Starkville Dispatch Eedition 6-25-20

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Established 1879 | Columbus, Mississippi

Thursday | June 25, 2020

‘It’s quite late to do that’: Many say Sanders’

apology for racist remarks ineffective
Sanders: Comments were ‘ill-spoken’ and not satisfy the local community.
Sanders made the racist
lumbus) and Lowndes County
NAACP President Lavonne
ments made during my board
service, the divisive impact of
created ‘divisive impact’ on the community comments to a Dispatch report-
er on June 15, after voting with
Latham Harris, called for his
full resignation from the board.
my comments cannot simply be
dismissed or overlooked. I deep-
BY YUE STELLA YU assimilated into American soci- the white majority 3-2 to leave a In a departure from his atti- ly regret putting Columbus, ety. Confederate monument in front tude last week, Sanders, who Lowndes County, the Golden
In a letter he delivered to The of the Lowndes County Court- previously stood by his remarks Triangle and the state of Missis-
L o w n d e s house. and refused to comment on
Dispatch Wednesday, Sand- sippi in such a negative light.”
County Board He reaffirmed the comments whether he would apologize,
ers, who represents District 1, Sanders, who said he has
of Supervisors the next day when talking to said in the Wednesday letter he
called the comments “thought- worked “earnestly” on the board
President Har- The Clarion Ledger, saying: is sorry for the pain he caused
ry Sanders says less” and “carelessly spoken” “Hell, it’s what I think.” the community. for more than 20 years in the
he’s sorry for and apologized for the negative The comments sparked lo- “My ill-spoken words be- county’s interest, further called
comments he impact they’ve had on the com- cal protests and drew sharp trayed the trust of those who for the community to focus on
made more than a munity. criticism from local and nation- elected me in good faith and the present and the future, “set
week ago saying Sanders But many local leaders, some al leaders and organizations. angered and brought pain to aside our differences” and “cre-
Blacks have been “dependent” of whom have called for his res- Many, including District 5 Su- others,” the letter reads. “Re- ate an environment of unity and
since slavery and that they are ignation, told The Dispatch the pervisor Leroy Brooks, state gardless of the significant harmony.”
the only ethnicity that has not apology came too late and would Rep. Kabir Karriem (D-Co- contributions and accomplish- See SANDERS, 3A

Company files
Nearly-complete Partnership School suit against
to be ready for students in August insurance co.
for pandemic
Plaintiff claims
company refused to pay
for ‘six-figure’ losses
after locations were
forced to close in March

A West Point business that

oversees gymnasiums has filed a
class action lawsuit in federal court
against its insurance company, al-
leging the company is refusing to
pay for losses incurred by several of
the gyms earlier this year when they
Claire Hassler/Dispatch Staff temporarily shut down due to the
Starkville-Oktibbeha Consolidated School District Superintendent Eddie Peasant walks through a science lab COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic.
during a tour of The Partnership School on Wednesday in Starkville. Peasant said teachers will be able to adjust Fountain Enterprises, a franchi-
the height of the tables depending on the lab activity. see of Anytime Fitness, owns and
operates several Anytime Fitness
Campus will educate gyms in Alabama and Mississippi.
Four of those gyms — including a
MSU students as well as location in West Point and another
in Fulton — were named in the law-
SOCSD grades 6-7 suit which Fountain filed against
Illinois-based Markel Insurance
BY TESS VRBIN Company in federal court in Illinois Wednesday.
Diandra Debrosse Zimmer-
Now that the Partnership School mann, an attorney with Birming-
is almost finished and ready to ham-based Grant & Eisenhofer
open, it’s “a huge relief” for Eddie which is representing the plaintiff,
Peasant, the Starkville-Oktibbeha said the business suffered “pretty
Consolidated School District super- significant, six-figure losses” when
intendent. local and state governments began
The new building on the Missis- restricting businesses in hopes of
sippi State University campus still curbing the virus’ spread.
has some work left to be done, from Claire Hassler/Dispatch Staff The complaint says Fountain
The Partnership School, as shown on Wednesday in Starkville. Construc- Enterprises provided Markel with
assembling the library shelves to tion of the school was delayed due to the COVID-19 pandemic but should
laying the grass turf on the field out- notices of its losses and expenses
be complete in August.
side, but construction meetings are due to the pandemic and economic
a thing of the past. The school will pandemic continues, Peasant said. Incoming Partnership School shutdown on April 18, and that on
be ready to teach SOCSD sixth and “It’s one less thing that we’ll have Principal Julie Kennedy, the cur- April 23, Markel responded it would
seventh graders in August, even to deal with, as far as construction rent principal of Armstrong Middle not cover the expenses.
though the district’s plans to reopen meetings and construction of the School, led a tour of the building “Businesses pay premiums, ob-
buildings are fluid as the COVID-19 building,” Peasant said. See PARTNERSHIP SCHOOL, 6A viously money they could put back
into their own businesses, to protect
them from exactly this type of situ-


1 Until the 1600s, French winemak- MEETINGS
ers used oil-soaked rags instead of July 6: Oktibbeha Coun-
which bottle accessories? ty Board of Supervisors
2 In the film “Pitch Perfect,” in which meeting, Chancery
singing style do the Barden Bellas Courthouse, 9 a.m.
perform? July 7: Starkville Board
3 Peanuts are categorized as which
type of plant? of Aldermen meeting,
Landen McGregory 5:30 p.m., City Hall
4 Which cosmetic gets its name
Third grade, Annunciation July 17: Starkville Board
from the Spanish or Italian word for

82 Low 68
“mask”? of Aldermen work ses-
High 5 A statue of which president is found sion, 10 a.m., City Hall
Partly sunny, t-storms likely
in Boston’s Public Garden? July 21: Starkville
Full forecast on Answers, 6B Board of Aldermen
page 3A. meeting, 5:30 p.m., City
July 21: Starkville-Ok-
INSIDE tibbeha Consolidated
Business 5B Dear Abby 3B School District Board
Classifieds 6B Obituaries 4B Frances Richards lives in Columbus. She of Trustees meeting, 6
Comics 3B Opinions 4A loves shopping with her daughter, going to p.m., 401 Greensboro
Crossword 6B church and playing with her grandkids. St.


2A THURSDAY, JUNE 25, 2020 The Dispatch •

Mississippi gov might not block

change to rebel-themed flag
Gov. Reeves said he still prefers having a statewide said putting the religious phrase
on the flag would “reflect the love,
election to let voters choose a new flag design compassion and conviction of our
BY EMILY WAGSTER PET TUS The governor’s statement came Legislative Black Caucus mem-
The Associated Press hours after two of Mississippi’s oth- bers say lawmakers should remove
er Republican officials proposed re- the Confederate emblem because
JACKSON — Mis- placing Confederate emblem with another statewide flag vote would
sissippi Republican be bitter.
the words “In God We Trust.”
Gov. Tate Reeves “The emotional distress that
The Confederate battle emblem
said Wednesday, for the current flag perpetuates on
has a red field topped by a blue X
the first time, that he people of color extends throughout
with 13 white stars. White suprem-
probably would not the United States, casting us and
acists in the Mississippi Legisla-
stand in the way if having people to claim that we are
ture put it on the state flag in 1894
legislators muster a backwater and retrograde,” said
large enough majori-
Reeves as backlash for the political power
the caucus chairwoman, Demo-
ty to remove the Confederate battle African Americans gained during
cratic Sen. Angela Turner Ford of
emblem from the state flag. Reconstruction after the Civil War.
West Point.
Amid the backdrop of national Mississippi voters chose to
Another Republican statewide
protests over racial injustice, Mis- keep the flag in a 2001 statewide
elected official, Auditor Shad
sissippi is under increasing pres- election, but the design has re-
White, said Mississippi needs a
sure from business and religious mained contentious. Elsewhere in flag “that is more unifying than the
leaders, sports leagues and others the country, debate has sharpened one we have now.”
to divorce itself from a symbol that as Confederate monuments and “If there were a vote to remove
many see as racist. It is the last statues recalling past slavery have the Confederate imagery from our
state to include the emblem in its been toppled by protesters or de- flag, I would vote to remove it,”
flag. liberately removed by authorities White said Wednesday.
The state’s annual legislative amid a groundswell against racial Republican state Sen. Chris Mc-
session is almost over, and it takes inequities. Daniel of Ellisville is among those
a two-thirds majority of the House Mississippi Lt. Gov. Delbert saying Mississippi should keep its
and Senate to consider a bill after Hosemann said a new flag would flag and people should resist efforts
the normal deadlines have passed. help future generations. to remove historical monuments.
“If they get those votes, a veto “In my mind, our flag should “Whether you acknowledge it
would be pointless,” Reeves wrote bear the Seal of the Great State of or not, the American Left is wag-
on Facebook. “The debate would be Mississippi and state ‘In God We ing war against us,” McDaniel
over, and the flag would change.” Trust,’” Hosemann said. “ I am open said Tuesday on Facebook. “They
Reeves still said, though, that he to bringing all citizens together to consider the founding to be illegiti-
prefers having a statewide election determine a banner for our future.” mate, our history to be tainted, and
to let voters choose a flag design. Attorney General Lynn Fitch our republic as inherently evil.”

Indictment: Threat to kill

Mississippi’s only Black US Rep.
52-year-old Brandon resident’s Mike Hurst in Jackson,
Mississippi, and U.S.
query about whether
Townsend has an attor-
arraignment is scheduled for today Capitol Police Chief Ste-
ven Sund.
ney who could speak for
him and whether pros-
THE ASSOCIATED PRESS initials B.T. Townsend, a resident ecutors suggested hate
The only member of of Brandon, is charged crime charges to the
JACK- Mississippi’s delegation with making a threat grand jury which indict-
SON — A with those initials is Dem- against public officials, ed him Tuesday.
federal in- ocrat Bennie Thompson, the statement said. It did Townsend’s arraign-
dictment ac- chairman of the House not elaborate on a possi- ment was scheduled
cuses a Mis- Homeland Security Com- ble motive. Thursday before U.S.
sissippi man mittee. “This should serve as Magistrate Judge Keith
of threaten- “On June 1, 2020, a lesson that anyone who Ball.
ing to kill Townsend placed a chooses to threaten to Case records were
the state’s phone call to the office murder Members of Con- not yet available in the
only Black U.S. represen- of a Member of Congress gress will be prosecut- court’s online system.
tative and his staffers. and threatened to kill the ed,” Thompson said in an Thompson is the lon-
The indictment Congressman and his emailed statement. gest-serving member
against 52-year-old New- African-American staff- A spokeswoman for of Mississippi’s current
ton Wade Townsend ers,” said a news release the U.S. Attorney’s Of- congressional delegation
identifies the target of Wednesday from U.S. fice did not immediately after winning a 1993 spe-
his alleged threats by the Attorney U.S. Attorney respond to an emailed cial election.

Democrats confirm plans for nearly all-virtual convention

BY BILL BARROW cept the presidential nom- running mate, will take usual trappings of an
The Associated Press ination in person, but it re- place virtually, with dele- event that draws tens of
mains to be seen whether gates being asked not to thousands of people to
Democrats will hold
there will be a significant travel to Milwaukee. the host city to mark the
an almost entirely virtual
presidential nominating in-person audience there It’s the latest sign of start of the general elec-
convention Aug. 17-20 to see it. The Democratic how much the COVID-19 tion campaign. Not even
in Milwaukee using live National Committee said pandemic has upended during the Civil War or
broadcasts and online in a statement that official American life and the World War II did the two
streaming, party officials business, including the 2020 presidential elec- major parties abandon
said Wednesday. votes to nominate Biden tion, leading Biden and in-person conventions
Joe Biden plans to ac- and his yet-to-be-named the party to abandon the with crowded arenas.
The Dispatch • THURSDAY, JUNE 25, 2020 3A

