4.2 Structure of Output - Serbia - Metadata

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Long Name

Income Group
Lending category
Currency Unit
Latest population census
Latest household survey
Special Notes
National accounts base year
National accounts reference year
System of National Accounts
SNA price valuation
PPP survey year
Balance of Payments Manual in use
External debt Reporting status
System of trade
Government Accounting concept
IMF data dissemination standard
Source of most recent Income and expenditure dat
Vital registration complete
Latest agricultural census
Latest industrial data
Latest trade data
2-alpha code
WB-2 code
Table Name
Short Name
Republic of Serbia
Upper middle income
Europe & Central Asia
New Serbian dinar
Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey, 2014
Montenegro declared independence from Serbia and Montenegro on June 3, 2006. Where available, data for
Original chained constant price data are rescaled.
Country uses the 2008 System of National Accounts methodology
Value added at basic prices (VAB)
General trade system
Consolidated central government
Enhanced General Data Dissemination System (e-GDDS)
Expenditure survey/budget survey (ES/BS), 2016
, aid, environment, external debt, balance of payments, various social indicators excluding population--continue to include
ulation--continue to include data for Montenegro through 2005. Moreover, data from 1999 onward for Serbia for most indi
rd for Serbia for most indicators exclude data for Kosovo, 1999 being the year when Kosovo became a territory under inte
came a territory under international administration pursuant to UN Security Council Resolution 1244 (1999); any exceptio
1244 (1999); any exceptions are noted. Kosovo became a World Bank member on June 29, 2009; available data are show
09; available data are shown separately for Kosovo. In 2011, the Statistical Office of Serbia improved the methodology of n
roved the methodology of national accounts data for 2003 onward. Specifically, the classification of sectors was revised.
n of sectors was revised.

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