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effects of change of
body position Thomas J. Coonan BA MDCMDA(Tor) FRCP(C),

CONTENTS surgical positions which may adversely affect both

circulation and ventilation. Changes in body posi-
Introduction tion lead to changes in hydrostatic pressure which
Anaesthesia and posture affect both systemic and pulmonary circulations.
The circulatory system Fortunately, general principles applicable to most
The erect position positions can be developed. These have been
The sitting position in anaesthesia summarised in an authoritative review of the physi-
Chronic circulatory overload ology of postural change. ' Gravitational forces act
Paradoxical air embolism on the lungs and the adjacent tissues and organs
The head-down position and, together with the effect on the pulmonary
The lateral and prone positions
circulation, are responsible for significant respira-
The respiratory system tory physiological effects. In this review, the
Functional residual capacity circulatory and respiratory systems will be consid-
Vital capacity ered separately, but it should not be forgotten that it
The distribution of inspired gases is not possible to interpret a physiological response
Pulmonary blood flow to change in body position without considering the
Conclusion interaction between these two system.
The circulatory system
"The irmnunity against circulatory failure in the
In normal active and conscious man, fluctuations in
upright posture is maintained by daily training, and
tissue blood flow occur, naturally and sponta-
is so deeply ingrained in the texture of human
neously. These were first described in early plethys-
nature that we become aware of its existence only
mographic studies, s'4 and were considered by
when it fails ..."L
Burch4 to be evidence of some "homeostatic"
Healthy active man spends the greater part of his tile mechanism by which peripheral tissues were guar-
in the erect position - walking, running, standing or anteed a blood supply appropriate to their need.
sitting. Unlike some other animal species, man When man assumes the supine position and lies
assumes a recumbent posture only to rest or to completely immobile, these spontaneous volume
sleep, even then never entirely immobile. The erect fluctuations progressively diminish until, after ap-
"active" position then may be considered as man's proximately one hour, they disappear.s At this stage
normal or "physiological" state. In this condition he it requires a great effort for the human subject to
remains in equilibrium with his environment. This remain motionless. With time, discomfort sets in
equilibrium, the result of active and coordinated and increases progressively. Eventually, even the
physiological processes, was termed "homeostasis" peripheral blood flow diminishes.
by Cannon in 1939. 2 Its stability can be threatened On induction of anaesthesia, an initial peripheral
by prolonged bed rest, disease and drugs, including vasodilatation results in an augmentation of the
anaesthetic drugs, all of which may interfere with peripheral blood flow unless hypoearbia, hypother-
normal homeostatic mechanisms,
From the Dalhousie University Department of Anaes-
Anaesthesia and posture thesia, Sir Charles Tupper Medical Building, Halifax,
Anaesthetised patients can be placed in a variety of Nova Scotia B3H 4H7.

CAN ANAESTHSOC I 1983 / 30: ~ / pp424-437

Coonan & Hope: C A R D I O - R E S P 1 R A T O R Y EFFECTS OF C H A N G E OF B o n Y P O S I T I O N 425

mia or hypovolaemia is present. Then, in time, as in TABLE I Cardiovascularsystcrn.Effect of changein body