Continued from Page 1A
When reached by The Dis- declined to comment further. rican Americans. cal NAACP, called the apology sider resigning, Younger said,
patch, Sanders did not elaborate Jeff Smith of District 4, who also “I can see part of their point,” letter “crap” and a “true insult” “Probably. If I were in his shoes,
on what those “differences” are openly urged Sanders to resign, Holliman said. “But it’s kind to the Black community. I’d consider it.”
or why he decided to apologize. told The Dispatch Wednesday of like, ‘He who is without sin, “Keep your apology,” Harris Younger said he hopes ev-
He refused to comment any fur- he would not change his mind. cast the first stone.’ I don’t think said. “All we want from Harry eryone can learn a lesson from
ther on whether he would resign District 2 Supervisor Trip there are many of them who can Sanders is for him to go and re- Sanders’ words and the local
or step down as the board presi- Hairston, who previously called do that.” sign.” reaction.
dent, but had told The Dispatch for Sanders to step down as the Holliman also said he took Columbus Mayor Robert “Young people are watching
last week he had no intention to board president, told The Dis- umbrage at The Dispatch re- Smith, in a Wednesday state- us, and we all need to be care-
resign. patch Sanders’ apology does not porter’s line of questioning ment addressed to The Dis- ful what we do and say,” he said.
change his position but would when Sanders made the now patch, said Sanders’ apology “Also, we all need to learn to for-
Supervisors respond not elaborate on why. Hairston infamous comments caught on was “yet another slap on the give and forget, even though I
asked for a special call meeting audio recording. face” for the local community know that’s a hard thing to do.”
Most of the other supervi-
last week to discuss the removal “(You can hear on the re- and that he doubted the sinceri- Karriem, who called for
sors said Sanders’ apology did
of Sanders as president, but was cording) I turned around to ty of the letter. Sanders’ resignation, told The
not change their stances over
stopped cold without enough Harry and told him not to say “Now that Mr. Sanders has Dispatch he will not support
his comments. The four super-
support from other supervisors. anything, and (Board Attor- felt the sting of any state legislation in favor of
visors reached an impasse last
District 3 Supervisor John ney) Tim Hudson did too,” Hol- backlash from Lowndes County until Sanders
week over Sanders’ refusal to
Holliman told The Dispatch on liman said. “I don’t know why one of his closest is removed from the board. He
Wednesday he believes Sand- she (the reporter) just kept on friends and oth- further encouraged the oth-
Brooks, among many leaders
ers’ letter was a sincere apology pressing him.” ers in the commu- er Golden Triangle delegation
urging Sanders to resign last and should be sufficient for the nity and State, he
week, said the only way to create The only prompting The members to do so.
board of supervisors and the Dispatch reporter said after has seen the error
“unity and harmony” within the “I don’t believe (the commu-
public to put the controversy be- Holliman and Hudson told of his ways and
community is for Sanders to re- nity) will heal until that last stat-
hind them. He said he would ad- Sanders not to say anything seeks to smooth Smith
tire from the board immediate- ue is removed,” Karriem said of
vise Sanders not to resign from was to tell Sanders he was still over the wounds
ly. The remarks, he said, deeply Sanders.
the board, nor to step down as on the record. he inflicted by claiming that his
hurt the local Black community, Rep. Dana McLean (R-Co-
president. comments were thoughtless,”
which accounts for 45 percent of Further, he chalked up Sand- Smith wrote. “I wonder if the lumbus) said she could not com-
the county population, as well as ers’ comments about Blacks be- ‘Keep your apology’ majority of the voters of District ment at this time when reached
some white residents. ing “dependent” to “a mistake.” The apology, however, has 1 of this County will condemn by The Dispatch this morning.
“The letter does nothing but “I think Harry’s very re- not changed a lot of hearts with- those words, uttered with obvi- Joe Max Higgins, CEO of
shows at least he’s willing to morseful over it,” in the community. ous forethought and reaffirmed The Golden Triangle Develop-
(apologize), and it’s quite late to Holliman said. More than 100 community 24 hours later.” ment LINK, told The Dispatch
do that,” Brooks said. “Lowndes “But you look members criti- Sen. Chuck Younger (R-Co- the organization believes the
County has become a household at what all Har- cized Sanders’ lumbus) said he is glad Sand- letter “was not sincere” and that
word throughout the country ry’s done for this letter on Face- ers “finally came out and it does not “change or remove
for all the wrong reasons, and county over the book after The apologized” for the “hurtful” what Harry said.”
the only way that we can restore last 20 or more Dispatch released comments he made. But while The LINK CEO previously
some of the dignity to our com- years. Then he a copy of it online. he hopes supervisors can get warned of the potential negative
munity is that he is no longer in makes one mis- Holliman Some deemed the back to business as usual, he impact of Sanders’ comments
public office.” take, and every- letter “empty,” thinks more may be required of on attracting businesses to re-
Brooks previously said he body wants to crucify him for it. “ u n a c c e p t a bl e ” Harris Sanders before that can happen. locate to the region. Following
hoped the community could I know it (his comments) came and “a feeble at- “It’s tough being an elected Higgins’ comments, the LINK
gather at the courthouse if at a bad time.” tempt to get back into people’s official on any level,” Younger last week issued a statement
Sanders does not resign by the Holliman acknowledged he good graces.” Many others said. “I think it would be good condemning Sanders’ remarks
June 30 supervisors meeting. As at least partially understands called for action, such as Sand- if Harry stepped down as board as “disturbing” and “abhorrent.”
the day nears, Brooks told The the outrage from the public over ers’ resignation and a board- president. Really, I think that’s Dispatch Managing Editor
Dispatch Wednesday it will be a his colleague’s comments, as wide diversity training. inevitable.” Zack Plair contributed to this re-
“difficult” meeting for him but well as the offense taken by Af- Harris, representing the lo- Asked if Sanders should con- port.

The following arrests
were made by Lowndes
County Sheriff’s Office:
n Javeune Barker, 22,
was charged with posses-
sion, sale, transfer of a
stolen firearm, conspiracy
to commit a crime-felony
and accessory after the Barker Carpenter Roby Beard Jones Ellis
n Stephen Carpen-
ter, 31, was charged with
grand larceny-more than
n Tyseauna Roby, 26,
was charged with conspir-
acy to commit a crime-fel-
ony and accessory after Culpepper Docher Dummitt Guyse Harris Johnson Jr.
the fact.
n Carlie Beard, 20,
was charged with identity
n Charles Jones, 47,
was charged with grand
larceny-more than $500.
n Dennis Ellis, 31, was
charged with possession Bogan Fondren Turner Lee Doss Knight
of methamphetamine, n Thomas Johnson Jr, n Da-
curfew violation, posses- 43, was charged posting vid Knight,
sion of marijuana in a
messages electronically 22, was
vehicle, resisting arrest
to cause injury. charged
and seatbelt violation.
n Steven Bogan, 52, with shop-
n Anthony Culpep-
was charged with sale of l i f t ing,
Cheap thrills.
per, 47, was charged with
cocaine. MDOC hold Go for a walk.
driving under the influ-
ence- fourth or subse- and proba-
Sanders Duck Carr
quent offense. The following arrests tion viola-
n Clintuan Docher, were made by the Ok- tion.
21, was charged with two tibbeha County Sheriff’s n Ledarius Sanders,
counts aggravated as- Office: 21, was charged with pos-
sault to manifest extreme n Dolton Fondren, session of schedule two
indifference to life. 23, was charged with a drug and possession of
n Jason Dummitt, 39, bench warrant. marijuana.
was charged with pos- n Temirah Turner, 32, n Jamario Duck, 21,
session of controlled sub- w as charges with child was charged with pos-
stance. abuse. session of stolen firearm,
n Michael Guyse, 33, n Rogers Lee, 41, was possession of marijuana
was charged with man- charged with aggravated in a vehicle, DUI other
slaughter. assault. and improper equipment.
n Valareio Harris, 37, n Michael Doss, 33, n Jarquavious Carr,
was charged with com- was charged with aggra- 18, was charged with pos-
mercial burglary. vated assault. session of stolen firearm.

Senate approves 200th federal judge nominated by Trump

BY MAT THEW DALY confirmed at this stage of a presidency
The Associated Press in four decades.
Cory Wilson was elevated to a seat on
WASHINGTON — The Senate has the New Orleans-based 5th U.S. Circuit
approved the nomination of a Mississip- Court of Appeal despite Democratic ob-
pi judge to a federal appeals court, the jections that he has a record of working
200th federal judge named by President to undermine voting rights of African
Donald Trump and confirmed by the Americans and other minorities. SOLUNAR TABLE
The solunar period indicates
peak-feeding times for fish and game.
Republican-controlled chamber. It’s the Approval came on a nearly party-line, Thur. Fri.
Major 4:43a
highest number of judicial nominees 52-48 vote Wednesday. Minor 10:39a 11:47a
Major 5:10p 6:02p
Minor — 12:30a
Courtesy of Mississippi Department
of Wildlife, Fisheries and Parks

■ In Wednesday’s edition, The Dispatch incorrectly noted Flexsteel’s workforce.
The Dispatch
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4A THURSDAY, JUNE 25, 2020
PETER BIRNEY IMES Editor/Publisher
BIRNEY IMES III Editor/Publisher 1998-2018
BIRNEY IMES JR. Editor/Publisher 1947-2003

BIRNEY IMES SR. Editor/Publisher 1922-1947

ZACK PLAIR, Managing Editor

BETH PROFFITT Advertising Director
MICHAEL FLOYD Circulation/Production Manager


State health officer’s warning should be signal to re-double efforts

n Tuesday, Dr. Thom- put you on.“ younger citizens, who gener- precautions, which are fairly Dobbs’ dire predictions
as Dobbs, the state’s His comments came on the ally are asymptomatic and are easy to take: Wash your hands should serve as a reminder,
health officer told same day the state reported its less inclined to observe the frequently, stay at home as then, that we must renew our
Jackson Free Press he is “an- single highest day of reported precautions state and local much as possible, practice so- commitment to following all
ticipating an absolute disaster” cases (611) and continued leaders have stressed must cial distancing and wear masks the measures we know are
in the fall, when a second hospitalizations (523). be followed as restrictions are when in public. effective safeguards. It’s no
surge of COVID-19 arrives. Those numbers strongly eased. Wearing masks significant- time to be complacent. In fact,
When asked what Mississip- suggest many of us are not The best means of arresting ly prevents transmission. the need for following these
pians should be preparing for being diligent enough in the current increase in cases While younger, asymptom- precautions are as great as
in the fall, he said, “Prepare protecting ourselves and our and meaningfully mitigating atic citizens are considered they ever were.
for not being able to get into neighbors. the dire predictions for the fall, major offenders, the truth is What has been true all
the hospital if you have a car Dobbs attributed the recent are the personal choices we likely that most of us are not along is still true today: It’s
wreck, (to) have a heart attack increases to a cavalier attitude make. as vigilant today as we were at really up to us how devastating
and there not be a ventilator to among citizens, especially By now, all of us know the the start. the virus becomes.


Responds to Fortenberry
and hopes local economic
opportunity can be addressed
I wrote a letter to Peter Imes;
he responded; you complimented
his response. All good. Each of us
has an opinion and the constitu-
tional right to speak it. However,
you stated, “of course she (Kathy
Read) and others, who believe
people of color are somehow
to blame for all issues such as
poverty and abuse by the police,
want the issue of race to not be
addressed.” You characterization
of me could not be further from
the truth. You cannot know what I
believe, so please, no labels.
Columbus does have a brain
drain, but I would submit the ex-
odus has less to do with race and
more to do with little economic op-
portunity after graduation. Many
of us remember when Leigh Mall
had all spaces leased. Look at it
now. Drive down almost any street
and count the closed business-
es. Then we should ask, “Why
would any business locate here?”
Maybe, just maybe, we will begin
to discuss issues such as this.
Calmer, more rational voices can
find solutions when we don’t view
every issue through the prism of
race. Then, hopefully, our chil-
dren of every color will be inclined
to stay here.
Kathy Read
Reflecting on The 1619 Project
Believes Sanders’
apology isn’t enough
Lowndes County supervisor

