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)CHCT ‫ و‬THE Cii )C N

‫ «ق‬ISO W EIR T3 ‫و‬




tait Rit :y ‫ل‬
‫ت‬ Rittii
P : ۰



Captatra on the Madras Establishment, Public Eraminer in

tie College of Fort William, and Aleticr
of the ‫ر‬.tsiatie




[ ‫خ‬2‫سینما‬





,L ‫پ‬







80th Iarch, ‫م‬4281
‫لام و‬
‫| ‪A4‬‬ ‫سیاست‬

‫( گ‬



WHATEvEB maybethought of those opini

Pis Which attachimportance to Proverbs, as the
*9ncentrated expression of profound sagacity, it
Will scarcely be denied, that they are often the
characteristic representations of modes of thought,
Peculiarto the people amongst whom they are
‫ه‬,tnerru and are o
therefore vahuable
t accessories
.the correct delineation of national manners and
. Opinions .
.Besides the peculiarity of the sources whence
they SPring ‫و‬sbrevorP are necessarily concise, and
abruptin their construction ‫ و‬and the phrase in
"hith the allusionis ‫و‬deyevnoc howeverfamiliar
both Taybe fromprescriptive ‫و‬esu is littleless ob

scure thantheideaitself. To anovice in anylan

guage, therefore, its Proverbspresent impediaents
which it is not possible for him to overcome, and for
which, he must have recourse, to living interpreta
‫و‬tionalone which maynot always be withinhis

The nations of the East, have always delighted

in the significant brevity of aphoristic eloquence»
und the Proverbs of Solomon, are a satisfactory tes
timony ofthe antiquity and extent of their employ ‫ب‬-
ment amongst the Jews. The Arahswere not
less addicted to this phraseology than the Hebreups
and the vast collection of Maiddniforms perhaps
but alimited repository of Arabie Proverbs. Many
of thesehave of coursepassed into the languages
of Persia and India, but there is no want of such
in those dialeets of apurely indigenous ori
gin : the latter is especially rich inthis respect, and

the Student of Hindustani or Hindi can searcely

open abook in whiehhe is not hampered by the
reeurrence in almost every page of idiomatic phra
es of local
‫ن‬ ,noitacid
lppa ,noisn
proverbial sententiousness.

The interest inherent in national Proverbs, and

the importance of rendering themreadily under-
stoodby oriental Students, induced alate distin-
guished Scholar Dr. W. Hurrer, the Secretary
to the Council of the College of Fort William, to
undertake m
‫ا‬ a compilatio
e n and h of
from the various languages taught in the College:
he had scarcely, however, been honoured with the
patronage of Government, and commenced his pre
parations for the work, whenhe was called away
by his professional duties to terminate hishonour
able and useful career in the Island of Jaoa.
Upon his quitting the College, Dr. Hurren
transferred the execution of the task of continuing
the compilation ‫ و‬and translating the ,sbrevorP to
Capt. RoEBucx, who entered uponit with the same
zeal and diligence whichhad distinguished his
predecessor:his progress in the work washowever
retarded by his official ‫و‬snoitacova and hyliterary
labours more urgently demandeduntill 1819, when
was once morevin
lea interrupted by his death t
the office of completing it to one who has, few
ther ‫ه‬
ٔ er ns fore
the c a s

regard for the memory of histwofriends, who

have not been permitted to seetheripening of
the harvest which theyhad sown.
original plan ,decarbme Arabic ‫و‬Sanscrit
Punjabi Proverbs as well as Persian and
Hindustani, the only languages in whichit has
been completed :the premature deaths of the au -
thors will sufficiently account for the omission of
three first : their absence ,si however -of
paratively little importance. Several collections
of Arabie Proverbshavebeen made, and trans
lated in Europe, informer times by PocockE, and
‫و‬ERPENIUs -and
lately by BURcKHARDr.The phra
ses that occurin Sanscrit bearing an aphoristic
character ‫ و‬are few and ,elbigilletni and can scarcely
be considered as Proverbial as the languageisno
longer a living one, Several of the Punjabi Pro
verbs arealready intermixed with the Hindustani,
to whichthey are sufficiently analogous to bein
cluded within the same class, and they searcely
need therefore a separate Section.The Proverbs
in the Persian and Hindustani ‫و‬segaugaal on

other hand ‫و‬are
numerous ‫ب‬offrequent

rence, and have been yet uninterpreted : their

completion was consequently the first object of the
original design of the work, and ofits Authors
and is all that Ihave thought it necessary to bring
to a termination.
The design of the work is the property of
Dr. HUNTER, who also compiled and translated a
few of the first Section of the Persiatz Proverbs.
All the rest of the compilation waseffected by
Capt RoEBuck, and healso completed the trans
lation of the first Sections of the Persian and

Hindustani ‫و‬sbrevorP and the greaterpart of the

Second Section of the former.Imust beheld
responsible fo the translation of the conclading
Proverbs of the Second Section of the Persian ‫و‬
. and for nearly the whole of the Second Section of
the Hindustani Ihave taken somepainsto be
eorrect, butas the taskharmonised neither with
Iny tastes ,stibahron Ihaveno doubt ‫ و‬that those
Who consult the portions which it fell tomy share
‫ا‬0 ‫و‬execute ,mayhave
occasion sometimes to regret
my predecessors did not live to finish what
hey so well began.

The exertions of oriental Scholarshave hither-

by notice in life or cele
after death : the consciousness of ,ytilitu how
ever, animatesthemin their isolated ‫و‬seiduts and

they may expect, that when the nature of the Bri

tish Indian Empire shall be understood, their
countrymen will render justice to their desert.
Inthemeantime, they mayatleast clairn the
care of their companions and
have aright to hope theirfame maybe entrust
to those associates -who
have had an opportu
nity of witnessing the labours, the merit of which
they alone are fully competent to appreciate.Un
der these impressions Ihave thought the recent
afavourable occasion for recording a few particu
lars of the life of the author of the worknow pub
years mypersonal friend
lished ‫ و‬.andmany
RoEBuck was the grandson of the inge
gentleman of thatname whose skill and
enterprize established the celebrated Iron works
Carron.His father ‫ه‬who
was engaged insimi
INTrtopUCTIoN. irii

lar undertakings, resideain Linlithgoupshire, where

the subject of our Memoir was born in the year
Cla ‫م‬ was ck.‫ن‬
subsequent H178
ly removed e
into 1
mannonshire, and acquired the elements ofknow
ledge at Aloa, whencehe was transferred to the
high School at Edinburgh, and there completed
his education under Dr. ADAM. Thekindness of
histemper, made him a universal favourite with
his school-fellows, and hisattention and probity
him ns ur
the regard of .retsamsied
h His ap
Pointment to asituation in Indiaputa termina
tion to his studies, and heleft hispaternal homa
for London early in 1801, prior to hisembarka
for the East
n ... ‫و‬

، When the young Cadet arrived at Madras, ha

foundahome in the mansion of his uncle Mr
‫ت‬BN ‫ه‬
tis ,kcu‫د‬
asoR a s e
well known r-
and highly
pected member of the Society of that settlement
during many years.By the advice of this gentle
. an, his nephew was induced to apply himself to the
tudy of‫ا‬ ya
the languages of thel
oc andt
he foundation of those acquirements whiehwere
afterwards so honourably displayed. His studies

however were not proseeuted without interruption

The menacing position of the Mahratta chiefs
had called out the JMadras army in 1802 and in
3803, hostilities with Sindhia commenced. Ensign
RoEntertwastherefore under the necessity of
joining his corps, with whichhe continued to serve
under General WWELLEsLEYthroughout the follow ‫با‬
ing campaigns. ، In consequence of the proficiency
he had already acquired in the Hindustani lan
he wasg
a sent u
out withg
the advance
downroutes ‫و‬ascertain
the fords and passes
nd gather
‫ه‬ se usefulc
fni andhis
:atthis early period with theap
pointment of Fort Adjutant, and aéting Town
Major at Vellorie ، The exposure to the climate
which hethus experienced at soimmature anage
wasattended with effectsupon his constitution
from whichitnever recovered, and he was shortly
after his nominationto the respectable post just
mentioned, compelled to revisit Europe for his
.htlaeh Hereturned to England in ‫ق‬180 .‫ه‬
The change of climate was produetive of less
advantage than might have been antici

pated, and his restoration to activity, and health

was long delayed. The retardation may however
bepartly ascribed to the avidity with whichhe
prosecuted his Hindustant studies, and the assidu
ous aidhe gave to Dr. GILcaRIsr, in the prepara
oftwo laborious works the British Indian
Monitor, and English and Hindustani Dictionary.
Henceforward indeed the literature of Hindustan
became Capt. Rosagex spassion, and the remain
der of his life was devoted to the cultivation of hia
favourite pursuit.
The labours of Dr. Grucnarsr formeda new era
in the cultivation of the vernaeular language of
Hindustan.He not only rescuedit from the hands
of incompetent ‫و‬srehcaet andrendered it accessible
(PImoderate application, but reducedit from the
of an ,dexife
nu and fluctuating
r ,tcelaid to
Ear permanent consistence:Before his time the
idastani language existed only in the precari
"s Condition ofconventional use, and althoughthe
P***ice of a few eminent writers afforded examples
of rules for its construction‫و‬thoserules were not
llected even‫ن‬ y
for the guidance of theb

whom the language was spoken.With greatla

bour and ingenuity Dr. GILcitrtrsr extracted the
precepts from the practice, and establisheda stand
ard, from whichthere is no occasion to appeal, and
which has been of no less importance to the pre

servation thanto the acquirement of the language

The value of the article thus successfully redeemed
from the operations ofehance and time, is un
questionable.Asa medium of colloquial inter
course the Hindutstani is availablethroughout all
the provinces of the British Empire in the East ‫و‬
and althoughit isemployed withmany shades of
from provincial or social distine
difference ‫ و‬-arising
tions, it will rarely happen that the individnal by
spoken will not encounter in every

part of the country some persons to whomit will

enable him to explainhiswishes or his intentions
Its acquisitionistherefore an object ofprimary
necessity to all the servants of the East India Com -
pany, and the facilities which the labours of Dr.
. GILCHRIsrhave afforded to its attainment, entitle
him to their gratitude and that of ‫ر‬sreyolpmerieht

indeed been uniformly acknow
INTRopUCTIoN. . : xi

ledged, and his meed of credit would havebeea

tmoreunalloyed if he had not attachedundue con
sideration to abranch of his labours of comparative
insignificance Those who are able to learn alan
8uage are not apt to stumble at the threshold, and
‫ه‬ si
he alphabet in n et
whichthat ti
language is rw
not likely to be regarded as animpediment where
80manymore and weightier difficulties are reso
lutely encountered. A system of expressing oriental
words in Roman characters is therefore of trivial
Consequeuce, and it is in fact sofar objectionable
that it saves no labour in the end, as the language
after all cannot be learned without the perusal of its
best writers, and their works cannot be read with
Out a previous knowledge of the characters in which
thebooks are written, All written communication
With the natives of Hindustan implies a like ac
quirement, and athorough familiarity therefore
With the Hind-Romanultimatum will not obviate
the absolute necessity of mastering the Persian or
۷igari alphabet. The earnestness with whichthis
۹opichas been pressed by Dr. ‫و‬rsIRHCLIG has been

‫ ها‬Luisapplication of his acknowledged ,srewop and


has throwna shade upon the much higher ‫م‬erp

tentions hepossesses, not merely as the first, and
teacher .but
as the creator of the language
The doctrines of Dr. GILCHRIsrfound a zealous

supporter in Capt. RoEBuck, and the similarity in

sentiment as well as the direction of theirstudies

led to a cordial co-operation between them.With

the permission of the Court of Directors the stay of
the latter in England wasprotracted beyond the
usual term, and the period was sedulouslydevoted
tO objects of successful study, and public utility :
associating with .rD GILcHRIsr in the gra
communication of instruction in Hindus

tani to young men destined for India, Capt. Ros-

Bucx assisted in the completion of the two works
alreadymentioned، The Second Wolume of the
British Indian Monitorwas in fact prepared for
publication by him, and Dr. GILcaarsrhas with
as muchliberality as candour expressly stated that
hadhe not fortunately met with suchan associate
neitherthat nor the English and Hindustani
Dictionary would have been undertaken.The

Dictionary is a work of greatmerit and labour: the


eollection of Hindustan: ‫ه‬ynonima forevery word

issingularly full, and peculiarly adapted to alan
guage which varying in the use of words though
not instructure in every province, abounds with
‫ه‬ t each of localmou
m and
e restricteds
ployment. The Dictionary contains about 700
quarto pages closely printed, the whole in the
Roman character, a singularity inits compilation
whichalone is indicative of no ordinary industry
and perseveranceThe preface to this valuable
workas wellasta the Blvolume of the British
Indian Monitor bears generous and honourable

testimony to the sharetaken by Capt. RoEagox

in the publication. ‫و به‬... ..

Upon the completion of these labours and the

amendment thoughnot the re-establishment of his
health : being disappointed also in the loses he had
entertainéd of being employed in the new oriental
College foundedat home; Capt. Rosauck returned
in 1310, to his duties in the East He was not
temperament to desist
‫و آنه‬ a from diligence and
the inconveniences of a sea voyagewere unable to
**Presshis zeal for Hindustani. Besides giving

éssential aid in their studies to several ofhis youth

fellow pasengers ‫ص‬afterwards
distinguished mem
bers of the Civil Service of Bengal, he amused
his leisure with compiling a Naval Dictionary, in
whichthe terms of the mautical art were expressed
by their Hindustani equivalenta At that period
it shouldberemembered the crews of the vessels

navigating between Europe and Asia, usually con

sisted in part, sometimes ina very large propor
‫و‬tion of Lascars or Hindustani Seamen : as their
knowledge of English was little or none, theirofii
cers couldhold nointercourse with them except
through the medium of an interpreter and it may
be easily conceived that frequent occasions would
ocenr, when the delaythus unavoidable might be
inconvénient oreven perilous. Underthis im
pression Capt. RoEBUex prepared the useful com
,denoitnemnoitalip and on his arrival in Bengal ‫و‬
committed it to the press prefacing it with a con
cise Grammar of the Hindustani language : the
work was reprinted in England, and has gone

throughtwo editions in Calcutta : its value to the

of European Wessels ha ina

,desaec as the return of peace -and
ing of the tradehave altered the constitution of
their crews. To the Officers of the Pilot service

however, and of those Wessels employed in the

localtrade it continues to offerthoseadvantages
whichitwas originally intended to afford.
The expedition to ,apaJ in the year 18 11 ‫ و‬-re
moved from the College of Fort William ‫ و‬-an
cer of distinguishedlearning and merit, the late
Dr. War. HUNTEa, whose medical services were
required on that occasion:his appointments of Se
‫ه‬ ‫ن‬y
retary and Examineribeing b
filied temporarily
the next in succession, an opening waspresented
forattaching Capt. Rosaucx, to the College as
. Acting Deputy Secretary and Examiner Heheld
these Situations from the Sth March 1811, to the
‫ل لانه‬
une ,r2181 r
when Ethe return
xof c .tpoaC L
from Persia, to his station of ‫و‬yraterceS and the
*onsequent performance of the duties of assistant
by the gentleman who had been acting for him ‫و‬
during his absence, left no vacancy for Capt. Rog
*۲*‫ک‬ -His
separation from the College washow
*۲*۲ of short duration, and the following month a

new arrangement restored him to the office, he was

so well qualified to fill From this time to his death
in 1819, he continued attached to the establishment
first as Deputy Assistant and Examiner, subse
finaly asassis
guentlyasofficiating Secretary ‫س و‬and
tant Professor of Hindustani, in whichvarious
officeshe was distinguished by his industry and
Zeal, and secured the respect of the Students, the
affection of the Natives, and theapprobation of the
Government His leisure hourswere devoted to
important labours connected with hissitu
ation conducive to theacquirement of the oriental
languages، ،
The cultivation of oriental literature asis justly
observed by Schlegelis in the same predicament as
that of the classical languages at the revival of
letters in Europe. The workswhich are to be
perused exist chiefly in manuscript, and the diffi
culties inseparable from suchaformareno less
embarrassing than repulsive to even more than
ordinary enthusiasm : the task of collation ‫ و‬and
Correction istherefore as indispensable aslabori
‫و‬Ous aul extent of research ‫پ و‬profoundness
of know -

kdge, indefatigable industry, and ingenious conjec

ture are qualifications indispensable to its effective
execution. An Editor of Oriental works, is con
sequently muchmore than amere patient drudge
holding a place little higherthan that of a cor
rector of the press, and claims by his labours the
of those who benefiting by histoils per
se with‫ن‬
f whatl
such o
,stroffe w
have either defied their application orimmeasur
ably retarded theiradvancement. It was in this
department that Capt. Rosagck was eminently
auccessful, and his extensive knowledge of Persiana
and Hindustani, and his unrivalled patience, and
assiduity ‫ و‬rescued different works of ,tirem and
celebrity from the defective state in whichthey
۷۲ete previouslyfound, and gave thennto the
Publie ina correct, and readily available con

Thefirst work printed under his superinten

ancer ah
wasa uedition
new B-o .hgaB
of the
‫ ها‬Hindustani version of a series of Persian Tales ‫و‬
Kissae Chahar-Darwesh prepared for the
se of the College in 1811, by Mrn ArsrAs under
x wiii INTRODUCTIO:۲ .

the direction of Dr. GiLeiiRisr, and published by

the latter.The excellence of this version, forming
perhaps thebest guide to theidiom of the high
‫و‬Hin du
language st
that hasye an
t been t
hadled to its general use, and the exhaustion of
the first edition.Its reprint wasthereforeurgently

,dand e ras
thisw i exectu
u tedq eAr
by Gnor r AkBER
alearned native with the superintending aid of
Capt. RoEBuck in 1813
The next، work that engaged Capt RoEBUck's
attention was likewiserecommended byitsutility
as a class book، Ithasalso other claimsupon
attentionas one of themany shapes under which
the fables of Pilpayhavebeen givento the world.
The Khiird-Ufrozor «Illuminator of the under

standing which was first printed in 1815, .int wo

octavo volumes, is the translation into ITihadastanti

‫و‬ IIAFEz-Uppy
MAuLAvib rs AnuEp - Ayarf
theo Da
nish of Abulfazl. It wasprepared likemany other
valuable translations by direction of Dr. GILCHRisr
in 1808. The Ayar Danish as is detailed by Monsr.
‫و‬ID E wasprepared by ABULFAZL by Order of
AKBERupon arevision of the AnWar Soheili ‫ و‬and

its comparison with its Arabie original, the work

of ABpALLABEN ALMoRAFFA ‫ و‬the translation of
HosAls WAEz, being considered to abound ob
jectionably with ‫وه‬rabic
}sdrow and metaphorical

The Indian origin of the fables of Pilpayrests

upon repeated, and unquestionable testimony.Jf
further evidence were requireditis furnished as
the learned Editor of the Kalilawa Datnna justly
remarks by the internal evidence of the workitself.
Wemay translate on this head the observations
of Monsr.IDE SAcr.

** There is stilla decisive argument infavour

of the Indian origin of this work. Through every
disguise of translation, and in spite of the trans
formation it has suffered in passing from Sanscrit
from Pehiee
a : to rArab ,ei and
t0 Persian it has retained striking characteristics of

is original structure, It would be vainto explore

it for Westiges of the magian religion ‫ و‬of the wor
of ,erif and e
-hip the ,stnemele of b
the contests
tween Ormud and ‫و‬nannirhA of tlie ancient his
and s

of the attributes and office of the Amshaspends

and the Yezds of the Zendavesta andits author :

dowe encounter at least in the Arabie
translation ‫ و‬the oldest ,ssessopew the names of
‫و‬KAIUMERs ,pi
,RA FEarpg
sM ,N E
suR ‫م‬

NU CHEHR ‫و‬ and other Persian .sretcarahc Nor are

there any allusions to ALExANDER or DARius. The

Nauroz or any otherancient solemnitypeculiar
to Persia, the symbolical animals describedin
the books of ZottoAsrER, and sculptured on the
fmonumental ruins or thegems whichtime has
apared ‫ و‬are alike unknown to the original corn -
the other hand traces of an Endiana charac

teralthough probably often changed or modified

by the Pehleg: translation constantly occur. Hence
the frequentintroduction of Ascetics or Fakirs
The abstinence of the pious Jackall, who refrains
from eating whateverhad had existence, themale
diction pronounced upon a Snake by an Ascetic, and
the like efficacy of religious benedictions as shovvra
inthe transformation of arat into a woman ‫و‬ and

of the woman into arat :hence also the oc

eurrence of the propernames of animals all signi -

ficant in Sanscrit, and as farasis yet known in
language ,ylno as Demme or ,akanamaD Shan
or Sanjicaka
tat : the
iT abird ‫و و‬a
name .
neither Arabie nor Persian, and finally the fre
quent mention of Brahnans" Monsr. DE SAcr»
other ,secnatsni and concludes Witha Co
rollary which maybe regarded asnow undeniably
.dehsilbatse «۶ Itherefore donot fearto affirm ‫و‬
that all the precepts of sound criticism secure to
India the honour of having given birth to this
of apologues whichstill continuesto
enjoy the admiration both of India and of Europe."
Hindu origina in one ofits ,smrof has been
by .rM Cot Eartookr but ‫ و‬as observed by
him, and as stated in the text, this form is not the
primitive one, the Hitopadesabeing avowedly com
piled from the Pancha-Tantra ‫ و‬and other works
The Pancha-Tantrais therefore to be considered
as the oldest compilation.This is bynomeans a
rarebook in India, but it is most generallytermed
,nyhkdpohcnaP and inthis shape it agrees
Inuch more closely with the order of the Arabie tran

slation than the Hitopadesa. The same fate, how

‫و‬everhas befallen the original as the translations
and although the plan of the work is the same ‫ و‬and
most of the narratiyes correspond, yet the arrange-
ment hasheen modified, and new stories have
introduced by various hands ‫ب‬-tillit
has be
(2OfTh6 perhaps impossible to meet with two copies
of the work which precisely agree. The loose
in whichtheapologues are strung toge
ther, and the still looserpractice which oriental
writers have always observed in compiling and
translating ‫ و‬,readily
account for these discrepancies
and theybynomeans affect the genuiness of the
original collection.itmaybe also ‫و‬devresbo that
‫پ‬a a collection of ,selbaf and apologuesthe Para ‫با‬
chop4khyan or Hitopadesa isfar from a singularity
in Hind literature Such compilations appearto
have been always popular in Intdia, andyarious
collections of a similar character exist : a most volu-
menous compilation of thiskind was brought to -
gether about the middle of the 12th century. The
Wrihat Katha or Katha Sarit Sagara ‫ و‬the oce an
of the streams of narrative, wasprofessedly fortn

ed on the principle of a general collection of

ancient stories by order of. Sar HEasHA,king of
Cashmir.This work embodies the apologues of
WISHNUSERMA ‫ و‬it comprehends also a great wariety
of tales, and even of jokes, and witticisms which
havelong furnished Europe with interest and
amusement, and it therefore indicatesthe same
country to be the native seat offictitious as well
as of fabular narration.

We shall not prosecutethis discussionfurther

The successive migrations ofthe fable of Pilpay are
detailed with great precision and learning, by the
high authority already quoted, anditistherefore
Sufficient to refer to the work of the Baron DE

SACY for full information on the subject. The

work edited by .tpaC RoEBuck ‫ و‬is an elegant
accessionto the literature of this country, and a
Valuable contributionto the honour of the original.
The nextliterarylabour undertaken by Capt.
RoEBuck, was the publication of the extensive»
and valuable Persian Dictionary the Burhan-kati.
This work, is of singular value, not only as convey
ing the Persian language inits pure and unadul

terated form ‫ و‬but as containing copiousexplana۰

tions of many of thetermspeculiarto the religion
of ‫خ‬ ,retsao‫ن‬ e
ro Inthis ,tcf
epser itn i-
is scarcely
rior to the Dabistan or Desatir. Great painswere
bestowed by .tpaC RoEBUCK ‫ و‬upon the COrreCtneSS
of the publication, and the text was determined
upon the collation of thirteen different manuscripts.
of his labours and in various additions
made to the work, anumber of the Officers of the

College, and otherlearned Natives were employed

at varioustimes» and the English Editor's auxiety,
that every individual ‫و و‬who
had ewergiven assistance
should receive his meed of acknowledgement, by
being named in the Persian title page, has led to
an impression unfavourable to his own claims. A
of Oriental Li
critic in the short lived »‫ ه‬-Annals

terature," questions in highly illiberal terms ** whe-

ther the Editorever read the work. (Annals of Ori
ental Literature, London, September 1820,) anda
Reviewer (Allgemeine Literatur ,eitung
December 1821 ‫ (و‬biassed confessedly by this unfair
and unwarranted insinuation, intimates the possi
bility of the Editor's having limited his laboursto
1NTRODUCTION : ‫ر‬txt wr

the preliminary English matter. Butboth these

critics miust have imperfectly examined thework ‫و‬
orhavebeen wholly ignorant of the defects of
Native Editors, if they could ascribe to suchsu-
Perintendance, apublication conducted throughan
,sserP so free from typographical error as
RoRngcks ‫م‬nahruB kati, The truthia, that the
Maulagis and Afunshis, ,were almost confined to
the rough collation, and thefinal comparisonas
Well as the correction of the proof sheets ‫ و‬Were
entirglythe work of Capt. RoEBuckhimself He
‫ا‬ lalso in then
a early as
i well f
‫ه‬-agesof the‫ا‬correction :his
t Native a
(ending daily upon him, and carrying on all their
operations under his eye and with his assistance
‫س‬Sofartherefore from hishaving contributed per
‫فلار‬en in an insignitican degree h gave to
diting of the Burhan-katian extent of in
(838 application, and «crupsions exactitude which
have rarely if eyer ‫ای‬.dessaprusneeh ، :{iot
‫م‬ Thé ,itak-nahruB was one of tha few products
‫ه‬t ‫ا‬
in Europe, and notwithstanding theunfounded
" ... d ... ‫اه یا‬،
adverted to ,evoba entitled .tpaC Rog
Buck, to the thanks of all who cultivate Persian
is considered by the German Cri
tic asin somerespects superior to the Edition pub۰
lished with great care, and oost at Constantinopte
a few years before, anditis associated with the
Camus by the learned De Sacy as one of the works
of which it would have once been irashness to hope
the publication Inthis countrythe Burhan-kati
hasalso been more successfut than most oriental
‫دن‬publications,butitscirculation was materially in
jured by a ‫و‬hcihw,ecnatsniucric altliough injurious
to the Editors interests washighly complimeritary
to hismerits : a cheapedition copied from Capt
Rosauckswas immediately set on footby some
Native publishers.at Hoogy, and proved avery
profitable undertaking to the Editors, It is worth
while to observe here that the publication of the
,itak-nahruB does asmuchhonour to .tpaC TR or ‫ند‬
Bucks liberality and Zeal as to his industry and
:‫ ز‬:»‫ «ها‬، ، - ..:.‫م‬ 1 ‫ به‬1 ‫ ده‬, :
Il n y a pas encore wingtans que c" eut eté une sorte de
tem erit& d'ésperer la publication de dietionnaires tels que 13
Kauaous elle Burhani-kati.JDiscours par Mr. le Baron ID E.S Acx ,
a lapremiere Seance Generale de la ‫ث‬teicoS Asiatidae ‫هل‬e IP ‫د‬aris,
iNTRODUCTION . : xxvii

talent: He commenced the printing, expensive asit

could not failtobe, entirely at his own cost and risk.
Whilst in progress through the Press, he obtained
itistrue the partial patronage of Government.
and the subscriptions of a few individuals but he

embarked in the project without any aid or en

couragement whatever and ultimately derived little
9rno emolument from his labours.

Assoon as the Burhan-katiwas out of ‫و‬sserP

the devotion with which Capt. RoEBuck regarded
the College of Fort William, instigated him to a
aew labour connected with that institution ‫ و‬and
recommended by no other circumstance to his elec
tion, This ishis « Annals of the College, a com
pilation preserving the annual records of that esta
blishment from 1803 to 1818, The work comprises
also lists of the different Students who have passed
through that Seminary, and of the works published

under the patronage of the Council : the latter

forming a valuable account of the advancement of

Oriental Literature in India during the last eighteen

Years and the former furnishing a useful refer
ence whenever, the early career of the great bo
y of the
‫ه‬ ‫ا‬ present
c Service
ej maybe
b an o
xx wiii INTROD U CTION .

of enquiry, The speeches of the different ‫د‬revoG

nor Generalsat the Annual disputations afford
of abundantititerest of which one source

is the unvarying coneurrence with whichthe in-

that exalted ,noitautis have re
coguised the value of the College not onlyus
information to enlightened enquiry but
.as enabling conscientious zeal to discharge with
precision and confidence ‫ و‬the duties that ensare

public security, and prosperity.ir ، ، ii

‫س‬Besides o
worksthus completedR
Buck was engaged in the compilation ‫ و‬and occa ‫ه‬
sional translation of the Poet hieh are
no ‫م‬w

publishedunder the circumistances already des

cribed:He was likewise oectipied in preparing
for a work, whichwouldnext itawebeen committed
topress, if his life had been ‫ه‬pare and whieh was
.to him an object of the most lively interest. "The

labours of Capt. TAYLort and IDr.tlu ‫و‬nerN left

a considerable void in the Lexicography of the
HTintdttstant language This has beenbutim
perfectly supplied by the Dictionary of SHAREs
‫و‬pAr ‫م‬atid to meet the ,ycneicifed and publish a
Lexicon whichshouldembrace all the vocables of

the languagehadlung been projected by Capt.

RogBuck.i Considerable progresshad been made
in the execution of the task.A very large num-
ber of words hadbeen collected and classed, and
variety e
‫و‬ s
of valaable et
materials hT
since Capt, RoEriuck's death have become the
property of Government, and have been deposited
the L ‫وی‬
of the ra
College of Fort ry
whereitis to be hoped they will not be auttered
tomoulder unnoticed, and forgotten. ,r

: The tribate to his oficial station, in the Annals

the ,egell‫س‬
oC termittated
o .tpaC Rog
however f
BUCR's literarylabours: The work was ‫ه‬areely
‫س‬ O
of the press when treu
t by the dis
Order whieheut short his useful career, :Hehtad
atnotime since his return to india enjoyed good
health and his constitutionnever recovered from
(he shock ithadreceived so eariyafter his first
Trival.Inthis debilitated state, he wasseized
"ith a fever in the commencement of the cold
**ason of 1819 and died on the 8th December at
the early age of thirty-five. /

The number and description of the works, which

) ‫ن‬
apt Rotates publishedf o
or undertook , will

themselves indicate the peculiarities of his literary

. character. Hewas not endowed with alively ima=
gination nor creative faculty ; neitherwas it possi
for him , , atle
‫و‬b the early age at whichhe entered
‫و‬upo n to havekaid the basis of extensive
active life
‫و‬erudition:l iis
acquiremen ts indepenidant of those
made ‫د‬
‫و‬self I
whichwere of course chiefly orien
, of mioderate
were l a thoughres
t pectable
‫و‬ reach
and hispowerswerebetter calculated to assist
cr to embellishii
ae terature
seHis rindus
try wasunwearied ;his zealinexhaustible his
‫و‬scruf iul
care painfully ous
conscientio us andhis
.judgement sound. As: an Editor of the text of
Oriental workshe hasnever been equalled, and
hiad helived to have completed his Hindustani
Dictionary there can beno doubt that it would
havebeena perfect model of copious compilation ‫و‬
and accurate interpretation،
: The same anxiety to discharge his duty to the
,ts om edr aC RoEBuck
.tpe tt inhis
u‫د‬ offi
cial capacity, and rendered hima valuable public
‫م‬S a teacher hisva
Aser nt
exactness was occasio
mally irksome to his class, but those of his scholars
whowerebest able to appreciate his deserts found

ample compensation for any little peculiarities of

manner, in the more than cheerful, the delighted
readiness, with whichhe was ever willing to re
Imove their difficulties, and accelerate theirad
Wancement ‫و‬

The private charater of Capt. RoEBucx has

little connexion with his literary worth, orit would
amply justity unmixed panegyric. Hewastem
Derate inhis habits ; mild, and affectionate inhis
disposition : goodhumoured, and obliging insocie
‫(ه‬ ) ,lufreehc and contented insolitude :his
*(taehment to his friends was tranquilbut ‫و‬peed
and the Tegard hepaid to the affinities of birth fully

Proved by the ready ‫ و‬and unrepining sacrifice of

his PSTSOnal emoluments to the necessities of his
In short Capt. Rogauck was throughout CO Il ‫سه‬

Sistent, and displayed inhis private as well as

literary characterno false, and tinsel ‫و‬rettilg but
Was richin genuine, and sterling worth.
arch 80th 18 ‫بهار‬ .H.H WILSON .





‫‪.‬‬ ‫ه‬

‫"‪,‬‬ ‫"‪.‬‬ ‫‪,‬‬ ‫‪,‬‬ ‫ه‬





‫‪...‬‬ ‫و‬ ‫م‬


‫»‪.‬‬ ‫ه‬




‫ش‬ ‫ه‬ ‫»‪.‬‬





SE (OT III ‫ه‬

Ertracted chiefiay from the Shahid-i-Sadiq.
۹ ‫ مه‬-;t‫سامانه های ج‬

1s M ۸۲
‫ گاو‬/۲‫ ارشی شو ه ش‬۵ ‫ با‬T
your town be populous ‫یأن‬
‫ای م‬
:‫ز‬ " : Ri S ‫یک بین‬
STA ‫سر‬r S
}31 R3 1.4 (‫ م‬r+ ‫م جا‬:

Addressed to afool or a rogue g. d. May youremain ‫م‬ea ‫که‬

‫ ق‬na
S* into any other country to do mischief therc.
.‫ ریا مي باغ شد‬۵ ‫ بب از‬T
:2. He glves water from the ocean.
SPoken of one who oblains for another aid from an abundant source,
but gives ‫ا‬othing from his own store.

3. . ‫ با بي لاجام خورده است‬T - • •

Hehas drunk water without a bridle.

or ‫)هم‬ iii without respectfor any one : orhe hasnot received education
""***ubjected to due restraint inhis youth.
4 ‫ را تا ریتکی است‬۵ ‫پ حمو ارثی‬. T
he water of life is in darkness.
"thing excellent is attainable without labour.

5 ‫اکت‬T
‫گبی نمیر‬
. Water below the grass. (Deceit ora deceiver. )
****ia per cineres dolgsos•
‫ من به من‬،‫این مهم‬
‫از‬ ‫ نه‬۹۹
{ ‫ت قپه‬:
: # : # ‫ * و‬::x : #
‫از هیچ ماهی؟‬

‫ي گو موز روشتن شع =کا فوري نهاه‬۲‫ابل‬

‫نمود باشد کش بشب روغن نباشد هرچراغ‬
.6 The fool who lights awax-candle by day ‫و‬
(orburnsday-light ) will soonwant oil for his
lamp at night.
‫وخ زه‬۵ ‫ بریشی‬۵ ‫ تش باد ست خو‬T
7. He set fire to his ownboard.
i.e.iie caused his ownruin.Theorigin of thisproverbis stated as
follows.itis aremark among the Persians thatmen withlong beards are
generally deficientinunderstanding. Aperson with averylong one was
reading at night and came to apassage wherethissentinment was expressed.
Feeling himself implicated inthereflection, heresolvodtogetrid of so
muchasexceeded theordinarylength, and for thispurpose, grasping his
beardatthe part wherehe wisheditto terminate, applied the lowerendto
theflame. The beard,being well anoin ed, blazodup, burnedhis hand
and continued to burntill the whole was consumed andhisface terribly

8.ITeput fire into his cup .

Applied toonewhogivespain andtrouble,instead of assistance and
relief whichwere ‫م‬ mfrom
.xpecte d

9.Ihave pronounced the word fire, yet it did

notburn mymouth.
Used by one who is reprehended for somothing whichhe hadsaid.as
hishaving sp ‫م‬
ken ill ,f‫ا‬
o or cursedy a
sonue one;as muchs
as to ‫ ** و‬nnywords
wrilldo himno harm."

‫احمد آلب به تشخمب نام رود میبرند نشی‬

10.The child does not goto schoolbut is car
‫م‬E po
of ore who is obliged ke
to do something coatrary to bis inclination
.rcE S
REWORP ‫ه‬ 33

‫ فروشی‬،‫ خرسال وتکا‬T

11. What !do you expect to find grass in the
market at the end of the year 3
In answer to one who applies fora supply to another wiaose own sto ek

is aiready expended

‫ تسمت‬: ‫ ص با ایته مهند آورد‬۵ ‫آخر ايی با‬

12 ,tsaOZephyr
ltA‫ و‬all this is your doing .
Said by way of reproach to one who has introduced or recomunended te

Bother a person who turns out unworthy ormischievous.

‫لنا‬ ‫آمد این که ل طفال شود شتاب مسه تا‬

13.Saturday is to jollytoperswhat Friday isto
school boys.
Tridaybeing a holiday at school, is the season ofjoy to children ‫ و‬bnt
۳*bein especially forbidden on that day, Saturday, when they may agaia
begin their revels, is the season of enjoyment to libertines.

‫رز و هر جوانادیثی عیمی نهاي با‬
14. Desire is no fault in the young.
‫آرد ک می پرانم‬
13.I am flying ducks.
ie۰ Unprofitably employed.
‫ ري با تفاق جهانی میتوانایی ختک رقته‬۳
16, By unanimity the world maybe seized.
‫از یاد بد تر است‬
li. Heis WOrsethanbad.
i e.Excessivel ybad.

lS.It passedunder his beard.

C۰ Werynear : Ecaerally applied to spruothing bad.
A ORHENTAL PROWERBS, ‫ب و‬irn ‫با‬

‫ سه تا‬۵ ‫ یه سو‬T ‫از خانه سوختند هر چه بر‬

19. WWhatever is saved from a house on fire is sa
much gain.
Eng.Just somudh out of the fire.

‫ازدا می برید و بر شانه پیوند =کرد‬

‫نه‬0. He cut from the skirtand added to the shoulder

‫ یاد برفت‬۵ ‫ هرآنچه از‬۵ ‫اتر دال بر و‬

21. Out of sight out of mind.
‫وخ شرم ==لی‬۵ ‫اتر ریش‬
22. Reverence your own beard.
.Used to admonish one of respectable characternot to engagein dis
Putes with worthless persons, by whichhe may incur disgrace.
‫وبر بر وتابسه ات‬ ‫تکنید‬ ‫از رابیش‬
33.Heplucked from the beard and added to the
whiskers. (i.e.he robbed Peter to pay Paul.)
‫شل آزار ترم‬ ‫اثر =که‬
:24. Whom do I exceed in plaguing dogs ‫و‬
reply to one who aceuses another o oppression or formenting
mankind : as much as to۹ay ‫" و‬those whomI plague are not menbut dogss
and many others oppress those dogs more than1.»

‫رد ممک خواهده‬T ‫از میانی دوستکت‬

25. Herequires flouffron betweentwo stones -
Fie effectshis purpose by hook or by crook , or, he is a hardman who
Teaps wherehe has not sowed.

80. They are all alike of cotton eloth.

‫ مة‬.e All of theiathe quality۰
: ‫از ایتاچارلند واز انکجا ماند‬
2T. Expelled from hence and not received there
To describe onewhobecomes an outcast; particularly one who by
iseonduct loses not only his employment but also the protection of a pa
troa who has recommended hin to it.
‫ز را جایی‬titi ‫سه میبا‬

28, Thekettle-drumtners horse

Spoken of one who is deaf to advice or reproach.

‫ یاد‬۵ ‫اسپا و از لعی) و شاه شهر و قاد ار که‬

:29. Who ever saw a horse, a ‫و‬namow or a sword
faithful ‫م‬

‫اسمپ و فرزین مي نهاده‬

80. He gives up the queen and knight.
At chess i e. Heis reduced to the last extremity.

‫ هاه‬۵ ‫اسپ وقار زیادی مي‬

Bl. He ean give a queen anda knight.
i. e. He is greatiy superior

‫ همیشه‬T ‫اسپ و قاچي‬

**Hehas returned with hishorse and whip.
. g. Without having gained any advantage ; just as he ‫م‬tnew

‫ر‬ ‫ کم آزا‬۵ ‫استاد معلم چو بو‬

83 ‫ ربازار‬۵ ‫دنز کود =کانی‬، ‫خرسک با‬
• When the preceptorrelaxes in severity the
Childrenthrow clods in the market place.
‫ار؟‬-‫استررا شکافتند ه دراث کیست گفت اسپ خال متست یام‬
‫سه ات‬ ‫ماد یا فیثی‬
: The mule was ‫و‬deksa who is your father ‫ب‬:
ile said the horse is my maternal uncle
Applied to One who is ashamed of his poor or mean relations,

35. His appetite is under histeeth..

Applied to one whose appetite is excited bybeginning toeat, airdme
.taphorically to anybusiuesswich a person hasitin lis powerto ‫ب‬igeb
whenhe plcases.

‫آشتی گرای باغاتم‬

86. The friendship of the wolf with the sheep

37. The tears of ablindeyo.

Whichflow pertual - Applied to one who is aways ‫مع‬uiniapinoc
‫سه تا‬ ‫روشنا گيا‬ ‫چی‬ ‫ شنا‬T
88. Friendship is brightness or splendor.
‫سه راتکو با‬ ‫نیا‬ ‫ا‬x‫ ق‬T

39. Lit. The sunis on the mountain top.

i.e.Isabout to set, as the Astatics conceive the sun to set behind the
Oaf Metaph.His
‫ع‬ e ni life orhis
l prosperity
ee is on thed

‫* شکوه اري سر‬

‫بمبا ایتنی ختکوکه وایتی مجد انت‬ ‫دعا و گی‬

40, If you have any claim come on : this istlle

ball and the field of couteution ،
Eng۰D oyour worst.

‫دار‬ ‫آنان کب اندکی ه هي شود یسه ها‬

‫ را نبار‬۵ ‫غلام‬ ‫ ا نه ابهت‬۵ ‫و آزه‬

Many small sums make agreat ‫"" و‬as *
barley-cornadded to another atlast beCO
a heap . ‫م‬o
Eng. Penny and penny laid up in te many, Take aare of th* "
the pounds willtake care of themselves.

.‫ نی را بقتکو که ترا نشناسد‬T

42. Saythisto ome who doesuot know yot۰
sicr.1. ORI ‫را‬TATNE PROWERBS. f

‫ نرا که خسابی پاکب است از محاسجه چه با آلات‬T

43 Whatfear hashe of a reckoning whose ac

counts are clear P

‫آنتی قد ح بشکست و آنها ساقي نهانه‬

44. That cup is broken and the eup-bearer does
notremain , (i.e, The times are changed.)

43 Thearthenoise of the millbut see no flour

Great boast, small roast. Much cry and little wool.

‫ رویشی‬۵ ‫اول خویشا بعد از اوت‬

46, First relations and then the poor.
Eng. Charity begin ‫ و‬at home۰

‫» در جشکر نهانه‬T
47. There wasnot left even a sigh inhis ‫م‬traeh
i e Heistotaily destitute

‫اهل با خیبه سمت‬

48. Heis one of us taylors.
The expressionis ۹el when a person engaged in some roguish transae-
"» Preparesto conceal what he is about from another who suddenly enters s
of the first Says ‫" و‬tthis is one of us, concealment fromhina
necessary." ‫ر‬alsoused Sarcasticallyte express that one whothinks
‫ر‬t{ hinser veryskil
kind of stitching ful in any work, is amere bungler.IBukheeuisthefinest
he can hardly dot i۰ e.hethinkshiraself fit for the finest work, whereas
he coarsest.

»‫ژاد هد‬ ‫ هانی سه رش تکوقانی سه و ه‬T

49, Itis uilprofitable tohammer coldiron.

It is useless tobestow good advice oa one who will not ‫م‬netsil gr

‫اي خاکی چه دانی که درباره اري‬

50. Oh earth ! what do you know whom you
luave in yourbosom :
Used as animprecationto wish for the death of a worthless person
g. d You have received many good and greatmen, and why is such a
wretch permitted to live.

‫اي د و سمت تکل سرشتهٔ را آبي بسا‬

51. A little wateris suflicieat for clay already
i.e.a little instruction will suffice to make himperfect who has got a
foundation by previous study۰
es .۹

‫این آش و‬
‫بی نقا را‬
2.1sthismy allowance a
for carrying so large
drum P
Spoken by one to whom small pay is offered for great labour.
‫زنگي‬ ‫ دهانه بالا سه ات‬T
63. Amirror in an Ethiopian's hand.
Applied to anything excellentin the possession of one who is ignoraut
ofits worth ‫ و‬.as
Eng Apearlthrown to swine

‫با خرس درجوال شد‬

54.Heisputinto asack with a bear.
Which was formerly amode of punishing criminals.i, e, Hehas failea
into thehands of one much too strong for him.

‫بسا د بدست دارد‬

55 .Heholds the windinhis hand.
.e.i He can .gnihtonniater Applied to .tfirhtdnepsa Also ‫گ‬9

‫ قت نیست‬T ‫یاد ثحتچابی باد را‬

56.Nomischief happens to abad egg-plant -
. ‫م‬e is not cut in ,seceip boiled .c& The meaning is that a ۲er
worthless, coatemptibie fellow has no enernies.
,stor 1 ‫ه‬ ORIENTAL PROWERBS . 9

‫باد هوا گی‬

57.Without sense of connexion. Incoherent.

‫بازي باز گ با ریش با باهم بازي‬

ٔ‫ه‬8 ,yalP play indeed !willyou play with your
father's beard P
A reproofto one who is too familiar with his superiours

‫با تکه وقا تکرد که با مات=کند‬

‫ (ن‬To whomhashe (or )ti proved ,lufhtiaf that
he should prove sotome.
Miost frequently applied to fortune or worldly prosperity.

،‫هارد تکانه که باشد‬ ‫یا به متاع نیکو از‬

00, I want goodmerchandise from whatever shop
it inay beprocured.

‫ «ه‬، e
Acquire good (lnalities or ,stuemhsilpmocca .
as ,eutriv ,gninrael &c
whateve .ucan‫ن‬quartery

‫ پیدا ک‬۵ ۵ ‫حو‬ ‫یا چشم‬

(۱l.iie has seen with his own eyes .
A contented Cuckoltl, orouevoil ofall sense of honour.

‫یک تخت چو رای بر نکرد د از پالود ک دندانی بشکند‬

"When tortuneturns against a man ‫ و‬helbreaks
histecth on flummery.
‫بخخ اث هر بازار نفروشند‬
63 Good luckisilot sold in the market

‫ار‬-‫جهانی بگشتم ودره ابهبچ رود بی‬
1 strolled over the world ‫ و‬but alas !inno city
‫ل‬ t
.ill see that
ever e kluckra
was m
sold e
in ht
‫) زاده ی‬.‫ کی م‬.‫یک تخت رفته و بالند‬

‫و‬Hisfortuneisgone.04 .b
his priderema
ut ins
‫ایراث و ریخ گوشه‬
6b. Anassignment written onice.
Adraught on the pump of Aldgate

66. The criunes of a madman are not tobe writter

i.e.lieisnot responsible for hisactions،

67 ،daehkcolbA ‫ و‬.a
‫م‬U KT
Irwasa celebrated ,nairanmIF
marg Itis relatedrs
that when hebe
gantostudy.he wassoduil of apprehension that no onchadpatience (O
heartin repea hisessons. Therefore, heboughtagoat andrehearsed
ibotoreit : and inthispracticchenorsovered, tillhe excelled all his masters 3
yettluepoor goat understood nothing of thematter.

‫یده‬T ‫را ه يي‬ (۲ ‫مهاجر که‬ ‫وز‬

68 Little goat domot die, the spring is coming .

Applied to one who promises reliefata distant period--Like۰۰ ‫م‬tsirhC
masis conning."

‫بسکختن روستا دي میگیرند اما نهیختگذارند‬

,60 (sors
n ,olw ol
pmi foolish C

) ‫گ‬
: rn or
othersiutonlischief by theirspecches ‫ و‬but cannot
relieve thenu.
: Sometiing analogousto the Tnglish, ،، Fools fieknot5 antTwisCDD ed
undotheru :" or۹۰Fools setstools forwise folks to stumbie at۰

‫ خار آب است‬۵ ‫یخدا‬

70. T3 tighdadisruiued,
i.e.iana۲ ‫ن‬۰yrgnubyr
.‫بقا ل بیت کا را پله و تمالیا میکند‬
71 ، ‫و‬The
grocer being idle weighs the scales
‫بتلا از سه و نشی پربینه‬
72.His intoxicationis gone off
i۰ e, Heis come to his senses, and his pride is humbled

‫ یا‬۵ ‫با چای افزا‬ ‫بتلا‬

73 Bhung (an intoxicating drug) is fallen into
the weil.
i.e.The ncople are allmad or drumk. : Applied to popular commotion ‫و‬
(۲ 3 ‫ا‬nrcasonable

‫؟‬4. Doeshe frightena drunkard R

i *I am notto be so easily deterred

‫ه به‬
‫ بوسمه به پیغام‬:‫م‬
- -

(9. Lit. To sendakiss by amnessenger,

Applied to ome who give۹to another his ieavings, or that whichhe has
‫لانه‬cite‫ لا‬with his lips.MEEn UMANEEU Stasays ‫و‬

‫پی=کر شراب دارد ته جام ه بختک یا‬

‫و ک شوخ شاه کو بوسها پایهٔ پم غ) م بیتتکاما‬

That wanton drank up the wine and gavemethedregs from the bottoma
of the cup : Shethus sent me akiss. Aisoto employ another on business
‫ن فان‬
ie ought
nto have
o s executed
re in p ‫؟‬

۵ ‫اند و‬ ‫ یوا را تکنجد و بام‬۵ ‫بهخ‬

76. He dug up the foundation to finish the roof
"express extreme folly.
‫ مهم‬TT ‫بینی وه و گوش‬ ‫بابکیه‬ ... ‫و‬
. Hahas returned withonenose and two ears.
‫بوه‬ )oone who wrent out intiuest offortune,but ‫م‬ytpmesnruter
yet without incurring any great disaster ord‫ن‬sgrace۰ Eng..IHegot
with a Sound skin, ‫ه‬
12 ORIENTAT, PROWERBS. r Anri ، ‫با‬

‫نماد‬ ‫ و نشا شد‬۵ ‫با یکت تیر‬

.78 He hittwo marks withone arrow ‫) و‬dellikro

two birds withone stone.)
‫ و تربز نتوارثی برداشت‬۵ ‫بیکی د ست‬
70, Two water-melons cannot betakenup in one
hand .
Applied to one who attemptstoo manythings at once.

‫(بر‬ ‫بابک کارشها د و کا‬

80. Two businesses at one glance.
‫ را هوا میگوید‬۵ ‫یا‬
81.Hebabbles or speaksnonsonso.
‫پای چتا رییسه ات‬
82. One who sits at the foot of apoplartree.
Alazy fellow who makes no exertion for his own maintenance

:‫مدل ک‬ ‫بسنگت آم‬ ‫پا بیش‬

83. Lit.His foot is brought to the stone.

i.e.Heisroduced to thelastextremity.

‫( ربکست‬5 ‫پایه شاه ع‬

S4.It is dark beneath the candle.
Applied to aprince or greatman who favors foreignars to the prejudice
pf his own subjects ordependents.

85. The filthy creature is martyred or dead.

A contemptuous way of announcing the death of any one۰ ‫باخ‬ pookh

in Turkishis filth, and ‫لو‬ or ‫ لیست‬anadjectivetermination ,so that

»‫ پا خالیسک‬is defilea

‫ ناداره‬، ‫پشه ی هرکلا‬

86.His cap is thread-bare.
i.e.IIe is reducedtopoverty andrags-

‫ بشی بر دی‬T ‫پته آرم تکه‬

87.Ithink the river hascarried him away.i.e.
I knownot what is become of him.
Applied to one who has beonlong missing, or being sent with a message
.(lasnot returned.

‫ما در ترا ه را‬ ‫پدر مانع نشد رسو اعی‬ ‫پهن‬

88.Afathers admonition hasno effect on him

Who is ablackguard from his birth.
‫پول نهاد هاي معر تکه برهم مزیتی‬
89. If you do not give money, do not spoil the
Alludesto the practice of certain funcers, who, by story-telling, collect.a
erowd,from whom they get alms. The speechisaddressed to onewhore
"***** sive anything and makes a noise so as to disturt or disperse the

‫پهلوان زند » خوش است‬

:0 A champion who preserveshis life ispleased.
i e Ithe eannot prevail overhis adversary, itisnotrifling prowess to
"*9f alive. Askitrul retreatis the next thing to a victory۰ ‫م‬olanarO
*" PEnglish» ،«Alive dog is better than a dead lion.»

‫ بب موزه متکشیده‬T ‫پیش از‬

. Hetook off hisboots beforehe came to the
Water .

‫پیش از عید به صلا را قت‬

92. He Went to the temple before the festival.«
Applied to one who does anything beforethe proper occasion. ‫ر‬،

‫زمتن و تو لیلا و نهار اتمی بوده‬ | ‫پبش‬

93. Therehave been days and nightsbefore yot

and me. .

Spokenas a reproof, by onewho has fallen from power and affluence, to ‫ا‬

unupstart who insults overhis distress,

‫تپه شی متر دارای چه انتشاشد م چه جو‬

: :‫و‬tl‫م‬

94, Inthe estimation of the ‫د‬larebil wheat and

barley are the satne ‫م‬،
. ‫تا بد انیستی «تکه غیرانت غیرات عرب است‬
95 . That yon may know that the jealousy of aa

Arabis.icalousy itself

‫تفتا وی بغل خرس است‬

96. Heisa cakg in the paws of the bear
i.e-Heinas fallen into the handsotonimatichsfrongertiuan hiuiscif

‫ثار بیم پا رابیهاه بکار ژها یاد‬

97. Anold almanack is of nouse. - .۲
.i ‫م‬ .
useless e
to harpupoh r
events r
whichare i

‫ گیت‬T ‫تنها بیش قاضیح روي راضی‬ ‫ه‬

98 If yougo alone to the judge, youtwill return

.well satisficd:..
Becausehe hastoldhis owntale whichis all inhisfavotti ..

‫تو به قرما یانی چرا خود تو به ته تر میکننه‬

,90 Why dothose who preach repcittance ‫ و‬-sel
dom repent ‫و‬ .. -
: cr.1 - ORI ENTAL PROWERBS ‫زن‬

‫تو خر بن یا خور ترا با فالیزر چه گاز‬

100.Eat youthe melons, what business have you
with the melon-bed P
Said to onewho when desirodto do anything,puts anumber ofirrele
:snoitseuq or ، ، enioy the goodthings set before you andne۲er in
۹tirewhence they came."

‫ سهان نابزپره اختي‬T ‫توکارز میترا نکو ساختي مقکه با‬

10l.IHave youmanaged earthly affairswell, that
y Ounow undertake the concerns of heavon P
Spokenas a reproof to one who failing in any easy taskundertakes one
uchmore difficult.

Spoken when oneisrcducedto the la stresource.،، Thethird time
tries all **
‫به‬ ‫ه‬
۵ ‫ز‬۵ ‫اقع شده که رور به خه و‬
103.Hewounded his own foot with anaxe
on his own mistortuu

‫بیک‬ ‫جانی =کا قربساحتخة بیک ار از آنچ‬

104 . MTay the soul of the infidelbe delivered up
to utisfortune

‫جانی فکر و جامه کار و‬
103.I am Cnaged in the ‫و‬ezirpretne body and soul.
‫جای اسمزاد خدا لی حا ل سمت‬
106.Themasters placeiswacant, or Ihavemo
by on ‫ام را‬haafallenino
‫م‬Soken ann:str .
na by
er ‫؛‬ Simohasto ,yas i own rny »rorro whith as owing tomy wanting
* instructor syonhav، row supplied that pacc-; -

] 07 The ho4 tomper of Sueyuds •
۱۰۹۰ Excessive ‫ز‬tilibissari . Auatogousto Eng. Welch biood

‫تنه شده‬ ‫جاوا پایعی کانال سوه‬

108.Barley at the foot of the steepascent is
useless .
Kootulisthesteepascent of amountain.Themeaning is that if you
havestarved your ,esroh so thathe is becomethin and weak ‫ و‬itwill betono
purpose to feed him when you come to a steepascent. The purport is tha
Preparation for anenterprise shouldbe made before hand.
‫بیده‬ ‫چار اند ر چار میگو‬
109. Hespeaks foolishly.
‫جشنه خوار بد تر از مهر ات خوار‬
110. Anintruder is worse than one who dernands
of inheritance )
is anmost
agreeable person to one who hopedto retain thé
whole for himself)
Chishtt-khiearisone who comes in at meal-time and seatshinuself at
thactableunin۲ ited

‫چراغ پیش آفتاب پم تو ندارد‬

1ll . Thelampgives no light in the presence of
the sun.

‫چراغ را ناتو لوتی د یاد جز بنور چراغ‬

112. Thelamp can onlybe seen by its ownlight.
A complinmentary expression of an inferior or servant to hissuperior o۳
that۰۰itis only by your favor that I canhope to perfohu
any serviceworthy or acceptable to you.*

‫چرا لغ ز بر دامی‬
{ { 3. Thclampbcneath the clothes.
rxpresses awain attempt to hidesolnetluing that cannot be concealed•

‫ را مسحجاد حرام است‬۵ ‫ خانه ضر و ر ا ست‬۶۵ ‫جر آغم تکید‬

114, Itis unlawfulto dedicate that lamp in the
Mosque whichis indispensably required at
is aman's duty to provide for the wans of lis own family befor
hebestows muouey on pioususes.Be ‫ز‬ ‫هن‬ustnyou
before e g S۰‫ن‬TO

115. May my eyes beenlightened.

An expression expressive of one sjoyathearing of any good fortune
having betallenanother. g. d. Maylhave the happiness to seehim.

‫چو بی ترم را تکرم مهاجخو ره‬

116. Worms gnaw soft timber.
،i e Good natured persons are sure to be annoyed.
،‫چو د زد اوثی ه ار هم افتند کالا پد یاد آید‬
117. Whenrognes quarrel, honestmenget their

‫چون تکل بسیارشد پیلاری پلغتند‬

18, Wherethere is muchmire, the elephant's
foot slips.
i e The most pious and abstinentare in danger of falling into vice if
tity go in the way or strong temptation.

19, When the field is clear, strike your ball.

***bay while the sunshines.

‫چو وقت مرگ مار آیه بختکاره رهگذر کوهد‬

120 When the snakes hour of death ‫و‬semoc he
Comesupon the highway.

‫ نرا که باشد نوح کشتی با نا‬T ‫چه با کلی از موج بحر‬

121 . What dread hashe of the waves of the sea ‫و‬
Who has No Anfor a boat-man *
i.e."Heis safe Who has a powerful protector۰

‫چه زند به ي پابلان الچوقت ترکان‬
‫ و‬flow canthe tent of a Toorkpan hurt the
foot of an elephant ‫م‬:
to Ukhoon is a kind of tent of the Toorkmans, small like a cage. Applied
* "‫ لا؟‬.Weak
person who pretends to opposcastrong ouc
18 oRIENTAL PRovERBS.Aar ‫با‬
‫حاجهت مشاطه نه سه تا روی هلارام را‬
123. The face of abelowed mistress hasnoneed
of a tire-woman.

‫حاجي حاجي را در مکه مي ببنده‬

124. One pilgrim sees another at Mecca.
Applied to one whonever visits anether, but whenhe wants something
of himu.

‫ واز بخا ند خود زه‬۵ ‫حاجي =کاری نداشت جوال‬

125. The Hajee had nothingto do and so stuck
needles into his own wall.
Spoken of one who injureshimself by his own follys

‫حال این است آشتارا واي بر بیگانه‬

126. If this be the state of his friends woe to
‫حرا م خورم و شلغم‬
197. Shall I eatwhat is forbidden, and be eon
tented with turnips?
i.e, Iraman act unlarully, it should not be for a trining object. P*
notsin by halves.

‫خدر صرامور‬
128. The avarice of the ant.

.120 The accounts offriends are in the heart ‫ه‬

i.e, They do notupbraid one another with favours.

‫ح==کات شنید وی از لب لغاری صوا بذر‬

,130 ‫ک‬Itisbest
to hearthe words ofwisdom f on
thelips of Looo MAN .
i.c. Tolearnevery science from the mostskilful init۰
‫ه‬.secr ۹ oaIENTAL PROWERBS 19

‫حهز بیی دقت‬

}31. An eunttch without a tabor.

One ۲ery wretched and despicable.

‫جهله رو با‬
}32, The wiles of the fox.

‫تو چه د انی که در یتی کره سواری باشد‬

{33. Donot eontemn the poor or oppressed of
this world ;how do you know but this dust may
concealahorseman 3

#34. May the house of a drunkard be ruined.

Applied theu any one speaksinooherently or notto the purpose.
‫خانه خیز پسمر شده‬
135. A child brought up at home.
Applied to one who hasrisen to wealth or power without anymerit o
exertion of bis own

‫خانه درسی انفت کو را و نگت‬

}36, To hangup grapes in the house of a bear
"hichis very greedy of thatfrtrit. Applied to one who comunits any
s to the care of t
‫ل‬ one who will certainhy
i embezale ‫ه‬

‫نیسه انت‬ ‫خانه درویش را شیعي به از مهتابیب‬

137. The poormanhasno better candle inhis
house than the moon
‫خورد اري بو زند‬
138, The carefulness of an.ape.
Ro To express the committing of anything to the care of a treacherous Pe۴
" *‫ گ‬to set the tox to keep the geese

‫خدا میداند که خر را شاخ نهمه هاد‬

139. God knows that anass hasmo horns.
Applied to afoolish andill-inteutioned person,but without the power

‫ خدا را سه ات‬،‫خدر ارجل اطلس به وشد‬

140, Anassis still anass,though hispannel be
of satin. ...

‫خر از ختگاو قرقیب نمیکند‬

141.He cannot distinguish anass froman ox
‫خ و آنها را تکسهای در عروسی بیک نمخوانه‬
‫متکر آنی تماما بع ===کافیت و همزم تها ثان‬

142. No mansends for an ass to a marriage pro

cession, but only when there is awant of water
and wood.
‫آ‬U »sed
as areproof toone who being nseful insomemean orlo w office
presumes onitto affect Maamiliarity with his superiors.

‫خر به تو بر کارنالینی‬
148.Anasswitha coloured grain-bag1.
Applied to a fool or blockheadfinely dressed.

‫اتحار خا اي پیراغه می کنحه‬

144. Anassunladen goes at a gallop.
Applied to a young muan who runswild for the want of salutary ‫م‬tniartser

‫خورخغذاه جو نهم خوره‬

‫ق‬14 . Asleeping ass catsuo ‫ را‬ailey
i. .e.Hethat doesnot labourshallhave no pay.

‫خجر خواجه خرمالی خواجه‬

.146 The assisthe Rh :‫ زن‬،" ‫غ‬and
sois the graf
Applied to a ‫ و‬on wbo dissipatesthe property of his fatber ۰

147. Anass in the mire.

i.e.Reduced to great distress, or at a nonplus.

‫اسمپ ناتو لین تکره‬ )‫ راعی‬۵ ‫باز‬ ‫خر را‬

148.Anass cannot be made a horse by beating
i e Instruction and chastisement are both thrown away on ablockhead.

‫خر =کاریست دریای علم‬

149. The carrying of dung is a sea of knowledge.
Applied toome who boasts exceedingly of his skillin sometriding worth
iess art

‫خرت کرایه بتکا رنها پهن‬

130, Of what use is ahired ass *
Used to express awant of confidence.

‫خرهها دی پالادی دیگر‬

51. The assis the ‫و‬emas but the pannel different
h Applied to an upstartraised from powerty to weal th, on whichhe plumes

. One whose own barnisburned wishesthe
SaTuemisfortune to others.

‫خس تکم جهانی پا له‬

138 "The wretches are diminished and the world
Imade pure
An *‫گ‬Pression used on hearing of the death of a very wicked and oppres
۱۲e person,

‫ خر تکوشی‬،‫خواب‬ :»...
154, The sleep of a hare.(Negligence)
:2 ORIENTAL PRovERBs. ‫مها‬ari
‫خوره اما مرده‬

155. He ate and died.

Applied to.aperson who has been detected and punished for an act ot

‫خورشید را یافتکل نتوانایی بوشیده‬

156 The sun cannot behid with clay.
Spoken ofsomething very evident and impossible to be concealed

‫خو آب تمرخورد‬
wounded boar
:‫ز‬7. .A
i.e Greatly enraged.

‫خجالي یخ بکار میروه‬

#58, The expence of this undertaking willbe
very great.
The ice is in Persiathe least ‫م‬
n nsiv
part of anoentertainment
c : e
if thetmust
efeas be‫هدل‬
expense ofice begreat that of the wl ently

‫ تر‬،‫دایه از ماه رمهر با وثی‬

l59.The nurse iskinderthan the mother
Applied to one who seems more eager in an affairthanthose who are

‫دم بها بانی فقیر افتتکارسته و ا شلغم پایتخته باد از نقره خام‬
H60.Im the desert aboiled turnip is better for the
poormanthan virginsilver
‫شده‬ ‫رچل سالخکی طنبورمی موزه هرگو راستا ه خواهد‬ ‫که‬

161. At forty he begantolearn the drum :he will

be skilful by the timehe gets into his grave.
‫هر خا نه بکاد خاد اکي مانده به چه چیز‬
162.Everything in the house depends on the
master ofit.
Asthe Seotch song says.--Theresisno luck about the house,whenour
gooduuan's awa.
‫ به‬.i.oRIENTAL
PRovERBs 23

‫در خانه مورشابقهای طوقانی است‬

168, Inthe ant's house alittie dew makes a
i.e, Asmall loss is destructive tethe poor, or involvesthemin the
greatest distress.

‫در خانه هر چه مهمانی هر تکه‬

164. Whatover is in the house ( the owner must
be content withit;) and whose gaest soever he :
maybe (the traveller must pass the night with
him۰) .

‫هره روغ چه صدر قاه‬

163.If you tell lies, whybe sparing of them 3

‫ رهاست سوار آئیته چه =اد‬۵

166. The bracelet is on your hand whatneed of a
mirror(to look at it. )
To say that any thing is selfevident and does not require proof

‫در=کام خیر حاجت استکخار نیست‬

167. Hna good work thereisna occasiontolook
for OThens

As .syassorcEII Ei : oi ‫له‬dy ‫مه ی‬t‫چ‬go ‫انه‬

‫ل‬eaura s Zip :‫م‬
‫هر نو مهد که بسهای امید آسمت‬

:s In despair there are many hopes. :

Unn satus tictismallam Speraresalutem.

‫هر واغ ختکقتی تا ریتکي ا یا ناشی است‬

169 Falshood is the darkness of faith۰

‫ه روغ گو را تا خانه اش‬

110, Theliar is only respected in his own house
.‫حافظه نباشد‬ ‫ روغ گورا‬۵
17 I . Liarshavebad memories.

‫دروغ مصلحت تا ل میباز به از راسهت فتنه انتکبز‬

172.The lie whichis productive of good is better
than the truth whieh excites disturbance or

‫و‬۵ ‫کاروینش چتان چه به خانه خوه رود همه چغان می بغرب تر‬
173 The poormanisthe sameinhis own house
Becausehe hasno more furniture or convenience in the one case than in
the other

‫ تشري ه او‬s ‫ه رویش صقت باشی ==کالا‬

174.Have themanners of a Durtoesh and weara
Tartar cap.
i.e.Behumble in your deportment and dressas gayas you ‫م‬esaelp

.‫ زده به زد قه عهد‬۵ .

175 One thief does notsteal from another.

Eng. Honour.among thieves.

‫ یک یا بو د از چند ثهاند بکخدا و نه‬۵‫د ز‬

176.Everythins that does notromain with its
owner (or in the sight of the owner) ۹۷ illbe

‫هست اتم ها و رباتش ممد ار ناد‬

177. Peoplehold their hands to the fire froun **
oinculofcate anything

‫د سهت با لاي هستن بسیار اسثت‬

i ، S. Thore are many gradations of power ‫و‬ O ‫ت‬tlI

over the other.



» ‫دسمت تحرتکو تسا‬

179, May the assespaws be shortened.

i e May the power of the violent and unjustberestrained,

‫در تکا سه و مشت در پبشاني‬ ‫ سسات‬۵

0 Sin
handis the‫و‬
I cup though a fist is athis
Describes one whose greediness is nottoberepelled by force or disgrace۰

‫دست شکسته و بالا قات کرد وثی‬

IST.Abroken arm is aburthento the neck.
Because itmust ‫م‬b supported by asling tiedround theneck.i.e.A
helpless or Profiligate person, is aburtheuto all his connexions

‫دستکیه زرثی پس ==کار وارکی‬

IS2 Lit. One who clapshish andsbehind a ca
Ta Wan .

A Porthless turoulent follow,

‫ و سهت‬۵ ‫ناد اندی‬ ‫از‬ ‫به‬ ‫ شاهت هانا‬۵

183. A wise enemy is betterthana foolish friend.
‫ شهای ناقوا رای حقمار و بیچا ری شهرها‬۵
184, An enemy is newerto be despisod.

‫ه لف از بیم سپش نتوارثی خاذ اشت‬

185. One Inust notthrow away ones quilt for
fear of the lice.
.e Aman ouglut nottoincura greatloss to avoida tritiugiucon

‫ ک‬۵ ‫سایر‬ ‫د اژهه بختکرالیا‬

186.A sheepgiven over to the wolf -
A person ‫ل‬eli۲ered into the hands of his eneuny۰


‫دا ند ارثی بر تکنند‬ ‫ا‬

187. Ho drewhis tooth. -
i.e, Reliuquished his inordinate desires. ‫م‬

‫ا ششهه‬، ‫ی» تتهر نندش‬.‫وع‬۱ ‫ ژاد‬۵ ‫ه‬

ISS. Histeethwere set on edge ‫ن‬

i.e. Hewas completely repulsed orrendered helpless.

‫ * آثاد‬۵ ‫ شما را با مواد خدور‬۵

. ‫ا‬
189. Hehas consumed all his stil)stance inhope.
Applied to one who inhonos of ohtaining employment or advancement
Imas bscuinduced to incur great expense. ‫ا‬

‫ و تیغه بازه‬۵
100.Hoplays with twos words . ‫ا‬
i.e.In one hand , whiohare uSeless. Toattemptor desire something
unreasonable or impracticable,

‫ ودل یکت شود بشکند کوه را‬۵

191 . Two heartsunited will break downam O1111
f ain.
Umanimity will accomplish anything.

،‫چاج‬-۹:‫ار با آت شما م ژنتیک‬ ۵ ‫ه و شاه شهر‬

.192 ‫رم‬Two
sw ords cannoti .putinone
c.F. Twokings inone country, Ro. ‫صر‬

C =
‫ خرت‬T ‫ را دانه با صد هر‬۵ ‫ تا‬۵
a • t.
193. Toninthisworld, onohnndred in the neX
i.e.Whateveris givenin alms inthis world is re-paidten fold ۹n the

‫ و حافه به‬۵ ‫سال باقی‬ ‫ هاتی‬۵

(‫؛‬1 4 . Itisbest to throw a sop to CErt BERCS .

