Week 6 Law

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Week – 6

a) Yes, Egeeay supermarket owes a duty of care to Barbara. Because it is the responsibility
of the shop to ensure the safety of the customers. When anyone of the consumer injured
within the shop, it is the duty of the shop owners to take care of the injured consumer.
Barbara slipped within the Egeeay supermarket. So, it is the responsibility of the
supermarket for the further treatment of Barbara. She was also a regular customer in the
supermarket. So, if the Egeeay supermarket does not care for her, she can choose any
other supermarket for shopping. It reduces the profit of the Egeeay supermarket and also
negatively affect the Egeeay’s brand image in the market. It also creates a bad impression
on the other customers. Because the situation of Barbara creates anxiety on other
customers that the owners of Egeeay supermarket will not owe responsibility when they
are injured within the Egeeay supermarket. So, it is the duty of Egeeay supermarket to
care for the injured customer, Barbara. Moreover, the contention of the store, how the
grapes got there and for how long it was laying there sounds quite lame.
b) If the Egeeay supermarket does the caring of Barbara, it does not breach the duty of due
care. Because it is the duty as well as the responsibility of the Egeeay supermarket to take
care of all customers, it helps the supermarket to creates goodwill among the customers
and also enhances its brand image in the market as a high socially responsible outlet. It
also helps them to increase profit because customer-friendly supermarkets are the main
preferences of the consumers.
c) No, the answer won’t be different because it is always the duty of the Egeeay
supermarket to owes the care of its customers, i.e. Barbara. Because Barbara was slipped
within the Egeeay supermarket, it is the duty of the store manager to ensure that there are
no substances on the floor, which can harm their customers. So, either Barbara slipped on
grapes or any other way it is the duty of Egeeay supermarket to ensure further treatment
of Barbara. Because she is their customer. It is the duty of the owner to take care of the
safety of the customer. However, such liability depends upon the fact whether the event is
foreseeable or not and whether the store has adequate measures for avoiding happening
of such instances. In the given scenario,

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