Harry Sanders wrote a letter of n the wake of recent are villains and all Blacks ery was incompatible with the ideals
apology that appeared in yester- Black Lives Matter are victims. It is easy, they of freedom, but they understood that
day’s Dispatch. Specifically, he protests — in response argue, “to point to slavery unifying the colonies in opposition
apologized for the racially divisive to the murder of George and Jim Crow and then be to the British monarchy necessitated
comments he made after the last Floyd at the hands of a done with your account of a compromise on slavery — which
board of supervisors meeting on police officer and the Black American history. was, by that time, a central part of the
June 15th. important dialog that has But that is lazy thinking.” economies of the five southernmost
This letter appears nearly nine resulted — I am inclined In fact, despite what the colonies. Thus, viewing America’s
days after his troublesome com- to revisit The New York liberal media would have foundational impetus as solely a
ments. It appears to me this was Times’ controversial 1619 you believe, many African product of slavery lacks nuance and
not some epiphany but, rather, Project. This project prop- Americans have bitter- historical perspective.
evidence that even Mr. Sanders agates a popular narrative, ly fought the narrative Notably, nowhere in the American
which has taken hold Armstrong Williams that Blacks are eternally Constitution is slavery endorsed as a
now realizes its political necessity.
That makes it about eight days too among many in the media, constrained by the atti- fundamental right or ideal.
late. More importantly, he says politics and education, to link the tudes and structures of racism. Black Benjamin Franklin thought that
nothing of any attempt to look foundational origins of the American History Month usually marks an slavery was “an atrocious debasement
inward, to critically examine his experiment not to the context of the occasion when African Americans of human nature” and “a source of
comments; nothing to suggest American Revolution of 1776 but to celebrate the many victories they serious evils.” John Adams, a lifelong
that he is even remotely now more 1619, the year that enslaved Ango- have achieved during their struggle opponent of slavery, declared it a “foul
aware of how off-base his com- lans arrived on the shores of colonial for equality, the genius of Black lead- contagion in the human character”
ments were. I finished reading Jamestown, Virginia. ers, artists, statesman and scholars and “an evil of colossal magnitude.”
thinking only that he was acutely In this view, all of America’s — in short, it has become a celebra- James Madison called it “the most
aware of the firestorm he’d caused current institutions, public attitudes, tion of Black excellence not of Black oppressive dominion ever exercised
and was motivated to write out economics and social structures subjugation. by man over man.”
— or, perhaps more pointedly, the But tracing all of America’s insti- Less than a century after our na-
of the personal inconvenience
alleged horrors and woes therein — tutions back to slavery misses that tion’s founding, Americans threw off
caused by having his thoughts
are a result of slavery. Among other mark. Slaves being brought to Ameri- the wretched institution at the cost
become so glaringly public.
claims, it credits slavery for the dis- can shores, and settlers fighting wars of much blood and treasure. More
In the final line of his letter, Mr.
mal state of America’s prison system, of expansion against Native American than 100,000 Union soldiers died in
Sanders urged us all to “focus on
for suburban traffic congestion, for groups, are almost beside the point. a war to free the slaves and unify the
the present and to prepare for a
the prevalence of obesity and diabe- Neither slavery nor conquest are country. Freedom, then, was no mere
successful future” and expressed tes, even for capitalism itself. All this, unique to the American experiment. afterthought, but an earnestly sought
his opinion that the county could even though many of this narrative’s Indeed, those practices existed on ideal shared by whites and Blacks
accomplish this goal “if we set adherents belong to the most respect- the African continent from whence alike.
aside our differences and continue ed, most lucrative institutions in the slaves arrived, and they were pres- Of course, historical antecedents
to work together to create an envi- country — which, is a testament to ent among the indigenous people of play a role in the way in which our
ronment of unity and harmony.” the unique constitutional freedoms America as well. What sets America nation’s institutions were formed.
I believe Mr. Sanders left out that Americans enjoy. apart — what makes it a unique place Admittedly, the legacy of slavery did
one requirement to achieve the Many who hear or read such among the community of nations — is shape, to some extent, the struggles
unity and harmony he describes views are incredulous, including the certain aspirational ideals incorporat- and progress of Blacks in this coun-
— that he not be involved. His founders of the 1776 Project, who are ed into a framework of laws and free- try. But so does the legacy of freedom
prior comments make it difficult attempting to dispel the belief that doms centered around the primacy of passed down from the founders —
for me to believe he is capable Black America’s destiny has been the individual vis-a-vis the state. arguably, to a far greater extent. The
of helping to foster the unity shaped in the crucible of slavery and Was the American state, born out founders did not completely scrap all
he describes. He might be, but, racism. of conflict in 1776, a perfect union at of the institutions that had developed
personally, I am unwilling to roll Bob Woodson, the 1776 Project’s the moment of its inception? Plainly, in Europe over the centuries; they
those dice. He said it himself in founder, objects to the argument it was not. But it was unique in that kept English common law as the basis
the letter: “The divisive impact of that the “shadow of slavery and Jim it adhered to a set of laws and princi- of our legal system, for example. But
my comments cannot simply be Crow” hangs over the destiny of ples that enabled it to become more no one would argue that, because En-
dismissed or overlooked.” I don’t Black Americans. “Nothing is more perfect over time. To be sure, a major glish common law remains a feature
intend to. lethal,” he says, “than to convey to fault line in the formation of the new of American jurisprudence, it follows
I’ll say it one more time. Super- people that they have an exemption American state was the incongruous that British monarchy forms the basis
visor Sanders should resign. He from personal responsibility.” The institution of slavery. But, even at the of American society.
should resign today. 1776 Project’s organizers, for exam- time, slavery was considered deeply Armstrong Williams is an American
Paul Mack ple, criticize the characterization of problematic among America’s found- political commentator, entrepreneur,
Columbus America as a place in which all whites ers. They fully recognized that slav- author, and talk show host.
The Dispatch • THURSDAY, JUNE 25 2020 5A

Impatience grows for cops’

arrests in Breonna Taylor’s death
‘They murdered that girl in her own house. We’re tracted attention from stars like Liz-
zo, Jada Pinkett Smith and Beyoncé,
going into July, and there’s been no justice served.’ who wrote an open letter last week
urging Kentucky’s attorney gen-
Atlanta resident Ashley Kidwell eral to move swiftly. Millions have
BY DYLAN LOVAN signed an online petition demand-
police brutality following George
The Associated Press ing justice for Taylor.
Floyd’s death in Minneapolis. Offi-
“They murdered that girl in her
cials there are prosecuting four of-
LOUISVILLE, Ky. — The outcry own house,” said Ashley Kidwell,
ficers involved, including bringing
has reverberated for weeks online who drove up from Atlanta to join
a murder charge against the officer Louisville protests in early June.
and at demonstrations nationwide: who pressed a knee into Floyd’s
Arrest the cops who killed Breonna “We’re going into July, and there’s
neck on May 25. been no justice served.”
Taylor. That has left people, from protest- Attorney General Daniel Camer-
But three months after plain- ers to celebrities, wondering why on, whose office is reviewing the in-
clothes detectives serving a war- justice is slow to come in Taylor’s vestigation by Louisville police, has
rant busted into her Louisville, case. declined to offer a timetable.
Kentucky, apartment and shot the “It’s definitely taking too long, it’s “An investigation of this magni-
26-year-old Black woman to death, definitely frustrating,” said Kirstia tude, when done correctly, requires
only one of the three officers who Drury, 32, who joined street protests time and patience,” Cameron, Ken-
opened fire has lost his job. No one in Louisville after Taylor’s death. “If tucky’s first Black attorney general,
is facing criminal charges. someone even so much as shot a po- said last week.
Calls for action against the of- lice dog, they would’ve already been The FBI also is investigating the
ficers have gotten louder during a convicted and halfway to prison.” officers’ actions and exploring po-
national reckoning over racism and Taylor’s death March 13 has at- tential civil rights violations.

3 men indicted on murder charges in killing of Ahmaud Arbery

BY KATE BRUMBACK Prosecutor Joyette “This is another positive by news outlets.
The Associated Press Holmes announced step, another great step Arbery’s death has of-
Wednesday that a grand for finding justice for Ah- ten been invoked during
jury has indicted Travis maud, for finding justice protests against racial in-
white men have been in-
dicted on murder charges McMichael, Greg McMi- for this family and the com- justice that have broken
in the killing of Ahmaud chael and William “Rod- munity beyond,” Holmes out across the nation since
Arbery, a Black man fatal- die” Bryan Jr. on charges said at a news conference George Floyd’s death last
ly shot while running in a including malice and fel- outside the Glynn County month under a white Min-
neighborhood near Geor- ony murder in Arbery’s courthouse in Brunswick neapolis police officer’s
gia’s coast. death. that was streamed online knee.

Police overhaul dims, but House Democrats push ahead on vote

BY LISA MASCARO as a signal to voters after es to police procedures becoming law right now.
AP Congressional Correspondent the global outcry over the and accountability in de- On the eve of the
death of George Floyd cades. Backed by the na- vote, President Donald
and other Black Ameri- tion’s leading civil rights Trump’s administration
policing overhaul may
have collapsed in Con- cans. groups, it is a legislative signaled he would veto
gress, but House Dem- The House is set to effort that tries to match the bill. Senate Majority
ocrats are returning to vote Thursday evening the moment of massive Leader Mitch McConnell
Washington for a daylong on the Justice in Policing demonstrations filling has also said it will not
debate on their sweeping Act, perhaps the most am- city streets for weeks. It pass the Republican-held
proposal that now serves bitious proposed chang- has almost zero chance of chamber.
6A THURSDAY, JUNE 25, 2020 The Dispatch •

Market Street Festival canceled in light of pandemic

DISPATCH STAFF REPORT community and friends together the pandemic first began.
next year in what is certain to be Main Street Columbus Director
The annual Market Street Fes- the most anticipated Market Street Barbara Bigelow said it is “thank-
tival held downtown has been can- Festival yet!” Market Street Festi- fully” the first time the event has
celed for this year due to health val Coordinator Amber Brislin said ever had to be canceled.
and safety concerns around the in the release. “Heartfelt thanks “I am sorry that this difficult de-
COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic. to all of our long-time volunteers, cision had to be made but we are
Main Street Columbus repre- vendors, sponsors, musical talents, certain it is the right one,” she said
sentatives announced the cancella- and supporters for your unending in the release. “We have always
tion in a press release this morn- support and love. We appreciate been able to adjust to unexpected
ing, calling it a “difficult decision.” the community for supporting our circumstances.”
The 25th anniversary of the festi- decision.” Columbus Mayor Robert Smith
val will now be held on May 7-8, The event was initially sup- said that while the event will be
2021. posed to be held on May 1-2, and missed, he supports the decision
“We can’t wait to celebrate our was postponed to Sept. 11-12 when to cancel.

Partnership School
Continued from Page 1A
Wednesday morning for local $16 million bond, guages classes and the tance from multiple learn-
local media outlets, Peas- a $10 million allocation agriculture classes made ing opportunities on the
ant, SOCSD spokesper- from the Mississippi Leg- possible by a $900,000 MSU campus, such as the
son Nicole Thomas and islature and cash and land grant from Blue Cross Thad Cochran Research,
three members of the donations by MSU. Blue Shield, the largest Technology and Econom-
district’s Board of Trust- Construction first ran the organization has ever ic Development Park, so
ees — Vice President into trouble in August awarded to a public school students will be able to
Sumner Davis, Assistant 2017 when weather con- district. take field trips without
Secretary Wesley Gordon cerns, primarily Hurri- The grant, awarded having to use the school
and board member John cane Harvey, drove up in February, funded the buses, Peasant told The
S. Brown. the cost of construction Partnership School’s gar- Dispatch.
The building includes materials, causing an dens and mobile kitchens. He also said the edu-
a grand staircase, a de- overall increase of about Sixth graders will have a cational component for
signed special education $2 million. The origi- classroom designated for MSU students will be one
room, some floor-to- nal projected cost was Gardening and Overall of a kind.
ceiling windows in both $27.5 million. When the Wellness (GrOW), where “(They will be) getting
classrooms and hallways, SOCSD board accepted a they will learn about nu- a different experience
SmartBoards in every bid from Columbus-based trition, cooking, garden- than they would in any
classroom and outdoor West Brothers Construc- ing and other healthy other teacher prep pro-
space for both class in- tion in December 2017, lifestyle choices. Seventh gram in that they’re work-
struction and other activ- the full price became graders will have their ing and learning here in a
ities. $29,908,401. own classroom “garden school with real students
The school will also AMS currently houses pod,” an outdoor garden every day,” Peasant said.
serve as a training lab grades 6-8. The Partner- space that will be incor- Brown said he “would
for MSU’s College of Ed- ship School will make porated into their course- have loved to have been
ucation, allowing MSU AMS the building for work across a variety of able to observe a class-
students to observe grades 8-9 and Starkville subjects. room and see how things
classroom teaching and High School for grades “We’re just excited to should run” when he was
making university facul- 10-12. be able to offer them a working on his bachelor’s
ty a resource for SOCSD hands-on learning experi- degree in education from
teachers and administra- ‘Hands-on learning ence,” Kennedy said. MSU. He is the board’s
longest-serving member
tors. The middle school experience’ The elective courses
and the only one who
classrooms have desks The seventh-grade will be offered for nine
outside where MSU stu- weeks at a time for sixth has seen the Partnership
classrooms and the MSU
dents will sit and observe, graders so they can ex- School grow from an idea
offices and classrooms
and teachers can block plore their interests be- to a tangible reality.
are on the second floor,
the younger students’ fore they take yearlong “I would have liked for
while the first floor is
view of their observers if electives in seventh (construction) to be fur-
home to the sixth-grade
need be. grade, she said. ther along, but eventually
classrooms, library, gym,
“You can pull the Both Peasant and Ken- we’ll get there,” Brown
cafeteria and band and
screen up or down, and nedy said the electives said.
choir rooms.
when the screen is down, In addition to required will help streamline stu-
you can still see in there core subjects like math dents’ progression into
(from outside),” Kennedy and English, the Partner- Starkville High School’s
said. ship School will offer “ex- three career preparation
The 123,000 square- ploratory” elective cours- tracks, or “houses”: Tech-
foot building was origi- es including robotics, nology, Engineering, Con-
nally scheduled to open music, art, theatre and struction (TEC); Health
in August 2018 before the introduction to world and Human Services
rain delays pushed it to languages. (H2S); and Communica-
November 2018, January Most of these cours- tion, Arts and Business
2019, August 2019 and es are already offered (CAB).
finally August 2020. The at AMS, Kennedy said, The Partnership
project was funded by a except for the world lan- School is walking dis-

