The Daily Tar Heel For January 12, 2011

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Serving UNC students and the University community since 1893


The Daily Tar Heel
wednesday, january 12, 2011

adopts 2.5
arts | page 3
In her solo play “Exit Cuckoo,”
state cut
coming to Kenan Theater, Lisa
Ramirez reflects on domestic
Institutes hiring freeze,
workers while describing the “Haiti struck a braces for deeper cuts
politics of motherhood and
strong enough by C. Ryan Barber
nannying. University Editor
chord in me that He thought the University was on a “won-
derful pathway,” destined for growth and pros-
made me want to perity.
go over there.” But in 2008, just as Bruce Carney stepped
in as interim dean of the College of Arts and
Matt Czajkowski, Chapel HIll Sciences, the “trap door opened,” leaving the
town council member newly installed Chancellor Holden Thorp ham-
strung by years of budget cuts.
“I’m so sick of this. Holden’s sick of this.
We’re all sick of this,” Carney, now executive
dth/lauren mccay vice chancellor and provost, said at the Dec. 17


meeting of the Faculty Council.
In a campuswide e-mail sent early Tuesday
morning, Thorp announced another cut had
state | page 6 come through the trap door, this one of 2.5
Gov. Bev Perdue and the Office of State
CONGRESS IN SESSION by Christina Taylor Organization, Czajkowski said he decided Budget and Management had already insti-
staff writer to travel to Haiti to help with finances, tuted an identical cut and hiring freeze for all
Republicans will look to cut The tall Haitian man, who looked to be bookkeeping and basic tasks like loading state agencies. Current UNC-system President
spending and repeal the in his 20s, wore a flash drive around his and unloading boxes. Thomas Ross and his predecessor, Erskine
neck. “It was kind of a combination of some Bowles, endorsed her action, directing Thorp
health care law in the 112th In the months following the earthquake physical labor and some help in the office, and other chancellors on Dec. 20 to implement
U.S. Congress. Familiarize that devastated the Haitian population one and sort of just general trying to keep the
year ago today, the flash drive held the only wheels on the bus,” he said. See cut, Page 5
yourself with North Carolina’s memories the man had left of those he had Czajkowski said the organization also
delegation. lost. helped to manage camps, which held
“His entire family was killed in the 50,000 displaced residents in tents. Hiring freeze exclusions
earthquake, and the only tangible evidence “It almost seems hopeless, but it doesn’t
state | page 9 he has are the pictures on that USB chip,”
said Chapel Hill Town Council member
feel that way when you’re there,” he said. “I
attribute that to the unimaginably resilient
courtesy of matt czajkowski
Matt Czajkowski (top picture), a Chapel
The hiring freeze has six exclusions that will
not require special approval. Those are:
Matt Czajkowski, who traveled to Haiti in people who are there. Hill Town Council member, has gone to Any permanent or temporary position that
IMPEDING THE DREAM August and October of 2010 and worked “There’s an element of happiness and joy Haiti twice in the last year to volunteer is entirely funded through non-state sources.
The Development, Relief, and side-by-side with the young man. that anybody who goes there feels — even and help in the hospital (above). This Permanent positions that were posted for
“But this kid, he was smiling, and you in the face of what most of us would con- hospital serves more than 1,500 weekly.
Education for Alien recruitment before Jan. 3, as long as the appli-
just kind of say to yourself, ‘I’m so utterly sider circumstances where happiness and
cable dean’s office or vice chancellor deter-
Minors Act was defeated in humbled.’” joy aren’t justified.” people who are looking for jobs, but some
mines the job to merit continued recruitment.
A year after a magnitude-7.0 earthquake Though Czajkowski said not many have no papers,” Bekolo said. “It’s not easy.
Congress last session, struck Haiti’s capital Port-au-Prince, sur- efforts have been made in Chapel Hill to We’ve been extremely busy getting those All faculty positions, including clinical
vivors of the tragedy are still holding on help Haiti, a local organization has been people to get themselves together.” faculty.
disappointing advocates
to remnants of their pasts, while volun- raising awareness and funding. In the wake of the recent cholera epi- All undergraduate and graduate positions
across the country. teers, like Czajkowski, continue working Following the disaster, Hope for Haiti demic, members from Hope for Haiti have that require continued status as an active
to rebuild the city. Ministries, Inc., founded by Paulette been collecting funds and buying medica- student at UNC.
“Almost all of us want to help people in Bekolo, partnered with other organiza- tion to send overseas.
JOIN THE DTH need,” Czajkowski said. “I guess it’s whatever tions, churches and individuals to help Bekolo said the organization is also help-
All post-doctoral scholars, medical resi-
dents and medical fellows.
sort of strikes the strongest chord in each of Haitian families get back on track. ing to build a school and community center
The Daily Tar Heel will host All campus police officer and campus
us individually. Haiti struck a strong enough Bekolo, who spent time in Haiti in May, in Port-au-Prince.
two information sessions for chord in me that made me want to go over said in addition to helping people within “It’s still tough,” she said. “Right now, security officer positions other than traffic
there.” the country, the foundation is also aiding we’re just working on spreading our and parking positions which are subject to
students interested in working After contacting members of actor Sean those who have moved to North Carolina. special approval.
this semester. The meetings Penn’s foundation, J/P Haitian Relief “We’ve been helping a few thousand See Haiti, Page 5
will be held today and Jan. 18
at the DTH newsroom at
151 E. Rosemary St.
UNC still waiting Students voice opposition to
Want to hit the jackpot in
on NCAA rulings fees for Union renovation
the housing lottery? Want to
BY Louie Horvath Dec. 14, while Ramsay’s was sched-
$16 required per
guest coach Friday’s women’s senior writer
The North Carolina football
uled for Dec. 16 but was postponed.
The pair was ruled permanently
year for changes
basketball game? program has received neither a let- ineligible on Nov. 15.
Visit and ter of inquiry nor notice of allega- In the immediate aftermath of By Melissa abbey
tions from the NCAA, nor does it the ruling, Baddour said the ath- Staff writer for the have any knowledge of the NCAA’s letic department would appeal the Student Union officials are
chance to win two Daily Tar timeline in its decision. pushing their campaign for reno-
investigation, “We are awaiting to hear from vation despite unexpected student
Heel contests. UNC athletic the NCAA on McAdoo, and we are opposition to the increase in fees
director Dick still putting together our position the project would require.
Baddour said. with regard to Ramsay,” Baddour The large-scale remodeling
this day in history “No, there’s said on Monday. would cost students an extra $16
not (any sort In the wake of the 2010 season, of student fees every year for 30
JAN. 12, 1964… of timeline),” Peter Schaffer of All Pro Sports & years, starting in the 2011-12 aca-
Baddour said. Entertainment confirmed Monday demic year.
About 170 people, includ- “It’s in their hands, and we don’t that former Tar Heel cornerback The proposed project, called
ing many UNC students and have any expectation of what the Kendric Burney and running back UCommons, features a remod-
timeline will be.” Johnny White signed with his eled ground floor that would be
faculty, walk in freezing rain Calls to NCAA spokeswoman agency. open 24 hours. The proposed floor
from Durham to Chapel Hill. The Stacey Osburn regarding a time- Initially, it had refused to con- boasts a larger cabaret, rehearsal Courtesy of ucommons
line were not returned. firm or deny those reports. rooms, a healthy alternative to the UCOMMONS, a proposed phase of renovation for the Student Union,
march was in opposition to an According to the NCAA, the Team spokesman Kevin Best said coming Wendy’s, meeting rooms includes an all-night ground floor and improved performance space.
letter of inquiry is to inform the that once a player has exhausted and an interactive lounge, among
ordinance that allowed racial
school that its staff will investiga- their eligibility with the University, other amenities. tive projects,” he said. The committee recommended
discrimination in restaurants. tion possible infractions. Also, an it is typical for them to work out Union officials met resistance Tony Patterson, senior associ- unfavorably the bill to put the ren-
approximate time frame of the with their agency. after presenting the project to ated director of the Student Union, ovation up for a vote in the spring
investigation is given. As reported by ESPN, Schaffer the student affairs committee of said he thinks the space is grossly elections. Student Congress will
Today’s weather The NCAA will send a notice of is linked to former UNC football Student Congress. They will need under-utilized as is. likely vote on the bill Jan. 18.
allegations to the school if “there is player Chris Hawkins, using him Congress to decide with a 2/3 “There isn’t a good space for stu- Though members of the commit-
Local, organic slush enough evidence to indicate major as a go-between with some UNC majority for the fee to come up for dents to be active 24/7,” Patterson tee were generally against a referen-
H 39, L 19 infractions.” players. a student vote. said. “We’re going for an energetic dum for the project, Student Union
The sanctions that are handed Hawkins has previously been Don Luse, director of the Student environment.” officials said they were confident it
to the programs can take the form named in documents provided by Union, said he views the proposal as Graduate student and president was due to limited time.
of reduced scholarships, post- the University for improperly rep- a continuation of work done several pro tempore Alex Mills led the Megan Johnson, who has over-
Thursday’s weather season bans, vacated wins and resenting players as their agent, years ago that left out the first floor opposition. seen about $1,300 dollars in mar-
Utter chaos recruiting restrictions. buying apparel and setting up and east wing for financial reasons. “Many graduate students I speak keting for the project, said that
H 37, L 20 In the last two years, the football meetings between players, finan- But now, he said, construc- to don’t even know where the union throughout the campaign there has
programs at Michigan, Southern cial advisors and agents. tion prices are low and it is time is, but they know how much they been one consistent trend. Initially,
California, Florida State, Texas Baddour sent a letter of disasso- to do something with the unused pay in fees,” Mills said. students are wary, she said, but
Tech and Alabama have received ciation to Hawkins on Oct. 4 stat- space. The bottom floor currently Other members were also hesi- grow more supportive with more
index some form of NCAA sanctions. ing that he should have no further houses the cabaret, a lounge and tant to support the fee increase information.
police log ......................... 2 There are still two Tar Heels, involvement with current UNC an unused bowling alley. because the majority of current “The more information we’ve
calendar ............................. 2 Michael McAdoo and Devon student-athletes. “We’re trying to provide a flex- students will not benefit from the gotten out, the more support we’ve
nation and world ............. 6 Ramsay, whose eligibility remains ible 24/7 space that students can renovation, at least not as under- gotten,” she said.
crossword ......................... 6 in question. Contact the Sports Editor be in to study, get leadership train- graduates. The renovation is to be
opinion.............................. 10 McAdoo’s appeal was heard on at ing and be engaged with innova- completed by fall 2013. See union, Page 5
2 wednesday, january 12, 2011 News The Daily Tar Heel

new panther in town

The Daily Tar Heel DAILY
ta ke
one dai l y

Established 1893
117 years of
editorial freedom Bhutan police to begin tobacco raids

