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Executive summary

First of all we formed a group of five peoples mentioned on title page. Then we chose a leader
and explored her success story regarding and inspiring leader named as Miss Summaiya Bukhari
with multiple skills and designations mentioned in her profile which we attached in the report.
Second phase was to make questionnaire regarding the content i.e. effective leadership,
Leadership roles, Role of experience in leadership, Personality types & leadership, Importance of
emotional intelligence in leadership, Leadership studies & theories, Theory which suits best to
the chosen leader, Building effective relationship with peers, superiors & sub-ordinates, ethical
leadership, Power & leadership, Team management & leadership, Effective communication,
Stress management & problem solving, Planning in uncertain environment, Leadership &
change. After making an appropriate questionnaire we conducted a proper interview of Mam
Summaiya Bukhari and got experience through this practical learning.

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Leader Profile

An educationalist, Business entrepreneur, Social analyst, Clinical psychologist, Chairperson

EdEx group

1. About
I am a passionate person having so much ideas and enthusiasm to go ahead with extreme vigor
and stamina to achieve my goals. Very calm and open heart social personality.
2. Education
Chenab college group Faisalabad
2013 to 2017 · MPhil Clinical Psychology · Clinical psychology · Faisalabad
Bahauddin Zakariya University, Multan, Pakistan
2012 to 2014 · MSc Clinical Applications in Psychology · Applied Clinical Psychology · Multan
University of the Punjab
Class of 2008 · MPhil Clinical Psychology · Clinical psychology · Persian language · Punjabi
language · Lahore, Pakistan
University of Punjab, Lahore
Lahore, Pakistan
3. Work
H-O-D of Administration · 1 November 2018 to present · Faisalabad
Head of administration department

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Abdullah trust hospital
Senior vice chairman · 14 November 2017 to present
World Bank Pakistan
Entrepreneur · 2017 to present · Faisalabad
Edex Group - Study in Australia UK USA South Korea Turkey and Europe
Proprietor/owner · 2017 to present · Faisalabad
Founder and Owner of EdEx · 2017 to present · Faisalabad
Mussawir international welfare
Senior Education Consultant · 14 November 2016 to present
Founder and Owner of Sajli boutique · 2015 to present · Faisalabad
Fountain House Pakistan
Clinical Psychologist · 2014 to present · Lahore, Pakistan
Central trading group
Head of the Institution · July 2014 to present · Faisalabad
Shiblee Grammar School System Sheikh Colony Campus
Head of School · 2011 to 2014 · Faisalabad
4. Social work
Child Rights Movement (CRM)
Youth Coordinator · 16 December 2017 to present · Faisalabad
Child Protection and Welfare Bureau
Counseling Psychologist · 16 December 2017 to present · Faisalabad
5. Professional skills
 Energetics
 Headship
 Leadership
 Social Welfare and socialism

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Findings regarding material collected

While visiting and taking interview of the leader we came to know a lot of
different techniques and styles a leader can adopt for being a successful leader. All
these were so fascinating that we curiously indulged into the situation. It was not
only general but also with her successful experience. In the next chapters we will
explain all the experiences and point of view of the successful leader we met. Mam
Summaiya Bukhari, was asked to tell her thoughts on what makes someone an
effective and successful leader. Her thoughts are shared here to present a role
model for others to become a successful and inspiring leader.

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Leadership and Effective Leadership

Leadership is the action of leading a group of people or an organization or it’s the art of
motivating a group of people to act towards achieving a common goal. In a business setting, this
can mean directing workers and colleagues with a strategy to meet the company's needs.
According to our leader, leadership is simply to lead a group, to lead a team, guide a team, and
guide a group of people, having a broad and proper vision with complete sense of leading an
1.2Effective Leadership
Effective leadership is the combination of following qualities
 Passion
Without passion, a leader will not make the necessary courageous and difficult decisions and
carry them into action. This is not to imply that all decisions are of this nature. But you can be
sure, some of them will be. The leader without a passion for a cause will duck.
 Holder of Values
Leadership implies values. A leader must have values that are life-giving to society. It is the only
kind of leadership we need. This then also implies values that are embedded in respect for others.
 Communicator
None of the above assets will work for a leader if she can’t speak or write in a way to convince
others that they should follow along, join the team, get on board.
 Planner/Organizer
Someone who can see what needs to be done and help the team plan and organize the getting it
done. Management is getting things done through people. While a writer or other visionary
person may be very influential, even seminal for the cause of change, this is not quite my
definition of a leader. A leader means to me, someone who is taking action, trying to get others
to do something they want to see done.
1.4 According to our leader effective leadership is the combination of following

