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Human being is a social animal.

Their social interaction has resulted in developing of far 6500 languages are spoken around the world. Among these languages, English
has been widely spoken and understandable. It has achieved the status of being an international
language and has is considered the language of digital world. Given the history of British rule
over subcontinent, English has significant influence over the people of subcontinent. English
is the medium of instruction in school & universities of Pakistan.
The importance of English is being inculcate in student from Grade-1 by forcing them to
speek in English while they are in class. Schools regulatory authority hold English debate
competition on district and provincial level. The participants of English debate competition
received a token of appreciation from district management and faculty member. This further
signifies the importance of English.
I along with other suffer through this consistent trauma of learning English language.
English were considered threshold for success. i was very uncomfortable in speaking English
back than however my parents were expecting that I would be able to speak English fluently
in short span of time. My parents were invited to English debate speech competition where
they saw English speech participant candidate receiving prizes for their extra ordinary
performance in English debate competition. These minor developments further inspired my
parents resulting in significant push to boast me up to accelerate my pace of learning English
language. This whole dynamics led to acute obsession with the English language and it become
a major impediment in my way of effort to have firm hold over English language. With time I
bearded pressure from parents I tried to participate in class discussion which reinstate my
confidence level. Slowly and gradually, I was able to improve my language proficiency. Lack
of class presentation in lower grade were the major hinder in way of achieving confidence boast
regarding learning language. In higher classes I was forced to participate in class presentation
and writing exercise which proved very helpful in improving my English language.
Class presentation and writing practices are the two major tool that could be introduce in
grade -1 in order to overcome the difficulties that many student confronted while learning
English language

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