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‫وزارة التعلٌم العالً والبحث العلمً‬

‫جامعة الكتاب‬
‫كلٌة التقنٌة الهندسٌة‬
‫قسم هندسة تقنٌات الحاسوب‬

‫تقرٌر من متطلبات العام الدراسً ‪9191-9102‬‬


‫اسم الطالب‪ :‬محمد توفٌق مصطفى‬

‫اسم المادة‪:‬الكترونٌك رقمً‬
‫اسم مدرس المادة‪:‬ا‪.‬د‪.‬سمٌر سعدون الجبوري‬
In the world of computers and digital systems, data and data are handled
according to a particular representation and method. Here we have to remember an
important thing, which is that the computer circuits responsible for processing, storing,
transferring, and even transmitting data to demonstration units, can only understand
one type of data: binary data, that is, data that is in the form of series of zeros and units.
In other words, the computer owns its own language, through which its parts address,
and in order to understand the orders we send to it in the language that we understand,
the information and data must be transferred to its own language, and without that, the
computer will not be able to perform processing operations and any other type of
command We may order it from him. In this context, dealing with computers and digital
systems requires knowledge of specific number systems, which differ slightly from the
number systems that we deal with in daily life, but they are related to them, where it is
possible to transfer from these systems to the system that we understand in our daily
life, and vice versa as well.
On the other hand, since the operations that take place within the computer
circuits and digital systems depend on Boolean algebra, the numbers that will be dealt
with must also be subject to the terms of boo lean algebra, and any type of information
entered into the computer, must be converted to the formations that Boolean algebra
understands, so that the computer circuitry can handle, manipulate, and then transform
it back to the pattern that we humans understand. So, in this article, we will review the
following counting systems, which are a cornerstone for anyone who wants to enter the
world of digital systems and computer circuits:

1-Decimal System

2- Binary System

3-Octal System

4-Hexa-Decimal System

Decimal System

The decimal number system is the simplest number system in terms of ease of
comprehension for us as human beings. It is the number system that we use in daily
life, on which we can apply algebraic operations in the traditional form: that is, add,
subtract, multiply, and divide. The base of the decimal system is the number (10), so its
components will be from (0) to (1-10) i.e. (0) through (9). For the decimal number
system, any number in it can be represented using polynomials. Without going into
details, we'll take the following example to understand more how to construct a decimal.
Let us have the number (843), as it is actually the sum of the multiples of each number,
multiplied by the corresponding decimal place. The number (8) will be multiplied by the
second decimal place, that is (10 ^ 2) which is 100, and the number (4) will be multiplied
by the first decimal place, that is (10 ^ 1) which is the number 10, while the number (3)
will be multiplied by the zero decimal place, that is (10 ^ 0), which is equal to one, and
with the addition of the previous terms, we can get the total value of the number, which
is 843. The decimal rank that is multiplied by is called “weight”.
Binary Number System

The binary number system is, in effect, the basis of the entire digital revolution, and the
basis for all computer processing. In simple terms, this system consists of only two
numbers: 0 and 1. Therefore the basis of the system is (2) and the system components
are {0,1}. To make the image clearer, any type of information is encoded in the binary
number system using a series of zeros and units. Think of any type of information:
letter, word, picture, video, all represented in the binary number system using long
strings of zeros and one, and nothing else. The importance of a binary system lies in its
being a coding system used to represent information and data within computer and
digital circuits. Any information is mainly converted to a binary number system, and then
it is processed within the computer, and finally the processing output is converted to the
form we understand and is shown. This is - simply - the principle that all computing
devices operate, from home computers, to laptops, to smartphones and tablets. Of
course, there are rules for converting data and information patterns to be compatible
with the binary system, as well as ways to transfer information and data from the binary
system to other patterns, to be understandable and understandable by us.
Octal Number System

The octal number system is the number system based on the number (8), and this
means that the components of this system will be: {0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7}. The octal number
system is not used much today, and its use was limited to the early beginnings of

Hexadecimal Number System

The system of hexadecimal numbers basically has the number (16), and therefore the
components of this system are the following numbers: {0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,
14,15}. In order to distinguish it from the decimal system, the numbers 10 through 15 in
the hexadecimal system are encoded with the following letters: A, B, C, D, E, F where
these letters refer to the numbers 10,11,12,13,14,15 respectively.
Conversion between counting systems

Before talking about the uses of counting systems, we must know an important thing
about them: it is easy to switch between counting systems, according to certain rules.
The goal of this conversion process is to transfer data from the formats we deal with
and understand them directly (such as the decimal system) to the formats that the
computer deals with and understands (such as the hexadecimal and binary system).
Returning to Boolean algebra, we will find, for example, that the implementation of
mathematical operations related to Boolean algebra can only be done on logical data
that bear one of two states: True or False, and given the counting systems, we can find
that there is no counting system compatible with these operations Except for the binary
system, by assigning a value of "1" to the correct state, and a value "0" for the wrong
state, we can now implement mathematical operations in boo lean algebra completely.
We should say that we will not review all the concepts related to the conversion
between counting systems in detail, but rather we will refer only to the most important
things related to them, and give some illustrative examples of them.

Transitions of the decimal system

For the decimal system, the process of converting any number in the decimal system, to
the number corresponding to it with another counting system, is the easiest process of
converting, as it is done by dividing on the basis of the system, taking into account the
rest of the division. If we want to convert from the decimal system to the binary system,
we take the decimal number to convert, and we divide it by the number "2", so that the
division process is not possible, and then we take the rest of the division from the
bottom up, and thus we get the decimal number represented by the binary system. This
concept also applies to octal and hexadecimal in exactly the same way.

An important note here, is that although the numbers used in the octal and hexadecimal
systems are similar to the numbers in the decimal system, they are not the same! The
number (56) octet is not the same (56) decimal, and the number (56) the hexadecimal is
not the same (56) decimal or even (56) octet. The point will be clarified when talking
about the relationship of the binary system with other systems.

Garner, H. L. (1959, March). The residue number system. In Papers presented at the the March 3-5,
1959, western joint computer conference (pp. 146-153).
Kehr, B., & Benson, R. (2003). U.S. Patent Application No. 09/845,066.
Neitzel, M. S., & Sites, E. (2011). U.S. Patent Application No. 12/717,325.
McCarty, J. C. (1997). U.S. Patent No. 5,666,411. Washington, DC: U.S. Patent and Trademark Office.

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