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Cylinders Of The Pharaoh ®

We would like to introduce extraordinary device, based on ancient Egypt knowledge and
technology - the Cylinders of the Pharaoh.

Russian physicist V.P. Kovtun was always impressed by Ancient Egypt. Long time ago,
while visiting museum in Pavlovsk (near Saint-Petersburg) he drew his attention at sculptures
of Egyptian statues, who strongly held in both hands strange objects. These things had
cylindrical shape. He made all sorts of inquires what is the purpose of these objects. Neither
Egyptologists nor historians did not know what are they for. Some times later his close friend
Ruslan Dobrovolskyi in very strange circumstances found an old (written about 80 years ago)
manuscript with mysterious title: "The Secrets of Life and Death: India, Egypt, Caucasus."
Surprisingly, V.P. Kovtun found in this copybook one chapter about these strange objects
held in hands of Pharaohs sculptures (that puzzled him so much long time ago).

There was very essential information what are they for and description of exact technology how to
manufacture the Cylinders. The purpose of their usage was: straightening potential of body's energy
and harmonically distributing it among all organs.

V.P. Kovtun did manage to reconstruct the Cylinders according to the recipes from the manuscript.
Afterwords he carried on broad researches testing them on most modern medical and physics scientific
equipment. He obtained excellent results: the Cylinders charge men with Cosmos Energy right away, and help
him to overcome different sorts of illnesses. They are useful also for healthy people who need to recharge their
energy lost during workday. Those, who are using the Cylinders every day can obtain excellent results, as the

1. reduce stress and tiredness

2. reduce symptoms caused by changing "time-zone" - it applies to those who travel by air from one
continent to another.
3. gradually straighten concentration and memory.
4. develop IQ level.
5. immensely improve intuition and spiritual development (applies to those who are involved in

Recent research done by E. Kovalev, who tested Cylinders on the apparatus BIOLOGOS
(electropuncture express diagnosis) revealed following effects on the men:

1. central neural system (the index doubled)

2. vegetative neural system (the index increased 2-2.5 times)
3. endocrine system (the index increased 2-2.5 times)
4. cells' immunity (the index increased 2-2.5 times)
5. cardiac-vascular system (the index doubled)
6. urin-sexual system (the index doubled).

We would like to emphasise that the Cylinders are not nowadays device. They were created by genial minds
and hands of ancient Priests of Egypt as psychotherapeutic and spiritual instrument. The knowledge how to
make them was kept in closed circle of initiated to Secret Science. We live in difficult and important time of
New Age, entering in XXI century. Hence most people are working very hard on their spiritual and general
development. Now they are opened and spiritually ready to receive "secret science". And the Cylinders came to
us in this very moment to help choosing different paths and ways leading to XXI century.

If you want to get more comprehensive information, please contact us at

The Discovery
Beginning of 70's. Trans-Caucasus. Ruslan Dobrovolsky, the lover of esotery,
brings a yellowed ancient manuscript to his friend Vladimir Kovtun, a scientist-
physicist. That manuscript with the intriguing name "Secrets of Life and Death.
Egypt - India - Caucasus" was found under curious circumstances. Methods of
levitation, clairvoyance, changing of a body's weight and other miracles were
described there and they could only make an "orthodox physicist" indulgently
smile. Vladimir could just pay not much attention to that manuscript, if there
were no chapter, expounding exact technology of manufacturing so-called Solar
(from copper) and Lunar (from zinc) Cylinders, filled with certain stuff.

Meanwhile, the exact technology is already the fact, itself interesting for a physicist.
Besides, long before this, in an Egyptian Hall of Pavel palace-museum Vladimir got
interested in strange subjects being held in hands of Egyptian sculptures. The explanation
of a guide did not convince the researcher. He did not find any answer in the numerous
books about Egypt. The question remained open. And now the solution suddenly came. It
was hard to believe...