conscious subjects, the spontaneous volume fluc- positionof conseiousand anaesthetisedman fromthe supineto
the seatedposition
tuations disappear. It is not until anaesthesia is
terminated and the subject begins to react and move Chnngefrom Changefrom
that the spontaneous volume fluctuations in the conscious anae.~thetised
peripheral vascular system reappear. supine to seated supine to seated
Ideally, the heart provides an adequate circula- Bloodpressure 1'0-20% 1'0-40%
tion to all tissues at minimal energy cost. It should A-V 02 difference ~"50-60%
not have to work against gravity or a raised Cardiac output ~ 20-40% ~. 12-20%
peripheral vascular resistance. The supine position Heart rate 1"15-30% <--+
should best satisfy this criterion in that gravity will Systemicvascular
resistance i' 30-60% '~50-80%
have little effect on arterial distribution or venous Pulmonaryvascular
return, resistance 1'
The pressure at any point in the vascular system, Strokevolume 4,40-50%
whether arterial or venous, is effected by the Centxalblood volume ], 400 ml
position of the body and the gravitational forces Leftandright~u-ial
pressures ~ ~ (R < L)
acting on it. In standing subjects, since the long axis Cerebral bloodflow ~ 20% ~ 15%
of the body is parallel to the direction of gravita- Renal blood flow ~ 30%
tional pull, the pressures in the upper part of the body Hepaticbloodflow ~,(slight)
fall while the pressures in the dependent part rise. Nor~: Conscious supine and anaesthetised supine are separate
The hydrostatic pressure differential is dependent control baselines and are not COmpared with each other.
on the vertical height difference between one part of Changes indicated as: ~ increase, ~, decrease, ~-~ unchanged.
the body and another. This translates into 2 mmHg
for each 2.5 cm vertical height, which, in the
normal male represents about 140 mmHg from head the heart, and thus the cardiac filling pressures and
to toe. Thus, with a mean arterial pressure of cardiac output, depends on the position of the HIP
90 mmHg at heart level, the pressure in the cerebral relative to the heart.
arteries will be approximately 25 mmHg lower In the arterial system, active changes in cardiac
(90 - 25 = 65 mmHg) while that in the foot will output and peripheral resistance usually obscure
be approximately 115 mmHg higher (90 + 115 -- passive hydrostatic pressure effects. However, in
205 mmHg). A similar effect is seen in the low the venous system, pressure is minimally affected
pressure (venous) side of the circulation. by physiologic changes in either cardiac output or
Hydrostatic forces act regardless of the position peripheral resistance. Accordingly, venous pres-
of the body, but always parallel to the direction of sure changes resulting from alterations in position
gravitational pull. Thus in the supine position, are due predominantly to changes in hydrostatic
while a pressure differential is still seen with pressure.
vertical height differences, the pressure along the
long axis of the body will be virtually the same, The erect position
whether at the heart, the head or the foot. Cardiovascular changes associated with the change
The concept of the Hydrostatic Indifferent Point from the supine to the seated position are summa-
(HIP) is useful. This represents the transition zone rized in Table I.
in which intravascular pressures stay relatively When supine man assumes the erect position,
constant, and represents a natural reference point blood is transferred from the upper body, to the
for hydrostatic shifts in the circulation. 6 At this lower body. The HIP shifts from heart level to a
point, the intravascular pressures and the vessel position just below the diaphragm, cardiac venous
sizes are not affected by the hydrostatic forces in the filling pressures are reduced, and the normal re-
circulation. The HIP is specific for any given sponse is an increase in sympathetic tone, a de-
posture. Below the HIP the vascular bed will be crease in parasympathetic tone, activation of the
engorged by blood draining from regions above. renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system and the reten-
The effect of change of posture on venous return to taon of fluid and electrolyte by the kidney. 7,8 The

pulse rate increases (up to 30 per cent), and body elevated towards the vertical, with thighs
systemic vascular resistance increases (30-60 per flexed on the trunk, legs flexed on the thighs and
cent) due, primarily, to constriction of the arterial feet close to the level of the heart, is more usually
and arteriolar ckculation. 1,9 Surprisingly, the tone adopted. 13
in the capacitance part of the circulation does not The literature suggests that bandaging of the legs,
change significantly. 1 Intra-thoracic blood volume the adoption of the modified sitting position and the
decreases by about 300-500 ml ~,l~ and the left careful adjustment of fluid load will go a long way
atrial pressure decreases significantly. Right atrial to minimising any extreme response. However,
pressure also decreases but usually less than on the such findings as exist are often specific to a given
left side of the circulation. This is probably due to anaesthetic technique, and extrapolation Io other
the increase in pulmonary vascular resistance, techniques must be done with some reservation.
which cart double. 1,1~ Cardiac output decreases In fit patients anaesthetised with nitrous oxide,
(20-40 per cent) as does stroke volume (40-50 per paneuronium and intermittent fentanyl, the change
cen0. Since oxygen consumption does not change to the sitting position led to a decrease in cardiac
significantly, the reduced cardiac output causes the output ( - 1 2 per cent), and an increase in systemic
arterlo-venous difference in oxygen content to vascular resistance ( +50 per cent), while heart rate
increase in the erect position.I'll and mean arterial pressure did not change signifi-
The mean arterial pressure remains constant or cantly. ~5 It must be emphasized, however, that the
increases (up to 18 per cent) depending on whether haemodynamic changes which occurred when the
the subject actually stands or undergoes passive tilt. sitting position was assumed from the supine were
Systolic blood pressure remains relatively constant examined against a baseline of stable anaesthesia
and changes in mean arterial pressure are largely the and not against pre-induction control values. It is
result of alterations in diastolic pressure, t,9 noteworthy that similar changes occur with identi-
Renal blood flow decreases significantly in the cal postural changes in conscious healthy man.
erect position ( - 3 0 per cent), az Glomerular filtra- Albin et al., in a similar study using nitrous oxide
tion rate decreases and increases in ADH and and narcotics (not identified), reported the same
aldosterone secretion result in both water and haemodynamic alterations but of considerably
sodium retention. In very obese patients the reduc- greater magnitude. Cardiac output fell 20 per cent,
tion in renal blood flow is even greater ( - 7 6 per systemic vascular resistance increased 80 per cent
cent), particularly in the sitting position, probably and mean arterial pressure 38 per cent. ~6'17 These
due to an increase in intra-abdominal pressure. 12 data indicate significantly greater changes than are
Hepatic and splanehnic circulatory changes are less normally seen in the conscious standing subject and
than renal and transient. Cerebral blood flow raise serious doubts about the capacity of the
decreases ( - 2 0 per cent) in the erect position. compromised patient to compensate for the effects
As might be expected, the responses of the of the sitting position during anaesthesia. It is not
normal subject to positions intermediate between clear why the results of these two studies differed,
the recumbent and erect positions are in the same but it is possible that the anaesthetic techniques
direction but of a lesser degree. were significantly different.
These changes are not seen when the position is Two interesting facts emerge from these stud-
changed with the subject imrnersed in water. The ies:t~-17 first, patients did not demonstrate signifi-
presence of an identical external pressure gradient cant haemodynamie change until a head-up tilt
antagonises orthostasis. This is part of the rationale greater than 60 deg. was established, and second,
for the bandaging of legs, and the use of anti-gravity the haemodynamic effects of the sitting position
suits and anti-shriek trousers and similar devices in progressed for at least one hour after the patient was
anaesthesia and acute care medicine, t4 placed in this position.
It must be emphasized that the sitting position is
The sitting position in anaesthesia equivalent to a degree of tilt greater than 60 deg. In
It is nowadays rare that the full sitting position, with an oft-quoted study, Stoelting et aL concluded that
a vertical spine and dependent legs, is used in the circulatory changes during sodium nitroprusside
anaesthesia, The modified sitting position, with the administration for prolonged controlled hypoten-

