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DVD 1: Instant Talent � In this mind expanding first DVD, Dr Richard Bandler will

explode your limiting ideas about the true source of talent by working with people
who believe they have no artistic ability. Through an eloquent system of hypnotic
inductions, these people break through their limitations and surprise themselves
with sudden demonstrations of their new found creative ability. What is so
impressive is how fast he hypnotises them - within seconds using a range of rapid
induction techniques. Their eyes flutter into the back of their heads and he gives
them suggestions both literal and metaphoric, and then when they open their eyes
they are in some strange uptime trance, all look a little crazy, very determined
and almost possessed. They go on to produce art and music like they would not have

DVD 2: Inner Beauty � Imagine the possibilities as you witness two women undergo an
extraordinary hypnotic self-image transformation. People who watched this live were
amazed at how the women seemed to actually become more beautiful as they saw
themselves as beautiful. The changes they made during this session positively
impacted not only on their self-esteem, but their behaviour as well. Bandler uses
rapid hypnotic inductions and metaphor coupled with direct suggestion to age
regress the subjects, get them into a wonderful feel-good state, and de-stress
them, and he shows how this literally makes the subjects look ten years younger.
Other suggestions are given for beauty from within, in this magic episode by the
master of change.

DVD 3: Rapid Hypnotic Inductions � Richard Bandler is constantly being asked how he
performs such rapid hypnotic inductions. In this DVD he demonstrates numerous
elegant examples of how to quickly induce deep trance in anybody - including you!
The most spectacular theme flowing through this DVD series is the speed at which
Bandler hypnotises people. He knocks someone�s head back and they are in trance; he
looks into their eyes and they go into trance; he puts his hand on their head and
paces the brain fluids and they go into deep altered states; he stakes their hands
and puts them into deep trances. I have never seen anything quite like this even
from Richard Bandler - superb!

DVD 4: Fantastic Futures � The way we lead our lives is a direct result of how we
view the future. In this DVD Dr Richard Bandler demonstrates how easy it is to
create a compellingly positive future and change your destiny for the better.

Bandler uses a blend of humour, metaphor, direct installation and again rapid
trance induction to program the subject to focus on building fantastic futures, by
overcoming limiting beliefs, creating powerful and fun altered states and pacing
them out into their timelines to change how their futures will be.

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