... ‫دیانت بر عاقلد اسث‬ . .f

199. The price of bloodistobe paid b - ‫م‬ :CO
4hoSC .

histribe or family by whom the murderwas

For the meaning of ‫ر‬ .t
see IIA
w ro Ni
,a/. dHS lV o .448
The proverb is applied to the case of an innocent personwthois involvetlin
the consequences of another'sguilt. Orwhen afault is committed by a
child or a ,nam-dam the blaunelies atthe door of those who ‫ان‬ul‫ر‬evahd
restrained hirrrs

‫ یاد‬T ‫ درست‬،‫دایر آید‬

196, That whichis slowly done is well done.

‫دیرخت کیر و سکخت تکبیر‬

197, Be slow and sure.
‫هاین به بالا میکوید تکونت سیاه است‬
18, The po calls thekettle black a..e
‫ه یوارهم شکاوش داره‬
199. Wallshave ears
‫ یو ائه بتکار خود شش ما راست‬۵
:200. The madinanis prudent inhis own afiairs.
Hehas Inethod inhis madness.

‫ بیوانه را د نفتکی بس است‬۵

:201. Ahootis enough foramadinan.
i.e. Toputhimina Tage •

‫ذ یو بشکیریزد از آوای قوم تکه قرآنی خوانه‬

‫ لان‬: e
The u
devil l
runs away
sdhim a
who er
(Noor(tm .
To express that the ignorantavoid the wise.

‫را ا» به سبت میجره‬

:203, The road goes towards a village.
To express that any ones conducttends towards some concealed purpose۰

‫رفت انچه را قات‬

:204. What ispastispast. . ،

‫و نگر یز برایش خواه هر مانده‬

205. The dyerisunable to die his own beard.
to one who is engaged in difficulties of his own , so as to beu
able to assist others.

‫رو با باز ي ماه =کنده‬

.206 Heplays thefox ‫ ) و‬،orpractisesstratagem (
‫شکغتند گوا هت تکیست گفت د مم‬ ‫ر و با را‬
:207.They asked the fox who is your witness PHe
said, my tail.
Applied to oue who bringshis own dependents as evidence in hisfavour ۰

۵ ‫شها را‬ ‫ز معیت‬ ‫ر و‬

:20S. He counts the days

in llindee
t hours :implies
n iitupatient
e expectation
v ofe
- ‫سی‬- ‫تنت ها‬ ‫هگر‬

‫را بقاتکذ ار تققه بز با ننا خواه اقرار کند‬

‫از و سفا‬ ‫چه‬
:209. Lettlie clo wnal oue and he will convict
iuiunself by his own speech.

:210. Torul» with gooses oil.

i.c. Tofiatter.

:211. Oil is notlost in the dough .

Applied to any thing which has been accidentally conveyed to the place
where ouc wouldpurposelyha۲esent it.

‫را یاد یا تکه خلاصي نن ار يا‬

‫؛‬212. Hashe sh--ttliathe is not set free *
، Spoken of one who is detained in custody without an Y crim ‫وخ‬c
bci B


‫ریش خود میکند‬

:213.He pulls out his ownbeard.
i.e Heissorrow ful and melancholy.
‫و تکا‬
‫ر بیش‬
.214 . ti
Anoxes ,draebL ‫ و‬.a
Abuffoon fool

213. The Moolla's beard is all expended inkissing

Spoken orone who hasexpendedhis whole substance ingiftsto
۲arious persons. This proverbhasitsfoundation in the following story.
The poet J AMEE in the course of histraveismetwitha Moolla who was
۲ery ignorant, but greatly revered by hishearers, whowere ‫ه‬oseronmllits
J AvaEE ex Dosed hiserrors, and the Ioollaboathiin who wasanunprotected
Stranger. Beingunable to revengehiunself by force, he came nextmorning
to the Moolla and begantoprostrate himsolf and kisshisfeet, with all
Possible demonstrations orprotoundveneration.Hethen declared that a
havenlyvision in the preceding nighthadwarned him, that whoewer could
"in a hair of the toollas beard woutube protected from hell-fire and
Certaiuly obtain paradise : and heentreated the Moollatobestow on himso
invaluable a gitt. The Mootta couseuted ; andwaspresently surrounded by
animmensemultitude of men, w، inenaudchildren, all imploring the same
favour He coulduot refuse, andhis beardwas speedilypducked» te the
last hair.

۵ ‫ بیم بر حقا را ند ارثی و هر چه باد | با‬۵ ‫از‬

:‫ان‬1.6 ‫اه‬
thrown the
ha dice like a ve
disolute per
Soulet the event be what it will.
Spoke n by ome who is engragcdinadehauolled lifo whichhescest ‫عدنی‬
W tour‫م‬
‫ را‬.e is determincd o abide thet

21 ‫ز ر سفید بر روز سیاه است‬

7. Money islaid up fortlue day of distress.
21 ‫زر تا ر کند مره لاقات از ناد‬
S. Gold doesthe b usiness, inau boasts ofit.

9l ‫زمانه پا تو نسازد تو با زما نه ساز‬

‫(؟‬. As the world does not faw our you ‫ و‬do you
‫؟‬ en
0uform tot it
‫ سیانی د و ر‬T ‫از مهتدی ساخت‬
‫؛‬022. The earthishard and the sky far ofT
i.e.I am without refuge, unable to (lig myself a cavern in the carth
ormountup to heaven.

‫سه را خحر‬ ‫شده‬ ‫زمه ی ترتکبد و پیدا‬ ‫ا‬

:221.The earth opened and an asses head appeared.

Applied to the sudden appearance of any disagreeable person orthing ‫از‬
to anything ritur
iculous or absurdiun
thrown out in .not‫ل‬o
itasrevnoc r
‫و‬ su
۰,montesnasce m

. -
‫و اصه ی یک‬ ‫لینک) را ضي شوهر را ضي شتکو از بریش‬

:222. The man and wife are both content; anda

fig for the justice.
‫به نشاسیقی سعید زناشو د‬ ‫ز نگي‬
:223. Ablackamoor cannot be washed white.

‫ بچالا نش‬۵ ‫ز و ر بخ=خر ثمر سعاده‬

strength ou
hasno22 effect on r4 exert
it on the saddle.
‫اد‬ of one whoSp
unable to avengeok en
himself of a powerful person wh
him - iniu
wreakshisrage on
redthe weak

‫از ی تکر کری این کانی ملی دشوار است‬

:22:‫ ز‬. Itis diflicult to string my bow .
caoT.e .i‫م‬

‫سه شهسادات‬ )‫ک‬ ‫تک اسید نهم‬ r ‫از‬

:226.IBolow the oupisahalf cup .

i.o.somothing, (gonorally evil,) is concealedunderthat which open۴


‫سالمتکه ناکو است از بهار ش پیدا است‬

227. Agood year begins fromits spring ity will
, .
Annangivesiudie a
cations inhisu ‫آ‬
youth n
of what his ‫لا‬

:S. Vegetables do not grow ona stone : what
fault is in the rain. :
i.e.Theteacheris nottoblame thoughhe cannot instruct a blockhead.

‫سینما =گي بروید از روستای یخ‬

:‫(ن‬. How can vegetables grow inice P
Applied in two ways, l To amiser from whom nothing can be obtained.
* Toaheadstrong fool on whom good advice is thrown away

230. He threw away his shield.

‫آ‬۰ e Was reduced to great distress : was quite helpless ,

‫سحخان شق به ری بیخ دولت است‬

.l Tolistento
ytiadvice re proot
is the sof
orp .
‫ سریگریبا رای خود فرو بر‬.
:232.Drop yourhead on your collar.
i.e. Consider maturely.

» ‫سر تکلافه کم کره‬

3.hlosft .ond
of the ol tio
ile is entanglod or Confused. Eng. Lost the thread of his ‫م‬csruocsid

‫ مس قابع ممد شده‬۵ ‫ بما‬۵ ‫سهر و‬

234.He sing ‫س‬Sto
awaken the desires of the intoxi
i.e. Hestirs upthose who are already prone tomischief.

235. This isthe punishment offoul players

Spoken by
One who expresseshimself pleasedatsonne misfortune
having betalle u an oppressive or unjust person.

‫سمعی بسیار کفش پا ر» =کتاد‬

236. Much running about wears out the shoes.
.‫م‬.i ‫م‬W ha
determined ri
mustbe : yourstriving againstitwillb
s ilt
effectual and tend only to your ownharm.

‫سقابها نبع توانده شده‬

237 .He cannot be whitoned.
.‫م‬.i Hehasbehaved soill that he canneverbe forgivenoradmitted ‫مه‬
gainto favor

‫سایت اصحاب کهف‬
‫م‬Th.238 dog of the seven sleepers
Emb}cm of fidelity-

‫سالت حضور به ار براه رهاور‬

239, Adog at land isbetterthan a brother far off
‫سگی حق شناس به ازآ ه مي ناسپاس‬
:240, Agrateful dog is better than athanklossman
‫سنگی داند و کفشگر در آنجانی چیست‬
241 . Tho dog and the coblorknow what is in the
leathern bag
‫آ‬Itissaid ,l ool)!orladput۱a
somoprovisions inta onloatherm ,1 agr
whiohador.atracted bylosmoll, (int:ca voredto carry oft.Somoporson۰
socing the dog running offwith thobag and th، coblor inpustit.oxpressod
his snrprise athodogsfondness for-apicco oficathor, to which anotherro
plied in theords of the provorb.Itmeans thatthe parties concerncdia
any transactionknow thcir own affairsbest.

‫جه ==کار‬ ‫است راه رمس جه‬

4249. What hasa dog to do in the templo *
‫سال سهراس نت و قلمه تارشا‬

243, The dog is satisfied and the nieat sour.


‫ساگت هر سوار‬
244. The dog of every horseman.
Asycophant orparasite.

‫اش جی برجهاد کا لنی استکخوانی ا سه ات‬۵ ‫ز‬ ‫سگی را گرکلو خی بر سر آید‬

a clod
joy strike
with a dog
.thinking onbea
it to the he Springs ‫و‬

. ‫دي به طبع نابسمت‬ ‫سلام روستا‬

:246, The salutation of a clown is not without some
interested motive
‫ستال آمد و به ی لیگ آماه‬
247. The stone came on thelarue foot.
Misfortunesseldom come single.
. ‫ مدوساخت آمد‬T ‫سنگی‬
948 A stone came and struckme hard.
Spoken of something afflicting which being withoutremedy must be
borme with patience.

‫سنگ بدن دانش نهمترانه‬

:249. He does not strike a stone on histeeth.

‫ استل می ش==کند‬،‫سال‬
‫سکه‬ ‫ر‬-‫س‬
250. One stone breaks another. -
Eng. Diamond Cuts diamond.

251.A stone tiponice.

‫سنگی روی یخ‬
i e Restless and easily impelled in any direction.

2 ۹9 - •

. The stone which we ‫ر‬tfiltonnac we must kiss

: and Bass over .
‫ ما‬.e Make thebest of a bad bargain۰
‫ای‬ oRIENTAL PRovERBS.Aar ‫نا‬ ‫از‬

253. You cannot make a hole in the sky۰

‫م‬i ,
It is wain to
e attempt impossibilities

‫سوراخ موش بهزا راه ینا رمیک خود‬

254.He would buyarat shole for athousand
i.e.He is much distressed fora place to hide himselfin۰

‫سهل تکلو خی باشد که از زمانی بلند تر بود‬

255. Even a little clod is higher than the ground»
(whichitlies on )
.d Though such an one
g is of no great eminencehe
‫م‬ is betterthan you

‫سبلي نقد به از حلو اعری نسیه‬

256. A slap ( orpush) in hand is better than sweet
meats in promise (or at a distant day.)

257. Hethat haseatenhis fill does not pity the

hungry .
‫ قدی) بد که گرسنه زیستبی‬۵ ‫سمه و مور‬
25S.Itisbetterto die with a belly full thanto
live hungry.
Spoken in reply to one who saysitishetter to live poor thanbe under
obligationto the unworthy, or descendtorneanness for the acauisitio of
wealth. ‫و‬

‫شاخ بر دیوار است‬

250, She is atree growing on the wall.
Spoken of anunchaste woinan, who is continuaily iooking at her 1ove۴
the windows.i.e.She ruius her husbaads ,ronoh a a ‫ تا آن‬do 3
the wall on which it grows. :

260.His hornis broken.

Eng.Softishishorn.To denote weaknessorwant of power

‫خ شانه مبتکنش ده‬ ‫ش‬

261. Lit. He pullshorns and shoulders.

In Persia sigmifies, heis very refractory or displays much pride and in
alence Inn
‫ه‬ gi
FHindoostan-He from hissubject,introducing
wanders e rof
**iTelevant matter ،«byhead and shoulders.»

‫از او تکشیبی وعی‬

363 ‫ع‬Li . To draw the .bmoc To withdraw from
any affair. To skulk,
‫ و‬۶
‫شب خم تکره طا کوس میتهایه‬
‫شب شکر به سپاور میقاید‬
night an asses coltlooks like a peacock
‫و نانه‬At
ora cat like a Scythian wease1.
Es ‫ قی‬OA ‫ج‬sis as good asuaylady in the dark.۰ Applied to a person or

appeared excellent before their qualifications were examinea

‫ «کند‬.۳ich

‫شتریایی مهار‬
:204. Adissolute vagabond.
،‫سه تن‬ ‫ل ا‬۵ ‫شهر‬

*35. Hehasthe heart of a camel

‫ مأ‬e.Is a cowards

‫شتر را با نهاد داغ میتکنقد‬

266. Theyburna camel through a ‫م‬teknalb
a Cautery is ‫م‬bot applied to a eamer for the cure of certain com
Pla Ihts-it :

the ** Saltoputseveral folds of a coarse cloth or blanket betweens

‫ا‬۰ yl
and thelaniunal's
auda ,nr
s e ta
that thertenepyamtaeh
hot "** neans that aamonition and reproof shouldbe coareyed «‫از‬itnes
‫لا‬a d

‫شتر تکمینه‬
267. The enmity ofa camel. :‫ز‬
i.e.Inveteratehatred۰ ‫ها‬

‫شترتیکر بم‬
268.A camel anda cat.
Spoken oftwothingsili-matched, as we may say six-aee۰

‫شترموغ رائفتنه باربره ارگفت من مراغم گفتند بپراغت ملی شترم‬

:269. They said to the camel bird, (i.e.the os
trich ) take up aload :hercplied, I am abird
They said ‫ و‬.fly
:he ,dias I am a camel
Applied to one who shiftshis ground in argument.

‫شمشیر خطباب‬
270. The sword of the preacher.
i.e. An eloquenttongue.

‫شتمیجی یا متکی بود مانند دیدهد ک‬

How can hearing be equal to :‫ب‬
" ‫به‬ ‫شو ي از وی زشت روی نا به تا‬
:27 2. The husband of anugly wonianshould be
‫شاه و پرهنتی‬
27 3. Aiion of snow .
i, e One who boasts of awalour whichhe does not ‫همه‬
‫شیرشاه روانشی‬
:274. Alion ona curtain( as above.)
‫رجلو ا‬
‫ینی با‬
‫شد دها‬
‫ نشو‬،
275. The mouth is not made sweet by pronouncing
the wordsweet-meats.
i. c One cannot befed with promises.

. ‫است‬ ‫شیشه شاتکست را هموند تکر هالی مشکل‬

276. It is difficult to repair a broken glass.
i.e. Torestore a brokenfriendship.

‫ خرابیب نکند‬۵ ‫شاه ط) لادا غحا ژی محو‬

277. The devil does not spoil his own house.
Eng. He is a dirty bird that defiles his ownnest.

‫صبره رویش به تکه بذلغتي‬

,278 "ehT‫چ‬ patience of the poormanisbetterthan
his reoeiving the bounty of the rich : ( ‫و‬ro for a
poorman, patience is better than the bounty of
the rich.)
‫صداع و ک هر مشت به ازکلنگ هر هوا‬
279. A sparrow (or titmouse) in the handis better
thana crane in the air.
۰‫گ‬Er ‫م‬Abird
in the handis worth two in the bush

‫مشاور قیامت‬
280. The last trumpet.
The promise of a lover۰

‫صید حرم‬
281. Game at Mecca (where it cannot bekilled.)
To describe ‫م‬elbaniattanugnihtyna

‫ یاد سوسکی صبا داروه‬T ‫صیاد را چو ری اجل‬

882, When the hour of the game is ‫و‬emoc heruns
in the Way of the hunter."

‫طبل زیرشکلیم میزنه‬

:283, He beats a drum beneath a blanket
* ‫م‬ie
endeaworsto conceal that which cannot be disguised

‫طاشت از بام اقتاد‬

284. Thie plate isfallen fromathe roof
i.e.The secretis discovered. ‫ها‬

‫عاشق کور باشد‬

:285, The lower is blind. .

۵ ‫ کا بو‬.‫عاقبت جو باشد یا پا باشد‬

,286 ‫م‬Infine
hethat seeks findts

‫عاقبت مجهوایی لو لي را شکلاًر بر چتبه است‬

287 . The beggars ape atlast mounts only on the
hoop. :‫از‬
‫ع‬Itisthe custom with those who carry about ,staog ,sepa Re.for exhibi
tion, to carry small hoops, whichthey place one over another, on which
animals aretaught to .esi.bmilc Aperson of mean extractio
whatever hisambition maybe, will newerrise to anything ۲ery ‫م‬taerg

‫به ذر بدتر ز خاکتان‬

.388 ‫م‬The
excuse is worse than thefault

:2S9: Alame excuse.

:200. ( Dieresurrectionis rem cumasino habere.)

To speak foolishly ‫و‬
ro u
or r
to g
nocni ۰

‫ نه اموختقی‬۵ ‫ من ني هو‬T ‫عاشقیب‬

:201.Love comes spontaneously andis notto **

:202, Abliudunan's staft ( a son, ) .


‫عصار موسی‬
293.Mosps» rod.
Tauntingly said of one who is veryeonceited, thathe earries Mosss
‫؟‬ s
his ,dne
.odia lthe
ah orhas c a
power of r im

‫عصنات بي دي از به چاه ريه است‬

. The chastity of the lady is from want of
، clothes
i e She vas in the habit of going abroad and amusing herself,till she
۲as obliged to stayathome forwant of clothes. Applied toonewhe
leaves ofr his vices, hot from any virtuous principle.of amendment, but for
"t of ability to indulge them.

‫عقل روستاي‬
*3 The clown's reflection ( comestoolate.)

‫علاج واقعه پیش از وقوع باید تکره‬ ‫و‬

206, "The remedy of a calamity should be prepared
before it occur... ،

‫عالی ماند و حوضش‬

297. LS۶ ULEE and his pond will remain.
‫ه‬.i The pool Kuosur .Spoken bya-dissipated personto whoms

********onces thathe wiligo to hil fornis ckces g. d, Ifat

"holive as I do 59 ‫ول‬lebo) U ‫ع‬EL will be left alone by his ponain
heaven. ‫گ‬ ...

‫عه ح‬
‫» را چ‬ ...:.
:208. What need t0 explain that which is self evi
dent ‫و‬

‫ر وستا کي‬ ‫ نمی‬۵۸ ‫عام‬

. Afestival Withouta ckowa ‫ ) ؛‬or Jack Pud
. tung) ‫}{{ر‬:
Applied to Pything ۲ery imperfect
l r Lt REWORP»
.SBa r

‫تکور میبا شده‬ ‫قریهپ‬

300, The stranger is blind.
Spoken as an apology for an error oromission.

‫غلام بهال ناتمه و خواجه به رشو‬

.301 ‫و‬T he
slave glories in his wealth ‫ح‬but
the mas
i.e، Both the slave andhis wealth. Spoken by one who is compli
anented by his superior on anything valuable whichhe possesses

‫فقیر را از اقات توابع شناخت‬

302. A Fuqeer is known by his furniture.
‫قاضي بعد از اقرار انتکار ناشنو ه‬
803 The judge does not hear denial after confes-
sion. ‫"م‬.

‫قضیه از مجری بر سر ز همه بع‬

304. A. dispute about ground must be settled on
the spot. ‫مرگ‬

‫قطره قطره جهاع خاکره ه انگی دریاشوه‬

305. Many drops make a river."

‫می‬ ‫ع‬

‫قلاهای یاد از ساکت است‬ =

300 . The collarisbetter than the dog

.Applied to a worthless personfinely dressed.
‫قلم رفتاد‬ ... ‫و‬

307.Decreed by fate
. ‫قلم ایتمجا رسید و بسر بش=کست‬
808The penarrived thus far and broke its point۰
i۰ e The subjectisbrought to a conciusion

‫قلندر دیهه گویه‬

309. The Qultundur speaks what helias seen.
‫قلید از مغ یا تک ذشت‬
310, The dish has lost its savour.
To describe any saying without meaning or elegance : or the decayed
۴ondition of one formerly prosperous.

‫ رویش بر جای دارو بیشا‬۵ ‫قهر‬

311 . The wrath ofthe poorman falls upon himself

‫ یاد بیاید‬T ‫قیامت گرچه دبیر‬

312. The resurrection, thoughlate, will certainly

Spoken of amisfortune long expected whan atlast it arrives.

‫===کارد باستانخوانی رسیده‬

313. Theknife has reached the bone »‫ی‬

Spoken of one reduced to the utinost distress ‫ه‬

: ۵ ‫کار دست بسته تکر‬

314.Hehas accomplished a difficultwork.۶

‫تکار هر بافتاده و حلاج نیست‬

319: This is not work of every weaver and dresser
of cotton.
ie۰ This is not an enterprize which any one may undertake.

‫کاسه از آتش گرمته‬

‫ان‬9. .The
dishiswarmer than the foodiait
Application, see No. 139

‫کاسه های سایه ها و پاد اره‬

317. The meighbor's euphastwo feet.
. * Fayours are rcciprocal.

‫کالا می به برایش خاوند‬

318, Throwbadmerchandize inits owner sface.

‫تکای هر = اهد آبی ثبا نح‬

310 Thore isno hay left in the manger.
i.e, Annans whole substance is cxpended.

‫ هده‬،‫کای =که تد بباد ممح‬

352{). Hewinnows oid straw .
i.e.In whichno cornremains.JIo talks foolishy or boasts ‫م‬۰ylitpm

321 . Ironmay l)o softenod) y iron

.gnE Diamond outsdiamond : or set athief to ‫ام‬ta‫م‬foihtah.

‫ پشت می جز ناختی از نث کشت ملی‬۵ ‫ث خا و‬۹ ‫کسی‬

322None soratchesmybackbutmy own nails.
i.e.None comestomy aid.

۰۰ ...
‫به هم هسسه‬ ‫ و غ می بهتو همشی‬۵ ‫تتکهکویح =که‬:‫نف‬: ‫کسی‬

323.No onosaysnny ottrds are sour.
IEng. Noone cries stinking fish.

‫مرا عاقیت نشانه ن=کوه‬

‫ تکه مو‬،‫ی‬.‫م‬
‫و امترا م‬.‫کسائمامهو خات علم\ تمم‬
‫ه‬423. No one everlearned archery frommo that 1h as
not afterwardsmade mo abuttfor hisarrow۹۹۰
Spoken hy onewho hasmetan ungrateful return froma pupil OT ‫ه‬licat
‫کسم==که از شهر سوخته شده و غ را فف کره » مبح خومه‬
: 2:3 .
imhtiw ‫ و‬S)|1low

when ho drinks butter-inilk.


‫کسی که مغارمیدزدد اول چاپ میکند‬

‫ ثان‬.6 Hethat wouldsteala steeple,first digs a well
(to hide it in.)
Hethat hasin contemplation a difficultundertaking, should first :repare
thelmeans neces ‫د‬
the accomplishment
‫کشتی ه ریا دي شد‬ ‫ع‬

‫ آنان‬. .The
boat is launched into the sea
. «Hehas commenced his journey or begunanenterprize.

‫دو ح‬ ‫کشتي‬
328, NoAns ark.
Aplace of ۹ale y : a person of dignity and steady deportment ‫ و‬a sure
footed horsc.

‫کلاغي تگی کبک را خگوش کره‬

‫تا آلت خویشتنی را فراموش =کمه‬ .

. The ravenimitated the gait of the partridge

tillhe forothis own. .... ‫م‬،

، ...i

30Hethat throws clodsis repaid with stones

Eng. He tluatla
‫ از‬SabOat with the ,drows willbestruck with tha

، ‫==شم خو و قور د بید‬

331 . Eat little and yottwill see clear.
An admonition tospendthrifts.

‫ با نهمخومه‬T ‫قت و تره ک از کو زانو‬ ...‫و‬

332, The Dotte Ill Of GI driaks out of a new ottp .

۰۰ Themake " of ally articlene ver !‫ن‬cepsthebest torhis ownuse

.‫کوری خو را برابر مصلاقات باید باوسنباد‬ ..

‫ ننه‬.3 To etiect vour purposo you nuust even caress .

‫ له‬.fool
‫فاده‬۹ - .. .»

،.. . ‫تکولی خدری تکرد‬

334.Heplayed the fool.
... ‫و‬ ‫اه با‬

‫که نه تکرکست‬
335. He is an old wolf
i.e.Wery artful ‫م و‬x‫ن‬orwise
and .decneirepxe .gnE An oldf

‫چه به د ار‬ ‫چه خدافنزد‬ ‫متکیمر مقتکس‬

336. Muscaepenissive dormiens sive expergefac

tus [idem est.]
Spoken of a weak or insignificant person.

‫است‬ ‫ و حذه‬۵ ‫متکی هستد‬

337 .dewessaheH‫) ) و‬edamapurse

receive the moneyhe expects .Applied to one who has grcate
pectations from another.

‫ رشلوار‬۵ ‫تکی کت‬ :{

:33S. Aflea in the trowsers.
i.e.Muchannoyed..Eng. Hehas afteainhisear»

‫ زار‬T ‫آ مهابی مر هم‬۵ ‫کاوان و خرابه بار باردار یخ از‬

339. Oxen and asses which carry burthens are bet
whotorment theirfellow uneil

‫تک) و خر تر از ختر است‬

340. The oxis agreater ass than the ass.
i.e.Suchan one is agreater fool than sueh another.
. ‫سمت‬ [ ‫تکا و زیاد یا‬
:341 . The ox hassll-t.
when souuething has occurred whieh interrupt the bus : ‫م‬ness
‫ق‬Said in band

‫خاتکا وطوسی‬
842 Lit. An ox of Ioos, Afool. . -
sger, i.oRIENTAL PROWERBS ‫قا‬4

‫خاتکا و بست نیکی شیر و لیکوی لکد زنی است‬

She is a good ‫ و‬.but
Spoken of one who is liberal to his domestics, buttreats ‫فل‬iwmeht

‫شگاه با شاد تکه کودکی نادانی‬

‫که‬- 2 ‫ت*ه‬ ‫نی ند‬۹ ‫یغلط بدور هاد قیات‬

844.Some times anignorant child accidentally

hits the mark.
‫گاه ابشاک دار حهت خد ؟‬
843. Gophave mercy on hiin who begs from a
.‫گربه مستکیی اشکارپر داشت‬
‫ ز جهانی برد اقاقی‬1 ‫تغم کنحجشک‬
346.1f the poor cathadwings, it ۳ould extir

Pate the race of sparrows from the world.

‫ و خدمت چشم‬۵ ‫گرسنه شکم برنهاد‬

‫تکه شاه سایه قتکوشت بو د است پشم‬
847 The hungry belly fixed eyes on the carpet,
the woolwas
‫ن‬h meighbour
onces el to thef
‫کار حایز =کته توبه گونش ندهد یاری‬
:s if abadman wotild repentaitdrefortn ‫ و‬his
" lust will not permithiun. ...

‫میراد باز و رماتیت تاج نه‬: ‫گر از ر‬

840 it you have money you have no occasion to

‫کرگی اشتي‬
350. The wolf sfriendship.
i.e.Deceitful. ‫ما‬

،‫ یوسف نادرید‬،‫گرگک دهانه آلود‬

851. The wolf with a blood-stained mouth did
not tear Jos EPII .
Applied to one who is blamedfor, or suspected of a crime whichhe has
not counnuitted.

392. Amad wolf.

‫ع‬ . A
dissolute inconsiderate person

‫تکراد میباتخمزه‬ ‫گر میزنی‬

303.If you beat him the dust will rise.
i.e.Youwill gret nothing else.Spoken of one sopoor thatnothing can
begotfrom himeven by compulsion.Like Eng. Itishardtoget th
brecches fronnahighlander.

‫شکر نابودي چوب ترفرمان نبردیابی کاو و خر‬

wo ul rod the ox
a suppled. 4‫ز‬ and ass 3
not obey. ‫ه‬

i.e.The vulgarare only to bekeptinobedience by fear of punishment۰

‫ باسبتر ه زمان آراسته شد‬۵ ‫قتل بو‬

‫ز‬3 ‫ و‬. .
wasa ,esor I
now verdure t
is also .joined
Spoken 1st.Of aface, on whichthe beard.just begins to appear pd.Oft
anything which improves in excellence or beauty، :3d. Ironically of ‫هن‬ht
wluichprocceds fromubad to worse.

‫ بب برا وارد‬T ‫==لیم خود را از‬

ٔ ‫ه‬
has recovered
‫ن‬r blanket
hise t out
a the w ‫یه‬
of w
i.e.iias gotout ofluis difiicultics.
‫است‬ ‫ام‬
• .‫سر‬
‫انک کنت د گاوانی راگم سیاه شد تا و انی‬، ‫قت‬
357. The oxen comunita trespass and the 1 nastC

pays the tities


‫است‬ ‫گنجه هر و برانه‬

398. The treasure is in the desert.
Application, see No. 4.

‫گناچاشتکی به نقد به تکه طاو سر به نسبه‬

389. Asparrow in handis betterthan apeacock
In expectation.
Abirdin the handis worth two in the bush.
‫و جو قوش‬ ‫تک تجه م تها عی‬
‫ (ن‬One who shows wheat and sells barley
Aman of great promise and small performance.

‫م ستیبه با شک‬T ۵ ‫تکوا» عاشقا صادقای‬

:361 . The Witness of a true lover is inhis sloevo ‫و‬
(orat hand.)
Itis explained to meantears, whichflow immodiatoly onmention of the
Son ,dewoleb and whichh .wipes offwith his sloevo

‫کو } ماسه تا موقر وشا‬

‫نه‬20. The drunken man's evidence is the vintmor

‫تکواژ با * ع پاراهم میدهه‬

‫نه‬3 .IIe0 farts
.r over
ep thepurc
.Applied to one whomakes foolish pretensions to ‫م‬mincnce prrecpo‫م‬t. -

:‫از‬ ‫لها‬ ‫به اح‬ ‫کوزبها‬ ‫سی‬

304. To fart in the stablo

8 ۰۴۰ Tobrag in one ‫ و‬ownhouse or among one ‫ و‬own family or depen

‫ب‬Of ‫هم‬
‫) را نات‬۲‫خاک و از بس ط‬
- •

‫ه‬0 ‫ز‬.Post
.sircrepitus tnov
Appliedro a Person, who, afternscries of virtuouscnndnotispru: (y of
la )urcuiurof erits ‫ه‬

‫تکو زش با راست‬
366.IHislading is wind.
i.e.Heisof no worth.power orestimation.

‫ راس هاوائی‬۵ ‫شکو ز شتر نه در زمهای نه‬

367. The camel's fartisneither on earthnor in
the sky.
Appliedtosometiuing indiscourse absurdorincongruous.

‫ عود ه سر ز‬،‫کوز ماد‬

363.IDonotfart, norburnaloos-wood.
Applied to one who is notfitfor the company into whichhe has intrn
ded himself, andy etthiuks lue confers anhonor oathem. Engliefarteth

‫جاهم دا‬۲ ‫ و ع مهخ‬f ‫د‬ )‫ختکوسه‬

360, The calfloapsby help of the pin.
to onewho performsby the assistance of anoti erthings
he couldnothavedone of hiuiself

‫نتک و نشی خو اب) ژیم نه‬

3:0, Lit.1Heputhis ears to sleep.

i.e.lielenta deaf carto any disbourses

‫ل علم سریا نش ممقان‬ ‫هبمر تطنا رم‬ ‫خبع‬

،‫خود نیم قه‬ ‫تکمی بر پشت که‬
3 [. Some timeshesits
po t ‫ ) و‬ort :e
on theliouse
fottrth heaven) audsometimes cauinot seettie

‫نتغیره است‬ ‫در تماسی را بیش خود‬

372.IIehas spoken what issuitabletoluis own
. arcr. R. .ORIENTAL PROWERBS- ( 49

‫لوز یقه یختکا و داهوتی از کولی خدری است‬

373.Itis folly togive comfits to a cow (or to
throw pearls to swine.)
‫لنگ که زیر و لنشتیکی بالا نه غم ه زه نيغم کالا‬
374, One leg over the ‫و‬rehto )forwant of ethes
tohide ones nakedness ) has no dread of thieves
le about
‫؟‬tiatna ‫فال‬3 corarra stroneui ator ‫ه‬

‫آن‬3 mare starts ather own farting

" blame
، "Poen of one who does
on aho ther.
something bad or shameful and throws the

*‫ما را از بی شکیبای ضعیف ا یتی خنکها دیث نبو‬

376.I didnot expectthis from suchafeeble stalk
: of grass...
Spoken of a
incapable . ier Son who has performeda task of whichhe was supposed
___ ‫ع‬

‫خود ایی خاکها بی نبوه‬ ‫) را بسا خات ج) ني‬.‫م‬

317. I didnot expect somuch frommy ownfirm-
ness of heart ( or hardiness, )
Spoken h y ‫ه‬ne who has undergone mistortunes whichhedid notthink
hiinself capable or Supporting.

‫ما بر باد ست د بتکرانی با یاد گرفت‬

378 Set another person (i.e.a stranger or an
:"y) to catch a snake
It is a Imaximor
*۲peditions suchor
Policy among eastern princesto send ‫ه‬angers
as they are jealous of thinking that
thus (hey will begain theirgenerals
t an 3Ccession Ts Whichsoever party proves victorious : not rea ‫ به‬-
of Power will thus accrue to an ‫ت‬nterprizing subject «
he prove sticce ssful .
50 .ORIENTAL PROWERBS, ‫ج‬. Aarl۰ ‫ا‬

‫ از ریسهایی میترسد‬،‫مارگزید‬
379 He that is bitten by a snake is terrified by a ||
Aburnt child dreads the fire»

‫مسار واضح حاک‬ :‫آ‬

380. The serpent and Zoii AK.

Aperson reducedtogreat distress, or fallenintoirremediablemi۹۰

‫ رش موقت تکیارد‬۵ ‫مساسا ل په رش ما‬

381.Itis hisfathers property ‫ و‬and his mother
person who
‫م‬i .T
hastaken the thing he
spoken of hada just claimto it
Eng Heiscome by his own.

‫است‬ . ‫ماهي اتر سرقتکنند‬

382, The fishisrottenfrom the head .
Applied to one whose wholegeneration havebeen worthless Eng. A

chip of the old block.

‫ماهي ماهي را خوار ه ماهي خور هرد و را‬

.383 One fish devours another ‫ و‬but the kingfisher
Spoken oftwopeople who quarrel withone another andaTC both

punished by themagistrate.

‫مجتمع هسه امپ را شرودی خانه چه تکار‬

3S4 . What business has the police officer within
the house P

‫ مهسث را‬۵ ‫محتسب شکار مي خورد معان و مهار‬

335.Ifthe police officer drink wine, hernakes the

drunkard excusable.

‫ و تکقچه برسر بزنی‬۵ ‫مرا ناوثی‬

386. Give me bread and strikeme with the hadle.
i.e.Severity maybe borne fromone who confers favours.

‫مرد امر سه تکاوتی را و ساخت کاناتی هم او را قا‬

88. The carease is fit for the dogs and the dogs
for the carcase. ‫م‬

They are well met, ‫ ته‬diamond cuts diamond.

‫ بلا‬، ‫مراه با بالا زند‬

388. His death and life are equally bad.
Applied to a chila.ornear relation or verybad conduct.

.‫مره » هر چند انتزی است تاکي بتواند داشت‬

‫و‬8s ‫و‬However
belowed the dead may be how long
canthey bekept ‫و‬ . ... ‫و‬
Spoken of something that must of necessity be done, so that ‫ب‬nusiti
a۲ailing to delay it. . ‫و‬.

‫مناره بیات آزماي انشت کهي زنثی تکی‬

300, Try your virility and then marry.
i.e. Before youundertake any affair ascertain your power to accom

... ‫مرغ ش==کارگ را مجخلب تکج میبا شده‬

301. Abird of preyhas crooked talons. .
- ‫مولفه یا نبوهی شاه است‬ -
392: The death of a inu{titude is an occasion of
rtjoicing . ...
. ‫م‬e ia relief in misfortune to have partakers ofit
‫ه‬ .‫هم‬ ‫ماهه‬ ‫همین‬ : ۸ .‫ه‬ ‫م‬ -



The ‫ت‬iii،‫رگ خرترعارکومس جيم مسنگ اس‬. ‫ (م‬. . ... ‫م‬

. The death of the assis a festival to the ‫م‬god

‫لهسعث‬ ‫از به چادرنج‬ ‫بی بی‬ ‫مهستاور گی‬

304. The privacy ( or chastity) ofthe Hady is froni

want of clothes.
il.popN Agp4..........‫و‬
‫مسجد جاي گوزید وثی نیست‬ .

305. The temple is not apiace to fartin.

Applied to one who speaks to his superior in disresprctful terrns.

‫با راههایی که بره عز وتر است‬ )‫جو لیعی‬

306. The poorassis stupid, yct valuable for its

labour. ‫م‬

Spoken of a servant (or any person) of rude manners, but who ‫ق‬niroirep
histask well and is therefore esteemed.

‫مشت بنا ری=کي مي نه ازد‬

397. Hestrikes in the dark.
i.e.Speaks without consideration or understanding. ."...

‫ مشکس هرگز نخواهد رفت اتم دوکان حلواکی‬..

308. The fly will never quit the confectioners
shop. . ‫م‬.‫ام‬.‫ای‬.‫ر‬. ... ، A ‫ همن‬.

.‫مهیا م» بلند پایبنتلی کوه الوند پس ئت میته با ید‬

899.. Alofty tower seerhs low near thémountaia
Ultuttind. ...

400, Whatdo Isay, and what docsmydrumsay * ‫ ع‬- ‫مس‬

n to onews
o orcceives
ts quite fereign
eto t
bis t ‫ با‬-
gcr.1. ORI ENTAL PRO۲۳ PTRE38. Es

‫ و جد خدها لم وفالگت در چه خیال‬S ‫مبانی‬

401. What and Ithinking of, and what does beav
tpoken by one ۹۲hose h‫م‬pes are biasted when m‫ه‬st sanguine۰

‫مو و چاقشاتکانشی را چو بوه اتفاقاته‬

‫ مثح ها و سه ات‬T ‫شهر زیبا وثی و ابدار‬
402 When the antsfind afit opportunity ‫ و‬they can
: tear the skin of a furious lion.
‫مورچه بر بوآ و و ها‬
403 The ant has got wing s
Spoken of ore who is elated athaving rtsen to a heigh of prospority»
rom which heiss
‫؟‬ likely to be soon
e precipitatedi
.ninrotni The
d aat soon
aftergetting wings-

404. Anant in the cup. .

A Person involved in great distress.
‫موش با نابا وثی نهایت کاو د انها را به وشا مه=کا ود‬
405. The rat does not attack the leather ‫ و‬but the
leather the rat.
Applied to one who endeawours to piek a quarrei with onernuch stronger
than himself.

‫ م‬. ‫م‬. ‫نشی بعصارا میبو و د‬ ،
406. The rat travels with a staff
Applied to one who affects artifice or disguisc.

‫مهتابب گزمی=کته‬
407, He IthCasures the moon.
‫ به‬۰‫دنچ‬e۰
Attempts something impossible E Scalesthe heavens

‫ماه را تا خرس باتاقکفتار ماه و ساده‬

408. The hyenaisheirto the bear. ..
ea ‫خ‬
‫ه‬ of one
sr ho hasinherited
otivices ne
g hisorp -

‫مي ریه و تیزتیزمایتخت کورش‬ ‫ه‬

409. He sh-ts and looks round angrily.
i.e.Heishiunself the offender and yet is angry with ‫ه‬thers. ‫آ‬

‫مینشتکوز دو باشیهانی نهم شود‬ ‫ع‬

.410 doesilotrepent-‫م‬Hef
‫مي و زد با شور با ه ي‬
411.He blows with every wind. :۲
One who assents to every speaker ‫م و‬aa
obsequious parasite .gnE ffe
is a weather cock.

‫به سه نث بو از بته ا سه ات‬ ‫نارخکیل‬ ‫می‬ :

412. Anorange in the hands of amonkey.
spoken of any thing good, hich has fallen into the handsot the *
who do not knowits value.Eng.Pearlsbefore swine. :
‫هایی‬ ‫مه‬ ‫ه‬

413.RoosTUM "s name is betterthan RoosTU ۹


‫نام موه با از مورد‬

414. The heros name is better than thehero.
Eng. When aman's namieisuphemay goto sleep.

‫نارثی چوپا وی می خورد‬ ‫و‬

415. He(i.e.the sheep) eats the shepherds

Applied to one who is.ungrateful to histicnefactor ‫ه‬

‫فانش بر و غیی فناه‬

416. His bread has fallen into the oil .۲ .
. d.Eng Hehas fallen on hisfeet. . ‫است‬

‫هانا ویشی اختتر با نا ته و مجازندهه‬

417. Breadshot the cat withah arrow - -; - ۰ -
of ome whois involvedianistoritylus ora ava
arse.i.oRIENTAL PROWERB8. - 55

: ‫نانش و یخ اختراع ما است اما مزه نداره‬

Bread eaten withice has no fia ‫و‬ butitis

my invention.
spoken of one who adheres obstinatelytobia owP conceits, although
theirinconveniencybe obvious.

‫ ش است‬T ‫نام خود هر‬

419 The peas of everybroth.
One who intrudeshimself every where.

‫به سگه‬.‫ردتیممم خخورودد‬.‫ر ه شسمه‬،‫ناخوو‬

40, Thelion does not eat the dogs leavings.
‫تکخورد» باغهاي است‬

421. Lit. Boiled meat not yeteaten.

i e Apleasure to come.Niz ۹rsE say۹ :
‫ر‬r ‫سی‬- ‫م‬ ‫م‬

: ‫متاخوم قم =که صید بیت که نا کرد‬

:‫تکه پایتختی بود ا نیچه نا تکرد‬
‫ژعال در آتش داره‬
499 . He( a horse) hashis shoes in thefire.
i.e.Heis in a greattronble or agitation.

‫نقاش نقش ثاني بهتر تکشد از اول‬

423: The painter draws the second picture better
than the first.
‫ ب‬T ‫بر‬ ... ‫ و‬e

494.A painting on water

‫فض‬ in ,y
tisnart .

‫نقل = کافر کفر نباشن‬

423.Itisnot blasphemy to repeat the words of a

‫انا‬renrcilisa .
.il ;ira۸

‫قوش ه ار و که پس از مرگان بسر انب دهنه‬

426. The vulnerary which is sent to SoomRAa ‫ن‬

after his death.

Bpoken ofanything which comestoo late.

‫ و‬۵ ،‫نه ا ز تو جو نه از مالی‬

427. If therebenobarley from you, there will be
no running by nie .
Fr. Point d'argent point de suisse.
‫ ند تکباب‬۵ ‫نه سوخ سه و از‬
423. Neither spit nor the roast should be burned.
i.e in the conduct of ,sriaffa care shouldbetaken to guard against ‫که‬
that‫ف‬inconvenieuce ‫ت‬ ‫ن‬ p
accrue po .site

‫از ه نهر شتر میکخواهم نه د بید معربیه‬

429.I do not wish for camuel's inilknor the sight
of an Arab.
Spoken by one who chuses ratherto relinguish some advantage ‫خ‬hcihw
hernighthave obtained, than encounter the labour, danger ‫ و‬Or ‫اطراف‬citit‫اف‬r‫ن‬uL
Whicli heuiustha۲ ‫ان‬

‫واعظ غیر متواعظ‬

.430 ‫م‬An
adviser who does nottake advice
‫و مکس برق کشت‬ .

431.The leafisttirned over

i.c.iiuetiities are changed.

‫له سد الب‬ ‫و‬

432: The f delity of the dog‫را صع‬

‫چر نها ناد گریز‬ ‫وقت ضرورت‬
‫ سمت باختمرش سر شاه نش بر تپه ز‬۵ ‫ه‬

433.In the time ofnecessity when timere isnow:۲

c f escape ‫ و‬theliand layslioid of a ‫ند‬

434 One saint knows another: See 470

‫هر آبی تکمتر که با مهتر سیزد‬

. ‫چنان افتاد که هرگز برنامخیزد‬
433 Every weak person who contends with a
‫و‬StTouger ".fallsso
asnottorise again
The weakest mus goto the wall,

. ‫هر بیشه خشکیهانی مبارکه خالي است‬

‫شاید تکه پالسل خفته باشد‬
433 Imagine not every desart ‫و‬detibahninuebot
perhapsa tigermaybethere asleep .
Spokea of a person whomothers suppose incapable of executing abusi
.g d.Perlapshe
. ‫ق‬e possesses.abilities
s ra of whichyou
. w are not

‫سا که رنال و و گی بود گفتخکو‬-‫هر چ‬


437۰ Wherever excellence appears ‫ و‬calumny is its

ii SeParable attendant.

‫ دم میکند بو زبانه هم‬T ‫هرچو‬

6o •

488. The apesimitate whateverman does

Applied to one who imitatesthe performance of one greatly his ‫م‬oirepus

‫ و ===کند شهر دبی یو‬/ ‫ رعی خمسه‬T ‫شرچک‬

30 Whatever the prince doesissweet.
Sa The allusion of the original to the names of the lovers KnoosRO and ۰
EREEN Sesteet
Bed an elegauce.

‫شرچه آید پمش ننیکگذا مد درویینتن‬


440, The durveshrejects nothing that is offeredbin.

‫ لا‬:is fish hat comes
‫ه‬ p to hiso
rc ‫؛‬.rall

58 onipxTAL PRovERBS. P Anr ‫با‬ }}

‫هر چه ( بتا مي زنده یا می توانمند آنها می مقاصدد‬

441. Lit, Whatever tune thisman plays, the other
. dauces to, WWhathe sa/s the ot/ ersitears t0»
what the bell clinks the fool thinks.
Applied to one who follows implicitly the crders of another.

‫هر چه بادا باد ما کشتي در آب انداختیم‬

,442 Let the result be what it will ‫ و‬IhaWe launched
my boat
or swinn.In for ‫ه‬
Eng The dieiseast. The boltis shot. Tosink
peBay, iu fora pound :Presoporuno presotor cieuto ‫لم )ل‬isi‫ ب‬.(

‫هر کس‬ -‫ باد‬-‫شارجه پاد آرد‬

443. WWhatever the windbrings the wind ‫ما‬arriesaway.
TThat concs cith the teina goes tetii the itate
.gr whats
g ‫ن‬t over
‫ا‬tu pssikcab ‫لا‬redn iiisbelly»
‫ به‬T ‫دراد با آت است با کف چند ما تپه‬. ‫هر چه‬
44, Whateveris in the pot, will corne into the ladle.
.ethe b
am ‫لا‬wi be seer ‫دا‬by۰‫ل‬y
ia d
What is Butwill corne Ben.

.‫ یر نمایید‬-‫د‬ ،‫ ییلا‬T ‫هر چه زود‬

‫ زی‬. ‫م‬That
wliich cotues quickly does not last
Eg Ligity ,eluoc li ‫مناهای‬
‫ تکله زد ارد‬.‫هر چه عوض دارد‬
446. Eng. Afair exchange is norobbery Titfor ‫م‬tat
‫و چه = تقي بخود کشی گرهیه نیل و بد کلانی‬
‫ و‬iliultimately
447 Whatever good or bad you do۲۱
fall on yourselt F
be the onty
d The
‫ی آ‬ave
tseretnisid ‫لا و‬yourself

. gainer orloser, according asyoupay attention to ‫ا‬rrO ‫ بازی‬Ass ‫که نه‬

y n ‫مادن‬st
ysA.paer O‫ات‬bre
whe brows ‫ال‬o rrhust ‫ل‬۰*ink
.irer, 1, oRIENTAL PROWERB3. ‫ز‬g

‫هر چه زتکه در تعانی ثه کل رقت ژیکل شده‬

448, Whatever goes into a ‫و‬enim-tlas becomes salt
,One eontraets
ethe .
i of the ‫ق‬
company ‫م‬

‫هر خرین که با شاد پالای اوبام‬

449, I ameverybodys drudge, I am ready for
whatever you order. A Davy do athing
‫هر دیگی چهچه‬
4 ‫ن‬0, .Onethat goes every where in quest
of food
Applied to sponger, also to an intermeddler. Orome who ، scaldshis
(88 arnang other owkskail Cockamak free ohorses corn
‫کسهای‬ ‫حلوا خورد‬
‫هرموزی عمده نیست که‬
.l It is not afestival every day that one
alway Seat sweetin cats.
‫ ما‬.۹۰Success
and prosperity are not uniform

‫هم سرکه و سو دامی‬

482. Eng Many men many minds,
Many harrowsmanytines،
"What is one mans meat is othermans poison۰
‫ لمرا سه ات‬-‫د‬ -‫شاه اح ود‬ )‫به تخ‬ ‫هرس تشکی‬
433 Every dog is bold inhis own house
Every Minister can preach inhis ownpulpit.
Ens Every coekis proud on his own dung-hill۰


Every dog ‫ با ناک‬at‫ود‬his
‫در خ‬own
‫تکی ب‬door۰
‫ها اس‬

‫آ‬:43 ‫سه تا‬ ‫ بمب که سلطانی‬e ‫هنر‬

‫به پاس هداد شهر‬
** Every fault that is pleasing to theking is an
***ellence, Not : truth, brt ony cortSidered
"" TCpresented by his cottrticr3, ...»
60 oRIENTAL PROWERBS. r Aar 1. ‫اما‬

456, Foreverywork a particularkind of person is

،، One science ouly will one geniusfit,
So vast is artso harrow human wit"

4 ‫ز‬7. ‫و‬Whethe
reve s the flies willbe
‫م‬S po
of agreatman ke
surrounded by parasites or needydependan
n t
Wheretheresthe honeyyellneirwant bees.
‫ه‬ ‫که‬

453. Whoever wants apeacock must take the

trouble of going to Hindoostan.
i.e.Whoeverhasan object to accomplish, must not grudge the ‫ه‬tisiuqer
labor. Set a stout heart to steybrae.

‫هر گاهالی را ترولیت است‬

459.Every perfection is subject to decay.
To every spring there is an autumn.Thelongest day that ever ۴۲** ‫مه‬
last came even.

‫خشو رییس ات‬ ،‫ پزي را گند‬،‫هر خنکند‬

460.Every dresser ofbadprovisions finds one **
eat them.

‫هر گلي را رنگ و بویی دیگر است‬

461. Lit. Every flower hasa colour and scent of
it's own.
Every Poet hasasty۱ ‫م ج‬p .culiartohirnself

r ‫ و‬-‫د‬ ‫ دور از دل‬،‫هر که از دید‬

482, Out of Sight out of mind.
‫ه‬secr.I ,ORTENTAL

‫ آنکه دانده‬-‫هم تکیه د‬

463.Hethat knowsknows,
He only knowswhere the shoepinches, that wearsit.
‫یاده‬ ‫از جانشی باشو‬ ‫ سه تا‬-‫د‬ ‫هر که‬
‫ید بقاتکوید‬T ‫هرچه در دل‬
464Hethat despairs of his life says whatever
C0Ines into his mind.

‫هزار بیت و غزل ( علم و شتر) پیش حبه حیرا با است‬

465. A thousand verses and odes (or arts and
sciences) are nothing compared to (lit.agrain of
COrn) subsistence. .

Solid padding is betterthanemptypraise. Aliving dogiabetterthan

،‫ ها‬.dead

‫ یا بازار مجا‬،‫هزار گ‬
.466.Either a nobleman ‫ و‬ora plebeian.
fty actions are only .for the uery high orgery toto and couldno42 *
۶ndured inmen ‫ می‬.middlingrank
(The phrase is muchinuse to express that onlythose two descriptions of
people canbe con۲
first b eniently accompanied by their women ona journey : the
b st because he Can command every requisite for the purpose : the second,
use his family partake of hisfare whateveritis, andare not obliged

‫ا ما‬
e concealed (‫ه‬rT
a or

467 ‫دشتی اسه ات‬ ‫هم پم شاه هم پیماننامه ما‬

. Two of a trade cannever agree
Doctors difier.
‫عه‬ ‫ه‬

‫همسایه باد مبا د گس را‬

68 May Cion preserve all mon from badneighbouns. ‫ه‬

‫شا‬ ‫و هم تا‬ )‫و‬ ‫هم‬

utility with pleasure•
:‫ ت‬Wobirds with one ston 6 ,
‫این‬ oRITNTAL PRovERBs r Anr 1
‫هیتشار را همه گار ماهشناس دا‬
470, Two people of the same profession Enow one
‫) (فاده‬ e
.reh Seta thief toc S ,434
catch athief

‫هیه جا خانه عشان است چه مستجد چه کنشت‬

471.Every place is the house of love, whether the
mosque or the tempie
‫است‬ ‫های که ما یک مار گزیده‬
472 One snake has bit themall.
Not oneisbetterthan another ; they are allalike. .

They are alltarred with the sarne .kcits There isnet ene barret ‫؟ه‬
betterherrings among them- They are allbirds of afeather,

‫شیهنی سال است پشت بام قرشي‬

473. This stone is the house-top of Qitrshee
Ourshee is the name of a city infacura-oon-nuhr, near Khahund rhs
words are supposed be spoken byatravellerfrom that pace, and imply
that the country where aman gets hisiivelihood is a second native count۳۲۰

‫ترا بار است‬ ‫ من زنده‬،‫هنوز مرد‬

474 My deadisyet aload for youriiving
stone reproof ‫ه‬، mean person wbopuffedup by wealth ‫ و‬cr ‫مهم‬
perity, insuitshissuperiorinadversity.

‫بیا با بتن *ی نیکی‬ ‫شو مرگها‬ ‫پی) با بین شورا‬

475, Whatsuch coidness after suchardent derno *
strations of affection !

‫یا تکخت بیا تحتخانه‬

476.Eitherathrome or coffin.
Victory or :htaed Aut ,rasec aut .suituN Eitherwin ‫من؟‬
- .se
hors orios2
the saddle

‫زنان برای دی‬ ‫با جا ناری بیا چارت‬ ‫یا تنی رسه‬

477. Either mybody shall reachiny belowed, or

my soul lea۲emy body. :
Victory or death.I'll eitherwin the horse orlose the saddle, Til
ither make a spane or spoilahotn.

‫بار اهل است کار سال است‬

478, ifyourfriend be faithful, your business is easy

49. A deceitfulfriendis worse than a deadly


‫یار در خانه و من گرد جهان میگردم‬

480. Myfriendis at home, and I am looking for
him all over the world
Spoken of ore who iooks about for wathe hasathand ; ‫؟‬ige the btitcher
searcb ‫ن‬r ‫ا‬fitket‫م پن‬whicluhe
beld between hisecth

... ‫بار شاطي نه بار خاطر‬

48.A cheerfulfriend hot aload on the temper
Anactive friend tiotanincumbrance.

‫یکت | نام عهد بهبهار‬

‫ن‬4 .2 One potnegranate and ahundred sick .
Spoken when many are compeitors for that whch can only begiven toone۰

‫یکب یام و د و شوا‬

43 Lit. One roof atadtwo winds
S ۰۴۰ Two persons of opposite dispositions andhabit iiving )‫م‬geth۳۰
. Said of di، .. : ‫گی‬:
‫ن‬، ineasures adopted by opposiefactious iii the saine ‫ن‬ity &C۰
64 oRIENTAL PRo۳ERBS.Arr 1 ‫ا‬

‫یکی پمرگ صد بمها راي‬

AS4, Old agre involves anhundred ailments.
‫یک دانه خمارل ثت هزام دال نه بر کت‬
485. One graininalins produces athousandia
‫یکل در بسنده و هزام در وا‬
shut .486
‫و‬On e ,butathousand
console onewho T
‫م‬ o
is disappointed in any particular object
Tihere areas goodfishin the seaasever caine out ofit.

‫یک د بر خاکبر محکم گیر‬

487. Seize one door, and seizeitfirtnly.
,si itis better to stick
‫ال‬ fast to one patron )noat
isseforpro( thanigh
go frcrn one to another. Rowin'staiuesnevergathermoss.

‫ متر و دل پاچه مهد ع ) د هم‬T ‫یکی دل و خیلی‬

‫کانیهای که داغ داغ شد پتبه کجا کاتتچا نام‬
488.1 have only one heart andmany desires :tO
which of thern shall Igive that heart 3 my body
isfull of wounds, where shall I apply a plaster *
Spokenty one surrounded by diffiettities.

‫یک سر و هانا ر سو دا‬

AS). Ottehead, and atliousandan xieties -
Applicdtoa person who entertainsa number of ‫نن‬lish
: ‫متفق‬e‫ل‬

‫یکت گاز دو فاخته‬

460.Two doves withone arrow.
l ne ‫ماهان‬g
.j.e‫ظ ن‬ wo birds
‫ن‬ en with
o ts or to ruaketwo * ieads with ce
oue ‫ظ‬
secr. 4 ، ORTEN TAL PROWERBS ‫قی‬6

- ‫یکث فمه صباحی به از مرغ و ماهی‬

491، One mouthful (of anything) in the morning is
better than fowl or fish (at any other time )

‫یکث لقمه میم نه ده لقمه شام‬

492 One mouthful in the morning is worth tenin
the evening

‫یکتا من علم را دامن عقل مي باید‬

43 One pound oflearning requires ten of coni
Thon sense, (to apply it۰)

‫یک مویز و مد نلندر‬ -

494 One raisin and hundred Qultandars (a kind of

."audering Moohummudanmonks who desert the
"dlrO ‫ و‬and travelabout with shaven heads and

Poken when there are many competitors for that which ean onlybe
tiven to one Persoa.See Sect.l. No, 489
.. ،

‫فه و شد‬ ‫نشد‬ ‫یکت‬

‫قله‬ fault upon another
"temisfortune Succeeding another, Misfortunes seldom cornealone۰

4 ‫یکي بود مجنون دگرخورد میی‬

496He was mad already and is drunk besides.
See Partii Sect, I, No. 162.


‫ایگی دیگر از پهلویش بر آمد‬

407. Another such came out by hisside.
i.e You are no sooner rid of one evil than you arebeet by another

‫همسایه‬ ‫یگي نقصان مایه دا یگر شما تبت‬

40S.The loss of property and the scoft ofneighbour3
Scorn comes communonlywithskaith.Tobeartheskaith and scort -

‫ و فه یگری همایی‬،‫یکی همایی ررال‬

400, One goes and another conues. ‫م‬
i.e.Things are constantly changing.

‫یک یوصف هزار خریدار‬

500. One Joseph andmany purchasers.
Used to shew that athing isingreatrequest, or thatthere are many "
petitors for what can oniybe obtained by one person.See Nos, 489 and 49 .

ENpor sEcrtoNr. PARTr.

‫ تته‬-‫نت‬

. ‫مه‬...



‫ ساس‬-

‫آبب ازدریا بخشیدن‬

1, To give water from the river
Applied to one who procures favor or advantage to another with ‫ نام‬۱
ro ‫م‬ineurring
expenee,1talso signities to give away the pro
Perty of another Without the fear of beiag called to an accouut، ،... *

‫آب از غربال بخش می کند‬

:ile serves out water with asieve
‫ه‬deilEP ‫ه ما‬
ue who
t newer
a dosse
any thing
nfor e
the b ‫ه‬dniknarf.

‫آب از کره کوتاه ميگذرد‬ ‫و‬

* The water overflows alow wall. ‫ کرد‬Is alow

Wall of a garden, (HUNTER.)
The rmeanin
‫نظ‬ ‫آ‬g
is that misfortunes eas ‫ا‬
y overwhelm
kae the w .
"‫ (گ‬The weakest goes to the well۰ .‫است‬


4. When water came, purification by earth was

left off۰
1t means that a thing isnolonger valued (or used) when youget s
better, anditis also applied to express that when the principal person in
any business makeshis appearance, the subordinate agents withdraw. See
Partil.Seet.i.No. 175

‫آداب آوردن و گوزه شگستن هر دو برابر‬

5. Bringing water and breaking the pitcherare
the samething
Spoken of a person who makes no distinction betweenthose who ser۷۶
bim well or ill.See Part II.Seet.I.No. 484.

‫آب این اشعاصان یگسربدریا میرود‬

G. The water of these extravagant men runs at

once into the sea.

Spoken of those who are wealthy but whose expenditure benefitsno
those who require aid.

‫آن به بریسمان مي بندد‬

7. He binds the water with thread.
: ‫ ه‬1st He labeurs in vain ga.ire accomplisheshia objeet by *****
tagetu. ( Eng ) Hernakes ropes with sand.

‫آن به تیز در خانه در آید به از آنکه درلسی تیز برود‬

8, Itis betterthat water shouldrush into a man"

house than hiswoaith rush out.

There is nothing particular inthis saying except۹he play upon the worde

‫تیر آید‬ and ‫تیر رون‬


‫ ؟‬The water of the eaves does not mount up to

ridge pole. (HUNTER)
To express that noble actions are nottobe expected from a mean person
( Rng ) You can'tnaake a ‫ عالانند‬Purse of asows ear a or ‫کا‬caJ will never

a gentlemau

‫آب چو ازسرگذشت چه یکث نیز چه یکث دست‬

,10 ‫و‬When
water is beyond ones depth -it
fies little whether it be the heighth of a SPear ‫گ‬0
that of a cubit.
) d
n a ,u
E for
p‫م‬ a

‫آن با داند که آباد يا کجاست‬

11. The water knows where populationis.
Places well watered are in general best inhabited.
The saying is addressed to oue who inquires of a person who is ignoran
fthe subject on whichhe
o .noitanuroth
aiseriuqer .g ,d Apply
w to those ‫نه‬۰

‫آب در جوغن کوبیدن‬

12. To pound water in amortar
‫ «ه مة‬.To
labouria vain

13 To throw water into the river۰

(Eng) To carry coals to Newcastle-

‫آبا دریا بگیل مشت کیا پیماید‬

measures the waters of the sea inhis
۰۹۰iisattempts impossibilities..
۲t) oRIENTAL PRovERBs. ‫ بوده‬L ۱

‫آب را میل جانب پستي‬

15. Waterflows downwards
i.e, Those of mean dispositions never aspire.

‫ابر را بانگت سگات ضررنگند‬

16. The baiking of a dog does nothurt the clouds
‫آب رفته بازجو آمد‬
17. The water that hadgone is returned into it
Spoken by one who on ‫م‬tadty
ep obtainsxsomething
‫م‬d of whiehhe
‫ا‬i ‫م زنان‬ o
wose hopes are r
revived afterbeing once extinot

‫ابرگر آن با زندگي بارد هرگز از شاخ بید بر خوری‬

13, Shoulde۲en the water of life fall from th6
clouds, youwouldnewerget fruit from the
wyillo w.
Itinesns, 1st.that ‫دهانه‬ isthrown ‫هسه‬pen
‫م هم ل‬۴ du۱l parts: and
ethat we showdhotiook for impossibilities. (Scot ‫ را‬Heather ‫اهل قلا با‬
bcal cockie shelis ،

،‫ابرمي خواهند مستان خانه گر ویران شود‬

10.Drunken poople wish for rain, although the

.liouse should be destroyed by it.

‫آبرویی برای نانی مربز‬

:30.Do notthrow away your honor for bread.

::1. The eye-brow of the new moon will not be ‫سه‬

cotue green with the dye of the sky. ‫م‬

You cannot wash the blackaudoorwaite, oryou caano * ‫طنه ه مطعم‬


Hutaoise w" car۰


‫آب شیرین و مشکت گنده‬

22, Sweet water in a stinking bag.
A‫م م‬Towealth
,deilpp1st in thepossession of a ,resim 2d ‫م‬T ‫ع‬e
good an
iabad eoupany۰

.‫آداب که جایی بسیار میهماند گنده می شود‬

23. Water, whichstagnates long in one Place»
corrupts, See Part II.Sect.I. No. 156.

to a gues
w remaina ‫قا‬lihis
‫ن‬itach ‫ن‬er‫مهنظ آن ف‬

‫ابله گفست و د یوانه با ورگرد‬

24, Afoolspake, and amadman believed whathe
said to be true۰
t ked the blinduntil
n theyi
both fell ‫م ه‬ditch

‫ابلیس رفت و خباثبات گذشست‬

,25 The devil has departed ‫س و‬but
hasleft hiswicked
nessbehind him.
‫ ما‬. Tho ‫ه‬
has been
a remored,but
t the bad
e effects ofitattl
‫آب ندیده موزه گشیدنی‬
26. To take off ones boots before seeing the water
(Eng ) " To make sauce before the ashis caught. 1 ‫ نه هفتاد اله‬۹۳ be
‫ هاه‬riaed ai ‫ه‬,aof
rr which
e here
e g p
is ao
u p‫ف‬
a ‫ن‬۰e

‫آب و آتشارا چه آشناي‬

27. What friendhip is there betweeu fire and water :
Spoken of two persoas of very opp‫دق‬ite ‫مقننا به نقلل‬
‫م‬ORIENTA 8 r AarI۰

28, He that denies the faith is worthy of hell. ‫آب‬

There is aplay upon thewerds inthis saying, which cannotberendered
the ,noitalsnart similarto
‫م‬ that in .oN ,934n
Part .I.tceS.I ،q w

‫آتش از خس مي پوشد‬
29. Hehides fire with straw ,
Applied to one who endeavoursto eoneea1 any thing by means which

‫آتش بدستش خود زد‬

‫ن‬ d.1
fire )es1e
(to n uohsiha se
with own t
his h
Applied to oue whobrings mischief on biunself.See Seat.l , No. T۰

‫آتش بزمستان زگل سوریی به‬

31.Fire in winterisbetterthanthe damaskrose۰
i.e, Things derive their value from the wants of those to whom they ar

‫آتش به قیصریه میزند ازبرایی د سمت مالي‬

.3211e setsfire to the ware-house fora single
i andkorchief ‫ قیصروه‬Isalarge caravanserain
۱۱hichthe goods of merchants are collected ‫ و‬and
wwiitethe customsarelevied.
Phoverbis applied
‫م‬ smalladvantage toe
to one who forh himself does in
‫م‬ oN .I cul
inischef to. hto c
.sret e S.Ie
Part I .17:2

‫آتش پاره را خس پرش می سازد‬

33.11ehides firewith straw. See No. 29.

‫آتش چو دربیشه افتد ترو خشک نداند‬

34, Where fire seizes ona forest, it makes no
distinction between the wet and dry.
Applied to any publie calamity in whieh the guilty and innocent ar•
qually involved.See Part II.Seet.I.No. 33.
;۱ ‫جه‬
‫زل آلاد‬ ‫ تشبیله وصمسته وفه شهصع‬۱
‫م‬ -

‫ نگ‬.F ir
does not distinguish friend e
and foe
to a tyrant‫زا‬PPied
‫ هم‬person‫س‬ or un .at

‫آتش زن دران خانه که با ودش گسي نه بیند‬

33 ‫م‬ S
fire to that e
house whichisn t
everseen t
۱۰۰ The misers, where no vietuals are ever dressed.

‫آتش نشا نداری و اخگر گذاشتن انعی گشته ریچه اش نگاه داشتن‬
.‫کار خرد مندان نیاد مست‬
37. To extinguish a ‫و‬eunalf but leave thelive ‫و‬slaoc
«Orkill a snake and preserveit's young, are not
the acts of the wise.

‫اجامر شهر هستند‬

38, These are wild worthless vagabonds

39.Hisprovisions are ready.

He is well provided fore
‫ ما‬, and in want of nothing.His
‫م‬ bread is baked

‫اس مبدا‬ ‫اجرامزدور برنجگهانه‬

40, Alittle old rice is the pay of a labourer.
Spoken to Oue who off‫ی‬rs somethingas apresent whichis of no use۰

‫اجلاني مي گند‬
41.He is a vainboaster۰

‫ جلی صاگتی گه آید سهجد خو ادب گاند‬۱ (

42: The dogs death approaches whenhe sleep

in the mosque.
‫اجل سگک گه رصدانان چوپان مي خورده‬
:43 The dogs death approaches when he eats ‫الله‬
bread of the shepherd.
‫آج و واج میباشد‬
He is much distressed ‫و‬
(Aq A Moorturup SHUFEEU.)

‫اجازی را ستایش خوش مي آید‬

45, Praise is pleasing to fools
‫احقی را ستایش فربه گند‬
46, Praise fattens a fool.

‫احقی را یش را سامانت گذذ و عاقل * جا سن‬

47. Afool attends to his beard, and a wiseman **
his conduct.

‫اختلاط زیاد برآشنایی‬

43.Intimacybeyond whatfriendship entitles t0۰
A reproof to one who is too forward inthis respeet: or one who f y۳ his
ewn interestaffects greatintianacy or Professes ‫ف‬icum friendshiP ‫( همه‬s ‫خدایان‬
sacr.II Oft ‫را‬TATNEI PRovERBs. .7 ‫م‬

‫ختیار بید معه ستا مختار‬

49Option is in the hands of him who is at liberty
to choose.

‫آخر آبي جویی ما خواهد آمد‬

‫ (ن‬Water will some time or other come intomy
* My wish will sooner orlater be accomplished. ( Eng ‫ز‬Long loo
look d
‫ه‬ ‫ن‬ts atal

‫آخریخیال می رود عمر‬

‫ن‬ sn
.l Life at length
oi passes
ta away
‫ع عمر اسهات‬ ‫آخر پارگی و دا‬
*3 The extremity of old ageistaking leave of life.
‫اساسنا‬ ‫آخرسا را تشکی گاد فروشی‬ -

y ofa
a groomstrade
hll is toes
Applied to ‫ع‬
to ‫ل‬rpression Profession or course of iife ‫ و‬W۳hieh instead of promotion leads

. ‫اخثرمه ها انگل اند‬ <

a4, The ‫ ؟‬Ptives are an embarrassment (IIUNTEtt)

‫ زن‬Ahide "Omes sooner or later to the tainner

i.e.t shall ‫م‬mos tim

)gnE ‫ را‬Every do g Porotherberevenged
hashis day۰
ofy ‫مقام‬

. ‫ادب آب حیاتی آشنایی اسست‬

86, Politer ess is the life offriendship,
)snE ‫ را‬contempt‫هت‬roo
"ch f .iliarity


‫د رسد‬
‫آ می‬. ‫بادام‬
hi.Nian comestorman (for help.)
resitia persen for ,dia whieh :s net
enerh ‫م‬eslistspers
, d
meaning e
thetas d
Rehad for hisassistance
occasionr of ‫ع‬
,yad-ot the revers
night be the case ‫ومه‬worr..