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 When you build up a team you should give them full freedom to work efficiently and
 Finalize their path or track towards the goal to achieve for effective results
 Provide them complete environment to show their complete capabilities and skills
 Effective team management is must for effective leadership
 Team members or followers should have complete freedom of sharing their ideas
 The above mentioned points clearly shows that she is a democratic leader who respect the
Ideas and innovations in her goals from her followers
1.5 An effective leader should have following elements for being effective
 An effective leader should must have a broad vision because one can’t build up a team
without having a proper vision so vision is the backbone of effective leader
 Leader should be committed towards his vision
 He should build up a team to achieve the particular goal by building strategies
 He becomes a good guideline and motivational force for his team
 He does not deprecate his team rather he boost up his team through good communication,
listening their problems and ideas etc.

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Leadership roles
Every day, leaders are making countless decisions and facing problems they’ve never
encountered before. What worked yesterday can change overnight. The speed is relentless, the
stakes are high, but the rewards are great for those who can lead a team to consistently achieve
extraordinary results.
There are four roles leaders play that are highly predictive of success. We call them essential,
because as leaders consciously lead themselves and their teams in alignment with these roles,
they lay the foundation for effective leadership
 Inspire Trust: Be the credible leader others choose to follow—one with both character and
 Create Vision: Clearly define where your team is going and how they are going to get there.
 Execute Strategy: Consistently achieve results with and through others using disciplined
 Coach Potential: Unleash the ability of each person on your team to improve performance,
solve problems, and grow their careers.
2.1 According to our chosen leader a leader performs following major roles
 A leader should be task oriented as well as people oriented, a leader has to work at both sides
as sometimes he has to do one man show and sometimes he has to take suggestions of his
 He should have quality of building up effective strategies
 He should be committed towards the goals to achieve
 He should be loyal and dedicated towards his organization and team to build up trust in his
 He performs the role of being a broad minded personality by giving opportunity of openness
of suggestions and unique ideas from his followers
 He performs the role of appreciation on good and quality work
 Our leader performs on participative role of leader and team both

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Role of experience in leadership

According to the action-observation-reflection model, leadership development is enhanced when

the experience involves three different processes: action, observation and reflection. If a person
acts but does not observe the consequences of her actions or reflect on their significance and
meaning, then it makes little sense to say she has learned from an experience. Because some
people neither observe the consequences of their actions nor reflect on how they could change
their actions to become better leaders, leadership development through experience may be better
understood as the growth resulting from repeated movements through all three phases rather than
merely in terms of some objective dimension like time. The most productive way to develop as a
leader is to travel along the spiral of experience

3.1According to our leader

She agrees with the connection of experience and leadership. According to her a leader can’t
reach the level of leadership until having experience because no one is leader by birth according
to her point of view. Experience is the basic fundamental role to reach the level of leadership. As
she ignores the myth of leaders are born not made, she states that a leader learns from his errors
and mistakes when he experiences a lot of ups and downs so the process of learning is connected
with leader’s experiences. She stated that one learns from his experiences then reaches the stage
of leadership. So experience and learning are interconnected with leadership.

A leader learns from his experiences every moment either they are negative or positive. He keep
learning and moving rather to stop after a negative experience. Negative experiences do not
change his goals because he is committed towards his goals and keep learning from his negative
experiences too.

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Personality types and leadership

Personality type refers to the psychological classification of different types of individuals.
Personality types are sometimes distinguished from personality traits, with the latter embodying
a smaller grouping of behavioral tendencies. 

Types are sometimes said to involve qualitative differences between people, whereas traits might
be construed as quantitative differences. According to type theories, for example, introverts and
extraverts are two fundamentally different categories of people. According to trait theories,
introversion and extraversion are part of a continuous dimension, with many people in the

Whereas, leadership is the art of motivating a group of people to act toward achieving a

common goal. In a business setting, this can mean directing workers and colleagues with a
strategy to meet the company's needs.

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This leadership definition captures the essentials of being able and prepared to inspire others.
Effective leadership is based upon ideas (whether original or borrowed), but won't happen unless
those ideas can be communicated to others in a way that engages them enough to act as the
leader wants them to act.

Put even more simply, the leader is the inspiration for and director of the action. They are the
person in the group that possesses the combination of personality and leadership skills to make
others want to follow their direction.