sion in the semi-sitting position were similar to the and the results seem to have been skewed by the
haernodynamic changes observed during SNP ad- response of one patient. Nevertheless, the implica-
ministration in the supine position. Js Unfortunate- tions of these findings for intensive care and
ly, this study is simply not comparable with those anaesthesia are important.
carried out in the sitting position, as the head was In summary, while clinical experience indicates
elevated only to 30-45 deg. Reports of this study do that the subject with adequate circulatory reserves
not always clearly identify that the true modified can tolerate the sitting position well, care should be
sitting position was n o t u s e d . 13'j9 taken in utilising this position in patients without
The effects of anaesthesia in the sitting position circulatory reserve. If the sitting position has to be
on o~gan systems other than the brain have not been used in such patients, the fullest possible monitor-
documented, and even cerebral blood flow has not ing, including measurement of pulmonary arterial
received extensive attention. In a study of patients and pulmonary arterial wedge pressures and cardiac
undergoing chemotherapy for cerebral turnouts, output, should be instituted.
Tindall showed a decrease of carotid blood flow Ideally, cerebral blood flow should be assessed in
( - 14 per cent) in the sitting position. 20 There were patients with either marginal cardiovascular reserve
many interacting variables: the patients were hyper- or elevated ICP, with the use of cortical evoked
ventilated to a PaCO2 of 22 torr, ha]othane was used potentials or cerebral function monitoring, when
for the anaesthetic and cerebral autoregulation was the sitting position is being considered.
probably disturbed by the CNS pathology. Never- The response of the normal person to assuming
theless, the carotid blood flow did decrease to a the erect position has been discussed. If this
degree similar to that demonstrated in awake response is inadequate, hypotension can ensue, and
patients. This decrease was also proportional to the may develop rapidly after an initial period of partial
decrease in mean arterial pressure at the level of the compensation. Bradycardia, perhaps due to the
mid-cerebrum This must have involved an increase activation of Bezold-Jarisch reflexes produced by
in cerebro-vascular resistance because the hydro- strong ventricular contxaction against an inade-
static effect would have been equally distributed to quately filled ventricle can be seem This bradycardia
the intracranial arterial, venous and CSF compart- is responsive to atropine; however, cardiac output
ments. The cerebral peffusion pressure should may not change as a result of this therapy. This type
theoretically have remained constant. of cardiovascular collapse has been extensively
It would appear reasonable, on the basis of studied and seems to be related to a reduction in
available evidence, to ntilise mean arterial pressure arteriolar resistance. 23'24 Despite profound hypo-
at the level of the Circle of Willis as an index of tension, the cardiac output may be maintained. This
cerebral blood flow in anaesthetised sitting patients. is a highly dangerous situation as cerebral blood
This logic has been carded further and the arterial flow decreases despite the maintenance of cardiac
pressure at the Circle of Willis has been used to output.
monitor the induction of controlled hypotension for Certain patients have difficulty in compensating
difficult surgery of the posterior fossa in the sitting for the stress of the erect position (see Table I1).
position. 2~ This may or may not be valid. It has not Predictably, haemorrhage and dehydration are
to our knowledge been studied and, accordingly, poorly tolerated in this position. Chronic orthostatic
eannot be endorsed lightly. Particularly in patients stress seems necessary for the maintenance of an
with intracranial space occupying lesions, cerebral adequate blood volume; consequently, the chroni-
blond flow might not passively follow the mean cally bed-ridden patient with reduced blood volume
arterial pressure. will have difficulty in adjusting to the erect posi-
In this context, Shenkin et al. 22 demonstrated tion. 25In these patients electrolyte and fluid balance
that there was no alteration in cerebral blood flow in may be deranged. In addition there is a lag in the
normal subjects tilted head up to 20 deg., but that in response of peripheral vascular tone, ~ Increasing
patients with brain turnouts cerebral blood flow age alone might decrease the ability of man to
decreased ( - 2 0 percent). There was a concomitant compensate for orthostatic stress as a result of a
decrease in carotid artery pressure ( - 6 per cent). decreased sensitivity of the carotid sinus reflex, z6
There were only six patients in the tumour group Likewise, the chronically hypertensive patient with