SARAH FRIER jonathan From staff and wire reports
EDITOR-in-chief jones
962-0372 SPORTS Editor on’t be so quick to complain about statewide smoking regulations.
editor@ 962-4209 sports@ Recent legislation in Bhutan permits police to raid the homes of smok-
STEVEN NORTON ers in a search for contraband tobacco, and are even training a tobacco-
Managing editor BJ Dworak,
962-0372 lauren mccay sniffing dog in an effort to become the world’s first smoke-free nation.
managing.editor@ photo co-editors
The Buddhist kingdom threatens five years of jail time for shopkeepers selling
JARRARD COLE tobacco and smokers without customs receipts for imported cigarettes.
visual managing
editor emily evans, While smoking in private is not illegal in the Himalayan nation, the sale of cig-
962-0372 jenny smith
managing.editor@ copy co-EDITORs arettes is banned, and smokers are limited to 200 legally imported cigarettes a
copy@ month.
C. Ryan barber
university EDITOR PARIS FLOWE In Bhutan, smoking is considered bad for one’s karma.
university@ online@ NOTED. Police in Bradenton, Fla. are strug- QUOTED. “They wanted to charge us with
gling to determine the origins of a human skull public indecency, but then realized there was
VICTORIA kelly mchugh
design editor which had been sitting in their evidence room no indecency.” — Kuba Granicki, one of 34
design@ since 1974. South Africans briefly arrested for dropping
962-4103 Detectives stumbled upon the skull, which their pants and skirts aboard the country’s first
city@dailytarheel. Ryan had been wrapped in newspaper and stored in high-speed train.
kurtzman a box marked “SKULL.” The people were emulating New York perfor-
Tarini Parti graphics editor
Local police have no records on the skull but mance group Improv Everywhere’s annual “No
STATE & NATIONAL graphics@ mct/Jeff siner

EDITOR have asked the FBI for any paperwork on it. Pants” subway ride.
he new Carolina Panthers head football coach Ron
state@ ZACH EVANS Rivera answers questions during a press conference
Nick Andersen
multimedia CO-editors
multimedia@ COMMUNITY CALENDAr at the Bank of America Stadium in Charlotte on
Arts Editor
843-4529 Tuesday. Rivera is replacing the head coach John Fox after
arts@dailytarheel. allyson today Location: Cat’s Cradle, 300 E. Main Time: 7 p.m. to 9 p.m.
com batchelor St., Carrboro Location: Internationalist Books, the Panthers were only able to record 2 wins this season.
linnie greene Conversation with curator: Terry
special sections 405 W. Franklin St.
Police log
diversions editor EDITOr
Zug, curator of Ackland pottery exhi-
bition “Tradition in Clay,” will chat Lounge music: Quirky group
with guests. Tea and refreshments Music and coffee: Bring your Drowning Lovers will perform in the n A 42-year-old Durham Chapel Hill police reports.
➤ The Daily Tar Heel reports any will be served. lunch and enjoy free coffee and blue- art gallery. woman was arrested for a worth-
inaccurate information published Time: 2 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. grass music as a part of Carrboro’s Time: 5 p.m. to 8 p.m. less check at 12:01 p.m. Monday n Someone reported an online
as soon as the error is discovered. Location: Ackland Art Museum Lunchbox Concert Series. Location: Frank, 109 E. Franklin St. at 1702 Legion Road, according to scam at 4:02 p.m. Monday at 110
➤ Corrections for front-page errors Time: Noon to 1 p.m. Chapel Hill police reports. Schultz St., according to Chapel
will be printed on the front page. Fellowship info session: Learn Location: Carrboro Century Center, Documentary viewing: Carolina Lisa Marie McEntyre was Hill police reports.
Any other incorrect information about the Robert E. Bryan and UNC 100 N. Greensboro St., Carrboro Union Activities Board and the released on a $500 unsecured
will be corrected on page 3. Errors Entrepreneurial Public Service fel- Carolina Association of Black bond, reports state. n An employee stole $17.28
committed on the Opinion Page lowships, which allow students to Spring Into Fitness: Sample vari- Journalists present the CNN docu- McEntyre is required to appear worth of food and drink items at
have corrections printed on that carry out public service and social ous classes the Campus Recreation mentary “Black in America.” at the Chatham County Courthouse 12:54 p.m. Monday from 1860
page. Corrections also are noted in projects. has to offer, including Pilates and Time: 6 p.m. on Jan. 19, reports state. Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd.,
the online versions of our stories. Time: 5 p.m. to 6 p.m. Zumba. Location: Union Auditorium according to Chapel Hill police
➤ Contact Managing Editor Location: Student Union, Room Time: Noon to 7 p.m. n Someone fraudulently used reports.
Steven Norton at managing.edi- 3515 Location: Student Recreation Live bluegrass: Hear bluegrass an ATM card to take cash between with issues Center music and enjoy light refreshments 1:35 p.m. Saturday and 3:40 p.m. n Someone threw a brick through
about this policy. Folk rock concert: See New York in celebration of Ackland’s three Monday at 110 S. Elliot Road, a window causing $350 worth of
folk rockers The Ghost of a Saber Ethics center conversation: winter exhibits, two of which open according to Chapel Hill police damage between 2 a.m. and 3 a.m.
Mail: P.O. Box 3257, Chapel Hill, NC 27515 Tooth Tiger, with Sean Lennon and Participate in a conversation about Friday. reports. Saturday at 404 Lindsay St., accord-
Office: 151 E. Rosemary St. Charlotte Kemp Muhl the origins of the Parr Center for Time: 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. ing to Chapel Hill police reports.
Sarah Frier, Editor-in-Chief, 962-4086 Time: 9 p.m. Ethics Location: Ackland Art Museum n Suspects fought at 10:06 p.m.
Advertising & Business, 962-1163
Location: Local 506, 506 W. Time: 3 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday behind 724 Pritchard n A 10-year-old girl refused to
News, Features, Sports, 962-0245
Franklin St. Location: Hyde Hall, University To make a calendar submission, Avenue Extension, according to go to school at 7:06 a.m. Monday,
One copy per person; additional copies may be Room e-mail
purchased at The Daily Tar Heel for $.25 each. Chapel Hill police reports. according to Carrboro police
The Walkmen concert: Indie Events will be published in the reports.
Please report suspicious activity at our
veterans The Walkmen come to Movie screening: Watch “Bomb newspaper on either the day or the n Someone took a $300 Palm After her mother called the
distribution racks by e-mailing Carrboro with Baltimore group It,” a film about the history and cul- day before they take place. Pre cell phone from a shopping police and an officer spoke to her,
Lower Dens. ture of street art and graffiti around Submissions must be sent in by
© 2011 DTH Media Corp. cart at 8:21 p.m. Monday at 1129 she agreed to go to school, reports
Time: 9 p.m. to 10 p.m. the world. noon the preceding publication date.
All rights reserved Weaver Dairy Road, according to state.

Off campus delivery only. Daily, weekend or Sunday delivery for % off.
The Daily Tar Heel Top News wednesday, january 12, 2011 3

Due to a reporting error,
Tuesday’s page 1 story “Student
code forces SBP campaigns into
UNC joins BlueCross in care Real
early secrecy” incorrectly stated
the degree Val Tenyotkin received
from UNC in 2009. He received his
Will add 5,000 primary care beds visits to the emergency room or
prevent some of the complica-
she said. “Where we expect to ben-
efit is that our members will have
doctorate. tions of the chronic illnesses,” said lower medical costs.”

The Daily Tar Heel apologizes by Jen Serdetchnaia Jennifer James. David Rubinow, chairman of the “UNC does anticipate there
for the error. Assistant State & National Editor “More streamlined care means Department of Psychiatry at the being a profit on their side of the
A par tnership announced a better outcome for patients,” she UNC School of Medicine. equation,” Douglas said.
Tuesday between UNC Hospitals said. UNC and BlueCross N.C. will The location of the new practice
Campus Briefs

and the state’s largest insurance The care will target patients, split the cost of the facility evenly, will largely be dependent on the
Board of Elections considers provider will bring 5,000 more not just their symptoms, said James said. position of existing UNC facilities
complaint against Ingram primary care beds to the Triangle BlueCross N.C. spokeswoman “It could be something that ends and the availability of appropriate
region. Michelle Douglas. up costing both organizations,” buildings, she said.
The Board of Elections found UNC Hospitals is joining with According to the press release Rubinow said. The facilities will be established
no cause for punishment Tuesday BlueCross BlueShield of North from the two organizations, the If there are savings, they will in already-existing buildings,
for junior Rick Ingram, who was Carolina to establish a primary care
accused of alleged illegal campaign- facility for BlueCross members by
practice will focus on patients
with chronic conditions, like coro-
also be split between the two orga-
nizations, he said.
James said.
“UNC is going to be helping to
Mill House adds
ing for student body president.
Ingram was accused of running
the end of 2011.
“It’s kind of an integrative and
nary artery disease, hypertension,
diabetes, obstructive lung disease,
But Douglas said that although
BlueCross N.C. will not profit, UNC
provide the medical staff so we
want it to be convenient for them,”
60 properties
a public campaign when a board aggressive approach toward well- depression and asthma. is expecting a profit. Douglas said.
member received an e-mail from ness and prevention,” said UNC
By Grace Tatter
“You can reduce downstream “For BlueCross, there will not be Staff writer
Ingram’s campaign manager lack- medical center spokeswoman health care costs by reducing profit associated with this venture,” See bcbs, Page 9
After managing properties in the
ing a personal salutation.
area for almost 10 years, one local
Some evidence submitted for
real estate company has joined