4.1 Our leader’s perspective:

In her point of view, most of the time when her team could not set the standards then there she
do control by herself, focus on what’s the issue, what are the errors of team, ground standards are
set according to the issues. The first element she focuses on “Face to face” communication
whether it is with co-worker, client, and sub-ordinate, she resolve the issue and discuss it face to
face, then where the person is wrong, he should be pass through learning process and should be
told him that what is right and what is wrong, tell him standards but sometimes she have to bear
the loss so she accept it with open heart. She have also told about the incident happened with her
recently, some people did partnership with her in academy but the partnership team didn’t give
them the 50% profit and it was about 8 to 10 lacs, but she beard because losses are part of
business. Then she also explained that how these things happens just because of self-attachment,
when you get personal attached but in business there is no personal attachment there are only

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rules and regulations that are to be followed. She learnt professionalism is not personalism. She
further explained that her personality is broad minded, she always worked in a broad minded
way, firstly she always focused on vision, even her clients, workers and customers knows about
the vision she follows and they always supported her, secondly, she always wants to do
something new, innovative its built in her, she always do unique but not traditional, it’s her
energy that make other people influenced and make them energetic too. She tells a leader should
be extrovert and introvert both. Extrovert persons are good communicators but they lack in solid
planning, solid strategies that introvert persons are having. Introverts make plans and then they
implement thing to make it achievable that extrovert don’t do, so it should be balanced 70%
extrovert and 30% introvert.

4.2 What we learnt:

 Focus on “face to face” communication to resolve issues and errors and find solutions.
 Business is professional but not personal.
 Focus on vision.
 Leader should keep balance in being extrovert and introvert.

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Importance of emotional intelligence in Leadership

Emotional intelligence is when a person is well aware of their own emotions and knows how to
manage them most effectively. Not just that, such a person is also extremely sensitive to the
emotions of those around them and knows exactly how to deal with them especially in critical

Emotional intelligence (EI) refers to the

collection of abilities used to identify, understand, control and assess the emotions of the self and
others. To popularize emotional intelligence, there are five key elements to it:

5.1 Self-awareness

Self-awareness means you are always fully aware of how you feel, and you understand the effect
your feelings and your actions can have on the people around you. A self-aware leader maintains
a clear picture of their strengths and weaknesses and despite their position of authority and
power still operates from a mindset of humility.

5.2 Self-regulation

Self-regulation prevents you from abusing your privilege of leadership to attack and/or
stereotype others and making hurried or whimsical decisions that compromise your values. It
calls for you to keep control of your emotions and how they affect others as well as stay
committed to personal accountability.

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5.3 Motivation

Self-motivated leaders work consistently toward their goals, motivate their employees and they
have extremely high standards for the quality of their work. They develop a healthy emotional
connection to the results they seek from their efforts, harnessing them to drive them forward
without being obsessive.

5.4 Empathy

Empathy is what allows you to put yourself in other people’s shows and consider their unique
perspectives. This is very important when it comes to successfully leading a team or

Leaders with empathy actively support the career and personal growth of their team members,
offer criticism without crushing the recipient, and solicit regular feedback from their employees.
Such leaders are what it takes to motivate employees to perform above expectations.

5.6 Social skills

Leaders with good social skills are great at communication, which comes in very handy when it
comes to getting their team pumped about a new project or objective. They are emotionally
intelligent enough to receive both good and bad news with the same clarity of mind and this
makes their subordinates confident enough to update them on anything.

Leaders with good social skills are also great at planning, effecting and overseeing major
changes in the workplace as well as resolving any arising disputes fairly and promptly.

EI is basically the ability to recognize, understand and handle your own emotions, and those of
the people around you. People with a high degree of emotional intelligence know what they are
feeling, what their emotions mean, and how these emotions can affect other people.

For the Effective leadership, the emotional intelligence is the vital for success. Leaders who are
emotionally intelligent foster safe environments, where employees feel comfortable to take

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calculated risks, suggest ideas and to voice their opinions. In such safe environments, working
collaboratively isn’t just an objective, but it gets woven into the organizational culture as whole.

When a leader is emotionally intelligent, they can use emotions to drive the organization
forward. Leaders often have the responsibility of effecting any necessary changes in the
organization, and if they are aware of others’ possible emotional reactions to these changes they
are able to plan and prepare the most optimal ways to make them.

Furthermore, emotionally intelligent leaders don’t take things personally and are able to forge
ahead with plans without worrying about the impact on their egos.

5.7 Our leader’s perspective:

She believes that while working in a team the conflict surely arises whether about conflict of
opinions or conflict of interest because all minds are not equal or same. She uses proactive
approach to resolve the conflict before it arises. To resolve the conflict she practices few
techniques like true judgment, cohesive decisions and immediate working. As the conflict builds
it must be resolve from the root.

