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PROBLEM 11.91 The motion of a particle is defined by the equations x=[(0-4))/6] +0 and y =(P/6)—(6=1)°/4, where x and y are ‘expressed in meters and ¢ is expressed in seconds. Determine (a) the magnitude of the smallest velocity reached by the particle, (b) the corresponding time, position, and direction of the velocity. ‘SOLUTION (a) Given: By differentiation, Magnitde of velocity is ae Note that v is minimum when v* is minimum, dt at Ly t 2-1 +16)(¢- P-+ys1\,-1)-9 (errr je-2)+(# Zee 2e-2) 2p - 7.51? + 25.5t - 32.5 =0 ‘The only real root of the cubic equation is ¢ = 1.757 s. ‘The corresponding values of v, and v, are 1 (1.757)? - 2(1.757) +8 = 6.03 m/s 2 1 2 (0.751)? - $ (1.157) +3 = 1.165 mis Vain = Y(6:03)" + (1.165)° Vin = 6.14 mis PROBLEM 11.91 CONTINUED ») Time, position, and direction of velocity. e (187 = 4) + (1.7577 Ln asqy 2 2 21.757) - £(1.757 - y 3 Y' ~ (1-757 1) tang = 2 = 1165 _ 91932, vy 603 0 =10.9° a < PROBLEM 11.92 The motion of a particle is defined by the equations x = 6 ~ 3sin¢ and Y= 630s, where x and y are expressed in meters and tis expressed in seconds. Sketch the path of the particle for the time interval 0 <1 < 2,and determine (a) the magnitudes of the smallest and largest velocities reached by the particle, (b) the corresponding times, positions, and directions of the velocities. SOLUTION ‘Sketch the path of the particle, i plot of y versus x Using x = 6t ~ sing, and y = 6 ~3cost obtain the values in the table below. Plot as shown. a(s) | x(m) 0 0 z ai 5 | 642 6 x | 1885 | 9 z 3% 5 | 3127 | 6 2e | 3770 | 3 yon) 4 6 - 3 xm 10 20 30 ee (a) Differentiate with respect to # to obtain velocity components. #6 tet md, dt sine 2 + v2 = (6 ~ 3cost)? + 9sin?r = 45 ~ 36c0s1(mm/s)? y 2 4s s6sint = 0 tm, £2. Ne at When # = 2x, cost=1, and ¥? is minimum. When # = (2V +1), cost=-1, and ¥* is maximum. (»*),,, = 45-36 = 9(mvs)", Vain = 3s PROBLEM 11.92 CONTINUED (#),,, =45+36= 81 (m'), © When = Veins Where N = 0, 1, 2,00 x = 6(20N) ~ 3sin(22) y = 6 ~3cos(2"N”) 6 —3e0s(2"N) vy, = 3sin(2eN) x = 6[2n(W ~1)]-3sin[2a(n +1)] y = 6 ~ 3cos[2n(N +1)] v, = 6 ~ 3cos[ 2e(N +1)] v, = Bsin[2e(W +1] t= QN+i)asd x=l2a(N+1)m4 y=omed vy, =9 mis PROBLEM 11.93 The motion of a particle is defined by the position vector y r= A(cost + tsin#)i+ A(sint ~ tcoss)j where t is expressed in seconds. Determine the values of t for which the position vector and the acceleration vector are (a) perpendicular, (b) parallel. SOLUTION Given: 1 = A(cost + tsint)i + A(sint - rcost) « = A(-sint + sint + teost)i + A(cost ~ cost + tsint)j = A(tcost)i + A(esine)§ & = A(cost~tsint)i+ Alsint + reost)} (©) When rand a are perpendicular, r-a = 0 Af (cose + tsine)t + (sine ~re0st){]- A[ (cose ~ rsine)t + (sine + te0st) i] = 0 (cost + tsint) (cost tsins) + (sins —rcost)(sint + rcost) = 0 (cost (©) When rand are parallel, rx a Af (cost + tsiné)i + (sine ~teose)j] x Af (cose ~rsine)H + (sine + 1e0s0)J] = 0 [(cost + tsins)(sine + rcoss) — (sin¢ - teost)(cost - tsint)] = 0 (sinseost + 1in?s + 005° + aint cost) (sinteost 081 — sin? +P sinroost) = 0 2=0 t=04 PROBLEM 11.94 The damped motion of a vibrating particle is defined by the position vector r= x[1-1/(¢+1)]i + (ye*/?008 2nt), where ¢is expressed in seconds. For x, = 30 in. and y, = 20 in., determine the position, the velocity, and the acceleration of the particle when (a) 1=0, (raiss. SOLUTION Given: Differentiating to obtain v and a, * cos2at - Dae"? sin aat) i 204 20%] e*2( Leos2at + 2sin2nt) |i yr 2 aor| Ze (Sova + 2sinat) +e (—rsin2at + 4xcos2a1)) 10%e°"?(4sin2at ~ 7.5c0s2nt)} @ Atr=0, oft Fhi 2004 r=20in.{¢ (! 1 ; v=30(t}i-200/((4 +0) v= 434 in is 463° 4 a= 5 1097(1)(0-75)) a= U3 in 854° € wy aretss —eex{ted) beam = (18 in,)i + (1.8956 in.)j = 18.10 in, % 60° 4 v= 201-2026 (Leos3e +0 5 i (23) 2 (4:80 inss)t + (2.9778 ins} v= 5.65inls £ 318° 4 asp i + 102%" (0 - 7.5c083)j = (-3.84 inJs?)i + (70.1582 ins’) a = 70.3 inJs? >. 86.9° 4 ( PROBLEM 11.95 ‘The three-dimensional motion of a particle is defined by the position vector r=(Rrcosa,t)i + ct) + (Rrsine,t)k. Determine the ‘magnitudes of the velocity and acceleration of the particle. (The space curve described by the particle is a conic helix), SOLUTION Given: = (Rrcose,t)t + cf + (Risina,é)k Differentiating to obtain v and a. v= R(cosat - ogtsina,t)i + & R(sinoys + o,f coset) Zreosanf)\ + R( cose, + 0,080, ~ o,tsina,)k a - a=. R(-o,sino,s —0,sinog - a7 R(-ensinant ~ ansinent = R{(-20,sino,t~ ay tcoso,t)+ (20, c080n4 ~o2tsinog) Magnitudes of v and a. = [R(coset — o,tsinoyt)| + (c)? +[R(sinayt + o,tcoset)] = R[eosto,t -2o,ssino,seoseg + o3Psinto,s] +2 of +2ofsinaseaso, + 037or 0, a= Ro, 4+ on? 4 PROBLEM 11.96 ‘The three-dimensional motion of a particle is defined by the position vector r= (Atcost)i + (4 =1)i + (Brsins)k, where r and 1 are expressed in feet and seconds, respectively. Show that the curve described by the —_particle.-—lies on the __—hyperboloid (oA) -(x/A) -(2/B)'=1. For A=3 and B=1, determine (@) the magnitudes of the velocity and acceleration when 1 = 0, (6) the smallest nonzero value of ¢ for which the position vector and the velocity ‘vector are perpendicular to each other. = (atcost)i+(4VP +1)) + (Brsine)ke fom which x= Ateost, y= AVP 41, z= Brsint x pet cost= sinv-Z Al Bt (GJ cos? + sin’? ‘Then, For A=3 and B=1, (64cose)i + (3d +1)j + (tsine)k Differentiating to obtain v and a. ar v = — = 3(cost — fsint)i + 3- + (sint + reosr)k = 3( ese ) ® © 3(-2sint — re0st)i +3 dt <4 + (2eoss ~ rsine)k (e+) Atr=0, = 3(1- 0)i + (0)j+(0)k And a =-3(0)i+3(1)j+(2-0)h ‘Then, @ =(3) +(2) =13 (6) If and v are perpendicular, r -v = 0 (3+e0s1)[3(cost ~rsine)] + (weal) + (tsine)(sinr + reosr) = 0 or (91c0s*« - 97 sinrcosr) + (91) + (tsin?s + P sinrcost) = 0 With 1 #0, or The smallest root is The next root is PROBLEM 11.96 CONTINUED 9e0s?t ~ Stsintcost +9 + si 10 — 8¢sinscoss + 