After a number of experiments metal-glittering mysterious messengers of a gone civilisation appeared on a

Kovtun's table. "Orthodox physicist", held his breath, took them in hands, and after some time he felt with
surprise, that they did influence in a strange way.

The nature of this influence was to be clearing up for a long time.

From History
Some statues, left to us by Egyptian culture, hold in hands cylindrical objects. Historians don't know the exact
function of that cylinders. Egyptologists have a lot of versions about it: handles of the stretchers, furled
aromatic kerchiefs, tubes for papyruses, seals: But it is enough just to put our glance onto a sculpture,
representing Pharaoh Menkhaur surrounded by goddess Hator and goddess Nome, to query the reliability of any
of those versions (see photo).
The manuscript "Secrets of Life and Death" gives the detailed description, exact technology of manufacturing
of the Cylinders, describes the method of their using, and precisely defines their purpose - strengthening of the
energetic potential and information contact with the highest forms of mind. You could agree, it looks more
logical and probable than other versions, especially taking into account the following facts. An average duration
of life of ancient Egyptians was very small - 25-30 years. Long lives of some priests and pharaohs amaze
imagination: Piopi II was on a throne for 94 years, Ramses II Great - 67 years, Tutmos III - 54 years,
Psamettikh I - 51 years. Longevity of life of Egyptian State itself was lost in depth of centuries and amazed the
imagination of ancient historian Gerodot.

The modern historical science can say much about Ancient Egypt. And, nevertheless, there was a whole layer of
some secret knowledge hidden from us, methods and means, providing active macrobiosis to priests and
pharaohs, power and wisdom during many centuries to rule the country, to develop agriculture, trades, sciences
and arts, which products still enrapture us. It is necessary to note, that the Egyptian doctors were in great respect
in their world, and governors of the countries, surrounding Egypt, preferred to be treated just at them.

The Cylinders of the Pharaoh are not the invention of our days. They are recreated in keeping with ancient
technology, kept as a secret for a long time. It is known that even in the beginning of XIX century they were
used as an auxiliary means in practices of self-regulation and self-perfection of little-known Caucasian esoteric
tradition. The so-called Master-system of this tradition has got some popularity, due to the manuscript "System
of Caucasian yoga" of mysterious Polish Kont Valevsky, published in 1955 in USA.

The publishers inform, that before 1920, overcame Russia raging with revolutionary events, Kont Valevsky
reached up to Caucasus, and received Initiation into a secret esoteric society, having given an oath not to open
the source of the knowledge. Much later, already in America, he stated the knowledge received in Caucasus in
the manuscript " System of Caucasian yoga". The manuscript was published after death of the author.

The next is said there about Cylinders of the Pharaoh in the chapter
"Renewal of nervous energy": " The way, used in Ancient Egypt for
strengthening the flows of energy in a body was shown in figures,
representing second master-arkan. Two cores are compressed in hands of
these standing figures, and are compressed with huge force, similar to
electrical one, which, when hands keep compressing, release this energy
inside a body, to collect it in unipolar nodes and liquid of the spinal cord.
The restoration of potential of energy is hundred percent and is kept during
a day and night, twenty-four hours.

There were two cores, and they were of different

structure, one was intended usually for right, other - for the left hand. One had force
of the sun, other - of the moon...

The lunar core serves the catalyst, which gives to a solar core larger activity."

These cores were known even in the most remote times, and the secret of their
manufacturing was known to few Initiated.
The owner of the complete information about Cylinders of the Pharaoh has become our compatriot - physicist-
theorist Vladimir Pavlovitch Kovtun, who undertook an organisation of scientific researches of Cylinders of the
Pharaoh. The messengers of the ancient world were under a steadfast sight of researchers. Experts of the very
different branches of knowledge were in this surprising process: physicists, Egyptologists, doctors,
biophysicists, astrologists, parapsychologists, extrasenses. About these fascinating and almost detective
researches V.P. Kovtun wrote the book "Cylinders of the Pharaoh", and the director of RТR Plugatireva shot
four-hour documentary film "Egypt. Test by a mystery."

