Summary and Homework 2020.05.11

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Dear Attendees,

Thank you for your participation during our third lecture. The problem with python server on Edube platform
allowed us to use local python console.

Course update:

On each course day the pause is planned from 4:30 to 4:40 pm (Morocco time).

Additional information:

1. Explanation of literals, provided by Wikipedia: : literal is a notation for

representing a fixed value in source code

2. Update to when you want to express binary value, prefix it with ‘0b’:

print(0b10110) - should return 22

print(0o26) - should return 22
print(0x16) - should return 22

3. How to understand None value? Response: It represents the absence of a value.

a. Examples:
i. Imagine a situation: how old I was in 17th century? It would be wrong to say: I was -377
years old. It’s better to say that my age was: None
ii. Imagine a system that gathers readings from sensors (i.e. temperature). There were no
readings from one of the sensors as it was missing or broken, so it is better to express
readings as None than any floating-point value that would be misleading.


• today (2020.05.11) we finished on (SECTION SUMMARY)

• on Wednesday (2020.05.13) we will start with (Operators - data manipulation tools)


Labs from the following slides:


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