8c0s” 7 + 2c0s2t - 2sin 2t = 7.6318 438s 1=3828¢ PROBLEM 11.97 A baseball pitching machine “throws” baseballs with a horizontal & z freer Vo. Knowing that height A varies between 788 mm and 1068 mm, determine (a) the range of values of vp, (6) the values of corresponding to k= 788 mm and f= 1068 mm, SOLUTION (@) Vertical motion: y= 15m, (),=0 venelyjiget oe 1 Famed At point B, yeh 2(y9 - 4) or tye * g When = 788 mm = 0.788 m, = 42 ae = 038105 [us —1.068) ty = f U0 = 1.088) oat When ft = 1068 mm = 1.068 m, 2968 s Horizontal motion: %=0, (V2)p = % sent oo ya tadt 2 With xp = 122 t= 02 mis Jee bd 03810 . and vy = 122 = 41.1 ms 0.2968 32.02 m/s < vp < 41.11m/s on 1153 kawh < ¥ < 148.0 kmh (6) Vertical motion: Horizontal motion: aM toa = 2 (de. ste a (Mp ¥ For h = 0.788 m, tana = 2820380) «3675, a= 6.064 For h = 1,068 m, tana = O51)(02968) _ 6.07082, a= 4.054 4.1 PROBLEM 11.98 While delivering newspapers, a girl throws paper with a horizontal velocity vp. Determine the range of values of v if the newspaper is to Jand between points B and C. SOLUTION Sketch the limiting trajectories. Point 4: Point B: Point C: Vertical motion with (v,), Horizontal motion with (v,), =v: x= yl OF M% =i @) ‘Substituting equation (1) into equation (2) gives w=, rs 8) Applying equation (3): at point B, at point C, Range of vo: 487 mis < vy 11.44 m/s PROBLEM 11.99 A ski jumper starts with a horizontal take-off velocity of 80 fils and lands on a straight landing hill inclined at 30°. Determine (a) the time between take-off and landing, (6) the length d of the jump, (c) the maximum vertical distance between the jumper and the landing hill. SOLUTION (@ At the landing point, Horizontal motion: Vertical motion: from which 2y _ 2xtan30° _ 2vof tan 30° g € g Rejecting the 1 = 0 solution gives = 2otan30° ae = afetanse a aw. CNG8) d= 26584 cos30° ~ 0x30" ~ 0830" (®) Landing distance: (©) Vertical distance: f= xtan30° + y or he = vet tan 30° ~ Differentiating and setting equal to zero, He sa0e— ad op = time dt g vp tan30°)tan 30° 1 ( vp tan 30° -1,{% g 2g (80) (tan30°)- 7 eons ee Irgay = 33-1 8-4 PROBLEM 11.100 rc A golfer aims his shot to clear the top of a tre by a distance h at the peak of the trajectory and to miss the pond on the opposite side. Knowing that the magnitude of vp is 85 fs, determine the range of values of h which rust be avoided. SOLUTION Horizontal motion: rem t()f=% ort ‘ 1p lia =, Vertical motion: vemtlahitet ander or y= ye At ground level, y = 0, sothat yy = = vo 2 Ate =1508, yg = PDO «sors (2)(85) h= yp - 40 = 10.148 Avr =160 8, yp = 2D sr05.0 (2)(85) f= yy— 40 =17.05 Range to avoid: 10.14 — ta sin? (vy sin 25° - + gty)ty Ya, _sins® _ (Yosin25°—Fata)to gy, cg 25Htans® = vpsin25°— L gy peasy 2 o ty = 2 (con2seians? +sn25e) = 248) cos2seans® + sin2s) = 49125 ¢ x Xp _ Ype0825%y _ (48)(c0825°)(4.912) ‘Then, d=215m4 oss” cos! 085° PROBLEM 11.102 Water flows from a drain spout with an initial velocity of 0.76 m/s at an angle of 15° with the horizontal. Determine the range of values of the distance d for which the water will enter the trough BC. SOLUTION Vertical moti Y= % + (v0), 5. 