TABLE II Orthostatic hypotension hydrostatic stresses may be modified by firm band-

Aetfology aging of the legs with elastic bandages, adoption of
Inadequate blood volume the modified rather than the full sitting position ~s
Haemorrhage and expansion of the intravaseular volume using
Dehydration CVP monitoring. This may result in a relative fluid
Prolongedbed rest overload in the immediate postoperative phase
Hypertension when the patient is lowered to the supine position.
Obstructed venous return In neurosurgical patients this may intensify post-
operative oedema and a degree of head elevation
Inadequate batoreceptor mechanisms
Aging should be maintained. In such patients care should
Hypertension be taken that the leg bandages are removed only
Dependent vascular pooling after the patient has recovered sufficiently to be able
Paralysis to respond to circulatory adaptive demands and
Immobility careful observation must be continued to detect any
Varicosifies syncopal events.
Idiopathic onhostadc hypoteasion Despite an adequate blood volume, some patients
Pharmacological are unable to marshal an adequate increase in
Vasodilators vascular tone on assuming the erect position. This
Anti-hypertensives may be due to an innate autonomic imbalance as in
idiopathic orthostatic hypotension, 32 or may result
Patient selection and monitoring from diuretic, sympatholytic or direct vasodilator
Proper positioning therapy. There is evidence that patients who are
Leg bandaging beta-blocked can tolerate assumption of the erect
G-Suits (anti-shock trousers) position reasonably well. 7'33
Volarne expansion
Optimal ventihttoryparameters (I:E ratio; tidal volume;
inlrathoracicpressure) Chronic circulatory overload
Patients with chronic circulatory over]oad react
quite differently. Their blood volume is already
a decreased blood volume 27 and a blunted carotid expanded, there is already an increase in peripheral
baroreflex 2s has difficulty adjusting to different arterial and venous tone, and the tran.~fer of blood
positions. 29 out of the thorax in effect shifts the left ventricle to a
Prolonged assumption of the erect position pro- more favour-able position on the Frank-Starling
duces progressive pooling of blood into dependent curve. 34.35 Cardiac output is maintained and there is
areas through relaxation of the capacitance vessels no significant increase in systemic vascular resis-
in the lower part of the body. Effective blood tance. Similar effects may be seen in grossly obese
volume decreases further because of the transfer of patients.
fluid from the inlravascular to extravascular space
due to increased intravascular pressures in the lower Paradoxical air embolism
extremity. 1'3~ Reversal of the position from the It has long been reeognised that both left and right
erect to the supine will lead to fluid reabsorption atrial pressures decrease upon assuming the erect
from the extravascular space and a reversal of these position, a~ Because the pulmonary vascular resis-
effects. 3~ tance is known to increase it can be hypothesised that
If the erect position is maintained, there will be a the left atrial pressure might decrease more than the
steady decrease in cardiac filling pressure which right. In 50 per cent of patients anaesthetised in the
may lead to an acute collapse. This is probably the sitting position for neurosurgery, the left atrial
origin of the familiar "Parade Square Collapse." In pressure does decrease to less than the right atrial
awake standing man, pooling into dependent areas pressure. 36 This can take up to half an hour to
can be modified by lower extremity muscular develop fully. This change in relative pressure can
contraction. This muscular contraction is absent in have major implications for air embolus in those 30
the anaesthetised and paralysed subject. These per cent of patients who have a probe-patent