the hearing was submitted anony-
forces with a former competitor.
mously. The board voted 3-2 to
The Dec. 29 acquisition of
throw out all anonymous evidence
Redstone Properties of Chapel
at the risk of it being fraudulent.
Hill-Carrboro by Mill House
Properties brought more than 60
Professor given Fulbright new properties to the company,
for work in health research bringing the total to more than
300 — though they still are not
Geography professor Michael the area’s largest.
Emch was awarded a Fulbright Mill House markets two types
Scholarship, which will allow of rental properties: “Varsity” for
him to study at the University of undergraduates and “Pro” for pro-
Canterbury in New Zealand. fessionals and graduate students.
Emch will research whether Mill House owner Adam Jones
one’s location or social networks said most of the acquired prop-
have a greater effect on disease erties, which are mainly near
transmission. McCauley Street and the Westwood
The research could aid scientists neighborhood, fall into the “Pro”
studying subjects ranging from the category.
flu to smoking habits. Since Mill House primarily
Emch’s Fulbright award brings caters to UNC students, Jones said
the total UNC faculty have received the merger marks an effort for his
during the 2010-11 school year to company to increase its number of
seven. Only three schools in the professional renters.
country have more. “We’re still student-heavy, but
this balances things out a bit,” he
Science organization names said.
Redstone Properties owner
six UNC faculty as fellows
Sharon Fowler said she will stay
Six members of UNC’s faculty on with the company and man-
have been chosen to become fel- age some properties. She said she
lows of the American Association rents to many graduate students
for the Advancement of Science. but only those with previous rental
The association is the largest of histories.
its kind and rewards scientists for “That’s important to me,” Fowler
advancing noteworthy scientific said.
applications. Neither Fowler nor Jones said
The faculty who were named fel- they knew if prices for transition-
lows are biologist Kerry S. Bloom, ing rental properties will change.
anthropologist Paul W. Leslie, “We’re reviewing that right
chemist Wenbin Lin, computer sci- now, and we’re going to determine
entist Dinesh Manocha, geneticist if we’re going to raise those rents
and psychiatrist Patrick F. Sullivan a little over the next year,” Jones
and physicist John F. Wilkerson. said.
The UNC faculty honored were Jones said the aim of the merger
six of 503 named AAAS fellows is not to manage the most proper-
this year. The honor will be for- ties but to continue to offer proper-
malized at a February ceremony in ties close to downtown and in good
Washington, D.C. shape.
“I don’t want to grow bigger just
for the sake of being big,” Jones
Study shows black men have said.
distrust of medical providers After working on her own,
Fowler said she welcomed the
A study from the UNC Gillings merge because she thought Mill
School of Global Public Health House advertised their properties
has shown that black men are less effectively and shared her value of
likely to seek routine medical care quality real estate.

because they distrust health care dth/erin hull And despite a decline in the
providers, and not out of a desire snowplow sits idly next to a foot-path in Polk Place after a combination of sleet and snow fell across number of undergraduate students
to display their masculinity, as had Chapel Hill and most of North Carolina on Monday night. The University canceled Monday evening who lived off-campus, Jones said
previously been assumed. he is not concerned about filling
The study was based on a sur- classes and resumed classes Tuesday morning at 11 a.m. Despite the delayed start, many on-campus paths up the rental properties.
vey of 610 black men aged 20 or remained covered in ice. Classes are expected to run on a normal schedule this morning and evening.
older recruited mainly in barber- See millhouse, Page 9
shops across the nation. Its results

Applicants aided by legacy ‘Exit Cuckoo’ reflects

appear in the December 2010 issue
of the Journal of General Internal
Although non-Hispanic white
men were less likely to seek such
care out of a desire to appear more
masculine, mistrust of the health
by Jessica Seaman
staff writer
Applicants who have family ties
How legacy affects admissions at UNC on domestic workers
Applicants who are children of UNC alumni, legacy applicants, have had a
care system was found to be an to certain universities could have by Carson Blackwelder
obstacle among black men. Black higher chance of being accepted to UNC than non-legacy applicants. SEE “EXIT CUCKOO”
a significant leg up on admis- staff writer
Time: 7:30 p.m. Wednesday -
men were still less likely to seek sions. After a stint off-Broadway and a
Non-legacy Sunday, 2:00 p.m. Sunday.
routine care or know their cho- A recent study by a Harvard Fall 2010 Legacy tour around the world, Lisa Ramirez
lesterol levels, and they faced an Location: Kenan Theatre
University student found that leg- 80 is bringing her provocative one-
increased risk of death from easily 64.0% Info:
acy applicants are seven times as woman show to Kenan Theatre.
Percent chance of acceptance

70 57.9%
preventable conditions. likely to be admitted to universities Ramirez — former New York
60 47.8%
The next step in researchers’ than non-legacies. nanny turned playwright — is recently, in New York had no rights
work will be identifying reasons 50 42.7%
Some UNC administrators say 40 presenting her play, “Exit Cuckoo as workers,” Ramirez said.
for black male mistrust in health 30.4%
this rings true on campus, but (Nanny in Motherland),” as part of She attended the vote on New
care providers. 30 19.6%
mainly for out-of-state appli- PlayMakers Repertory Company’s York’s Domestic Workers Bill of
cants. discussion oriented series, PRC2. Rights last August, where her play,
City Briefs Stephen Farmer, associate pro-
“(The play is) my journey from “Invisible Women-Rise,” was quot-
vost and undergraduate admissions California to New York as a nanny,” ed. The bill, which went into effect
Collection of solid waste director at UNC, said the University
Out of State In State Overall
said Ramirez, who wrote and acts in November, reforms basic work
might be delayed due to ice does take into consideration if an alone in the play. standards for nannies, caregivers
applicant’s parents or stepparents Fall 2009 “Exit Cuckoo” was not a show and housekeepers in the state.
Chapel Hill residential and com- graduated from UNC, but legacy that many wanted to put on, “Lisa’s level of advocacy paired
mercial solid waste collection was 60 55.3%
is looked at more for out-of-state 50.8% Ramirez said. with the level of engagement and
Percent chance of acceptance

canceled Tuesday because town applicants than in-state. 50 45.7% “When Broadway producers conversation will make for a per-
workers were working to improve “That means that alumni sons or 38.5% came to watch it they really liked fect match with the series,” said
the road conditions. 40
daughters do have a greater chance 30.1% it, but they thought that some of Jeffrey Meanza, PlayMakers’ asso-
Residents whose trash is nor- of attending UNC,” Farmer said. 30 the characters would alienate some ciate artistic director.
mally collected on Tuesdays will According to UNC’s admission 20.3% audiences,” she said. After each PRC2 show, the audi-
receive collection Wednesday on a 20
policy, preference can be given to The play follows a fictionalized ence is given the chance to interact
possibly delayed schedule. non-resident applicants that are 10 story of motherhood, nannying and with the artist and scholars knowl-
children of alumni. 0 the politics inherent in both. edgeable of the topic at hand.
Community House agenda The policy does not mention in- Out of State In State Overall “When I started my nannying “This show fits into what the
item rescheduled for Feb. 16 state applicants. SOURCE: UNC OFFICE OF UNDERGRADUATE ADMISSIONS DTH/MEG WRATHER I met all these women ... who had PRC2 series calls for,” said Hannah
“Legacy doesn’t really go into been fired, and I told my friend Grannemann, managing director
The meeting date for the Inter- play for North Carolinians but can tionship the families have already The legal argument against Eve Ensler, ‘I gotta become a wait- at PlayMakers.
Faith Council for Social Service’s be used,” Farmer said. established with the University,” legacy preferences at a public uni- ress, this profession is too heavy,’” Ramirez said she thinks she
Community House men’s shelter He said the admission office does Farmer said. versity, like UNC, is that it violates Ramirez said. retains a balanced point of view on
special use item has been resched- not overrule academic factors. Richard Kahlenberg, a senior the 14th Amendment because it is Ensler — known best for her the nanny-mother relationship in
uled to Feb. 16 at 7 p.m. to accom- “It offers some benefit to some fellow for a public policy research a form of discrimination based on book-turned-popular-play, “The “Exit Cuckoo” by not placing blame
modate scheduling conflicts due to out-of-state students, but that organization called the Century ancestry, Kahlenberg said. Vagina Monologues” — encour- on either party.
weather. doesn’t overcome poor academ- Foundation, said he is against col- “So long as the children of aged Ramirez to write a play about “Whenever you talk about
The previous meeting date for ics.” leges using legacy preferences. wealthy alumni are given a pref- her nanny experiences. women raising other people’s chil-
the agenda item, Jan. 19, should Of the 2,824 out-of-state stu- The foundation published a erence, they are taking slots that Ramirez said that her observa- dren, everyone has an opinion,” she
be disregarded. dents who were accepted to the book titled, “Affirmative Action for would other wise go to more tions from nannying introduced said.
Anyone with questions can con- University in 2010, about 7.7 per- the Rich: Legacy Preferences in highly credentialed students,” he her to the troubles domestic work- For now, the play will try to keep
tact Chapel Hill’s Principal Planner cent were legacies. College Admissions.” said. ers face. She has since been a vol- the University talking.
Phil Mason at (919) 968-2728. “I think that the way we practice “Individuals should be judged unteer and member of the advocacy
legacy admission here is measured on merit and talent rather than an Contact the State & National group, Domestic Workers United. Contact the Arts Editor
-From staff and wire reports in a moderate response to the rela- artificial aristocracy,” he said. Editor at “Most domestic workers, until at
4 wednesday, january 12, 2011 The Daily Tar Heel
The Daily Tar Heel News wednesday, january 12, 2011 5

Towns seek economic a capPella auditions

development leaders
Unifying figure “Any time you have a change in direc-
a top priority tor, you have an opportunity to examine
whatever that department is doing.”
by Jessica Gaylord
staff writer Barry Jacobs, Orange county commissioner
Though Orange County has lost
two employees who worked to aid Bassett said Broadwell’s resigna- The commissioners’ goals for
the local economy, more flexibility tion has no obvious impact on his economic development involve
for the plans to restructure the eco- work for Chapel Hill. attracting more sustainable busi-
nomic department could be gained “I’ve been in Chapel Hill for nesses and increasing the tax
as a result. four years, and the workload and base.
The resignation of Brad demands of this position have Jacobs said he remains positive
Broadwell, Orange County’s for- grown increasingly,” Bassett said. that the change in leadership might
mer economic development officer, “Chapel Hill and the Town lead to reflection and improvement
came just weeks after Carrboro’s Council have been working stra- within the economic department.
economic officer James Harris tegically to move economic devel- “We were already in a discus-
announced his retirement. opment forward. We would like to sion about how to restructure, so
Because Broadwell announced see additional development in the (Broadwell’s resignation) gives us
his resignation, the county is start- county and benefits for residents the opportunity to,” Jacobs said.
ing an external search for someone and taxpayers.” “Not having someone defend a
with previous experience in eco- An economic development offi- certain way of doing things means
nomic development, said Orange cer plays an important role in coor- it’s easier to change the way we are
County Manager Frank Clifton. dinating interaction between the doing things.”
Broadwell resigned from his community and local government, But the process for selecting a
position in order to pursue other Clifton said. new officer is not yet defined. The
opportunities, Clifton said. Economic development offi- economic department must meet
“He has a lot of international cers’ duties include meeting with with county staff to decide exactly
experience, so maybe that’s where potential clients and companies what the process will involve.
his interest lies,” Clifton said. who want to locate to the area and “It’s never positive when some-
Clifton said in the future he facilitating conversations between one loses their job, or loses a job
hopes to see the non-residential companies and internal staff. they like to do,” Jacobs said.
tax-base increase and for the county Orange County Commissioner “But anytime you have a change
to work closer with the University. Barry Jacobs said county govern- in director, you have an oppor-
dth/jessie lowe

