Central America Report - Winter 2009

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Central America Report Winter 2009

Honduras coup
meets stiff resistance
Women on the frontline

Also in this issue: Food crisis in

Guatemala, La Vida Loca – Salvadoran
gangs on screen, growing coffee
in a changing climate

Change we can’t believe in? Contents

Tackling hunger in Guatemala 3
N THIS ISSUE we focus on the coup in Honduras, the role of the US,
I and the extraordinary courage and resilience of illegally ousted Present
Manuel Zelaya and the movement that sprang up against the coup. We
A combination of drought and the global
financial crisis means less food on the
table for many poor rural families

Christian Poveda obituary 4

also explore the reverberations of the political crisis across the region. Ruth Collins pays tribute to the film-
At April’s Summit of the Americas, US President Barack Obama maker killed after making a hard-hitting
documentary on Salvadoran gangs
promised a new vision for the continent – a democratic Western
hemisphere of equal partners, mutual interests and shared values. But three Coffee in a changing climate 5
Megan Rowling reports on a project to
months later, in an event eerily reminiscent of the dark period of brutal help Nicaraguan coffee farmers adapt
military coups and repression of the 1970s and 80s, Zelaya was seized from to global warming

his bed at gunpoint and bundled onto a military plane to Costa Rica. Regional update 6–7
Nicaragua’s rights ombudsman calls
Those who have traditionally held political, economic and military power for an end to the ban on therapeutic
took it upon themselves to “protect” Honduras from the leftward shift seen abortion

across Latin America in the past 10 years. In their eyes, Zelaya’s “crimes” HONDURAS COUP

included legislation to preserve the country’s plundered forests, efforts to Political and economic
implications for the region 8
block the privatisation of the national telecommunications company, the
Chronology of the crisis, plus solidarity
cancellation of environmentally damaging mining concessions, raising the with the resistance movement 9
minimum wage, setting up a women’s ministry, and – worst of all – gaining US right uses crisis to attack Obama 10
support from states in the Bolivarian Alternative for the Americas (ALBA). Women at the forefront of resistance:
So how, less than a year after Obama’s “change we can believe in” interview with Katherine Ronderos,
Central America Women’s Network 11
rhetoric, did US policy lurch backwards to a spirit of Cold War disregard for
War on Want partner exposes abuse
Central America? We highlight some of the reasons: the growing influence of maquila workers’ rights 12
of an aggressive right wing in the US and Latin America; powerful business
Street kids world cup & film review 13
interests that regard Latin America as their “backyard”; and the monumental Young Nicaraguan footballers seek
problems facing the Obama administration, whose priorities lie elsewhere. success in South Africa
American/Sandinista: the story of the
The coup represents a power struggle across the continent – in the US to engineers who lit up the Revolution
undermine the president’s authority, and in Latin America to challenge Take action 14 – 16
left-leaning governments committed to redressing gross inequalities. Twin town news, UK trade unionists
visit Nicaragua, and witnessing
As CAR goes to press, the power-sharing agreement brokered by the legal history in Guatemala
US and the Organization of American States to establish a government
of national unity and reconciliation has unravelled. In a flagrant breach of
Published by Central America Report,
the deal, de facto president Roberto Micheletti has formed a cabinet that 86 Durham Road, London N7 7DT
excludes Zelaya and his representatives. “It’s absurd what they are doing – Email: info@central-america-report.org.uk
trying to mock all of us, the people who elected me and the international Editorial committee: Ruth Collins, Patrick
Daniels, Abbie Kempson, Megan Rowling
community that supports me,” said Zelaya. “We’ve decided not to continue and Helen Yuill
this theatre with Mr Micheletti.” With the opponents of “change we Cover photos: Left: Demonstration against
the coup. Bottom right: “Golpe al golpe” (Beat
can believe in” pushing their agenda hard across the Americas, the the Coup) artistic festival. Both photos by
international solidarity movement has a vital role to play in maintaining Oscar Mendoza, student at the Central
America Virtual Campus, San Pedro de Sula,
global pressure to restore the rightful Honduran president to power. Honduras. Top right: “Feminists in Resistance”
protest against the coup, Tegucigalpa,
Honduras. Photo by Katherine Ronderos
Central America Report is online at: www.central-america-report.org.uk Design: Jane Warring
For information, magazine subscriptions and article submissions, Our thanks to all the contributors for helping
to produce this issue of CAR. The articles in
please contact us at: info@central-america-report.org.uk this magazine should be taken as having
We are looking for volunteers to help us out with producing our been written in a personal capacity, unless
otherwise stated. Any views stated in the
print magazine and keeping our website up to date. For further articles should not be taken to represent the
information, please check the website, email us or call policy of any of the organisations that support
020 7561 4836 (NSC office). the production of Central America Report.

Central America Report: Winter 2009 2

up micro-irrigation systems for
Guatemala grapples with kitchen gardens, as well as providing
chickens and goats. The programme
food shortages aims to help parents give their
children a more varied and plentiful
Chronic child malnutrition and persistent food insecurity require diet. Farmer Miguel says the health of
a more sustainable solution his son Alex has improved drastically
thanks to his family’s participation in
NTERNATIONAL AID AGENCIES the eastern “dry corridor”, where the project. Miguel is also teaching
I are providing nutritional, health
and farming support to hungry
54,000 families cannot access the food
they need. The government estimates
others in Quiché about the low-cost
and environmentally-friendly
families in Guatemala after President that a total of 410,000 families in 21 agricultural practices he has learned.
Álvaro Colom declared a national provinces (around 2.5 million people) “My land makes more corn now, so I
“state of calamity” in September in are affected by the food crisis, and don't have to buy corn at the market
response to severe food shortages. 25 children are reported to have died anymore,” he says.
The rural poor are being hit hard from severe malnutrition this year.
by falling remittances and rising Even in better times, almost half of Megan Rowling and Anastasia Moloney
unemployment caused by the global Guatemalan children below the age of (AlertNet)
economic crisis, persistent high food five suffer from chronic malnutrition – www.alertnet.org
and fertiliser prices, and a lack of the highest rate in Latin America and www.redhum.org (Spanish)
rain stemming from the El Niño the fourth highest in the world. www.savethechildren.org.gt
weather phenomenon. Drought Humanitarian news website
conditions have damaged corn and AlertNet reported in October on UN
bean crops, which are staple foods, research that put the cost of economic Survey shows
and this has compounded the impact losses from child malnutrition in financial crisis is
of a poor harvest in late 2008 in the Guatemala at $3.1 billion a year in
wake of flooding. 2004, or 11 percent of the country’s
hurting children
According to the Red Cross, some gross domestic product (GDP). That This year’s survey on remittances
communities only have enough food to compares with an average of up in Guatemala conducted by the
last until the next harvest in December, to three percent of GDP across 10 International Organisation for
which is likely to be sparse. Those worst Latin American countries studied. Migration and UNICEF highlights
affected live in the seven provinces of “There’s a clear relationship between the negative impact of the financial
child malnutrition, economic loss, crisis on children and adolescents.
productivity and competitiveness,”
Alejandro Chicheri, WFP's regional • An estimated 1.6 million
Guatemalans live abroad – 70.5
information officer, told AlertNet.
percent are men who send an
Describing the Guatemalan figure as
average of $272 home each month.
“amazingly high,” he added that “only
Photo: WFP/Martin Penner, December 2008

