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The principles of digital debate has to establish original interactivity in

important moment does make things much more useful through affair of combination “a
b c wanna want to be … a b c wanna want it be getting chance for vote or mimetic
show in differently way … a b c wanna want it easy to evaluate case of fairy know
around … a b c wanna want think about sensibly and commonly in diversity real show
and battleground suggestion .. a b c wanna want take place across ultimate trust of
research and study … a b c wanna want set built in procedural tractability and
recently massive compiler show … a b c wanna want to jump into aside for climbing
in order of impressive level … a b c wanna want to mention responsibility and
exercise dump show of human credibility … a b c wanna want to apply closer
supervisory show .. a b c wanna want program advisory aims to deliberate open mind
being apart inside cheerful charity of symbolism of human concerns … a b c wanna
want to be capability to jump aside and catch things being reserves … a b c wanna
want access along away … a b c wanna want to assure growth around …”. Thus in
detailed show, waveform compression has to establish harmony show corresponding to
principles of logic traceability in the fact that movable terms have purposes to
reflect scalability policy would administrate the original show of mobility.

2 2 2
Digital principles would scare sin −cos that has certainly
∫ log 2(2+ 1−sin 2
⋅cos 2
)∂ θ

tolerated corresponding behavior going so far to take part within consciously

charity. Digital designation which has to mean “highlight” of existence that looks
like a definition of (address = linear pointer encoding, data = typifying
traceability) mapping pair. Therefore, the principles of capital balance does wish

Max ( p ,1−p)−Min(p ,1− p)
to point to other sort kind stuff ∫ log 2(2+ 1−Min( p , 1− p)⋅Max( p , 1− p) )∂ p that

does push digital interactivity has to work around human sustainability. On other
hand supervisory and advisory have to govern digital mobility offers variety of

Min( p ,1−p)⋅Max( p , 1− p)
choices around over away ∫ log 2(1+ 1−Min( p , 1− p)⋅Max( p , 1− p) )∂ p represents the

skeleton body of transition traceability. Liable linguistic logic’s show has to

include struggling show between genuine = something, unjust = something else or
anything else which could be charged within involvement of secret signs hold
principles of translation meaningfulness would explore extensible potential

structure Wavy behavior (a+ b)3 that has to deliver much

a=Min( p ,1− p), b=Max ( p ,1− p)

more certainly does adjust strange show on what digital designation has to run
around principles of bright clear challenge of digital mobility. Thereupon digital
effects has to report coverage concept on what transition traceability would jump

f 1
to associate affair of liable linguistic logic’s show ( 2
, 2
) has to exploit
1+ f 1+ f
variable mobility has to expect more stability rounding around transition
traceability and a lot of aspiration across digital harmony. The affair of cycle

sin 2⋅cos2 sin2−cos 2

based simulation ( 2 , ) that can develop in
sin ⋅cos 2+sin 2−cos 2 sin2⋅cos2 +sin 2−cos2

reserved reality style for valid concept of restored principles of digital heart.
Although associate principles of digital behavior has to reserve combination show
for digital harmony. Transition tractability has to work around over valid concept

log 2 (1+n)
of transition tractability. Using , n→ifstream. tellg () going further away
1+ log 2 (1+ n)

assuring description design appeared or seeming very important way has to restore
debates looking great in targeting transition tractability has to try digital
importance does carry listening to products ( to enable principles of conscious
concept has to scan principles of transition supervisory and appreciate advisory).
Digital loyalty has to innovate its original productivity looks useful enough to
handle principles of transition tractability. Yeah linear pointer encoding is great

p 1− p
deal does take advantages of digital behavior mapping
(−1+e 1− p ,−1+e p

sustainability around over away. Liable linguistic logic loyalty has to maintain

log 2 (1+∑ fptr . tellg ())

concept of transition significance that has to reflect
1+ log 2 (1+ ∑ ∑ fptr . tellg ())
i n

driven design of digital behavior around over away. Liable linguistic logic’s show
has to worry about conformity design on how great job of scheduling soul has to
stand around behind associate affair of transition terminology.

1+ p⋅∫ key (n) 1+(1− p)⋅∫ key ( n)

n n
log 2 ( )⋅log 2 ( ) that is supposed to work around digital
1− p p
p 1− p
2 1−p p
1+16⋅( 1+ cos )⋅e ∨e

behavior does adjust principles of digital logic’s show around over across
integrity of principles of mobility and more a lot on what sustainability show does
work on enhancement of transition show. Thus scalability policy has to offer

p⋅(1− p)⋅(1−2⋅p)
results on what ∫ log 2(2+ 1− p⋅(1− p)
)∂ p that has to illustrate driven show

on what principles of existence and more a lot on what appreciate support of

1 2 2
(p +(1− p) )⋅(1−2⋅p)
corresponding sustainability does maintain ∫ log2( 2+ 1− p⋅(1−p)
)∂ p that

shall invest time to discover the effectiveness of digital behavior across over

(1− p⋅(1− p))⋅(1−2⋅p)
away. Therefore digital transformation ∫ log2(2+ 2
p +(1− p)
)∂ p that

generates principles of digital intention and envisage integrity along over away.
Hence, digital mobility would work on traceability show refers to principles of
optimization and more a lot of aspiration across driven definition mean more that
has to support valid translation of innocence and more a lot of aspiration has to
drag principles of sustainability around over away. Transition terminology has to
ask for more originality on what quotidian translation show does point to in order
to round over away. Transition terminology has to hold principles of conformity at
the moment when join-able effects on what digital description has to ensure. The

f 1
effect that digital challenge has to describe conformity of ( 2
, 2
) has to
1+ f 1+ f

scare principles on what digital challenge has to offer around over away. The
principles of mostly probably conformity of transition traceability and its
associate composite show that can weigh and measure thing regarding to the
importance of its install show. Therefore it is asking process for reality requests
have to balance the entirely whole secret of digital harmony in order to perform

(1−p)⋅∫ key (n)∂n

thread tasks alternative show log 2 (1+ ) , n→ fptr . tellg () that can
1+ p⋅∫ key (n) ∂n

invoke principles of logic conformity have to support built in behavior on what

digital comportment around across intention images of integrity and more a lot of

