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New safety
40 /59 protocols to
2018-19 cohort
DP students counter school
earned their
IB diplomas shootings
PAGE 7: at last,
Interlochen vol-
50 + 60
Seniors and juniors
New changes in securi-
leyball champs! currently enrolled ty are being implemented at
in full DP* Ann Arbor Public Schools.
Beginning in 2019, all of the
AAPS high schools will have a
visitor desk. The visitor desk
will handle all incoming visi-
tors, which includes running a
IB facilitators Todd Newell, Anna Fleury and Carrie James pose by IB sign. SARA BADALAMENTE background check.
AAPS Executive Director

Where do we go from here? of Student and School Safety

Liz Margolis is the head of this
PAGE 8: new Conclusions from the first-ever DP scores released this summer “Visitor desks are con-
sidered a best practice for safe
men’s varsity JULIE HENG Kevin Karr said. As a whole, out of the 35
schools,” Margolis said. “It re-
EDITOR-IN-CHIEF IB exams are scored from exams Huron students took,
soccer coach one to seven. In order to re- exam averages across 22 sub-
ally is about knowing who’s in
After scores were released your school.”
ceive an IB diploma, candi- jects were either above a four
in July, 40 of the 59 students This isn’t the first time
dates must receive a minimum or above the world average
in Huron’s first International that AAPS has worked on im-
of 24 points or an average of score.
Baccalaureate graduating co- proving school security. About
four out of a possible seven These scores acted as “a
hort - 68 percent - passed all six years ago, AAPS partnered
points for six courses. Can- good barometer check” for the
exams and requirements to with the Ann Arbor Police
didates must also receive a IB team to evaluate teachers’
earn full IB diplomas. Department to create a new
minimum of 12 points in their predicted scores against actual
“We feel really good about protocol to keep students safe
three Higher Level courses scores from IB examiners.
where we started with the during the school day.
and a minimum of nine points “We saw that sometimes
number of students [in the “We put in a protocol
in their Standard Level cours- the scores were very close to
Diploma Programme] that re- where all of our perimeter
es. Thus, on average, earning what teachers thought they
ONLINE: last ceived [the IB diploma in addi- a four or above on an exam is were going to be,” Karr said.
doors would be locked during
the school day,” Margolis said.
Friday’s home tion to the Huron High School
diploma], although we are re-
considered passing. The stu- “We also saw that some-
“This was a big cultural change
dents who earned their IB di- times our teachers were
football game ally looking forward to Cohort plomas had an average score
for many of our schools. I
Two,” district IB facilitator of 4.96. See DP CHANGES, PAGE 2 See GUN SAFETY, PAGE 3

The global epidemic of sexual


assault on college campuses JULIE HENG

CHARLOTTE BUNCH, she said. “I did not know what
CLARA BOUDETTE, to do. It got to the point when I
was incredibly uncomfortable. New senior class and music teacher Andrew Steck.
I moved my body over, and he
MAUREEN KENGARA fell off the couch and ran off. I adviser announced Mr. Bai’s new baby
GUEST WRITERS was confused, upset and English teacher Sara-Beth Badalamente
emotional all at once.” was selected as the new 2020 class adviser Science teacher Daniel Bai’s baby son,
*A source in this story Amanda is not after Taylor Glinski stepped down. Luka Zeke Bae,
was used anonymously alone in what hap- was born at 2:22
“I am excited to be working with the
to protect their identity.
pened to her. Sexual Class of 2020. They are a highly motivated p.m. on August
This story contains ac-
counts of sexual assault. violence is a perva- and dedicated group,” Badalamente said. 21. He weighed
sive act that occurs This is the third senior class that she has seven pounds six
It was getting globally. Accord- worked with in the past five years. ounces and was
late when Aman- ing to the non- Like all past senior boards, the Class of 20.24 inches
da* fell asleep profit Rape, 2020 Exec Board, led by its president Sami long.
in her friend’s Abuse & Incest Ruud, will plan events like the homecoming “If I look tired
basement. National Net- rally and prom for students this year. with a smile Baby Luka! PHOTO
“I was asleep work, someone on my face, it’s
on the couch, in the
States is
New staff members probably cause of Luka,” Bai said.
then all of a sud-
den I feel a weird ly assaulted ev- Over the summer, Huron hired new Community vegetable
ery 95 seconds. staff members, including DP facilitator Anna
pressure on top
of me,” Amanda Thomas Kent, Fleury, records professional Tanya Tassin, garden flourishing
said. “I [took] a a lawyer with French teachers Linda Shill and Marci Har-
quick glance as to the University ris, Arabic teacher Shaima Busani, math The first thing you’ll notice in
what it was.” JULIE HENG of Michigan’s Of- teacher Peter Cunnigham, special education the community garden are the sun-
It was the nanny’s boyfriend. fice of the General teacher Courtney Pusta, nurse Ann Burdick See BRIEFS, PAGE 3
“I was frozen in that moment,” See ASSAULT, PAGE 2

