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Home Retreat 

It’s Your Time Now! 


WHY? 6

Preparation 7
Consider your location 7
Resources 7
This Is Your Time 8
Warning 8

Daily Activities 9

Day 1 - My Ideal Week 10

My New Schedule - My Ideal Week To Create My Ideal Life 11
Media Makeover 12
Ways To Incorporate My New Routine Into My Schedule 12

Day 1 - Goal Setting 14

My Goals 14
Daily Visualisation / Goal Review 15
My Physical Exercise 15
I Am Turning Negatives Into Positives 15
Observe Your Feelings 15
Journal 16

Day 2 - Passions 17

Day 2 - Money 19
Money Beliefs 20
Improving Your Financial Position 21
Some Great Reads - in my opinion 21
Daily Visualisation / Goal Review 22
My Physical Exercise 22
I Am Turning Negatives Into Positives 22
Observe Your Feelings 22
Journal 23

Day 3 - Income 24

Guided Meditation - Manifest MONEY NOW 24

Attention - Warning: Never play or listen to this audio while driving, cooking or doing
anything that requires you to focus attention. 24
Ways To Generate Income 24
Types Of Income 25

Exercise 26
That being said ‘let’s create your plan… 26
Daily Visualisation / Goal Review 28
My Physical Exercise 28
I Am Turning Negatives Into Positives 28
Observe Your Feelings 28
Journal 29

Day 4 - External & Inner Beauty 30

External Beauty 30
Inner Beauty 34
What Are The Inner Beauty Qualities? 36
Daily Visualisation / Goal Review 37
My Physical Exercise 37
I Am Turning Negatives Into Positives 37
Observe Your Feelings 37
Journal 38

Day 5 - The Importance of Gratitude 39

Guided Meditation - Manifesting Abundance With Gratitude 39

The Dictionary Meaning - a feeling of thankfulness and appreciation. 39
How can being grateful can benefit me? 39
I am grateful to… 42
Other Ways To Implement Gratitude In Your Daily Life 43
Gratitude can be contagious - how far can you spread it? 43
Daily Visualisation / Goal Review 43
My Physical Exercise 43
I Am Turning Negatives Into Positives 43
Observe Your Feelings 44
Journal 44

Goal Sample: House________________________ 46

DAY 1: Get specific, what does it look like for you? It’s colour, size, shape… 46
Day 2: assign a monetary value to each of the items on the list. 47
Day 3: What are some of the things that you can start to do right now to achieve your goal
and know how it will feel. 47
Day 4: write down all the beautiful things that you see surrounding your goal. Be very
descriptive in this process. 48

Day 5: write down the things that will help you to achieve your goals faster. Remember to
also show your gratitude for this in your journal as you wish it to be and as it comes about.48

Goal One:________________________________ 49
DAY 1: Get specific, what does it look like for you? It’s colour, size, shape… 49
Day 2: assign a monetary value to each of the items on the list. 50
Day 3: What are some of the things that you can start to do right now to achieve your goal
and know how it will feel. 50
Day 4: write down all the beautiful things that you see surrounding your goal. Be very
descriptive in this process. 51
Day 5: write down the things that will help you to achieve your goals faster. Remember to
also show your gratitude for this in your journal as you wish it to be and as it comes about.51

Goal Two:________________________________ 52
DAY 1: Get specific, what does it look like for you? It’s colour, size, shape… 52
Day 2: assign a monetary value to each of the items on the list. 53
Day 3: What are some of the things that you can start to do right now to achieve your goal
and know how it will feel. 53
Day 4: write down all the beautiful things that you see surrounding your goal. Be very
descriptive in this process. 54
Day 5: write down the things that will help you to achieve your goals faster. Remember to
also show your gratitude for this in your journal as you wish it to be and as it comes about.54

Goal Three:______________________________ 55
DAY 1: Get specific, what does it look like for you? It’s colour, size, shape… 55
Day 2: assign a monetary value to each of the items on the list. 56
Day 3: What are some of the things that you can start to do right now to achieve your goal
and know how it will feel. 56
Day 4: write down all the beautiful things that you see surrounding your goal. Be very
descriptive in this process. 57
Day 5: write down the things that will help you to achieve your goals faster. Remember to
also show your gratitude for this in your journal as you wish it to be and as it comes about.57

Goal Four:_______________________________ 58
DAY 1: Get specific, what does it look like for you? It’s colour, size, shape… 58
Day 2: assign a monetary value to each of the items on the list. 59
Day 3: What are some of the things that you can start to do right now to achieve your goal
and know how it will feel. 59
Day 4: write down all the beautiful things that you see surrounding your goal. Be very
descriptive in this process. 60
Day 5: write down the things that will help you to achieve your goals faster. Remember to
also show your gratitude for this in your journal as you wish it to be and as it comes about.60

Goal Five:________________________________ 61

DAY 1: Get specific, what does it look like for you? It’s colour, size, shape… 61
Day 2: assign a monetary value to each of the items on the list. 62
Day 3: What are some of the things that you can start to do right now to achieve your goal
and know how it will feel. 62
Day 4: write down all the beautiful things that you see surrounding your goal. Be very
descriptive in this process. 63
Day 5: write down the things that will help you to achieve your goals faster. Remember to
also show your gratitude for this in your journal as you wish it to be and as it comes about.63

Goal Six:_________________________________ 64
DAY 1: Get specific, what does it look like for you? It’s colour, size, shape… 64
Day 2: assign a monetary value to each of the items on the list. 65
Day 3: What are some of the things that you can start to do right now to achieve your goal
and know how it will feel. 65
Day 4: write down all the beautiful things that you see surrounding your goal. Be very
descriptive in this process. 66
Day 5: write down the things that will help you to achieve your goals faster. Remember to
also show your gratitude for this in your journal as you wish it to be and as it comes about.66

Goal Seven:_______________________________ 67
DAY 1: Get specific, what does it look like for you? It’s colour, size, shape… 67
Day 2: assign a monetary value to each of the items on the list. 68
Day 3: What are some of the things that you can start to do right now to achieve your goal
and know how it will feel. 68
Day 4: write down all the beautiful things that you see surrounding your goal. Be very
descriptive in this process. 69
Day 5: write down the things that will help you to achieve your goals faster. Remember to
also show your gratitude for this in your journal as you wish it to be and as it comes about.69

Goal Eight:______________________________ 70
DAY 1: Get specific, what does it look like for you? It’s colour, size, shape… 70
Day 2: assign a monetary value to each of the items on the list. 71
Day 3: What are some of the things that you can start to do right now to achieve your goal
and know how it will feel. 71
Day 4: write down all the beautiful things that you see surrounding your goal. Be very
descriptive in this process. 72
Day 5: write down the things that will help you to achieve your goals faster. Remember to
also show your gratitude for this in your journal as you wish it to be and as it comes about.72

Goal Nine:________________________________ 73
DAY 1: Get specific, what does it look like for you? It’s colour, size, shape… 73
Day 2: assign a monetary value to each of the items on the list. 74
Day 3: What are some of the things that you can start to do right now to achieve your goal
and know how it will feel. 74

