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INNER ‘US 2015030002081 cu») United States cz) Patent Application Publication co) Pub. No.: US 2015/0300020 A1 Kobeley (43) Pub. Date Oct, 22, 2015, (64) INTERLOCKING ASYMMETRIC (2) US.CL UNIVERSAL CONSTRUCTION BLOCK CPC ESC 5100 (2013.01); EOSC 1704 (2013.01), BAC 328 (2013.01); EOAC 2003/0408 (71) Applicant: Signtasight, Ine, Bast Brunswick, NJ (201301), ws) on ABSTRACT (72) Inventor: Serge! Kobelev, Manalapan, NI (US) Anasymmetrcal interlocking universal construction clement = - ‘witha unique polygonal shape. I allows for constructing Hat (1) Appl No: 14726584 surface, internal corner, and extemal comer surfaces from a ‘ot eonsisting essentially ofthe same construction elements I-can be used to finish edges ofan opening in a at su (22) Filed: May31, 2018 (ex, foradooror window). Construction elements can becut to size onsite, Assembly of two or more constraction ele- Publication Clasifcution ‘ments allows insertion of an S-shaped thin-walled metal meat to provide load bearing capability. Applicaton of the GY) Ine elements in construction assembly may use any raw material Enic 300 (2006.01) fas long as itis shape-stable (ie. capable of earying its ow Esc 128 (2005.01) ‘weight only). The construction elements may be hallow or osc 04 (2005.01) solid throughout Patent Application Publication Oct. 22, 2015 Sheet 1 of 13. US 2015/0300020 Al In FIG. 1 Patent Application Publication Oct. 22, 2015 Sheet 2 0f13 US 2015/0300020 Al 2 G HK L log Pre M 2 R D Oo P Cc B A ele 4 Patent Application Publication Oct. 22, 2015 Sheet 3 of 13 US 2015/0300020 Al FIG. 3 Patent Application Publication Oct. 22, 2015 Sheet 4 of 13 US 2015/0300020 AI Nog Ne FIG. 4 Patent Application Publication Oct. 22, 2015 Sheet Sof 13 US 2015/0300020 Al FIG. 5A FIG. 5B Patent Application Publication Oct. 22, 2015 Sheet 6 of 13 US 2015/0300020 AI 17 16 FIG. 6 Patent Application Publication Oct. 22, 2015 Sheet 70f 13 US 2015/0300020 Al FIG. 7 Patent Application Publication Oct. 22, 2015 Sheet 8 of 13 US 2015/0300020 Al Patent Application Publication Oct. 22, 2015 Sheet 9 of 13 US 2015/0300020 AI FIG. 10 18 PRIOR ART C7 FIG. 114 i PRIOR ART FIG. 11B | | PRIOR ART Patent Application Publication Oct. 22, 2015 Sheet 10 of 13 US 2015/0300020 AI FIG. 12 Patent Application Publication FIG. 13A FIG. 13B Oct. 22,2015 Sheet 11 of 13 US 2015/0300020 A1 FIG. 13C Patent Application Publication Oct. 22,2015 Sheet 12 of 13 US 2015/0300020 AL 24 \_23 22 22 a 26 ;— 25 Ny FIG. 144 aw ‘\ 22 aa FIG. 14B Patent Application Publication Oct. 22, 2015 Sheet 13 of 13 US 2015/0300020 AI FIG. 15 FIG. 16 US 2015/0300020 AI INTERLOCKING ASYMMETRIC UNIVERSAL CONSTRUCTION BLOCK BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION [0001] The use of interlocking construction Blocks dates back to Grook and Roman times, and perhaps earlier. Key- ones often held brick iructures together. U.S patent history ‘of imterlocking eonsiretion blocks dates hack tothe bogin= ning ofthe twentieth century. The earlier Blocks had simple interlocking construction. In 1916, JJ. Funsten invented system of complex shape construction blocks with interlock- ing grooves (US. Pat. No. 1,167,746). A plurality of these blocks could mate together to produce strong intepral srve- tures. Funsten’s blocks had planar extemal faces. with sped intemal surfaces. In 1920, 1 Pomerantz invented interlocking eonstrtion blocks that were hollow (U.S. Pt. No, 1,332,409), This was followed by Baumann (U.S. Pat No. 1 386,590), who invented acomplex system ofSomewhat hollow constriction blocks, Bauman’ invented three differ ‘ent complex hollow symmetrical blacks interlocking blocks Baumann needed the three blocks fo create Walls With eon ners. Most of this inventive activity inthe United States took place prior to 1942, Itpicked up agsin during the 1960's, and ‘continved 4 # much lesser extent until the present. In 1965, Nofriger invented two interlocking blocks that woukd mate together to form a post (LIS, Pat. No. 3.170.201). In 2008, Boot invented a complex system of interlocking, concrete blocks tobe used in construction (U.S. Pa No. 6,508,041) Except for Nofiger, the inventors were mainly concerned with wall construction. [0002] Generally, prior art construction block systems rexjire different shaped blocks o eubleo eeatea strture “The designs of most systems use symmetial blocks, even though asymmetry is an advantage. A universal interlocking block is not available, The advantage of universal blockisto create Moors, walls, and posts, which are the products of ‘construction. Furthermore, the setivity of inventors in this field has been limited to certain standard construction mate- rials (eg, brick, concrete, and wood). Construction elements fabricated from sheet metal do not exis, Interlocking insula- tion blocks are not available. SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION 10003] The Preseat vention is an asymmetrical iterlock- ‘ng universal constuction element with a unique polygonal shape, Icallows for constructing lt surfaces, intemal comer, ‘ang extemal corner surfaces from a st consisting essentially ‘of the same constriction elements, Tt ean be used 0 finish ‘edges of an opening in a fat surfce (e.g, for a door oF window). Construction elements can be eut to size onsite The shape of the construction element enables proton by ‘uiting (exiruding) with less than three-percent loss. The shape ofthe constriction clement enables prodction by ct- ting (extruding) units out of a slab of raw material with zeto-lss. Assembly of two of more constriction elements allows insertion ofan S-shaped thin-walled metal element 10 provide Inad bearing capability. Application of the elements Inconstruction assembly may use any aw material as ong as itis shape-stable (i, capable of carrying its own weight ‘only, The consieuction elements may be hollow or solid throughout, BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS. FIG. isan isometric view of themain constuction 0003) ‘element Oct. 22, 2015 [0005] FIG. 2 shows theestentally planar polygonal shape fof the main construction clement. [0006] FIG. 3 isan isometric view of four main eonstruc- ‘ion elements mated together form a tradionally shaped post. [0007] FIG. 4 showsa series of main construction elements ‘mated together fo form internal and external comers [008] FIG. 5A shows the polygonal face ofthe main con- struction element with an indicated cutting axis. [0009] FIG. SB shows the shapes of the faces of two new ‘construetion elements created by eutting the main eonstruc- tion element along the euting axis of FIG. 8A. [0010] FIG. 6 shows how the two new construction ele ‘meals ereated in FIG. $B may be mated together to form a traditionally shaped pos. [0011] FIG. 7 shows how one ofthe new construction ele- ‘meats may be mated with main construction elements 10 treat an external corner. [0012] FIG. illustrates how a length of main construction ‘lements may be mated together in a continuous stmight line land finished at the ends sng the new eonstrction elements [0013] FIG. 9 is a top plan view of the perimeter of a structure fabricated by mating the construction elements together 0014] FIG. 10s anisometic view of prior ar U-shaped bottom sheet tray having squared edges, which can be inte- arated into a structure comprising the construction elements S0 as fo provide structural stability. The drawing shows how the element woul be used asa bottom tay. However, when tured upside down, the element may be used as cover [0018] FIG. 11 isan isometric view ofa prio art S-shaped set element having squared edges, which canbe integrated {no stacture comprising the consniction elements so 28 t0 provide load bearing capability [0016] FIG. 12 sacross-section showing integration ofthe S-shaped ino a constavetion element assembly [0017] FIG. 13A is an elevational view of aa upright S-shaped element to which a horizontal U-shaped element is Tastened ina direction perpendicular tothe S-shaped element ‘using bolts [0018] FIG. 132 atop plan view ofthe stactureshown in FIG. IBA. [0019] FIG. 13Cisanisometrc view ofthe structureshown in FIG-13A and FIG. 138. [0020] FIG. 144 is an elevational view of a window frame created in a wall under construction using the construction clemeats [021] FIG, 148 is a cross-section showing how the wine ‘dow frame is connected to the Wall of FIG. 14, [0022] FIG. 15 is a plan view of a hollow construction element. Ths element may be erated by foldinga web mate- ial nto shape. [0023] FIG. 16isaplan view ofadifferent hollow eonstruc- sion element DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE INVENTION [0024] FIG. 1 is an isometric view ofthe construction ele- ‘meat, 1, of the Present Invention, It isa threedimensional structure having an essentially planar surface, 2, with a ‘unique polygonal shape, wherein the planar surface i pro- {ected at right angles along a longitudinal axis having length, 3. This produces an element having a longitudinal axis, with ‘seo polygonal plana surfaces, one at each end having width, 4, and height 8. The polygons at both ends are congruent. A US 2015/0300020 AI ‘ross-seetonal cut at any point along the longitudinal axis, Perpendicular to the longitudinal axis, would be a polygon that is congruent tothe vo end polygonal planar sures, [0025] FIG. 2 shows the planar polygonal surfce 2. The points of the polygon are labeled ABCDEFGHUKLM- NOPQR. Surface 2 isa ninteen-sided imegular polygon hav- Jing nineteen vertices and nineteen interal angles, all mea- suring nincty-degrocs. Although the ninetoen sides of the polygon intersect at ninety-dlegrees, they need not actually {intersect at single points, The vertices may be curved. 