However, to overcome the stress, few techniques that she used to manage the stress is to view the
stress beyond the boundary or to look at the ground level of the stress, strategies to resolve the
stress in which your team must not be scattered or unhappy from your decisions. To reduce the
personal stress she suggests communicating that person personally and trying to resolve it. The
most appropriate technique she uses to manage the stress is to allow the persons to work in their
specified fields so that they have full command on their work and less chances of stress. As she
quotes example for this that if you are trying to fit a round circle person in a square it will be
unfit for that person as well as for organization.

Moreover, she tells us about the commitment with the team members. The team members will be
committed when they are of likeminded so that they will help out to achieve goals effectively
and efficiently. To gain commitment one must be loyal to the team, good listener, give training
so they gain improvement in their skills and communicate well with them. All these will be done
when the leader have broadness, this will help him to build team.

5.8 What we learnt:

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 True decision making
 Recognize, understand and handle your own emotions as well as those of around you
 Listen the one’s problem and handle it accordingly
 Be a good listener to manage stress
 Stay loyal and committed to the team

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Leadership studies and theories

Leadership can be defined as a process by which one individual influences others toward the
attainment of group or organizational goals. Three points about the definition of leadership
should be emphasized. First, leadership is a social influence process. Leadership cannot exist
without a leader and one or more followers. Second, leadership elicits voluntary action on the
part of followers. The voluntary nature of compliance separates leadership from other types of
influence based on formal authority. Finally, leadership results in followers' behavior that is
purposeful and goal-directed in some sort of organized setting. Many, although not all, studies of
leadership focus on the nature of leadership in the workplace.

However, there are many leadership theories like behavioral theories, trait theories, contingency
theories, leader member exchange theory, transformational leadership theories, etc.

6.1 Our leader’s perspective:

According to our leader, the leader’s leadership is weak when he bounds people around them, no
freedom while working and having a narrow mindedness. Instead of allowing them to work in
their specific field, they impose a work on them for which they no idea of or ability. This
imposing or forcing them to do work for their goal achievement makes a leader’s leadership
weak and indirectly effecting the organization. So, for efficient leadership, leader should give
them work or goal according to team members ability, don’t impose.

Besides, she is very dedicated to the work as she said remain active 24/7. She doesn’t set a
specified standard for herself for the measurement of the performance; however, she has a goal
to work all time to achieve some objectives in the next 5 years for which she remains active for
24/7. She stays happy with her work and likes to talk about the work. As she gives priority to
work then entertainment or relaxation. Furthermore, she measures her work using the time limit
then accordingly strategizes the work, implement it and checks or monitor herself.

6.2 What we learnt:

 Not to impose, but to support

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 Time management
 Set a clear goal to achieve
 Freedom to work
 Not to burden a person by giving them work more than his capabilities

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Building effective relationship with peers, supervisors and sub-ordinates

To maintain an effective working relationship with your supervisors there are a number of things
that you will need to do. Like any working relationship, the relationship that you have with your
supervisors will take time to develop and require effort on both sides to maintain.

Human beings are naturally social creatures they crave friendship and positive interactions, just
as we do food and water. So it makes sense that the better our relationships are at work, the
happier and more productive we're going to be.

Respectable working relationships give us several benefit such as our work is more enjoyable
when we have good relationships with those around us. Also, people are more likely to go along
with changes that we want to implement, and we're more innovative and creative.

What's more, good relationships give us freedom instead of spending time and energy
overcoming the problems associated with negative relationships, we can, instead, focus on

Upright relationships are also often necessary if we hope to develop our careers. After all, if your
boss doesn't trust you, it's unlikely that he or she will consider you when a new position opens
up. Overall, we all want to work with people we're on good terms with.

We also need worthy working relationships with others in our professional circle. Customers,
suppliers and key stakeholders and our colleges are all essential to our success. So, it's important
to build and maintain good relations with these people.

7.1 Our leader’s prospective:

Our leader have faith in in being Open with the followers by not showing bossy behavior .As she
herself practice an uncluttered nature with her followers Work as a welcoming and approachable
leader. The leader should Assignee the duties and let the supporters know the complexity of the
task and how they will persuade with it, then give freedom of performing the task but with some
limitations like deadlines and quality controls.

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According to her a leader should build Attachment with the followers, try to have Gossips. Share
life experiences and put effort to discuss their personal issues to build trust

Appreciation is must when building relation of subordinate with its workers, when they work
virtuous show some gratitude but if sometimes they fail to perform encourage them positively to
learn from their fellow who are able to accomplish.