Day 4: write down all the beautiful things that you see surrounding your goal. Be very
descriptive in this process. 75
Day 5: write down the things that will help you to achieve your goals faster. Remember to
also show your gratitude for this in your journal as you wish it to be and as it comes about.75

Goal Ten:_________________________________ 76
DAY 1: Get specific, what does it look like for you? It’s colour, size, shape… 76
Day 2: assign a monetary value to each of the items on the list. 77
Day 3: What are some of the things that you can start to do right now to achieve your goal
and know how it will feel. 77
Day 4: write down all the beautiful things that you see surrounding your goal. Be very
descriptive in this process. 78
Day 5: write down the things that will help you to achieve your goals faster. Remember to
also show your gratitude for this in your journal as you wish it to be and as it comes about.78

Resources 79



This  course  unexpectedly  come  about  because  I  had  reached  a  stalemate  in  my  business 
and  my  life.  My  creativity  had  stopped,  my  brain  was  foggy  and  I  was  not  giving  myself 
what  I  needed.  Enough  was  enough,  something  needed  to  change.  The  old  saying 
“Insanity  is  doing  the  same  things  over  and  over again and expecting different results” was 
the point I was at.  I realised that I was neglecting myself.  I knew what I needed to do.  I just 
wasn’t implementing it in my life and placing the true importance that was required for me 
to see the results that I so desired.   
‘That’s  it”,  I  said.  “I  need  a  break,  I’m  taking time off to realign myself and give myself the 
gift of self-love, self-worth and self-importance”. This was my turning point. 
As  I  lay  there  on  Day  1  completing  my  meditation  it  came to me to document my journey 
and to create this course that you too have chosen to complete. My gi of love to you ❤ 
May  the  course  deliver  to  you  the direction and clarity that you are seeking to find.  May it 
spark  a  resurgence  in  belief,  in  yourself, your dreams and aspirations in the world that you 
live in. Finding your inner peace. Let this be just the start of your new restorative journey. 
So  unplug  from  the  world  for  a  while  and  allow  yourself  the  space  to  implement  the 
changes  in  your  life  that  will  change  your  life.  Feel  the  power  and  freedom  grow  as  you 
complete  each  day.  Look  after  yourself so that you have more to give.  The more you give 
the more that comes back to you.    

Let’s consider a few things that you would like to prepare before starting your course. 
Remember  this  is  your  gift  to  yourself.  You  are  worthy  and  as  such  you  are  going  to 
reward yourself with time to complete the course. 
You’ll  be  happy  to  know  that  the  first  task  we undertake on Day 1 is to review your current 
timetable and finding ways to provide yourself the time to complete your course. 
Although  this  is  a  5  day  full  immersion  course,  it  has  also  been  designed  so  that  you  can 
potentially  complete  each  day  once  a  week.  If  you  cannot  complete this as a 5 day back to 
back  to  back  course  then  in  between  completing  the  ‘Exercises’  you  will  commit  to 
completing the Daily Activities. 
Consider your location   
For  the  meditation  you  will  require  a  quiet  safe  spot  where  you  will  not  be disturbed.  For 
those  of  you  with  children  you  may  need  to  consider  having  someone  look  after  them 
while you complete this task (or wake up earlier than they do).   
For  completing  the  exercises  you  might  like  to  consider  getting  out  and  about.  Maybe  a 
park  or  the  beach.  A  change  of  scenery  can  get  your  creativity  flowing.  (If  you  have 
children  this  is a great opportunity to take them out to play and allows you the opportunity 
to complete your exercises). 
I  have  designed  the  course  to  have  everything  you  need  in  it  for  the  duration  of  5  days.  I 
do  encourage  you  to  continue  your  Daily  Activities  as  you  move  through  your  journey  so 
moving forward you might like to consider the following… 
- Gratitude  Journal  -  as  simple  as  your  kids  school  exercise book to a fun pretty book 
to something that is all online, or create your own. 
- Progress Journal - write your ideas, your thoughts and feelings in here. 
- Goals  Folder  -  I  have  all  my  goals  in  a  folder - a new tab / divider for each goal.  It’s 
easier  to  add  to,  make  changes  and  replace  when  achieved.  Pages  are  provided  in 
the course. 
- Meditation  -  while  I  have  provided  you  with  links  to  free  meditations  you  may 
prefer  to  regularly  invest  in  ones  that  resonate  with  you that guide you through the 
next step in your journey. 
- Exercise  -  there  are  many  types  of  exercise  activities  to  take  part  in.  If  you  have  a 
membership,  great  continue  with  that.  If  cost  is  a  factor  consider  the  free  options 
that  are  online.  If  you  have  kids  and  are  time  poor-  get  out  and  play  and  exercise 
with  the  kids,  hidden  bonus  -  they’ll  love  you  for  it.  Commit  to  a  minimum  30 
mins at least three times a week. 
- Personal Development - commit to continue your Personal Development journey.  I 
recommend  a  20-30  minutes  per  day.  These could be books (text or audio) or your 
next  course.  Source  where  you will find these.  An online library, your local library, 

This Is Your Time 
That’s right, this is your time! Make a complete commitment to complete the course. 
Don’t just skim over it. Do the exercises, not in your head, write them down. This will 
ensure maximum results from your efforts. I have a feeling that something great will 
happen for you. 
I  am  not  a  medical professional and in no way does this replace the guidance from medical 
professionals.  The  course  is  designed  to assist you seeking clarity of your life, it’s direction 
and purpose. An internal journey on self reflection. 
Be  mindful  that  as  you  embark  on  this  course  different  feelings  may  arise  and  I  have 
provided  space  for you to document these.  These notes could be relevant for your medical 
professional should you need further assistance. 

