Havan Karim G Assinment 8 PDF

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Assignment 8

Homework 8 is based on the layer named “Labelling” to investigate the

following aspects:

a- Classify the stream network based on its purpose; primary and

secondary streams, then, find:

1. The main tributary that all other tributaries feed into it.
2. Find its total length. 3. Its total drainage area in sq-km.
4. How many counties the main river cross through.

Name: Havan Karim

Group : A
Assignment : 8

a- Classify the stream network based on its purpose; primary and

secondary streams, then, find:

Ans :

Primary and secondary road --- Option--- categories --- add all valu
--- ok.
1. The main tributary that all other tributaries feed into it.


Selection by attribute ----- “MTFCC” = s1200 -----apply --- ok .

= 7507 selected

Then export data (name= Primary).

2. Find its total length. 3. Its total drainage area in sq-km.

Ans :

Selection by location ---- River ---- Primary ---ok

Then export data (name = export output) .

= 4006 selected


ToDASqKM= 2803723.88
4. How many counties the main river cross through.
Ans :
Counties --- properties ---- categories ---- add all value ---ok.
= 58 counties

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