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CODING ae mig PYTHON & C++ PHOTOSHOP Eee Deen een en EC ERO cunerak tc icaid Cera A eats Te reek eae Ae om eee Route ane eae ea eee cit eee eR ue aR Eke ee a a PS eacstuch uma each eee RA gelled eso ne Se AL eles SUA oL Coed Teledu US eh ea eee EC emcee ce ccmmer aca icc acg Pe Eek Ube Beep eot se Over this extensive series of titles we will be looking in great depth at thelatest consumer electronics, software, hobbies and trends out of the box! We will guide you step-by-step through using all Beet ae sea tg apprehensive at attempting. Let our expert guide help you build SE mec u aie Ruud CO ence re td Over the page our journey begins. We would wish you luck but we're sure with our support you won't need it. 4 Getting Started 10-11 12-13 14-15 16-17 18-19 22-23 24-25 26-27 28-29 Main Interface Menus ; < The Toolbar , 4 a Keyboard Shortcuts . 1 Selection Tools Le TheClone Stamp Tool , a Brushes, Pencil and Eraser \ a Gradient and Fill Tools ta y The Pen Tool and Paths aS sas 4 Basic Editing Techniques 32-33 Making Selections 34-35 Modifying Selections 36-37 Using Layers 38-39 — AdjustmentLayers 40-41 Curves and Levels 42-43 Croppingand Resizing 44-45 Quick MaskMode 48-49 Content-Aware Filland Scale Vistusat wubcmoubicationscom [FJ FolowusonFacebookeDMPublcatons [TJ Folowuson Twitter: 8DMpubs eouaacicaca Building Your Editing Skills 52-53 Adjusting Exposure Colour Replacement 54-55 ColourCorrection Soft Focus Technique ProcessingRaw les 58-65 Monochrome Techniques Adobe Camera Raw Interface 66-67 AddingaGraduated Filter Adobe Camera Raw Menus 68-69 — Correcting Lens Distortion Adobe Camera Raw Workflow 70-71 Panoramastitching tines il cibueon Download Your Free Media Resources Download everything you need to help build on the amazing and essential skills you will learn in this unbeatable new publication. 6 sunmanienaca A you work through the publication you will discover a vast array of new techniques and skills to learn and embrace as you build your knowledge base. To support you to the fullest, BDM Publications have compiled this exclusive media download so you can work alongside our expert team with our step-by- step guides. After all the easiest way to learn is to do. To take full advantage of this 100% exclusive offer for all readers of this publication, you simply need to download these essential free resources. To do this, just visit us at: ‘Then you wil need to register login and ally tec this tle from the listings to begin your download, Dowleading this excelent cial content isthe Getting Started The beauty of this program is that it has the power to let you create the most complex pieces of digital art, or it can simply let you adjust the brightness of a favourite photo. You can use as few or as many of its vast range of tools as you want. We begin by looking at the main tools that Photoshop offers for editing and manipulating images. Main Interface This is Photoshop’s graphic user front end hotoshop has a great interface, with a dark sate gry work roa, sight lightor ‘menu and palette bars and sharp white txt Itlooks great and really makes photos stand tout from the background, Lots see what it has to oer. Menu Bar ‘oul nal the onions manus hers, Rad on fermor deals Document Window aca window you epen wlhavs ts oun to erty ices the docurent nae, ‘rent sadhg ane olor space bahg vod Document Details He youllin he comoresent end eal sxe ot your docuront. ee UR epee aeaptey ipa Active Image The nox eto prone gor ees ‘evoreenseur mene, wha srer oat MAIN INTERFACE Palettes Workspace Option Tar err Chicas braun re pats ol poeta ei tne tt an er, tom ne vino er fra ore ca Fly-out Palettes Layer Palette Layer Options Binge sealed Bee eee ere Sac spe Cau UC One look at the menus and you e N | iS) begin to understand Photoshop’s main interface of Photoshop has no fewer than eleven menus and a Help option, each with many options, and with many additional nested ta ee ee ee Se eo een ee ene LCE te a Es Image es a Dc ee co ee 5 eae 3 oe Co es D eee eons ao 0 are rrr . c “4 pope et SSctcowman. SN a rn cs Pino orm td 5 = a peepee) oe 7, = a po Fe, 5 See es ee = Soe ha a aa E Peper ae Cas arty vette eae ‘Smart Objects iS noel eee co a rey 5 : fae has a ES aS 8 Seer ras = leas oe teen = F 7 =S (| ears File a ee ee 5 So ao ees a Pa ro " en oese pesgetilahiroly Rosey eae oeirrems peolaripetrtrect ee 7 Seer ea ene alee asl Pa perenne ac RS revere ar Sree ees lye eae Symes eis " Ponsa srar assent Layer CL enue Edit Dede aad ert rs Feedreader fosiesenehepes eset anit ppc bth ebntak pvatiy See Cee | Seco See Se ee pee orate eae Gee eeeeerern an tere Reeser tatbrp hid pte partes eeenis Pere eprnererey Kpbeatef eet Pa Peprrennre ert) oot id ed o eer oman ad eed Eee ty iy Ts Se) ee ened pccemeeeeeel saris peaeerere enter pera eiccs tnd Prep Pena eee eae pele tcncersreed pee) omens) Poeetntensecees Lg owe Sirpen Size aig ny Corecerset nr eure oer tet Pinrinennenete Paine peeretinen Pope sepeaperen aatras aeoheeonermind eee I viet) Por ra 1o0%. ” 7 9%; Sap A irons xe oe prertery AT es ee eae ened ed ee See eee] earns ener eer Serena ere Pea) Td ren E Prd ne cee ear Window cere) Peeing teeny ety eo eer ron ean eta een ens a The Toolba Let’s take a look at Photoshop’s main editing tools THE TOOLBAR the main elements ofthe Photoshop Toolbar haven't changed all ‘that much since the introduction of Layers and the Move too with version 3.0, back in 1994. The shape has changed a bit, slongating USEFUL TIP MARQUEE MARQUEE LASSO MAGIC WAND crop EvEDROPPER SPOT HEALING BRUSH CLONE STAMP HISTORY BRUSH ERASER, GRADIENT sMuDGe a 2 a f i Nd 7) BURN ATH SELECTION UNE HAND z00M EDIT TOOLBAR ‘SWITCH COLOUR SET COLOUR auiok mask MODE REEN MODE Into single column to take advantage of today's larger monitors, and ‘2 few more tools have been added, but anyone who's familar with any previous version of Photoshop will soon fee right at home. Move esto mom set remiten Ae ete ee ose. can aso oust mutoelyousueng es Marquee “Te Merce ie ab on ron tne ecto lne Aas obra Ine an pe rene ao rvereaarmsnont Lasso ‘nstmethe stapa canoe rege, manecantbyeingcrsarirg Iraaourdte aoa be ene, ened Senne Magic Wand eet rate Crop Tho Goo tetas oon abr ‘xa Proje 05, bu st oes the sams, Uae ste sett rage ad deco three Eyedropper Te Crsenpe sr erence tortor tyne este ‘rage a wotag on 9208 couthcteden nina coor cd Spot Healing urge beck er ec bla sch yea seas von ou re pe Peel Brush The Bra cl oreo toro tnd eer ee replant and cebu Caer Clone Stamp (bre tap # sos tconyene asa of hoger ana Rean renown History Brush Unahoawncienwtn ney ‘beste oe cten aes ten eared Eraser ey © petrananorape te Far ote paca a hatean ets ant excnrins tase og Ee Tot 5 Gradient ata Smudge Tose erg ctr tae nena, Burn ‘an andi aterehiee Dg and ‘Senge tearm cette duran engi ade seo seo it, darn rage Pen eee eet THE TOOLBAR Type rnd aap na aso 8 Naor afore Path Selection Fre erry puss inert, Umi tare Soretiot ede the. Line TraLretod aris utamves ee eeeiecen adi arora cm ceo. Hand Trent atte tinh Gane Zoom ‘is tl ely zsormintoan wo era. Apa Rigo shan oad Edit Toolbar “Treat Toobin out cusonse yatta senorrenoe bo you soe arent Switch Colour Chain ao esas th crt bongroundcobu tao ose reegoune coeur Set Colour Ghsmg henge epee cece cy coe ne ged or beckon has Quick Mask mode Ct ratrgcargc ir ug he samataaron Screen Mode Gracn beter Peco [Ps | Kevsonao sHonTcUTs Keyboard Shortcuts There’s always a quicker way of doing almost everything ne of Photoshop's best features Is its huge ist of fly customisable Keyboard shortcuts. Almost all ofthe program’ functions can be accessed quickly by pressing various combinations of keys, and once you lear those shortcuts your workiow will speed up immensely. You ‘ean even make up your own for your moet frequenity-used operations. Customising Shortcuts Youle the koyboad shortcut preereee ateahave ther own dtu ebrtut. You car rena hetero * raturaly mas ove iy AtiShis CuK. ou fal Photoshop fanctn no rena your oan catogory headens matching the rames ofthe neitheyoreembiraion _ shatovs het vou don acide vere snd that mary aparabons ofhaysthat you press il appear hero tho seme ue elas, USEFUL TIP Pere Kevsoano sHoRTCUTS a Re Laredo cole CREATE NEW DOCUMENT EDO LAST STEP tent SELECTION PASTE FROM CLIPBOARD va + [N shit }-+[coroo]+ [2] [shit] + [ort + [UL con] + V CREATE NEW LAYER uvas 200m view opr To cuPBoARD shit )+{eo}+ {NJ [enai)+ LL] ows}#( 2] conl]+(C] CLOSE CURRENT DOCUMENT CURVES 200m out view curTo cuPsoaRo orl + [7 con] comm] + (= conn] +(x CLOSE ALL DOCUMENTS INGREASE BRUSH SIZE FIT ow SCREEN FREE TRANSFORM aa] +(cor] + [ww comet] + [3 owl] + [7 SSAVE CURRENT DOCUMENT DECREASE BRUSH SIZE 100% zoom TUAW SWAP ON OF OFF contr conta L shift contol +(sJ Li) Gals (ee)+Ch) | (ta) +e + Li) SAVE AS BRING CURRENT LAYER TOTOP SHOW RULERS SELECT ALL ON CURRENT LAYER cua (st J+(S) | (at) +Lena)+ (LL) ele LR) oneal (A unpovReno ‘MOVE CURRENT LAYER UP SHOW OR HIDE GRID DESELECT ALL wa + Z, con] + (i) cml + [7 om} + (D UNDO LAST STEP IMOVE CURRENT LAYER DOWN SHOW OR HIDE GUIDES