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Only complete the relevent scetions. Answer each question in turn. Explain any anomolies in Remarks

Serial Qual 100 Ref Section Question

1 Sec1 Guards on Site
2 Sec4 Are employees wearing company identification
3 Sec5 Are staff wearing the correct uniform
4 Sec6 Is the uniform clean and in good condition
5 Sec7 CCTV
6 Sec11 Does a written code of practice exist for the scheme
7 Sec20 Is there a record of CCTV operators on duty at any one time plus
8 Sec21 Are staff advised that breach of CCTV protocols can lead to dismi
9 Sec22 Are relevant actions relating to CCTV recorded in the DOB or the
10 Sec25 Is the view of cctv image screens restricted from eveyone other t
11 Sec26 Are images free for intrusion into private dwellings / offices
12 Sec27 Is the CCTV system checked to ensure system works correctly
13 Sec30 Is the equipment regularly maintained as per the manufactures re
14 Sec31 Are all failures of equipment recorded in a maintenance log
15 Sec32 Is the control room secure (access controlled)
16 Sec33 Is access restricted to only those who require access.
17 Sec34 Are visitors always signed in/out of the control room
18 Sec35 Is there a notice advising that all visitors must sign in/out
19 Sec37 Are tapes/CDs DVDs stored securely
20 Sec38 Is there a Recorded Material tape/dvd register to include Hard dr
21 Sec39 Are rest breaks defined in the AI
22 Sec41 Are camera locations recorded in AI or elsewhere
23 Sec43 Are all entries made using ballpoint pen.
24 Sec45 Are supervisory/management visits recorded in the DOB
25 Sec47 Is there a record of equipment (i.e. radios) issued and returned
26 Sec48 Key Holding
27 Sec50 Is there specific instruction for the control of keys in the AI
28 Sec52 Is there a receipt given to customer for the keys we hold and is it
29 Sec53 Is there a key listing with all keys identified by number location t
30 Sec54 Is the key listing kept separate from the key cabinet and secure?
31 Sec55 Is a secure key safe/press in use and securely located
32 Sec56 Do the keys in the cabinet accurately reflect the key numbers and
33 Sec57 Are all keys on a bunch identified separately on the key list?
34 Sec58 Are the keys to the safe/press securely maintained
35 Sec59 Are keys anonymous? (i.e. location not labelled on key) including
36 Sec60 Is each key issue properly signed out and signed back in the Assign
37 Sec61 Is a process in place to report missing, mislaid or keys not returne
38 Sec62 Are daily audits completed of keys and pouches and recorded on
39 Sec63 Are keys checked monthly to the key record by management or su
40 Sec64 Are there instructions for issue of keys to authorised personnel
41 Sec65 Are the keys in the press identified and signed in and out
42 Sec66 Are keys issued to security officers, listed and signed in and out
43 Sec68 Are duplicate keys also recorded but kept separate from the origi
44 Sec69 On Site Doccumantation
45 Sec70 Daily Occurrence Book
46 Sec71 Handover sheet completed for shift handovers or an entry in the
47 Sec72 Is current incident reporting procedure available to staff on site
48 Sec73 Company Incident Reports (if incident noted in DOB)
49 Sec75 Assignment Instructions (dated within past 12 months and signed
50 Sec77 Risk Assessments (dated within past 12 months and signed by OM
51 Sec78 Have site received regular communication from Branch (to includ
52 Sec81 Are patrol requirements identified in the AIs
53 Sec83 Are patrol system reports created and checked as per AI
54 Sec85 Are patrols properly timed and entered in the DOB.
55 Sec89 Are officers in possession of company notebooks
56 Sec90 Lost and Found
57 Sec91 Is there an instruction from the customer in the AI
58 Sec92 Is there a record of all items found
59 Sec93 Are items held securely
60 Sec94 Are all items recorded actually held
61 Sec95 Is there a disposal policy
62 Sec96 Are items disposed of in the correct manner and correct documen
63 Sec97 Deliveries
64 Sec98 Are there specific instructions in the AI
65 Sec99 Do we accept and sign for delivered goods/parcels/letters etc
66 Sec100 If so, do we record the items and release to a known signature
67 Sec101 Visitors
68 Sec102 Are there specific instructions in AI?
69 Sec103 Is there a record of passes issued and returned
70 Sec104 Is there a check of this record
71 Sec105 Is there a record of Cards Issued (and returned)
72 Sec106 Is there a record of the Cards held
73 Sec107 Is there a check of these records
74 Sec108 Are records accurate
75 Sec198 Customer Focus
76 Sec199 Does a controlled schedule of supervisory visits exist (security onl
77 Sec200 Is this schedule in accordance with customers requirements (secu
78 Sec201 Are Operations Supervisor Inspection Reports completed each mo
79 Sec202 Are the Operations Supervisor Inspection Reports reviewed by ma
80 Sec203 Are the comments on Operations Supervisor Inspection Reports co
81 Sec204 Customer Files
82 Sec205 Are customer files properly set up and maintained
83 Sec206 Is there an index of contents
84 Sec207 Are completed copies of the finance model and/or Tender forms
85 Sec208 Is there a site survey on file
86 Sec209 Are New Contract Checklists start up plans completed and held on
87 Sec210 Credit Reference Check sheet completed (or advice if not require
88 Sec211 Are site specific risk assessments in place and current signed by M
89 Sec212 Is there a Copy of current AI/ Work Spec signed by Manager & cus
90 Sec213 Do AIs or work instructions contain Safe Systems of Work
91 Sec214 Were AI and RA in place before commencement of contract
92 Sec215 Are files for terminated contracts archived for at least 12 months
93 Sec216 Is there site identification on all documentation
94 Sec217 HR
95 Sec218 A current Health Assessment (within the last 12 months) BS 7499
96 Sec219 Is there a completed Monthly Officer Visit report on file for every
97 Sec220 Are missed check calls followed up with staff (security only) if an
98 Sec221 Is there a signed dated company Life Assurance Scheme documen
in Remarks