1 zat —(%),#-(0-y)=0 With yy =3m andy = 0.36 mat level BC, Yo- y= 2 (v9), = -0.76sin15® = -0.19670 mis Then, 4.9051° + 0.196701 ~ 2.64 = 0 Solving the quadratic equation, 1670 + y(0.19670)° - (4)( 4.905 +l )* = (4)(4905)(-2.64) _ 9 s159, (2)(4.905) Horizontal motion: x = (vp), = (0.76c0815°)(0.7139) = 0.524 m 0.524 with For water impact at C, ce ~ 0.62 = ~0,096 m For water impact at B, xp =d =0524m So, 0.096 m gt 2(yp + xtanar ~ y) 8 (@) When d = 228 mm = 0.228 m, x= 5-0.228= 4.772 m 2(2 + 4.72tan30° — 3.048) 430 mm = 0.430 m, 3480 s? 981 1 = 0590s 47m =o 34 = 93900830" ell - 0.430 = 457m 2(2 + 4.571an30° — 3.048) _ 9 543,42 981 0569 oe v= 9.27 mis € 05690830" PROBLEM 11.107 ‘The nozzle at A discharges cooling water with an initial velocity vp at an angle of 6° with the horizontal onto a grinding wheel 13.8 in. in diameter. Determine the range of values of the initial velocity for which the water will land on the grinding wheel between points B and C. SOLUTION Choose the origin at the center of the grinding wheel, so that the horizontal and vertical motions are: xy xox =ycosat, or vy = 52, tesa) reosar And yyy = vpsinat — 1g? = (x—x)tana— 7 x xo)tan from which (r= 9) +(e~ )tana, g Data: a= xy =-075in. yy =8in. ce 34 . (138) =69in. g = 3864in/s? (a) Steam lands at B. x= rsin 10° = 1.198 in y= rc0s10° = 6.795 in. 2[8- 6.795 + (1.198 +0.75)tan(-6)] _ jogsi77 2 = 04 8 3864 1 = 0.07195 s : wy = 2.27 fis (6) Stream lands at C. 8-345 + (5.976 + 0. 2 2 + (5.976 + 0.75)tan(-6°)] _ 4 g19899 5? 3864 14104 s Wy = 40-75 4795 ints Mp = 4.00 fs ‘O:14104c08(-6) PROBLEM 11.108 ‘A ball is dropped onto a step at point A and rebounds with a velocity vp at an angle of 15° with the vertical. Determine the value of vp knowing that just before the ball bounces at point B its velocity v» forms an angle of 12° with the vertical SOLUTION ‘The horizontal and vertical components of velocity are ve = vpsinIS® = ygcosl5° ~ gt At point B, vosin1S® = an 7° Ypeosl5°— gf or yp sin 15° + vp cos15°tan12° = grtan 12° 0.46413v9 = gf tan 12° t= 2.18367 g ‘Vertical motion: Y= Yo = rpcosiSt = dar yo 2 M y = 2.1836c0815°%-~ 1 9(2.1836) (J DEC 27486 ~2. g Wg = -3.638¢(y - y0) ~699)(322(-5-0) = 78.10 7/8? vy = 8.84 fils PROBLEM 11.109 The conveyor belt, which forms an angle of 20° with the horizontal, is used to load an airplane. Knowing that a worker tosses a package with an initial velocity vy at an angle of 45°so that its velocity is parallel to the belt as it lands 1 m above the release point, determine (a) the magnitude of vp, (b) the horizontal distance d. SOLUTION ‘The horizontal and vertical components of velocity and posi vy, = ygcosds? vosin 4s? ~ gt x= ygcos45% y= vpsinds*r ‘At landing on belt, tan ase - —# 7 yp cos 45° = tan 20° ‘tan 45° — tan 20°) cos 45°“ = 