DP CHANGES | FROM PAGE ONE said, noting that teachers have have to do work to get better

27 DP exams
already begun working vir- because we certainly expect
grading too hard: [what] they

192 1329
tually and in-person over the that Huron will perform at the
thought maybe was a five and
summer to revise courses. In top,” Karr said. “Every subject
IB thought is a six.”
late August, all the Ann Arbor area has some highlights and
The opposite was also
IB teachers attended train- areas to work on and we’ll end
true, where students received
lower scores than predicted by
ing with 20 other IB schools
across the state. There were
up talking about those and
planning for those this year.” taken last year
Non-full DP
“That additional feed-
13 workshops designed specif- Changes have already DP courses students
ically in topics like math, sci- been made to assist the sec- available at Huron
back lets us understand where who also took DP
[teachers and examiners] saw
differences in terms of how
ence, counseling and special
ond cohort of DP students
with time management and 22 /35 exams last year

4.96 first
“Every subject in every deadline control. Drafts of

the student performed based
course has places where they extended essays are now re-

on what they turned in,” Karr
quired well in advance, with
more structured deadlines Huron exam
to keep students on track. Average exam averages passing
Why was Huron chosen as the There are several new
introductions to the DP as
score, out of 7, or over the world
AAPS “IB high school”? well. earned by the average / total
Firstly, four new math DP students exams offered Huron teachers
>> Spring of 2014: AAPS decides to courses will be introduced this
year to replace last year’s Math who passed their (from scores released teach DP courses
in the six IB
start IB pathway as part of strate- Standard Level and Higher
Level classes: Math Applica-
IB diplomas this summer) academic groups
gy to meet internationally-focused
tions & Interpretation (in both
standards Standard and Higher Level op- JULIE HENG
tions) and Math Analysis and years of IB experience, Fleury much larger and feed many
>> Karr: Mitchell, Scarlett and Huron Approaches (Standard and
Higher Level). These are con-
has served many roles: MYP
and DP Literature teacher,
more students. It’s a testa-
ment to our teachers and our
is “the most diverse pathway” of sistent with changes across the Theory of Knowledge teacher, schools that we have great suc-
schools in the district, with “all kinds global IB curriculum. extended essay coordinator cess — success equal to inter-
Secondly, Huron has and mentor in theatre and En- national schools — with larger
of different perspectives from all a new DP facilitator who will glish, moderator for internal class sizes.”
over the world” built in. AAPS aimed oversee the program. assessments and official ex- Fleury said she sees “a
Eric Wynn, the previ- aminer for Group One English great amount of passion and
to focus the potential benefits of ous facilitator, left Huron over exams. knowledge of this program
high IB standards where “achieve- the summer. He transferred to “Every school has among the staff” and looks
ment [is] needed to be focused the De La Salle, an all-boys Cath- their own IB flavor,” Fleury forward to growing Huron’s
olic high school in Warren, said. “One of the strengths of program, especially its inter-
most.” where he is the new DP pro- the IB program is its ability to national mindedness compo-
gram director. adapt to almost any communi- nent.
>> Bryant-Pattengill, one of Tappan’s Wynn’s position will
be filled by Anna Fleury, who
ty while still maintaining high
standards. The biggest dif-
*Enrollment statistics are
feeder schools, is in the early stages has taught in IB schools from ference I see between schools from Aug. 28, when 2019-20
of becoming an IB school Kenya to China and the Inter- abroad and U.S. schools is course selections were not
national Academy. In her 18 class size. The U.S. classes are been finalized.