new an} + xsl] + [Z.) oni} + (1 cowa+(j] FL) ‘Ona PC the Ctl koy for your ‘OnaMac computor the shortuts looks ike this on a {Gu key i replaced by the ‘standard Windows keyboard. owl ‘Gma kay on a standard hiae IW you use aPC andl you see heyboard If you use a Mac ‘an instruction inthis tte to ‘and you see an instruction In use a Crd key, then just use thistle to use tha Ct key, Cit instars. just use your Cma key instead. a SELECTION Toots Selection Tools Photoshop provides multiple methods for isolating areas of your image he ability to select discrete areas of an image and change them you to select regular shapes such as rectangles, elipses and tines. For in isolation is fundamental to Photoshop editing, and to help regular shapes there are several Lasso tools, which let you draw the with this thore are many different waye of making that eolection. _area tobe eelected, For quicker solections thera are the Magic Wand and ‘The most frequently used are the Marquee tools, which allow (tick Selection tools. Common Options Preetons yo lok one ho tol of our mar ba, Geto sting. Addo Sooo, which con so be atte moray y nna con ine St hey, Siac rm Slaton sno tcl the lat ih Exiocon, wich slo ery hve abendy sce Edge Refinement Tre next option Is Fasthr, which softens the 0 ofthe selection, use fer araua eects ‘The ego a the section can bo futher ing the Ratne Ege menu n C58 ‘and Mask in Patoshop CO, whic sos sophiscatod edge-delection techniques 2 eulomaticaly elec around hinge Ie She hor galt ans bios ese St Rectangular Marquee Magic Wand Elliptical Marquee Single Row Marquee Polygonal Lasso 20 HEALING BRUSH TOOLS Healing Brush Tools Clean up minor blemishes, dust spots and stray hairs with the Healing Brush tools ven with a modern digital camera. your photos may have slight impartections. Maybe it's ust astray hails or an lunweleome skin blemish ina portal, or maybe some dust has managed to gt onto your sensor, causing dark spots on your Photos. Whatever the reason, sometimes Yyou need to remove some small features from your images, and the best tots for this are the Healing tools. There are five healing tools in Photoshop, which you can s09if you click and hold on the Spot Healing Brush too icon inthe tool palete ode we cel Rot run pada Peder ae] Brees te Healing Brush Tool fete Eon) Patch Tool he Heong Bruch sa lgacy rom dr versions of Protos does mh the se oa he Spo: ening Brun ut ater len sphstets. wos much he sane way 2 te Che Samp tea, Tohea aii, you fe need seta saree it by elckng en ener of smarter wis rian onthe At ey, ten panne he emg ‘el ering teccuns, subtly th ey Yo fr that tricht oke seer ata fo ota Good tonurthat dope nd out as being conadi ho Conant aro Move fel was neocon Pretonion C38. Theis st you can or Aaa sescten erred aetna 9 ther co. Th pram anaes the surourng ‘oa eri the source wth a ratchng et. free te Cores Sime Mave ta ony sed ‘vey secre ckeumsances, wns he edb you ‘entiomove 6 suneurcod bya nom Yous. You ‘al re thne mom sent tate the beter te fre eau Beceyounds suchas as ae bi Sy ‘uo much mare swore canta forthe The Patch too is used for roaring lrger aoa rund he area you vat o repo an tren 629 the sample to an area of maiching dan texture, or sample an ave of lsan texture and ‘hen grag kcver he par you want to replace Here, a patch cf wooden tee canbe used to remave somo broad crumb trom the eho. As Yu oa the pan, wl show yaa 8 me overlay over your target area co you can abgn as best you can fo ensura a good patch, ere) eer Cra CTV rel] od Ee cased by ight tom a cara fh {etn he Bor weds bo the ‘ye nen he pupl sweeper. pasate to cb prover carer totraue, bt you Sind {inane c your portals Praoanap has cds and 29) 00 hp ramovei Sema lek on he ‘fering recs anc tn ott uta arayeetiow much rcs teh he abt ‘es and rmve and cece th amas natu bckirg one whch usta Hacker 2 ery dak tore, HEALING BRUSH TOOLS. a Staal mle uot ng arall objects such as dust spots The Sot Heaing rash is he most use and eectve tool at your daposal. 9 some cases, you can even remove largor objects ‘and people, When you Use Ita pant over an ‘object, he brush sargles the aves around and repaoes the obiect vith 2 senustion cf the background. Tho way that it saps can be selected, and moet afoot option Content [Awave semaing, The brush paramore can be adjustod Ike ary othor brush. cOr ye] erred 2 The Clone Stamp Too THE CLONE STAMP TOOL, te ate Penne Remove unwanted elements from your photos ho Clone Stamp too! algo known as the Clone Bruch in some programs) is one ofthe most useful tems in your image editing toot it. Despite recent developments such as Photoshop's Spot Hoalng tool and Content-awrare fil itis stil tho most precise and reliable way to retouch photographs, allowing you to remove unwanted ie ative etaghtorwcrd to romcve even ut argo unwantod ebots froma ahote. Our exemple phot taken ot amotorapen sven. @ 2 (92ce shot with plenty a ction ad thing dn, but we theught the tags ‘laments uch as dust spots, skin blomishos, fons fare, telophone lines and other intrusive objects trom your pitures. Because the process is entirely manvalit can be somemhat time-consuming, bot the results ae ofton superior to the output ofthe more modem ‘outomatie tools. the foreground were abt alsrasing, 22 west -se1038 the back ofthe enot nthe top let comer. meohone ine aetehine ‘Wo decd i would a goon demonstaten ofthe power ofthe Giana ‘Starp toc te rmove both tage and the siennane na om te sho. Let's see how they vee rome! {oto our toolbar and sect tho Clone ‘sem Toc (). Fr the rage wate vosting on, abrush Siz of aout /5- 100 pies val fe You oan mk the buch Harchass Anywhere between 0% - 20%, We're ging 10 stat wath the fag in Eo lower right come, Make aire that yeuave te Agnes ten ticked. Tie meane na he sampling reac! your brush movos as your brush ‘foes, cthenwse youl ane the same aampies area repeateaty unt you ater Pd en area of clean grass next to fnaten press your At key. A ral tage {on will appeat. Anything under hs target wll be Your sarge o bo ured as he starting pol of ‘he cong, Let cck your mause 9 eer ts as your sample area BE evoe serie ofan ss es THE CLONE STAMP TOOL. Now mene you cuner ever the 199 of tho ag, lov wth your tres reefer the last step is shown as an oveay so youcan se what you ar abou fo dana on top of your fag. yur cok and erg your mage cow th ag pat, the grass adjaconl io it wil be cored over the op, re-nouing the poke ‘You ean now enoeae actor target same to tori ofthe ag and clone ‘ras from that ade over the remaining area of he geen fan. fyounctee any epasted areas ‘hat ster out es beng cloned, you can choose now target aaa are clone in some nw grass to weep the patter random. ‘You can now meve to the secon ag on the lft ond eeate 2 new sarele o cone ‘over the pote as you ch with the fst. Again, watch out tor cbvicus repeat pattems 96 yeu 9 clan aroas ontop of tho flag poe Now you can romovo tho roan fag by samping an area cf the muc 0 the let of itand cloning that ove the top ofthe ramaning par ofthe fag. Frally. wa can remo thst tephene ne tom the op ofthe shot usg the same lctinigues fr bath fags tan nate ofthe at hg ceo Ine trams actualy gate use. sare an ea dvecty above the unwanted telaphone Ine and hen clone the sale on top oft. You tan sgl cick on the telephone ine and crag themouse tothe fet, cloning the patch ef ait thalis dct above i as you do. (Once completa, you can assess therasut andi you see any obvious repeating pares that gvathe game away, you ean siply ‘one naw avase ove the tending rested pars wih random grass and shy as needed Ps | RUSHES, PENCIL AND ERASER Brushes, Pencil and Eraser Photoshop has many tools to help you create images as well as edit them hough itis primarily dosignod and best known as an image editing program, Phatoshon also oflers a ange of versatile ool, allowing you to create orginal artwork as weil as adapting existing images. The brushes, have a graphics tablet and a pen, thishelps even more. a The Brush Tool 1 by exeang on ts 16 gol the of yas need open the new Brush palette by Sleking onthe ite folder-shaped on nthe nan YoU tako a look atthe new B ee a) eet 5 The Pena ‘em rom the Brush too, bu wth raeal ‘wparcion ofthe Brush fh Photoshop this thero aro many more options, atowing you ‘edd rendom seettarng, cise, extre, st edge sulaton, abrushike bul-up, and bath shane and colour dyramica, I thie deg fof contralis toa tie: carsuining there are 80 dozens of prese! brushes, a sal same of ae aa Cle) “Tho Easa al syboardshovtut Eb specalied verison onthe rush io), eed uses ‘he same patie options ta tor tho Sonar sh tat #5 ere p98 For 4 yer torsperert,alowng te yer beneath 0 ‘how though Fused on the background yer ‘Ae wal asthe Brash alte ootone, he Enaor abo as co eptons hauing Opachy, Fron, andre uneue oe, Ese History, vue canbe wsed hi conuncton wt the Histo Dati to slaty unc charges layer The Med optone forthe Ener ar Brush, Penal or Bock, whch sa smal square shaped saser of ‘ved ze ard tl apacky, ser acinar oA BRUSHES, PENCIL AND ERASER ‘Thero ar prose! bruoo to cbradto abu pastalerayens, bg sot ruses, smal