Remittances in 2009 are expected

a fraction of that $3.1 billion” would
to total $3.84 billion, 11 percent
be necessary to resolve the problem. lower than in 2008.
The national and international
response to this year’s food crisis
includes food aid, distribution of
• Among 3,000 households
interviewed, 8.7 percent of children
seeds and fertilisers, technical help between 7 and 17 can no longer
for farmers to rehabilitate their crops attend school and 7.4 percent
and livelihoods, measures to prevent have been forced to find jobs to
the spread of dengue fever, and supplement the family income.
Gregoria Sanchez, 20, is proud of the size community education in health and
of her eight-month-old baby who receives a
nutritious food supplement called VitaCereal
nutrition. Meanwhile, the government •described
72 percent of households
their economic situation
from the UN World Food Programme. plans to implement a longer-term
as between bad and fair. Many
Monthly rations give children from poor strategy to reduce vulnerability
have been forced to cut down the
communities the chance to develop to hunger and introduce a more number of meals per day and the
properly, but WFP has struggled to find sustainable system of production. amount of calories they consume.
funds to pay for the scheme, which reaches Aid agency Save the Children is
100,000 children and 50,000 pregnant and
lactating women in Guatemala.
already training families in www.oim.org.gt/index2.html
www.wfp.org/countries/guatemala agricultural techniques and setting

3 Central America Report: Winter 2009

El Salvador
forehead for all to see. In El Salvador,
Film on ‘crazy life’ of anyone with such a tattoo is
unemployable, leading Homies
gangs has tragic ending Unidos to set up a bakery to try and
help mareros make a fresh start. Yet,
Ruth Collins reports on the work of Christian Poveda (1957 – 2009) as Poveda illustrates, for most,
converting to a better life through
who was killed in El Salvador after making a documentary about
work or even religion is not a viable
the country’s violent street gangs. or lasting solution.
ESCRIBED AS “one of nature’s is able to get to the action, thrusting La Vida Loca is a brave and
D anarchists” by friend and
colleague Nick Fraser, Christian
the viewer into an intimate and
sombre occasion. Yet, as is soon made
revealing documentary that exposes
the endemic and senseless violence
Poveda was well known for his inability clear, this is by no means the last still being waged in El Salvador today.
to accept authority. A talented funeral, nor the last body on display. You barely blink before “bang, bang”
French-Spanish photojournalist and Amid vain endeavours by NGO and another gang member’s story –
documentary film-maker, Poveda Homies Unidos to rehabilitate young and life – is over. The film does much
told Salvadoran webzine El Faro in gang members (mareros) and clashes to show how in this society, life is
July this year that he wished “to with the police, Poveda paints a truly transitory and as soon as one
understand why a 12- or 13-year-old realistically bleak picture of their lives gang member dies, another will be
child joins a gang and gives his or her and shows how each individual is initiated and duly take their place.
life to it”. However, his desire to trapped in a vicious spiral from which It is all the more poignant that
unravel the inside story behind gang there is no perceivable way out. Poveda’s desire to be so close to the
violence in El Salvador ultimately cost Poveda’s film not only reveals the action led to his untimely death. But
him his life on September 2 2009. mareros’ day-to-day way of life, but then, as Salvadoran Edu Ponces wrote
Poveda first went to El Salvador in also draws attention to a heavy police candidly in El Faro,“ if you look long
January 1980 as a photographer for crackdown that has failed to address enough down the throat of the lion,
TIME magazine covering the civil the real issues pushing these young he will eat you.”
war. He returned in the 1990s, this people to keep on reoffending. La
time to make a documentary about Chucky, a female Mara 18 member, Official La Vida Loca site with trailer:
Salvadoran gangs. He carried out 190 appears to embody some of the www.lafemme-endormie.com/vidaloca
interviews with Salvador’s two main typical characteristics of Salvadoran Homage to Poveda and slideshow
gangs, the Mara Salvatrucha and gang members – illiteracy, feeling of Poveda’s images put together
Mara 18. Killing day after day to abandoned by parents and by Mexican photographers:
prove their supremacy, their rivalry marginalised from society. Signifying http://zonezero.com/exposiciones/
continues to terrorise the country. her allegiance to the gang, the number fotografos/poveda/index.html
Living with Mara 18 members for 18 ‘18’ is tattooed across La Chucky’s
months, Poveda gathered footage for
his celebrated documentary La Vida
Loca (Crazy Life) due for widespread
release in September. On the day
of his death, it is thought he was
travelling back from La Campanera,
a town not far from the capital San
Salvador, when his car was ambushed
and he was shot in the head. La
Campanera is home to the Mara
Salvatrucha which had declined
Poveda’s offer to collaborate in
the documentary.
Photo: © Christian Poveda

La Vida Loca begins how it means

to go on: with a funeral and close-ups
of a corpse and bystanders around
a coffin – some in tears of anguish,
some in disbelief and some simply in
stony silence. Perhaps one of the most Christian Poveda, director of La Vida Loca, during the filming of his documentary, with
startling aspects is how close Poveda “El Bambam”, Little One and Cesarito

Central America Report: Winter 2009 4

Central America

Growing coffee in a warmer world

Megan Rowling reports on a project helping farmers protect their livelihoods.


A deal on climate change at UN
talks in Copenhagen in December 2009,
Extreme weather hits
El Salvador, Nicaragua
communities in countries already
feeling the effects of global warming are Flooding and landslides in early
working out how to adapt. While they November killed more than 150
have yet to secure the billions of dollars people in El Salvador and displaced
14,000. Torrential rains – brought by
in international support needed to
a low-pressure system in the Pacific
protect their lives, homes and crops,
– caused rivers to burst their banks
many farmers, coast-dwellers and other and hillsides to collapse. President
vulnerable groups are doing what Mauricio Funes declared a national
they can to cope with the impacts. emergency, and blamed El
Cafédirect, the UK ethical hot drinks Salvador’s lack of preparation for
Photo: Stanton Media

company, and German technical extreme weather. “The drama we are

cooperation agency GTZ are helping facing and the precarious situation
tea and coffee producers in four regions communities face in large areas of
to manage climate change through the country is because of the lack
a three-year project called AdapCC. of mitigation and risk prevention
Coffee picker at the Ramon Sevilla
AdapCC research shows that cooperative, El Volcan, Nicaragua programmes, which for years had
been demanded but were never
increasingly unpredictable rainfall and
carried out,” he said. The
temperature patterns are likely to is expected to decrease, and minimum
government and international aid
reduce the quality and quantity of and maximum temperatures to increase agencies provided shelter, food,
yields. Smallholder growers – who in the coming four decades – meaning medical and other relief in the worst-
produce most of the world’s coffee – that some land at lower altitudes could hit areas. Meanwhile, in Nicaragua,
will be worst affected, with calculations become unsuitable for coffee and the UN World Food Programme said
suggesting that in some regions annual farmers will need to identify alternative it would assist more than 13,000
incomes could be slashed by up to 90 crops. In other places producers will people affected by Hurricane Ida,
percent over the next 15 years. “While have to adapt their growing techniques. which caused extensive damage on
there’s no universal panacea to the However, climate change may mean it the Atlantic coast in early November.
problems farmers face, AdapCC has is worth investing in new plantations Other parts of Nicaragua have been
demonstrated that by working directly at higher altitudes. “Climate change suffering from a severe drought,
with the National Federation
with the grower communities, we can brings not only bad news but also a lot
of Cooperatives (FENACOOP)
collectively combat the effects of climate of potential. The winners will be those
predicting a fall of up to 30 percent
change,” said Cafédirect’s Wolfgang who are prepared for change and know in corn, bean and rice production.
Weinmann. “AdapCC provides how to adapt,” concludes the study. The Federation has urged the
replicable, region-specific, and perhaps At one workshop, coffee growers government to promote the use of
most importantly, scalable solutions that expressed concern about droughts, drought-resistant seeds and support
help counter the impacts of climate landslides, deforestation, and pests and the development of irrigation.
change. The challenge for Cafédirect diseases linked to rising temperatures.
and those interested in sustainable Interviews with 40 producers from Sources: AlertNet
(www.alertnet.org) and ReliefWeb
livelihoods in the developing world is 25 Nicaraguan co-operatives revealed
to… develop long-term partnerships obstacles to tackling climate change:
that safeguard not only the supply a lack of long-term financial support,
chain but the interests of the grower.” technical know-how and environmental through training programmes, setting
In Latin America, pilot schemes have expertise; poor incentives for growers up a weather monitoring station,
been launched in Mexico, Peru and to apply sustainable practices; and providing technical support for organic
Nicaragua. The Nicaraguan initiative is inadequate information about climate methods and better water management,
being carried out with two producer change impacts and alternative and encouraging cooperatives to
groups that work with Cafédirect, methods and technology. In the face expand their role in environmental
PRODECOOP and CECOCAFEN. of these problems, PRODECOOP has services, including carbon capture.
According to research in 10 coffee- developed a plan to reduce climate risks
growing areas in the country, rainfall and adapt the coffee production system www.adapcc.org/en/nicaragua.htm

