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English Grammar

Compound Nouns

Nouns | Abstract Nouns | Collective Nouns | Common Nouns | Concrete Nouns

Countable / Uncountable Nouns | Gerund Nouns | Predicate Nouns | Proper Nouns

A compound noun is a noun that is made up of two or more words. Most compound nouns in English are formed
by nouns modified by other nouns or adjectives.

For example:

The words tooth and paste are each nouns in their own right, but if you join them together they form a new word
- toothpaste.
The word black is an adjective and board is a noun, but if you join them together they form a new word -

In both these example the first word modifies or describes the second word, telling us what kind of object or
person it is, or what its purpose is. And the second part identifies the object or person in question.

Compound nouns can also be formed using the following combinations of words:-

Noun + Noun toothpaste

Adjective + Noun monthly ticket
Verb + Noun swimming pool
Preposition + Noun underground
Noun + Verb haircut
Noun + Preposition hanger on
Adjective + Verb dry-cleaning
Preposition + Verb output
The two parts may be written in a number of ways:-

1. Sometimes the two words are joined together.

Example: tooth + paste = toothpaste | bed + room = bedroom

2. Sometimes they are joined using a hyphen.

Example: check-in

3. Sometimes they appear as two separate words.

Example: full moon
Often, the meaning of a compound word cannot be discovered by knowing the meaning of the different
words that form it. Compounds can be written either as one word or as separate words (sometimes

afterthought, airplane, another, anybody, anyhow, anyone, anything, anywhere, armchair

backbone, backspace, backwoods, become, bedroom, beeswax, birthday, birthright, blackberry, blackbird,
blackboard, blackmail, bloodvessel, bluebell, bodyguard, bookkeeper, bolthole,brainstorm, breadbin, brushwood

cardboard, carefree, caretaker, carpet, chairman, clockwork, commonsense, copyright, cupboard

daylight, dead weight, downfall, downstairs

earring, earthwork, evergreen, everybody, everyday, everyone, everything, everywhere, eyeball

fatherland, fingerprint, firearm, fire-engine, firefly, fireman, fireplace, firework, first-rate, floppy disk, football,
footlights, footman, footnote, footprint, footstep, friendship

gasworks, goalkeeper, goldfish, goodlooking, good-morning, goodnight, gunboat, gun-carriage,
gunmetal, gunpowder

haircut, handbook, handwriting, headdress, headland, headphones, headstone, headway, hereafter, herewith,
herself, highlands, highway, himself, horsback, horseplay, horsepower, hourglass, houseboat, housekeeper,

inasmuch, income, indoors, inland, inlet, input, inside, instep, into, itself


landmark, landslip, lawsuit, lighthouse, lipstick, loanshark, looking-glass, loophole

manhandle, manhole, meeting room, moonlight, myself

network, newspaper, nightcap, nobody, nothing, nowhere

offspring, oncoming, oneself, oneline, onlooker, onto, ourselves, outburst, outcome, outcry, outdoor, outgoing,
outhouse, outlaw, outlet, outline, outlook, output, outside, outskirts, outstretched, overacting, overall
overbalancing, overbearing, overcoat, overcome, overdo, overdressed, overfull, overhanging, overhead,
overland, overleaf, overload, overlook, overseas, overseer, overshoe, overstatement, overtake, overtaxed,
overtime, overturned, overuse, overvalued, overweight, overworking

pincushion, plaything , policeman, policewoman, postman, postwoman, postmark, postmaster, postoffice

railway, receivership, runway, runaway

scarecrow, seaman, secondhand, shorthand, shutdown, sideboard, sidewalk, sinkhole, skyscraper, somebody,
someday, somehow, someone, something, sometime, somewhat, somewhere, starlight, startup, steamship,
suchlike, sunburn, sunlight, sunshade, sweetheart

themselves, timesheet, today, tonight, toothpaste, tradesman

underclothing, undercooked, undergo, undergrowth, undermined, undersigned, undersized, understatement,
undertake, undertaker, undervalued, undo, update, upkeep, uplift, upon, upright, upstairs, uptake, uptight

viewpoint .
wallpaper, waterfall, weekend, well-being, well-off, whatever, whenever, whereas, whereby, wherever,
whichever, whitewash, whoever, windpipe, within, without, woodwork, workhouse ,
workman, workmanship, workout


yearbook, yourself

Compound Nouns

A compound noun is a noun that is made with two or more words. A compound noun is usually
[noun + noun] or [adjective + noun], but there are other combinations (see below). It is
important to understand and recognize compound nouns. Each compound noun acts as a single
unit and can be modified by adjectives and other nouns.