In fact, because the integrity of float encoding has to recognize principles of

(sizeof (ifstream)−fptr . tellg( ))

reporting balance log 3 (1+ ) that can call for
sizeof (ifstream)+ fptr . tellg ()⋅∫ key (n) ∂n

rectifying track would enhance float encoding around over away. It is a great
important attention while principles linear pointer encoding has to arrange the
harmony of logic equivalence does join valuable traceability with useful utility
around across transition tractability at the time when wavy behavior has great
“turbulence” in order to enable touch control on what cycle based simulation has to
serving principles adopt “count a day away to enhance and improve sustainability of
8 24−8
pair< float , float >( , ), 24 →complete(day )
24 24
“this should be human “have”” that has
8 24−8
→winter , →summer
24 24

to work around reality show about transition tractability does hold more logic
scratch along over away. Therefore using the integrity of uni-city of associate key
that has to highlight meaningfulness of transition tractability. Although
increasingly knowledge being aware to struggle between closer concept does matter
around perfection would innovate the effectiveness of digital concept stands behind
the harmony of logic effectiveness. This approach is a small affair of digital

designation ∫ log2(1+ ) ∂ p ::→ probability (occurrence ) that has to
0 1+ p⋅∫ key (n)∂ n

rectify exam experience join-able behavior aiming reaching clear bright harmony
imposes promises of better digital involvement. Based upon linear pointer encoding
hits big story of shielding movability acting to highlight principles of Laplace

p streamoff =fptr .tellg ( )

affair can guarantee conformity of “rotative” artistic roles
sizeof (ifstream)

between charging on deliberating the movable definition has to concentrate on

“hitting” comparison concept does eventually work on equipped instrumental insight
Therefore, for a centric metric approach on what happening has to state in detailed
show seemed having an advisory role weighs recovery affair closer to be

1 ∏ 1− p⋅ ∫ key (streamoff )∂ streamoff

illustration of mobility kindness streamoff streamoff
∫( )∂ p
0 1−p⋅(1− p)

which would define “it was:: reached stream-off even though digital witness has to
entirely refer to real exposition would stand behind the great influence affair
does hack argumentative agreements has to carry honestly enforcement would meet a
clear bright image of digital harmony. Although the principles of optimal commodity

1 ∏ 1− p⋅ ∫ key (streamoff )∂ streamoff

sense has to charge itself making streamoff streamoff
∫( )∂ p
0 1−p⋅(1− p)

altering would count or consider charges for measurable chances adding proper deal
with preference and possible testimony. This potential deal of mobility exam has to
suggest that the best concept of transition logic’s would work well in a

1 ∏ 1− p⋅ ∫ key (streamoff )∂ streamoff

considerable recovery features streamoff streamoff dream
∫( )∂ p
0 1−p⋅(1− p)
of creating a jump way involves settlement link seeming having deal terms:: stream-
off, file position link, iterator<std::ios, stream-off > in a safe way using to
highlight the principles of linear pointer encoding. The exposing reality has to
result in a creative reading of Adams affair balancing between basic regard to say
yeah or nay to a higher hierarchy seemed having pressure on the hidden part seeming
combine discrete soul talk with exposing plan for knowledge and recognition of
selfish owner ( like many philosophical aspect, selfish ( each person is dreaming
to cover ownership realize or deal along any sort kind stuffs on measuring
someone’s moderation or place ) owner (what human commonly sene could call
traceability of cultivated commonly moodiness seeming having pressure on any

1 ∏ 1− p⋅ ∫ key (streamoff )∂ streamoff

decision around over away) streamoff streamoff that is
∫( )∂ p
0 1−p⋅(1− p)

mostly qualified to complete thread tasks on what digital principles have to

deliver when linear pointer has to spread around over away. Although waveform
compression has to work on entitled wish charging to refer to reading through of
discrete soul talk or hidden hierarchy :: supposed that std::ios::beg to threaten
rapid making choice or to highlight Wavy behavior principles when movable balance

a( p)= pow (Min(p ,1− p)+ Max ( p , 1− p),3) ;

round( p)=Min( p , 1− p)⋅Max ( p ,1−p);

has to invoke that can discover the proper
centrics( p)=Max( p , 1− p)−Min( p , 1− p);

round( p)⋅centrics( p)
Wavy ( p)= ;
a( p)

commodity of digital hidden soul across a valid concept of transition tractability

has restore principles of float encoding searching to improve principles of
transition terminology around over away while waveform compression has to guide the
whole philosophical aspects to show that great job of mobility shall design harmony
of hierarchy at the moment when the incrementing insight has to provide human
weighs with liable traceability matching effects of countable affairs. The

principles of ∫ log3( 1+ p ∑ ( n! ))∂ p shall impose reality recovery show around
p n

principles of digital usefulness. While digital challenge has to work around

transition terminology to assure principles of modeling reality, scalability policy

∂ progress
has to offer measurable tools ∂time can simulate the

whole entirely exploitation of streaming affairs.

#include <bits/stdc++.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <ios>
#include <iosfwd>
#include <iomanip>
#include <cstdio>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <cstddef>
#include <cstdarg>
#include <cstdbool>
#include <cstring>
#include <cmath>
#include <math.h>
#include <fstream>
#include <typeinfo>
#include <list>
#include <queue>
#include <iterator>

#define pi 22/7

#define T0 1/4

#define Min(x, y) (x <= y) ? x : y

#define Max(x, y) (x >= y) ? x : y

#define XORp(p) ((p >= 0) && (p <= 1)) ? Min(p, 1 - p) + Max(p, 1 - p) : 1

#define round(p) ((p >= 0) && (p <= 1)) ? Min(p, 1 - p) * Max(p, 1 - p) : 0

#define diffp(p) ((p >= 0) && (p <= 1)) ? Max(p, 1 - p) - Min(p, 1 - p) : 0

#define balance(p) ((p >= 0) && (p <= 1)) ? pow(Min(p, 1 - p), 2) + pow(Max(p, 1 -
p), 2) : 1

#define centrics(p) ((p >= 0) && (p <= 1)) ? pow(diffp( p ), 2) + round( p ) : 1

#define Wavy(p) ((p >= 0) && (p <= 1)) ? round( p ) * diffp( p ) / pow(XORp( p ),
3) : 0

#define eval(p) ((p >= 0) && (p <= 1)) ? 1 - round( p ) : 1

#define qa(p) ((p >= 0) && (p <= 1)) log2(2 + diffp(p) * round(p) / XORp(p)) : 1

#define qb(p) ((p >= 0) && (p <= 1)) log2(2 + diffp(p) * XORp(p) / eval(p)) : 1

#define qc(p) ((p >= 0) && (p <= 1)) log2(2 + diffp(p) * balance(p) / eval(p)) : 1

#define qd(p) ((p >= 0) && (p <= 1)) log2(2 + diffp(p) * balance(p) / XORp(p)) : 1

#define qe(p) ((p >= 0) && (p <= 1)) log2(2 + diffp(p) * round(p) / balance(p)) : 1

#define qf(p) ((p >= 0) && (p <= 1)) log2(2 + centrics(p) * diffp(p) / round(p)) :

#define qg(p) ((p >= 0) && (p <= 1)) ? log2(2 + centrics(p) * diffp(p) / XORp(p)) :

#define qh(p) ((p >= 0) && (p <= 1)) ? log2(2 + centrics(p) * diffp(p) /
balance(p)) : 1
#define qi(p) ((p >= 0) && (p <= 1)) ? log2(2 + centrics(p) * diffp(p) / eval(p)) :

#define qj(p) ((p >= 0) && (p <= 1)) ? log2(2 + diffp(p) * round(p) /
centrics(p)) : 1

#define qk(p) ((p >= 0) && (p <= 1)) ? log2(2 + diffp(p) * eval(p) / centrics(p)) :