“Going forward is what we want ment will hold a work session in tunity to examine whatever that
to concentrate on,” he said. February to begin the search for a department is doing and what to elen Chandler, a junior from Burlington, and C.J. Powell, a junior from Charlotte,
“Increasing the level of col- qualified candidate. improve.” stand outside the Union and advertise for Cadence and UNC Achordants audi-
laboration between the town and “Our focus will be on what we
county as well as public and private want in an economic development Senior writer Christina Taylor tions. Although it was cold and the Pit was full of ice, both Chandler and Powell
sectors are our important goals.” director, and what kind of instruc- contributed reporting. said it was essential to get a good turnout at the upcoming auditions. UNC Achordants
Chapel Hill Economic tor will work best for Orange Contact the City Editor
Development Officer Dwight
auditions will be held Friday and Cadence auditions will be held Jan. 18.
County.” at

haiti Triangle where people will be able

to pray and offer testimonies. Union BY THE NUMBERS
from page 1 from page 1
UNC and University Presbyterian
resources throughout Haiti.” Church will also pay tribute to Luse said he thinks it’s worth
UNC Hospitals became involved
in the aftermath of the earth-
quake when three burn survivors
Haitian victims by ringing the Bell
Tower at 4:53 p.m., the time the
earthquake struck the capital.
the $16.
“What it comes down to is that
students deserve the right to say
$11 million
Construction fee for next
were sent to Chapel Hill, said “People go back to Haiti over yes or no,” he added.
UNC Health Care spokeswoman and over again,” said Czajkowski,
phase of Union renovation
In a d d i t i o n t o t h e s t u d y
Stephanie Crayton. who said he also hopes to return. and entertainment features,
“For the most part, the staff were
very moved by the fact that we
“People say, ‘The problems they
have there are so overwhelming.
UCommons will offer space for
training programs. $16
could be a part of such a national How do you feel like you can make This space can be used for lead- Fee each student would pay
story,” she said. any meaningful impact?’ ership workshops, alumni advice annually for 30 years
To commemorate the one-year “But it’s the impact you can have offices or other programs at the #1 in Customer Satisfaction! Accepts
UNC OneCard


anniversary of the earthquake, on one life at a time.” request of student organizations.
Hope for Haiti Ministries will be The Student Union is the only
Mon-Wed 10am-2am
holding special services tonight Contact the City Editor completely student-funded build-

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in Raleigh and other areas in the at ing on campus, Luse said. Approx. cost of marketing the Sunday 11am-1am
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Holden’s sick of 49 932-7575
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the same measure as the state braces Staff Writer Caitlin McCabe + tax
Expected project completion
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Because the additional 2.5 per-
of this.”
cent cut came halfway through the
academic year, Thorp instructed
departments to prepare for a per- Bruce Carney, executive vice
Up to 5 Toppings PIZZA
chancellor and provost, at a Dec. 17

manent cut of about $26 million —
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“The governor has asked for 2.5
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same thing as having 5 percent.” used to getting this type of informa-

In an interview Tuesday, Carney tion,” he said. “What I worry about 15th Annual
said he worked through the week-
end devising plans for individual
units. Carney declined to comment
is the private sector looks like it’s
recovering, and it’s going to take
the public sector a little while to
The secret to finding a great place
on any details before Thursday,
when he plans to deliver a letter
catch up to that. And I worry that
we might lose really good people.” Saturday to live is to decide NOW!
to individual departments with
instructions for implementing the
Thorp said there will be no
“painless way” to get through the January 15th Look at our properties and find your perfect house.
Claim it now before someone else grabs it up. Don’t wait!
cuts. current budget difficulty.
Depar tments had already But Carney, even in his gloomy up to Act now… before your cool house is gone.
received instructions to make
preparations for cuts of at least 5
address to the Faculty Council,
found cause for optimism. 85% OFF
percent for the upcoming year. “One optimistic thing I can add to
“We’ve been asked to plan for a Holden’s comments about the bud-
range of cuts of up to 15 percent.,” get,” he said, “is that basically this, I 4 bedrms, 2 baths
said Dick Mann, vice chancellor for hope, will be the last bad year.” Chapel Hill Store only • 10:00am - 7:00pm
finance and administration. “We 452 West Franklin St • 919.933.4007 •
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think that would be devastating Contact the University Editor No checks please. Cash, MasterCard, Visa and American Express accepted. $2,080/mo.
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Big Boi 4 bedrms, 2 baths
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a cash flow problem with the state
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Eyeing the end of federal
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cal year. This year’s initial state 3 bedrms, 1 bath
budget cut of 5 percent — and a 318 Davie Rd.
1 percent Management Flexibility
Reduction outlined in the Aug. 24 $1260/mo
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during each of those years, and
another one is anticipated for the
2011-12 fiscal year. Thorp said he PRESENTED BY CUAB
understood Gov. Perdue’s decision 405557.CRTR
6 wednesday, january 12, 2011 News The Daily Tar Heel

National and World News N&W

Know your 112th Congress
Know more on Doctors say Giffords can breathe on Congress BY daniel wiser
today’s top story: her own and will recover at own pace staff writer
The 112th U.S. Congress convened Jan. 5 with Republicans pledging to reverse
the political and economic direction, forming a divided government that threatens
LOS ANGELES (MCT) — predictions about the rate of her
The House will vote on a gridlock.

Rep. Gabrielle Giffords’ condi- recovery.
resolution condemning the The new Republican majority in the House of Representatives has pledged to slash
tion is “the same as yesterday,” “She’s going to take her recov-
attack Wednesday http://bit. the federal budget and reduce a national debt that now exceeds $14 trillion.
physicians at the University of ery at her own pace, not ours.
ly/hBHDUO (via CBS news) It also plans to hold a repeal vote for the Affordable Care Act, President Barack
Arizona College of Medicine’s I’m very encouraged that she has
Doctors say there is no sign Obama’s signature health care legislation, but their majority in the House still faces
University Medical Center in done so well. She has no right to
of swelling on Giffords’ brain obstacles to achieving its legislative goals. The Democrats retain a six-member advan-
Tucson said in a Tuesday news look this good. … We all have to (via tage in the Senate, and Obama wields the threat of his veto pen.
conference, but she is now be extremely patient.”
The Washington Post) breathing on her own. Because Giffords’ husband is
NASA observes moment
of silence for Giffords and
“She is able to generate her a member of the Navy and an Know North Carolina’s Legislative priorities for
other victims of the shoot-
ing (via
own breaths,” said Dr. Peter
Lemole, the neurosurgeon who
astronaut, Lemole said, “The
resources of the entire military delegation in Washington the Republican majority
operated on her after the shoot- have been made available. Early ing on Saturday morning. on, we took advantage and asked
U.S. House of Representatives: Cutting spending
Giffords’ friends describe her Nonetheless, Giffords’ doc- two people to come and give con-
as a hard worker and a fighter “[Congresswoman Ellmers] has already taken
tors have left a breathing tube in sultation, world-famous people” G.K. Butterfield, D-1st District action to cut spending by voting to cut the House’s (via The place in an effort to prevent her — Dr. Geoffrey Ling, a neuro-
Washington Post) Renee Ellmers, R-2nd District own budget last week,” said Lorie Byrd, spokes-
from developing pneumonia. intensivist at the Uniformed Walter B. Jones, R-3rd District woman for Rep. Ellmers, in an e-mail.
Lemole said she is still fol- Services University of the Health David Price, D-4th District
Go to http://www.dai- lowing simple commands. The Sciences in Bethesda, Md., and Virginia Foxx, R-5th District team has backed off on her seda- Dr. James Eklund of Inova Raising the debt ceiling
Howard Coble, R-6th District
section/state to discuss the tion so that she is alert more, he Fairfax Hospital in Virginia, a Mike McIntyre, D-7th District “I don’t think any fiscal conservative would
congresswoman’s recovery. said, but he would not make any retired colonel. Larry Kissell, D-8th District argue for defaulting on government loans. The
Sue Myrick, R-9th District reality is we will have to raise the debt ceiling, but
Patrick McHenry, R-10th District I would support spending cut amendments put on
Verizon Wireless Ability to protect State of the Union Heath Shuler, D-11th District a must-pass bill,” said Anthony Dent, chairman of
Mel Watt, D-12th District the UNC College Republicans.
to sell iPhone 4 lawmakers limited to be held Jan. 25 Brad Miller, D-13th District
Repeal of health care law
The iPhone is finally coming to Capitol Hill lawmakers, still reeling — House Speaker John Boehner “A drastic repeal would not be the best thing for
Verizon Wireless. from the shooting of Rep. Gabrielle has formally invited President Richard Burr, Republican the country, but Democrats are open to looking
Verizon confirmed the long- Giffords, D-Ariz., will get detailed Barack Obama to deliver his Kay Hagan, Democrat into reasonable alternatives or amending specific
rumored move on Tuesday, security briefings Wednesday, but State of the Union address to provisions,” said Burton Peebles, co-president of
announcing it will begin selling experts and lawmakers themselves Congress on Jan. 25. the UNC Young Democrats.
Apple’s iPhone 4, the latest ver- concede that not a lot more can be “As many great challenges lie Contact the State and National Editor
sion of the device, Feb. 10. Existing done to protect them. ahead for our nation, we wel- at
Verizon customers can start pre- Providing presidential-level secu- come an opportunity to hear your
ordering the device Feb. 3. rity for 535 members of Congress, proposals,” the Ohio Republican
The Verizon version of the virtually all of whom scatter across wrote in a letter released Tuesday
What do you think about the Republican majority in the new Congress?
iPhone has few differences from the country every weekend and for afternoon.
the one that AT&T began selling extended recesses, is “nothing short The speech will officially be
last summer. The most notable of impossible,” said Ralph Basham, Obama’s second State of the
differences are that it works a 28-year Secret Service veteran Union address, and his fourth
on Verizon’s network, which is who directed the service from 2003 to a joint session of Congress.
incompatible with AT&T’s wire- to 2006. But it will be his first speak-
less technology, and that Verizon Rep. Jack Kingston, R-Ga., ing to a Republican-majority
iPhone users will be able to use stressed a point that many of his House, with Boehner replac-
the device as a Wi-Fi hot spot to
connect up to five other gadgets
colleagues share: “What has to
be protected is the citizen’s right
ing Democratic leader Nancy
Pelosi on the dais behind the
“I think it’s always “Republicans “The economy is
to the Internet. The other chief to unfiltered access to us and vice president. good to be should use their really bad, but
difference is, because of a limita- versa.” Because of the new political
tion with the technology Verizon At the Capitol, he said, lawmak- reality, it was already a heav- careful in how new power to push instead of seeing
uses, users of the Verizon iPhone,
unlike users of the AT&T version,
ers interact with witnesses whose
testimony has been carefully writ-
ily anticipated moment as the
Obama administration recali-
you’re spending as alternative policies it as a party issue,
won’t be able to talk on the phone
and surf the Web at the same time
ten or lobbyists with sophisticated
brates at midterm.
But it takes on additional
long as it’s to get even more everyone needs to
over Verizon’s network. But back home, “we’ve got to be importance since Saturday’s responsible.” health care cover- come together.”
Verizon will be selling the able to get out on the streets and shooting rampage in Tucson,
iPhone for $200 for the 16-giga- talk to people. They can’t talk to Ariz., given how candidate Kelly downing, senior, age for Americans.” Marlena moore, sophomore,
byte version and $300 for the the president or the IRS or immi- Obama ran on a promise of economics psychology
32-gigabyte model with a two- gration officials. We are their link changing the discourse in adam meyer, Junior,
year contract. to the government.” Washington. Environmental sciences

