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Narrative Essay Roberto A.

Pérez / 2018-5222
The Graduation Party
I. Introduction
How could I have imagined that our graduation party would become the saddest and most shocking
atmosphere ever, starred by an accidental death? Everybody is still deranged because of what happened at
the party. My best friend Alycia and I were so excited to make this go perfect. Two weeks have passed,
and I keep wondering myself if this is just real. We had planned everything to make sure that party was
meant to be the greatest night of our lives…
II. Body
Alycia and I were heads of the party committee, and it was our responsibility to turn that night into
something we could never forget. We had to set out all the stuff: the music, the party theme, the disco
lights, and a lot more. We both were so into it, that we even asked school for permission to dive into the
pool. Alycia always came up with some brand-new ideas, I made a bunch of calls, the committee
members were in charge of decorating the party hall and, although it was quite tough and exhausting, we
made it all happen. The day before the party, I checked everything while Alycia was busy taking care of a
last-minute emergency.
Early the next day, the committee gathered to discuss the 9-1-1 situation. It turned out that the fireworks
we ordered were not available anymore. Alycia was totally stressed; I could tell by looking at the little
veins popping out of her forehead. She was actually dreaming with those fireworks, so I gave her what I
thought it was a fantastic idea: to make our own pyrotechnic devices.
I told her I could do it by myself so she could get ready for the party. I saw a quick YouTube tutorial
video about homemade fireworks. It was going all great, I followed all the steps and my brothers helped
me out. After testing one of them, I assumed they were all great. I dressed in a tuxedo, hung a tie around
my neck, and muttered to the mirror: “Boy, you’re steamy”. I was planning to ask Alycia to be my
girlfriend, so I was all nervous, but still prepared for the big night.
I arrived at 9pm, sort of late, carrying the fireworks in a backpack, ready to be launched at midnight. I
walked through a red carpet heading to the main hall, felt like a movie star. I entered and I really thought
the results were worth the exhaustion. Everyone seemed to be enjoying the party, they were drinking to
the max all over the dance floor, while I was calmly chatting with Alycia. Two minutes before midnight, I
ask everybody out to the soccer field where all the fireworks were waiting for the fire spark that would
send them to the starred sky.
III. Conclusion
As the wick of the first firework is burning next to all of us, I proceed to shout out how I feel about
Alycia. While I was giving my speech, I was hyped, dreaming a future with the woman I love. I saw her
glowing smile and her bright eyes looking at me; sadly, that’s the last thing I can remember… my mind
got blurry, I couldn’t tell what happened next. When I opened my eyes again, I saw a bunch of people
walking next to what I thought it was my bed until I saw my aunt dressed on her grief clothing and
pouring tears. It was heart-breaking the moment when I realized I was not alive anymore and that I
couldn’t be with the people I love, it’s pitiful not being around, but I got to tell you something: Heaven is
amazing, beyond any description.

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