Daily Activities 
1. Guided  Meditation  -  ​we  will  start  with  a  daily  meditation  to  set  your  mind  for  the 
Personal  Development  exercises  that  will  follow  for  that  day.  Upon  completion  of  the course 
you  may  continue  with  guided  meditation  or  you  may  consider  the  wide  range of meditative 
music  to  be  your  background  noise.  Continue  to  create  a calm, grounding and peaceful state. 
The  course  has  longer  meditations,  however  upon  completion  of  the  course  you  may  only 
require a short meditative time. ​ 10-30 minutes 
2. Daily  Visualisation  /  reviewing  your  goals  -  ​each  day  you  will  further  expand  on  your 
goals,  letting  them  become  more  defined  and  assisting  you in seeing them fully as if they were 
real. ​10 minutes 
3. Exercise  -  ​schedule  time  to  exercise  for  30  minutes  each  day  for  the  5  day  course  -  then 
commit to a minimum of 3 times a week thereafter. 
4. Turn  Negatives  Into  Positives  -  ​it  is  natural  to  have  negatives  in  our  life,  it’s  how  we 
respond  that  truly  matters.  Try  to  focus  on  turning  these  into  positive  experiences  or 
teachings.  Consider  the  other  person/thing that has provided you with a negative experience, 
what could be happening in their life? Give them a pass and let it go.​ 5 minutes 
5. Observe  Your  Feelings  -  ​you  may  experience  a  spiritual  release  of  feelings  during  this 
process.  Reaffirm  with  yourself  that  this  is  okay.  Upon  completion  of  your  course  make  this 
part  of  your  daily  journal  process  and  see  how  you  grow  and  the  how  your  feelings  change 
over time. ​ 5 minutes 
6. Gratitude  Journal  -  ​be  grateful for all that you have and for all that you will receive.  Upon 
completion  of  the  course  you  may  wish  to  combine  this  with  your daily journal time.  It’s also 
fun to do with the family at dinner time. 
5 minutes   
7. Development  Journal  -  ​Write  your  thoughts  and  inspirations  as  they  come  to  you 
throughout  your  journey.  Write  down  even  the  simplest  of  thoughts,  this  maybe  your  next 
mission  to  accomplish  in  your  life.  Remember,  everything  unfolds  when  the  time  is  right  for 
you  to  take  your  next  step  forward.  This  simple  process  can  assist  in  providing clarity when 
needed. 1​ 0 minutes 
8. Personal  Development  -  ​during  the  course  we  consider  core  areas  and  aspects of your life 
and  complete  activities  to  gain  clarity  in  your  life.  Upon  completion  of  the  course  you  will 
continue  to  grow  and  personally  develop  for  a minimum of 2 ​ 0 minutes per day.  This could 
be a book or a course. Keep expanding. 
This  course  is  designed  to  take  you  on  a  journey  to  start  the  process  of change that you so 

Day 1 - My Ideal Week 
Firstly we need to review your current week. What does this look like and what fills it? 
Fill in your CURRENT schedule. 
  Monday  Tuesday  Wednesday  Thursday  Friday  Saturday  Sunday 

















You have chosen to undertake this course to provide yourself with clarity. Looking at your 
timetable, what time can you carve out right now to give yourself this amazing gift. Have 
you provided yourself a holiday and time out to complete your transformation journey?   
Remember this is self paced, but complete it as quickly as possible if you are unable to fully 
devote to each day. Use the Daily Activities on page 5 as a guide for the time you need to 
allow. Note: your Personal Development exercises in this course will take you more than 
20 minutes to complete. 

My New Schedule - My Ideal Week To Create My Ideal Life 
Design what your ideal week would look like when you implement your daily activities 
into your new life journey. You will need to carve out 60 minutes plus exercise time each 
day. That’s one TV show. This can be broken up into the nooks and crannies of your day.   
Your Daily Activities are non-negotiables and will see you grow beyond your wildest 
dreams. Make this commitment to yourself NOW and complete your schedule. 
See the next page for ideas on how to fit this into your day and to make it part of your 
  Monday  Tuesday  Wednesday  Thursday  Friday  Saturday  Sunday 


















Media Makeover 
It’s amazing how much time we waste each and everyday, distancing you further and 
further from obtaining your goals. I would like you to consider how you spend your spare 
How much time is spent on electronic devices? _______________________________ 
How much of this is quality work time? ____________________________________ 
How much of this is actually maintaining relationships? _________________________ 
How much time is wasted? _____________________________________________ 
Electronic devices now consume much of our time and steals this precious resource from 
us - TIME! Make a conscious effort to engage with electronic devices only when it serves 
Before engaging with electronic devices and other activities consider the following: 
● Is this positive or negative? 
● How does it make me feel? (numb, tired, happy, angry, sad) 
● What value will this add to my life? 
● Does this stimulate me? 
● Am I educated by this? 
By understanding how you spend your time you can then choose what will enrich your life. 
Ways To Incorporate My New Routine Into My Schedule 
Your schedule may need to change for a day or or short period of time as life is just 
unpredictable - this is okay. 
Your schedule may need to change and have a complete overhaul as your journey 
continues - this is okay too.   
Remember, this is your journey and you are in charge. Just go with the flow. 
Consider ways you can fit in your Daily Activities - these are only suggestions as each and 
everyone of you participating in this course have different circumstances and 
Guided Meditations​ - can you wake up a little earlier and allow yourself the peace and 
quiet to complete this. Try getting out of the office to a park during your lunch break. 
Daily Visualisation​ - review this as you eat breakfast, make it part of your family dinner 
time discussion. 
Exercise​ - play with your children, go for a walk during your lunch break. Park a little 
further away from work and walk.   
Turn Negatives Into Positives​ - make this part of your everyday thinking while doing your 
everyday activities. 

Journal​ - combine your feelings and gratitude with your Development Journal, consider 
doing this at the family dinner table sharing everything you are each grateful for from this 
day, continue writing the remainder just before bed as the day comes to a close 
Personal Development - ​Listen to audiobooks on your commute to work - if using public 
transport then grab a book.   

Day 1 - Goal Setting 
Guided Meditation - ​"You Can Manifest Anything!"  
Attention - Warning: Never play or listen to this audio while driving, cooking or doing 
anything that requires you to focus attention. 
This is one of my favourite activities… Goal Setting. Step 1. Write a list of your goals 5-10 of 
them. They may be short term, medium term or long term. If at least one of your goals 
doesn’t scare you, then you need to think BIGGER!   
Your goals can be anything you want. What is your dream life, your grandest desires? 
Don’t worry about how you will achieve them. Plant the seed and allow the universe to 
take care of the details ​CORN 
My Goals 
1. ________________________ 6. _______________________ 
2. ________________________ 7. _______________________ 
3. ________________________ 8. _______________________ 
4. ________________________ 9. _______________________ 
5. ________________________ 10. _______________________ 
Now go to the appendix ​(pages a-b)​ and transpose these on to your goal sheets provided. 
Now for each goal you are required to drill down further. What does this look like for you? 
The size, colour, shape and feeling. Just complete the exercise for Day 1, we will build on 
your goals each day. 
Enjoy this time you have allowed yourself to complete the first step in designing your 
See the sample goal sheet for further guidance. 

Refer To Your Daily Activities For Completing The Following Activities 
Daily Visualisation / Goal Review 
Congratulations on completing your goals for Day One. 
My Physical Exercise 
My 30 minutes of physical exercise consisted of​
What I enjoyed the most about this was​ _____________________________ 
I Am Turning Negatives Into Positives 
1. _________________________________________________ 
2. _________________________________________________ 
3. _________________________________________________ 
Observe Your Feelings 
Today I feel​

Today I am grateful for____​
Write your thoughts and inspirations as they come to you throughout your journey. Write 
down even the simplest of thoughts, this maybe your next mission to accomplish in your 
life. Remember, everything unfolds when the time is right for you to take your next step 
Bonus:​ Achieve Your Goals Affirmations 

Day 2 - Passions 
Guided Meditation - ​Discover Your Life's Purpose 
Attention - Warning: Never play or listen to this audio while driving, cooking or doing 
anything that requires you to focus attention. 
Here we are going to explore yourself and what makes you smile. Write a list of the 
● What do you love doing or would love to do?   
● What are you passionate about?   
● What are your strengths or what are you good at? 
Take time to discover the real you... 
Love  Passionate  Strengths 

Eg. Cooking  Eg. Sustainability & environment  Eg. Being organised 


Consider how often you do the things that you love doing or are passionate about? 
Think about how you apply your strengths in your everyday life? 

