Development and Implemenation of Arizona Department of Transportation (Adot) Pavement Management System (PMS)

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Project 494 April 2006


There is a need to develop a system that allows
BACKGROUND evaluation of the outcomes of maintenance
The Arizona Department of Transportation activities so that their cost effectiveness can be
(ADOT) pavement management system (PMS) determined and used in development of
is used to allocate expenditures on pavement pavement preservation strategies.
preservation. Data is collected annually on
roughness, skid, cracking, rutting and flushing. OBJECTIVES OF THE PROJECT
This data is entered into the PMS system to
allocate resources and to provide input into the The objective of this research is to develop a
pavement design function. One of the data enhanced pavement management system that
fields that the PMS uses in project selection is provides the ability to measure the outcomes of
the average maintenance expenditure per year. the pavement related maintenance activities.
The expenditure is obtained from uploading data The minimum following activities will be
from the PECOS system. performed:
The PMS system provides a continuous database 1. Evaluate the measures of effectiveness
of pavement performance for the state network. necessary to demonstrate the effectiveness
Maintenance activities, such as preventive of pavement preservation activities.
maintenance, are all recorded in the PECOS 2. Canvass other states for their procedures for
system. PECOS is a resource allocation system managing the effectiveness of pavement
that tracks labor, materials and equipment. It activities.
does not track the outcome of the activity such
as pavement performance for preventive 3. Review the available pavement management
maintenance activities. systems and asset management systems for
application to the maintenance function.
There currently is no maintenance process by
which outcomes, such as improved pavement 4. Recommend the preferred system/PMS
performance, can be measured except through enhancement for use.
personal observation by the individuals applying 5. Develop a working system for delivery to
them. ADOT.


6. Develop an operations manual for using the functionality of the HPMA software, which were
system. implemented in this phase of the project. These
modifications included the inclusion of the
DEVELOPMENT OF THE ENHANCED maintenance history in the priority rating,
modifications to some of the table structures,
The overall approach followed to achieve the adding some additional reports and others. The
project objectives is divided into four main HPMA models and parameters including the
phases, which are: condition indices, pavement types, distress
1. Development of a Conceptual Design and types, rehabilitation and maintenance treatments,
Layout and decision trees, were developed at this stage.
2. Structure and Develop Pavement The completed ADOT HPMA is a single
Management Database and Models software application that provides full database
3. Conduct State-wide Analysis management and analysis capabilities required
by the two types of users (PMS and
4. Install HPMA, train ADOT staff, and
Maintenance). The HPMA provides capability
provide software technical support
for users to work at both the detailed highway
level and the aggregated section level. Also it
The development of the conceptual plan
provides a wide variety of analysis capabilities,
involved assessing the old ADOT database
including corrective maintenance, preventive
structure and data elements, identifying the
maintenance, and rehabilitation analysis.
needs of the various system users and
determining the availability, relevance and
When the ADOT HPMA was completed, a
method of importing the data items. The types of
statewide analysis to demonstrate the analysis
the available data were reviewed in terms of the
modules in the system was carried out using
sources, reliability, and level of necessity. This
historic ADOT data. The analysis included
task also involved reviewing the models and
identifying ADOT’s network budgetary needs
parameters used in the Department’s current
and network performance using historic data and
pavement management system. Based on this
comparing these results to actual measured
review, a detailed conceptual plan for the
performance data. The results of the analysis
development of ADOT HPMA was developed.
showed that ADOT HPMA successfully
modeled the historic trends of ADOT pavements
The second phase of the project was directed
and accurately represented ADOT’s network
towards loading ADOT’s data into the HPMA
database, modifying some of the HPMA
functions and adding more functions to meet
To demonstrate ADOT HPMA software
ADOT requests, and developing the required
performance and verify the analysis settings and
analysis models. Data loading and model
models in the software, two sets of analyses
development were carried out based on the
were performed using the ADOT HPMA. The
conceptual plan developed in Phase 1 of the
analyses were performed starting from the year
project and the feedback received from the
2000. Thus, the performance data from the
Technical Advisory Committee. Data was
following years were not considered in the
loaded from the existing data sources in ADOT
analysis. The analysis results were subsequently
and converted as necessary. The HPMA code
evaluated against the actual data from the years
tables were first populated and then the data was
2000 through 2003.
loaded as required. ADOT requested a number
of modifications and enhancements to the