5 Central America Report: Winter 2009

Central America
rejecting these initiatives in workers who have been laid off
Regional update popular consultations. They
oppose the government’s moves
by factories in the nation’s free
trade zones. As a result of the
to sell off what they deem as global financial crisis, Central
EL SALVADOR in Nahuizalco, Sonsonate their land, as well as the American countries are
and Santa Ana performed a potential environmental damage experiencing major increases in
Funes most popular ceremony in which they called and lack of local economic unemployment in the maquilas,
president in Americas for true independence for benefit. A spokesperson for and the movement of women
A collection of survey results El Salvador and inclusion Xinka community members workers into the informal
from 15 countries in the of indigenous people. They from Santa María Xalapán in economy. The gathering
Americas, assembled by criticised the country’s Jalapa said a referendum, which addressed violations of workers’
the Mitofsky polling firm in indebtedness and involvement enjoyed wide participation, had labour, human and social rights,
September, gave Salvadoran in the Central America Free demonstrated a resounding ‘no’ focusing on women. Specific
President Mauricio Funes – Trade Agreement, as well as to mining activity in the issues included reform of the
the FMLN candidate elected its high rates of murder and municipality. Salvadoran labour law, concern
in March – the highest ranking. violence. Historical oppression over the presence of organised
Funes scored an approval of indigenous peoples, most crime in Guatemala’s free trade
rating of 84 percent among his notably the 1932 massacre, has NICARAGUA zones, and the accusation that
country’s citizens, followed by led to their assimilation, but Honduran workers have been
Lula of Brazil with 81 percent. there have been growing Appeal against re-election ban forced to march in support of
attempts in recent years to On October 19, the the coup government.
Free school uniforms preserve indigenous culture constitutional panel of
President Funes has promised and the Nahuat language. Nicaragua’s Supreme Court US court lets Dole off banana
two school uniforms, a pair ruled favourably on a petition workers’ compensation
of shoes and a set of school from President Daniel Ortega A Miami court ruled in October
supplies to every state-school GUATEMALA and 105 Sandinista mayors that fruit and vegetable
student in the country. The that their rights were being producer Dole Food Inc. cannot
bidding process for school Conflicts over mining projects violated by a provision in the be forced in the US to pay a $97
uniform fabrics was launched Protests by local people are constitution which does not million verdict issued by
in August, and production is to blocking a $1 billion nickel permit their consecutive re- a Nicaraguan court four
be carried out locally with the mining project, one of Central election to office. President years ago, which awarded
aim of creating jobs. The free America’s biggest mineral Oscar Arias of Costa Rica won compensation to 150
school meal programme has investments. Canada’s HudBay a similar appeal in 2008. Nicaraguans who claimed
also been expanded from rural Minerals wants to develop a Opposition parties and civil they had suffered injuries from
schools to include students in long-dormant pit near the town society organisations reacted pesticides used at Dole’s banana
impoverished urban areas. of El Estor, on the banks of swiftly, accusing Sandinista plantations in the 1970s.
Guatemala’s biggest lake, which justices of taking the decision Lawyers for the Nicaraguans
FMLN blocks same-sex has world-class nickel reserves. in the absence of their Liberal brought the case to Florida in
marriage and adoption ban But hundreds of local people colleagues. Daniel Ortega told a 2007 to enforce the verdict under
On September 24, a claim that large expanses of television audience, “I will say a state law that recognises
constitutional reform that company land near Lake Izabal to those people that they should foreign judgments. However, the
would have banned same-sex belonged to their ancestors and calm down and not drown in a US judge said it could not be
marriage and adoption was have occupied the property for glass of water. To solve this we implemented because it was
defeated after the FMLN the past four years, farming corn have the 2011 elections. What based on a law that violates
refused to back it, preventing and building thatch houses. are they afraid of?” international legal standards.
the proposal from gaining the A teacher was killed in Since 2002, Nicaraguan courts
necessary two-thirds majority. September when security Job losses in free trade zones have issued judgments in 32
guards from HudBay’s Speaking at a Central America such cases for a total of $2.05
Indigenous participation Guatemala unit clashed with Maquiladora Workers Solidarity billion against Dole and
in Independence Day local residents after the Network forum in Managua pesticide makers.
El Salvador’s indigenous breakdown of talks to arrange in October, Sandra Ramos, Dole also convinced a Los
community took part for their eviction and relocation. president of the Maria Elena Angeles judge earlier this year
the first time in official As multinational companies Cuadra Women’s Movement that three class-action lawsuits
Independence Day celebrations continue to seek licences for (MEC), called on the by banana workers were based
on September 15. Representatives mineral exploitation, time and government to respond to the on a conspiracy hatched by US
from indigenous communities again local communities are needs of the more than 30,000 and Nicaraguan plaintiff

Central America Report: Winter 2009 6

Central America
lawyers with the help of some pregnancy. Reminding Meanwhile, a report from because she is pregnant, while
Nicaraguan judges. However, journalists that therapeutic Amnesty International, she has other children waiting
Dole has withdrawn a abortion had been written into published in July, concludes that at home?” said Kate Gilmore,
defamation lawsuit against Nicaraguan law for over a the abortion ban is endangering Amnesty’s executive deputy
a Swedish filmmaker after century before it was banned the lives of girls and women, secretary, describing what she
complaints in Sweden that the two years ago, and that denying them life-saving had seen on a visit to Nicaragua
company was trying to curb free Nicaragua is now among a tiny treatment, and preventing health as “sheer horror” and noting the
speech by suing Fredrik Gertten minority of nations that regard it professionals from practicing government’s refusal to meet
for showing the documentary as a crime, Cabezas said: “I am effective medicine. According Amnesty to discuss the law.
Bananas!, which is based on hopeful once again, and I say it to official figures, 33 girls and www.amnesty.org/en/region/
the dismissed cases. openly, that when next I travel women died in pregnancy in nicaragua
to Geneva as Nicaragua’s the first 19 weeks of this year,
Ombudsman urges Ombudsman, I will have the compared with 20 in the same The Nicaragua Solidarity
decriminalisation of happiness of knowing that period last year, and 16 percent Campaign (NSC) believes that
therapeutic abortion Nicaragua will once again of maternal deaths were due to the roots of the abortion ban
Nicaragua’s human rights display – on a global, planetary unsafe abortion, compared with lie with a fundamentalist
ombudsman, Omar Cabezas, level, and before a gathering of none in 2008. Amnesty’s report interpretation of religious doctrine
has formally requested that the all the nations of the world – also notes a rise in pregnant by the leadership of the Catholic
Supreme Court overturn the the legalisation of therapeutic teenagers committing suicide church in Nicaragua, propagated
current law that declares all abortion.” Several NGOs, by consuming poison in 2008. in the 2006 election campaign
abortion illegal, even therapeutic including the Nicaraguan “What alternatives is this and adopted by all major parties.
abortion, which only applies in Centre for Human Rights government offering a 10-year- NSC has condemned this repressive
cases of extreme hardship and (CENIDH), and women’s old pregnant as a result of rape? legislation as an extreme violation
particularly when the mother’s groups fighting violence And to a cancer sufferer who is of the rights of women and
life is in danger from her have made similar appeals. denied life saving treatment just campaigned for its reversal.

