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Energizer is an American manufacturer of batteries, headquartered in Town and country,

Missouri, is one of the world’s largest manufacturers of primary batteries and portable
torches and lanterns. Energizer is a global leader in dynamic business of providing power
solution with a full portfolio of products including energizer brand battery products,
rechargeable batteries and charging systems and etc. the company laid it’s foundation in the
late 1890’s, with the creation of the world’s first consumer battery. Since there establishment
their thirst for new innovations has never ended, thus thinking and doing things out of the box
have been there motto for more than decade now.

Throughout these years Energizer has earned its customers trust and loyalty through fine
quality of products and services with glimpse of innovation. No matter how expensive there
products would be, most of the consumers would still prefer energizer products in the first
place, as they are so better and innovative than most of the products available in the market
these days. Thus if energizer aims to introduce a new line of batteries, in Malaysia, that
provides a longer life than its existing titanium models, people would surely be excited and
love this product to use just as the existing products are already so compact with power and
innovation, thereby the new line of batteries would be now even better and more powerful
than the existing ones. To use this product the target audience must be well informed and
introduced to this new product of the Energizer Batteries. The brand manager here believes
that for the new line batteries most of the promotion budget should be spent on consumer and
trade sales promotion. I actually do see that as a very good idea, consumer and trade sales
promotion usually involves an immediate incentive for a buyer (intermediate distributor or
end consumer), and it can also involve disseminating information about a product, product
line, brand or a company. But on the contrary the assistant manager thinks that promotion
mix should emphasize on television advertising, there is also a bit weight in assistant
manager’s idea; television advertising has its own benefits when it comes to promotion of a
newly launched product. Advertising is a one-way communication of a persuasive message
by an identified sponsor, whose purpose is non-personal promotion of products/services to
potential customers.

Both of them, the Brand manager and the Assistant manager, emphasizes on quality ways to
promote the new Energizer product. But if I had to give a final verdict, in my opinion the
Assistant manager has proposed a better idea. Tactics of such as consumer and trade sales
promotion is acquired by small to large companies, just to provide a kick start to their new
launched products, as it’s a more cost saving option than advertising and has immediate
results. But its limited to short run, if Energizer thinks in long run, rather than short run,
television advertising is a more appropriate channel to peruse. Advertising on television will
allow Energizer to show and tell a wide audience about their business, product or services; it
will allow Energizer to actually demonstrate the benefits of ownership to these new batteries
over the others. They can show how useful their product is and how it’s packaged so
prospective customer will know what to look for at the point of sale. In advertising, it often
takes multiple touch points to effectively influence consumers’ purchasing behaviour.

Television advertising has been a popular medium for large retailers ever since the TV first
began to appear in living rooms. With the arrival of cable television came lowered production
costs and the opportunity to reach smaller, more targeted markets, making it a viable option
for small to medium-size businesses as well. It not just allows Energizer to promote its
batteries, but it will help Energizer to stay on top of its competitors and rise its brand value.
TV reaches a much larger audience in a short period of time, and it reaches viewers when
they’re the most attentive. It will allow Energizer to convey their message with sight, sound
and motion that why should they switch to their newly introduced batteries.

Television advertisement will allow Energizer to target audience of any age, race, community
or religion. the most important element of TV advert is the vast array of programming
options. There is a channel or show for almost any proclivity. Want to reach 35 year old
American men who love all things English? Try BBC America or ESPN2 or Fox soccer.
Targeting young black teens? Go with BET or Fox. There’s a strong platform for Energizer to
introduce it’s new line of batteries to the young gaming playing generation of Malaysia, as
most of the games and their controls need batteries as power and by targeting the right
programme at the right time Energizer can succeed.

Last but not the least, Once Energizer has understood their target market and created an
effective choice of networks, television is incredibly cost-effective. The cost-per-thousand
(CPM) is one of the lowest of all ad mediums. The average Malaysian is watching 3.5 – 4
hours of television every day and that means more than an hour of commercial viewing.
Huge budgets aren’t a necessity in television. This is one reason television received the
largest portion of advertising dollars year over year around the world. This can be very useful
for Energizer, the less the cost incurs in production and promotions, the lower they can set
price for their new line batteries.
Television Advertising is a good way for Energizer to increase awareness of its new line
batteries, brand name contact info and etc. It can be a way to keep the company’s name or
logo in front of the customers for hours every day. But it’s also important to remember that
no medium of promotion mix is a silver bullet, not even TV advertising. I’ll encourage
Energizer to take both in consideration and emphasize more on television advertising
alongside by doing some consumer and trade sales promotion, as it is also essential in
marketing a product.

Words: 1010


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