OVERVIEW OF HPMA SOFTWARE based on the detailed analysis of distresses. The
“M&R Analysis” procedure, on the other hand,
The ADOT HPMA includes four subsystems provides multi-year work programs that can
namely: the Database Subsystem, the Network incorporate both maintenance and rehabilitation
Analysis Subsystem, the Engineering Feedback
Subsystem, and the Project Design and Analysis
Maintenance Analysis Procedure
Database Management Subsystem Two types of maintenance analysis are available
The HPMA database utilizes a two level in ADOT HPMA, which are:
structure to serve the required pavement
management functions, which are a detailed • Maintenance Needs Analysis
highway database and a summarized sectional • Maintenance Budget Analysis
The maintenance needs analysis uses the
All data types are loaded to the detailed highway detailed surface distress data to estimate the
database, as well as including all historical demand-based maintenance needs for contract
records. All detailed highway data items are estimation purposes. This is based on
referenced by physical location using the maintenance standards that define the activities
existing route identifier and milepost reference required in the next two years to fix the observed
system defined within ADOT HPMA. The types surface deficiencies. The observed distress data
of detailed data maintained in the database is compared to the maintenance standards to
include: inventory, traffic, pavement structure, determine the actual requirements.
history, maintenance activities and performance
data. The maintenance budget analysis uses the output
of the maintenance needs analysis and user
The HPMA database subsystem provides several defined budget constraints to generate a
key functions. These functions include specific maintenance work program. In this program,
tools for performing the basic database sections and the recommended treatments are
management capabilities such as storage and selected based on the highest cost-effectiveness.
update of highway attributes, browse, and edit Effectiveness is expressed as a function of the
functions. Also, functions to perform queries improvement in the surface distress index that
and calculate summary statistics are available in should be observed after fixing the distress.
the subsystem.
Maintenance & Rehabilitation Analysis
Network Analysis Subsystem Procedure
The purpose of the network level analysis The Rehabilitation Programming Subsystem
procedures is to determine the current and future provides the following capabilities:
maintenance and rehabilitation needs and to
develop priority programs to implement the • Rehabilitation needs analysis
appropriate treatments. The Network Analysis
• Rehabilitation alternatives analysis
Subsystem provides two types of analysis
procedures, namely: the “Maintenance • Rehabilitation programming and budgeting
Analysis” and the “Maintenance and analysis
Rehabilitation Analysis”, or “M&R Analysis”. The rehabilitation needs analysis is used to
The “Maintenance Analysis” procedure provides predict section performance in terms of the
a one-year program of maintenance activities individual performance indices and to determine


the present and future rehabilitation needs. The Engineering Feedback Subsystem
rehabilitation alternatives analysis involves the The Engineering Feedback Subsystem provides
strategy screening, performance predictions, and information feedback for evaluating the
economic analyses of the rehabilitation effectiveness of achieving technical goals, and
alternatives. includes the following capabilities:

The rehabilitation programming and budgeting • Analysis of pavement performance trends

analysis provides two main functions, which are providing feedback for updating the
developing rehabilitation work programs based performance prediction models
on budget constraints and determining the • Evaluation of the effectiveness of specific
effects of various funding levels on the network maintenance and rehabilitation alternatives
performance and needs backlog (or conversely, in achieving technical goals such as
determining the required budget levels to minimum expected life, extension of service
provide given levels of service). life, reduction in rutting, etc.
The optimization analysis includes two modes of • Determination of distress trends
operation: Within this subsystem, the maintenance and
rehabilitation treatment effectiveness analysis
• Effectiveness-maximization, where the
provides the capability to evaluate the
optimal work programs are determined
effectiveness of specific activities in terms of
based on given funding levels
performance and cost for a specific group of
• Cost-minimization, which provides a means sections.
of determining required funding levels to
achieve specific performance levels Project Design & Analysis Subsystem
The Project Design & Analysis Subsystem
Funding scenarios can be evaluated by running provides a means of performing project-level
the analysis in the effectiveness maximization Life Cycle Cost Analysis (LCCA).
mode with the different funding levels as input
constraints. Service level scenarios can be Typically, detailed design alternatives for
evaluated by running the analysis in the cost- selected projects are evaluated based on life
minimization mode with the service levels as cycle costs and effectiveness. Results of FWD
input constraints in terms of required analysis along with surface distress, rutting and
performance. roughness data, are used in this evaluation. The
user has the option of selecting the alternative
design with highest cost-effectiveness, the
lowest life cycle cost or the lowest user delay.


Zaghloul, Khaled Helali and Wael Bekheet, Stantec Consulting Inc. (Arizona Department of
Transportation, report number FHWA-AZ-06-494, published April 2006) is available on the
Internet. Educational and governmental agencies may order print copies from the Arizona
Transportation Research Center, 206 S. 17 Ave., MD 075R, Phoenix, AZ 85007; FAX 602-712-
3400. Businesses may order copies through ADOT’s Engineering Records Section.


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