Continued from Page 1A
ation,” Zimmermann said. ing equipment at least six the interests of a group.
“Fountain, like thousands feet apart and requiring Anytime Fitness has
of businesses national- extra deep-cleaning and more than 4,400 locations
ly, paid these premiums. sanitation measures, all of across the country, Zim-
They secured an all-risks which cost the gyms extra mermann said.
policy to make sure they expenses. “This is a national is-
had enough to keep their Zimmermann said sue,” she said. “We’re
businesses alive and pay Fountain is requesting a talking about thousands
their employees and han- trial for a jury to deter- and thousands of busi-
dle other matters when mine losses to be paid to nesses who have been
an emergency happens. Fountain Enterprises. left out in the cold during
Obviously we’re in quite She added since it is a a pandemic and it’s really
a stage of emergency. ... class action lawsuit, oth- shameful, because that’s
Markel’s turning their er Anytime Fitness gyms what they paid for.”
backs on their contractual may join the suit as plain- Markel representa-
obligations to our clients tiffs. Class action lawsuits tives did not respond to an
and businesses like our are lawsuits in which a email from The Dispatch
clients. They’ve been dev- few plaintiffs represent by press time.
astated. We just want them
to honor the terms of the
contracts and honor the
promises they’ve made to
the client.”
The Anytime Fitness
location in West Point
suspended business oper-
ations on April 3 in accor-
dance with restrictions
from the city, Clay Coun-
ty and Gov. Tate Reeves’
executive order closing
businesses deemed non-
essential, the complaint
said. The location also
froze billing to customers
from May 2-May14, and
was unable to recruit new
gym members or sell in-
store items, all of which re-
sulted in lost revenue. The
two Alabama locations
also temporarily closed
their doors.
The locations in both
West Point and Fulton re-
opened on May 11 under
“severe limitations on the
… use of the property,” in-
cluding limiting the num-
ber of customers in the
facility at the time, spread-


Former EMCC QB Neville finds second chance at Northern Illinois
BY THEO DEROSA “Football is the only thing that makes me tru-
ly happy, truly peaceful,”
Connor Neville says Neville said.
a quick prayer before ev- So when NIU ensured
ery drive, asking for help Neville’s career could
each time he steps onto continue at the FBS lev-
the field. el, it didn’t take the quar-
The former East Mis- terback long to make his
sissippi Community Col- choice. He announced his
lege quarterback has long commitment to NIU on
placed an emphasis on re-
Saturday morning.
ligion, and it’s only gotten
“I didn’t want to waste
stronger through three
their time or waste my
eventful years playing
time,” Neville said. “I
college football.
kind of wanted to get the
Faith has carried Nev-
ball rolling on that.”
ille through a position
This fall, he and the
switch, a string of person-
Huskies can prove them-
al losses, a pandemic and
selves against Power Five
an uncertain recruiting
foes Iowa and Maryland
process that he navigated
alone. — where transfer quarter-
The Oregon native back Taulia Tagovailoa,
played two seasons at the younger brother of
Washington State, includ- Courtesy of JUCO Weekly Alabama star Tua Tagov-
ing a redshirt year, and EMCC quarterback Connor Neville finished the 2019 season ranked seventh nationally in passing yards per game ailoa, is a friend of Nev-
never saw the field. He but also tied for second in interceptions. Neville announced his commitment to Northern Illinois on Saturday. ille’s. In 2021, Northern
even transitioned from “That’s where I want- And when Neville first who had ever been nice cle, too, because I really Illinois has a date with
quarterback to safety last Michigan.
ed to play,” Neville said, received interest from to Neville and his twin wish he could be here to
spring. Then he trans- Neville also has friends
“because that’s where I’m Northern Illinois, he told brother, Jonny. watch me play,” Neville
ferred to EMCC — her- at Mid-American Confer-
wanted.” Lozano, who had lived Neville, who said he said.
alded as “Last Chance U” ence opponents Central
in Chicago after moving also lost several people
for players looking for a Michigan and Buffalo,
final shot at playing Divi-
The hard way there from Mexico with close to him in 2019, had Getting the ball rolling
both of whom appear on
Neville remembers the Neville’s mother. It was to learn “the hard way” On Thursday, when
sion I — for a 2019 Neville NIU’s schedule this fall.
first football camp he ever the last good recruiting to recover emotionally — Neville officially got the
emerged with just two “It’s really an amazing
played in, back when he news Neville ever got to while trying to handle it offer from Northern Illi- opportunity to come back
scholarship offers from tell his uncle. on his own. nois coach Thomas Ham-
was 8 years old. to that level and play with
FCS schools Mississippi Lozano died this “I don’t want to feel mock, the quarterback
Partially, he said, be- my friends again,” Neville
Valley State and Morgan spring, right around the sorry for myself or any- cried when he got off the
State. cause he “sucked”: Nev- said.
ille struggled so much time when NIU sudden- thing because I don’t phone. Not concerned with re-
As the months toward
that a coach kicked him ly cut off communication want anybody to feel that He’d earned a second turning quarterbacks on
the season wound down
out of a drill and out of the with Neville. His death way toward me,” he said. shot to play at the highest the Huskies’ roster — in-
and interest in Neville
camp. was one of three loss- “It’s a bit tough seeing the level of collegiate compe- cluding 2019 starter Ross
came and went, the signal
Then his uncle, Raúl es that took a toll on the people that you love pass tition in a sport he’d been Bowers — Neville hopes
caller turned to his faith
for confidence. Lozano, took Neville’s quarterback in a short away like they have, but devoted to since he start- to compete for playing
“God was speaking to hand, marched over to span of time. I’ve tried to find a way to ed lifting weights with his time. He doesn’t expect
me, and he wanted me the coach and cursed him Neville’s former team- overcome that.” father and brother at age a spot to be given to him,
to stay patient through- out. mate at Washington State, Getting to continue his 10. though; he wants to earn
out this process,” Neville “He’s gonna be better Bryce Beekman — a nice football career helped. And though he tried it.
said. than all these kids one guy who helped Neville Neville was overjoyed pursuing other passions After all, Neville said,
On Thursday, that pa- day,” Lozano proclaimed make the switch to safety when NIU reached out to — Neville said he went playing for Northern Il-
tience paid off when FBS of his nephew. in the spring of 2019 — him again and asked him into college aiming to linois is “an incredible
Northern Illinois called It was a moment Nev- died of an accidental over- to attend, and he hopes to build a reputation as “the opportunity” — one that
with a scholarship offer. ille still remembers al- dose this March. Neville play in honor of the man party kid” — he never he always had faith he’d
Less than two days later, most 15 years later. also heard from a friend who was there from the found anything like foot- receive.
Neville committed to join “That really went a about the death of a boy beginning of his football ball. While other people “It’s amazing when
the Huskies, finally feel- long way with me, and it’s he knew from his church career. found peace in surfing or any school wants to take
ing like he’s found a new something that I’ll never homeschool group — the “Ultimately, I kind of going to the beach, Nev- a chance on somebody,”
home. forget,” he said. only person in the group want to do this for my un- ille stayed on the field. Neville said.


5 players withdraw, 1 If Hill doesn’t play, where do Dawgs turn at RB?
tests positive; nerves BY BEN PORTNOY the fold are the freshman

frayed on coronavirus tandem of Jo’quavious
Marks and Dillon John-
STARKVILLE — son. Marks — a four-star
THE ASSOCIATED PRESS itive results. Whether Mississippi recruit out of Atlanta —
“It’s a low number on a State running back Kylin was the second-highest
Brooks Koepka and percentage basis, but ev- Hill plays at all during the rated player in MSU’s
Webb Simpson were ery number hurts,” PGA 2020 season remains a 2020 recruiting class af-
among five players who Tour Commissioner Jay mystery. ter he totaled 1,961 yards
withdrew from the Trav- Monahan said. “I think Just days after Hill and 23 touchdowns on
elers Championship, four we all need to remind announced he would 168 carries as a senior de-
of them out of a chain-re- ourselves that we’re all not play this year unless spite missing two games.
action abundance of cau- learning to live with this the Confederate battle As for Johnson, he
tion over the coronavirus virus. flag is removed from the arrives at MSU after a
that put the PGA Tour on “It’s pretty clear that Mississippi state banner, Matt Bush/USA TODAY Sports standout career at St.
notice. this virus isn’t going any- he’s gained widespread Mississippi State running back Lee Witherspoon runs Joseph High School in
“The snowball is get- where.” acclaim for his use of his the ball against Kansas State during the second quar- Greenville. Despite split-
ting a little bit bigger,” Nick Watney was the platform as one of Missis- ter Sept. 14 at Davis Wade Stadium. Witherspoon, ting carries during his
Graeme McDowell told first player to test posi- sippi’s most prolific col- who has flashed a dynamic between-the-tackles high school career with
The Associated Press af- tive last week at the RBC lege athletes. That said, running ability, finished his inaugural campaign as a Oregon commit Trey
should he not suit up in Bulldog with 22 carries for 101 yards and one touch-
ter withdrawing Wednes- Heritage in Hilton Head Benson, he finished his
down and tacked on three receptions for 19 yards.
day because his longtime Island, South Carolina, the maroon and white, final high school season
caddie, Ken Comboy, which was teeming with MSU would have to re- A junior college trans- contingent. “So it’ll be with 1,665 yards and 24
tested positive for the vi- people on summer vaca- place perhaps its most fer who took an academ- fun to see our guys catch touchdowns on just 120
rus. tion. prolific offensive play- ic redshirt last season, a ball in the flat and see carries.
The tour released re- Champ tested positive maker. Walker came to Starkville an SEC linebacker trying “You have Kareem,
sults that showed three on Tuesday at the Trav- As a junior, the Co- as a one-time Michigan to go one on one out there who is an older guy, Lee
positive tests at the TPC elers and immediately lumbus native finished 41 running back and for- in space.” Witherspoon — I think
River Highlands in Con- withdrew. yards shy of Anthony Dix- mer four-star recruit in Behind Walker, With- all of us agree that kid is
necticut — Cameron Four more players on’s single-season rush- the class of 2016. In five erspoon flashed a dynam- going to be pretty special
Champ and the caddies withdrew even with neg- ing record of 1,391 yards games with the Wolver- ic between-the-tackles — and now to add Jo’Qua-
for Koepka and McDow- ative test results. and notched 10 touch- ines during the 2017 cam- running ability in limited vious and Dillon into the
ell. There were no pos- Koepka said his cad- downs on the ground. He paign, he recorded 20 action as a freshman. He fold — one a four-star guy
itive tests on the Korn die, Ricky Elliott, tested also added 18 catches for carries for 68 yards and finished his inaugural and the other a three-star
Ferry Tour event in Utah. positive and then took an- 180 yards and one score one touchdown in 2017. campaign as a Bulldog guy who should be a four-
As it enters the third other test that came back — numbers that stand to Walker spent the with 22 carries for 101 star guy,” former coach
week in its return from negative. No matter. He grow massively should majority of his time in yards and one touchdown Joe Moorhead said of the
the COVID-19 pandemic chose to withdraw, and Hill partake in first-year Starkville last season and tacked on three re- group in mid-December.
that shut down golf for was especially gutted head coach Mike Leach’s on the scout team, and ceptions for 19 yards as “I think those guys are
three months, the tour that his younger broth- air raid offense. coaches raved about his a freshman, and team- a great mix, and the one
has administered 2,757 er, Chase Koepka, with- With Hill’s future in performance against the mates compared his abil- thing in the system we’ve
tests at PGA Tour and drew after earning a rare Starkville now likely up first-team defense. ity and running style to had over the years is a
Korn Ferry Tour events chance to play through a to Mississippi state leg- “I think our skill set that of former Georgia tremendous amount of
in five states, with seven Monday qualifier. islators, the most logical is kind of in line with standout and current success from the tailback
positive results. When his brother option to handle the load what we do really well,” Cleveland Brown Nick position and kind of the
On the PGA Tour made it, Koepka ar- are senior Kareem Walk- new MSU running backs Chubb. ingredients that you look
alone, there have been ranged a house for him to er and sophomore Lee coach Eric Mele said of Other players that for.”
1,382 tests and four pos- See GOLF, 2B Witherspoon. this year’s running back could find themselves in See BACKS, 2B
2B THURSDAY, JUNE 25, 2020 The Dispatch •

Backs Manfred: ‘We owe it to our fans to be better’