A Heel helps Haiti

A year after the Haiti earthquake,

a local council member shares a story
of rebuilding. See pg. 1 for story.

© 2009 The Mepham Group. All rights reserved. Football awaits its fate
Level: 1 2 3 4 The football team hasn’t gotten
word about the NCAA’s investiga-
tion timeline. See pg. 1 for story.
Complete the grid
so each row, column
and 3-by-3 box (in
Dramatizing diapers
bold borders) con- Nanny-turned-playwright Lisa
tains every digit 1 Ramirez is taking her solo show to
to 9. Kenan. See pg. 3 for story.
Solution to
Tuesday’s puzzle Admissions’ admission
Out-of-state legacy students have
a clear advantage in the admissions
process. See pg. 3 for story.

Shattered dreams
The defeat of the DREAM Act
continues to affect undocumented
minors. See pg. 9 for story.


919-929-0246 PIZZAS EACH


(C)2011 Tribune Media Services, Inc.

Los Angeles Times Daily Crossword Puzzle All rights reserved.

Across puzzle’s theme) 19 Cuban dance as a symbol

1 The Renault 5, in North 66 Hard downpour 23 Café cup 48 Brooklyn’s __ Field
America 67 Music biz sensation, 24 Roundup 50 Get under control, in a
6 One-named New Ager perhaps 25 Met favorites way
10 Lake plant 68 “If I Were a Rich Man” 26 Where to see a lot of keys 52 Buried supply
14 Street of San José singer 27 Knight games 53 Like most cardinals
15 Ending with play or party 69 Feminine suffix 32 Haka dancers of New 54 __ to go
16 Rosemary, for one 70 Mex. miss Zealand 55 Pencil maze word
17 When some suits don’t 71 Clear 34 Made a quick stop 56 More wise
wear suits 36 Santana hit also covered by 61 Cavs, on scoreboards
20 Sound from Simba Down Tito Puente 62 Worked (up)
21 Frat “T” 1 Elec. readout 37 Madison’s foil 63 Bambi’s aunt
22 Fords with racing stripes 2 Field unit 38 Passed out in Vegas? 64 Where Rockefeller was
23 The Pawtucket Red Sox, 3 Some temps 41 Sharon’s language gov.
e.g. 4 Journalist Stewart or 44 Company that uses Pegasus 65 Match, as a raise
28 Nuclear org. created under Joseph
HST 5 Consignment shop
29 __ Grey tea transaction
30 Deep Throat’s org. 6 Swelled head
31 Bamboozle 7 Word of urgency
33 Christian surname? 8 Gossipmonger
35 How oaths are taken 9 Kennel double talk?
39 __ de espera: waiting room 10 Tuna at a luau
40 She played Buffy 11 Building shelf
42 River to the North Sea 12 Persona non __
43 Derby town 13 Wide gulf
45 Trig ratio 18 Bob Marley feature
46 “Sonic the Hedgehog”
47 Shad delicacy
49 Schoolyard claim
51 Frame for Roger
52 Sandals in Jamaica,
57 Sinatra’s Gardner
58 Mideast “son of”
59 Cheese or its town
60 Assume a defensive
position (and what we
did to highlight this
The Daily Tar Heel wednesday, january 12, 2011 7

8 January 12, 2011 Place a Classified: or Call 919-962-0252

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Kabbalah is a technology that gives you the lEASE FOR SPRING SEMESTER: 4 blocks to EOE. bAHAMAS
campus but only $690/mo. 2BR/1BA apart-
tools to transform your life. Want to find out BABYSITTER, DRIvER. Thursdays 3-5:30pm. SpRINg bREAK
more? Email: 8 year-old girl, Chapel Hill. Requires reliable
car, good driving record, references. Call or NANNY, CHIlD CARE: Need nanny for
ments have W/D connections, electric heat
and great location. 415 North Columbia
ham seeks enthusiastic birthday party educa- Personals $189 for 5 DAYS or $239 for 7 DAYS. All
AUDITIONS FOR CAROlINA CHOIR, Cham- email resume., 5 and 7 year-old girls on Thursdays. Street. Fran Holland Properties: herbhol- tors! Must like kids, teaching and science prices include: Round trip luxury cruise with
ber Singers and Glee Clubs this week by 919-824-5912. 12:50-6:30pm beginning 1/4/11. or call 919-968-4545. and be available weekend days. For more in- JUlIET: Roses are red, violets are blue, with- food. Accommodations on the island at your
sign up in Person Hall room 106. More info: Need own transportation to pick up formation and application information, visit out the AIDS Course, no fun for you! Spring choice of thirteen resorts. Appalachia Travel. All singers welcome! CHIlD CARE needed all day Tuesdays and from school. Must like outdoor play SPRING SEMESTER: Bike, bus, walk from www., 800-867-5018.
Semester, Tuesdays, 5:30-6:45pm, one
919-962-1093. afternoons W/F for 2 girls. Position could and reading. Email mcshaw@nc.rr. 14 Bolin Heights (near Foster’s Market) to
credit. Enroll in Public Health 420, Section 1
be split. Clean driving record, references re- com for interview and application. campus. 3BR/1BA house with hardwood
(Undergrad) or Section 2 (Graduate). Yours,
New Years Weight loss Challenge! Thurs-
quired. Send babysitting experience: nanny.
floors, W/D. Pets negotiable. $900/mo. Email
Fran Holland Properties at herbholland@
children’s hair salon, near South- Romeo. Tutoring Wanted
days 7pm or Sundays 6pm, Chapel HillCom- AFTERSCHOOl, CHIlD CARE: We are look- or call 919-968-4545. point. Full-time and part-time, $8/hr,
munity Center. $40 to register. Contact ing for someone to help with afterschool AlGEBRA TUTOR WANTED for 7th grade CHIlD CARE, HOUSEHOlD ClEAN- care for our 9 year-old. Pick up, homework 2BR HOUSE CARRBORO: Great duplex at
fun atmosphere! Email resume and
availability to Roommates boy. Ability to motivate as well as teach,
ING 3-6pm, M-F. Help needed for help, drop off at activities. Monday, Tuesday 702-B North Greensboro, just 1/2 mile from and previous experience desired. Contact
12 year-old boy plus household OR Thursday, Wednesday. Reliable, excel- Weaver Street, 1 mile from Franklin Street, Desiree Murray at or
SHARE HOUSE: Great Chapel Hill location!
Child Care Wanted cleaning. Own car and refer-
ences needed. $11/hr plus gas.
lent, safe driving record. References required
and will be checked. Total of 5-6 hrs/wk.
1.5 miles from campus! 2 large bedrooms,
1.5 baths, deck and wooded back yard. Off
Services, Inc. is recruiting for 75 candidates Newly painted, includes deck, screened 919-923-2896.
with retail experience to work January 4, porch. Busline. Available now, short term or ACCOUNTING TUTOR: Experienced account-
Start date: now. 919-906-0105 or 919-960-9245. street parking behind the house. Steps away
bAbySITTER NEEDED from Wilson Park and bus stop. Available for 2011 to January 25, 2011. You will price long term OK! $390/mo. (negotiable). 919-
357-4230, 7am-11pm.
ing tutor needed for basic college level ac-
Sitter needed for easy-going 12 and 9 year- AFTERSCHOOl BABYSITTER: Family in Carr- June or later move in. 919-414-2724. merchandise, set up for the sale and assist counting course. $20/hr for 2-4 hrs/wk. Email
old on MWF, 3-6pm for homework and ac- boro needs energetic caregiver on Mon- customers. The successful candidate must or call
DAYTIME SITTER: Homeschooling family day, Tuesday and Thursday, 2:45-5:30pm. have retail experience and be able to work a
tivities. Must be reliable and have previous (girl, 6 years-old) seeking sitter for 5-10 hrs/ Responsibilities include preparing snacks, 4bR RENOvATED flexible schedule. Call 919-461-9996 today! Rooms 828-777-3381.
child care experience. Commitment thru May
preferred. $15/hr. 919-265-4139.
wk. $12/hr. Actual schedule TBD, but needed helping with homework, driving children to MILL CREEK UNIT
AFTERSCHOOl HElP Every other week
between 10am-3pm. Not to help with school-
ing, just for playing, driving to activities.
activities. Must have own car, excellent driv-
ing record, references. Some knowledge of
Beautiful 4BR unit with granite counters, WINGS OvER CHAPEl HIll is looking GRANvIllE, FRANKlIN ROOM. Need re- Volunteering
Must have clean driving record and reliable new appliances, HvAC, flooring, carpet, for students for part-time nights, placement tenant ASAP. Single room, shared
Monday, Wednesday and/or Thursday Spanish is a plus. 919-619-5255. lighting! $1,000/mo. January thru May bathroom. Will cover a portion of your cam-
3:30-5:30pm help with 8 and 9 year-old. transportation. 919-929-3306. weekend work. Drivers, cooks, coun- lIKE HElPING CHIlDREN lEARN? Sign up to
2011. Also available in May 2011 for school ter. Apply in person at 313 East Main pus housing cancellation fee. 828-550-5251. vOlUNTEER for a variety of roles, all grades
Homework, take to practice, etc. References year, $2,000/mo., 919-
Required! 919-933-7897. SAVE A TREE, RECYCLE ME! For Rent 801-5230.
Street. 919-537-8271. ROOM AT GRANvIllE TOWERS: Need female
to take over lease of a private room beginning
with Chapel Hill-Carrboro Schools: www. Information on UNC cam-
1BR/1BA COTTAGE. 116 North Street, right in January 2011. Great, convenient location. pus in Student Union Room #2510 between
FAIR HOUSINg INDIvIDUAl NEED TO join established
Announcements Announcements All REAl ESTATE AND RENTAl advertising in
off Franklin Street. Small covered front
porch, W/D, water included, $850/mo.
home improvement company to facilitate
Call for more information. 252-714-8936. 10am-3:30pm, January 13, 19 and 31. Email: or call 967-8211
this newspaper is subject to the Federal Fair growth through innovative marketing tech- ext. 28281.
Available August 2011. 704-277-1648 or
Housing Act of 1968 which makes it illegal
to advertise “any preference, limitation, or
niques. Pay negoitable,, 919-990-1072. Services
The Daily Tar Heel office will be discrimination based on race, color, religion,
sex, handicap, familial status, or national
townhome in the Oaks, W/D connections,
ily needs housekeeping, assistance, cook COMpUTER SERvICE HOW CLOSE TO THE PIT
closed Monday, January 17th in swimming pool and tennis available. Walk,