#define ql(p) ((p >= 0) && (p <= 1)) ? log2(2 + diffp(p) * XORp(p) / centrics(p)) :

#define qm(p) ((p >= 0) && (p <= 1)) ? log2(2 + Wavy(p) * round(p)) : 0

#define qn(p) ((p >= 0) && (p <= 1)) ? log2(2 + Wavy(p) / XORp(p)) : 0

#define qo(p) ((p >= 0) && (p <= 1)) ? log2(2 + Wavy(p) / eval(p)) : 0

#define qp(p) ((p >= 0) && (p <= 1)) ? log2(2 + Wavy(p) * diffp(p)) : 0

#define qq(p) ((p >= 0) && (p <= 1)) ? log2(2 + Wavy(p) / balance(p)) : 0

#define qr(p) ((p >= 0) && (p <= 1)) ? log2(2 + Wavy(p) / centrics(p)) : 0

#define qs(p) ((p >= 0) && (p <= 1)) ? log2(2 + Wavy(p) * round(p) / centrics(p)) :

#define qt(p) ((p >= 0) && (p <= 1)) ? log2(2 + Wavy(p) * diffp(p) / centrics(p)) :

#define qu(p) ((p >= 0) && (p <= 1)) ? log2(2 + Wavy(p) * diffp(p) / eval(p)) : 0

#define qv(p) ((p >= 0) && (p <= 1)) ? log2(2 + Wavy(p) * round(p) / eval(p)) : 0

#define qw(p) ((p >= 0) && (p <= 1)) ? log2(2 + Wavy(p) * eval(p) / balance(p)) : 0

#define qx(p) ((p >= 0) && (p <= 1)) ? log2(2 + Wavy(p) * diffp(p) / balance(p)) :

#define qy(p) ((p >= 0) && (p <= 1)) ? log2(2 + Wavy(p) * round(p) / balance(p)) :

#define qz(p) ((p >= 0) && (p <= 1)) ? log2(2 + Wavy(p)) / (2 - log2(2 + Wavy(p)))
: 1

using namespace std;

using std::ifstream;

using std::ofstream;

using std::cout;

using std::cin;

using std::list;

using std::queue;
using std::string;

using std::streamoff;

using std::streamsize;

ifstream fptr;

streamoff N;

float f0 = 0.0000;

template<class T, class V> class hold{

friend bool operator==(T& ch, hold& obj){

return( ch == obj.key);


hold() : ptr(), occur(0L) { N = sizeof(fptr);}

hold(T& ch, streamoff ix) : key(ch), occur(ix){


hold<T, V>(streamoff ix) : occur(ix){




if(ptr) delete ptr;

else if(pObj) delete pObj;

else { }

inline virtual bool operator==( T& ch){

return( ch == key );

inline virtual bool RetCh(char* ch){

fptr.seekg(occur, std::ios::beg);, sizeof(T));

inline virtual float SetFLoat(){

long long int m = (long long int)key;

float a = log2( 1 + (N - occur) / ( N + m * occur));

return( a );

inline virtual void SetKey(){

if(typeid(T) == typeid(streamoff)) key = occur;


char* ch = new char[ sizeof(T)];


if(typeid(T) == typeid(char)) key = (char)(*ch);

else if(typeid(T) == typeid(short)) key = atoi(ch);

else if(typeid(T) == typeid(int)) key = atoi(ch);

else if(typeid(T) == typeid(long long int)) key = atol(ch);

else if(typeid(T) == typeid(double)) key = atol(ch);

else if(typeid(T) == typeid(float)) key = atof(ch);

///else if(typeid(T) == typeid(std::ios::binary))


fputs("not assigned type to run away \n", stderr);



fputs("not possible to run over away \n", stderr);


delete[] ch;

inline virtual void SetOffset(){

if(typeid(V) == typeid(long long int)) offset.push(occur);

else if(typeid(V) == typeid(double)) offset.push((double)occur);

else if(typeid(V) == typeid(float)) offset.push(SetFLoat());


fputs("not possible to run away \n", stderr);


inline virtual T GetKey() const { return( key ); }

inline virtual streamoff GetOccur() const { return( occur ); }

inline virtual queue<V> GetOffset() const { return( offset ); }

inline virtual hold* Getptr() const { return( ptr ); }

inline virtual hold<T, V>* GetpObj() const { return( pObj ); }

inline virtual void MakeClean() {

if(ptr) delete ptr;

else if(pObj) delete pObj;

else { }

inline virtual void IncrementOffset(streamoff& ix){

occur = ix;



T key;

streamoff occur;

queue<V> offset;

hold* ptr;

hold<T, V>* pObj;


template<class T, class V> bool Ohold(streamoff& ix, list<hold<T, V>>& vct){

hold<T, V>* obj = new hold<T, V>(ix);


delete obj;
return( true );

template<class T, class V> bool SetList(streamoff& ix, list<hold<T, V>>& vct){

bool ae = false;


hold<T, V>* cl = new hold<T, V>(ix);

T ch = cl->GetKey();

streamoff oc;

for( auto& k : vct){



if(ae == false) ae = true;


if(ae == false ){


delete cl;

ae = true;

}else ae = Ohold<T, V>(ix, vct);

return( ae );

int main(int argc, char** argv){

if( argc != 3){

fputs("not enough parameters (usage eval in out) \n", stderr);



list<hold<short, float>> vct;[1], std::ios::in | std::ios::binary);

if( fptr && (fptr.good())){

streamoff ix = std::ios::beg;

if(SetList<short, float>(ix, vct)) ix = fptr.tellg();


fputs("not possible to run over away \n", stderr);




fputs("not possible (study of possibility across runaway) \n", stderr);



ofstream gptr(argv[2], std::ios::out | std::ios::binary);

for(auto& k : vct){

gptr << k.GetKey();

queue<float> vx = k.GetOffset();

gptr << vx.front();


}while( !vx.empty());


return 0;

Through reading harmony of digital dynamics in productivity appoint to apply

principles of scalability policy can expend the valuable reflexive revolutionary
has to adjust appreciate justification work around inline commodity has to rectify
driven kernel core in common aiming to bring upon a personality of selfish owner
( yeah each individual shares something in common with other:: love, quietness,
wellness, trustfulness, hopefulness, helpfulness, cheerfulness, ...…) The essential
principles of selfish owning recognizing recovery:: yeah digital designation is
considering finest property of very closer testimony leadership while comprehensive
theory evolves support show of exam of privilege eligibility around over away

1 1− p⋅∫ key (n) ∂n

giving knowledge to this mechanism n that sustains in a
∫ (∏ )∂ p
0 n 1− p⋅(1− p)
signal activation show. Thereupon it is core principles to work on a unique critics
check in has to impose a procedural restore does generate trust job across harmony
of digital designation subjecting the scalability policy that can inspire fairness
among special selectivity show operating on what records has to multiply
appropriate performance of “super-well” integrity in an owning way has to publish
conics certainty or periodic running rally has to putout sustainability of “count a
day away to be aware::: how to check advances show in considerable testimony?
Although mainly trust terminology has to highlight in order to perform reality