۹ ‫آدم بادام مي را مد گوه بگونه نمی رسد‬

‫ن‬ a
.S Man ia
comesto t
man n
(for ),ecu
ssa ma
cornes not to arnountain : crmen meet one an
ehto ‫م‬
t ‫مته‬e
‫م‬Addressed hr has behavedilite the ‫ع‬aker
p‫ع‬ ors
absence : .g d.youacted ,os not expecting ever to seenne ,niaga you ‫طه‬o‫ف‬l‫ش‬
recollected thata bevent
suchan or wes p
not mi

‫آدم را گزدم به شسعت نسازه‬ . ‫از‬

50.The whcat of paradise does not suitman.
The allusionis to the forbiddenfood eaten by Adam in Paradise,which
the Mioosuroanssaywasheat.itis applied to a person upoa whora ‫همه‬
office is conferred of riichhe isuot worthy
. ‫می‬
.‫خار شیر خام محورفهاه اسست‬۱
mankind llave all draukraw
allusion h reisakind ofpundepending on the
(droweht ‫خام‬ Raw ‫ و‬,epirnu ,etaredisnocni,hsiloof .g d.as the first
of ailmankindras rav
‫و‬food ‫ (خام‬itisnot surpring that thevrisest
shotmld ‫م‬on atud thetubeguilty ofacts that are foolish. (‫)خام‬
its ‫ٔه‬pplication issimilarto that of the Latin adage, Humanism ‫به‬ crrce

. p

‫آدمیان گم شدند مللث خدا خرگرفست‬

61 . Mankindhave disappeared aud aSSCSI ‫د‬C VV۴ Occin

pytimeworid.ii ‫این هر‬

Spoken in eontempt of the preseat in ‫و‬s....«

‫اسبتها‬ ‫آدمي جایزالخطا‬

62 Mfankind areliable to error Hillialit44 cSt
errare-See No. 60

‫آدمی را آدمیاست لازم است‬ .

‫هارد را گربو نباشد هیزم است‬

63. Arnan ought to possess humanity, and if the
of aloeshave no fragrance it ought tob
converted into fire-ywood.

‫آن مي که شکم دیگران پر نکند حیوانی باشد سگت شگم‬

.64 ‫قن‬i‫ر‬Aman
who does not fill the bellies of others
abeast with a dogs belly- ‫ه‬

‫ خوراس ستا‬،‫ارده دوشاب‬

65. He is an eater of oil-cakes with syrup
‫ارداد‬ Ispounded sesarnumbefore the oil be squeezed out .tifo This
with syrup of grapes weuldrnake a most incongr‫ال‬ous mess The phras•
ٔ‫ه فه‬
to one devoid
o oftaste ‫ز‬tnemgdu.

‫ارزان بعلت گرانبعگماست‬

66, Cheap throughsome (latent) cause ‫ و‬dcarby

.worth )‫) ب‬g cheap E

Too n tobegood
30 Used to express that when a thing is very cheap, theres ‫؛‬a‫ق‬e
‫فنا‬r expeet
** ‫ز‬ault ‫ه‬.r
e،li isota

‫آرزو از مردان عباسب نیست‬

)‫ آن‬. .Itisno
disgrace to aman to express his desires

* ‫ لاله‬in defence of ‫ این‬haviag made ‫م‬tseuqera


‫آرزو عیب نمي باشد‬

68.Desire is no fault.

‫اره کشیدن کاربوزنه نیست‬

09.. The business ofa sawyeris not fit for amonkey,
(alluding to the fable of the sawyer and theape)
See Part I.Sect I.No. 4 )6. ‫ه‬

‫آراي طریق دولتک چالا گی اسست و چستی‬

70. Truy activity and expertness is the way of
makinga fortune.
‫آزادگان تهي دست اند‬
1. Those who abandou ۱worldly cares, are empty-

‫ازا بر سایه باشد افزونی باران ها‬

72.Black clouds bring abundance of rain..

‫از آتش ار گرم نشدم از دود او گور شدم‬

73.Ihave not beenwarmed by his fire, but blinded
‫ز‬b .his

‫زیسد مت‬ ‫آزاد مراد خرد‬

74, The free man (or the man disengaged from
worldly concerns) is not selfish : orhe is notfree
his own desires i.e.he is slave to his O ۱۲
interested views.
Applied to onewho act disinterestedly, or to a very selfish persoa۰

‫آزاد مرد خداسست‬

‫ن‬. Hewho is free from the cares of the ,dlrow is
‫ میلیا فرماید‬۳ ‫میلخ‬4 ‫آزار ندارد و‬
: 0. Hehas notrowsers and yet ordersatent.
Applied to one who sets up pretensions greatly above his station ‫م‬tiremro

. Hehaving made me (orhim) alight from the

horse, put me (or him) on the ass.
That is gaining promotion over the left shoulder.

‫از آسمان هر چه آمد زمین برداشت‬

78, The Carthsustains whateyer comes from the

‫از آسیا که بیرون رفتي ترا با صیر و نیم سایر چه کار‬

79. Nowthat you have come out from the mill, what
businessisit of yours whether Ibe satiated or
only half so ‫و‬
Spoken by a Miliersmanin reply to a person who hashadhis grain
nd and has cometai n‫ال‬
out of the ,lliM whenitistool "E
ate togive a
P" n of it to him for histrouble.Hemeans (o express that itisnow too
‫م «ماشا‬ i
you ever intended to givemeanythi t
ng whydidyou not do itatfirst

‫ازا بابا رانده وازا ینجا مانده‬

80 lle was driven from thence, and wasprohibited
from this place.i.e, Hewas driven from pillar
PPied to ons who ‫قا‬ressd ons eropoytneatia ques of anoiler ‫فقه و‬
‫دا‬ses ‫بارنا‬
‫وی ع‬ .ORITNTAL
PROWERBS ‫ ع‬,Angl

.‫از بد قمارهر چه ستانی شاتل بود‬

‫{ع‬1. ‫و‬Whatever
is got from aspendthrift ‫فن‬isf
game. See Nos. 97 and 98
‫ار برای یافت شگم مفاست درگس نتوانت کشید‬
S2 One cannotsubmitander an objigationto two
for the subsisteice of one per Soil

‫از بین سه خا گي چوزه نزاید‬

S3. A chicken will nothe produced from an earthen
egg. ( Eng ) Out of nothing mothing conles *
nor will thistles bear grapes.

. ‫از بیم باران بزیرناردان مي گریزد‬

84. From the fear of the rain, heflies underthe
.‫ (ر‬Out of the frying pan into tte

‫از بیوه گیرگداشتی‬

85. Tobegahusband from a widowy !!
Applied to a person who asks another for athing which bela۶ raotg ‫م‬e

You cannottakethe Breeks from a Highlander.


‫از پارچه شما هویداس سنا‬

86.It is evident from your appearance.
easy to‫م‬
see whatkind
ra you

‫از پابی خرد بگور ران‬

Si . To walk into the grave۰

‫از پای لگت چه شیر‬

S3How ean ‫ ه‬person travel with ‫ ه‬lame foot
‫از تعلق سگت دریا مردار نمی شود‬
89, The river ‫ه‬nai poligted by a dogs touching it.
What is tr ‫ی‬
pure will
o remain s

‫از تو حرگست از ما برگتب‬

90, From thee pain and fromus blessings.
‫ارتونازی و از من نیازی‬
. Blandishments from thee, and supplication from

‫از جمع عثمان شمع ابو جهل را چه علم‬

92Howshould Unoo Juiii know anything about
OOSMAN's collection (the Cooran )
when a personi ‫ع‬taeilpp‫لگ م‬for
information whichisentirely o
hisway ita

‫دمآ در چاه اقتاده‬. ‫از جاه برون‬

3.Having got out of the well, hefell into another
i «.No sooner rid of one misfortane than you are beset by another.

‫از چشمه آفتاب جز تشنگی حاصل نه شود‬

* Nothing is to be derived from the Fountaia of
sun .excepting

‫از حلوا شیرین ترخت کسب در خانه دیگران‬

*5 Provisions at other people's expence is sweeter
than SWWeetlneats. ....)
rt PrtovERBs
rA r

،‫ پل هم محکون می ساری‬،‫از خاشاکس‬

66.ife is making abridge ofrubbish over the Oxus ‫ن‬
i.e.iie attempts impossibilities, or is acting foollshly،

‫از خدا شرم داروش رم مداری‬

07 Be ashamed before ‫و‬poG andberiot ashamed

‫از خرسی موبي بس اساسنا‬

9S.From abear one hair is enough.
To describeamiser, fronn whom torret the merest trifle is agreatmatter»
N.B.Abearshairis wornas anarnulet about children snecks, and
the hairistaken from the bear ‫ه‬
ya upon
da nuS ‫ و‬ora ,yadseuT a
beinglucky days

.‫از خرس مولیگزیده شد‬

.99 Asinglehairhas beenplucked from the bear ‫ه‬

Applicdto amiser from whomanything has been obtained.

‫از خوردان خطا و از بزرگان عطا‬

100.1f inferiors ‫ر‬dneffo it becomes the great to ‫ه‬fof

‫از خیال پري ودایی بگذر‬

101. Give up all thoughts ofyesterday and the day
. before it

‫چو آزاد شوم در قفسی افتم‬- ‫از دام‬

102. No soonerhad I got free from the net ‫ و‬wwhe ‫ف‬I
I fell into the cage
( ES) From the frying-pan into the Bre.
RIENTAi ۹‫ز‬ss
‫م‬ ‫از دسیسات گرصانه چه خبر‬

103, What good is there to be expected from the
hands of a hungryperson P

‫آزادل برود هر آنچه ازدیده بیست‬

104 Whatever goes out of sight, goes out of mind,
( Eng) Out of sight, out of mina.

‫ازدوردست برآتش میگذاره‬

105. He putshis inands over the fire at a respectfull
distance Applied to dne who excites quarrels
‫و‬among others but keepshimself aloof See Part
II.Seet.I.No. g53
‫از دوسمس یگان اشاره و از ما بسردرایدن‬
: A sign from afriend is sulficient to makerne
Perform with all my heart and soul
(*) A willing heart is soonwon

107.I ‫ه‬Tasking amadman when is the first of the

Poken of one who ‫ه‬PPies (o an ignorant person for information on any

108 We Inust not be displeased at the ‫م‬hturt

34 ‫ی‬fATNEIRO PROWERBS. r ART 1, ‫ا‬

‫آزردندل دوستان جهل سست و گفارت یمین سهل‬

109: To vex onesfriendsisfolly, and the expiation || |
for abroken oathis easy، " ‫؛‬ ‫ها‬
Addressed o one who pleads aprcraise or wor in excuse for o۹ reli۰۲۰ ‫چه‬

afrient ...‫مه‬ .....»
:۰۰،۰۰۰ :4

‫آزرده دل آزرده کند انجمني را‬

110. One aiilicted heart throwsa gloom over a || |
whole company . ... . ‫؛‬

111.I do not see it inhisface.. ‫ما‬

Spoken by one whogoes to aske favor ofanother,but finding hiin in bad
uhlook‫ام و‬is
deterred from making the reques

‫از رویم برنمی آید‬ . \

112, It does not proceed frommy face.

i, e, Itis inconsistent ‫ه‬retcaraheymhti‫و‬r
w I amashamed to do ‫م‬ti

‫از ریز و چه خیزد‬

,113 What arises from fragments ‫اسم‬ .

. ‫ ق‬. ‫اههف ه‬What

is to be expected from the mean and worth 1.3
) Eng ) From ,gnihton nothing comes ‫ه‬ .( ،، ، *

‫از ریش کند و بربروت بست‬

114.Heplucked from his beard, and added to his
mustaches . ‫ه‬

) )Herobbed
sn PeterE
to pay‫م‬

‫از ریگات روغن مي گشاد‬

115. He endeavours to extract oil from sand.
in threewayspli
‫م‬Ap ed -۶d
,s1 Heattempts impossibilities Heeriti
eises closely.3d. He endeavours to exact money from the poorhohav
(.evi S Youeannottak
)tocg otgn e theiBreets
ht of o t‫و ق‬
a Highlaude
(Ens) You cata take ofthe eat but the skin

116Heflies from his own shadow.ie Tre 4s a

great eocard

‫از سودای نقد بویی مشگث مي آید‬

117. The fragrance of muskproceeds from titose
goods which fetch readymoney
‫از سوزنگر آهن نمي توان خرید‬
18, You cannot parchaseironfromaneedle
inaker.( Beease his slock firon, or ‫ و‬ather
4s only
,l estt/ficient
etS for .
his oupn
. ‫از شبنم سجرامی ناتوان شد‬ ‫او‬
49. From dew you will not get yourfill of water.
‫از صد زبانی زبان خاموشي نگو بود‬
120, The tongue of silence is preferable to an hun
dred ‫ه‬.seugnot

‫ار ضعف بهرجا گه نشصتیم وطن شد‬

12l.In consequence of weakness, wherever I sat
down, that placebecamemy home

‫از فریاه خرکسي نراچد‬

,122 ۰ ‫ق‬
one is vexed at theN
of an a
)gnE ‫مه را‬H is
tongue is no acandal.See N 18 ‫ه به‬his

‫از فلفل و زنجبیل سردی مطلب‬

‫و از مردم نادرست مردی ممللمح‬
123Donoi expect to find coldness from pepper
and dryginger, orhumanity froma abadman.
‫از کاه و جوش خبر نداریه‬
124.Hehasno cares abouthy or barley
‫از با ابن سرخر پیدا شد‬
125, Where hasthis head of an ass come from
‫ق‬. ‫ ه‬.W ha
intruder isthissee Part Seeti.No
t gau

.. ‫همیه‬

‫ای ماشی‬ ‫گربه شاشیدگفت باران‬

.126 What wonderis it that ‫ن‬

performmiracles, for the cat made water and

he saiditrained.
-; ,Spoken ironically of one who vainly seta uphigh ‫»د‬noisneterp

‫ع‬ .

‫از تغچه مارحلوا نتوان خورد‬

127. No person can eat sweetmeats with the hood
of asnake.See No. 146 of this Section.
‫ «ه مة‬You can expect to get no good through the medium of ‫م ع‬bad

‫از کفر ابلیس مشهورتراسبع‬

133He, oritis betterknown than the impiety of
the devil.

‫از گور پرصیدند چه مي خواهی گفت دو چشم روشه‬

139, They asked ablindman what do you want P
Hesaid the sight of my two eyes
Spoken in reply to one who asks anotherifhe will secept something
۳hiehitis well known must be gratifying to ‫م‬mih ) (‫ر‬.gnE Willa duck
sim See Part II.Seet.i.No.as.
‫از کوزه همان برونی ترارد که درواست‬
130 That only leaks froma vessel which it ‫ن‬noc
.snia ( Eng
n ) IWhat's
i not ‫ و‬.cant
come ost
‫از کیسه خلیفه بخش می کند‬
131. What he gies away is from the purse of the
Calph. See Part II.Sect.I.No. 541 ‫ه‬
‫همة‬. Heis liberal with ‫ه‬.her
enom ‫ه‬

‫از رجال پرسیدند که چرا کچرا کج میروي جواب گفست که جران‬

‫است و چم وخم‬
33 ‫ب‬They asked the crab why do yougo erooked P
ile saiditis the playfulness and wigour of youth.
Applied to an old and uglyperson who affects the sportivemanner of
‫ الاهلا‬. See Pars
b IL Sect.I.No
. .246
- ۲
‫ارگارغدودی گفته‬
138, You have spoken to abullockswen
i e To ‫ ه‬Werystupid fellow ،

‫ه‬ ‫وه‬

‫از گریه ماتم گل سوریی نروید‬

134"The rose does not spring from the tears of
is fruitless
.‫م‬ ،‫ از گوشه با می گه پریدیم پریدیم‬،
135. The corner of the terrace from which We
.fiew, we fiew (for good and all.)

‫ازم است که برماست‬

136.I am the cause of my own suffering
‫از ما کشیدن واز شما بخشیدن‬
. 137. Totake fromus and give to you.
Torob Peter to psy Paul .

:, , , , , ‫از مردي تانامردگی یلت قدم اسباب‬ f}

188. From braveryto cowardice there is only One

: ‫را‬ ‫از معاطفه باد جز خا کات بر غیرد‬
139.By the favor of the wind, nothing but dust

: isproduced. ‫م‬

... ‫از مگا وادت عمل غافل مشو‬ ،

140.JDonot be
‫دم بروید جوز‬to‫زگن‬the
‫ندم ا‬conso
‫ گ‬.. .
quenCe of

your actions: as wheat is produced from wheat ‫و‬

and barley from barley

sser, It. oRIENTAL PROWERBS. 89 *

‫آزمود را آزمودن خطا است‬ ‫به‬

141, Itis wrong to trythose who havebeenalready

tried. ‫ه‬
‫وع‬ ‫سه‬ ‫میم‬. ‫ع‬

‫آزموده را چه آزما‬
142, What occasion is there to try that which has
tried already P ... ‫و‬ ‫به‬
‫آزمرده کاربازي نمي خورد‬ ،،، ، ، ، {{

143: The man of experience is proof against de

.ception ... ‫و‬ . .‫در ماه است‬

‫ازنقش ونگارد رودبار شکسته آنار پدیداست صناهیدجم را‬

144, The traces of the ‫هه‬vereigns of Persia are ۹۶

found in the ornaments ofruined places...

Applied to a person of noble extraction, who though reduced to poweity
"‫اه‬ thathe
ni better

‫آرنوگیشه وام مغواد‬ ،، ، ، ( {

145 Don't ask the loan of money froia an upstart
‫گ‬...‫بهم اویراانشنوگ‬ ‫ه‬
‫سوی‬ : . ‫از نمای بوری شگر خوري‬ ‫ه‬ ‫ از «ر‬: )..
146 You cannot obtain sugar from the cane of fa

at. See No. 127 of this Section.

‫ ما‬,
It is in vain4oe
from the mean
- ‫نی‬ - ‫گ‬

. ‫از هر جا که سادگات آید بچایی لنگت آید‬ . )1

"m ocome
stones rf they are sure to
ISai۱۲Pon the foot that islame.( ‫ر‬:gnE A sore ‫ای‬

s in
aw .
90) ORIENTAL PROWERBs.ant i :It1 |

‫از هر چه بگذارد خان یار خوش در استاثی‬

148, On any subject a word about afriend is ۲ery
‫آزیار شد و بدوسست نرسید‬
149. Heleft one friend, and didnot obtain another
)snE Betweea
n to tools the
u breech tails
to the ‫به‬
. ‫از یگاتا د سمت صدا بر خیزد‬
150 One hand cannot produce a sound
or erwnity mustbemutu

‫گجیعب نیسبتها‬ ‫آزین نام بریده هرچه گویی‬

15l. Whatever yousay of that assis nothing
. strange ‫ دم بریده‬Is aphrase signifiying an a85
The meaning is that the person spoken of is capable of any thing bad,
cannot beb
ealumniated a
being worse than
a the worste
that ‫فنهای‬

‫ازین گل کرد یا برنمکی خرد‬

152 No dustrises from this clay
from hi person
‫ به ق‬No goodia ‫م منامه‬expected
‫هم‬ ۶

133. Anaked horse, i.e.ahorse without saddle or

contemptu ‫مهم‬us
way of describing ‫ه‬ts‫م‬
ai a rag
itoi ‫هانا‬
‫آسان گردد بر آنچه همت بستکی‬
154. That becomes easy which you have once army
resolved on.
( Eng.) Weil begunis half done ) (‫ر‬.taL Dintidium caepti ‫و‬ri
‫و‬ Bers

ttpit, habet,
Int ‫ه‬sgcr.II .ORIENTAL

‫استپ بدویدن جو خود زیاد مي کند‬

|| | .155. Thehorseby running well, encreases his food.
A person
e is rewarded
. by serving
i his masterwell

‫نمی روفه‬ ‫راه‬ ‫جواب این‬ ‫استپ‬

}56. A woodenhorse does not walk on the road.
cannot expect anything from one who has not the ability

137. Iboughtahorse and heturned out to be amule.

lt is used when one is disappointed inhis expectations.

‫اسمپ داروغه جونمي خورد‬

168, The superintendants horse does not live upon
lt ‫او با‬
( Eng
of the
‫بخشي‬ ‫فه و رگا به داماد‬ ‫اصمپا‬
159. Ahigh horse is the general’s son-in-law.
It is eustonuary for the Bunshee to inspeethorses and theirowners pre
۲ious to theirbeing entertained, or taken into the service of the state,when
those horses, whiehhave not attainedaeertainheight, are rejected, aud
those whichare approved, are marked with a hotiron.
Theproverb means that a good thing oannot be rejected۰

‫شده اساسنا‬ ‫اسپا نقارمییا‬

160. Hehasbecomelike thekettle-drummer's horse
.e.Deafto all advice.see Part I.Seet.I.No.28.

161. Aled horse.

i.e, A pruce fellowbut good for ‫م‬gnihton


‫استخوان سوخته را سئت نبوید‬

162, Adog does not smell burnt bones.
: ‫م‬That
is people pay no regard to what is of nouse to thero

‫کار له سم اسبتلا نمکی گند‬ ‫آستین‬

163. The sleeve does not perform the ofiice of the
i.e. They, only can perform a workproperly, who possess the requisite

164. The sky is not.clear۰

. is ,eni
noc be‫م‬
silent ‫اه‬This
saying is nearly the opposi of
our's -The coast is clear.

‫آسرد و کسي که بزندارد‬

.165 Helives at ease who has no she-goat ‫ و‬۴۰ .f

who is not married.

،‫آسوده کسي که خرندارد‬
‫از کاد و جوشی خبر ندارد‬
.166 ‫و‬Helives
at ease who hasno ass ***ashehas
cares regarding itshay and barley.

‫آسوده گسی که زین ندارد‬

167. Helives at ease who has no wife.
‫آسیایش همیشه درگردش است‬
168. His millis always going.
Applied to a glutton, who is always eating۰
‫اشرکه گاه مي خواهد گردن دراز مي گند‬
,160 ‫و‬When
the camel wants straw he stretches
out his neck.i.e.Nothing is to be had tpithout

‫اشتها نیمه مسندما جان من مرضی اسبتها‬

170. My dear, it is not anatural appetite but a
‫اشتهایی مردان زیر دندان‬
171.Men's appetites are undertheir teeth. See
Part I.Sect.I.No. 35

‫آش در راه است و گواهی در کار‬

172 Brothis at hand and evidence is required.
‫م مه‬e.i
am ready to pay whosoever will give evidence in my favor

‫اشکی چشم دل میخواهد‬

173.He wants an eagles (ear
i.e. Herequires something very difficult or impossible to be obtained.
Dalis akind of eagle residing in the most inaccessible parts of the mountains,
ta to c

‫آش مردان دیرمي پردا‬

174, The victuals of the brave take a 1ong time to
e s theg
n nare not
a easilyv
e e to »

175, When friends fare so, what must it be with

Spoken ‫ان‬y a person who has been illused by ‫م‬dneirfa

‫اشیان فلاني جامه انتا نرفته است‬

) ‫م‬T
176. The pot-ash (or barila ) of suchan one has
not reached your clothes.
.i e y ou do not yet know , what a scoundrel orrogueheis ‫ه‬

‫آشنایی ملا تا سبقی‬ T

177. Friendship with thetutorlasts as long as the
Mankind e
are apt to forget
. their friendsi
when they cease
‫م‬ to be useful

،‫اصالت تاب لایحرمتی ندارد‬

.178 ‫م‬Aman
of noble birth cannot stand disgrace
‫اصفهانی نصف جهان‬
179. Isfahan is half of the world.
Said by the Persians in praise of this city, on account of the mary ‫م‬lecxe \*
lencies attributed to it.

‫اصل بد از خطا خطا نگند‬

.180. He that is radically bad, never deviates e۲۹۳
by mistake from vice.

‫اطلس هر چند که نه شود پاتا به نه شود‬

181. Satinnotwithstanding it gets old, yet it new CI

becomes a sock.

‫آفتاب را بگل نهمي توان اندوده‬

IS2, No person can smear the sun with clay۰
e.Excellence i
cannot be s so
concealed is mi ‫ا‬0 conce :‫ الف‬۲‫م‬ylast3
; or itp
hasalreadybeen made public۰

‫آفتاب لب بام‬
183. The sun is now upon the top of the house
i.e, He is about to sets applied to a person who is at the point of ‫و‬baed
or to one who has nearly expended all his fortune۰

‫آفتابه خرج نعیم‬

184, The expense of solderingan eWer exceeds the
value ofit. ( Eng ) It is eaSier t0 build a mela
house than to patch an old 01ic.
‫نایبا و‬
‫آنتن همسایه به مسایه میرسد‬
185. The misfortunes of one neighbourfall upon
:‫شد‬ another.

‫آفرین باد براین همت مردانه تو‬

186, Praise be upon thymanly COurage•
‫به تبع‬ This saying is generally used ironically۰

‫افزوني نور ماه برای سپری شدن است‬

‫ ام‬،‫ها‬
.187 ‫گ‬The
increase ofthelightofthe moonis for he
speedy destruction.See Part I.Sect. I.No. 459.
‫ مذ‬,e Quick growthis the sign of rapid decline ‫ه‬

‫ایالا‬ ‫افسرده دل افسرده کهد انجمني را‬

‫در مجلس خود راه مده همچومنی را‬
188 One melancholy heart throws a gloom over a
whole company : do not admit ‫ش فه‬wretchlike
‫اهالیوی‬ into your assembly.
96 ‫را‬TATNEIRO PROWERBSa r AnrI. tt3 |

‫افیونی "خره می باشند‬

addicted ho
is ‫ و‬,T to opium are generally
se buffoons :‫از‬
‫خود درفشی زده‬ ‫آقا علی به کار برد در خایه‬ ‫ آ‬:‫پ‬

.100 ‫و‬ Aio

AULEE nullonegot distentus testes suos
cum subulaterebrat.
Spoken of a person» who foolishly or willingiybringsmisfortnneup۵n ‫ا‬

‫آقا ما هر سه را جا می برای‬
i01.Master, where are you carrying tts all three*
Spoken of one who thrustshimselfinto anaffair with whichhe hasno ‫م‬
concern, andsufrers for hispains. Two male Factorsbeing eondemnedto
‫ه‬, ‫ل‬ lh
the officers ofo to
iustice were f a a
carrying toe
themn ,noe -
itucexeh w
ish fellow thinking theyweregoingtoget some employment,ioined the
party, and put the abovequestion repeatedly to the ofiieers. They, sup
‫ع‬p os
him to be connected in
with the ,srehto puthim to deathalong g
with them

‫اگر از انبرگازدت می گرفتم گي مي توانستي گریخست‬

192. If Ihad seized you with the pincershow could
you have escaped.
‫ه‬i .e
Ihad treated you atfirst with due ,.I
ytireves yota eouldnothav
eted ‫ و‬.a s
you ,evah with impunity

‫اگر از خدا نمی ترسی از خلق شرم بگن‬

‫و‬f you .19 fear 3 -ha
do notI some shame
ve be
Applied to one who is cperly guilty ofviolence, or of some offence, against

‫هوسن بوده‬ ‫دیگرم عاشقی‬ ‫اگر این بار جان برم زاغه عت‬
194.Hf thistime Isurvive from the sorrow occasion
by you .
‫ر‬ed will nevermoreI fall in love
ogs‫ ب‬.PROWERBS 97

‫اگر باررکنم عقلم نباشد‬

195, Ifl believe this, it wouldbe noproof of my
of sense.

‫اگر بشکار شغال بروي سامان شیر گن‬

196, Ifyougo ajackal hunting prepare to meet
with alion۰

‫اگر بیضا اینجا نیست نه خر موجود است‬

h97. Though Buezabe nothere, yet nine asses are.
A personwas boasting that at Bueza (a district near to Sheeraz) hehad
ieaped overnine asses at once, to which another replied in the words of the
Proverb : Itisused asa reproof to one who brags of what hehad done in a
c like the
e story
d of the
o leaper
h of R

‫اگربینی که نابینا و چاه اسمیت‬

.‫توگرخاموش بذشیفي گناه اسهاست‬

198, When you see ablindman in danger of ‫م‬llaf
ing into a well, ifyouremain silent it is a erime
‫اگر تیرشری بزنند خونش بر نمي آید‬
‫م‬199 If yOul wound him with an arrow he will not
yield a drop of blood.
" ‫ «؟‬Heis shriveled and dried up by care and sorrow .

‫اگر خار کاری صمن ندارویی‬

200, if you sowthorns, you cannot cut out jasmine.

ill1 |

‫اگرخر نمي بود قاضي نمي شد‬

201.Hewould nothave been a ()agee hadhe not
been an ass: It may also be translated thus, had
it not been for his ass (which was given to pro
cure the situation) he wouldneverhare beena
(Jazee or judge.
‫اگر داغش نهی آگه نباشد‬
:202. Were you to cauterise him, he would not be
sensible ofit. See No. 199

‫اگر دستش را ببرید خون برنمي آید‬

203.If you cut off his hand, no blood willflow

Spoken of amiser, from whom nothing is to behad.


‫اگررستم ارد سست این تیر زن من و کفج و ایرانه پیر زن‬

:204.1f I only escape from the hands of this archer
I will confine myself to the corner of that old
woman's desolated abode. See No. .194 of this

‫اگر زر نباشد که هم خودب است‬

205. If there be no gold, hay will do.
Apersonasked a judge what shouldbe thepenalty on one who ki\\sa
eat wrougfully. Hereplied to fill the skin with gold and giveitinalms.
The other said ،« and what if the judgesson shouldhave killed the cat."
The judge, after somehesitation, replied in the words of the proverb, which
ia hence applied to one who shows partiality inhis opiuions or decisions.

‫اگر ساقي تو باشی می توان خورد‬

,206 ‫م‬If
youwere the cup ,reraeb it wouldbeal
lowable to drink wine.

‫اگر نبوي خورشید تیز بیني چشم ترازیان دارد نه خورشید را‬
207.If you stare at the sun, it will hurt your eyes
and not the sun.( Eng) The toeakest must go
.. *
to the :‫ن‬lla.

‫اگر صد سال در مشگي کني دوغ‬

‫همان دوغ و همان دوغ و همان در غ‬
203.If youput sour milkinto aleathern bag for
100 years, it will stilt be sourmilk.
) h
Whats E
bred ins
the bone eE
will never i
wear ‫م‬ f
out of the
‫بر‬ .
‫اگر في المثل در فشاندن ندانی همه حال در چیدن آخرتونی‬
:209.1f for instance you do not know how to scatter
pearls, well ! you are able at least topick them up
to amiser wwho newer »sevig b ‫چ‬tis
ready enough to .۲

‫اگر تارور پاکایی است از طبیب چه با کثه است‬

210.If Othe Surine is clear, there is nothing to
fear from the dootor.
‫اگر تعط الرجال افتد ازین سه انبی کم گیری‬
gll Although a searcity of menshould happen, do
10t Cultivate the acqmaintance of these three peo
ile:the 1st ‫ و‬an U/ghan, the 2d ‫ و‬a Kumboh ‫ و‬and
d3 ‫یم‬a Wicked Kushineerian

‫اگر ماند شیی ماند شبی دیگر نمی ماند‬

212, If sheremain at all, it is for one night, and not
fora second.
‫لپ‬A ppl
to abad woman ied
in the absence of herhusban andalso to ths
new moon, or to anything whichis not likely to continuelongin one state»

‫اگر مرغي کخم بگذار وگر خروسي با نگات بگو‬

ahen .213
‫و‬laye ggs‫و‬If and if a ,kcoc crow
Used by way of exhorting the person to whomitis addressed to actwith
spirit, q. d.behave at once eitherlike a woman or a man, but do nothesi
tate between thetwo.

214. Though the mosque begone its arches remain.

Said ofpersons or things whichhave fallen into decay, but of which
suflicient remains to denotetheirfornnerproperous condition.

‫ عیبش نگیرند‬،‫اگر مورچه بر سر سلیمان روی‬
215, Were an ant to crawl on the head of ‫و‬NOMo.roS
people would not esteemitany disgrace to him.
Itis used to express that people of rank and character donotsuffer in

the estimation of the world by the disrespect of the mean.

‫اگر مولا نظر سازد با بي بي با گردد‬

216. Should the lord look with afavorable eye ‫ و‬a

‫ه‬ ‫ر‬eltabl
.ali b ethi
aul ome
‫اگر نان گند می نیست زبان گندمی را چه شد‬
217 . If you could not give hinany thing to eat ‫ و‬y ‫ا‬O
ought at least to have treated hitn with civility۰
( Eng) Fair words cost nothing

‫اگر همه آتش شوي خود را بسوزي‬

218, If youwere all fire, you wouldburn yourself
,e Donot let yourage
i get the‫م‬
better ofyou

‫اسنت‬ ‫اگر هوس است همین قدر بس‬

219 If Ihad a real desire, this is sufficient encou

‫اگر یار اهل المت کار سهل استس‬

220, Ityour friend be favourable or (faithful) your
work is easy . ( Eng ‫ را‬A cilling heart nakes
slight apork,

‫الاز به از پار‬
.221 ‫م‬Agood
fire is better than a delicate meal
i.e ins
cola weather-it
on means that
e in time h
of need t **"
em mayoc ‫ا‬of more
.e ‫د‬ real value
‫ا‬ than‫ن‬
the inosto
See 31 -

ٔ‫البته زیر کاسه برد نیم کاسه‬

222, There is certainly halfa cup under the cup.
There mustbe
e somefoundation
. for whati
they ,yas thoughitmay
‫آ‬ not
entirey true. ( Eng) what everybody saysmustbe true.(Scot) There was
ay some water where the stirk drowned ‫ق و‬and
again in ,hsilgnE there Was
int quothu
‫ه‬ the tellow whenhe
o drankd
the dish

‫آلو چو با لو نگرد رنگت بر آرد‬

:23. When one plumbeholds another, it sets forth
a colour.
(Eng) when the old cock crows, the young coek learn»
102 oftITNTAL PRovERBS, r ‫ه‬ari ‫؛‬۲ |
• ۶ ‫ص سال‬

‫م بر بین‬-‫اله‬
224, Our Gop is one : therefore you shouldbe ‫د‬sitas
fied with one share : said to a person tpho is desi : ‫م‬:
‫ن‬ :‫ا‬
ous ofs
‫و‬ haoing
e more
h than
s thei

... to g oe him. The above isa Turkish saying»

whichis frequently used by the Persians who also ‫ا‬
Say ‫یگایالت‬ ‫ه الهام‬
‫آمدن برادست رفتن بجازات‬ ‫به‬
B2B, Coming is voluntary, but departing depends
upon permission.

‫آمد و آورد ایفهم گذاه ما است‬

226. Hewishestoput the blame upon me of that
which healone is gtiilty. ( Eng ) Manymen
wish to throw the burthen off theirown shoulders

. ‫امروز ابلق زده است‬

22 . Todayhe has put a feather inhis cap. : ‫گ‬
He has distinguished hinself or he is noto ‫ما‬ra
at e
thep uop/) ..or
sumnit prosperity

‫امروز دارایی خاور غم فردا خور‬

22S.Enjoy the present ,emit and don't grieve * ‫که‬
.wor ( Eng
ro ) Enough
m-o fortthe
‫ق‬da‫ و ل‬is
the eoil thereaf


‫امروز را فرداني در پیش است‬

239, Every day is followed by a to-morrow
(Eng) Every doghath his day and everyman his hour.

‫امروز روز داو فلان شخص است‬

230. This is the day of such a ones opportunity
in whichhe succeeds orprevails. It alsomeans the
day in whichhe undertakes any task ‫دواطلب شدن‬
to take up the ,teltnuag to undertake any difii
task as in Hindoostanee ‫ تهانا‬۱ ‫بیرا‬
" ‫و‬Cult

‫امروز قورچیي هسنام‬

23l. I am now quite destitute
(Ooorchee is an arrned soldier, or a person in charge of airns, eapecially
‫ن‬fsmra-erif ‫) و‬.their
pay is ,llahts whencé the phrase

‫امید بهتر از خوردن‬

232.Hope is preferable to food.
) )gnE Hope is the aneher of the soul ‫ و‬or hope is worth any money

‫آمین برای اجابت دعا است‬

288. Amenis said that prayermaybe accepted of
Said by one who wishes to obtain an object either for himself o۳ another ‫و‬
eaning that if
‫ه‬ ‫ت‬ several people
l will onlyl
give him their
i support w
*h he
*cceed inhis views.

:284, That fire is extinguished.

‫« ها‬That
commotion has been appeased
rt}2 - ORIENTAL PROWERBS.Aar 1. ‫|ا‬

‫آنانکه غني تراند محتاج تراند‬

235, Therichest are the most necessitous : or the : :۱
desire of wealth encreases with the possession. :‫ا‬

). t
) Crescit a
amornum mi Lquantum‫ش‬ ipsa pe
cunia crescit.

‫آن با نابود که از بالا بود‬

236. That is notamisfortune whichéomes from || |
, heaven.
is addressed by wayTh is
of consolation to one who has met with anymi
fortune- ‫ه‬

‫انتظارازدرد دندان بدتراسبت انتظارازکندن جان بدتراسبتها‬

237.Suspense is worse than the toothache, and the
pangs of death.
‫انتظار بد تر از مرگ است‬
238. suspense is worse than death.
‫آنچه از دزد باقي ماند بدست فال گیر آمد‬
239, Whatever the thiefleft, the conjurer has got
i.e.The magician employed to detect the thief And in English" the

‫آنچه استاد ارل گفت همان می گویم‬

240, Whatever the eternal teacher said, that say T ‫ه‬
Applied to a person who speaks nothis own opinion, bat what has beer
suggested to him by another.
- ‫سی‬

‫آنچه جوان در آدینه بیند پیر درخشت‬

.241 An oldman cansee asmuchina brick ‫خ و‬a *
‫م‬you ngma
cansee ina glass
) t
. itc ao Ld
Experientia ‫م‬

‫آنچه خرگوید کون خراباور کند‬

242, Whatever the ass says the ass believes.
See No. 24 of this s ‫)ری‬ ‫ به نام‬many
‫سر خلیفه‬ ‫آنچه در بغداد است گرد‬
:243. All that is in Bughdad is the Khuleeft's, or
he has access toit : e, Whateger is mine is a
3/0ur serpice. .

to afriend who makes a request

‫آنچه در دل است بر زبان مي آید‬

244. That which is in the mind, is spoken.
‫م‬This sayiug is used to express ,taht people cannoteasily conceal th ۳
eal sentinents, which, when they are off their guard will occasionally make
their escape on the tongue.

‫آنچه در طبع تو نیاید راست‬

«.۴ ‫ه‬

‫تونفهمیده مگو که خطا ست‬

245 Don't condemnas wrong what you do not com-
prehend, perhaps you have not understoodit.

‫آنچه در مزباله بر ریش خود چسپانیده بودي به ایران‬

346. Wipe away that which you stuck into your
beard on the dung-hill.
A (۳۹۳۷ had stuck to a person's beard. His servantobserving it, saidto his
master ‫نگ‬ Anightingale has perched on the stalk of the rose, drive itaway."
Some one in the companythinking this very fine, wishing to imitate it۰
۳ent ‫الاه‬n
" some pretence, and going to a dung-hill tooka straw and stuck
htin his beard, desiring his servant touse the same expression wwhichthe

‫ هاه‬had.ite theneturned to the company . The servanthaving forgot

bis lesson, addressed histmaster in the terms of the proverb. Themaster was
heartily ashame‫ل‬, and the whole assemblyburst outin alangl. Itis P
Plied to ) foolish fellow who awkwardy ‫دا‬pmetta to imitate his betters ‫ه‬
108 oRIENTAL PROWERBS. r Aar 1 h

‫آنچه دیدی از دست رفست‬

247. That which you saw is no longer in my power
Used to denotea change in the prosperous condition of a persoa.

‫بردی بیار اما نامش مبر‬ ‫آنچه گفته‬

248.Bring that which you spoke of, but do not
The origin of this saying is thas related : A n officer of theking travelling
,erehwemos came ‫ع‬
- a
night to apoor ,egalliv ande
t p
putup at the cottage of a
sant.Deunanding something to coverhimat night, the poormansaidhe
‫م‬h nothing to otter himbutad the body clothes of his ox ۰-Th ,reciifo enrag
edatthis supposed insult, beat andabused the peasant. Feeling the cold
aewere in the night, he called to the peasantin the words of the proverb, which
is now applied to something oseful but mean, which the person who ‫قان‬ava
himself ofit, is ashamed of

‫آنچه ما درکار داریم اکثریی در کار نیسبت‬

249. Most of those things whichwe think weare
really in want of are in truth superfluous
‫آنچه ما گردیم با خود هیچ نابینا نگرد‬
:250, What harm Ihave done tomyself nobiind
man ever didto himself.
Used when a person does any thing for whichhe afterwards feels sorry

251.You must receive that whichis decreed by

fate: if you do nottake it, you must be forced
49it ( Eng ‫ از‬.Needsmi
tohen the dettst
cil dracs

‫اندرین باغ چو طوس بکار سست مگس‬

352 Inthis gardena fly is as good as apeacock
‫ مق‬.
There is no distinction
e made here between‫م‬
the good and the bad

‫آن دفتر را گاوخورد‬

253. The cow has eatenup the history.
.i ‫ م‬. Those times are past : spoken of the former prosperous state of a per
son who has fallen into decay. ( Scot ) That tale the gray cow has eaten»

‫آن دکان برچیده شد‬

254 That shophas been shut up.
i.e. The times have been changed for the worse.See No.247

‫اند کي جمال به از بسیاری مال‬

235. Alittle beauty is betterthan much wealth.
( Eng) Good looks are thebest letter of recommendation.

‫آنرا که بدادند بدادند بدادند‬

256 To whomsoever fortune has given anything»
shehas given it for good andall.
‫آنرا که چنان کند چنین آید پیش‬
257. Ashe does to others, so will he be done by.
(Eng) As you sow, so you must reap.

‫ آنرا که خبر شد خبرش باز نیامد‬. . ...

238, There is no obtaining any information from
, whom
has been
i made acquaintedwith
b‫ا‬asecre ‫ی‬
This rnight be applied with ‫ز‬ustice to a free «nosam
|| |

‫آنرا که عیان چه حاجستا به بیان‬

,859 ‫م‬ I
is unnecessary t
to explain that which is self
.tnedive See ‫عیانی را چه بیانی‬
This rhight be applied to many of the sayings in this collection, which
‫و‬h av
therefore merely e .witho
been translated any comment
ut ‫ا‬

‫آنرا که ندانی نسب و نسبتا حالش‬

‫ویرا نبود هیچ گواهي جو فعالش‬

260. He whosegenealogy and circumstances you
re ted with can best be judged of by
his actions.

‫آن سررشته از هم گسمت‬

261.That connection is broken off

This has nearly the same applicationas No. 254

‫آن شب تدري که گویند اهل خلوت امشب استک‬

262, That night whichis called by devotees Shubi
‫و‬gudr isthis very .thgin Used upon occasions of
jay or success
‫انصاف شیوه ایست که بالایی طاعت است‬
263.Justice is superior to devotion.
‫آن صبر که ماگرد یم ایوب نکرد‬
264. Jog was not half so patient as we were
‫آنکه در علم اسبت گلید خبرهم اوسست‬
265. Hewho is the door of science, is the key of
sser.ir.oRIENTAL PROWERBs. t69

‫آنکه شیران را کند رو به مراج‬

‫احتیاج استنب احتباج اسبات احتیاج‬
gives to a lion the disposition of a
t ‫ه‬, ‫م‬It
is only poperty that makes the noble minded bccome rReant
(Eng) Powerty makesmen poor spirited

‫آنکه عیان استعا چه حاجت به بیان است‬

267. What occasion is there to explain that Which
self .tned
iv. .259
‫آن گریه که ما کردیم یعقوب نگرد‬
,268 ‫م‬JAcog
did not lament so much as we did
Used to express the sorrow of the speaker

‫انگشتی عسل بدیوار مي گشد‬

269. His finger besmeared withhoney, he drawa
along the wall : i.e, He is determined to excite
. disturbance or rebellion.

‫گا سبب کلید روزی است و د تصمت بي هنریخچه گداني‬

‫آ‬۶ .0 The fingers of a workman are the keys of
subsistence, and the hand of the ignorantis like
the ladle ofabeggar۰
‫انگشتاس نمایی خلق اضاختی‬
271.Heis pointed at by the people i e He is the
laughing stock of the people.
‫ف‬ti ‫نامه مقاله‬as ‫ه ما‬ x
who is t ila
distinguishedfor uq
any good

.‫انگور زانگورهیگیرد رنگت‬

272, Grapes derive their colour from grapes.
sed to demote
‫ن‬ that wearsn
apt to be influenced
i ‫ه‬ ur conduct
‫آن ورق برگشت‬
278: That leaf has beenturned over
: .The
times are changease No ‫به تو‬
‫هم خواهد گذشت‬ ‫آن هم گذشت این‬
274 . That is pastaway and this will also pass away
Spoken by , or ,at a ,nosrep who wasonce in a prosperous condition ‫ و‬but
bas fallen into decay ‫ و‬and implies that the present state of things will ‫با نام‬
last, buttake a morefavorableturn. -۹

There never wasa height, but there was a hollow۰

‫ع‬ ‫کیو‬ ‫سی‬

‫آواز خرو نغمه داوده یکسبات‬

25. The braying of an ass and the sweet songs of
DAvup are alike to him.
. Hepossesses
tbanapitcher۰ no taste i
or discrimination
‫م‬ ) :gn ‫ را‬Hehss no more ‫؟‬ra ‫م‬

‫آواز دهل شنیدن از دور خوش است ست‬

276. The sound ofa drumisbest at a distance.
i e The fame of a person is greater at a distance thanitis in reality.
) )gnEs Aprophethasno
ihn praise i ‫ن‬ ‫م‬wncountry : or notman is a hero
bis valet de chambre. (Scot ) Farbirds have fine feathers

‫آواز سگان کم نگند رزق گدارا‬

217. The food of beggars is not lessened by the
barking of dogs.
i.e That an expectant is act ‫ ما‬be disappointed by ‫م‬ht interfarenc۹۰۴
interested people. .۹ -

‫آواز گدا رونق بازاز گریم است‬

, of
The hubbubau
S a croud of ,sr:2
ggeb gives
ty to themarket-place of thegenerous : or the
splendor of the shop of the generous shines when
‫انیا‬ ‫پ‬srthe
.rs otsuc
‫آوازه میست زرد مي رسد‬
239, The report of death reaches quickly
( Eng.) Illnews come apace

‫او خویشتن گم اسست کرا رهبری کند‬

:80 Hehashiunself gone astray, how can he direct
another into the truepath : ( Eng (‫ ر‬Houp can
the blind lead the blind ‫ و‬See Part II.Seet L
No 341.
‫او داند و کار او داند‬
:SI Lit.Heknows, and his business knows.
haye uothingnd
‫ب‬i ‫ به‬I know mething abouti ‫ب و‬a to do with hin
.‫اوقات شریف بین که جون مي گذرد‬
:82.See how your precious time passes away.
‫اوتانات مگن ضایع و تنها بذشین‬
283.Sit alone, and do notidle away your time.

‫اول اندیش وانگهي گفتار پای پیش آمد سست و پس دیوار‬

284, First reflect and afterwards speak : as the
foundationis laid, before the wallis built.
( Eng (‫ ر‬Look before you leap.
11:3 - oRIENTAL PROWERBS. rAar 1. || |

‫اول آن کس که خریدارشدش من بودم‬

285, The first person who was desirous of having ‫از‬

.him her orit, I am he See No. 297. ‫با‬

: ‫اول باخر نسبتي دارد‬

286. The beginning hasa connexion with the end
‫اول بچش بعد ازان گو بي نمک است‬
2S7. First taste, andafterwards say that itis insipid :

) (‫ر‬.Eng Try first and aftertoards condemin ,

proof of the pudding is the eating ofit

2SS.Erroneous from the beginning.

‫ارل بها مشلات بها‬
289. The first word is the best.
) (‫ر‬.Eng The first blow is half the battle |

‫ارلی پیاله دارد‬

200. Dregs in the first cup. See Part II.Sect (.

No. 325,

‫ارل جنگت آخر آشتی‬

201. After war comes peace.
)gnE‫ ر‬، «After
a storra cornea a calm
‫ارل خویش بعد درویش‬ .‫تی‬
,292 ۰‫گ‬First
ones own and afterwards the P99
) (‫ر‬.Eng .Charity
begins at home

‫ارل دار ترکیه‬

.293 ‫و‬A t)
the first move )w g oar hr tn
vexed ro
or e-
‫ر‬ed ‫م تري‬ i
the language of gamestersn
is the vexa
tion that proceeds from bad ‫م‬kcul
Applied to one who in the commencement of a transaction betrays ill
temperor dishonesty.See Part II.Seet.I.No. 325 .

‫اول دم نقده طیخی را‬

894. The cookhas the first taste.

‫اول شب میگشد مفلس چراغ خویش را‬

89 ‫ق‬. A poormanputs out hislamp early in the
‫ارل طعام بعد با گلم‬
896, First eat and then speak

297. The first person who boasts offriendship

I am he
‫ارل وجود بعدها تجود‬
*3 First(provehis) existence, then worship (him.)
‫آویخته باشي به که گریخته باشي‬
899, Itis better to be hungup than to run away
)gnE.‫ ر‬Cowards die athousand ,shtaed the brave but once

‫آن در جگر ندارد«ه‬

Hehas not even a sigh inhis hearta
‫همة‬. Heisin great powerty۰

‫آد عاشقی بی اثر بینیم ما‬

301. We see sighs of lovers unimpressive -
Spoken by one who has pursued any object ardently butineffetually

‫آهن باهن کوفتن چه رنگت پیدا می شود‬

302. When iron strikes against iron, then what a
contestarises! ( Eng ) ، IWhen Greek meets
،« Greek, then comesthe tug of tpar. See
Part II.Sect.I.No. 381.

. ‫آهن سرد مي کوبد‬

303.Heliammers coldiron .
i.e. He labours in vain.( Scot ) It is hardtobring Eut, what is no th

‫آهن کهنه را تحلوا داد‬

804. Give oldiron in exchange for sweetmeats.
‫آهوی نا گرفته می بخشد‬
305. Hegives away the deer before it is caught.
( Eng ) Hesells the bear's skin before the bearis taken.

‫ایاز حد خود بشناسی‬

306, OUYAz don't forget your situation.
Said by way ofreproof or reproach.

‫ای باد صبا این همه آورد و تست‬

.307 Omorning breezethis is all yourdoing ‫ه‬
As in English ۹۶this is some of your handywork. *

‫اي بصا آرزو که خاکث شده‬

• O
308.Alast what a number of desires have con**
( Eng )Ineffectual efforts saddeneth the mind.
sser II oRIENTAL PRovERBs 11
‫ای تومجموعه خوبي زکدامت گویم‬
309. Othou, who art an assemblage ofgood quali
ties by which of themshall I distinguish thee *
Thi yings ‫ماهنامه‬
‫اي خاک بر آن شرگه درار مغز وفانیستی‬
310. Letthis dust be put upon that head, in which
there are not the brains of fidelity.
‫ای در بتومی گویم دیوار توهم بشنو‬
To theec
‫اقم‬il Odoor doh
I address myself
t do
Owall also listen.
Eaid by way of caution, requiring the serious attention of the heater
‫آید روزي نباید روزه‬
343.IfIreceive, I eat : if not ‫ و‬I fast.. Expresses
"eSignation on the part of the speaker.
See Part II.Sect.I.No. 187.

‫اي روشني طبع تو برمن با شدي‬

313 O what amisfortune hasthisbright genius of
mine proved tome. Said tphen a person's ‫س‬ca

Tirements are the cause of inconvenience or

(۱۹noyance to him.
‫ایی زبردست زیر دستسا آزار گرم تا گي بماند این بازار‬
314. Oh thon tyrant, who oppressest the weak ‫ و‬ho۱۷
long will this violence of yours continue *
110 oRIENTAL PRovERBS ‫تا به‬
lit |
‫اي زفرمست بیخبر در هرچه باشي زرد باش‬
315. Othou, who artignorant ofthe advantages of
‫و‬leisure ‫و‬whatever you
do .do
‫ای گشتي غرق شومن هم تجهنم‬ ‫ن‬
.316 O boat sink ‫ و‬and let me go to the infernal re
Used by one upon an occasion of great distress.

‫داری‬ ‫اي گل بتواخرسندم توبولی کسی‬

817. Oflower I ampleased with you, since you
possess the fragrance of such a one (i.e.mybe
‫ایلچي را چه زوال‬
318.The person ofan ambassador is inviolable
‫ای مادرنوکه نه بریده چه میدانی‬
319. Ohmother what do you, who have not beer۹
‫و‬cut :kn
of thematter
Reply to one who exhorts anotherto bearpatiently a pain or mistortus ‫ه‬
hieh the adviser hasnever experienced.Itis supposed tobe spoken bya
boywhile undergoing circumeision, to his mother who enconrageshirn ۹۶ bear
‫ت‬ t
pain with fortitude see .oh
aP 4os (E ‫عت را‬He
J *
‫غ‬ dnuo
carsuphoneper fettact

‫این به بیداري است یا رب یا خواب‬

320 Oh Goo! is what Isee real, oris it ouly a vision ‫ه‬
‫این خم و این زمین‬
.321 ‫بم‬ Th
is the seed and this isis
the earti
) (‫ات‬Er ,D
your .tsrow See ,o
i.tseS No 40

‫اینجا حسب نگنجد واینجا نسب نباشد‬

. Here neither genealogy nor pedigree is ofany
use : e Here qualifications only are attended to.
(Es) You must stand on your ownfeet.

. ‫اینجا مقام دم زدن جبرئیل نیست‬

‫ن‬ This is not the place for even GAnarrr to
SPeak. Said of a place tohere people are not
!ito e
ht ‫و‬Sdezim‫ و‬or in allusion to
۶ /rannical gooernment
‫اینجا موش بعصاره مکي رود‬
42 )neVe.
( the f
f travels
aid of any danEerous place where People must proceed with extreme

‫این چاه و این ریسمان‬

32 ‫ ق‬. ‫ار‬This
is the :bel .and
this is the rope
*** ‫ ه ما‬Person who boasta see .las.oN (Eng ‫ را‬Prove your ‫هاله‬
‫ این خانه تمام آفتابه است‬.
: Thishouse is a perfect sun.i.e, All the
P**ple of thishouse are enlightened, or good
folks. This saying is aften used ironically.

‫این دست را مبادبان دست احتیاج‬

‫آن‬. Let notthis hand begassistance from the other
This is used by way ofprayer, to signify, may Inever have ‫م‬ecasion ‫م‬t
- **Peud upoa any one for support
iis oRIENTAL PRovEREs. RAn t
‫این دست واین پشت دست‬
828, This is my hand, and this is the back of my
It is used to shew, that it will soonbe known how the matter stands •

‫این دعا از من و از جمله جهان آمین با دا‬

829, This is my prayer and let all the World Sty
‫این دفل دوستان که می بینی مگما نفساد گرد شیرینی‬
830, These false friends whomyou see, arelike flies
around the sweetmeats. ( Eng ) The Jiies e0
tectrontnd the honcy jar S. See No. 451 of
Section I.

‫این را بگسی گوگه ترا نشناسد‬

this to one who does not know yO
,e.i you ‫م‬
annot deceive
‫ا‬ .eo
m ( )gnl
E Tell thisto
i thea
believe you

‫ این را پول بیار‬۱

,332 ‫و‬Bringchange for this ))holding
ee Out
a taunting refisal to one toho askS۶۵ ‫ف‬iorrob

‫این زرتلبا بهرگس گه و هي بازدهد‬

833. This isbadmoney, whoever yougiVe it to ‫و‬

.tinruter ( Eg To pay andr۹۹۶
Utpnt coin.
Spoken to one who abuses, or satirizes another.i.e۰ ‫ی‬rour satire ‫گاه‬
hbuse willbereturned, ، ،The biterbit,"
.‫این زمین را آسماني دیگر است‬
.834 ‫ف‬The
climate of this countryi .different -

.r ‫ها ماهنامه‬nroation
any h
t ‫"" "هه‬
‫این سبرگرنشگند امروزفردا بشکند‬ .۲

835, If this pitcher does notbreak to-day, it ‫ال‬i۳

break tomorrow.See No. g12 of this Séction
( Eng) The pitcher dothnot go so ofen (P the water, bttt it e۵۳nes home
broken atlast, (Span.) Can Aro ۹۶ nnuchas vezes ۲a ‫ فاه‬fuente alguna Wea

se ha de quebrar

‫این شمم در عاشقي بالای غمهای دگر‬

336. This grief of mine of being in love is in al
dition tomy other gries
‫این قافله تابحشرافیت اسی‬
837 . This company of travellers islame totheresi
‫و‬rection ٔ‫ه‬.e‫ م‬-They ill neger arribe at thcijontr
‫و‬ e
,dne ors accomplish
op theirrobjectu
or p
.‫این پارازتو آید ومردان چنین کنند‬
838 Thisbusiness willbe performed by y" ‫ و‬for thus
the generous act. occasionally ased ironicaly

.‫این کار درست است کنون تاکرا رسد‬

g39, This is the business of fortune, let 3 sce
whom she will favor.
‫در راه برو خوش بسلامستی‬ ‫اینگتی‬
340, Now that you know the road, you may travel
with pleasure and safety،
{26 ORIENTAL PROWERBs. e Aarf, ‫؛‬t |

‫اینکث مرد وتوهرآنچه دانی می=گن‬ ‫ف‬۲
‫ا این‬
341. Now that you and I are together, do withms ‫ا‬
what you please.
Used in ‫ه‬aking
nodrap ‫ه‬fna ‫ ه‬her
... : ‫این گل دیگر شگفبع‬
342 This is another flower that has blowa.
When one alreadybeset by one misfortune is assailed by anothers
See Part I.Seet.I.No. 495.

‫این گوي و این میدان‬

343 This is theball and this is the plaih. ( Eng)
Notb's /ottrtine do ‫ی‬your best or toorst See
Sect.l. No. 40
‫این هم آثار پیري است‬
844. This alsois one of the signs of old age The

follouping Story from Captain LockErrs trans

/ation of the Shnrhoo Milut Amiltoitt ittustrate
idiomatical application af ،his ‫ه‬gniya .
Anoldman complained to a Doctor of bad digestion. Oletbad diges
tionalonesaid the doctor, fbritis one of the concornitants of old age. He
then stated his weakness of sight. Don't meddle with weakness of sightre
Plied the doctor, for that alsois One of the concomitants of old age. He
‫ه‬omplained to him of a difficulty
‫ن‬ of .gniraeh Alashow
s distantis hearing ‫نه‬d
the doctor from oldmen! diiiieulty ofhearing is a steady concomitant of o\ d
‫ه‬ ‫ت‬
e۰lie complained d
to him of want of i.peels How awidely separated
the doctor, are ‫ه‬leep and oldmen, for want of sl
tant of oldage ile complained to him ofa decreaseeep is certainly a concorni
ofbodilyvigour- This
isenevil replied
the doctor that soon hastens on old men, forwant of vigour
۹necessary concomitant of old age.
The oldman (unable tokeephis pa
‫ه‬ olynaes
cue called
i outh
companions-seize upon the booby ‫و‬ }ya
are II oRIENTAL PRovERns f2}

hold ofthe blockhead, drag along the ignerantideot, that dolt of a Doctor»
who understands nothing, and who hasnothing to distinguish him from ۹
Parrot,but the human figure, with his ، eoneomitants ar old age for sootht
the onlywordshe seems capable of uttering. The Doctor smiled, and said,
:ome on ray old boy, getinto a passion, for this also is a concomitantofold age.

‫این هم آخر زگرده هایی تواست‬

345 Well!this is also some of your doings. See
No 807 «

‫این هم از دولتخابرامگه است‬

,346 ‫=ن‬This
is also through the favor of the BAaur
itis said that when HAnoos Runneep proscribed the family of Boarox,
‫ ه‬P۲ ‫ن‬‫ه‬hibited lori
all commendation evenmentionx of .semanrie
eht An
tion Syria atthis time came to Koofi, having receivedmany favors from
‫ ها‬family of Boaxox,he waincessant in their praise.HAnoox hearing of
‫ه‬۹ih ‫ه‬ r
ent ,rof and severely reprimandedo f
.mih The oldman in excuse
hinself related scrne of the benefactions whichhe owedto the family of Brrn
***‫ک‬H۰ ‫ه‬Roox was touched
e to the ,traehhand shedding ,st
raet threw to
a plated
of gold
e mi.ma
whichlaybefore l
ih The manc xe
ords of‫ه‬ "e
thisproverb v
: which iused
in thence ebyc
thone e
who r ‫ه‬
{ver rough the interest or intercession of another
‫ه‬ ‫ه‬

‫این همه از پی آنست که زرمي خواهده‬

:47 He takes all thistroublebecausehe wants
money ( Eng ) Money is the root of all e oib.
‫ای و قستا تو خوش که وقت ما خوش گردی‬
348 May you pass your time happily ‫ و‬since you
have Imade mine do ‫ه‬os
(Eng ) Blessings return to the bestower,
1gg ‫م‬IATNEIRp ‫م‬SBREWORP r Asml
‫آنیفه داري در مجلس کوران‬
849. Holdingup amirror in the assembly of th۹ ‫|ز‬
.blind.( Eng ) Throicing pearls to supine۹ fa
See Part II, Sect, I, No, 95. ‫به‬

‫با تفکا ظرفان نشستن گر ضایع گردن اسبتها‬

850.It is loosing ones to time keep company with

.351 ‫و‬We
depend upon Gop wehave nothing to d۵
with themaster of the ship۰
There is a pay upon the word ۱ ‫*** خیال‬which
cannot be shownin thetr
lation۰lt is suffici on GoD»
‫ ه‬sufficient to observe that | ‫ با خد‬,seifingis with Gon or P
- . ‫است‬

‫ه‬ : ‫به‬
‫ه‬h‫ زاخدا ل‬the master f a ,lesse compounded of ‫ زا‬s contraction ‫و ه‬
‫ راه دهان راه رف‬and ‫و خدا‬master ‫ه‬drolyranol.

‫باد از دماغش بیرون رفتا‬

:332 ‫ج‬The
pride has left his ,niarb ,i e.he has be
come humble at last.

‫و ادیب باش تا بزرگ شوی‬

3b3.Be civil that you maybecomegreat•
( Eng) Aman's manners shape his fortune

‫باد شب باش گرتو زاده ناسی‬

‫ و نه‬.A Be civilifthou art the son ofman
‫ و‬,rei ,1 pRIENTAL .snREvoRP ig3
‫همه‬ . - ۳۰ ‫م‬

. ‫به یاد در قفس می کند‬

.335 Heputs the winding cage.ot ،‫م‬
That is, heattempts something very ‫ماهنامه‬ ‫م‬، ‫و‬ ،

Hemade nets to cateh‫ما‬the

‫م‬ ‫ه‬
‫ ه‬andeaught cock-lobsters. RAsELArs
‫ه‬ ‫سی‬ . ....» ‫» معمنس" هم‬

‫مه‬ .‫ دارد‬: ‫ یا بر گي ریید که دارد‬.... ...

856He whois in. ۳۹۹

‫وه‬ .
for others
‫با درد کشان هرگه در افتاد برافتاد‬
‫آ‬85 . Whoever annoys the pooflowers himself
:۶۹ : ‫از‬ ،i :۶۶ ، ) ::‫هر‬ ، ۶ ..moiri

838, Theyblow orfan him ..."

That is, they fiatter, wheedle or set him ‫ه‬no

‫ای‬-‫ها‬ . .. ، ‫اه‬‫ه|م‬۹‫اد‬ ‫ید‬...,
‫ نام ن‬T, ... ،(T
. ‫هم‬ ‫از‬ ‫فی‬

‫داارزد‬،T‫اهرا;خ یارجي‬:
‫انکهابرازاکناراهست ام‬, ‫نج‬,‫د‬,,‫با‬,
339۰ ‫در‬T he egg plantis cheapitself, but it causes, , ‫م‬,x,e
." : ‫ره‬ iT ‫و‬ ، ‫هژ‬، ‫و را‬ f8 f{} : 2 :۱ . ‫ه‬

‫و‬pence ) as :t Pequires a great quantity of butters

. ‫ر‬
i ، It T:۰۰
i r , , ,, (
8e to""cook
: ‫به‬:‫ران‬
‫گه‬ ‫ پردهها‬... .

Applied to any undertaking which is easily comme nced but with diateutty

.۲ . .«!» ... ‫م‬ ‫ه ما‬...

‫با دنجان دو رقابب مي جیند‬
00. ‫نیمهم‬egg-plants
He places a‫ ا‬- ". the
round . dis

i.e. He fla " ‫مر‬-۰

‫ه‬ ‫به‬ .y(ii,44 .
e r servile
ne offices
t for
o any
‫همه‬ ‫ما‬ ‫همه‬

‫با درستان تلطفت با دشمنان مدارا‬

361.You 98 ‫لا‬tobekind to yourfriends, and po
lite your themies ‫می‬

‫بارها گفقه ام وارد گو مي گویم‬

362.I have often spokea, and speak again. .
Said by way of reproof : ‫ق‬۰
‫ع‬ »..r ‫ه‬

‫باری به خاطر خود شاه مي کنم‬

short iamuse myself:with
y، * : ‫ هم‬.
۹ a ‫به‬ : ‫؛‬
" spend my time as ‫ه‬pell as f cam.
‫مسیه‬ ‫به بازار مه الفعل خریدار خدا‬ ، . ۱
364, Inthemarket of MoonUMMup, Gop is the
purchaser۰ ‫»است‬ . ... ‫و‬ "
،: , , , t۰ ‫اعت‬ ، . ‫ از‬،
To express that ones sole reliance ison & n and the ‫م‬tehporp
. ( ، : ...

‫بازاریا را نیازاري اگر آزاری چنان آزارعی که بازآرایی‬

‫ز‬30 . Do not annoy the mean : if you do annoy
. . . . . ... , ..., .iii( ‫یا‬ ‫ و‬،. . . .
them, do it to such a degree, that they may leave
، ،، ‫ از این بیانیه‬:)‫ هزار و ن‬۱۹۱۲ ، ، )۰t
off their mean conduct. .۲

There is aningeniousplay upon the words in ‫م‬ saying which cannot

Englist.og .۹


‫ادبسهار بودن به‬.‫چغ‬. ‫را‬.‫جغ هد‬۹ ‫بودچوکی بوهبه‬-‫باز را بامزاوهار‬

366.Itisbest that the hawk shouldresemble
. .. .. . . ،‫ ابی‬، !...( ) ، : ‫ ها‬.۰۱۰
hawk, and‫هو‬t:the owl the owl.
, , , ,, ,, , :۲

one ought to conducthimself agreeab .y
( Lat. ) Ne aubrultra crepidam, , ‫هم‬ ‫به‬

. ‫خرد هر جیز‬....

‫ باطن‬. ‫گردد‬.‫م باز‬ =
. »..
30 . Everything reverts to its original ‫م‬etatS

‫بازوبریدن به ازد معتما برانیدن‬

368. To cut offones own arm ispreferable to eaus
ing the hand ofanother person to be cut off

: ‫بازی کرش‬
369.1.Playful,idle (a child) 2. Lewd (awoman)
‫با سیاه دل چه صود گفتن وعظ‬
870, Ofwhat use is it preachingto the wicked.
( Eng) There is no use in speaking to stone walis-

‫باغبان را وقستا میوه گوش گر می باشد‬

371.During the fruit season the gardenerhas deaf
ears. . e, Hepays no regard to the requests of
his friendsfor fruit.
‫باغ صبز مي نماید‬
372. He shows a green garden.
‫ة‬. .To deceive People
e by flattering
. prospects
( Eng) His speech is ‫و‬riaf but his actions foul..
{ .
‫باقی داستان فردا‬ ‫ر‬

:3 The rest of the tale to-inorrow.

‫شان‬ expression used by ‫ه‬ yellers whenf theybreak oft o
in the midst ‫نه‬
iuoht ‫ هاه‬from thence transferred to one who is weary of answering loug

"‫ که ه‬puts thern or to another time

9 ‫یا‬ ‫و‬

‫با کافر و مسلمان به نشین وصلت کل =کن‬

374, Sit down with an infidel anda true ‫ر‬reveileb and
be upon good terms with them.
193 GRIENTAL PRovERBs.int i
. ‫بالا باد مي گردد‬
‫ز‬:g .
et to windward
ups of the
)E( ‫ زیی‬He ‫ه‬leeris
ei oft
allrap .) ... ‫و‬ ، ، ، ،..

‫ ونگات داگ نداشد‬. ‫بالاتر از صداهـ‬

: ‫را‬ ‫بالاتر از سیاهی رنگت گرنیاش‬
876, No colquris superior to black . . ..
Something like the English saying, brown is a good ‫ه‬landing colour, ct
evergreenskeep fresh all the yearound.Italso denotes that a person ot
thing hasarrived at the highest pitch of perfection or decay i meaning that
it cannoi be ibetter or worsa.

‫بالا خدا دارم و پارین شما را‬

‫{ع‬77. I have Gop above.andyou beneath

.i.e,1 have no other protector but Gop and you.

‫م‬ ‫ط‬

. ‫باندازه گلیم پا دراز کن‬ .


.378 ‫د‬Stretch
out your feet according to your blan
.» :
ket. ( Eng ) You must cut. your coat according

to your cloth. See ‫شامله بمقدار علم‬ ‫ه‬

‫با هر که راست آید از چپ و راست آید‬

.379 ‫و‬Whomsoeverfortune
favors it does so in eWery
way. ( Eng ) Luck folloses tuck
‫با هم به بازي بگیر با ما هم بازی‬ . . . ( : (.
8S0, Do youthink to play with (or use) me as y9
do with others P {} = i ..............
‫م‬ .۹
‫هم‬ ‫ای‬،‫با همه گچ کال و با ما‬

:133 . What do yougive yourself airstome ‫ و‬as y9

‫ر‬doto others : O ‫ و‬do youthink to impose upon *
as you have imposed upon others *
ier .II i
‫ه‬ oRIENTAL g
PRovERBs i
‫با همه کس بد و با ما نیز‬
382.Dd youthink to torment me as you do other
people P
‫با هم به دلاورسپر تیرقاصانیست‬
388. Noherohasa shieldagainst the arrows of fate
‫باین ریش و فش‬
384.With such abeard and turban.
Spoken when an elderlyman of grave appearance isguilty of some foolish
or disgraceful act

‫ببال د یگر پرواز مي گند‬

with the wings of ‫و‬
( Eng) Ajackdaw in peacocks feathers. .........

‫بیام بلند داستان بر آسمان نتوان رسانید‬

886۰ You cannot reach the heavens with your hand
from the top of a high house.
Said to a person who
giveshimself airs, in consequence ofhaving obtained

. ‫بپایب خویش بگور رفتن‬

‫آ‬S . Towalkdeliberatelyintoagrave : e Trifulty
to run into the jatos of destruction or calamity.
( Eng ) To run one shead againsta stone wall ora post.