Day 2 - Money 
This is often a very confronting topic for most people. It is one of the most important 
topics that needs to be covered yet, one that is avoided at all costs (pun intended 😄). So 
here we go… let’s face your fears… go on, you’ve got this 👍 
Take time to consider your budget. Now head over to the ​budget spreadsheet​ and enter 
your income and expenses. Please save yourself a copy first and then enter your data. The 
formulas have been created for you. You can add amounts to the green areas and change 
the titles of Income and Expenses items. 
Sample of Budget Spreadsheet: 
Monthly Fortnightly Weekly
Weekly Fortnight Monthly Total Total Total
Income 1 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00
Income 2 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00
Income 3 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00
Income 4 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

Income $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

Remainder $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

Expenses Weekly Fortnight Monthly $0.00 $0.00 $0.00
e $0.00 $0.00 $0.00
Rates/Council $0.00 $0.00 $0.00
Food $0.00 $0.00 $0.00
Phone $0.00 $0.00 $0.00
Electricity $0.00 $0.00 $0.00
Water $0.00 $0.00 $0.00
Costs $0.00 $0.00 $0.00
Personal $0.00 $0.00 $0.00
See you on the next page once you have completed your budget. 

Congratulations on completing your budget​ 👏   
Is your remainder a positive or negative? 
If a negative, your expenses are more than your income - what areas do you need to adjust 
so that you have a positive remainder? 
If a positive - congratulations. This is what you have left over to make extra payments on 
your debt, save and to invest.   
Now consider, are you happy with the amount of money surplus you have at the end of 
each paycycle? What does your future look like?   
What changes need to happen to create the future you desire and to achieve your goals? I 
would like to take you on a money journey. Here goes... 
Money Beliefs  
Think about the money beliefs that you might have ingrained and live by without even 
realising what you are saying… 
‘Making money is hard’ ‘Rich people are greedy’ 
‘Things will get better when I have….’ ‘It’s wrong to ask others how much they make’ 
‘We can’t afford that’ ‘That’s too expensive’ 
There are lots of resources on the internet and in books to assist you in breaking down 
your money beliefs. What are some of the ones you currently use and how could you 
change them? Write your new positive money beliefs below... 
EG. ​I have enough ​____________________________________________ 
The negative beliefs are some of the ways that have limited you in achieving your full 
potential. Repeat and use these ​new​ positive money beliefs that you have created 
specifically for yourself for the next 21 days to form a positive mindset change.     

Improving Your Financial Position 

Step one​ - review your budget  ✅ 

Step two​ - manage your debt  ✅  
- Promise yourself to never further increase your levels of debt (unless it is for faster 
business/investment growth) 
- There are two ways you can reduce your debt faster - tackle the highest interest debt 
first ​or​ payout the smallest debt first (snowball effect).   
Highest Interest Method​ = the most cost effective method reducing the amount of 
interest that you pay when you apply additional payment to this - pay the 
minimum requirements on all other debt. 
Snowball Method​ = paying out the smallest debt first - not as financially as effective 
but you feel success quicker, then those payments are applied to the next debt. 
The Best Method For You​ = the one that you will stick too​ 🤔 
- If you have credit cards, reduce the limit available as you pay these down so that 
you cannot spend on them again (see step 3) 

Step three​ - create a savings plan ✅ 

- Every payday put money into a savings account, even if you have debt. This is your 
emergency fund so that you will never need to increase your debt again.   
- This also aids in building a wealth mindset - removing the negative patterns of 
‘lack’ ​‘I don’t have enough’ ​to the positive ‘wealthy’ mindset ​‘I have enough’ 
As you are working at improving your financial position remember we all have ‘Wants’ and 
‘Needs’. Each time you go to make a purchase consider is this a ‘Want’ or a ‘Need’. If it’s a 
want put it back and stay on track to achieve your goals. 
Reward - each time you pay off a debt reward yourself with something small as a bonus. 
It’s important to celebrate your success.   
It’s never too late to educate yourself on money. Learn to love and respect money by 
growing and personally developing your money skills. By doing so will assist you with 
providing you with more options when you have to make important financial decisions. 
Some Great Reads - in my opinion 
Dave Ramsey - Cash Envelope System and Debt Snowball 
Robert Kiyosaki - Author of Rich Dad, Poor Dad (this was my first financial book I read) 

Daily Visualisation / Goal Review 
Now turn to your goals worksheets and complete ‘Day 2’ task. Now that you understand 
your budget. I want you to assign a price to each item in your goal sheet. 
My Physical Exercise 
My 30 minutes of physical exercise consisted of ​_________________________ 
What I enjoyed the most about this was ​______________________________ 
I Am Turning Negatives Into Positives 
1. _________________________________________________ 
2. _________________________________________________ 
3. _________________________________________________ 
Observe Your Feelings 
Today I feel ​

Today I am grateful for​
Write your thoughts and inspirations as they come to you throughout your journey. Write 
down even the simplest of thoughts, this maybe your next mission to accomplish in your 
life. Remember, everything unfolds when the time is right for you to take your next step 
Bonus:​ Following your Passion affirmations 

Day 3 - Income  

Guided Meditation - Manifest MONEY NOW    

Attention - Warning: Never play or listen to this audio while driving, cooking or doing 
anything that requires you to focus attention. 
Let’s get an understanding on types of income and how these can affect you.   
Ways To Generate Income 
The Cashflow Quadrant by Robert Kiyosaki is a fantastic book that explains this is full and I 
highly recommend you add this to your educational / personal development book reading 
list (purchase or rent through your local library). 

E = Employee​ - they are generally looking for security and benefits. Exchanging time for 
S = Self-Employed​ - enjoy being their own boss and doing their own thing. Still 
exchanging time for money but more on their own terms 
B = Business Owner​ - often have the motto ​“why do it yourself when you can pay someone else 
to do it”​. They understand the true art of delegation 
I = Investor​ - they do not work because their money is working for them.   

Types Of Income 
Earned Income​ = trading time for money, found in providing services as an employee or 
Passive Income​ = when the receipt of payment is not directly tied to active work. Interest 
and dividends are simple examples of this.   
Not all passive incomes have ‘zero’ work involved, eg a rental property is considered to 
produce passive income, although there is work involved in maintaining it, however, your 
income is not directly tied to the hours worked. 
Leveraged Income​ = where you do the work once and you get paid repeatedly for doing 
the work. Eg, the author writes the book once and gets paid every time the book is 
purchased (this is passive leveraged income). 
There are two types of Leveraged Income: 
1. Passive - which leverages the time and efforts of other people while you make a 
2. Active - you are actively involved but other people are a part of making your profits. 
“I’d rather have 1% of the efforts of 100 men than 100% of my own effort” -​ J Paul Getty 
This is my favourite type of income and generates FREEDOM for me. 
Ways to leverage your income: 
● Network Marketing 
● Leveraging Internet Tools (webinars, videos, blogs etc…) that lead to a sale 
● Affiliate Marketing 
● Franchise Business (McDonalds, Burger King, Coffee Club) 
● Broker (Insurance Broker, Financial Services Broker, Property Manager) 
So by now you may have established that your beliefs about money may have contributed 
to holding you back, that you have a lack of money to achieve the goals you’ve set yourself 
(or established that the time to achieve this is much longer than you desire). 

