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Knowledge University .

Administrative and Financial Science .

Department: Business Administration .

Stage : Second stage .

Study: morning .

Substance : Business Correspondence 2 .

Course: Second Semester .

Report about :An Introduction to Email .

Report submitted by :Ahmed Ayad Abdulazaiz .

Directed by Professor: Shivan Mawlood .

How to Introduce Yourself in an Email (With Examples).

Email is the most common form of communication in the business

world. Some professionals get hundreds or even thousands of emails a
day. They’re busy people and, to capture the interest of your recipient,
you should write a clear and informative self-introduction.

In this article, we explain how to introduce yourself in an email and

provide a template and examples of email introductions to help you
compose your own.

What is a self-introduction email?

A self-introduction email is a message sent to someone you have never
met with information about who you are. The purpose of the email is
usually a request, such as asking for information about a job, asking for
advice or attempting to sell a product or service. To receive a response,
an introduction email needs to capture the attention and engage the
interest of its recipient.

How to introduce yourself in an email

1. Find a mutual contact.
2. Use an informative subject line.
3. Personalize your greeting.
4. Write about the other person.
5. Explain why you are reaching out.
6. Include a call to action.
7. Offer thanks and close
8. Proofread.

1. Find a mutual contact

Before introducing yourself in an email, first check if you have any
common acquaintances with the recipient. If you know someone who
works at the same company or who attended college with them, try
asking your mutual contact if they would be willing to introduce you or
allow you to mention their name in your email.

2. Use an informative subject line

The subject line of an email is the first thing a recipient will see and will
likely affect their decision of whether to open and read the email. You
should write a subject line that is professional, informative and brief. If
you’re inquiring about an open position, you could use a subject line
such as “Sales Associate Position Inquiry.” If you’re applying for a job or

asking for information, include your purpose, such as “Sales Associate
Application” or “Information Request on Marketing Trends.”

3. Personalize your greeting

Begin your email with a greeting tailored to the recipient. If you are
emailing someone in a traditionally formal industry, such as finance or
law, use “Dear Ms.” and the person’s last name. If you are introducing
yourself to someone in a more informal industry, like technology or
media, you could say “Hello” and use their first name. Research the
person and the company online before writing your email to try to
discover what sort of greeting would be appropriate.

4. Write about the other person

Although you should introduce yourself by stating your name and
position near the beginning of the email, your opening paragraph should
focus on the recipient. You will be more likely to capture their interest if
you open with a compliment. You could mention something specific
about their work that you like or that you admire their organization.
Beginning with a mutual interest is a good way to engage someone, such
as attending the same school or growing up in the same area.

5. Explain why you are reaching out

Quickly explain why you are emailing the recipient. Include how you
know them and obtained their email address. For example, you could
explain that a mutual contact gave you their email and you wanted to
ask them about an opening with their company.

6. Include a call to action

The final section of the email should include a request or call to action
for the recipient. Make your request brief and specific, such as asking to
meet to discuss a certain subject, for a job application or information
about an open position. Make sure to phrase your call to action as a
polite request instead of a demand. For example, “I have attached my
resume in the hope that you will consider me for this position.”

7. Offer thanks and close

Thank the recipient for their time before you end the email.
Acknowledge that they probably have a busy schedule and you
appreciate their time. Use a professional closing, such as “Sincerely,”
and include your contact information under your signature. You could
also include links to your online professional profile or work portfolio.

8. Proofread

Before sending the email, review it for any spelling or grammatical
errors. An error-free email will be more likely to make a good
impression. Try taking a short break before proofreading or asking a
trusted friend to review it, since a new reader may be able to recognize
any errors. You could also send the email to yourself first to see how it
looks when the recipient opens it.
How to Introduce Yourself in an Email (With Examples)
January 28, 2020
Email is the most common form of communication in the business
world. Some professionals get hundreds or even thousands of emails a
day. They’re busy people and, to capture the interest of your recipient,
you should write a clear and informative self-introduction.

Professional Email

In this article, we explain how to introduce yourself in an email and

provide a template and examples of email introductions to help you
compose your own.

What is a self-introduction email?