.‫بپرسیم او خواهي رسید‬

:ss You will never be equal to his sprinklings .
Prson, (in ‫ف‬edniH Putethun,) is a little flour sprinkled on dough when
it is tobe S

Preadinto cakes, that it may notstick to the rollingpin.This

being ave ry little matter, the proverb means,
you are greatly inferior to him ‫و‬
as in ‫لن‬ng
i his shoes or you are not worthy to hold his stirrup
notf ‫د را‬wipe
128 ORIENTAL PROWERBS, Aat I، ‫تا آن‬

389. He is now begun to speakill of people. ‫اهدان‬

(i) ۲ ‫ ابا‬:

‫بستا پرست را در گهبه دیوگیرد‬ ‫بسیا‬

890, The devil seizes anidolater(even) inthe temple ‫م‬،
of Mecca. : W ‫ما‬
Applied to a person originally bad who retains in his hear۹ his naturally
wicked iuclinations. ‫اما‬
‫بنامناي گوشت مردان به گه تقاضاي زشتاب قضابان‬
39l. It is better to be starved to death than be dun ‫با‬

ned by the butchers.
) .)g
A dinner
nofE herbs‫ا‬
oc is better
od than as
and strife therewith۰

‫بچه تا نگرید مادرشیر ندهد‬

392. The mothergives the childno milkuntilit
for it
( Eng.) What's not worth asking is not worth giving

• ‫ای‬

‫ چه خوله را میي زند که چشم همسایه بارصد‬.

Hebeatshis own child to frighten the ‫سایت‬

‫چه در شکم و نامش مظفر‬

304. The childisnot born, and yet it is ‫ک‬eae
‫و‬MoozUFFUR )(.or
)gnE He
a reckonshis
i chickens
c before
t they
a are h ‫مقع‬

‫تحت اگر داري بروبر پشست خواب‬

895. ، If fortune favors you, go and sleep at ease.
(Eng) Iryouget the name ofan eary riseryou mayiie in beatiu noon.
‫نخست اگر یاری کند داناوانا دانا یکیست به‬
‫خانه گر تاریک شد بینا و نابینا یکیستی‬
306, When fortunefavors, the learned andignorant
become both ‫ه‬like when a house is dark ‫ و‬ablind
man and one who sees are both alike
‫نخست بد با کسي که یار بود سگت گزدگر شتر سوار بود‬
397. When bad fortunebecomes ones companion»
he will be bitten by a dog although mounted on

a Camel. ،۰۰۰

. ‫یافتد که گروه اسبتانی خرگردد‬

898 when fortuneturnsagainstaperson, his Arab
horse becomes an ass
‫بخت گرایاری دهد دندانت مندان بشکند‬
‫را‬ ‫تحتا اگر برگرد د از پالریه دندان بشکند‬
‫ و‬if fortine ‫ه‬ist‫ف‬,k uoya erbnac
*n anvil : but shouldit desert you ‫ و‬your ،eeth
will be broken by eating flummery
‫خدا کار جوافتاد خدا سار شود‬
400 Whatever business is left to the entire will of
is completed by him : or Gop promotes
desires of those who rey upon him.
180 ORIENTAL PROWERBS, ‫؟د‬a ‫«ا‬ ‫آلم‬ ‫ز‬

‫بخشنده آبب اسبات که هر چه بیاید ترگند‬ ‫را‬

401، Wateris(like) a liberal person» whataver ‫از‬ ‫ا‬

: findsitrefreshens .۱ llis
‫خیوبر است‬ ‫لاما‬
402.Heisa cutter of fetters, -
: ‫( ه‬An
areh thier ............. ، I *
‫ه‬ ‫و‬ .. ۱

‫ خیه با دبند وع می زند‬: ۱۹۰۹

403.Hesews with the whey of sour milk‫زا‬:
‫م‬ -

i.e.Heattempts impossibilities.
‫مه‬ . .‫«ه‬

‫بد خواه گسانی هیچ مقصد نرسد‬

.404 ,Evil
wishersnewer prosper , , , , , ,‫ا‬ 1
‫اسم متن‬ ‫ویدا رفه بی درمان گرفتار‬ .‫ آ‬،‫ف‬
.. . .. . .،
405. Heisseized with animenrable disease ‫ی‬r-

‫بد روز هم روزی مي خورد‬

anunfortunate mangets his
‫بر مبدعا گپ گربه باران نمکی بارده‬
407. It does notrainthrough the prayers of the

‫یادگیر با گسی وفا کند‬

408. The mean are not faithfulto any one -
‫ود همه را بد میدانند‬ -
400. The wicked think all the worldwicked..»
( Eng ) To a jaundiced-eye every thing appearsyellovv -

‫بدیب را بدی سهل باشد جزا‬

‫اگر مرد يا احسن الی * نی اسا‬

410, Itis easy to returnevil for evil : if yoube a


411. Abill on the next world. (Literally on the re

gioms above) ....
)sP Adraught
f on the
o pump ‫ر‬atagata

‫راادث عاشقان بر شاخ آهو‬

412The bill of exchange (or assignment,) of lov
ersis drawn on the branches of a stag shorn :

ie tehich teill not pay.

Applied to one forn whom thereisno chance of o‫أت‬taining payment : orsaid
Preproof of one who Constant ypromises andnever performs.
) (‫ر‬.Eng ‫م‬Adraught on the putop of d/dgate ‫و‬

‫نکشید‬ ‫ نگه معنتی‬۲ ‫برخی نرسید‬

413.He who hasnevertoiled, does not know what
itis to enjoy repose. ‫م‬.

) )gnELa
‫نام دا‬ Sweetens rest or he cannot know Pleasure who de ver
knew Paia. ‫م‬

‫بر اساس چوبینه سوار اسبتها‬

414.Heis Tiding on a wooden horse.. ..

-: Said of ‫م‬
۹Person who isbadiymounted.
. S ..
132 . -OREENTAL PROWERBS, r ‫م‬tnA ‫؛‬lltt

‫برای کوری ابلیس سایه گرد رسول نگردد‬

415, There was no shadow about the prophet, :‫م ا‬
iio ofblinding
oM‫ن‬the ‫لا‬ ‫ا‬
‫به یا‬
‫برایب ما سرخریب بهم رسید‬
416, Wehave gotaniutruder
‫برای شکست کونی خر را می بوسند‬ ‫ا‬
417. People will kisseventhe posteriors of an ass
to serve theirownpurposg.
i.e.Some people will sufierorsubmitto any degradation, in order ‫م‬t
interest. (Eng) Manykiss the childfor the nurses sake.
advance theirown

‫براین هژده گر جان فشانم روستا‬

‫این مژده آسایش جان ما سد سینا‬ ‫که‬

418. Were Ito sacrifice my life inhonor of such

goodnewsitwouldbe allowable since (his
goodnews is the cause of res tO my soul۰
‫براي نهادن چه سنگت و چه زر‬
419 ,pugnidraohroF stones are as good as gol ‫بل‬
‫بر بی بدل چگونه گزیند کسی بدل‬
420. How can that whichis incom parable be com
pared :‫ب‬
‫بر حذر باشی که سر می شگفد دیوارش‬
421.Take carelesther wall break yourhead.
Used asa caution to prevent people from undertaking dangerous enter
‫و‬Pris ) ) Don't
g ruu your
n headEagainst .

‫بر رسولان بالغ باشد و بسی‬

422 Amessengerhasperformedhis duty whenhe
has conveyed the information.
then depends upon him who
t actuponit ornot
receivesit ‫م‬to

‫بر سر فرزند آدم هر چه آید بگذرد‬

43 Mankind can endure whatevermisfortunes
betail them.

‫بر صراط مستقیم اي دل گسی گمراه نیسست‬

424, O my soul !no one goesastray upona strait

T0ad.i.e, In a fair transaction there is nothing

(0 be apprehended

‫زنگي کافور‬ ‫برعگس نهفد نام‬

425, The ‫و‬naipoihtE )ornegro) is called ‫و‬rohpmac

(Or Snowball) by the rule of contraries, As /ucus

lueend ‫ نر‬.
) ‫ر‬non a black o
man bcing r
called fr
Said of a "orthless person who boasts of his greatmerits. -

‫برق زده را کافور جه سود‬
426, Of What use is camphor to a person struckwith
lightniug ‫ه‬:
Camphori unde rstand, applied
who has be is by the native practitioners to a person
rnt ‫ل‬
ensligh n
ty burnt,butitc e
anbe of nouse e to ome whob has
htto death,
) Eng ‫ را‬When the houseisburnt down, yo buing wa ‫تنها‬
134 ORIENTAL PROWERBS, Aar 1. !!!|

‫بگ سبز است که درویش‬

427. Agreenleaf is abeggars present : e, All
th athe has got to gibe.
Itisusual forbeggarstopresent agreen leaf t۰ the rich,in hopes ‫ه‬f ‫فتا‬
getting somemoney in return.

‫رو زیی خداداد اسماعت‬ ‫برایم و عسل‬

42SRice and houey is the foodgiven by Gop
Said by a person who unexpectedly gets athing of whichhe hadnot the

‫ده است‬ ‫بره خود را بدم گرگاف‬

420. She givesherlamb into the wolf smouth.
Applied to those who bring mischief on their own relations.

‫نر بسدار زاف به خان می گوید‬

430, The goat speaks with too much freedom, or
.takes too many liberties
to a person who giveshirnself airs

‫وزرا غم جان است و تصاب را غم پایهه‬

431 . The goatistaken up inthinking of his lifé,
and the butcherinthinking of the fat ‫( و‬
may get fromit)

‫بزرگان خرده بر خردان نگیرند‬

432, "The truly great do not find fault with their
REvoRP - 133
‫برگش خوانند اهل خرد‬
‫که نام بزرگانی بزشتی برد‬
488. The wise do not call him great, who mentions
the name of the great with contempt.

‫بزرگی باید دت خشندگی کن‬

434 If youwishtobe accountedgreat, practice
‫بزرگي بعقل است نه بسال‬
435 Greatness dependsupon wisdom ‫ و‬not upon

‫بزرگی طفل ازاد با است‬

486. The greatness of a boy dependsupon his
good breeding

‫برلث ممیرگه بهار مي آید‬

‫آ‬43 . Olittle goat dont die for the spring is soon
. Coming : : e keep ‫ه‬p your spirits asthings
eill Soom take a faporable tttrna.
Used by a Person who is heartily tired and disappointed by the proruises
rehtona .Whichare
againmade to him

‫برکه گرگین شده ارگله بدر باید کرد‬

43S, The goat which has become scabbed, should
kc outo
of the
Ens one scabb'dsheep is enough to infect the whole flock»
136 ORIENTAL PROWERBs, r , + 1.
.‫بزمرده و شاخ زرین‬
439. Adead goat and golden horns !
d by a person underwhose charge sorne thing of little value has be n
left aul whichbas bee lost,mpon the owner's declaring, that whathe had
deposited with hirnwas of greatvaiue.

. . ‫ اع‬،‫ ا‬،
‫بز یا به یکی از‬
440, The goat orits price.
Said to one whoneitherpays for whathe has bought, nor will returnit.
‫اساسنا‬ ‫بسیار بد گل‬
44l.lieis (mode) of verybad clay, : e, Ire :s
‫اسم بستن‬ ‫بسیار پشت‬
442. Heisa pathic.
‫بسیار پفیوز اسبت‬
443.IIe hasa very sour countenance : orhe is very
self- conceited.

‫بسیار ضافر باید تا پخته شود خمي‬

444. Araw (i.e.ignoran ) nian requires to travel
utchinoidertobecorneripe,i.e expericnced
) (‫گ‬Er Sendafoolto travel and hell come back O Il6 |

‫بشنود یا نشنود من گفت گويب مي کدام‬

445.1 shall speak (to him) whetherhe hear ornot.
‫و شذ و صدایی توپ را‬
443.IIcarthereport of a cannon
This saying isused by people,whena person who has been previously
boasting of lis good ‫}ه‬nging, commeneesa song whichnot on y falls far
"" " ‫و ها‬xpectation
raised but his voice is :‫ن‬dnu ،‫را اد‬ harsh ‫ و‬-disagree
able audleud,

‫بشهر خرد روم و شهریار خود باشم‬

I am going tomy own
city.447 ‫ و‬where Ishall be
my own master

‫بشهر خویش هرگس شهریار اساست‬

Every one is aking inhis own (.ytic ‫را‬
Etery minister cart preach in his oibut pttpit.
See Part L. Seet.I.No. 453,

‫بعد از خرابی بصره‬

449. After the destruction of Busru.
Applied to one who offersassistance to another whenitistonlate toba
of anyavail. ( Eng.) When the houseisburnt down, youbring water : or
when allis EOne, repehtance comestoolate.Itisapplied, alsoto onewho
has aCComplishedhis purpose after great labour andsuffering.

40 Aftertrouble comesease

‫بعد ازسر من گریفیگون شد شده باشد‬

۹۰ Aftermy death I care not should the world be
turned topsy-turry

‫بعد ازمردن سهراب نوشس دارو‬

452 After thedeath of SoominAB (to obtain) an ‫ب‬cele
hi This alludes to the story of ‫ت‬trsooR ‫و‬

1 v, who afterhe hadmortallywounded

isson SoomR۸n, discovered the relati
۹nd instant onship thatsubsisted between them,
‫ مه‬. ‫ ) (** لا‬Goopuazto theking KAoos for some of his Noshdaroo (a
**rtainkind of electuary) which, ----- -

(forpolitical reasons,) itis saidherefused to

f۹۲eat the time,but
use, The
sentitafterwards, whenit wastoolate tobe of any
‫ه‬nd e proverbis
it when rassistance
e isnotafforded
po inrp
‫ ه‬.ecaSee
lp No. .449
The == .. .
son So following aceonat of the combat between Roosror andhisunknown
‫ن‬ t
na ,nA may provenot e
unacceptable inthisplace۰۰۰
op The
IS oRIENTAL PRovERBs. : A n r I.
(FrnptosEE) commencesthis cpisode with abeautifulline, thattruly
characterizes the story which hereiates.Itis,he observes, ،« Yuka
dastane pooruz abi chushm."-۹۰ Atale full of the waters of the eye.۰--
The young SoomRAB wasthefruit of oue of RoosrUsts early amours. He
hadleithis mother, and sought tame under the banners of UFRAsI x AB, whose
armieshe commanded, and soon obtainedrenow labeyond that of all cotem-
porarylleroesbut hisfather. Hehad carried deatka and dismay into the

ranks of the ,snaisreP andhad terrifted the boldestwarriors of that country ‫و‬
‫پ‬r‫ن‬beR ,Roosru tencountered him,which atlast that luero resolved to do
undera le guedname. They mét three titues. The first time they
parted by mutual consent, though SooHRABhadtheadwautage The second
the youth obtained a victory, butgranted life to his unknown father. (Ihe
thirdwasfatal to Soomin AB, who when writhing in the pangs of death ‫و‬
waruediais conqueror to shun thevengeance that is inspired by parental
woes, au d badehitndreadtherage of themigluty RoosrUM , who must
soou learn thathe hadslainhisson Soo HitAB.These words, w eare
to d, were as death to the aged herb ; and whenhe recovered frornatrance ‫و‬
he called in despair forproofs of what SooiraAnhadsaid. The afflicted
and dying youth tore openhismail, and showedhisfatheraseal whell s
rnother had placed on hisartn, when she discovered to hmm the secret
ofbisbirth, andbadehirnsetkhisfather.The sight of hls own siguet
rendered Roos rust quite frantic :he cursed lairnself, atternptedtoputat eud
et only
s prevented
ixby ethes
iof hhiso
t‫ه‬ so
After SoomRABs death, he burnthistents, and all his goods, and carried
the corpse to Seestan,whereitwas inteired. The army of Mooranwas» ‫ا‬:
agreeably to thelastrequest of SoortRAB, permitted to cross the Ous uu
.detItwas secommanded
longby ‫ه‬i4Au
‫ بد‬: and Zuw Atto ,dednetta on the
part of Roosrus ‫ و‬،to
see thatthis engagementwas respected by the P ‫د‬nut‫د‬
Toreconcileus to the improbability olthus taie, we are iitorined that Roos- ‫از‬: B
nu at could haw enoidealis souwasiu existence.The mother of SoourtAB
to him her cit ‫و هه‬a
daughter ‫م‬teuriug
to loseher darling In
fantifsherevealed the truth ‫ و‬and ,thursooR as before ,detats foughtuuder
a feigned natue, anusage not uncommon in the chivalrous combats of the
In they
a otthis
d cornbat
‫ن و‬Kittp ‫ن‬
es excelled
ulih *

Inthe whole of thispassage, thereisuo partnuore beautifultllanthe pleture

ef the distraction of the mother oisoo mRAB, who set fire to ller palace»
meaning to perish in the ,seulait butwasprevented ‫ا‬y‫ر‬stuadnettareh
These, however, eoulduot console her.shebecame quite Irantle:ller
wild Joywas to clotheherselfin the bloody garmeut in which helladbeen
‫ه‬ ain ‫ا‬ to kss s
the forelread
ih ofiusiavourite
wa to d ‫ا‬ow
horser ‫ر‬d, elw
hislaneehis sword, andhistnace : and, at last, touse the words of the
Poet» "sheded, audher soulfled to that of herlleroie sou, MAcous
History of Persia, rot.I. fage 38.

‫بعی با خرد بینا باشی‬

your own .srorre ( Eng ) Be open to :
‫ه‬iction yourself
‫ر‬t : or firstt
cast out
t the beam
0f th ine oton eye, and then thou shalt see clear-
ly to cast out the mote out of thy brothers eye.
‫بقدر مالا باشد سرگرافی‬
454, Aman's pride is in proportionto his wealth
Italsomeans that a man'strouble will be in pro
portionto his weaith.
(Scot) He that hasiustenough can soundly sleep.
oercome onlytroubles folkstokee

‫بگان مگر مت لی لث مذت مشه‬

455, Practice fiberalitybutlay mo stress on the o ‫ را‬-
ligation.This is a truly noble sentiment !
‫اسم و زاده‬ ‫بگفتنی آذشی دهان نمی‬
456 By TCpeating the word fire, the mouth does

‫بیب طویله بر سر میمون‬

431, The misforttines of the stable (fall) on the
llead of the monkey.
Itis th
‫م‬t Ruard
: in Hindoostantokeep amonkey in or near the stable ,
*torses from the influence of evil eyes.in Persia the animal
۹۵۳etaune d; -

cessary Br۹
****98, and in some parts of England agcatis consideredane-
fauei ful m Otive. ‫؛‬۵ ‫ ه‬stable, thoughpossib‫ا‬y from some other equally
The proyer Pis ‫ه‬pplied whenever a poormanc۳ a servantis punished for
the cri
mes of hig ‫قالط‬rior, f

140 ORIENTAL PROWERBS, s Aar 1. ‫و‬t‫م‬

‫بلبل مژه ه بهار بیار خبرید به برم شوم گذار‬

458. O nightingalebringus the gladtidings of
spring and leavebadnews to the unlucky owl.
‫بلفمان حگمساس آموزي چه حاجبت‬
459, Whereisthe necessity of your teaching
Looo MAN, (or Esop) philosophy.
( Eng. ) Teachyour grandrnother to suckeggs.
The Ara writers say, that Looqs ANwas the son of BAooR, who was the
son or grandson of a sister or aunt of JoB ‫ و‬-and
that helived several cen
turies, and to the time of DAwin, with whomhe was conversant in Palestine.
According to the description theygive of his person, hemust hawebeen de
formed enough ; for they sayhe was of a black complexion, (whence some
call him an Ethiopian,) with thicklipsandsplay feet : but,in return, he
received from Gop wisdom andeloquence in agreat degree : whichsome
pretendweregiven him in a vision, on his making choice of wisdomprefer
ably to thegift of prophecy, either of whiehwere offered biun.The genera
lity of the bfoohuminatidass thereforehold him to have been ‫و‬porp‫ا‬o‫ثب‬n
‫ ا‬but
only awise man. Asto his condition, they sayhe wasa slave, ‫املان‬otained
liberty on the following ocession.Hismasterhaving one daygiven hima
bitter melonto eat, hepaidhim such exact o, edience as to eat it all ;at

which hismaster being surprised, asked him howhe couldeat sonauseo

afruith To whiehhe replied, itwasno w ondar thathe should for once
accept abitterfruit from the same hand from whiehhe had received ۹۵
rmany favours. The commentatorsmention several quick reparte ‫ وم‬of

LooastAN, which, together with the circurnstances abovementioned , agree **

well with what MAxitus PLANupgs has written ofEsor, that from thence»
and from the fables attributed to LoocrAs, by the orientals, the ‫ا‬atter ‫ع‬ah
generallythought to have beenno other than the Esor of the
However thatbe, (for Ithink thernstter will bear a dispute) I amn of op۹۹۹on
that PLAxtpgsborrowedgreat part of hisiife of Esor from the traditionshe
metwith in the east concerning Loogy ۹; , concluiding them to have been the
‫ع‬,no because
sr theywere
ep both
e v»m
sevalas and
‫چ‬ supposed
sre tobettheir
of those fables whieh go undertheirrespective names, and bearag۳e۹۹۴ **
۶embance to one another ; forithasiong since been observed by ۱earned wnen»
that thegreater part of thatmonks performance is anales‫هق‬rd roman «eC and
yb ‫ه‬ vidstics of the ancient
S writera.see ‫ماهانم تا انته‬an
the Qooran.
ser S
REvoRP 141

‫بلند پروازی مي کدد‬

460. He soars aloft.i.e. He boasts.
when ‫ه‬
of a ,t
teop it means
h thathe
g hastaken
i a rublims

‫بلي میوه زمیوه رنگث گیرد‬

461.Intruth, one fruit acquiresa colourfrom
.‫م‬.i .People
imitate the example of those with whom they as sociate
. ( Eng.) When the old cock crows, the young cocklearns. See 223 of this
,no andi
Part ceS. ‫ ق‬55

. ‫بهمرگش باید گرفت تا به تب راضی شود‬

462, He shouldbe put in dauger of death ‫ و‬that he
maybe contented with fever.
‫بیمه اد‬ ‫گز‬ ‫ ست‬: ‫ز‬ ‫بمرگش گیر تا‬
403.Put himin danger of death, thathemay pre
fer labour.
‫بند گي باید پلیمر زاد گی مذظر رئیس ستا‬
464. The service of Gop must be performed ashe

will not be satisfied with people merely because

they arethe descendants of the prophet.
‫بند گي چارگي‬
455 Servitude is helplessnessitscif
‫بند گي کن نرا حکم چه کار‬
43 Obey! Whatrighthave you to give orders:
."ritis your business to ،‫رار‬ey, nottotrouble your
head ‫راه‬ hat the orders are that are given ‫م‬uoy
142 ORIENTAL PROWERBS, r Aat 1. ۱l1 |

‫بنده درگاد تا خانه هیراد‬

467. I will accompany you to yourhouse. } ‫اما‬
This is said by a person to auotheria distress in order to exprestlia : ‫المان‬
attachineut for him.
‫س‬ ‫ه‬

‫بنشین که گدایی گشم و پیش ئو آرم‬ ‫ا‬: ‫و را‬

46S.Do you sit down ‫ و‬that Imay go and beg and ki

give youwhatever Iget.

Saidto afriend to preventhim from going away .

‫بدگرگه چه می گوید مگر که که مي گوید‬

460. Attend to what he says but not to the per80
who saysit.

‫ دارد اگر خاکی نباشد آدمی نیسسته‬،‫بنی آدم سرشت از خاک‬

470, The children of Ap Aware formed of clay :if
they are mothumble, what pretensions haWe they
to the natue.

‫م پیشه دشمنی‬-‫بود هم پدیشه با ه‬

47 I.T ۱vo of atrade never ngree.
( Eng ) Doctors differ. See Sect, I.No. 467 .

‫بوزنه را با درود گریبا چه کار‬

472, What hasamonkey to dowwith the ‫ق‬senisub
: of a carpenter.
Alluding to the well-knewn story in the Unirari sceliele e, ChaP1
the Kiirud
‫ه‬,V rofiL 1 ‫ راه‬page .183

‫بو زیانه بنقل آدم انسان نه شود‬

473. Amonkey cannot byirmitation become ahu
man beiug
.‫بوسه به پیغام راست نیاید‬
sendakiss by nuessenger is impossible
.474 ‫م‬To
See Seet.i.No. 75.

‫رد‬:۱‫مشکست شاهان نهای ما‬A


4i B.Odour of musk does notremain (long) con


‫به ارباغ دل آسوده را بکارآید‬

476. The beauty of the gardenisenjoyed by ‫و‬ntih
۲۲hose Inindis at ease

‫به بهانه چاه مادر مي‬

47 T.The mother eatsunder pretence ‫ و‬that itis for
the good of her child.

\ ‫م‬ ‫|ج‬

‫ را از جا اسست تا به مج‬،‫به بیان تفریس‬

‫م‬،R how ‫ین‬ICatis the distauce of the road
now ‫؛‬
‫ ع‬sed to ‫؟‬xpresshow much anything is changed.

‫مولانا وه‬ ‫تهمذایی گرش مت‬ ‫ویه‬

‫که تة ضایی زش مت قتصابان‬

479 .Itis betterto die for want of meat‫ر‬than stafier
he i ..... of wi‫ما‬ked ‫ار‬utchers
}ortunity .
144 ORIENTAL PROWERBS, r Aar1, tit(

‫برگري گه هم سعی بسته گرده‬

،‫اگر خاري برد گلدسته گردد‬
whatever I
.480 ‫آ‬ n
business one engages hearti ‫و از‬ ‫اها‬
wereit even athornit wouldbecamenosegay. ::‫ب‬

‫بهر نامش که خوانی سربرآرد‬ ‫منا‬

481.By whatever name you call him (Gop) heat ‫آ‬

tends to you.

‫به ریگک گل مذست صد خارمي باید کشید‬

482, You must be under an obligation to ahundred
thornsfor the sake of one rose.
i.e.One mustputup withmany inconveniences in orderto get o۳۱۳
the world.

‫به شست انجا که آراری نباشد‬

‫کسی را با کسی کاری نباشد‬
.3S4 That place is heaven.where there is no pain ‫و‬
and where one hasnothing to do with another.

‫با شمبسته فهر پائی مادران‬

4S4.Heavenis at the feet of n others .
i.e,Those people will goto heaven who are obedient o theirparents.

‫بی بال و پر شده‬

4S3.Hehasbecome without wings or feathe۲۰
been deprived
ٔ‫ه‬. ‫ام‬e eha
of althis power s
and suppor
aser II oRIENTAL PRovERBs 145

،‫بي پیرمروارد رخرابات‬

‫هر جند سکذ در زمانی‬
486, Although yOube the ALExANDER of the tinue»
don't venture into atavern without a guide.
Used to dissuade a person from undertaking anything without support.
‫ عشقایی هر چه کرد حاقع بک اسم مستدا ارس مث‬،‫بیت ادبی‬
4ST. Whatever a man does who is afilicted with
love, heistobe excusedforit.

‫بخشی در آب‬
4SS, Its root is in water.i.e, It is in a thricing

‫بی دل نیم هوز به بیام چه مي شوه‬

*** ‫ا‬Sil I am not withouthope letus see what
Will bethe result.

‫بیدماغ است‬
400.. Heis ۷eXed or sorrowful, or unwell.

‫ویدراتی اگر مسجد آدینه بسازد‬

‫یا طاق فروافتد یا قبله که آرد‬
49l. When an unfortunate manbuildsalarge
" l ‫ و‬is‫ز‬either
the arch falls ,ni or the Gi ،ii

‫رقصمد‬ ‫مصیبی‬ ‫وارد فات وی‬

492. He ‫ل‬ances without the tabor and the pipe
APplied to a P۹۲۹on who does anything out of time or place»
146 oRTENTAL PRovEREs. ‫د‬at 1, ‫\م‬
‫بی ریاضت نداران شهر آو قی‬
. ‫له‬
493 WWithout pains one cannot acquire extended ‫ای‬
‫ه به‬
( Eng ) None goto heaven on a father bed.

‫یا زری بر‬

404. WWithout money, without feathers.
i.e.One can do nothing without money,

‫ذرت خد اسست‬ ‫عام مسببا‬ ‫ای‬

495. God only isfree from defect. |
‫کی زری گرد بهمن هر چه بقارون زیر گرده‬ ‫ه‬

496, Powerty hasdone tome what the money did

to () ۱RooN.
‫له‬ light on ,gniyassihtIn
order to throw serne ‫ما‬ the foowing ace ‫م‬۲

QARoox from SALr stranslation of the Qooran may prove of service.

** The commentatorssay, QARooxwasthe son of Y CetuAn the uncle ‫آه‬
Mos Es: and consequently make hirn the sarne with the KoaAit of the scrip-
۹nres. This personis represented by theraasthsmost beautiful of *
Israelites, and sofar surpassing them allin opuleney, that the ۲۹‫\عا‬es ‫م‬۲
O nooN hnvebecome aproverb.. The ro-hunnudansarain debted to
the Jetes for thisiast circurnstance, to which theyhavead de A seer ‫اه‬
.other fables : for they tellus, thathe builta ]argepalace over aid with
fold, the doors whereof were of mass۷ ‫ی‬o d ; thathebecaneso in=p-
!ent, beeause of hisimunense ricties, as io raisease ditiona gainst Mos۴s *
‫؟‬houghsornee preteudthev occasion ofhis
a h ‫م را‬sihne ‫ن‬ngnittiw -
ness togive ,smla asMosrshad commanded : that on ‫ ام‬,day ‫ پس‬-۱۹en that ۳۳o
phetwaspreaching to the people, and,arnors otheria w swhichhe pu‫دا‬ash
ed , declared, thatadulterers shouldbestone d ; Grs ooxaske i \۱۹۹۰ ‫ هام‬۹۴
be shouid befoundguilty ofthe same crime : to wit:ch Mossanswes ed , that in
such casehe woud suffer the sarne punishment : and ‫ن‬ereht pon CARoos
Produced sharlot.whomhe hadhire d tor vear that Mos Eshediaia with
her, and charge d.htm publicly with 14 : batorn os rssa daring the۹۷ohnar۹
tospeak the truth herresolution faiied : ‫ج‬r, andsthe confess e ‫ل‬۹۱۹‫حاد اح‬ ‫هد‬
er ‫ع‬

QAitoox c
to accuse e
him wrongfuliy
r : that
i then Gon
d d
MosEs, who had complained to him of thisusage, to command the earth
whathe pleased. and it shoal d ‫نار‬eyhirn; whereuponhesaid, O earth, ‫س‬laws
low thetnup !and that immediate y the earth openedunder )‫ ل‬ARooNand his
confederates, and swallowedthern up, with hispalace andal hisriches.
Theregoesa tradition, that as (OARoostinkgradtially into the ground,
first to hisknees, then to hiswaist, then to hisneck.he cridoroar overat
times, 0 Mosrs, havenuercy on me !but that Mos Es continued to say, O
earth, swallow thetn up, till atlastle wholly disappeared : upon whi ein (io D
said to Mosps, Thou hadst no mercy on() ۱Roo v,thoughheasked pardot
of theetourtitaes ‫نال و‬but
f wouldliave had compassion on ,nrih if he had ask
of mebut on c .۹

4 . The poor helplessfellow went to Aloppo.


۹.e, IIe got soundy b caten, hating fal/en ttlone

dal timprotected among a hast of /bes ‫ و‬a ice
‫و‬/80 "
He s
feli among
et the /
} Itissaid of the people of ‫ه‬leppo that theyall cornbine againstany help-
ess strauger who ‫چ‬otn‫ه‬1 ‫ان تاتن‬psid e with ‫ن‬ne of them.

.‫صو‬ •

‫بیگد سامانتا د و هند وازه نه تجد‬ -

408.T ۱yo Water-melons cannot be held in one hatn d.

‫بیگاری به اربیکاری است‬

400, Itis betterto work fornothing thansitidle

‫استثنا‬ ‫مانند مستنیت‬ ‫ای کی‬

30Ile is drunk ۱withOut tastingliquor.

.۱ ‫هم‬ -

‫زیسبحث و بی انجه نداران‬

501. You can live withoutbread ‫ و‬but not without
‫بی نان توان‬


143 OffENTAT, PROWERBS. t ‫ل ما‬
.۹ ‫آبا‬۱

:‫ زیر‬2 ‫لاروا‬Amean
person by encirclin the K ‫ل‬
.‫ زنان ایران‬،
a,etej or true
iplt ]‫اما ه‬
. ‫ات‬،
:۹ ‫اه‬
‫عه‬ ۲، ‫می‬
‫فری‬ ‫تمام سب‬ ‫ گی و ماسهال دستمادی‬:‫ژن‬ ‫پارابوه یا‬ ‫ ما هاه‬۲

‫سال دیگر اگر بمانی قطب دین جایدر شویی‬ ‫اها‬ ‫ا‬

‫ن‬30.I ‫ر‬
year a
(or ‫ه‬sis(
ain d this year yonhavebecorne ‫ل‬:e‫(نآ‬een
N) ,
،(or the axis of reiion:) andif youre ‫ آتا‬a۵۲m
year more, you ‫ ا‬be ) ‫ آرامی‬Dectiiii )‫المن‬e
‫ل آن‬
the axis of the religion of ‫ًا‬ice (
Said to onewho boasts of his acquirernents.

‫ داش آمد است و پس دیوار‬، ‫پایا‬

.504 hen‫م‬Th
y firstlay the foundation and ‫لاندا‬
the wall.
Mcans that people ought to refieet before they ‫ت‬la(
sr‫م) عداخلامی ک‬۹۴

‫سه ستا‬ ‫یا یب حجازاری‬

‫ن‬50 ‫م‬It ‫ذ‬.is
aninhabitant of Pee ehtarsar . ‫ماقع‬e ‫ها‬
a worthless vagabond.
=۹ ‫الج‬۹N ‫* هم‬S*۲۴
‫پای چنار‬ ‫م‬According to th authority of time TBunari ‫ز‬mo. ‫ن‬
apiace in ‫هت‬ran, or Persia proper, tine ininabitarats of ‫يية‬tmare
‫حی‬- O ‫ دت‬te CT

their irnmorality. -
‫ دة‬the foo۹ ‫؟ه‬
The literalmeanirag of ‫چ قرار‬- ‫هٔ ثبت‬

. ‫ استاد لا لیان چوبین بود‬،‫پایی‬

‫ بی تمگین بوده‬،‫های چوبین سعسع‬
ٔ‫ه‬60, The legs oftbose who require proots (of
Gop sexistence) are made of wood, au dwooden
legs are exceedingly weak.
This saying ‫اه‬lso
‫ان ه‬sed when a person requires proof of anything

‫پایی در زیر پیش دوستان‬

. ‫به که با بیگانگان در بوستان‬
‫ن‬70. It is preferable to be in chains in the society

offriends, to ‫ان‬eing in thegarden aiong witia


808. Itis dark at the foot of the hatup.See PartII

.tc.e JSNo. ‫ار‬4 ‫بر‬

‫تخته نزد زاری خه جر‬

b00, A 800dbakerneverleaves kis bread half

‫ا‬ ‫ه‬ . ‫ه‬ ‫بر‬

‫ششی ماه (پ رده‬ ‫و در شاید یکی از‬
,0l A Particide
o ought
t not ‫ا‬
e made
‫ر‬t ,gnu
ika b
‫ه‬oh‫نا‬elidl ‫ن‬e ‫ و‬he will coatinue ‫ا‬.ttt
. 150 . ORIENTAL PROWERBS. PAnti ‫الا‬

‫پدر گوشت خور پسر قصاب‬ ‫ا شد آن‬


5ll . Thefatheratemoflesh, the son is abutcher ۱

Arplidro one who relinditishe۹ the religion or manuers of his fore ‫لاه‬sre«
li.eectu .182 || |

.‫مسیر‬ .‫عم‬ : ‫ه‬

‫پراگداده روز گب پراگداد ه دلی‬
:‫ ت‬12 ‫لا‬One
who is distressed for his daily ,doof wi
‫ را‬.e
so inhisnnind

‫پرخور و کم رو‬
‫ تا‬See.13
Ile is agreat eater andalittle .rennur
‫لا لاکا گهو را گهایع به متاث جلی تهورا‬
‫نگیرد هرکه و شیادش باد اسم مستنا‬ ‫پرتو نیکان‬
bl{Thelight of the rightcous does not influence
One of a vicious origin, or anevil rootwill not
in agrood shade.See .oN ,81 of this Sect

‫چشمهمی غار بالا از پردلی آسیا است‬- ‫پر‬

b15. Thesieve is satiated by the libera\ity ‫عالگا‬o

‫پرستار زاده نیاید بگر‬

‫ گر چه بود زاده شهریار‬۱
l .s
G iIhedson ia of am-dnah ‫ه‬ood ‫ت‬gnfor
iitton ‫و‬
(‫هبا‬lu ‫ر‬Disfather shouildi e a ls ing.i-e-NG
800d is t ‫ن را‬e ‫ ع‬/ Cctcd/ro ‫ر‬
at o ‫ر‬ of l :‫ نی‬origi :‫م‬

‫پسن ارسي ساسال این معذي محققی شد خاقانی‬

‫که بورانی استعد بادنجان و بادنجان استعا بورانی‬
b17. Afterthirty years, Ku Aq ANEE discovered that
Booramee and Eadunjan wereone and the sarne
‫پرسیده بگعهه میتوانی رفسنا‬
b18, You may goto the temple of Tecca by in-
quiring the way
Iry »‫همه ما مه ه‬ going to eny ,ecalp by saying
tatue does not know tle way

‫یعتر که بادگیر افتد پدر چکار گند‬

310, What shaila father do when the son is of a
bad disposition
‫به زش بهدست‬ ‫پسر لوح با بدان‬

‫خاندان نبوتش گم شد‬

‫ن‬0, The son of Noan associated with the wicked ;
andlost the dignity derived from hisfather

‫داد‬ ‫هستا ماند و گاو را اخیر باید‬

O1 .
b21 , Time leavings of a cow shouldbe given to an

b ‫بامداری همانده سگت هم سگت را شاید‬

:22.pho ltawlug
s of a dog ought to begiven to a
do o
-- ‫نهان‬ ‫ و‬...‫و‬ ».‫نه‬
{ ‫این‬ . .ORI
ENTAL PROWERRS ۴۸۱۹ ‫با‬ titi (iii

‫بسی ماند و سگات قابل طهارت انیسه سته‬ ‫منا‬

b23. The leavings of a dog are not worthy of be ‫اهها‬

ing purified.

‫پشت بام رندان و دزدی‬ ‫مانا اه‬

b2#.Do youthink to come to the backpart of a ‫ه‬
debaucheeshouse and committleft: \
‫مباس» نات‬hees
eihtyllareneg ‫جه‬
‫کششد‬ ‫سیب‬ ‫جه‬ ‫پشت‬ ۱۹
525.Iiebestows bailey claii
ii at is ‫ و‬tititgs ‫نن‬i
n .value

‫پشم ار خایه رندان کم‬

526 . ‫ق‬Lars
at e test:cttlis.neb ulortiun.To expres
conternp t for anything which bas bee a ‫ا‬ost.

،‫پشمی در کل ه زدارد‬
527. Hehasrio hair on his cap.
mean :ist.Hie is very ,roop 2d.iie has no weight or inft **

‫پشه جو پرشد از ده سال را‬

62S.Anarmy of guats williu arrassan e\epha ۲۹.

‫پایه دار می پوشاند‬

. . . tte
ٔ‫ ره‬,29 IIe dresseshitninstti
-۹ .. d garrsnew۹tS ‫) و‬N‫ا‬ ich

athin personlool ‫ه‬

‫ع‬rnake ‫آ‬totatara
‫ت‬trd op ‫( لا‬
‫ منت‬-
That ,si ha fiatters or bestows grout a:e ‫ تد‬e ‫ تا چه اتفاقات‬3 ‫نفتحت نخه‬ ‫لاه‬
serii. GRIENTAL PRoyERBS ‫ تن از‬3

‫یه‬۶ :
‫زلی بند مستشا‬ ‫برابر‬ ‫شماف‬ ‫از‬ ‫ج‬
‫ژن‬0, .The
five fingers are not all alike
‫پماده بر ریششی می زده‬
63i. Lat.ile puts cotton on hisbe and
‫ اها‬.
n h
tg ohtainhis
sr a e own
t ends.2d.iie
ti alf makes
eb abutt
ii of .

‫تپه دیدار مانع نشد رصوای مادر زاد و‬

32The advice
‫ن‬ n of atfather hasho
i etectupon

Whoiswicked from his birth.

‫وفات پشه شمع آفتاب نگاشد‬

‫ ثان‬:3 .The
breath of a ghat will notput oit the sun
‫پوست گنده میگوید‬
534.He Speakshis mind freely

‫چشمار از گرو گب ارسه ستا‬

553 The tisting of asuake is frombis crooked
That is to say, that People safferfroratieirbad condiet.

‫همایی پرانند‬ ‫هران زمی یرند مریدان‬

536 Spiritual teachers do notsoar of ‫ره‬eviesnieht
but their disciples make thern soar
‫؟‬.e. They do net.‫ت‬Spreadtheirown
‫اس‬ farne, ‫ار‬utitis spread ‫ را‬y theirfoliowets.

‫هیر شو بیاموز‬
‫بع‬ •

. Itisnever too late to learu.Betteilatethan
154 : ORHENTAL PROWERBS, Anr 1. ‫ا‬t || )۲

‫پیري ر صدعای سبحه‬ ‫وبلار‬

‫ تا‬.33 Old ageis equal to a huildred defects ‫ها در‬

‫پیرانابالغ‬ ‫ما‬
439. Heis an oldman, but acts as one who has not ‫ام ماهها‬
arrived at the years of discretion. ‫ب‬:
‫پدر من خس است ادتقاد من بسر اسمت‬ ‫به با‬
:‫} ن‬0, ,ssargtubsitbuttny iriacouti

Implies that the dignity ofaleader, depends on the opinion of his ‫مان‬f
lowers .

... ‫عنایت باشد‬ ‫در مردی هر چه کدد عینی‬

541 . Whatevermy spiritual guide ‫و‬seod will be a

Special favor

‫پیر زن نمرد تا روز بارانی‬

:‫ ن‬:42 The old wotuan didnot die till a rainyday .
Spoken of some thing wluich occursat a very inconvenient time. The
de of an o dwornauisnot considered a subjeet of any regret, butis ‫لا‬rev
‫آ‬Sovereuti ‫ه‬btsuntell ‫ی‬
‫پیریگه ف م زعشقی زند بسی غذیه سنت است‬

‫از شاخ کهنه میر نورس غنیمست است‬

bilt is agreatthing ifan oldmantalks of be۹۳
itllove, anditis equally soif y ouget fresh ‫بالاد‬۱۲۲
froman old branch.

‫زایی سد مت‬ ‫زبا لت گوتلي‬ ‫پیشسی‬

BitThere is no hill before o۱۱ ‫ یه‬s ton gr۹۹e .
. ons ‫ران‬rnina‫ر‬acle
e.here ‫ای‬itoatneverP ers oafrora epeaking his ‫مه‬

‫پیش از آن که سگات برد چرمینه را‬

‫چرمیانه را مکفوظ دار‬ ‫تو زسگت‬
Before the dog carryy awayy the leatherbag
‫و بع‬ ‫داستان‬

take care ofit.

i.e Provide against misfortunes before they arriva.

‫پیش از آن گه موش انبان را بزند انبان فریاد میکند‬

b{3: The leather complains before the rat attacksit.

‫پیش ار جویب شاه الله‬

647. To Cry out forpardon beforehe is beat.
See No. 238 of Part II.Section I.

‫پیش از چوب ناله می گفد‬

54S.IHe compains beforehe is ‫م‬kcurts See above
‫پیش از لقمه دهن و گردن‬
84) To open ones mouth before the meatis ready.
See Part.I.Sect, II.No 26

‫پیش از مراک واویلا‬

b50. Lamentation before death
‫اه‬T express a person making agreat fuss ‫ ه امنه‬nnisfor ,enut which hasnot
‫ا‬oN ‫ چه ق‬.above ‫ه‬


‫داشتم‬. ‫ی‬-‫هایش ار ین من هم در این باغ آشیان‬. .. ۰
‫ ان‬.
to ,siht i
Iaiso hadanest
ht in
8arden، - ... ‫و‬
‫ این‬،XS «.....
‫) اه‬۱

‫پیش بندگی میگدد‬ ‫ند‬

552. Hemakestimely preparations: orhe paves ‫اهالم‬

the way for what is to follo۱۳۰ :tal}
‫پیش پا افتاد و‬
3 at 5
ones ,eb
ately abottt to happem, also at ones merc. ‫م با‬

.‫پیش دروغ گر هرگس لا جواب اممست‬

‫ق‬b .4 .No
one can argue with aliar

,‫م‬ ‫پیشر و میزند‬

‫ت‬b ‫ق‬. .Hefrightens
or detershim
‫پیش طبیب مرو پیش کارآزموده برو‬
go to ,naicisyhperema butto aman
hashad much practice.
‫پیش گستي رو که طلب گار تمبت‬

.557 Goto him who wants you :.sport yourse i \S ‫هلال‬

those who are willing to buy you.
‫پیش ناظم نا تر و پیش نثر ناظم‬
‫و پیش هر د ر *چ و پیش **چ هرد و‬
In the presence of apoethe is aprose YN۲۹ ‫و‬
in the presence of aprose writerhe is a00 ‫و‬
. one‫ا‬and
in the presence of bothhe is neitiner the
the ,rehto but before hitn۹۷ ino cavawrite ne -
therpoetrynor prose ‫ و‬the can vyriteb Ottm.
‫ همه اق‬:
plied to one
b who ‫ن‬
of teing
a ‫ ته دل دهی‬v ‫ طلا لایه‬۹ ‫ تا‬۰

‫پیغمبر اول دعا برای خود گند‬ ‫مراه‬

‫ وق ز‬Aprophet first prays forhimself i e Chari 33

begints at home.
‫پرفست اسم ساعت مثل یز به‬

360 Heis spongy (or flabby) like cotton.

Applied to one very corpulent,but stupid and indalent

‫پیفه بلوط اسبت‬

is oak touch-wood.i.e Very Trascible
2d. He is good fornothing ( as Persian oak is
said to be the toorse kind of toood used astoitch
mpood ) ‫ه‬

‫پیل در گل مانده را شه پیل باید تا کشد‬

b62, When an elephantsticks in the mud, it ‫م‬-er
. quires a strong elephant to pull him out
« ‫پیمانه اش پر شد‬
863.His cup is filled.i.e. He :s at the point of
death . -

.‫ژا به بیشیم گه از غبمب چه آید بیرون هد‬

864. Letus see what will corne forth from (the
curtain of) futurity
‫در گرو عبا‬ ‫خانه‬ ‫تا بد و گانی‬
‫هرگز ای خام آدمی نشري‬
.866. As long asthoustickest to the shop of thine
,esuoh never Osimpleton ‫ا و‬cans thoubecome a
IThan ,
153 ORIENTAL PROWERBS.Fiat 1, )۱‫!!ا‬


533, While an antidoteisbringing from traille ‫ف‬

that is bitten by asnake may die : ((
Spoken to one who being desired to ,gnihtemosod inmediately ‫ نام‬ts it ‫گاه‬
‫و ادا‬
to a distant period.
‫تا انگان ناد های سیمب ارد رخمت نمي افتد‬
fa :‫اما ا‬
‫آ‬T ,eer56
shake theil t the apples will
l7 not .
i.e.Nothing is to be obtained without exertion ) Eng) It is apoor ‫م‬ovaf :
is w
not ‫م‬rthhat ‫ه‬ ‫م‬k‫ق‬ubegieu
anditshall oy )(New tseT
‫چ‬ ‫ع‬
‫را تو آدم شد ه من خر شد ه ام‬
563.Since youbecame aman, 1 havebecone an ۱

569.Before you come to me, Ishall have reached


، Used by one to express great impatience

‫شاید ه ازد‬ ‫تا تورها به وا پا‬

570.Theyhave scattered Dhatoora (or thorn-ap
ple) in the air.i.e.The people are all mad.
‫تاج گ تحمد قرق العاتی آدمیان اساسنا‬
571 . ‫ا‬
cap (orT h
crown ) of Moority ۱۹۹r e
typ is a lus ‫ث‬۲

in the eyes of mem.

‫تاجیک زیر لحاف میرسبت‬
572.The citizen dies under his ciuiit-
‫ک‬A pp
to ,eno who li
loves ,esae and ed
to sleepina sounda ۳۹۰
sitcra II. ORIENTAL, PROWERB8. i50

‫تا خسعت و تا لا ری نه کار تا جیک استتشا‬

‫ق‬37 Military exploits.are not the business . of a ‫و‬
Tajeek, (or citizen.) . . ... ‫و‬

aL u
perc ‫ به‬...«

‫تا خود فلکث از پرد ه چه آرد بیرون‬ --۰

b74. Let us see, whatfortuneitself will produce
from the curtain of futurity, See :4
‫ ت‬3 of titis
... ‫م‬Section - : ۰ - ۰ - ۰- ... :

‫تا در میانه خواسته کردگار جیست‬

‫ق آن‬. Let us see in the meantime what is the will of
Go ‫حت ن؟‬ ... ‫و‬
‫م‬ ‫تا در نرسد و عسده هرکاری فضات‬

‫سود یا نگند یاری هر یارکه هست‬

576 Untiltheappointed time arrives, the exertions
: of ones friends are of no avail.
‫تارگسسته میتوان بسست اما گره د رمبیان می ماند‬
57 T.Abroken thread maybe tied ‫ و‬butaknot
wwill always remain.
" ‫؟‬۰ Those who have been once highly oftended withone ,rehtona will
EW ‫ن‬ebr ‫ه‬
oN Part
. II.Section
I .748

‫رزا ریشه در آن با اسمتی امید شهریاب هسه ستا‬


578 While the root isin water, thereishope of

‫م‬i .e ۰
While there is life, thereishope•
160 ORIENTAL, PROWERBS, RAnr 1 ‫) اه‬۲

‫تار پیري و پود مرگ یگات است‬ ‫رام نارا‬

649. The woof of old age and the warp ot death * ‫ادامه‬
are the same. ‫قه‬

‫تاریگی شبا سرمه چشم موش گور است‬ ‫فیلم‬ ،‫ل‬

5S0, The darkness of the night is a collyrium for ‫به‬ ‫ن‬

‫ آیا‬A۲
the eyes of the mole. ۱۱

‫تا ریگی و اشاره ابرو‬ ‫ها‬

I do youS
make a b
sign with ‫م‬
your eye
brows in the dark 2

Used to express the folly of attempting, what cennet be dene

‫ما تا اصال دگر می گه خورد زنده که ماند‬

BS2. Whowill drink wine or remain alive nextyear*
Itis used to express the advantage of our enjoying the present ‫م‬tnemoar

‫تا شب نه رویی روز بحانی نه رسی‬

Ifyou do not set out at ,thgin you will ‫اما‬
reach any pace next-day .
‫بر هرنشد‬
‫تا صدقت قانع نشد‬
. 4
:TheS ‫ز‬shell
s tr
wasnot a
filled ep ‫و‬
witta ‫أا‬۹s
ot ۹t

was contented.

n contentrrent‫م‬d
to inculcate policy of -

- ‫ع‬------- ۱
‫مرد مفلس کی شود محتاج نان‬ ‫استب انح و جهانتی‬-‫کتابهای اس‬
585. Aslong asthere are fools in ‫ب‬dlrovveil
ncedyman cannevervvanatbread -
( Eg) Afool andhisrnoney are soenparte3 -

‫تا مار راستکب نشود بسوراخ نه رود‬

586. A snake cannot enterhishole, untilhe straight
CIAS himself
‫و هرش نهفته باشد‬ ‫علی میبا‬ ‫مغان نگفته با شد‬ ‫زا مرفه‬

manshall have
‫و‬Untila there is no
.judging of histalents.
i e People are betrayed by their conversation

‫تاند اشد چیزگی مردم نگوید چیزها‬

‫ن‬ there were
SSHf e l not
p someo
melttil p
Wouldnot sayso much.
۹.e, There mustbesomefoundation for what all the world says,though
‫ا‬Taynot be true to is ful .tnetxe ( Eng ) Common fame's seldom toblaire a
** ‫لا‬9 ‫ عکانه‬.without some tire

339. As long as the breath remains, the road of ‫وا‬fil


‫تا وان گرفتن دران هم تني است‬ - -

a compeusation for injury sustaiued

‫لان‬0, ‫ر‬Totake
isthe Sign of amean spirit.
( Eng ) Revenge is a despicablepassion۰

‫تا یار گرا خراهد و میلش بگه باشد‬

‫ن‬10 . Letts see,wich ofusis the ,ctitovaf and
towards whomhis inclimationlics. ( Said ،f (‫ر‬.doG
‫تبانج روزگار خورده است‬ ً‫دا‬ .‫ب‬
592, Iie hasnot receiveda slap from the hand ot
‫این نام‬
fortune yet. )‫ا ما‬ ‫ادا‬
known whatitis asnev
:‫ ی‬is‫انا‬effeh er ‫الهام لمه‬
to bein diffic ties itals۵ ‫ا‬
to one,who hasno experience of the world : ( ۲۱۱
‫تبدیل نا لاقه منصا یقه ندارد‬ ‫اما‬ ‫له‬

.503 Thereisno harm in changing ones ‫ا‬etsa

( Eng )Variety is charming.
‫عامه‬ ‫هیه‬

‫خانه خامت یا تخته تا بودات‬

. 69H.Eitluerthe plank ofa throne or of a colia
) ‫م‬En g
) Victory or death

‫انتخابات یا خته‬
:‫ت‬50 a throne
.Ei the r
ora coffin

( Scot ) Eitherwin the horse ortine the saddle.

‫تاثیر متح بابت اثر‬ ‫تخم‬

b :39 The qualities of a tree depend on ‫گلا‬oss
the ,dees from whichit sprung : and ‫شاهد اطلا‬ ‫و‬

the Company hekeeps
aman ‫ و‬.O

‫و تشنه می آرم‬ ‫میبا برهم‬ ‫ترا با دست‬

I will carry
wat 607 ‫ ناکادا و‬Voc\og NO
you to the
latra : ‫ رقاع ی‬O ۹۰
,e.i.ytsrihtkcab I ‫ راه‬:EEt
‫ترا رو باز میت می زند‬
b93.IHepresses down the scales -
‫ع‬e.. ile
an exorbitant
i price
h on vares -
er ‫ج‬ f
s E
(DrTTN r R .

‫ترازو خمهدی سری اسماعات هریس و گه زیادی دات و او ستم سرفرونه آورد‬
-500 Abalance is armcan instrument ‫ و‬-sinc
on what
eversideit fiadstuc grcatest weight, on that side
it bangs downitslicad.
‫ا‬w ‫م‬e‫ع م‬lwh‫ ند‬receiving bribes from two ,seitrap favcrs
Alpie(koan m ‫م‬an
ue wl ‫دام نه‬ka

‫تراز و هر د و سرتها با‬

s (orys‫م‬C
)tit seales areCO.
false at both T
‫شه‬ei‫م «مالم‬ay
‫ا‬af ‫ را به‬-e
‫رگان از اث گرد‬ ‫م‬
.‫است‬ ‫از گرافی‬ ‫ترازویی زهره‬

CI.The balasice of W Es ‫ن‬

s doese hby
notbreak t
of tht .stas
According to the Persiaas Turasoo or the sign Libra, is one of theraan
ns x
ofEV ‫ دن‬.
۱۰ ‫عه ی‬
‫رار تضاد اسم مستعدادها‬ ‫گردگان‬ ‫سی‬
‫جوانی‬ ‫را‬ ‫ل‬۲‫زا اه‬: ‫نار لیمستمنهاا‬

‫جه‬rr, , , ,
CC2. Education bes(owcd on the worthless, is like

Pitting a walnut on a dome. See No. 1S of this

‫ نه‬.Cct

‫تر سان دل را چه پرگیا و چه عفری است‬

003. To atinid person ‫ و‬a fairy and ademon are
C(itially alanni lg.
۱۱ ‫مریم‬ - ‫م‬
‫ار گما کی اسم جنست مي شنید گفحتی آنجا خاردات رتاراج هسه مت‬
)‫ نان‬.4 ‫و‬AThcaring oci kua
the natue of paradise
asked, istlerc anyllunder ‫ن‬r‫ان‬oty
o to behad
therc }
۸ (Pi ‫دالی‬ ‫ن‬.ae

16 ‫با‬ ,IAT,
, )‫ایال‬
۱۱ ،۱۰
‫تر گي تمام شد‬ ‫ متن‬،‫زیاد‬
۹۲۲ ‫ه‬

C05. He hasheon overconie : also his stock is ex- ( ۱۹۲۱

-pended ;he has got to the end of his (ether, or
.he is completely done up. :‫با هم را د‬

: ‫نام‬
‫ایلد‬ ‫در کب‬
‫ ماه‬۱
.60C Hebecomes .tsiom : e He grows ‫ه‬۰۲۳۱
‫است‬ ‫تر در گره برایان‬
C07. Leckson amountain are as good ‫آ‬etsaors‫ه‬

6CSI will take athong from his back

i.e.Flog him well ‫ و‬orfieaiuisback۰
‫ه‬ ‫هم‬

‫*ه عالم چشم چشمه آب‬ ,

‫گمشدگان را نماید اند رخ و ادب‬
- 600 - The whole world app cars a fountain ow a\eR

to athirstyman inhissleep .
,serised is preser to t ۹ rrard o۹ ‫خهای‬s
‫آ‬i.e.Thatwhichamaneagerly . ‫ع‬

. day.See lai til.Sect.i.No. 227 .

‫در خواب آکسب می بیند‬ ‫ تعث ناه‬..

: ,610 Athirstyperson :‫ ی‬e e s v ‫ده‬oiret ‫ها خاندا‬۰۵YS
‫جه‬ -

‫زیگو کرد بمان‬ ‫تستسخغات‬ ‫ را‬.‫جیغ است‬-‫التحصعه‬


The ‫ و‬est explain liis OVW Ea co

‫تعریف زیاده بد ترارداشف ام اس است‬

612, Flattery is worse than abuse
to be ,dptterger hatthis saying is notmore generatly knorn
‫است‬ ‫هن‬
‫احاج بر و اشک‬
‫مشاره از ریش‬ .
‫به عدم صاحب خانه کردن پا‬
• ۹۰

(13.Paying ones respects to themaster of the

house is like taking cotton from the board of a
cotton-carder, i.e. Labor in eain. ‫ع‬

‫ته ظیم کارگران مع فس‬

014. Workmen are exctised from paying their res -

Peets. (Asitwould interruptbusiness)

psoT -

*. Tothrow out ‫ما‬alumnies on one whon they wilinot reach, bit iii
۲۶eoil oa the calumnistor.

.016 ‫م‬WWh reis the use of taking precautions, since =

... ... ‫م‬ .

What has been pre-ordained musthappen.

6i۲ ‫تقویم پارینه بکار نیاید‬

‫م‬ i ‫ف‬ . -۱

An old airnanacis of nouse

‫ل ی‬:

8lii. ۹۷ ‫ه دهی نرم نمی شوه‬.‫ ن‬.‫ تا‬.‫نش‬.‫ا‬.‫نگ‬....
‫ای‬ :1
.‫ اف‬: .۱۷iil
notbesoftensitilt you joithin wil
.‫م‬. .ite
"iltiotisten to ,uosaer tilt you treathin withseverity

‫تکبر عزازیل را خوار گرد‬

:Pride ruined the falien angel....
163 GR{ENTAL PR() WERBS, r Agri. ‫الا‬۱ )۱

‫خوابد‬ ‫میبا‬ ‫زیر سرگذاشته‬ ‫تئاتر‬ ‫ه بعدا‬

sleeps with a saddle-clath underbi ً‫مثلا‬ : ۲ ،۱
i.e.ile lives veryllar ‫ل‬
or ist
iiw ‫مناانهٔ ل‬ ۲ ‫با‬

‫ها را‬
‫تگیه بر جایی از گان نتوان زد گزافه‬
uot to usup
‫د‬ the ce of y ‫مثاق نان‬
periors. ۱۹۹۰
‫رسمله‬ ‫تارا را پا تالار نمیی‬
.62 ‫ب‬A
stage is not equal to al ‫ او‬.
: ‫ م‬. ‫چ‬Thermean
ar ‫و‬le‫ان‬not
eqrtal tatliero )k ‫) مانند‬
heym ‫اداه ژه‬rs
‫ع اسماعی‬ ‫تلرگ با ای ضد‬

is a perfect vagabond

‫چه باید گه پر از گرشاه وود ه چه زاید رگار وی گوشه‬

,621 The scrip shold ‫ا‬e‫ر‬fille
isivorp :
auda scrip is useless to him who ‫د‬
p ‫مقنان ذخذ‬
‫تاتنی اد بر عالم را لا‬
625 , Abill on the noxtwworld.
) (‫ر‬.Eng Adraft on the prmp of Ai d ‫ات‬eta-

‫باشد ث رفه ریشه‬ ‫تندرستان را‬

C23.People inhcalth, are ‫و‬an‫م‬۹۱ ante 1 ۲۲۹ ۹۹۹ ‫هم‬
of awoutid.See Part 11.3 eC ‫داده‬ .‫ه‬۰۵۹

) ‫ ( تنها‬hie ‫ز‬
at ,d
sraes thatneer
nu feit aw
secr.II. ‫رآ‬ATNEHRG، PROWERBS. }g7

‫تنورة گرم اسبتا زان توان بستی‬

.67 ‫ق‬Yo can ‫ نشان دادند را‬1 ‫ق‬a l ‫ و‬n a3 the ovenis

) ‫گ‬En ( ‫م‬Make
hay while the sunshines

‫تن و ره آسیا بر روي خود بسته است‬

623.He shat up a milldnnfor lairnself
has reservia treasure f his owa propernsei or hasseeare 3
‫ه‬ aoapowerful

‫تنها بیش قاضی روایی را نمی آبی‬

623.If yon go alone to the ‫و‬egduj )Qaee) yoa
۹will return ۲۲ell pleased.
) (‫گ‬E .One
tee is good till another is to d
‫استث‬ ‫گفهل پایب مخ‬
is alazy f ‫د‬lo ‫د‬wh sits at the foot of the
‫آ‬630.1 w‫ث‬e
Applied to one very ‫م‬viteani , who ‫م‬tsni ad ‫م‬o citabing topluck th ‫ب و‬iurf
hesits at the foot ‫س‬f the tr
withiui tuouth open to receive such as fall of

. ‫جا‬
‫ترا ضع دو سر و ارائه‬
Condescension hastwo heads.i.e, Conde

SEClision mtist ‫ را‬e mutual .

‫ح‬. .1 ‫ ص‬. -

632 ‫تو اضع ز گردن فرازان نگو اساسنا‬

*** Condescension fon the great is a virtue.
63 ‫تراضاع کم کن و بر مبلغ افزا‬
3. Less TCSpect if ‫ز‬ou plcasc and more moncy
108 ORI ENT ‫را‬TA .PR() WERBS, p Anr1, ‫ف‬t || )
‫هم‬ ‫رتسگش‬، ‫ا‬ d •

‫تر به برای شگستان اسمت‬ ‫نان‬

634.Repentance is onlynade for the purpose of : ‫ابنا‬
being broken. ۲ :۱
( Eng ) Promises are like piesis which are mado ‫م م؛‬bo‫م‬Wen
b , ‫ا‬ts (
- ‫ا‬ ‫ا‬ ‫ما‬ ‫می‬ ‫با‬
.‫تو به فرمان اجرا خرد توبه کمتر می کنند‬ ‫ه‬

)33‫ ز‬. Those who desire ,tneperotsrehto why dont

they repenttherinseiyes. ‫ا‬
‫بر‬ ‫ه‬ - ‫ا‬
.‫توپاک باشی و مدا را ي برادر از گس باک‬ .

036.Do yout O bothe ‫ و‬coatinuepare and dout


fear anybody

‫دان و گردنه‬ ‫رو‬

037 .Y" oti know and yourbtisincisknows.

i.e.I know nothing about it.

‫گند‬ ‫همبسی‬ ‫ سنا د‬۱ ‫توده سگی‬

assists themaster : oris sofar advanc
inhis studies, thathetakes part of the rnaster ۹
labouron hinnseif

‫گوش » در شکم به گه بر نشست‬

O39.JProvisions are better in the b cliy ‫و‬tt۹۹۹ on tae
:، o.itisbetter to ‫م‬niny one"s fortune, thantoiaoard it Ap -
. S
. E,Ir
. 169

‫توکار زمین را نگو ساختي که بر آسمان نیز پرداختنی‬

640, You have performed the business of this
world so well that you are now engaged in the
business of heaven.
Said to one who has failedinany easy affair ‫د‬ehsiwdna atthe ‫ن‬unitenrus
udra inenros .us

641.Trustin Gop is the inale, worldly carés the

: e.Tlue former is superior to the latter.

‫تو که این قدر از خواب حفوظاین چرا نمی مارکی‬

Y.042 ‫ر‬
u who areu
sofoud ofo
sleep whyy
die at once ‫با‬
‫امسست‬ ‫تو لک‬
643.1{eis very prudent.

‫تر مرا دل دو دلیرگی بین‬

‫رو به خویش خوان و شیری بین‬
6 f-ress

44 . Encourageme and thenbehold mybravet ‫و‬

call me your own fox, and then you Will seeute
Perform the exploits of a liom.
‫اسبات‬ ‫میدانی ارطي‬ 37

645.{ie is a perfect vagabotid.

‫تونگری بدل اس است نه بمالی‬
0r acildoperds
Opulence suoteiregano
170) (DTRENTALPROW TT TBS, pAagi, )۴‫م‬

،‫تریپا دل ری سست‬
C 4f - Ic cntcrst : el cat.
i e.TIeis veryiniatiating.

‫آیی د صد مستم رو سر به‬

C .34 The iu digent are despised ‫انم و‬crlield
inno es

‫ ژیر آخر معتگ گافر‬-

C 0. Thelastarrow to the infidesh cat.
ٔ‫ه‬. e Thelastatternpt :
‫م‬e thernostviolent
tar ande
des p
‫ ا‬،. ‫ ع‬۱ ‫به‬ -

‫چر خبند‬- ‫تیر چرخ را کهمانی‬

.0 Thearrow of thelica۲cius rcquircs the bow
of thelicavens(to shoot it)
.‫تیر جوان تر شرد کمان گردد‬
3 becornes.1
WWhen anarrow gets ,tew it ‫که نتال‬
bow -
mat d‫م‬sarren
dman b .t

‫تیم موشی پای خود را به هوا می کنند که آسمان بالایش نیفتاده‬

65 .2 The titmouseloidsup its fcet ‫ و‬that time eky
may notfall uportit.
Applied to sweak person, who atternptste contend wwitba c Tae rnateb


‫باز زمیگردد‬ ‫گیر و گه از گمان جسته‬

3.The arrow orice shot,ieturns not to the
‫مامه‬ b O ۹۲ -

‫ناد هفته ة‬.۱۷ia :‫ د‬pas ‫د و‬caan ،‫الم هانا‬Hecatc


‫تیشه را با تراش کار است خود عود پیش آید خواه چوب‬
654 . Itis the business of the axe to cut all that

es whetherit belignum aloes or

commontimber. -

i.e, Itisthe duty of aservant to obey whatever ordershis master ‫م‬sevig

‫باشد‬ ‫کم‬ ‫را نیام‬

‫المحع کع‬

635. A curved sword must have a curved scabbard.

‫از بومه مشا شیر نمی شول‬ ‫تیماج‬

.656 ‫م‬C ha
leather mo
isnotmade is .
of a camel'shid
i.e.Agood work cannobe expected fronnabadman.( (‫ر‬.gnE Youean
‫ن‬.rn‫ا‬ r ake
a silkpurse of
a a sows

.‫ قاضی است‬،‫ث بست شدن بد ضمع‬

‫ آقق‬. The proving of ,gnihta is in the hands of the
.judge. : e, He may do ashe chttses.
‫ثابت قدم بگفست کمي بد نمي شود‬
65S.Aresolute person is not to be diverted from
liis purpose by the advice of any one
‫ثانی آتشین عو ج بن عضقی اسمتنا‬
69Heisthe fellow of OOj, the son of OOnuq.
۱۰ *Heisa perfect giant. For an account of this giant, see MAitRAcc, in
Alcor P, 231 .

‫ثانی از اول هم بد‬

630. The Secondiseven worse than thefirst.

. ‫ خواهی نکوبي کرد‬،‫ثواب‬ •

66l. Ir youwish for future reward,actvirtuously.


‫ راه خانه صاحب خود می بمله‬،‫ثواب‬

602. Thereward of a virtuous action goes to the

house ofits perfornner
) ‫جامه بازدارد تری باید برید (یا دوخست‬
663 You ought to cut (or sew) your robe ‫م‬drocca

ing to the size of yourbody.See No. 878.

itsur la ‫ه‬su ‫ه‬hold
nidrecartse ‫همه ما‬
‫جامه ندارم دامن از کجا آرم‬
‫ژان‬ ۱۲ llere shall Igota ,triks who have no robe *

‫جامه نیکزامی می باید برید‬

)‫ قژاژ‬.
st cutn
out for
e yourself
mr theag
Of reputation.
i.e. Strive to maintaine ‫یگ‬opd character

‫جان سخن ارزبان من میگویی‬

666. Omy dear! yOil speak withmy tongine.
4. e You say te/ at r ://ended /o hase sadd ‫و‬mf
itisused bothupon oeeasions or Praise and ‫م‬hcaorper

‫جان گرو جامه گرو‬

007. My soul is in pa۱۲in ‫م‬eborymosladna

‫جان بافان ده‬

068. One who giveshis life (or sou]) for bread-
‫و‬Arniser or very ‫ه‬-varicious
nosrep ... ---
‫جان داده ها ام که گشته میسر وصال دوسست‬
669. Igave up my life, then Imetwithmyfriend.
It means that one has obtained his desires, after having paid dearly
for them.

‫نمی دهد‬ ‫بعزرائیل‬ ‫جانی‬

670 Hewont give his life to the angel of death .
to agreat .resim See .oN ,302 and Part .oN.I.teeS.II G .3

‫جاهل ملبس اشک ریب اسمت زیر جاده‬

671 . Anignorant mangaily attired, is like a camel
with a gown O T1 ‫ه‬ .

i.e.I ‫ل‬.es
‫ن‬ m beccane

‫تنگک اسیستا مردمانی بسیار‬ ‫جای‬

012: The place is small and the peoplemany.
‫جایی که حسین علیه السلام تشنه بمیرد اگر بریزید باران ممسن‬
‫ بج‬.
673.Irwhere Hosces (on whombe peace) died
of thirst, it shouldrain cursesupon Y ‫نت‬EED , it
would beright ، .. .

‫برقص بر تخته‬ ‫شاه جی چمگت زند پایب کبالت‬ ‫جایی که‬

674. Where the falconstrikeshistaloastlere the
partridge cannot getup to dance.
‫از پشه لاغریب چه خیزد‬ ‫جایی که عقاب پر بریزد‬
. 67 ‫از‬ Where the eagle Cannot ‫ و را‬wiat can ‫مرا‬e
pected from a poortuat.
‫سی‬ ‫هم‬ ،‫راهه‬ :)

‫جا نی بنشینی که بر خیزی‬

req ‫م‬ ,S
in suchuir i
ecalpa as you.67may nott
be 6
ed to getup again.See No. 806
‫م‬i .e
not exceed .D
the bounds prescribed by yoursituation

‫خار خار‬ ‫جایی گل گل بش و جانی‬

677.Inthe place of roses do you bearose and

the wherethere arethorns do yoube athorn.

It means, treat people as theytreat you.See No. 690.

‫جای خر بستن تو اشخجا نیست‬

67S.This is not the place for tying your ass.
i.e.You are desired to quit thisplace.

.‫جایی خود را گرم کرد‬

670IIe has established himselfinhissituation
‫جگر جگر است و د گرداگر‬
GS0, Arelation is always a relation and stranger
a stranger.

