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'' Comparative Analysis of Indian and American judicial system ''




India has deviated from true federalism by adopting various unitary features. Many
experts call it as a Quasi federal constitution. Although NITI Ayog and GST are
steps in the right direction but, to ensure that each state progresses economically&
socially, various new initiatives are required. Inter state council article 263 and zonal
councils should meet regularly . there is a need to ensure the the unitary features of
the Indian constitution should not be abused (governors powers,president withholding
a state bill, president rule, emergency provisions etc). some broad agreement needs to
be reached between central and the states before introducing bills on concurrent
subjects,as recommended by Punch commission. State bills reserved for president
assent should be disposed off within 6 months by the centre . International treaties
should be negotiated with the granter involvement of the states if implementation of
these treaties impacts the state. More freedom to states required matters of direct
technology transfers and tie-ups with foreign companies and government for better
trade and social development projects.Federalism divides power between federal and
state governments. As a result, there are both federal and state court systems. Federal
courts are grouped geographically in circuits. Circuit courts of appeal hear appeals
from the trial level district courts. Each state also has a court system with trial and
appellate level courts.The future of India and her Constitution will depend on how the
nation evolves the principles and practice of federalism suited to India whose indispensible
requisite has to be unity in diversity, integrity with variety, marked by the wisdom and
experience of creating a harmony between the centrifugal and centripetal forces within this

KEY WORDS:Plea bargaining, Writ jurisdiction,TRIBUNALS, emergency provisions

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