I am currently an/a (E, S, B, I) _________ 
I currently receive: 
- Earned Income _________ 
- Passive Income _________ 
- Leveraged Income _________ 
I would like you to consider how you can manifest these changes to happen quicker for 
So far you have: 
- Decided what your goals are and what you want to achieve 
- Completed your timetable - you know what time you have spare and available 
- Understand your passions and strengths 
I want you to combine all of these to see what is truly possible for yourself and start to 
generate additional income streams. 
What can you do with your passions and skills? Starting small consider how you can start 
your own side business around your ‘earned income’. Building this up to provide value 
and additional income allowing you to invest in yourself and your future. 
Reminder; you may need to take steps to becoming an Investor. You financially may need 
to retain your earned income as an employee, while you build and generate your 
additional income being self-employed. Or you may skip this step and move straight to a 
business model that you purchase or create yourself, which will generate you more passive 
and/or leveraged income. This will create further wealth to further invest and receive 
additional income with minimal effort. This will eventually provide you with more time 
freedom and the ability to reach your goals sooner. 
That being said ‘let’s create your plan… 
I will generate additional income by……. 
Employed - consider a second job for a short duration saving every cent from this income 
to invest in your self-employed / business opportunity. Alternatively I have the capacity to 
acquire a loan to get this started now. 
Self-Employed - use your own skills and charge out your products / services accordingly. 
Eg, I can become a tutor, or electrician, I can make ____________ (cakes for parties), I 
can rent a room for a Bed & Breakfast. 
Business - research ready made business opportunities ( marketing business). 
They are already established and have the foundations done for you. Or create your own , 
or move your self-employed business forward and employ a worker (this has other 
components such as wages, sick leave, holiday pay and much more) - this can be much 
more time consuming . 

Investor - be wise with your new additional income and be sure to invest it into your own 
personal development and business to grow and expand bigger. Remember you will be 
still saving and this too should be increasing. You can then consider bigger investments: 
- Term Deposit 
- Shares 
- Investment Property 
- Purchasing Another Business 
Now that you have a basic understanding of money create your plan… 
EG, I require a temporary part-time job / a personal loan to fund the additional guitar to provide guitar tutoring 
lessons. ​Remember additional debt is only allowed to generate more income.   
I can tutor someone to play the guitar (Self-employed / Earned Income),  
I can start a music school (Business / Active Leveraged Income),  
I can create a recorded video lesson to learn to play the guitar (Investor / Passive Leveraged Income) 
Finally prioritise your money making venture and add this time to your schedule so that 
you can fully manifest your dreams, goals and desires creating your ideal life. 
1. Start/Continue with Active Income 
2. Build up your Passive Income 
3. Leverage your Income 
4. Invest your Income 

Daily Visualisation / Goal Review 
Now turn to your goals worksheets and complete ‘Day 3’ task. What are some of the things 
that you can start to do right now to achieve your goal.   
My Physical Exercise 
My 30 minutes of physical exercise consisted of ​_________________________ 
What I enjoyed the most about this was ​ ______________________________ 
I Am Turning Negatives Into Positives 
1. _________________________________________________ 
2. _________________________________________________ 
3. _________________________________________________ 
Observe Your Feelings 
Today I feel ​

Today I am grateful for ​
Write your thoughts and inspirations as they come to you throughout your journey. Write 
down even the simplest of thoughts, this maybe your next mission to accomplish in your 
life. Remember, everything unfolds when the time is right for you to take your next step 
Bonus:​ Prosperity Affirmations 

Day 4 - External & Inner Beauty 
Attention - Warning: Never play or listen to this audio while driving, cooking or doing 
anything that requires you to focus attention. 
Inner Beauty Imagery infuses you with powerful success conditioning with feelings of 
security, self-worth, self-power, confidence and beauty. You can truly shine from the 
inside out without consciously thinking about it. 
Have you ever heard of the phrase ‘Beauty Is In The Eye Of The Beholder’? This is used to express 
the fact that not all people have the same opinions about what is attractive.   
Consider, what is attractive to you? Now does your best friend see the same? 
External beauty is the essence of life whereas inner beauty is seen to be the essence of the soul. So let’s 
discuss this further… 
External Beauty 
This  is  your outer appearance - everything that the world sees the first time they meet you. 
I’m  not  happy  that  society  has  come  to  place  so  much  importance  on  this,  and  with  that, 
they  have  come  to place unrealistic expectations on us which is not right for different body 
We all come in different shapes, sizes, colours and heights. This love affair with yourself 
needs to begin with you. 

Write a list of all the things that you ‘DISLIKE’ about your external body (place this in the 
‘Dislikes’ column). 










Next to every dislike I would like you to show appreciation for what you are unhappy with. 
I dislike my big legs.  I appreciate that they carry me where I 
want to go. 

Write a list of all the things that you ‘LIKE’ about your external body (place this in the 
‘Likes’ column). 









Next to every like I would like you to show loving appreciation for what you are happy 
I like my blue eyes.  I love that they allow me to see the beauty 
in the world. 
Feel and carry this new appreciation with you everywhere you go. Feel confident with 
your new love of yourself. Take pride and make yourself feel beautiful/handsome 

Consider the societal values that are out there today? Think about what you are subjected 
to daily through advertising and how that shapes our society and beliefs. 
EG The new miracle cream that makes you 10 years younger. 
What does this do to your thought process? How do you perceive yourself? 
Write a list of the types of beautifying advertisements that currently surround you. 
1. _________________________________________________
2. _________________________________________________
3. _________________________________________________
4. _________________________________________________
5. _________________________________________________
Does this promote a positive self image for you?   
Remind yourself that this is all just a marketing ploy to buy their product.   
If you can’t love your body then you can’t really love yourself. ​“Beauty doesn't depend 
upon perfect sizes or shapes, but on the kind of attitude one has towards one’s body.” - 
Vivian Diller 
I believe the more someone gets to know you, the more beautiful you become. Your 
external beauty and inner beauty become one and thus you project a more powerful being. 
So let’s consider inner beauty. 

