 5-4, Delete (button in Measurement mode) 14-4
8-14, 8-15, 13-10 Delete (button) 9-18, 9-32, 11-12, 13-12
Collimators Delete Log File (button) 9-10
Iris Collimator 8-14 Delete Marked Items (button) 9-17, 9-31,
Slot collimator 8-14 11-11, 13-11
Virtual collimator 8-15 Delete protection 9-30
Complete (button) 11-7, 12-6 Removing from a cine loop 11-10
Config (tab) 5-7, 18-2, 18-3, 18-4, 18-5, 18-6, Removing from an image 9-31
18-7, 18-9, 18-10, 18-13, 18-14, 18-18, Delete Unmarked Items (button) 9-17, 9-32,
18-19, 18-21, A-2 11-11, 13-12
Configuration Deleting
Autostore 18-3 All images from a USB storage medium
Autotransfer 18-3 18-19
Basic settings 18-7 Cine loop 11-11
Cine Loops 18-12 Image 9-31, 13-11
Cine/DSA/Dose 18-11, 18-13 Patient folders 9-17
Cine/SUB/Dose 18-11, 18-13 Single cine loop images 11-18
Crosshair 18-5 Deleting images manually (USA) 7-18
Deleting all images from a USB storage Department (button) 18-10
medium 18-19 Department (input box) 18-10
DICOM storage server 18-19 DICOM
Discarding the basic settings 18-11 Downloading a Worklist 10-3
Discarding the operation settings 18-7 Downloading patient data 10-1
Entering the hospital data 18-10 Functions 10-1
Image Swap with Save 18-4 Images (list) 10-21
Native image 18-14 MPPS 10-11
Operation settings 18-2 Networkability 2-5
Selecting the live screen 18-9 Saving options 10-16
Service settings 18-1 Selecting a storage server 18-19
Storage format DVD 18-18 Series (list) 10-21
Storage media 18-16 Storage Commitment 10-26
System date 18-9 Studies (list) 10-21
System time 18-9 DICOM network printer
USB stick storage format 18-17 Printing images 10-17
Consistency test A-2 DICOM Print (button) 10-17, 10-19
Contrast DICOM Query (button) 10-2
Setting 18-22 DICOM Retrieve (button) 10-21, 10-24
Contrast/Brightness (button) 5-6, 8-4, 13-5 DICOM server
Control panel 5-1 Downloading a Worklist 10-3
Elements 5-1 Downloading patient data 10-1

iv Ziehm Solo
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Importing images 10-21 Storage format 18-18

Saving patient folders 10-16 DVD (button in Backup) 9-43, 9-44
DICOM Store 10-16 DVD (button) 9-20, 9-35, 11-15, 11-22
DICOM Store (button) 10-15, 10-16, 10-18,
Digital collimation 13-10
Digital radiography 7-6
Digital zoom 8-11
Zoom factor 8-11, 8-12, 13-7 Edge filter 8-7
Digital zoom (post-processing) 13-7 Information on the screen 15-2
Dimensions Levels 8-7, 13-6
C-arm stand A-39 Edge filter (post-processing) 13-6
Direct radiography 17-1 Edges
Collimator apertures 17-2 Enhancement 8-7
Film cassette holder 17-1 Electronic image magnification 8-9
Generating 17-2 Emergencies
Tube current 17-2 Switching off 6-4
Disinfection A-6 EMERGENCY STOP button 2-6, 6-4
Display Enhancement
Hard disk 9-15 Edges 8-7
Displays Entire archive
Air kerma 5-7 Grayscale inversion 9-18
Air Kerma Rate 5-7 Environmental compatibility 1-1
Current 5-7, 7-15 Equipotential grounding 2-10
Dose Area Product 5-7 Error
mAs 17-3 During operation A-9
Pulse width % 5-7 During power-up A-8
Pulses/s 5-7 List of errors and alerts A-9
Radiation Time 5-7, 7-20 Error messages 7-21
Tube current × time 17-3 Export log file (tab) 9-10
Voltage 5-7, 7-15, 17-3 Exposure rate control, automatic 7-2
Displays on the control panel 5-1 Exposure rate setting, manual 7-8
Doctor (button) 18-10
Doctor (input box) 18-10
Dose Area Product (display) 5-7
Dose meter
Technical Data A-48
Dose Meter Check (button) A-2 Fields of application 2-1
Dose reduction 7-7 Film cassette holder 17-1
Automatic 7-7 Fitting 17-1
Manual 7-7 Filter (button) 5-5, 8-6, 8-7, 8-8
Down Arrow (button) 5-5 Filters
DSA 12-1 Edge filter 8-7
DSA (button) 5-11, 12-3 Edge filter (post-processing) 13-6
DSA cine loop 12-1 In the live image 8-5
Acquiring 12-2 LIH filter 8-8
DVD Noise suppression 8-5, 8-8
Backup copy 9-42 Recursive filter 8-5
Restoring backed-up data 9-44 Flat-screen monitors
Save image 9-35 18" monitor settings 18-22
Saving a cine loop 11-15 Built-in keypad for 24” flat-screen monitor
Saving patient folders 9-20 18-32
Saving single cine loop images 11-22

