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Time Groups Courses Grouping Instructor Rooms

8:30-9:50 BBA 017 Fundamentals of Computer Networks Axundov Arzu permanently 4
8:30-9:50 BBA 039 English II (15 nəfər) Qasımova Nailə top week 6
8:30-9:50 BBA 039 Statistics for Economics and Business Cabbarova Könül sub week 7
8:30-9:50 BBA 049 English Composition II (8 nəfər) Ağayeva Ülkər top week 8
8:30-9:50 ZU 019 Mathematics B: - Analysis II and Differential Equations   Kazımov Anar permanently 451-4
8:30-9:50 ZU 017 Economics I: - Microeconomics Rüstəmov İlham sub week 451-3
8:30-9:50 ZU 029 English 2 Muradlı Lalənzar top week 451-2
8:30-9:50 ZU 027 Practical training of Programming Əlizadə Cavanşir permanently 3
8:30-9:50 ZU 039 Legal and Ethical Environment of Business Quluzadə Toğrul sub week 451-2
8:30-9:50 ZU 049 Engineering mathematics 2 Nəsibova Natavan permanently 451
8:30-9:50 ZU 047 Industrial image processing Əlizadə Akif permanently 2
8:30-9:50 ZU 059 Foreign Language – 2 Əhmədova Gülnarə permanently 451-1
10:05-11:25 BBA 019 Systems Engineering Conception Axundov Arzu permanently 4
10:05-11:25 BBA 017 Information Security of Engineering Systems Xalıqova Firuzə permanently 451-3
10:05-11:25 BBA 029 Mathematical foundations of management II Kazımov Anar permanently 451-4
10:05-11:25 BBA 049 English Composition II (14 nəfər) Məmmədova Aynur permanently 16
10:05-11:25 BBA 049 English Composition II (8 nəfər) Ağayeva Ülkər permanently 5
10:05-11:25 ZU 019 Computer Science: - Introduction to Computer Science I Adilova Nigar permanently 2
10:05-11:25 ZU 017 Laboratories: - Equipment Laboratory İbrahimova Arzu permanently 6
10:05-11:25 ZU 029 Discrete Mathematics for Computer Science Nəsibova Natavan permanently 451-2
10:05-11:25 ZU 027 Case studies on private law Cəlilov Natiq permanently 7
10:05-11:25 ZU 039 Microeconomics Dadaşeva Aygül permanently 451-1
10:05-11:25 ZU 037 Online Marketing Quliyev Elnur permanently 451
10:05-11:25 ZU 049 German 1 Hüseynzadə Xoşqədəm top week 122
10:05-11:25 ZU 047 Theory of strength and materials Bağırov Fuad permanently 3
10:05-11:25 ZU 059 Foreign Language – 2 Əhmədova Gülnarə permanently 8
11:50-13:10 BBA 019 English II (25 nəfər) Babayeva Rəna permanently 451-2
11:50-13:10 BBA 017 Elective Ethics of Engineering Səmədzadə Solmaz sub week 451-3
11:50-13:10 BBA 027 Finance I Məmmədov Anar permanently 451
11:50-13:10 BBA 049 Introduction to Computer based Information Systems Abdulla Ülviyyə permanently 4
11:50-13:10 ZU 019 Materials Technology: - Materials Technology I Askeraliyev Telman permanently 451-1
11:50-13:10 ZU 017 Corporate Accounting: - Cost Accounting Systems Kərimli Nigar permanently 8
11:50-13:10 ZU 029 Introduction to Management Information Systems II Dadaşeva Aygül sub week 6
11:50-13:10 ZU 027 Logistics İmamquliyev Ruslan permanently 451-4
11:50-13:10 ZU 037 Quantitative Analysis for Business & Economics Vəliyev Aqil sub week 3
11:50-13:10 ZU 049 Introductory project Bağırov Fuad top week 2
11:50-13:10 ZU 059 Fundamentals of law and Constitution of Azerbaijan Republic Səmədzadə Solmaz top week 451-3
11:50-13:10 ZU 059 Multimedia technologies Babaxanov Aslan sub week 2
13:25-14:45 BBA 019 Physics II Naziyev Ceyhun top week 451-4
13:25-14:45 BBA 028 Principles of Accounting II Qarayev Tahir sub week 451-4
13:25-14:45 BBA 026 Consulting Service Management   İmamquliyev Ruslan permanently 451-3
13:25-14:45 BBA 038 Management Accounting Məmmədov Müslüm sub week 3
13:25-14:45 ZU 019 Materials Technology: - Materials Technology I Askeraliyev Telman sub week 4
13:25-14:45 ZU 018 Communication Skills Qasımova Nailə permanently 7
13:25-14:45 ZU 016 Fuzzy Logic and Control Systems (8 nəfər) zu58 İsmayılova Nigar permanently 451
13:25-14:45 ZU 028 Object orientation and functional programming Zeynallı Eldar permanently 451-2
13:25-14:45 ZU 038 Introductory Company Project   Vəliyev Aqil permanently 2
13:25-14:45 ZU 048 Mechatronic components Hacıyev Yaşar top week 451-1
13:25-14:45 ZU 048 Microcomputer technology Hacıyev Yaşar sub week 451-1
13:25-14:45 ZU 058 Fuzzy Logic and Control Systems (tam) zu16 İsmayılova Nigar permanently 451
15:00-16:20 BBA 028 Principles of Accounting II Qarayev Tahir permanently 451-3
15:00-16:20 BBA 026 Decision Science II Qardaşova Lətafət top week 7
15:00-16:20 BBA 026 Consulting Service Management İmamquliyev Ruslan sub week 7
15:00-16:20 BBA 038 Macroeconomics Məmmədova Samirə permanently 6
15:00-16:20 ZU 018 Basics of Design:- Machine Elements IIA Askeraliyev Telman top week 4
15:00-16:20 ZU 018 Product Development I / Engineering Design I (PE I) Askeraliyev Telman sub week 4
15:00-16:20 ZU 016 Industrial Practice Cəbiyeva Aynur permanently 8
15:00-16:20 ZU 028 Object orientation and functional programming Zeynallı Eldar permanently 451-3
15:00-16:20 ZU 038 Introduction to Scientific and Empirical Research-2 Vəliyev Aqil permanently 451
15:00-16:20 ZU 048 Microcomputer technology Hacıyev Yaşar permanently 6
15:00-16:20 ZU 058 Elective: Fundamentals of decision-making systems Vaqif Səlimov permanently 7
16:45-18:05 BBA 028 Data analytics II Vəliyev Aqil top week 2
16:45-18:05 BBA 026 Decision Science II Qardaşova Lətafət permanently 4
16:45-18:05 Manufacturing Technology and Product Development:- Separation permanently
ZU 018 451
technology and archetypes Şamilov Fail
16:45-18:05 ZU 016 Energy Management Fərəczadə Fariz sub week 451-1
16:45-18:05 ZU 016 Industrial Practice Cəbiyeva Aynur top week 3
16:45-18:05 ZU 028 Modelling of Application Systems Yusifov Səlahəddin permanently 451-3
16:45-18:05 ZU 038 Market, Culture and Communication Ajaloglu Turkhan permanently 451-4

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