Continued from Page 1B
THE ASSOCIATED PRESS to start the season with without fans in ballparks, about this: utterly without then said a few hours lat-
Beyond Hill’s possible no gate revenue. even in places where merit.” er he could not get their
boycott of the season, NEW YORK — Rob Vitriol rose in base- government and medical Clark would not direct- support.
this year also marks a Manfred knows many ball’s worst infighting officials allow some spec- ly respond when asked “Rob can focus on his
major transition in ide- fans were angered by the since the 7 1/2-month tators. whether lasting damage side, and I’ll focus on
ology from Moorhead’s financial fight between strike of 1994-95 wiped “I think we need to had been inflicted. mine,” Clark said.
regime to Leach’s. Im- Major League Baseball out the World Series for get on the ground run- “I think there is an Clark defended the
plementing his high-fly- and the players’ associa- the first time in nine de- ning and get comfortable opportunity to move for- union’s decision not to ac-
ing, pass-heavy offense, tion during a pandemic. cades. The union rejected that we can play games ward, move our game for- cept MLB’s offer to elim-
running backs should “We need to get back the last proposal for a fi- in empty stadiums safely ward,” he said. “And as it inate free-agent compen-
see their carries dip but on the field, and we need nancial agreement, then before we move forward relates to the atmosphere sation, which could hurt
their catches climb. None to in a less-charged en- finished protocols to play fans,” Manfred said. “My in general, the lines of several players’ value
of the current running vironment start to have in the pandemic on Tues- patience in that regard is communication remain next offseason.
backs is a proven receiv- conversations about how day and promised players in part based on the fact open, and we’ll count that “It was associated with
er, but both Marks and we — and the we in that will start reporting July that there are so many as a positive in the days significant salary cuts,”
Johnson seemingly have sentence is the commis- 1 for a 60-game season different situations. Some ahead. ” he said.
some upside there. sioner’s office, my staff, scheduled to start July places there looks like Because there was no As baseball prepares
“We’re not playing the clubs and the MLBPA 23 or 24, MLB’s briefest there’s no prospect, oth- financial agreement, the to resume, Manfred and
phone booth football,” and the players — can be since 1878. er places they’re more postseason is slated to his staff have watched
running backs coach Eric better going forward,” he
“The focus here was aggressive. I think we remain at 10 teams rather European soccer leagues
Mele said in February. said Wednesday during
on a day’s wage for a day’s need to be patient and than expand to 16. MLB carry on with closed-door
“You gotta catch every an interview with The As-
worth of work,” union even where we have the could attempt to make an- matches.
pass. You don’t drop a ball sociated Press. “We owe
head Tony Clark said option, we need to make other proposal for a larg- “We normally think
— that’s like fumbling it to our fans to be better
during a separate inter- sure that we know exactly er postseason. about our product as two
a handoff. So they gotta than we’ve been last three
view with the AP. “That’s what we’re doing before “I would simply say products, the live product
understand that part of it months.”
too. You catch it first and what we believed was fair, we jump into it.” that if there’s interest to and the broadcast prod-
Spring training was
then tuck, turn, get your and that’s why we main- Owners decided to discuss something, I’ll uct,” he said. “Given our
cut short by the novel
pads square to the de- coronavirus on March tained the position that go ahead with a season be available to discuss it,” current situation, I think
fender, make him miss or 12. The sides reached we did.” despite the threat of a Clark said. that the goal is to make
run through the tackle.” an initial agreement on In the view of many, grievance from the union, He maintained the de- the broadcast product,
Mississippi State has March 26, which was to the outcome left losers which has claimed MLB cision by the executive because it’s the only one
the pieces to mitigate a have been opening day. on both sides. MLB al- did not adhere to provi- board to reject the last we have, as entertaining
Hill-sized hole, but losing That deal called for play- ready has experienced sions in the March 26 plan Monday was not a for fans as we possibly
the Southeastern Con- ers to receive prorated four straight seasons of agreement requiring the choice of a grievance over can. We’re working close-
ference’s leading rusher salaries, get $170 million declining average atten- longest schedule econom- a deal. ly with the RSNs and our
from a season a year ago in advances and receive a dance. ically feasible. That deal “The grievance was national partners in an
is a hit nonetheless. guarantee of service time “In my opinion, it’s also included additional not the focus, never has effort to give the game a
in the event no games a damn shame that the provisions such fans be- been the focus,” he said. zeal that will be satisfy-

Golf were played this year. ramifications of this are ing allowed into all 30 “The goal, and that’s why ing to our fans without
When it became clear going to be felt for a long ballparks and no relevant we sent across proposals, having the normal crowd
the only way to start the time,” said Cincinnati travel restrictions. was to attempt to find noise and excitement
Continued from Page 1B season was to play in emp- catcher Tucker Barnhart, “Every time you make common ground on an that’s created by that en-
ty ballparks, the sides the Reds’ player repre- a decision like this, you agreement. We simply vironment.”
stay in starting Tuesday,
battled publicly over what sentative. “I grew up a balance risk and reward,” were unable to do so.” Broadcasts possibly
so he had his brother stay
the agreement meant. baseball fan, I’m a base- Manfred said. “I think He would not address may contain artificial
with him in the meantime.
Owners said players ball fan first, and I think the clubs felt that the last week’s one-on-one crowd noise.
Then, the brothers played
needed to accept addition- it sucks that it’s had to go most important objective meeting in Scottsdale, “We’re still making
a practice round with Mc-
Dowell and British Open al cuts and proposed an on the way that it is. But I was to get the game back Arizona, which Manfred decisions about that,” he
champion Shane Lowry. 82-game schedule start- hope that getting out and on the field, and because said produced a frame- said. “I like what they’ve
Both Koepkas said they ing around the Fourth of playing will kind of mask that was the most import- work for a deal and Clark done in England and Ger-
felt they should withdraw July. Players argued they some of the bruises that ant objective, they were called merely a manage- many because I think it’s
because they were in close shouldn’t have to accept the game as a whole has prepared to bear what- ment proposal. Manfred innovative and I think
contact with someone who less than the original deal taken over the last few ever risk was associated has maintained Clark that the current situation
tested positive. called for. But that agree- months.” with a grievance that is promised to try to per- calls for us to try some
“I feel terrible for ment didn’t bind Manfred MLB intends to start — let me be really clear suade players to accept it, things that are different.”
Chase,” Koepka said.

Baseball scrambles back into action amid lingering concerns

“This course is made for
him, he’s playing as good
as I’ve ever seen him. And
I put him in that situation.
It’s one thing if I withdraw.
THE ASSOCIATED PRESS life. Players report to Arizona. The Tigers an- could become moot if responsibly. It will be
He doesn’t get this oppor- camps July 1 — hard to nounced Wednesday they there’s a major outbreak unusual following new
Ron Gardenhire and call it “spring training” would use Comerica Park of the virus within base- safety protocols that are
tunity very often.”
Dusty Baker are a little at this time of year — and in Detroit, which obvi- ball. Avila said one player at times incompatible
Simpson, who won the
uneasy. Jim Crane hopes the regular season is sup- ously has less field space and one staff member for with human nature on the
RBC Heritage last week
his Houston Astros can posed to start about three than the team’s sprawling the Tigers tested positive, baseball field.
with a record score that
play in front of fans at weeks later. spring training complex and there have been ex- “It’s going to be differ-
moved him to No. 5 in the
some point. It already feels like a in Florida. General man- amples from other teams ent not giving guys big
world, withdrew when he
As baseball scrambles whirlwind. ager Al Avila said players as well. Gardenhire, who hugs and high fives and
learned a family member
to start an abbreviated “We knew this was a would have their time on has dealt with cancer and stuff,” Boyd said. “Emo-
had tested positive.
season, the prevailing possibility so I think ev- the field staggered. diabetes, has concerns tion’s going to take over.
Monahan said the tour
mood is one of nervous erybody is kind of ahead The Texas Rangers, about the virus, and Bak- The second that we hit a
would continue, and that
excitement. of where they normally who still haven’t played a er, the manager of the As- walk-off home run, every-
there was no set number
“Is it a risk? Abso-
of positive tests that would would be for traditional game in their new retract- tros, is 71, putting him in body’s probably going to
lutely,” said Gardenhire,
lead to golf shutting down spring training,” Minne- able roof stadium, plan a category of older people jump out and be like, ‘Oh
the 62-year-old manag-
again. sota Twins reliever Tay- to use the home, visitor who could be particularly yeah, wait. Hold up.’”
er of the Detroit Tigers.
“We feel like we’re on a lor Rogers said. “I don’t and auxiliary clubhouses vulnerable. There’s been no deci-
“There’s risk involved in
path that’s going to allow know if I can speak for ev- to spread out players and “I’m a bit nervous,” sion on whether fans can
this. We all know it, and
us to continue to sustain erybody because it’s easi- staff. The team also has he said. “I’ve seen the attend games at some
we’re willing to go try
our return to golf,” Monah- er for the relievers. I don’t access to its former sta- reports in Houston how point. Commissioner Rob
to do this thing. I would
an said. “But rest assured, know how the starters dium across the street, COVID’s going up so I’m Manfred said the first or-
never want to jump ship
there won’t be many sleep- are going to get ready or even though the field was going to have to really der of business is getting
with my team, but we’re
less nights. When you’re stretched out. And then converted for the XFL be careful. I’ve got about comfortable with games
going to hopefully do ev-
working in a world of un- the hitters, that’s a whole and soccer. 100 different masks. I’ve in empty stadiums.
erything right as far as
certainty, these are the different ballgame. I’m Dick Williams, pres- got some gloves. I’ve read Crane, who owns the As-
protocol goes, and take
things you worry about.” sure it’s going to be diffi- ident of baseball opera- all the reports on what to tros, is hoping that could
care of each other and
Monahan sent a memo cult for them early. They tions for the Cincinnati do and how to stay good. change eventually.
keep everybody healthy
to players that outlined haven’t seen live pitching Reds, said MLB is going So in my mind and in my “We’ve still got to go
as best we possibly can.”
increased measures in its in three months now.” to charter jets to bring in heart I’m in good shape through the player proto-
Major League Base-
health and safety proto- Aside from the accel- players from the Domin- and I’m ready to go.” col. They’re very focused
ball set a 60-game sched-
cols. Those include test- erated timeline, other lo- ican Republic, and that Even at age 29, Tigers on that and the staff that’s
ule Tuesday night, and
ing players before and gistical issues could arise teams are allowed to play left-hander Matthew going to be associated
now the sport will try its
after they take charter as teams figure out how a small number of exhi- Boyd considers himself with the games once we
best to complete a season
flights. Swing coaches to turn their home ball- bition games in July — at risk because he’s had fire up,” Crane said. “I
and crown a champion
now face mandatory test- parks into training camps although he doubts any- asthma his whole life think the intent at some
amid a coronavirus pan-
ing each week and will be
demic that still looms following an uptick in body will. — but he thinks he and point is to get the fans in
considered part of the bub-
over much of American infections in Florida and All of these issues his teammates will act the ballpark.”
ble, and the fitness trailer
will be at tournaments to
keep players from going to BRIEFLY
safety of both spectators and work hard when no The only other time
He also said the tour
will no longer pay for play-
New York City and runners first,” May- one is looking, because the New York City Mara-
MACC delays start of
ers or caddies to be in Marathon canceled or Bill de Blasio said in a it always pays off,” she thon was canceled was in football season two
self-isolation for positive statement. “We look for- wrote. “What’s the best 2012, when Superstorm weeks
tests if they have not fol- THE ASSOCIATED PRESS ward to hosting the 50th way to cope with disap- Sandy caused extensive East Mississippi Com-
lowed the health and safe- running of the marathon pointment or grieve a lost damage and strained the munity College will be
ty plan. in November of 2021.” goal?? I say, go for a run.” city’s public safety re- starting its football sea-
“All of us have an ex- Last year’s marathon Those who registered sources. Officials decided
New York City Marathon son two weeks later than
traordinary responsibility included a world record for the 2020 race will be just two days before the
to follow these protocols,” was canceled Wednesday normal and playing just
because of the coronavi- 53,640 finishers, with half offered a full refund of race to call it off, angering eight regular-season
Monahan said, adding he
rus pandemic, with orga- marathon record-hold- their entry fee or a guar- runners who had traveled games this year, the Mis-
has been guilty at times as
he adjusts to a new way of nizers and city officials er Joyciline Jepkosgei of anteed entry to either the to the city from around sissippi Association of
living. “For any individual Kenya winning her debut 2021, 2022 or 2023 mara- the world after assuranc- Community Colleges an-
deciding that holding the
that does not, there will be at the 26.2-mile distance. thon. The 2021 New York es that the event would go nounced Wednesday.
race on Nov. 1 would be
serious repercussions.” Geoffrey Kamworor won City Marathon is sched- on. The MACC delayed
too risky.
He did not say what the the men’s event for the uled for Nov. 7. The Sept. 27 Berlin
Organizers announced the start of the fall sea-
punishment would be. The second time in three “Cannot wait to com- Marathon was also can-
the cancellation of the son from Aug. 27 to Sept.
tour does not publicize dis- years to complete the pete in my next NYRR celed on Wednesday,
ciplinary actions or fines. 50th anniversary edition 10 and reduced its regu-
Kenyan sweep. event, when it is safe to joining other major mar-
McDowell says his cad- of the world’s largest mar- lar-season slate from nine
“Let’s not waste this do so,” U.S. marathon- athons to be scuttled be-
die flew on a commercial athon after coordinating moment. Let us become er Emily Sisson tweeted cause of the pandemic. games to eight as a conse-
flight that was packed with the mayor’s office stronger athletes, stron- Wednesday, adding a Last month, the Boston quence of the COVID-19
from Dallas to Orlando, and deciding the race ger communities and heart emoji. Marathon was canceled coronavirus pandemic.
Florida, after he missed posed too many health stronger world citizens,” Runners registered for for the first time in its 124- The state will keep its
the cut at Colonial. That and safety concerns for typical four-team playoff
2017 winner Shalane this year’s race and others year history, with a virtual
Monday, they went to a runners, volunteers, schedule, with the MACC
memorial service — along Flanagan wrote on Insta- will be invited to partici- race planned as a substi-
spectators and others. gram. pate in a virtual 26.2-mile tute; the Tokyo Marathon championship game set
with Elliott, who grew up
“While the marathon “This I know, a setback (42.2 km) race from Oct. went on in March but with for Nov. 14.
with McDowell in North-
ern Ireland, and McDow- is an iconic and beloved is just a setup for a come- 17-Nov. 1. Further details only a couple hundred EMCC, which went
ell’s trainer — and then event in our city, I applaud back. Please stay safe, vi- will be released in July, elite runners instead of a 6-4 last season, has not
they all drove six hours to New York Road Runners sualize the streets of NYC the event’s organizers registered field approach- yet announced its 2020
Hilton Head. for putting the health and in your training for 2021 said. ing 38,000. schedule.
The Dispatch • THURSDAY, JUNE 25, 2020 3B