st bites, witha pen and talet device, such as the Dencis fet pans sponges. ancevanteriste Wacom Infuos “shown here, The Brush foo bichon o icky cra gras Faves. The ilidas options for en tabiet user, such a ‘opts an acusimen's can be app o pra ure to cone other brs Many poodle vil probably use Photoshor lowing pen pc bushos, so you can custoise them or you size ot puso i yu ‘As welt as options for he appearance and ttre of the rush, thee are also epions for oI erate wth the kaye tal you paint on, ‘These ars cal flan Mares, and yo can hace which one to use by cleking an the Mods bution tho teol options bar yy ee v. There are two other Ease options alate t you ci ansaid ante Ener to. Bassett 037, 8 the name suapests, erase pasts oft oacagroune bt dons his by converting hobackyound iis alayer Magic Enso airo'y comnas the Mage Wand tal vin te Erase” oo and sloctvay eras contiguous acas of colour. GRADIENT AND FILL TOOLS Gradient and Fi | Tools Fill layers and selections with colours, textures and gradients ne very useful tacit that Photoshop roves isthe Gradient fol ean ian ava of a layer vith a gradual blond botwoon ‘multiple colar. You can choose rom Selection of preset gradient tls or create your fon. It's great way toad graciont ar for enhancing photographs, ort oes effects such as vignettes and centre-spot smt-foous Lat’ take a closer look at howe it works ‘You'l find tro Gradient tool about halfray down the Tool Pete thas ovm unique set ‘of options inthe Tool Options bar, the main one boeing the Gradient Picker, which lts you choose from alist of poset gradonts. pee Co a rT) Nest to is nao of buns that esa grader chaps. Tha dota coting bach Fear grader uote epters incu Fas, ‘Angle, Releci and Diamond shapes Lice the Bu ce the Grace has and mode tet et you mi the recent cur ih tolayer bok vn aye. Ths rt ‘ay io enhance aneat undscape shes, ay using a ergo raps rade fon mode Etat locale) See ca eaten Pa i} ry Cy you et and hat onthe Gracin ook you “in atone of is option is Pe Pin cet tod, which ¢ used fo flan awa. alayor ora select wth a sok colour yeamelnatin ‘wh eye: vansparency an blend meces t's 8 great way fo adda cole tit or fiterto 8 whol mae, you us the Pant Bucket on tha backround layer of your image til in er area cortiguous eden much tho sama GRADIENT AND FILL TOOLS Fhotochep comes witha slat fdas Below tho ran gone ypos thal you cen preset grdiens loaded, out hereare cher packs choase tem te ec otors ker atthe pit of of gradients zvalble Youcanloadin ese ther yourscreen. packavia he Gadert man, you cpa the Crosert Pek yo. se aera on Ine 2 9 eel I'you cick on Bis you see the menu, wh nel of stared gant packs ava lead athe toto Linear ‘omer racer tel ootons nose aye psc, cog tho drscon othe aco ‘cour mi, changhg the “Sher” of the cour mova, ans togging he sparen Radial Angle Reflected Diamond = se ‘wey a8 he Magis Wand oo, To ack int to A unis image, exes a nes age, then Hi ‘wth tho color lth whale aver, ane ‘you oan then use ayer transparency and blend modesto acheve he afct yeu" ookng to. To getthe cse-rocessectphoto sect on the espa mage, we usxdasreng ocrg° colour, at 80% cpacty, and = Caer ens mod, nnchcambres the icone whe background ous of to nag. USEFUL TIP Sesirerncnet or f THe PEN TOOL AND PATHS The Pen Tool and Paths Draw smooth curved paths with the versatile Pen tool he quickest and most common vay to make selections f to use the Polygonal Lasso Cae ho) P toolbut sinc ta nly rae tight es rm pronto pantie ea! Tor making acute page col re) Seteclons around carved edges Protesnep 3 : doos have ata or making smth curves (Oa This tutorial though, and it's called the Pen too! keyboard shertut aC al Rather than creating a selection directly like tho Laseo tol, tho Pen tol is ved a erata cca act) Work Path. Wer Path in Photoshop is ‘vector craphic outine which can be used foreovral unotors inching shaped ox, cutine sbekes and ofcourse selections path cenaats of stright and cure bres segments Bezier control Tangent line ennctd with pote, You cn eave uth Cc ‘open to fom a straight or curved lin, or cose 8 - oa path tora shape. Paths are independent of any paricullayer, s0 youcan uso t sume path fo create shapes on more than one layer ofan image, an you can copy a path from ni h one image to another. Curved pat — Using the Pen tool and Paths etectivly isa Anchor point compleated proces that takes alot of practice to master, but worth tho effort, bacause " tence you eack t youl be able to make smoot) turves and selections around almost ary shape, you want to use Photoshop ina professional parity isan essential ek to eam. ee Using the Pen Tool Using the Pen too! attectively takes some practice and a lot of patience. Here's the low-down on how it works, Poe Ce Peace op da a eee ac The Pan toctwo To daw acunes he, sing anchor pins which ae connects by (Gk ith he pon tala ros fer pois nthe ir you wish st select the Pen ool ta te Too Fat, caw; nese are cae anchor i's i yout 8 staighines connate Co oe ed ea) Nest lek rd hole cnt Peo tal con, and slat the Convert Pont (Gk and heen ary of your anchor ports ane dag anay rom the too. You wo ths oranda tho anchor penis aed corel ha ork, You shou oo two Ince wih hordes cr te er rude forn uranic ofa he thoanor pont. Mes cao a angont re you move re eso our you Sao hale Ike your anche ein paces are patience you can onda curva Ine around oxen gute ants Ye and cen You can ise ths tare the Ins maten te cerrplot area, you cpen ha Pata pale yeu ae the werk pth curvature ot ne e098 youre yng. seule created anpearin eis Basic Editing Techniques Now we need to show you how you can use more of Photoshop’s tools and add to your growing skill set. You can simply edit the brightness of a photo, or combine it with another one. There are some great techniques that will have you creating your own masterpieces in no time. f MAKING SELECTIONS 32 Making Selections The ability to select and modify only part of an image is fundamental to how Photoshop works ne ofthe mast basic features of Photoshop i the abit to ‘moty only part of an image, leaving the rest unchanged. ‘Tho may that we do this fs by using Sloctions, and thoe are several tools ad menus operations that we.can use to help us ‘Alter the Move tool, the next three icons on the Tool Palette ‘210 al gelction tool, ging you a wide range of methods for Isolating an area of your image. Some are fuly manual, wile ‘others use varying degrees of automation. “Tho most basi Selection tools are the Ractangular and Elliptical Marquee toni, These both allow you to manually select a simple shape of any size, or of a fined size or aspect ratio. You can selec eoveral areas, either eeparately o joined together, ‘and with ard edge ofa sof feathered edge. Te various Lace ‘ool let you select an area of regula ahape, again with the option ofa feathered edge, You can draw the area feshand, or ‘uve point-to-point lines for groater precision Lets take a lok atthe process of making a selection, and ‘examine the various options tht are available ered er ane eet The Blt Maravee tol werk much the sare way asthe Rectangular Marquee, But awe & cured shape, totale, sia trom one corner anc! baa to ‘a with tho Rectangular Moree. the dagonaly oppasite come. This can be en ean act scien ce spectral A) chy ts geet a eteeoaly hcl door rato of x1 crave 8 cre, eter ratios draw the A Key ano tart rom the centre ot where lips9s of various sacs. you want your alipse to be. Simple Area Selection et en) ree) ee el Le oC) caw a foahand rectang, oF fic that has always been a problem is the (dg0 of fine or untidy hai Take this photo for example: ton to yo ing he Pent Bucket oo Bn do of your origina occ MODIFYING SELECTIONS ‘Select and Mask is very 958910 we. Starting wth a Magle Wanl or Paiyconal Lasso selection as close as possible to thee ny othar sat edge, dlck on the the hairor Definition, check the box marked Smart Reals, and use me square brackets keys to oar the hazy odge area around the ha Thon ily pin around the edge, averaging bath te og end he nacksround. As yeu oan see, the egoe arcurd the / dog's har looks taro, Tho automatic Magic Wane selection has produced a very ‘aged 8390, because lt cat astinguish botweon the fn edge ol the hair andthe backround. Fortunately the att version ‘of Photeshop has @ feature cated Selec and Map able of makes rich ior dist Expand ‘Wher you've bosn ound al area that you want to rf, and ‘hen ia a fe seconds While the rogram recalculate th edge, Ae you can 200 here, resul sa good improvement ove fist atlorat Expand, asthe rare suggost, oxpands ha Contract ia tho opposite of Expand. shrinks see jon by the soeciied number the size ofthe selecten oy the speoties of pals, The erger the ve you expan numberof pals. A wh the Expand option, the eletin by, tha cal and sage of your niga! calacon wl bag to decrease 9 i onarges outwards. tha mora you Contract the section, the ‘orginal selection shape's dota wil become ioe nel dated ‘Weve lacked at Father befor, sofa the ‘edge cf he selection bythe radius set inthe lag box. t's perhaps tne most useful option hve, party youre ing to