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Coaching is a day-to-day and ongoing function that involves observing performance,

complimenting good work, and helping to correct and improve any performance that doesn’t
meet expectations. Coaching is also concerned with long-term performance and involves
ensuring that each employee’s development plan is achieved.
Mostly managers at Telenor understand the value of coaching and how it can help new
employees to develop skills and progress in their careers. However, just as people of different
Styles accomplish work and communicate in different ways, they also have specific preferences
on how to be coached. This section will describe each Style’s preferences, how new employees
at Telenor like to be coached, and how they respond to coaching.
When new employees are hired at Telenor and when information about a new candidate is
collected, the coaches at Telenor analyzes the need that what type of coaches are required for
certain type of people to work best with. After the employee analysis has been done Telenor
assigns new employees the coaches accordingly. Telenor always think of employees betterment
so Telenor assigns them those coaches with whom they can work easily. By keeping the
employee betterment in mind Telenor has adopted four types of coaching styles. The first
coaching style is of driver, they talk more about people and relationships. Second is
persuader/expressive which are focused on achieving results and believe that action is the best
way to succeed. Third is amiable which are directed towards building strong relationships, so
they will typically be open to coaching conversations. Last are the analyzers which work under
the rules and regulations and follows the proper procedures of organization.
By keeping in mind the development of employees the coaches at Telenor provides the following
four types of coaching.


Driving Style coach are focused on achieving results and believe that action is the best way to
succeed. They are typically not seen as concerned about relationships and people except as they
relate to the overall goal. Other people may consider them to be impersonal, practical and
Initially, new employees when they work under driver coach may be impatient with coaching.
Because they have an orientation for taking action, listening to another person’s advice might
seem like a waste of time or even unnecessary. The value of the process will need to be proven.
As an outcome of coaching, employees under driver coach will want options for improving.
Driver coach must be direct and to the point, and show the value of his feedback quickly in the
conversation by explaining how it will help them achieve their goals. Even if the coach feedback
is about some aspect of their performance where they are failing, they would still rather hear this
than leave it unaddressed.
Driver employees will react favorably to coaching, as long as it helps them achieve their goals.
They have a strong need for results, so if coaches at telenor frame their advice in terms that will
help them succeed, it’s more likely that they will respond positively.


Expressive Style coach typically focus on spontaneity and recognition. They like to be at the
center of activity, but don’t typically focus on one thing for too long. They generally approach
situations in a casual manner and tend to get along well with others who support their ideas.
They are frequently big-picture thinkers who prefer not to deal with all the details.
Expressive Style people crave recognition, so the manager simply take the time to coach them, In
this way managers will partly fulfill this need. Their orientation towards spontaneity means that
they will generally welcome your in-the-moment coaching.
As an outcome of coaching, Expressive Style employees want some form of personal motivation
for acting on coach advice. In this way coach input include some form of recognition or gain for
the person, so that he or she will be appropriately inspired. These people also want to hear how
their performance is valued in some way, so look for this opportunity. By first meeting this need,
coach will be better positioned to discuss areas where their performance can be improved.
Because they have such a strong desire for personal recognition, Expressive Style employees will
respond well to coaching. They are provided coaching in such a way that if coach have to
deliver some difficult feedback, they are more likely to respond positive.


Amiable Style coach are focused on relationships and personal security. They are friendly and
committed to working with others. They are the most “people oriented” of the Styles. They enjoy
collaborating with others and want a friendly, comfortable workplace. They are open to sharing
personal information with others and tend to take the comments and actions of others personally.
Amiable Style employees are directed toward relationships, so they will typically be open to
coaching conversations. They place value on interpersonal communication and will look for
coaching as a way to strengthen their relationship with the coach the their coworkers..
The main outcomes that Amiable Style people want from coaching is to know how they can
improve and help the team, and assurance that their working relationship with you is solid. It will
be helpful if you can frame your advice in terms of the impact it will have on team effectiveness
and cohesion. By showing that if coach understand their work circumstances and care about their
professional development, in this way coach will meet their need for personal security.


Analyzers Style coach are focused on information and a desire to make the right decision from
their perspective. Thinking and careful analysis are considered critical by these individuals.
Others see them as reserved, slow-moving and risk averse
Part of their orientation towards being right means that employees with analytical interest want
to be “correct” in their work performance. For this reason, they will generally be open to coach
feedback as long as they believe that coach is accurate in his/her assessment of them and their
As an outcome of coaching, Analyzers Style people want them to take into account their work
circumstances and provide feedback that is logical and will help them improve their
performance. In this way analytical coach must try to give feedback in a way that takes into
account history as well as future development. They will want some time after coaching to think
about what coach have said.
Analyzers are most likely to respond positively to coaching if their coach support them in their
development. By agreeing to back them in a course of action, they will feel more capable to
make changes and improve their performance.

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