What is the purpose of Cylinders of the Pharaoh and how do they work?
Researches have shown, that influence of Cylinders of the Pharaoh
transforms an organism in other, "higher" energetic condition, at which
health recovering processes, promoting harmonisation of total organism,
are more active. The scientists consider, that this effect is reached by a
combination of halvanotherapy, metallotherapy, mineralotherapy and
magnetothe- rapy.

Firstly, from point of view of some researchers, the cylindrical form

itself originates the special kind of fields, named torsion. Secondly, the
presence of contact difference of potentials between copper, zinc and
skin of hands creates a weak electrical current in a body. Thirdly, copper
itself possesses several curative properties and is widely applied in medicine for a long time. Fourthly, weak
physical fields created by fillings, render curative influence to organism through bioactive points of palms.

Manufacturing of Cylinders of the Pharaoh

Cylinders of the Pharaoh, made according to ancient technology, consist of zinc (the Lunar Cylinder) and
copper (the Solar Cylinder) with respectively coal and magnetic filling of a special preparation. During
manufacturing of the Cylinders special high purity alloys are used.

All four basic components, forming Cylinders of the Pharaoh are well known to modern medicine and from
immemorial time are used by people to treat various illnesses.

COPPER Application of copper calms a pain, makes active leukocytes function, represents strong bactericide
matter, accelerates water and mineral metabolism, promotes normalisation of sleep, reduces temperature and
can stop the bleeding, calms central nervous system and promotes curing of inflammatory processes of the very
various origin.

Circle of illnesses which can be treated using application of copper includes: chronic
othitis, chronic bronchitis, bronchopneumonia, inflammation of urinary-bladder,
inflammation of kidneys, haimorit, diseases of cardio-vascular system, after
infarction state, illness of alimentary canal, gastritis, colitis, rheumatoid artrits.
According to the results of last investigations copper removes harmful effect of radiation after treatment of
cancer sick people.

ZINC Renders significant influence to activity of hypophysis, pancreatic gland, sexual glands, through
hormonal system of organism regulates carbohydrate, lipid and protein metabolism. Salts of zinc are used at
nervous frustration, increased tiredness, retardation in growth, head aches, diabetes, nevralgy of triple, absent-
minded sclerosis, gastritis, conjunctivitis.

MAGNETS They were associated in Ancient Egypt with "bones of the god Gor". They are used in treatment of
osteochondrosis, vascular diseases, hypertension, headaches, exhaustion, stress condition, to increase adaptation
functions during acclimatisation, sharp changes of the weather, in days, difficult for geophysical characteristics.
Salutary properties of magnetic water are widely known.

COAL It is a product of transformation of higher and lower plants. Contains up to 50 % of

mineral admixtures. Perfect adsorbent. In Egypt wood coal was used "to clean body and
spirit from foul".

The Cylinders of the Pharaoh have strictly determined length, being in interrelation with
their diameter. Surface of Cylinders is even, smooth, without carving and relief. The
Cylinders and their fillings pass special processing as a number of technological operations,
among which are as well known to a modern science, as non-traditional ones.

Principles of Cylinders of the Pharaoh functioning


According to the view of a variety of physicians Cylinders of the Pharaoh are a unique
physiotherapeutic far-reaching appliance, created by a genius of ancient Egyptian scientists.

Doctor of medical sciences, senior scientific researcher of I.I. Djanelidze Institute of First aid
M.A.Niculin during medical researches of Cylinders' influence to the organism, gave the following
interpretation: "In case of having some pathologies on the human's body thermoasymmetry of ill
and healthy sites is observed. Cylinders, taken in hands, level pathological thermoasymmetry, And this means
that they do have medical influence".

Results of preliminary experiments, conducted in Oncological Centre in Pesotchnoe by the doctor of medical
sciences, the leading specialist of Institute of rentgenology and radiology M.A.Blank are interesting. Doctor
Blank comments this as follows: "There is parameter, characterising cells' function - respiratory waves of cells.
Oncological disease in organism suppresses these respiratory waves, and Cylinders of the Pharaoh, on the
contrary, improve this parameter . But cancer is a very serious barrier. Cylinders may help prophylactically. But
it is clear: where a cancer makes bad, Cylinders try to make better".