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Screen settings 18-22 Hard disk space 9-15

Type 1 18-23 Heart (anatomical program) 7-11
Type 2 18-28 Heart (button) 5-5
Fluoro (tab) 5-6 Heat capacity A-37
Fluoroscopy (operating mode) 5-2, 7-1 Heating characteristic A-37
Defining as start screen 18-6 HIPAA
Fluoroscopy key 5-12 Assigning a (user) group 9-8
Fluoroscopy modes 7-2 Creating a new User ID 9-7
Digital radiography (snapshot) 7-6 Health Insurance Portability and Account-
Pulsed fluoroscopy 7-3 ability Act 9-5
Fluoroscopy parameters Managing patient data securely 9-5
Information on the screen 15-3 User login 9-5
Fluoroscopy programs 7-11 Horizontal image reversal 8-17
Focal spot position A-36 Horizontal image reversal (post-processing)
Foot switch 5-13 13-9
Foreign body localization 16-3 Horizontal movement
Four-Point (button) 14-12 C-arm 4-9
Four-Point Ratio (button) 14-15 Hospital (button) 18-10
Frame rate Hospital (input box) 18-10
Cine loop 11-1 Hospital data
Full-Screen Image (button) 9-27 Entering 18-10
Full-size image 9-29 Information on the screen 15-1
Displaying an image at full size 9-29
Autoplay 18-13
Adipose Patient 7-14
Metal artifact correction 7-13 Illustrations
Motion 7-13 C-arm stand 2-9
Functions, optional 2-6 C-arm stand side view (left) 2-9
C-arm stand side view (right) 2-8
Dimensions of C-arm stand A-39
G Adding a marker 15-6
Adding an arrow 15-6
Gettering the image intensifier tube A-5 Adding text 15-5
Grayscale Inversion Comparing 8-16
All images 9-18 Deleting 9-31, 13-11
Entire archive 9-18 Displaying at full size 9-29
Image 8-13 Edge enhancement 8-7
Undoing the grayscale inversion 9-19 Grayscale inversion 8-13
Grayscale Inversion (button) 5-6, 8-13, 13-8 Grayscale inversion (post-processing)
Grayscale inversion (post-processing) 13-8
Image 13-8 Importing from DICOM server 10-21
Inverting all images 9-18
Marking 9-30, 13-10
Mirroring (reversal) 8-17
H Mirroring (reversal) (post-processing)
Hand switch 5-13 Note 15-5
Hard disk Printing live screen images on video print-
Save image 7-16 er 7-18
Saving a cine loop 11-2 Printing on DICOM network printer 10-17

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Printing on video printer 9-33, 13-13