foramen ovale, as even minute amounts of air can At present there appears to be no place for the
pass to the systemic cia'culation and preferentially Trendelenburg position in the management of shock
enter the cerebral circulation. The clinical incidence in man. There is considerable evidence to suggest
of such paradoxical embolus seems low but there that maintenance of the HIP at or close to the right
are at least three reports of its occurrence in atrium will optimise the cardiac filling pressures
association with air embolus in the sitting posi- and thus cardiac output. It is sufficient to elevate the
tion. ~'37 PEEP, IPPV and air embolism itself will legs in recumbent man to increase the venous return
increase the probability of an increase in fight to the heart and increase the cardiac output. The
venuicular and right atrial pressures. 37 In addition, length of the venous bed is thus effectively short-
moving from the supine to the erect position, causes ened, the bulk of the blood volume in the central
the right atrium to move from a position above to a compartment is maintained and the shift of the HIP
position below the left atrium. The pressure dif- away from the right atrial region is minimised.
ferential produced by this shift in position is low Cerebral blood flow has been shown to decrease
(2 mnaI-lg) but is certainly in the correct direction to by 14 per cent in the head-down position. 22 This
connibute to this potential problem in individuals at implies a more significant increase in venous
risk. pressure than in carotid artery pressure. In patients
with increased intracranial pressure the head down
Head-down positions position has not led to a decrease in cerebral blood
The head-down position (Trendelenburg and "var- flow. However, the period of observation was short
iations") is more complex than is apparent at first. It and the response to the head-down position might
might be expected that the intrathoraeic and intra- not have evolved fully. 22 We have not discovered
cardiac blood volume would increase and lead to an any report of a beneficial effect of the head-down
increased cardiac output. Tilts of up to 35 deg. position on cerebral blood flow.
head-down may lead to a slight increase in the right
atria] filling pressure and cardiac output in the The lateral and prone positions
normal individual. With greater degrees of tilt, and It is obvious that circulatory changes due to gravi-
certainly at 75 deg. head-down tilt, there is a tational effects on hydrostatic pressure are maximal
significant decrease in right atrial filling pressure along the long axis of the body. These gravitational
due to a drainage of blood from the heart in a effects are of lesser importance (except where
ceph~lad direction. This is due to shift of the HIP intra-polmonary gas exchange is considered) in the
with tilt. This shift is magnified by the use of venous lateral and prone positions. In these positions,
occlusion cuffs around the thighs. Sequestration of however, venous obstruction can be a major factor
blood in the veins distal to the venous occlusion cuffs and may have a considerable consequence. In
leads to a decrease in blood volume in the central addition, acute flexion and/or rotation of arterial
venous compartment and, as a result, a shift of the and venous channels can disturb blood flow.
HIP cephalad. Similarly, the head-down position Specific examples include the lateral positions with
has led to a reduction of right atrial filling pressure the use of "kidney-rests," extremes of neck flexion,
in man in hypotensive shock, as In animals (rats and extension and rotation which impede jugular
dogs), all forms of shock, including haemorrhagic venous drainage and vertebral arterial supply, and
shock, are made worse by the adoption of the acute truneal flexion in infants, 42 obese adults and
Trendelenburg position. 39"4~In man in normovol- females in advanced pregnancy. In this latter
aemic shock, the Trendelenburg position leads to a category, extreme hypoxia is not uncommon and, in
worsening of both hypotension and cardiac out- fact, cardiac arrest due to a presumed combination
put. 41 Where there is a decreased blood volume, the of hypoxia, vena caval obstruction and reduced
Trendelenburg position does not improve blood cardiac output has been reported.
pressure, although there may be a slight increase in Increased abdominal pressure leading to inferior
eardi~le output. Haemorrhagic shock has not been eaval obstruction has been associated with the prone
studied in man but it is possible that it may position. Abdominal compression may be caused
correspond to the low blood volume model of by either an exaggerated knee-chest position or
Taylor and Well 4 J inadequate or malplaced abdominal support.

TABLE Ili Respirator'/system.Effec~of change in body positionof consciousand anaesthetizedman, relatedto the
Erect Supine
Erect anaesthetised Supine Lateral anaesthetised
conscious & paralyaed conscious conscious &paralysed Prone
FRC Control J. 3% ,[ 24% $ Dependent ~,,14% ~, 12%
VC N/A ~ , '~, ~, NtA
CC N/A ",-~, 1" (slight) ~, ]" (slight)
Changesindicatedas: 1' increase, ~. decrease, ~ unchanged.N/A - not applicable.