Presence of a contact difference of potentials between Cylinders transforms organism into other, "higher"
energetic state, at which recovering processes are more active, that promotes harmonisation of the whole
organism. This effect is reached by a combination of halvanotherapy and presence of physical fields created by
Cylinders' fillings, which render curative influence to the organism through bioactive points of palms.


The points of view of many extrasenses are following: the Cylinders in hands of a person form two power poles,
through which the energy comes from Space, circulating then in organism, clearing it and forming a protective
energetic field around the body, impenetrable for extrasensorial influence.

The president of Association of applied parapsychology, known extrasense V.B. Poljakov, taking in hands
CYLINDERS for the first time, said the following: I work with metals and minerals for a long time but it is
probably the best of all I've ever held in hands ".
(Film " Egypt. Test by a mystery ".
Dir. Plugatireva, RTR)

According to the conclusion of the known polish psychologist-researcher Т. Senkovskaja the Lunar Cylinder
has warme, treating aura, and Solar - an aura of snow-white colour, opened to the highest plans of Being.

Opinion of a number of Russian and foreign extrasenses Cylinders of the Pharaoh create around the body of the
person dense energetic cocoon, impenetrable for "informational" and "energetic" ghouls , protecting from
wicked influence.

VIEWS OF SPECIALISTS OF TSIGUN, YOGA and other energetic practices are almost identical.

The influence of Cylinders strengthens the movement of energy "tsi" or Prana" in energetic
canals-meridians. Due to this movement of "tsi", canals pathologically littered, are actively
cleaned, therefore healthy power balance between organs is restored. The increased
movement of "tsi " causes sensations of pricking or becoming numb in fingertips of hands,
pulsation in centres of palms and feet. And the process of punching the canals can cause a
rather wide spectrum of sensations. The most usual among them are - vibration, pressure or
increasing in certain sites of a body up to tolerant and soon finishing pain, ringing in ears,
slight dizziness. After restoration of energetic balance these sensations disappear.
Regular use of Cylinders of the Pharaoh under observance of certain rules in daily life strengthens and increases
energetic potential and helps developing superabilities of healthy and morally clean person.

Processes, Registered by Devices, Proceeding In Organism Under Influence of

Cylinders of the Pharaoh
"... On the first minute a pulse wave from left to right is noticed in people
holding the Cylinders. From the second minute a sensation of filling vessels
with blood, named by the researchers "vessel stage", is registered. During
third minute infrared radiation increases in right hand, and on the fifth
minute the thermal fields on limbs become equal.

Alongside with these changes in the organism of the tested general increase
of activity accompanied with increasing of pulse on 8-10 impacts in minute,
is marked. By second minute a warming of neck-chest part of backbone is
also registered with increasing of infrared radiation.
Thus all the vegetative nervous system is involved in the process, and energetic activation of tissues of top
limbs and the whole body takes place. As the consequence is facilitating of a headache and blood pressure tends
to be normal."
(From the protocol of tests)

You can familiarize with the research protocol and the comment of the scientists of Saint-Petersburg Scientific
Research Institution of first aid I.I.Djanelidse of the clinical assays of the Cylinders of the Pharaoh.
(click the images)

Medical Recommendations and Indications to Use

A number of preliminary experiments, made by the professor of University of Colombo K.G.Korotkov using a
Kirlian-diagnostics method, showed the presence of informational clearing of illness attributes among people
who hold the Cylinders. In other words, in some cases the Cylinders of the Pharaoh significantly increase
accuracy of diagnostics.