7 Central America Report: Winter 2009


Honduras coup sends Salvadoran President Mauricio

Funes of the left-wing FMLN

shock waves across region immediately condemned the

coup and called for Zelaya’s
reinstatement. However, the
The crisis in Honduras has had serious political, social and economic right-wing Nationalist Republican
repercussions throughout Central America, a region still experiencing Alliance (ARENA), the corporate
sector and others with influence in
the the dark consequences of the wars of the 1980s and early 1990s.
the military were quick to exploit
Toni Solo examines the impact on Nicaragua. the situation, warning Funes of
the consequences should he
MMEDIATELY FOLLOWING the As Montealegre’s political
I coup, Nicaragua’s FSLN-led
coalition government gave refuge to
credibility withered, his rival for the
leadership of a unified right wing –
“act like Zelaya”.

President Manuel Zelaya and played convicted criminal and former

a key diplomatic role in coordinating President Arnoldo Alemán – kept a Alta Hooker Blandford,
a regional response through the low profile, crisscrossing Nicaragua to rector of URACCAN (the
Central American Integration System rebuild his grassroots support. One Atlantic Coast Autonomous
(SICA). Meetings were also held at unintended consequence of the coup University), reports on the
the highest level of the countries in could be widening divisions within regional economic impact.
the left-wing Bolivarian Alternative Nicaragua’s political right, allowing
The Honduran crisis has had serious
for the Americas (ALBA). The President Daniel Ortega’s government
economic consequences across the
measures agreed included a 48-hour to strengthen its position domestically region, reducing exports and foreign
trade embargo against Honduras. and regionally. Any Honduran exchange earnings. It has led to a drop
The Nicaraguan government’s government emerging from the chaos in commercial activity and regional
support for Zelaya was unscrupulously is likely to be extremely weak. Costa tourism, and a reversal of regional
exploited by the right-wing opposition. Rican President Oscar Arias’ sympathy integration. Costa Rica has seen
The US-backed former presidential for the coup regime has not enhanced important trade relations with Guatemala
candidate Eduardo Montealegre his regional status. And in El Salvador hampered; and in Panama, the resale
and leading Partido Liberal and Guatemala, Mauricio Funes and of goods produced in Honduran
Constitucionalista (PLC) politicians Álvaro Colom are struggling to develop export-processing zones has been hit.
Across the region, businesses have
visited Honduras. Montealegre their programmes of government
lost tens of millions of dollars, while
shamelessly expressed solidarity with respectively. Consequently, the
government budgets are being
the coup regime but others were more Nicaraguan administration may have
squeezed by a significant fall in tax
circumspect, as PLC politicians – like succeeded in enhancing its regional and customs revenue.
their counterparts in the Honduran influence and prestige – an outcome In the municipality of Nueva Guinea
Liberal Party – are bitterly divided that would thwart hopes among the on Nicaragua’s Atlantic Coast, for
between those loyal to Zelaya and US and European governments for example, the coup has caused severe
the coup perpetrators. a weaker ALBA. difficulties for the export of milk products,
root vegetables and potatoes to El
Toni Solo writes for tortillaconsal.com
Salvador, Puerto Rico and the US
eastern seaboard. Nicaragua has limited
port infrastructure and depends on
Honduras, with exports to the Caribbean
and the rest of the world passing through
Puerto Cortés on the Atlantic coast
of Honduras.
Furthermore, negotiations on the
EU-Central America Association
Agreement have been suspended.
Despite negative aspects, such as
intellectual property rights, the
Photo: Oscar Mendoza

agreement could bring much-needed

trade opportunities. The current
uncertainty affects economic planning
in general, especially with regard to
regional investment.
Demonstration against the coup, San Pedro de Sula

Central America Report: Winter 2009 8


Chronology only legitimate government. Brazilian The de facto regime imposes an

President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva says executive decree establishing a national
2005 Zelaya’s overthrow sets a worrying state of emergency and suspending the
Manuel Zelaya, a wealthy businessman and precedent and will not be tolerated by constitutional guarantees of freedom of
Liberal Party candidate, is elected president other Latin American countries. expression, free movement and freedom
of Honduras. His commitment to social of assembly for 45 days.
change, support for trade unions and the July: The National Front of Resistance Soldiers and police raid and shut down
impoverished, and alliance with the Bolivarian Against the Coup is formed. The broad- the offices of Radio Globo, Canal 36 and
Alternative for the Americas (ALBA) causes based movement – including trade unions, Radio La Catracha – outlets considered
deep divisions within his own party and alarm women’s and indigenous organisations, sympathetic to Zelaya. Normal operations
among the right wing in the US. environmental groups, farmers’ associations, resume after 22 days.
lawyers and journalists – stages protests for
2009 over 100 days, despite disappearances, October 29: Under pressure from the US
June 28: Soldiers arrest Zelaya in a pre- killings and detentions. and the OAS, Micheletti agrees to the
dawn raid and force him onto a flight to Clashes at Tegucigalpa airport as Tegucigalpa-San Jose Accord, which includes
Costa Rica via the US-controlled Palmerola Honduran troops block an attempt by Zelaya the formation of a unity government and a vote
air base, the day before a non-binding public to return. One protestor is killed, and Zelaya by Congress on the reinstatement of Zelaya
consultation over whether a referendum on is forced to land in Managua. until the end of his term in January 2010.
convening a constituent assembly to rewrite The Organization of American States
the constitution should be held at the same (OAS) suspends Honduras. Washington November: Zelaya pronounces the pact
time as November elections. Coup calls for Zelaya’s reinstatement, condemns dead after Congress fails to hold a vote by
supporters claim the referendum plan was a violence against protesters, and suspends a November 5 deadline on restoring him
move by Zelaya to remove the one-term limit $30 million in non-humanitarian aid to power. Micheletti announces a new
on serving as president and pave the way for programmes. Micheletti and Zelaya agree cabinet that excludes Zelaya and his
his re-election. Zelaya has repeatedly denied to negotiations mediated by Costa Rican representatives. The collapse of the deal is
this, and the timeframe would have made it President Oscar Arias, but talks break down. a major setback for Zelaya, the resistance
impossible. The Supreme Court announces movement and international efforts to
it ordered the army to remove Zelaya. September: The Inter-American resolve the standoff before November 29
A de facto president, Roberto Micheletti, Commission on Human Rights reports presidential elections. Several Latin
is appointed by the Congress and his widespread abuses in Honduras, including American countries have vowed not to
government imposes a country-wide curfew. excessive use of force, arbitrary detention and recognise the outcome of any ballot held
sexual violence, as well as several confirmed under the coup-installed government.
June 29: Zelaya travels to Managua for a deaths and possible “disappearances”. Alan Fajardo, special advisor to Zelaya,
meeting of leaders of the Central America The Brazilian embassy in Tegucigalpa visits London on a European tour, and calls
Integration System (SICA) and ALBA. Both confirms Zelaya has made a surprise return on the UK and its EU partners to issue a
bodies denounce the coup, call for Zelaya’s to Honduras. Micheletti is reportedly willing “clear and forceful statement that elections
reinstatement, and impose a trade embargo. to hold talks with Zelaya but only on the under the coup government will not be
unacceptable pre-condition that elections recognised”. Fajardo warns of tensions that
June 30: The coup is condemned globally, scheduled for November should go ahead. could spill over into violence if the world
including in the UN General Assembly which A curfew is reinstated, and the authorities does not stand up to the regime, sparking
passes a resolution calling on member states close airports and cut power to some a potential rash of military coups across
to recognise Zelaya’s administration as the parts of Tegucigalpa. Latin America.