A self-introduction email is a message sent to someone you have never
met with information about who you are. The purpose of the email is
usually a request, such as asking for information about a job, asking for
advice or attempting to sell a product or service. To receive a response,
an introduction email needs to capture the attention and engage the
interest of its recipient.

Related: How to Write a Professional Email

Easily apply to jobs with an Indeed Resume

Create your resume

How to introduce yourself in an email
Use these steps to write an engaging introduction email:

Letter of Introduction

Find a mutual contact

Use an informative subject line
Personalize your greeting
Write about the other person
Explain why you are reaching out

Include a call to action
Offer thanks and close
1. Find a mutual contact
Before introducing yourself in an email, first check if you have any
common acquaintances with the recipient. If you know someone who
works at the same company or who attended college with them, try
asking your mutual contact if they would be willing to introduce you or
allow you to mention their name in your email.

2. Use an informative subject line

The subject line of an email is the first thing a recipient will see and will
likely affect their decision of whether to open and read the email. You
should write a subject line that is professional, informative and brief. If
you’re inquiring about an open position, you could use a subject line
such as “Sales Associate Position Inquiry.” If you’re applying for a job or
asking for information, include your purpose, such as “Sales Associate
Application” or “Information Request on Marketing Trends.”

3. Personalize your greeting

Begin your email with a greeting tailored to the recipient. If you are
emailing someone in a traditionally formal industry, such as finance or
law, use “Dear Ms.” and the person’s last name. If you are introducing
yourself to someone in a more informal industry, like technology or
media, you could say “Hello” and use their first name. Research the
person and the company online before writing your email to try to
discover what sort of greeting would be appropriate.

Related: 20 Ways to Start an Email

4. Write about the other person

Although you should introduce yourself by stating your name and
position near the beginning of the email, your opening paragraph should
focus on the recipient. You will be more likely to capture their interest if
you open with a compliment. You could mention something specific
about their work that you like or that you admire their organization.
Beginning with a mutual interest is a good way to engage someone, such
as attending the same school or growing up in the same area.

5. Explain why you are reaching out

Quickly explain why you are emailing the recipient. Include how you
know them and obtained their email address. For example, you could

explain that a mutual contact gave you their email and you wanted to
ask them about an opening with their company.

6. Include a call to action

The final section of the email should include a request or call to action
for the recipient. Make your request brief and specific, such as asking to
meet to discuss a certain subject, for a job application or information
about an open position. Make sure to phrase your call to action as a
polite request instead of a demand. For example, “I have attached my
resume in the hope that you will consider me for this position.”

7. Offer thanks and close

Thank the recipient for their time before you end the email.
Acknowledge that they probably have a busy schedule and you
appreciate their time. Use a professional closing, such as “Sincerely,”
and include your contact information under your signature. You could
also include links to your online professional profile or work portfolio.

8. Proofread
Before sending the email, review it for any spelling or grammatical
errors. An error-free email will be more likely to make a good
impression. Try taking a short break before proofreading or asking a
trusted friend to review it, since a new reader may be able to recognize
any errors. You could also send the email to yourself first to see how it
looks when the recipient opens it.

Related: 5 Steps for Great Business Writing (With Tips)

Formal introduction email template

Consider using this template to write a formal introduction email:

Subject: [Main topic]

Dear [recipients name],

My name is [include your first and last name], and I [include a

compliment about the recipient]. I am reaching out to you today
because [provide a brief but specific explanation of your reason]. I hope
to [include your call to action here].

Thank you for your consideration and time.


[Your name]
[Contact information]

Email introduction examples

Here are three self-introduction email samples that may help inspire you
to write your own:

Job application email

Open position inquiry
Information request
Job application email
Subject: IT technician application

Dear Mr. Arno,

My name is Lydia Renata, and I greatly admire the work in new software
applications that Bright Technology is doing. I am reaching out to you
today because I saw your email address listed as the contact person for
an open IT technician position posted online. I have attached my resume
and a cover letter to this email, and I hope you will consider me for this

Thank you for your consideration and time.

Lydia Renata
(452) 893-2314

-Thanks Doctor to read my report and i wish it be enough.

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