‫جل براگا و بست‬

GSI.TIe tied a housing on the cow. : e-He P"۶-
paredfor the journey.
to ,ssenpp li
isubyna wlich eanbe ed
performed without bei ‫که‬ under

an obiigationto any one.

‫جنس از جشس مت ذيب نیدست‬

GS2 Animals of the same genus, do not annoyea ch


( Ers) Birds of a feather flock together,


‫جنسیت علبت ضم اسر ست‬

of the same ,suneg is a sufiicient
son for union.

‫جنگات د و سر دارد‬
.634 Abattle must be mutual ‫ از‬Orin Warthere are
t ۱vo chances.

or defeat

‫جمگت زرگری می =تقدند‬

GS5.IIe wagesagoldsmith's war.
i.e.He pretends to fight in order to favorhis own designs

‫جالب است ای برادر این نه جداگت است‬

SG.IRecollect that this is a reply ‫ و‬rother‫ار‬O ‫ و‬not a
W ‫ه‬rh" •

Said to one, who is over-bearing inhis conversation۰

‫جواب دیگر سوال دیگر‬

687. Cross purposes.
( Eng ) You talk of chaik, and I of cheese

‫جواب جاهلیت باشد خاموش‬


6SS. Silence is the best reply for the ignOrant.

1.e. The best reply to anignorant man's question issilence ‫ه‬


‫در‬ ‫جور استاد به زمهر‬

080, The severity of the teacherisbetter than the
fondness of the father ...،)
(s) Spare the rod and spoil the child
176 ORITEN ‫را‬TAT PROWERBS . r Art r I،

600. The reply to a Turkish question, should be in

i.e Arude questionrnerits arudeanswer.Togive onea Rovrland for
s 77 oftbis Section -
.revilO See No

‫جو پایی گتل سوی زاده ک‬

69 1.Barleyatthe foot of the passisunprofitabie.
i.e.Itistoolate whnaboutomountasteepascent to feedahorse,
who ie strength hasten wastelbyotevions low dict. Preparations for any
euterprise inustbemadein propertitne. K ‫ن‬otulinfurkishis a steep ‫م‬tnecsa

‫جوز باشگن و طالع به بان‬


Break the
titut nd
try yourfortu
wal ‫ و‬.a ne
it means, that oue ought to exerthimself andawait theresult.

‫ و پا‬4 ‫دران‬ ‫ا‬
‫م‬. ‫اهم‬.
‫را مگشا تا گهای‬ ‫حواد‬ ‫جوالی‬

693.Donot open yoursack,lest some one stutfi۹

i.e.Take care of your goodsoraffairs.

‫جوال دوز هم از اهل بخیه است‬

604. Asack-maker is also a taylor.
‫لع‬A with verylittle skill ied
one,who ppl to
in any art or scienceprete n
to be anadept. Seekart{.Sect.I.No. 48.

‫وفروش گداد م نما‬.

‫و‬ ‫ ج‬...
603.IHeshows wheat, but sellsbarley,
‫م‬APie d
to any heat ‫و‬ » ‫ روی‬... =

‫جوهریب گه آب مروارید در چشمش فرود آمده باشد مروارید‬

‫را کی بیند‬
696 when the water of the ‫را‬racp (i.e.the Gatta
Serena ) has descended into the eye of the jewel
ler, how canhe behold the pearls. :

‫جوز هندی را از د رمزه ترگی باز نمی شناسد‬

697 .He cannot distinguish cocoanut fromv۲orm

g cannoto
tella Bo
E abulis

‫جریان دا یا بند‬
698. Hewho scekswillfind.

‫جویب طالع از خرواری هنر به‬

609. A grain of good luck is better than an ass
of skill

‫جهان دیده بسیار گوید دروغ‬

700. Aman who has seen the world, tellsmany lies.
(Sot) Atravelledman has leave to lie ( Eng.) Oldrnen and travellers
lie by authority

‫دارد و =کشتابد و لابی رحکا‬ ‫یتوناایرب رسی‬-‫م‬ ‫نماتا که‬ ‫ساده‬


701.Exert yourself,that youmay succeed, suffer

Pain ‫ و‬in orderto have arennedy

‫نیستعا در این واقعه الا تسلیم‬ ‫جار‬

702. Thereisnothing for it now, bat resignation.
Spoken unon the death of afriend, &c. ( Eng ) What can't be eured
tnnst be endared.

‫جان کری را چاه در پیش‬

703.Apitis in the way of him that digsone :
oronewho digs apit for another falls into it
him self.

‫کری هم شاه در جاه است‬- ‫چاه‬

704. Apit-digger is always in apit.
‫لیسه مت‬ ‫واژن از زندانی غمجا گف گم‬ ‫حاد‬

.705 The well of B ‫ن‬han

‫دا‬ is not
‫ن‬s inferio
'kc ato luZ
Said whenone hasmet with a second misfortune, who his atleast equat
to the first that befel him : and asowhen themistortune which hashap
penedto oue person is equal to that whichhad occured to another.
۸ ‫یص‬

‫جپو انداخته استثنی‬ .

703.IIe has committed violence or injnstice.

Chapuo, signifiesthe royal armys proceeding top underany place.

‫چرا کاری کدد عاقل که باز آید پشیمانی‬-

:707 . WWhy should a ۱vise mando that, whichbrings
repentance inits train.
‫و گست مردان خانه روشنی هایی کند‬ ‫چراغ‬
703Alamp at the timeitis going out, enlightens
the house.( This is 0/ten said of a dying (‫ر‬.nosrep
‫ه‬spor.II .ORIENTAL

‫چراغ روشن مراد حاصل‬

709. The lamp islighted and enjoyment is at hand.
Alludes 1. To the practice of lighting lamps at the shrines of holy
men, from which religions act the votaries expect the accomplishment of their
wishes.9. To the practice of the Fugeers, called Nuqshbundee, who go about
beging withalamp in theirhands, whence thea ms givento him is called
Chiragh, or Chiraghee, as much as to say,۰۰My lannpislighted, you have
now an opportunity of obtaining ablessing by giving me alms."3. To the
habits of libertines,thieves and others, wholookto the night, when lamps are
lighted» as the favorable season forobtaining theirwishes.

‫ چراغ مندلسان نوریب ندارد‬-

710. The lamp of the poorgives no light
‫چراغ مقابلان هرگز نمیرد‬-
ill. The lamp of the fortunatenever goes out.
- ‫امیر‬ -

‫ چراغ مرد و جا شامع آفتاب کجا‬-

Ti2. What comparisonisthere between the lamp
Which hasburnt out and the sun :
Itis used in comparing smallthingswith great.
‫صوزده‬ ‫ز‬4 ‫صباح‬ ‫تا‬ ‫جرا غ کسی‬
"No one slampburnstill morning i e ‫و‬
800d/ortune does not alicays last .

‫ چراغ را نتوان دید جز بذور چراغ‬-

"!! You cannot see the lamp except by the Hight
ofit. *

‫چربی از سنگت بر نمی آید‬ -

.Fat does not come froma stone.

Said of a miser, who is often called Sungdil, (i.e. stone-hearted) hard
hearted. ‫ه‬،

A a
iso oRIENTAL PRovERBS, r Aar 1
‫چرم جیر‬-
716. Elasticleather. -

to ,eno whobabbles ,yllaunitnoc without allowing others an
pertunity of speaking.2d. Said of one of amild disposition.
‫برده اس ساده‬ ‫چرتشی‬-

717.Yawning or slumbering, hasseized him.

i.e.Heisidle or indolent andinactive inbusiness.

‫جرم گاو بدندان مي جاود‬

718. He chews abullock's hide with histeeth.
He eats
. very
i slowly

‫جربي روی حوض می گیره‬

۲ 19. He collects the grease that swims on the bath.
Applied to agreatmiser. ( Erg ) Askin-flint.

‫چشم فلگی و رامیان سراسست‬

F20. The eyes of the heaven are in the middle ofits

- ۶

‫چشم مور و پاییا مار و نان ما را که دید‬

.721 ‫م‬Who
ev rbcheld the eyes of an ,tna the feet
a ,ekams or the bread of a ,allool\ ,i( e.a ‫ دکل‬-

%32.11e is an iinpudent feliow.


‫چشم در راه دارد‬

723.Heplaceshis eyes on the road.
i.e.He expects sonne person or thing.

‫چشم بد د ور‬
724. Let evil eyes beaverted.
When anative wishestopraise any tbing belonging to another, he will
generally prefaceitwithsorne suchsentence asthe above.

‫چشم گر بینا بود هر روز روزیعشر است‬

723.If amanwere wise, he wouldiookupon every
day asthe day of the resurrection.
‫چشم از روی درستان روشن شرد نه از باغ و بوستان‬
726, Oues eyes are more delighted by seeing the
faces of hisfriends, than ‫را‬yb eholdinga garden
ora parterre

‫جشم دوستان روشن‬

727. May the eyes of myfriends beenlightened.
i.e. May they continue happy .
| ،‫ته از خا‬ ‫گی‬t ‫ه‬

‫را بر‬ -

: S.Aflower is worse for the eyes than athorn,

Here is a Playupon the word ‫گلی‬ which altho it will be thought to ‫س‬gis
Piya flower, as opposed ‫خار‬ot athorn, hasa differentrueaning ‫ و‬viz. the
ALBt Go.

‫چفسعی دروازه خلیلان را نگشاید کسی بغیر تبر‬-

2 O( ۳ . ‫و‬

"". None can open the latch of a misers door

Without anaxc.

‫چقندرکاشدّم زردالت برآمد‬-

beet-r I
oot.78 0 .b
it grewut
up carrot
Seel 57 of this Section.

‫مکش‬ ،‫فه الش‬ ‫چگمه ای آب‬

781.Donot pull oft yourboots, till yousee the
water. See No. :26.
i.e.JDonotprecipitate anywork beforethe propertiune۰

‫چگش می زند‬
782.ife strikes with ahaiiiiiier.

i.e.Heacts the part of an informer.

.‫جگذم چشم آسمان کوراساسند‬

isb lin
‫ه‬.WWI hats d.7
,od since hall
‫د‬ ‫ا نیز هم ن‬
‫نخواهد‬ ‫مند و جذاین‬
‫چنان نما‬
,734 Inthat way it didnot last ‫ و‬and inthis Way
also it will not last.

i.e.The titne is always changing.

‫چندین شکل برا ی ا=کل‬-

735.All these appearances areput on for the sake
of food.
Applied to apretended devotee, to express, that his sauctity is assurued
froun interested motives.

- ‫ماه مه‬
‫ تری بیزان‬:‫چهر‬-
.736. Ptinish him.
‫د‬ andin particulerthat
,l‫م‬ ci hcok
h withw
elephants are managed.
or.II ERBs
.ORI ‫ت‬.ss
EANT AL . 183

‫چالشدّه خور بد تر از میراث خور است‬

737. Abeggar, who hasoncebeen served and still
‫و‬ret urns
dailyform ore is Worse thana person
who livesupon the wealth which has been left
him by his relations. ، ،

‫جو اقی در جهان باقی است مفلس درنمی ماند‬

73S.Aslong asthere are fools in the world, beg
gans will mever bein want.
( Eng ) Afoolandhis money issoon parted.

‫چو از قومي یگي بیدارشی گرد نه گیاه را منزلت مازاد نه ماهه را‬
.739 ‫و‬W he
one of atribe coturnits an actn
thereisno ,noitcnitsid between high and low ‫و‬
the wholebeing dishonored.
See Part II.Sect.I.No. 166.

‫جرد به خدا میداندارد و تتیس که زد دوازدارد‬

740. Gob’s club makes nonoise, and whenit
Strikes ‫ و‬.thecure for the no

‫شاهی را‬ ‫جو برگرداد فلک گچگول سازل تاج‬

" tl. When fortune deserts a person, she convert3
the Crown of aking into abeggar's cup.
،...tii، ii ‫ه‬:

‫ هر چند صنگین است با بب فروانرود‬،‫چوب‬ ‫ه‬

742. Wood although heavy, does not sink in waler


‫جو تیراز کهمان رفت ناید بشیم سع‬

When the arrow74 hasonce quitted3 the bo ‫ و‬it
does not come back again
‫همه آن کند کش نیاید بکار‬ ‫چو تیره شود مرد را روزگار‬
.744 When misfortune overtakesa person ‫ و‬all his
exertions are invain.

‫جوجل آمد فرو ریزه پرو بال‬

746.WWhen one reachcs 40, he begins to go down
‫چه شص تشک آمد نشم مت آمد و ک یوار‬-
746, When one reaches 60, hesitsleaning against
the wall.

‫جوشد زهر عادیت مفردات نه بخشد‬

,747 When a person is accustomedtopoison ‫ و‬it
won't do himany hatm.

‫چو فردا رسد کار فردا گشم‬

743.Whéntoniorrow coines, I will do what retates
to it.

( Eng) Enough for thedayisthe evilthereof.

. ‫جه کردیب با کلیغ اندازپیکر سرخرد را بناداني شکستی‬

740.When you combat with one who throys cods
of ,htrae you break your own head throu ‫ی(ا‬
i r
y uo
.folly ‫و‬
f‫ر‬To the lly of having
descri auav any dispute with
vort themean
hles ‫ن‬e *

‫ چوگفر از کعبه بر خیزاده کجا مازد مسلمانی‬-

750, When infidelity springsup from the temple
of TIccca, how canthe Moosulman faith remain.
when one of respectable character who ought to be an example
to others, is guilty of a shameful crime....

‫سموشهر‬ ‫رفست ندامساسا چه‬ ‫چو کار از دست‬-

751. When the business has slippedthrough ones
fingers, where is the use of repentance.

‫چوگان تواضع گردگویی برد گری سرسختي گرد سرزنش ها خورد‬

7b2.The clubhumbled himself and gained the day,
the ball exalted hianself and gotmanyblows on
the head.

‫چومه باله زشی شد دلیل باران اسماعی‬-

.753 When there is a halo about the moon ‫ و‬it is a
sign of rain .

‫جو میدان فراخ است گویا بزن‬

"154 . When the plain is spacious, strike the ball.
.e.Profitby an opportunity whenit ofiers. ( Eng ) Make hay while

‫هام همه مهم‬،

. ‫چو میراد مبتلا میریه چو خیزد مبتلا خیزد‬ .

,755 ‫و‬Whenhe
dies,he dies involvedinafiliction
and whenhe shall arise (from the dead,)he shall
arise inafiliction.

‫چون اجل آید بپای خویش به گور رود‬

com e.7
WWhen thefatal 56 ‫ و‬amanwalks to

his own grave.

‫چو نام ساگت بریا چوبي بگف گیر‬

‫انداز‬ ‫نام شاه بریب قا چه‬ ‫جو‬

7b7. WWhen you speak of a dog, take astick in

your hand : when of aking spread a carpet.

‫جونرمی گفی خصم گردد دایر‬

758. When youbecorne slack, the enemybecomes

7 ‫ن‬.W
fate . vil
,seWh oo
rra thephysici
en f
an is a

‫آسان بول‬ ‫معانی جمع گردد شاعریب‬ ‫جوانی‬

760, Itiseasy to write poetry, when you have fixed

upon the subject.
Itisused to express hat when thematerials for any work are once col

lected, itmay easilybe completed.

‫دم برداشتم ماده برآمد‬ ‫چون‬-

761 . WWhen Ilifted up thetail, I found it was a

To express that a person on whomone has relied much» and who has
rm۹de groatprofessions of friendship, has, whenput to tlue proof, entire y dis
PPointedtluose expectations.

‫چون از گلو فرو رفست چه حلوا چه زهر‬

i02. Whenit (food) has once gone down the throat,
it signifieslittle, whetherit be sweet orbitter.
This saying is oftennsed by a miser, in reply to a person, who inquires
‫اه‬th -causeof hisnotliving in better style : or is said by a ,resim asa consola
tolt to himselffor his uncomfortable mode of living.

‫چون برجیس را روز بد آید در گشت عطارد خوشه جیند‬

703.When misfortune overtakes (the planet)
‫ له‬,RETIPU hebecomes a gleaner in the field of

‫جوان سنگ را معرفت باشد زر پیش او سر فرو آد‬

764When the gemis known, thengold acknow
ledges its inferiority.
‫جوان کار از دست رفست فریاد چه سود‬
705. Where is the use of complaint, when you have
lost the business.

‫چون گوش روزه دار بر الله اکبر اسبت‬

.706 ‫و‬Asthe
ear of one who fasts anxiously expects
the call to prayer
Asimile, descriptive of anxious ‫م‬px‫ع‬tation
e , The fast ‫م‬t Ruman ‫و‬sa‫ ا‬1
from morning till sun-set, whichtime is announced by the call to evening

**** ‫ و‬--LLU‫و‬rtoo
‫اه‬susrU )
or Cop
erg when
at eating
r is ep •
‫چون نباشد‬
767 . Why shouldit not be so *
See No. ۲۲


‫چون و چرا در میان شان نیسه ساده‬

: 68, The greatest concordsubsists between them
( LitThereisno whynor wherefore among

709. Those whobring water and those who break

the pitcher, are treated alike
Spokeh of one,who does not diseriminate between those,who serve
him well orill.See Hart1|I.See,I.No. 434. ‫ه‬

‫چهار پارا چهار روز آزمایاند و در پارا در روز‬

70, Ciye a quadruped four days trial and bipedtw0
‫چه با کت از موج کران را که باشد نوح کشتیران‬
: 11.Whatfear needhehave of the waves of the
Sea, who has NoAuiforhis pilot.

772, What is Taleet, and what is Dooghurmacti *

Tuleet in Persian and Dooghurmachin Turkish ‫و‬
signity arnessmade ofbrokenbread and ‫و‬li‫کا‬m
eithersweet or sour.
Itisseid that a Persian anda rure travelling together, having go* scrno

‫؟‬۳ ,kim one insisted on making ,tsetaT and the other pghur
when athird p ‫" مهم‬n
nrasT ‫هش و‬phrase
carne ,pu who exP
is applicdo dispute
rap ‫ا‬eing
lait onnesse .

‫ اخت‬-‫چه توان گرد مردمان ایناند با همین مردمان بباید ص‬-

713.Since these creatures are called men, there
isnoretmedy ‫ و‬we must putup with theim such
asthey are.

‫د امید واریا‬-‫بچه خوشی باشد گه بعد ازانتظاری بامیادیب رس‬

714.How agreeable is it fora person who has been
kept long in expectation, atlength to succeed
according to hiswishes.

‫بیکث گرشامه دو کار‬ ‫مجه خوشی بود گه برآید‬

775, What a happything it ‫ر‬ebdluow if we could
Perform twothings at one glance.See Part II.
Sect.I.No. 143.

‫چه خوش گفته است سعدي د ر ز خا‬

‫الا یا ایها الساتي ادریس و نابلها‬
776.IIow excellentisthe observation of Suudee
inhis Zuleekha, (a toork composed by J AsrEr :)
"Take care O cup-bearertopushround the
bottle (lit.the cup) and makeus driuk."( TheSe
۹ords are not to ‫ را‬e found in the ,ailkeeluZ ba4
: Deewan of Hafig.)
The above ‫ا‬ines are applied tomnerepretenders, andalsoto those who
‫ه‬retl ۱۱
athsserper ‫ن‬sui.

‫چه خرش چرا زباشد‬-

777 .t
nellecxe why shouldit not beso !
wwilena ‫ا‬
talks of
r whathe
e hasdone
hor t
o shall
n ,od a
ironically replies in the words of the proverb.See No.767.

‫چه علي خواجه وچه خواجه علي‬

.778 There is no difference between ‫یا‬iee
and Khwaju Ulee.
(Eng) There is sir of the one anahardon of ‫ه‬h‫ه‬tha.sse
t No. ‫و‬
‫به را سمت‬ ‫چه گویم که ناگفتنم‬
‫زبان دردهان پاسبان صرا سمت‬
; ; ,0 ‫و‬What shall Isay PIhad betterbe silent as
the tongue is the guard of the head.

‫چه مردی بود گز زنب کم بود‬

,780 ‫و‬Whatkind
of a manishe who is inferior
to aw onnan P

‫جه نسبت خاک را با عالم پاک‬-

781. What connexion is there between earth and
the world of purity !
Areply to one, who campares any person or thing to onegreatly
superior or inferior

‫جزیی بده درویش را چیزي مگر درویش را‬

,782 Give something to a Durucsh ‫ و‬-but sayno
.thingto him.i.e. Let him do ashe pleases
‫چیز یگه نیابي جو‬
783.IDonot search for what is nottoloe found.

784. No one can behold a frown.i.e, Bear with

a frowwn.

‫چیني شکسته صدا نمي گند‬

785. Abroken cup makes no noise.

‫حاجت مشا طه نیس ست روی دلارام را‬

786. The face of abelowedmistress, requires not
the art of the tire-woman.
2The same sentinentis cirgantly erpressed in the fbilotoinng lines Ey Sir
،«In vain withlove ourbosoms glow :
۹۰ ‫ای‬Canall
,sraetruo can all our sigh
** New lustre to those charunsimpart?
** Can clieeks where living roses blow»
۹۶ Where naturespreadsher richest dies,
**Requike the borrow d glosa of art3"

‫حاجي حاجی را در مکه می بیند‬

787. One pilgrim sees another at Mukku.
,snaemtI that pilgrims are sure to meet at ,acceM thatcer na ‫از‬ : g the sase

‫بود و اس سنا‬ ‫حاصل تحصیل ما تحصیل حاصل‬

788. The produce of our ‫و‬stnemeriuqca is worth


‫حاکم تمام گوش می باید‬

.9S As
ought a
to be all


‫حالا خته بر سر استاد می زند‬

}0, Nowhestrikeshismaster on the head with
aplank.i.e, Ile treatshim with disrespect;
italsomeans ‫ و‬thathe excelshitn۰

‫حال خوش آمد تازه روزگار‬

701.Hinmediate fiattery remews one's service or

‫و طان از ملگ یا تخت سلیمان خوش تر‬ ‫حماسیسا‬

792.Thelove of ones country, is preferable to the

kingdom (orthrone) of SoLoMoN.

793.His anger is appeased.

,94 !t
hW‫ن‬ f ۵d and yet be
content with turnips *
‫حرام زاده فیر آشنا زوله رنج می باشد‬
, 95, Thefriendship of anill-disposed person, 13
hardto acquire, andeasily lost.

‫حرف باد بر زبان بد باشد‬

796, Abad word is always on the tongue ofabad
man :but should the word ‫ زبان‬be readwithout
tle afut,itwill ‫ا‬
e translated
‫ر‬o thus t
: Abad
(loc Sitot sttit the tongtte

‫م‬ ‫« حرف حقی بر زبان شوف جاری‬

707, The word of truthflows from the tongue
,snaemrtI that whatever precautions are taken to conceal thatruth ‫ و‬that
atiast it wrill come out.

‫حرفست را پوسبات گفده باید گفت‬

79S.Aman ought to speakhis mind without re

‫حریص گحروم می باشد‬

( ‫ه‬

: 09. The covetous manis always in want, (oralways

‫اسمت‬ ‫ باخته با خود همیشه در جنگت‬،‫حر و فسا‬
800. Aperson who has lostat play ‫ و‬is always at
Warwith hiinself.

‫دازد‬ ‫خرد را می‬ ‫حر یف حر یف‬

801 . Onerivalknows another. See No. 470 of
Part I.Section I.

‫همگی شناسد‬ ‫لن‬ ‫حریف حریفا‬

802-Enemiesmutuaily know one anothersee
Part I.Sect.I.No. 410

‫حسابب دو صتان در دل‬

303. Accounts betweenfriends, are keptin their
۹۰ e-Friends kespno account of what they give te each other.
194 ORIENTAL PROWERBS. r ‫ا‬raA ، ‫م!؟‬

‫حسن چون بی پرد و شد زنهار گرد اراماگرد‬

em is without
ahs don't pur -

‫حسن خدا داد را حاجعت مشاطه نیستی‬

80 ‫از‬. Aperson who is naturally ,lufituaeb requires
not the aid of the tire-woman.See No. TSO.
( Eng ) when unadorned, adorned the most

‫حشر غلامان علي با علي حشر غلامان تمر با تمر‬

806, The resurrection of the followers of Ulee
.willbe with Ulce, and those of COmur with
‫حقی بر زبان جاری‬
‫ ع‬.07 .Truthflows
from the tongtte
No 7 97 ‫ه‬

‫وی‬ •

‫مهندسینما‬ ‫حاوی خرده خراسان گم از گداني‬

803 To ask ones right (of you) isnothing better

thanbegging. -

to one,who withholds ‫ل‬
ist claim o
and adds t
insult ۹۳۹ ‫ال‬yr«
by treating the clairnant with contempt.

‫حقی کقی دارمی رسد‬

,00S The la ful ownergetshis rights ‫ و‬in the en ‫ملا‬
. ‫داشست‬ ‫حاوی نام گث نگاه باید‬
810 Ciratitude is an indispensable duty.

‫ گل بایه شل شود‬،‫حکایت از‬

811. Astoryby means of asiumilebecomes incom-
parable A

There is a playupon the word ‫هال‬ whichcaninotberetained in the


‫بالقمان آموختن‬ ‫ح گه مط‬

Si2. Toteach ACsopwisdom ,

( Eng) To teachose"s grand -tnotherto stickegg۹۰

‫مرگس مفا جا و شه‬ ‫ح گم حاگم‬

13 The orders of a ruler are like a sudden death
Imeans, that the ‫ها‬ymu ‫ا‬
,deyebo therebeitgnoreme
Bainst theru.

‫ که گاکانسی نکشید ه‬،‫حلوا بگسی مد‬

‫حلوا بگماسی دو که اکب سنش چشیده‬
814.HDont ‫ین‬ive sweetmeatsto a person who has

Pot laboured forthern : and give sweetaleatst ‫را‬

him who has nottasted oflo۲e
‫حلوا خوردنی را رویی باید‬
[S ‫از‬. A iiiOuth is required even foreating sweet -

lo express‫ و‬that a person is unfit for the employmenthe has undertaken

(houghan eaSy one.

‫حلوا گشتان دهان ژسازد شیرینی‬

K - ۹

81 3 ‫ق‬nitaepeR the word ‫) حلوا‬or۱۲ (taemtee‫ق‬ d ‫ر‬es

"niake the mouth sweet


S17.Sweetmeats without smoke.

sp ‫ن‬
of anything
tce without

‫حوران بهشتي را دوزخ بود اعرا ف‬

‫اردوزخیان پرس که اعراف به شست است‬
S18, To thenymphs of paradise, purgatory would.
behell, and ask the inhabitants of hell, if pur ۹۰
tory to themwould not beparadises
‫و آنها وسی نادان زیستی‬ ‫حیف د ا زا مهارل لن‬

S10, What apity that awisemanshould die and

anignorant one live

‫بسیا را سست‬ }4 ‫حمله جو را بها‬

890. Alazyman hasmany excuses

‫خاطر دلار عزیز و با گف گل نارنیا تراست‬

821. The gratification of my belowed is d Carto

me, and the leaf of the rose is very delicate.

Spoken by a person, whoissosituated hat he cannot obige onefriend
without ofiending another, who is equally deart0 hitn۰

‫ا‬ ‫مر‬ ،‫ه‬ ،۹,‫مو‬ ‫در‬

S22.Take up earth from alarge hillock. . C.I f

ott /
T0 to ask
af ‫}} و‬ask
lla cort f0
the grcat and genero tts

‫خالت بر فرق بیي گساي با دا‬

823. A plague on want offriends !
‫در عزیزان آسایش دیده مشتاقانی اص مت‬ ‫خالث‬

824 . Even the dustlying atthe door offriendsis

pleasing to the eyes of those who wish to visit

‫خا گش از خونش بهار‬

S25 .His ashes are betterthan his blood.

826.Become dust (i.e.behumble) beforethou

art redt ced to dust (i.e.diest)

‫به‬ ‫از عبیر معزولی‬ ‫خالت تمل‬
827 . The dust of etmployment is preferable to the
Ubeer (or fragrant powder) of dismission۰
‫خالث غربیل را نشاید و خشابتدا آسیا را‬
S2S.Earthis not fit to beputinto asieve, orbries
‫خالوخردیف چند‬
S291tis Ohuncle ‫؛‬ what s is the price
s ofathy *
spoken by a person who isfound fault withby another without suf
ficient Cause, as nuuch as to say ‫ و‬Igaveyoutuo the least provocation for what
you have dotne,

‫خالوخاری را شذاخت‬
S30. My uncle has scraped acquaintance withan ass
Spoken of ‫م‬
۱۲ho has
‫ا‬ forniedan
i intinuacy
c with o
a ,sseltitf
row or
06ts ‫د‬n ،

‫خا اي ث به همکا روسیه‬

821.Apoormanis despicable, (iathe eyes of the

world). ‫ای‬

‫پاید‬ ‫شان * کیا‬ ‫خیا ای گن و پرگن که‬

532,Empty (your owa stores) and fil (orsatisty
the desires of others), for this alotieretnains (Or
isportmanent wealth )
‫س‬ ‫گ‬yti ortati
acts bengficence
ned onto

‫ اروانسسهه ستا‬.‫غههرامر آزنراالد گ*ییب‬ ‫حناامموهته‬

‫زبراانی سومین‬:‫شامی‬

833.Silence of the tongue of the Sostris the tell

tale ofits freedom.
There arefaurkinds of tha Sosun or tity ; (he whitekindiseslied Sostri
, the ,b
e rJ having
ylit. ei tendivision
s .er ind flower
theh c
a a‫گ‬e

‫رضا اص مث‬ ‫هم مستندسا‬ ‫ع‬ ‫خاموشی‬

S34.Silonce is amark of consent.
.( Eng) Silencegives consent.

‫خانه پر شیشه را سنگی بس اسماعی‬

.835 Ouestone iseaough to destroyahouse ‫ و‬wwlich

ismade of glass.
‫مبه‬ ‫هره و‬
‫خانه تنگات و روزگی فراخ‬
836.The hoisethoghsiasi, centsias ag Teat de al

Of provision.

‫خانه جد اگور جدا‬

7 ought
3 to haveS ‫و‬
separateho uses as they

‫ بگیرد‬۰ ‫خانه خالی دیو‬

S3S.IDemonstake possession of an empty house.

‫خانه خواجه گردگان بسیار‬

83). There are many walnuts in the gentlemen's
house.i.e, What the better will you be of that

،‫خانه درویش را شمعی به از مهتاب نیست‬

S40, The moonisthebest light that apoorrnaa
Canhave inhishouse.

84l.Sweepthe houses of yourfriends, buttaock

Il Ot at the doors of your enemies.

O •

842: The house of the generous is soon ruined.

‫عر‬ ie
Agenerous man always suffer oris illused
by the world.

‫خانه ویران می شرد چون طفل گردد خانه دار‬

843.A family goestodestruction ‫و‬hena
۲۳ boy
becornesthe head ofit.

‫در بازار‬ ‫خدا ای در خانه رای‬

844. Some people (Moosultmansnow-a-days) are
called Khans orlords at home, and others ( His
(‫ور‬doos are ‫ه‬.led
‫و‬t sorprinces
kram in eht
‫خبر آورده است‬
843.Hehas broughtusnews.
of onewhoutters something ina companytotal ۲
,eldiro or communicates ,swensa soint thiug,whiehwas
known to everybody

( Scot. ) Piper snews.

‫ معتبر‬4 :‫خبر حناصر وثا ه‬

S46. WWirat yottrhonorsays, is all perfectly true.
This is also ofter usedironically.

‫خدا با خلقی و خلقی با خدا‬

S17. Gop is with the people, and the people with

) Lat).W ‫ن‬
xpopulivox d
Dei.See .oN.n
aP ,023 '5 ‫ تا‬.0

‫خدا خر را دید شاخشی نداد‬

S4S.WWhen Gopbeheld the ass,he gave it no horns.

‫خد اریگه بالا و پس سنا آفرید‬

‫زبرد سه ستب هر دست د سه ساعت آفرید‬
849. Gop who hath created the heavetis and the
eatth, hathalso created one more pOVverf Althan
‫ه‬sEcr.II ‫ار‬ORI

‫خداداری جه غم دارایی‬
S50If you have Gop as your protector what
affliction have you :

‫خدا دیگه دندان دهد زان دهد‬

Gop who
. ea givesteeth
l d‫ن‬ alsogives
. S

. ‫خدا را نادیده اند به قلی شناخته اند‬

85 2.No one hathseen Cop, yetweknowhisexis -
tence by reason.See Part.II.Sect.I.No. 544.

‫نمی پارصد که گیسشی‬ ،‫وی هن‬ ‫که مییا‬ ‫خل‬

‫ی‬rC -
So S.WWhen G op givesto any ‫و‬eno heneyer


who art thou.

‫خدا گیر شوی و روستاگیرانه شویی‬

894.Place yourself under the protection ‫ و‬of ‫و‬poG
and not that of aclown.
To describethe barbarity and unforgiving disposition of thosepeople,

‫خدا میدهاند خدا میدهد‬

‫ ز‬Cion) 81Wes and makes others to give.
(S :D.

h Arep
Plytnade to one,who is always reproaching another with thefavors
ehas Conferre d on hinn •

‫خدا ندهد سلیمان گی دهد‬

S93.If Gon out give, how can SoLo ION give.

‫تنگک زلیسه مثا‬ ‫خدایایی جهانی را جهان‬

‫کمیسنات مرا نیز پالرگات زیستش‬
857. Thekingdomis extensive and my horse is not
lame in the feet.
This issupposedtob
" n espoken
o by ‫م‬, fromso rne‫م‬who
hasb en dischargred
employment;rneaning, thathe shall beat noloss for service elsewhere

‫اسم تا‬ ‫خراگر جل اطلس روش کا خر‬

85S. Should anassput onasatin cover, stillhe is
‫ی‬ 383S .

( Eng) Anassisbttanass,tholaden with go d.

‫ و هیزم زماند‬،‫مگر آن زمان کا دبی‬

859.Noomehasany occasion forasses at anti
riage ‫ و‬except when there is awant of water and

‫ برآ‬،‫خربگرایهگیرد از مفاست‬
St:0.IIire an ass and free yourself fromain obiigation.

‫حواده متنی خ اهد ز‬


‫ سلامتی‬4 ‫انه و لر اسمیت‬،‫رتایی‬.،

S31.Heisapedlar sass, beneither secks his Owwn

Applied to afaithless, good fornothing servant.who wates hisrnaster" s
substance.Thopodiaisassbeing fatigued withbus ‫ار‬urdon, «worht ‫ا‬
careless y down any where, without considering what ‫ر‬ury eitherhinseif
orhis load maysustain.

‫خر باربر به از شیر مردم در‬ ‫ه‬ ‫ه‬

,862 ‫و‬Anass
that carriesburthens is betterthan a
tiger that tearsmento pieces.
) (‫ر‬.Eng An ass that carries ,daola is betterthanalion that devours men

‫خر بسته به کار اگر چه دزد آشنا باشد‬

803.It is safertokeep youra stied up, altho the
thief shouldbeyourfriend.
‫م‬ ‫خربوزه بخور ترا بفالیز چه کار‬
864. Eat the musk-melons! what have you to do
with the field where they growti، e Take
۹that I gice you and askno questions
Itrneans, that we should enioy the good things that are offred ‫م‬t tts,
۲rithout Puzzling ourselves with unnecessary enqiiries, regarding when cs
theywere ‫ن‬

‫خربوزه شیرین کمیتختی نفران‬ ،

SG5. When the musk-melons are sweet, itisun-

fortunate for the servants. ( Eor then the naster

theon a//h insof

‫شغال اس است‬ ‫انتهایی با‬ ‫شیرین‬ ‫خراب وارد‬

866. . The sweet musk-melons fall to thelot of the
‫ه‬iack • . ...»

a ,e.i.lae kC The 4tridescruitg
t/ are ,cct
0St forttrnate .. ‫منابع‬
.۲ .

‫خرچه داند با ي قند و نباشته‬

S ، -- ‫ه م‬.
- ۰ -
"lat does anassknow ‫نراان‬a ، ‫ن‬ht ‫پ‬ci‫ان‬f
f sugar and sugar-candy 4).
D d

‫خر را با پودینه چه کار‬

868, What has an ass to do withmint?i.e, An
honorable ‫ه‬jice loses its respectability, f con
ferred on an umuporthy man.

‫خر را خدا شاخ نمیدهد‬

869. God gives no horns to the ass.

870, Can the bear acquire the gait of the deer *

‫صیفا اسماست‬ ‫خرس در کوه بوعلی‬
87l. Abearis Avicennain the mountain.
,si a tery ignorant person passes for toise among those ‫عه‬ho

knoupledge than him self See Part II.Section I.No. 450.

‫خر عیعیل اگر به مگه روفه جوان بیاید هنوز خر باشد‬

87g Let the ass )neve( of ,suseJ goto M۶۶۶ ‫و‬
when hereturnshe will be still an aSS.
,sno i
t or place
au will change
r‫ل‬ amansnat
( Eng ) Jack will never make a gentleman۰
L. ‫ر‬u lignonon
irufit creM

‫خر عیسیای باسمانی نر ود‬

ass .
of JEsus
re doesv nota goto
،‫خر که جو دید که نمی خورد‬
874, when the ass sees barley,he does notea* hay۰
Applied to a person, who ۲۲on't take one thing» wh*" he canget ‫ع‬

"( Eng.) Sworn at Highgate.

‫خرگوش و دم بریده را نمی خرند‬

875. People don't purchase anass, with hisears
and tail cut off
i.e.No one willingly buys anything that is ‫م‬evitcefed

‫خرما را پوص سبت به از مغز‬

876. The skin of the date, is better than the kernel,
Applied, when that whichought to begood, provesbad, and what

Eenerally isbad, happens to begood.

‫اصابت‬ ‫خروسی بی گحل یا خروس بکي هنگام‬

877. A cock (crowing) out of time : (whichises
teemedvery unlucky.)
Said otone, who speaks out of season,

‫خر هیان خر اسمت پالا نش بدل شده اسسته‬

.878 ‫س‬This
is the self-same ,ssa only the pack
Saddle has been ،changed.
Applied to an upstart, who plumeshimself on his newly acquired wrealth.
See PartI. seet.i.No.isl.

‫خریکه از خري بماند دم و گوشش مي برند‬

S79, When anass quitshis asinine qualities, his
ears andtailare cutoffi.e, It is improper to act
607trary to ones nature, or quit ones oton sphere.
‫ه‬ "‫ لاه‬a so be translated thus : when an assis not able to keep up with
‫ دهه‬they eut offhis tail and ,srae asannark ofhis beingunfit for further
service.it is in this case applied to a person, who is unable to perform the
duty ‫هاههن‬saed ‫م‬t him, as well ashis fellows.
206 oRIENTAL rRoWERBS. r Aari»

‫زادرید‬ ‫خری نیفتاد خیگی‬

8S0, No asshas fallen down, norhasanybag
‫ع‬ aidsto u
a ,no
p who
is is ed ‫م‬ f obtaining
h spmething
cu gratis : m
as to say, thereis no picking foryou ‫م‬ereh

‫نشر عالیمقدمثما‬ ‫قرمعرا ژی‬ ‫خسر‬

‫ ع‬SI.Afather-in-law ‫ و‬is .e.i.pmiplufwala He
gics ateay his daughter in marriage to another
22 ‫اع‬ ‫ه‬

‫خصم حجوان ایشست دهد هیچ ماگو‬

852, When the enemy retreats, say nothing
i.e Let him alone.
‫خصم خصم خود را میشناسد‬
SS3. One enemy knows another. See Part I.Sect.I.
No. 434 and 470..

‫خفته را خفته گي کند بیدار‬

SS4.Jiow can aman who is asleep himself, awaken
who is aiso .peelsa See PartI.Sec .I
No. 205.

‫ سلطان را ی جستن‬،‫خلاف ریی‬

‫خوبی خویش باشد دست شستن‬
‫ع‬s‫ ق‬To strive to think differently from theking ‫و‬
. is to wash the hands in ones ownblood.
EWORP .702

- ‫خلعبست غفرا رای گذا او را بچو شد‬

886.The robe of(divine) forgiveness, covers (all)
. crimes.
‫خدا‬ ‫خلاقی خدا ملگث‬
837 . ‫و‬We
are Gop's creatures the world be

longsto Gop alone. :۹

.‫خلونث از اغیار باید فی زیار‬ ‫ی‬

on ought
.toS retire
S fromS
‫ر‬ not from
.، i

‫خموشی بر‬
SS3.Silence is good.See
Part II.Sect.I.No. 721.
‫و‬ ‫ه‬
‫ه‬ .

‫خنده مردم ارشاد ي باشد و خزاد و بوزانه از غم‬

890.Nien langh frompleasure, and monkies from
pain .
Thissaying ist ‫م مه‬when
twoopposite causasproduce the same effet
‫ه‬ ‫ه‬

‫ گریه گلابی بار آرد‬،‫خند» گل‬

80 ! . The Haughing (i, e the blowing) of the rose,
producesas fruit the tears of rose water

‫خواب یلت خوابی است و با شاد مختلف تعبیرها‬

‫ م‬..

. S.The drearnis the same, butits interpreta

tions are variotis.

SB.Sleep is the repose ofthe soul.


‫ جهاز پهلو میکند‬،‫خواب‬

894.He sleeps on hisback.
1.Said of one,who hasgorged himself.2. Or of one who has slept
a long time without being disturbed.

895.1.He sleeps like ahare, i.e.he is negligentt.

2. Hepretends to be asleep.
‫خواجه آنست که باشد غم خدمنگارشی‬
896. He is aproper master, who hasa feeling for
his servants.

‫خواجه جوان زر دید خندید‬

‫ ع‬.97 ‫و‬W he
the gentleman n
beheld the gold he
Spoken of one whom nothing but money canputin goodhumour

‫خواجه داند بهایی شاخ نباد سه‬

.898 ‫ت‬KawAJu ) H knows
)zuFAH R of S
NUBAr (hismistress).
It means thathe only estimates the worth of athing, who has occasion

‫خواجه سرا اگر ولی استان مادری خطا‬

‫ع‬99, Ifa eunuchwere )ekil( a ,tnias stillhe is *
wicked fellow
‫خواسمث خدا را چاره نیمت‬
900, There is no help against the will of Go D.
vain to strivetis
‫ة‬. -e.i against fate

‫خوبیه شد که بیل نبود‬

(i is not t
that it 90
eI 1
the spade
self) !
Informer timesitis related that the son of the Qazee of
Isfuhan, being displeased with hisfatherleft hishome : it so
happened that hisway lay throughacertain garden, where he
Spent the night uponitsborders : in the morning, for the purpose
of bathing heentered the stream that passed by the garden.
The gardener, who was engaged in watering the garden, perceiving
that the supply of water was cut off, in consequence of the youth
having broken down the mound, that caused the water to flow
into the garden, got into a greatrage, and seizing the handle
of a spade, he came out of the garden, whenhe beheld the
youngman bathing in the rivulet, and whose headwas still
nder water : heimmediately struckhim such ablow on
the head as made him cry out with pain, when raising his
head above the water, and beholding the gardener with only the
handle of the spade, heinstantly exclaimed, in words of the
Proverb. [Mirza Roohoollah.]

‫خوانی نه کشیدن یک عیسب و کشیدن صد عیبه‬

902. Not to entertain, subjects a person to a single

‫و‬reproach ,gniniatreto

‫نصب محستی‬ ‫خود نصیحت و دیگرانرا‬

803.Heisinfamous himself and (still) hegives
advice to others !
Said of a person who has more need ef advies himself than of givinsit

to others.
‫ع‬ i
r .SBR

‫خود بیان و خود آرا زهکار میکروم است‬

‫همچو طوس که پرزیقت و کم پرواز است‬
00 4 . iie that isself conceited and fond of dress is

destitute of valitable qualities iike the peacock

‫ه‬ that is verybeautiful ‫ و‬.but
cannot fiyfar

،‫ز‬ ‫خود غلط انشا غل اما غلط‬

003.Heiswrong hirnself,his compositionis wrong
his orthography
s is wrong.i.e.dle
i ،‫ن‬gl(r
:n tchatcperheandertakes.. «:‫م‬

! ‫هه‬
‫گش‬.‫فه‬ : ‫مه‬fi.rf
‫ه‬ }
‫را‬ ‫م‬ ‫حترا‬ : , , , , ,۰۰

906.1 have sownitmyself.i.e.I am the eat Se of

.--,..., «‫» »ه‬
:‫و‬, ‫رر‬
‫مر م‬
۰ ff
7n/ oton sttering ".s.ori ،(...،،۰۰۰
‫خود گرد ه را درمان نیست‬
‫ خره کرده را چه درمان‬...‫را‬
907 . Thereisnorennedy for themischieftliat a
man ‫ار‬rings on hinself
‫خود کشته و خرده تهز و مستا مدید اریب‬
,908 What ‫ و‬do you inourn ,ntihrof whorn you your -
self haventurdered 2

.‫خود پسندی جان من برهان نادانی بود‬

‫و‬Self oh :ay dear!is a proof ofigao -
‫ه‬llCC ،‫م‬
sser II. oRIENTAL PRovERBs 911

‫خود پسند پسند خلقی نیسست‬

910. A self-approving person is not approved of
by the world.
‫خورجین پربار دارد‬
911.His saddle-bags are well filled.
Applied to one who is well provided, or rich : and in particulartoone
who has received a richportion with hiswife.

‫خورده نه برده نا حقی درد گرد و‬

912. Hehasneither eatenanything (whichmight
Cause indigestion) nor lifted aload, (whichmight
strainhis back) and yet hasa pain inhiskidneys.
Applied to one who suffersmisfortune or persecution withoutguilt.

‫و اي بر آن خورد و که تنها خوری‬

913. That food is good whichthou eatestin com
Pany with others ‫ و‬alas ! what miserable food is

that whichthoueatestby thyself

‫هله سیا و کند و روی ماه سپیده‬ ‫لروکیا‬ ‫خورشید‬
l4 Thek
‫؟‬ sun makesthe
ca face of l b‫و‬
every one
but makes the face of the moon white,
Said of a ‫ا‬yrant who does muchharm and littie good.

‫خوشامد کردی خوش آمد کیا‬

915.1f you flatter, you are welcome.
‫خوشامد هر گرا گفتی خوش آمد‬
916. Tlattery is arceptable to all.

‫خوشامد گو همیشه تازه رو میباشد‬

917. The flatterer is always prosperous.
‫خرش حال کمانیگه بهر حال خوش اند‬
918Happy are they ‫و و‬who in every situation are

‫بار از او یاد گند‬ ‫خوش حال گستي گه‬

919. Happy ishe, whom the object of his affection

‫خوشحال گسی گاه خر ندارد‬

‫از حکا و جوشی خبر ندارد‬

920. Happy ishe who hasno ass: ashe hasno
cares aboutitshay and barley. See No. 166 df
th is Scotion ،

‫خوش خوخویش بیگانگان است و بد خوبیگانه خویشان‬

2.n eo isopsid ‫ و‬becomefriends
to Strangers, and those of abad, are strangers
to theirfriends.

‫خوش خان با شی تا امانت یابی‬

2 ldin2 conversati
your . y on that
a you
remain safe.

،‫خوش عیش گسی که زن ندارد‬

: 23.He is a hajpyman who is notmarried.
‫یگر گ‬rr ‫هنر‬ -

‫خوش وقت کمی که خرندارد‬

happily who hasno
See No. 166 ofthis Section.

‫خوشه یگسر دارد‬

925. Abunch (ofgrapes) hasbut one stalk.
Saidto a person by way of advice : recommending him to apply all his
time, or powers, to one object, as the surest way of succeeding.

‫خون حسن و حسین دم الاخوین نیست‬

926. The blood of Husus and HoosugN is not dum-
oolukhwuen( litera/ly the blood of tteo bro -
thers ‫ و‬but in thisplace it signifies dragon's blood (
to twothings having the same namebit very different qn

‫خون را بب شویند خون را بخوان نشویند‬

097. IPeople wash out blood with ‫و‬retaw not with

‫خون فلانی سرخ تر از خوری فلانیا ئیس سع‬

:S.The blood of one is notmore red than that
of another: i.e.one man's blood is as good as
that of anothc).
Saidby Way of appeasing those who are disposed to fight.

‫خویی بد در طبیعتی که نشسته‬

‫فرود جز بوق تا مرگاف ا زد سه ساشا‬
920.When abadhabithas once settled upon
:nosreP ‫ و‬.it
won"tleave hitnuutilhe dies

‫خوی بد را بهانه بسیار‬

980. One ofabad disposition makesmany excuses

‫خویشي اتخوشی و سودا برضا‬

931. Connection depends on reciprocalinclination,
anda bargain on mutual consent.

‫خویش اند که در پي شگسسات خویش اند‬

: 932. They are relations who are seeking the des-
truction of theirrelations : (when infact they
‫و‬arese eki
theirown ng the Word
‫ر( خر پشی‬.8 as well asfies
selfigni kinsmnan

‫خویش و توام شمشیر بند دارد‬

933.Histribe and family are all armed.
i.e.Heis powerfully protected.

‫خیار ازد و برگکي پیدا اسسعه‬

934. The cucumber is distinguished when itha8
Onlytwolittle leaves.i.e, The child di SCOt CTS
bhat the
‫ه‬ e icill
man b

‫ حقی را قابلیست شرط نیست بلگه شرط قابلیت داد او اس است‬.‫داد‬

935. Tor the gifts of Gopno qualifications a*
required ‫ و‬but qualifications requirethe gifts of


‫داشته آید بگارگر چه بود زهر مار‬

936. Ifyou put by athing it will be of use to you ‫و‬
(some time or another) should it even bethe

poison of asnake.
( Eng.) A store is no sore.

‫داغ بالا ي د اغ‬

937 . One blot upon another.i.e One ‫س‬rofstni

tune upon another

‫دام بي دازه لباشد‬
938.Asnare is not without abait.
Spoken asa eaution to guard one against thetair speeches of another.

‫و امان پالث را که با دامن آلوده بندند پالث هم پلید شود‬

939. When people tiea clean garment to a dirty
. one, the clean one also becomes sullied.
‫دامن کشان‬
‫میر و فه‬

940. He or she walks gracefully.

‫دانا باشاره ابرو کار کند و نا دان بزخم چوگان‬
.941 A wink is sufficient guidance for a Wiseman ‫و‬
but a fool requiresthe blow of a club.
‫دانشمند را د صامت کوته به از داستار دراز‬
942, It is better for awise man to have a short
arm ‫) و‬
to talke )n
sebirb than
o to weara
turban, (i.e to cut a dash)
There is a play on the word ‫ د سه ستای‬Dust, whicleannot be expressed
" "he translation and can only be relished by a Persian scholar۰

‫ اگروتستا گرسنگي‬.‫دانه گند م اردانه مروارید قیمتي تر است‬

‫پیدا شود‬
943 Agrain of wheatis more valuablethana
pearl, if tobehad at the time you areprest with
‫دایماً یکسان نباشد هر دوران غم مغور‬
944. The operation offortune is not always the
game, therefore dontgrieve.

‫ ر اساست‬،‫دا به مهربان تر از ماد‬

‫ز‬94 . Is the nursekinderthan the mother 2

‫در آرد طمع مرغ و ماهي به بند‬


‫وی یک ک هوش مدل‬ ‫ر‬-‫ویدا و زک شد‬

916. Covetousness brings fowls and fish into the

net, italsosewsup the eyes of the wiseman.

‫در برابر چو گرد چند صلیم‬

947. When you arepresent (he is as) m eek as a

lamb, but when absent (heis) like the wwolf ‫ و‬a

devourer ofman.

‫در بالا بودن به از بیم با‬

.048.It is better to be acttially in misfortune t{tain

tobeindread ofit.

‫در پایا تو ریزم آنچه در دست من است‬

.949 ‫و‬WWhatever
is in my hand .Ilay
at your feet
Spoken to afriend teho makes areguest. As we say in English, "What
ever Ihave got is at your service."SeeNo. 243 of this Section.

‫کنند‬ ‫دار جنگت حلوا تخشی نمی‬

950. Sweetmeats are mot.distributed during abat
tle See Part II.Section I.No 956

‫سری است‬ ‫در خانه اگر گس اسماعی یک حرف‬

951 If there be aman of sense in the house, one
Word will suffice.
( Eng ) A word to the ie

‫در خانه آرد فی و در گوچه دو تذور‬

‫(؟‬29. Thereisno flour in the ,esuoh )tey( there are
(Wo ovensat the oute) street ‫ع‬atC.
Applied to ars indigent man who wishes to ‫م‬hcirthguohteb

‫در خانه خدا دایم بار است‬

963.The ‫ع‬ate of the house of Gop is always open .

‫درخت کاهلي گفر آورد بار‬ ,

994. The tree of ‫و‬sseneldi produces the fruit of

( Eng)
of vice Anid e personis ‫م‬ht devisplay ‫ز‬wollef ori‫ل‬leness is the mother
‫اهها‬or-r‫ه اله را به نف‬Vices

‫درختي که اکنون گرفته است جایی‬

‫به نیروی مادردی بر آید ز پايی‬
The tree that has only just ‫ و‬maybe
pulled up by the strength of a man.
‫درختی که از وهي بکسي نرسد به بي آبي خشک به‬
.956 ‫و‬The
tree which does no one any good had
better die forwant of water : as the words ‫بي‬
and ‫آبي‬ also signify a quince ‫ و‬the saying may
be translated thus. That tree from tohich no
can get quinces had better die apithout bear -
ing that fruit.
‫درخت گردگان با این بزرگي‬
‫درخت خربزه الله اگر‬
957 Tf the walnut tree be solarge, how enormous
must the water-melon tree be !
Supposed to be spoken by one who saw the walnut tree for the fitst time ‫و‬
buthadnever seenwater.melons growing. It is used toillustrate the fo‫لا‬y

of judging from aloose anology.

‫درد را پیش دردمند بگو‬

958.Tell your grievancesto aman of feeling .
‫که ما بیب صارمی فرماید و این نفس حریص را شگر میباید‬
A • ‫دارارد‬

.939 ‫و‬Alas that the Doctorprescribes ‫ صابر‬aloes (OT

patience) (either of whichare bitter) and tbis

a ofg
mine u
wants s

‫دره بگش تابه دو یی رسی‬

960 Suffer painthat you may get medicine.
i.e.Perform some service that you may be ‫ع‬ltitne d to «drawera

‫درد را خدا بدوستان خود میدهد‬

961. Gop afflicteth those whomheloveg.

‫درد شگم را نان جوابهانه‬

962 A colic is (falsely) ascribed to the eating of
barley bread.
Applied when any ‫م‬
ne assignsan cecasional
s cause fori
any ,live that

‫داری عاشقی نشود به زماد را به طبیب‬

963: The pains ofalover, cannot be cured by the
Ternedies of a doctor,

‫دردم از یاراسعت و درمان نیزهم‬

964 . Both my pain and my cure procced frommy
belowed. r

• ‫ه‬

‫درسنگت خارا قطره باران اثر نگند‬

965. A drop of rain makes no impression on a
hard StOne,
"eans that words rna:ene impression onahard hearted fellow.

‫در طریقت هر چه پیش سالکت آید خیر ارسه مستا‬

966 . Whatever difficulties the religioustraveller
Ine . T-۰۰ .
with d
.ts ,daorsio
hni theyo
are for his

‫درعفولذتیست که در انتقام زیع بتا‬

.967 There is apeculiar pleasure in pardon ‫ و‬which
is nottobe found in revenge.
‫درعین اختیار مرا اختیار نیسست‬
968.In the midst of choise and Ihave no choice.
It means that althoughman is a free agent, he hasno will of his own.

‫در غورگي مویز‬

969. This unripe grape hasalready the properties
of a raisin.

Spoken of a very young person, with the understanding and gravity o۶

age,i.e. Hehasan old head on young shoulders. It is alsoapplied to e
‫م‬youngman who assumes themanners of ,ega which don't become him

‫درقصصی انبیا مخصا حکث نگنجد‬

970, In relating the history of the Prophets, no
jests shouldbe introduced.

‫اداره میگوبي و خانه که میپرسي‬

971 . At whose door do you knock, and whose hoase
do you enquire for P
d to a person who interferes in an ,riaffa whieh does not

‫درمان بکسي رسدگه دارد که دارد‬

972, Medicine is given to him who is ‫م‬kcis

‫درمقام تشنگي هزارمروارید بقطره آبي نيرزد‬

973. When oneisthirsty, athousand pearls are
not worth one drop of water

‫درمیان دریا گرد میخواهد‬

,974 ‫م‬In
the midst of the sea heasks fordust
i.e, Hemakes an unreasonable demand.
‫درنیستی مردانی به که حاجت پیش کسي بردن‬
975. . It is better to die of want, than begfrom
any one.

‫درویش هرکجا که شب آمد سرانه ارصت‬

‫و‬Inwhatever place abeggarhappens
‫و‬when night comes on therehetakes up his
abode : or the beggar is at home wherever :he

‫ه رویشی زوال نداره‬

977. Powerty suffers no diminution
‫دروغ گورا تابخانه باید رسانید‬
978, You ought to accompany aliarto hishouse
‫دروغ گویم برروی تو‬
979, Itellyou alie to yourface.
Used to contradiet the assertion of the speaker ‫ و‬mueaning,۰۰ Y ‫سال‬tell me
‫ه‬sil ‫؛‬o emy
cat «
‫ه‬ ‫ه‬ ‫مه‬

‫دروازه شهر میتران به بتا‬

‫نتران دهن مخالفان بهمعتب‬ =

980, You can shut the gate of the city, you can
Ot shut the mouth of your cnemies.
"۰ *. People will speak their minda.
،222 ORiENTAI, PROWERBS. r Aar ۲۰

‫درود گربي سرزنش کار نکند‬

9S1. A carpenter does no worls without threats.

‫درود گرتیشه برای خود میزند‬

982. A carpenter useshis adze for his own benetit
8ee Part II.Section I.No. 226.

‫درهرکاریکه داراي نخست‬

983.Whatevertaskyouset about, first see ho۱۲

you canget out with Safety.
‫درهرکه بنگری به همین داغ مبتلا اسماس‬
.4 Ser
Whomsoev 9 ‫ و‬is involved in the same
misfortune asmyself

‫در هشتاد سالگيمشق تنبور میکند تا در گوربنوازد‬

985. At 80 years of age he practisesplaying on
guitar .i
‫و‬the orderto play inhis
n grave

‫دریا از دهان سگت گداد و نهمیشود‬

986. The riveris not polluted by a dogs drinking

‫در یتیم را همه کسری هشت ریی بوده‬

0ST. Every one is desirous of becorning the pur
Chaser of the orphan pear
‫همة‬. .Pe
are fond ofopl
wbatever is reatye

‫دریک خانه د و مهمان نگاهیجد‬

988. Two guests cannot live in one house.
As one is jealous of theattention paid by the host to the other

‫دزد از خانه مفلس خجل آید بیرون‬

939. Athief comes out of apoormanshouse

‫دزد دزد را میشناصد‬

99O- One thiefknows another
( Eng) Set a thief to catch athief See 434 of Part I.Section I.

‫دزد باش و مرد باشی‬

901 . ‫و‬Beathief
if you please .buttreat
people well
‫دزد جوان مرد به ازبازرگان خیل‬
902. A liberal thief is ‫ب‬remylresimanahtretteb

‫دزد مشتاق تراز صاحب کالا باشد‬

3 The thiefis more anxious about the prOperty ‫و‬
than the owner

‫دزد نا گرفته سلطان اسبات‬

‫؛‬49. Athicf untilhe is ,thguac is aking

0 ‫دا زد راهی روانه و صاح مبا کالا راهی‬

05. The tilief goes oneway, and the owner (of
the thiugs Stoleu) another.
294 oRIENTAL PRovERBs: «a‫با د‬
‫دزد دانا میکشد اول چراغ خانه را‬
g A wise
‫و‬ thief arat
e puts h
out the lamp
t of

‫دزد من تاخانه میدزدد متاع خانه را‬

997. Mythief (i.e, mybelowed) steals all in house
even to the house itself
‫ادزل هزار و بدنام باشي‬
.998 ‫ر‬The
people of HuzARu are really the thieves
but the people of Busites get the credit ofit.
Part :II Section I .No .847

‫دزدیده بود آنچه نماند خداوند‬

999. That which does not correspond with theap
pearance of the ‫و‬rossessop musthave been stolem.
‫داستار گفتار رفتار‬
. ,1000 The turban ‫ و‬conversation and ,tiag (are the

marks of men of family and education)

by way of advice to gentlemana ,nos who h adopted a line ‫ه‬
conduct unbecoming his situation in life.

‫دست از همه چیز شعمته‬

1001.Hehas washed hands ofevery thing
i.e. He has givenup world,

‫دا صبحث برایش رسا نپد‬

1003.Heput his hand to his beard.
i.e.Hemade knownhis determination to etiet apaiticular purpose»
especially to reveage an in‫زا‬ury or ‫م‬tnorffa
EvoRP 995

‫دست بکاسه و مشسست پیشانی‬

1003. Do you put your hand inhis bowl and your
fist on his forehead i.e. Youought not to
speakill of him who feedsyou.
‫د سعت باگارو دل بیار‬
1004.Heis engaged inbusiness, but his heart is
wwith his belowed.

‫هند مثابی هنرکفچه کداني است‬

1005. The hand of the unskilful is the beggars

‫دست پر ماهه میگند‬

1006. Heis negligent inhisbusiness.
‫د صمت برترکشی زده‬
1007. He has pathis hand on his quiver.i.e. He
is prepared, or decked out. -

‫زوال ندارد‬ ‫دست پیشین‬

1008. He who strikes the first blow, suffers noloss
( Eng ) The first blow is half the battle.

‫د سمت تهاي گاه به بر پررو گیا‬

‫پیر به بیني و نه بیني مراد‬

1009. When yougo empty handed to a saint ‫ و‬you
wilt see the saint, but not obtain your desire
it is necessary
‫ام‬hat es forpetitioners
er to comep
with a

‫دسته جوان مرد برای دادن خارد و گفت خیل برای ستدن‬
.1010 The hand of the liberalitchestogivo ‫ و‬and
that of themiserto take.

.‫مصاد‬ ‫دساسات جبپا ازش تصاست راسمث نمی شنا‬

1011.He does not know his left hand from his
‫دست خود و دهان خود گرخوری زیان خود‬
1012. As you have gothands andamouth, if you
don't eatitis your own fault.
‫دا ستا د سمت اول است‬
1013.IHelias the advantage who strikes thefirst
blow. See No. 100S.
( Eng.) The first blow is half the battle.

‫دس معا را دسمت می شناسد‬

1014. One hand knowys the other.
.i ‫ م‬. The personknowshimony from whornhe has reseived any
‫و سمت راد سمت میشوید و هردو د سست رو را‬
1015, One hand washesthe other, and both wwash
the face.

‫دستک زیر صنگت را آهسته می باید گشید‬

1016. The hand whichis under a stone, ougli( to
be pulled outgently.
Itrncans thathe who is involved in difficulties onight not 49 attern ‫ا‬P
extrieatehirnself allatonce,
.f " .1 ‫هم‬ . ,1---; -
‫ع‬ sBREvoRP 227

»« ‫ و‬، ‫ و‬،
1017: The table was served and the clowns ran oft
- ‫م‬
Anironical speech among the Mooghuts, the vulgar of whomare apt
s themselves
la uninvited
e tom

‫دست زور بالا‬

l0IS The hand of the powerful prevails
• .
) ‫چ‬Era . ( Might ‫ن‬
no right
i : ort.we
lc See
.II .1
No, 695
‫ ع‬.‫ر‬

1019.Hishands are in the pocket of the Rittleft«.

i e. Hemakes a show at the expence of others.
‫دستش زیرساگت استعت‬
1920. His handa are under a stone.i e Heis
unable to do anything
) ‫ک‬En ‫ را‬.His
handa are tied

1021. Abrokenarra is troublesome to the neck

seet.i.partits.ss ...
... . . ‫به سمت کارول نمیکند و بال کرد سبب میکند‬
i022: The hands domot perfortn the business o
the heart, but the heart perfortus that of the
‫دراز‬ ‫د سنت کواژه و گله‬
"2S. Short arms anda long head.i.e He has
**** Dotber but boasts antteh.
( Eng) He showshis teeth when the cen" bate

‫ی‬89 oRIENTAL PROWERBS ‫ به‬Aar .1

‫دشمن اگر قویبست نگهبان قوی تراسبت‬

1024.If the enemybe strong still the protector
(i.e. Gop) is stronger.

‫دشمن چگند چو مهربان باشد دوسم با‬

i025. What can your enemies do if you enjoy th۹
favor of Gop *

‫دشمن زیر پا‬

1026. May your enemybe beneath your feet
congratulation addressed to one who hasput on new shoes

‫دعا ي گراشه نشینا ری به بگرداند‬

102 . The prayers of hermits avert evil.
‫شده اسامبیا‬ ‫داني‬
1028. Hehas been well beaten.
‫ دقاقی‬is the beating ‫م به ما به عه‬it

‫د لاخوش باش نان ما در روغن افتاد‬

1029. Omy soul !be at ease, since ourbread has
fallen into butter
( Eng ) We shall live iuclover -

‫دالا کي و استفانا‬
1030, What you follow the trade ofa barber ‫ و‬and t
pretend to beindependent 2
tSaid to arriean person who gives him ‫عه‬lf۰۶ria
،ierrt oRIENTAL PltovERB3 ‫نو‬g
‫دل با یاردستان با کار‬
1031. Give your heart to yourfriend, (i.e Gop)
and your hand to yourbusiness.

‫دال بد سمت آرتا کسی باشی‬

:1032 ‫و‬Gain
the hearts of men that you may Be
accounted a man

‫اول بدست آرو هرجه خواهی کن‬

1033-Gain the hearts, (i.e.esteem) of men, and
then you may do what you please
‫ه‬ -

‫گل بک سبث آور که حاج اگراس ساعت‬

1034. Attach people to yott by kind officos, for titis
is the greatest pilgrimage.i.e, Meritoribus act
‫دلی برخاسته را عذربع یار‬
1035. He that isunwilling hasmany exonso۹.
The ‫ن‬ounterpart of titis ‫م‬vaheW . There ther gtol ‫"د‬ereht a to .

‫دل تاریگی را جان روشن نباشد‬

1036. A a man of a dark, (i, emaiignant) ‫؛‬raoil
hasnot an enlightened sout. , ۹
. r ‫ر‬

، ‫میخورد و روده جگر را‬ ‫لید لی را‬ .5

1031 The heart gnaws the heart and the entrails

devotir the liver.
byya r
gnwhoutislyrev ، .‫ز‬ ،:‫ مانی‬-
230 oRIENTAI, PROWERBs. ۱ r AarI.
‫ چهر‬- ‫دل را بدل راهی است درین گنبد‬
‫از سویی گیفه کینه و از سویی مهار مهر‬ ‫ه‬
103S.Inthisworld one heart is connected with
another; hatred begets hatred» frindship beges
‫دل که افسرده شد از سینه بد ربایدگرد‬
1030, When the heart has beeometaintit ought ‫م‬t
beremoved from the breast.
‫دلر از چاه همیشه درص معا برنمی آید‬
104(). Abucket does not always come out of the
well in good order. See No. 335.
‫دلیرتباغ را کارفرماید و حیاز زبان را‬
‫ا‬104 . Abrave manuseshis sword anda coward
‫دم عیسیل در زندگانی درنگیرد‬
1042: The breath of JEsus has no effect on the
‫دم سگات را سست ژشود‬
1043. The dog stailnever becomes straight
i.e.One innatelybad cannever be reformed.

‫دنباخربگیر و حدیباگ گوش کن‬

1014. Seize an ass by the tail and listen to a tradi

Said when a person boasts of his elequence.


‫دندان بغاریب نمیدهد‬

l045. People do not fix theirteeth.inarag
‫ من‬asa diasuasive argument to one who is enger about ‫همانا‬

‫دندان درد علاجشی گشیدن است‬

1046, The cure for the toothache istopull out the
tooth.i e, A seroant or inmate ‫ و‬:s disohe
dient or troublesome should beturned autof the
house. .

‫دندان زدن شیر شفال را مد نث است وآمورا شرم‬

1047 . When thelion hunts itis fortunate for the
- ۰ ،-‫ه‬
‫ی‬ raunlucky
and k
c ce a jd
for the .
‫دزد ان گرد اسبات‬

a great mise
‫دندان طمع تیزگراده‬
1049 ITehas .sharpened the teeth of avarice.
ie. iiehas ‫ن‬ecome very avaricious. . ... ‫و‬

‫می کند و‬ ‫ها‬
. ‫داد‬

1050, It is better that the teeth of avarieeshold

be extracted, , ,............. ‫دم‬.........
‫دندانی گه وارد گند وا بدش کند‬ ‫م‬

1051.You ought topull out the tooth that gi۲es

- ‫منتهیه‬ ‫ئس‬. ‫دم‬. ‫مهیا‬ ‫راستا‬
yOu pain. ...»
- ‫مهر‬
‫ا‬‫م رم‬- ‫ه‬.

‫دنده را اشارشگاست و تاوان خرداد‬

1052. The camel broke his ribs, and the ass paid
‫به‬ ‫ه‬
.‫دنیا بامید قارم‬
1033. The world (i.e.its inhabitants) rests (oris
established) on hope.
i.s. One deserted by hope is undone-

‫کنیا بیگث قرار نیس مع‬

1054. The world does not continue fixed in on6

‫دنیا پنج روزه اسسع‬

.1055 ‫و‬T he
world consists offive days i.e.is of short
duration.The Moolummudans thus explainit»
thatthere are only seven days, whichforma
week, then of thisweek one day is consumedif
birth and another in death, so that only five days
remain for life The abope saying is atsed 4
sheto the shortness of lifa.