Finally, the supine position in the pregnant its enclosed structures. This leads to a loss of lung
patient has been shown to produce inferior vena volume particularly where these compressive forces
cava obstruction. The pregnant patient should be are greatest. Pulmonary blood flow is also greatest
kept in the left lateral position if at all possible, and in these same areas. Clearly, gravity is important in
if she must he in the supine position, a left lateral tilt directing these compressive forces.
of 15 deg. must be utilised. FRC decreases progressively from the erect, to
the supine, to the lithotomy, to the head down and
The respiratory system finally to the lithotomy position head down. 43 The
Because of its effects on lung volume, distribution decrease in the FRC on passing from the erect to the
of inspired gases, pulmonary blood flow and ear- supine position averages 800 ml. In the lateral
diac output, body position has major implications in position there is a smaller total loss of FRC, but this
respiratory physiology. Positional changes in loss is not evenly distributed. FRC in the non-
respiratory function axe summarized in Table III. dependent lung increases; FRC in the dependent
lung decreases considerably. In the prone human
The Lung Volumes resting on his arms and legs, loss of FRC is
minimal.** hi the prone human well supported by
Functional Residual Capacity (FRC) mechanical devices, the decrease in FRC is less
When man remains at rest in the erect position, his than that in the supine or lateral positions. 4s Again,
lungs are subjected to minimal pressures. The gravitational forces play an important role.
thoracic cage and the diaphragm (subjected to the Diaphragmatic tone is important in minimising
gravitational pull of the weight of the abdominal the effect of the intra-abdominal pressure on the
contents) create a negative intrapleural pressure intrathoracic contents. Diaphragmatic paralysis
environment which is not uniform but more nega- leads to a further decrease in FRC ( - 15 per cent) in
tive at the apex than at the base. Because of this patients in the supine position. 43 Interestingly,
gradient, and because of the greater expansive Rehder et at. found a slight decrease in FRC in
elastic forces at the apex, the alveoli at the apex are anaesthetised and paralysed patients, even in the
kept at a greater volume than those at the base of the sitting position, as This is not explicable by trans-
lung. diaphragmatic pressure alone but may be due to a
When man lies down, the external forces acting slightly contracted resting position of the thoracic
on the lung change, in the supine position, the cavity brought about by paralysis of the intercostal
weight of the abdominal contents is transmitted muscles and those muscles suspending the thorax
through the diaphragm to the lung; in the lateral from the cervical and dorsal spine.
position, the more dependent lung is subjected not There is a 20 per cent loss of FRC after induction
only to a greater intra-ahdominal transmitted pres- of anaesthesia in the supine position. There is no
sure but also to the weight of the mediastinum and fully accepted explanation for this; hypotheses have