honor of Martin Luther King, Jr. Day

origin, or an intention to make any such
preference, limitation, or discrimination.” bike or bus to Meadowmont and Friday
Center. $825/mo, water inc. Fran Holland
prep, groceries, some child pick up. Friendly,
reliable, positive, thorough, organized person
Can’t wait for ITS? Computer repair, data
recovery, general technology consultation DO YOU WANT TO LIVE?
This newspaper will not knowingly accept and personalized tutoring. Student discount
needed. Once or twice per week. $10-$12/
any advertising which is in violation of the Properties, or call with valid student ID.,
hr. On campus. Must have car. If interested
law. Our readers are hereby informed that 919-968-4545. 919-886-4803.
email Thank you.
Deadlines for Tuesday, all dwellings advertised in this newspaper WAlK TO CAMPUS. 4BR/2BA. 210 Ransom
January 18th Issue: are available on an equal opportunity basis vAlET PARKING ATTENDANTS needed for

Display Ads & Display Classifieds:

in accordance with the law. To complain of
discrimination, call the U. S. Department of
Street. W/D, dishwasher, alarm. 4 park-
ing spots. Available June 2011 through
upscale restaurants, hotels and events. Great
for students. Flexible hours. $8-13/hr. Includ-
May 2012. $2,600/mo. No pets. 672-4089
Housing and Urban Development housing ing tips. More information and applications
Thursday, January 13th at 3pm before 10pm.

discrimination hotline: 1-800-669-9777. available at
Line Classifieds: Friday, January 14th at noon GRAD STUDENTS: lEASE TAKEOvER 1BR
6BR/3BA NEW DUPlEx right off of Franklin in Carrboro available for spring at 101-B
Street. 417 Yates Motor Company Alley. for a bright, hard working individual to help
Cheek Street. $515/mo (water included).
Deadlines for Wednesday, $3,900/mo. Available August 2011. 704- Contact Fran Holland Properties via email:
with small construction tasks. No experience
January 19th Issue: 277-1648 or
necessary but must have own transportation., 919-968-2171.
4BR HOUSES available for 2011-12. Conve- If January 12th is Your Birthday...
Display Ads & Display Classifieds: QUIET OASIS: WAlK TO CAMPUS! 2BR/1.5
Friday, January 14th at 3pm
nient Carrboro location on busline. June or BA contemporary townhouse. Jacuzzi tub, It’s time to come out of your shell. The world
August move ins. Nice houses, all appliances you looking for a rewarding job that is
CAC, decks overlook woods, all appliances
related to your degree? If you want a job is your ocean. Take care of it, explore it and share
Line Classifieds: Tuesday, Jan. 18th at noon included. Opportunity for larger groups to with dishwasher, W/D, built in bookcases.
related to psychology, sociology, nursing, it. Keep it free of clutter so you can swim more
rent multiple houses side by side. See info 2 spaces. $975/mo, plus. 240-344-4863.
at or call Glen at social work or other human services fields freely. Your career is important. Your space --
We will re-open on Tuesday, 919-605-4810. CARRBORO APARTMENTS BEHIND Farm- then RSI may have a position for you! Help
people with autism and other developmental
your ocean, your environment, your
ers Market. Newly renovated 3BR/2BA
January 18th at 8:30am apartment at 116-A Bim Street. Hardwood disabilities reach their goals. learn more and community -- is even more important.
Announcements floors, W/D connections. lease available
thru December. $850/mo. with water. Fran
apply online:
To get the advantage, check the day's rating: 10 is the easiest day, 0 the most challenging.
Holland Properties, 919-968-4545 or email
zine is hiring an inside sales and customer
30TH ANNUAL MARTIN LUTHER KING, JR. JANUARY $750/MO. 2BR/2.5BA available immediately.
support representative who will take the lead
as we grow online event registration, digital
Aries (March 21-April 19)
Today is an 8 - People tend to avoid
Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22)
Today is a 7 - You’re overly practical
BIRTHDAY CELEBRATION 2011 1,150 square feet. village Green Apartments
1 mile from campus. Walk to 4 buslines.
and print advertising and event sponsorship
partnerships. For more info: www.endur-
change and the unfamiliar. Change can
be good, though - especially today.
today. Balance that with a creative com-
munity project or by playing with kids.
Includes dishwasher and W/D. Contact To apply: They remind you how to give and take
Rearrange your space and love it.
Carolina Realty at 919-967-6408. send your cover letter and resume to jobs@ without consequence. Application deadline is Taurus (April 20-May 20)

TONIGHT 6pm January 14, 2011. No calls please. Today is a 7 - If you can’t get what Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)
4BR/2BA FURNISHED House, garage. you need close to home, look for it Today is an 8 - Put all your focus and
Walkable Historic Hillsborough. 919- elsewhere. Traveling may suit your wan- energy into a new project. Either finish
806-7287. EGG DONORS NEEDED. UNC Health it or get into the completion phase. Plan
dering spirit anyway. You’ll find what
Care seeking healthy, non-smoking the celebration for later.
you’re seeking.
Black in America Screening SPACIOUS CONDOS NEAR CAMPUS, 3BR or
4BR, 2BA. Near Fosters Market. Good con-
females 21-30 to become egg do-
nors. $2,500 compensation for
COMPlETED cycle. All visits and pro-
Gemini (May 21-June 21)
Today is a 7 - Save a little for priorities.
Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)
Today is a 7 - A conflict can be resolved,
Auditorium, Carolina Union dition. W/D included. Available 6/1/2011 or
8/1/2011. $1,400/mo. 919-968-2100.
cedures to be done local to campus.
For written information, please call
To determine them, ask yourself, “Do
I really need this?” Anything you can
but don’t venture far, and keep money
in pockets. Use communication skills
REMEMBER l CELEBRATE l ACT BEST DEAl IN TOWN! $400/mo. per bedroom
in 6BR/5BA townhouse. 4 free buslines, min-
919-966-1150 ext. 5 and leave your
current mailing address.
choose to live without is like money
in the bank.
online or by phone. You’ll be glad you
spoke up.
405615. For more information see or call 919-962-6962 utes to UNC, hardwood floors, W/D, large Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)
bedrooms, large closets, ceiling fans, extra
Cancer (June 22-July 22)
PAID MODElING Hiring models, new and Today is a 6 - Budget what you have Today is an 8 - Strive for perfection. It
storage, internet, cable ready, free ample experienced. Paid adult (18+) solo and g/g may be there all along. Business inter-
30TH ANNUAL MARTIN LUTHER KING, JR. JAN. 16-21, parking, no smoking. Available May or Au-
gust 2011. Contact, 919-
shoots. Send: Age, height, face pic, body pic,
phone number to
for what you’ll need. Your creativity and
analytical nature may conflict with one feres with pleasure. What if you could

BIRTHDAY CELEBRATION 2011 933-0983, 919-451-8141. another, so schedule the time and then
get out the paints.
mingle both so that work and play were
EGG DONOR WANTED: We are a lov- Leo (July 23-Aug. 22) Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)
30th Annual Memorial Lecture: Help Wanted ing, professional couple, married 17 Today is a 7 - All may not go as planned.
Today is a 5 - Be practical. Today you

years, looking for a generous young make a good impression. Feed your Conserve resources, even if abundant.
lady to donate to us due to our lack inspiration by traveling, even if it’s just Who knows what’s next? A mirage
HABTECH: Keston Care is looking for males of success conceiving. Our reputable
and females who are interested in working a walk around the block. This time away appears on the horizon, and something
clinic is in Raleigh and will honor gets revealed.
Wed., Jan. 19 • 7:30pm • Memorial Hall (Ticket Required) as Habtech to work one on one with the
disabled children in Durham, Orange and
your anonymity. Preferably brown
allows for new perspective.
hair, medium skin tone, educational- Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20)
All tickets must be picked up in person - Memorial Hall Box Office: Chatham Counties. Afternoon, evening and ly motivated, athletic, at least 5”6”. Today is a 7 - Practice delegating work. Today is a 6 - You tried something, and
UNC Students: Free Reserved-seat tickets available Tuesday, Jan. 11. Student must present UNC OneCard: weekend hours available. Reliable transpor- it didn’t work. You can convince others
We will compensate you very well. Today and tomorrow are good for
Two tickets per OneCard; Limit 2 OneCards per student. tation a must! If interested in a Habtech po- Thank you kindly for your consider- to do it for you instead. Agree to keep
UNC Faculty, Staff & General Public: FREE tickets available Thursday, Jan. 14. Limit 2 tickets per person. sition, please call Keston Care Inc. M-F 9am- travel, or for learning a new skill. Get
ation. in touch with a family member and expenses down for mutual benefit.
Memorial Hall Box Office: Monday-Friday 10am-6pm, 843-3333 OR 4pm at 919-967-0507 (CPR, 1st aid).
appreciate them.
REMEMBER l CELEBRATE l ACT (Note: Box Office will be closed Monday, January 17, 2011)

405559. For more information see or call 919-962-6962 CLASSIFIEDS QUESTIONS? CALL 962-0250 (c) 2011 TRIBUNE MEDIA SERvICES, INC.

