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1. I believe that saving newspaper companies involves big changes towards their own strategy.

Modifying their business model and making newspapers more attractive will help in changing the
perspectives of the people specially the young ones who consider newspapers boring and uninteresting.
In doing so, they should acknowledge the fact that people nowadays don't spend much of their time
reading newspapers and the internet has steadily stolen reading and advertising revenue for the past
years. They should strenghten their marketing and advertising campaign as they embrace the new era.
Lastly,newspaper companies should be creative in putting up their business again like provide something
that's foreign to their customers.

2. Intuition is very useful for making decisions in an uncertain situations with the help of using senses
and without using rational process. It has the ability to make quick decisions in a short time based on
previous experiences. On the pther hand, analysis allows an organization to make decisions in a
thorough, systematic manner. However, intuition or analysis alone is not enough to make good strategic
decisions. It is for the reason that when making decisions through intuitive decision style, we may fail to
consider the facts and all the alternatives and therefore have missed an even better solution. When
using an analytical decion style alone, we may fail consider all tye subjective information needed in
strategic manangement auch as emotions, personalities, values and ethical factors. Therefore, it is
essential to integrate intuition and analysis in strategic management in order to be fair in decision

3.Policies serve as guidlines, rules and principles adopted by an organizatoon to reach its goal and
objectives. It is epecially important im strategy managememt because they rundown an organizations'
expectations towards its employees and managers. When everyone in an organization knows what
needs to be done, how it is done and who is responsible for doing it, it evemtually leads to smooth
operations and healthier workforce. Furthermore, policies provide guidance, consistency,efficiency, and
clarity on how an organization undergo its operations.

1. Reexamining the firm's vision and mission statement when the firm is very successful can effectively
evaluate and examine the strategies as the success of the firm and evaluate their desired goals and
objectives they designed for the attainment of their vision amd mission statement. When the firm is
very successful, they will be able to assess whether they successfully realized what they want to become
and what their business really is. The can effectively change their brand message through modifications
in their product, marketing and strategic intent if there's a need to.

2. Customers foresee what the firm can provide them through its mission statement. In relation to this,
it is necessary for the firm to identify their customer's needs and then supply them the product or
service that carry off their desires. The success of the firm relies upon the acceptance and
acknowledgement from their customers.

3. Both mission and vision statement are important for formulating, implementing, and evaluating
strategyy. They not just regulate the course of business and its workers but also help in marketing their
brand to the customers. A mission statement is important because it describes what a company wants
to do now. It demonstrate the company's business, its goals and the methods to reach its goals. On the
other hand, a vision statement mirrors the desired position of the company in the future or what a
company wants to be in the future. In terms of composition, the vision statement is short, preferrably
one sentence while the mission statement is several sentences, and includes nine components.

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