included alterations in the tone of the diaphragm, change and in the same direction as the change in
the tone of the thoracic cage and the abdominal FRC, 35 not to change significantly with posture, ~3
musculature.43 FRC decreases most in the first few or even to increase on passing from the erect to the
minutes of anaesthesia. The effect of anaesthesia supine position, s6 These conflicting reports can
and paralysis upon loss of lung volume is approxi- probably be reconciled. Vital capacity is comprised
mately the same and is not additive. Accordingly, of the tidal volume, the expiratory reserve volume
the anaesthetised patient in the supine position does (ERV) and the inspiratory capacity. As FRC de-
not have a further decrease of FRC with muscle creases with postural change in the subject with
paralysis. Other factors which modify the loss of normal lungs, the ERV decreases significantly.
FRC on induction of anaesthesia include increasing This does not occur, however, in subjects with little
age, body build and presence of a tracheal tube. 47 ERV even in the erect position. These would
Small airways ( < [ ram) close at low lung vol- include quadraplegic patients, obese patients,
umes as a result of the physical forces which induce patients under high spinal or epidural analgesia, and
closure in all spherical configurations.48 The tend- patients with severe chronic obstructive lung disease
ency to closure is opposed largely by the inherent who are unable to perform a forced airway ma-
elaslicity of pulmonary tissue. A measurable vol- noeuvre without gas trapping.
ume, the closing capacity, exists below which Inspiratory capacity, on the other hand, increases
airway closure commences in the dependent areas as the resting position of the diaphragm is elevated
of the lung. This volume increases with age and on passing from the erect to the supine position, or
with many forms of pulmonary pathology. Closing from the erect to the erect-forward position. This
capacity has been reported as being both affected49 may be due to an increase in resting muscle tension
and unaffected by postural change. ~'s~ The closing or to alterations in the geometric configuration of
capacity is generally thought not to be affected by the diaphragm. In patients with increased pulmon-
anaesthesia5t although some disagreement can be ary respiratory resistance and hyperinflation, the
found in the literature, s~ In any case, the effect of mechanical advantage of the diaphragm is worse in
posture and anaesthesia on closing capacity is very the erect position and much improved in the supine
much less than the effect on FRC. or forward-bending positionY Whether vital
FRC, in effect the resting lung volume, is capacity increases, decreases or stays the same with
important in relation to the c]osing capacity. Air- posture depends on which alters the most, the
way closure has been shown to occur during tidal expiratory reserve volume or the inspiratory
breathing in normal subjects at about age 65 in the capacity.
erect position, and at age 45 in the supine position,sz
A further reduction in FRC occurs in the head down The distribution of inspired gases
and lithotomy positions, causing airway closure to The regional distribution of the inspired gas is
occ~tr during tidal breathing at an even younger determined by the regional lung compliance, chest
age. s3 The further decrease in FRC following in- wall and diaphragmatic compliance, diaphragmatic
duction of anaesthesia will compound this tendency mechanics and the flow rate of the inspired gas.
to closure, and airway closure and gas trapping Change in posture affects most of these deter-
have been documented in anaesthetised patients in minants, ss,sg
the supine position. 5'* It has been shown that the Because of the gradient of pleural pressure,
intrapulmonary shunt varies with both position and alveoli in the dependent regions of the lung are, at
age. At age 50, the shunt in the supine position is ten FRC, at a lower volume than those in the apex. A
per cent and in the erect position four per cent. At lower resting volume places dependent alveoli on a
age 70, these values increase to 15 and five per cent more compliant position of the alveolar pressure
respectively. 49 volume curve and inspired gas is then preferentially
distributed to the lower lung regions. This occurs in
Vital capacity healthy lungs in young subjects in all body posi-
There are conflicting reports on the effect of change tions, a~ If, on the other hand, dependent airways are
of posture on the vital capacity. Vital capacity has closed at the onset of inspiration, gas is redistrib-
beer, found to change significantly with postur',d uted to non-dependent regions.

The FRC-closing capacity relationship becomes

critical in this regard, particularly for the lateral
position with the greatly decreased FRC in the
dependent lung. In the lateral position, redistribu-
tion of inspired gas towards the non-dependent
regions of the lung occurs in some patients in the
lateral position on induction of anaesthesia with
spontaneous respiration 6! and in almost all patients
with the induction of anaesthesia and paralysis. The
supine position, with its lesser inherent FRC reduc-
tion in the more dependent regions is less suscepti-
ble to rids phenomenon (at least in healthy sub-
jects). 46 In the lateral position the distribution ERECT <----HIP
gradient of inspired gas can be restored with either
large breaths or PEEP which suggests that airway FIGURE 1 Schematic diagram of the heart and lungs in man
closure is responsible for inspiratory gas redistribu- in the erect position, showing the three zones postulated by
tion in both the anaesthetised and anaesthetised- West. J9 The Hydrostatic Indifferent Point (HIP) is identified.
paralysed states.6z This issue has not been resolved.
Froese and Bryan, 6s and Roussos ~ have produced
evidence which emphasises the role of thoracic and not arise in humans under normal circumstances.
diaphragmatic compliance in the distribution of However, it could arise if the airway pressure was
inspired gases with positive pressure ventilation, increased (large tidal volumes, PEEP) or if the
and of the role of diaphragmatic mechanics in pulmonary arterial pressure was decreased (shock).
distributing inspired gas to dependent lung regions Zone 2 conditions occur in non-dependent lung
with spontaneous ventilation. Unfortunately some regions in both the erect and the lateral positions. In
of the conclusions of Froese and Bryan are difficult Zone 2, pulmonary artery pressure is greater than
to reconcile with those of Rehder who emphasises alveolar pressure which in turn exceeds pulmonary
airway closure. Specifically, Bryan and Froese venous pressure. Pulmonary flow is determined by
were unable to produce a restoration of preferential the difference between pulmonary artery pressure
gas distribution to dependent lung with positive and airway pressure and will increase in the more
pressure ventilation and large breaths. This issue is dependent lung regions.
important as there are implications for therapeutic Under Zone 2 conditions, flow will be affected
manoeuvres such as PEEP and IPPV. greatly by factors which alter either airway or
pulmonary artery pressures.
Pulmonary blood flow In Zone 3, puhnonary venous pressure exceeds
West eta/. ~9 have defined the effect of changes in alveolar pressure and flow will be determined by the
pulmonary arterial pressure (Pa), pulmonary difference between the pulmonary artery and the
venous pressure (Pv) and alveolar pressure (PA) on pulmonary venous pressure. Because pulmonary
the distribution of blood flow in excised dog lungs. arterial and pulmonary venous pressures should be
In a lung 30 cm long, the hydrostatic pressure affected in a similar fashion by gravity, flow should
difference of the blood is 23 mmHg from the apical be less gravity dependent and more homogeneous
to the basal areas. Pulmonary arterial and venous throughout Zone 3 than Zone 2. This has been
blood is redistributed from non-dependant to de- confirmed by Kaneko et al. ,6o who have shown that
pendent lung areas. Alveolar pressure, hi effect the entire pulmonary circulation is in Zone 3 in the
environmental pressure, remains constant. supine and prone positions (Fig. 2). This is prob-
Three possible "zones" can be postulated relating ably related to the relatively high position of the right
these variables (Fig. 1). atrium. In humans in the lateral position, the
In Zone 1, alveolar pressure is greater than either transition from Zone 2 to Zone 3 occurs 18 cm.
pulmonary arterial or pulmonary venous pressure from the most dependent lung regions (Fig. 3).
and no pulmonary circulation will occur. This does The perfusion per unit lung volume should
Coonan &Hope: C A R D I O - R E S P I R A ' I O R Y EFFECTS OF CHANGE OF BODY P O S I T I O N 433