0.44974" g ye sins oasora®e) - fe{ouors%) a) 2 & y = 0.216884 8 .6108gy = (4.6108)(9.81) (1.000) = 45.232 (a) vy = 6.73 mis < (0.44974)(6.73) 9.81 = 0.3083 s o x 6.73c0s45°)(0.3083) x= 1.466 m4 PROBLEM 11.110 A. $i bd A golfer hits a ball with an initial velocity of magnitude vp at an angle with the horizontal. Knowing that the ball must clear the tops of two trees and land as close as possible to the flag, determine vp and the distance d when the golfer uses (a) a six-iron with @ = 31°, (b) a five-iron with a=? SOLUTION ‘The horizontal and x — iowa a tuna Lg a het or ® ‘tthe landing point C: %=0, rote ‘And Mona) mao ® € (@) a@=31° To clear tree A: x4 = 30m, yy =12m From (2), 2 = 2301-12) Ly ogsist, ty = 1.1084 s 981 30 From (1), (09), = 31.58 mi ©, ¢ a 1.1084c0s31° : To clear tree B: xp =100m, yp = 14m From 2), (1a)? = 2000131 =12) _ 9.395752, ty = 306828 981 100 From (1), o0)p = tO __ = 38.06 mis rom ()s 3.0652cos31° The larger value govern, vp = 38.06 ms vp = 38.1 mis € 2) 3.06)": |°cos31° From (3), = 2)(38.06)'sin31°c0831° _ 139 38 m 981 2-0 d=24m4 PROBLEM 11.110 CONTINUED () @=27 By a similar calculation, 1, = 0818465, (%), 2.7487 5, (vy), = 40.890 ms, ¥% = 41.138 mis % = 139.56 m, 41.138 mis, vy = 411m ¢ d=26m4 oo PROBLEM 11.111 ‘A model rocket is launched from point 4 with an initial velocity vp of 86 mis. If the rocket’s descent parachute does not deploy and the rocket lands 104 m from A, determine (a) the angle a that vp forms with the vertical, () the maximum height ht reached by the rocket, (c) the duration of the flight. SOLUTION Given: Horizontal motion: Vertical motion: At point B, @ At maximum height, (6) Then, (c) From equation (1), o cosa ~ at 2 vesin— 2(s,sia) pcosa)xs gd agin? 2sinacosa = = = sin2a Yo sin2a = O8N(04) «913794 20 = 793° (86) a=3.96° € v, = ypcosa - gt =0 Yocorar _ 856051346" _ 5 745.5 g 981 . _. = (86¢0s13.46°)(8.746) ~ H9si)(s.746) ran = 375m a uot ty = 175184 fe ysina ~ (86)(sin3.96°) PROBLEM 11.112 J. The initial velocity vy of a hockey puck is 170 km/h. Determine (a) the largest value (less than 45°) of the angle a for which the puck will enter TEE the net, (6) the corresponding time required for the puck to reach the net. SOLUTION Horizontal motion: x=(spcosa)¢ or y= (vpsina)r = rune - Rhea ee) tata - Bana {16 282) 0 # Yp = 170 kmih = 47.222 m/s, x = 4.8m at point C, y = 1.22 m at point C. 2vg _ (2)(47.222) aa (9.81)(4.8) iad 2edy _ (94.712)(1.22) = 48 7 24073 @ tan? @ ~ 94.712@ + 25.073 = 0 tana = 0.26547 and 94.45 @=14869° or 89.4" a= 4 © 48 aoe 0.1052 s '47.222)c0s14.869° sas PROBLEM 11.113 # + The pitcher in a softball game throws a ball with an initial velocity v, of oe. 40 mifh at an angle a with the horizontal. If the height of the ball at TTT ™ point B is 2.2 ft, determine (a) the angle, (b) the angle O that the velocity ofthe ball at point B forms withthe horizontal. SOLUTION i tion: xe Horizontal mot (mcosa)r or coe Vertical motion: y= yo + (vpsina)r = yp trtma-— ae 2y, cos” a from which Data 40 mi = 58.667 Us, yy = 208, y=22R, x= 50 A 2 28 _ (2(58.667)" _ 4 rr6 ex (322)(50) 28 (y= 90) _ (42755)22-2) _goir19 ee 50 Pa - 4.275Stana + 1.01710 = 0 (2) Solving the quadratic equation, tana = 4.0226 and 0.25285 and 14.19° a= 14.194 ® tand “sing = 8. ten +, ypc0sat (vo e0sa7) = -0.25285 + (22)(50)___ _ g 24483 0 =13.76° (58.667c0s14.19°)° PROBLEM 11.114 13, A worker uses high-pressure water to clean the inside of a long drainpipe. If the water is discharged with an initial velocity vp of 35 fis, determine (@ the distance d to the farthest point B on the top of the pipe that the ‘water can wash from his position at 4, (6) the corresponding angle a. SOLUTION Vertical motion: g with —, =0 atpoint B. W=(y)p=2a(y= 3) or (%), = 288-30) (), (2)(32.2)(3.6) = 231.8474? or -—(v,), = 15.226 fs Horizontal motion: x =(cosa)t @ Xp = (3500825.79)(0.47287) xp = 14904 (©) From above, a= 258° 4 PROBLEM 11.115 ‘A nozzle at A discharges water with an initial velocity of 12 mvs at an ‘angle a with the horizontal. Determine (a) the distance d to the farthest point B on the roof that the water can reach, (b) the corresponding. angle a. Check that the stream will clear the edge of the roof. SOLUTION Horizontal motion: x=(icosa)r or f= — Yyeosar Vertical motion: y= yp +(ysina)e— gr = yy + xtana - +2 2 2 (rpcosa) = ge 2 yoy esta (1+ ana) let w= xtina sothat y= yy tu- E(x? +4?) yy ‘Solving for x”: 2 a) ‘The maximum value of x* is required: —F— = 0. a(x? 2 a Me) 28 eo oe ve vars, g 1 Data: vy =12ms*, yy =12mvs, yy 6m we 14.6789 m_ (ney (14.6789 + 1.2 - 6) ~ (14.6789)? = 74.553 m? (Snax) (@) Maximum distance: a -45 d=4.13m4 PROBLEM 11.115 CONTINUED Fm tan@ __u__ 14.6789 _ ©) Angle a. tana = = eS = 1.7000 Cheek the edge. (9.81)(45)" y =1.2 + (4.5)(1.7000) 5 2[12cos59.535°] Since y > 6m, the stream clears the edge. a= 59594 y=6.17m4 PROBLEM 11.116 A projectile is launched from point 4 with an initial velocity vp of 40 mis at an angle a with the vertical. Determine (a) the distance d to the farthest point B on the hill that the projectile can reach, (6) the corresponding angle @, (¢) the maximum height of the projectile above the surface. SOLUTION Let f= 90°-@ Horizontal moti x=(vcosf)t or + woos Vertical motion: y= (vpsin B)r = stan fers? g At point B, yp = xptan30° = xp tan — 308 sec? flip Solving for x5, xq = 9 (tan p - tan30°) cos? f = 2 (sin peows ~ tan30° cos? A) g Differentiating with respect to and setting equal to zero, ey _ 28 oe? 9 — sin? , —# = —*(cos’ f - sin’ 8 + 2tan30°cos Asin 8 a (cos? f - sin? B ) = 720(cos29 + tan30°sin2p) = 0 g tan2f=-cot30°=-V3 or = 28 =-60° and 120° B= -30° and 60%. Use f= 60". Maximum values of xp and d. (ca) gg = 222 (tan 60° ~ tan30°)c0s*60 = 0.57735 & z @ lax = 108.7 m © @ = 90° - B= 90° 60° a=304 PROBLEM 11.116 CONTINUED At the point of maximum height, the projectile path is parallel to the surface so that =tan30° or © OSA 8 _ san aqe 77 1 = 202088 (tan p — tan30°) = 0.573522 g & 2 735%.) 