During realisation of a number of preliminary experiments by doctor of medical sciences

М.А. Blank in Oncological Centre in Pesochnoe it was established, that the influence of
Cylinders creates the conditions that help organism to cope the illnesses and problems
much easier. М. Blank considers that the Cylinders can be recommended as a preventive
means at transcontinental syndrome to people, whose activity is related with frequent
flights from one time zone in other (pilots, sportsmen, tourists, track-drivers...), at which
asynchronisation of external and internal modes of organism function causes
sluggishness and head ache.

The study of efficiency of Cylinders' use was carried out in April 1993 and December
1995 with the help of the modern equipment and according to original technique by
group of the scientists - doctors, experts of the I.I. Djanelidze institute of the first aid
under the direction of doctor of medical sciences М.А. Niculin. According to the
received results the Cylinders of the Pharaoh can be recommended to people:

- with cardio-vascular diseases;

- hypertension;
- neitrotrophic infringements;
- illnesses of removing organs;
- insomnia,
and also as a means for removal stresses and prophylactics of athersclerosis.
The Cylinders of the Pharaoh can be used in prophylactic and rehabilitation purposes together with other
curative measures.

The practice of using the Cylinders showed that its spectrum of help is much wider. For example, the
experiments carried out on a "Biologos"-device (electropunctual express-diagnostics) by researcher E.A.
Kovalev confirm the positive influence of the Cylinders to the following systems of a human's organism: central
neural system (the index doubled), vegetative neural system (the index increased 2-2.5 times), endocrine system
(the index increased 2-2.5 times), cells' immunity (the index increased 2-2.5 times), cardiac-vascular system
(the index doubled), urin-sexual system (the index doubled). The specific feature of the Cylinders' influence is
the fact, that they change both high and low indexes of systems to the same medium standard. In other words,
the redistribution of energetic information took place, the harmonisation process was going on.


It is not recommended to change the Cylinders in hands: to take simultaneously the Solar Cylinder in the left,
and Lunar - in the right hand.

Don't use the Cylinders under alcohol or narcotic intoxication. Schizophrenia. Epilepsy.

It is not recommended to use the Cylinders during pregnancy.

Sensations Felt During Use of the Cylinders of the Pharaoh

Analysing sensation of people in this or that way dealing with Cylinders of the Pharaoh V.P.Kovtun has come
to conclusion that it is possible to distinguish four basic groups of felt sensations among


As a rule, they are the healthy counterbalanced people, men basically. People with lowered
sensitivity also are in this group. Scientific researches have shown, that people, holding in
hands the Cylinders of the Pharaoh, are exposed to their influence irrespective to sensations
felt by them.


Represent basic part of interrogated. The people, belonging to this group, feel warm or
coolness, pulsation in hands, easy slight pricking, sometimes - more rapid pulse,
occasionally - dizziness.


To this not numerous group belong that people who feel "flows" or "waterfall" of energy, washing their body
inside and outside. Some of them feel uncontrollable aspiration upwards, as though the whole body would try to
fly up. There comes unusual ease and good mood.


There are very few of them. As a rule, these people are inspired, pointed at high, with large experience of
internal spiritual feeling. But they can not always describe the sensations. In some cases bright coloured hasty
visions arise and in other - tranquillity and reconciliation come. At night they have unusual dreams.

Practically all representatives of this group speak about some acquired internal experience in dialogue with
Cylinders, to which it is difficult to give definition. To this group of sensations belongs "burning" in region "of
the third eye" or near crown of a head.

For whom Cylinders of the Pharaoh can be useful

1) The result of influence of Cylinders of the Pharaoh to organism of a person is a general energetic level
increasing and the energy harmonious redistribution between organs and systems, pathological disbalance
elimination. Protective functions become active and the conditions in organism are so, that it is much easier to
overcome the problems. So the people, suffering from various diseases, in struggle for health find Cylinders of
the Pharaoh to be the powerful ally. Moreover the Cylinders of the Pharaoh easily cope with insomnia,
headaches, increased pressure, stress states and relieve the necessity to take chemical medical preparations in
such cases. The observations' statistics has shown that the Cylinders of the Pharaoh increase greatly the
lactation of suckling women.