International solidarity with the resistance movement

The breadth, courage and persistence of Central America Women’s Network meetings and demonstrations outside the
organisations making up the Honduran (CAWN) and Friends of the Earth. Honduran and US embassies, and set up an
National Front of Resistance Against the Katherine Ronderos from CAWN visited information and action website. MPs Jeremy
Coup has been complemented globally by Honduras and spoke as an eyewitness at Corbyn and Tony Lloyd tabled Early Day
a broad-based solidarity movement. In the public meetings on her return. Amnesty Motions in parliament, the BOND Latin
UK, a range of groups have been involved International has documented and America group of NGOs lobbied the Foreign
in supporting the opposition movement condemned human rights abuses. Trade Office, and NSC encouraged members to
and calling for the reinstatement of unions have provided political and financial complain to the BBC over its reference to
President Zelaya through support for support for their Honduran counterparts. the coup regime as an “interim government”.
Honduran partner organisations, as well The Committee Against the Coup in Sustaining this solidarity in the coming
as building a political solidarity movement Honduras – made up of Latin American months and years will be vital.
against the coup. They include Oxfam, solidarity organisations (including NSC) www.committeeagainsthondurascoup.blog
War on Want, One World Action, the and trade unions – has organised public spot.com

9 Central America Report: Winter 2009


US right uses coup to undermine Obama

The Honduran crisis highlights the weakness of Washington’s policies on Latin America, writes Helen Yuill.
ARACK OBAMA’S ELECTION in coup attempt against Chávez. Some
B November 2008 was cause for
cautious optimism in Latin America
“For both the Honduran and US
right, the fight isn’t against Mel
of those implicated have a long history
of involvement in Central America’s
for more respectful relations with Zelaya, but fundamentally against dirty wars and attempts to destroy the
the US. Speaking at a Summit of the what they perceive as the Cuban revolution. John Negroponte,
Americas in April, Obama talked of geopolitical danger represented by Latin America advisor to Hillary
a new alliance of the Americas based Hugo Chávez who they see as the Clinton, played a key role in the contra
on equal partnerships and mutual Fidel Castro of the 21st century.” war against Nicaragua, and the current
respect. However, faced with other Ismael Moreno SJ, journalist US ambassador to Honduras, Hugo
priorities and an increasingly Llorens, is a counter-terrorism
ferocious attack from the domestic Latin America appointments. Right- specialist associated with the infamous
right, little has changed and wing politicians are on a mission Cold War warriors Otto Reich and
Nicaraguan President Daniel Ortega’s to reverse the pink tide they see Eliot Abrams.
warning that “he [Obama] is sweeping across their “backyard”. Obama’s weakness on Latin America
president of an empire and that It is hardly surprising that the was starkly illustrated after he had
empire has rules that he can’t change” response of the Obama administration condemned the coup, cut off $30
has proved soberingly accurate. to the Honduras coup has been million in aid and suspended visas for
Obama faces a monumental legacy confused and ambiguous, providing coup leaders. In defiance of US policy,
of problems – financial meltdown, sustenance for the perpetrators. There nine Republican members of Congress
wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, and is no doubt the US government had visited Honduras to bolster its de facto
climate change to name but a few. But prior knowledge of Zelaya’s ousting administration. Senator Jim DeMint, a
it is over relations with Latin America and did nothing to prevent it. The coup member of the Committee on Foreign
that he has faced a particularly vicious would never have succeeded without Relations, said: “We saw a government
backlash from the right, for whom the tacit support of powerful business working hard to follow the rule of law,
Latin America is a priority and where interests and political backers in the uphold its constitution, and to protect
they see the president as vulnerable. US and Latin America, among them democracy for the people of
This is evident in media campaigns Senator John McCain, his Latin Honduras.” These meetings contravene
depicting Obama as a domestic America policy advisor Otto Reich, and US interests under the Logan Act,
version of a demonised Hugo Chávez Venezuelan lawyer Robert Carmona- for which the politicians could be
and Congressional blocking of key Borgas, a key figure in a failed 2002 prosecuted. Meanwhile, President
Zelaya warned: “There are US
politicians who pretend to be
EU and UK government reaction champions of democracy but in reality
European Union have an antidemocratic vocation.
The European Commission urged both sides to return to dialogue after the power- The American voters should watch
sharing accord broke down in early November. Prior to that it suspended their politicians, because some are
negotiations on the EU-Central America Association Agreement, and froze payment hypocrites – they express themselves
of budgetary support worth 65.5 million euros ($93 million) for the period 2007-
in one manner to their voters, but
2010. It also said it was exploring travel restrictions on individuals associated with
send a different message to the rest
the regime, in line with the Spanish government.
of the world by supporting a coup.”
The British government was left with egg on its face after Gabriela Nuñez, finance
minister in Micheletti’s de facto government, flew to London to attend a meeting
described by the Department for International Development (DfID) as part of a
wider consultation with low-income country shareholders of the World Bank and
International Monetary Fund. A DfID spokesperson said this was organised on the
Photo: Oscar Mendoza

ministry’s behalf by the Overseas Development Institute and Development Finance

International. He added that Nuñez had no contact with DfID officials or government
ministers while in London. He said the British government had “repeatedly
condemned in the strongest terms the events in Honduras that led to the expulsion
of President Zelaya” and would continue working closely with EU partners and the
countries of the region “to facilitate a peaceful and negotiated solution to the crisis”. Teacher beaten by the military at a
demonstration, San Pedro de Sula, Honduras

