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Please choose 2 scenarios and write a social story. Follow the guidelines for writing the
social story. Include visuals as appropriate. Upload as a document (use Word) into
Canvas. 10 points

1. Jane goes to a 7th birthday party for her friend, Chloe. Upon arriving, she sees a
table piled high with presents. Jane immediately goes over and starts unwrapping one
of the gifts. Chloe starts crying.

2. In a school assembly, Charlie will often scoot so close to the person sitting next to
him that he is practically sitting on him/her. He needs constant redirection to move and
students don’t want to sit with him.

3.,During recess, Andy will often corner a student and go on and on about helicopters
(his favorite thing in the world). The student will say, thanks and try to move away, but
Andy will start up again and stay on the same topic.

4. When going to the library, Adam often will speak in a very loud tone, especially if he
does not think an adult is paying attention and he wants something. The librarian needs
to stop what she is doing to quiet him down.

5. At age 15, Hannah is now beginning to mature. She often will appear sweaty and
disheveled, especially after PE. The other girls have made fun of her, calling her “Stinky

6. Cindy would like a job at her vet’s office. However, at 17, she still does not greet
visitors to the clinic and will just “motion” with her hand that they should sit and wait.
She will, however, go over to the patient (the animal) and play with it.

7. When Ms. Patience puts out the daily snack, 4 year old Patrick runs over to the table
and tries to snatch the snack before anyone has sat down! He sometimes is so anxious
to get his snack that he will knock a friend down!

8. At lunch, Zara will often interrupt the conversation and start a new topic. The other
girls at her lunch table have complained that she is rude and doesn’t listen.

9. Alice does not follow a morning routine before school and her parents are asking for
your help. Help 10 year old Alice get it together!

10. Matt is going to the movies for the first time! His 8 year old friend Mike has invited
him. Write a social story that will help Matt with this first experience.

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