2) People of intensive physical or intellectual labour (doctors, teachers, men of law and order,
businessmen, workers of service, students, sportsmen and other) frequently get strongly tired
to the end of working day and require auxiliary means to remove stresses, high-grade rest and
restoration. In this case the Cylinders of the Pharaoh render invaluable service. Extremely
useful the Cylinders are for those, whose activity is related with frequent moving-flights from
one time zone to other, when sluggishness and head aches often appear because of
asynchronisation of organs and systems functions (so-called transcontinental syndrome). The
people of creative activity, using Cylinders of the Pharaoh, note as result of their influence
the improvement of creative abilities. Sport medicine can become a new field of using the
Cylinders of the Pharaoh.

3) In complex modern world many families are faced with problems of misunderstanding and disharmonious
relations. One of the important cause of misunderstanding is the difference of the partners' energetic levels. Pair
method of application of Cylinders of the Pharaoh allows to equal the energetic levels and achieve
understanding that makes possible the constructive decision of problems arising in front of the partners.

4) It is difficult to overestimate a benefit, which bring Cylinders of the Pharaoh to those, who is engaged in self-
development, cleaning the organism from residues, medical starvation, winter bather, healing, tsigun, yoga,
internal styles of east single combat. The dialogue with Cylinders off the Pharaoh increases the effect of such
occupations very much and lets succeed in much shorter terms.

5) Cylinders of the Pharaoh have a unique feature to charge thw water. The experiments have shown that the
effect of using this water is almost the same if working with the Cylinders.
6) For 100% the Cylinders protect from the influence of radiation of different kinds of thechnics: computers,
TV, microwave ovens etc. Also you can use them with the plants. The Cylinder of the Pharaoh have the ability
to clear the space where you are.

7) Most of all, animals are amenalbe to the marvellous influence of the Cylinders of the Pharaoh.

What Can Be Achieved With the Help of Cylinders of the Pharaoh

With regular exercises in self regulation and self-development with application of Cylinders of
the Pharaoh the flow of energy and blood is improved in the whole body, the thinking becomes
clearer, mentality more counterbalanced. Besides, more dense energetic biofield is created,
interfering penetration of negative energetic information, protective functions of organism are
increased, the body becomes stronger, illnesses recover.

The energy of organism, receiving additional energy of space, begins to circulate stronger in
canals. In places, where as a result of illness was formed obstruction of canals, there is the
resistance to circulation, and the energy can strike the painful centre, causing sensations of
different kind and spontaneous movements. These movements promote cleaning of these canals and elimination
of disease.

If don't stop the exercises, then besides preventive effect, latent functions will open, sight, hearing, smelling,
general sensitivity will be improved, intuition will amplify.

It is necessary to mention, that similar results cannot be achieved without serious work at moral self-perfection.

Methods of Use of Cylinders of the Pharaoh

If you contact with the Cylinders of the Pharaoh for the first time then to prepare the organism it is
recommended to use them in "hand-foot" position (see "Manual"). Then you can use the method your organism


а) "Pharaoh pose" - hold Solar (copper) Cylinder in the right hand, Lunar (zinc) - in the left,
not vice versa.

b) Face the sun if possible.

c) During sessions any other metals (ornament, zipper, belt-buckles) except Cylinders
should not be in contact with a body.


а) Tightly compressing the Cylinders of the Pharaoh and lowering hands along a body, stand
facing the sun, sticking out the left leg half-step ahead.

b) Reject all ideas or concentrate them on the Sun, gifting the boon and light to all being. Smile
to this pleasure, weaken your muscles, lower shoulders, weaken muscles of you face, but let the
smile remain inside you.

c) Remain in this position for at least 5-10 minutes.

d) You can use the Cylinders sitting or lying with the Cylinders in hands, but don't put your hands or legs
together and don't cross them.


Is applied to restoration of mutual understanding; harmonisation of

interrelations and strengthening of the family ties. Take hands, then take
Solar Cylinder in free right hand and Lunar - in the left hand.

