Project 2: Part A: Literary Analysis

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Name Luana M.C. Moura____________________ I.D.

Number H81847065________________

Project 2
Evaluation 32
Eleventh Grade English 2 (ENGH 040 061)

Be sure to include ALL pages of this project (including the directions and the
assignment) when you send the project to your teacher for grading. Don’t forget
to put your name and I.D. number at the top of this page!
This project is worth 12 percent of your course grade. It consists of two parts, each worth 50
points for a total of 100 points. Type each part of the project in the space indicated in this
document (scroll down). Refer to the Course Appendix for guidelines on writing conventions and
citing sources.

Part A: Literary Analysis

For this part of the project, you are going to determine whether a poem is best classified as a
Modernist, Imagist, or Pastoral work. Of course, Imagism is a branch of Modernism, and a poem
may contain elements of more than one of these styles (genres).
To prepare, you should:

1. Choose ONE of the following poems to discuss:

· “Mending Wall” by Robert Frost

· “Grass” by Carl Sandburg
· “Mid-day” by H. D.

2. Make sure you can define Modernism, Imagism, and Pastoralism.

2. Think about the topic of the poem you are discussing (what the poem is
about, what events it describes, where it takes place, etc.).

3. Think about the theme or message the poem seems to express.

4. Think about the form of the poem. Does it use traditional structures (rhyme,
stanzas, etc.)? Does it focus on sensory descriptions?

5. Decide if you believe the poem is best described as a work of Modernism,

Imagism, or Pastoralism. (There is NOT a single “right” answer; you will be
graded by how well you support your idea, not for the idea itself.)

Project 2 1 ENGH 040

The introduction of your essay should summarize the topic of the poem and provide a brief account
of what you think the poem means. Be sure to note the name and author of the poem. Present your
thesis statement, which will be something like:

This poem is a work of [Modernism, Imagism, or Pastoralism].

If you think the poem fits in more than one genre, it is fine to say something like:

This poem includes elements of __________ and __________,


Although this poem is primarily a work of __________, it also includes elements of

__________ and __________.

You will need three body paragraphs to support your thesis. Each body paragraph should have a
main point or idea that is expressed in a topic sentence. Also, each body paragraph should include
at least one bit of evidence from the text, quoted in MLA style. (For style guidelines, refer to the
Course Appendix.)
If you define the poem as falling into only one genre, each of your body paragraphs should explain
why the poem fits in that genre. If your thesis is that the poem fits in more than one genre, devote at
least one paragraph to each genre you discuss.
Your essay should be approximately 600 words (two typed, double-spaced pages). Part A is worth
50 points. Your work will be graded with the rubric on the next page.

Project 2 2 ENGH 040

Project Grading Table (Teacher Use Only) Points Points
Possible Earned

Introduction: 10
· The introduction briefly explains the topic of the poem.
· The introduction includes a brief summary of what you think the
poem means.
· The Introduction provides a clear thesis about the genre(s) in
which the poem fits.

Body: 30
· The essay has at least three body paragraphs, each with a
clear topic sentence.
10 for each
· Each body paragraph has a clear main point, providing a body
reason why the poem fits in one of the literary genres. paragraph)

· You show a good understanding of the literary genre(s) you are

discussing (as they are defined in this course—you do NOT
need to research them beyond this course).
· Each body paragraph has at least one direct quote from the
· Each body paragraph clearly relates to the thesis statement.

Conclusion: 5
· The conclusion restates your main ideas in fresh language.

Writing Conventions: 5
· Proper use of grammar, spelling, and vocabulary.
· Solid use of paragraphing.
· Sentences are complete and appropriately punctuated.
· Capitalization is correctly used in the essay.
· All direct quotations are properly cited in MLA style. (Refer to
the Course Appendix for guidelines. You only need in-text
citations; a Works Cited page is NOT required.)

Project 2 3 ENGH 040

[Begin typing Part A here.]

In the poem “Grass”, Carl Sandburg talks about the need for remembering the

people who have died in wars for the cause of freedom. The poem explains the author’s

disappointment with those who have forgotten the sacrifices of those who have gone to war.