Processing 9-27 K
Protecting 9-30, 11-10, 13-11
Reverse Left/Right 8-17 Key ‘Fluoroscopy’
Reverse Up/Down 8-17 Monitor support arm 5-12
Rotating 8-18 Key ‘Save’ 15-5, 15-6
Rotating (post-processing) 13-9 Key switch 2-6, 6-5
Rotating to 0° 8-18 Power on 6-5
Saving to hard disk 7-16 X-Ray 6-5
Saving to USB storage medium 9-34 Keypad, alphanumeric 5-11
Undoing the grayscale inversion 8-13
Undoing the grayscale inversion of all im-
ages 9-19
Unmarking 9-30, 13-10
Unprotecting 9-31, 13-11
Writing to DVD 9-35 Labels
Image area C-arm stand A-19
Enlarging 8-11 C-arm stand (USA) A-26
Image crop 13-10 Generator (USA) A-27
Image data Image intensifier for USA A-27
Managing 9-14 Laser Positioning Device A-20
Image information 15-1 Two-pedal foot switch for USA A-35
Image magnification level 5-6 Labels on the C-arm stand A-19
Image number 7-17 Laser
Information on the screen 15-1 Laser Class 3-5, 16-1
Image reversal Laser Positioning Device 3-5
Horizontal image reversal 8-17 Maintenance 3-5
Vertical image reversal 8-17 Laser (button) 5-5, 16-2, 16-3
Image Rotation 8-18 Laser Positioning Device 16-1
Image rotation (post-processing) 13-9 Applications 16-2
Image Swap with Save 18-4 Localizing foreign bodies 16-3
Image Swapping 8-16 Technical Data A-47
Image Swapping (button) 5-3, 8-16 Last Image Hold 7-15
images Last Name (button) 9-5, 9-7, 10-6
deleting manually (USA) Length
Deleting Cine loop 11-1
Deleting manually (USA) Length 1 (read-only box) 14-6, 14-9, 14-12,
7-18 14-16
Images (DICOM list) 10-21 Length 1 / Length 2 (read-only box) 14-16
Importing Length 2 (read-only box) 14-9, 14-12, 14-16
Images from DICOM server 10-21 Length or distance
Input box ‘Reference Length’ 14-4 Measuring 14-5
Input box Department 18-10 LIH filter 8-8
Input box Doctor 18-10 Information on the screen 15-2
Input box Hospital 18-10 Noise suppression 8-8
Input box Time 18-9 Number of images 8-8
Interface panel A-20 Live Image left (check box) 18-10
Invert All (button) 9-18 Live Image right (check box) 18-10
Iris Collimator 8-14 Live screen 2-10
Closing 8-14 Defining 18-9
Opening 8-14 Locking
Opening fully 8-14, 8-15 Entire system 6-5
X-rays 6-5

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Login (button) 9-5 Modes

Logout (button) 9-9 Text 15-4
Monitor / Dose (button) A-2
Mosaic (button) 9-28
Mosaic view 9-14
M Motion (button) 5-5, 7-13
Motion (function) 7-13
Magnification, electronic 8-9 Move Up/Down keys 5-12
Magnify Movement
Pre-magnification 8-10 C-arm 4-5
Magnify (key) 5-6, 8-9 MPPS 10-11
Manual dose reduction 7-7
Manual exposure rate setting 7-8
Activating 7-9
Deactivating 7-10 N
Manual Exposure Rate Setting (button) 5-3,
7-9 Native image 12-1
Mark (button) 9-16, 9-17, 9-30, 10-23, 11-10, Hiding 18-14
13-10, 13-11 Showing 18-14
Marker Networkability 2-5
Adding to an image 15-6 New (button) 9-10, 9-11, 9-12, 9-23, 10-2
Deleting 15-7 Next Measuring Point (button) 14-4, 14-6,
Editing 15-6 14-9, 14-12, 14-13, 14-16, 14-17
Marking Noise suppression
Cine loop 11-10 LIH filter 8-8
Image 9-30, 13-10 Recursive filter 8-5
Patient folders 9-16 Note on the image 15-5
Single cine loop images 11-17
mAs (display) 17-3
Mask (button) 12-7
Mask image 12-1
Mask off (button) 12-7
Mask on (button) 12-7 OFF switches 5-12, 6-3
Measure (tab) 5-6, 14-4, 14-5, 14-12 ON/OFF switches 5-12, 6-3
Measurement Open Horizontal Slot Collimator (button)
2-point measurement 14-5 13-10
3-point measurement 14-8 Open Iris Collimator (button) 8-14
4-point measurement 14-11 Open Iris Collimator Fully (button) 5-4, 8-14,
4-point ratio measurement 14-15 8-15
Button ‘Delete’ 14-4 Open Vertical Slot Collimator (button) 8-14,
Calibrating 14-3 13-10
Length or distance 14-5 Open Vertical Slot Collimator Fully (button)
Length ratio 14-16 5-4, 8-15
Reference length 14-6, 14-9, 14-16 Operating modes
Reference object 14-3 Archive 9-14, 10-21
Measurement (operating mode) 14-1 Fluoroscopy 7-1
Measuring functions 14-1 Measurement 14-1
Metal (button) 5-5, 7-13 Patient 9-2, 10-21
Metal artifact correction 7-13 Post-processing 13-1, 13-10, 13-13
Activating 7-13 Radiography 17-2, 17-4
Automatic metal correction 7-10 Subtraction 5-9, 7-1
Deactivating 7-13 User administration (HIPAA) 9-5
Metal Artifact Correction (function) 7-13 Operation settings 18-2