There are three forms for compound nouns:

1. open or spaced - space between words (tennis shoe)

2. hyphenated - hyphen between words (six-pack)
3. closed or solid - no space or hyphen between words (bedroom)

Here are some examples of compound nouns:

Noun + Noun bus stop Is this the bus stop for the number 12 bus?

fire-fly In the tropics you can see fire-flies at night.

football Shall we play football today?

adjective + Noun full moon I always feel crazy at full moon.

blackboard Clean the blackboard please.

software I can't install this software on my PC.

verb(-ing) + Noun breakfast We always eat breakfast at 8am.

washing Put the clothes in the red washing machine.


swimming pool What a beautiful swimming pool!

Noun + verb(-ing) sunrise I like to get up at sunrise.

haircut You need a haircut.

train-spotting His hobby is train-spotting.

verb + preposition check-out Please remember that check-out is at 12 noon.

Noun + prepositional mother-in-law My mother-in-law lives with us.


preposition + Noun underworld Do you think the police accept money from

Noun + adjective truckful We need 10 truckfuls of bricks.

Compound nouns tend to have more stress on the first word. In the phrase "pink ball", both words
are equally stressed (as you know, adjectives and nouns are always stressed). In the compound
noun "golf ball", the first word is stressed more (even though both words are nouns, and nouns
are always stressed). Since "golf ball" is a compound noun we consider it as a single noun and so
it has a single main stress - on the first word. Stress is important in compound nouns. For
example, it helps us know if somebody said "a GREEN HOUSE" (a house which is painted green)
or "a GREENhouse" (a building made of glass for growing plants inside).

British/American differences
Different varieties of English, and even different writers, may use the open, hyphenated or closed
form for the same compound noun. It is partly a matter of style. There are no definite rules. For
example we can find:

 container ship
 container-ship
 containership

If you are not sure which form to use, please check in a good dictionary.

Compound Word List #1

lifetime elsewhere upside Grandmother

cannot baseball fireworks Passport

together become became Sunflower

crosswalk basketball sweetmeat Superstructure

moonlight football railroad rattlesnake

anybody weatherman throwback skateboard

meantime earthquake everything herein

sometimes also backward schoolhouse

butterflies upstream nowhere bypass

fireflies because somewhere spearmint

something another somewhat airport

anyone today himself grasshopper

Inside themselves playthings footprints

therefore uplift supergiant homemade

without backbone scapegoat peppermint

Compound Word List # 2

eyeballs longhouse forget afternoon

southwest northeast alongside meanwhile

keyboard whatever blacksmith diskdrive

herself nobody seashore nearby

silversmith watchmaker subway horseback

Itself headquarters sandstone limestone

underground glassmaking riverbanks touchdown

honeymoon bootstrap toothpick toothpaste

dishwasher household township shadyside

popcorn airplane pickup housekeeper

bookcase babysitter saucepan lukewarm

bluefish hamburger honeydew raincheck

thunderstorm spokesperson widespread weekend

hometown commonplace moreover pacemaker

Compound Word List # 3

supermarket supermen supernatural superpower
somebody someday somehow someone
anymore anyplace anytime anyway
backhand watchdog backlog backpack
backstage waterfall backtrack noisemaker
underage underbelly underbid undercharge
bookworm bookstore bookshelf bookend
superscript supersonic superstar supersensitive
bookkeeper bookmark bookmobile forgive
Forklift format fortnight honeycomb
honeysuckle honeybee keyhole keynote
keyway keyword lifeblood lifeboat
lifeguard lifelike lifeline lifelong
forefinger forefather forehand forehead
Compound Word List # 4
onetime supercargo supercharge overabundance
backside backslap backspace backspin
undercut underdevelop underdog underestimate
superstrong supertanker superweapon superwoman
underexpose underfoot however eyesight
airfield sidekick crossover sunbathe
anywhere anyhow backache backbite
backbreaker backdrop backfire background
textbook underachieve underact underarm
keypad keypunch keystone keystroke
upstairs softball uptight upstate
supercool superego superfine superhero
foreleg foreman foresee oneself

