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Jah, ‘Thank you so much for encouraging met take the Head Coaching poston for the ice hoskey team twa yearago. Your continued support has meant the world tome. You wll defintely be missed here at range but wish you al the best at Bern ‘Thank you again for everyting you dé for Olentangy Orange! -Chugger John: Your energy and enthusiasm have been the toughest benchmark to beat here at school! Your ‘excitement during pep rallies, your calm tone wher handling delicate situations and your silly ‘humor when communicating to students with special needs have been wonderful to ‘wimess. Thanks for being such an integral part of the excellence at Olentangy Orange High School. I wish you the Best as you make an impact on th students and community at Olentangy Berlin High School. You are and will always be a Pioneer! Heather Lantz Dear Mr. Betz, The Orange Volleyball prograrn would like to thank you for everything you have done for ws. You believed in us when no one else did and unconditionally supported us whether Wwe hada losing or winning season. Without your support and the suppor of the school we would ‘have never have had the success the last two seasons, We wish you the best of luck at Berlin High School and know that you will continue to help and change the lives of young people, just like you cid urs ‘Thank you again, Orange Volleyball Be ‘Where do even begin? It seems like yesterday that we were both starting our adventure, you 3s the AD ad me as your faculty manager. Our first football game........going over and over and ‘over and over, etc». the plan, © Making sure everything would be just perfect. And it was. Justas every event has been since your first day. You re-defined the role of an Athletic Director. You have taken a ttle and made it personal. You, JB, lead by example; you teat EVERY coach ike they area part of your family, EACH player as your own, andthe parents as important stakeholders. You have elevated Orange Pioneers from good to great by your innate ability tose al people (players and coaches) not only for what they are, but what they can ‘become. Your forward thinking and vision is unremarkable. ‘These skills that you possess were not just learned in college or as an educator, they have been cultivated your entre life. They come very natural to you because they are who you are. Orange athletics are better because you have touched each one of them with your personal commitment in that all programs/playersicoaches matter, Its now time to close this chapter in your “Book of Life” and start the new Chapter, "Berlin", You are ready an¢ prepared to create a culture and environment from ground zero that will forever have your name woven inthe fabric of Berlin Athletics. Personally, you know how ! fel about our friendship. Tam certainly going to miss the days ‘where [stomp down the hall into your office, shut the door and say whatever its I need 1 say knowing it will always sty between us. But the good thing about Olentangy.....1 ean fil stomp wil jst be right down the road © “Thank you JB for continuing to make Olentangy the best place to work on earth! But more importantly, thank you for making me a better persoa through your guidance and advice and thank you for your friendship! My Best~&. ‘Thank You! John, | want to thank you for your help and leadership during my first years as ahead custodian. You hhave showed me how tobe a better leader and manager of all ofthe events, that are always going ‘on ina high school I'm better at compromise and teamwork because of you. I wish you the very best at Berlin High school I know that you wll be awesome! We will mss you, and you will forever be a huge part of Olentangy Orange High Schoo!’ legacy. Good Luck! Cindy Mason Head Custodian oous

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