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The Daily Tar Heel News wednesday, january 12, 2011 9

UNC is ‘Best Value’ for 10th straight year

by Paula Seligson them according to academic stan- UNC is trying to prepare for an admissions, said he was optimistic earns on the list while cost, with a UNC awards an average of $9,980
staff Writer dards including retention rates and estimated state budget shortfall of about the University’s ability to heavy emphasis on financial aid, of need-based aid per qualified stu-
For the tenth consecutive year, student-to-faculty ratios. Academic $3.7 billion, which could lead to a deal with whatever budget cut the accounts for the other third. dent, according to Kiplinger’s.
UNC has been named the best standing is scored and then com- reduction in the UNC-system bud- state hands down for the upcoming “The key thing is the quality of “I worked in student aid at dif-
value in the land. pared to the total expense of in-state get between 5 and 15 percent. 2011-12 fiscal year. the school, because if the University ferent places for almost 40 years,”
The University received the No. 1 students, including tuition, text- “We’re trying our hardest to con- “Budget cuts that lead to dete- weren’t a great university, and if the said Shirley Ort, associate provost
ranking on Kiplinger’s “Best Values books and room and board. tinue to keep Carolina accessible rioration in quality will certainly students weren’t terrific, we wouldn’t and director of scholarships and
in Public Colleges” list. “The top Kiplinger’s ranking for students who need financial aid, hurt us, but we’re not at that point be at the top of the Kiplinger’s list student aid. “And the commitment
Kiplinger’s Personal Finance mag- resonates for us because it recog- but we can’t anticipate the impact yet,” he said. again,” Farmer said. to fund the needs of students is the
azine annually compiles a list of the nizes our passion for providing the of deep cuts at the moment,” said T he ratings are compiled In-state students pay an average strongest here that I’ve seen any-
100 most affordable public universi- highest-quality education possible Ron Strauss, executive associate through a grading system that of $17,000 per year, while out-of- where in the country.”
ties with high academic standing. to these students at an affordable provost. rates schools on academics and state students pay $35,614, plac-
It reviews more than 500 public price,” said Chancellor Holden Stephen Farmer, associate pro- affordability. Academic standing is ing UNC as the third-best buy on Contact the University Editor
four-year schools and then judges Thorp in a press release. vost and director of undergraduate two-thirds of the score each school Kiplinger’s out-of-state list. at

N.C. Dream Team

looks to keep the
DREAM Act alive
Continues fight “The DREAM Act
for legislation would have helped
me … to work in
By jeanna smialek
staff writer something that I
Even as a college graduate and
tax-paying member of the com- want to work in.”
munity, Rosario Lopez is insecure
about her future. Rosario Lopez, unc graduate
Lopez, who moved to the U.S. bill because shes seeks comprehen-
when she was 13 and graduated from sive immigration reform.
UNC in 2008 with a biology degree, Storrow said it is unlikely that
hopes to one day go to law school. the DREAM Act or legislation like
But her goals remain uncertain it will be brought to the floor by
because she is an undocumented the Republican-led Congress in the
immigrant. next two years.
Rosario lost one possible avenue Other groups who opposed the
toward becom- bill are pleased with the outcome.
ing a legal citi- “It would have been a bad dream
zen when the for American students,” said Ron
De velopment, Woodard, director of N.C. Listen,
Relief, and which advocated against the bill.
Education for William Gheen, president of
A l i e n Mi n o r s Americans for Legal Immigration
(DREAM) Act Public Action Committee, said the
was defeated in bill’s passage would have made it
UNC graduate the last congres- easier for undocumented immi-
Rosario Lopez sional session. grants to attend institutions of
co-founded the The bill has higher education, filling spots that
been defeated otherwise might have gone to legal
N.C. Dream
multiple times. citizens.
Team group. “The DREAM Gheen hopes the bill’s defeat will
Act would have helped me to have encourage undocumented immi-
the ability to work in something grants to return to their countries
that I want to work in, to pursue of origin. 919-962-8693.
education without worrying that “It means that North Carolina
I will be deported,” Lopez, a co- college students have another two
founder of the advocacy group N.C. years without the threat of tens of
Dream Team, said. thousands of them losing college
The DREAM Act would have access,” he said.
created a path to legal citizenship Though the DREAM Act and
for some undocumented immi- similar legislation is not expected
grants, like Lopez, who came to the to come to a vote during the next
U.S. as children and who complete congressional session, groups like
two years of college or military ser- N.C. Dream Team say they will
vice. Immigrants must also pass a work to improve community rela- Will your degree be enough after graduation?
criminal background check among tionships and understanding of Leadership institute
other requirements. immigration- related issues.
The Leadership Institute program
leadership institute and
But the act was defeated when a “We are good human beings, we
55-41 vote in favor of the bill failed are not criminals,” said Lopez. is an intensive six-session program l e a d e r s h i p a d va n t a g e
to break a Senate filibuster on Dec. She said she hopes she and N.C.
18, 2010. Dream Team can work to better enabling academically advanced Will help you prepare for a promising future.
“I think it is disappointing. inform voters in their community sophomores and juniors from
This is a really smart, compre- in the next two years.
hensive bill,” said Lee Storrow, “We have a lot of work to do, underrepresented populations to

who was president of UNC Young especially trying to break these

Democrats while they were advo- beliefs about undocumented
acquire key leadership competencies
cating for the bill. workers.” for professional success.
U.S. Sen. Kay Hagan, D-N.C.,
was one of five Democrats who Contact the State & National
joined Republicans in opposing the Editor at
Leadership advantage competitive
millhouse bcbs A program of UNC’s Leadership

from page 3 from page 3
Institute, Leadership Advantage is a
“This past school year has been The initial conversation between
a bit of an anomaly,” he said. “But the two organizations happened comprehensive leadership program
I think that the students will come last spring and they started where first-year and second-year
back to the off-campus housing in working together in September,
2011 and 2012.” Rubinow said. students from underrepresented
Although the merger increased After the practice opens at the end
Mill House’s holdings, owner of of 2011, there will be a three-year
populations gain enhanced educational
Louise Beck Properties Adam closely monitored trial, he said. and personal skills
Brown said the merger will not “We want to see that quality care
affect his company. can actually be delivered in an effi-
Louise Beck manages triple the cient fashion,” Rubinow said.
properties Mill House does, Brown The focus on prevention as
information session
said. opposed to treatment and central Thursday, January 13 at 6 pm
“It will have absolutely no location of services will save money,
change on the market other than it said Kevin FitzGerald, vice dean Auditorium
will be one less website for students for finance and administration for Frank Porter Graham Student Union
to visit,” he said. the UNC School of Medicine.
President of Chapel Hill- “It’s a less expensive health care
Carrboro Chamber of Commerce delivery system,” he said. Questions?
Aaron Nelson said the merger will
be a positive change for local rent- Contact the State & National For information and applications, log
ers. Editor at
“I expect that they’ll continue
on to
that high quality work with just or call (919) 843-6086
a larger breadth of properties,” he

Contact the City Editor


Take 15/501 South towards Pittsboro

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TRUE GRIT J .................................12:15-2:40-5:00-7:25-9:45
TRON LEGACY I ........................................1:15-4:00-7:20-9:55
TREADER I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12:15-2:35-4:55-7:15-9:45
All shows $6.50 for college students with ID
Visit LI on Facebook
10 wednesday, january 12, 2011 Opinion The Daily Tar Heel

Sarah Frier
The Daily Tar Heel EDITOR, 962-4086
EDITorial BOARD members

Cameron Parker callie bost Greg Smith “Many graduate students I speak
Established 1893, Opinion EDITOR
Robert Fleming Shruti Shah
117 years
of editorial freedom
Pat ryan
Taylor Holgate
Sam Jacobson
Nathan D’ambrosio
Taylor Haulsee
to don’t even know where the
Union is, but they know how much
associate opinion EDITOR Maggie Zellner


they pay in fees.”
Alex Mills, congress president pro tempore

Featured online reader comment:

Perry Tsai “I think University of Charlotte

Sexual Health Columnist
Second year medical student from
New Orleans, LA.
has a nice, genteel ring to it.”
E-mail: Steve, on a student-led push to rename the
University of North Carolina at Charlotte


to a very Shelter ideally proximate

to public transportation
psychological issues faced by many
Americans. While we should all

sexy new
hope for calmness on campus,
TO THE EDITOR: that The Daily Tar Heel editorial
Over the past 10 years the board would equate this tragedy

IFC, town of Chapel Hill and with possible outcomes of the
numerous community organi- upcoming Student Body President
zations have been planning and election indicates a complete lack
searching for a new site for a of perspective.

transitional housing facility for
t’s twelve days into the new homeless men. Lily Roberts

Divorcing cost from divorce

year. Have you started work- One of the specific needs iden- Junior
ing on those resolutions yet? tified during this process was Peace, War and Defense
Whether it’s losing the holi- access to public transportation.
day pounds, quitting smoking, The mobility of the homeless is
or getting organized, keep it up: Term ‘manholes’ advances
You might start having better sex New program marries student expertise often constrained by certain social
and geographical factors, includ-
a misogynistic culture
because of it.
Sexual health, as defined by with the needs of the community ing the location of public services
and lack of access to reliable,
I applaud the recent conversa-