eany ans past the selection into Background, Unie Smooth, the erestos a sot vignote oe mwbanetaneccon 3S a Using Layers Understanding layers is fundamental to Photoshop editing he concept of Layers was fst Introduced with Photoshop 3.0 1904, and has become the very core of Photoshop image editing, as wel as boing imitated by every other mage eciing program on te market Layers are exactly winat they sound lke; the elomants of tho Image are stacked up and displayed in Layershane a number afatkontagre, Foren tring the abit to change one eament on one lor witout aetna to other yore moans that yu can edt your inageren desi Ferevamese yu vant to petorm ancparaten valayer but you're not axa how t's gore To tre, js mke acuta tyer, che rl to be rst, then do yur ding onthe cay yeu dr tka wre, yu can emo dest end goa to he orgie “Therese fourman types ct ay Ther rs Play, whe conan the eaphial ements of tne imago. Thre ae Tet ay, wh Dontantot fomnston bir ean beets and reszed. Theo ae Vector ayers, whch ‘contain yectrinfrmaion suchas hope anc USING LAYERS descending order. Since layers can include transparency, lower layers can be Visible through higher layers Effcts, adjustments and operations can bbe applied to individual ayers, oF al the layers at once, You can move layers around relativa to one another, change the order of layers in the stack, tur layers on wor paths, nd hen thre se Ac.strent yer, whch santa embaced comands tha aoe telayer rmedely sow, Ne'ioacat Acjatment sens in mero cetal cn tho folowing pges, “ee 8 2 downsice osha ses, od that ste fle sizes ther generate. ode lagers and ‘feintornaion mat goes ang wth hem masensy nxeases he sat he fe, fo when youve ished xitng and you Want to eave tha petuo youve ested, tsumusiy a ocd idea to ton the race, which merges all tholayers together into aslo imaga or of, and delete layers without affecting the others. Some people seem to have a hard time getting their head eround the concept of layers, so tho best way to think of thom is as apile of glass panels withthe elements that make up the image painted onto them, with you fooking down en thorn from above to see how they stack up, USEFUL TIP USING LavRS a Bee (Lata) Blend Mode Opacity Layer Filters Deterines now the yer react th he Certrois how vansparnt she lars aneitow | | Choose to display ent ere ype far, ol layerbeow t Can bechengestoreveryaver || much of thelaye teow wl show touch, cf thom, and by stecthng tom the top-down ‘ney one, or for & group. ‘you can choose wha erro show them in Fill Soil o Opaciy, but ony works on pil eration jgnertg blending opons nd yer ect Layer Locks By chr on tho btn you can ck tho jer fama itr ati, Tarserercy, ‘mone planed poanen can belted Indondenit ofeach ote: Text Layer “reso itr yoo a Tot tyr. nt ur, cortan chon By Background “Te Background yes atau battom jean alas sats of oked when you pena new Protostoo acumen Link Layers Hight a ew lyers and then click is button to ink the ayers. Karst and Move comevands wil aoc linked layers. Layer Styles Layer Mask Cickng en tho opel dey acs ho ‘alos sch as op shasoe, bored ‘ed arvask'o apne bszadlaerto roel bayer and ais eects be coger go ad mee ‘once tlrmaten ii a becker Adjustment Layer New Group New Layer Delete Layer fn alenatia to the man layer Grose are eg, (ekg on ts button (Doce ext tet ou mens. youcanacsialthesdusiment —uhchyaueaneegardcis ys, easton lnk Eyer expt toc. Clea eit the fect such as Lawes, Stghness and uichhope you Derganitelvere ina dvecy sbovethe cureny _ceniactve ler. r cag alae rast and Staton hare 00 Do completa corpoton ecto ava ono than to ct mwbaretaneccon 37 a ADJUSTMENT LAYERS Adjustment Layers A great way to edit your images without damaging them though there are many editing options Saturation, then adda Photo Fltraffct, _the damage done by these modifications In the Image> Adjustment menu, they that's tree operations that have New Layer at aowe the pe! layer 8 epatment Laver men Second, yeu nave thot eflects ae aopled hn reabimne asthe layers the Adlustrents pets oven t's open in te dlaaavec, Tat way you change your tne abou en eterno enange afer ithas been applied, your alteration doesn't nave to soph. Tha, youcsn ¢ any ther allt onthe Layer belon tnd the baton athe boom oft Lay Plt, A Image degadatce art apes url te lyars of thaan tor xaety he sae ist sotons ‘sr mergad when fattening the moe and produce the same rests. 58 momociemnasay ADJUSTMENT LAYERS fa oes ae) Brighiness/Contrast Photo Fier Levels = Channel Mixer [Adjust colour are! tonal range. Buy Create tintct or grayscals images. Curves Colour Look Alucponstoshte toc: CRESS Pee ee ence a xpocure invert Aaa nrg pone ar Se reese Vibrance oe @ @ Posterize eae ea ee pepe rer net HuerSatuation a el Threshold Colour Balance aaa Selective Colour falar sudom hp A nape Blackand white Gradient ap Before and After [Ps | CURVES AND LEVELS Curves and Levels The most versatile way to adjust brightness and contrast in your digital images ‘ul fnd the Curves function inthe Image > ‘Adjustments menu, or use the keyboard shortcut CCme+M. The Curves dialog looks a bit daunting at fists 8 graph with a diagonal ine running up the middle of, lke aciicult piece of maths Nomework. I's nothing to be seared of though, and i infact the mast useful and \voreatile tool for making adjustments to the exposure fand tonal balance of your images. Use this picture of model Gemma as a starting image. What we want to do frst is erop it down so wo just have the main part of hor face inthe picture with some hood and har “The Gunes grach i histosram showing the rlatve image. i chow the ‘Thre’ eri o what the ine can eta en ion can ea ‘lek on ae ag par and you 900 te one © feta maton Using ta err tively ightenc earn pretty m 1 CURVES AND LEVELS a Boosting Contrast ks to anchor pons f th one eure exch ‘one hid ef ho way rom eer ere Dag tho Slory raging me upper tothe cue ana ‘oneing be loner nat of eg te mich point ad bath eras rhe sme ston ‘Thi wil orghen the gtr tess ofthe nage, vn Svkanng ta dh are, ‘ho conta wie rata to ar oscral exposure sen oxatnt ey to ake wey presto acustments to conta. Mister intress can be asustd by movng tno ma point ona curva user doar, Eee | Rnieseuiuec ens Eon ncn iN Toons the ighichts ofan image mee the Mouethe nest cent cn he curvetothe att Feriages th vary han contrast sometimes Dghestpont farce aong he op nonzeciel wl darkan he shedowe, but ts wills och he motores to balance the «ab, This ncrcooas tho ghineen oft lhter shadow and mid toe deta This con bo avited mage od the. etre poms the ona cue pels, and may cause the brcrtr Hg by moun he mise of he cue at uci ecual postion long he cave, ane then bur out, but the eat can be cui slhty atoning te upper ort. ford move the mdse one upwards io aoneve he tect, peoting er th rt kind ef inago. Ts Dightonng tho ridlenes, Thisomsfassingot The aher Ivo ponte act as anchor, kong tho Tose norks ve nmennaioMe, reducing shows vey sar tobocetng ars ul shadows ard gpa uncrers, Moura te an ehera Pah Key mone, ‘ean erate & mare tome et res the epposte oft ‘Alcon the naga > Adjusimante menu youll Ind Levels, eyo shortcut Cray L. The Levee uncon seas use then Gunes, andlets you auichly adust the back and white Bolts ard ovDral ighinos of your image. I's pariclaty usful‘or mages that contain alot ‘of fot o dak areas, such a dark objects on & Jat packgroin, bacauwe provides a method for fg the ightest ac darkeat ara cho image, while leaving the mid-tores fee o be ‘edustad upward or domrward [Ps | CROPPING AND RESIZING Cropping and Resizing Changing the size of a digital photograph c2 fometimes 2 digtal photograph ean be the wrong size Maybe you havo too much ofthe surroundings inte picture, when you wanted to concentrate on just the main subject, or maybe the ino image fs 0 big, and you sed to make it smaller to send via email or publish on a website Doing both of those tinge is very ‘quick and simple in Photoshop, Use fs summer sorta imane 08 ing pont Wht the picture ‘The best oo forthe jobs, ot surprising the Grp toc You find ithe toa pata, fourth don rom tha te. lacks ail io wo sot equa, ‘The erp toola very ony use. Soly eee cick ear one comer ar then ag a Bl owes son ‘ox rcund Pe ae you vert op. ont ES \Wonry# youl son get 0 exe fan st ee time, because yeu can atthe 820 ofthe box Be toying tha cog hands on oxch ado acd car Pres Erte paror he erp, = In the nec step we't resize the ace Inthe Image Size aalog box, check to make it more manageable. Todo this the nox marked Fesampls lege, youll need to get otha maga menuand solact and open the rep-dwn opten pana blew Image Sz, ous the xeyacerd shortout i Were reducing the 29 cf his m+ A ‘lect Biotic Sharp Inthe Poel Dinenaions pre, ater the wn mat jou want your mage 2 appear. It ye were preparing ts pte for ‘este. a wet of 800 px wet bo tea Tra haght wil change automaticaly to koe ‘he aspect ratio the same, ross OK to raszo the ctr, CROPPING AND RESIZING "Next, go back to the Image menu, but this time oncose Canvas Sie, or use the keyboard shorteut Gme + Alt + C. vas $20 wl all you to be abl to extend ‘he dimonsione