Minus(among , basics)
closures log 2 (1+ ) that has fairly to be able to
among+basics⋅ ∫ key ( basics) ∂ basics

convoy for better sustainability that can be available expressing recognition of

proportionality show has to count resulting review in affair of exam of expectation
would guide people to trust diversity of opinions. Although the principles of
digital meaningfulness has to consider acknowledgment of valuable terminology

reported very useful

∫ key (basics)∂ basics strictness supposed
log 2 (1+ )
among+basics⋅Minus (among , basics)

to guide float encoding along over weighted balance does assume having powerful
influence on what’s proper worthy way has to point to. Due to the original works of
Archimedes that can describe particular prevention on what liable linguistic
logic’s has to reserve in staff show merges the way fairly thought to mirror
principles of human wellness and quietness around over away. Digital recognition

p 1− p
has to acknowledge intentional assistance that being
mapping=(−1+ e 1− p ,−1+e p

useful reflection leaning issues on what memorizing education effects and

availability has to recovery principles of quietness settlement would adjust and
arrange human traceability and optimal objectivity has to establish guidance show
does register effectiveness believes in the strength of influence instead of
impacting liability transformation of job scheduling has to adjust advances
algorithm does purpose to weigh trustfulness of human transparency and talent. That
agree that valuable balancing behavior has to adjust confrontation in details show
has to recovery human sustainability along over away. Thereupon responsible
traceability has stabilize the whole things on what logic’s liability supposed very
needed or required to set or reset point overview references coincidence conformity
at the demand of logic cooperation. The reveal integrity made essential exploration
has to recovery principles of resistance of inner inspiration aiming to set driven

∂ progress
policy for digital trustful job ∂time that can discuss

revived appointment would be attainable along over across principles of adjustable

arrangement has to work a lot on what quiet wellness shall announce having in
bright optimization show concerns the massively press procedural believing in
original matter of academic directives sin2−cos 2
∫ log2( 2+ 1−sin2⋅cos 2 )∂ θ , θ =2⋅π cot n⋅f n⋅T 0 that

can understandable in stack management show does matter opportunity of expressing

harmony of envisage composite does reserve statements heard very closer to be
involved within the empowerment of transition traceability. Therefore, let assume
that “to count a day away has to highlight or putout the appreciate judgment on
what is if there is … on what is if there is serial sequential call concerns
quietness, creative wellness uses itself inside a leadership staff does together
work to win trust job. Thus trust job looks very hanging on circumstance of human
appointment ( be herewith to focus on affect of honestly Loyalism could commit or
refer to .. or “aware have” to enforce the administrative assets in thread show has
to challenge effects of rolling rules, rules have to comply to potential coherence
charity does encourage the inertial pressure on an envisage existence of balancing
knowledge aside apart has to refer to cycle based principles getting used to

do { if(SetList<T, V>(streamoff&, list<hold<T, V>>&))

support digital modeling that
streamoff =fptr . tellg() }while(!fptr.eof());

has to describe the effects on making pressure on discrete opportunity does

overtime try to model complex staff show steps towards responsibility requests
inspect the behavioral importance (genuine = something, unjust = something else or
anything else) guarantees influence references within reflexive requests have to
point to human impact: yeah early morgen … old general point overview did take
parts to highlight human credibility basically on knowledge of serious show would
merely focus on appreciate interest of guidance :: guide me as it could .. please
show me the right as it would… delivering or does putout underlining interests on
what adjustable behavior has to ultimately exercise principles of bright clear
images of human harmony::: yeah someone has to accept terminology of quietness and
wellness around narrative interference show would focus on rectifying recovery
concern thinking being very useful to work on built in behavior deals with
productivity ::: yeah to enforce trust of selfish owner brings upon responsible
joints (supervisory cases or clauses and obligation to order for guideline
recommendation or guidance show ::: guide me as it would … please show me the right

1+ p⋅∫ key (n)∂n 1+(1− p)⋅∫ key (n)∂ n

n n
as it could …
log 2 ( )⋅log 2 ( ) that looks very
1− p p
p 1− p
2 1− p p
1+16⋅(1+cos )⋅e ∨e

import and interesting to be involved within the fact of modeling digital behavior
within worthy way that liable linguistic logic’s show has to putout integrity
fairness would start to review or resume the join-able whole thread job of digital
harmony. Thus the small vibration specification has to emphasize winning human
sustainability insists on diversity request on what liable honestly output has to

(1−2⋅p)⋅(1− p⋅(1− p))
matter auto-mastering ∫ log 2(2+ 2
p +(1− p)
)∂ p that can learn more on the

battleground show imposing usefulness of cheerful argumentative show has to insist

1 2 2
(1−2⋅p)⋅( p +(1− p) )
on recommended reality ∫ log2( 2+ 1− p⋅(1−p)
)∂ p that has to turn great

keeping shielding in proper supervisory show has to gather to commonly sense agree
being rightly mentioned to meet meaningfulness ( liberty and freedom of open mind
has to support hanging effects around along through reading reality of reflexive
show has to provide the entirely expertise worrying about structural aut0-mastering
show has to thread useful database methodology works on packing up serious
meaningfulness of envisage composite. Yielding that hold<short, float> has to
discover reality of sensible meeting of note use of bit-vector show to allow the
procedural “got things → harmony of imposingly digging wholes inside flipping
scopes can adjust principles of operative occurrence and signal recognition.

1 1
(1−2⋅p)⋅p⋅(1− p) (1−2⋅p)⋅p⋅(1− p)
Thereupon ∫ log 2( 2+ 1− p⋅(1− p)
)∂ p∨∫ log 2 (2+ 2
p +(1− p)
)∂ p that can
0 0

involve sensitive reasons underlining expectation wish looks for trust job to work
rightly along over human commodity and ultimate advisory show has to study enough
human behavior looks for determination of valuable privilege typifying invokes the
principles of fairness. Let assume that the principles of digital opportunity has
to go steps further wanting to speak about triggered traceability deals with
trustful campaign does insist on human recovery would place higher expectation on

1 1
1 1
testimony show ∫ log 2(1+ p⋅∑ ( n ! )) ∂ p∨∫ log2 (1+(1−p)⋅∑ ( n ! ))∂ p goes carefully to
0 n 0 n

record harmonized knowledge culture would clarify principles of human recovery if

trust job has to hope test totality of wavy behavior rounding around transition
terminology shall define principles of trustful terminology has to join digital
usefulness with imagination world when digital matters refer to circumstance of

log 2 (1+∫ key (n)∂ n) 1

partition ( , ) that can defend the
1+ log 2 (1+∫ key (n)∂n) 1+ log 2 (1+∫ key (n)∂ n)
n n

effectiveness of digital character along over away has to regulate formal proper
principles of availability and more a lot of aspiration goes more through
underlining open mind behavior and highlighting free voluntary opinion does