Both long term and short term relations are important for a leader, short term such as relations
with vendors, event organizers and supplier’s .long term relations with customer’s, peers,
subordinates and parental community is also obligatory

7.2 What we learnt:

 As being a leader we should Keep Motivating our followers for the existing capabilities and
encourage to learn additional skills and methods of working.
 Every follower is important for an organization never devalue a single person in the
 Networking is essential, build worthy relationships with stakeholders for currently working
smoothly and for achieving upcoming objectives.
 When ever get a chance to work with someone even for a while always put a positive
impression to maintain a long term relation, keeping in mind future goals

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Ethical Leadership
Ethical leadership is exhibiting morals and values in a management position. An ethical leader
demonstrates character, morals, and virtue in their work, focusing on the needs and rights of their

Responsibilities & Obligations

There are some basic responsibilities and obligations for ethic leaders, including setting a good
example, holding everyone to the same standard, and making expectations clear.

Basic ethical leadership elements

Ethical leadership is a form of leadership in which individuals demonstrate conduct for the
common good that is acceptable and appropriate in every area of their life.  It is composed of the
following three major elements:

1. Be the example:

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A noble quality of a leader is leading by example. As an ethical leader, it’s important to
remember that actions often speak louder than words. People are more likely to judge
someone based on how they act, rather than what they say. By practicing and demonstrating
the use of ethical, honest and unselfish behavior to subordinates, ethical leaders may begin to
earn the respect of their peers. People may be more likely to follow a leader who respects
others and shows integrity.

2. Champion the Importance of Ethics:

One role of an ethical leader is focusing on the overall importance of ethics, including ethical
standards and other ethical issues, and how these factors can influence society. As an ethical
leader, it’s important to teach peers about ethics, especially in cases where they are faced
with an ethical issue in the workplace.

3. Communicate

Successful ethical leaders tend to be good communicators. People communicate in different

ways. Some may feel comfortable speaking in public, regardless of personnel or situation,
while others may be hesitant to speak with a leader because of fear, anxiousness or simply
not knowing how to articulate what they are trying to say. They might be better talking via
email, rather than in person. It’s an ethical leader’s job to communicate with each member of
the team, but also allow for open conversation, as some people may have questions and
concerns that need addressed. It’s important for leaders to build camaraderie with their team.
Quality relationships tend to be built on trust, fairness, integrity, openness, compassion and

Impacts of Ethical Leadership

Ethical leaders can help establish a positive environment with productive relationships over three
levels: the individual, the team and the overall organization.

Nurturing the relationships at each of these levels can lead to the following outcomes and

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1. The Well-Being of the Individual:

Maintaining a positive working atmosphere is an important responsibility of a strong ethical

leader. Ethical leaders who lead by example may influence others to do the same. Generally,
people are affected by the interactions that occur around them. Positive communication among
co-workers may help influence job productivity and attitude. 

2. The Energy of the Team:

Ethical leadership can also involve the management of conduct and collaboration within a team.
Typically, morale is higher in the workplace when people are getting along with each other.
When co-workers are working as a team, it can help build relationships in the workplace and
help the overall performance of the group. Generally, strong leaders lead by example.\

3. The Health of the Organization:

The importance of maintaining a positive attitude in the workplace has a lot to do with improving
the overall health of the organization. When people can show respect for one another, and can
value other’s opinions, it may help create a productive working environment. An ethical
organization can occur when communities of people work together in an environment of mutual
respect, where they can grow personally, build friendships and contribute to the overall goal.

8.1 Our leader’s perspective:

In her point of view the idea of an ethical organization is its must to have an ethical organization,
if your organization is not having loyalty, dignity, respect, and honor or not appreciating the
ideas, work, capabilities of others, you cannot built an ethical organization. To achieve goal it is
must to build an ethical organization with your team, with unethical behavior and unethical team
you cannot achieve goals. She believes on Quaid-e-Azam quote “I take a decision and make it
right” and she recently launched a book about that quote, take decision then don’t think its right
or wrong, you make it right by your own self. She tells about ethical issues that you face it in
every workplace, in society there 90% persons having negative thoughts just 10% are of positive
mind those will always promote you and motivate you. She tells about the incident happen how

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she handled that, she worked with an organization where she trained a team that they are her sub-
ordinates and should be promoted, now they are able to be taken to next position so she took
them to right position and trained 6 members and after it she gave them freedom to run their own
sector independently and give her good results but after one month they seemed that they were
head there, they united and get against her with other employees, she just left the place because
in her point of view a leader should quit and move on and achieve more rather than sticking on
one seat.