Central America Report: Winter 2009 10

Ronderos, “this would have meant
Women lead resistance access to contraception and in some
cases abortion.”
Katherine Ronderos, a women’s rights officer at the Central America As testament to the effectiveness
Women’s Network (CAWN), visited Honduras during the recent turmoil and of the women’s resistance, feminist
was an eyewitness when ousted President Zelaya slipped back into the organisations such as Centro de
country in September and took refuge in the Brazilian embassy. She talks Derechos de Mujeres (CDM – Centre
to Cheryl Gallagher about the women who have been at the forefront for Women’s Rights) and Centro de
Estudios de la Mujer-Honduras (CEM-H
of the resistance and the threat the coup poses to women’s rights.
– Honduran Centre for Women’s
Studies) were informed that their radio
ATHERINE RONDEROS already with Nicaragua. This sexual aggression,
K had a research trip to Honduras
planned when Zelaya was dramatically
used as a weapon to undermine the
women’s resistance, shows a clear
programmes, Tiempo de Hablar (Time
to Talk), and La Bullaranga (Noise),
would be closed down. Through these
ousted from office. The initial purpose link between political violence and
programmes, women’s groups had
of the visit had been to monitor a gender violence.”
been able to denounce the many
partnership programme funded by One of Honduras’ greatest
human rights violations, in particular
the National Lottery to tackle violence achievements in women’s rights has
those against women, occurring
against women. However, Ronderos been the establishment of the National
throughout the country since Zelaya
also found herself on a fact-finding Institute for Women, INAM. However,
was ousted. Ronderos laments that,
mission to explore how the coup was Zelaya’s overthrow placed its very
without freedom of information, it
affecting the women’s movement. existence under threat. Women’s
will be difficult to expose further
“The women’s movement in Latin Minister Selma Estrada had to abandon
human rights abuses and correct the
America is very well organised, so her post and go into hiding after
“campaign of lies and misinformation
when President Zelaya was overthrown, receiving death threats. The coup
that the coup leaders are transmitting”.
women’s groups were immediately leaders then replaced her with Maria
“Women are playing a key role in the
able to mobilise and start protesting,” Martha Diaz, who is a member of
progressive political agenda and have
says Ronderos. Tapping a network that Opus Dei, a controversial Catholic
the most to lose when democracy is
was already in place, women’s groups organisation known for its misogyny
threatened,” she warns.
sprung into action, using their contacts and right-wing political agenda. Diaz
in the international community to said she planned to transform INAM
draw attention to events and devise into an organisation to protect families
strategies for resistance. Unlike the in general, a move that could roll back For information on CAWN events
traditional trade unions – which were years of progress in the women’s marking the International Day for the
slower to respond – the Honduran movement. In addition, Zelaya’s reform Elimination of Violence Against
women’s movement is still relatively agenda had included women’s sexual Women: www.cawn.org
new and dynamic. Ronderos explains and reproductive rights. According to
that, as women’s groups are “still
struggling for recognition in society”,
they were the first sector to take to the “Tough love” letter to Obama Honduran Feminists in
Resistance wrote to
streets to demand Zelaya’s return. Barack Obama:
Ronderos interviewed many women “Mr President, Honduras
in the capital Tegucigalpa and was among the countries
elsewhere, and was shocked to hear in the world that saw with
details of the women’s treatment at the great hope your arrival
hands of the military supporting the to the presidency… We
coup leaders. “I spoke to many women applauded your expressed
Photo: Katherine Ronderos

who were subjected to sexual violence desire to establish [a] new

by soldiers and police. Sexual insults type [of] relations with the
like ‘bitch’ and ‘prostitute’ were region. But six months
and many deaths later,
common. Some women were hit on
our great hope is on hold.
their breasts with truncheons and
Your weak response to
others had itching powder put up their the coup is leading to a
Feminists in Resistance demonstrate against the
skirts. I also heard reports of police situation of violence in
coup, Tegucigalpa. Slogan on hats and T-shirts reads:
putting their truncheons between “Ni golpes de estado, ni golpes a las mujeres” our country that we do
women’s legs. One woman was even (No to the coup d’etat, no to beating women) not deserve.”
raped by four soldiers on the border

11 Central America Report: Winter 2009

reforms that would relax employment
Factory employment laws in EPZs. Under the proposed
changes, factory owners would be
allowed to employ workers on a
rights under threat temporary or part-time basis. For EPZ
workers, who already face appalling
working conditions, long hours and
Bosses have used the coup to squeeze workers, says low pay, such legislation would result
Laia Blanch of anti-poverty organisation War on Want. in the loss of social security benefits,
more job insecurity and other long-
term consequences affecting their
OLECTIVA DE MUJERES of the Loom and GAP. Though the

C Hondureñas (Honduran
Women’s Collective –
CODEMUH) is a women-led rights
maquila industry has brought much
needed investment to Honduras, the
benefits are limited to a minority and
livelihoods. CODEMUH has
campaigned against these proposed
reforms, while raising awareness
among women workers of the impact
organisation and long-term partner of have come at the expense of basic
of the coup on their civil liberties
War on Want that works to empower employment rights.
and employment rights. Working in
women workers in Honduras’ Export In the aftermath of the coup,
partnership with CODEMUH, War on
Processing Zones (EPZs). Over the CODEMUH, together with other
Want is dedicated to exposing and
last 20 years, the maquiladora industry Honduran grassroots organisations,
taking action against the violation
has become an integral part of the has campaigned against abuses of
of human rights in sweatshops.
Honduran economy. CODEMUH has human and employment rights in
monitored and documented violations the maquilas. In July, it reported that
of human and employment rights in workers were forced by factory
(Spanish), www.waronwant.org
its garment factories, especially owners to join in the so-called Marchas
among women workers. de la Paz (Peace Walks) organised
by the de facto president, Roberto
Micheletti, and financed by the Worker’s testimony
business community with the support
of the military. While the majority of
San Pedro Sula
workers opposed the coup, they felt My name is María López* and I’m
forced to attend these rallies two or a Honduran garment worker at the
three times a month for fear of losing Elcatex factory of the Canahuati-
their jobs. Lovable company group. We produce
They were told they would be paid for international companies such as
the daily minimum wage (around Hanes Brand Inc, HBI, WalMart, JC
100 lempiras – roughly £3), but Penny and Jockey. A few days ago,
CODEMUH informed War on Want the factory owner forced us to
Photo: War on Want

they received nothing. In fact, after participate in the Marchas de la Paz

attending demonstrations they were organised by the de facto government,
forced to make up for ‘lost’ time by business class and Evangelical and
working an extra day. They were also Catholic Church leaders. They
CODEMUH street performance protesting required to work two additional hours mobilised four buses full of men and
against lack of access to information each day without pay in response to women workers. During the protest
a curfew imposed by the de facto they told us to shout “Viva Micheletti”,
The Honduran maquila industry is government. CODEMUH has and when the CNN helicopter was
one of the largest exporters of textile condemned this flagrant violation of approaching us we were told to say
products to the US and the leading Article 23 of the Honduran Labour “Queremos paz” (We want peace) and
exporter to Central American and Code, which states that “workers “Qué viva el Presidente Micheletti”
Caribbean countries, and is highly cannot take advantage of the profit (Long live President Micheletti).
dependent on these markets. or utilities made by the owners and I participated in this march because
Employing around 133,000 people, never assume their risk and losses”. I was not aware of the situation.
of whom 70 percent are women, the CODEMUH has denounced the And what will I do without my job?
main product is clothing, including actions of the Honduran Council of
well-known brand names such as Private Companies, which has used * This worker’s name has been changed to
protect her identity
WalMart, Adidas, Hanes, HBI, Fruit the crisis to try to push through legal