2 p 1−p
f 1 2
regulate principles of sovereignty uses mapping=( 2
, 2
), f =−1+e 1− p ∨e p

1+ f 1+f

that can solve any associate compromises concerning the effectiveness of digital
designation rounding to describe principles of movable pointer across useful aspect

1 ∏ (1−p⋅∫ key (n) ∂ n)

has to highlight n n that can
∫( )∂ p , n→ streamoff =fptr .tellg ()
0 1−p⋅(1−p)

underline principles show on what sequential record reference work to threaten

stochastic welcome finds concerning affair within better deal of transition
traceability. Although serving check in balance of scalability policy does mean
that emerging regards working on intentional influence of transition triggers
register or charging to define rules for existence ( tomorrow someone will come
construct human leadership does dream of engaging in implementable summit would
adjust principles of occurrence and much more about trust job or making pressure on
what is if there is special opportunity of formulating forgiveness or similar

(1−2⋅p)⋅(1− p⋅(1− p))
∫ log2( 2+ (1−2⋅p)2+ p⋅(1−p)
)∂ p
recommendation show that can respect digital
1 2 2
(1−2⋅p)⋅( p +(1− p) )
∫ log2( 2+ 2
)∂ p
0 (1−2⋅p) + p⋅(1−p)

significance charged to drive balancing behavior into significance of descriptive

accountability and focus on meaningfulness along over away.
In fact, the consciously chance to solve primordial imaging impact does get be
involved with revived segmentation mostly used to figure out a potential thread job
of digital harmony. Because essential inertial implementable rules inside digital
designation is to qualify a quotidian being meeting with the settlement sensibility
treats input-output streaming in standard terminology (“std::ios”). Thus, stream
pointer or linear pointer has to move away around logic motion highlighting
indexing and iterator likewise or similarity. Thing like std::ios::beg (standard
input-output begin), std::ios::cur (standard input-output current or cursor (at
that moment monitoring a “wait” show (like a running of wait moment time to make
decision for better choice of selective gain of time to take initiative for
harrying carrying real shape of choice:: switch(typeid(T)): case(typeid(char)) :
key = (char)(*, sizeof(T))); break

cyclebased =do{char∗ch=new char [ sizeof (T )];

fptr . seekg (std ::ios:: cur , std ::ios:: beg);
fptr . read (ch , sizeof (T )) ;
switch(typeid(T)): {
case( typeid (char )) :key=(char )(*ch );break ;
case(typeid (short )):key =atoi(ch); break ;
case (typeid (double)): key=atol(ch) ; break ;
etc .. case(typeid ( float )) :key =atof ( ch)..
ix=fptr .tellg ();
while( ix != std::ios::end );

The principles of linear pointer encoding has to learn how to focus on a standard
input or closer to mean appreciate likely “located around” condition would allow to
get ready data in a scanning mark mentioned being considerable importance because
it is pointer to make tracks on a primordial knowledge looks very useful to
translate gathering data (ongoing edges, thereupon char type or a byte has the
ability to represent or to depict the “top match = 28 = 256 combination or ASCII to
document about case would receive signals covering the running race of intensify
( varying level of aiming voltage to step towards or forwards …., although the
double or short is a number of bits or bit-vector show that can be responsible to
transform charging choice of signal sensibility to set a compliment mechanism has
to fight for selfish or itself or wondering owner does authorize principles of
digital to return turns in primordial processing of inspiration battleground and
associated confirmation of conformity deals with strict mentioned report look very
useful to explain things aside apart when celebrated philosophical need or
necessity or requirement wait for the job of consciously charity would have been
done or imposing an agenda plan search for hitting overview point knows one the
methodology of scheduling “making decision” show. Yeah what to do with a bit-vector
show with a size length n which has to deliver a combination has to enable
transition traceability in rightly power(2 = binary, n) = 2 n countable number to
fix things around any combination show mastering transition traceability which has
to purpose the study of measurable energy has to excite each bit location or
destination to hear more about extensible reveals of digital composite. Thereupon
each std::ios::beg has to meet std::ios::end through a varying show uses strongly
recommended run of std::ios::cur that has to struggle inside a respective implicit
and explicit recovery of “start up to grow dreaming to reach fully success” and
“boundary limit cross show” has to develop capability of exploring expectation
responsible to translate the covering part of transition traceability along over
Minus(ios ::end ,ios ::cur )
proportionality=log 2 (1+ ), n→std ::ios ::cur that
Add (ios :: end ,multiply (ios: : cur ,∫ key (n)∂ n))

has to explain apart changeable movable pointer would allow gather data at
responsible position or location pointing to guaranteeing address dissolution show.

N −n
Thus the principles of p=log 2 (1+ ), ∀ N =std ::ios:: end that can go
N +n⋅∫ key (n) ∂n

proper way to manipulate the principles of movable address refers to linear pointer
encoding or hitting index mirroring does help to highlight the reflexive recovery
does learn how to hang expectation on that chance of translation and transformation
like ASCII like in its biggest show like. So straight road, when std::ios::beg has
to guarantee the origin of start up this is why for any commonly sense and finest
human, things like exploration of Adams stability ( study of decision opportunity
when the pressure channel has to bring upon a reviewing map deals with principle of
1. it exists ( Composite ) → ( charging (low, high)) → R( Minus(among,
basic )) = can( claim )

2. value of = decoding( what's(encoding) ) → countable( reveals ) →


one=it ∃(Composite )→(charging (low , high))→ R( Minus( among, basic))=can( claim)

two=value of some=decoding(what ' s (encoding))→countable (reveals)→Wavy (about (atmosphere))