‫ف وایب غاصب خاموشی است‬

1050, The cure for anger issilence

‫دوباره نیست گس را زندگانی‬

1057. No one lives twice.
‫دو بامدادگرآید کسی خدمبتی شاه‬
‫کند بلطف نگاه‬ ‫ هروی‬،‫سوم هر آیه‬ .

405S.If a person pay his respects to amonarch on

two successivemornings on the thirdhe will
‫دو چیز طیره مقل است دم فرو بستن‬
»‫ف‬ ‫بوقستا گفتن و گفتن بوقبت خاموشی‬
1059, Twothings shew an obscure understanding
** tObe silent when wg ought to speak ‫ و‬and to
Speak at the time we should be silent
):‫ (ر چینی‬Silencei ‫هم‬...
‫م‬ ,modsiw when speaking
۰ - ,is
, ,follys
۲۰ ، ,}:‫ن‬ ‫م‬

‫در جرف درسابق به از ده کتاب در داستار‬ . ) ‫نف‬::

106O. Two letters in ones lesson are better than

tenbooks in ahandkerchief
- ‫دارد ازگنده برمی خیزد‬
106I: Smokerises from large logs of wood
Latgelogsburn slowly and last a long ‫ه‬mall chips are
***"Soutned.i.e, Old mea have more wisdom, and prudenae ،than

‫دردل یکت شود بشکند گو را‬

‫پراگند گی آرد انبوه را‬
3962, Should two hearts unitethey would ‫م‬kaerb
down a mountain, and throw.a crowd of people
RIito confusion
‫ف‬ GRiENTAL rRovERBs ‫هان‬iks !!‫م‬

‫دوران با خبر در حضور و نزدیکان بی بصر نور‬

2063.. The absent who are wellinformaed are near;

، and the near, if uniniormed areat a great dis۹

‫) و‬ecna‫م‬ .‫م‬
‫باورنگي سبیسب از سیاه ولي اوس سع‬
1064 The cause of the apple having two colours
proceeds fremitsblaekness of heart .
This proverb i۹ used to xpress that duphicity (orhypocrisy,)procceda
aom a nalignant heart There is a play on the cord ‫ دو رنگ‬hic۸ ‫اه‬ing‫پ‬
t = ‫م‬ ‫} می هم‬y ,, , , ,,,
‫ به ز‬literaty the property (rhaoing too coloiirsas cit as d ‫نه‬,۰iye ticilpud
‫دوستاف آن باشد گه گیرداد سسنا درستت‬
‫دریریشان حالي و دز ماندگي‬
h065 He is a realfriend who in the tithe of distress
and helplessiestakeshisfriend by the hand
: )E‫ ز‬Afield is aeedis afriend indeed

‫ه و ستان در زندان بکارآیند که بر صفره دشمنان هم سوسست‬

‫م‬ ‫همایند‬

2066. Truefriends are of service toone in ‫نی‬nosirp

(i.e. distress, ) since at one's table even enern۶۶
appear friends :
ie Adversity is the time to tryfriends•

‫دوستان را کجا کفي ه حروم‬

‫تو که با دشمنان نظر داري‬ ‫ ع‬-۹

t exclude
eamss x thy ‫م‬ th
friends ‫ه‬
acigness o
‫ف‬wh regard thily
thu ***fatovorab
se br.Tr.ortIENTAL PROWERBs. ‫ و‬33

‫دوستی جاهل بدوستای خرس میماند‬

103S.Friendship with a foolis like the einbrade *
of abear, ,

‫فه و شش زال‬
1069.IHepattedhisback.i.e Gage hin encot
gre ,r es‫ر‬
chtt.2{Ie rd
i.e- Succe eded completely.

‫دو قرارث و نیمش با قی اس مت‬

107O.Two draughts and a half ofitremain.
sfahan hadsome Amerc
honey inhis .pohanti
hs The n
‫ه‬ t
ameandaked fo a little a
.tifo Herefuse dutrnde ,y They came
night witta a ‫ا‬ong hollo wreed, whichthay putinto the vesselfrom theottt
‫ اه‬،‫ها‬ t» ‫م‬ ‫ح‬
anto suck p
asmnehashey og
wanted h
of the ,yenoh sThe
‫ی‬ t h g i m k
‫م‬keepe ‫ همه گی‬ing whathad happened c,iandr remaehttaht
be repeate «ttluerrext night, removed the honey and putintus roomave ssel

eam‫م‬ with ،htlif Thefiedwatch men ‫ یا‬and one of them pu the tube lutotne
‫م‬۲esselabe Fore and begento suck ‫ و‬Heno so pnertasted what itwas,than
hethre wavay the pipe, spitting aud eursing like a madman.Tho ‫م‬.pohs
kefer. who was concealed in the shop watching the event, called to himin
the words of the proverb.itis used joeuiarly among people who arevery
inimate,when one after tasting wine, &e.offerstogo away without ‫م‬knird
‫ه‬agu ‫ و‬، o
if one having begun r
any work go awayleaving it unfinisued

: ‫دو شاخه برگردانش افتاد و استف‬

1971.Ile is tied by the necki e ITeisinarried
to abad WOthari ,
‫را ع‬ . ‫م‬ --

1072. Heshows himself off : and makesthe most

of hirnself or his property۰۰
{rr ‫و‬

H h

‫خون دل آید بگذار‬ ‫دا ولسش آنها است که‬

wealth whichiseasily acquired
is trueat
.1073 ‫و‬Th

‫دولسات تیز را بقا دی نیسست‬

1074, Wealth quickly acquired does not last long
‫از میهمان براسم سع‬ ‫گه‬ ‫دولت دران صر آسمت‬
1075. There is only real wealth in that house,
which isfilled with guests.

‫دولت ندهد خدای گس را و غلط‬

1076. Googives no one wealth, throughmistake»
Itmeans that Goo servasevery one according to his deserts.

‫فه و مر اغ جداگات کشفد فا دادها به تیرگر‬

1077 . When two cocks fight, the arrow makeris
the gainer.i.e, He gets feathers for his arrows.
Thatus when twopersons dispute, athird who looks onis the gainer

agrea wind is er.10
trunn he 78 as.it makes

t .an
of rivers
‫و‬Jigh d

1070.1 a، mired the hares running but H started

‫ا‬ ‫ر‬ (ck
)gns her c
no a
Saidha person who arfirst sight hpsbeen pleased with athing ۳۰
،‫ دهان‬.
tcejero r
t delneeb

‫د و بدیوانه می خندد و دیوانه بده‬

IOSO.The people of the village laughat themad
the madman at the villagers
man ‫ و‬.and
‫رد و بر سر پانز به دا‬
10SI.Ten on the back of fitteem.
i.e-Itisbetter toineur some additional exoense thanleave a work
unfinished , on whicha considerable suunhasalreadybeen expended.

. ‫ندارد‬ ‫ خراب خراج‬،‫د‬

1082. A descrted willage, yieldsmorevenue.
‫د در دنیا استان در آخرین‬
1083. Give inthis world and receive in the next.

‫د و در دنیا و صد در آخردث‬
1084-He that givesten-foldinthis world shall
reCeive anhundred fold in the next.
Supposedtobe spoken by abeggarto encourage people togive himalms.

‫ویش درگلیهمي بغسبنده و با مشا در اقلیمی جند‬under)

1085 . Ten DttribeShes maysleep on (or
‫د و در‬

blanket buttwo kings cannot exist in one


10S6. There is a very great distance between the

Village and the trees. Literally-tchere is the
‫ه‬egalli‫ و‬arad aphere are the trees 2 ...»
"238 oRIENTAL PRovERBS. Anr ‫با‬
‫ده مرو ده مرد را اجق کند‬
1087.Don't gointo a village, becausea village
rendersa man foolish.

‫د ه می بیني و فرسنگت می پرسی‬

10SSYousee the village yet do you askhow far
isit off
‫دهان ساگت بلقمه دوخته به‬
1080 The mouth of a doghad betterbe sewed up
i.e. To efractonespurpose itis better to usebribery than to dispute
‫م‬th .tniop So sa the Persians ‫د و‬and
Imight add other ‫ه‬ might
‫ع‬ ce bepe
#cd to Jeelmore independantl/۰

‫چنانگه بسته را از ناخری‬ ‫بادله رید‬ ‫انگشت وا‬ ‫به‬ ‫را‬ ‫بي آب‬ ‫دهان‬
1000, Youought to tearasunder the mouth of
the disrespectful, in the samemanner as you tear
asunderthe pistachio nut with yournails.
It maybe observed that the mouth among the Persians and Indians ia

compared to apistachionut.

‫د» و ایران چراغ ندارد‬

1091. A deserted willage hasno lamp (init)

‫دید مهره را وارمودم همه را‬

1092. Isaw themall, and Itricd themall.i.e. I
۹b(/S ،fully satisfied that inone of thcm apo‫ه‬uld
ansiber. .۹

‫دید نه شنید چه غربت علي‬

1093.You who have neverseen or heard of the
l iti
hcJlee or thef
‫)و‬ meekness
‫ی‬eel۶( :‫معم‬ .
. ‫م‬This
is applied when one talks of a sahiect of whiehheistatally nisia
formed- I understand that this saying tho current in Hindoostan is not used
in Persia. ; f

‫نه شفید گراه شد‬ ‫دید‬

1094 . Heneithersawnorheardanything ofit,
y ethe has become a witness . ...: #

‫سی‬ ‫یاد پد» را نا خفه به از ناخن‬

‫ل‬00‫ ق‬.
the e
eye aw )
is better
ht ‫نه‬
r۱ ‫«ه‬li. ،۰۰۰ . . . ... ‫و‬ ...‫ ه؟‬...
. . t

‫م‬Th play on the words .‫نا خری‬.dna ‫( با خانه‬the

"" ti ‫گ ها‬of
te fingers and th latte ahaw of web in the )eye is the only
saying big ised by the :‫ر‬: ، . (i

‫سخگت‬ ‫چی را لاه با نام را‬- ‫ن لامنعهه مسلما می شکند‬

‫م‬ ، ، ، ، ‫مهب‬، ۴
‫دید که ساخت را خ‬
1096. IInd worlsbreakhard (eyes, (i.e. Eyes
‫ه‬۲ -
Whichha ۱no shame) in the saniemanner asa
Stone breks almonds. ‫م‬.«.................

. . .، ‫از‬ ‫او‬
.‫دیدی گه چه گرد اشرف خری‬
‫او مظلمه برد و د یگری از لب‬ .۰

1097 .Have you not seen what that ass U SHRUF

.ha۹done, he has brought mischief on himself
and put money into pockets of others. }
‫استش‬ ‫فه بر آشنا زوده رنج‬
1098. Heisslow inbeconning afriend, andquickly

‫دایر آمد ن و شتاب رفتن‬

1099. To come after a long time and then to depart
‫و‬suddenly (is
not proper
to afriend who is about to ,enrohtraped after a short visit

‫دیر آید درست آید‬

1100, What comes slowly comes well.
‫دي رفته و پری رفته و روز امروز است‬
H101. Yesterday and the daybefore are pastand
‫و‬gone .make
the most of the present day

‫دایر گیر و مسخت گیر‬

1102. He (i. ‫ ه‬Gop) is slow in taking, but he

.takes with severity. ‫م‬

‫دیگدانش سیاه شد‬

1103.Hispot'strivet has become black
i.e.Hehasbecome poor.

‫دیگت سیه جامه سیه میکند‬

1104. Ablackpot makes the clothes black *
People acquire the qualities ‫ ه به‬company they ‫ی‬ap

‫دیگت شرا کست خوش نمی آید‬

‫ق‬110 . The pot of partnershipnever comesto boil
( Eng) Toormany cocks spoil the broth.
‫ه‬ 241

‫دیگش ندارد اشکنه گوزش مناره میشگند‬

.6O He has got ,topsihnihtorbon yet his f
knock down theminarets.
Applied to a mean person who aspirestogreatthings.

‫دیگث کرمش جوش آمد بخارش به هم رسید‬

IIO7 . The pot of his liberality has boided over and
thesteam of it has also reached me.
Generally spoken by a person who feelshimselfill-used

‫دیری را بد نیا نباید فروخاستنت‬

11OS. Religion must not be sold for the world.
‫دیوارش دوخته شد‬
1109- His wall has been perforated.

‫دیواز خدا خوشنود نباشد‬

111O.The devilis not pleased with Gob.

. ‫دیواقه با شی تا غم تو دیگرانی خورید‬

1111. - Become mad, that other people may pity yotii :

1112. Alittle encouragement is enough for ‫ای‬

‫ة‬. .e Toput him ins rage۰

. , , , , ,, , , ‫دیوانه بکار خویش هشیار‬

ll l3."The madmanis wise inhis own affair.
Pplied tof
‫ه‬ one who will
l at all events
e take cares
of him

‫دیوانه همانند به گه بوده اندر بند‬

II 14, The bestthing for antadmanistobeput
in confinement.

‫دیوخوشی خالقی به ازحورگره پادشاني‬
1115. Ademon of pleasant mannors, ispreferabie
‫م‬ t
a virgin of paradise o
with afrownin g counte
manC6 .

‫ذره را با خورشید چه نه دست‬

1116. What cottparisonis there betweena mote
and the sun :

1117. Themention of pleasure, is half the pleasure

‫ذوالفقار علی درنیام و زبان صهدیب در گام نباشد‬

.1118 ‫آ‬Th sword e of lce ought notto remainia
the scabbard, neitherought the tongue of Suudee
to cleave to the roof of the ‫؟‬...htuom
i, e.The value othingsmust be in proportionto theiruses

‫ذرق جهری زخاطر بابل میرود‬

1119, The desire of the garden newerleaves the
heart of the nightingale
i.e.Peoplenever forget what they ‫ه‬nce have ben fond of
PROWERBS .. 2243

‫ذوق گل چیدن اگرداری سویی گلزازرو‬

youwish to pluck a flower goto the
,1120 ‫و‬If
flower garden...
i.e.if you wattanything, you must go to the proper place for ‫م‬ti

‫ اسماسه و بسری‬،‫راحبث بدل رسان که همینی مشرسب‬

1121. Convey comfort to the mind, for thispath
alone sufficeth.
‫بتوانی مگو‬ ‫چند انگه‬ ‫راز خود بایار خود‬
1122.Jf possible, don't tellyour secrets to your
‫راز دل جز بیارنتوان گفسع‬
1123.Y" ouought notto tell the secret of your
heart to any ‫ و‬.but

1124. True it is that butter-milk is always produced

from COagulated milk.
Said to a Person, who always speaks the truth. It is also applied ‫س‬inori
Cally to aliar. ‫ه‬

‫راس سنا دروغ بگردن راوی‬

‫ق‬13 The truth or falschood of the story rests on
thehead of the narratOr.

Said by a person, who relates anything wonderful whiehhe hasheard,

the truth of whichseems to be doubted by the hearer.Itis amuch asto
say, tel you the ,emotdlotsawtisayrots but I amnot answerable for the

‫راسیست گورا همیشه راحت در پیش‬
1123 ‫ن‬Li .that
speakstruth is always at ease
‫راست گوئی در رزق خود خلل‬
11gt. Speaking the truthis (often) the cause of a
mans loosing hisbread.
‫راستي آورکه شویب رستگار‬
1128. Make choice oftruth, that you maybe Saved
‫م‬ ‫راستی را زوال کي باشد‬
i199. People never suffer from telling the truth.
" ( Eng ) Truth may be blamed, but it neuer shall be shamed

‫راستي موجب رضا اص خداسماعی‬

Telling the truth is the cause of
pleased with one
‫نیس ساشا‬ ‫راضي شدن خصم کم از انتقام‬
1131. An enemy is not to be appeased by any
tiuing short of revenge۰
‫راه بزن به مرویسه‬
1182. Rob(nue) ina civilmanner
‫راه برای لیگری راه خدابین‬
1183 Practise robbery,but attend to the 1aws of
,e.i yet .
‫را میداني وفرسنگت مي پرسي‬
1134. You know the road and yet yO as۲۲۹
the distance *
when a person asks anything with which hei already acquainted ۰

‫رد خلقی قبول خالقی‬

1135 .He who is rejected of men, is chosen by Gop:
‫رزق را روزی رمانی پرامیدهد‬
1136. The provider offood (i.e, Gop) givesto
daily food, wings (in order to come.)
The notionistakenfrom seeing aspider's web, into whichflias come of
theirown accord as food for the spider

‫بوه بلعمی ولي اخیر گذشبع‬ ‫رسمی در‬

1137 . Amischief was impending but haspassed


‫رشته درگردانم افگند» درست‬

‫میکشد هرجا که خاطر خواه ارسمعه‬ ‫م‬

113S. Myfriendhaving thrown a string around my

neck ‫ و‬.conductsme
whereverhe pleases
Said by a person in speaking of his master or ‫و‬rotcafeneb whose will ‫م‬h
Illust obey
.»‫ر‬ »...‫؛‬i

139. To please afriend (it generally means Gon)

is the first of all considerations

‫رضا می مولیان از همه اولیای‬

140, To please Gon is the first of al objects ::

‫رفست و جهدین آرزو درخاک برد‬

Il41.He departed and carriedalong with him
nany desires (unsatisfied) to the grave. .
946 ORIENTAT ‫ و‬PROWERBS. r Anrl.

‫رفتیم که روزه از سردفیع کنیم نماز درگردانی افتاد‬

fas t.1
We went togetrid
of the ‫ و‬and ha۲۵
beenladen with the piayers.
Applied to one who requeststoberelieved from onegrievance, andin
atead of thathas another added to the first.

‫است‬ ‫رقص کردن خود نداند یعن را گوید کج‬

i 143.Heknows nothow to dance» but says the
floor(literally court yard) is uneven.See Part
II.Sect:I.No. 1050, ... ،

( Eng )When the devil couldn't swimhetaid thefault on the water-

1144,Thenerve of youth hash cenput in motion.

‫ه‬ a
oldman e
atternptsto i n
perform the featsdo

‫ رگس خوابش را گرفبت‬.......

1145 .‫ش‬He
II.. e .i
thevein of.hispzed
brought him under complete subjection.
‫رموز عاشقان عاشقی بداند‬ .( :

1146. Aloverknows the mysterious signs of lovers

1147 .Kingsknow the secrets of the affairs of their

‫رنج خود و راحت یاران طلب‬ i

1148.Encountertoil to procure rest for others


‫رزدان را رندان ممشناسند‬

1149.Debanchees know each other. See partI
scel No 470
‫رند عالم سوزرا با مساحت بیني چه کار‬
Il 50, What business hasa wicked debaucheeto

grive advice ! :

‫رندیب و هوس ناگي درعهد شباب ارلیل‬

1151.Debauchery and sensuality are best indulg
" ed during youth
‫رنگت رو باخته رنگریزیب میگزد‬
1152. Having changedhis colour(through faar)
he invents a story
‫رنگریزایی ماه قصبا را زیان دارد‬
.1153 ‫و‬Thelight
of the moonishurtful to ()usub
(a Rid of fine linemi made in ‫و‬pygE the tpodf

،f tehich is of si/k and the earp d/flix).

ssaidtoberent by exposure to the moonlight
‫رنگت زرد نشان عاشقان است‬
11b4. Palenessis the sign of lovers.

‫رنگم به بین وحالم مارس‬

ll5 ‫ تا‬Look at my colourbut don't ask regarding
Tny state. ۹۰

This is supposed to be the reply of a personinill health, or in bad

"*"sances, to one who iuquiteshowbe is.

‫رواز خروس میپوشد‬

hidesherface even from a i.e.she
pretends excessive modesty.
Spoken of a lew dwoman.( Eng.) Shelooks as if butterwould not meit

‫را به بازی میکند‬

1157. Heplays the Fox, i.e, heacts decciful /
‫روباه را گفتند یوستین پوشی گفت آنچه پوشیده ام بمن بگذارید‬
1158. They said to the fox, put on afur- garment:
he replied, allow me to wear what Ihave got.

.‫روبرو به از پهلو‬
1159. A place infrontis betterthan one by
the side.

‫روح را گحبست ناجشس عذابی است الیم‬

is agrievous punishment for he soulto
associate with anything of a different nature.

.1161 The days of distress are black ‫ و‬.i.e.bad

White orred among the Persians danotegood.

‫روز تو روزی تو‬

116 ‫م و‬Every
day is your dailybread.i.e Egery
day yot constime one day of your li/۴ -
Sp ‫د‬
Kenby e
way of advice
ntoi dissuade
t a person
s fromi

‫روز سیاهي در پیش اسم مت‬

1163. The days of adversity are at hand.

‫روز شنبه جهود ارزانی‬

1164- The Jeigs are welcome to Saturday.
is tauntingly used by the Moosulman who consider
Saturday as anuulucky day۰

‫روزی ازکیسه اش میرود‬

1165. His daily subsistance is leaving his pocket
i.e-From his foolish conduct, he is about to lose his dailybread۰

‫مقرراسیمبت‬ ‫روزی بقدرهاست هرکسپی‬

[ .166 allotted‫ر‬A
portion suitai le to hisambition is
to every one, ... ‫ه‬

‫ع‬ ‫ سه‬.
‫ع مي خورده‬ ‫روزی خرد در سفرهاد یگر‬
1167. He eatshis daily bread upon the table cloth
of another
۱۰۹۰ Helives
supporting him.
aths own expene, but another person gets the credit ‫ه‬f‫م‬

‫روزگی خود را یکجا خورد با‬

1168. He has eaten up the whole ofhis subsistance
at One meal.
‫اع‬ ‫همه‬ ‫؛‬
P ,tfiy
psa who
r expends
ethe pwluoie
o of r
his p

‫روستايي اگر ولي بود ع‬

‫خرسی درکوه بوعلی بوده اص‬
1169.If aclown were asaint, abearwouldbe
esteenuedas Boot LEE (or AvicENNA) on the
The abov ،‫ه م‬aying is used by
s a personto h
show thairppossibility
t of
position being ,tcerroc which has beenadvanced by au ‫ان‬bt‫ت‬۰r

،‫روستا بیان گیلان‬

1170 The clowns of Geelart, i.e, the fools of
Geelan.( Eng ) The wisemen of Gothan
See ‫ ه‬Proveb ‫و‬th
R۲ ‫ ان‬Edition, by Burrou n,p- 265.

‫روستا بي بزبان خود گواهي‬

1171.The clown gives evidence against himself

‫روصتا بی را حمام خارش آمد‬

1172. The bathispicasant to a clown (to whom it
is new oruntustial )
That is,thingslose their value whea onebecomes familiarto the T۰
- .. ، * ،-
‫روستا بی را عقل از پس می آید‬
1173. The foolis sensible of his error afterhe
has committedit. ( JWhora it is too late t0 app ‫آن‬

a , emed/ )

‫روستا رای عیددید‬

1174, The clown saw the festival.
i.e.Hehasbeen puff dup withacquisitionsthat illbecornehi •
See PartII.Scction I, No. 140.

‫از نور تحمد علیه السلام بود نه از روشفساني‬ ‫عربی‬ ‫ابی‬-‫روشف‬

1175 . Thelight of the Arabs proceeds from the
light of Moolummud (upon whombe peace) and
not from the light of UBoo LUHUB, (or the father
of flames).
Uboo Luhubwas the surname of Ubdool COzza ‫ و‬one of the
‫ما‬s s of Ubdool ,biluttooM and uncle to .dummuhooM Hewas
a mostbitter enemy to hisnephew , and opposed the establish
ment of his new religionto theutmost of his power. When that
prophet ‫ و‬inobedience to the command hehad received to
admouish hisnear ,snoitaler had called themalltogether ‫ و‬and
to d them thathe wasa warner sent unto thembefore agrievous
chastisement, Uboo Luhub cried out, mayest thouperish! hast
thou calledustogether for this: and tookup a stone to castat
him . (See Sales (ooran ‫ و‬m.page .(516
‫روغن از ریگات بیابان میگشد‬
] 17 G. He extracts oil from the sands of the desert.
i.e. Hemakes moneyby every possiblemeans .

‫روغن از سنگت میگشد‬

1177 .IIe extracts oil from stones.
i.e.Heisattreatrniser : italsomeans thathemakes the most of any
thing orsituation .

‫قاز میبا مالد‬ ‫(رو غن‬

liTS.Ele rubs with gooses grease i.e.he flatters.
in Persia the fat of a goose is used to ‫ق‬msapsevomer in the arms, legs» ‫م‬c&

‫روستخرگی پیشه کن و مطربی آموز‬

1179, Go and become abuffoon, and learntobe
a singer.
When a personacts or speaksinamanner unsuitable to hisrank or
situation in life, thisproverbis addressed to him : itisalsosaid in complaint
ofthe present times, whenmen of learning areneglected and onlypublic
singers and others of this stamp arepatronised by thegreat.

‫رونده گسي است که قدمي دارد‬

1180. He canwalk who hasfeet.
‫وم‬ i.
only can e.
performa work He
who has the requisite mean

‫روی آفتادب را از غربال مي پوشاند‬

1181.Hehides the sun with a sieve
i.e. Heendeavoursto concealthat which eannot be hid.

‫روی د روغ گو سیاه‬

1182: Theliars face is black,i.e.heis disgraced
.‫روی زیبا مرهم د لا یا خسته اسست‬
1183. Abeautiful countenance is the balm of a
wounded heart.
‫مفلسي صیاد‬ ‫روکیب‬

1184. May the face of powertybe blackened.

This is used as auimprecation by the poor.

‫رویش ببین حالش مپرس‬

1185.Behold his countenance, and you need nOt
askhis eondition.
‫ه‬grcr.II ,ORIENTAL

‫رویی شما سفید‬

1186. May yourface be white.
i e-May you be honored or prosperous; but pronounced with a certain
tone imaplies the contrary, mayyouincur diagrace orruin-

‫راه را صاست برو اگر چه د وراستی‬

1187 . Travel the high way thoughit be round

i.e.Do not desert the path of rectitudethoughattended with labour

and difiiculty.

‫ریا ضبتی گش بباد امي بسازد‬

.1188. An abstemious man is satisfied even with a
single almond.

‫ریسمان سوخته لیگن کجایش بیرون نرفته‬

1189. The rope has beenburnt, butits twists
still remain.

‫ریش خود را بد سست دیگری مده‬

1190. Don'tput your beard into another persons
hand.i.e.Don'tput yourselfin the power of
another person.
‫ن‬ ‫کرد‬ ‫سه جی بیک‬ ‫ریش د ر آسیا‬
191.He haswhitenedhis beard by putting it
underthe mill stone.i.e, Hehas beenguilty
of foliy.

‫ریشش باد سست دیگری است‬

1192, His beard is in the hands of another.i.e.{{e

is entirely at themercy of another.

‫شده‬ ‫ریشش برآمد پاجي‬
1193.He has got a beard and is (now) good for
Said of a person whose services are nolonger required.

‫ریگاتا کارا بسیجه انگشتی می شمارده‬

1194.He counts the sands of the desert on the

rosary of his fingers.

.‫ستمگر میشود‬ ‫الم‬-‫ ظ‬: ‫ د‬۱ ‫ز‬
.‫تیغ جون بشکست خنجر میشود‬
.1195 ‫و‬The
son of a tyrant will )osla( beatyrant
asthe swordwhen brokenbecomosa dagger.
( Eng ) The muddy fountain sponts forthmuddy water-
• ‫سر‬ .‫ه‬، ‫تسا‬. ‫مصر‬ Is

‫*یسی باد داده‬ ‫زانو گب گفتار نگفرش کلوخ‬

1196, ITetiesthe hyaena skncosly pronouncin5
the word Koolookh(aclod of carth).
‫م‬Itissaid th call‫م‬y
by the Persiunsthat wh s‫م‬n e ahyanathcy
! clod!and that animal through f nable
‫ا‬ ‫ل‬ toe
vom orhe

:‫ د‬.applied
to an snooth tongued ar//ial person

‫زاریی بکار نیاید بلکه ز ربا ید‬

1197. Wain complaints avail not, wernust h aw e


‫زاهد بد را جد و مي خوار بد یر‬

1198. Areligious man is to befoundattlie door of

the mosque, anda drunkard at the tavern.

| "
‫زاید که وگا یاد گه دارد سر برایب که‬
1199. Who brought him forth, who begothim, and
vvhotakes somuchtrouble on his account P
Sai d when aperson takestrouble for one,whichhe is notindutybound
to do

‫و جان با با‬ ‫ که و گارید که‬:‫زاید‬

1:2OO. Gopknows who hisfather and mothermay
‫و‬be buthe is a dear child !
Itismsed whena person values a thiug whichdoes not belong tohirn
morethanifit d d.


‫به از گسی که نباشد زبانش ازد رحکم‬

120l. One who hashis tongue cut out, and is seated
‫و‬i na
corner dcaf and dumb ispreferable to him
Whose tongue isnot underhis control.
‫زیان خلق نقاره خدا‬
1202. The tongue of the people is theketthe-drum
of G oro.
) »‫م (ا‬V ox
,itupop vex dei.see parti1.se .oss.eRI

‫زبان خرش مار را از سوراخ بر مي آره‬

IDO3. A pleasant voicebrings a snake oint of a holo.

۹۰ Gentlemeans are the rnost effieacionis ‫به‬

‫زبان د ر دهان پاسبان سرا صات‬

1204, A(silent) tongue in the nuouth is the guar
dian of one slife.

‫خاید‬ ‫زبان درد هان‬

1205. He chews histongue in luis mouth.
i.e.Hemutters or talksunintelligibly..

‫زبان زیرزبان د ارد‬

1206. Hehas onetongue under another.
i.e, Hedoes not abide by his firstword.

‫زبان سرخ سرسبز میدهد بر با دا‬

J207. The red (or impudent) tongue often causes
the destruction of thehead.

‫زبانش با سرش بازی میکند‬

1208.Histongueplays with his head.
‫زبانش مو برآرد‬
1200.Histongue has set forth hairs.
i.e, Hehas greatly exaggerated.

‫دا فه‬ ‫زبا ان گوشت ا سمت به رطرف که میگرد انب میگ‬

,1210 ‫و‬The
tongue is alump ,hselffo it turus
whatever direction youturnit.
.e.i You can say what youplease,whether good orbad ‫ه‬

‫از بهر نهاد رن چه سنگت و چه زر‬ • i GP

1211. Forhoardingup what difference 15 thei

between a stone and gold 3


‫زحل هندی از مریخ ترکي نرسید‬

1912. The Saturn of Indiais not afraid of the
Mars of Turkey.
Itis supposed by the Persians that each planet influences a particular

‫زخم دندان دشمنی تیز اسمشت‬

‫ماد و سه سته‬ ‫گه نما ود چشم مرد‬
1213. Awound from the teeth of an enemy is most
severe, whenitis givenunder the semblance of
‫زده را میتوان زه‬
1214. Itiseasy to beathitn, who has once beeh

‫زاد هم بر صف رند ان و هر چه باد اباد‬

1215. Wehave (uow) entered thelines of the
drunkards lethappen what may.
( Eng) Infora penny, in for apound.
‫آید‬ ‫زار بال شمتا بکار نمی‬
1921 6 Gold is of nouse ina desert.

‫زربد ه مرد سپاهی را تا سربدهد‬

1317.Pay your soldiers well that they may devote
theirlivesto y Our service.

‫زر از رداد ن هر مرد ان اس ساختا‬

1218. To Changegold for gold ‫ و‬is the act of a

‫ز را بر سر فولاد نهی نرم شود‬

1219. Gold will softensteel : i.e.bends the mOS
stubborn tempers.
‫زار پیش از ر میرود‬
goes to money : i.e.D9 ‫ از‬makes
1320 ‫ع‬Money

motney .
‫زار هادان و درد سر خریدن‬
.1921 To spendones own money ‫ و‬and buy a

head ache
‫است‬ ‫از رسفید برای روز سیاه‬
‫چ‬13 ‫ل و‬white
,yenom )revlis.e.i( is ai by for a
black day, (i.e.a day of adversity).
‫زر کار کند مرد لا ف زند‬
Gold has done the business yet the maT1

boasts ofit.
‫جه به آید بگي بر نشان‬- ‫ز صاک‬
13 ‫ و‬,1 out of a 100 quivers one ("orra( hits the

mark. p ‫«م‬ ‫دسریم‬.

‫ز قلچرم میخورد‬
‫ز‬:192 .
eats Zuqu/ch
00 )
n os
kind ofiop

i.e.ile eatsthing S forbidden.

‫زمادر مهربان ترد ایه خاتون‬

‫روژ‬،1 . The nurse iskinderthan the mother
Applied to one who without suficient cause eXP۲***
towards anothier, andiuterestshinseit mueh inhis ‫مق‬riaffa

‫زمانه آدم پر و رنیست‬

1227 . The titues are unfavorable tomen of respec
‫زمانه سازی میگذد‬
‫این‬ 1252SB He is a time server : or heturns with the tide.
‫نرما نه سفاله پرور است‬
1229- The times arefavorable to the mean ..

‫زمرگب خرابود سگک را عروسي‬

123O.The death of an assis afeast fora dog.
Said when the property of a persen deceased falls into the hands of speed

‫زمستان گذ شستا و در زن نمرده‬

12531 . The winter ispast and the old womanis not
«de ad.

Applied to animprovident person, who takes no care for the future. An

o d infirmwomanhada daughter grownup and marriageable : conceiving
that sheherself wasabout to die, and thather daughterwould get a
husband, she thoughtitunnecessarytolayup anything for the winter, which
‫با‬ ‫ع‬ s
eason they t
passed ingreat n
distress eofv
withouteither e
the expected

‫زمین شوره سنبل برنیا رد‬

‫د رو خم تمال ضا لحع ه گرد ان‬
1232.Barrenland does not produce spikenard,
therefore do not throw away the seeds of labour
e . The education of.
‫ة‬ a ,daehkcolb is waste ofi

L l

‫زمین را به ان میدوزد‬
1233.Hesews the earth to the skies, i.e, he at۰
tempts tohat is beyond his strength.
. ‫زمیني کرعلف خود را نپوشد‬
‫زبهار دیگری تا چند کوشید‬
1234. The ground that can not ‫ن‬over itself vwith
grass, what willit do for another۰
i.e.Howcanhe who does notmanage his own affairs, conductthoae
of others.

‫امید‬ ‫زنا پا گف را در مدارید‬

1235.Expect no good from one of base extraction
‫زن از غازه سرخرو میشود و مرد از غذا‬
1236. - A woman's facebecomes red from paint, and
a man's from making warwith the infidels.
‫زن بد د ر سامرای مرد نکو‬
r ‫هم د رین عالم احسیستا در زاغ او‬
1.n ahouse
in the md of o
a og ‫و‬
makesthis world, hell to him.
‫زن بیکارغره شود یا بیمار‬
,1238 Anidle woman either fallssick ‫و‬ or falls in
‫زن جوان را تیر د ر پهلوانشیند به گه پیر‬
1239, It is better for a young womanto hare aT
arrow in her heart, than an oldman by her side.
g Bc r .11. ORIENTAL PROWERBS . 961

‫زندگی را عشق است‬

124O. Salutation to life, i.e, what ablessing is life.
This aaying is used by friends upon meeting after a long separation۰
‫زری دهقان زاید یا نه زاید مرا جاي شد خرم را جایی شصد‬
12#I - Whether the clown swife be brought to bed
ornot, 1 have got a place for myself and my ‫و‬ssa
4. e- my purpose is effected
The following story communicated to meby Mirza Roohoollah ‫و‬
show swhat gave rise to the above saying
"Itis related, that as a certain person was travelling in winter, ho ‫ص‬pah
pened oue day to be owertaken by a shower of sleet: with much difficulty
leentered a village, but not finding a house to shelter himselfhe wa۹
: Bedtoremain exposed to the weather: ona sudden, heheard a voice
in ‫ ه‬eountrymans house :he asked the people what was the catise of it 3
(hey answered that the wife of a elown was in labour, and that she wasat
Point of death
‫ه‬ d onaeeonnti
of the exeessive
a ،niap Thes
that the had anarnulet, whieh, if bound onher arm, would immedintey
relieveher frompain. They informed the clown of this cireumstance ‫و‬
who with great eagerness came to the traveller, carried him to hishrus ‫هم‬
and shewed him greatkindness and respect : whenhercceived some ‫م‬hserfer
‫ع‬n ‫ و‬be tookapiece of paper and wrote onit the above Proverb ‫و‬

‫زنده کسی که د می دارد‬

1243 He is alivingbeing who possesses breath

‫و‬Helives.1243 )
l who i
has now
‫زند و بلا بسی نبود مرد و با شد‬
1244. Ashe could not sufficiently annoyme dur
ing his life time thereforehe has become a fur
ther annoyance after his death

‫زنگی بشسن سپید نگردد‬

1245. The Ethiopian does not become white by
( Lat. ) AEthiopern lavare. ( Eng-) Towash the blackamoor white = to
labour in vain.

‫زن مرد وش به ازمرد زنی و شا اصاست‬

1246. A woman like a man, is betterthan arman
like a woman..

‫زری و اژدها هرد و د ر خا لث به‬

1247. Women and dragons are bothbest in the
. earth, i.e.dead.

‫زنیگو هرجه صا د ر گشستن نیگوست‬

.1248 ‫م‬Whatever
proceeds from a good man is good
‫زو ر آمد داد برخاس بع‬
1249. Violence came and justice departed.
‫زور بر گاو و ناله برگرد ونی‬
,1250 ‫و‬The
labour falls on the oxen -and
(the Plough
man's) cries reach the skies.
said of a person who somplains when he hasno right to do ao.

‫زو را بب گور‬ .

1951.He is guilty of oppression even at the brin

of the grave.
S 263

‫ز هر طرف که شود گشته سود اسلام است‬

.252H On whateverside are the slain ‫ و‬the cause of
‫و‬ 2 stam is againer -
Applied to one who derives advantage from a dispute, whichside
‫م‬liaverp ‫ و‬..a s
the advocate in a lato-suit

‫زه کردن این کمان بعدی دشوار اسمعه‬

125S. It is very difficult to bend this bow.
This proverb is used when a person is about to engage inanenterprise
Ereat danger andt
. f
,ytluciffid in order toi
dissuade him from

‫زهی تصور باطل زهی خیال "حال‬

1254. What an absurd fancy, and false imagination
youbave got!

‫زهی مراتب خرابی که به زبیداریست‬

.1255 How excellent is that sleel ‫ و‬whichis better
thanbeing awake.
Said of atyrant.

‫زیاروت بزرگان کفاره گناه‬

1256. Visiting the saints is an expiation for sin.
‫ه‬ ‫ه‬
‫زیبا بي زنان از سرخرو پی مرد انهدست‬

1237 . ‫و‬
womans lovelinessA
isher husband's fame
and aman's best grace the virtue of hiswife.
* ‫ق‬ind
tedness of eountenance the expressionn
of the originala
for fame
conscious innocence
e open aush of ‫عقال‬virtu
264 oRIENTAL PROWERB3._r Aar Ti -
‫زیر با راند درختان که تعلق دارند‬
1258. The trees that bearfruit beara burthern
as vvell.

‫زیره بگرمان بردن‬

.1259 To carry cuminseed to Kirman ‫ و‬,i ,e fo
carry coals to Newcastle.
See Part I, Sect, II.No. 13, -

‫زینست با زنان د ر خور است‬

1260, Ornament is becoming only in women.
‫زنهار از قربانی بد زاهار‬
‫و قضا ربنا عذا باب الذار‬
1281.Beware of abad companion, andpreserve
,s Gop
‫ و‬from the punishment of hell fire !
‫ساقیا امروز می نو شیم فردا را که دید‬
1262 O cup bearer to day letus drink wine, for
who knows anything about to-morrow •
‫گذ شست‬ ‫سال گذشت حال‬
1263 The yearhaspast away, and my state has
alsopast away.
Used to denote the altered condition of a person either from Properity
to adversity, or the reverse.

‫مالي گه نگو اصاست از بها رش پیدا است‬

1264, Aplentiful yearis known by its spring ۰-
i.e,The qualities of the future man are known bythose of the ‫م‬dlihc
‫_}}ه‬.sacr .ORIENTAL

‫سایه ها برای دوست والاجویند نه بپرد فع گرما‬

1265. People search for the shade of the Hooma,
in order to acquire great riches, and not to avert
the heat.
This proverb is used to express that people who take muchtrouble in any
‫؛‬gnih ‫ و‬.do
itiathe hope of obtaining some solid advantage

‫سمپز بر صنگت نر و ید چه گنه باران را‬

12GG. If grass does not grow on stones, what fault
is it of the rain :
3. e- It is unreasonable to expeet learning from him, who hasnot capa
a Seet
.oN c
18 of e
this S

‫ چرداری میکند‬-
1267. Heshields orprotects himself
‫صتم بر ستم پیشه عدل است و د اد‬
12GS.Itisjustandequitabletotyranniseover tyrants.
‫معر خیزی نشانه فیروزی‬
1269. Torise early is the mark of prosperity.
) (۰‫گ‬Er Early to bed and early to ,esir is the way to be ,yhtlaeh wealthy
and wise.

1370, Ifyou strike hard, you will receive in return

hard ,swolb i.e.as ‫ و‬ot do to ,srehto so you acill
be done by.

‫سختی میگیرد جهان بر مردمانی سخ سس کوشا‬

H27 I - The times distress those men who distress
‫قانو‬ oRIENTAL PRovERBS ‫د‬ari

yourlips shutuntill you are spoken
i.e.be silent till a question is asked af3yota.
It is related that in the time of the Khuleefiu HAnoex Rusagrn amerchant
arrived at Bughdad, who stopt at the house of the famous BgmrooL.One
day therehappened to be anassembly in the house of the afeer: Shu , (or
the Head Police officer of the night), at whichthe merchant abovementioned
waspresent. When all at once without being asked, he said, thathe had
gota diamond annulet, and taking it from hispoekethe showedit to the
Meeri Shub, who, his covetousness being excited, deelared, that the amulet
belonged to the Khulefia, and that abody of thieves one nighthadbroken
into the trcasury and carried off thisamulet, together with anumber of
other valuable jewels, siuce whieh timehe had beensearching for the
thieves : atlength saidhe, wehavefound it in your possession, andyou
musteither point out from whomyougot it, or pay for the whole of the
iewels that have been stolen.The poormerchant, from his imprudence was
putinto confinement : when BUnLooL was informed of this circumstance, he
went to the Meeri Shub, and becorning bail for the merchanthe brought him
home along with him.BUIILoor- out offriendship instructed him, that next
day in the presence of the Khulefi,in reply to the Meeri Shuāhe should say»
that on sucha timehe and hisbrotherwere proceeding from theirown city
with agreat deal of property and merchandize to aneighbouring one, belong
to his ,ytsejam when theywere suddeniyattacked by robbers and as his
brotherwas closely engaged with the chief of the bandittian amulet fell
‫ه‬fromthe arm of the chief,whiehhe ,pudehctans concealed himselfin
hiding place, and sogot offsafe, butin the end hisbrother was killed»
and all theirproperty was carried off by the robbers. From that day to ‫و‬siht
he carried the amulet along with him from city to city, and shewed it ‫ها‬
every company he happened to be in, inhopes of finding the owner, tha he
mightretaliate upon him for the blood of hisbrother, and the loss of the ‫م‬orp
perty, Now praise be to Gon : that to-dayhe had found out that his majesty
was the murderer of his brother.
Nextday the feeri Shuth carried the merchnnt before the Khulefi, wh۵
asked him to give anacconnt of hinself the merchantimmediately told him
what BuatooLhad instructed him to say : the Khuleefi، in consequence was
‫ز‬very,demahsahcum and ordered the Breeri Shu to be imprisoned ; and
afterwardshaving treated the merchant withmuch kindness, gavehim per
mission to depart. When the merchant returned home Boar.oor said to him
1will give you apiece of advice, whichis, ،،untillyou areasked a question»
be silent.»
. S
i B
i R
. Erve ot
RP. 267

‫سخن راستت از دیوانه بشنوا‬

1273.Hearthe truth froma madinan.
‫استخری راست تلخ میبا شده‬

1274 . The truth is bitter. ‫ه‬


‫م‬...‫خون مردان جان داری‬

1275 . The words of a man of honorpossess life ‫ز‬
i.e.aphateger he says, he does it also means
.-‫م‬ " ‫یا‬ " " -

ubia ateper he says produces an effect apon the

heatrers. ‫ارم‬......"

‫ ماخن نیگو صیاد دلها اسبتها‬...: #

1276. Pleasant words are the hunters of the hearts
‫ه‬ ! ‫ ش ها‬.‫د؛ ه‬
Of men. ...
... . ‫می‬ i ,, , , , ,:
‫به خگرانی از خان برخی رد‬
‫ه‬ ‫م‬ .۱ ‫ه‬
.1277 ‫ان‬One
wordarises from another
) (‫ر‬.Eng ...One
word makes many
‫ها‬ ... ‫و‬
‫بد آو آزگنبذ استم‬ ‫خان‬
1278.Abad word is like the sound ofa dome
. ... .۲ .

1279.۲ ‫ه‬
‫تویی‬:‫ندتگني گ‬.‫ینب مسییابراشددانی ا‬،
. If you know much say little
( Lat, ) Vir sapitur, qui paucaloquitur۰ ‫هر‬، F :

‫میخن گواه حال گوینده است‬

1280. The words of the speaker
- • * ‫ز‬: :، ::
‫ه‬ri ‫» و‬. . ۱۴.
his Situation
.orint - ‫ق‬


‫سخن یک است و دیگر ها میارمعه آرائی است‬

1281. One word only is useful, the rest are merely
for the sake of ornament.

‫میخي را سر بلند‬
1282, The head of the liberal rman is exalted

‫متغی در هرد و عالم سربلند امبت‬

1283. The liberal man is exalted in both worlds
‫هر‬ ۹۳۲

۱ ‫فه و سه مستلا خدا‬ ‫خی‬

1284, The liberal man is the friend ofGon

‫خي و خیل د ر سر صال برابر میشوده‬

1285. The liberal man and themiser every yea۶

are equal (in point offortune).

‫ زاموال برمیخورند‬،‫مخیان‬
‫از‬ ‫تخمین غم سیم و زرمیخورند‬
1386 The liberal derive advantage from wealth
and the misery suffer gif ‫ه‬h account of siiver

and gold.
‫ه‬ .‫ه‬
‫فس نگند‬ ‫سر بریده‬ ... -
1287 The head that has been cut ofr says nothing
( Eng.) Dead mentell no tales.
‫آ‬۱ sser, if. ORIENTAEPROWERB8. 269

‫سرسبزی تو زسرخروئي خیزد‬

‫زانگونه که زنگار زمین می زاید‬
1288. Thy verdure(i.e.respect) proceeds from
thyredness of face, (i.e.gold) in the same man
ner as the earth produces verdigrise.
, d
to express thate s
the reapoet shown U person does
to such a ‫ا‬ ‫م‬ not pr
ceed from his ownmerits,but from the circumstance ofhis being a rich mao
.‫م‬.‫ن‬.‫ج‬ ‫سر فتیله را چرب با ید کرد‬
1289. Youought to keep the head of the wick well
greased i e In order to seroeyour oton purpose
it is adcisable to bribe the people in effice.
‫ده‬ ۶‫ع‬

129o Vinegar which yoti get for nothing is better

than honey ‫) و‬ ryou
o payf
۶ ‫م‬،

‫سر گل می خارد‬ ‫م‬

head ofthe bald manitches i e : re
gattres to be seratched. ‫م‬

Thisproverbieaddressed byamaster to his servant who has been

eftending him ‫ و‬meaning that hisheadis like abaldman's that itches o
be scratched, i- e-thahe, the servant, seems desirous of a beating

‫ه‬ ‫مصر مار باید کوفبعی‬

out ought to bruise the head of a snake

‫سرمه از چشم می رباید‬

129s Hesteals away the pigment from people's
eyes.i. e He is a most dexteronisthief

1294 The cyprus from itsuprightness was made

free: i.e, not con/ined to any particular season,
., being alupays an euergreen.
‫به استان یاد دهاندید نتی‬ ‫سرود‬
1295. Toput drunkards in mind of a songi.e
fo reoiue the memory of anyfbrgotten passion
‫یک سریگه بار نکشد باری باشد برگردان‬
1296. The head that cannot support a load is itself
aload on the neck ‫ ز‬: ‫ ها‬. . . . ...

‫صراي گران فروشی خریدن است‬

1207 The punishment forthose who sell things
dearis not to purchase from them.

1208.Alazy personistroubled with indigestion.

،۹ ، : - .

‫صطر هاگی راس است آید چون تاجی‬

‫در مهمطر اصابت‬
1299.Ilow canthe lines be straight when the
ruler is crooked 2 .......،... ‫و‬

‫مهدی با برای ریش صفید دروغ نمیگوید‬

1300 Soupre with this white beara does notte

. This saying isused when a person has objected to the probability ‫به آن‬
thing that has been advanced, by one who is better acquainted with th*
,te and whose ,noitressa in the end prove to be . . ... ‫و‬

‫صفاله چو جا « آمد و سیم و زرش‬

1301.whenamean person obtains rank and

‫و‬wealth .his
head of necessity requires abloW

‫مگک از دوکان آهنگر چه خواهد برد‬

1302, What cana dog carry away from ablack
smith's shop 4
‫م‬Supposed to be said to a person who complained ofhis house being rob
bed, when in facthe possessed nothing worth taking.

‫سگت امتحا بب گاف روزي جند‬

‫ سد‬-‫پی نی=کان گرفت مردم ش‬
1303. The dog of the companions of the ‫و‬evac by
associating with the good became aman.
Fora full account of them3 see SALEs translation of the
Qoran ‫ و‬Chapter .18

‫ماگات باش و برادرخورد مباشی‬

1304. Bea dog ratherthan a youngerbrother
itis related, that there wasa certain person, who had three sons, the
:‫ ت‬of whomwas always ordered by his other brothers to do any
:‫ م‬that happened to .meht One night in ,retniw when noman was
‫ای‬ ,ofdoors ‫م‬‫اه‬wing
htot ,ice on the road ‫ه‬ xcessive
dn colda

‫اتمه‬ fano۳۰g
‫ه‬ their father
n inited
i some v
of his ,sda
neirf who
wwith thei athis ‫به‬oh
the father with histwo first sonswere conversing
do any while the youngest brother was every moment desired to
g that was necessary for their entertainment. When one of the
:‫ت‬ ‫ه‬dhim ‫ا‬ to ait with
e themand
h take
h a littleg
,tser with
i a deeps
ered the above proverb in answer.

‫از سگک بدر یا ی هفتم گانه بشو‬

‫چون که تر شد پلید تر باشد‬-
1305. Wash a dog seven times in the river and he
will onlybecome dirtier.
‫صاگت را بشستن پاک نتوان کرد‬
1806. You cannever make a dog pure by washing
‫سایت بی هم‬
1307. A dog without a tail.
A foolish, worthless babbler.

1303.Putting a collar ona dog is the circle of

his good fortune.

‫صاگت زرد برا د ر شغال‬

1309. Ayellow dog is a jackal's brother
When ene bad person suceeeds to the place ofanother, this saying is ‫م‬desu

‫سگک که شد منظور نجم الدین سگان را سرور است‬

1310, The dog that was caressed by Nujmood
deenwas the chief of dogs:
Nurstooppreswasa Fugeer of some celebrity, and in the
‫گ‬estimation of his ,srewollof everything thathe cherished wa ‫ه‬
high value : the phrase is applicable to any one who highly ‫حقاق‬e
whaterer belongs to him ...
.‫مگت کوئی لیلی است‬
13ll. This is the dog of LUELEEs street

‫مگی گرازد ه همان به گه آشنا باشد‬

1312.It is better to make friends with the dog that
( Eng ) Itis better to hold a candle to the devil۰

‫هره رگی‬ ‫سگت‬

1313. The dog of every door
Aflatterer, a parasite.

‫سگک نشیند بجای کیهایی‬

1314. Adog hastaken the cook's place.
To express that one has got a place for which he is quite ‫پ‬tifnu
۲ ‫م‬
‫میگک هرزه مرس‬
1315. The dog of a useless chain.
A person of a ehangeable disposition, who attacheshimself sernetimes
‫؟‬o one patron or master and
o sometimes .rehtona t is arope tied
a dogs collar, whereby heiskept from strolling : when heiseonstantly
atrolling, the rope is ‫ به هرز‬wain, unprofitable.

‫بیغرض نایعدست‬ ‫صام روستایی‬

1316, The salutation of a clown» is not without an
object. ...»
‫ه‬ ‫صلسله جنبان است‬ ،

1317. He is a shaker of chains.i.e He is the pro

‫م‬7motoy ..df
an object .

،‫ملطنت گرجه بیلش اعظه بود مغتنم اصمات‬

1318.If empire (i.e, prosperity) be enjoyed e۲en
for a ‫و‬tnemonI it is fortunate .۹

‫اسعت‬ ‫سنگات کما يا خود صفگین‬

1319. Astone whichstays inits own place is
really a stone.

‫بر پا راه حصار مزان‬ ‫سنگت‬

‫جه بود گز حصار سنگت آید‬


1320. Don't throw a stone at the walls of a fort»

lest a stone come from the fort (on you).
.‫سفگت بر دیوار زد نه‬
1321. To throw a stone at a wall, (which rebound
ing strikesthethrower).i.e, to injure ones

‫سنگت زدن بر محل به از زر زد بنی غیر محل‬

1322, Tothrow a stone inits properplace, is better
thanto throw gold out ofits place
‫و‬ ‫و‬

‫سنگی مفتاثی و گلغ مفست‬ .»

1323. The stones cost nothing and the crows cost


1324. The question regarded the ‫ر‬snevaeh and the

answer ‫ و‬.a
ٔ‫مه‬ An answer
, e quite,
foreign to۹
the purpose
. ‫ع‬

‫سوال د یگر و جواب دیگر را‬

1325. The question is one thing and the atiswer
i.e . The answer has no connection with thequestion ‫ه‬

‫است‬ ‫سفر سلامتیي‬ ‫صوفه‬

1326. The greatest advantage intravelling is to

return in safety.
‫سو راز کله د و ز‬
1327.Far be the streaked (camel) from the flock
Soor is said to meana black or brown streak.extending from the maue
to the tail in horses, camels, asses, &e.by someitis considered asa lucky
mark, by others unlucky ‫ و‬in the former case the proverb is animprecation,
in the latter abenediction.

‫نشوده‬ ‫آتش است که هرگز سرد‬ . ‫سد و زند‬

1328. It is aburning fire that will never be ex
Said of any one thathasabad ternper, or of one ingreat sorrow.

‫موزه ل نو ح علیه السلام را طوفان تواند کشست‬

1329. The deluge alone can extinguish the fire of

athe heart of NoAir (on whombe peace).

‫سینما کی بحنا بست گرفتار شده است‬
‫ تا‬30 -Suxs
Aass wascaught when in state of pol
‫ه‬noitul. :3 ‫م‬

‫سوز با ید مرد را گوساز بی آهنگت هه ستا‬

ist A man ought to sing with feeling, although
his instrument be out of tune.
IN n

‫سوزان عیسیل را جز رشته مریم درخور نباشد‬

Except the thread of ‫ و‬there was none
lit for theneedle of JESUs.

‫سوزان جاسوس اساسی و تیغ زبان گیر سوزن‬

1333. A spy is aneedle the point of ‫می‬which is a ‫م‬

tongued Sword.
‫و‬ ‫مهمی‬ ‫به‬

‫مهل بصر که باید که از آبی د و غ تر شتر باشد‬

1334.1t is easy for vinegarto be sourerthan water:
Implies that one oftwothings surpasses the other» beyond all comparison۰
۰ ‫به‬

‫سیا قسب عطارد از روزنامه شمسی روشن شود‬

1335. The calculation of Jfercury is illuminated
by the journal of the sun.
‫بصیر در لوز یانه د ارد‬
1336. He has garlic in the sweet meats.
. lof a
one who
or‫ا‬spoken n wears
r afair
e outside,but
tn is i y malicious
. ‫م‬dishonest

‫صیر را چه غم گرسنه اسبی‬

1337. What feeling hasome who is satiated, for a
hungryperson 3 ‫و هیو‬....‫یه‬،

‫گند ش تر صم‬ ‫شیرخوردام که از بوئي‬

1388.1have not eatengarlic, that I should Be
afraid of its bad stueli ‫ه‬
‫مسی ه‬۶ :

Thisproverbisused by a person to express, thathe has not beenguilty

any act for whichhe has occasion to be alarmed , ,‫ ادا‬-


‫سیر با شیر اگر چه گاند و اسمات لیگرای ایجاد بنده است‬

1339. Garlic withmilk althoughitisfetid, is my
own invention ‫ و‬,e.i although the world "nod t
garlic withmilk still it is agreeabletomy
t ٔ‫ه‬۰etsi

Spoken by one in reply to another who endeavors to dissuadehim from

anyba dhabit, &e The speaker means to express, thathe caresnotfor
of the world but shall persist in his ownhabits as longas they
۹greeable to him،

‫ا‬ . ‫میلی نقد به از خلواي نسیه‬

134O.The blow of cashis betterthan the sweet
meats of credit: i.e a small benefit obtaincd,
| :s better than a great one in expectation
‫صیهها نب زر را سپید رو گرد اند‬
1341 . » ‫ل‬e
uicksilver gives c whitef
gold aa
‫سیمرغ دیگر است و سي مرغ دیگر‬
)niffirgro( is onething and
.1342 ‫و‬SEEsiooRGii
sce-noorgh (or 30 fowls) another
‫صی هم بر سر خمسین‬ ‫یا‬
1343. Thirty on the back of fifty.i.e Itisbetter
O expend something more thanleave business

unfinished, on which much has already been ex

.pended. . -

( EPs) Whylose a hog for a penny worth of tar


‫آهن اسمت‬ ‫سمبیا و رونی آهنگر سرخرو ني‬

1344. The blackness of the face, (i, e, the labor)
‫و‬o f -i
the blacksmith s
the cause of theiron's red

ness of face, (i.e.excelience).

‫سیه د لی د وادت سر قلم را سیه کرد‬
1345, "The inkholder blackness of heart, blackens
the head, (i.e.point) of the pen.
‫میکند‬ ‫نامه‬
‫سمرش بوکب‬
()o .13
Hishead stnells of46
the ‫ن‬ rmus
: i.e.he
beenguilty of some crime in consequence of
whichhe will beput to death
‫دلو شاسته نشر دا‬ ‫رونی زحل بیلت‬ ‫معایگ‬

1347. The blackness of the face of Saturn cannot

. b
washed away e
by one buket of water ]‫ دلو‬-sig
nifies a waterbucket as well asthesign Aqua
,suir which with Capricorn ‫ و‬is appropriated to

‫شاخ گل هر جا که روید هم گل است‬
134S.The branch of the rose,wherever it ‫و‬sworg
is always a rose.
‫شاخی که بلند شد تبرخورد ني گفت که من نیم شکرخورد‬
1349. Abranchthat grew tall, received ablo۱۲
froman axe : the sugarcane said, I ammerely a
reed :thereforo, itwas filled with sugar

‫شاد با ید زیستن نا شاد باید زیستن‬

1350, I must live, whether I am happy or not
Said by a personingreat distress.

‫شاگرد این زمانه بو قست سابق یگانه‬

l35 |I.The pupils of the present day arefriends at
the time of reading theirlessons.
See No. 177 of this Section.

.‫میرسد‬ ‫شاگرد رفته رفته باستاد‬

1352. A scholarby degrees arrives at the rank of

‫شب کورگذشست و لب تنورگذشت‬

1353. The night on whichthe rich wear sable

passes, and that on whichthe poor sitby the side

» evo ‫ و‬alsopasses away.i.e.time.passes
" away however occupied

‫شاه گر لطف بیعدد را ند‬

.‫بند و با ید که حد خود داند‬
854 Ifaking confersmany favors on his slave»
he (the slave) ought not to forget hissituation.

‫شاه بیا خان تو را میخواهد‬

1355, Conne king the Khant calls thee.
Said ‫و‬ -w he
ofinferior no
rank takes uponbimself ne
to requiretheatt en
‫ا‬fo .superior
‫شاهان چه عجیب گربذوازند گدا را‬
1356 ‫و‬Werekingstobestow
favors on the poor
itwottld not be at all surprising

‫شاه اسپرم از د و برگی پیدا اسمسع‬

1357 . The sweet basilis known from itstwoleaves.

‫شاهان گم الزفا دث یک ال گدا کنند‬

1358, Kings seldom payattentionto the situation
of the poor.

‫شاید همین نفس نفس واپسین بود‬

1339, IPerhapsthisbreath maybe thelast.
To express theuncertainty of life.

‫شاید که همین بیضه برآرد پر و بال عفقا گرد د‬

1360.Perhapsthis very egg, may put forth featherS
and wings and become aphaenix.

‫اشمیت تاریکث وبیم موج رگرد اب چنین ها دل‬

‫ا‬-‫انجا دانند حال ما سی=کساران ساحله‬
1361 . The night is dark, the waves are terrible ‫و‬
and the whirlpool is very dreadful :how Can those
• ‫س‬lttis
.who are happy on shore forman idea of 9*
‫ع‬ ‫به‬ ‫ه‬
ation. ‫ه‬

‫شب بسیار و شاد یا بیکار‬

1302. Though much of the night remains, yet the
entertainment is spoiled
Spoken in reply to those who pleadin def nea of their iudolenoe , and
laving madeno progress in a task assignedthern, say thatthere isplenty of
‫می و‬

‫شب حامله ایسسه تا چه زاید فرد ا‬

13G3. The night is pregnant, letus see what she
forth ,worrom-ot i.e ‫و‬
tt/dt is in the toomb of futurity : or aohat to -
to toill produce

‫شب گره خرطا و س همین مینماید‬

1364 . . At night an ass s colt looks like a ‫م‬kcocaep
‫شب گربه سمور مینماید زنگي چه حورمیفهمید‬
1305. At night a cat looks like a sable, anda young
Ethiopiana like a virgin of paradise. ‫ م‬:
( Eng ) When Candies are out all cats are grey.

‫| رده‬ ‫ه‬ ‫عمجي‬ ‫ریا‬ ‫ولی‬ ‫شب‬

1383 Every night has a morning afterit.
) ‫ر‬.Eng is a tong road that hasneuer a turning

‫شب بگام عالم و یکد مبگام ما نشد‬ -

1367 Fortune has favored the whole world, but
uever a۲Oried me for a single moment.
*»‫ ا‬by one who Sees everybody succeed except himself

‫پروانه شمع خورشید نباشد‬ ‫شرکت‬

1368. The bat never becomes the moth of the
candle of the sun :i.e.the bat does not like
the sun.

‫نخواهد‬ ‫آفتاب‬ ‫شپره گر وصل‬

‫رونق بازار آفتاب نگهد‬

1369, If the bat desires not a meeting with the
.sun, the splendor of the luminary will not there
bybe diminished,

‫شب سیاه گارسیا ه‬

1370, The hight is black, and the cow is ‫م‬kcalb

... ‫شتر ارزان اسبتی اگر قلا د ه د رگردان نمیداشتعا‬

1371. The camel wouldbe cheap, ifithad not an
Orriatment about itsneck.
Said by a person who wishes to purcliase athing, but without its P
Pendages ‫ه‬

‫معماع‬ • • ‫ه‬ •

‫اندیشه مسعلیا‬ ‫شتر با رای د رو و انچه خرابند و‬

1372: The eamel-driver has fallen into the sarne

as the muleteer : i.e.the animal havi
perishedhe musttake up the load, a circut
stance common with the latter.
‫با ها‬

1373. A camel fora farthing and still too dear.

‫ا‬ To denote extreme poverty. Amerchanthaving losthiswhole pro
perty, vvas reduced to extreme powerty ;having proceededalong with his
‫الا‬ sonto a place,where a camelwastobesold forafarthing, the son
informe dhis father of the price,but beingunable to buy it, he eaid, «Itis
too dear--Sometime after when the merchantwas in anaffluent state,
theyhappenedtopass throughavillage,where anegg wastobesold
for onerupee : the son informed hisfather of thts wonderful circumstance,
but thernerchant said.،، It is very cheap." , On being asked the reason
hisapparentlen he
y inconsistentanswers ‫آ‬o
the merchahtrep ,dei that f
.was very poor, he considered one farthing alarge sum : but nowbelug pos
sessed of a considerable surn of money, he did not care to Eive onerupee
‫ا‬ for anegg -

‫شتر در خوافبا بیند پنبه د انه‬

1374. A camel beholds cotton seed inhis sleep.
See No - 609 of this Section.

‫شتر دید گیب نه‬

1375. Have you seen the camels No.
Takenfroma circumstance whichis said to have hap
Pened to Shuekh Suudee, who saw some camels running away ‫و‬
and soon after met the driversin pursuit of them. They asked»
hadhe seen the camels.-He replied yes, theyhave gone in
Such a direction. On this themenbegantobeathim and he
Pronacea this verse : ‫صعد یا چند خو رایا جوب شهر با نان را‬
‫زه‬ ‫گربه پرسند که فه ایال کیب شتریب گودی‬ Suudee !how long
shall y Ouendure the Cudgels of the camel-drivers : If they ask

hare ‫*****ال‬eena camel, say no. Applied to one ho stt/rrs some

‫و‬ -i 2 y (e/ing
sc the .hturt It hi
is also used as aer
caution to pre
‫ه‬zogarC0 -------

Personfroms communicating chat ‫و‬sotonkeh if interro

‫ یع‬Gzfcoft

O o
284 ORIENTAL PROWERBS, ‫ه‬P ‫}ه‬ra

‫شتر صالح به از مرد صالح‬

.1376 ‫و‬The
camel of Salih is betterthan the peo *
ple of Salih.
Thereisa play on the words ‫هروی صا ابر‬ whichalsomeansa
xirtuous man.See ‫هند‬S translation of the()ooran chap. 7-
‫شتر نقارخانه اسساتب‬
1377. He is like the camel of the music gallery.
i.e, IIe is deaf to alladvice
‫شتر نیستم که د و جا گرد نم میز ني‬
1378.I am not a camel that you should wound me
in two places of my neck.
by one who has once suffered onace tmnt of ,rehtona who
declares thathe won't beput to any further inconvenience or expense۰

‫شد نی شد د گر چه خواهد شد‬

1379. That whichwasto happenhas ‫ول‬eneppah
what more can happen 4

.‫ قاضي هم میخورد‬،‫ مفمس‬،‫شرایج‬

.1380. Even the Qazee drinks wine whenhe Car
get it fornothing
‫شرا بب زد او را شر ادبب د و ا ا سمت‬
1381. Wine is a medicine for drunken man
‫شرطه همه و قامت نبود لایق کشتي‬
882The windis not always favorable for the

ss8r، T[. ‫ر‬LATNEIRO PROWERBS. 285

‫شعال بیشه مازندران را نگیرد جز سگی مازندرانی‬

1383. No dogs except those Maginduran can seize
the jackals of Ia cinduran.

‫شر م عثمان برای ایمان است نه برای ر و زی‬

,1384 ‫و‬OOsman
was modest on account of his faith
not on account of the good things of this world.
‫ه‬ ‫و‬

‫شش نقد به ازون به نسیه‬

1385. Lungs at handare betterthan asheeps tail
in expectation.See ‫سیلی نقد‬

‫شعر فهمي عالم بالا معلوم شد‬

‫شعری و شاعری بشعیری میخرند‬
1386.Poetical intellect belongs to aloftier sphere,
a POet and his strain are not to behad for a
Used by way of reproach towards those who areunable to understand
P۵etical beauties

‫شعر فهمیدن به ا ز گفتن بون‬

1387. There is more merit in understauding poetry
. ‫شکل درویش صورت سوال است‬
SS.The forn or appearance
‫ن‬ a of beggaris
Gluestion personified. .

.‫شگر با پیاز مزه ندارد لیگرای این اختراع بند ه اسست‬

13S9 Sugar with onions is unpleasant to most;
but suchis my taste

‫شکم درویشان تغار خدا است‬

‫گسی که پرکناد حبیب خدا اسبات‬
1390, The belly of thg pooris the trough of Gop)
and the person who fills itisthe friend of Gop

‫شلغم پخته به ازانقره خام‬

.1391 ‫و‬Aboiled
turnip is betterthan raw -i.e.(vir
gin) silver.
See PartI. se II.No. 31.

‫شما تبت دشمن به که سرزنشی دو سمته‬

1392: The scoff of an enemy is better than the re
proof of afriend.

‫شمشیر نیک از آهن بد جوان گفد کسی‬

1393.How cana good sword be made from bad
iron P

To express the ineff acy of ‫م‬ducation bestowed ona blockhead or "

of a disposition innately bad.See 18th of this section.

‫شمشیر بگونی بسته که من نوگرشا هم‬

1304.Hehasput onasword and says that he 18

servant of theking
Said when any one assumes nrank whichhe is notentitled

‫شمه شیر مرد ان خالی نمیباشد‬

1895, The sword of the brave is newer unemployed.

‫شنبه بمهود ان ارزانی با دا‬

1396, The Jetos are welcome to Saturday.
‫شمع را پشت و رو نمیباشد‬
1397. A candle hasneither front nor back
Spoken of one whose words and thoughts agree.

‫شاه ع را هر جف د سر میزند روشنتر شود‬

1398- Notwithstanding people cut off thehead of
the candle it gives more light.
‫شامله بمقدار علم‬
1399 Thependant part of the turbanshonld be
in proportionto the learning.
Itwas formery the coatume of trfe learned to have the end of the turban
whiehwas called ‫ شهصله‬. «hanging down on the ,kcab the phrase implies
Jet not any one exceed in show or expense, hisrank or his means. See
‫با اندازه هم‬
‫شفید و کی بو د مانند دیده‬
1400. How ean hearing be like seeing :
‫شهرآمد يا آدم بشو‬
140I.Now that thou hast come to town, become

‫شو دا شود نه شود گو مشو چه خواهد شد‬

1402.Ifit happens ithappeus, if does not happen
what will happen ‫با‬
id by one who is quite indufferentas to the result of an affair.
288 ORIENTAL PROWERBS. r Aar ‫ن‬.1

‫شوق در هر دل که باشد رهبری در کار نیسست‬

1403.In whosever's heart there is areal desire
an object he hasno occasion for a guide to
direct him to it.


‫شوهر هم میخواهد و ده رویش هم می آید‬

‫و‬Herhusband cails and the Fitneeris
also coming.
Taken from the history of a woman who was called by her husband a4
the very time when she had made anassignment with a Fageer ‫ و‬-and ap
plied to one who is distressed and embarrassed bybeing wanted in two
places at the same time•

‫شویی زن زش سما رويب نابینا به‬

1405. It is better that the husband of anugly W۲0
man should be blind.

‫شهر با شیر زور بنماید خار و خس را خلل بیفزاید‬

1406. When lion contends withlion, the tu Ofn3
and straw goto wreck.i, e, the weak are ruin

ed by the contention of the powerful.

Quiquid delirant reges plectuntur Achivi.

‫شیر قالبان ل یگر را شیر نیستانی دگر‬

‫اسم معا‬
1407. Thelion on the carpet is one thing, and the
lion in the forest another.
Said when athing of inferior value is compared with another of great

‫شیر را به همي ماند باد تو به پیغمبر چه میمانی بگو‬

1408.Alions whelpresembles its sire, but tell
m ein what respect do youresemble a prophet *

.‫شیشه بشکسته را پیوند کرد ن مشگل اسست‬

1409 It is difficult to nuend abroken glass.

‫شیطان خانه خود را خراب نکند‬

1410. The devil does not destroy his own house.

‫صاحب گرم همیشه مفلس اساسنا‬

1411. A liberal man is always poor.

‫تعزیعت آدم شمار اسست‬ ‫صاحساسا‬

1412. Amourner is always counting men.

In order to see how many he must provide entertainment for-

‫صاحب خر را پس خر نمیتوان دید‬

413 Cant you bear to see the owner of the ass
behind the ass.
Said when the relations of a person cannot permithim who has reaily
b vhi
‫ل‬ exertions
fl acquired
e any s
m spendit
i on h

‫فه هاه‬ ‫معمولر یا ترا کامگاری‬

414. Patience will accomplish your desire.

‫صباح خواستم خانصری بیفام خرسی د و چارشد‬

1415.In the morning I wished to see a person lke
‫و‬Khizr .but
instead of that Imet with abear
Itis related, that a poorman at Masunduran said to his
wife, thathe haddreamed of Khizr the preceeding night, and
he was inhopes that a person would comeunexpectedly andex
tricate him from his distress. Hepassed the night with this
idea, and nextmorning aftersaying hisprayers, he went out of
the town overjoyed ‫ و‬and beganto walk about the mountain :
when abear came up to him out of a hole andhugged him ‫ و‬the
manhaving gotrid of the bearwith great difiiculty proceeded
to hishouse muchwounded ;he happened to meet with some
his friends one of whomasked him the cause of his wound
heanswered in the above proverb.

‫صباح یتیمان و شام غریبان شیخ سعی میباشد‬

.1416 ‫و‬The
morning of orphans and the evening
of travellers is painful.