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Autostore 18-3 Post Proc. (tab) 5-6, 13-3

Autotransfer 18-3 Post Processing (operating mode) 13-10,
Crosshair 18-5 13-13
Defining the start screen 18-6 Post-processing 13-1
Discarding 18-7 Activating an image 13-3
Image Swap with Save 18-4 Digital zoom 13-7
Storage format DVD 18-18 Edge filter 13-6
USB stick storage format 18-17 Image reversal 13-9
Optional accessories 2-7 Image Rotation 13-9
Optional functions 2-6 Inverting the image grayscale 13-8
Orbital rotation Printing images on video printer 13-13
C-arm 4-6 Protecting images 13-11
Post-Processing Images 13-1
Power cable 6-1, 6-2
P Pre-magnification 8-10
Password (button) 9-5, 9-7 Pre-magnification 8-10
Patient (operating mode) 9-2, 10-21 Print (button) 11-13, 13-13
Activating 9-3 Print Live Screen Image (button) 5-6, 7-19,
Defining as start screen 18-6 9-33, 11-20
Patient (tab) 5-6, 9-3, 9-11, 9-12, 9-23, 10-2, Printing
10-3, 10-6, 10-8, 10-11 Cine loops on video printer 11-13
Patient data Images on DICOM network printer 10-17
Data security (HIPAA) 9-5 Images on video printer 9-33, 13-13
Downloading from DICOM server 10-1 Live screen images on video printer 7-18
Editing 9-12 Measured values 7-18
Entering manually 9-11 Single cine loop images on video printer
Information on the screen 15-1 11-20
Managing 9-2 Text information 7-18
Secure management (HIPAA) 9-5 Protect (button) 9-30, 9-31, 11-10, 13-11
Patient folders 9-1 Protecting
Activating 9-23 Cine loop 11-10
Backup 9-37 Image 9-30, 11-10, 13-11
Backup to USB storage medium 9-39 Image (post-processing) 13-11
Creating a new patient folder 9-10 Protective grounding 3-4
Deleting 9-17 Pulse width % (display) 5-7
Displaying image information 9-22 Pulsed fluoroscopy 7-3
Editing data 9-12 Pulsed Fluoroscopy (button) 5-3, 7-4, 7-5,
Marking 9-16 7-8
Processing 9-15 Pulses/s (display) 5-7
Saving to USB storage medium 9-20
Search criteria 9-21
Searching 9-12, 9-21
Storage capacity 9-1 Q
Subject 9-2
Unmarking 9-17 Quick Cine Export 18-20
Writing to DVD 9-20, 9-42
Patient ID (button) 10-2, 10-6
Patient number
Display 9-2
Length 9-2
Play (button) 11-6, 12-5, 12-7 Radiation controlled area 3-3

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Radiation Time Equipotential grounding 3-4