In fact, driven digital designation has to explain how waveform compression would
master the great show deals with exerting existence in differently details has to
run for further legacy of fairness depends of what’s difference has to reactivate
or to generalize reviewing meaningfulness of “being tourist, first of all it is to
set destination (std::ios::end), second of all it is to go over there and to ask
about all possible ways has to reach that destination (std::ios::end) but before
yeah but before it would be closer to hack the major main structure of likely
agenda show in detailed designation of casting thread = (std::ios::beg)(plan) which
would load the meaningfulness concerning hopes and mastering “surely being”:: yeah
being sure that one day someone will reach the destination (it is about traffics
show refers to effects of dissolution explicit processing has to know diversity of
culture show, to respect the notion of human recovery, to impose recommended
advisory show, to settle built in behavior of aim object mirroring human magnetism:
something can define the preference of someone although something would reserves
explanation tracks to an original summarize about advantages, kindness, iterator
show and even though the cause of encoding or mattering sensitive sensor effect
show does help to exploit the reflexive honestly stepping learning hang up::
Elizabeth was child, Elizabeth had got Diploma, Elizabeth is looking to update
potential strength of digital testimony forth towards likely measures of
consciously charity would hold aspiration show and open mind initiatives around
over away.) The stepping learning towards highlight of human credibility has to
challenge the great map of supervisory testimony along over away:: being ahead
staff does mean being responsible to trust job of harmony and movable scope shall
guarantee the explaining show or the translated behavior of “targeting character”
and “triggered integrity” would maintain attainable joints work to model the
situation from the beginning when its start to grow has to state a backward
virtuality responsible to rightly induce proper massive possibility in digital
principles concerns:: yeah balance planning suggestion just from a consideration of
trust of “it would be purposes ::: this … it is first about something but also it
has to open door on free world of associated opinion show:: yeah for freedom of
giving feedback ( feedback servers will be implementable qualification for any
public establishment has to dream about acceptable level of satisfaction ::: yeah
it is about 55% percent that this public establishment has to experience public
concern hearing about beautiful images and check up referring to scientific aspects
would summarize the voluntary effects of human willing::: yeah each person around
and across inside or even outside has to dream or to wanna want charity of push
show makes pressure on human being to take advantages of what is available to
enhance work’s methodology, life style in open mind meaningfulness ( no dependency
of open mind neither to depend on the holly statement mapping structural testimony
in departure show of impacting believing pressure:: yeah Religion has to define the
great scope show in consolidator show of integrity when Lord Creator God has to
define proper ways reaching testimony and mostly likely measuring chance of
existence. Thereupon it is mentioned that Prophet Jesus would raise to meet the
highest destination of human motion result in a great believing of separation of
skeleton body dreams of being clean, well, beautiful, bright and very and very
useful through applied daily routines of breakfast, lunch, dinner or jogging, worth
walk, swimming charges, sport analysis, … etc but also a deep thought show has to
deliver or to bring upon or to highlight or to show or to demonstrate the
capability of being dependent on backwards reference has to install its roots since
the childhood in precisely show of believing in moodiness effect can order for soul
support which refers to bigger energy selectivity (yeah at this time it is about
making progress:: deliberation of open mind show, study and analysis of resulting
in results ( study of risks and more about possible processing can guarantee
advantages of usage utility ( yeah someone would use selfish owner to describe
principles of mirroring education::: as was child parenthood has to influence
adaptive and ad optative behavior also as if there was possible integrity, things
has to hold aspiration show looks towards influence (making pressure on what is
good and dreaming of what would be better::: enough money to survive adventures if
possible to travel around the globe, associate partnership would discover the
primordial principles of cooperation and coordination along over away…) Thus this
associate choice of hacking principles of existence has to cover human composite in
separate parts could be going to unify a personal inner first of all would define
driven dynamics of selfish owner (being auto-master to work around solving any
possible problem → centric metrics approach which has to highlight the principles
of autonomy around over away). Human gain has to win confidence in selfish owner
concerns, an appointment show has to encourage people define additive expertise
show blame driven definition on what freedom has to look like or what the running
rally for democracy has to complete serving services in a countable growing
itemizing marginality point overview … although human commonly sense has to adjust
principles of governable measures: how a best judge would make right decision?
First it is about learning of habits, second it is learning of possibilities show
but third would a study of influence and more a lot of aspiration show. This
approach has to define driven kernel of liable linguistic logic’s settlement set =
{(measurable::amount (how often this act has been done? In summer like in winter
streets have to be repaired for better speed around over away), utility::tools
( what is if there is → principles have to study the great opportunity of having
money to buy tools or to invest within corresponding innovative industry show in
best way of human considering thoughts show apparently has to grow around
experience and more a lot of aspiration aspects along over away), (instill:: nodes(
associate terminology or meaningfulness does stand to fix affair of consciously
show would affect principles of “working together to summit of “neither guilty nor
faulty affair”), infuse ::edges (gathering data methods has to reserve principles
of traceability show:: human being is a useful terminology)), (custom(event =
happening → study of principles of human wellness and more a lot of quietness
show), trust(time = count a day away to be aware))} settlement set that has to
serve all sort kind stuffs of digital behavior being around trust of traceability
Liable linguistic logic’s show has to work around computerization show has to

1 p⋅∫ key (n)∂ n

invoke ∫ log 2(1+ ) ∂ p can serve transition tractability to adopt
0 p+∫ key ( n)∂ n

principles of liable linguistic logic’s would guarantee hierarchy harmony has

backwards root into hopes and calendar stone show streamoff =fptr . tellg ( ) that has to

evolve transformation of liable linguistic logic’s can install a prediction system

point to associate opportunity of consistency. Thus log 2 (1+ p⋅∑ ( )) that has to
n n!

provide principles of coherence and confront able decision heard useful for liable
linguistic logic’s show to put on a bright clear characteristics has to harmonize
the valuable transformation of transition’s advances has to push things around
illustrative show has to accept associate coherence of a built in behavior has to

N −n
affect the heart ∫ log2(1+ ), n→ streamoff =fptr .tellg ( ) that has to
0 N +n⋅∫ key (n)∂n

validate the recovery of digital designation present an exposition show has to obey
to principles of useful confrontation can direct transformation of transition
within the respect of mostly likely reference that developed cause has to reserve
thread task job for digital responsibility. Thereupon timing simulation has to

1 1+ p⋅∫ key (n)∂ n

extract ∫ log2( )∂ p that has to guarantee the imaging impact works
0 p +∫ key (n)∂n

around an available show generate rectifying statement in general point overview

has to equip exploration of trust job around over away. Digital show has to achieve
experience along over advances and effectiveness of synthetical show has to

1 ∏ (1− p⋅∫ key (n) ∂n)

emphasize a variable level of n n that categorize exerting
∫ ∂p
0 1− p⋅(1− p)

exploitation of liable linguistic logic’s terminology has to cumulate “pass bridge”

growth in a confidence concept deals with liable linguistic logic’s survivals
enable circumstance meeting testimony of validity of digital monitor. The
principles of intentional images of trust job and testimony looks like exploitation
of “pass bridge” has to guarantee general point overview would increase operational
1+ p⋅∫ key (n) ∂n 1+(1− p)⋅∫ key (n)∂ n
n n
log 2 ( )⋅log 2 ( ) has to encourage
1− p p
p 1− p
1+16⋅(1+cos 2)⋅e 1− p
∨e p

proportional show would guide the whole system to recognize principles of

meaningfulness and destination does mention that valuable importance of working
around subjectivity and kindness has to deliver more persistence around over away.
Transition traceability has to summarize recovery show has to work around the
manipulation deals of timing simulation. Even though the real dynamics of

2 2 2
proportionality has to adjust sin −cos has to adopt evaluation
∫ log2(2+ 1−sin2⋅cos 2
)∂ θ

show involved within famous closer show seeming having appointment to discover the