of your earant document 9) acing entra pals to the mage, Baar in ming this dlfrent than simply resizing the image. ‘You so the curent size in pixel at the top of he pane, th the with 148400 pile, nthe ower wincow putin @ hoight of 500 pl. Iryourrmain subject & sot he cent of he ame, you eter ‘ne archer point oy cicking on he anews suroundi the box below, Cick OK to Dre the raze You gato warning that you're about to chop of pan of the mage, but just ierore ‘Now wo've resized he maga to 800 x 500, « convanint siz fr iopiy on mary moti dovices, and ideal for upiosting toa websie ‘or sending via eal [Ps | auick mask move Quick Mask Mode There’s a quicker way of editing selections and masks cee) ald fton when editing in Photoshop it's useful to be able to block off certain aroas that we don't want to be affected, For that we use masks, and there are several ways of creating thom, but by fa the easiest is Quick Mask, 2 fantastically useful foature thal was frst introduced in Photoshop 7. Quick Masi lets you oreate and edit masks and selections quickly fand easily using any of Photoshop's pice panting tools to apply a brushed mask with frechand stokes ofthe mouse. It's extromoly simple to use, but i ean produce a wide and varied range of results. You'll ind the Quick Mask mode button near the bottom of the Tool Palette. Clicking twill {oggle Quick Mask mado enor of. 44 mune ciennasay auick mask Mone a 3) ye otrery pe ERT’ are Gradient Mask ‘Ther ae thor was to apply Quick Mask, For exalt can be us Quick Mask rod, en sloct he Gradant Too Hes the pate the aca you ion to act nd ahen you lecae te You soe tha the gradient eect sn transient uo Mask You can row use ts gacent mask produc eraduated tics onthe imago. For nctanen, on the pltuo wo Gan darkan the sky and ese tho foragreres os ia ‘rckites Lave uncon. The qracant mek ‘3 sooth tanaton ram the full eect the yppar ecge to zee tect tomer ad of tho pictur. a USING LAYER MASKS Using Layer Masks Add effects non-destructively with Layer Masks tile the Quick Mask function isan easy way to seloctvely edit your pictures, Tosa with, right-cek onthe thumb of tha the more tradional method isto use Layer Masks. The advantage to this photon the layer pete and set Cupkoate ‘method is rat itis non-destructive, so if you don’t ike the results you can just go Layer fore ren, Allert lok ars aa the bback and start again tis also repeatable, bocause you ean use the same mack for yer Uuubra i tho palate onto tha Now Layer rutile effects, saving you time and effort. For this quick tuoral weluse a Layer ban a the tot of hoger, hon wl ao ‘Mask to apply a selective monochrome or colour extraction elect. We'll start with duneste the Byer this bright image of a buttercup. The yellows will main in coleut while the rest of the pletue wil be changod to black and white vt, ctv the new rg niin the alee, and then cick on ho Ack Layer Mack ton far he baiom ot the pa ao @ ‘Ahi square wil appear in he layer pate resenting the net mask. Daue-cok en this and the Layer Mack pale wily au, The pats lats you ‘configure the mack ina varity of ways Click on tho Golo Range buston ond you" 2 anew vindw appear th ac ge oa etal of ho fewer, ct the sider so thal as much of the colour as possible is selected, but nore o the oacgycand. ick OX when you're hap a Now we've got ammasithet covers nape ol he tweet. what we N06 mak hal eae the choson colour, bul covers ‘everyting oe, eo lok on the vet buton shat sup he mask an tne backeyo.. TS ine layer brough which USING LAYER MASKS Noxt wo can apply tho efoot to the top layer. Fortis one wel use the Back anc White menu opie, sinc i's 2 quick land eary eft. You'l niin the maga > |xcusirins mer the paramters oft ct wih the sera The resus are mater of personal ast, so agjust the promoters uni youre happy “Tho Layor Mask can be used to exodueo any kind of selective alct lke 8, and the great ar: ofits that the orginal image is sfilintact inthe background ayer, 90 you" Uinhap with he fished resi you ean just Colts the etlec layer and start again, However eS ee eer enn [Ps | CONTENT-AWARE FILL AND SCALE Content-Aware Fill and Scale Photoshop contains image processing technology so advanced it looks like magic hotoshop 68+ introducod tho world to an - i Smcrng vew toomelogy caed Corton, CONtENt-Aware Scaling ‘ware Sealing, which ean resize an image. wile preserving the proportions of important ee image elements. I werks by analysing the ees Cotte alavety ibe intonation, wa Found en up cong fatered ancowt ——eage to alae contain relatively ite inform 3 plain background wll boat ‘main subject. Tho be tttect i wth example, wc aspire Yovid Content rare Sealing inthe Ee ore, bu wl be tho mayo voricaly by preyed oururess you cornered ne ff a mountain ecene. ante ‘re proportions Fo he tx boa a9 me tod Ae Seeing woes or eo be wed 0 re mage dts nose el fet Ine moreiomatin-ich pues mat optona bar ne the peone. As aresut 7Speconl hot edt loaves the scone ———_orlaige ani lnking eke unchanged, athoanh he ea fe shy has bon echoed CONTENT-AWARE FILL AND SCALE Content-Aware Fill and Move image that has st been oad, eng Vangie, eke te Menke Wan toa 0 New, go tothe Select ment and cck on Modify > Expand the selection asa bya decent amount: er ths picture :D pls should do rica ‘Thore wal ben short pause while Photonap anayaes the mage, eu hen wil lin the Blgrk areas wth a texture denved Atom the content of 8 Poteshoe G58, and uses the some technology as Content ‘ware il Thai i that you can soloct an obact on a background fang move i'10 anew ina image. The Contert-Avare a should automaticaly iin the a76a that you moved Rom ane 80 bend in the moved obec Ih practic i's not actualy mich use unl Ison a uray plan se the Clone Stam ho oct to be moved eyound, n wtich casas ten siete 0 ay, Out some pocke may ir it set Pe 7 Peaing Brus Tot fe Pat Se 5 Aojstmant| mens a Brghiness/Cont, To Lave hitogiam stascaly agp shoving te prperien ct salsn tho mage at each cla rena. The ‘ehh cots ack, rend ofthe gras rig-hand end Curves ‘Te Cures agustmert option, asin foundin the 99 > Adustrent menu anc as an achstmant ayer option. isa tra of changing the rete bigness of specie ones and anges of nes vin an image, ging proc coil over exposure, Lorri to ue prope hil mirage esi, and wi ence vn Ye make becive and subtle changes fo bighboss an ‘ave cerest at ust ot (Dag the Caves cui ine sroun ty eeking at any pokt, han ereing tho hard tat apps. 70 impr tis pcre we reese bree the acon and mié-tones, whe sirutancust darkening the ‘gH, soe sro drag re loner sik curve epvarcs athe ope art the dowrancs roan an ivete S-shaped cave ‘As wth mary Photog techiguss th sy here x, Pus he creo fran es in the 1, f0kexp an eye on Ra you reyes USEFUL TIP betwsenrepresertedby a sake onthe graph. On re bot axis fhe graph ao ttroe pot, he lt representing tha flack cut-f poi the ra he whta ct port ere tre onein the mie proring the lene poi rac 0 m6 stone and hotlghts ports lt oars the shedows, Ths has holo of rhein a al of the daa tom ‘he sracow areas wher uring ou ary mare hight. ao lave the daopar shadow areas irl. it tor way of aching th expoauo han striae the Ege Conve, hewovert nit cut the bast ay. ‘Aducirg re Low minor sil cy hein tsacusirent B cotour conRecTiON Colour _ Correction Correcting colour casts and white balance problems most all digital cameras havo some sort of white ‘balance selection, but isa feature that most people ‘seem to ignore. in most cases this isn'ta problem, because tho default atomatic white balance foatare handlos ‘most everyday Kghting situations perfectly wel. However Sometimes, usually when shooting without the flash in atitcia light, your pictures may show a stong colour tnt ‘caused by incorrect white balance eeting. Using the preset ‘white balance options in your camera's menu wll normally ‘prevent this problem, but it's also possible to comect colour {ints lator using photo editing software. Thore ae sovoral ‘ways you can do this. “Ths hetoareh ie seat Ing, fuera imrsted by acombinaten of sodum vacour fgtand cokared tungsten igh using a yu can see the carer has ge a ur balnce Photoshop wo have er by adusting thee ber aie to aly cont is faut, Racing tre anu oat reat mach beta pce ovr ‘There aro sacral wavs to conect a claw Lol used to act the rave (Cickon te rey port bute, and ove the pari prom using Petoahao. Ona of gress and ouput ysis te verious ear ofthe cog pand, You's that be tre quciest end most ates etousethe Lass tas inthe mage, ert ean abo ba cursor has changed io an sye-ropoer oo ick functor. Youll tnd isin the magemeru uncer pattousrpontson fe hstooram. Tnecrewere tas cn anyparto the rage ha shoul be fejnimens, ob ung tha Keyboo shortcut rete nis the oy oe michisoneot milena ge nts cae holo part tho Gnas toa butlers reg oh log pana backboard en tha right. The cacur nance of ha inane wil immediate change to make this pint thane go, which wl hop corct tho cour cast. coLour conrecTion a ‘Acuibalaathoi yu ate ushy C86 10 2c the Proto iter eption tom the _Addusimerts meu. Tas benaves 35 you hat ata) apo an sv warn 0 fe tthe ‘nef your oartaa