Central America Report: Winter 2009 12


World cup kick-off for

Nicaraguan street kids

Photo: Peter Bone/Casa Alianza Nicaragua/Amos Trust

N MARCH 2010, street children from by its South African partner
I across the globe will head to
Durban in South Africa to compete
Umthombo Street Children and
supported by a group of other
in the first-ever Street Child World charities. It has the backing of Gary
Cup. Teams from nine countries – Lineker and other football stars, and
Nicaragua, Brazil, India, Philippines, former Cape Town bishop Desmond
South Africa, Britain, Ukraine, Tutu is one of the sponsors.
Vietnam and Tanzania – will work There are no official figures on
with international coaches to express the number of street children in
themselves on the football pitch and Nicaragua, but some estimates put the
with specially trained artists who will number as high as 100,000. According “Playing football gives them a sense of
enable them to tell their stories. to the UN Children’s Fund (UNICEF), their own worth – and shows that the
game is not just for the great footballers of
Players will also discuss solutions to a further 167,000 are involved in child
the world.” Casa Alianza representative
the issues they face with NGOs, labour. In Managua, life is extremely
policy makers and the media, and harsh for the capital’s estimated
will launch a ‘Street Child Manifesto’ 15,000 street children and chronic Casa Alianza supports 3,500
forming the basis of a new illness is common. Most have children a year, including 366 in full
international campaign on street problems with addiction and broken time residential programmes. It offers
children’s rights. family relationships. A survey of 300 specialist services including healthcare,
Nicaraguan street kids supported kids by the Nicaraguan Ministry of drug rehabilitation and sports, cultural
by the NGO Casa Alianza will Family found that over 80 percent and recreational programmes.
participate in the tournament. The had engaged in prostitution in order
world cup was initiated by the UK- to survive. Others get caught up in www.streetchildworldcup.org
based Amos Trust and is being hosted gangs and a spiral of violence. www.casa-alianza.org.uk

Film review remarks journalist Joan

Kruckewitt. By the end of the
war in 1990, some 30,000
American/Sandinista their colleagues trained
Nicaraguans had been killed.
Nicaraguan locals, and
However, as Kruckewitt and
In 1979 the Sandinista National together they constructed the
the documentary as a whole
Liberation Front (Frente country’s first hydroelectric
seem to suggest, it was
Sandinista de Liberación Nacional plant in El Cuá – bringing this
Linder’s death more than
– FSLN) drove Nicaraguan village and subsequently many
anything that brought the
President Anastasio Somoza others their first-ever taste
severity of the Nicaraguan
Debayle out of the country, of electricity.
situation firmly and forcibly to
putting an abrupt end to three Switching between archive
the attention of the US and the
generations of Somoza family footage, stills and contemporary
wider world. This film is a
rule. Over the course of the interviews, Jason Blalock
compelling tribute to a man
next decade, any efforts to powerfully evokes the
who gave a helping hand to
re-stabilise and rebuild the politicised and polemical
Nicaragua when the embattled
country were thwarted by environment in which Linder
country needed it most.
the war raging between the met his untimely death in Nicaraguan co-workers reveal
Sandinistas and US-backed 1987. On April 28, Linder and a palpable sense of their
Contra rebels. two Nicaraguans were on the emotional attachment to both
The film premiered in the UK
American/Sandinista construction site for a new the cause and the fun-loving
in April 2009 at the Bristol
highlights the work of a group dam near San José de Bocay engineer.
Latin American Forum.
of American engineers who when they were attacked “I think it is a sad fact that,
To purchase a copy, contact
worked tirelessly during this and killed by Contra rebels. in order for Americans to
the Nicaragua Solidarity
chaotic period to improve Interviews with human rights really feel the pain of what
Campaign (see back cover).
facilities for Nicaraguans. Ben activists, journalists and was going on in Nicaragua,
Linder, Donald Macleay and Linder’s American and one American had to die,” Ruth Collins

13 Central America Report: Winter 2009

Take action

Solidarity and campaign news

NICARAGUA ■ Leeds Central America Solidarity ■ Islington-Managua Friendship
Group (LCAS) Association
Twin Towns The group continues to provide funds Which is the largest country in
for the Community Movement (MCN) Central America? Find out the answer
in its twin town of La Concha. This to this and much more at one of the
money is being used for a micro-credit Association’s regular pub quizzes
scheme for women and roofing repairs to raise funds for a pre-school in
for the MCN office. Future plans Managua’s Barrio Edgard Mungaia.
include a showing of the documentary www.imfa.org.uk
American/Sandinista (see review on
page 13) and a fundraising Ceilidh.
Sarah Fishwick: sarah@leedsdec.org.uk Nicaragua Solidarity
Campaign (NSC)
■ Bristol Link with Nicaragua
(BLINC) ■ Rio Coco Miskitu Literacy Project
Photo: Ken Martin

Highlights include the annual Copa In June, the United Nations

Sandino football tournament that Education, Science and Culture
raised £1,400 for the El Chavo school Organization (UNESCO) certified that
renovation project in BLINC’s twin Nicaragua was “illiteracy free” having
Sue Martin (centre) with school teachers reduced the national adult illiteracy
town of Puerto Morazan. In addition,
Perla María Serrano (left) and Gloria
Cotham secondary school hosted a visit rate from 20.7 percent nationally to
Solórzano López (right)
by teacher Gary Espinoza from its twin 3.6 percent using a methodology
■ Santa Rosa Fund (Tavistock) school in Tonala, culminating in a called Yo Si Puedo (Yes I Can), which
This summer, two Santa Rosa Fund Nicaraguan fiesta, and the Montessori was developed in Cuba and has been
volunteers, Sue and Ken Martin, school held a large fundraising picnic used successfully in 30 countries.
successfully trained staff at the for its counterpart in Puerto Morazan, The Nicaragua government literacy
Colegio Santa Rosa in Managua in resulting in a total of £2,000. campaign started in 2007 and is now
the use of five computers donated by BLINC celebrated its 20th being extended to the Rio Coco region
the Fund and the British Embassy in anniversary with a ‘Night for of the Caribbean Coast where the
Costa Rica. The Martins also visited Nicaragua’, starring top Nicaraguan majority of the population speak
other projects supported by the Fund. female vocalist Katia Cardenal, and a Miskitu. Teaching materials have been
www.santarosafund.org national conference for local authorities adapted to the local context. NSC has
on twinning with Nicaragua hosted provided support of $3,000 to the
■ Swindon-Ocotal Link (SOL) by Bristol City Council and BLINC Carlos Fonseca Amador Education
The Penhill lunch club for elderly with guest speaker Emigdio Tellez, Association (AEPCFA) to provide fuel
people in Swindon is making regular executive mayor of Puerto Morazan. for transport and generators to power
donations to the old people’s home alix.hughes@uwe.ac.uk the teaching equipment. In 2010, we
in Ocotal and a Skype link-up was plan to continue building solidarity
recently set up between the two with the association through a
groups. At the invitation of the Ocotal speaker tour of the UK and a study
mayor, Dr Carlos Norori, members tour to the Caribbean Coast.
of SOL travelled to Ocotal on October campaigns@nicaraguasc.org.uk
19 together with representatives from
Ocotal’s twin towns in Spain,
Germany and France to celebrate Nicaragua Solidarity
Ocotal’s bicentenary. In July 2010, Campaign Action Group
SOL is planning to celebrate its 20th (NSCAG)
anniversary with speakers from
Ocotal, participation in the Swindon ■ Linking young trade unionists
mela and a link-up with other This project promotes trade union
European towns twinned with Ocotal. solidarity and facilitates links
Gillian Wallis: gilliantiff@yahoo.com between young trade unionists in
Nicaraguan vocalist Katia Cardenal

Central America Report: Winter 2009 14

Take action
■ Speaker tour
Trade union delegation visits Nicaragua Orlando Mercado Mendoza from the
NSCAG CTCP (Informal Sector Workers’ Union)
trade union will be in the UK in December to
participate in a Unite event on
in Nicaragua,
July 2009 ‘Organising in the Global Workplace’,
and to speak at the Latin America
Conference on December 5.
Tash Eve: nscag@nicaraguasc.org.uk

