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Read Write Inc Phonics

Pathways 2 and 3 – Year 2 – continuing with Phonics

Pathway 1 – Reading is delivered using a more suitable approach

Early Years – Set 1 sounds only to be taught from Reception year

Autumn 1

Recap set 1 sounds - reading and writing assessment

Set 1 sounds should be taught in this order – m a s d t i n p g o c k u b f e l h r j v y w z x sh th ch qu ng nk

 Children secure in most sounds to continue with this Year 2 plan

 Children needing additional set 1 sounds teaching to return to Year 1 plan.

Autumn 2

Teach set 2 sounds plus ditties

Set 2 sounds should be taught in the following order – ay ee igh ow oo oo ar or air ir ou oy

Spring 1

Set 2 sounds plus ditties or Green reading books

Continue teaching new set 2 sound. If ditties are providing less of a challenge then move onto green
reading books.

Spring 2

Set 1 and 2 sounds for spelling. Green/Purple reading books

Use set 1 and set 2 sounds for spelling. If green reading books are proving less challenging move onto the
next level - purple
Summer 1

Set 3 sounds, spelling, purple/pink reading books

Set 3 sounds should be taught in the following order – a_e ea i_e o_e u_e aw are ur ow oi ai
e oa ew er ire ear ure. If purple reading books are proving less challenging move onto the next level -

Summer 2

Set 3 sounds, spelling, pink/orange reading books

Set 3 sounds should be taught in the following order – a_e ea i_e o_e u_e aw are ur ow oi ai
e oa ew er ire ear ure. If pink reading books are proving less challenging move onto the next level -

 Complete phonics trackers and pass the information on to the

new teacher.

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