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1. Introductory Paragraph
i. Thesis Statement:
Therefore, I strongly disagree that university students can learn online courses as
much like traditional face to face classes.

2. Body Paragraph 1
i. Pro Argument I / Topic Sentence 1
ii. Evidence
iii. Concluding sentence 1

3. Body Paragraph 2
i. Pro Argument II / Topic Sentence 2
Next, university students would not be able to learn as much in an online course
compared to a traditional face to face class when they are lack of accommodations
ii. Evidence
According to The New York Times - when students feel isolated and estranged
from their instructor and fellow learners rather than engaged in the lesson – which
is one of the biggest challenges with online education, they may be more likely to
fall behind
iii. Concluding sentence 2
Lack of accommodation will not be able to allow a student to complete a ton of
task, the purpose of accommodation in an online course is to make sure the
university student get peerless access to learning the same way as a traditional
face to face class.

4. Body Paragraph 3
i. Pro Argument III / Topic Sentence 3:
Thirdly, I strongly disagree that university students can learn as much in an online
learning as they can in a face to face class as most of the communications will be
affected to some students.
ii. Evidence:
Lack of access is a common issue among us but it gets serious when The Rakyat
Post (2020) published a story about a Sabah student who spent 24 hours in a tree
just to get good internet for her online examination.
iii. Concluding sentence 3:
However, online learning could never be competed with face to face class
especially in terms of communications among students and lecturers.

5. Body Paragraph 4
i. Counter Argument I / Topic Sentence 4:
While the justifications above are opposed, some may agree that university
students can learn online courses as much as in face to face classes as it gives
flexibility to students.
ii. Concession & Refutation:
Although this may be true to a certain extent, not all students can manage their
self-discipline effectively and efficiently.
iii. Evidence for refutation:
- According to an article on the Education Week website titled, “How Effective Is
Online Learning? What Research Does and Doesn't Tell Us” by Susanna Loeb
(2020), the research found out that students struggled to replace the credit hours
for traditional face to face classes in online classes
- Karl Alexander’s substantial research base at Johns Hopkins University research
shows that students are unable to learn much from online lessons due to limited
learning resources.
iv. Concluding sentence 4:
Therefore, flexibility is an advantage of online courses nevertheless, it does not
apply to some students.

6. Concluding Paragraph
i. Restatement of thesis statement: Stand (Compulsory) + Controlling Ideas

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