Inner Beauty 
Have you heard of the phrase ‘It’s What’s On The Inside That Counts’. This is your inner 
beauty, once others look beyond your physical appearance this is what they see, your 
character. ​First impressions don’t always depend on your physique or your facial features, 
but you need to believe that from within yourself. And that’s where your true beauty lies. 
You’re beautiful if you believe you’re beautiful. You’re attractive if you feel attractive. 
Everyone only sees you as a projection of what you see when you look into the mirror. 
Never underestimate the power of your internal being. Beauty is an internal matter and it 
is projected from the inside out. So, let’s try this exercise.... 
I would like you to look into the mirror. What do you see? 
I  would  like  you  to  look  at  the  best  aspects  of  yourself.  ​Instead  of  finding  fault  with  your 
image,  focus  on  your  three  favourite  features.  Talk  to  your  mirror  self  (just  as  you  would 
your best friend). What would you say? 
1. _________________________________________________ 
2. _________________________________________________ 
3. _________________________________________________ 
Now boost your happy levels even further by smiling at yourself. Notice how your 
appearance changes! Describe these changes… 
  Remember  to  incorporate  your  positive  Loving  Appreciation  (you  completed  above 
earlier)  as  you  look  at  yourself  in  the  mirror.  This  will  assist  in  eliminating  any  negative 
self-talk.  Grow  your  love  for  yourself.  This  will  not  only  make  you  feel  more  confident 
emotionally, but also the way you are perceived by others around you. 

Speaking  of  confidence,  that  leads  us  to  our  next  exercise.  Having  released  your  negative 
thinking, now consider your posture. 
Again, in front of the mirror, stand tall. 
Take a deep breathe expanding your chest and engaging all your stomach muscles. Did 
you notice your posture change? Write what you observed. 
Keep repeating the exercise to set your new confident posture. Notice the following: 
- How tall have you become? 
- The position of your shoulders? 
- Your facial expression? 
- The angle of your head? 
Did you see yourself stand tall, shoulders back, a smile on your face and your head held 
high? Keep practicing this, every morning (and throughout the day when you can or need 
it - maybe when you have a bathroom break).  
This has tangible effects thanks to the “feedback loop”. Sometimes “behaving as if you had 
confidence can make you feel more confident. 

What Are The Inner Beauty Qualities? 
Kindness​ - is about how you treat, think about, and speak to others comes from a genuine 
and sensitive place ​of loving others first. ​Show kindness to others, you can’t always see or 
know their turmoil hiding below their surface.  
Gentleness​ -​ is a strong hand with a soft touch. It is a tender, compassionate approach 
toward others' weaknesses and limitations. A gentle person still speaks truth, sometimes 
even painful truth, but in doing so guards their tone so the truth can be well received. 
Generosity​ - ​is the virtue of being unattached to material possessions, often symbolized by 
the giving of gifts. Gifts come in many shapes and forms, not only could it relate to giving 
something of a monetary value but the gift of time can be just as generous. 
Honesty​ - ​attributes such as integrity, truthfulness, straightforwardness, including 
straightforwardness of conduct, along with the absence of lying, cheating, theft, etc. 
Honesty also involves being trustworthy, loyal, fair, and sincere. You are someone others 
can depend upon as you have no ulterior motives. 
Composure​ - is the beauty of self-control. Without a sense of composure it is easy to allow 
conflictual situations and relationships to unnerve you, but when you have composure you 
understand the concept of ​less equals more. 
The less you react, defend, explain, become fearful or controlling the more command you 
have over a situation. Composure allows you maintain a certain stillness in the face of life’s 

Courage​ - ​is the ability to act rightly in the face of opposition. You are aware that to 
become courageous you must do courageous things, doing things that other won’t or don’t 
Confidence​ - comes from self-loving, self-awareness, along with dedication to 
self-development and personal growth to provide you the knowledge to succeed at nearly 
anything you seek. 
Humble​ - to be humble means you have an understanding that it’s not all about YOU! You 
do not see yourself above others as you are secure enough in yourself that the trap of 
comparison doesn’t interest you.  
Loving​ - is one of the greatest Inner Beauty qualities to behold. It encompasses the above 
qualities. When you unconditionally love yourself, that love spreads wildly to others.   
To be truly beautiful is to encompass the inner beauty qualities which exudes on your 
external appearance. To possess any one of them will increase the experience of your 
beauty exponentially. Who you are internally will determine your influence on the world 
that you live in. 

Daily Visualisation / Goal Review 
Today as you review your goals you will consider all the wonder and beauty that is held 
within them.   
On your goal pages write down all the beautiful things that you see surrounding your goal. 
Example: Goal - To Own A Home 
Beauty = the lush green grass to meditate on as the sunshine refuels my soul. 
Turn to the Goal Appendix (pages ​A - Z​) and complete Day 3 exercise. 
My Physical Exercise 
My 30 minutes of physical exercise consisted of ​
What I enjoyed the most about this was ​ ______________________________ 
I Am Turning Negatives Into Positives 
1. _________________________________________________ 
2. _________________________________________________ 
3. _________________________________________________ 
Observe Your Feelings 
Today I feel ​

Today I am grateful for​_​_______________________________________ 
Write your thoughts and inspirations as they come to you throughout your journey. Write 
down even the simplest of thoughts, this maybe your next mission to accomplish in your 
life. Remember, everything unfolds when the time is right for you to take your next step 
Bonus:​ ​Self-Love Affirmations: "I am Beautiful" Affirm your Self Worth 

Day 5 - The Importance of Gratitude 
Guided Meditation - Manifesting Abundance With Gratitude 
Attention - Warning: Never play or listen to this audio while driving, cooking or doing 
anything that requires you to focus attention. 
This guided meditation was created to help you manifest more abundance in your life by 
utilizing the power of the heart and gratitude. I intentionally composed the music of this 
meditation in F-Major which some associate with the heart chakra. 
For the last few days you have been writing down what you are grateful for. Today I would 
like to provide you with further insight to give you a deeper understanding and 
appreciation for it’s meaning and the effect this will have for you. 
The Dictionary Meaning - a feeling of thankfulness and appreciation.  
Gratitude is more than feeling thankful for something, it is more like a deeper appreciation 
for someone (or something,) which produces longer lasting positivity. ​Gratitude,​ which 
rhymes with "attitude," comes from the Latin word ​gratus,​ which means "thankful, 
When you feel gratitude, you're pleased by what someone did for you and also pleased by 
the results. Unlike indebtedness, you're not anxious about having to pay it back. But it's still 
great to tell the recipient of your gratitude how much they mean to you. 
The other possible explanation of how gratitude functions is ​reciprocity​ which is about the 
exchanging of actions. In regard to gratitude, it is the exchange of positive emotion. After 
all, acts of gratitude aren’t only for people that you know!  
A common contemporary phrase that people are familiar with is, “paying it forward.” 
Though paying it forward does not obligate you to reciprocate if you cannot, but it does 
spread positivity via gratitude. 

How can being grateful can benefit me? 

Being more grateful can lead to increased emotional levels of well-being. Expressing your 
thanks can really improve your overall sense of ​well-being​. Grateful people are more 
agreeable, more open, have more resilience, have happier memories, have less envy and 
are more relaxed - they have to be some amazing side effects... 
Being grateful creates improved relationships with deeper connections and satisfaction 
levels. An added bonus is it’s a powerful tool for strengthening your relationships as you 
tend to be more friendly, and have more respect.   