‫صبح را شام د ر قفا با شد‬

1417. The evening follows the morning.i.e.Pros-
perity is uncertain and may be followed by ‫فه‬
Te We TSC .

‫سیر مفتاح کارها است‬

14ls Patience is the key ofditicult altaira
( Eng. ) Patienceisa plaister forallsores.

‫است و لیگان بر شیرین د ارد‬ ‫صیار تلخ‬

1410.Patience is bitteritself, but bears sweet

‫ه‬rer. H. oRiENTAL PRovERBs 2gi

‫صبر کن تا که بیانی رسی‬

‫پ‬ 1420 Have patience in orderthat you may arrive
your object

‫محبت نا جنس با شد ثمره آزارها‬

1421. Muchtrouble is the fruit of society with
the worthless

‫معایت نیگان بدانرا سود نیست‬

1422. The society of the good hasno effect on the
badH -

‫عثمبت سرخس اصت و سر جان‬

1423."This is the society ofSurukhs and Surigan.
i.e - Surukhs being a city of Khoorasam ‫ و‬the
d we\ling of the wise Looqman :
Addr-essed to a person, who endeavours by flattery to insinuate bimself
‫؟‬ h,t
or interested sesoprupr into a o
companyw n
of whichhe is u ‫از‬.
‫ز‬ - .‫ش گ است‬ ‫; ایال‬۱ ‫لیه‬ ‫دا‬
‫صدایی و هلی ز حالی بود نش هم آسمت‬
1424. The sound of the drum, procceds fromis
having an empty belly.
that th ‫م‬ignoranter generaliy the most nois ‫میز‬

‫صدا از هر دو د سمینامی بر اید‬

H42:3 .A SOtin dis produced fron both hands.
ftuse dto express, that itreonirestropersons atleast to accomplish aay
thing ۲efery.See No. 150 of lissoction

292 oRIENTAL PRovERBs. r AarI.

‫صد بار اگر تو به شکستی باز آ‬

1426, Althoughthou hast broken the bow of re
pentance ahundred times, still come back to me
(for forgiveness).
Said to a person not to despair of Gop's mercy.

‫صد تلث زرگر یک تک آهنگر‬

1427. One hundred blows of a goldsmith shammer
are only equal to one of a blacksmith's.
See Part II.No.759.

،‫صد د ر شود گشاد و چو بسته شود د ری‬

1428. One hundred doors will be opened when one
dooris shut.
See PartI.Sect.I.No. 486.

1429, Wherever the chief sits, that is the chief


‫صد شکرکه چقدر نبود‬

1430. Ahundred thanks (to Gop) that it Was not

beet-root See ‫خواب شد‬

‫صد اقه داد رای رد با اسبتها‬

1431. Giving alms keeps off misfortunes

‫صدق پیش آرر که اینجا هر چه آراند آن برند‬

1432- Bring truth with you, for what youbring
here, (i.e.this world) that you carry.
Eachwill be treated hereafter according to his deserts ‫ه‬

‫صد کشته جومن به که تو غمگین نه زي‬

1433- If a hundred such as I should bekilled, it
. is best that you live not in sorrow•

‫صد گلغ را یکث کلوخ بس است‬

.1434 . One clodis sufficient to drive away a hundred
CO WA78.

‫صد کرزه میسازد که یگی د سته نیا رد‬

1435 . ‫و‬Hemakes
a hundred pots but none of them
have handles.

‫صد تشنه جو مری به که تو غمگین نفسی‬

143G. If a hundred such asme should bethirstyit
is well that you should not remain in sorrow.

‫صد مرث پرتو یکتا من نیسسع‬

437. Ahundred Mans of heron's down is not one
‫گاه‬mt. ‫ قو‬in the ,hsikruT is the name ofa species
. ‫و‬of
heron whose down is used forpillows &c.
‫همة‬. ‫چ‬Ten
o ‫م ه‬hundred
fools are not equal in value to one wiseman

1438 . Ahundred cats and one mouse 2

Said when tnanypeople attack one, apoor defenceless person.

1439, Oue catissuflicient forahundred mice,

See ‫صد کاغ‬

1440, The cleanness of a house, is effected by

means of water and abroom.

‫صغرایب ما بلیموی نمایش گذد‬

144l. Ourbile (choler) is not to be removed by a
,Said ‫ه‬ m
f a person who i
is not satisfied with what h
is offred ‫* و‬b
damands more.

‫مف مغلوب راهری بس است‬

1442. A shoitt is enongh fora defeated army : t0
tnakethem run away.
‫صلیب سمرقداد یا‬
14 43. Afulse invitation ; merely complimentary
: without wishing or expecting that it should be
‫صلا نشد بل شد‬
1444, It was not good advice,but a misfortune
This ‫ و‬aid by cae whahas suffered from having followed the advice
of another ،
‫م‬secr.Il ,ORIENTAL
PROWERBS 29 ‫تا‬

‫صلاح کار کجا و مرا خراب کجا‬

1445 .How can anian like me who am intoxicated

۳ith divine love, .give.good advice in worldly

affairs. ... ‫و‬ ۳.

،، ، ، ، ‫را‬ ‫او‬ ‫و‬ .

144 G- That is entirely pleasing tome which is

pleasing to thee
i.s - 1 have no will bnt thine»

‫صلی ارل به از جنگ تا آخر‬

l447 . Peace at first, is betterthan war atlast.

‫و ندیدن هم مبارلث‬ ‫اصمات‬ ‫صورت گرگ دیدن مدارک‬

144S-It is lucky to see a wolf anditis alsolucky
Il Otto Seeone.

Itas esteemed alucky omen for a person to see wolf at ths ‫م‬nemme ‫م‬tneme
rney i whilstatthe
ofa ‫ا حل‬ ‫ل‬ same time
e the sight h
of him is aptt
o alerra

‫صوفی نه شود صا في تا د رنگشد جا مي‬

1449. The Soofee will not become puretill he
takes a cup .

Themeaning of this line is consideradmystical : the eup implying ‫ه‬

‫ا‬e of v

‫صاف را اول بد و زخ میبرند‬
1450, First they carry to hell pure Soofees.
i.e. Apersonnuust sufier ruany hardships in orderto becorne
a So ofee.

‫میاد نه هربار ش=کاری ببرد‬

‫باشد که یکي روز پلنگش بد رد‬
1451. Ahunter does not always find game. It .
may sohappen that one day aleopard may tear
him in peices.

‫صید را چون اجل آید سوي صیاد رود‬

1452.When death approaches the game, it goes
towards the sportsman.
See No. 43 of this Section.

‫اضا بطه یاری در سر دارد‬

1453 The rules offriendshiphe has inhis head.
i.e, He toishes to form afriendship
‫ضا مافی یا د سست بر یش اسعت یاد سست بگیسه‬
1454. Security is eitherputting your handsuP0
yourbeard, or into your purse.

‫پسر‬ ‫ضعبط ملگی نیمبت من بي سیا سماع‬

145 ‫ ق‬. The possession of akingdomis impossible
without good government : Omyson !

‫ضرب المثل روزگار است‬

1456. He is the proverb of the age.
i.e.Heis distinguished among his co-temporaries ‫و‬ ‫ه‬ither
egrof **
bad qualities,but generally for the latter۰
‫جم‬arc ‫م‬II ORIENTAL PROWERBS ‫و‬ 93

‫ضریبا ضریبه اول اسم ستی‬

1457 . The first blow is the blow..................
(Erag). The first blow is half the battle

‫نیافیت شیراز‬ ... ‫و‬

145S. Sheerazhospitality.i.e. Giving an invitati
on in hopes that the person invited will not ac
cept ofit.
‫ضریبد ستی ندیده است‬
1459. Hehasnever received the blow of any
hand : i.e.he has never experienced the hard
ships of the world.
‫اسبتها‬ ‫که برای نشا رای شقا وادث‬ ‫ضعف‬

146O. Instability of faith is a mark of wretchedness.

‫بلعث چه برابری‬، ‫ضیغم را با‬

.146 T. What equalitybetween a lion and a fox *
‫طا قاتب مهماری ند اشست خانه به همان گذا شست‬
1462, He couldnotentertainhis ‫و‬tseug but left
him the house to himself
Applied ‫؛‬o a person who when avisitor comesto his house, goes out,
Peeuding business and leaves him to waithis return.

‫ طا قابت دید ن ندارد روي پفهان میکند‬.6

463He couldnot look at him therefore he hid
hisface, ... ‫و‬
ggs oRIENTAL PRovERBs.ast I

‫طا مع همیشه ذلیل است‬

1464, A covetous person is always debased.

1465 Why should I beatmydrum in secre ‫یا‬

‫ه‬inée my basoli has fallen from the top of the
- - ‫ م‬: ...:
house ... i

sho‫آ‬i.e.w me‫هنه‬
to keep hreadyb
‫ان‬hy r

,1466 ‫م‬
doctorT h
who iskind falls in the
e estima
tion of hispatient.

‫طبیب بیمار و بت خلق را رنجور میخواهد‬

‫گدا بهر طمع فرزند خود را کور میخواهد‬
.1467 Theunfeeling doctor wishes people sick ‫و‬
(for his own advantage) anda beggarthrough
avarice wisheshis son blind : thathemay 8 *

about begging with him.

1463.Infancy wasa paradise

‫طفال به گذمبا از هممر و له ولی برند شرای‬
.1469 The child does not goto the school ‫و‬ but IS

carried therc.
‫ن‬eof one who d
s ,ygnilliwnugnihtyna or is forced )۶

‫طفل د امن گیر من آخر گریبان گیرشد‬

147O- The boy who once seized the skirt of my
‫و‬robe ) ht was brought
gnup by l
e )em ta
- seized my collar ‫ )ب‬e.became my enemy).
‫طفل طفل است اگر پیغمبر زاده هم با شد‬
.471 - A child is a child, though the son ofa prophet.

‫طفیلی کد و کرم هم آب میباید‬ .

1472-By means of the pumpkin, the-wormalso

: gets water, :۹
‫مه‬ : A .)۹ ،
Said when poor people obtain any ‫هل‬ing by means of thegreat.. ‫گ‬

‫طمیع آرد بهمردان روی زره گی‬

1473. Covetousness brings people to shame.
‫طمع را سر بر گز مرد مرد یی‬
1474E. Ifyoube aman of courage cut off the head
of avarice.

1475, The-word ‫ طمع‬consists of three letters,

۹۳۹d each of themis empty (i.e.without points).
‫مه تگ‬id
t .diasuade
any one from being avarieious

‫طعنه برگس مزاری بصورت ز شمثها‬ ‫با‬

1476.Do not reproach any one with his look
Q q
300 ORTENTAL PROW TR389 ‫ از‬Aar r ‫ه‬

.‫نظر قلعذابت گرد نشان افتاد‬ ‫به‬

1477 The chain of )sroG( eurse has fallru ‫م‬gp
his neck...،.. ‫هم به‬ ‫م‬.‫ ر‬... ‫می‬ ‫ای‬
When any one has fallen into ‫بر‬enutrotsim is spt ‫م‬t saythis of hari

elf ands
it likewise.
said by m
other Peerlein
t speaking
ht ‫تا‬

.‫طوطیان و رشگر شتان یا مرانی میکنند‬

Parrots iive happily ina plantation ٔ‫ قه‬gar .
‫خه‬.‫آ ه‬۶ ‫وی بهه سب‬
) ‫طیذ تدابیه عفی سفالی سمناسب بی شر اوبه‬
1479. Aperson of abad disposition, is an earthen
without wine :

" ‫چین‬- ‫ظلم از مظلوم با شد شگو‬

1480.A n oppressor complains more of the oppress
ed, than they do of him.
‫نا‬i‫ر‬ ( , t - -...
۲۱‫م‬، ‫م مه‬. ۱۰

‫ظلم تا به ارگ دست نمیدارد از صنام‬ ‫ گ‬-

‫سه ماه‬ ‫به‬
،‫آخمسیر بر عقسیسا با پر تیر میشود‬
.i s4 even 1
at thepaiu
‫ به‬،htae ***
... not leave oft his oppression: tlig, feathers of the

.(.eagle after his deathbegothefather for *****"*

.‫ن‬ai :‫وی‬ ‫ همه‬،‫ماه‬

1482: Theoppfessor puts ofittle appearance of

. the ،،.desserppo iio 3313 ‫م؟» آن‬

n ‫وی‬

‫‪ -‬ظالم پای دیوار خود را میگندان‬

‫‪44ss The tyrant saps the foundation of his ownt‬‬
‫‪house.‬‬ ‫‪...‬‬ ‫‪.‬‬ ‫‪...‬‬ ‫و‬

‫ظالم همیشه خانه خرابی است‬

‫‪ in distress‬رده ‪s The ppressor is‬‬ ‫‪،‬مهر‬

‫پی ‪ : :‬ظاهرش از شیح و با طن از شیطان‬

‫ی ‪148‬قر‬
‫‪g‬‬ ‫‪he is ai‬‬
‫‪,tnias butinternally‬‬
‫و مه‪:‬د‪.‬‬ ‫و ‪eoiroiI‬نی‪ ،‬مونا‬
‫من میل ‪a devil.See‬‬
‫ظاهر عتوان با طن اسنت ‪-‬‬
‫‪148G. The outside of athing is an index to that‬‬
‫‪whichis within.3‬‬
‫ح‬ ‫‪ ۹‬م‪ :.‬لیسه‬

‫‪ :ii‬نغی گاه‬ ‫اروپا باره انجباری‬ ‫‪۴‬؛ نا‬ ‫‪ ۹۹‬نه ‪ ۸‬و‬

‫‪1487 - Afriend in‬‬ ‫‪anenemyat‬ر ‪ecnaraeppa but‬رو‬
‫نام ‪.‬درب ‪:‬یه به هم شله‬ ‫و سه ها‬
‫ظ افساسی آتش اف و از حدابه‪ ،‬سمت‬
‫یاریم ‪:‬‬ ‫‪oili‬ینان‬ ‫با تش فروز جدایی‬
‫نظر از "‬ ‫‪،‬‬

‫ه‪.‬‬ ‫‪:i‬‬
‫‪the inflamer of aversion. :‬‬
‫را به ‪ .tiii‬اما ‪( ) :‬‬ ‫داری‪ff :‬‬

‫ظرفیکه سا بهیت للییسمد قابل ‪۱.‬ا‪..‬س هتعشم‪،‬اهل نیست‬

‫‪14S9. The vessei whichthe dbg icksis not fit‬‬
‫‪ ۰ -‬تا‬ ‫راهه ‪۰‬‬
‫‪toba‬ت ‪۰۶‬‬
‫‪ ) :‬نه ‪titéd‬‬ ‫آنه‪61 :‬آر او‪ ،‬اندازه‬ ‫هم‬

‫ظریق ریشه مضرگردان آم ماس‬

‫‪ :O0 The‬ای‬ ‫غار تا آن ‪witty man is always introuble‬‬
‫خدا اسم اسکا‬ ‫ظفرو نصرفشه از جا زامبیا‬ ‫‪،‬و ‪.‬‬

‫‪1491.‬‬ ‫‪Wictory is from Gop‬‬ ‫‪ ...‬دههٔ‬ ‫و‬ ‫‪)i,2‬‬


1492: The oppression of the oppressor, isthe cause

of the desolation of his country. ‫م‬

. ‫ظلم بسو یاست عدل اصابتی‬ r

1493 Oppression whichis not carried to extremes,

is justice." -
: ‫ آبی‬۹ .‫ه‬r۹ - -
* The Persian are »‫ ه‬muehaecustoned ،‫ ه‬,noisserppo as to be perfeetr
to a moderate degree ofit ‫م‬
‫ع‬ ‫تسا‬.

‫است‬ ‫عارف خود غیر عار ف‬

4 is.
niisa notsa --
‫تنک آب ا سه ستا هنو ز‬ ‫عارف که بر احمد‬ .

1495. A saint who is easily oftended is like a little

: ‫و‬water )
، :l
: - i
.... ‫م‬.s
. .‫ه‬: ‫س‬: . ‫ نبهه‬-
‫از ژ‬
: ‫را رد نه لا‬ ‫عاشقی را ز‬
‫ ه با‬: ‫ ید‬: ‫برر مي‬ ‫معمامه ی‬
1496. Alover ought to be possessed of moneynot
: «. ‫ع‬
‫ ن‬.. . •

of Wain glory, (in orderto attainhis object).

‫به‬ :‫ م‬:‫ست‬ ‫دهم‬ ‫ة‬. ‫! و‬...‫شهها د ه‬
‫؛‬ ..‫ پر و عاشقم لیکن تا کنار با م‬.‫بود‬
1497. I am your lover, as long as yourbeautylusts.
‫عاشقم لیکن ناز معشوقی دارم‬
1493.I am aloveribut still Lhave the airs of one
belowed. ‫و ه هایم‬.
«... ‫ی‬ : : ‫تسین مم‬.
Said by a Soofee of hirnself‫رچ‬،
(‫ن ته‬:ota : {i : : ‫ن‬. ..

‫عاشقي بس مشکل ا سمت‬

1499, Thetask of a lover is very difficult.
‫عاشقی مهربانی تر از پد ر است‬
1500 ‫ چه‬A loveris morekind than a father

‫عاقبت گرگاف زاد و گرگ شود‬

15Ol. The wolf s whelp becomes atlast a wolf
) ‫ر‬.Lat Lupus pilummutat .metnemnon ( Eng ) That which is bre4
in the bone, will never wear out of the fiesh.

‫عاقلان خود میدانند‬

15O2. The wise know exactly how the matter
-stands. ‫م‬

‫م‬ i
- ..e ,lt is quite unnecessary to informthose who are already well ae
۹uainted with an affair.It seems to correspond with No. 298 of Part ‫است‬
Sect. I- .

...‫و‬ ‫یا نغوانند یا غلط نکنند‬ ‫ه‬

1503. The wise doht servielly follow the dots, (in

reading) for they either will not read at all, or
if t hey do they read correctly.
- ‫)ه‬
۲ ٔ‫ مه‬. e
Awise maa wont engagein whathe does not perfectly understand
‫عاقل د و باره فریب نمیخورد‬
‫ن‬40. A wisemanisnever deceived twice
. ‫عالی را به نیم جو خرند‬
1505. They (i, e, the worldnow a days) will not
30 ‫تا‬ }ORIENTAEPROWERBS ‫ن‬rsa 1

,1506 ‫ذ‬The
stylefrom its comparisons is incompara
ble. ‫م‬
‫ م‬..‫ک‬
: ‫م‬.

‫عجب جلب که ترا یاد دوستداران شد‬

1507. It is surprizing that you shouhd recollect
.yourfriends ۶ ‫هما‬ ‫ق‬

‫عجب رصه ي سمت رسم آیا مي زاد‬

.‫ ر‬. ‫ یاد‬.‫ که دور افتاد و ر ا کم می کفد‬.4.1
1503.It is an extraordinary custom amongman
. kind, that they forget a person when afardif
)Eo‫هد‬ ‫و ها به ده‬Paris.iisio .

‫عد و شرد ادیبانی یا لرزاق گر خدا خواهد‬

1509. Ifitplease Gob‫رب‬an enernybegomes the cause
. of one otaining hisdaily food, , , .ir :۱
‫ به‬۳ ‫با توجه به مه‬ ‫میم‬ ‫عهده‬ ‫بر‬
‫نگرید‬ ‫زا با عذ رید تر زاگنا هشب‬o ‫او‬
1310, Behold his excuse is more culpablethan his
‫مهر هم‬ - ‫ ص‬---‫ماه مح‬

‫عذر تقصیراسما چندانکه تقصیرات ما‬ ‫تتا‬

15 ll. Our exeuses are in proportionto our crimes
‫اعر و نمی که بمری رسید شمسبب کوتاه شد‬
Iwas married the night wa

‫عروس یگه روی خود پس غربیل پذهان کهد اختناشی‬

..f : ‫وی‬ ... ‫جابجات نایسه مبتها‬
15 13.Itunnecessarytosift the bride, who hides
.:hierfacebehind asiewe. . ... ‫و‬

‫عربست هرگس بد سمت آنگسی ا سسعی‬

‫م‬l514.Ev er
honor ymown
is inhis an 's
keepi ng

‫در عزلبت امامت‬ ‫هنر وث‬

] 515 - Respect is in retirement. _er‫م‬
‫گ‬ ...{ - ‫ی‬i

‫هر یز من جواوبا اساسات ا یری نه جنگات اسسعه‬

.1516 ,dn eect
recoll ithat rthisfis y anM answe
‫و‬ r
rr ...
not a challenge. : ‫به‬ ‫ من‬...
.»‫همه هم‬
‫عشق امامت وا را د ویت‬
- ۰- . ‫د‬: ‫!هب‬---۰.۹
I 617. Love is the same with desire.
)... : ۶ ‫پ‬:

‫ سمت و هزار بد گمانی‬۱ ‫عشقی‬ ..

151S. Leve is the cause ofa thousand suspicions

. ‫ت‬t i
‫فشق بازی را از مجنون یا د می باید گرفست‬
1519 You ought to learn the art of love from
‫نق‬M Noo .N f .۱۶ t

‫همراه‬ ‫م‬." ‫ه‬.۹ ‫م‬.

.‫ عشق نشد بلای جاری شد‬،


-1580 Not .to hayeloyed, is newerto have hden

blessed. ...

‫پنهان نمیماند‬ ‫و مشک‬ ‫عاشقی‬

1321. Love and musk do not remain concealed

‫نه آموختافی‬ ‫عاشویی آمد فی بود‬
: 1522. Love comes ofits own accord and not by
‫آتشی است پیر و جوان را خبر کنید‬ ‫عاشقی‬

1323 Love is a fire, let old and young beware ofit

‫عصای پیر جای پیر‬
1924. The saint's staffin the place of the saint.
( Eng ) Loveme, love my dog.

‫هم‬ ‫عطای تو بلقای تو بخشید‬

1525. Ihave given bounty to thy countenance.
Spoken to one who gives any thing either reluctantly or of abad quality ‫ه‬

‫عطارد یا با ید که تا با نزد یگي آفتاب آرد‬

1526. You ought to be like Mercury, to be able to

COme so near the Sun .

‫عقل اچوری آید بتو گوید که آن کری‬

1527. When wisdom comesit says do that.
‫عقل مدرسه چیزی دیگر اساسع‬ ۹

1528 College knowledge is quite another thing

‫همة‬. Booklearning is one thing and a knoicledge qr the sorld anoth۶۳۰

‫علاج واقعه قبل از وقوع باید کرد‬

1529. We should provide against anaccident be ‫به‬

fore it happ ‫م‬an.

ter.ir. REv L oRP 307

‫علاست برود و عاد دت نرود‬

l830 Sicknessmaybe cured butnot habit.
‫علم نجوم قیانه روزگاراست‬
1581. Astrology is the physiognomy of the age

‫علم شی به از جهل شی‬

H 532.Knowledge of athing, is betterthanigno
rance ofit.

‫علم د ر سمینه میباید نه د ر سفینه‬

‫گت‬۹ .33 ‫و‬S ci
ought entoce
to be committed memory
rnot be putina common placebook.
‫عالم غیب خامه خدا است‬
153-4. The knowledge of invisiblethings, belongs
or=nly to Gop
‫علم مرغ وحشی است‬
1535 - Science is like wild fowl.
،i is ‫ه‬ ‫ل‬d
to ,e
.iff tpekr iu
even qca
when t

‫علم و اد دبا برگد ا ندهند‬

1536.Knowledge and good breeding are notbes
towed on everybeggar.

‫عمارگر خوش گذرد زندگي خضر گم اصتصه‬

Ab3Ti ، If the timepasses agreeably, the life of
‫ح‬Khizr )
d appears
For an account of Khizr. See Part II.Section I.No. 557.
R r
30s oRIENTAL PRovERas, r Aari
.‫است‬ ‫مجاهر سفر کوتا‬
1538, The life of a journey is short,
When any one undertakes a journey, this saying is used te cornfert his
family, who are left behind :

‫عمر همه بباد میرود‬

1539. Man's life is given to the winds, i.e.spent
‫عمراد راز برای نجر به استع‬
1540, Along life is for the purpose of giwing ex
‫را میخواهد که بادام گیرد‬ ‫عقا‬

1541.Hewishes to catch aphoenix, inhis net.

i, e, Hewishes to do what cannot be done,

‫عوان عود سو زد و کند و د و زخ شود‬

1342: The assistantburnsaloe wood, andit b8
comesthe wood of hell, (in colour).
That whichis naturally excellent mayappear to disadvantage by being
( Eng ) Evil communication corrupts good manners.

‫خاکستر است‬ ‫از و فه‬ ‫و سرگیری هرد و در آتش‬ ‫عود‬

1543. Should wood ofaloes, and dung, be put in the
fire, they willbothbecome ashes.
It is used to express the deathlevels all.
. ‫است‬

‫عوض دارد گله ندارد‬ ... ‫ه‬...

1544. Retaliation is no ground of complaint
)gnE‫ ری‬Afair exchange is no rebbery.See Part I.Ne 445

‫بد یا اسامی‬ ‫عوفري نیگی‬

lb45. The return for good is evil.
Said in complaining of the present times, or of one who hasbehaved
‫ا‬yllufetargnu . -

‫عیسبتا خود را گسی نمیبیند‬

1546, No one seeshis own faults

. ‫عید عظیم چاشني د یگز دارد‬

1547 The grand festival, (whieh in Persiabegins
day of the year), hasa very different
on the first

‫و‬flavor ) every.superior
s i e to)the
r .
‫عیسیلی بد این خود مو سسیلی بد ینی خود‬
‫خ‬1 .48 Isa followedhis own ,htiaf and so did
‫ق‬sesoM ‫ر‬

To express an aversion to controyersy. ‫مساس‬

. ‫عیش را در جهان خزان دادند‬

15 .2‫ت‬49 this world there is an autumn to every
season of pleasure
) Eng ‫ را‬.Every
spring has an autumn.See Part I.Seet.I.No ‫ور‬45
‫د دا‬
‫ا فر‬
1550, The fool spends his life ‫و‬yltnasaelp )being
from care ....
. ‫غربت د ید و مهربان باشد‬
155H. He who has experienced the hardships of
travellin» g iskind to others .

‫غرق شد او را بفر یاد چه شود‬

1552. Of what use is it to call on one who is
( Eng ) What cannot be cured must be endured.

‫غریبه نیستم بیما رم‬

amnot .I
am sick -
A shopkeeper who had given shelter .to apoor Afoght, had soon after a
dispute with another Afoghul, and got a beating for hispains. Con his
reproaching his adversary with so illa requital of his kind trsaiueens of the
poorman, the other answere d him with this phrase.

‫غضب مراد محک اواس است‬

1354 . The anger of manishis ،‫ه‬uch stone
i e You can ‫ز‬
a manh
by ‫ه‬regm
‫غلام همبت آنم که دالی بکس ند هد‬
admire the resolution of him who
giveshis heart to no one.
The speech of a lover۰

‫غله گر ارزان شود امسال سید میشوم‬

1856.Should grain be cheap this year, I ahall be
come alord..

‫غم فردا را امروز نباید خورد‬

1557. You ought not to suffer to-day the grief
which belongs to-morrow.
( Eng ) Enough for the day, is the evil hereof See No. 298.

.1558 ‫(و‬If
you have no pain (or ‫ز‬trouble buy a ***89
hava =

That your
c carea maybe
. employedia
i teading ‫ف‬
,ti and Yo ‫ع‬
od ‫ع‬

‫* چه از ترش روي د لتنگات اسبت‬

.1559 The bud fromits sourness of c6 ‫ه‬ecnanetm, ..
. is narrow hearted, i.e. distressed.

‫غنی هر چند کریم با شد سفره بر صر را ه نمي اند ازد‬

1360, A richmanthoughhe beliberal, still does
not spread histable cloth on the publicroad..
‫غواص در دریا چیزی دیده است که بغورش غوطه میزند‬
diverhas seen
‫و‬156 Th
something in thee
for whichhe dives.
Said when a person is observed to pursue anything attentively۰

‫غواره مویز میشود مویز غور نمیشود‬

1662. Unripe grapes become raisins, but raisins do
not become unripe grapes.
Used to express that an ignorant man maybecomelearned, but that a
‫م‬lear n

‫غول در این خانه بند نمیشوده‬

1563 A demon could not be prevailed uponto
stay inthishouse.
‫فال بد بر زبان بد با شد‬
1564, Abad omen ought not tobe mentioned.
. ‫فال نیک نشان حال نیک‬
1565. A good omen portends prosperity - ۱
Applied to a child, who gives indications offuture ability•

: ‫فال نیکو بزن بهر کاری‬

1566. In every affairpresage good.
‫سفالیز جهان به رخزان آمده است‬
1567: The melonfield of the world was made for
the autumn.i e The worldwas made to be

‫ش‬.....destrdyed - ‫م‬ ،، ،
‫ه‬ ‫به ه‬

‫قرالث جوان مردان به سامستا آریز امید اسسته‬

1383 The saddle strap of the generous is the bond
of hope for the poor
‫سع‬ ‫فتنه خفاثه را مگن بیدار‬
1569.Dont awaken sleeping sedition.
)‫زیغ‬ Do not awaken ‫ه‬

‫فتنه در خواب به اصابتدا بیدارش مگن‬

1370 Seditionis ‫و‬peelsa dont awakenit

‫فراغ روزایی را با تعط چه کار‬

1371. Hewho is well PTOWided ‫و‬rof what hashe
to fearfrom the famine * .{

‫فراموشي رباران لازم افتاده استت دولت را‬

1579 Forgetting ones ‫و‬sdneirf necessariy follows
the acquisition of wealth..
‫قربه خواه میخواه مرد آن مي باشد‬
1373 Afatman Whetherhe will or no, is a great
ITharm. ‫م‬ ‫م‬

‫فربهاي شيد اگر و آمان چیزی دیگر است سع‬

1974, Fatness is one thing and ‫ق‬relling
۲ is ‫بگ‬ehtona

‫فره ات کند خمار» مشب مستي‬

‫ا‬ 1375 As you are drunk to ,thgin you will be crop
sick to .morrow.

‫فرد ا که دید و ا هستنت‬

. ,1376 Who has seen to-morrow ‫ و‬-i
e Enjoy to
. day, no one knows what will happen to-morrow.
‫عیب نالث اسبش ذ ر چشم پدر‬ ‫قر زند اگر چه‬

1377. A son although full of faults, is perfect inhis

father's ey es.

‫فرزند گسان نمیگند فرزند یا‬

1378, The sons of other people, will newer perform
duties of sons ).(to
uoy ‫م‬

.‫ه‬ ‫موسسه‬ .j ، .۹
‫ روزانی است‬: ‫فرمان بر دار د رآیند‬
1579. An obedient servant colhes in at the ‫ر‬wodniw
:‫( م‬ ‫(د‬
(if hebe desired to do so).
‫» اسنتهاه‬
.‫م‬. ‫فریسیا میباشد خوابی صیاد‬
1380, The sleep of the fowleris only to deceive

the game . ‫عدصر‬ ‫سمتها های‬ ‫این‬ ‫ف‬ ‫هنر‬ ‫ه‬

‫ و یا‬، ، ، ، ، :‫ هی‬: ‫فر یاد شغال وبال شغال اه‬ . i

cry of
5 the 1
fortune (asit discovers wherehe is). ‫و‬r ‫و‬
314 oRIENTAL PRovERas r ‫ به‬i
.‫کستر اسست‬ ‫فرزند اگر توده خا‬
‫نورد و چشم پدر و ماد را سست‬
1582. A son althoughhe be alump of earth, (i.e,
good fornothing) stillhe is the light of the eyes
of hisparents.
.‫فضل و هنر ضایع است تا ننمایند‬
1583. Talents and skill are of no value without be
ing exhibited
(Lat.) Nullus argento colorest, avaris
Abditaeterris inimice lamnaa.

‫فعل بد گرد او را صنرا این است‬

1584. This is the punishment of evil-doers.
ofone who is
‫م‬S ke
involved in misfortune n
by his own misconduct

‫فگر زاهد دیگر و سود اي عاشق دیگر است‬

1585. Thethoughts of the devotee and the Iover ‫و‬

are very different.

( Eng.) Somanymen somanyminds.

‫فکر هرگس بقد ر همت او سبت‬

1586.Everyman's cares are in proportionto his


‫فلفل مبین که خورد ا سمت خوار ببیل چه تفاد اصابت‬

1587.Don't despise pepper because itis ‫ه‬mall eat
and see how pungent itis.i.e. We ought not
.judge of the powers of people by their siZ9

‫فوطه بر جهنم خورد نيا بیار‬

1388. Let the revenues goto hell, bring memy
daily food.
itis used to express the speakers with to receive ‫ه‬
e cannot
all thathe wants.

‫ طبع از متکلم جویی‬،‫قربان‬

1580, When the hearer does not understand the

discourse ‫ و‬expect not any effect from the genius

of the orator

‫ لیکن پوستش با رخر است‬،‫فیل گر چه مرد ه اصاست‬

,1390 hishide‫آ‬The
e ephantalthough dead still
is a load for an ass.

‫فی الجمله بهرچه د سست شائی‬

‫ سه ما جو قو یب بود بر ائی‬8
139I.Tn short whatever youput your hand to, if
you have only resolution you will succeedin.
‫فی الهمشل د سمت ابرند شنی نشود مشتاش وا‬
,1592 For ,elpmaxe should you cut oft his arm ‫ و‬his
hand wouldnot open.See No. 202.
‫قا روان هلاک شد که چهل خا نه گفجاد اشت‬
‫نوشیروان نمرد که نا م ن=کو گذ اشتی‬
.1593 ‫ان‬QArtoox who had forty chambers full of trea
sure was destroyed ‫ و‬but NUosHEERWAN died not ‫و‬
having left an iiiiinortal name.
.816 (DRIENTAL, PROWERBS. ‫}ه ج‬rtrA

‫قا عمد ان را کدد و بندي نیست‬

-1594, There are no stocks and bonds formessen
gers.i.e, Messengers are not (orought not
tobe) treated ill.
‫قاضي بد و گواد راضی‬
1595, The judge is satisfied with two witnesses
‫قا غیی بر شودست راضي‬
1596. The judge is satisfied with abribe.
‫قاضی چسبات گواه سعدتی‬
I ‫ز‬79. The judge is ,prahs but witnesses are good
‫قاضي ار با ما نشیند برافشاند د سست را‬
‫اکتسب گرمی خورد معذور دارد ماستس را‬
1598.1f the ()ageewere of our party he would
toss his hands about : ifthe Mootuhsib (Or censor)
would drink wine, hevrould excuse him "h* is

‫نکند‬ ‫شعبه پیر چه گند گر توبه‬

‫و‬139 ****what
shall an old courtezan dobutr
‫د لالی‬ ‫شعبه چون پیر شود‬
‫گند‬ ‫پیشه‬
1600. when a whore grows old, she become8 *

procuress. ion
Applied to aprofession which instead of promotio leads ۹۵ depree

,tceS.ItraH 53

‫قدر عافیت کسي داند که بمصیبتی گرفتار آید‬

that falls into )
the value of enjoyment (health).

‫قدر زار زرگر شنا صد قد رجوهر جوهري‬

‫قدر گل بلبل شنا صد قدر قنار را علی‬
1603 The goldsmith knows the true value of gold
and the jeweller of the gem ‫ و‬the nightingale
knows the worth of the ,esor and ‫ یا‬LEE that of

(gyBurs (his slave) See No. 808.

‫قدر عیسیل کجا شنا سد خر‬
1603.How shall an ass understand the dignity of
the MEssIAH :

‫ لی‬۱ ‫قدر نعمسندم بعد زو‬

,1604 The value of wealth ‫ و‬is known after the loss

‫قدم نامبارک و مسعود گر بد ریا نرو هاه بر آرد ف راهه‬

‫ق‬160 . If an unlucky person goto the TiVer ‫ و‬he
makes itsmoke That :S he carries ill fortuiiC
aphereger ite gOCS

‫قرار مرد ان بر یک میخن با شد‬

1606, Amanshould have only one word.

‫قرآن را ازلوح زر چه زیبه‬

1607. What ornament can the Qooran derive from
being written uponleaves of gold.
‫قریب صلطان آتش اسمتا از وی برسن‬
1608. The service of aking is a fire,which you
ought to be afraid of.
‫ هرشب مرغ پر و با ید خورد‬،‫قرض گه از هزار گذشتش‬
1609. Asmy debt exceeds 1000 ( Tomans), I ought
eat fowl Poolaos every night
Said by one who is so much involvedas to havelittle prospect of payin ‫تا‬
debts .and
thinksitis therefore of no use to be econcruical

‫قرضی حیفری مرد ان اسبتها‬

1610. Debt is aman's greatest evil.
‫قرض شوهر مرد ان است شا‬
1011.Debt is amanshusband.
i.e, Aman in debtis always at the mercy of his creditor ‫و‬

‫بغد ا ده باد اسمت‬ ‫قرضری‬

161:2. The debt of Bughdad isbad.
‫قرضی نداري برو به پشست تخوانبه‬
1613.If you are not in debt, go and sleep ony0 ‫ل‬۳
‫ر‬back (

،‫قسم برای خورد ن اساسی‬

1614. Oaths were made for purpose of being takeIn ‫ه‬
Something similar to our saying, pronoises arelike pie erust, made

‫قضایی نوشته نباید صرد‬

1615, You cannot erase what fate has written.

‫قضیه زمین بر سر زمین‬

1616.Disputes on earth are regarding thethings
of the earth : or disputes about ground ought to
be settled on the spot.

‫قطب از جانهایی جانبد‬

1617. The polar star never muoves from its place

‫قطع نظر ا ز کشف و گر اما دت دیگر حنصرت تا رخ د ان‬

161S.Independant of revelations and other mira-
cles ‫ و‬yourhonor is alsowell acquainted with
Saidironically to one who pretends to ‫ا‬lderstand
‫ند‬g whathe

‫قفا زدن گرد دن کشانرا گردن زد تا ا ستی‬

‫ار شی گراد نا‬-‫و سیلی خوا را نراد وادی خ‬
.1619 ‫و‬To
strike the proud on the neck with hand
is like cutting off thehead, and for the meanit
is like applying medecine to the itch of the neck.

‫قفل بد هان نمیتوان زد‬

162O, He cannot lockuppeople's mouths.

‫زد با‬ ‫بر د ر آسمان‬ ‫قفل‬

1621.Hehas locked up the gate of heaven.
Suid of a miser.

‫قلم رفته را چه چاره گند‬

1622. Thereisnoremedy against what has been
written in the book of fate

‫تلم جوانمرد است‬

1023. The pen is ahero.
‫شکسته سرا‬
.‫معه مست‬ ‫هری‬ ‫قلم اخباشی‬
1024 The pen of my fortune has gotabroken

‫تلند و هر چه گوید دید و گو ید‬

10 ,25 ‫و‬Whatever
the wandering traveller says he
does from having seen whathe speaks of
‫قهما را د ر را به قهها ر‬
)106 ‫ف‬Lit
,) Dice and the way of ,ecid i.e.y9
ought to know what dice is and the waytO play
‫ا‬ti before yoti attempt to meddle with gamin8۰
‫قذا شمت تو نگر کند مرد را‬
1627. Contentment makes aman rich..
‫قرال زاغ و زغن و مرغ چمن هرد و یکی است‬
,1628 "
The w
o the c ‫ و‬thekite and the
of r
uightingale are alike to such a one.See Part.J .
S. 6 ‫از‬.
،s scr.II . ‫ر‬LATNEIRO PRO WERBS. 321

‫قول مرد ان جان دارده‬

1629 . ‫و‬The
word of the brave has life init ormay
be depended on.

‫قارچ نر از برای تربانی ا سه مث‬

1680. The ramis only for sacrifice.
As money is only for spending -

‫قدرد رویش زیان د رویش‬

1631, The wrath ‫ه‬f the poormanhurts only him

‫قیهه بث بی حگم مثنی نیست‬

1632: The high price (of the thing) is not with out
sotne reason.
Said when a large sum is asked for what does not appearto be worth so

‫قیمتت زعفران چه ه اند خر‬

1633, What does an assknows about the value of

‫اسبتها‬ ‫گر استانه را نشانی دگر‬

1634. The work of a masteris quite a different
.‫کارنیگو گردن از پرگردان است‬
1635. Doing well depends on doing completely
‫گا رها زیگو شود لیگان بصر‬
1636. Woik can onlybe well done with patience

‫اسماست‬ ‫کا ر ا ستا دا‬ ‫نیسد عت‬ ‫کا ر ما‬

1637 . ‫و‬This
is not my business but that of amas -
‫و‬ter .i.e.this
business isfar above my strength
‫گاه نشد‬ ‫نگو شد‬ ‫ژاشد ک‬ ‫کا ریگه نگو‬
.1038 ‫و‬The
business whichwas not well performed
it Was well that was not performed.

‫کار یگه نه کار تست زنها را مگنی‬

1639, Never do that which is not your proper busi
ll6SS .

(Lat.) Ne sutorultra crepidern

‫کا ریگه بعقل درنیا ید دیوانگی د را و نباید‬

1010.Benot so foolish as to undertake that busi
ness which you do not understand.

‫استث‬ ‫کارکا ر دولسشها و خسانا‬

] {}4{ . This business is the business of fortune.

‫کار را کار فرما میگذد‬

J02.IIe who directs the business, performsit.

1643.It is the business of partridge to eat sand.

‫کا را امروز بر فردا نباید گذ اشعها‬ -

1644. Never leave till to-morrow that which can

be doile to-day.
stor.II . . oRIENTAL PROWERBS, 328

1645. The work of a childisimperfect, and the

understanding of aslave deficient.

164G. A superintendant confers uponworks.

‫گارانه فه سکه خود را نمی برد‬
1347 . The knife docs not cut offits own handle
i-e - ‫ هر‬.wickedmandoes
nothurthis own relations ‫م‬

‫راگبی‬ ‫کاز هر مرد و مرد هر کا‬ ...(i .

164S.There is apeculiar business foreveryman ‫و‬

anda peculiarman forevery business.
One science only will one genius fit. :
So vast is art, sonarrow human wit.

‫کا سه زیرشه کا صه‬

16 49. Asmall cup under a larger.
Implies suspicion or ‫ه‬.tbuod

، .tif
1650, The begars cup is different
Addressod to one who solieits an employment, for whichthose to whom
be appliésthinki.irn unfit: q. d.those who are equal to the business are of
quite a different description.

. ‫گ شهمیری بی پیرگی‬
l G51.The people of Kashneer are devoid ofprin

894 oRIENTAL PROWERBS ‫ هم‬ari.
‫کا در همه را بکیش خود پند ارد‬
1652. An unbeliever thinks every one to be of the
samefaith with himself

‫کا هلي خورد و راه کي برود‬

1653.. He eatshayand goes along the road.
i.e.Heisidle and good for ‫م‬gnihton

‫کاهل را یک کارفرما و صد پند پیرا نه بشفاو‬

1654. Orderalazy person to do athing» and you
will hear from hima hundred wise excuses.

:‫حکبوتر با کبوتر قاز با قا ز‬

‫گفدهمجنس با همجنسی پر و از‬
1655. Adove with a dove, and goose with agOOS*
for things of the same species always go together
( Eng.) Birds of a featherflock together

‫کتک از بهشت آمده‬

‫ز‬:16 hea ven
.Pun ishm .6
is come from
When one has struck another in jest with astick, spoken to consolehinn•

، ‫کجا گیر هر یسه جاي روغن‬

1657. How ean youuse Hureesa in the place of

‫گجا بنگا له گیا نور با نی‬
1658, where is Benge/ and where is Noor*****
i.e.Thereisno connexion between thenna
‫ا؟‬ ,,Ir
s, , ‫ ع‬25

‫کاج دارو میریز‬ . .۱

} ‫با‬ ,1659 Hold it crooked but don t spillit :
...‫مه‬ ‫ ماه مه همه‬mush austerity۰
‫کج نشین او را سست گو‬
1660 Sit crooked (i.e.with a consequential ‫(و‬ria
bat speak straight ‫ز‬,he
ui r.
t. .۹

‫کرد و خویش آید پیش‬

‫ا‬ .Whatever
1a6 man has6done isI returned.
ta him
) (‫ر‬.Eng Asyou sow ‫ و‬.so
you must reap

‫کرد ي و مرد یا‬

1662 No soonershalt thou have done it ‫ و‬than thou
shat die
Said to di «made a person from the perpetration of an aet, which wcula
briug speedy destruction.

‫ کرمي بگفم به گه کلگي به وا‬-

1662. Aworminmy handis better than a crane
in the air-

) ‫گ‬gu ‫ هر‬bird in the handis worth two in the bush .۶ ‫ه‬ :‫ه‬

‫نگرمی که اعتحف خورد از و بالشی چه غم‬

1664 Why shouild yougrieve for the weranthat
eats the Gooratu.
‫ معه‬. ».
‫سرگرد افی اسمتی‬ ‫گرمش‬
‫ما به‬ ۴۰

1665. His liberality is the capital stock of distress.

Said of one fronn whorn nothing is to bexpected..
، : ‫نیم‬

‫سمتها‬ ‫گرم زما رفرو د آ که خانه خانه‬

1666.Shewkindness andalight, for this is your
own house. ‫ه‬

Said to a stranger by the rnaster of the house

‫گریمان د و سمت میدارند مهمانی طغیلي را‬

1667.The generous are verykind to uninvited

‫گریم را صد دینار خرج میشود و تخیل را هزار‬

liberal man's expenses are 100 Deenars
and themisers 1000

‫کسی چه د اند گه پس یرد و که خوابسستن و که زشت‬

1069. How does anybodyknow, whether the thing
whichisbehind the curtainbehandsome orugy۰
( Eng ) in the dark all cats are grey.

‫کسی خفته روزگار گذ شدّه است‬

1070.People are asleep and titne passes away۰
‫کس د اري چه غم داری‬
.1071 ‫گ‬As
you have people by ,uoy why doy0
grieve. .

‫کا ر چیست‬ ‫کس را و قوف نیست که انجام‬

1072.Nobodyknowshow the business will ‫م‬dne

‫کسی که براه افتاد زاغ هم بر او منقار میزند‬

1673.When a person falls down in the roade۲***
the crow pecks at him.
Someting like the ‫ و‬tory of the old liors ‫ه‬

‫همنشی‬ ‫ن جز ناخن انگشسسا‬۰ ‫گسی ژه خا رد نشحت‬

1674, No one scratchea myback except the nails

of my fingers.i.e, I have got no one to confort

‫ا به بوم‬-‫گسری نیاید بر یر س‬
‫و رهاما از جهان شود معدرم‬
1075, No onewould gounderthe shade of the
owl, if the Hooma did not longer exist in the

The Hooma is a fabulous bird of good omen ;itis supposed

the Persiants and Indians that every head it overshadows
iutimew eara crown۰


‫گس نیاید بتخانه د ر و یش‬

‫که خراج زمین و باغ بد اد‬
.1676 No one comesto the house of a Durges ‫و‬
saying : pay the taxes on your ground and garden.
‫کسی کجا ا نداست که او دامنی نیالود است‬
1677. Whereisthe person who hasnot dirtied his
garment.i.e, Where will you finda person
who is free from sin۰

‫گسی گه جامه ندارد اد امن از گیما آرده‬

] 673.Howy cana person who hasnorobehave a
988 oRIENTAL PRovERBS.Aar ‫م‬I
‫پدر‬ ‫گسی گو ند ارد نشانی‬
‫توبیگانه خوارت را خوانش پسر‬
1679, That person who cannot tell hisfather
do you call hima stranger ‫ و‬.and
not |a son
‫بار پشبات‬ ‫کشتی خشکی‬
0 boatS
6 is aload
l to the
‫م‬ back
.Applied to one involved in diticulties .

‫بد و شش مهر بر میچیند‬ ‫کعبیین ناک‬

16Sl The dice of the heaveus (i. e the sun and
.noon) win the game by throwing sixes.
‫کفچه زدم کفچه زف محلوا گو‬
S dipped
6in1 the ‫و‬
ladle but where is the
sweetmeat 1
i.e.Ihave laboured invain.

‫کفش دوز چرم آلرد ه خائد و لقمه پالت خورد‬

,1683 The shoeunaker chews impure leather ‫و‬ and

eatspure (i e, lawful) food.

‫کفری به زد شمس از مرده نرسد و روز از زندگانی برند‬
1684. The shroud stealer at night is not afraid of
the dead, and in the day time runs away from the

‫گان ما که توباشی چه عقل ما باشد‬
16S5. You are olderthan me what knowledge C3Ti

1 have compared to you.

REvoRP .923

‫گل و اجد براصر مجموفه مینهد‬

1633.Heputs Ulumud's cap upon Mularnood"sheaa.
o robs
N PerEa
.I to ..
S.II .49

10 ‫آ‬S . .The
Crow with two feetfalls into the net

‫گل اگر طبیب بود عی معمر خود عاج گرد يی‬

1688. Were the baldman a ‫و‬naicisyhp he would
apply aremedy to his ownliead.

‫کلند جا « گری را آب د ادا ن حا جستا نیسسع‬

1689. It is notnecessary to whet (quasitect) a well
digger's mattock

‫گمان جوتان بکشیدن دهد کباه « شود‬

1090, The bow whenitsubmits tobe pulled, be-
COfTheS apractisingbow.i.e. Ono used at first
by persons learning, and easy tobe pulled. The
Proverb expresses that everythingbecomes easy

‫کمتر بخور و نوگری بگیر‬

1691. Eat less and keepaservant.
Said by one wwho
desired by another t ,od whathe does not conceive
to be his duty.

. ‫کم خرچ و بالا نشین‬

I692, At a Small expenseliving in great style.

‫اسمشنا‬ ‫معا‬ ‫گم خور جان‬

.1693.I am fond of those who eat little
Said in jestby themaster of a house, afterhe has been pressing his
guests to eat without success.

‫گمی ما و گرم شما‬

1694 My deficiency requires your indulgence
‫گند هر چه خواهد برو حگم نیست‬
1693.He can do whathe pleases, asno order can
control hitn.(generally said of the ALMIGHTY).
‫گوتاه خرد مهد به از زا د انی بلند‬
1696. A short wisemanis betterthantall fool.

‫کند همجنس با همجنس پرواز‬

‫= کابو تر با = کبوتر با زبا با ز‬
1697. Birds of the samekind fly together, pigeon
with pigeon, and hawk with hawk .
) Eng).Birds of a featherflock tcgether ‫ه‬

‫گو و گیي گو بهقل پیر بود‬

‫نزد اهل خرده گیر بوده‬
1698.Aboy who hasthe «nae of an oldman i
the estinuation of the ‫و‬esiw is annau.
‫کور و نظر با زی‬
1699. What you ablindman, practise ogling !!
Said when sperson undertakesa w ‫ر‬
rk whichhe
p is not
o qualified
t er


‫گور چه خواهد دا و چشم‬

does ablindman want .buttwo
,1700 ‫و‬What eyes
‫گور بکار خود بینا است‬
1701. Ablindman sees inhis own affairs

‫ندارد‬ ‫کور احتیاج چراغ‬

1702, Ablindmanneeds no lamp.
‫گور را بتاما شای گلستان چه کار‬
1703.WWhat hasablindman to do with the beauties

of the garden.

‫گوری به ازنا د انب‬

1704. Blindness is preferable to ignorance
‫کوزه گر در کوزه شگمانه آب میخورد‬
potter drinkswater out of a broken pot
‫ق‬170 . .A
See No. 332 of Sect.I.

‫گوسفند از براي چوپان قیس ساعت‬

‫بلگه چوپان برای خدمسعدی او سه ساس‬
1706 The sheep are not designed for the shepherd :
but the shepherdfor the service of the sheep.

‫گوزه نو د و روز آب را صرد د ارد‬

. 1707. A new pot keeps the water cold for a few
) Ens .‫ر‬ broorneweeP clean

‫م‬ORIEN re ArtrI

‫کوشش جه سود چون نکند تخت یا وری‬

1208.Whereistheuse of exerting oneself when
‫م‬for tune
does not assist

1709.It is labor in vain to paint the eye brows of

ablind person.

‫گوه جدا خانه تا ریگی جدا‬

1710. Amountain is one thing, a house another
‫ف‬s ai
to ene who by hisbehaviour d
seams to havebeen educate ia

‫ه‬ shills

‫گرفته را نان تهی گرفته است‬

1711 . To a atarwing man, drybread is equal 19

‫گوه را فرهاد گند ولعل را پرو یزیانسته‬

moun tain
FURHAp .1712 ‫ص و‬bu
dug the PURWEZt

tained the ruby.

Applied to one who reaps the fruit of anothers labor.
) .g)n One
E‫ا‬ beats
‫گ‬d rbi.s
the band
eh another
tsehc h tac

‫کوه هر جند بلند است را ه بر صر دارد‬

.1713 Although amountain be high ‫ و‬it hasa road

to the top ofit.

‫گواه گندن و گاه برآورد ان‬
1714. To digup amountaintobring forth straw۰
i.e, To take great trouble to little pitTP S۶۰

‫گواه و که پیش ا و یگي اصات‬

,1715 ‫ف‬Amountain
anda straw are bothalike to

him.i.e, In the eyes of Gon the great and small

are bothalike P

Said ofa liberal man, who would give a large sum away asseonas smalls

‫که آفتها سمت د ر تا خیر و طالباب را زیاری دارد‬

1716, Formisfortunes proceed from delay, and are
worse for those who seek them. ,

: ‫گه بار محنت خود به ز با ر مذمت خلقی‬

.1717 ‫و‬For
to lift up theburthen of ones own labor
. is preferable to liftingup the burthen of men's

‫که تادانه نیفشانی نروید‬
1718, Trees will not grow until you scatter seed..
‫ حساسی‬:‫ب‬ ‫که حلوا جو یکبار خوردند‬
1719, Because when you have eaten sweetmeats
once it is sufficient.

.‫که خواجه خرد روشی بند و باروری د ازد‬

172O.Themasterknows the way of supporting his
servahn tS ‫ه‬

‫ به‬- ‫اگر بم گم از گبو به نیم سعی‬

17gi.ary bay (horse) is not inferior to your grey
Used to express that one thing is not inferior to another eitherin size or

in good or ba d Gualities -
‫منبع‬ . .sBRn

‫که زار زر کشد در جهان گفي گنج‬

1722, Moneybegets money in the world in great
abundance. ‫ه‬

‫که گرد که نیا فست‬

1723 Who hasdone anything and not received a
suitable recompense * ‫سه‬

i.e.Every actbrings its ‫ه‬

ti or h

1724.His success is an excuse without a cause *


‫که گنبذ هر چه گواري گوید تا باز‬

1725, Whatever you say to a dome, it says it to ‫ق‬oy
‫که محرم بیلث نقطه جرم شود‬
1726. ‫( محرم‬Aperson who hasput on apilgrims
habit in order to enter the city of Mucca ith
one doti e with little show) becomes ‫همجرم‬

‫از نشی سب و فراز‬ ‫که مرد راه نیند یشد‬

1727. Atravellerneverfears the ascent Or descent

of the road.
‫ار‬ ‫ه‬

= ‫که آمد بود و زد و خرچ بیسبت‬

1723, Spending tweaty out of an incorne of mine

tecn ‫ه‬
If‫م‬ ,TATNE
IRO, ۶ 933

‫که هرگه بی ها را نتد نظر به عیب کند‬

,1720 ‫او‬Forhe
who ishimself without skil looks to
the faults of others.

‫گان جامه خویش آراستن‬


‫وها ز جامه عا ریستا خوا سان‬

1730, Itis bettertomend olies own old clothes
thantoborrownew ones.

1731.No personthrows a stone at a treethat does ‫می‬

not bear fruit.

‫گر‬ •

1732 Foryou will have in store whatever you

have not eaten.
Said eitherto an extravagant fellow by way of advice, orironically to e

1733 When did you come, and when did you be

Conne »‫ر‬dl 2
Spoken of a young person clairning the respeet due to ‫ءت‬e : ‫ه‬any ‫مفاه‬
assunning importance without just claim.

‫گیسه بد وز‬
1734. Make a bag.
This saying is uned by one who ‫ه‬: asked for money, whichhedess ‫ان‬R
intend to ‫ع‬ive. See ‫ه‬
‫ده و‬ ‫شد صحنه‬

‫کبکت فی رشلرا را فه ارد‬

1735. Hehasa flea inhistrowsers.
Said of one who is very unsettled and constantly moving from one
place to another.

‫کبیسه د و خذه اساسنا‬

1736. Hehas sewed(ormade) abag, (to receive
alms or contributions).
Applied to one very greedy

‫همرفه ها و راج‬ ‫کیمیاگر وختصه‬

‫ا بله اندر خرابه یا فته گنج‬

.1737 The alchymist died of grief and vexation ‫ و‬and
the fool foundatreasure uinderaruin.

‫گاران و خران با ربرد ار‬

‫به ز آد میان مردم آزار‬
173S.The labouring ox and the ass, are prefera
ble tomen who injure their fellow creatures ‫چ‬

1739. The bull eats by hitnself.

Said of a glutton or of aselfish person ;

‫گاو زال از شیر ایو ان نوشیروان نرسد‬ f

cow of an old womanis unO afraid 0
,1740 ‫ا‬The

thelion of NuositrnwAN's palace


‫گاه باشد که کود گي نادان‬

‫بغلط بر هدف زند تیرگی‬
may sohappen that anunskilful boy
through mistake hits themark with his arrow.
‫است‬ ‫اگر هاه عالم با و د هند گدا‬ ۱ ‫گاد‬

1742 ‫و‬If
the whole world weregiven to abeggar
he would still beg
( Eng) What isbred in the bone will never come out of the filesh. See
Part II, Sect.I.No. 65.

‫بگدا رحمت خدا‬ ‫گداری‬

H743.Bogging is the business of abeggar, and
mercy that of Goo. ‫ه‬

‫گذاشت امچه گذ شست‬

1744. What hashappened cannot be helped.

‫گذشته را صلرا دیده‬

,1745 Blessing on that whichis ,e.i.tsap It :‫و‬
‫ه‬ t
umpra/2/able a
to criticise or h
‫ع‬ as and .
p/22c/2 S

‫گرآبی چاه نصرانی نه پاک اسبش‬

‫جودی مرده میشوید چه بالاک اسمت‬
74 .6 If the wat ‫و‬r
of the Christian's wellisimpure
does it signity if a Jeto washa corpse init

" ‫گربد و لسب برسي مستم نکره ی مرد یا‬

int wealth I
aquire cat .17
andare not 47
ed withit, you are greatman.
‫گر به کشتن روز اول‬
1748. To killa cat the first day.
(Lat.) Principio bbata.

‫گربه برای خدا موش نمیگیرد‬

1749. The cat does not catchmice for Gop۰
see Part II.Seet.I.No. 226 and No. 979 of the present Sectian•

‫گربه عابد نماز گرد‬

1750, The religious cat read prayers.
‫گربه گشنیز خو رد‬
17 ‫ز‬
d eTh
e oriander
s e
Said tanntingly when one vonnismuch. As corianderis stated to have

this effect ona cat.

‫دا زده‬ ‫گربه شمبه بخواهیت بیند‬

1752 A cat all night dreams of asheep's tail
See Part II.Seet.I.No. 227 and No. 609 of this Section and ‫شهر‬

‫در خوابه‬ - ‫هی‬

‫گرفت از دست برآید ده شی شیرین گن‬

1733 Show your power by engaging othe * t0

speakkindly to you.
‫ه‬ ‫مصر‬

‫در تو ابلیسی نه چشم چپستا کور چرا ستای‬

thou artuot the If
,1754 ‫نا‬ ,lived why art th ind

of the left eye.

voRP ‫و نان‬

‫اگر چه کس بي اجل نخواهد مرد‬

‫تو مرو د ر دهستان اژ د رها‬
1753Althoughno one can die before the period
decreed by fate, yet you have no occasion to
run into the jaws of the dragon.
‫مفي‬ ‫گرد ریمفي و با منی‬
‫و را پیش مشي ویی مفید را یهمفی‬
1736, Ifthou artin y min (i eat a distance) and
onmy side, thenthou artnear me, (i.e.my
friend),butif thou artnear me and without me
(i.e against me) then thou artin Yunun at a

. distance i e my enemy . ‫م‬

‫گرد نام یدر چه میگرد يا‬ .

..... ‫گر مرد یا‬:‫ا‬.‫پدرگخواپش با شلم‬

‫فارسی‬ ‫نفیسی‬ ‫ت‬

17 ‫ز‬7 Why dost thou boast of thy fathers fame be

۰-a.latiuerto yourself if you area man.

175 ‫و‬SThe dust of a flock of sheep is a collyriutn

for the eyes of awolf. . ...»
See No - 5 SO of this section.
... ،‫هنوی‬ ‫ تنها‬:. ،‫ را‬-
‫ساخته اند‬ ‫شهر گمانی ا سمت گه براي قر با فی‬ ‫گرد ان‬
1759. The neck of the cataelis abow which has
‫ی‬j eta_roade
. ecif torircas ‫ای و‬
There isa playuroti the word ‫ قر با ف‬which cannot be retained in the
translation ‫ و‬it ‫وه‬iguifies
‫خ‬reva iuq «as
well as sacrifice
DK x
340 oRIENTAL PRovEBBs r AarI.
‫گر دان بی طمع بلند بود‬
1760, The neck of the diainterested personishigh
i. ea man of an independant spirit fears not
.any one

1761. A wolfappearing lke a ‫ه‬heep

)sE( ‫اه» ه‬nir ، »‫هه «به‬il‫س‬

‫گرگساب فهر لبا سری میشی‬

1762. A wolf in sheeps cloathing

‫گرگات باران دیده‬

1763. A wolf who has seen the rains.i.e» ‫ی‬A to‫ه‬lf
(f experience
Said of Person ho ha ‫ ه‬.knowledge
ofthe world

‫گرگ را از برصف علیه السلام جز سرخرو ني دم د ر و غ‬

‫حاصل نشود‬
1764. The wolfinstead of being falsely accused by
Yoosoor (i, e JosEPH) obtained acquittal.
‫گرگ و میش با هم آداب "خوره‬
165 The wolf and the lamb drink together

. . ‫گراف دهان آلود و و یوسفبا ندارید‬

109. The wolf was unjustly accused of devouring
| JosErii .
،ier II. oRIENTAL PRovERBs gii
‫د ز خلق مراج‬-‫گر گزندانت رسا‬ ‫مه‬


1761. Grieve notifthou shouldst autier injury fron

‫و‬mankind since neither tranquillity nor distress

. come from them: :44

‫گرانانو یعنی قلمي میتراش‬

1768, Ifyou dont write make the pen.
( Eng ) Either iane ‫ به‬hald th، catal‫ه‬. ...»

"f" ‫یا‬ ‫اعضعناست بر رلییب‬ ‫این اسمیت‬ ‫اگر و لي‬ ‫" و‬.:..: #

If this bea ,tnias plague on suchia ‫نه‬
: Said on finding a person tura ‫ه‬ut ill, ‫را‬hw has bsen much cominended،
‫ه‬ . ‫تهیه‬
• -‫ی‬:
: .- ۰ ‫سیاهه‬

‫ه‬ ‫هی‬
‫ گاو و خر‬،‫پآ)ر فزبهمااینراانرد یدا‬
. ,
‫چر دب‬- ‫یی‬ ‫اگر نبود‬
:: : ‫) زنی‬۱ ‫ این‬.
‫به مح‬
‫ سه‬-

1770, Were thereno frésiisticks, the builocks and

‫ تبار‬: ، :i to *

asses wouldnot be obedieht. " ‫به‬

‫گر همدان د ویراسبهای خیابانها جا است‬

1771. Though Humudanis distant the flower bed
...............ishere , , :...............‫و‬
Spoken to one who boasted that at H ، n ، Hashehadleape d over a Howar
bed : . ) ، : «....ٔ‫ه‬:
Like the boaster who hadmade an extraordinary leap at Rhodes. See
No. 197... : ‫ه‬ ‫؛ هر‬- ‫؛ زبه‬:‫ر؟‬.. :

‫نه بیند بروز شب پره چشم‬ ‫سس ماهی‬ ‫هیه‬

:‫جشمه آفتاسیسا با را جداگنا د‬

. ‫; با رج‬. : ) : } } ‫ب‬::. «........
: ۲-
11 72, If the bat's eye Seethnot in the day, what
‫ به‬... ‫ و‬x ‫ به نام‬، ، ، ، ، ، ، ، ، ، ، ، ، :‫این نا‬
fault i 5 ‫ه‬n that account to be imputed to the salt. "

.‫گرد پیش گاز ر ا ست‬

1773.Itis in pawn with the washerman.
Applied to afool who entrustshis property or his affairsto those of whorn
heknows nothing.

‫گره بر با د میزند‬
1774.Heties a knot upon the wind. ie Hé is a
- ‫ه‬.
great swindler. . ‫لیبی‬

‫بیوتسته‬ ‫از خنده‬ ‫گر به بوق بهنما به‬ )...‫و‬

1775. Weeping on a proper occasion is better

than aaill timed laugh... ."
, ‫ه‬ :‫م‬
‫ ع‬. ‫ته‬

‫ گریه گو زن به از خنده شیر‬.‫را‬

1776 The weeping of the stag ispreferable to the
laughing of the tiger, , , , , , ,

.‫گریه را هم دل خوشی با ید‬

1777 Even to weepitis requisite, that the heart
should bein a certain degree pleased.
‫گستاخی به ا ز نا فرمانی‬
1778, Impudence is better than disobedience
‫مش‬ .

‫گفتن همین بس است که اسبپ من ابلق اساسی‬

1779.It is enough to say my horse is pyebald.
.Used in reply to aman who assigns frivolous excuses for no * ‫بع‬pr‫ و‬oinc
r .

۳ith a request,

‫گفته گفته من شد م بسیار گو‬

,1780 ‫م‬Althoughby
constantly speaking Ihave be
came a perfect prattler, yet there is not one of
you who has got any curiosity.

‫گل بوده نسبز نیر آرا مته شد‬

it wasa afterwards it was
adorned with green leaves. ‫م‬

of a handsome youth whose beard has just begunt grow۰

‫گل بی پو سستی‬
1782 He is aflower without fragrance.
said of beautiful person destitute of good qualitles.

‫گل د ر ریسمان و گو هر د ر صالکت‬

1783. Flowers and pearls when strung look best.

‫گل کاغذیب بو نمیدهد‬

. 1784. Paperflowers give no smell.

‫گل کاغذی را با شینم چه کار‬

1785. What have paperflowers to do with dew.

،‫کل نم دیده و آبی تمام استع‬

1786. Alittle water is sufficient, for clay once
344 oRIENTAL PRovERBs. ‫ه‬ari
‫گله از د و صتان خیز دا‬
1781 Complaints are made offriends

‫گله از دوستان عیب اسمس‬ ،‫جم‬

1783.Itis improper to complain offriends...

‫ز ه زم و کواتر سپید نتوان کرد‬ ‫آب‬ ..

1789. When the camlet of any ones fortune has

beenworn black, it cannot be washed whtte by
the waters of Zunnzumand Kuosur۰
‫ه‬ :} ::‫ه‬ « .(4
‫گها کنند گاران رادیس د ه دهد تاوان‬
1790, The cows committed the of‫ن‬uce and the
chief of the village isfined for it ... ‫ و‬f
SeeNo. 847 of Part Il, Section I,

‫گناهي گرکني با ریی گبی را‬ ‫؛‬

‫ق‬ a.1 I
you commita ,eni791
re f
you ۳ ‫آن‬
commit a capital one.... ‫ه‬

( Eng) You mayas well behanged for asheepas a ianb - .‫عربیة‬

. ‫میر‬

‫منت د رد صمد به از باز د ر هوا‬:

‫* جاشک‬

1792.Asparrow in the hand is betterthan ahawk

in the air.
) (‫گ‬E ‫م‬One
in the handis
bird worth tw ‫م‬in
the bush
‫ه‬agcr.II ,oRIEN
L ‫ق‬54

‫گندم از گندم بر وید جو ز جو‬

1793. Wheat grows frota wheat, barley from bar
ley .1The offspring of the good, will be good ;
and vice versa.2 The consequence of good
acts will begood, and the reverse.
‫د‬-‫گوا و عاشقی صادق در آستین باش‬
1794 . The witness of a truelo veris inhis sleeve.

means ‫ا‬ I
a true lover t
is always ab .
prove thet of hislove
sineerity o
‫گو سا له از ور مدخ * مجدد‬
1795. The calf dances by the strength of the pin
.(vvhich fastens it).
Sai d when a servantiaguilty of violence or rudeness» re ying ‫ه‬m the ‫م‬wop
of his mastert
e oprotec
r thim

‫گوساله بر ورگر گاوی گردد‬

‫ع‬1796 . The calfin the course of time will be a «ow
‫گوساله رعی پیر شد و گا و نشد‬
1797. My calf is grown old without becoming an
OK -

Applied to one who remains childish in old age

‫گوسا له ما پیر شد و عقل نیا فسته‬

1798, CDur calf is grown oldbut has not got sense
‫سه چرال لن‬ ‫گوشت بد سست گربه‬

J799. Toen
trust the cat with the care of ‫م‬hself
) (‫ر‬.Eng ogive ۰ p
the wolf thee e
wethert ok
) (‫ر‬.Lat com
iui cei
ovem ti-
iupo ‫ح‬A e

‫گرشابت خر ه ندان سگت‬

1300 Theflesh of the ass, and teeth of the dog
express thatther vonarries ina quarrel are equally de pi ‫ی‬
.rekaep ,rm
Like pull deuil pull ‫ز‬ ekaa
orid ‫ر‬,ad

‫شصت هر چاشد لاغر ا سمت آبر وی نا ن اساسع‬

1801.Flesh althoughlean is still fittobe eaten
- • ‫ای‬
‫بر و بدو کان اقتصاد با‬ ‫ذرت مستا خواهي‬
1802.1f youwant flesh goto the butcher's shop.
Itrneans if yourequire anything, itisbest to go to the fountain head
tor it

‫گوش گن و دم مزان‬
.1803.Listen and hold your peace.
‫گوش زد و اثري دارد‬
1804. That which one has once heard, will some
time prove of service.
‫ گوش نا معر م نباشد جا یا پیغام سرود‬-
1803 The ears will notremain unacquainted with
the place whence the music issent. ing fron
Said by one oldfriend to another, whomhe suspeets of concealing
him sounesecret.

۰۰ ‫ بی قیمت‬،‫بایقد را سمت و د ر بازار‬ ‫گوهر در کان‬

in W3 -
.1806 Gems are of no value in themine ‫ و‬and in W

luable in themarket.
c no «asilY
is a elegantplay upon the words in this sayin ‫اهن‬which
be expressed in English,
‫ه‬ rPRovERBs
‫کریم مشکل رگر بگویم مشکل است‬
IS07 If Itellititisbad, andif I dont tellit, it is
equally bad.
‫ان اسست‬
‫لنا مردا‬
‫زدن کار‬.
1808.Boasting is the quality of cowards
. ‫خر را بتا ز یا چه نسمساشا‬ ‫لاشه‬
1809. What comparison isthere between the car
case of an ass and an Arabian charger..