1 735%. » (sin a)(os 735: ) sos 35. ) xe (wsosa(asrms *) = 02886752 g e (0.288675)(40)" = 47.083m 981 ings = ¥ = xtan30° = $4,366 ~ 47.083tan30° Iiggs = 27.2.4 © PROBLEM 11.117 {" a At an intersection car A is traveling south with a velocity of 40 km/h an when it is struck by car B traveling 30° north of east with a velocity of | 3 50 km/h. Determine the relative velocity of ear B with respect to car 4, : ul Avr |, han SOLUTION Ye=Vat You Vou =a +¥y 4 = vat (va) Sketch vector addition on a diagram as shown. -Va Law of cosines: r a» vj + v3 — 2vpv, cos 120° = 50° + 40? - (2)(50)(40)cos120° Ve £6100(knwvh)? 0° 78.1 kiovh sing _ sin120° Law of sines: Iva = A0sin120° _ 0.44353 sing a= 263°, a +30 = 563° Vay = T8.1kmMh 256.3? < [sem 4 PROBLEM 11.118 Small wheels attached to the ends of rod AB roll along two surfaces. Knowing that atthe instant shown the velocity v, of wheel 4 is 1.5 m/s to the right and the relative velocity vj, of wheel B with respect to wheel A is perpendicular to rod AB, determine (a) the relative velocity Vgi4y (6) the velocity vy of wheel B. SOLUTION First solve geometry triangle ABC. Law of sines: p= 3277 ‘2 Law of angles: a+ B+ 120° = 180° a = 60° - f= 27.23° Now Ve =a + Va Sketch the vector addition triangle. 90° - a = 62.77° 8 + 60° +.90° — a = 180° 8 = 180° — 60° - 62.77? = $7.23° Law of sines: @ 545 mis ) Vp = 1.586 m/s 60° PROBLEM 11.119 As slider block 4 moves downward at a speed of 1.6 Vs, the velocity with respect to A of the portion of belt B between the idler pulleys C and Dis Veo = 64 fs « 8. Determine the velocity of portion CD of the belt when (a) 8 = 45°, (6) 8 = 60°. SOLUTION Yeo = Vat Yeo Sketch the vector addition triangle. It need not be to scale. a= 65-0 YM By tow of cosines: Sey Yen = Vi + Yen ~ Waren cose “Neola 5 Yew sin = Yasin, Yoo Finally, r = 0-8 @ 0 = 45, a= 65° 45° = 20° vp = (1.46)? + (6.4) ~ (2)(1.6)(6.4)c0820° = 24.275 A? Neo = 4927 fs sin gp = Bese =0.11107, B= 64° 7 = 45° 49° = 38.6", vp = 493 Us 2 38.6°< © 0 = 60%, a= 65°~ 60° = 5° vp = (1.6)° + (6.4)° - (2)(1.6)(6.4)cos5® = 23.118 ft7/s? Yep = 4.808 fs 1.02900, f= 1.7° 60° ~ 1.7° = 58.3, 481 Us 2 583° 4 PROBLEM 11.120 Shore-based radar indicates that a ferry leaves its slip with a velocity v= 10 knots 7” 65°, while instruments aboard the ferry indicate a speed of 104 knots and a heading of 35° west of south relative to the river. Determine the velocity of the river. SOLUTION The given velocity vectors are: vp = 10knots 7” 65° Vip = 104 knots A 35° Ve = Vat Von = Ven + Ye Construct the velocity addition triangle as shown. By law of cosines: Vp = vf. + vig — 2vpvpp 60810" = 10 + 10.4* - (2)(10)(10.4)cos10° = 3.320 knots? vp = 1.822 knots By law of see: sina _ sin10° Yen sin 10° oe sing = esa” = 0.95302, @ = 72.37° NIP - 59° 17.37° vp = 1.82 knots “1737? 4 or 1.822 knots at 17.37° south of east

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