to balance the tenes. wl se a ep elckng ri youve get compa, Ie no ree, Bu ‘enatena my nate pessnie te obtan a parect, Proto, ‘eet, Sonstmes “good enouah’ allyou ean oo. CONTRAST AND SATURATION Contrast and Saturation Using curves and blend modes to improve colour saturation and contrast ‘Asan orale we'l use thie srapehot ‘of Cecergion. nai te clo ofthe ‘scene a much more intense than looks hore, bat the cata camera that was used to ako the oto wa cot tea neural and fat colour mode ‘capture as much dynamic rnge es possible. This mode genera eaves mses locking & bit pale and acking contrast and ibn cour xposed! and contains plonty of det that wil ‘it the ncreaea in saturation, The sknolost way to improve the saturation & by add a Huot ace layer. Lke many other parts of he program, Hus Salwation has boon ineroved n Photos roduong smoother ecu thn preva. versions yu were to boost te satution oY about +45, you restore some atthe mesng obur but va satergun apoach anc doesnt fer much ine con rear ala ines ree mishadon aaa in JPEG rages Lets ook at mate oats, in your digital photos hon you tako a digital photo of a scone, you are relying on your camera to be fable te capture all the colours andl tones that you see. Unfortunately most digital cameras simply aren't capable of recording the full range of colours and shades that the human eye can see, so your photo of what bright and colourful soane may prove abit of acisappointment when you see it fon your monitor. Fortunately there are many dtforont ways to improve both contrast and colour saturation, which might help to restore some ofthe spare to your photos. Let's take alook al some of the sltomatives. ‘A rich mare contro way to act bath satiation and conta 19486 a ‘Curves acjustment ayr We've aieany kee at Caresin the section on adustng exposure, baby ung Blend Mods we oan ako use [Cur to ennanos satureton In Normal ln ‘mode the curve wil range both contract ana ‘saturation. We'o wing the same S-shaped ura, which noosts brighinces at ho uppar fn of he scala anc darkens shadows atthe lower end a This ee Bethe et 15 changing he lend made > Luminosity, th curve will ery aot brightness, co the sano S-shaped fnnancemant cura wl improve conta lettonnghighighs and darcanng shadows without afecting color salvation. CONTRAST AND SATURATION CComerseh, by uel 8 Color bien mods, the S-shaped cure al aloe colour saturation without esting brightness, s0 shacows ard highights are unaflected. This is grat to hoop note under coro oath way to marove saturation Photoshop functon eal Viranco, wien ca ago be ep 8 an austen lye. Vibeance i 9 ee hg 10 quay. Ks a satuaton function, butit works on a rah, affecting the leet saturated ares most, and the most saturated areas east On a lene he te ican neo, but thas to be used wh contast ranean for best affect, which may apa uss an eveaee in rniee. Tis option i058 ‘tangs than using Saturation. Verne is best used whan procoosing a Raw image fa. = (oalele azole Techniques Photoshop.offers. aan ways:to — ; convert colour images into black and a ——. MONOCHROME TECHNIQUES ff though easy colour photography has been around since at last tho 1940s, rmonechrome or “back and white” photography remains popular to this dey. There's ‘something about black and white that really works for some subject. bringing cut toxturo, form and dotal that the mors realistic dapiction of colour eomshow misses. With the right choice of subject, a good well-expesed monochrome image can become a work lof art. Almost al digital cameras include a black and white mode, and as you'd probably ‘oxpect Photoshop offers maitiple methods for converting colour images into sth black nd white Fr this section we'll use this seaside photograph, It has some strong shapes, land colours, and he excellent textures wil also prove useful forthe conversions, bee Rad eee pret acer ener ere MONOCHROME TECHNIQUES Desaturation ‘monactrome corer, ou dusters menu a DESATURATION QQ useEFuL TIP ee teen eer er eter peers MONOCHROME TECHNIQUES. Greyscale ‘ner item neon ROS ed Green Sue) courage yb, uth doce on range, fo arrenoctrome greyecal mago. Tis dnply ecards the butt llocks wot ft, and acharrore grec fs somo n pia leaveg onthe ghee furor ading onto js the ne cranes Q\ useFuL TIP ees RGB Channels ‘Most colour pictues tat you'll come across re mado up ofa ridur of ire primary eoiour charres, one each for ed, gr2en andl bue, With nese tse prmares t's posse to make any ther ner-atimary eniour Most oda fers of imaging use this method. Digital cameras hava an RGR coieur Star mask in ron oft sensor to prove colourinfernation, TVs and monitors deplay colour inagas as on aay ct ty reo, aren an us ets, an axon your red. geen and bie pigments, whichis iy some poopia can have colaur binchess «works by activatng the Channes pate fn you yet looks ae lot the olnertwe. Compare the twee channels hoting now the rlatvo brightness of cifren such asthe blue of tha ay or the rads ‘charge rom one channel tothe next. You can Sloot and saa st ene cern by sctoating and using the Greyseale mae option to ccart the othr channels, This dase ofr a it ot ative con but ie a Berd. MONOCHROME TECHNIQUES MONOCHROME TECHNIQUES fa The Channel Mixer ‘Charnes. Thi tes B coleu charral nat we a dacussed and 10.4 black and wis tage, You'd tho ments > Channel Wier Unt the reducton of ne Elk an Whe menu and adustmars ayer coton Pr tha Camel Migr asthe prefared metho of covering ‘monaetrore for min pologrehers, Opts chan mixer arcsec tne x or Monocreme ate tlc he pare, The mage wl rmedsele can asst fp churn sds oar tho eohnte rane ofers avy of rxing ok Charrel ier Frece > Bk vat fo monacrcare, but now [Ps | MONOCHROME TECHNIQUES Black and White nut Pheteshon 089 came alana 2008 you tomenactrame, Te Channel Mier cflrecone tas that contd andofers even mor. I's ‘woub ind dezs oforine unr ofrng home approach Ging sommcontel wr there Ajustont Layo, so canbe used ro Deed mesos for corvethg colar mages lei of tone, bute Back nd i ‘estate, keeping your base imege eur Blok and We fers compet conve ove the tonal bsroe cf your meg, vit crarns| elders or ra armay ‘ec geen and be, 36 el as norotinany elo can naganta, so you can re-tuno tow ad ca, fmohassing any occur. Cech le acts thoraitve Dightres ofa pericuar charrel Fer our sample ctr hare the ces resut is detains by dacransng the lel ct te, cyen and bk, wine boosting yb. Te crenos a gocdtoal alana berg out ha dtl nha reck erin, os wo sing rater ela the water and dvkring te shy Theos abo alge boost in catast ‘hat hips, Adding Tints The ack nd wht incon ala proves an ety and este method of app ts monochrome iagpe,accuraty erating ok but Dopular posess techniques such 2 sepia cyarctypetenng, cot of wh can ac al atmosghor to aright arf itu. ‘Sorin wih ne sme sigs as beer, wth ‘he aac anc tite sire sto enhance tne sage checkin ho Tint a. Tha dat xing is sometn hat eck a ete soi, bun ft rotate at. according to most pepe erinin, I yoo uxng te Black and Vie Rneton rom ‘nemany option you! Hue are Setuaton Fera nce appcxmaton othe bus ene tac of janetipe ‘ona, gt ho hue leer io about 20°20, are ma he setution sige to the a so thatthe bs tnt que ple. youre using ‘he Black ara White acusront yor teri much better mathe, check ek an en ‘ein the ere coloured seuare rot 04 Ths vilbing up a Patoehoe cob pckar wewow fern a much beter way of contig te cour ang rieraty of ett For areeeaton 9° sen 1009, sel he hue to sbout 4 er an ante ea MONOCHROME TECHNIQUES. range of sbiets, is carain ges. A snp andsoap0 photo ofthe coest uth ne maces Feteences nas elook oan cl, 208 hota are wots exert wal with np ering. weutseok a it iit ‘were 2 phage of some oem cdyscape quan an ariqua makeover. cal bus tt suchas th enone tre righ e me operopit [Ps | ADDING A GRADUATED FILTER Adding a Graduated Filter Graduated filters can improve photos by adding depth and colour to the sky hotographers use graduated fiers placed in front of the camera lens to selectively change the exposure and Sometimes the colou of part of apletue usually to darken the sky to bring out detalle Inthe cloude and balance the exposure with the landscape inte foreground. They come inmany diffrent shapes, sizes and colours to fall ypes of camera syctom, ‘As wth most photographic techniques, i's possible to duplicate tho otfct of graduated filers using Adobo Photoshop, and as usual there are several ways to accomplish this. For this example weil use an aerial image ofa sunrise taken above a church in Daven. 