‫لائق افسر نباشد هرکسی‬

IS10:Eyery person is not worthy of a crown.
‫لذت تیشه از کوه=کن با ید پرسید‬
1811.Y" ouought to enquire of KoirkUN (or FUn
‫م‬ ) p
the a
pleasures of )m -
gnisu( the ‫آ‬
axe (or pick

‫لذت عشق عاشق د اند‬

1S12. The lover only knows the joys of love.
‫لعنت بکار شیطان‬
1sus A curse on the dei works
‫ه‬ ‫ مهم و مته‬. ‫ته ه‬

MSI4. A ‫ع‬s‫قاحیه‬
‫امنیت به‬
upon useless things.

‫لفظ را می بین و د ر معنی میان‬

1815. Lookto the words, not to themeaning
i.e.Look to a person's publie, notto his private character.

‫لفظ لفظ عر دبا اصابت فارسی شگر اساسع و ترکی هنر اساسع‬
is a ,egaugnal ,naisreP a
and Turkish an art.

‫لقمان را حگممت آموختن جه صوده‬

1817. What is the use of teaching LooksrAsphilo
‫الگد بر گو را حاتم میزند‬
.1818 He kicks the grave of Hatim : ,e.i He :‫د‬
e obligation
n too

‫لنگت تخر گور خر شل خر پیر خر‬

1819.Purchase what is lame, maimed, or blind :
but dont purchase what is old.

‫او از خوردن را حا جمینای دندان نیسساس‬

1820. To eat sweetmeats requiresno teeth...
to one who starts difficulties ina very easything

1821. LUELAmust be seen with the eyes of Merse ‫و‬

‫ما خیر و شما بسلام مثها‬
are well and you are
‫م‬WWe ...« :‫ ت‬f

‫ماد رنسوخت ماد رندر سوخت‬

1823.His mother did not feel for him, andhis step-
hnother did !

‫ماد رچه خیالیم و فلات چه خیال‬

‫کارایه خدا کند فلت را جه مجال‬
IS24 while I am contriving who knows what
heaven has determined It is quite impossible

for the heavens to do what Gop does.

proposes Eut Gon
) disposes(‫ر‬.AEng

‫ما دیانا گم کرده دنبال آخته میگردد‬

‫ صده‬- ‫دانهای‬ - ... . . •

IS25.Having losthis mare, he goes wandering


" afteragelding

IS26, Forgive me and do with others as yousec

‫ ی‬،‫ به ه‬۰۰ ،‫ما نه همه‬
‫ما را چه از این تصه که گا و آمد و خر رفست‬
1827. What hare Hto do with this, that the cow
came and the ass went away.
... ‫ما ري تو که هرکه را بیضي بزفیه‬
.‫یا بومی توکه هر جانشینی بکفی‬
. 1898, Thou art a Snake that bitest every onethou
seest, or an owl that pollutest every place on
whichthou alightest.
:‫زاران‬ ,TATNEIRO ,SBREWORP r Aar .1
‫م‬ ‫ما ر مرد و نمیگزد‬
1829. Adead suake does not ‫ار‬ite
( E 8۰) Dead folks cautbite.

‫ما را از بی پای پیش از ارید وده‬

‫که گوش خرکت با هزار پای‬
1880. The snake withits want offectrunsfaster
{ ‫)بی‬
than the Gosh-khusik (Ear-۱vig) withits thou
: ‫ از‬- . ‫)ن‬.
‫و‬ ‫هنر‬

‫و خود غلط بود اچه ما پنداشتیم‬

‫ر‬ rien W
e expectedas di.1
sistance V
from 881 :‫ه‬
‫د‬، ‫هم‬
۰: :

butwere certainlywrong in entertainin

g such

‫مماال ممففتثت و ددل بي رحم‬


1832, The heartbasno compassion on that mone

siori ‫هر‬
which has been oasilygot.
) Eng ) Light ‫ و‬,enec lightiygo ، ...،‫تهیهٔ هم‬
‫عربه متری عربسته‬ ‫هالی‬
1833. The Arab sthings shouldbe the Arab s
‫مالیده هر چند حقیر است لیکن ایجاد فقیر است‬
.1834 Althou :‫ (ای‬،ideela1A (crumbs of bread fried in
Ghee) is a contemptible dish, y et it is an invention
: of mine. ‫و‬..........

( Lat.) ۶ideo meliera prooguc, deterior seguor ...r


‫مالی مرد و پسلی مرد ه‬

1835. The deadman's wealth has folowed the
dead.i.e.Ithas beenwasted orembezzled, and
his childrenhave reapediio advantage ‫م‬tiutoif

1886. Money preys on men.

. ‫مالی حرام بود برا و حرام رفست‬
.‫مالی خیلان د یم میخورد‬
1837. The wealth was lawfully acquired, and
uulawfully spent.
( Lat. ) Malepartamale dilabuntur.
( Eng) What is gotten over the devilsback is spent under his belly.

‫مال نثار جان است و جان نهر آبرو‬

183S Wealthis sacrificed for ones life, andlife
iOrone shonor.

‫چه کج بر آید‬ ‫ماما جه که دو تا شود اصر‬

،‫ به انگ‬: dthere
When ae hs
aretwo dl
nurses the ihc
‫ه‬bf .comes
) ‫س تا‬-۳ .‫ (ر‬.Toonnany
cooks spoil the .htorb See PartII.Sect.I.No .622

hSAO.WV e have Gop as our protecter

‫ماه را جامه از گتان د و خان‬
‫ه‬ - ‫ه‬ ‫س‬
184I.To sewor make a garmeat of Rutan for the
oon‫ح‬n‫ م‬: ‫هی‬

‫ع ها‬۰ _Tonlabour
iavni ‫کتانی‬ isakind of cloth whichis said tobe
usop=e ‫ر؛‬stle
thgiRoonr ‫ه‬ndis
sadetueserper ‫ دا‬eing euarnoured
‫ه‬fonreht ‫حیی‬a . -
‫وزانه‬ PRovEREs
: .oRIENTAL ‫د‬rra

‫ماهی را ماهی نمیخورد‬

1842 One fish does not eat another
Used by one person to dissuade another fron affliering hirns

‫ماهی از سرگنده نی روم‬

1S43.The fishbegins to rot at the head not at the

To describe ‫ن‬
whoy cn
has evinced disposition
abad a f from
n his i

‫ما هي خواهي دمش را بگیر‬ ,‫م‬-1

1844.If you dont want a fish catchit by the ‫رآ‬iat

(and it easily gets away).

‫مباش در پي آزار و هر چه خواهي گن‬

1845, You may do whatever you will, if you only
let people alone.
‫مبار نام فردا که فرد اگه دید‬
Donot mention the name ‫و‬
siuceno one hasseeuit.

.‫متاع نیگا ازد و کان که با شد‬

1817.Buy goodthings wherever you can find

- ۰ - . ‫را ه بر‬ ‫به‬

. ‫خاک اسبسی گه گف پا ي شاه و گدا یگاهدان بوسد‬ ‫گرانبع‬

humblemanis )ekil( earth that alike
ksses the feet of the king and the beggar .
BREvoRP ‫ تته‬3
‫پیرایه زبانها‬ ‫مشل معر و فسا‬
1840, A prover is an ornament ‫ه‬، language.
‫محال است که هنرمندان بمیرند‬
‫و بی هنرانی جای ایشان گیرند‬
IS50, It is not possible that all wise menshould
die, and that fools should occupy their places

‫مکبات است که دال را نمیدهد آرام‬

‫وگرنه گیس معی گه آ سو د گی نمیخواهد‬
1851.It is affection that gives no resttp the soul, ‫م‬
، otherwise who is he, that does not desire repose, f

‫معتمبی در بازار است نه در خانه‬

H8 ‫ز‬ 2business
The .t of the
e censoris
kr in the
. not in the house ۲۰۰۹ ‫مه‬...:.(
۰ *

‫محمد علیه السلام بمعراج بلند است نه بعمامه‬

Moorrgszyrup upon whombe peace,ishigh
.by means of hisascent no by his turban,
‫محنت برباد گاه لازم‬
1854 ‫م‬My labouris thrown ,yawa and Ihave be
aides ineurred blame .
.... . .۲

‫صم‬ ‫معنای بی فایده است و سمه برابروی کور‬ :

185 ‫ ق‬. It : labourin vain toput indigo on the eye

brows of the blind. . ۶
s54 oRIENTAL PRovERBsra i
‫قرب زبعد افزون است‬ ‫امکانات‬

1856.Thetrouble of being nearis greater than

.t ha
of being at a distafice
t ‫و‬ "

‫مدعی سست گواه‬

‫جسم مستنم‬
18 ‫ز‬7
‫و‬T.e tar heedom but the evidence
Applied to afalse witness, wh۰ goes beyond the point which he wrae

called to establish See Part I.Seet.No. SIG.

‫مرا خیر توامید نیسه نثی شر مراسان‬

1858. Ihave no hope of good from you, domeno
‫مرا هم بتا بلند و د ماست کرتاه‬
1S59.Ihave agreat ambition but am very poO۳۰
i.e, Ihave all the desire without the ability

‫مراگداي تو بود ن از سلطنت ع به هر‬

1860, I prefer begging from you to possessing 3

‫مرانان دا» و گفش بر سربازان‬

1861. Givernebread and (you may) sttikene *
the head with (your) slippers(if you please).
‫آ‬ S
Part I.Sect e
I.No e
,688 and Parti : Sect

I.No. 593.
,rcsII‫م‬ ,TATNT IRO,

‫تو د افی‬ ‫مربی مرزه گرانرا‬

1862, Forgiveme and do with others as youplease.
‫مراد میخا با عشد الی استیش‬
1863 Liberality consists in being moderate in
your expenditure

، ‫مربي ودار و مربا خور‬ ‫یا‬

IS64.Procure apatron and feed on delicacies.

‫مرد بد سامانی زنده‬

1865. The dead is in the hands of the living.
1mp۱ies that the speakers affirsare in the power of another, and their
success does not depend on himselt. See No. 339.

‫ف‬ ‫مرد ار بعد سه روز مباح است‬

1300, After three days fast, it islawful to eat car

‫مره نا بفام به که بود زندگی به نگت‬

1867. Itis preferable to die with a good name
thanto live in disgrace.

‫مردان حق ا مست لیگان اول همسایه را‬

1863.It is true allmust ‫و‬eid but Ihope that my
meighbours rnay die beforeme.
‫مردان بعزت به که زندگانی بمذ لسعه‬
IS69 It better to die with honor, than to live with
‫ یا‬z

‫مرده شو ضامن بهشت و دوزخ نیستعا‬

,1870 ‫س‬The
washer of deadbodies (i.e.the under
taker) is not surety for the dead's going to
heaven or hell.

‫ندارند‬ ‫مرد و آن است که نامش به نگري‬

،1871.Ile only is dead whose name is not mention ‫م‬

ed with respect.
‫مزد سخن نمیگند‬
,1872 ‫م‬Adeadman
says nothing ۶ ‫تا‬
(Eng) Dead men tellno tales. ‫م‬

‫مرد ه گر خاکت میدهد باستان‬

1873. Should a deadman give you even earth ‫و‬

takeit.See No 9S of this Section.

1874, The death of the Moolla (the school master)

will be of no advantage tone: it wouldbe ***
terthat my father should die.


‫ ایمارستا‬. ‫مبارکث باند‬ ‫مرده آخرین‬

‫آ‬1S ‫ق‬. .Aprovident
,nam is a good man

‫مرد بی صنگت را وزنی نباشد‬

1876. Aman withoutballast (wealth or rank) ‫ع‬
no weight.

‫مراه با شی یا د ر پي مرد با شی‬

1871. Bebrave, or seek the protection of the brave ۰
‫مرد یا نبود افتاد او را پایی زد نا‬
1878, It is notmanly to kick a person when down.
‫مرد یی با ید که تد را مردی داند‬
IS79, It requires aman who knows the worth of a

‫مرغ به روغری خود صرع میشود‬

1880. The fowlbecomes red by means ofits own
fat. ‫ه‬

Said whenariehman has snffered anyloss, whtohhe repairs by means


‫مرغ آتش خواره گی لذرت شناسد دانه را‬

‫ع‬183. When shall the bird that eatsfire know the

taste of grain. .

‫مرغ زیرلث چون بدام افتد کامل یا ید شس‬

1882. When a wise fowl falls into the net, he ought

to have patience.See No. 1014 of this Sectian.

‫مرگ انبوه‬
.1883.It is pleasant to die in company, or to have
‫گ‬enutin rofsim

‫مرگ به ا ز رسوادی‬
188 Death is better than disgrace.

‫مرد ور خوشدل کار بیش میکند‬

1885. A cheerful labourer perfornus histask well.
‫زد وار با آفتاب د ر جداگات اسبت‬۰
1886. A labourer is at war with the sun۰

‫مزد آن گرفست جان برا د ر که کار کرد‬

.1887 ‫و‬Oh
dear ,rehtorb he who does the business

‫مزان در گسی را با انگشسب تا که نزنند در ترا بم شمش‬

.1888. Don't atrike the door of any one with your

fingers, lest they strike your door with theirfist.

‫مزیت فال بد کا و رد حال بد‬
1889.Do not omen badly, lest it be verified in your
OW ThCaSc.

1890, The Moostuofee, (or auditor), requires a do

cument, and the (Jagee (or judge) an evidence.
‫مسلمانان د ر گور و مسلمانی د ر گتاب‬
1891. The Moosulmans are in their ‫و‬sevarg and

the Moosulman faith in theirbooks.

‫مشتي که بعد از جنگات یا د آید بر کله خود با بدزد‬

1892. The blow which occurs to recollection after
the battle, must be struck on oues own head.
That is,themanagement whereby an advantage would ha۲e been ‫مانند‬
ed, or aloss prevented, wheu discerned toolate, is a source ‫که‬ ‫آبی‬

1893.. Ahandfulis a specimen of the heap.

(Lat) Expede Herculem.See PartII.Sectiou 1.No. 707.

‫مشتست نا خورد « بهمش بتا خود میبسازد‬

189k He who has not beenbeaten by the fist,
‫) ع‬
htona s
of thef n
strength wo

‫مشت زنی دیگر است و تیغ زن دیگر‬

1895, Aboxer is one thing anda swordsman an
. other

‫مشتی د ر حل خود از تیغ بالاتر است‬

1896. Ablow with the fist inits properplace is
that w
of a s
‫مشت بسته قفل بهشت است و انگشستا کشاده کلید رحمتی‬
.1897 Aclosedfistis the lock of heaven ‫و‬ and the

، open hand is thekey of mercy۰

‫مشک آنستعا گه خود ببوید نه که عطار بگوید‬
1898That ismusk, which ofitself smells sweetly
.not what the perfumer chooses to call so.
‫مصلیب زاهد اگر بشاهد رسد خود زاپا گست کند و مصالا را یلید‬
1899 :rf the carpet of the saint (on whiehhe prays)
come ipto the hands of the ‫و‬rennis .it will purity
him ‫ و‬but be defiled itself۰ ، ...،‫ر‬: :‫و ت‬ .


‫مصیبتی که اجر دارد مصیبتش نتوان گفست‬

.1900 ‫و‬Anaffliction -for
which youmay obtain.com
‫و‬pensation you cannot eallit an afiliction
‫یگر اصابت‬ ‫گیوه‬ ‫مطلب سعد‬
1901. The meaning of Suudee is different."
Intimates that the purpose for wbich ‫ف ه‬persoai ‫ همه‬is different from
whathe preteuds-
- •

‫معزول میشوند چه معقول میشوند‬ f

1902 When they are discharged from their ‫ر‬seciffo
theybecome convinced of their error.

،‫بهعیار دوستانی د غل روز حاجستا اس است‬ ،

1903. The touchstone of deceitfulfriendsis the
. day of nced. ‫هم‬ . ... ‫و‬
( Fren.) L" or s"eprouve dans le fa etle wrai ami dans ‫م‬etisrevdal

‫مفستی را چه گفت‬ ،،...»

1904. Apresent is not to be examined.

(Eng) Looknot a gifthorse in the meuth ،
- - ..۲
‫ر‬e ‫مفتتا گرم فی اش‬
1905. To confer favors with other people'smoney۰
‫همراه‬ ‫ هفت این نوشست هر چه گفتی‬. ‫همه ه‬ ‫می‬
(1906, The Moofiee wrote whatever you said.i
... ‫ وه بیب ز ج‬- ‫ز‬: ‫ه‬ ‫مقام‬ ‫ر‬

.1907 ‫تسا‬.No
pleasure without pain -
،ier II oarr;NTAL PRovERBs) ‫ی‬183

‫مقامایی ازکتاب هه دان توان با فنی نه ازعمامه حربی‬

1908, Yoamay derive society from the book of a
well informed writer, and not from the turban
. of an associate
Allusion is herealso made to the well known work the fukamat-rrareeree

. ‫مکان مگن که نکو گوهران جنین نکنند‬

‫و‬Donot do ‫ل‬forgo .people da not so
‫ مگن تگیه بر ملکت د نیا و پشت‬.۶ ،‫م‬

‫گه او جون تو بسیار پرورد و کشتی‬

1910.Placeno reliance upon the kingdom of this
world : seeing how many like yourselfithath
nourished and killed
‫م‬ : : -; :
‫هم‬ ‫م‬ ‫اسبتها‬ ‫قطب‬ ‫مگر این انباری م‬ ‫م‬ r : ,‫ع‬

1911.Perhapsthis is the portmanteau of Moolla

Qootb. .

‫ه‬... i، . .. . ،...
‫ان خرام نیش حت لیگن د لن بهم میزند‬ rr r

1912 "Thé flyia hot utilawful bit it causes one to

VOgnit ‫راه‬ ‫ه‬ ‫ هم‬- ۰۰ ‫بر‬ .«..
... ........-

‫به‬ ‫ دهانههای این بنا نها‬: ‫*یی اپرا ند نه‬ ‫مگسی‬ . " ‫نام به‬

**3.Hemakes the files to fly, i.e tities away

-his time ‫مته‬
‫عی ان‬:‫ن‬-
‫ نه‬f :۰۰‫مه‬ r

‫ملازم نو تیز رو‬ ‫م‬

1914. New Servants are swift. ، ، ‫مه‬

‫صح‬ ‫به‬
New broo
: rets regr ‫ همه‬... , , , , , , , , , , , ‫م‬
362 oRIENTAL PRovERBs. ‫د‬ar ‫م‬I

‫ملا منم و برادرم میخواند‬ ‫و‬

1915, I am a Moolla and mybrother reads.

The title Moolla though properly restricted to an interpreter
of the Cooran ‫ و‬and the books of Moohummudan law ‫ و‬-oftendes
cends asa family epithet ‫ و‬and ishence applied to the most
iiliterate men.
... ‫و‬
‫ملا شدن جه آصان آدام شدن چه مشکل‬
1916How easy it is to bea priest ‫ز‬how
be aman... ‫مهمی‬

Applied to a rude, unmannerly pedan. ."‫گره‬ -

‫پر خوان‬ ‫ملیاد گرسنه در خانه خالي‬

‫عقل باور ن=کند گر رمضان اندیشد‬
1917. If an hungry infidel be alone ina house filea

with wiands reason will not believe that he

: would pay ary regard to the fast of Ruman
‫نمایی از جریغ نگار بن تر است ه‬
1918. The locustis more beautifulthan a hawk
،‫پای گدا لگت نیستند‬ ‫ملکم خدا تدایت نیست‬
1919. Gops world is not narrow and the begg * is
emal ،‫ارم‬
Expresses the indifference of the speaker at the disappointn۶* of his ‫مک‬

pectations frornamaster or para. : ‫همه‬

‫" من آنم که مند انم‬ ‫م‬


1920.I am that person whom I know myselfto bé


‫من از آسمان میگویم او از ریسمان میگوید‬


‫مرثی میگو یم آسمان او میگوید ریسمان‬

1921.Italk of the sky and he of a thread.
(Eng) 1 speak of chalk and you of cheese.

‫من پای\ و بوسم و تو د سم یا دگران‬

1922.1kiss your feet, and yon the hands ofothers
‫مری بتو مشغول و تو با عمر وزید‬ ‫فی‬

1923.I am thinking on you only, and you are en

grossed by U Mrt and Z UEp. ‫ه‬.

‫مفتی اگر میکشی ا ز مرد میباید گشید‬

192-4, If you are to be under anobligation, let it
be to a generous man.See No. 822.

‫من جه بهشم که برادر کهن من بهش اسست‬

1923. Why should Ibe disposed to crybecause
my elder brotheris inclined to laugh (orvice

‫من سود گنم ترازیانی نرسد‬

1926 = ou will suffernoloss by my gaining profit.
‫من کجا و دیوان حافظ کجا‬
1927. WWhat connectionisthere between me and
D ،
‫عج‬the nofoHafit
ctoan itSeece S.II .1
No 8Sa. ‫ای‬

3 A

،‫نبایسه بمثا‬ ‫بیابان غر یمبا‬ ‫شد مدت و‬ ‫و فه‬ ‫مذهم بگو‬

192S.The richmanis not distressed, whetherin
the mountain the desert or the forest.
The word funuum refer also to a Poet sonamed from whose compositions
theline istaken.

‫صلاح ا ندیشم‬ ‫جه‬ ‫من گه بد نام جهانم‬

1929, What can I do (now) since Ihavelestmy

1980. I am yourservant not the servant of the


‫من میگویم مو ندارد او میگوید بگران‬

193l. Isay thatthereisno hairuponit (the palm
of the ‫(ر‬dnah andhe sayspluck out the hair.
‫من و توراضی جه حاجبت بقا ضی‬
.1932, If you and I are agreed what occasion 13
there for the judge.
‫• رش مرد و جهان مرد همان زنده جا رای زنده‬
..1933 Whenlam doad the world is dcad ‫و‬ wwhent

I am alive the worlais alive see PartII.No *

‫من میگزیم که نر اص مث او میگوید گه بد و شی‬
1934, Isay that it is amale and he say S nilkit.
Said when one demands what ia not in the possession of the other
ssor r1, .oRIENTAL PRovERBs ‫ی‬563

‫من و مربي من آنچنان در مفلو کیم گه هر دو را دو مربی‬

‫خوب میباید‬
1935.I and my patron are both suchpoor creatures
that werequiretwo good protectors.See Part II.
Section I.No. 841... ... ‫و‬ ‫م‬

‫من همان احمد پارینه که بودم هستم‬

1936, I am that old Uhmud that I (formerly) was.
‫زم‬ ‫ویه‬

... . . . ‫مو از زایا نشی بر آمد ه‬

1937.Hairshave come out of histongue, i.e.he
has spoken the samething over and over again.
.۰ ،‫ره‬،
‫می‬ .

‫ا د ر قفا‬
‫ورو و جه‬
‫ما چه بر‬
‫ اهل صف‬.
193S.The friendship of the good is the same be
one sface asbehind one's back

1939.Hishair stands an end.


‫مواره ان به که نباشد پر شی‬

194O It werebetter for the ant not to have wings.

‫موشی جه پروا دارد که خانه با سیا دارد‬

1941 W۹ hat has the mouse to care (about the
Piee ‫ت‬n‫(و‬f
iarg since it hasits nest in the mill

‫موش زنده به از گروه مرد ه‬

1942. Aliving mouse is betterthan a dead cat.
) (‫ر‬.Eng .Aliving
dogisbetterthan deadlion

‫موشی بسوراخ نمی رفسعت جارو بب بد مش بسست‬

1943.The rat couldnotenterhishole, and hetied
abesom to histail.See Part II.Section I.
.No ‫ز‬12.

1944. The mouse of his neighbour hasa long


‫از بنایباد کندن توبه کن گفستا بنیاد‬ ‫موش را گفتند‬

• ‫گونه را هم بگنم‬
1945. They saidto the rat, repent of undermin
ing the foundations of houses;he replied, I will
alsoundermine the foundations of repentance

‫موشکت میدواند‬
1946. Hecaused the mouse to run, i.e.he raised
a di Sturbance.

‫همه چولاغر شود انگشت نما میگردد‬

1947 . When
ll ams ‫ و‬.she
the moonis is pointed at
To express thet a person is only exposed to diagraco, when h** red uced
‫مهربانیا د شمری اعتبار را نشاید تا بتمنقش جه رصد‬
1948, We shouldnot place any reliance on the
kindness of an enemy ‫ و‬and muchless On his ‫س‬talf
tery. ‫را‬.
Timeo Danaos et dona ferentes

" ‫خر صاحب خانه‬ ‫مهمان‬

1949. Aguest is the hosts ass
He must bear hishost's humours

‫مهمان غیب دشمن خادمان است‬

1950. Anunexpected :uest is the enemy of the
servants (of the house).
‫مهمان کمتر میکند تعظیم صاحب خانه را‬
1951. The guest does not paymuchrespect to the
. host... ‫هاه‬

‫مهمان عزیز است مگر تا‬

‫سه رور ز‬

1952. Ague st is dear only for three days

( Eng ) Fresh fish, and new corneguests smell, by that they arethree
days old.
‫ع‬ -

‫مهمان خود ایم لیکات د ر خانه تو‬

1958. We are ourguestsbut in your house.

‫مهمان مهمان را نتواند د ید و صاحب خانه هر د و را‬

1954 . One guest cannot bearto behold another ‫و‬
and the host cannot bearto behold either.

.‫مهمان بیوقستا از کیسه خود میخورد‬

1955. Aguest who arrives at an unseasonable hour
eats from his OWIn Store.
ses ORIENTAL PRovEREs ‫به دن‬
‫مهمان نا خوانده هدیه خدا سست‬
1936 Aguest ho was not invited isa present
from Goo
‫خدا‬ ‫مهمان هد به‬
1957 . Aguest isaprosent
‫م‬ from Gop.

‫ جای عقرب کور‬: ‫مه نشیند‬ .

193S.The moon hastakenup the abode of the
blind scorpion.i.e, a Worthyperson has ‫س‬cus
ceeded a worthless one..
،‫و معشو قی رمانریسمس‬ ‫میان عا شقی‬

‫د ا زد آ ز=که اشاره چرا زد‬ ‫حجه‬

1959. There is a myslery betweenlowers: what

doesthe grazer of camelsknow ‫م‬tifo
Spoken to one who intrudes on the conversation oftwofriends with
which hehas no concern... ..

‫مسان د و خر ماد ه ماند یم‬

1960 We(i. C.I an) are between two she asses;
i.e.I ammuch distressed by my two wives.
) (‫ر‬.Eng o »to ‫& به‬c. .‫ه‬

‫ و خر آرد میتخواهد‬،‫میان د‬
1901.Betweentwo asseshe is in want offlour۰
‫خر ده له‬ ‫ا ز ار ع) همینی با گست‬-‫مدیس‬

10C52 WWrong not any of the people of the value

of amustard gram : since the prince is a shep
heid ‫ و‬.audthe
People are his flock
PRBs 359 |

.‫میان د و سادگات آرد میخواهم‬

1963 Betweentwomaill stones I want flour : i.e:
wanta requestI
‫و‬ complied with I care not who

‫اسم مشا‬ ‫میترا و دا چه کنم آنچه در آوند دل‬

196 ! What shall I do since that drops from the
vessel of my heart whichit contains.

1965 Should a person once tiponatime commita

fault it maybe forgiven.

‫دم اسمیت‬ ‫انتخشبی تا‬

1966.Hispinis strong : i.e.his Patron- is ail

‫و را بسیار اسبتها‬ ‫میشد زیرا گراندنت‬

1967. Poisonkiiis whethor you take much or little
ofit. ‫ه‬

‫میرایش پدر خواهی علم پدر آموز‬

196S.If youwish to sureeed to the patrimony of

father .aCltairetliof
‫و‬you ce
yourfathe r :-

‫مکان سعد‬ ‫ و گفتار‬: ‫می را دث گرگات مرد‬ ...i

1969. Ahyaena succeeds to theheritage of a deed

wolf۰ ...: #

‫میران خدگگ سوار از برای خدا یار‬

1970, These noble well mounted horsemehassist
for the love of Gop.
Applied to one who takes partina quarrel without the knowledge df the
parties, or inquiry into the rights of the case.

‫لا امیدگی کفر اساسنا‬

1971.Despairis infidelity
Said by way of comfort.

‫میسر نمیشوفه‬ ‫زا برد و رایج گفج‬

taking wealthis nottobe

( Eng ) Without pains, no gains.


‫نا خوانده انتخانه خدا نتوان رفتاسی‬

1978, No one can goto the house of Gon without
being invited.
‫ناخن ندارد که پشباع خارد‬
1974.Hehasnomail to scratch hisback
No ‫ن‬0.i.e.Heis
0.ro very

‫ نادان سخن گوید و دانا قیا سی گاند‬.

1975. Afool speaks and awisemanthinks.
‫نا د انب بد تر از عیمها ا سست‬
1976.Ignorance is the worst of defects.
‫لازیر آن گری که خر یک ار سه بث‬
1977.Put on these airsto him who values y***
,rci ,rI ORIENTAL 371

‫آسوده کجا رود که آسود ه شود‬


1978, Where can the afflicted goto gain repose

‫نا کسی بر بیمت نشود ای حگیم کسی‬
1979. The worthless, Ophilosopher cannot be
come worthyby instruction.See No. 18, and
‫م‬No .602

‫رسه وا نماید‬ ‫نکرده کار جوان کارگند خود را‬

,1980 ‫س‬theW h
inexperien e
ced transa n
cts any busi
ness helabours for his own disgrace.
‫بنا کرد و ارماری و کرد و پشیمان‬
‫و‬ is the objectI t
of desire befor e
buat afterwards of repentance. ،...

‫نگاشته را قصاص نتوان کرد‬

1982- No one canput in force the law ‫ٔه‬f retalia
tion for a person who is notkilled. See Part ‫ار‬
Section I, No. 43. ۱:۱ ‫ره‬۰ ‫فر‬

‫ناله آب از نادراری زمین است‬
19ss. The noise of the wateria owing to the un
evenness of the ground.. ‫ان‬.)۹):
This ieused to shew that the fault is not in the thing or person spoken
‫ف راه‬ b
in = omethin u
g or person connectedt
with theon

" ‫نا مرد زند همیشه لافت مردی‬ .{{{{

1984 ‫ های‬coward always boasts ofhis courage :‫ت‬

3 B
‫نام سگت گیری چوب د رد سستگیر‬
1985 If you speak of a dog take a stick in your
hand. -- ‫یه‬

( Eng.) Speak of the devil and he will appear


. ‫ه‬ ‫نام بلند به از بام بلند‬ : it ‫و‬

1986, A high name is betterthan a high house


. ‫نامش کهن و دهش ویران‬

1987. Hehas agreat name andhis village is in i
.»...‫هم‬ ‫ه‬
ruins •

‫نان یکتا روز «جه در پشت و چه در شکم‬

1988, What doesit signity whetheroie days *
bread is carried on the back or in the belly
.. ‫ه سرما‬ ‫مها‬ ‫م‬،

.‫ نان با یخ مزه ندارد ولیکن این ایجاد فقیر‬، :‫نا‬

1989.Bread withice is tasteless ‫ز‬but this is the
.‫همهٔ اهر‬

contrivance (choice) ofyour humble servant

(Lat.) Video meliora ‫هبه‬orp deteriora sequor۰
. ‫ا هن‬
-: ‫وه‬ ،‫برار‬ ‫زان بد و نام‬ ،‫ان‬ }‫مه‬:‫{ نا‬

,1990 Give bread and get a great name ‫ماهه‬

." ...
" ‫"و‬ ‫د‬.
t.» ‫م‬ == .، ‫د‬،4
‫نان میگوید جان میدهد‬ "
says bread and gives
Express» the extreme Powerty of any Person
‫ نه‬.‫ا‬،
‫ ی‬. . {

-iser II. oRIENTAL PRovERBS ars

‫نانی بد و جاني خر‬

‫نان کي جان گی‬
1992, Give bread and buy life.
.‫ ر‬... . . . .

1993. Mybread does not require a wallet.

، ‫ناودان گعبه مید زد د و با ران رحمت طمع میدارد‬

1994.Hesteals the spout of the Kuubu, and ex
pects to obtain the rain of mercy.
‫مه‬ ‫نبرد قز نرم را تیغ تیز‬
1995. Asharp sward wont cut raw silk.

‫البو ذ خیر در ان خانه که مصمست نبود‬

1996 There is no prosperity in that house where
. = sno chastity.
‫سی‬‫نتوان مرد بختی که من اینها رادم‬
«199 ,7 ‫و‬In
consequence of my love formycountry
- I ought not suffer a disgraceful death. .

‫نحس که تر شد جس ترشد‬
1998.A dirty thing whenitis wet becomes more

. dirty : ‫م‬ ‫چم‬

‫شهر‬ ‫سه‬ ‫همایی‬ ‫به‬ ‫نقد را به نسیه گسی‬ ‫اند هد‬

1999 - No one will give cash for credit.

‫ن‬47 . ORIENTAL .sBREWORP Asr .1
‫نرخ متماعي که فراوان بود‬
‫گر بمذل جان بود ارزان بود‬
2000, When goods are to be had in abundance,
althoughthey even were souls, theirprice would
‫انرود مایع آهنی د ر صنگت‬
2001. Anironnail will not enter a stone.See ‫لا کسی‬
‫نز د یگان را بیش بود حیرانی‬
2002. Those who are near are much distressed

‫قرد یکث آتش پرسماعید و زخ به از بهشت اسم مشا‬

2003.In the opinion of the fire worshipper, hellia
preferable to heaven.

‫قزد یکان بي بصره ور و د وران با خبر د ر حضور‬

.2004 ‫و‬Those near ,who
are unacquainted with thee
(Gop) are infactata distance, while those afar
oft, who know thee, are near.

‫به نزد گم حوصله گفش زرد و زیبا به از گوشواره پر زری‬

2005. In the opinion of the mean, embroidered slip-
pers are betterthan golden ear-rings»

‫سال‬ ‫نشا طعمر باشد تا بسی‬
‫جوجهل آمد فروریزد پروبال‬
2006. The pleasures of life last until30 years of

‫و‬age ‫قا‬but
when one has reached 40he begin
go down hill.
11 | .sser» ،II. .oRIENTAL PRovERns 37

‫نشود نیکشانها د یگه زمیثاق بد اصاست‬

2007. That disposition will not become good that
from the time of the covenant ... ‫و‬
.‫فصیب اعد ا‬
2008, May this be the lot of your enemies.
Expression used ‫مه‬ne
t who reations any ailment or distress efhis erra

:‫ بلا‬،. ‫نفس بر آمد و کار از تو بر نمی آید‬

,2009 ‫م‬Youspendyour
breathbut will never suc
ec labott
‫ مو‬:.‫ه‬,n

‫م‬ . ... ‫ژاقد د یاد و خند یاد‬

- -

2010 He no soonersaw the cash than helaughed..

See No. 897 of this Section.

‫نقل عیش به از عایشی‬

2011 . The narration of pleasure is better than the
‫ با‬.pleasureitself
‫گذ داد و سه معما زیذها ز ازد و سسته‬ ‫نام‬
2012, Afriend will never complain of another

: ‫فکونی کن و د ر آسب دجله اند از‬

2013. Do good and throw it into the river
: :‫ه‬ ‫ نکوي با بدان گزدان چنان است‬...«
»: ‫بی بی‬ ‫باد گرده ان جا بی نبی لث مرد ان م؛‬ ‫گاه‬

‫ه‬410 :To shewg favorto

n thei
is infact

" injury to the good.

) good‫ر‬.Eng
is to injure the ...: #

‫نگوگوی کره یز گوئی چه غم‬

2015 Speak to the purpose andinind not if your
delivery should be slow.
‫نگا و درویش عین سوال‬
2016 The sight of a.beggaris a request per
sonified. ‫ را‬.............

‫نگون شدن آسمان برای جیدن آد میان است‬

2017. The bending down of the heavens is for the
purpose of pickinguppeople.
‫نماز صتون دین اصمت و قامسی مرد ستونی نماز‬
2018. Prayeris the pillar of religion, and the
stature of man is the pillar of prayer
‫نما ند ستمگا ر بد روزگار‬
‫بماند بر و لعنت پا ید ار‬
.2019 ‫و‬The
iniquitous tyrant remainethnot but
the curses ofmankind rest on him forever.

‫نمد سیا و از صابون سفید نشود‬

2020, A black rugcannot bemade hite by means
of soap,
‫امروه از پر کرگس بر آسمان خواهد رفست مگرا زلکد یشه‬
‫بر زمینه رود‬
:2021.NiMaop can.never goto heaven by the

wings of vultures, nayby the kick of mus *

he will fall to the ground.
,rens II ‫به‬ ORIENTALPROWERBS gr ‫و‬

‫نماگات بر اجرا حسات پاشیدن‬


.2022 ...To
sprinkle salt on a wound ‫و‬
To inflict one misfortune after another- .

‫ و نمکدان میشکند‬.‫نمکت میخورد‬

2023. He eats the salt and breaks the salt-cellar

8poken of one who acts ungratefully toward his benifactor...
‫م‬. "‫و‬

. ‫شدن وو گگل بي خار نیست‬،

‫ا زنووشش بي نیش‬
2024. There is no honey without a sting : nor rose
without a thorn.

... ‫توکر قاضي را خطر تعزیر نیست‬

‫ق‬20 The servant of the Qazee is not afraid or
being punished ، ، ، ، .‫است‬ ."»

‫ د اند که در نامه چیس سته‬. ‫قویجمند‬

2026 The writer knows what is in the letter. See

Part I ‫ و‬.241.Section
,I No =

‫متهال تلخ گزد در بیست شیرینه‬

2027. Aibitter plant will not becoiiie sweet by ‫م‬erac
See Part II ‫ و‬Section ,I No (f000
.‫ه‬441,... ‫و‬ : ‫ می‬ww.r ‫ه‬

‫نهان کی ماند آن را زي کزو ساز ندگحفلها‬

‫نم‬22O253.Howw ean that which ‫ه‬is
f- ‫م‬ ‫ه‬ .
‫ب ه‬.
mentioned before
assemblies ‫ و‬.remain
secret "‫فا‬
,۶۶ ‫و‬ ، .: ‫از‬
‫نه آه مردان نه اوه زنان‬
‫ه‬-‫م یخ‬ ‫م‬. ‫ن‬... «...
2029. He has neither the voice ofman, nor womnan.

‫نه از تو جو و نه از من خود‬
2030, Neitherisbarley due from you, norvetches

i e- Wehave no elaim uponeaeh other

‫نه خود خورد نه گاس د هاد گنده کند بسگت د هد‬

203l. Neither doeshe eathimself norgive to any
one :hekets it rot and givesit to the dog۰
{ Eng )Heis like the dog in the manger-

‫ گرد اد‬،‫خورد و و فجرد و نا حقی د ری‬

2032 Ihave neither eatenanything (which might
) . . . .. . . . ‫و‬
: cause indigestion) nor lifted a load (whichmight
strainmyback), and yethave got a pain in ny
kidneys fornothing
Said by one who has suffered much distress, and inconvenienesia ‫ه‬
transaction, and still has derived no advantage.

‫نه در آسمان فه را خمینی نه در زمین نخست‬

2033.Neither arethere trees in the sky, nor for
tune on (see ‫ (خورد با‬.the
Spoken by a person, who has been very unfortunate.

‫نهاد رهره خان اکتش گردان روا اسسته‬

‫خطا است‬ ‫خطا بیي بزرگان گرفتن‬
2034, Itis not allowable to disputeuPOT every
word : it is afault to find fault with our superiors

‫نه در هفتا د آسیا یکس گندم و نه در هفت آسمان یک گرکب‬

‫و‬ one grain of wheat inse
.2085 -Neitheristhere
.venty mills, nor one starinseven heavens.
‫نه رويب ماند بنا نه رایب رفتن‬
2036, Neither have Ithe power to remain, hor the
ability to go.
‫ه‬ ‫وی‬ ‫ف‬

‫نه رو بي رها مي نه را و گریز‬

2037. Neitherhave Ithe means of liberation, nor
the way of escaping
‫به صبر در دل عاشق نه آب در غربال‬
2088 Neitherpatience in the licart ‫را ه آن‬l ver ThOA

water ina Sieve.

‫نه معتاده مسب نه فقیه‬ ‫) ضیام ته مشا بع‬5 ‫ژه‬

‫مرا چه سود که منابع شراب خوا را گنام‬
2039, I amneithera judge, nora superior of the
Ora censor nor alawyer : what advan
derwises ‫ و‬-n

tage is it tome to prevent the drinking of wine

‫نه مالی دارد که صلطا ن گیرد نه ایمانی که شیطانی‬
2040. He has no property for the king to take
from him ‫ و‬.n
Orany religion for the devii to take
‫نه نان گهد می نه سخن مردمی‬
2041.Neither doeshe give wheaten bread.nor
words of civility .
g C

‫ه هر زن زن است و نه هر مرده مرد‬

‫یح کیسان ز=کرد‬ ‫خدا پنج انگشت‬
2042Neither is every woman a woman, norevery
man aman : Gop did not make the five fingers

‫نه هر جای مرگمب توان تا ختنی‬

‫پر با ید اند ا ختن‬-‫که جا ها ص‬
:2043. You must not run your horse every where
in sotne placesitis necessary toput up a fence
i e Awiseman will discriminate wherehe can
use freedom
‫نه هر گه چهره بر افر و ختا د لا ریب د اند‬
:2044. It is not every one who adornsherself that
knows the art of heartstealing

‫نیا ید کم و با ز آبي گه رفت‬

:2015, The stream which haspassed, does not c0m 8
backto its formerchannel.

‫نیی تا بب وصل د ارمنی طا قستا جد ابي‬

2046. Neitherhave Ithe power of meeting) ۱۵۲
: the ability of separation.

‫نیستی و برخورداری‬
:20# " . Annihilation and enjoymont of life !

‫نیش عقریبا نه از يکین است‬

‫مقتضای طبیعتش این اساسنا‬
2048. The scorpion does notsting out of ‫و‬egnever
but merely asitformsa part of his natural dis
‫بر‬ .noitisop See No 180 of this Section۰
‫نیم حکیم خطر جان‬
2049. Life is in danger when entrusted to halfa
A little learning is a dangerous ‫و‬

‫نیم ملا خطره ایمان‬

f2050.1f the priest be half learned, the faith of his
flock is in danger.

‫نیم خورده ساگت سگات را شاید‬

2051 . The leavings of a dog are fit fora dog

‫نیم نافی گر خورد مرد خدا‬

‫د ر و ایشانی کند نیم دگر‬ ‫بذل‬
g0 ‫و از‬. Ifapious man eateth half a loaf ,daerbfo he
bestoweth the other half on the p00r.

‫نیگی نیکت را بد ي بد را‬

g05g. Good to the good and evil to the evil.
‫نیکی کن و بد ریا اند از‬
‫ق‬go 4 . tand
Do good e g
throw r
it into the o
,aes orf
se‫ن‬it. i.e
reproach :Do
with yourfavounot
rs th
on whomyou ha Webestowed them.
‫ع‬E 2 ORIEN TAL PRO WERBS ‫ه‬ : ,r

‫فیکی بر باد گند لازم‬

:02:‫از ز‬. Af y goodness has beenthrown away (upon
,)itoy and ‫ا‬
‫کیسه خخوواارر ههرر یمه‬: ‫و اککرنن‬ .۰

2056. Open your purse, and eat ITureestt.i.e If

you will live upon delicaties you must incur the

necessary experice.
4 ‫و سه‬ ‫م‬isa
dishmade ofbruised wh ‫م‬at
boil d toaconsisteney 3 49
added ,taeni butter cinnain ‫ر‬.u

‫ا‬ ‫به صر‬

‫و اما ند و کا و را تخر باید د اد‬
2057 . The leavings of a cow should begiven to an

dSS ‫ه‬

‫ وه که د رما ند و‬. ‫و اما ند‬

2053. Toleave something behindone, is better

than bein want

‫وایی بر قدر سخن گو اخذداری نرسد‬

2059. Alas for the speech that is addressed to the33
who donfittinderstandit.

‫و ایی نه یگبار که صد بار و ایب‬

2060 To sayalas once is not enough, but ought
toberepeated a hundredtitnes.
‫و‬ ‫ایی بران خور د‬
‫اد که تنها خو ریی‬،
‫میایی‬ ‫ ع‬.
:2()( t. Pybe up on that food ۱wiiichis eatenaio
aser u.oRIENTAL PROWERBS ‫و‬s8.
‫وای گر از پس امروز بود فرد ای‬
,2062 ‫س‬A la
!if after to-day s
thereshouldbe atg
morrow, (i.e.theresurrection). ‫زم‬.»

.‫و رنه چیزیب دیگر اسباشد‬

2063.Heirs are quite dufierent ‫مناس‬

. ‫وزیری جفین شهر یاری چفان‬

2064 Such as the TVugeer suchis the king.
( Eng ) Sueh as the priestsuohia the eter.

‫و ظیفه گر طلبي رو هنر بدست آر‬

2065.If youwant dailybread, go and acquire
knowledge. ‫گست‬.

‫و فایی عهد نگو باشد ار بیا مو زیبا‬

2066. The performance of a promise is good, if
you would learnhow to do it.

2067. When the time comes, the thing will dis

close itself
Spoken in answerto one who inquires after un affairnot yet determined.

‫و قابت خوش جو از د صات رفسعا باز بد صابت نیا ید‬

2068.A good opportunity whenit has once escap-
ed our graspis notto be obtained again.
( Eng ) There ia atide in the affairs of men, &c.

. ‫و قبث را شاهیمه مت نه ان‬

2060, Improve the present titne.
( Eng.) Time and tide wait for no man.

‫و قت را بند و صا عمث را سلطان‬

2070.Sometimeshe is aslave and sometimes a

‫هر آنچه حاکم عادل گند همان د ادا است‬
2071.Whatever the just governor does, is justice.

، ‫هر بهاریرا خزانی د ر پي است‬

.2072Every spring is followed by an auttumn
‫د یوي با ا وامه تای‬ ‫اسماعت‬ ‫رخی‬ ‫بر کیا‬ ‫هر جا گه‬
2073. WWherever there is a fairy faced damsel, she

. is attended by a demon.

‫هر جا گه نهملت خواری نمکدان مشگان‬

2074, Wherever you eat salt, do notbreak the

‫هر جا که گلی است پهلوش خاری همت‬

2075. WWherever there is a rose there is ath0TT

‫هر جا گه مالی و اه خود به اسمشا گلاغ مایع و رده‬

2076. ۱Wherever there is good fruit, itis eate by
. the crow.
arcr.II. oRIENTAL PRovERBs, 385

‫هر جا که گنج است آنجا ما راست‬

2071, Wherever thereisa treasurethere is a
snake. ‫ه‬

The Persians and Indians believe thatthis is the case

‫اسم تا‬ ‫بپایی لنگي‬ ‫اصابت‬ ‫هر جا سنگی‬

,2078 ‫و‬Wherever
there is a stone (it
is (intended
for a lame person. . -

)gnE ‫ را‬.A
sore is always in the way.See No ,147 -
‫هر چه خدا خواست همان میشود‬
2079, Whatever Gop wishes that happens
‫س‬ -
4. ‫ه‬

‫هر چه به یللی می آید به تلالی میرود‬

2080. Whateveris gotin anunfairmanner is spent ‫م‬
. .
in the sam e Way.
( Eng) whats got over the devil's back is spent under his belly. See
Part I.Section I.No. 443.

‫هز چه زنی خواهد باد و هر چه ما د ر خواهد مهیا دا‬

1g a wifeowishes gshouldbedone
۲۲hatever a motherwishes should not be done.

* ‫ هر‬۲- ‫هر چه بقا مبت که در اقیماست‬ ‫ه‬

2082, Whoeveris littlelow instature is great in

. ،... ‫و‬
‫بر‬ .» ‫ن‬

‫نیگوا سمت‬ ‫میر سد‬ ‫هر جه ا زل و سه متا‬ .

goSg. Whatever is got from afriendis good.

‫غیی‬3.. .SN

‫هر چه د رد ل فرود آید د رد ید و نیگو نما ید‬

2084, What enters the heart, appears good to the
eyes . .
‫هر چه آید برسرفرزند آدم بگذ رد‬
2085. WWhatever happens to the sons of ADAM ‫و‬

passes away, i e Our misfortunes as apell as

our enjayments are transitory.
‫هر چه کند همت مرد ان کند‬
20S6, What is done is done by the attention of
IT CTR . .

‫ دلبستگی را نشاید‬.‫هر چه دایر نماید‬

2087. You ought not to set yourheart upon that
whichlasts not.

‫هر چه در بند آنی باشد و آنی‬

:20SS, Thou ar the slave of whateverthou art at-

tached to.
. This is a play upon the words Bund and Bundeh which canuot easiiybe
‫ه‬ noi alsnan
intthe rt

‫و رنه تشسریف تو بر بالاي کس گوتاه نیست‬

2080, Whatever fault there existsit proceeds from

‫ن‬ u
andill formed r
statures Oth
wise the robes which you have bestowed are uot

too little for any one


‫هر چه وادا با داد ست ما ود امان شما‬

2090. Lethappen what will, my hand will seize ‫و‬
the skirt of your robe. .4

‫هرچه دانا کند کند ناد ان لیک بعد از خرابی بصره‬

2091.Whatever awise man doesa fool also docs,
but after the destruction of Busru : i. e out of
time and place.See No 449
‫هر چه کاراکی بد رویب‬
,2092 ‫و‬Whatever
you sow .you
will reap
‫برده‬ ‫هر چه از دا زده ماند رمال‬
2003.Whatever is left by thethief istaken by
the conjurer
‫هر چه ازد و نان به دست خواستی‬
‫در تن افزود کب و از جان کاستی‬
2094 . That which youobtain by intreaty from
mean people ‫و‬ may benefit the body ‫ و‬but it injures
the sou1.
‫هر چه از آسمان آمد زمین برداشست‬
,2095 ‫و‬Whatever
falls from heaven lightsupon the

‫هر چند گفتم خالو حش نیستم گفست نه تو خالوحشی‬

. .2006 Although Isaid that I am not uncle HUSUN ‫و‬
‫و‬hereplied ‫و‬no you are uncle HUSUN .

‫هر خریکه باشد مری پالان اویم‬

sti ,ngier I'll 7 ‫ی‬eb
king shall209
Wicar of Bray See 449 Section I, Part I.
‫هر خرکی و با ریی‬
2098, Every ass hasits load.

‫هارد رد ي راد رمانی اسسته‬

2099. Forevery painthere is aremedy.
(Eng) Every sore hasits salve.

‫که کوفته ارزان شود‬ ‫هرروزگار نخواهد مره‬

2100, A cow will not die every day, that minced
‫م‬m maybe made ea tI
.tifo See Part I.Section
No. 451.

‫ خا صیاتی‬،‫هر زمیني را بود‬

2101.Everyland has apropertypeculiart0 itself
Section ,ee
.S I Part I.No 461 ‫ه‬

. ‫هر خان و قتي و هر نگته مکانی دارد‬

tim properrd and eWCTW
point (of wit) its properplace.
‫مه‬ }

‫شیر غرانی اسماعما‬ ‫هر سگي که عوعو کند د رگرچه خود‬

:2103.Every dog that barks in his own street is a

‫هرشا خیگه بلند شد تبرخورده‬

2104. Theaxecuts off the highest branches.i.e.
The proud and those in exalted station are most
exposed to disaster.

‫هر شبي گویم گه فرد ا ترک این صودا کنم‬

‫باز جوان فرد ا شود امروز را فرد ا کنم‬
2105.Every night Isay that I will give up this
business to-morrrow : again when to-morrow
arrives, I make to-dayto-morrow.
Said of one whoput off people byidle pretences.

‫هر شبي را روزی در پیش اساسنا‬

:2106. After every night comes amorning
Every night is followed by a day.

‫هر شمانمایی در این راه صد کر آتشیت ا سه سع‬

:2107. Every drop of dew inthisroad is like a
hundred rivers of fire
Said by a person who is ashamed of whathe has done, by way of exeuse.

.‫هر تمل اجری و هر گرد ه جزایی دارد‬

21OS. Every action hasits reward.

2 ‫هر فرعونی را مو سیلی‬

109. For CVery PHURooNthere is a MosEs.

‫هر جا د ر جهان فللث زاده ایستها‬

‫و رمانی است‬ ‫کا را و شاعری‬
2110, Wheresoever in the world there is anunfor
fellow to befound his business ispoetry
and geomancy.
‫بو د شیر ین مردم و مرغ و مورگرد آیند‬ ‫هرکجا چشمه‬
.ll Whereverthere is aspring of sweet water
‫و‬men ‫و‬birds
and ants .flock
.rehtegot See Part I
section I.No 457
‫د رمانش مقرر گرد ه اند‬ ‫هر کجا دره ی اساسنا‬
2112.Eor every painthere is aremedy.
‫ را جرائیسی‬،‫هرکرد‬
2113.Every action hasits reward.
‫هر گرا پنجروز نو بسی او اساسی‬
2114. Every one sturnis for five days.i.e Hu

man authority is of short duration.

Addressed to atyrant.

‫هرگرا د لا زنده اسست نفس نازنده‬

:2115.TIe whose soul is alive, his sensual desireS

‫ه‬ia &‫ا‬ ded

‫هر گرا اخل صی بیش اقبال بیش‬
2116Hewhosefriendship is great, his good R**
tuneisat hand.

‫آب فه هری انیسه متن لب خشک ما ند‬ ‫هر گرا‬

2l17. He who hasno saliva, hislipsremain dry.
Itisused by apoorman, who from inability cannot keep up abetter

‫هر گرا صبر نیست حگمبث نیسسع‬

12 patience
‫ و‬possesses not
‫هرگرا د رد یا رصد نا چار گوید و اي را‬
li9.IIe who
t is in pain u cannothelpo calling

The 1etters ‫ او‬and ‫ی‬ are called ‫ حر و ف علبت‬or letters of disease ‫و‬
(‫مرم‬ ‫مه‬

‫هر کسی را قرار د ر پیش اسمث‬ :

2120.Every person hasa flight before hina.(i.e.
every one is doomed to die). .)

‫هرکسي را برای رای ساختند‬

‫مهرا و را در دلش انداختند‬
2121.Every «One is created (by Gop) fora certain
‫و‬task and the love of it is impressed inhis heart

‫هر کسي را فرزند خویش خوش نماید‬

2122. To every One his owuson appears the most

‫هرکسی میتخت خویش نگو میداند‬

gugg Every one thinkshis own counsel the best.
:392 ‫ر‬LATNE1RO PROWER,S. .P a arI.

‫هرگسی آن د رود عاقب سعا کارگه گشسبا‬

2124 Every one will atlast reap whathe has

)E‫ را گ‬As you ,wos so you shall reap

‫هرگس بقد ر خویش گرفتارگک نسک است‬

2125. Every one is involved introuble, according
to his station.
‫هرگس بقدر هم تا خود خانه ساخته‬
2126.Every one has built a house in proportionto

‫هرکس یخیال خویش خبطی د ارد‬

2127.Every person inhis own imagination has
some foolish notion or other
(Eng, ) Every one hashishobby horse

‫هرکس و کارایی‬
2128. Every personandeverybusiness, i.e.every
business hasa person adapted to it. See ‫م‬ItraP

Section I.No. 456.

‫هرگس گه نملث خورد نمکدان دزد دا‬

. ‫مانند سگی بود که پیاه دارای دزد د‬
" ‫؛‬0212 Every person who eats salt and steals the
cellaris likeal
the dog that steals
t ab "
. holding grease

‫هر که او رويب به بهبود نداشت‬

‫دید لن روی نبی سواده اند اشباعی‬
2130, Who is not fittobeprosperous, will not
derive any advantage from beholding theface of

‫هر گه آمد جهان از اهل فنا خواهد بود‬

‫آنکه پاینده وبا قي است خدا خواهد بود‬
2131. whoerer has come into the world, will one
day or other be one of the dead,buthe who will
and remains )
o r

‫هر گه آتش مزاج اسست بی آب زید‬

2132. Whoever is of afiery temper will live with
water i.e.he who iswicked will live by his

‫هرگه از خدا نرسد از و با ید ترسید‬

2133, Whoeverfears not Gop do you fear him.

. ‫(عر‬ ‫هر که آید گو بیا و هرگه خواهد گو بر‬

glg4, Whoever comes (to you) say come and ۲۲ho
ever wishes (to go) say, go.
) Eng :‫م ر‬Welcome
the ,gninroc speed the parting guest

‫هر که شد خاک نشین بزگ و برای پیدا کرد‬

‫د د انه چو با خالث سری پیدا کرد‬-‫سبز ش‬
2135. Whoever is asitterupon the earth, (i.e
humble) produces leaves and fruit, (i.e.gains
honor and respect), as seed becomes groen when
it associates with the earth.. ...

)gnE ‫ را‬.H
thathumbleth hinselfshall
e be exaited

‫هر که آمد عمارتی نو ساخبات‬

‫رفست و منزل بدیگری پرداخست‬
Every ric
one who ,ema.21 36 ‫و‬
c erected a new
he departed, and evaeuated the tenement for
anotherto enter.

‫هرگه با نوح نشیند چه با کت از طوفانش‬

2137. What hashe to fear froma storm who has
NoAII with him.

‫هر که با بدان نشیند نیگي نه بیند‬

213S.Whoeverassociates with the wicked, will ne

‫هر که با فولاد باز و هجه کرد‬

‫ساعد سیمین خرد را رحیه گرد‬
:2130, Whosoever grapples with anarm of steel,

Willinjurehis own wrist, ifit be of silver.


‫شفقت فرود آرد سزا بیفد‬ ‫هر گه بر گژاد م د سست‬

2140, Whoever parts scorpions with the hands of
compassion ‫ و‬.receives
punishment "

‫هر گاه با د د ر سرد ا رد سر بباد دارد‬

2141.Whoever has windinhis head, (i, e,who
ever ispufted up with pride) gives hisheadto
the wind, (i.e.isruined).
‫هر گه بد ي گراد به بد یا رشود‬
2143 Whoever acts wickedly, associates with the

‫هر که تهی گیهمه تر آسود ه تر‬

2143. The poorest is the most free from care.

‫هر که خانه مردم بگا و د خاک بر سرش افتاد‬

2144 Whoever destroys the hoase of another, the
: earth fallsupon his head,
Application isthesame as No. 703,

‫هر که خود را بیند خدا را نه بیند‬

2145. He whobeholds himself )i.e, who is ‫(و‬niav
will not behold Goo.

‫هرگه خیانت ورزد دستش از حصا بس بلر زادآ‬

2T46. Hewho is guilty of embezzlement, his hand
shakes. ‫ع‬ ‫م‬


. ‫هر که در جنگت پشت نماید رو نتواند نمود‬

2147. Hewhoturnshisback in battle, will not
be able to shewhisface afterwards•

.‫هر که از رندار ل پر ند ارد‬

:2148. He that has no gold, is without power

.‫هر که زندگي ند ا رد مرد ه اسست‬

:2149. Who has no livelihood, is dead.

‫هر گاه سلطان مرید او با شد‬ ...

‫د‬--‫گر هره بد کند ز=کو با ش‬

:2180. WWhoeverhas the king ashis disciple, if all
hisactions were bad, theywouldbe considered

‫هر گه شیر گرم خورد » تا آب پف نکند شخورد‬

:2l al. Whoever has drank hot milk, won't drink
"wateruntilhe has first blown upon it, See Sec

tion I, No. 614..............

،‫هرگه علیب دگرانی پیش تو آورد و شهری‬
.‫بیگمان علی مسببا تو پیش دگران خواهد برد‬
2] 52.WWhoeverrecounts before youthe faults of
: ,srehtwil
o‫ وا‬-without
,tbuod carry your fault be
fore others.

‫ش خواننده‬۰ ‫مهرگه شمشیر زند ستمه بذسا‬

2l B3. The coinis struck inhis name, (he is king)
- whose swordisbest used..

‫ما است‬ ‫هر که گم خورد و رجشم‬

2154, Whoever eats little, is thelight of my eyes :
i e deartome *
‫د‬s ‫به هر هفته نامه‬

.‫هر که گربرد زاخراج نت شاه‬

‫با رکشی غول بیابان بوه‬
2155 Whoever files from the su jection ‫ه‬f a ‫و‬gnik
‫ه‬ the load of a demon of the desart

‫ه‬ ‫هر که مال خورد پشیما فی خوراب‬

13 Fie :i
who does not
{ ‫عیس‬
expend his wealth, will

repent. .. . ... ‫و‬

.،، ‫ بالایی نبرد نه‬--‫مسعه حاتم اط‬

2137 . Whgever eats the bread of his , ‫و‬ruobalnwo
.‫نه‬ ‫یا‬ ‫ماه‬ ‫سه‬ ...

‫ فه این‬t place. himRelf ,lrednu an obligation

IIAris TAEE.See ‫گرد ان بی طمع‬ ..

‫هرگز نشد که بیي ضواخر زندگی گنیم‬

‫ق‬gi BWV e couldaever have existed without the

.head of an ass (i.e.an intruder).


‫عمرانی گوید سرش‬ ‫را‬ ‫السلام‬ ‫علیه‬ ‫عاص علي‬ ‫عمر و‬ ‫هرگاه‬
‫باید برید‬
2159.When UMRthe son of Assays toULEg(up-
. on whombepeace) Iswearby your life, you
ought tocut oft his head.
‫اساسات‬ ‫ یا ز هم یوسف‬۱ ‫گند‬ ‫ها که آدم خوش‬ ‫هر‬

2160, Whateveramanesteems agreeable, UYAz

becomes a Y oos Ur.
U ۲Azthe friend of the emperor Munrynoop wasas tremarkablyugly as
«Yoosu P(Jos EPn) was reputed handsome.

‫سبلت سیخ کند‬ ‫هر گاه خر کبابب شد و دا شغال‬

216) . When an Ass isroasted, a Jackall turns the
fat into aspit.
‫هر گنده خوری را گند‬
‫و پز کیا میباید‬
2162He that eats rotten (of stiuking) meat, must
have a cook that dresses such.
‫هرما رامهره ندارد‬ ‫ه‬

2163.Every smake hasnot got an antidote.

2164Everybird is notabletoeatfigs See

‫حلوا خوردن‬ ‫ای‬ ‫هر‬ ‫و‬ ‫او را‬

. ‫هر مس که بکیمیا رسد زرگردد‬

2165.Every piece of copper that Alchemy operate
on ‫ و‬،becomes
gold ، ، ،..‫ر‬i(

‫هر ملگي و هر ز سهمی‬

2166.Every countryhas its own customs, -
( Lat ) Suus estmos cuique genti.
.، ‫ه‬ ‫و نمای‬

‫هر قتیباي را فراز یا د ر پی اسسع‬

2167. Every hollow has its hill, i e although the
‫ر‬:‫ ژ‬.» } ::i1x , :‫ر‬ ‫می‬

times are hardnow there is a prospect of their

becoming more favorable.

‫ سمت‬۱ ‫هر تمرود ای را پشه‬

، f :
:2168, "There is a gnatforevery NIsraop. **
S ,
‫ه‬See page E
.951 L-، 1
« .
a 3

۹ ‫هنر ار همچو ترا او به نیم جو نه خرد‬

2169. Hecannot buyathousand such as yoafor
half a barley corn. ."..

‫هزارد وسته گم اسبیست و یلت دشمن بسیا را سسته‬

.2170 Athousand friends are few ‫ و‬andone enemy

. is equal to many. ...‫هب‬.

‫هزار جو به ویکاث خاموشي بر ا براسم سته‬

217 I.Athousand ،answers, and one silence are
‫ه‬ .2
: ‫ =کاهم بقطار ه غسم‬. ‫د ق‬-‫اس‬-‫ هزار عیش تص‬:

‫ خوکابه "ی و رخ "یال است و غم همیشه رفیق‬7‫ اایشزان‬i‫ ک)هز‬: ،

217 ‫ و‬1 will sacrifice athousand pleasures for one
drop of sorrow, because pleasure is a dream and
**** ‫م‬
aginary ,aediiand sorrow is n
always a com

‫ان آشن فه ر =کا سه‬

2173 The same messia the dish.i.e.The state
of affairs is the same as at first.
‫اد‬ ‫مجمن‬ ‫این‬ ‫دهی‬
۱ ‫ مدد خد‬،‫همت مو داری‬
‫ت‬‫محد از‬‫ رن مدت‬:‫مره‬
:2174. The attention of the holy
‫; و‬- ‫و هند‬
is the assistance
of Gop.

‫هست مرد ان کارها د ارد‬

2175, Resolution overcomes great difficnities
Dangers retreatwhen boldy they re coniionted.
‫ اه‬.‫موسسا =کا رها د ارد‬
2176: Resolution does greatthings.
‫هم است اگر همسایا مرد ان شود‬
‫یا‬ ‫ مورتواند که صلیمان شود‬- ۰ -
g177, By resolutionifitwereitheresolution of
men, anant might become (as great as) SoLIMA۲۰
‫هم انوادب و هم خرما‬
2178, The future reward of virtue and dates Se
Part I.Section I.No. 469. ‫فی‬
Itissaid that Annud used ‫به همه‬ try breakfast
is often observed by ‫نآ‬ous Mosalmaus. ‫می‬

‫به‬ ‫از این‬ ‫د‬

، ‫داغ اسمی برد لشی‬ ‫* دارد اما کسی اسبش که‬
:2179.llepartakes in my sorrow whose own heart
is Wounded.
ser II. oRIENTAL PRovERBs - 40
‫هم دزد هیفا اد را هم کاروانی‬ ‫ نه‬...
2180 The robber complains (at having got so lit
tle), and the people of the Caravan also(athav
ing lost theirpropery) ‫نه‬..:...
‫همراه اگر شتا به کند همرور تو نیسه ستب‬
2131.If your fellow traveller goes faster than you,
he is nolonger yourfellow traveller.
- ‫ره‬ ‫او‬ . ». ‫در‬ ‫ماه‬

‫همرنگت ضر رندا رد‬ -T

2182, Things of the same colour do nothurt each

Itis used to express that people of similar dispositions agrge best: The
phrase is alsoused ‫ را‬ycard players.

‫همسایه بد میاد کس را‬

:2183. Goppreserve us all from bad neighbours.
«... ‫هم مالا بدست آید و هم ما رفرحمد‬
:2184. To get possession of the wealth without dis
turbing the snake (hat guards it).
. ‫ کتی جرمتن کتی‬،‫د‬
:2185. When you spoke the word Moostufa you
all ‫به هنء‬
‫همه پلید بها از آب شویند پلید ي آب از هیچ چیزش سنته نشود‬
2186 All filth is washed by means of water but
the filth of water cannot ‫ هر‬washed by any thing.
b It mean that thefauls ‫م‬o an inferiorthaybe corrected bya superio۳۰

ult ‫ا‬ t
,uoofc un se
a Superiorac
402 .ortIENTAT, PRovERBs.e Anrt.

2187. All theadvice that Igive theeisthis, that

thou art aboy, and thishouse is painted.

‫همیشه در صد ف گوهر نباشد‬

2188Yon will always finda pearlinashell
,... ‫به‬ »« i ‫م‬ ‫ت‬:
‫همیشه سفگت بد رهایی بسته مي آید‬
2189, Stonés always strike doors that are shut.
Used by thos ‫ه‬khoaeps ‫نهه‬nst

21400, When I am ready to go, I won't stop un

Ireach Sheerat

‫هنر بهتر از ملکث و مالی پدر‬

2191.The arts are better than the possessions
and wealth of one's father.

‫هنوز همان آش د ر کاسه اسبع‬

2192.Still the selfame gruelis in the cup


‫هنوز د و نیم قراط با قی د ارد‬

:2193.There are still 2 dranghts remaining (‫)بع‬

‫نشد و که گوریب برادرش نشسست‬ ‫هنوز مسجد ساخته‬

2194, The mosque is not yet built, but ablindina
‫و‬i door )sntfarof(.
seated at thes

‫هیچ کاره و همه کاره‬

2195, Of no business and of every business.
)gnE.‫ (ر‬Jack of all tradesis of no trade

‫هیچ ما و هیچ تو‬

:2196, i have nothing to do with you, nor you with

‫یاد دل گر نبود ن گر زبانی ممهل اسمت‬

you have no particular regard forme still
iseasy to make favorablemention of me
An expression used whenrnentioning an absent friend.

‫یاد شی اخیر‬
recollection (that of an absent
is formy good.
"Thisphraseia used in Hindoostars, sometimes, and especially by women
when a person sneezes : in English itissaid ، Your sweetheartisthinking
youd eas
when oo
womans l
garters arenu

‫یا د ر بهار د و د سست گداد خواجه در کنار‬

‫یا مو چ روزی افگند ش مرده بر کفار‬
2199."Thermerchant either reachesthe shore with

bothhandsfull ofpearls, or else the waves one

casthim dead upon the beach
‫یاران بصره‬
2200. Friends of BusisU.
Applied ‫؛‬
eland puniust
404 oRIENTAL PRovERBs. ‫ جهت‬.
.۰ ‫من‬ ۶
. ‫یارانه به همرا یاد‬
Hs it better to havenine friends or ‫و‬
‫یا را غا ري باید که زخم ماری کشد‬
2202, A sincere friend ought to suffer the bite of
a snake (for his friend).
‫یار کار افتاده را یاری هم از یاران رسد‬
2208.Afriend who has been unfortunate, ‫ف‬eviecer

aid ony froia his friends

‫یا رمان نیکو اصمات لیکن رضام و بینش بد است‬
2204 Mybelowed is good, but herways are bad.
‫به از شوهر مرد ها‬ ‫یا رز زد‬
Aliving gallantis betterthan a ‫ط‬

‫یا رباتي کعبس باقی‬

2206, As long as afriendremains,there is hopes ‫گ‬o
ineeting him.
‫یا ران یا ران را شنا سند‬
2207. Friends know their friends.
‫یاران یا ران را فروشن ذ‬
2208.Friends extoll their friends.

‫کودکان را بسابقی‬ ‫یار دي‬

2209 The friendship of boys subsists only as long
as thelesson.See ‫ای ملا‬ ‫آشنا‬
«ser. H. . oRIENTAL PRovERBS f05

‫ع بسیار آب کرد تا فلان چیز صور دث گرفست‬-

2210. Hemelted muchice, when sucha thing
was effected.

‫یک انار و صد بیمار‬

2211.one pomegranate anda hundred sick people
‫یلت آهو و ضد سگت‬
2212 One deer anda hundred dogs.
‫یکت انگور و صد زنبور‬
2213. One grape andahundred wasps
. ‫و د و گوش‬ ‫یکت بیني‬
2214 One nose and two ears (remained).
Expresses that a person has beeh ‫ده‬tresed by every one.

‫گفد‬ ‫یک بازگرگین هره بزهای گله را گرگین‬

2215 One scabby goat infects (spoils(‫و‬the whole

2216. One repentance is sufficient for a hundred


‫ف و نشانه‬ ‫یلت تیز و‬

8217. One arrow and two marks.
‫ سسعه‬۱ ‫یک ترش رو بي برای د فع صد مهمان بس‬
‫شته‬81. One sour look is sufficient to drive away
ahundred guests.

‫چین ابرو جو وبت د ر با وی ا سمت صاحب خانه را‬

2219. The wrinkles of the eyebrows are as good as
doorkeeper's club .for
themaster of the house
‫یکد م هز ا را مید‬
:‫ ت‬,220 In onebreath there is athousand hopes : or
while there is life there ishope.
‫یگي عذا بابت قا ضی به از هزار گواه‬
2221 . The favor of the judge is better than ahun
dred witnesses.

‫یوسف د ر مصر عزیر میشود‬

2222. JosEPH in Egypt is dear (oraking) : the word
‫ مرز‬besides signifying aking in general , is the
common title of thekings of Egypt.



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