Sample Letter of Complaint Community

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Letter of Community Complaint

(Your Name)
(Current Address of Your Apartment, Unit #)
(City, State, Zip Code)


(Landlord or Apartment Company's Name)

(Address as Printed on Your Lease)
(City, State, Zip Code)

Re: “Inconsiderate Noise” Community Complaint

Dear Landlord, Owner, or Manager:

We’re writing to formally request your help in dealing with an issue that has arisen and has been
ongoing with your property and the neighbors in the community of E Pine St block. To date, the
following actions have been taken:

 This 1st official notice of documented complaint

There have been no previous attempts to resolve the problem, but as this issue is directly affecting the
quality of peace and life by audio disturbances ranging from loud bass of arriving workers as early as
6:30 am, starting hammering noises and loud tooling noises at precisely to 7am for a matter of minutes,
spaced out over the next hour or two before falling silent again until the next day. This is unacceptable
time to completion. To resolve this issue, I'd like you to get in touch with the construction workers here
and facilitate a resolution. This has been a nuisance over the last 2 months and beyond. There is no
excuse for the amount of time this construction is taking.

We’re hoping you can resolve this issue on or before June 28, 2020.

Should you need to reach me to discuss this further, please (call/email) at (insert phone or email based
on preference for communication). We appreciate your attention to this issue.


The Entire Community of E Pine St Block

E Pine St, Orlando FL 32803

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