Yes No NA


he scheme
ty at any one time plus breaks and if app cameras controlled.
tocols can lead to dismissal and or prosecution
orded in the DOB or the AI
ed from eveyone other than controllers
dwellings / offices
tem works correctly
per the manufactures recommendations
a maintenance log
uire access.
ntrol room
must sign in/out

gister to include Hard drive details


ded in the DOB

s) issued and returned

l of keys in the AI
he keys we hold and is it signed by a company official and clie
ed by number location they open, bunch numbers etc.
ey cabinet and secure?
rely located
ect the key numbers and location on the key list?
ely on the key list?
belled on key) including Master keys
signed back in the Assignment key register
slaid or keys not returned
uches and recorded on handover sheet
rd by management or supervision and check recorded in key re
authorised personnel
gned in and out
and signed in and out
separate from the originals

overs or an entry in the DOB confirming such

ailable to staff on site
ed in DOB)
t 12 months and signed by OM/Customer and all S/O) BS7499 6
onths and signed by OM & Customer)
n from Branch (to include company policies etc)
ecked as per AI
the DOB.

in the AI

er and correct documentation completed

s/parcels/letters etc
to a known signature



visits exist (security only)

mers requirements (security only)
orts completed each month available and up to date
Reports reviewed by management and issues identified action
or Inspection Reports consistent between different supervisors


el and/or Tender forms held in the Centre.

s completed and held on customer files
(or advice if not required by accounts)
and current signed by Mgr & Customer if req
igned by Manager & customer
ystems of Work
ement of contract
d for at least 12 months

last 12 months) BS 7499 5.3.3(security only)

report on file for every month (security only)
taff (security only) if answered in SEC87 make N/A
rance Scheme document

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