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How Mindset Affects Motivation.

Thesis Statement:
Mindset, believing thoughts on traits such as intelligence and talent are fixed or
changeable, can up and down the level of motivation.

Could what you believe about yourself impact your level of motivation? According to
Stanford psychologist Carol Dweck, your beliefs play a vital role in what you want and
whether you achieve it. Dweck has found that it is your mindset that plays a significient role
iin determining achievements and success through motivation which is affected by mindset .
So, what eactly is mindset? And how it influence the motivation level?

As it is clear from word that describe the mental and cognizance level of people who are
believing their qualities which can be fixed or changeable. People with fixed mindset cannot
grow and develop through their thoughts. By fixed mindset meaning that people who believe
that their intelligence and talent cannot be changed as it remains same as it is inherited by
nature. Such type of people have low level of motivation, and are less develop. Fixed mindset
people are less motivated people than growth mindset one.

People with grwoth mindset are those who believed that their natural qualities and
chrachterictics such as talent and intelligence can be changed with time. Such people have
more level of motivation level than the fixed mindset one. Their motivation level can be
enhanced by their thoughts and ideas.

The social mindset, people who have social mindset are the best people in the world.
Because they love to meet with the new persons. And this type of mindset people has many
friends, and they are very popular among the people due to their positive mind. But there are
few disadvantages that effects the people. These people depend on other peoples for their

The growth mindset, these people contain wonderful and amazing mind because they always
improving themselves. Their presents are better in their past. These type of mindset people
are very active but there is the back side of the mirror is also, these people forgot the actual
happiness in their lives.

The fear mindset, all people contain a little bit fear in their lives but such type of people
never reach to their goals and destination. Because whenever such type of people does
anything they don’t do because the fear come in their mind and such type of people would
not anyone their lives. Such people would never achieve their goals, because these people
cannot be motivated in our mind.

The lazy mindset, such type of people contain mind but these people would not use their
mind. Because they were too lazy. They love to sleep and eating when we not use our mind,
then it will not work after sometime. If lazy mindset people motivated self and remove the
lazy word in our mind, then lazy mindset people work very actively.
The envy mindset such type of people will never get their goals because their only work is to
jealous with the other people success and happiness. Such type of people lost their health

The business mindset people are such type of people is love to serving other people. These
people are able to solve their difficult problem in one second. But such type of people would
not enjoy their life.

The dreamer mindset people are those people which I love the most people because they live
according to their dreams. And they don’t worry about the peoples they would think that
everything is possible in this world.

The follower mindset people are those people which follow the other peoples and do such
things which are done by others. They contain their mind but they don’t use.

The greed mindset person is those which would only double their money. They only
admission is too collect money and save money they don’t’ use anything on their personality.

The confident mindset is the key too happiness. When dreams a confidence combine then
theses type of persons became unbeatable.Creative mindset persons are difficult to
understand them. But such type of person would discover such thing which seems to be

The angry mindset persons would get success in their life but for a short time due to their
bad behavior they lost everything.Mindset plays is very important role in how you deal with
the life challenges motivation is the only key which change our is easy to explain
by the example car is not run without petrol, aero plan is not run without diesel, human body
is not working well without energy like this mind is not work without it is our
duty to motivate our people if someone is prime minister it is necessary to motivate their
army and that work very well. If someone is a businessman it is essential to motivate
their employees so that they work well and business got success if some is a teacher, then is
is necessary to motivate their students so that they become doctor’s engineer’s pilots etc. And
offcource one day will come when teacher will feel proud when saw their students on such
type of posts.

Motivational is only key to reach our goals and destinations. Greenery is necessary for eyes
blood is necessary for heart in this way motivational is necessary is important foe mind.

If you have mind but your cant’s use it due to some reason because you cannot be motivated
yourself. You should always motivate yourself because you do anything first set your mind
and motivate yourself and think that you will do the best and think is nothing is impossible.
So one day you will succeed in your life, and achieve your dreams.

Here it is explain by the example there are thirty two students is present in the class math’s
teacher game and written the questions on the white board and told a students that this
question is impossible to solve all the students set their mind that this questions is really
difficult and impossible because teacher told this myth in the same class one students is
sleeping when teacher saw this boy call him and asked him to solve this questions and
suddenly his set his mind and motivate himself because he cannot listen the teacher
conservation and solve this question the reason is that he cannot set his mind it is impossible
while other students set their mind that this question is impossible so that can’t solve this

It is clear that motivation is the key which play important role for success.

According to the above discussion it is clear that motivation really effects the mindset so
every teacher motivates their students and every parents motivate their children infect there is
one motivational speaker should present in every school, college, universities and also
offices. In this way no one would die without competing their dreams and no one would
remain poor. All the people would live their life safe and sound. In this way we do such
things which our forefathers says that these were impossible and now there is nothing is
impossible and soon we find out all the star’s galaxy and planets and bimodal triangle also,
and one day will come we will live on the mars.

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