■ Scholarship scheme
Young people from Dimas Rodriguez,
Nine trade unionists from Unite, develop long and sustainable a small village north of San Salvador
UNISON and the NUT visited relationships with colleagues in created at the end of the war by a group
Nicaragua in July to build the UK.” Alison Jones, UNITE of FMLN guerillas and their families,
solidarity with Nicaraguan unions are being offered the chance to go to
and to take part in celebrations “I will never forget the elation of university through a scholarship scheme.
for the 30th anniversary of being in Revolution Square… or Local work prospects are limited and a
the Sandinista Revolution. See the joy and pride of ordinary lack of funds has prevented many young
www.nicaraguasc.org.uk/nscag Nicaraguans claiming and owning people from accessing higher education –
for reports. The next trade union their revolution. It is this more one of the main reasons why so many
delegation to Nicaragua in 2010 will than anything that leads me to migrate to the US. Every penny donated
focus on young trade unionists and believe that Nicaragua will find its goes directly to community leaders in
those who work with young people. way out of its current difficulties, Dimas Rodriguez who decide which
propelled by the sheer enthusiasm young people will receive support. Those
“It was an amazing experience and commitment of its people, and selected agree to undertake regular
to be part of the recent NSCAG especially the young. Wherever community work, ensuring that the
delegation to Nicaragua, especially we went and whoever we met, whole community benefits from the
as it coincided with the 30th we saw that Nicaraguans had not scholarship fund.
anniversary celebration of the forgotten the meaning of the www. educationforthefuture.
Sandinista Revolution. Meeting word ‘community’ and even more blogspot.com
trade union members and importantly, they still saw it as If you can pay £40 a month (or any
representatives, community groups something worth striving for. other contribution) to send a young
and co-operatives, we listened Nicaraguans, through all their person to university, please set up
firsthand to the struggles facing troubles and difficulties, give us a standing order or contact
people and how committed they all hope that through persistence, Topsy Page: topsypage@hotmail.com
are to improving their living and courage and generosity of spirit we A/c name: Education for the Future
working conditions. Solidarity can secure that better way of life A/c number: 20162520 Sort code: 08 60 01
links can only assist this process that we all need to believe is
and much-needed support, not possible.” Ruby Cox, UNISON
charity, is how Nicaragua can GUATEMALA
Guatemala Solidarity
the UK and Nicaragua. The first youth activism. This led to the first Network (GSN)
delegation of young British trade ever FNT National Youth Assembly in We would like to thank Amy Wilson
unionists went to Nicaragua in 2008, 2006. In June of this year, Karina and Megan Ciotti for coordinating
and Nicaraguan trade unionists have Gómez, an organiser from the youth fundraising efforts for GSN with the
visited the UK on speaking tours. committee of the CTCP (Informal Workers Beer Festival. Volunteers
UNISON has provided financial Sector Workers’ Union), gave a raised over £2,000 by serving thirsty
support for the FNT (National number of inspiring talks to trade festival-goers over the summer at
Workers Front - the Nicaraguan TUC unionists around the UK. In 2010, events including Glastonbury, Latitude,
equivalent) to train young members NSCAG will build on these successes Leeds and Reading. Thanks to all those
in leadership, trade union law and with a second phase of the project. who pulled pints for us!
organisational skills to strengthen

15 Central America Report: Winter 2009

Take action

Witnessing the making of Guatemalan legal history

A Guatemalan court has convicted an ex-military commissioner to 150 years in prison for the forced
disappearance in the 1980s of six indigenous farmers from Choatalúm, Chimaltenango, about 40km (25
miles) west of Guatemala City. This landmark ruling is the first conviction for crimes against humanity in
connection with the disappearances that took place during Guatemala’s armed conflict. Amanda Kistler,
an accompanier with the Coordination of International Accompaniment in Guatemala (CAIG), was in the
courtroom when the verdict was announced.

“ ODAY, 27 YEARS LATER,” the holding its breath. My heart was From the front of the room,
T judge said, “the victims continue
to feel the psychological effects of
racing, my palms were sweaty and
my cheeks on fire. I pressed my
applause broke out. In a second,
the whole room was clapping,
the crime”. He was referring to the face up against the cool surface crying, hugging. A few cries of
impact on relatives who have been of the wall next to me and tried to “Que viva la justicia en Guatemala!”
unable to bury the disappeared, focus by taking deep breaths. The (Long live justice in Guatemala!)
and to survivors of abuse such as secretary announced that, for each rang out.
torture, and suggested they should of the six disappeared, Cusanero
Amanda Kistler’s blog:
be able to claim damages. Finally, would serve 25 years in prison –
he declared without equivocation 150 years in total – to begin the
CAIG blog:
that the tribunal considered that moment the reading ended. The
Felipe Cusanero, in his capacity tribunal also left the case open to
as a military commissioner, had prosecute two other military officials
“The victims’ relatives still do not
abused his authority in deciding mentioned in witness testimony for
know what happened to their loved
between who lived and who died their responsibility in the crimes.
ones or where their remains are,
in the community of Choatalúm; When the secretary finished
despite Cusanero, having been
he was responsible for the forced speaking there was a commotion at
given multiple opportunities during
disappearance of the six people in the front of the room as six police
the trial to share information...The
question. The judge turned to the officers converged on Cusanero,
maintained silence means that their
secretary to read the sentence. handcuffing him and leading him
suffering continues.” International
The minute the judge stopped out of the room. The press became
accompanier Natalie Mercier blogs
talking the entire courtroom seemed frenzied, cameras flashing and
about what the sentence means for
to exhale simultaneously. No one reporters jockeying for position.
the relatives of the victims.
had done it consciously, but the Meanwhile the audience stood in
whole room seemed to have been respect as the judges filed out. http://natyenguate.blogspot.com

Court backs probe of activist’s murder GET IN TOUCH

A precedent-setting sentence in Zacapa which found two men guilty of Wales NSC: Betws, Fford Haern Bach,
the 2007 murder of campesino leader Israel Carías Ortiz and his two Pen Y Groes LL54 6NY
sons has recognised that Ortiz was killed because of his leadership in Tel: 01286 882359 Email: benica@gn.apc.org
the struggle to reassert legal rights to community land. It mandates an www.walesnsc.wordpress.com
investigation into the planning or ‘intellectual authorship’ of the murder
NSC and local links:
– allegedly carried out by large land-owners (finqueros) who have
86 Durham Rd, London N7 7DT
been accused of contracting the assassins to protect their interests. In
Tel: 020 7561 4836 www.nicaraguasc.org.uk
Guatemala, such a ruling is referred to as dejar abierto, meaning that
the judges do not consider the crime resolved. However, action to GSN: 6 Marylands, Haywards
prosecute intellectual authors remains extremely difficult. Ortiz’s Heath, West Sussex, RH16 3JZ
assassination coincided with a three-month deadline for the lands to Tel: 01444 443401 Email: gsn_mail@yahoo.com
be handed over to the community and a nationwide increase in www.guatemalasolidarity.org.uk
repression against those asserting their rights to land and natural
CAWN: c/o One World Action, Bradley Close,
resources. According to witnesses and police reports, Ortiz had been
White Lion Street, London N1 9PF
intimidated and received death threats from the two accused, their
Tel: 020 7833 4174 Email: info@cawn.org
families and the finqueros since 2004, aimed at persuading him to
stop his campaign.

Central America Report: Winter 2009 16

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