10026] FIG. 3 shows-a waditionally shaped post, 6 (with a rectangular cross-section) fabricated by mating four con- struction elements 1, together. The small rectangular shaped hole, 7, makes the post hollow allowing fora rod or wires to be inserted, The post is hollow along. its entre longitudinal 10027] FIG. shows wo comer assemblies, 8and9, cret- Jing by mating a set of construction elements, 1 Assembly 8 showsanexteroalcomer, 10, nd an intemal corner, 13. Ttals0 shows an exterior surface, 12, and an interior surface, 14. Assembly isa dual directional mierorimageoT Assembly 8, showing how an opposite cornet may be constructed, [0028] FIG. SA shows the polygon, 2, of FIG. 2 with a cutting axis, Y-Y, dawn perpendicular to the width diction, -4.and parallel tothe height direction, 8. Cutting the construe tion element along the Y-Y cutting axis parallel to the longi= tudinal axis, 3, produces two new constuction elements, 1S and 16, showin in FIG. SB. These two elements, 13 and 16, ‘may mate together to form traditionally shaped post 17, a8 shown in FIG. 6. Mating two elements, IS and 16, together to forma post uses less material then mating far elements, 2, a8 shown in FIG, 3. The post of FIG. 3 uses four elements. 2, while the post of FIG. 6 uses only one element, 2, because ‘elements, 18 and 16, are fabricated from only one element 2 [0029] FIG. 7 shows how mltiple consirction elements ‘may’be mated together o create astaight line structure, Here, the linar assembly comprises series of elements, 2, while ‘lesion IS nishes the Ie end, PIG. 8 showsafinished Fineae assembly constricted ofa series of construction elements, 2 with the left end consisting of element 15 and the sight end ‘consisting of element 16. FIG. 9 is atop plan view showing ‘constretion ofa typical structure using the linear assemblies suggested by FIGS. 7 and 8, The assemblies are interupted by means for inserting doors and windows, [0030] FIGS. 10, 1LA, and 118 show components that are ‘used in conjunction with construction element assemblies 0 Jend structural stability and load bearing capability to the assemblies. FIG. 10 shows a U-shaped component, 18, a= ig three squared edges, that is used for support in door and ‘window frames. When component 18 is used as shown in FIG. 10, iis a support tray. However, i iis tamed upside down, itservesasa cover Component ISisused both asa tray ‘and a cover to support a window frame. The second compo nent, 19, shown in FIGS. L1A and 1B, is used to provide load bearing eapability for vertical beams consisting of assemblies ‘of the construction elemiens of the Present Invention. The ‘component is an S-shaped element with staight edges form: ing two halves of a square wave. PIG. ILA is an isometric view of the Soshaped component, 19, and FIG. 118 isa plan view of that component. IG. 12s a plan view showing how the S-shaped components are inserted between assembled vertical constriction clements of the Preseat Invention. The shaped component ads vertical load bearing capability Oct. 22, 2015 0031] FIGS, 134, 133, and 13C show how a horizontal Leshapes component ean be fastened toa vertical Ssbaped ‘component using bolts or other type fasteners. FIG. 13Cisan isometric view of U-shaped component, 18, being used as a horizontal cover fastened tothe vertical S-shaped component FIG. 13A is an elevational view ofthe strveture, while FIG. 138 is top plan view ofthe structure 0032} FIG. 144 isan elevational view of'a window frame 21 created in awall under construction using the coasteuction lements. The window frame consists of tim 22, hoader 23, fand sill 28, Members 24 and 26, respectively support the ‘window frame on top and bottom. [0033] FIG. 148 isa plan view cross-section showing how the window frame is connected to the wall of FIG. 14A. Elemeat 27 represents the internal sidewall sheng. and 31 represents the surface finish, Element 28 is & profile post (uc as is shown as elemeat 19 in FIG, 13B) use to provide suppor stability Element 29 is the construction block ofthe Present lavention (e, sch as element 1 in FIG. 1), but this ease, it is fabricated from insulation foam. Note that it interlocks with another block immediately to it el, Element 30 is an L-Block (such as element 16 in FIG. $B), and Ele- ‘ment 32 is a G-Block (suchas element 18 in FIG. $B). Asis ‘the case with Floment 29, Flements 30 and 32 arc als fbr cated rom insulation foam, Insulation foam i inserted into positions 1 [0034] The construction element ofthe Present Invention ‘may be completely solid, partially hols, of eompletey hol- low. FIG. 18 isa plan view a completely hollow construction clement, The constuction clement in this configuration may citherheextrdded o formed. tis desired to form this shape, ‘web (uch asa thin metal sheet made of steel or alaminnm ‘a flexible plastic sheet) is folded to produce the nineteen six polygonal structure. use for sucha structure would be fs @ post used to constevet military perimeters. perimeter fan be fashioned from a