Dr. Emmons and Dr. McCullough have done extensive research into the effects of 
gratitude practices. In one study in 2003 they found that after 10 weeks, the people who 
had focused on gratitude in their lives showed significantly more optimism in many areas 
of their lives, including health and exercise and additionally increasing our lifespan. I’d say 
a 5 minute a day gratitude journal is well worth the invested time. 
Improved Physical & Mental Health 
We all know there is a link between the mind and body and here, gratitude has a double 
benefit! The feeling of appreciation when we are grateful helps us to have ​healthier minds 
and with that healthier bodies, this in turn increases our energy levels. 
An Overall Better Life 
The practice of showing gratitude significantly increases our overall well-being, happiness, 
and health and the evidence is there to prove it. 

Now consider this quote from the Wall Street Journal’s article “Thank you, No, Thank you.” 

“…adults who feel grateful have more energy, more optimism, more social 
connections and more happiness than those who do not, according to 
studies conducted over the past decade. They’re also less likely to be 
depressed, envious, greedy or alcoholics.” – Melinda Beck 
So, practicing gratitude can reduce levels of stress and decrease levels of depression and 
anxiety. Of course, having lower levels of stress, depression, and anxiety may aid in having 
higher levels of well-being. 

Is the overall result. Gratitude is showing a direct and long-lasting effect and the more 
gratitude we experience the happier we are.   

When you are clear about your goals and appreciating (gratitude) every step towards 
achieving them, then decision making becomes clearer and more decisive. Consider 
this, being grateful means you are not tied up with your worries which makes you more 
productive because you can direct your focus on your goals not the problems. 

Select 5 people (minimum) that you are grateful for and how they have impacted you.  

The gratitude visit involves three basic steps:  

1. First, think of someone who has done something important and wonderful for 
you, yet who you feel you have not properly thanked (or could do better). 
2. Next, reflect on the benefits you received from this person, and write a letter 
expressing your gratitude for all they have done for you. 
3. Finally, arrange to deliver the letter personally, and spend some time with this 
person talking about what you wrote. 
I am grateful to… 
6. ________________________ 6. _______________________ 
7. ________________________ 7. _______________________ 
8. ________________________ 8. _______________________ 
9. ________________________ 9. _______________________ 
10.________________________ 10. _______________________ 
After I delivered the letters and chatted with them, I felt… 

Other Ways To Implement Gratitude In Your Daily Life 
1. Be amazed at the world that is before you - actively look through a different set of 
2. Continue to keep your journal 
3. Turn negatives into positives 
4. Give one compliment daily or share your appreciation of something 
5. When something bad occurs consider “What can I learn?” When I look back on this 
without emotion what will I be grateful for? 
6. Vow not to complain, critcise or gossip. If you do slip, notice how much energy was 
expended on negative thoughts 
7. Sound genuinely happy to hear from people when they call - they will feel valued. 
8. Join a group or a cause and donate your time, money or talent. You’ll appreciate the 
organisation and they’ll appreciate you. 
Gratitude can be contagious - how far can you spread it? 
Daily Visualisation / Goal Review 
Now turn to your goals worksheets and complete ‘Day 4’ task. Part of manifesting your 
goals is to show appreciation for what you will need to complete them. This might be a 
person, a thing or a thought. Be appreciative for what you are about to receive and/or have 
My Physical Exercise 
My 30 minutes of physical exercise consisted of ​
What I enjoyed the most about this was ​______________________________ 
I Am Turning Negatives Into Positives 
1. _________________________________________________ 
2. _________________________________________________ 
3. _________________________________________________ 

Observe Your Feelings 
Today I feel ​
Today I am grateful for ​_______________________________________ 

Write your thoughts and inspirations as they come to you throughout your journey. Write 
down even the simplest of thoughts, this maybe your next mission to accomplish in your 
life. Remember, everything unfolds when the time is right for you to take your next step 
Bonus:​ ​Morning Gratitude Affirmations-(432Hz) 

Goal Sample: ​House​________________________ 
DAY 1:​ Get specific, what does it look like for you? It’s colour, size, shape… 
How does it make you feel? Draw / sketch what you want or paste a picture of it. 
Don’t worry about how this will come about. This step will unfold when the time is right 
and generally in incremental steps. One foot in front of the other moving you closer to 
I want to purchase a house. 
My home will have 3 bedrooms and 1 bathroom. 
It will have a brick exterior. A yard that is 500m2 so that I can have a vegetable garden. 


Day 2:​ assign a monetary value to each of the items on the list. 
I will purchase my house for $400,000 
The vegetable garden will cost me $500 in materials to build. I will need to purchase a toolkit for 
$300 (hammer, saw etc…) 

Day  3:  ​What  are  some  of  the  things  that  you  can  start  to  do  right now to 
achieve your goal and know how it will feel.  
I can start to research ways to invest my money while I wait to have enough deposit/full payment 
to purchase my home. 
I can practice tending to a vegetable garden in my current rental property. I could grow different 
herbs in pots. 

Day  4:  write  down  all  the  beautiful  things  that  you  see  surrounding  your 
goal. Be very descriptive in this process. 
There is a colourful garden with lots of different types of vegetables for us to each. Beautiful orange carrots, deep 
green broccoli, and fresh light green lettuce. 
Day 5: write down the things that will help you to achieve your goals faster. 
Remember  to  also  show  your  gratitude  for  this in your journal as you wish 
it to be and as it comes about. 
I am grateful for the rich soil that I will create from composting from vegetable scraps.  
I am grateful for the tools that I have to create my source of food, that is ready when I walk to my garden. 
I am grateful for the nutrients that will be provided by the vegetables and that they will be fresh.  
I am grateful that I am helping the environment by minimising the transportation of my food creating less 
emissions in the environment.   
I am grateful for the warmth provided by the fireplace to keep us warm and the walls of the house to provide us 
shelter from the weather. 

Goal One:________________________________ 
DAY 1:​ Get specific, what does it look like for you? It’s colour, size, shape… 
How does it make you feel? Draw / sketch what you want or paste a picture of it. 
Don’t worry about how this will come about. This step will unfold when the time is right 
and generally in incremental steps. One foot in front of the other moving you closer to 

Day 2:​ assign a monetary value to each of the items on the list. 
Day  3:  ​What  are  some  of  the  things  that  you  can  start  to  do  right now to 
achieve your goal and know how it will feel.  

Day  4:  write  down  all  the  beautiful  things  that  you  see  surrounding  your 
goal. Be very descriptive in this process. 
Day 5: write down the things that will help you to achieve your goals faster. 
Remember  to  also  show  your  gratitude  for  this in your journal as you wish 
it to be and as it comes about. 

Goal Two:________________________________ 
DAY 1:​ Get specific, what does it look like for you? It’s colour, size, shape… 
How does it make you feel? Draw / sketch what you want or paste a picture of it. 
Don’t worry about how this will come about. This step will unfold when the time is right 
and generally in incremental steps. One foot in front of the other moving you closer to 

Day 2:​ assign a monetary value to each of the items on the list. 
Day  3:  ​What  are  some  of  the  things  that  you  can  start  to  do  right now to 
achieve your goal and know how it will feel.  

