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Kobe Bryant Helicopter Crash

Last _______, basketball _______ Kobe Bryant’s helicopter _______ in Calabasas, California.
The _______ of the _______ say who _______ is with _______.
The _______ _______ him, his daughter, a basketball _______, a baseball _______, his
_______, his daughter, _______ _______, her _______, and the _______.
The _______ on the helicopter _______ to _______ _______ a basketball _______ in
Thousand Oaks, California. The _______ daughters _______ _______ together. The _______
coach _______ a _______ and three _______. The _______ coach _______ his _______ also
had _______ _______ and daughter.

According to the news determine whether the statement is true or false; justify your response.

Kobe Bryant’s was alone in the crash

The people on the helicopter plan to go to a concert in Calabasas

The only members of the Bryant family who died, was kobe and his daughter

Kobe Bryant played baseball

Last Sunday, basketball star Kobe Bryant’s helicopter crashes in Thousand Oaks, California
Match the concept son the left with definitions on the right.

1. Helicopter (_)

2. Basketball (_) A a person who trains and teaches

3. Start (_)
B action in a game
4. Play(_)
C Person recognized by a large part of the
5. Coach(_) population.
D a type of aircraft that is held in the
air and moved along by spinning
blades attached to its top side
E a game played on a court by two
teams of five players each. Points
are scored by shooting the ball
through a high metal hoop and net
at the opponent's end of the court.

Last Sunday, basketball star Kobe Bryant’s helicopter crashes in Calabasas, California. The
families of the victims say who else is with him.
The crash kills him, his daughter, a basketball coach, a baseball coach, his wife, his daughter,
another mother, her daughter, and the pilot.
The people on the helicopter plan to go to a basketball event in Thousand Oaks, California.
The three daughters played basketball together. The basketball coach had a husband and
three children. The baseball coach and his wife also had a son and daughter.

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