8.2 What we learnt:

 An organization must follow ethical ways to be an ethical organization.

 Take decision and make it right.
 Move on and achieve goals.
 Avoid unethical behaviors in order to achieve and set goals.

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Power and Leadership

Leadership is power. Both is defined as the ability to direct and influence the behavior of others.
Through the use of power leaders guide and galvanize the collective.

In case of leadership this influence can be based on mandate or personal ability, force or
incentives - rooted in power structures, or the converging interests of the group, or the vision of
the leader that is appealing to others, like a team, party or nation.

Differences between Leadership and Power

Power is the ability of an individual to exercise some form of control over another individual. On
the other hand, leadership is the ability to create a vision, motivate people to work towards
achieving the vision, coaching and building the team that will pioneer the completion of the
vision and managing the end delivery of the vision.

 Credibility

Credibility is needed in leadership but not a necessity in power.

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 Source

Power is derived form a position of authority. Leadership is a personal attribute.

 Nature

Power is generally controlling and forceful in making followers follow commands. Leadership
involves inspiring the subordinates to complete tasks.

 Dependence
Leadership requires power in order to be effective. However, power does not depend on
leadership. One can have power but not be a leader. But, all leaders require some form of power
in order to successfully inspire subordinates.

 Types

The types of power include coercive, legitimate, expert, referent and reward. The main types of
leadership include autocratic, democratic, transformational, monarchical and laisses-faire.

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9.1 Our leader’s perspective:

She believes in giving opportunity to every new person, she identifies the skills and enhance the
uniqueness in every other employee. She tells more about monitoring the performances of
employees, she visits them and keeps check and balance. She let other co-workers to work on
their point of view and when they get unsuccessful they come back to her track.

9.2 What we learnt:

 Listen to other person point of views.

 Identify skills of employees, train them and enhance them.
 Keep check and balance in work and performance of employees.

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Team management and Leadership

Team management refers to the various activities which bind a team together by bringing the
team members closer to achieve the set targets. For the team members, their team must be their
priority and everything else should take a back seat. They should be very focused on their goals.

For effective team management, it is important that the team leader is more of a mentor to his
team members rather than just being a strict boss .Ensure that each and every team member
willingly participates in team discussions.

Communication among the team members must be clear and transparent for an effective team
management. Every team member should get the same information and should have an easy
access to the superiors in case of any query.

The team members must not pass on any information to anyone outside the team. Learn to keep
things to yourself. It is unethical to share your professional secrets with others. Don’t leak
information or any confidential data.

The team members must be motivated on a regular basis. Appreciation is a must. If any team
member has performed extraordinarily, do give him a pat on his back. Performance appraisals,
perks, incentives, trophies, prizes are all instrumental in motivating the team members to perform
even better the next time. Avoid criticizing any of your team members.

Loose talks, blame games, dirty politics should find no place in the team. They spoil the
environment and people lose interest in their work and organization. If you come to know
anything about someone, it’s better to discuss with him face to face, else ignore.

It is easy to create a team but it is actually difficult to bind the team members together and even
make them work. Team management techniques help in strengthening the bond among the

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employees and creating an environment where they can trust each other. People actually become
friends and start working together as a result of team management activities 

10.1 Our leader’s prospective:

According to our leader every team member is important consider them all, assignee the role
according to the followers capabilities. In a team there will be both optimistic as well as
pessimistic people so handle both positive and negative followers accept everyone equally and
Make followers work committed, loyal and faithfulness with organization and keep them

She prefers both tasks that is fulfilled by a team as well as individually. She requires a mixture of
a motivated team as well as strengthens individuals.

She quoted the Example of google ,the biggest prominent business platform ever that become
well known by an individual , no team is being credited, everyone there was a leader themselves
and worked individually , team members come and go but long term success comes from those
who are loyal and stick to team forever .

10.2 What we learnt:

 Being an individual and goal oriented is also essential so that u can persuade with your vision
and able to do one man show and persuade with your ability even if you have a team or not.
 There are countless problems in a team, People bring their own point of views, thoughts, way
of working and ideologies. Leaders cannot impose or force the follower to learn new things
and build new sense of working .mostly people are only after their salaries and their own
interest they are not into learning new ways of doing activates or fulfilling the tasks
 In a team while doing the task it is considered as healthy competition when the leader give
freedom of choice, growth and development opportunity to the followers that are counted as
plus points for individuals
 If team working or the problems being faces in it are taken as pressure that will lead to
sunbed personalities

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Effective Communication
The act or process of using words, sounds, signs, or behaviors to express or exchange
information or to express your ideas, thoughts and feelings to someone else.