He implores the reader to remember those lives lost. Sandburg uses personification and

gives the grass human qualities, to explain the reader that the grass acts as a cover up of

all the deaths of people in wars throughout history. Carl Sandburg wrote this poem in the

modernism genre. The poem uses imagery, repetition and personification of the grass to

help the readers understand how destructive war really is.

Sandburg starts the poem of with “Pile the bodies high at Austerlitz and

Waterloo”(line 1). “Pile” this word grabs the reader’s attention and immediately creates a

strong image of dead corpses piled on top of each other. The words “Austerlitz” and

“Waterloo” were both wars from history that were known for being very bloody and where

thousands lost their lives. As the poem continues Sandburg builds on this idea, of

destruction in wars, even further, “And pile them high at Ypres/ And pile them high at

Verdun”.(line 5) This adds to the image of the destruction of war and death. By drawing on

these images of war and destruction Sandburg is also reminding his readers that war and

death has been happening for a long time. At the end of the poem Sandburg writes, “I am

the grass/ Let me work”. This can show us that the grass lived through the horrific deaths

from war but that it considers its job to be one of a coverup so that humans can forget and

then start the cycle all over again. This line helps readers understand that this is not the first

time that it has done its job of covering up death and it also implies that it will not be its last.

Project 2 4 ENGH 040

Carl Sandburg uses free verse in this poem. “Grass” is written in a structure that

helps us think of actual grass and how it grows where it wants and how it wants. Carl

Sandburg ignored the strict rhyme scheme and instead used a natural rhyme scheme. This

also helped create a feeling that things are being grown over and that the cycle and time will

continue. The author uses metaphor to correspond the “grass” with “time” and how things

are in a cycle.

In the first line of the poem we can see that the speaker or the grass talks about the

“pile” that in reader’s mind creates an image of all the bodies piled on top of each other. It

talks about the words “Austerlitz” and “Waterloo” wars that most Western readers would

know automatically because they were so bloody and iconic. When the second line starts

he talks about “shovel them under and let me work. (line 2) This work we can see in the

third line “I am the grass; I cover all” it means that the grass views covering up the

destruction of humans as its job. Most of the time people want to be reminded of what has

happened but the grass says its job is to “cover it up” and this implies that humans don’t

want to remember and would just like it covered up so that the cycle can start over. In the

fourth and the fifth lines we can see that the word “pile” is a verb and not just a noun. This

word “pile” can represent the same energy as in the first line and the reader can imagine a

big pile of corpses in a new place in the world or in the new battles. IN the sixth line is just

the same as the second line. Then in the seventh line, it expresses the feeling of the grass

by passing a lot of years and now person comes and they don’t remember or never heard

about the battle. It continues in the eighth and the ninth line the questions from somebody

that doesn’t know where she is or what happened there. In the last line we can see we can

see that the grass really did its work of covering so that people can forget. The repetition in

this poem helps create the feeling of cycles and going around and around again.

Project 2 5 ENGH 040

This poem is an example of modernism. Modernist poems looked at things from a

new perspective. They tried to give their readers some new way of seeing the world. This

poem helped people look at grass and what it physically does but also how it effects as

humans emotionally. This poem is also written in free verse which was also a characteristic

of modernist poetry. They no longer wanted to be contained by the strict rules of poetry that

had been a part of Romantic poetry. It is a whole new structure, free verse, it helps the

readers have a better image of how grass grows and how it covers the ground and mistakes

and destruction of the past. It personifies the grass and this also allows the reader to

understand what it is saying. The grass talks about its job a little sarcastically or bitingly.

Telling people to pile the bodies so that it can get to work because pretty soon it will be at it

again. It seems to be implying that Sandburg does not hold out much hope that people will

be to change and no longer have the bodies to cover.

“Grass” by Carl Sandburg is a poem that uses the image and personification of grass to

help people remember how destructive war can be. The grass talks about how its job is to

cover up the bodies or people’s destructiveness. By covering it up people forget what

happened and then repeat the same mistakes again. Sandburg uses these images to help

people remind people of what has happened in the past.