ASSAULT | FROM PAGE ONE the person can be reported tween “informal” and “formal” for Complaints of Sexual Ha- ucates students about sexual
to law enforcement. Second, complaint procedures under rassment or Sexual Violence, assault as a part of the center’s
Counsel, said that sexual vio-
there is civil, where one person Title IX. The main difference hosted by former Huron coun- Bystander Program.
lence often goes unreported.
sues another and may result in is that the formal complaint selor Dr. Eaddy-Richard- “The primary part of
“[W]here the victims are
compensation for survivors. process launches a fact-find- son. the Bystander Pro-
18-24 years old, [sexual vio-
Last, there is the option to ing investigation. Once an ad- The issue gram is first year
lence] is not reported around

report the assault to the ad- ministrator receives a written of sexual presentations,”
90 percent of the time for a lot
ministration of the university complaint, an investigation is assault is Harve said. “Stu-
of reasons: memory, fear of
conducted, a determination even more dents will get
confronting the situation they of female college
of harassment or violence is prevalent presentations
don’t want to be bothered with
it, they’re scared of what
made and discipline is and nu- seniors reported on how to be
their parents might
potentially enforced. anced on unwanted sexual good active
In late April, a university bystanders and
think, and alcohol conduct in
Community High campuses intervene when
is involved more Safe hotline for complaints of sexual School parent than in the college they see prob-
often than not,”
Kent said. harassment or violence: accused the general public. lematic situations,
school of A survey commis- whether it be at a party
Guilt and 734-545-2321 improper- sioned by the Association of and seeing someone take
ly deal- American Universities in 2015 someone upstairs
are also very
common after
If you need help reporting a formal complaint, ing with showed that over 27 percent of o r
experiencing a trusted adult can help you. sexual
female college seniors report-
ed experiencing some form
sexual assault.
cases. of unwanted sexual conduct
“The next
morning the
Huron’s counseling office also has im- The Title while in college. Lately, sexu- calling
nanny made us mediate resources, including information IX com- al assault on college cam- out problematic
plaint, puses has been receiv- stuff like jokes.”
all breakfast and for crisis lines, safe houses and drop-in which was ing significantly more “It shouldn’t just
he was acting to-
tally okay,” Aman- centers around town later retract- attention than in the be on a survivor to figure
ed, accused the past, augmented by the out how to get out of a prob-
da said. “Almost as
school of failing Me Too Movement lematic situation,” Harve said,
if nothing happened.
to report a rape al- and stories of sur- suggesting solutions to pro-
I went home and was de-
legation to the police. In vivors. With more vide students with strategies
bating if should tell my mom.
where response, Superintendent media attention, col- to prevent sexual assault from
I was still uncomfortable with
the assault took place, which Jeanice Swift stated that “[n] leges have also started
the whole situation.”
can lead to suspension or ex- o administrator suppressed to pay attention See more of this special
Nevertheless, if a survivor
pulsion. or discouraged any report to this issue, par- human rights coverage
does choose to report, there
At Huron, and all oth- of an incident described ticularly relating to (a collaboration be-
are a few options. According to
er Ann Arbor Public Schools, in the complaint.” prevention.
Kent, there are three common tween The Huron Emery
students can reach out to The superinten- Maithri Harve, a
student at Boston College, and the IB Global Pol-
options for legal action when
counselors or other adults for dent opened
sexual assault has occurred.
help reporting what has hap- the AAPS works at the Women’s Center itics class) online at
First, there is criminal, where
pened. AAPS distinguishes be- Hotline on her campus, where she ed-

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