Workbook 2 U8 L.A

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At home UNIT

Lesson A Spring cleaning 8

Whose is it?
an d
vocabula, y A Complete the chart with the correct pronouns.

Subject pronouns Object pronouns Possesslve adjectives Possesslve pronouns

me mine
he his

B Look at the pictures and write questions with Whose. Then answer the questions
using possessive pronouns.

1. A Whose suitcases are those? 2. A _ _ __ _ _ _ __ 3. A _ __ __ __ _ _

B They're ours. B _ _ _______
ª ------ - - -

4. A _ __ _ __ _ __ 5. A _ _ __ __ __ _ 6. A _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
B _ _ _ _ __ _ __

ª - - ------- ª--- - - - ---
f.l After the party
Athome •m•
G••mm••1Clrcle lhe correct words to complete the conversation.
Kare n Wowl What a mess.
Matt Are ali of these things our /(ÕÜ!!)?
Karen No, they're thlngs people forgot when they left the party last
Matt Well, l'm looklng for my / mine jacket.
Karen Is this your / youra jacket?
Matt No, that's not my / mine. My / Mine is blue. 1guess that's
Ka ren No, it's not hlm / hls. Felipe's jacket's gray.
Matt Oh, well. Wow! Look at those OVOs. Whose are they?
Kare n I think they' reyour parents'. Yeah, these are thelr / thelrs. We
borrowed them when we were ai thelr / thelra house last weekend.
Matt Oh, veah, ... rlght. Hey, whose keys are these? Are they Jan's?
Karen No, they're not her / hers. See the keychain? lt says "Andy."
Matt I lost my / mine glasses, too!
Karen Wait a minute. Is this jacket your / yours?
Mali Yes, thanksl You're amazing. Now, d o you think you can find my / mine glasses?

8 Aboutyou
Are th ese sentences true or false for you? Wrlte T(true) or F(false). Then correct the false sentences.

1. 1can never find anything in my closet. _f_

I can usua//y {ind thinqs in my closet, but I can't {ind thinqs in my drawers.
2. Ali my pens are ln a jar on my desk. __

3. 1put thlngs like my 10 card and passport ln a drawer ln my dresser. __

4. There's a box under mv bed with photos and letters ln lt. __

5. 1put ali mv old magazines and books in the closet. __

6. 1keep stuff like shampoo, brushes, and my halr dryer ln a drawer. _ _

7. 1keep all my shoes in the closet. _ _


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