The researches of this method have shown the presence of flows of

energy from more strong individual to weaker one without damage to the
strong one.

а) Standing barefoot on ground during a session (but only in windless weather).

b) Realisation of sessions in ecologically clean place.


there are other ways and methods of use of Cylinders of the Pharaoh. The most effective
technique is developed by doctor of bioenergetics Т.А. Meshkova. According to
researches of doctor Stonea and Richard Gordon on a surface of our body there is some
distribution of electrostatic charges. Painful deviations of organism's normal work affect
at once the specified distribution of charges. Hanging upon electrodynamical properties of
the Cylinders Т.А. Меshkova recommends a certain sequence of their contact with various sites of a body, that
allows to correct the work of internal organs (see T.A. Meshkova "Manual").

Characteristic Examples of Use of Cylinders of The Pharaoh

1. С. - man, 40 years. Former volleyball player. After break of Achilles tendon the sport should be
left. But the ill leg disturbed constantly, especially - at night, preventing from sleeping. Now С.
actively works with Cylinders of the Pharaoh. Painful sensations in a leg have passed.

2. Т.I. - woman , older than 58 years. An engineer in service of planes. As a result of a trauma of a
backbone hands grew numb and they were frequently seized by a convulsion. The objects taken in
a hands fell, that strongly prevented work. The situation was complicated with hypertension (up to
280 units - top parameter). She tried all traditional and non-traditional methods of treatment during
more, than 20 years. When she used the Cylinders of the Pharaoh for the first time they "have stuck
to hands. It was impossible to unbend fingers". There was pricking and as though the weak
discharges in hands. After a week of using the Cylinders of the Pharaoh spasms and numbing of
hands stopped. The sleep improved sharply. During 3 years of use of the Cylinders of the Pharaoh
Т.I. did not have any relapse of illness. The pressure normalised.

3. G.L. - 63 years. After a wound in head he suffered with strong headache for 40 years. The
unbearable pain was only a little bit decreased after putting the head in hot water or after covering
the head with hot heaters. Use of Cylinders has removed pains practically at once, and they did not
renew again.

4. N.E. - 41 years. Many years she suffered from allergy and asthma. She regularly took medicines
and used inhaler. Having known about results of researches of Cylinders of the Pharaoh, started to
use them regularly. In three months after a beginning of work with Cylinders attacks of allergy and
asthma began to weaken and soon disappeared absolutely. Since then during already 4 years
relapses of illness were not observed.

5. A.K. - sportsman, 19 years. After heavy training could not relax and fall asleep for a long time,
that had sensitively an effect for the subsequent training and general state of health. At the moment
regularly uses cylinders, which help him quickly to remove weariness and pressure. Normal sleep
is restored.

6. S.N. - 68 years. For the first time the Cylinders taken in a hands lowered pressure from 160/110
to 130/90. It has impressed S.N., and she began to use them regularly. During two months neck
osteochondrose decreased much, and legs began to pain less. S.N felt general improvement of state
of health and stopped taking a much medicines.

7. From the letters to the researcher of Cylinders of the Pharaoh V.P. Kovtun "As a result of use of
Cylinders of the Pharaoh during seven months 4-5 times in a week for 15-20 minutes I came to a
conclusion, that they influence a general condition of organism rather salutary. I notice a
decreasing of arterial pressure. The removal of stresses using the Cylinders occurs very quickly
and steadily. Sleep and activity of removal system were appreciably improved. Forces are quickly
restored after physical weariness. Headaches quickly pass. Moreover, about 2 months ago I noticed
that gums became stronger - they stopped to bleed completely." S.L. - 55 years.

8. "The Cylinders appeared in my family 2 years ago. I was the first who felt the positive effect of
Cylinders, and the effect was fast and active. During three weeks I suffered from acute attack of
osteochondrose of small of the back. It was difficult to move, to stand on legs in the morning. I
began to use cylinders of the Pharaoh. I have, in fact, forgotten about osteochondrose. The
irritability disappeared. My mum - she is 72 - has hypertension. After use of Cylinders the pressure
reduces by 20-30 units.