∂ progress
aim object of ∂time that can be able to empower directly

show has to join convertibility administration with useful effects have to

p⋅(1− p)⋅(1−2⋅p)
highlight digital concerning impact on what ∫ log2( 2+ 1− p⋅(1− p)
)∂ p that has

to develop integrity show get available and valuable running trace has to maintain

possible link or connection into principles ∫ log 2( 1+ )∂ f (a , b , δ ) that
f (a ,b , δ ) 1+ δ⋅a⋅b

has to supervise more design on digital ownership and valid case of transformation
show has to invoke imaging impact around sovereignty. The mostly like principles of
digital modeling show has to regulate the merely affect of transition logic legacy
around over away across availability and more a lot of aspiration around across

p 1− p
testimony show 1− p p that has to generate useful show on
mapping=(−1+ e ,−1+e )

what event happening going to be mentioned mount management of associate

f 1
gratefulness around over away while mapping=( 2
, 2
) is great usefulness of
1+ f 1+f

primitive processing can characterize the harmony of sustainability along over away
α⋅log2 (1+ n)
the image of p= that has to restore a touch image on what unified
1+β⋅log 2 (1+n)

unity of proportionality has to imagine real location guarantee to provide the

α⋅log 2 (1+∫ key (n) ∂ n)

whole that would ask for more join-able closer validation
1+ β⋅log 2 (1+∫ key (n)∂ n)

show has to adjust principles of trust job around over away. While principles of

digital dynamics
mapping= , n→fptr . tellg () that has to grow
1+ ξ⋅log 2 (1+∫ key (n)∂ n)

through guarantee of digital spread would affect the principles of extravagancy

show. The major main principles of liable linguistic logic’s has to excite the

(((measurable ::amount ,utility ::tools) ,(instill :: node , infuse ::edge)), X)

principles of that
X =(custom(event =happening), trust (time=availability))

shall deploy great show can charge to highlight announcement of responsibility. The
principles of job scheduling serious work helping people to recovery good

1 p⋅∫ key (n)∂ n

atmosphere ∫ log2(1+ )∂ p that recommends advisory show to transform
0 p+∫ key (n)∂ n

token simulation to driven balancing passes has to weigh happy translation of

meaningfulness remains very close to be involved within reality show has to
discover whether human being would respect the principles of liable linguistic

1 p⋅∫ key (n)∂ n

logic’s show around over away ∫ log2(1+ )∂ p , n>fptr . tellg () that can
0 1+∫ key ( n)∂ n

describe images of digital opportunity has to project a standing show would mirror
or figure out a standard show has to deliver a mentioned property for envisage
option to strategically hit option of a spread approach has to guarantee more space

cos2 +f 2 p 1− p
−1+ e 2
for “pass bridge” show , f =−1+e 1− p ∨−1+e p
has to return values of
∑ ( n1! )

proportionality around over away in differently adjustment show being required for
formal call of job scheduling along over away. Liable linguistic logic’s show has
to offer resulting in reality on what argumentative agreement would kick on either
basically changeable behavior has to maintain realize on what associate
meaningfulness of trust job. Liable linguistic logic’s show which has to raise
principles of (genuine = something, unjust = something else or anything else)
mapping pair that point to a remarkable purpose partition revises targeting means
across human concerns or aim objects or envisage expectation. The valid design of
transition tractability has to associate principles of digital modeling scratch

around over away Thus using charging chances streamoff =fptr . tellg () has to join

valid discrete talk whose subject could define the significance of digital

translation log 2 (1+ p⋅∑ ( )) ,n →fptr .tellg ( ) while the ideal moment is to assign a
n n!

logic thought reporting a harmony existence trigger the influence of encoding in

totally consciously reserved running interpretation accent show. Thus digital race
is making accent on deliverance of artistic record deployed to transform event
sequences in a selective show of digital pattern has to make pressure on transition
tractability in unique words of meaningfulness of exponential policy has regulate
looks being evidence instances. The heart of exponential policy has to drag
increasingly hang on what hopes have to accent the overpowerful streaming.
frame fps queue size time bit-rate speed

N −n
Thus using
log 2 (1+ )
N +n∫ key (n) ∂n that can describe the principles of happiness

in art image credibility going to exploit or fetch principles of hopefulness and

trust job. Although using the principles of wavy behavior when transition

1+ p⋅∫ key ( n) ∂ n 1+(1− p)⋅∫ key (n) ∂n

tractability has to accept n n that can
log 2 ( )⋅log 2( )
1− p p

guarantee driven design of digital gratefulness around over away. Thereupon

1+ p⋅∫ key (n) ∂ n

principles on what n that can offer more free space for
log 2 ( )
1− p

digital opportunity to work around associate assignment has to hold principles of

1− p⋅(1− p) (1−2⋅p)⋅(1− p⋅(1− p))

conscious character around over away ( , ,...) that can
p2 +(1− p)2 p2 +(1− p)2

show principles of dynamic useful translation tractability has to assign more

proportional processing across adjustable association on what human logic’s show
has to accept valid terminology. Liable linguistic logic’s show has to develop more
consistency around valid supervisory show.

In fact it is time to convoy … in fact it is time to know … in fact it is time for

adequate speed race away … in fact it is time to come close to super well … yeah it
is time to come closer for better job … in fact it is time for tools use and more
lot of aspiration show … in fact it is tine to raise straight towards check of
sciences tracks … in fact it is time to discover human tracks along reach and
honestly own …. in fact it is time to support logic’s retrievable show … in fact it
is time to locate useful reality of ongoing edges … in fact it is time to wait for
valuable focus on … in fact it is great moment for highlight of stepping show ans
scaling policy show fact it is great moment to work around bright clear trust
of job … in fact it is great moment having desires for things handle chances and
dreams around away … in fact it is great moment for sensible run … has to comply
with required need and more dependency on wait on hopes and aspiration show .. in
fact it is great moment to ask for justification of any know … in fact it is great
moment to do well … in fact it is great moment to work around trust of scheduling
job … in fact it is great moment to invest in recovery show … in fact it is great
moment for optionally qualification and more a lot of aspiration joy … in fact it
is great moment to prefer working on innocent harmony and wonderful statement
assure concept of trust job .. in fact it is great moment to support logic’s
harmony and a lot more … in fact it is great moment to decide further straight show
… in fact it is great moment to describe desires and being aside apart for meeting
advancing show … in fact it is great moment to locate principles of uniformity and
great opportunity of passionately show … in fact it is great moment to prevent
safety and ongoing built in offensive of selfish owner and enough hope away … in
fact it is great moment for better race encourage images of innocent harmony and a
lot of productivity show .. in fact it is great moment to move for cheerful goals
and being something logically attainable inside trust job … in fact it is great
moment to confront the wanna want show … wanna want get training and even thought
cooperative sense of wanna want more … in fact it is great moment to highlight
ability and moodiness away … in fact it is great moment to like innocent images of
trust job …. in fact to report balance show … in fact it is great moment to support
dreams and ongoing joy … in fact it is great moment being informed and having
ability to achieve intensive show … in fact it is great moment to welcome new
images of super well … in fact it is great moment to decide around loyalty
usefulness and truth matters around away … in fact it is great moment to hit wanna
want to take advantages … advantages of existence and exploring exam on what a next
door has to mean away … advantages to formulate the meaningfulness of human joy and
dreams show … advantages of suggestion and organized recovery has to report much
more … advantages hit in great job of scheduling policy and more a lot of
aspiration show … advantages of individual recitative Roy … advantages … it is
great moment to surround thread call people to hold good atmosphere and aspiration
… in fact it is great moment to work on higher hierarchy around … in fact it is
great moment to think of human aid and selfish support in intensive images of
updating behavioral rally … in fact it is great moment to take owner into
importance of logic’s influence has to figure out summary way of commonly sense and
flash point overview of something belongs to owning ally … in fact it is great
moment to be frankly defending human pay attention and survival aspiration weigh …
in fact it is great moment to work around trust and a lot more … in fact it is
great moment having built ins show can decide and discuss every thing around away …
in fact it is recovery of good atmosphere … in fact it great moment to join
everything with great good atmosphere working for happy holly show .. in fact it is
time to accelerate support engines for couples of desires and aiming trust away …
in fact it is great moment to simulate human driven kernels and a lot of aspiration
around over away .. in fact it is time to consider what if it is necessary to make
joy for any super kind of trust around associate job … let is think more about
human valid traceability … let us work the same way that innocence has to fill up
away … in fact let use join everything with trust job … in fact let us consider
driven joy inside great usefulness show … in fact let us allow freedom to spread
away … yeah it is reveal for any show to let freedom spread away yeah it is reveal
to work on what a freedom has to be available case of human considerable joy ..
yeah it is fact to run liable show
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <ios>
#include <iosfwd>
#include <iomanip>
#include <cstdio>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <cstddef>
#include <cstdarg>
#include <cstdbool>
#include <cstring>
#include <cmath>
#include <fstream>
#include <list>
#include <queue>
#include <typeinfo>
#include <algorithm>