Effective leadership in a small business requires knowing how to communicate with all elements
of the organization, including employees, managers, customers and investors. Each group may
require a different communication style and leadership style. Leaders must be able to adapt based
on the group they are communicating with at the time. Effective communication skills are an
important aspect of any leader’s portfolio of skills and experience.

How to have effective communication:

 Verbal and non-verbal communication

 Adapting styles to the audience
 Ability to listen

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 Leading by example
11.1 Our leader’s perspective:

She believe in a leader being a good listener so they could communicate well for that purpose
she provided the ratio of 30 and 70, 30% communication and 70% listening is important for
doing effective communication, for conveying the message she said a leader always convey the
message to followers or customers with a filter the information that can be logically described
and then conduct a discussion on it. The challenge that she mentioned in communication is to
adapt yourself according to your audience, to deliver best you should know what the person in
front of you understand.

11.2 What we learnt:

 Be a good listener
 Maintain a ratio between listening and communicating
 You should have a grip while sharing the things, not everything is to be shared.
 Showing yourself the literate is not the task to make your audience understand your
message is the main thing

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Stress Management and problem solving

Stress is a state of mental or emotional strain or tension resulting from adverse or demanding

A stressor is a chemical or biological agent, environmental condition, external stimulus or an

event that causes stress to an organism. Psychologically speaking, a stressor can be events or
environments that an individual would consider demanding, challenging, and or threaten the
individual's safety.

12.1Stress management

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Stress management is a wide spectrum of techniques and psychotherapies aimed at controlling a
person's level of stress, especially chronic stress, usually for the purpose of and for the motive of
improving everyday functioning.

Stress is a wonderful source of energy that helps us overcome obstacles and gain intelligence
with each victory. Sometimes we get stressed about things that don’t happen to us. The nervous
system puts the body on the defensive using the mirror neuron, which allows us to be empathetic
and feel frustration when someone else feels it; in order to exercise good leadership, it is vital to
act on this symptom. It takes only a moment for a negative experience to impact us for the rest of
our life.

12.2Tips for dealing stress:

 Recognize the signals of stress
 Create rituals
 Develop a support system
 Relieve stress by regrouping
12.3Our leader’s perspective:

She believes that stress can be caused by any problem but work related stress is more
controllable. She quotes that she discusses the problem of her employees with them so that she
can drive a solution or provide support. Regarding her stress management she said that I never
allow my personal stress to affect my work for that purpose firstly I take my time and secondly I
don’t show it to my team so that their morale is not down. Deadline meeting is also a stress
creating situation and in that case she prioritize the work and keep the standards to finish the
work before deadline.

12.4 What we learnt:

 Give importance to the stress dealing of every team member
 Discussion and emotional support is necessary to specially handle personal stress
 As a leader manage you stress without affecting team

 Prioritize your work, to avoid stress

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Planning in uncertain environment

If managers performed their jobs in organizations that never faced changes in the environment,
they would have little need for planning. What a manager did today, and well into the future,
would be precisely the same as it was decades ago. Managers would no need to think about what
to do. It would be spelled out in some manual. In such a world, planning efforts would be
unnecessary. But as we saw, that world doesn’t exist. Technological, social, political, economic,
and legal changes are ever present. The environment that managers face is too dynamic and has
too great an effect on an organization’s survival to be left to chance. Accordingly, contemporary
managers must plan and plan effectively.

Managers engage in planning to:

1) Set the standards to facilitate control

2) Provide direction

3) Minimize and redundancy

4) Reduce the impact of change

Planning establishes coordinated effort. It gives direction to managers and non-managers alike.
When all organizational members understand where the organization is going and what they
must contribute to reach the objectives, they can begin to coordinate their activities, thereby

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fostering cooperation and teamwork. On the other hand, a lack of planning can cause various
organizational members or their units to work against one another. Consequently the
organization may be prevented from moving efficiently toward its objectives.

By forcing managers to look ahead, anticipate change, consider the impact of change, and
develop appropriate responses, planning reduces uncertainty. It also clarifies the consequences of
the actions managers might take in response to change. Planning then is precisely what managers
need in a chaotic environment.

Proactive Planning also reduces overlapping and wasteful activities. Coordination before the fact
is likely to uncover waste and redundancy. Furthermore, when means and ends are clear,
inefficiencies become obvious.