~ HIP Zone 2



FIGURE 2 Schematicdiagramof the tangs in man in the

supine position,showingthe preponderanceof Zone 3 effect as
definedby Kaneko et al. ~~ The HydrostaticIndifferentPoint
(H]P) is identified. FIGURE 4 Schematic illustration o[ tidal ventilation and the
ralatioashJp of closing capacity to functional residual capacity
in the seated and supine positions. In group 1, FRO exceeds
therefore be more uniform in the supine and prone closingcapacLtyin both supine and erect positions. In group
position than in the erect position. II closingcapacityexceedsfunctionalresidual capacityonly in
The pulmonary interstitial pressure can impede the supineposition. In group IIl, closingcapacityoccurs
pulmonary circulation. This will become important within the range of tidal ventilationin both the seated and
supinepositions.In group IV, closing capacityoccurs through-
during major loss of lung volume and has been out tidal ventilation,even in the erect position. See text.
shown to be a factor in the most dependent regions (Modifiedfrom Craig et al, ~s with permission)
of normal lung.
Several studies have shown a redistribution of
pulmonary blood flow to the most dependent lung The upright posture best maintains lung volume
regions under conditions of artificial ventilation and opposes a tendency to small airway closure,
with or without anaesthesia and may be related to which is the main consideration for the majority of
the magnitude of the applied airway pressure. ~s,66 patients presenting for anaesthesia and surgery. The
This is important as this redistribution will gener- supine position increases diaphragmatic efficiency,
ally be unmatched by ventilation. 65'67 cardiac output and the homogeneity of distribution
of pulmonary blood volume. For any given patient,
the optimal position will exist between these ex-
tremes and will be determined only by measure-
.................... z-.;'~-~- ment.
The implications of posture in patients presenting
P a . PA-Pv for anaesthesia can be considered in four categories
(Fig. 4). 68 In the first .category, there is no airway
closure during tidal breathing either in the erect or
............... - ~ ' % - - z-o;, 3 - supine position. With movement from the erect to
the supine position, the cardiac output increases,
Pa>Pv. PA
the pulmonary blood volume becomes evenly distri-
buted (the entire lung is Zone 3) and the match of
ventilation and peffusion is improved. If this is a
measure of optimal status, the supine position is
"best" for this group.
Patients in the second category have airway
FIGURE 3 Schematic diagram of the lungs in man in the closure in the dependent regions during part of their
lateral position, showing the preponderance of Zone 3 effect tidal ventilation in the supine but not in the erect
as defined by Kaneko et al. s9 position. These patients will have ventilation-

perfusion mismatch in the supine position and may rest, and in the presence of pharmacological agents,
be better off erect. This tendency to closure is these compensmory responses may be attenuated.
accentuated in patients in the third category who Under anaesthesia, the degree of compromise
have airway closure in part of their tidal ventilation which will occur will be determined in part by the
in the erect position. When they move to a supine baseline against which the anaesthesia is induced.
position, airway closure will increase. Atelectasis Consideration of all of these factors is thus impor-
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