Book: Literature, The American Experience

Project 2 6 ENGH 040

Part B: Creative Component
Imagine that you are a friend of ONE of the following characters. Write a letter to the character in
which you discuss the character’s situation and offer some advice to him or her.
· Alcée in “At the ‘Cadian Ball”
· Calixta in “At the ‘Cadian Ball”
· Annie Merrick (Harvey’s mother) in “The Sculptor’s Funeral”
· J. Alfred Prufrock in “The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock”
· Dexter Green in “Winter Dreams”
· Emily Grierson in “A Rose for Emily”

Your letter should show an understanding of the character’s situation, as well as what you believe
the character’s personality is. You should show that you understand the conflict the character is
experiencing and offer advice that is logical for the character’s situation. Of course, you can be
creative, but you must be consistent with the text of the story. Be sure to begin your letter with a
formal greeting so your teacher knows the character to whom you are writing.
Part B is worth 50 points, and it will be graded with this rubric:

Project Grading Table (Teacher Use Only) Points Points

Possible Earned

Your letter shows an understanding of the story’s setting (the time and 10
place in which the events are happening, as well as the social values and
beliefs that exist in that setting).

Your letter shows an understanding of the character’s personality and the 15

way the character thinks (you may be creative but you must be consistent
with the story).

Your letter summarizes the conflict the character is experiencing. 10

The advice and suggestions you offer must be practical and logical for the 10
story’s setting and the character’s personality.

Your letter uses proper spelling, grammar, and punctuation, and includes 5
a formal greeting and close. Because this letter is a private
correspondence between friends, you do NOT need to use MLA style, but

Project 2 7 ENGH 040

if you repeat a verbatim quote from the character’s dialogue, put it in
quotation marks.

Project Submission
To submit the project, save this project assignment document. Use the course number, your name,
and the project number in your file’s title:
Go to your course management system to upload your project file.

[Begin typing Part B on the next page.]

Project 2 8 ENGH 040

[Begin typing Part B here.]

Greetings Mr. Prufrock (I know that this is the title you prefer),

I hope that this letter finds you healthy and happy.

I have heard from various sources that you are having a hard time accepting your advancing age

and how it effects your appearance, especially the balding part of your hair(that is a family trait by

the way, very distinguished). You are probably thinking, “How is a woman going to like me now?”. It

is hard getting old, not being able to do the same things like going to the balls and dancing all night

with beautiful young women or just being appreciated and getting the eyes or attention from the

women. However if you have an air of confidence about you a woman hardly notices what you look

like. Women like a man who knows who he is and is not afraid to be that person.

I know that you are a very educated person and have always lived in the upper class. Sir, you might

not know this but old is gold! It makes you more prepared to talk about life and your experiences.

You have lived through a lot of good experiences and great stories to teach this young people of our

society. Not all the time is it easy to accept the age difference, but it is just a number. This number

makes you wiser and smarter. Women find that irresistible. I remember a time in my life when it

seemed I was constantly having to turn people away because of how attractive they found my bald

spot and my conversation!

It is time to settle down. Drink a cup of tea, have more conversations about life and what did to you

enjoy life. Do not worry about what they are thinking about you and how you might look. Be confident

in who you are. You see life will always be the same, a run for survival, a conversation with a young

woman or even drink with great friends are all things that will be and should be in our lives. How we

approach them is important. Aging is a wonderful thing. It should help you realize where you have

come from and what you want. It should give you confidence and not take away from it. I would

imagine that all the “young” people you are meeting at these events are very envious of you and

your confidence and experience. They will be wanting to get to know you and spend time with you

Project 2 9 ENGH 040

because you seem to know who you are and what you are about and that is very attractive to

people, especially the opposite sex. On days that I feel lost, old and unappreciated I like to just sit

down and contemplate in my own mind and remember how far I have come and where I would like

to end up. Getting old does not mean that you no longer have any value and are unattractive, in fact,

I would argue that it is the opposite. Women like men who have experience, who are confident and

know who they are. You are part of that group! Now go and put on your favorite clothes and go to

that next ball knowing that you are attractive and desirable because of your age and experience!

Your age defines how wise you are and what experiences you have lived.

Remember you are no where near as old as I am, therefore it is a good thing that we do not attend

the same social gatherings otherwise I would have all the attention!

Your ever loving Grandfather.

Project 2 10 ENGH 040

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