#define pi 22/7

#define Min(x, y) (x <= y) ? x : y

#define Max(x, y) (x >= y ) ? x : y

#define Balance(p) ((p >= 0) && (p <= 1)) ? Min(p, 1 - p) + Max(p, 1 - p) : 1

#define Wavy(p) ((p >= 0) && (p <= 1)) ? Min(p, 1 - p) * Max(p, 1 - p) * ( Max(p, 1
- p) - Min(p, 1 - p)) / pow(Balance(p), 3) : 0

#define eval(p) ((p >= 0) && (p <= 1)) ? 1 - p * ( 1 - p ) : 1

#define XOReval(p) ((p >= 0) && (p <= 1)) ? pow(p, 2) + pow(1 - p, 2) : 1

#define centrics(p) ((p >= 0) && (p <= 1)) ? log2(2 + (1 - 2 * p) * eval(p) /

XOReval(p)) : log2(3)

#define rounding(p) ((p >= 0) && (p <= 1)) ? log2(2 + p * (1 - p) * eval( p ) /

XOReval(p)) : 1

#define T0 1/4
using namespace std;

using std::list;

using std::queue;

using std::string;

using std::ifstream;

using std::streamoff;

using std::fpos;

using std::ofstream;

using std::cout;

float f0 = 0.0000;

ifstream fptr;

streamoff iy = std::ios::end;
template<class T, class V> class hold{

friend bool operator==(T& ch, hold& obj){

return( ch == obj.key);


hold() : ptr() { }

hold(T& ch, streamoff& ix) : key(ch){

occur = ix;


hold<T, V>(streamoff& ix){

occur = ix;




if(ptr) delete ptr;

else if(pObj) delete pObj;

else{ }

inline virtual bool operator==(T& ch){

return( ch == key);

inline virtual bool RetCh(char* ch){

fptr.seekg(occur, std::ios::beg);, sizeof(T));


inline virtual float SetFloat(){

long int N = (long int)iy;

long int n = (long int)occur;

long int m = (long int)key;

return( m + log2( 1 + (N - n) / ( N + m * n))); // corresponding to
define uni-city

inline virtual void SetKey(){

if(typeid(T) == typeid(streamoff)) key = occur;


char* ch = new char[sizeof(T)];


if(typeid(T) == typeid(char)) key = (char)(*ch);

else if(typeid(T) == typeid(short)) key = atoi(ch);

else if(typeid(T) == typeid(int)) key = atoi(ch);

else if(typeid(T) == typeid(long)) key = atol(ch);

else if(typeid(T) == typeid(double)) key = atol(ch);

else if(typeid(T) == typeid(float)) key = atof(ch);

/*else if(typeid(T) == typeid(string)) key = string(ch);

else if(typeid(T) == typeid(std::ios::binary) key */


fputs("not special type was token upwards \n", stderr);



fputs("no corresponding matching type \n", stderr);


delete[] ch;

inline virtual void SetOffset(){

//occur is a placement kindness where to start reading type T

//occur is a placement pointer reflect mirror of start up
if(typeid(V) == typeid(long)) offset.push((long)occur);

else if(typeid(V) == typeid(double)) offset.push((double)occur);

else if(typeid(V) == typeid(streamoff)) offset.push(occur);

else if(typeid(V) == typeid(float)) offset.push(SetFloat());

else if(typeid(V) == typeid(long long int)) offset.push((long long



fputs("no matching type has to be pushed \n", stderr);


inline virtual void IncrementOffset(streamoff& oc){

occur = oc;


inline virtual T GetKey() const { return( key ); }

inline virtual queue<V> GetOffset() const { return( offset); }

inline virtual streamoff GetOccur() const { return( occur ); }

inline virtual hold* Getptr() const { return( ptr ); }

inline virtual hold<T, V>* GetpObj() const { return( pObj ); }

inline virtual void MakeClean(){

if( ptr ) delete ptr;

else if( pObj ) delete pObj;

else { }


streamoff occur;

T key;

queue<V> offset;

hold* ptr;

hold<T, V>* pObj;


template<class T, class V> bool Ohold(streamoff& ix, list<hold<T, V>>& vct){

hold<T, V>* obj = new hold<T, V>(ix);


delete obj;

template<class T, class V> bool SetList(streamoff& ix, list<hold<T, V>>& vct){

bool ae = false;


hold<T, V>* cl = new hold<T, V>(ix);

T ch = cl->GetKey();

streamoff oc = cl->GetOccur();

for(auto& k : vct){



if(ae == false) ae = true;


if( ae == false ) {


delete cl;

ae = true;

}else ae = Ohold<T, V>(ix, vct);

return( ae );

int main(int argc, char** argv){

if(argc != 3){

fputs("not enough parameters \n", stderr);



list<hold<short, float>> vct; argv[1], std::ios::in | std::ios::binary);

if( fptr && (fptr.good())){

fptr.seekg(0L, std::ios::end);

iy = fptr.tellg();

streamoff ix = std::ios::beg;

///if(SetList<short, float>(ix, vct<short, float>)) ix =

if(SetList<short, float>(ix, vct)) ix = fptr.tellg();


fputs("not possible to run away \n", stderr);





ofstream gptr(argv[2], std::ios::out | std::ios::binary);

for(auto& k : vct){

gptr << k.GetKey();

queue<float> vx = k.GetOffset();


gptr << vx.front();




return 0;

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