Iginla headlines 2020 Hall class as 4th Black player elected

THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Black player inducted af- an All-Star.’ And to see ver. Richard Trophy twice as Cup Final in 2004.
ter Fuhr, women’s hock- Claude Vilgrain and Tony “The pressure in those the NHL’s top goal-scorer Hossa was also elected
Like most kids growing ey pioneer Angela James McKegney and to have games, in the do-or-die and in 2002 won the Art in his first year of eligibili-
up in Edmonton, Jarome and Willie O’Ree. Iginla answers for the other games especially, it’s Ross Trophy for the most ty and joins 2015 inductee
Iginla admired Oilers leg- and Fuhr are the only kids. It was very, very im- pretty awesome,” Iginla points and Ted Lindsay Chris Pronger as the only
ends Wayne Gretzky and Black NHL players en- portant for me following said. “You’re playing for Award as MVP voted by players to go into the hall
Mark Messier. As a young shrined for their on-ice my dreams.” your teammates. It’s for fellow players. He also while still under contract.
Black hockey player, he accomplishments, while Iginla was the first your country. You feel won the Canadian junior Like Pronger, Hossa qual-
paid particular attention O’Ree was chosen in the Black player to lead the like so many people are Memorial Cup twice ified because he hasn’t
when he saw someone in builder category in 2018 NHL in goals and points watching. You’re trying to and world juniors, world played in three years; he
the NHL who looked like for breaking the league’s and was the first Black carry on the tradition.” championship and World retired in 2018 because of
him in Grant Fuhr. color barrier 60 years ear- male athlete in any sport Iginla was joined in Cup of Hockey once each. a skin disorder.
Iginla idolized Fuhr, lier. to win a gold medal in the 2020 class by winger A power forward on A skilled, two-way
cherishing their pictures “I didn’t view myself in the Winter Olympics. A Marian Hossa, defense- the wing with a prolific winger, Hossa won the
taken together over the minor hockey as a Black first-generation Canadian men Kevin Lowe and scoring touch, Iginla had Stanley Cup with Chicago
years, and soon will join hockey player but I was whose father is Nigerian Doug Wilson, Canadian 625 goals and 675 assists in 2010, 2013 and 2015.
him in the Hockey Hall also aware that I was,” and mother is American, women’s goaltender Kim for 1,300 points in 1,554 He lost in the final in 2008
of Fame. The longtime Iginla said. “It really was Iginla owns one of the St. Pierre and longtime regular-season NHL and 2009, had 149 points
Calgary Flames cap- special to me to see the biggest assists in Cana- general manager Ken games for the Flames, in 205 playoff games and
tain headlined the hall’s Black players that were in da’s history of internation- Holland. Avalanche, Penguins and finished with 1,134 points
six-person 2020 class the NHL — to see Grant al hockey. He passed the In addition to two Kings. He had 68 points in 1,309 regular-season
Wednesday, making it in Fuhr starring, to be able puck to Sidney Crosby for Olympic gold medals in in 81 playoff games and games with the Senators,
his first year of eligibility. to say to other people: the “golden goal” at the three appearances, Iginla most notably led Calgary Thrashers, Penguins, Red
Iginla will be the fourth ‘Look at Grant Fuhr. He’s 2010 Olympics in Vancou- won the Maurice “Rocket” to Game 7 of the Stanley Wings and Blackhawks.

Comics & Puzzles

Dear Abby
EAR ABBY: This is not 28. My girlfriend wants to get
I have one what I had married and have kids, but I do
child, a envisioned all not. I want to keep dating her.
daughter, “Anna,” those years ago I am scared to break up with
I adopted at 19 when I adopted her because if I did, I wouldn’t
months. She’s 41 her. I miss who know what to do with my life.
now and has two I thought she Should I change, or should she
small children. would become. change? — STATUS QUO IN
She had a normal Is there anything COLORADO
upbringing, al- I can do without DEAR STATUS QUO: I
though her father completely alien- hereby appoint you to be the
and I divorced ating myself from designated changer. You have
ZITS when she was 9. my grandsons, been so absorbed with this
She has chosen which would romance you never took the
to not have a break my heart? time to develop interests of
relationship with — TIPTOEING ON your own.
him as an adult. EGGSHELLS At the age of 28, many
Anna has never
Dear Abby DEAR TIPTOE- women start thinking about
married, nor has ING: I am sorry marriage and children. Doing
she been in a relationship for your adoption did not turn out that is normal and rational.
longer than four or five months. as you envisioned. Your daugh- However, because you don’t
According to a few counselors ter is clearly troubled, and it is feel ready to make a lifetime
I have seen, she has attach- not surprising that her attitude commitment, you would be
ment disorder. has begun to affect her boys. making a huge mistake to allow
Anna is very difficult. She’s It is time you accept that, yourself to be pushed into it.
mean, says hateful things and as much as you wish to, you It is important that you
is an angry young woman. She cannot change another person, learn who you are before you
GARFIELD takes no responsibility for any and there’s nothing you can do marry anyone. Accomplishing
of her actions, and therefore to “fix” her. this is a process that takes
cannot keep a job, friends, etc. You mentioned that you time and a variety of experi-
for more than a few months. visit her every two months. ences, and you should embark
She is also extremely negative. Perhaps you should consider on that now. It would be unfair
If I try to say anything, she gets visiting fewer times than that. to continue dating her at this
angry, starts cussing, yelling Ask if she would let the grand- point because your paths are
and slinging hate, and stops kids come and visit Grandma going to diverge as each of
contacting me for weeks at a occasionally. However, if she you learns to manage without
time. isn’t receptive, refusing to leaning on the other.
We have nothing in engage with her is the price Dear Abby is written by
common. We live in separate you will have to pay for seeing Abigail Van Buren, also known
states, but I see her about them and trying to cement a as Jeanne Phillips, and was
a half-dozen times a year. relationship with them. founded by her mother, Pauline
When I do, I tiptoe around on DEAR ABBY: I have been Phillips. Contact Dear Abby
CANDORVILLE eggshells because of her short
fuse. Her attitude is starting to
dating a girl since high school.
We were high school sweet-
at or P.O.
Box 69440, Los Angeles, CA
rub off on her boys. hearts, but now we are both 90069.

TODAY’S BIRTHDAY (June breathe energy into your weaker can be exercised and built, giv-
25). Spiritual investigation modality. ing you a core of strength that
and development will lead you TAURUS (April 20-May 20). is even more attractive than a
to make some very practical You will either commit complete- six-pack of abs.
improvements. In the next 10 ly to the task or will pretend that LEO (July 23-Aug. 22).
weeks, your interests shift and you are completely committed You’ve known both introver-
friendship circle widens. The to the task, recognizing how im- sion and extroversion and are
influence of new people will lead portant it is to everyone on the currently an “ambivert,” as
to lifestyle upgrades. The start team that you appear unified some situations make you feel
of 2021 has a romantic feel. Big and “all in.” outgoing and others make you
BABY BLUES projects bring big money. Pisces GEMINI (May 21-June 21). feel closed up.
and Sagittarius adore you. Your It doesn’t matter if it’s a boss, VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22).
lucky numbers are: 9, 40, 22, loved one or complete stranger What the others want may
17 and 30. -- when someone asks you to do not be desirable, possible or
ARIES (March 21-April something, you naturally default convenient to you, but you’ll
19). Because of the intercon- to “yes.” This agreeableness hear them out anyway. This act
nectedness of body, mind and will be the start of an adventure. of kindness and respect has
soul, the fitness of one area will CANCER (June 22-July 22). repercussions of healing.
be communicated through the Just like crunches build stom- LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct.
other two. For vibrant benefits, ach muscles, emotional stability 23). There is little in life more
valuable than the unconditional
support of a true friend. You’ll
experience the pure love of an
exchange that is without motive
or expectation of reciprocity.
21). In uncertain circumstanc-
es, it is only human to rely on
assumptions. Be superhuman
instead. Let go of what you
know and reserve judgment as
you try to absorb the truth in
front of you.
21). For most people, if they
know how to start, then they’ll
dive right in. Not knowing where
to start leads to procrastina-
tion. You’ll have the opportunity
and privilege of leading the way.
19). Too many choices can
be overwhelming, not enough
is boring. You’ll find your own
sweet spot of options, but don’t
assume it’s the same for all.
Some people can handle three,
others 23.
AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb.
18). Some thought patterns
are like riptides. It’s easy to get
carried away and fighting them
head-on can be futile. Relax and
be carried. Wait for the break —
it’s coming — and then you can
FAMILY CIRCUS swim to the shore.
PISCES (Feb. 19-March
20). This is the time to relax
your expectations and accept
that your best is always relative
to the moment. You can push
yourself, but be kind about
it. There is no need to punish
yourself, ever.

Shrinking violet
4B THURSDAY, JUNE 25, 2020 The Dispatch •

Virus cases surge among the young, endangering older adults

‘The virus hasn’t
changed. We
Mississippi tops 1,000 deaths from COVID-19 as cases rise
THE ASSOCIATED PRESS are ignoring safety guidelines by having dated that people wear masks in public in
have changed our JACKSON — Mississippi has sur-
large gatherings and not wearing masks. only a few counties that have had larger
“It’s not a joke. Really bad things are go- outbreaks than other parts of the state.
behaviors. Younger passed 1,000 deaths from the new corona- ing to happen,” Dobbs told The Associated The Health Department said Wednes-
virus, according to numbers released by
Press. day that Mississippi has had at least 23,424
people are more the state Health Department on Wednes-
Republican Gov. Tate Reeves had cases and 1,011 deaths from the coronavi-
likely to be out and The numbers showed the second-high- COVID-19 news briefings several times a
week for more than two months. He has
rus as of Tuesday evening. That was an in-
crease of 526 cases and 22 deaths from the
est single-day increase in cases in Missis-
taking a risk.’ sippi. The highest single-day number was not had one this week. numbers reported a day earlier; the deaths
Ali Mokdad, professor the day before. In early June, Reeves lifted most of include 12 that occurred between May 30
of health metrics sciences The state health officer, Dr. Thomas the restrictions he had put on businesses and June 14 with information from death
at the University of Dobbs, had said Tuesday that Mississippi weeks earlier to try to slow the spread of certificates arriving later. Mississippi has
Washington in Seattle is seeing a surge of cases because people the highly contagious virus. He has man- a population of about 3 million.

their 20s, 30s and 40s. In Iowa in Seattle. “Younger people are ple, too, face the possibility of more than 2.3 million. Eight
The Associated Press college towns, surges followed more likely to be out and taking severe infection and death. In out of 10 deaths in the U.S.
the reopening of bars. A clus- a risk.” the past week, two 17-year-olds have been in people 65 and
ST. PETERSBURG, Fla. — ter of hangouts near Louisiana In Florida, young people in Florida died of the virus. older. In contrast, confirmed
Coronavirus cases are climb- State University led to at least ages 15 to 34 now make up 31 And authorities worry that coronavirus deaths among
ing rapidly among young adults 100 customers and employees percent of all cases, up from older, more vulnerable people 18- to 34-year-olds number in
in a number of states where testing positive. In East Lan- 25 percent in early June. Last are next. the hundreds, though disease
sing, Michigan, an outbreak week, more than 8,000 new “People between the ages 18 trackers are clamoring for
bars, stores and restaurants
tied to a brew pub spread to 34 cases were reported in that age and 50 don’t live in some sort more accurate data.
have reopened — a disturbing
people ages 18 to 23. group, compared with about of a bubble,” Oklahoma City For months, older adults
generational shift that not only There and in states like Flor- were more likely to be diag-
2,000 among people 55 to 64 Mayor David Holt said. “They
puts them in greater peril than ida, Texas and Arizona, young years old. And experts say the are the children and grandchil- nosed with the virus, too. But
many realize but poses an even people have started going out phenomenon cannot be ex- dren of vulnerable people. They figures from the Centers for
bigger danger to older people again, many without masks, in plained away as simply the re- may be standing next to you at Disease Control and Preven-
who cross their paths. what health experts see as irre- sult of more testing. a wedding. They might be serv- tion show that almost as soon
In Oxford, Mississippi, sum- sponsible behavior. Elected officials such as ing you a meal in a restaurant.” as states began reopening, the
mer fraternity parties sparked “The virus hasn’t changed. Florida’s governor have argued The virus has taken a fright- picture flipped, with people 18
outbreaks. In Oklahoma City, We have changed our behav- against reimposing restric- ful toll on older people in the to 49 years old quickly becom-
church activities, fitness class- iors,” said Ali Mokdad, profes- tions, saying many of the newly U.S., which leads the world in ing the age bracket most likely
es, weddings and funerals seed- sor of health metrics sciences infected are young and other- total deaths, at over 120,000, to be diagnosed with new cas-
ed infections among people in at the University of Washington wise healthy. But younger peo- and confirmed infections, at es.