Alarm 7-20 General safety instructions 3-1
Warning function 7-20 Laser radiation 3-5
Radiation Time (display) 5-7, 7-20 Mechanics 3-8
Radiogr. (tab) 5-6, 17-2 Printers 3-7
Radiography (operating mode) 17-2, 17-4 Protective grounding 3-4
Radiography (tab) 5-6, 17-2 System failure 3-7
Read-only box ‘180° – Angle’ 14-12 X-rays 3-2
Read-only box ‘360° – Angle’ 14-9 Save
Read-only box ‘Angle’ 14-9, 14-12 Cine loop to DVD 11-15
Read-only box ‘Length 1 / Length 2’ 14-16 Cine loop to USB stick 11-14
Read-only box ‘Reference Length’ 14-6, Cine loops to hard disk 11-2
14-9, 14-12, 14-16 Images to DVD 9-35
Recursive filter 8-5 Images to hard disk 7-16
Information on the screen 15-2 Images to USB storage medium 9-34
Levels 8-5 Patient folder to DVD 9-20
Noise suppression 8-5 Patient folders to DICOM server 10-16
Reference Length (input box) 14-4 Patient folders to USB 9-20
Reference Length (read-only box) 14-6, Single cine loop images on DVD 11-22
14-9, 14-12, 14-16 Single cine loop images to USB storage
Reference screen 2-10 medium 11-22
Refresh (button) 10-22, 10-25 Save (button) 5-5, 7-17, 15-5, 15-6
Restore from DVD (button) 9-44 Scattered radiation A-38
Restore from USB Stick (button) 9-41 Screen assignment 2-10
Retrieve (button) 10-21, 10-24, 10-25 Screen settings 18-22
Retype Pass. (button) 9-7 Search (button in Archive operating mode)
Reverse Left/Right 8-2, 8-17 9-21, 9-25, 11-4
Information on the screen 15-2 Search (button in Patient operating mode)
Reverse left/right (button) 5-4, 8-17 9-12, 9-24
Reverse Up/Down 8-1, 8-17 Search criteria for patient folders 9-21
Information on the screen 15-2 Secure Patient Folders (button) 9-10
Reverse Up/Down (button) 8-17 Security key switch 6-5
Reverse Up/Down (key) 5-4, 13-9 Series (DICOM list) 10-21
Rotate Image CCW (button) 5-4, 8-18, 13-9 Service life 1-1
Rotate Image CW (button) 5-4, 8-18, 13-9 Service settings 18-1
Rotate Image to 0° (button) 5-4, 8-18 Size (button) 15-6
Rotate Vertical Slot Collimator CCW 5-4, Slot collimator 8-14
8-15 Closing 8-14
Rotate Vertical Slot Collimator CCW (button) Opening 8-14
8-14 Opening fully 8-15
Rotate Vertical Slot Collimator CW 5-4, 8-14 Rotating 8-14, 8-15
Rotate Vertical Slot Collimator CW (button) Rotating to 0° 8-15
8-14 Snapshot 7-6
Rotate Vertical Slot Collimator to 0° (button) Snapshot (button) 5-3, 7-6, 7-8
5-5, 8-15 Soft (anatomical program) 7-12
Soft (button) 5-5
software version 1-1
Standard (button) 9-8
S Standard fluoroscopy 7-1
Standard windowing 8-3
Safety Instructions Standard windowing (post-processing) 13-4
Definition 1-3 Start image of a cine loop 11-6, 12-6
Electromagnetic compatibility 3-3 Start Img (button) 11-7, 12-6

