Charpentier - Depuis Le Jour

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210 A Little garden on the side of Montmartre. To the left a small one-storeyed house with an uncovered porch and vestibule. Beside the house, down stage, a small door in a wall, To right some scaffolding, At the back a hedge: betwen the hedge and the scaffolding, a gnte of slats. A garden path along the hedge. Reyond, the roofs of the neighbouring houses rise in .tiers. Panorama of Paris. Almost twilight. SCENE | An the curtain rises, Julian, 600k in hand, seated by the house, seems lost in pleasant meditation. Louise her elbow on the balustrade of the porch, looks at him, amiling and affectionate, and then goes to him. Andante (tfanquillo) dass LOUISE Depuis le jour Ever since the'day PIANO oi jemesuis donné - e, tou . te fleu_ri _.e whenuntothee I gave me, ra. diant with flo. wers —_ To et on FL = : (@ ; Un poco animato Meno ooo semble mia desti_né _ » Je__erois 6. ver seems my pathway before" me. I seem to "dream ee ee ye : h dim, P| ie. _— sous un ciel de fée - ri 2 = @, lame é sri. sé - © neath a fairyland hea . = ven,while my soul stilt is drunk with rit a Tempo J = 65 7 oo JULIAN, = L. Lowi... Lowi. - de ton pre. mier bai . ser} —____ thejoy of thy first kts: segue |p.sostenuto howise 0) J “Quel - Ah, ale belle vi - ef__ howswvectis life! v . mareata nota bassa solamente Mon ré - ve niétait pasun ré. My drcam has not been merely dream ts is Un poco animato d= 72 mf a = = =e de He é: f a= Ah! je suis heu. Ah/___ tT amso Lass Lae ae J=%6 he =e =| t——-¥ é.tendsur = moi____ ses ai oer me his wings orese. a T°animato Pia vivo deus L. He = 213 de joie of new 1 the joy ao 4 espressiao ye re aj : Le. eibre, tat ae\re= foul ik ae ame meee eenreeTE fe-mop-tri . ot = ture doth rejoice with me, and with me tri - phe! Autourde moi toutest sou. ri. re, la. miére. py! all too a Tempo ——=—=. B ~reu . - se... et je trem — . ble dé.li-ci . eu.sement, hap >. py, and I trem 1 ble pith exqui . site delight rall, au souve . nir charm: when I re. call the charm a du premier jour da. of ourfirstday of — 216 2 Tempo Accel. -mour! Jove! mf a Tempo JELIAN LOUISE throwing herself in his arms. Louise est heu-reu - se? Tropheu _ reu - = sel Louise thenis hap. py? Yes.too hap py! —~\ Po dad cresc. Aceel. JULIAN tenderly. ‘Tu ne regrettes —_—rien? Andyouhavenore . grets? The be be a pe CF 7 —— | a Tempo LOUISE Accel. mmf, Rien! Que puis- None. What have

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