Compound Word List # 5

washroom blackbird blackboard blackberries

Upend blacktop whitecap whitefish

whitewall whitewash friendship pancake

daytime upbringing upbeat upcoming

repairman firefighter standby bedroom

blackjack blacklist blackmail blackout

Uphill waterline upkeep upland

firehouse teenager carpool bellbottom

ballroom brainchild pinstripe bodywork

upward upwind upturn storerooms

deadline rainbow watermelon waterway

daybreak daybook daydream daylight

update upgrade upheaval upheld

Compound Word List # 6

upload washstand upon upperclassman

lifesaver forearm forbearer forbid

carhop carload carport carpetbagger

wastepaper upshot uplink upstage

newspaper grandchild grandparent grandchildren

fishpond fishtail hookup eyecatching

taxicab taxpayer teacup teamwork

uppercut uppercase uppermost uprising

newsreel newsstand newsworthy granddaughter

grandfather grandmaster grandaunt grandnephew

upright uproar uproot upstart

grandnieces grandson grandstand granduncle

boldface bankbook bankroll dishcloth

dishpan dishwater cardboard carefree

Compound Word List # 7

caretaker carsick carfare cargo

uptake upthrust newsroom uptime

carryall cartwheel wheelbase wheelbarrow

washcloth fishlike waterproof fishnet

newsdealer watershed newsman snowdrift

intake courtyard overflow cornmeal

underclothes overcoat undercover undercurrent

takeover talebearer taleteller tapeworm

superhuman wasteland superman superhighways

afterlife setback overland highway

mainland caveman drawbridge lifework

firebomb someplace passbook passkey

airtime firecracker sidewalk fireball

allover notebook throwaway fireproof

buttermilk footnote moonbeam Sunday

Compound Word List # 8

handmade candlelight firearm airline

crossbow sideshow software sunfish

moonstruck rattletrap weatherproof earthworm

schoolboy sweetheart butternut hereafter

playback foothill eyelid southeast

horseplay headache blueprint raindrop

weekday hammerhead foreclose foreclosure

slowdown skyscraper motherhood fatherland

forecast highball forebear mainline

slumlord snowball snakeskin soundproof

firebreak aircraft crosscut railway

earthward buttercup allspice noteworthy

playboy footlocker handgun horsepower

rainstorm bluegrass cheeseburger weeknight

headlight bedrock standoff commonwealth

Compound Word List # 9

cancan fireboat airlift Passover

crossbreed sideburns sunbaked moonshine

schoolbook hereby playhouse butterfingers

footlights handbook backslide eyelash

steamship headline spillway houseboat

longhand horsehair standpipe whatsoever

foresight soybean bookseller blueberry

cheesecake raincoat thunderbolt standpoint

bedroll cardsharp bellboy brainwash

bodyguard pinhole ponytail newsboy

careworn duckpin duckbill hookworm

courthouse afterimage highchair mothball

sixfold skintight skylight slapstick

snowbank standout handout eyeglasses

footrest stepson stockroom stonewall

Compound Word List # 10

sailboat watchword timesaving timeshare

salesclerk showoff sharecropper sheepskin

candlestick newsbreak newscaster newsprint

butterscotch turnabout turnaround turnbuckle

eyewitness starfish stagehand spacewalk

shoemaker turndown turnkey turnoff

horsefly comedown comeback cabdriver

bluebird tablespoon tabletop tableware

stoplight sunlit sandlot snowbird

bluebell wheelhouse fishhook fishbowl

stronghold tailgate taillight taillike

Pinup tailspin takeoff takeout

bellhop taproot target taskmaster

steamboat dairymaid teaspoon daisywheel

pinwheel telltale tenderfoot tenfold

Compound Word List # 11

timekeeper watchword timesaving timeshare

shoelace showoff sharecropper sheepskin

newfound newsbreak newscaster newsprint

timetable turnabout turnaround turnbuckle

sharpshooter starfish stagehand spacewalk

turncoat turndown turnkey turnoff