1 ADDING A GRADUATED FILTER Graduated Filter in Camera Raw \When you open the enagain Adobe acres th to of he mah image vinden “The Graduated Fier loon fo the ight When you lick onthe Gackt Fite you se te cont pana on the the Seren cnange. The rer can ape navy dren tects, bute one we wart 0 6 aredusion h axpceu. A soting 2.00 ard-2 70 sreuls procice a suitable eect, 7 Ityour photo waar tak rece, youcan appt = graduated ‘er usr the Gracent Too. To set uo the agate ir, fet soe the Gracin Too ‘hon sot he faroground celcur 9 blue by Clea on tho freground square ane then using the colour ‘To anol te te, deals down ton rnp of he screento te herean ine. ohange he ihecurscr et ans tt lee ie on he iver. You ao rot that you To constan hele oh Sai kay whe raging Nex, the tool oer or, ch onthe gradent ctor and slot Foregrcund to Fansparet, cl on he button ‘or near Grackone, sa the Blondng odo 9 Masti re tho Opacty 0 5 percent Make sure tne bates fr Dhar anc Terepency av chock, “Thor ct re ar hoa sated ee ote ace ett, rut srs lo a groan alte top othe ram. Ths rvs th op most ecacted edge of he ec, wth smooth gradent hetween the to Ines. cu Crag ts ase fe coon, oreo tre emage wl se at maximum ofoc andthe dent wlbe shar. ‘Toapeh tho gadert ote pltue, sar at tne ton ota teme, clacare area cov to tefezon in. Ifyou hod down the shit key {wl constant ine to he verti. Ta be Dende the cleus making them cre. 2 rays a geod et to talor he lend cour fo rat the CORRECTING LENS DISTORTION Correcting Lens Distortion Correct the optical distortion of ultra-wide lenses with Photoshop’s Adaptive Wide Angle ‘Aotive Wide Angle tts te comect at east some ofthese problems, and can warp he ctu to undo tortion, emarkaty sil preserve most of she picture, You' fr Adaptive Wide Angin tho Fits menu, bribe Adapt Wid Ang fis eo he Gonatain’ 6 f09 of ana arag ane oven he handles where tey intersect. You can drag ne ofthe new features introduced with Photoshop CSO is ‘alled Adaptive Wide Angle; this ean warp and bend an Image to undo the optical aistorian common to all very wide 5 3een photographs taken with “ish-oye”™ are called ulra-wide-anglo, because the ‘angle of view that they can capture can be as much as 180 degrees. Naturally the billy to squeeze halt a room into the same shot comes a aprico, and thats extrome optical distortion. Straight and parallel lines appear to be bent, perspective Is massively shortaned and familar objects take on almost ‘unrecognisable proportion. In the photo oppesito, the straight ‘Uprights ofthe window aleoves and bench seats seem to curve Inward, the walls seem to bulge outwards and the whole eect it auite disconcerting iota, rom he panel on the upp oe man seen, an The tne wl auzomsticaly war te select Ftheyo Fem the Coecton top-down siete to make te curved ine mora, Po one of re verte ire, nhs aight, You 266 tha thar a ckoe cick fuera en ne ina, wen two mare conte fd that te Ie i noge rand, rlaing the tho te berg it (ta flow te ine, bu ou Into aver! postion. you held don thea relhandein he m-pcitet _shitkey't willeutomaticaly snap to vertcal tholno to match tup the euncture Fight away. CORRECTING LENS DISTORTION { BUILDING YOUR EDITING SKILLS Creat na tande onthe crear 69 PANORAMA STITCHING Panorama Stitching Get the whole of the landscape into one ultra-wide picture any digital cameras have a feature known a8 “Panorama Stitching” oF help with a particular type of photograph, or rathor sles of photographs, in which successive shots are taken as the camera is panned across a scene, After you tke the fit shot the camera shows the edge of that shot superimposed on the meniter 50 you can match up the position of features in successive ehots, producing a long continuous photo showing an entre panocamic scene. You ean algo shoot your pan sequence manually, pecially if you have a tripod handy to Keep the camera level. When its done well he results can be breathtaking, but getting a satistactory result Tan's easy ast looks, Hung downoad cur panama pete tom the camer into a flee on te PC, iene tore ue Photoshos and ston them tagotnerinto s panama, Looate the es on your nes ave ana open al ot them in Photoenop. you go the Window > Arrange menu you can wow thm a at ‘co n up Hoizantal made. Not essetal, butt ves you a chance to make alas mind expat cick For the puooce of thi tora Wo UB ts smal of four-snatsectence taken coin on he sven coast. Puen jeouroyriny perv cnsitd Way In Photeshep youl nd Photemorg in the Fle menu under Autom, along with eeerl ober automa proceso USEFUL TIP peri eae The Photomerge window ofers number of options ferhow to range your panoramic sts, Fora serole dooape panorama ke this the Auto cpton should Work ne. lok onthe Ae (Opon Fils buon to exit the thew shots to the Phatemere Is, and check ts top te options and the bottom option to atte to i blank eas with the Catena too Ox 1 the progr je gutvalons whieit 5 ancor very large image ls, reghten out Fy val he Bl works, you can aay horizon, buthopetuly you won't nsed The eae fished rect choukd ok comating Ho tis. Colour Replacement Swapping one colour for another ne relatively simple operation that you ‘ean doin Photoshop is to replace one colour with another By using some of the selection tools we looked at eae, along This tutorial withthe Hue/Saturation contol, we can Eee) a ‘change the colour of individual object in our photos, such as replacing the colour of the ‘raft fuselage in this shot, Ki cd roa you want oe, and youth tho ‘wand oc il 9c! an are ound it, The ee ofthe selecon wil depend en the tlre 9. By hoking down the Shit key end coking on areas oreurd you and try again mare crcl seg the tlernice dover ria, muer tou Speen] eek en you've reaches th imi of ful ost ung ‘Again old coun te to oes the Magic Wand col, you can fnsh your more ss to your action, you seecton using tha Potygnsl Lana Too. By road aove ary eras rom tho skection sting the Fethr to 2ea ye ean presi ‘uch ag the undereaage. you can aubtact are-sdgos slction. erates sa he Join Bruch to Jeng down the Akay ane gang it ith te Lace When you've soko al te bk you vient to rept you can save the selon for at usa, to save ys dig al hal weak again you change you ied COLOUR REPLACEMENT ‘Acugh thor recover ier 2 coud use athe pot 1h erste vay to change We colt of he selected aro the Hua’ Salaor/ igh opt, Thi proqrems. fh Semants youl tnd & nthe Ennance menu ‘tommon to most edna ‘Yu have thre ontions under the Hue/Saturation setting. Leave the Lightness sicern te mite postion to prosarve the vor brightness of tho ‘jac, ut you can experiment by moog ‘he Saturation and Hue side's arcund ‘As you move the Hus sider, the colour willetart to shift tough the epactrum of cobur, cr yu can praduce subse cour changes with lower saturation settings, or «ay to hal with subtly and go for broko sth fa sara When you're nsapy wah theres. when your ayes ster iseana, yous ‘cn leet slecton by using the kesboss sherteu Gres, and then save the ou When yu eave ths fal rage ae @. PSD a in Photoshop or lmarts the sc saved ac wo, embeded inthe le, a SOFT FOCUS TECHNIQUE Soft Focus Technique Adding a soft focus effect gives your portraits a romantic feel oft focus isan fact used widoy telealon ad nthe moves = wl 8 many commercial and adveresing photographs, or producing a dreary Tomantt ook. seo abi avourte with twedaing photographers acta! Photography the effects achieved win Special itr fitted aver the eamora lens. ' Many cigital enmeras now inchise sot focus as aGiaitalotfoct, but wo ean produce the ‘same results in Photoshop with ease using i. (Gaussian blur and layer wanspareney. Tha fst te to tu the pictur into ‘to oes ayes, Todo i, 2 the Layer menu, and seloet Duplcale Layer Don't erry tout ning the se, tho SOFT FOCUS TECHNIQUE ‘Nex, goto the Fier menu, mova ‘dovin Yo Bhir,ard sleet Gaussian [Bur Ths spacial ype of Bing ha can be ad ustod to produce corti ofocts, 1 PhotoshopCc Fie Edit I a) ce et eerie =a LN sis elect #0 for ths potatshot, set aracus of 10 piel You may nood a smal race fr male ‘rages, bat koop it subi In the Layers alot, st th teneparet of the blared ayer oareund 80 proan This the si sarp ver yer sew throu, miata he efects ofthe Gaussian Dunit you fod ite to tured, you can crop the ‘Opaciy down to about 40% you he, caren Pere ae Naw, select ere re the Sslect manu srge te elector 20 nat evavnng outside tho lipo s solid. \We can husher enhance te ook the picture by adding ar cliptical vigetto ‘or furier brig arcu he ste. Ti 8 & neve tat ria photecranhers have been usng almost since the inenian of hetoarabin. Fist, select me Elica! Marquee oo Now ade a Lene be ero the sean, jung ta stay bane redus thn blo round 50 pk shoul do hoo Drag an litical mauee selection gure tho portal subject. This may taka fo i a gel, so ue Ge Wo do select #you got it rona, Wren youre nepow with 4 go to the Select manu and cick on Foater, ‘Sat ads of abou 40-50 px ore subject face options use aso ere an of the ure! layer acura your cop tchap you pf. Ps | PROCESSING RAW FILES Processing Raw Files For the best possible quality, ed shoot in Raw mode [ol acd Dea Rede LN Rad I digital SLRs and Compact System Cameras, and most of the boltor compact cameras, havea shooting option called Raw mode. You'l ually dt in the menw a8 an option under Image qualty. Raw mode otters greaty improved image quality over the usual JPEG image file format, and is recommended for all serious photographor Lat’ take a closer look at Raw ‘mode, find out how it works and sae how it can help you! produce better photographs. Wie M PEG Output Raw Output $n pectaimge too 0 zy eotrenicmage seer Ti that prec @ ae eased toh th our cameraasinis anion, outive eooess tothe igh, the hire 2 ill camera