My father's hand for about a year moved very bad (after cerebral thrombosis), he could not raise it.
After using of the Cylinders the moving functions of the hand were almost completely restored".
L.S. - 45 years.

9. Roman, 9 years. Learns to play a violin. By cylinders he removes weariness and pain in hands.
Words of a boy: "to take Cylinders is better, than medicine". His capabilities increased notably.

10. Е.L., 83 years. "Two years ago I heard about Cylinders of the Pharaoh. That time I suffered
from frequent attack of asthma and very painful spasms of hands and legs, hypertension disease of
degree II. Having heard the lecture of V.P. Kovtun, I have got cylinders of the Pharaoh.
Improvement of a state I felt after about ten days, then it was improving every day. I use Cylinders
for two years already. During this time I have completely forgotten about spasms and completely
got rid from asthma attacks".
11. N.P., 46 years. Complex comminuted fracture of a shank due to transport incident. After 14
months my bones didn't knit in spite of operation an subsequent application of Ilizarov's apparatus.
Therapeutist T.A. Meshkova advised him to use the Cylinders of the Pharaoh according to her
method. In the first session the foot of a traumatized leg was covered with big droplets of sweat,
though the leg was constantly freezing and never got sweat before. For several hours after the
session the leg was being "twitched" and "pinched" as if it was connected to the power supply.
After a three-week daily application of the Cylinders the X-ray test showed that the bones were
completely knitted.

Doctor's comments: as the result of fractures the energetic canals became impassable. The
Cylinders restored the correct circulating of the energy. The energetic blocks preventing from
knitting the bones were eliminated. Processes of knitting the bones normalised.

Order the Cylinders of the Pharaoh

The price of Cylinders of the Pharaoh is 465$ Complecting:

 Two cylinders with holographic images at faces

 Special soft encasement keeping the cylinders from damages and


 Certificate with 10 degrees of protection, certified by V.P. Kovtun

 DVD & video-tape with film "Cylinders of the Pharaoh" and excercise of
doctor T.Meshkova

 Curative methods with manual

The price of Cylinders of the Pharaoh is 465$

You can order the Cylinders of the Pharaohs

and ask any questions to the author using this e-mail:


Recently the information on Cylinders of the Pharaoh was spread quite widely, that has resulted in many fakes and
modern modifications as "cores", "baton" etc. As a rule, this is two glasses from copper and alloy of zinc with lead
("authors", not owning exact recipes and technology of manufacturing of a zinc glass, are to add lead, harmful for
human health, to increase the viscosity of fragile zinc), filled with either similar substances, or mixtures, having no any
relation to genuine ones. Once again we ask for your attention for the degree of protection of "Cylinders of the

The time of avaliability of the Cylinders of the Pharaoh is unlimited. Keep it with care. They don't need any recharges.
After dozens of years they will serve your grandchildren and great-grandchildren.

The physical characteristics of Cylinders' fillings are property of V.P.Kovtun, they are confirmed by the patent, are strictly
kept during manufacturing of Cylinders, are checked on the special equipment and are confirmed by the author's
certificate of quality.


V.P. Kovtun is a candidate of physics- mathematics sciences, senior scientific collaborator,

painter. Exhibitions of his works took place in Georgia, Saint-Petersburg, Krakov, Poznan.
Author of 30 scientific works on physics of plasma, separation of isotopes and theory of critical
condition of the matter. His books are: "The Great Mystery of Hermes ("The Intriguing World
of Physics"), S-Pb, "Delta". 1997, and "Cylinders of the Pharaoh". Bratislava. "Ariadna" 1999.
For more than 20 years researches he the phenomenon of Cylinders of the Pharaoh.
Contact Us
Phone number in Saint-Petersburg: +7 (812) 476-95-01

E-mail address:

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