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HSE Meetings Work Instruction

Record of Amendments
Rev Purpose Date Author Verified Approved

Table of Contents






1.1 General
1.2 Meeting Structure
1.3 Meeting Minutes
1.4 Attributes


2.0 Process Flow Chart

1.0 Description

This Instruction describes how HSE meetings are planned, scheduled, held, and
actions and responsibilities are implemented within QF.

2.0 Scope

This instruction is applicable to all areas within QATAR FOUNDATION.

ISO Cross References

ISO 14001 4.4.4; 4.4.5; 4.5.3
OSHAS 18001 4.4.4; 4.4.5; 4.5.4

Authority and Responsibility

• HSSE Director
• Other Division Directors
• Dept. Managers
• HSE Manager
• HSE Rep.
• All concerned management staffs

Process Definition

6.1 General

Meaning of the word MEETING is as follows:

gathering of people for discussion: an occasion when people gather together

to discuss something

Meetings occur when groups of employees and management gather to

discuss, and try to resolve matters which are of mutual concern.
Recommendations are made, directions given and courses of action
decided. For a meeting to effectively achieve these goals, a structure
needs to be in place. If a meeting has little or no structure, the results are
unproductive and dissatisfying for all concerned.

Two types of meetings are generally held within the operation namely:

• Formal – structured and minuted

• Informal – more on the line of brief discussions

6.2 Meeting Structure

Opening the meeting The meeting is unable to begin until

the chairperson declares a quorum.
The meeting begins after the This means that there are enough
chairperson declares the meeting people in attendance to allow
opened debates to be held and decisions to
be voted upon. If a quorum cannot
be declared within 5 minutes of the
meeting designated starting time,
the meeting shall be cancelled and
rescheduled for another time and or
date. If once again members do not
attend the chairperson shall be
allowed to conduct the business with
those attendees. 60% of invited
attendees shall be considered
enough to form a quorum.

Apologies The chairperson states the names of

those invited attendees who formally
Those who are unable to attend notified that they are unable to
attend the meeting. Those members
who did not inform the chairperson
shall be viewed as absent. All
meeting schedules are posted via
the e-mail system using the calendar
option for inviting and attaching the

Minutes of the previous The chairperson tables the minutes

meeting of the previous meeting making
them open as a topic for discussion.
The chairperson moves that the At this point the chairperson shall
minutes of the previous meeting ask attendees to adopt the minutes.
be accepted or adopted If the attendees do not agree that
the draft minutes are accurate,
changes shall be suggested. The
chairperson shall ask the attendees
to vote on those corrections. If there
only a few minor corrections, the
chairperson may ask the attendees
to accept the minutes with
corrections. The vote to adopt the
minutes may then go ahead on that

Once the minutes have been

adopted the chairperson shall sign
the minutes and shall retain as a
record in the appropriate filing

It is not appropriate at this time, to

indulge in debates on decisions
made at the previous meeting.
Anyone who wishes to change a
motion shall wait until the same
subject arises in the general
business of the current meeting or
raise it in the section New Business.

The most important advice about

minutes of a previous meeting is that
you read them preferably before the
start of the current meeting.

Agenda The chairperson is responsible for

establishing an agenda which shall
The meeting is structured using a cover all the topics required to be
predetermined agenda discussed and action at a formal
meeting. Agendas are to be
distributed via the e-mail system to
all required attendees well in
advance, so affording them the time
to prepare for the meeting. Agenda
are there to give structure to
meetings so that they may be held in
a well controlled manner. Essentially

Business arising from minutes Often the issues for business arising
of the previous meeting from the previous meeting minutes
are listed in the agenda. Any reports,
pieces of information or other
matters of substance that were
requested at the previous meeting
are now debated and a vote taken
on the appropriate action to take.

Correspondence, reports and Any letters, mails, faxes, customer

or agenda items requirements, project scopes and
the like, which have been received
Letters, mails, faxes, documents by the committee/attendees which
that have been sent to the relate to the meeting topic are
meeting are tabled and debated, discussed as part of the agenda
if the meeting so desires. items, otherwise in the new business
section. The chairperson establishes
the agenda and shall ensure that
correspondence forms part of the

agenda .

Reports and submissions that have

been written/received for the
meeting or include information
relevant to the work of the meeting
are tabled and discussed. A motion
is required to be put that said
document be received. This means
that the document exists. As far as
the meeting is concerned, and a
discussion or debate may take place
on the contents, interpretation and
recommendations of the document.
Motions are able to be put for or
against the document and its content
and or actions may be required by
an attendee. All actions shall be
monitored by individuals as report
back is required.

Actions, by whom and dates The minute format shall be divided

into 4 sections namely:
Actions stemming from the
agenda which require action and • Number
report back
• Description

• Action by

• Action Date

The actions which stem from the meeting

shall be monitored and reported on at every
meeting. The responsibility for monitoring
of actions rest with the HSE Manager and
the action person. Actions not auctioned
timeously or to the satisfaction of the HSE
Manager shall then be escalated to the
corrective action procedure and shall be
removed from the meeting minutes.

New/General Business General business items are

motioned for discussion and or
Items so listed in the agenda are debate by an attendee or the
debated. A attendee normally chairperson. Motions which suggest
move a new business item to methods of resolving the issue or
motion actions are put to the vote. Once the
motion has been agreed on they
become resolutions and then form
part of the minutes and future


Close Meeting Once all items on the agenda have

been concluded to the satisfaction of
The chairperson closes the all attendee the chairperson then
meeting and sets date for next thanks all present and determine a
meeting next meeting date. The chairperson
then closes the meeting.

6.3 Meeting Minutes

The chairperson is responsible for formalizing the minutes of the meeting.

Minutes shall be established not later than 48 hours after meeting conclusion.
The chairperson shall further ensure that via the e-mail all minutes and relevant
document are distributed to all attendees and absentees, a copy shall also be
mailed to the executive management for information purposes.

Minutes shall be retained on file for one year and then placed in the archives for
a further two years after which they shall be destroyed as per records control

6.4 Attributes

To be active and effective attendee in a meeting you should be:

• Be well prepared, Make sure you have read and understand the agenda
• Be aware of the topics that will be discussed
• Be positively involved
• Be a good listener
• Think before you answer
• Do not fall asleep.Be attentive
• Do not contribute negative content
• Be early or at least on time, Be a team player

There are 4 steps to being a good listener

• Hearing – receiving the sound

• Attending – focusing on what you are hearing
• Understanding – interpreting and evaluating what you listen to
• Remembering – storing the information

Audit Points

The following audit points shall be verified:

• Minutes

7.0 Process Flow Chart -tba


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