DC Assignment 1

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Ques 1 : Frequency modulation and pulse code

modulation represents technique that spread the
spectrum of an information signal. Can they be
called spread spectrum signals.
Sol : Information theory deals with the mathematical
modelling and analysis of a communication system
rather than with physical sources and physical
In telecommunication and signals processing
frequency modulation (FM) is the encoding of
information in a carrier wave by varying the
frequency of a wave. Frequency modulation is widely
used for FM radio broadcasting.
A information to be transmitted (baseband signal) is
xm(t) and sinusoidal carrier is xc(t) = AcCos(2πfct)
fc = carrier base frequency.
Ac = carrier amplitude.
A pulse code modulated to convert its analog
information into a binary sequence i.e, 1s and 0s.
Information signal is represented by a sequence of
coded pulses.
The output of the PCM will resemble a binary
PCM produces a series of numbers or digits and
hence this process is called as digital. PCM storage
digital signal easier, cheaper and more efficient.
Ques 2: Describes the properties that make
pseudorandom signals appear to be random.
Sol : A pseudorandom process produces predictable
outcomes given information which is typically
difficult to acquire. In general, a random process
generates unpredictable outcomes.
To determine the suitability of pseudorandom
sequences for application use, we need to study
their properties :
1. Period : One property is the minimal period length
of the sequence that is the shortest number of steps
until the sequence begin to repeat.
2. Randomness :

a. Good randomness properties of output
b. Speed and efficiency.
c. Reproducibility.
d. Large period.
3. Contribution
4. Organization
Ques 3: What is the difference between fast
hopping and slow hopping?
Sol :
Slow freq. hopping Fast freq. Hopping
1. More than one 1. More than one
symbols transmitted per frequency hops are
frequency hop. required to transmit one
2. Chip rate is equal to
the symbol rate. 2. Chip rate is equal to
the hop rate.
3. Symbol rate is higher
than hop rate. 3. Hop rate is higher than

4. Same carrier frequency the symbol rate.
is used to transmitted 4. One symbol is
one or more symbols. transmitted over multiple
5. The signal can be carriers in different hops.
detected by jammer if 5. The signal is difficult to
carrier frequency in one detect since one symbol
hop is known. is transmitted on multiple
6. Security : secure low carrier frequencies.
7. Low 6. Security : more secure
7. High

Ques 4: How does the processing gain parameters

differ for direct sequence system compared with
frequency hopped systems?
Sol :
 In spread spectrum system processing gain The
processing gain is the ratio of the spreading
bandwidth Bss to the minimum required signal
bandwidth Bd.
PG = Bss/Bs
 Main difference b/w DSSS and FHSS is that FSSS
splits the available spectrum into separate bands
and DSSS in contrast spreads the signal across a
wider bandwidth than FSSS, creating a lower
power density across the spectrum.
 The higher the processing gain of the DSSS
waveformthe more the resistance to
interference of DSSS signal. A FHSS system is
used for transmitting binary data at a rate of
10kbps. The unspread bfsk signal occupies a BW
of 20kbps.


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