x Ziehm Solo
P_28482_CD_28483 - EN-18/09/2009

Start screen
Defining 18-6 T
C-arm stand 4-4 Tab ‘Archive’ 5-7, 9-14, 9-21, 9-24, 9-39,
Steering & braking lever 9-40, 9-41, 9-42, 9-43, 9-44, 10-16,
on the C-arm stand 2-8 10-17, 10-18, 10-19, 10-21, 10-24,
Step windowing 8-3 11-4
Step windowing (post-processing) 13-4 Tab ‘Config’ 5-7, 18-2, 18-3, 18-4, 18-5, 18-6,
Sterilization A-7 18-7, 18-9, 18-10, 18-13, 18-14, 18-18,
Stop (button) 11-6, 11-7, 12-5, 12-6, 12-7 18-19, 18-21, A-2
Stop image of a cine loop 11-6, 12-6 Tab ‘Fluoro’ 5-6
Stop Img (button) 11-7, 12-6 Tab ‘Measure’ 5-6, 14-4, 14-5, 14-12
Storage Commitment 10-26 Tab ‘Patient’ 5-6, 9-3, 9-11, 9-12, 9-23, 10-2,
Automatic 10-27 10-3, 10-6, 10-8, 10-11
Storage format Tab ‘Post Proc.’ 5-6, 13-3
DVD 18-18 Tab ‘Radiogr.’ 5-6, 17-2
USB 18-17 Tab ‘Radiography’ 5-6, 17-2
Storage media 18-16 Tab ‘Subtraction’ 5-6, 12-3
Storage Media (button) 18-18, 18-19, 18-21 Technical Data A-40
Studies (DICOM list) 10-21 Temperature in the generator 7-21
SUB 12-1 Temperature monitoring 7-21
SUB (button) 5-11, 12-3 Temperature symbol 5-8, 7-21
SUB cine loop 12-1 Text
Subject 9-2 Adding to an image 15-5
Subtracted image 12-2 Deleting 15-6
Subtraction (operating mode) 5-9, 7-1 Editing 15-6
Defining as start screen 18-6 Processing 15-4
Subtraction (tab) 5-6, 12-3 Text (button) 5-6, 15-4, 15-5
Subtraction Modes Text (mode) 15-4
Acquiring a DSA cine loop 12-2 Three-point (button) 14-8
DSA 12-1 Time (button) 18-9
Mask image 12-1 Time (input box) 18-9
Native image 12-1 Time of saving
SUB 12-1 Information on the screen 15-2
Subtracted image 12-2 Touchpad (digital zoom) 8-12
Switches Transport position
Hand switch 5-13 System 4-1
Two-pedal foot switch 5-13 Two-pedal foot switch 5-13
Switching off in emergency situations 6-4 Assignment 5-13
Swiveling (panning) Two-Point (button) 14-5
C-arm 4-8 Typographical conventions 1-2
ON/OFF switches 6-3
Preparing 6-1
Switching on 6-3
Transport position 4-1
System date 18-9 Up Arrow (button) 5-5
System time 18-9 Uro (button) 5-5
Labels on the C-arm stand A-26
Labels on the generator A-27
Labels on the image intensifier A-27
Labels on the two-pedal foot switch A-35

Ziehm Solo xi
P_28482_CD_28483 - EN-18/09/2009

USB (button in Backup) 9-40, 9-41 Windowing 8-2, 13-4

USB (button) 9-20, 9-35, 11-14 Restoring the factory settings 8-3, 8-4,
USB stick 13-5
Backup copy 9-39 Standard windowing 8-3
Deleting all images 18-19 Step windowing 8-3
Restoring backed-up data 9-41 Windowing (button) 8-3, 13-4
Save image 9-34 Windowing values
Saving a cine loop 11-14 Information on the screen 15-2
Saving patient folders 9-20 Wireless LAN 2-10
Saving single cine loop images 11-22 Worklist
Storage format 18-17 Downloading from DICOM server 10-3
User administration Processing procedure steps 10-11
Assigning a (user) group 9-8 Worklist (button) 10-3, 10-6, 10-7, 10-9,
Creating a new User ID 9-7 10-11
Login (button) (HIPAA) 9-4 Writing
operating mode 9-5 Backup to DVD 9-42
User login 9-5 Cine loop to DVD 11-15
Images to DVD 9-35
Patient folder to DVD 9-20
Single cine loop images on DVD 11-22
Vertical image reversal 8-17
Vertical image reversal (post-processing) X
Vertical movement X-ray protective equipment 2-7
C-arm 4-10 X-ray symbol 5-8, 7-15, 7-20
Vertical Slot Collimator
Opening fully 8-15
Rotating to 0° 8-15
BNC socket 2-11
VIDEO OUT 2-11 Ziehm Solo
VIDEO OUT 1 LM 2-11 Variants 2-2
VIDEO OUT 2 Ziehm Solo with monitor support arm 2-2
RM 2-11 Zoom 8-11
Video output 2-11 Zoom factor 8-11, 8-12, 13-7
Video signal 2-11 Zoom (button) 5-6, 8-11, 8-12, 13-7, 13-8
Video printer Zoom (post-processing) 13-7
Print Live Screen Image 7-18 Zoom factor
Printing a cine loop 11-13 Digital zoom 8-11, 8-12, 13-7
Printing images 9-33, 13-13
Virtual collimator 8-15
Voltage (display) 5-7, 7-15, 17-3

Warning function (radiation time) 7-20
Warning symbols
Temperature 5-8, 7-21
X-rays 5-8, 7-15, 7-20

xii Ziehm Solo

P_28482_CD_28483 - EN-18/09/2009

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