US citizens likely to be left out as Europe reopens borders

BY LORNE COOK More than 15 million their borders between the European Commis- have surged to the high- 121,000 dead. The virus
The Associated Press Americans are estimated each other by July 1. sion said “travel restric- est level in two months, outbreaks in Brazil, India
to travel to Europe each Their representatives in tions should not be lifted according to figures com- and Russia are remark-
BRUSSELS — Amer- ably high too, and it’s also
year, and such a decision Brussels have been de- as regards third coun- piled by Johns Hopkins
icans are unlikely to be unlikely that the EU will
would underscore flaws bating what virus-relat- tries where the situation University. After trend-
allowed into more than 30 let their citizens in.
European countries for in the Trump administra- ed criteria should apply is worse” than the aver- ing down for well over a
business or tourism when tion’s handling of the pan- when lifting border re- age in the 27 EU member month, new U.S. cases
the continent begins next demic, which has seen strictions to the outside countries plus Iceland, have risen for more than
week to open its borders the United States record world, which were im- Liechtenstein, Norway a week.
to the world, due to the the highest number of in- posed in March to stop and Switzerland. The U.S. on Tuesday
spread of the coronavi- fections and virus-related all non-essential travel to That is likely to rule reported 34,700 new cas-
rus and President Donald deaths in the world by far. Europe. out people living in the es of the virus, bringing
Trump’s ban on Europe- European nations ap- In recommendations United States, where new its total to more than 2.3
an visitors. pear on track to reopen to EU nations on June 11, coronavirus infections million cases and over


COMMERCIAL DISPATCH Graveside services B. Henderson; chil- ceded in death by his ceded in death by her Visitation:
OBITUARY POLICY will be at 1 p.m. Fri- dren, Marcus Brian son, Dwayne Heubel; husband, Pearce Tay- Sunday, June 28 • 1 PM
Obituaries with basic informa- 2nd Ave. North Location
day, at Union Ceme- Henderson of Cullman, and siblings, George lor; son, Wade Taylor; Memorial Services:
tion including visitation and Sunday, June 28 • 2 PM
service times, are provided
tery. Carter’s Funeral Alabama and Michael Heubel, Walter Heubel and one great-grand- 2nd Ave. North Location
free of charge. Extended obit- Services of Columbus Ryan Henderson of and Paul Heubel. child.
uaries with a photograph, de- is in charge of arrange- Chattanooga, Tennes- He is survived by his She is survived by Charles D. Young
tailed biographical information ments. see; siblings, Dickie wife, Carolyn Young her children, Ginger Memorial Services:
and other details families may Infant De’Riyh was Barefield and David Heubel; daughter, Joc- Sunday, June 28 • 2 PM
Taylor, Gail Long, Sovereign Grace Baptist Church
wish to include, are available born June 17, 2020, in Barefield both of Pres- elyn Denny; siblings, Dwight Taylor and 2nd Ave. North Location
for a fee. Obituaries must be Columbus to Ricon- ton; and three grand- Carole Elbrink and
submitted through funeral Elizabeth Fountain;
ya Hill and Deandra children. Joanna Hobgood; and
homes unless the deceased’s siblings, Marion Wales,
Smith. Memorials may be three grandchildren.
body has been donated to Wanda Forsythe, Bar-
science. If the deceased’s made to American
bara Roberts, Mildred
body was donated to science, Jean Hendreson Cancer Society, 1380 Jewel Taylor Gurley and Leslie Tot-
the family must provide official CALEDONIA — Livingston Lane, BEAVERTON, Ala.
Jackson, MS 39213. ten; 14 grandchildren;
proof of death. Please submit Jean C. Henderson, 60, — Jewel Taylor, 87, died
all obituaries on the form and 34 great grandchil-
died June 21, 2020, at June 22, 2020, at her
provided by The Commercial
her residence. Oscar Heubel residence. dren.
Dispatch. Free notices must
be submitted to the newspa- A private family VERNON, Ala. — ­ Private family
per no later than 3 p.m. the memorial service will Oscar Joseph Heubel, funeral services were
day prior for publication Tues- be at noon, Saturday, 70, died June 24, 2020, at 2 p.m. Wednesday,
day through Friday; no later at Lowndes Funeral at DCH Regional Med- at Otts Funeral Home
than 4 p.m. Saturday for the Home Chapel, with ical Center of Tuscalo- Chapel, with Danny
Sunday edition; and no later Robert B. Henderson osa. Hollis and Ricky Kend-
than 7:30 a.m. for the Monday
officiating. Lowndes A memorial service rick officiating. Burial
edition. Incomplete notices
must be received no later than
Funeral Home of Co- will be held at a later followed in the Gilmer
7:30 a.m. for the Monday lumbus is in charge of date. Lowndes Funeral Addition of Sulligent
through Friday editions. Paid arrangements. Home of Columbus is City Cemetery. Otts Fu-
notices must be finalized by 3 Mrs. Henderson in charge of arrange- neral Home of Sulligent
p.m. for inclusion the next day was born Oct. 31, 1959, ments. is in charge of arrange-
Monday through Thursday; and in Kemper County, to Mr. Heubel was ments.
on Friday by 3 p.m. for Sunday the late Calvin Ross born August2, 1949, in Mrs. Taylor was born
and Monday publication. For
Barefield Jr. and Mae Terra Haute, to the late Oct. 21, 1932, in Arkan-
more information, call 662-
Carolyn Gully “Tootsie” Walter and Clew Tag- sas, to the late Madison
Barefield. She was for- gart Heubel. He was a and Lelia Totten. She
merly employed as an veteran of the United was formerly employed
De’Riyh Smith account payable clerk States Army and was with McCoy Manufac-
COLUMBUS — In- with Baptist Memo- formerly employed with turing and HealthTex
fant De’Riyh L. Smith rial Hospital-Golden NAPA Auto Parts and and was a member of
died June 17, 2020, at Triangle. T&S Auto Parts. Life Church.
Baptist Memorial Hos- She is survived by IN addition to his In addition to her
pital-Golden Triangle. her husband, Robert parents, he was pre- parents, she was pre-

Who would be the first to get a COVID-19 vaccine?

THE ASSOCIATED PRESS disease expert, said he is U.K. politicians have said Organization is drafting
cautiously optimistic there Britons will be vaccinated guidelines for the ethical
Who would be the first will be a COVID-19 vac- with it. The U.S. expects to distribution of COVID-19
to get a COVID-19 vac- cine by the end of the year start stockpiling it this fall vaccines.
or early 2021. and also has invested in How vaccines are dis-
Probably people in the
Several wealthy coun- other vaccine candidates. tributed within a country
country where the first
tries have already ordered Groups including the will vary. Last week, U.S.
effective vaccine is devel-
oped. millions of doses of those vaccine alliance GAVI are officials said they were
About a dozen different experimental vaccines. also working to buy dos- developing a tiered sys-
vaccines are in various Britain and the U.S., for es for poor countries and tem for that. The system
stages of testing world- example, have invested in AstraZeneca has agreed would likely prioritize
wide, including in Britain, a vaccine candidate being to license its vaccine to groups at greatest risk of
China and the U.S. This developed by Oxford Uni- India’s Serum Institute for severe complications from
week, Dr. Anthony Fau- versity and produced by the production of 1 billion COVID-19 and key work-
ci, the top U.S. infectious AstraZeneca. If it works, doses. The World Health ers.
The Dispatch • THURSDAY, JUNE 25 2020 5B


New hangout opening in Possum Town

PLUS: Starkville Wellness nology while visiting
Wales last year. After
Frequency Facebook
Center open in Starkville experiencing the ener-
gy benefits themselves,
Also, there’s a new li-
quor store in Starkville
BY MARY POLLITZ the Buckners wanted — well a new name and to bring the Natural owner at least.
Energy Optimization Ruby Liquor opened

ossum Town Hangout, 1469 (NEO) technology to near the end of May on
Hwy. 69, is slated to open Starkville. Highway 12, replacing
July 1, pending inspection. The wellness center Corky’s. Anuj Shahi
The new business on Highway offers clients NEO purchased Corky’s
69, just past the Sprint Mart by sessions for maximum liquor store and said
Yorkville Road, will be a new space relaxation for 52 min- Mary Pollitz he’s been making
and hangout in the coming weeks. utes. It offers a relaxing renovations and aims to
Owners Tiffany Jordan and room with recliners for those to increase the store’s selection.
Penny Butler will serve customers meditate, relax, read and even Check out the new owners at
barbecue, nachos, burgers, pizzas socialize while the NEO machine Ruby’s at 630 Hwy. 12 Monday
and a slew of specials throughout uses advanced frequency technol- through Saturday 10 a.m.-10 p.m.
the week. The restaurant/hang out ogy to utilize the water’s natural In other news, Starkville’s movie
will also feature foosball, arcade ability for healing mind, body and theatre has postponed its open-
games, pool tables and more in an soul. ing. Seth Parsley, UEC Starkville
attempt to attract area youth for During its soft opening, Diane manager, posted an update for all
some good old-fashioned fun. Buckner said clients continually movie-goers on Starkville Strong’s
Possum Town Hangout will be raved how the treatments helped Facebook page.
a smoke-free and alcohol free zone their stress, sleep and sometimes According to his post, UEC
that can be a family atmosphere for even physical pain. plans to open July 10 featuring
everyone. “We knew this was incredible older movies such as: Wonder
Keep up with Possum Town but we’ve been pleasantly sur- Woman, Aquaman, The Goonies,
Hangout on Facebook for the latest prised,” Buckner said. “We have The Conjuring and Harry Potter
updates. Once open, hours will be just been in tears. It was phenom- and the Sorcerer’s Stone. Those
noon to 11 p.m., but those hours enal. People call us and are telling movies will be $5 per ticket all day,
are subject to change once school us just how it’s affected them.” every day.
is back in session. Each session is $70, but The Ticket prices will return to nor-
Over in Starkville we’ve got a Well Frequency is offering an mal with the release of new movies.
new wellness center open. introductory special for 15 percent The first movie expected to release
The Well Frequency held its off — just use INTRO15OFF when is Disney’s Mulan on July 24.
grand opening June 19 at 6056 booking an appointment. “All of this is subject to change,”
Hwy. 182 W., near Horsefeathers Keep up to date for additional Parsley’s post read. “If movie
Antique Mall. information, research and videos studios keep pushing their movie
Owners Diane and Robert Buck- that detail the benefits of water-fre- releases further away, we may have
ner first witnessed frequency tech- quency technology with The Well to follow suit.”

