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Lung fungal infection

By; Bave Himdad

Supervisor: Dr. Azhee Ibrahim
• Title
• Introduction
• Image
• Species
• Symptoms
• Procedure and diagnosis
• Treatment
• Advice
• Aspergillosis is infection, usually of the lungs, caused by the
fungus Aspergillus. A ball of fungus fibers, blood clots, and
white blood cells may form in the lungs or sinuses. People
may have no symptoms or may cough up blood or have a
fever, chest pain, and difficulty breathing.
• Aspergillosis is infection, usually of the lungs,
caused by the fungus Aspergillus. A ball
of fungus fibers, blood clots, and white blood
cells may form in the lungs or sinuses. People
may have no symptoms or may cough up blood
or have a fever, chest pain, and difficulty
• Fungal lung infection symptomsThe symptoms are quite similar to any
other type of chest infection:
• A high temperature (fever).
• A cough
• .A feeling of breathlessness
• .Coughing up sputum or, in severe cases, blood
• .A general feeling of weakness.
• Sometimes the infection can cause achy joints
• How are fungal lung infections diagnosed?The diagnosis will usually
be made by a specialist doctor:A chest X-ray might show an area of
shadowing, caused by the infection.Special blood cultures might grow
the fungus in the bloodstream.A sample of the sputum you have
coughed up can be sent to a laboratory for testing.Blood tests can
sometimes show your immune system fighting off the fungus.A small
camera (called a bronchoscope) put into your lungs can allow a
doctor to see the fungus and take a sample to grow in a laboratory.
• TreatmentInvasive aspergillosis is treated with
antifungal drugs, such as voriconazole, isavuconazole,
or sometimes posaconazole or itraconazole. ...
Aspergillosis in the ear canal is treated by scraping out
the fungus and applying drops of antifungal drugs.
• If you are normally healthy and have caught a fungal
infection from travel abroad, then generally the
treatments can be very successful. But if you have a
weak immune system from another illness then fungal
lung infections are usually bad news: they can require
long-term specialist treatment, particularly in people
with HIV.

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