Planning establishes objectives or standards that facilitate control, if organizational members are
unsure of what they are attempting to achieve how can they determine whether they have
achieved it? In planning objectives are developed. In the controlling function of management
performance is compared against the established objectives. If and when significant deviations
are identified corrective action can be taken. Without planning then a control process cannot be
truly effective.

13.1Our leader’s prospective:

She narrated that in professionalism there is no room for being sensitive, at work place there is
no space of emotions. Sentiments are only for personal life

According to her Planning for uncertain environment is a compulsion for a leader because Many
times it is possible that such situations occur that we have not even imagined but we possibly
face it.

There should be proactive strategies according to environmental conditions to deal in positive

way and link it with our task and the workers with the goal leading to the productive solution of
the problem

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Self-managed teams are helpful as they know themselves that how to fulfill the tasks. How the
followers are going to perform collectively and they themselves know that what they are looking
up to, they are accountable for their performance and their achievements.

13.2 What we learnt:

When dealing with uncertain conditions focus on following:

 Stay Humble
 Defining the situation
 Consider all possible situations
 Choose the best alternative
 Clear choice

Planning is a necessity for companies looking to succeed in the long-term, and it cannot be
approached haphazardly. Firms need to understand stakeholders’ ingoing perspectives, enable
clear and open dialogue on key issues, and ensure that strategic objectives are obvious to all.
Although diverse perspectives are important for developing ideas, the final output will result in
difficult choices that foreclose some avenues.

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Leadership and Change

Today's business world is highly competitive, thus change must be a naturally

occurring activity in a growing organization.

The way to survive is to reshape to the needs of a rapidly changing world. Resistance
to change is a dead-end street, for both you and the organization. Customers are not
only demanding excellent service, they are also demanding more. If you do not supply
it, your competitors will.

Organizations are reshaping themselves to become more  agile and flat to meet the
needs of their customers. These organization's top leaders know they cannot throw
money at every problem and that they need highly committed and flexible workers.

As a leader, you need to emphasize action to make the change as quickly and smoothly
as possible. “Resistance is futile,” Organizations normally go through four main
changes throughout their growth

 Formative period

 Rapid growth period

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 Mature period

 Decline period

Throughout periods of changes, which is just about all the time for a good
organization, leaders need to concentrate on having their people go from  change
avoidance to change acceptance. There are five steps accompanying change

 Denial — Cannot foresee any major changes.

 Anger — Aversion at others for what they're putting me through.
 Bargaining — Working out solutions and keeping everyone happy.
 Depression — Doubt and worry set in.

 Acceptance — Reality sets in, we must change or die.

14.1 Our leader’s perspective:

She is a leader that is always ready to adopt the change but for change she never “set the stage”
in contrast to that set the goals. Strategy that she uses is simple a proactive approach make 3
plans to solve and adopt the change and act according to the need of time and market.

14.2 What we learnt:

 Change is necessary
 Acceptance of change is required in today’s market
 Setting a goal for change will guide you and will direct you
 Proactive approach is a safe strategy.

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Suggestions and Recommendations
 Making decisions is easy—heck, you can flip a quarter to pick between two choices. I would
not recommend that, though. Making high-quality decisions is the trick and much harder.
Making decisions is one of the most important actions leaders take. Decisions set the course
of activity for days, weeks, months, and sometimes years. Be great at decision-making.
 Having an action orientation is great, but action is not enough. Great leaders are focused on
results. It is critical to adopt a results focus so your activity is directed at the end result.
 One of the primary traits of an effective leader is the ability to develop team members
through training, teaching or coaching. The team will not be able to achieve the goals of the
organization without this training.
An effective leader can build people up and create a stronger team, which benefits everyone
involved. They can do this because they pay attention to the strengths and weaknesses of the
team as a whole, as well as those of each team member. They have excellent communication
skills, which they can use to build relationships with and among team members. By building
good interterm relationships, they create a greater level of productivity.

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As a result, we believe that organizational change which are based on leader’s vision and then
followed by his/her innovative approach to get this vision, has a relatively strong and closer
relation with improved organizational performance and leads to possible innovation. Also came
to know that a leader must be innovative and should be stand in every situation. However, we
can conclude that leadership is the ability to direct a group of people in realizing a common goal.
This is done by people applying their leadership attributes. Leaders create commitment and
enthusiasm amongst followers to achieve goals. Leadership is achieved through interaction
between leader, follower and environment.

If you want to be a successful people, you need to be hard working and never stop achieving
what you aim for whereas being a successful person means looking inside yourself and ask
yourself that you are somebody and you have something to offer. When you are trying to decide
whether you are a successful person or not, the first person who must believe that you are a
successful person is yourself.

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