the Centers for Disease Control affordable and easy transporta- tions regarding the preservation
and Prevention, is “a state of he Legal Aid of North complex and painful process. abusive spouse.
tion options. Mobility is crucial of misogynistic culture through
physical, emotional, mental and Carolina Pittsboro Office These woes are only com- Even something as seeming-
to the ability of homeless people words like “freshman” and “busi-
social well-being in relation to is doing a service to both pounded when the parties ly simple as serving said spouse to move between stigmatized and nessman.” One word has been
sexuality.” It is a holistic condi- community members and the involved lack the means to hire with the divorce papers can non-stigmatized places, such as underrepresented in the conver-
tion affected by different parts of UNC School of Law by part- a lawyer to help them navigate become an ordeal when there employment. Public transporta- sation: “manhole.”
your general health and lifestyle, nering to provide legal advice the daunting paperwork and is a history of violence between tion services offer a critical out- Manholes are covered open-
and improving any of those parts to low-income individuals intimidating jargon that comes the two parties. Having a law- let for homeless individuals with ings that give access to the pub-
can also improve your sexual seeking divorce. with filing for divorce. yer to serve the papers for the limited resources who must use lic sewage systems under the
health. public transit to access services,
By partnering with UNC in By helping community mem- client can mean the difference streets. Despite their ubiquitous
Getting physically fit can most shelter, affordable housing, edu- presence in everyone’s daily lives,
noticeably enhance your body the new program, Legal Aid bers work through the arduous between actually following
will provide a needed service process, students will have the through with a divorce and lin- cation and employment. “man” is still part of their name,
image and increase your sexual The proximity of 1315 Martin and this misnomer encourages
self-esteem. Increasing your ath- while affording UNC Law stu- chance to see how the laws they gering in separation limbo and
dents with a valuable opportu- learn in the classroom play out its attendant complications. Luther King Jr. Blvd., the pro- the sexist culture we see in the
leticism outside of bed can also posed Community House loca- rest of our lives.
increase your physical stamina nity for practice. in the real world. Lastly, it should be clarified
tion, to a major transportation If you do not believe sexist
and prowess in bed. In addition, Legal Aid traditionally pro- Victims of domestic vio- that while this new service will artery satisfies the critical pub- language promulgates homoge-
having high blood pressure and vides counsel to needy indi- lence who cannot afford their make the process of divorce itself lic transportation need identified neous and sexist culture in this
high cholesterol is correlated with viduals who find themselves in own attorney — that is, people less of a headache, it will not above. Locating the Community case, consider the following:
decreased sexual interest and “emergency” legal situations, who might seek help from make divorce easier, legally. House at this site makes sense the word “manhole” only holds
function for women, and with like obtaining a restrain- Legal Aid in the initial phases North Carolina law still because it means future resi- relevance to men. What young
erectile dysfunction for men. ing order against an abusive of their separation — are still stipulates that a couple must dents will be able to conveniently girl dreams of being a sewage
Becoming a nonsmoker is cer- take a bus to work, to a class at pipe cleaner when she does not
tainly starting to be more socially
spouse. very much in need of counsel be separate for a year before
Filing for divorce may not in a divorce’s final stages. they can be legally divorced, Durham Tech’s Orange County feel comfortable crawling into a
and olfactorily desirable, espe- Campus or to UNC, and to con- manhole?
cially for many people looking for involve the urgency typical of The assurance and guidance which provides a significant
Legal Aid’s cases. But it is still, of a professional is invaluable prohibition against rash deci- veniently access common house- Unless we change something,
a sexual or romantic partner. On hold necessities. our sewage system will suffer,
top of that, smoking is associated almost without exception, a when attempting to divorce an sion-making.
I support the IFC’s Community and we will all feel the trickle-
with male erectile dysfunction House proposal, and I hope that down effect. After all, UNC’s
later in life, and it is a major risk

Lesser of evils
the advisory boards and Town Bingham Research Facility has
factor for bladder cancer which Council approve it. leaked sewage in the past year.
can severely impair your sexual I am not sure whether adding
function. Carlo Robustelli the word “ladyhole” or simply
Getting organized is a great Chapel Hill Resident adopting the title “personhole”
way to become more efficient and
allow more time for you to focus Centralizing preferred to deeper cuts AZ shooting likely not a
would be more beneficial, but we
should act soon. In these trou-

on other aspects of your life, like bled times, we should encour-
friends, romance or sex. It can n the midst of continuing that serves county residents. The department should result of vitriolic discourse
budget problems, Chapel The Orange County Board remain vigilant in searching age as many women and men as
also help you to reduce stress, TO THE EDITOR: possible to enter and clean our
and many sexual dysfunctions Hill’s magistrate office will of Commissioners should look for ways to keep those costs
I was extremely disappointed manholes and ladyholes. I truly
can arise out of stress-related close. The office was identified at other services that might down as well.
in the Jan. 11 editorial, “A teach- believe this will make our lives,
problems, such as anxiety or as possibly being overstaffed, be best provided at the coun- Several months ago, the able tragedy: Shooting strikes a our culture and our environment
depression. and Chief District Court Judge ty level, but without placing Board of Commissioners voted chord for more measured tone.” better.
If you’re not feeling sexy Joe Buckner declined to reap- the financial burden on low- to close one of the county’s two You blame the recent shooting By promoting a more gen-
enough, you might also consider point the three magistrates income residents — the peo- dental clinics and consolidate in Arizona on the “toxic politi- der-neutral sewage workforce,
adding a few resolutions just for working at the office. ple that are most likely to use services to one location in cal environment” and the lack we will more readily focus on
your sexual health.
Although certainly not ideal, government health and social Hillsborough. of civil discourse despite the fact moving the subterranean crap
Get educated. Research what that links between the shooter around, rather than getting rid
it means for you to be sexually
we applaud the county for services and least likely to have Hillsborough, although
thinking of creative ways to the time or transportation to smaller in population than and political movements are of it entirely.
healthy, so that you can recognize murky, at best.
when there might be a problem reduce government costs dur- get to them. Chapel Hill, is geographically
ing an economic downturn. Police will now have to travel in the middle of the county, Jared Loughner’s writings and Patrick Heenan
like a sexual dysfunction or sexu- videos more clearly indicate that Sophomore
ally transmitted infection. You’ll Orange County commission- to Hillsborough to obtain war- making it a good location for
he may have been suffering from Physics
probably discover that you’re not ers and planners should con- rants, as will residents involved Orange County residents that mental illness. While all those
alone and that there are solutions tinue to look at other counties in small claims cases or seeking live away from any major cit- who struggle with mental illness
available. Kvetching Board a needed
to find innovative and effective a marriage ceremony. ies. obviously aren’t violent, that this
Get comfortable. Once you’ve ways to decrease government While fuel costs and travel Perhaps in better times, forum for a college paper
facet of the story was ignored to
learned more about sexual expenditures. time as the police travel to and city and county officials might fuel a narrative focused on cul- TO THE EDITOR:
health, you should start to feel Centralizing county services from Hillsborough will likely even find greater efficacy in a ture wars is disturbing. As a forum of a college news-
more at ease talking about sex I am no fan of Sarah Palin,
seems to be a good way to save increase, the elimination of the centralized model. After a few paper, the kvetching board
and consequently more at ease but it seems strange to blame
money in the short term, as magistrate’s office will hopeful- years of experimenting, they should be a public space where
having sex. Communication with horrific violence on the words
long as it is accompanied by a ly not hinder the police depart- can choose the best model for students can creatively voice
a sexual partner is important of politicians, when the perpe-
transportation infrastructure ment’s operations. Orange County’s residents. their opinions without adhering
for having pleasurable sex, and trator seems to have lived in a to political correctness. Its users
discussing your sexual concerns world entirely separate from our do not hide behind anonymity,
with someone is a great step

Three tiers for faculty

political discussions. To consider as an e-mail address is required
towards getting help. this tragedy “teachable” in how to submit a kvetch, and unlike
Get tested. If you are sexu- we should discuss politics is to a blog, such as the Feminist
ally active, you are at some risk misread and exploit it. Rather, Student United’s, the DTH does
for contracting HIV or other it should be “teachable” in rais- not erase comments that it does
STIs. Sometimes, you’ll exhibit
symptoms, but often you won’t. Best professors deserve to have seniority recognized ing our awareness of those in
our midst who suffer invisibly.
not agree with.
The right of students to put
Getting tested is the best way to

Considering potential shoot- the spotlight on certain ele-
know for sure, to get treated, and n July 1 of the next fis- are already distinguished as makes it all the more impor- ers “crazy people with renegade ments of the campus should not
to avoid passing it on. cal year, UNC could “lecturers” and “senior lectur- tant that the promotional rank intentions” is a vast oversimpli- be labeled as oppressive without
Get protected. Using barrier tentatively join the ers,” but adding a third level to is approved. Without the pro- fication — one that is potentially examining the author’s intention
protection like condoms and den- ranks of other institutions in the system will provide a new posed rank, professors may dangerous for Americans of all and background.
tal dams is an effective method employing a three-tier system level of seniority for professors look toward other schools for political persuasions.
for preventing STIs or unwanted for recognizing tenured profes- who have proved to be among higher recognition. Rushing to join the movement Amanda Conklin
pregnancy. to blame politicians for the shoot-
sors. the best at UNC. Professors are a main com- Junior
If you’re not already using ing indicates blindness toward
This move is a long-awaited Contractual benefits and ponent of UNC’s excellence in International Studies
protection, consider introducing
the practice more into your sex step in the right direction in job security for these recog- education, so UNC should not
life or asking your sexual partner honoring UNC’s fixed-term nized professors have yet to risk losing valuable faculty by
faculty members’ careers. With be determined, but the sheer shortchanging those faculty
SPEAK OUT department and phone number.
about it. You can also lower your ➤ Edit: The DTH edits for space, clar-
risk of getting or spreading STIs the proposed promotional importance of a distinguished deserving of a higher title. Writing guidelines: ity, accuracy and vulgarity.
by reducing your number of part- rank, tenured-track professors title should not be overlooked. With more rungs on the fixed- ➤ Please type: Handwritten Limit letters to 250 words.
letters will not be accepted.
ners and asking partners’ testing will be able to earn a third title Titles do hold some weight, term faculty recognition ladder, SUBMISSION:
➤ Sign and date: No more than
status. based on exceptional perfor- and if concrete benefits are achieving seniority can add two people should sign letters. ➤ Drop-off: at our office at 151 E.
Good luck with those new mance. potentially added to the rank, honor and potentially concrete ➤ Students: Include your year,
Rosemary Street.
year’s resolutions. Maybe the kick If the three-tier system is there could be further incen- benefits to a professor’s career. major and phone number. ➤ E-mail:
you need is “I resolve to have bet- ➤ Faculty/staff: Include your ➤ Send: to P.O. Box 3257, Chapel
approved by both the Board tive for professors to teach If UNC wants to maintain Hill, N.C., 27515.
ter sex.” Can’t hurt.
of Trustees and the Board of exceptionally. its exceptional learning envi-
Thursday: Governors, a new title of “mas- UNC is behind the curve ronment, it must continue to EDITOR’S NOTE: Columns, cartoons and letters do not necessarily represent the opinions
ter lecturer” could become the compared to other institu- strive to recognize the profes- of The Daily Tar Heel or its staff. Editorials reflect the opinions of The Daily Tar Heel edito-
Mark Laichena reports on how DC
politics affects UNC. highest promotion available for tions in its implementation of sors who have made this envi- rial board. The board consists of nine board members, the associate opinion editor, the
fixed-term faculty. Members the three-tier system, which ronment possible. opinion editor and the editor.

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