Day  4:  write  down  all  the  beautiful  things  that  you  see  surrounding  your 
goal. Be very descriptive in this process. 
Day 5: write down the things that will help you to achieve your goals faster. 
Remember  to  also  show  your  gratitude  for  this in your journal as you wish 
it to be and as it comes about. 

Goal Three:______________________________ 
DAY 1:​ Get specific, what does it look like for you? It’s colour, size, shape… 
How does it make you feel? Draw / sketch what you want or paste a picture of it. 
Don’t worry about how this will come about. This step will unfold when the time is right 
and generally in incremental steps. One foot in front of the other moving you closer to 

Day 2:​ assign a monetary value to each of the items on the list. 
Day  3:  ​What  are  some  of  the  things  that  you  can  start  to  do  right now to 
achieve your goal and know how it will feel.  

Day  4:  write  down  all  the  beautiful  things  that  you  see  surrounding  your 
goal. Be very descriptive in this process. 
Day 5: write down the things that will help you to achieve your goals faster. 
Remember  to  also  show  your  gratitude  for  this in your journal as you wish 
it to be and as it comes about. 

Goal Four:_______________________________ 
DAY 1:​ Get specific, what does it look like for you? It’s colour, size, shape… 
How does it make you feel? Draw / sketch what you want or paste a picture of it. 
Don’t worry about how this will come about. This step will unfold when the time is right 
and generally in incremental steps. One foot in front of the other moving you closer to 

Day 2:​ assign a monetary value to each of the items on the list. 
Day  3:  ​What  are  some  of  the  things  that  you  can  start  to  do  right now to 
achieve your goal and know how it will feel.  

Day  4:  write  down  all  the  beautiful  things  that  you  see  surrounding  your 
goal. Be very descriptive in this process. 
Day 5: write down the things that will help you to achieve your goals faster. 
Remember  to  also  show  your  gratitude  for  this in your journal as you wish 
it to be and as it comes about. 

Goal Five:________________________________ 
DAY 1:​ Get specific, what does it look like for you? It’s colour, size, shape… 
How does it make you feel? Draw / sketch what you want or paste a picture of it. 
Don’t worry about how this will come about. This step will unfold when the time is right 
and generally in incremental steps. One foot in front of the other moving you closer to 

Day 2:​ assign a monetary value to each of the items on the list. 
Day  3:  ​What  are  some  of  the  things  that  you  can  start  to  do  right now to 
achieve your goal and know how it will feel.  

Day  4:  write  down  all  the  beautiful  things  that  you  see  surrounding  your 
goal. Be very descriptive in this process. 
Day 5: write down the things that will help you to achieve your goals faster. 
Remember  to  also  show  your  gratitude  for  this in your journal as you wish 
it to be and as it comes about. 

Goal Six:_________________________________ 
DAY 1:​ Get specific, what does it look like for you? It’s colour, size, shape… 
How does it make you feel? Draw / sketch what you want or paste a picture of it. 
Don’t worry about how this will come about. This step will unfold when the time is right 
and generally in incremental steps. One foot in front of the other moving you closer to 

Day 2:​ assign a monetary value to each of the items on the list. 
Day  3:  ​What  are  some  of  the  things  that  you  can  start  to  do  right now to 
achieve your goal and know how it will feel.  

Day  4:  write  down  all  the  beautiful  things  that  you  see  surrounding  your 
goal. Be very descriptive in this process. 
Day 5: write down the things that will help you to achieve your goals faster. 
Remember  to  also  show  your  gratitude  for  this in your journal as you wish 
it to be and as it comes about. 

Goal Seven:_______________________________ 
DAY 1:​ Get specific, what does it look like for you? It’s colour, size, shape… 
How does it make you feel? Draw / sketch what you want or paste a picture of it. 
Don’t worry about how this will come about. This step will unfold when the time is right 
and generally in incremental steps. One foot in front of the other moving you closer to 

Day 2:​ assign a monetary value to each of the items on the list. 
Day  3:  ​What  are  some  of  the  things  that  you  can  start  to  do  right now to 
achieve your goal and know how it will feel.  

Day  4:  write  down  all  the  beautiful  things  that  you  see  surrounding  your 
goal. Be very descriptive in this process. 
Day 5: write down the things that will help you to achieve your goals faster. 
Remember  to  also  show  your  gratitude  for  this in your journal as you wish 
it to be and as it comes about. 

Goal Eight:______________________________ 
DAY 1:​ Get specific, what does it look like for you? It’s colour, size, shape… 
How does it make you feel? Draw / sketch what you want or paste a picture of it. 
Don’t worry about how this will come about. This step will unfold when the time is right 
and generally in incremental steps. One foot in front of the other moving you closer to 

Day 2:​ assign a monetary value to each of the items on the list. 
Day  3:  ​What  are  some  of  the  things  that  you  can  start  to  do  right now to 
achieve your goal and know how it will feel.  

Day  4:  write  down  all  the  beautiful  things  that  you  see  surrounding  your 
goal. Be very descriptive in this process. 
Day 5: write down the things that will help you to achieve your goals faster. 
Remember  to  also  show  your  gratitude  for  this in your journal as you wish 
it to be and as it comes about. 

Goal Nine:________________________________ 
DAY 1:​ Get specific, what does it look like for you? It’s colour, size, shape… 
How does it make you feel? Draw / sketch what you want or paste a picture of it. 
Don’t worry about how this will come about. This step will unfold when the time is right 
and generally in incremental steps. One foot in front of the other moving you closer to 

Day 2:​ assign a monetary value to each of the items on the list. 
Day  3:  ​What  are  some  of  the  things  that  you  can  start  to  do  right now to 
achieve your goal and know how it will feel.  

Day  4:  write  down  all  the  beautiful  things  that  you  see  surrounding  your 
goal. Be very descriptive in this process. 
Day 5: write down the things that will help you to achieve your goals faster. 
Remember  to  also  show  your  gratitude  for  this in your journal as you wish 
it to be and as it comes about. 

Goal Ten:_________________________________ 
DAY 1:​ Get specific, what does it look like for you? It’s colour, size, shape… 
How does it make you feel? Draw / sketch what you want or paste a picture of it. 
Don’t worry about how this will come about. This step will unfold when the time is right 
and generally in incremental steps. One foot in front of the other moving you closer to 

Day 2:​ assign a monetary value to each of the items on the list. 
Day  3:  ​What  are  some  of  the  things  that  you  can  start  to  do  right now to 
achieve your goal and know how it will feel.  

Day  4:  write  down  all  the  beautiful  things  that  you  see  surrounding  your 
goal. Be very descriptive in this process. 
Day 5: write down the things that will help you to achieve your goals faster. 
Remember  to  also  show  your  gratitude  for  this in your journal as you wish 
it to be and as it comes about. 

- Affirmations 
- Guided Meditations 
- Meditation Music 
- Personal Development Books 
- The Secret 
- Cashflow Quadrant 


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