linear assembly that extends to a desired height. When made of metal, this structure would have load bearing capability would the S-shaped com poneat. Aflerthe hollow construction elements reassembled {o form the perimeter, sand or cement may be poured into the construction elements from the top to stabilize the entre perimeter, [0035] FIG. 16 isa plan view a partially hollow construc- jm clement. In this drawing, the construction clement is nostly solid except for thre rectangular through-holes past ing through the entire constriction element in a direction parallel 10 the longitudinal axis, Eletee wiring or plumbing ‘may be inserted into the holes, OT course, the throigh-holes ‘may have any practical shape (eg. they may be cylindrica). [036] Construction clements ofthe Present Invention may be load bearing, but they do not need tobe fond hearing. They can be fabricated as bricks, plaster, or wood logs. They may ‘be made of plasti, which can be translucent or transparent. ‘They may’ even he Fabricated from insulating material. Ins Jating construction blocks may be cut on-siteusing ahot wire Plastic or metal construction elements can be fabricated by extrusion of by pouring into a form. The eonstnuction ele- ‘ments may be mse fom aay material that shape-stable by itself or made shape-stable with glues or additives. They ean be produced in any desired length along the longitudinal ax ‘and may be of any desired thickness. For example, the polygonal constriction elements may be fabricated a8 patio bricks which would then he assembled to form a lat surface stone floor. The constriction elements in vertical bea US 2015/0300020 AI assembled from multiple elements may have constructos ‘elements made of different materials, For example, some o the elements could be made from structurally sound material, while oters could he fabricated from insulating material. The ‘construction elements may be assembled to form a wall, hove interior surface is smooth wall, On the other hand, shoot rock can be fastened 0 interior surfaces, Studs are not Fexjired for production of a wall, Plywood ar ather wood can be fastened to floor assemblies 10037] The asymmetric shape ofthe construction element fs unlike any found ia the prior ar, The shape of the element allows for constricting a flat surface along with exteral and ‘nternal comer surfaces with single type of constriction ‘element, Finishing edges of an opening ina Mat surlace (eg. fora door or window) may be produced on-site by making & single horizontal eu of the construction assembly. U-shaped ‘or Shaped components may be added to the construction ‘element assembly. The construction element design allows Tormistake-proof assembly by low-skilled workers, The con struction elements may be mass produced. A completely hol- Jow consiruetion clement may be fabricated by fing shoot ‘metal, Some elements fom folded! web material can he pro- ‘duced froma material having shape memory. Thus, all of the ‘construction elements may be shipped lato their destination, ‘and then Would be either folded or uafolded onsite. 10038] "As previously discussed, the vertices of the nine- teen-sided polygon that forms the ends ofthe construction ‘lenient may be curved as long as the sides ofthe polygon are ‘essentially straight lines that are perpendicular to each other GLOSSARY 10039] In deafing this patent application, dhe Inventor has ‘chosen tobe his own lexicographer. The definitions of terms presented herein supersede the plan and ordinary meaning of these terms, [0040] 1.U-Shape—A shapeconsising fre essentially Jinear elements, wherein two of said elements are parallel 0 ‘each other and cic pempendiculr tothe thid element [0041] 2. S-Shape—A shape consisting of five essentially linear elements, wherein each ofthe ist set of thre elements ‘are parallel to each other, wherein each of the second set of ‘woof elements are parle o each other: and wherein each ‘ofthe fist setof thre elements is perpendicular toan element ‘ofthe second st of twa elements, The shape i shown in FIG, 1B, 10042} 3. Web Material (or Web or Webbing)—A thin shoot ‘of essentially planar material that ean be eu or beat into 8 ‘desired shape. 1 laim: 1.4 three-dimensional construction element comprising: )a length along a fongitinal axis ' to essentially planar end surfaces having edges form= ing a perimeter comprising « closed imegular polygon itl at least one end surface being perpensicularto the longitudinal axis, and wherein the end surfaces are sepa- rated from each other by the length ofthe eonstruction clemeat: ‘© wersin a cross-section ofthe constrction element any ‘where along its length and perpendicolar tits fongitu- dlinal axis s a plane having edges that define a closed ‘regular polyzon congroent to and parallel tthe at east ‘one end surface that is pemendicuarto the longitudinal Oct. 22, 2015

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