US inmates got virus relief checks, and IRS wants them back
BY REBECCA BOONE its website, it points to the genuous of the IRS,” Erb departments to intercept
The Associated Press unrelated Social Security said Tuesday. “It’s not a payments to prisoners
Act, which bars incarcer- rule just because the IRS and return them.
BOISE, Idaho — Hun- ated people from receiv- puts it on the website. In
dreds of thousands of dol- ing some types of old-age fact, the IRS actually says
lars in coronavirus relief and survivor insurance that stuff on its website
payments have been sent benefit payments. isn’t legal authority. So
to people behind bars “I can’t give you the le- there’s no actual rule —
across the United States, gal basis. All I can tell you it’s just guidance — and
and now the IRS is asking is this is the language the that guidance can change
state officials to help claw Treasury and ourselves at any time.”
back the cash that the fed- have been using,” IRS After Congress passed
eral tax agency says was spokesman Eric Smith the $2.2 trillion corona-
mistakenly sent. said. “It’s just the same virus rescue package in
The legislation au- list as in the Social Secu- March, checks of up to
thorizing the payments rity Act.” $1,200 were automatically
during the pandemic Tax attorney Kelly sent in most cases to peo-
doesn’t specifically ex- Erb, who’s written about ple who filed income tax
clude jail or prison in- the issue on her website, returns for 2018 or 2019,
mates, and the IRS has says there’s no legal basis including some who are
refused to say exactly for asking for the checks incarcerated. A couple of
what legal authority it has back. weeks later, the IRS di-
to retrieve the money. On “I think it’s really disin- rected state correction

■ Sarah W Collie; 807 18th
City of Columbus Street North; Mechanical; Lowndes County
June 15-18, 2020 Andy’s Heat & Air June 24, 2020
■ Dillard Trulove Trust; 513 ■ Ables Investments LLC; 47 ■ Drewery, Kevin; 12556 Hwy
18th Avenue North, Suite 4; Eagle Cove; Plumbing; Ralph 12 E.; construct storage/
Signage for Finance; Anchor Shaw Plumbing shop; Owner
Sign Company ■ Marcel Pilate; 1002 Moss ■ William, Mosby; 1126 Hwy
■ Taylor & Cooper Properties Street; Plumbing; Ralph Shaw 373; construct s/f residence;
LLC; 133 Magnolia Road; Plumbing Owner
Demolition; Same ■ Ken Smith Jr; 222 Waverly ■ Boggard, John; 453 Ander-
■ Charles F Perkins; 232 Road; Plumbing; Ralph Shaw
son Grove Road; construct
Dogwood Road; Addition and Plumbing
deck; Owner
repairs; Old South Renovation ■ Jimmy Stephenson; 414
■ Edwards, John & Frenchie;
Company 21st Street South; Plumbing;
758 Garth Road; addition to
■ Sarah W Collie; 807 18th P&H Plumbing
Street North; Electrical; Nell ■ Jimmy Stephenson; 2412 s/f residence; Owner
Jones Electrical Contractors 4th Avenue; Plumbing; P&H ■ Maclean, Sonya; 1724
■ Juanita Fields; 2302 Plumbing Westbrook Road; construct
Washington Avenue; Electrical; ■ Leah Aguilar; 810 Spruce storage/shop; Owner
Jimmie Chism Street; Plumbing; Klutts ■ Maclean, Sonya; 1724
■ Anthony O’Neal; 2403 11th Plumbing Westbrook Road; construct s/f
Avenue North; Electrical; Guer- ■ Eddie Usery; 601 21st residence; Owner
ry Electrical LLC Avenue North; Plumbing; Roto ■ Lemm, Floyd & Ginger; 62
■ Columbus Educational Rooter Artesia West Point Road; con-
Foundation Inc; 625 Magnolia ■ Mary Beth Walden; 305 struct s/f residence; Owner
Lane; Electrical; Mark Thomp- Hospital Drive; Plumbing;
son Electric Weathers Air Conditioning
■ Leigh Enterprises LP; 1204 ■ Param Inc et al; 600 7th LOCAL GAS PRICES
Highway 45 North; Electrical; Avenue North; Plumbing; P&H Source:
Mark Thompson Electric Plumbing
488 US-45 S & Frontage Rd.


1913-A US-45 N & 19th Ave.

NMMC-West Point hires 1.79 SHELL

166 W Plymouth Bluff

Thomas and Eldridge

North Mississippi Medi-
cal Center-West Point has 1.69 SPRINT
308 Hwy 12 E & S Montgomery

hired urologist Kenneth
R. Thomas, M.D., and 105 Market St. & MS-12
Eldridge Thomas
Catherine “Shelli”
Eldridge, FNP-C. Dr. the West Point hospital’s 1.74 MURPHY USA
1012 MS-12 near MS-25

Thomas has served on medical staff since 2016.

To place ads starting at only $12,
call 662-328-2424 or visit

Houses For Rent: North


OWNER. 220 Mclemore
Road, Columbus. 1750sqft
CALL US: 662-328-2424 ADS STARTING AT $25 Brick house in quiet neigh− ADS STARTING AT $12
borhood. 3 bedrooms & 2
General Help Wanted Apts For Rent: North full baths. No HUD, General Merchandise
Columbus City school
WANTED: Qualified FOX RUN APARTMENTS district. $1000/mo with 2018 40FT Gooseneck
Automotive Technicians 1 & 2 BR near hospital. 1 mo deposit. Serious Trailer w/ 5ft dovetail, 12
Call for details. $595−$645 monthly. inquiries only please. Call ton axles, 10−4inch straps
662-574-4221 Military discount, pet area, 662−574−3202 to see the & tarps. $7,000.
pet friendly, and furnished house or make application. 662−251−3001.
AREA BUSINESS corporate apts.
motivated person who GYM. ON SITE SECURITY. 2−3 Bedroom w/ 1.5 Bath mixed with sawdust.
enjoys interacting with ON SITE MAINTENANCE. Fenced in yard. $675. By appointment. Will load.
people, being outdoors ON SITE MANAGEMENT. 662−549−9555. West Lowndes.
and multitasking. Skills 24−HOUR CAMERA Ask for Glenn or text. 662−364−6990.
related to maintaining SURVEILLANCE. Benji &
equipment and/or farm Ashleigh, 662−386−4446. Mobile Homes for Rent
work are desired but not
required. Person needs to Apts For Rent: West RENT A CAMPER! $0.50 each − 24"x23" YESTERDAY’S ANSWER
be flexible enough to pitch CHEAPER THAN A MOTEL! Visit 516 Main Street

VIP Sudoku
Utilities & cable included,
in where ever needed but
also keep their core from $145/wk − $535/mo
or call 662−328−2424 Sudoku is a number- Yesterday’s answer
placing puzzle based on

responsibilities in mind. Columbus & County School
If you enjoy a different ex- locations. 662−242−7653 Lawn & Garden Sudoku
a 9x9 gridis a several
with num- 5 7 4 8 1 6 9 2 3
perience on the regular, or 205−442−2011. ber-placing
given numbers.puzzle
The object 1 8 9 3 7 2 6 5 4

2020 Conceptis Puzzles, Dist. by King Features Syndicate, Inc.

meeting new people and Apartments & Houses HAYES DAYLILIES
Open mornings. M−S. based onthe
is to place a 9x9
numbers 2 6 3 5 4 9 7 1 8
believe in customer grid
1 Bedrooms 1 to 9with
in theseveral
empty spaces 6 5 1 9 2 3 4 8 7
1069 New Hope Rd. Call
satisfaction this job might
be for you.
662−251−6665. given
so thatnumbers.
each row, eachThe 9 4 8 7 6 5 1 3 2
Please submit resume to: 2 Bedroooms Wanted To Buy object
column is andtoeach
3x3 the
box 7 3 2 4 8 1 5 6 9
Blind Box 675 c/o The 3 Bedrooms ADS STARTING AT $25 numbers
contains the1sameto 9 number
Commercial Dispatch USED COMPUTER. Must the empty spaces so 8 2 5 1 9 7 3 4 6
PO Box 511 Furnished & Unfurnished only once. The difficulty 3 9 6 2 5 4 8 7 1
Columbus, MS 39703 Houses For Sale: New Hope
work good. 806 Shiloh Dr. that each row, each
662−889−6619. level increases from
1, 2, & 3 Baths column and each 4 1 7 6 3 8 2 9 5
3x3 boxtocontains
Lease, Deposit One person’s junk,
NEW CONSTRUCTION Difficulty Level 6/24

needs General Laborer.

NEW HOPE SCHOOLS the same number only once. The difficulty level
Experienced weed-eater, & Credit Check FOR SALE SOON
is another person’s increases from Monday to Sunday.
$10-12/hour. Valid driver's This 4 bedroom beauty is
license, transportation & almost ready. Take
experience helpful. Call
Jesse & Beverly's Lawn 327-8555 advantage of historic low
interest rates. Hardwood,
Service at 662-356-6525. Apts For Rent: Other granite, security and more.
Call P & D Builders, Inc.
ORGANIST POSITION at St. @ 662−328−0770.
David Anglican Church in Builder/Broker/Owner.
Mayhew, MS, to provide Lots & Acreage
music for Sunday service &
occasional special ser- 1.75 ACRE LOTS.
vices. Knowledge/experi- Good/Bad Credit Options.
ence with Anglican Liturgy Good credit as low as 10%
helpful, but not necessary. down, $299/mo. Eaton
The 1928 Book of Com-
mon Pray & the 1940 Epis-
Land, 662−361−7711.
copal Hymnal are used. Waterfront Property GOLDEN DEAL WITH
(318)527-9213 for info.

THE COMMERCIAL bedroom, two 1/2 bath
DISPATCH seeks a motiv- home in private community
ated, contracted carrier for
the Brooksville & Macon
area. Excellent opportunity
with community boat
landing. Property sits on
Tibbee Creek and is
to earn money for college. conveniently located to
Must have good transporta- West Point, Columbus, and
tion, valid driver's license Starkville. Home has a
& insurance. Delivers on
Sunday morning and Mon-
Fri afternoons. Apply at The
screened in back patio with
a deck that overlooks
Tibbee Creek. $198,800.
Commercial Dispatch, 516
Main Street in Columbus.
COLEMAN 662−549−2768
No phone calls please. RENTALS
Autos For Sale


2 BEDROOMS tops, hard & soft. Little
3 BEDROOMS TWO FREE SIGNS over 100k mi. Excellent
Condition. Call Holly at
Eaton Motor Company in
LEASE, Garage Sales: New Hope
© The Dispatch

Houston, 662−705−1143.
AND 7a−until. Women’s/girl’s/

You’ll find the best deals

CREDIT CHECK men’s clothes & shoes,
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662-329-2323 ADS STARTING AT $12
2411 HWY 45 N Buy, sell, trade,
Travel & Entertainment COLUMBUS, MS or rent.
@ 130 Hillcrest Drive. ACROSS
Open Tues−Sat, 7a−5p
662−386−8591 1 Canary’s home
Call for pricing. 5 Nova —
11 Weary sigh
12 Mount St. —
Five Questions: 13 Easter lead-in
Looking for goods 14 Waiting to bat
15 Contract
or services? 1 Corks language
17 “Give — rest!”
18 Broadway
2 A cappella worker
22 Mint output
24 Long look
25 Easter item
3 Legume 26 Quick taste
27 Oil barrels

Find it in the 4 Mascara

30 Is furious
32 Old photo tint
33 French friend
3 Joining forces
4 Will topic
5 Oxford, e.g.
28 Treat badly
29 Cup’s partner
30 Run into
6 Official count 31 Affairs

34 Ordered to
come 7 Senior 35 Clutter
5 George 38 Evergreen 8 Course peg 36 Different
9 Business abbr. 37 Not natural, in
Washington tree
41 Hideous 10 Demand a way

42 Comes up 16 Put down 38 Spotted
43 Trick 19 Ending a 39 Old hand
44 They come to conversation 40 Carnival city
court 20 Buffalo’s lake
45 Raced 21 Workout
Carpet & Flooring General Services General Services Lawn Care / Landscaping 1 Ref’s decision short
A & T TREE SERVICES SAM’S LAWN SERVICE 2 Out of the wind 23 Shrek, for one
Bucket truck & stump $545 plus Filing Fee No lawn too large or too
removal. Free est. small. Mowing, trimming &
Serving Columbus CHAPTER 13 BANKRUPTCY weedeating.
since 1987. Senior All Attorney Fees Through The Plan Call 662−243−1694
citizen disc. Call Alvin @ Jim Arnold, Attorney Painting & Papering
"We’ll go out on a limb for 662-324-1666 • 601-656-6914
you!" 104 South Lafayette Street, Starkville QUALITY PAINTING.
Ext/Int Painting.
UPHOLSTERY kind of work! We can build, Repair. Pressure Washing.
CLEANING paint, drywall, clean, Free Estimates. Ask for
1 Room − $50 pressure wash & cut grass. specials! Larry Webber,
2 Rooms − $70 Reasonable rates. Safe & 662−242−4932.
3+ Rooms − $30 EA Reliable. 662−386−3658.
Car Upholstery Cleaning Lawn Care / Landscaping SERVICE
Available Special Prices.
662−722−1758 Garage Door Services JESSE & BEVERLY’S Interior & Exterior Painting.
M&M Garage Door, LLC LAWN SERVICE 662−435−6528
Offering competitive prices Mowing, cleanup,
General Services landscaping, sodding,
and quality service.
Available for all of your & tree cutting.
WORK WANTED: Licensed garage door needs. 662−356−6525
& Bonded. Carpentry, minor Call us today for your free
electrical, minor plumbing, consultation. Lawn Care
insulation, painting, 662−251−4904 Mow, Trim, Edge and Blow.
demolition, gutters Free Estimate.
cleaned, pressure washing, Call 662−574−1225.
Grow your business.
landscaping, cleanup work. If no answer please leave
662−242−3608. message.

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