Tmusnnarer mage au thentna sander IPEG sensors dont recone cocur amet niting tem st ete. £0 a pei esac 0 lad Bayer er Natualy, homage genes Ey flr wert make much eae tothe unaed ot aon 48 tl (16 be pet channe to 24 bis per chan, won makes sma aes mor easly processed le, but ses scme colour opty becauss ole smal pabt that can bo torent tha many 8s, Ce chen bance eetnos, can ais edo image au, 3s 210 save spans onthe memory cas delay ang the photoganh cra comput ‘he magn vue converte @ compressed {PEG fle, Unfortunate JPEG compression ato redcos re image qty and cans PROCESSING RAW FILES Rea) ha mage. tage of Ran shot, apart rm The me ah ‘he improverentinoveral mage quay, isatit bypastoshef-camera mage pocesshg, such 2 white akan, saa 6.78 ounds ene, but nt od na teks place n tre carers xeet baler the shot thon, ero reverse once relage has been converasta JPEG la 2yshoctng na cro, sou canna the prcceseng akuetanis ‘change hom yeu can co maa ong a you se me cgi a “The dowaide to Paw fe reco sy. The gisotoouse QJ useFUL TIP er Lannie neni iret setae toe eed a Eee esse teary that tho saved ls ro ruc larger, so thoy sks | ger to ave to he mémery card, anu can ttover ct them on thee. Fora tial TEM DSLR, atin aly JPEG fe wilt around V0, tls Paw el Le ero 040, os Many of te more recent DSLRs hae the tlk 0 rood Paw srl JPEG Image tes sfruftanccusy, THe naa me advantage othe JPEG withthe verabity ad quay of Faw, bakes up ven or space on jour amar ears Fray te re ef ery large merry cardi rs akrost daly, so ths n't be much of protem. ADOBE CAMERA RAW INTERFACE ACR Interface Adobe Camera Raw isn’t as difficult as it looks hotoshop comes with Adobe Camera Raw, usually shortoned to ACR. It offer a range of procossing options that enable you to got the best out of your photo, including exposure adjustment, sharpening, noise reduction, colour Correction and automatic conection fr ions distortion. tis regulary updated to maintain Ccompatioity win athe atest cameras and lenses. Like the ret of Photashop, is easy to (get started, Let's take alook at the Intrtace and se0 what thas to offer Toolbar “Tre ms ana man slat tons, most of wih a simian he man Photoanep ince, rude Zour, Hand, Crop, Seaighlon, Spot Rerel, RedEye Remon, ae a newly ie feature thet can ade a cradnte rt your picts Control Palette ‘hss the man don palate, won contaas the conto for each tabed sect. West fhe corr ar cers, ae you can ogo the esto feoch edustmen beth eae on he stam ana'nthaman mage wr. Image Window “Thai eran window ds he mage sear curt weteng on A enanges ht you rake dun Fan etna vil be aie here. You can cam nl haimago ung the magication erie oration et aruse te uss CTR Sond CTAL snouts. You oan oe aha fect sour esrg has had by chang ane urcreckng the pre opten at te top Output Options Aithobotom ofthe scoen vould the contals fer when youve treed yur eat, you clone be nk yeu se arenge of opt entens, snes Acooe Cama Ran process your pictus na renga of de, You can ao fans your ext back mo the aw e909 tremor on ADOBE CAMERA RAW INTERFACE a Control Tabs Information Palette Histogram (Canara Faw breas the workow down “helt side ot this panel sows the ‘he Hstogam shows you the numba ot into cere sation, each nth Bs oun GB coker veies atthe curso ston, kos of each tng in your image ar changas tebied poet ars you can seh ‘The lage ht site of he area eps 138 ou make pose and onourtabece ‘bebacen than by ekg hte The abs the exrosure nlemat ter haimage, ‘agusmenis, The gagsirapsen's to cour a, rom tight: Bas, Tre Ca, inci bo aperire, eur sped, ISO inka om wh iva rom to 255, with Detal, HSIGreyscale,Solt Toning, Ls ‘ating and oral enh othe oa, the cost onthe a a he bles onthe CGonecten, Etec, Camera Calersten, ont The whe eea reoresents the combined Prosets and Srapshets. ‘2ur, but you can ao look at gach colour channel indy Se BUILDING YOUR EDITING SKILLS ¥ ADOBE CAMERA RAW MENUS ACR Menus Adobe Camera Raw has a powerful set of features all nested within a series of easily accessible control tabs. ee eres ‘each witha sories of conto sors and some additional monu tabs. Ce Sct cot Pre eryes tT fol ee erent eed Seer ets teers cee See cee es aa et eer ee net Portree es ionic sz) eer es Tone Curve — a and ene’ Pere etd ee ed eed Sere eee rene nerd Cero eee me nny caer! personal prterence, your time working inthe Basic panel, when used in conjunction with eee ee enc) Sane ett este EL eee ire TF Sees Co Seed peer eens eee See oe ee) eet cemetery Centr eee er and ene Po erin Beene’ ed oT eC ci Seal oer mec ies Peer Pee nay ee ee) ee eee Sea tere eer ass Sua aar Ce ere a eg Seed cs = Creer Split Toning Pe Ce eae eas ero er en peer ene) eect Cs errr rere Eonar NT a Pte Elle Ps | ee raed) eMac telson Dee eed tees earner cee es ‘that can eutomatialy assess your ed rennet ted retentions coer tnt err an coon! te Cees titer) De et cee aad te eae etre Peete ad Ce ees re Cece ets Cee eae) ened eee i: Serra |r OTe eed! ee ere fear nc Seat einer ee erences eee ieee ern eee rae ee petiole eee era ieee arenas Oe ea fer e) Sees eee een eee nr Image adustment asa User Preset eter erent Peete net paly one ocksajusmeonts to your eee eee any Cen errand cee era ces Cee Pikes Sir citocy Cees ee ete ary Peet es eee eens ren enrnty ene ed Poerierenins Se reer ra etd eee rc) Seren) eres ADOBE CAMERA RAW WORKFLOW ACR Workflow @ Getting the most out of your Raw files sk any ve professional photograph about the process they use o ereate thelr Pletures, you'l get five diferent answers. The amount of processing and adjustment used wil vary, depending on tho job at hand and 1s lack a he hielogram atthe top igh of the seroen you ntice tha the Ine a the nigh Grghiesd ene ofthe graph roavely fal comearad to th poaks an thot looaly the ranh shea the era betwen ie ght endothe graph sed to alt boost wihout causing overexposure Toner that we dle 99 much etal to highicht loping, elck onthe he top right come of Te istoran ‘webu Ts tas on the haan wating Any overeosed aras wl tan Bight ‘odin the trago wird. Cling on ihe ke buten urns. te shadew cing warn, the type of nal image required, as wall asthe ‘ype of camera used to take the photo and the use to which the photo wil be put. There {xe certain operations that will be common to most photos that you'll want to process, ‘Wino ling don the At ey cen Mac). move he expos sg the ay kd cv, ale S00 wl be tho owroxpoxod ae, You ead the with ary obi a 00d way 1 make 0 we'll take a look ata common general purpose worktlow that willbe aultabe for most types of photo, Well be using a coastal sunrise photo of Paignton beach shot with 2 Nikon D810 and a Tamron 16-20mm lens. Wie can span a wi car the varus ser ty han equate the istrram, bu the quckest way to get cbse fo he optimum rsutis tall Cara Raw Udo teohard wivk yu ck on Auto he tw willazomatcaly acs the reget aocce & {20d eporonmaton apart exposure, I's robeby rot gong to beta, but wl go us & {150 staring point. You netics that he an arpocod, bul has OK. We've ooking fra god ‘sro ones, ata su ADOBE CAMERA RAW WORKFLOW “Te Auto edustment has made w good jon cts parteuer cnr, but fer landscape shots lit bit of exta saturation ‘sully coke good, so well boost th vbranes by about 40 ar he ioe by 50, 10 gel the cols ofthe sung cota Camera Raw alse prides a cond method ef adusing contt, by atering to fone curse though prefer t because 9 nce and sivas and one & good visual rorecertaton of what wot din, Trego. et rarer o bun out the OMIA use cones. 8 Boastng the nisi so, and then doce he athe eke n decreasing amounts we can picky equate the netogram wtout oa tas much quel. (one of the best things about A (Camera Rais ans comaction feature The Tarvon V2.5 ns use 10 take this pictur is Arica bit of gas, bul ot prec. though shard 10 sae at glance, ths wide-angle dose ser form some precusheon dsarien and Faw comes pre-loaded wih correction prof ‘or huge ist of popular erses, ching ts te opi! stort caused bythe enol hack the box Chane Lans Posie Coractens. ‘ou't ses he change happen to your mage inmate Coe Pee od Cer eS oa eae ected neers cre) CE eats oad ‘Te chromic sberationis ust a8 casy 22 fk Ciek onthe Cortana Len Creation palette end simply choo the box Femove Chromatis Aberation. You Abed 0 zoomin ner the e699 tthe ame to 306 the difernce, but you" noice the fete at orce OnE SG Kaz Enea porcoa at Pe steps largely a mati cf bu! you can as choose to use acamera profi forthe colour cata te0, Inthe Camera Catoraion i, lek onthe (Carera Proto button, and rom the hop: ‘dovm menu select Gamera Standard, Ths sets o clout renderng pote othe bec pal record by the camera, The DE10 does pradice ome ral shot wel use the camara prota i colours 50 fri For this patio re sie to aout 1 from tet of the ctu Fly epion ts eat acre ADOBE CAMERA RAW WORKFLOW ah alte appear then nthe image wedow crag down ADOBE CAMERA RAW WORKFLOW QJ UseEFUL TIP reer ame aera er oe ey rr eer) perenne eran end protieaess serene nang Now you've got the basics down, you can improve and learn more essential skills in our next guide... PHOTOSHOP Coming soon! 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