aboveboard comedown comeback cabdriver

tablecloth tablespoon tabletop tableware

sundial sunlit sandlot snowbird

wheelchair wheelhouse fishhook fishbowl

tagalong tailgate taillight taillike

tailpiece tailspin takeoff takeout

taproom taproot target taskmaster

teammate dairymaid teaspoon daisywheel

showplace telltale tenderfoot tenfold

Compound Word List # 12

shortbread teapot timesaving timeshare

firewater airmen sharecropper sheepskin

moonscape schoolwork newscaster newsprint

hereupon weathercock turnaround turnbuckle

handcuff headdress stagehand spacewalk

housetop forever turnkey turnoff

tailcoat bedclothes comeback cabdriver

upstanding fisheye tabletop tableware

afterglow highland sandlot snowbird

sisterhood skylark fishhook fishbowl

waistline walkways taillight taillike

walleyed wallpaper takeoff takeout

wardroom warehouse target taskmaster

warlike warmblooded teaspoon daisywheel

warpath telltale tenderfoot tenfold

Compound Word List # 13

around washbowl fisherman schoolbus

ashtray washboard beachcomb washout

blackball upmarket washtub wastebasket

sunroof sundown snowshovel sunup

upset wastewater superimpose watchband

jailbait jetliner dogwood downbeat

atchcase backlash watchman below

jetport boardwalk jackpot ballpark

watchtower timepieces watercolor watercooler

gumball goodbye nevermore coffeemaker

watercraft backstroke waterfront waterlog

moonwalk woodshop jellyfish waterfowl

uphold watermark fishmonger waterpower

shipbottom goodnight nutcracker racquetball

waterscape newsletter waterside waterspout

Compound Word List # 14

scarecrow toolbox gearshift tailbone

watertight waterworks waterwheel wavelength

thunderbird bugspray overshoes paycheck

wavelike warfare waxwork waybill

bowtie crewcut typewriter jumpshot

wayfarer waylaid wayward wayside

deadend eardrum postcard fruitcup

overboard jellybean centercut rubberband

sunray clockwise downunder earache

turntable driveway matchbox motorcycle

nightfall graveyard carrack doorstop

tadpole eggshell stopwatch limelight

ironwork cattail nursemaid sunglasses

wipeout egghead eardrop earthbound

daybed earring housework haircut

Compound Word List New

blowgun forethought upscale

duckweed forewarn upstroke

bowlegs foreknowledge uptown

forebrain foregone washhouse

forefeet foreshadow washrag

forefoot foretold

forego foreword

foreground grassland

butterball horseman

forecastle horseradish

foremost moonlit

forepaws catwalk

cardstock newborn

foredoom newsperson

forestall rainwater
Vocabulario: Sustantivos Compuestos 1

Como escribí hace un par de días en el articulo de sustantivos y adjetivos compuestos, hay varias maneras de
hacer las palabras compuestas. Hoy quiero dar más ejemplos.
sustantivo + sustantivo
bodyguard — guardaespaldas
goalkeeper — portero (en el futbol)
doorman — portero de un edificio
backbone — espina dorsal (se usa también para decir “coraje”)
cupboard — estantería (literalmente una tabla donde poner las copas)
fireman — bombero
headphones — auriculares
housekeeper — una persona que viene a limpiarte la casa
keyboard — el teclado
conference room — la sala de reuniones
waterfall — una cascada
living room — la sala de estar
bedroom — el dormitorio
sidewalk — la acera
sunburn — quemadura del sol
wallpaper — papel pintado (para cubrir las paredes)
policeman — un policía
wineglass — un vaso para el vino (para decir un vaso de vino, usamos a glass of wine)
goldfish — un pez de colores
Aquí tenemos algunos de otro tipo:
sustantivo + preposición (o preposición + sustantivo)
underwear — la ropa interior
overtime — horas extras que se trabaja
overhead — los gastos generales de una empresa
output — rendimiento
offspring — los críos
shakeup — una situación caótica
upkeep — mantenimiento

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